Strategic Planning Business Unit Planning Applications
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SP - Allocated Applications MIS Weekly Report 07/04/2014 District Area Planning Site Address Description Xpoint Ypoint Proposal Received Prev.History Consulting Member Date to Deadline S106 Reference Date & Comments Officer Date Deadline Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/1389/13 43, Mulberry Lane, Worthing, West 511130 102866 Demolition and erection of pair semi-detached dwelling. 07-Apr-2014 WB/0507/96 (No Officer) SRU (HW) Steve Waight 09-Apr-2014 28-Apr-2014 Councils Coastal Sussex (Goring) - Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/0198/14 Chartwell House, 40, Chartwell Road, 517704 104019 Part change of use from Use Class B8 (Storage and 07-Apr-2014 - SRU (HW) Michael Glennon 09-Apr-2014 28-Apr-2014 Councils Coastal Lancing Business Park, Lancing, West Distribution) to Use Class A1 (Retail) for sale of second- (Lancing) Sussex hand goods (retrospective). - Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/0327/14 43, Manor Hall Road, Southwick, 524796 105627 Vehicular Access 07-Apr-2014 - SRU (HW) Janet Mockridge 09-Apr-2014 28-Apr-2014 Councils Coastal Brighton, West Sussex (Southwick) - Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/0351/14 99, South Farm Road, Worthing, West 514205 103760 First floor side extension and conversion of existing roof 10-Apr-2014 - SRU (HW) Bob Smytherman 11-Apr-2014 01-May-2014 Councils Coastal Sussex, BN14 7AN space to form a 1 bedroom, self-contained flat including (Tarring) the formation of 4 x dormer windows. Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/0357/14 Irmgore, 3, Lansdowne Road, Worthing, 513809 102761 New access. 08-Apr-2014 - SRU (HW) Michael Cloake 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 Councils Coastal West Sussex (Worthing Pier) - Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/0397/14 Household Waste Recycling Site, Land 515984 104014 Change of use of household waste recycling site, 08-Apr-2014 WB/CP2/08 (Keith Comins) Dom Smith (HW) Bryan Turner 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 Councils Coastal North Of Hazelwood Trading Estate, Dominion Way to car parking and HGV marshalling facility (Broadwater) Dominion Way, Worthing, West Sussex to support construction and operations on nearby GSK facility for a period of two years. - Arun District CDBS - A/135/12 Pound Nursery, Roundstone Lane, 507548 103995 Erection of 36 dwellings with car parking, public open 09-Apr-2014 Recons Tim Townsend Dominic Smith (HW) Deborah Urquhart 11-Apr-2014 30-Apr-2014 Council Coastal FS Application Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4AL space, landscaping and new access to Roundstone Lane. (Angmering & (Recons) Departure from the Development Plan. PROW: Footpath- 2145 and Byway- Findon) 3605 Arun District CDBS - AB/130/13 Arden Guest House, Queens Lane, 502005 106884 Change of use and extension to create 3no. self contained 07-Apr-2014 - SRU (HW) Nigel Peters 09-Apr-2014 28-Apr-2014 Council Coastal Arundel, West Sussex apartments and 1no/. maisonette. This application affects (Arundel & Wick) the character and appearance of Arundel Conservation Area. - Arun District CDBS - BN/18/14/DOC Land At, Goodacres, Barnham, West 496368 104486 Application for the approval of details reserved by 08-Apr-2014 PROW- Footpath: 324 SRU (HW) Derek Whittington 11-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 Council Coastal FS Application Sussex, PO22 0JF condition 11 (reptile mitigation plan) following a grant of (Fontwell) planning permission BN/15/11. Arun District CDBS - FG/44/14/PL Land South Of A259, Littlehampton 508903 103330 Erection of 40 no dwellings together with access from the 09-Apr-2014 FG/97/12 -Debbie Farrell Debbie Farrell (HW) Peter Evans 11-Apr-2014 30-Apr-2014 Council Coastal FS Application Road, Angmering, West Sussex, BN12 A259, associated car parking, landscaping and amenity (East Preston & 6PN space. This application is a departure from the PROW: Footpath -2125 Ferring) Development Plan. Arun District CDBS - LU/87/14/PL Unit 1B, Ferry Road, Littlehampton, West 501975 102159 Change of use from commercial unit (B2 General Industry) 08-Apr-2014 LU/125/10 -Liam Riddy Alison Meeus (HW) Ian Buckland 11-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 Council Coastal Sussex, BN17 5DS to a private swimming school (D2 Assembly and Leisure) (Littlehampton Town) Arun District CDBS - SDNP/14/01084/FUL Hillside, Long Furlong, Patching, West 509085 106392 Proposed crushed stone access road to rear of property. 09-Apr-2014 PA/28/03 -Keith Comins SRU (HW) Deborah Urquhart 11-Apr-2014 30-Apr-2014 Council Coastal Sussex (Angmering & Findon) Arun District CDBS - WSCC/022/14/FP Downview Primary School, Wroxham 494889 100664 New two-storey, 12 classroom teaching block, extension 09-Apr-2014 FP/CP1/08 (Keith Comins) Ian Gledhill (HW) Graham Jones 11-Apr-2014 30-Apr-2014 Council Coastal Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO22 of the existing office accommodation, extension of the Don Baker (ECO) (Felpham) 8ER existing hall, increase of car parking area and other Chris Bartlett (CP Officer) Julie Bolton (LAND) ancillary works. Mark Taylor (ARCH) PROW: Footpath 153 Mark Akmenkalns (FLOOD) Chichester CDBS - (CH) Land On East Side Of, Cot Lane, 478790 105311 Residential development comprising 25 x dwellings, 08-Apr-2014 Recons: Jamie Brown Jamie Brown (HW) Sandra James 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 District Council Rural 13/03978/FUL Chidham, West Sussex change of use of land to form area of off-site public open (Bourne) space and associated work. FS Application ADDITIONAL INFO - STAGE 1 RSA. (Recons) - Chichester District CDBS - (FB) 12, Main Road, Fishbourne, Chichester, 483147 104759 Discharge of condition no 7 from permission 10-Apr-2014 FB/380/08 (Jamie Brown) SRU (HW) Louise Goldsmith 11-Apr-2014 01-May-2014 Council Rural 14/00920/DOC West Sussex, PO18 8XX FB/14/00012/FUL (WSCC not consulted) (Chichester West) Chichester District CDBS - (SB) Land On The South Side Of, Cooks 477223 106027 Development of the site by the erection of 112 dwellings 08-Apr-2014 SB/3140/13(PE) Dom Smith Dom Smith (HW) Sandra James 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 24-Apr-2014 Council Rural 14/00661/OUT Lane, Southbourne, West Sussex with associated access onto and widening of Cooks Lane, Adam Charlton (S106) (Bourne) parking, open space and landscaping. FS Application Chichester District CDBS - (SB) Land North Of Main Road And West Of, 477360 105839 Development of the site by the erection of 127 dwellings 08-Apr-2014 Near: SB/3139/13(PE) Dom Smith Dom Smith (HW) Sandra James 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 24-Apr-2014 Council Rural 14/00662/OUT Inland Road, Southbourne, Chichester, with associated access from Main Road, parking, open Adam Charlton (S106) (Bourne) West Sussex, PO10 8JH space and landscaping. FS Application Chichester District CDBS - (SB) Loveders Caravan Park, Inlands Road, 477515 105846 Development of the site by the erection of 30 dwellings, 08-Apr-2014 SB/3139/13(PE) Dom Smith Jamie Brown (HW) Sandra James 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 24-Apr-2014 Council Rural 14/00663/OUT Nutbourne, Chichester, West Sussex, with associated access from Inlands Road, parking, open Adam Charlton (S106) (Bourne) PO18 8RH space and landscaping. FS Application Chichester District CDBS - (SB) Southbourne Service Station, 261, Main 476815 105669 Erection of retail unit and four flats together with 08-Apr-2014 HH/3135/13 (Jamie Brown) Jamie Brown (HW) Sandra James 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 Council Rural 14/00747/FUL Road, Southbourne, West Sussex, PO10 associated parking, cycle and refuse storage, following (Bourne) 8JD demolition of petrol filling station/ car sales and car repairs building. - Chichester District CDBS - SDNP/14/01200/FUL Hillgrove Spring Farm, London Road, 495204 128370 Change of use from spring water bottling and storage 07-Apr-2014 NC/01899/01 (No Officer) Jamie Brown (HW) Janet Duncton 09-Apr-2014 28-Apr-2014 Council Rural Northchapel, Petworth, West Sussex, facility to sales, storage and distribution of IT hardware. (Petworth) GU28 9EQ PROW: Footpath 586 - Chichester District CDBS - SDNP/14/01365/FUL Street Record B2146 Ditcham Lane To 476472 120287 Road improvements to existing track, including 10-Apr-2014 - Jamie Brown (HW) Gordon McAra 11-Apr-2014 01-May-2014 Council Rural Hurst Mill Lane, South Harting, West resurfacing, passing places, landscape and wildlife (Midhurst) Sussex enhancements. 1 of 3 SP - Allocated Applications MIS Weekly Report 07/04/2014 District Area Planning Site Address Description Xpoint Ypoint Proposal Received Prev.History Consulting Member Date to Deadline S106 Reference Date & Comments Officer Date Deadline Chichester District CDBS - SDNP/14/00775/FUL Rogate C of E Controlled School, School 480688 123681 Provision of one single temporary classroom with toilets to 10-Apr-2014 RG/2511/11/A(NP) -(Jamie Brown) SRU (HW) Gordon McAra 11-Apr-2014 01-May-2014 Council Rural Lane, Rogate, Petersfield, West Sussex, provide additional teaching space. (Midhurst) GU31 5HH PROW: Footpath: 1149 Chichester District CDBS - SDNP/14/00951/HOUS 1 The Quell Cottages, Quell Lane, 492817 128684 Create a new safe vehicular access to the site including 10-Apr-2014 SDNP/5311/13 (Chris Pratt) SRU (HW) Janet Duncton 11-Apr-2014 01-May-2014 Council Rural Lurgashall, Haslemere, West Sussex, driveway and 2 parking spaces. (Petworth) GU27 3BW Chichester District CDBS - (SI) Bakers Farm, Selsey Road, Sidlesham, 485228 96669 Construction of a solar park comprising solar photovoltaic 08-Apr-2014 SI/2760/13(EIA) Dom Smith Dom Smith (HW) Margaret Evans 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 Council Rural 14/00870/FUL West Sussex panels and associated works including sub-station, control Nick Scott (PROW) (Chichester building, store building, inverter kiosks, transformer PROW: Footpath 69 South) FS Application kiosks, access track, security fencing and gates, CCTV cameras and poles, cabling and landscaping, grid connection and temporary construction compounds. - Crawley Borough CDBS - CR/2014/0192/FUL 28, Keymer Road, Southgate, Crawley, 526585 136009 Conversion of existing garage to living accommodation 08-Apr-2014 - SRU (HW) Michael Jones 09-Apr-2014 29-Apr-2014 Council Gatwick West Sussex and elevation alterations.