intouch Conservative Association July 2015 Plaistow Branch Formation New Chairman of Chichester City Branch Nick Thomas is heading-up a team to build a Les Hixson says he relishes a challenge and supported by an exceptional Conservative Branch in Plaistow and surrounding committee he is keen to boost Membership and Social Events. See details area. Contact him on 01730 810837 of their August event below. Contact Sheila Walker on 01243 786081.

Birdham & Itchenor Lavant & Summer BBQ

Boxgrove ■ John and Gladys Slatter hosted a BBQ at their house in Westlands ■ Alan and Julie Dickinson hosted a Coffee , which was attended by nearly 50 people on Friday10th July. morning for the Lavant and Branch on Tuesday 14th July. Over £800 was raised thanks to the generosity of the Members who enjoyed a 3 course supper cooked by There was a superb turn-out Tony Hembling with puddings prepared including CDC Councillors, by Margaret Jones. local Branch Members, and Friends. Julie and Alan were great Mike Kingsford hosts providing a plentiful flow of coffee and biscuits. Jacki Jacki Kingsford , Kingsford rallied enthusiasm for a wonderful raffle, Barbara Garrett, assisted by husband Mike, Christine Potter & with an array of his home Alan Dickinson grown produce including courgettes and cucumbers. Southbourne Freshly baked scones were Annual Barbecue available to take home. Jacki paraded a wonderful ■ On Saturday 8th August 2015 basket of freshly cut sweet Southbourne Branch are holding their Annual BBQ at 6pm. A hugely popular peas. event hosted by Hilary Gilson at Greenlea, Prinsted. Please see Julie Dickinson overleaf for details….

Tangmere to Summer

Tex Pemberton, Les Hixson, Mike Hall and Lunch

Henry Potter ■ On Saturday 8th August 2015 a delicious lunch will be served for Members, Friends and Families. Please see leaflet overleaf….

The Great Chichester Antiques Quiz

■ Chichester City Branch is holding a light hearted Antiques Quiz and Gourmet Sampler Supper on Wed 26th August 2015 at 7pm. The evening is hosted by Mayor Peter Budge and there will be some excellent Raffle Prizes. Please see Les Hixson & Hilary Gilson overleaf...

Published & printed by James Fanshawe CBE & Chichester Conservative Association, both of St John’s House, St John’s Street, Chichester, PO19 1UU intouch

Chichester Market

For further details on these and other events please contact Julia at

[email protected] Or phone: 01243 783519 Visit the CCA Website at: With links to: Patrons’ Club Churchill Lunch Club Conservative Future

Chichester Triathlon 2015

Promoted, Published & Printed by James Fanshawe CBE & Chichester Conservative Association, both of St John’s House, St John’s Keeping in touch Street, Chichester, PO19 1UU

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