presents 3 Gone fishing BRIAN BROOKS MOVING COMPANY A Applications Due: March 8th BIG CITY Students form club wed, feb 27 • 7:30 PM for angling enthusiasts waterman theatre, tyler hall more at Friday, Feb. 22, 2013 • THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF OSWEGO STATE UNIVERSITY • VOLUME LXXVIII ISSUE III On the Web Case of bacterial Funnelle struck by theft meningitis reported 8 residents report stolen possessions during early morning of Feb. 12 at Oswego State Seamus Lyman Asst. News Editor
[email protected] An Oswego State student has con- tracted bacterial meningitis and, as of Wednesday, is recovering at SUNY Up- state Medical University in Syracuse. On Monday, it was announced that the Oswego County Health Department had Seamus Lyman| The Oswegonian begun investigating a suspected case of The ‘Badham Brigade’ wants students to dig the rare type of meningitis. deep for enthusiasm as Lakers head into playoffs. The student is an 18-year-old female and is “responding well to treatment,” according to Diane Oldenburg, senior public health educator at OCHD. UPDATES ALL Elizabeth Burns, director of student WEEK AT: health services at Mary Walker Health Center said through email that no other students have been diagnosed at this time. According to a press release on Tues- FRIEND OR LIKE US AT day from the OCHD, “bacterial men- ingitis is a relatively rare but serious acute illness in which bacteria infect the covering of the brain and the spi- FOLLOW OUR TWEETS nal cord. A vaccine protects against the most common strains of meningococ- cal bacteria, and the student had been vaccinated.