Cattle, Soyanization, and Climate Change Brazil’S agriCultural revolution l i z a r B Brighter Green is a New York–based public policy action tank that aims to raise awareness and encourage dialogue on and attention to issues that span the environment, animals, and sustainable development both globally and locally. Brighter Green’s work has a particular focus on equity and rights. On its own and in partnership with other organizations and individuals, Brighter Green generates and incubates research and project initiatives that are both visionary and practical. It produces publications, websites, documentary films, and implements pro- grams to illuminate public debate among policy-makers, activists, communities, influential leaders, and the media, with the goal of social transformation at local and international levels. Brighter Green works in the United States and internationally, with a focus on the countries of the global South. This policy paper is published as part of Brighter Green’s Food Policy and Equity Program. Policy papers and documen- tary videos on climate change and industrial animal agriculture in Brazil, China, Ethiopia, and India, along with additional resources on the globalization of factory farming, are available on Brighter Green’s website: Brighter Green welcomes feedback on this publication and other aspects of its work. This publication may be disseminated, copied, or translated freely with the express permission of Brighter Green. Email:
[email protected] Report Credits Written and researched by: Mia MacDonald and Justine Simon Additional research by: Simone G. de Lima Research assistance: Jesse Carollo Design and layout: Justine Simon and Whitney Hoot Thanks to Andréa Nichols, Robert Goodland, Katia Karam Toralles, Marcelo de Lima, Simone G.