Shughni (Edelman & Dodykhudoeva).Pdf
DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark CHAPTER FOURTEEN B SHUGHNI D. (Joy) I. Edelman and Leila R. Dodykhlldoel'a 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview The Shughni, or Shughnani, ethnic group, ethnonym xuynl, xuynl'tnl, populates the mountain valleys of the We st Pamir. Administratively, the Shughni-speaking area is part of the Mountainous Badakhshan Autonomous Region (Taj ik Viluyali /viukltlori Klihistoni Badakhsholl) of the Republic of Tajikistan, with its major center of Khorog, Taj . Khorugh (370 30/N, 710 3l/E), and of the adjacent Badakhshan Province of Afghanistan. In Tajikistan, the Shughn(an)i live along the right bank of the longitudinal stretch of the river Panj from (Zewar) Dasht in the North to Darmorakht in the south, as well as along the valleys of its eastern tributaries, the Ghund (rlll1d, Taj ik ru nt) and the Shahdara (Xa"tdarii), which meet at Khorog. They also constitute the major population group in the high mountain valley of Baju(w)dara (Bafli (l I>}darii) to the north of Khorog. Small, compact groups are also fo und in central Tajikistan, including Khatlon, Romit, Kofarnikhon, and other regions. In Afghanistan, the Shughn(an)i have also compact settlements, mainly on the left bank of the river Panj in Badakhshan Province. A sizeable Shughn(an)i-speaking com munity is also fo und in Kabul (cf. Nawata 1979) and in Faizabad, the capital of Afghan Badakhshan. Linguistically, the Shughn(an)i language, endonym (xlIyn (I.ln)l, Xll)i/1(lln)J zil'. XUYIUII1 zil'), belongs to the Shughn(an)i-Rushani sub-group of the North Pamir languages.
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