Environ Geol (2006) 49: 477–487 DOI 10.1007/s00254-005-0114-z ORIGINAL ARTICLE Zeynel Demirel Hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater Cu¨neyt Gu¨ler in a Mediterranean coastal aquifer, Mersin-Erdemli basin (Turkey) Abstract In this study, hydrogeo- silicate weathering reactions; (2) Received: 25 July 2005 Accepted: 16 September 2005 logic and hydrochemical informa- dissolution of salts; (3) precipitation Published online: 11 November 2005 tion from the Mersin-Erdemli of calcite, amorphous silica and ka- Ó Springer-Verlag 2005 groundwater system were integrated olinite; (4) ion exchange. As deter- and used to determine the main mined by multivariate statistical factors and mechanisms controlling analysis, anthropogenic factors the chemistry of groundwaters in the show seasonality in the area where area and anthropogenic factors most contaminated waters related to presently affecting them. The fertilizer and fungicide applications PHREEQC geochemical modeling that occur during early summer Z. Demirel Æ C. Gu¨ ler (&) demonstrated that relatively few season. Department of Geological Engineering, phases are required to derive water Engineering Faculty, Mersin University, chemistry in the area. In a broad Keywords Coastal aquifer Æ 33343 Mersin, Turkey E-mail:
[email protected] sense, the reactions responsible for Water–rock interaction Æ Principal Tel.: +90-324-3610001 the hydrochemical evolution in the components analysis Æ Cluster Fax: +90-324-3610032 area fall into four categories: (1) analysis Æ Mersin Introduction In the MEB area, urban and agricultural expansions have caused an ever-growing need for fresh water. In The development of groundwater resources for water this region, water supply for most municipalities, supply is a widespread practice in the Mediterranean domestic use water for urban developments and irriga- coastal region of Turkey, favored by the existence of tion water for agricultural activities is almost exclusively basins with thick Quaternary deposits that form aquifers provided through hand dug or drilled wells.