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Diuretic Treatment of Hypertension

Diuretic Treatment of Hypertension

Diuretic Treatment of Hypertension

1 3 EHUD GROSSMAN, MD FABIO ANGELI, MD cerebrovascular , combination 2 4 PAOLO VERDECCHIA, MD, FACC, FAHA, FESC GIANPAOLO REBOLDI, MD, PHD, MSC 1 of a () and ARI SHAMISS, MD ACE inhibitor () reduced the risk of by 43% compared with pla- cebo. Perindopril alone, despite lowering systolic BP by 5 mmHg, decreased stroke lthough and thiazide-like multiple- combinations in patients risk only by a nonsignificant 5%. are indispensable in with resistant hypertension. The main Several studies attested to the supe- A fi the treatment of hypertension, their argument that will be discussed is the rior ef cacy of diuretic therapy over other role as first-line or even second-line drugs place of diuretics as first-line drugs or add- antihypertensive agents in reducing the is a provoking debate. on drugs in the context of the available risk for stroke (4–6,8,10,11). In the Sec- The European Society of / antihypertensive armamentarium. ond Australian National Pressure European Society of Hypertension (ESC/ The pro side of the controversy will Study (ANBP2) (10), fatal stroke occurred ESH) guidelines recommend that thiazide argue that diuretics should remain the two times more in patients treated with an diuretics should be considered as suitable preferred drugs for initial treatment in ACE inhibitor than in patients treated as b-blockers, antagonists, ACE many hypertensive patients, whereas the with a diuretic. In the Antihypertensive inhibitors, and receptor cons side will contend that emerging and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent blockers for the initiation and mainte- evidence from outcome-based studies is Attack Trial (ALLHAT) (4,5), chlor- nance of antihypertensive treatment (1). casting doubt on the role of these drugs as thalidone was superior to the a-blocker Another European position, en- first-line and even second-line antihyper- mesylate in the prevention of dorsed by the British Hypertension Soci- tensive treatment. stroke and was superior to the ACE inhib- ety, is that diuretics and itor in the prevention of stroke blockers should be first-line drugs in THE PRO SIDE—Lowering blood in black individuals. In the Medical Re- hypertensive patients aged $55 years pressure (BP) has been shown to reduce search Council (MRC) study in 1985, or black patients of any age, whereas the risk of cardiovascular (CV) morbidity bendrofluazide was documented to be al- ACE inhibitors (or angiotensin receptor and mortality. The main benefitoflow- most three times as efficacious as the blockers in the case of intolerance to ering BP is due to the reduction in the risk b-blocker hydrochloride in ACE inhibitors) should be first-line of stroke and (HF). In many preventing stroke (8). In the MRC trial drugs in hypertensive patients younger trials in which a reduction in CV events in elderly patients (6), hydrochlorothia- than 55 years of age (http://nice.org.uk/ was documented, antihypertensive ther- zide and reduced the risk of CG034guidance). apy was diuretic-based (3–8). stroke, whereas b-blockers failed to re- The Seventh Report of the Na- duce the risk of stroke despite a similar tional Committee (JNC VII) on Prevention, Effect of diuretic treatment on lowering of BP. In the International Nifed- Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of stroke morbidity and mortality ipine GITS Study: Intervention as a Goal High recommends that In the era of placebo-controlled trials, in Hypertension Treatment (INSIGHT), thiazide diuretics should be preferred several studies attested to the efficacy of 25 mg plus amiloride drugs in “most” hypertensive patients, ei- diuretics in reducing stroke morbidity 2.5 were as effective as 30 mg for ther alone or combined with drugs from and mortality (6,7). In a recent published preventing stroke (12). other classes (2). study from China, indapamide given to In a large meta-analysis, including The present review does not intend to patients with a history of stroke or tran- 48,220 patients, Psaty et al. (13) found negate the important role of diuretics in sient ischemic attack reduced the risk of that high-dose diuretic therapy reduced certain groups of patients (blacks, - stroke by 31% (3). In the Perindopril the risk of stroke by 51%, whereas ther- sensitive patients, concomitant heart Protection Against Recurrent Stroke apy with b-blockers reduced the risk by failure) or to underestimate their role in Study (PROGRESS) (9) in patients with only 29% (P = 0.02). Klungel et al. (14) showed that among 1,237 single-drug ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc users with no history of CV disease, the From the 1Internal D and Hypertension Unit, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, adjusted risk of ischemic stroke was 2 to affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel; the 2Divisione di Me- 2 1/2 times higher among users of dicina, Ospedale di Assisi, Assisi, Italy; the 3Struttura Complessa di Cardiologia, Ospedale S. Maria della b-blockers, calcium antagonists, or ACE Misericordia, Perugia, Italy; and the 4Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy. inhibitors than among users of a diuretic Corresponding author: Paolo Verdecchia, [email protected]. alone. Interestingly, even in patients with This publication is based on the presentations at the 3rd World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in , and Hypertension (CODHy). The Congress and the publication of this supplement were CV disease, diuretics still conferred a lower made possible in part by unrestricted educational grants from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol- stroke risk than other drugs, although Myers Squibb, Daiichi Sankyo, Eli Lilly, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Generex Biotechnology, F. Hoffmann-La the difference was considerably smaller. Roche, Janssen-Cilag, Johnson & Johnson, Novo Nordisk, Medtronic, and Pfizer. The recent Avoiding Cardiovascular DOI: 10.2337/dc11-s246 © 2011 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly Events Through Combination Therapy cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons.org/ in Patients Living With Systolic Hyper- licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. tension (ACCOMPLISH) trial showed care.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 34, SUPPLEMENT 2, MAY 2011 S313 Diuretics in hypertension that a combination of the ACE inhibitor studies showed the efficacy of diuretics and that this protective effect disappears with hydrochlorothiazide was in reducing CV morbidity and mortality within 4 months after use is discontinued. less effective in lowering the risk of the in the elderly (6,7,16,19). In the Systolic Thus, in addition to their use to lower BP, predefinedprimaryendpointsthanthe Hypertension in the Elderly Program thiazide plays a major role in the preven- combination of benazepril with (SHEP) (7), chlorthalidone reduced in el- tion of and fractures. (15). However, analysis of the benefitfor derly patients with isolated systolic hy- Diuretic therapy can transform non- the individual components of the pri- pertensiontherateoftotalstrokeby dippers to dippers and thereby offer an mary end points showed that, for stroke 36%, the rate of major CV events by additional therapeutic advantage of re- prevention, hydrochlorothiazide and 32%, and the rate of all-cause mortality ducing the risk of CV complications (25). amlodipine were the same. Thus, for stroke by 13%. We have shown in a meta-analysis prevention, a diuretic is superior to some that in the elderly, diuretics are more ef- Diuretic-induced elevations antihypertensive agents. fective than b-blockers in lowering BP Several studies showed that use of thia- (20). Moreover, only diuretics reduced zide diuretic increases glucose levels Effect of diuretic treatment on HF the risk of coronary heart disease and all- (4,12,26), but in these studies, the second Thiazide diuretic is very effective in pre- cause mortality (20). The ALLHAT study, drug was a b-blocker that impaired glu- venting the development of HF in hyper- which showed superiority of diuretics cose . The tensive patients. In a large meta-analysis over other antihypertensive agents in Risk in Communities (ARIC) study as- that included 18 long-term placebo- some secondary end points (see above), sessed the incidence of new-onset diabe- controlled randomized trials, high-dose was not defined as a study of the elderly, tes (NOD) after 3 and 6 years in 12,550 diuretic therapy reduced the risk of HF by but 57.5% of the participants were age adults who did not have diabetes. Patients 83% and low-dose diuretic reduced the $65 years; therefore, this study is con- who received thiazide diuretics were not risk of HF by 42% (13). In the Hyperten- sidered a study in the elderly (4,5). The at greater risk for the subsequent devel- sion in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET), only exception was the ANBP2 study, in opment of diabetes than the subjects with indapamide reduced the rate of HF by which treatment with an ACE inhibitor in hypertension who were not receiving any 64% in very elderly patients with hyper- older subjects, particularly men, led to antihypertensive therapy (27). In this tension (16). In INSIGHT, diuretic was better outcomes than treatment with di- study, only subjects with hypertension more effective than nifedipine in prevent- uretic agents, despite similar reductions who were taking b-blockers had a 28% ing nonfatal HF (12). In the ALLHAT of BP (10). It is noteworthy that the design higher risk of subsequent diabetes. In study, chlorthalidone was superior to of the ANBP2 study was less rigorous than the ACCOMPLISH study, the effects of doxazosin, lisinopril, and amlodipine in other studies, since it was a prospective, the two treatment arms on glucose levels preventing HF (4,5). The data were vali- randomized, open-label, blinded-endpoint were not reported (15). It is likely that the dated after a rigorous evaluation of all (PROBE) study that is open to bias. In the use of diuretics with an ACE inhibitor did hospitalized HF events (17). In a subanal- ANBP2 study, only 83% of the partici- not adversely affect glucose metabolism, ysis of ALLHAT, chlorthalidone was su- pants received their assigned treatment, as we have previously shown (28). If a perior to the other agents in preventing only 58% of participants were randomly high-dose diuretic has a negative effect HF in participants with the metabolic syn- assigned to an ACE inhibitor, and 62% of on glucose metabolism, it may be related drome and in patients with diabetes those assigned to a diuretic were still re- to (29–31). Analysis of the (18). One of the arguments against the ceiving assigned treatment at the end of SHEP data showed that each 0.5 mEq/L findings of the ALLHAT study was that the study (10). In the recent HYVET (16), decrease in serum during the the achieved BP in the chlorthalidone indapamide reduced the rate of stroke, 1st year of treatment was associated with a arm was lower than the achieved BP in coronary heart disease, HF, and all-cause 45% higher adjusted diabetes risk (32). the other treatment arms. However, anal- mortality. It is noteworthy that in the pilot, Potassium supplementation or combina- yses using achieved BP levels as time- HYVET participants received either di- tion of thiazide with ACE inhibitor or dependent covariates in a Cox proportional uretic or ACE inhibitor or placebo, and potassium-sparing agents might prevent hazard regression model showed that af- only diuretics reduced the risk of stroke, thiazide-induced diabetes (33). The com- ter adjustment for BP, the differences in whereas ACE inhibitors did not reduce the bination of thiazide with an- risk of stroke and HF between treatment risk of stroke, despite a similar reduction tagonist may not only prevent NOD but arms remained statistically significant in BP (21). Thus, it seems that for elderly also improve BP control (34). It seems (18). In the ACCOMPLISH trial, the patients, a diuretic should remain the drug that not all diuretics are equal in regard combination of benazepril with hydro- of choice. to the effect on insulin resistance. Leonetti was as effective as the com- et al. (35) showed that indapamide does bination of benazepril with amlodipine in Additional advantages of diuretics not have a deleterious effect on glucose preventing HF (15). Thus, it is clear that Several studies showed that diuretics pre- tolerance. The effects of diuretic-induced diuretic is very effective and may be supe- vent the development of osteoporosis and glucose elevation on long-term CV risk rior to other agents in preventing new- reduce the risk of hip fractures (22–24). were reported in several studies. Verdecchia onset HF in hypertensive patients. In a randomized double-blind 2-year et al. (36) reported a nearly threefold trial, Reid et al. (24) showed that hydro- higher CV disease risk after 16 years Diuretics in the elderly chlorothiazide slowed cortical loss of follow-up in treated patients with hy- Hypertension is much more common in in normal postmenopausal women. pertension (54% treated with diuretics) the elderly, and in this age–group, iso- Schoofs et al. (23) showed in a prospec- who developed NOD; no relationship lated systolic hypertension is particularly tive population-based cohort study that was seen between diuretic usage and CV common. Several placebo-controlled thiazide protects against hip fractures events. In post hoc subgroup analyses of

S314 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 34, SUPPLEMENT 2, MAY 2011 care.diabetesjournals.org Grossman and Associates the ALLHAT data, there was no significant pill combination could be titrated to 25 and flexibility of choosing among avail- association of fasting glucose level change and 10 mg, respectively. Although the able antihypertensive drugs on the basis at 2 years with subsequent coronary heart dose of amlodipine in the trial was similar of several considerations, including effi- disease, stroke, CV disease, total mortality, to that demonstrating favorable outcomes cacy, tolerability, compelling indications, or end-stage renal disease. There was no in other outcome trials, the dose range for contraindications, race, and cost. significant association of incident diabetes hydrochlorothiazide (12.5–25 mg) was at 2 years with clinical outcomes, except lower than the dose range (equivalent to Diuretics as first-line drugs: for coronary heart disease (risk ratio 1.64; 25–50 mg) used in trials demonstrating outcome-based studies P = 0.006), but the risk ratio was lower and benefits of thiazide on CV outcome ALLHAT was perceived as the trial that nonsignificant in the chlorthalidone (4,6,19). Information on supplemented conclusively demonstrated the superior- group (risk ratio 1.46; P =0.14)(37). antihypertensive agents was not reported, ity of diuretics over other classes of Analysis of the 14.3 years of follow-up but the recommended supplementary antihypertensive drugs. ALLHAT was de- from the SHEP revealed that incident di- drugs were a- and b-blockers, for which signed to test the hypothesis that the abetes during the trial among participants effects on CV outcomes are inferior. Of combined incidence of fatal CHD and randomized to placebo was associated note, a small but significant BP difference nonfatal will be with a .50% increase in CV mortality (0.9 mmHg systolic and 1.1 mmHg dia- lower by 16% in hypertensive patients but not in individuals randomized to the stolic; P , 0.001 for both) was recorded receiving a calcium antagonist (amlodi- diuretic (38). Thus, diuretic-induced glu- between the two arms of treatment favor- pine), an ACE inhibitor (lisinopril), or an cose changes may underline lesser prog- ing the ACE inhibitor–calcium antagonist a adrenergic blocker (doxazosin) as first- nostic significance. combination. The right conclusion of the line therapy than in subjects treated with ACCOMPLISH study is that hydrochloro- chlorthalidone as first-line therapy. The Other disadvantages of diuretics thiazide in a dose of #25 mg/day may be study enrolled 42,418 high-risk patients Diuretics may induce some metabolic less effective in preventing CV disease aged $55 years, and 35% were black (4). alterations that are harmful. The most than a full dose of amlodipine. The doxazosin arm was prematurely common metabolic derangement is hy- The results of this study raised the stopped because of a significantly higher ponatremia, which appears to be partic- question whether all thiazide-type diu- incidence of HF. ularlycommoninelderlywomen(39). retics are equal. Several successful di- It is frequently forgotten that the This side effect can be prevented by use uretic studies used chlorthalidone in a ALLHAT study failed to demonstrate its of a low to medium dose of diuretics and dose of up to 25 mg/day (4,5,7,41,42). A primary goal because the incidence of the by instructing patients to limit fluid in- meta-analysis of trials done until 2004 re- primary end point did not show any take. The deleterious effects of thiazide ported similar clinical CV outcomes statistical differences between the chlor- on lipid profile are mainly observed in across the class (43). However, these thalidone group and any other treatment the short term and almost disappear in studies used doses of these agents that group (6-year event rate: long-term studies (40). were higher than the 12.5–25 mg/day 11.5%, amlodipine 11.3%, lisinopril dose of hydrochlorothiazide used in the 11.4%). Compared with chlorthalidone, Role of diuretics as an add-on ACCOMPLISH study. Recent data sug- the relative risks were 0.98 (95% CI 0.90– therapy gest that chlorthalidone is 1.5- to 2-fold 1.07) for amlodipine and 0.99 (95% CI Recently, two large prospective studies more potent in lowering BP than hydro- 0.91–1.08) for lisinopril. Furthermore, cast doubt on the role of as chlorothiazide (44). Thus, to achieve the all-cause mortality did not differ between an add-on therapy (15,26). The Anglo- beneficial effect with diuretics, one the groups (4). Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial should use hydrochlorothiazide in a The only significant differences in (ASCOT) compared the b-blocker dose of up to at least 37.5 mg/day. An- ALLHATemergedintheanalysisof with the calcium antagonist amlodipine. other thiazide-like diuretic that is less dis- some secondary end points. The risk of A thiazide was added to atenolol and an cussed is indapamide. This agent has less HF, which in itself was not a prespecified ACE inhibitor was added to amlodipine on metabolic parameters secondary end point, but just a compo- when BP did not reach the goal. The pri- than other diuretics (45,46), is more ef- nent of a secondary end point (named mary end points were not significantly fective than in reducing left ven- “combined ” and different between the two regimens, but tricular mass (47), is equivalent to consisting of CHD + stroke + revascular- fewer individuals on the amlodipine- enalapril in reducing microalbuminuria ization procedures + + HF [hospi- based regimen had fatal and nonfatal (48), and is effective in reducing CV mor- talized or treated] + peripheral arterial stroke, total CV events and procedures, bidity and mortality in clinical trials disease), was 38% higher with amlodi- and all-cause mortality. From this study, (3,9,16,49). Thus, the use of indapamide pine and 15% with lisinopril than with we can only learn that atenolol is less ef- as a leading diuretic agent may be worth- chlortalidone (both P , 0.01). Further- fective than amlodipine, but we cannot while. more, the risk of stroke, a prespecified blame the diuretic in the worse outcome. secondary end point, was 7% lower with The ACCOMPLISH trial was stopped THE CON SIDE—There is no evidence amlodipine than with chlorthalidone (P = early when the data were clear that the from systematic overviews and meta- NS) and 15% higher with lisinopril than single pill combination of ACE inhibitor analyses that thiazide diuretics are superior with chlortalidone (P = 0.02). with calcium antagonist was superior to to other classes of antihypertensive drugs These results were attributed to the the combination of ACE inhibitor with a in reducing CV risk (50). These results en- lower systolic BP in the patients allocated diuretic (15). The amlodipine and hydro- dorse the position of the European guide- to chlorthalidone compared with lisinopril chlorothiazide components of the single lines, which leave to the doctor the choice (2 mmHg, P , 0.001) and amlodipine care.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 34, SUPPLEMENT 2, MAY 2011 S315 Diuretics in hypertension

(0.8 mmHg, P = 0.03) (4). However, Diuretics as second-line drugs: These data may relegate thiazide diuretics .90% of ALLHAT patients were receiv- outcome-based studies to third-line therapy. However, since the ing an , a diuretic ASCOT-BPLA (Blood Pressure–Lowering study population was composed of com- in most cases, at the time of randomiza- Arm) was a multicenter randomized con- plicated patients with hypertension and tion, when they abruptly abandoned the trolled trial conducted in 19,257 hyper- prior history of CHD, diabetes, or organ previous agents and were fully switched tensive patients aged 40–79 years who damage, it is unclear to what extent these to trials drugs. Thus, patients allocated had at least three other CV risk factors. findings can be extrapolated to less un- to drugs different from chlorthalidone Patients were randomized to a first-line complicated hypertensive subjects. were more likely to regain fluids, with po- treatment with either atenolol or amlodi- tential rapid disclosure of signs and pine. In the case of lack of BP control, Diuretics and new-onset diabetes symptoms of heart failure. Consistent bendroflumethiazide was added to ateno- Diuretics increase the risk of NOD. In a with this view is the early divergence of lol and perindopril to amlodipine. Hence, network meta-analysis of 22 clinical trials, the Kaplan-Meier curved after randomi- the trial compared an “old-drug” strategy ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor zation. However, subsequent post hoc (b-blocker alone or with a diuretic) with a blockers, calcium channel blockers, and analyses with validation of HF events “new-drug” strategy (calcium antagonist placebo were associated with a signifi- and adjustment for pre-entry diuretic alone or with an ACE inhibitor). The trial cantly lesser risk of NOD compared with use seemed to confirm the original re- was stopped prematurely after 5.5 years diuretics (51). The risk of NOD did not sults (17). Thus, ALLHAT did not meet because of statistically significant lower differ between diuretics and b-blockers its primary goal, and the evidence of incidence of all-cause mortality, CV mor- (51). superiority of chlortalidone over compa- tality, and other important secondary end Importantly, NOD was not a prespe- rators was based on the analysis of sec- points in the new-drug strategy group. The cified primary end point in any of these ondary end points. Consequently, the primary end point, a composite of nonfatal trials. Diuretic-induced hypokalemia is enthusiastic statement that the “verdict myocardial infarction and fatal CHD, did believed to be one possible cause of the from ALLHAT is that thiazide diuretics not differ between the groups (HR 0.90, rise in glucose (52), perhaps through an are the preferred initial treatment of hy- 95% CI 0.79–1.02, P = 0.105) (26). impaired insulin secretion by pancreatic pertension” was excessive. Furthermore, Although the benefits of amlodipine b-cells. Also diuretic-induced hyperuri- results obtained with chlorthalidone and perindopril over atenolol and bend- cemia was associated with impaired glu- cannot be extrapolated to hydrochloro- roflumethiazide appeared to be largely cose tolerance. thiazide or other thiazide diuretics. The driven by the 2.7 mmHg greater reduc- The controversy surrounding the is- duration of the antihypertensive effect of tion in systolic BP, this study clearly sue of NOD in treated hypertensive sub- chlorthalidone is significantly longer than demonstrated that a new-drug strategy is jects is not focused on the diabetogenic that of hydrochlorothiazide, as evidenced superior to an old-drug strategy in pa- effect of diuretics and b-blockers, which by 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring (44). tients with complicated hypertension or is taken for granted (1), but on the con- The results of ALLHAT are consistent with associated risk factors. troversial interpretation of the few data on the INSIGHT study, which failed to detect ACCOMPLISH was a double-blind the prognostic impact of NOD induced by outcome differences between a diuretic randomized study in which 11,506 pa- these drugs. (hydrochlorothiazide plus amiloride) tients with hypertension complicated by In a cohort study from our group, and a calcium antagonist (nifedipine in a organ damage or associated with diabetes NOD portended a risk for subsequent CV long-acting gastrointestinal transport sys- or overt CV disease were randomized to disease that was not dissimilar from that tem) in 6,321 hypertensive patients aged either benazepril plus amlodipine or be- of previously known diabetes. Notably, 55–80 years. Again, nonfatal HF (a sec- nazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide as first- plasma glucose at entry and diuretic ondary end point) was less frequent in step treatment. The trial was prematurely treatment at the follow-up visit were in- the diuretic group than in the calcium an- stoppedafterameanfollow-upof36 dependent predictors of NOD (36). In a tagonist group (P = 0.028) (12). months because the boundary of the pre- post hoc analysis of the Antihy- Another major study that failed to specified stopping rule was exceeded. The pertensive Long-Term Use Evaluation demonstrate the superiority of diuretics risk of primary composite end point ( (VALUE) study, the hypertensive subjects over comparators was the ANBP2 trial. from CV causes or nonfatal CV disease) was who developed NOD showed a 43% This was a randomized open-label study 20% lower with benazepril-amlodipine higher risk of cardiac morbidity when between diuretics and ACE inhibitors than with benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide compared with individuals who did not conducted in 6,083 elderly subjects with (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.72–0.90, P , develop diabetes (53). NOD was associ- hypertension. The ACE inhibitor enala- 0.001). Also, the composite secondary ated with a marginally higher risk of myo- pril and the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide end point (death from CV causes, non- cardial infarction (P = 0.057) and a were recommended as initial therapy, but fatal myocardial infarction, and nonfatal significantly higher risk of congestive the final choice of the specificagentwas stroke) was less frequent in the benazepril- HF (P = 0.017) (53). These findings are left to investigators, who were family amlodipine group than in the benazepril- consistent with a report from the Ongoing practitioners. The primary end point of hydrochlorothiazide group (HR 0.79, 95% Alone and In Combination the study, a composite of CV morbidity CI 0.67–0.92, P = 0.002) (15). With Global End Point Trial and all-cause mortality, was marginally The ACCOMPLISH study is unique (ONTARGET), in which NOD was asso- less frequent in the ACE inhibitor group in its design by substantiating the supe- ciated with a 74% excess risk of conges- than in the diuretic group (hazard ratio riority of a fixed combination of ACE tive HF requiring hospitalization (54). [HR] 0.89, 95% CI 0.79–1.00; P = 0.05) inhibitor plus amlodipine over a fixed com- Individuals who are skeptical about (10). bination of ACE inhibitor plus diuretic. the adverse prognostic value of NOD

S316 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 34, SUPPLEMENT 2, MAY 2011 care.diabetesjournals.org Grossman and Associates argue that NOD failed to translate into a because of the failure by most random- Although often neglected by doctors, prognostic disadvantage in most trials. ized trials to disclose a significant associ- these symptoms may be troubling in el- In the ALLHAT study, the higher in- ation between NOD and outcome. NOD, derly subjects. cidence of NOD in the chlorthalidone whether or not induced by drugs, remains Diuretics may cause several other group did not translate into a prognostic an important adverse prognostic marker adverse reactions, potentially leading to burden in this group, and a similar that should be prevented. We suggested discontinuation. Hypokalemia was sug- situationoccurredinotherstudies that in subjects at increased risk of NOD gested as a potential trigger of arrhyth- (12). However, a frequently forgotten (impaired fasting glucose, obesity, meta- mias and sudden cardiac death (60), consideration is that different risks of bolic syndrome), diuretics and b-block- although its impact is now less than in NOD are unlikely to translate into differ- ers should 1) be used cautiously, with the the past because of the widespread use ent risks of hard end points in the setting lowest effective dose and plasma glucose of low-dose thiazides, potassium-sparing of available mega-trials. We estimated periodically checked, and 2) be avoided in diuretics, and combinations with ACE in- that one CV event specifically associated subjects with BP normalized by different hibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers. with NOD may be prevented for every classes of antihypertensive drugs. Muscle may cause suspicion of 385–449 subjects treated with new, hypokalemia. is another rather than old (diuretics, b-blockers), Diuretics and lipids insidious side effect of diuretics and is antihypertensive drugs for ;4 years Thiazide diuretics increase total choles- particularly frequent in elderly women af- (55). Consequently, even large trials terol and HDL by 5–7%. In a ter prolonged use of the drug. Hyperuri- such as ALLHAT may be under-powered meta-analysis of 474 studies (57), diuret- cemia is a dose-dependent effect that may to detect the adverse prognostic impact ics increased cholesterol and triglyceride lead to acute gouty arthritis. of NOD (55). levels, and the rise in total cholesterol was Consistent with this view, in the paralleled by a rise in LDL cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS—Thiazide-type di- ALLHAT study, the incidence of coronary The rise in cholesterol was dose depen- uretics are at least as effective as b-blockers, artery disease was 64% higher (95% CI dent and greater in blacks. A reduction 15–233) in the subjects who developed in the HDL cholesterol levels was noted calcium antagonists, and ACE inhibitors in reducing CV outcomes. Thiazide di- NOD in the first 2 years of follow-up only in patients with diabetes. The poten- uretics are particularly effective in pre- than in those who did not (56). However, tially adverse prognostic impact of in- when the chlorthalidone, amlodipine, creased total and LDL cholesterol in the venting stroke and HF in hypertensive patients. These drugs are very effective in and lisinopril groups were analyzed sep- very long term may be underestimated by the elderly and very elderly patients. The arately, the excess risk of coronary artery the relatively short duration (generally 3– combined use of thiazide-like diuretics disease was significant only in the lisino- 5 years) of available intervention trials. with aldosterone antagonists may be pril group (HR 2.23, 95% CI 1.07–4.62) When dealing with a young hypertensive worthwhile. Thus, diuretics should re- and not in the other groups, although the patient, it is unlikely that an expected per- main the leading agents in the manage- P value for the interaction term was not sistent elevation of total and LDL choles- ment of hypertension. However, the significant (P = 0.21). The power of the terol over decades may be beneficial. statement that these drugs are superior chlorthalidone and amlodipine groups to other drugs in almost all patients might have been inadequate to detect Diuretics and the the adverse impact of NOD on coronary The long-term use of diuretics was asso- with hypertension is not supported by superiority studies. Particularly in the artery disease demonstrated in the total ciated with an increased risk of renal cell younger hypertensive subjects, the ben- ALLHAT cohort. We argued that the carcinoma. In a meta-analysis, Grossman efit of diuretics as first-line antihyper- lesser BP reduction in the lisinopril group et al. (58) found a 55% higher odds (95% tensive drugs should be weight against compared with the other groups might CI 42–71%, P , 0.00001) of renal cell the risk of unwanted effects in the have allowed NOD to unveil its adverse carcinoma in patients treated with diuret- long term. This holds particularly true prognostic impact (55). ics compared with diuretic nonusers. The in subjects at high risk of developing In line with this interpretation, in a renal tubular cells, which are the main diabetes. post hoc analysis of the SHEP study, NOD target of diuretics, are also the site of or- was associated with a higher risk of all- igin of malignancy. The association be- – cause mortality (HR 1.35, 95% CI 1.05 tween diuretic treatment and renal cell Acknowledgments—This study was sup- 1.72) and CV mortality (HR 1.56, 95% CI carcinoma is a potentially important issue ported in part by the Fondazione Umbra 1.12–2.18) in the placebo group, not in that requires solid confirmation in larger Cuore e Ipertensione–ONLUS, Perugia, Italy. the active treatment group (38). Because studies. No potential conflicts of interest relevant to the SHEP population was composed by this article were reported. elderly hypertensive patients at high risk Discontinuation of diuretics of events in the short term, the favorable Discontinuation of diuretics is ;83% prognostic impact of BP reduction in more likely than discontinuation of ACE References the active treatment group may have out- inhibitors (59). By causing increased pro- 1. Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, weighed the adverse prognostic impact of duction of , diuretics may increase et al. 2007 guidelines for the manage- ment of arterial hypertension: the Task NOD. the urinary frequency. Overactive bladder fi Force for the Management of Arterial In conclusion, we should refrain from de ned as a syndrome consisting of ur- Hypertension of the European Society of underestimating the adverse prognostic gency, with or without incontinence, usu- Hypertension (ESH) and of the European impact of NOD induced by diuretics and ally associated with nocturia, is common Society of Cardiology (ESC). J Hypertens b-blockers, alone or combined, solely in older subjects treated with diuretics. 2007;25:1105–1187 care.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 34, SUPPLEMENT 2, MAY 2011 S317 Diuretics in hypertension

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