Iliad National Theatre in association with mewn cydweithrediad â Ffwrnes 21.09—03.10.2015 01 #NTWiliad 02

“In the beginning Ffwrnes Directors/Cyfarwyddwyr Llanelli Mike Pearson & Mike Brookes there was no Beginning, A theatrical staging of And in the end, no End…” Christopher Logue’s War Music Llwyfaniad theatrig o War Music gan Christopher Logue 03 #NTWiliad 04

Commentary/Sylwebaeth _____ Making Iliad/CREU ILIAD

Mike Brookes & For us, it begins with an ambition: to stage Read takes up in his Introduction to War Richard Janko The Iliad: A Commentary Vol. IV (1994) (p.4) Mike Pearson the whole of Christopher Logue’s War Music Music (2001): ‘Cinematic terms – jump cuts, – his account of ’s Iliad – in a single reverse shots – are part of his narrative ‘By leaving an undefined area between durational performance; to highlight his vocabulary, allowing movie-literate extraordinary text; to make it available to (i.e. most) readers to register certain free will and supernatural forces, audiences in the most immediate and exciting scenes quickly and vividly. Cinema’s rapid Homer achieves two goals: his characters manner. [We plan to do this.] alternation between the small, isolated Then come our desires: to make detail and the big, general effect has been are seer, to suffer for their own choices, site-specific performance in a theatre another useful lesson. Kings itself opens auditorium; to employ a particular range of as if on some gigantic screen…’ And Alan which is clearly tragic, and yet the whole scenic devices and theatrical components; Brien in New Statesman: ‘Logue seems to explore the use of contemporary everywhere at once, like a camera in outcome seems beyond their individual technologies, concentrating on audio. a helicopter, continually varying close up control or even pre-ordained, which is [I imagine this. I want to do that.] and long shot, description and comment, and those ideas that appear out of asides to the reader and direct address to tragic in another way.’ the blue: what if the Gods are annoying his characters’. And James O’Brien in The teenagers? [How about this?] And the Tablet: ‘We hear the music of war and it is practical challenges: of presenting three thrilling. We see the cinematography of the Images/DELWEDDAU hundred pages of poetry as theatre; of battlefield and it is astonishing’. Emyr Young addressing the constraints of budget, of What if we regard Iliad as the available resources, of time; of working screenplay of an imaginary film? Never with young people. [We’ll need to do that.] portrayed, ever ghostly, but evoked and and gradually a unifying concept conjured in the room: emerges that meshes ideas and aspirations – Through the words of Narrators who and realities, opportunities and prohibitions: resemble benshi – ‘poets of the dark’ – embodied in an exchange of detailed ground those live actors employed by early cinemas plans and scale models and scripts of in Japan to accompany silent foreign films: many colours and schedules. [This we can to relate the story; to voice the characters; envisage. On this we can agree.] to provide commentary; to describe, a combination of performers and summarise, explain and interpret motives projections and sounds and architectures and events. Or else who perform as if for and behaviours organised in time and absent cameras. space that together resembles a ‘theatre – Through the actions of Constructors who machine’ – the mechanism that embodies at times resemble set-builders, at others War Music as Iliad. [Let’s do this.] extras, at others choreographers or second But that concept may only make unit directors… sense to us, its originators, as an overall – Through projections – as rushes, as design or as a set of operational procedures. cutaways, as footage already in the can… How to characterise it, for its makers – Through an evocative soundtrack, being and for its audience? [We’ll need mixed as the invisible film runs… a straightforward notion.] – Through the involvement of audiences Perhaps the key is in something Logue in crowd scenes. himself said of War Music – ‘In some ways But in the end this is a convenience. it resembles a movie. I have a cast of We will only know what Iliad uniquely is fifty thousand: fifteen major characters, when the already achieved, the rehearsed twenty-five subsidiary characters, and two and the improvised meet its public. And superheroes’. It’s an idea that Christopher the result may be very different from what we ever imagined! 05 #NTWiliad 06 GODS

Zeus God; Father of the Gods Duw; Tad y Duwiau

The Story/Y Stori Poseidon Hera Athene Aphrodite Thetis Hephaestus God of the Sea; Sister and daughter of Zeus daughter of Zeus a sea nymph; wife Lord of Fire; disabled brother of Zeus wife of Zeus (for the Greeks)/ and Dione (for the of Peleus, mother son of Zeus and Hera _____ Homer’s Iliad/ILIAD HOMER (against the Greeks)/ (for the Greeks)/ merch Zeus (o blaid Trojans, especially of Achilles (for (for the Greeks)/ Duw y Môr; brawd chwaer a gwraig y Groegiaid) Paris)/ merch Zeus Achilles)/ nymff y Arglwydd Tân; mab Zeus (yn erbyn y Zeus (o blaid y a Dione (o blaid y môr; gwraig Peleus, anabl Zeus a Hera (o Groegiaid) Groegiaid) Iris Caerdroeaid, yn mam Achilles (o blaid blaid y Groegiaid) a messenger enwedig Paris) Achilles) negesydd

PRINCIPAL GREEKS/ PRIF ROEGIAID [aka/sef Achaeans, Danaans, Argives)

CAdam Nicholson The Usually referred to as The Iliad, Iliad (meaning Cyfeirir at y gwaith hwn fel arfer fel Yr Iliad, Mighty Dead (2014) (pp.109-110) ‘a poem about Troy’) is an oral epic composed ac mae’r Iliad (sy’n golygu cerdd am Gaerdroea) in the 7th/8th Century BC that tells of early yn waith llafar epig a gyfansoddwyd yn y ‘He makes a poem of 12th Century events. The original Greek 7fed/8fed Ganrif CC sy’n adrodd digwyddiadau contains 15,693 lines. Set in the tenth year cynnar y 12fed ganrif. Mae’r fersiwn Roegaidd death that is itself Agamemnon Achilles Odysseus Idomeneo Patroclus of the Trojan War, it follows the abduction of wreiddiol yn cynnwys 15,693 o linellau. King of Mycenae; son of goddess Thetis King of Ithaca/ King of Crete; Crete/ Achilles’s lover/ a thing of woven Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, Wedi’i osod yn negfed flwyddyn Rhyfel supreme commander/ and human Peleus/ Brenin Ithaca Brenin Creta; Creta closest companion/ by Paris (prince of Troy, son of Priam, brother Caerdroea, mae’n dilyn herwgipio Helen, y Brenin Mycenae; uwch mab y dduwies Thetis cariad/ffrind agosaf beauty. That is the of Hector) from her husband Menelaos of fenyw brydferthaf yn y byd, gan Paris (tywysog gomander a’r dyn Peleus Thoal Diomed Achilles King of Macedon/ son of Tydéus, King of Sparta (brother of Agamemnon of Mycenae). Caerdroea, mab Priam, brawd Hector) oddi wrth essential picture Menelaos Ajax Brenin Macedon Argos/ mab Tydéus, Helen Helen falls in love with Paris after the ei gwˆr Menelaos o Sparta (brawd Agamemnon King of Sparta; King of Salamis/ Brenin Argos daughter of Zeus of the Iliad, a great intervention of the goddess Aphrodite. o Mycenae). Mae Helen yn syrthio mewn cariad younger brother of Brenin Salamis Nestor and Leda; wife of To repossess her, Agamemnon puts â Paris wedi i’r dduwies Aphrodite ymyrryd. Agamemnon; husband King of Pylos/ Menelaos/ merch history cloth, a together an expeditionary force to besiege er mwyn ei chael yn ôl, mae Agamemnon of Helen/ Brenin Brenin Pylos Zeus a Leda; gwraig the city – a coalition of Achaean (i.e. Greek) yn trefnu cyrch grymus i ymosod ar y ddinas, Sparta; brawd iau Menelaos tapestry of sorrow, Agamemnon; states that includes the fiercest warrior ar ffurf cynghrair o daleithiau Achaeaid (h.y. gWˆr Helen in which the non-city Achilles (son of Peleus and the goddess Groegaidd) sy’n cynnwys y rhyfelwr mwyaf Thetis, leader of the Myrmidons). brawychus Achilles (mab Peleus a’r dduwies is set against the city, The Iliad’s theme is the ‘rage of Thetis, arweinydd y Myrmidoniaid). PRINCIPAL TROJANS/ PRIF GAERDROEIAID where the marginal Achilles’: the poem maps its cause, its Thema Yr Iliad yw ‘dicter Achilles’: course and the consequences. mae’r gerdd yn mapio’i wreiddiau, ei [aka ILIANS]/[sef yr Iliaid] and contingent The immediate reason for Achilles’s anger ddatblygiad a’r canlyniadau. is the refusal of Agamemnon to return Cryzia, y rheswm amlwg dros ddicter Achilles confronts the settled who was taken as war booty, to her father, yw bod Agamemnon yn gwrthod dychwelyd a priest of Apollo. After Apollo sends a plague Cryzia, a gipiwyd fel gwobr rhyfel, at ei thad, and the secure.’ of mice, Agamemnon relents but demands offeiriad Apollo. Ar ôl i Apollo anfon pla o compensation. A violent quarrel erupts lygod, mae Agamemnon yn ildio ond yn mynnu and Agamemnon announces he will take cael iawndal. Mae dadl ffyrnig yn dilyn ac Priam Hector Aeneas Pandar Cassandra Cryzez Achilles’s ‘she’ Briseis in recompense. mae Agamemnon yn dweud y bydd yn cymryd King of Troy; husband son of Priam; husband son of Anchises Lycian commander daughter of Priam archpriest of Apollo; Achilles withdraws his support. menyw Achilles, sef Briseis, yn ei lle. Mae of Hecuba/ Brenin of Andromache and Aphrodite/ mab comander Lyciaidd and Hecuba/ father of Cryzia/ ˆ ˆ Achilles yn tynnu ei gefnogaeth yn ôl. Caerdroea; gWr Hecuba mab Priam; gWr Anchises a Aphrodite merch Priam a Hecuba archoffeiriad Apollo; Andromache Hecuba tad Cryzia Paris SarpEdon wife of Priam; mother Briseis The Iliad is an account of the fateful Mae The Iliad yn gofnod o ganlyniad ofnadwy son of Priam; favourite ChylAbborak King of Lycia; son of of Hector, Paris and Trojan woman; Cryzia result of his refusal to fight: gwrthwynebiad Achilles i ymladd: of Aphrodite; abductor/ Andomache’s brother Zeus and Laodamia Cassandra/ gwraig Achilles’s captive daughter of Cryzez; lover of Helen/ / brawd Andomache Brenin Lycia; mab Zeus Priam; mam Hector, ‘she’/ menyw o Agamemnon’s captive - Greeks and Trojans meet – in single combats; - Mae’r Groegiaid a’r Caerdroeaid yn cwrdd - yn ymladd mab Priam; hoff un a Laodamia Paris a Cassandra Gaerdroea; menyw ‘she’/ merch Cryzez; in beachhead camps; on chaotic battlefields; un i un; mewn gwersylloedd ger y môr; ar gaeau Aphrodite;herwgipiwr/ ABASSEE gaeth Achilles menyw gaeth in smoky halls… rhyfel gwyllt; mewn neuaddau myglyd.... cariad Helen ChylAbborak’s Andromache Agamemnon - Arguments, negotiations, deadly encounters, - Dadleuon, trafodaethau, brwydrau angheuol, brother/ brawd wife of Hector/ untimely deaths: venal, vivid, visceral… marwolaethau anamserol: llygredig, byw, angerddol… ChylAbborak gwraig Hector - And ever-present, the Gods: wilfully interfering in - Ac yn fythol bresennol, y Duwiau: yn ymyrryd yn human affairs, manipulating events… fwriadol ym myd dynion, gan lywio digwyddiadau… 07 #NTWiliad 08

The Story/Y Stori _____ Logue’s Iliad/ILIAD LOGUE 1 2 3 4 KINGS The Husbands Red/Cold War Music

Christopher Logue Christopher Logue (1926-2011) was Roedd Christopher Logue (1926-2011) yn The Greeks have been on the The Greeks are at the Trojan The armies hum. Thunder rolls. Achilles still refuses to fight, an eminent English poet, playwright, fardd, dramodydd, awdur ar gyfer y sgrîn beach for nine years. Their Wall, poised for battle. But the And with ferocious energy, the but his best friend Patroclus has ‘Almost everything I do screenwriter and pacifist who experimented ac yn heddychwr enwog o Loegr fu’n arbrofi expedition to recover Helen, head of the Trojan army, Hector, two sides go to war. a plan; to take Achilles’ place with and poetry in the 1960s. gyda jazz a barddoniaeth yn 1960au. whose kidnapping sparked has a plan to settle the never- and rescue the Greek ships is based on other texts. a long-term contributor to Private Eye, gan gyfrannu am gyfnod hir at Private the war with the Trojans, has ending conflict; his brother, Paris Heroes hack and slice and himself. The Greeks attack and stalled. Tempers are frayed; should fight Helen’s husband Logue wrote the screenplay to Savage Eye, ysgrifennodd Logue y sgript ar gyfer scream. Warriors go berserk: Patroclus reaches the Wall. Without plagiarism, leaders are squabbling. Achilles Menelaos, man to man; winner roaring, slamming, clamouring. But this time Fate, rather than Messiah (1992), ’s biographical Savage Messiah (1992), ffilm fywgraffiadol throws a strop and decides not takes all. the Gods, muscles in… there would be film of the life of sculptor Henri Gaudier- Ken Russell o fywyd y cerflunydd Henri to fight. The Gods take sides. The Greeks are in peril. Brzeska, which was shown on the opening Gaudier-Brzeska, gafodd ei dangos ar noson But the Gods have other ideas... The Gods interfere. Can Achilles and King no literature. I’m night of the Sherman Theatre, . agoriadol Theatr y Sherman, Caerdydd. Can the Greeks survive without Agamemnon settle their War Music is the title usually given War Music yw’r teitl a roddir fel arfer their greatest warrior? Will King Can compromise ever be Achilles broods in the distance, difference for the sake of the a rewrite man. A to Logue’s overall project to compose i brosiect cyffredinol Logue i gyfansoddi Agamemnon go it alone? Can reached in times of war? Who his anger simmering as he Greeks? Will the great warrior complete rewrite an original poetic rendering of the main cyflwyniad barddonol gwreiddiol o brif Troy’s best warrior Hector save will remain true to their word? looks on… ever return to battle? How will events in Homer’s Iliad. Logue himself ddigwyddiadau Iliad Homer. Rhoddodd Logue his city? And will the Gods ever leave the this ever end? subtitled it an ‘account’ of Homer’s epic; ei hun yr isdeitl ‘disgrifiad’ o epig Homer humans alone? Scenes of heroism and horror, man, like our Willy Scenes of accusation and bad more recently it is often simply referred arno; yn fwy diweddar cyfeirir ato’n syml of comradeship and craziness, Scenes of loyalty and Shakespeare.’ blood, of passion and anxiety, Scenes of ritual and chivalry, of challenges and pleas, of loss, of courage and to as ‘Logue’s Homer’. fel ‘Homer Logue’. of fervour and doubt, of deceit and double-dealing, daring deeds and cowardly acts. foolhardiness, of grief and The five full-length collections (known ysgrifennwyd a chyhoeddwyd y of recklessness and . of claim and counter-claim, anguish, of reconciliation… collectively as War Music) were written pum casgliad hir (a adwaenir ar y cyd of hypocrisy and rage. Mae’r byddinoedd yn sïo. and of bitter resolve. and published out of Homeric sequence – fel War Music) allan o drefn - Kings (1991); Mae’r Groegiaid wedi bod ar y Mae taranau’n codi. Kings (1991); The Husbands (1994); All Day The Husbands (1994); All Day Permanent traeth ers naw mlynedd. Mae eu Mae’r Groegiaid wrth Wal y Mae Achilles yn dal i wrthod Permanent Red (2003); Cold Calls (2005); Red (2003); Cold Calls (2005); a War Music taith i achub Helen, y gwnaeth Troeaid, yn barod am frwydr. A gydag egni gwyllt, mae’r ddwy ymladd, ond mae gan ei ffrind and War Music (1981). A sixth section (1981). Roedd chweched adran heb ei gorffen ei herwgipio ddechrau’r rhyfel Ond mae pennaeth y fyddin ochr yn rhyfela. gorau Patroclus gynllun; cymryd remained unfinished at Logue’s death. adeg marwolaeth Logue. gyda’r Troeaid, wedi’i rhwystro. Droeaidd, Hector, â chynllun i lle Achilles ac achub y llongau This theatrical version of Iliad is Mae’r fersiwn theatrig hon o Iliad yn Mae pawb mewn tymer; ddatrys y frwydr ddiddiwedd; Mae arwyr yn trywanu a thorri Groegaidd ei hun. Mae’r Groegiaid mae’r arweinwyr yn dadlau. dylai ei frawd Paris ymladd gwˆr a multimedia staging of the whole of llwyfaniad amlgyfrwng o gerdd ffilmig a a sgrechian. Mae rhyfelwyr yn yn ymosod ac mae Patroclus Mae Achilles yn pwdu ac yn Helen, Menelaos, un i un; a’r mynd yn wyllt: yn gweiddi, taro, yn cyrraedd y Wal. Ond y tro Christopher Logue’s startling, filmic thrawiadol gyfan Christopher Logue, sy’n penderfynu peidio ag ymladd. enillydd yn ben. crochlefain. Mae’r Groegiaid hwn mae Ffawd, yn hytrach poem, derived from Homer’s account of deillio o ddisgrifiad Homer o flynyddoedd Mae’r duwiau’n dechrau ochri. mewn perygl. Mae’r Duwiau’n na’r Duwiau, yn ymyrryd... the last years of the Trojan War - divided olaf rhyfel Caerdroea - wedi’i rhannu Ond mae gan y Duwiau syniadau ymyrryd. and presented in four dramatically a’i chyflwyno mewn pedair rhan A all y Groegiaid oroesi heb eraill… A all Achilles a’r Brenin self-contained parts’ annibynnol, dramatig eu hymladdwr gorau? A fydd Mae Achilles yn myfyrio Agamemnon ddatrys eu cweryl y Brenin Agamemnon yn mentro A oes modd cyfaddawdu byth yn y pellter, ei ddicter yn codi er mwyn y Groegiaid? A fydd ar ei ben ei hun? A all rhyfelwr adeg rhyfel? Pwy fydd yn driw wrth iddo wylio… y rhyfelwr mawr byth yn gorau Caerdroea, Hector, achub i’w gair? Ac a fydd y Duwiau dychwelyd i gae’r frwydr? ei ddinas? yn gadael llonydd i’r bobl? Golygfeydd o arwriaeth Sut fydd hyn yn dod i ben? ac arswyd, cyfeillgarwch Golygfeydd o gyhuddo a Golygfeydd o ddefod a sifalri, a gwylltineb, heriau a phledio, Golygfeydd o deyrngarwch drwgdeimlad, angerdd a phryder, dichell a thwyll, hawlio ac ail- gweithredoedd dewr a cholled, dewrder a ffolindeb, brwdfrydedd ac amheuaeth, hawlio, rhagrith a dicter. a chamau llwfr. galar ac ing, adfer... byrbwylltra a llwfrdra. a phenderfyniad chwerw. 09 #NTWiliad 10

__Claire Cage has worked in a wide variety Her solo work often involves creating place- __ J o h n R o w l e y Initially studied visual arts, of roles in theatre, television and radio specific interventions which try to challenge then trained at East 15 Acting School. During Cast since leaving Aberystwyth University in conventional ideas about what it means to the 90s John performed extensively with the 1993. Her theatre credits include: Leviathan live and work in rural spaces. legendary Welsh company Brith Gof. Since (Sherman Cymru/Oran mor), Sexual 2000 he has been an associate performer Perversity in Chicago (Living Pictures), __Richard Huw Morgan began working with Forced Entertainment, touring Karen (National Theatre Wales / Blast with Mike Pearson in Brith Gof in 1990, throughout Europe and beyond. He recently Theory), I Saw Myself (Lurking truth). Her making 19 productions in Wales and returned from working in Zurich with First television credits include: Coronation Street, internationally. Collaborator with John Cut Productions on the project ‘129’. Iliad is Claire Cage TEENAGE GODS Doctors, Mistresses, Waterloo Road, Cara Rowley since 1992, initially as Das Wunden, his third project with Pearson and Brookes Rosa Casado DUWIAU YN EU HARDDEGAU Fi, , Sherlock and Being Human. and since 1996 as good cop bad cop creating for National Theatre Wales, following The Daniel Hawksford Claire also played semi- regular Natalie over 50 works. He is a former research Persians and Coriolan/us. He is the co- Ffion Jones Jacob Brown Fletcher in Casualty and . Her film fellow in Performance at Cardiff School artistic director of the multi-disciplinary Richard Huw Morgan Connor Charles credits include: Submarine, Moon Dogs, Just of Art & Design and Vocational Research performance company good cop bad cop Guy Lewis Jim and Elfie Hopkins with Ray and Jamie Fellow in bilingual graphic design at who last year produced “Lleisiau/Voices”, Richard Lynch Madison Ellery John Rowley Scott Gutteridge Winstone, directed by Ryan Andrews. Metropolitan University. This is his a project commissioned for the Dylan Melanie Walters Lucy Havard third production with Pearson/ Brookes for Thomas 100 festival. Llion Williams Harry Lynn __Rosa Casado is an international NTW following on from The Persians and Ella Peel independent artist and performer, currently Coriolan/us. Richard is creator, co-producer __Melanie Walters graduated with Carmen Smith based between Spain and UK. Initially and co-presenter of weekly arts programme a degree in Drama from Aberystwyth Joseph Stockton studying ballet, physics, linguistics and Pitch/ Illustration/ Radio on Radio Cardiff. University. Theatre credits include: Maddison Eve Thomas physical theatre, her work has always Shadow of a Gunman (Gate Theatre, London), bridged forms - producing performance, __ G u y L e w i s ’ theatre credits include: The Rivals (Chester Gateway) Blood Brothers live art and gallery works at a range of Twelfth Night (Regent’s Park), A Christmas (Sherman Theatre), Blue Remembered Hills scales. Her work has been commissioned Carol (Birmingham Rep), Hamlet, Pygmalion, (Theatr Clwyd) and Educating Rita (Swansea widely across Europe, Asia, Australasia, Mary Stuart, The Drawer Boy, Memory, Grand). Television credits include: Doc South America and USA. She is currently Measure For Measure, Romeo And Juliet Martin (ITV) Being Human, Gavin and Stacey, developing a long term collaborative practice and Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Under Milk Wood, Annually Retentive, The with Mike Brookes - their works having Dead (Clwyd Theatre Cymru), She Stoops Healer, Jack of Hearts, Holby City (BBC); been commissioned by organisations such To Conquer, Hamlet and Canterbury Tales Holly Oaks (Lime pictures) Coronation Street as Iberescena, Wales Arts International, (Northern Broadsides), It’s A Family Affair (Granada). Feature films include: High Tide Instituto Cervantes, Pact Zollverein and (Sherman Cymru), An Inspector Calls (Long Arm Films) Resistance (Big Rich Brown University. She has been a fellow (Torch Theatre), Telstar (New Ambassadors Films) Submarine (Warp Productions), of the Spanish Academy, Rome and recipient Theatre), And Then They Came For Me Burn, Burn, Burn (Burn Productions), of artist residency awards in Spain, (Lyric Hammersmith), Faustus (National Another Me (Fox International). Her most Germany, UK and USA. Theatre), One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest recent Radio credit; Somewhere Else and The Graduate (The Gielgud Theatre) (Rubber Chicken Company). __Daniel Hawksford was born in Newport and Spring Awakening (Bath Theatre Royal). and raised in Swansea. Upon graduating His television credits include: Caerdydd, __Llion Williams is an associate of Clwyd from RADA he has worked extensively in Torchwood and Casualty. His film credits Theatr Cymru and trained at Coleg Prifysgol theatre, most recently in Crouch, Touch, include: Telstar. Cymru, Aberystwyth. Theatre credits include: Pause, Engage (National Theatre Wales, Abilgail’s Party, Ghosts, Doll’s House and Out of Joint, Arcola Theatre with Sherman __Richard Lynch‘s theatre credits include Herbal Bed (Clwyd Theatr Cymru), Y Pair / Cymru) and for the RSC, National Theatre, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Crucible and Cariad Mr Bustl / Le Globe Theatre, Birmingham Rep, Almeida Mountain Language, Bloody Poetry, Galileo, Misanthrope and Y Storm /The Tempest Theatre, Young Vic, Clwyd Theatre Cymru Shoot Get Treasure Repeat (Moving Being); (Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru) Un o’r Teulu / (where he is an Associate Artist) Orange House of America, Flowers of the Dead Relatively Speaking, Chalk Circle and The Tree Theatre and National Theatre Wales. Red Sea, East from the Gantry, Song Cherry Orchard (Theatr Gwynedd) Angitone This is his fourth production for National from a forgotten City (Y Cwmni); P.A.X., (Theatr Powys), Llanast/Carnage (Theatr Theatre Wales. Camlann,Patagonia (Brith Gof). Other Bara Caws), and A History of Falling Things theatre credits include The Mysteries(RSC), (New Vic, Stoke). Television credits include: __Ffion Jones is an artist/farmer/ The Storm(Almeida), Afore Night Come Hinterland and A Mind to Kill, Death or academic from Machynlleth in mid Wales. (Young Vic), Gas Station Angel (Royal Court), Liberty (ABC Australia) Lan a Lawr () She developed her skills as a mixed- Penny for a Song (Oxford Stage Company), Radio Credits include: Playboy of the Western medium performance maker during her joint Snapshots (Royal Exchange), The Persians World / Congrinero’r Gorllewin (BBC). honours degree in Performance Studies and Coriolan/us for National Theatre and Scenographic Studies at Aberystwyth Wales. Recent television includes Pobol University. She continued her education at Y Cwm, Hollow Crown. Film credits include Aberystwyth University by completing an MA Boy Soldier, Branwen and recently Just in Practicing Performance, and has recently Jim. Directing credits: I saw Myself (The just completed a practice-led PhD drawing Lurking Truth) on her experiences of farm life. 11 #NTWiliad 12

__Christopher Logue was a poet, He currently makes performance as a __Mike Beer started his career at Sherman screenwriter, actor and playwright. Born in solo artist; with Mike Brookes in Pearson/ Theatre, Cardiff in the late 80’s. He has Creative Team in 1926, he served briefly in the Brookes and for National Theatre Wales. toured theatre and corporate events Black Watch during and immediately after Mike is author of Theatre/Archaeology worldwide, including with DV8 Physical Tîm Creadigol the Second World War, before spending (2001); In Comes I: Performance, Memory Theatre, Imagination, Diversions Dance, West sixteen months in a military prison. and Landscape (2006); Site-Specific Yorkshire Playhouse, Theatre Clwyd, and The he wrote plays for the Royal Court Performance (2010); The Mickery Theater: An National Museum and Galleries of Wales. and scripts for Ken Russell, including Imperfect Archaeology (2011); and Marking Theatre sound designs include, Ar Waith Ar Savage Messiah and songs for Peter Cook’s Time: Performance, Archaeology and the City Daith, (Walk the Plank), {150}, Mametz, Silly Written by Costume Designer Establishment Club. He acted in several (2013). He was Professor of Performance Kings, Coriolan/us, The Radicalisation of Ysgrifennwyd gan Dylunydd Gwisgoedd films, including Russell’s The Devils and Studies, Department of Theatre, Film and Bradley Manning and The Passion, (National Christopher Logue Simon Banham went to prison again in 1961 with Bertrand Television Studies, Aberystwyth University Theatre Wales), Tristan & Yseult (Kneehigh), Russell and others for his support of CND. (1999-2014). A Story of Tom Jones (Theatr na nog), Peter Directors Sound Designer On his release, he began his ‘True Stories’ Pan and Treasure Island (Bristol Old Vic), Cyfarwyddwyr Dylunydd Sain column for Private Eye. He was responsible __John Hardy Music creates bespoke Tir Sir Gar and Deffro’r Gwanwyn (Theatr Mike Pearson & Mike Beer for some of the first poetry posters, and was music for film, stage and live performance Genedlaethol Cymru), & Romeo and Juliet, Mike Brookes a life-long advocate of performance verse. led by the composer John Hardy. The Say It with Flowers (Sherman Cymru). Cinematographer his retelling of the Iliad begun in 1959 company has been creating award-winning Mike has also worked with Stage Sound Composer Sinematograffydd and was published in several volumes, which sound scores for 20 years and now has Services as Sound Designer, Production Cyfansoddwr Luke Jacobs and Like came to be known collectively as War Music, a team of five composers working at its Engineer and Project Manager. John Hardy Music and Egg Productions his best-known work. He had no Greek Cardiff based studio. Since 2012, John and based his work on literal translations, and co-composers Benjamin Talbott and __Luke Jacobs is an award-winning Welsh Assistant Director many provided by Donald Carne-Ross, who Tic Ashfield have worked to create the cinematographer who graduated from the Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol commissioned the first part of War Music score for crime-drama series Hinterland/ International Film School of Wales in 2002. Julia Thomas for the Third Programme (Radio Three). He Y Gwyll amongst other dance, theatre, His graduation film Light picked up a FFresh recorded and performed it often, notably TV and animation commissions. Previous Award for its Cinematography, and helped with . He married the writer engagements with National Theatre Wales Luke go on to shoot numerous UK Film Images/Delweddau and historian Rosemary Hill in 1985 and include The Persians, Coriolan/us, Council shorts.He has also won awards for Emyr Young died in 2011. War Music remained The Gathering / Yr Helfa and {150}. After music videos, including Rudimental’s smash incomplete at his death. collaborations with Mike Pearson and Mike hit music video Not Giving In which won Brookes over several decades, John is now European Video and Audience Choice gongs __Mike Brookes is an award-winning artist, excited to be creating the score for Iliad, at the Cannes YDA Awards 2013 as well director and designer. Although initially working closely with Sam Barnes and Pete as an UK MVA award. Luke won Best Music trained as a painter, his work has always Smith, supported by the JHM team. Video at the Q Awards 2013 for his Manic bridged media - engaging elements as Street Preachers music video Show Me The diverse as photography, sampling, scale and __Simon Banham is a founder member of Wonder, directed by BAFTA-winning director multiple projection, short-range and satellite the theatre company Quarantine, responsible Kieran Evans. radio broadcast technology, helicopters, for the scenography on their productions cars, trains, surveillance cameras, ice for the past 16 years. Most recently __Julia Thomas was resident director sculpture and drawing. He co-founded the Summer, exploring the human condition, at the National Theatre Studio for seven performance collective Pearson/Brookes and Wallflower, a durational piece seeking months earlier this year, through a with Mike Pearson in 1997, going on to to remember every dance ever danced. partnership with National Theatre Wales. co-create their acclaimed productions He has a long working relationship with Having trained at Drama Centre London, The Persians and Coriolan/us for National contemporary opera company Music Theatre she pursued her interest in directing through Theatre Wales. Since 2005, his collaborative Wales, most recently Philip Glass’ new opera a mentoring opportunity with Elen Bowman art work with Spanish artist Rosa Casado The Trial. He designed the British Premiere and Living Pictures. Iliad is Julia’s second has produced live art and gallery works of Luci Mie Traditrici and Greek. Simon has production with National Theatre Wales, across a range of media, which has been previously collaborated with Mike Pearson, having been emerging director on commissioned and presented around Mike Brookes and National Theatre Wales on A Provincial Life. In 2013, Julia set up the world. Other collaborators include The Persians and Coriolan/us. Canoe Theatre. Directing credits include: Quarantine and Untitled Projects. In 2007, for the past four years Simon has also blue/orange (Canoe/Sherman Theatre), he was appointed Research Fellow within been a commissioner for the international Dirty, Gifted and Welsh (Dirty Protest/NTW), Aberystwyth University. Performance Design event the Prague Marsha (Capital Fringe Festival Washington Quadrennial of Performance Design and DC). Assisting directing credits include: __Mike Pearson was born in Scunthorpe, Space - Shared Space: Music Weather Say It with Flowers (Sherman Cymru) and Lincolnshire; he came to Wales in 1968 to Politics. A freelance designer, he also High Society (Anna Linstrum/Andrew Wright/ study archaeology at University College teaches at Aberystwyth University; Music and Lyrics National Tour). Julia Cardiff. He first made theatre with student where he is Reader in Scenography is delighted that Iliad is being produced group Theatre In Transit (1970-71). He was and Theatre Design. in her hometown of Llanelli. a member of R.A.T. Theatre (1972–73) and an artistic director of Cardiff Laboratory Theatre (1973–80) and Brith Gof (1981–97). 13 #NTWiliad 14

Images/Delweddau Simon Banham Production Team Tîm Cynhyrchu

Ian Buchanan James Marsh Thanks/ Diolch Company Stage Manager Sound Technician The staff at Ffwrnes, Bryony Evett at Coleg Rheolwr Llwyfan y Cwmni Technegydd Sain Sir Gâr, Dragon Tyres Llanelli, LBS Builders Merchants, Sarah Jones at Mess up The Kevin Smith Tomi Hargreaves Mess, Mark Jermin Stage School, Huw and Deputy Stage Manager Sound Technician (Build) Luan Davies at Stagecoach, Jill Stevens and Diprwy Reolwr Llwyfan Technegydd Sain (Adeiladu) Christopher Rees at Llanelli Youth Theatre, Thomas Tyres, Trostre Tyres, Stephen Matt Jones Rhianna Morgan Casey, Elena Clifton, Dave Garland, Ioan Images/Delweddau Stage Manager Stage Management Placement Hefin, Lowri Bowen Jones, Carys Howells Emyr Young Rheolwr Llwyfan Profiad Gwaith Rheoli Llwyfan Jones, Harry Lynn, Rhodri Meilir, Jon Morgan, Mike Brookes Rhianna Morgan, Simon Nehan, Emma- Edwina Williams Jones Nickii Cawkwell Lynne Nicholas, Rachael O’Keefe, Joel Costume Supervisor Costume Placement Phillips, Nicola Reynolds, Nia Roberts, Nicole GORUCHWYLIWR Gwisgoedd Profiad Gwaith Gwisgoedd Seabright, Eleanor Shaw, Keira Spencer

Joe Fletcher Rhys Hopkin Technical Manager Promoter Rheolwr Technegol Hyrwyddwr

Sam Barnes, Pete Smith Sam Jones C.D.G Benjie Talbott Casting Director John Hardy Music Cyfarwyddwr Castio

Lucy Taylor Casting Assistant Cynorthwy-ydd Castio Images/Delweddau Emyr Young 0115 #NTWiliad 16

Sustainability TEAM Cynaliadwyedd

We have three key National Theatre Wales’ commitment to Wales extends Mae ymrwymiad National Theatre Wales i Gymru yn Everywhere we go we collaborate with and support an ever- Join us to help shape NTW’s approach to education phrases that we use With Iliad, we have been delighted to be able to offer a range of opportunities beyond its venues, communities and talent, to its ymestyn y tu hwnt i’w lleoliadau, ei chymunedau a’i growing network of TEAM members. These are the people who to young people across West Wales. We are currently looking at the ways in in planning and future. Every decision we make, be it in programming, thalent, i’w dyfodol. Mae pob penderfyniad a wnawn, executing our work: play a part in everything we do, giving us a truly international which we can continue our work in this area. We want to connect with young production, communications, or administration, is put boed mewn rhaglennu, cyfathrebu neu weinyddu, yn reach. They are our leaders in their communities: they create, people across the country; we want to listen to their stories, explore their creative skills and help to guide and encourage our artists of the future. Plan more carefully through a rigorous sustainability test. destun prawf cynaliadwyedd trylwyr. inspire, perform, teach, write, organise, run projects, give We mostly work out of a small office in Cardiff, so rydym yn gweithio yn bennaf o swyddfa fach Share more often feedback and make decisions with us on the future of Ymunwch â ni i helpu siapio sut mae NTW yn ymdrin ag Addysg it is relatively easy to manage our day-to-day impact; yng Nghaerdydd, felly mae’n gymharol hawdd rheoli Talk to more people National Theatre Wales. Gyda Iliad, rydym yn falch iawn o gael cynnig amryw o gyfleoedd ar gyfer our staff cycle or walk to work, we try to use public ein heffaith dydd i ddydd; mae ein staff yn beicio pobl ifanc ar draws gorllewin Cymru. Rydym wrthi’n edrych ar wahanol If you’ve any feedback transport when travelling around the country, and plan neu’n cerdded i’r gwaith, rydym yn ceisio defnyddio ffyrdd o barhau i weithio o fewn y maes yma. Rydym eisiau cysylltu gyda or ideas or suggestions Ble bynnag y byddwn ni’n mynd, rydym yn cydweithredu â phobl ifanc ar draws y wlad; i wrando ar eu straeon, archwilio eu sgiliau each journey carefully when we have to use vehicles. trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wrth deithio o gwmpas y wlad, creadigol a rhoi cymorth gan arwain ac annog ein hartistiaid i ddod. for future use for We recycle and reuse as much material as possible. ac yn cynllunio pob taith yn ofalus pan fydd rhaid rhwydwaith cynyddol o aelodau TEAM ac yn eu cefnogi. Dyma’r elements of this show We believe that a cultural change is essential i ni ddefnyddio cerbydau. Rydym yn ailgylchu ac yn bobl sy’n chwarae rhan ym mhopeth rydym yn ei wneud. Nhw Find out more/Darganfyddwch mwy: please get in contact to create a sustainable future in Wales, so we must ailddefnyddio cymaint o ddeunydd â phosibl. with David Evans on yw ein harweinwyr yn eu cymunedau nhw: maent yn creu, yn incorporate that in the way we work. rydym yn credu bod newid diwylliannol yn ysbrydoli, yn perfformio, yn dysgu, yn ysgrifennu, yn trefnu, yn davidevans@ for Iliad, our main challenges have been travel hanfodol er mwyn creu dyfodol cynaliadwy i Gymru, rheoli prosiectau, yn rhoi adborth ac yn gwneud penderfyniadau and the set; in particular the floor. There are felly mae’n rhaid i ni ymgorffori hynny yn y ffordd yr gyda ni ar ddyfodol National Theatre Wales. approximately 200 sheets of 6mm MDF in the show. ydym yn gweithio. Mae gennym dri This is a durable product that satisfies the aesthetic o safbwynt Iliad, teithio a’r set fu’r heriau mwyaf ymadrodd allweddol of the design. Its strength is a key element because i ni; yn enwedig y llawr. Mae hwn yn gynnyrch gwydn yr ydym yn eu defnyddio BE A PART OF NTW’S AN OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE YOUR SAY TRAINING & MENTORING JOINING IS EASY, HERE’S A FEWWAYS: if stored properly, it can be used again and again, and sy’n bodloni esthetig y dyluniad. Mae ei gryfder yn elfen INTERNATIONAL NETWORK… Our TEAM Panel regularly meet with We run regular training sessions from Join the NTW TEAM group on our wrth gynllunio a this is our plan. We will reuse most of the sheets on allweddol oherwydd os caiff ei storio’n gywir, gellir ei gweithredu ein gwaith: BYDDWCH YN RHAN O RWYDWAITH our Board members and staff and leadership to creative writing. These online community. This is where all our next production; The Insatiable, Inflatable Candylion, ddefnyddio dro ar ôl tro, a dyna yw ein bwriad. Byddwn RHYNGWLADOL NTW… have a say in how NTW is run, from are run by TEAM members, NTW staff our opportunities will be placed first,

and any that are not needed for that show will either yn ailddefnyddio rhan fwyaf y dalenni ar ein cynhyrchiad programming to our strategic plan. or industry professionals. If there’s a so keep an eye out for something that Cynllunio’n fwy gofalus PLACEMENTS We also hold regular events in which session you feel we should be running suits you. Come to any NTW event and Rhannu’n fwy aml be kept here at Ffwrnes or will be used by the students nesaf, sef The Insatiable, Inflatable Candylion, a bydd Join our communications team or TEAM get the chance to give feedback then let us know. speak to a member of staff, TEAM Siarad â rhagor o bobl at Coleg Sir Gâr. The tyres were all donated by local unrhyw rai nad oes eu hangen ar gyfer y sioe honno yn perform in one of our shows – TEAM on TEAM and NTW. Panel or another TEAM member. tyre companies and were scheduled for recycling, cael eu cadw yma yn Ffwrnes neu’n cael eu defnyddio members get the opportunity to gain HYFFORDDI A MENTORA This is the best way to find out Os oes gennych we have merely delayed this and given them gan y myfyrwyr yng Ngholeg Sir Gar. Rhoddwyd y teiars experience in every part of NTW. CYFLE I DDWEUD EICH DWEUD Rydym yn cynnal sesiynau hyfforddi what TEAM is about. Come to NTW unrhyw adborth a temporary new life. i gyd gan gwmnïau teiars lleol - roedden nhw ar fin cael Many go on to work with us on future Mae ein Panel TEAM yn cwrdd yn rheolaidd o arweinyddiaeth i HQ and have a chat. neu awgrymiadau projects. rheolaidd ag aelodau’n Bwrdd a’n ysgrifennu creadigol. Fel arfer cynhelir almost all the technology that you see is either eu hailgylchu, ac rydym wedi oedi’r broses honno drwy staff ac mae ganddynt lais o ran y rhain gan aelodau TEAM, staff NTW MAE YMUNO YN HAWDD, DYMA ar gyfer defnyddio owned by the theatre, hired in or reused from other roi bywyd newydd dros dro iddynt. Profiad Gwaith sut mae NTW yn cael ei redeg, a gweithwyr proffesiynol y diwydiant. RAI FFYRDD I WNEUD HYNNY: elfennau o’r sioe hon shows. The screens displaying the text come from a Mae bron yr holl dechnoleg a welwch yn eiddo Ymunwch â’n tîm cyfathrebu neu o raglennu i’n cynllun strategol. Os oes sesiwn yr ydych yn credu y Ymunwch â grwˆp TEAM NTW ar ein yn y dyfodol, cysylltwch perfformiwch yn un o’n sioeau – Rydym hefyd yn cynnal digwyddiadau dylem ei rhedeg, rhowch wybod i ni. cymuned ar-lein. Dyma lle bydd â David Evans ar previous NTW production; Mother Courage and Her i’r theatr, wedi cael ei llogi i mewn neu wedi’i mae aelodau TEAM yn cael y cyfle rheolaidd lle gall aelodau TEAM ein holl gyfleoedd yn ymddangos Children, and some of the iPads first appeared in {150}, hailddefnyddio o sioeau eraill. Mae’r sgriniau sy’n dangos i ennill profiad ym mhob rhan o adrodd yn ôl ar TEAM a NTW. ON-GOING SUPPORT gyntaf, felly edrychwch am rywbeth davidevans@ our co-production with Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru in y testun yn dod o gynhyrchiad blaenorol NTW; Mother NTW. Mae llawer ohonynt yn mynd We see this as an on-going sydd at eich dant. Dewch i unrhyw association with S4C. Courage and Her Children, a ymddangosodd rhai o’r iPads ymlaen i weithio gyda ni ar TEAM SOCIALS relationship and we want you to ddigwyddiad NTW a siarad gydag brosiectau yn y dyfodol. TEAM members get to see our shows continue developing and using the aelod o staff, Panel TEAM neu aelod Travel has a huge impact, so we have all tried to yn gyntaf yn {150}, ein cyd-gynhyrchiad gyda Theatr before anyone else. Our socials give skills you’ve gained through TEAM. arall o TEAM. Dyma’r ffordd orau o share cars when we have driven here. Between Cardiff Genedlaethol Cymru mewn cydweithrediad ag S4C. RUNNING PROJECTS & EVENTS members the chance to network So once you’re ready we’ll support gael gwybod hyd a lle TEAM. Dewch i and Llanelli there is an adequate train service so that Mae teithio yn cael effaith fawr iawn, felly rydym From spoken word nights to with each other, NTW staff and cast you to run your own project, event Bencadlys NTW am sgwrs. is regularly used. Many of our team have relocated, this wedi ceisio rhannu ceir wrth yrru yma. Rhwng Caerdydd TEAM parties, TEAM members are members. or training session. It doesn’t have encouraged to explore their own ideas to be about theatre – as long as it Laura Fay Thomas has significantly reduced the CO2 emissions, and has a Llanelli mae gwasanaeth trenau digonol felly mae and put them into practice with the GWEITHGAREDDAU gets people involved in the arts, can TEAM ASSISTANT/ fed another important element of sustainable work: hynny’n cael ei ddefnyddio’n rheolaidd. Mae llawer o’n tîm support and guidance from NTW staff, CYMDEITHASOL TEAM involve a range of people or helps CYNORTHWYYDD TEAM it has created additional income for local businesses. wedi adleoli, ac mae hyn wedi lleihau’r allyriadau CO2 Board members and fellow TEAM Mae aelodau TEAM yn cael gweld others develop skills we’d like to This is an important part of how NTW tries to work. yn sylweddol, ac wedi cyfrannu at elfen arall bwysig o members. ein sioeau cyn neb arall. Mae ein hear from you. NATIONAL THEATRE WALES gweithgareddau cymdeithasol yn rhoi 30 CASTLE ARCADE/ Where possible we buy locally, and here we are waith cynaliadwy: mae wedi creu incwm ychwanegol i CYNNAL PROSIECTAU cyfle i aelodau rwydweithio â’i gilydd, CEFNOGAETH BARHAUS ARCÊD Y CASTELL paying for accommodation and we are using local fusnesau lleol. Mae hyn yn rhan bwysig o sut mae NTW A DIGWYDDIADAU staff NTW ac aelodau’r cast. Rydym yn gweld hon fel perthynas CARDIFF/ CAERDYDD CF10 1BW businesses as suppliers. yn ceisio gweithio. Lle mae’n bosibl rydym yn prynu’n O nosweithiau’r gair llafar i bartïon barhaus ac rydym am i chi barhau None of this would have been possible without the lleol, ac yma rydym yn talu am lety ac yn defnyddio TEAM, anogir aelodau TEAM i i ddatblygu a defnyddio’r sgiliau yr T: 029 2035 3070 archwilio eu syniadau eu hunain a’u ydych wedi’u hennill drwy TEAM. E: [email protected] partnership with Ffwrnes. The vision that produced this busnesau lleol fel cyflenwyr. rhoi ar waith gyda chefnogaeth ac Felly unwaith y byddwch yn barod #NTWTEAM wonderful building incorporated important sustainable Ni fyddai hyn wedi bod yn bosibl heb y bartneriaeth arweiniad gan staff NTW, aelodau’r byddwn yn eich cefnogi chi i redeg elements; rainwater is harvested to supply all grey gyda Ffwrnes. Fe wnaeth y weledigaeth a gynhyrchodd Bwrdd a’u cyd aelodau TEAM. eich prosiect, digwyddiad neu sesiwn water requirements and solar panels on the roof yr adeilad arbennig hwn ymgorffori elfennau cynaliadwy hyfforddi eich hun. Nid oes rhaid iddi ymwneud â’r theatr – os yw’n tynnu offset part of the electricity consumption. pwysig; mae dwˆr glaw yn cael ei gasglu i gyflenwi’r holl pobl i mewn i’r celfyddydau, yn gallu ofynion dwˆr llwyd ac mae’r paneli solar ar y to yn cael cynnwys amrywiaeth o bobl neu’n eu gosod yn erbyn peth o’r defnydd o drydan. helpu eraill i ddatblygu sgiliau, hoffem glywed gennych chi. 17 #NTWiliad 0402 National Theatre Wales

National Theatre Wales was launched in Lansiwyd National Theatre Wales ym mis Ffwrnes November 2009, and creates invigorating theatre Tachwedd 2009, ac mae’n creu theatr fywiogus in the English language, rooted in Wales, with yn y Saesneg, wedi’i gwreiddio yng Nghymru, Llanelli an international reach. gydag apêl ryngwladol. For more information on National Theatre Am fwy o wybodaeth am sioeau National Wales’ shows, visit: Theatre Wales, ewch i:

Staff List Board of Trustees Rhestr Staff Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr Brady Bowes STEPHEN GRANT MICHAELA NUTT PHIL GEORGE Digital Communications Assistant Head of Finance Development Associate Chair Cynorthwyydd Cyfathrebu Digidol Pennaeth Cyllid Cydymaith Datblygu Cadeirydd @Brady_NTW @stephen_ntw @michaela_ntw SIAN EDE MICHELLE CARWARDINE-PALMER HANNAH JOHN GAVIN PORTER Vice Chair Managing Director Company Co-ordinator Creative Associate Is-Gadeirydd Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Cyd-Drefnydd y Cwmni Cydymaith Creadigol @michelle_ntw @hannah_ntw @gavin_ntw Bethan Cousins Ian Hargreaves SIMON COATES MATTHEW LAWTON CATRIN ROGERS Ali Goolyad Creative Associate Head of Communications Press and PR Manager Richard Lynch CYDYMAITH CREADIGOL Pennaeth Cyfathrebu Rheolwr y Wasg a Chysylltiadau Rosaleen Moriarty Simmonds Carwyn Matera-Rogers Sitting proudly in a prime location adjacent Saif y Ffwrnes yn falch mewn lleoliad @simon_ntw @matt_ntw Cyhoeddus Clare Pillman County Theatres Manager to Llanelli’s East Gate, the Ffwrnes has rhagorol gerllaw Porth y Dwyrain yn Llanelli, @catrin _ntw FIONA CURTIS RHIAN LEWIS “Seven years ago when much more to offer local and regional ac mae ganddi lawer iawn mwy i’w gynnig Production Co-ordinator Communications Officer SEEMA SAHIR I attended the welcoming theatre-goers than its predecessor Theatr i selogion lleol a rhanbarthol y theatr na’i Cydlynydd Cynhyrchiad Swyddog Cyfathrebu Finance Assistant @fiona_ntw @rhi_ntw Cynorthwyydd Cyllid reception for John McGrath Elli. The Ffwrnes still has the sparkle of ragflaenydd, Theatr Elli. Mae’r Ffwrnes yn newness and comes with all the advantages dal yn meddu ar nwyf newydd-deb ac mae’n I knew that Wales was in for DEVINDA DE SILVA LISA MAGUIRE MAWGAINE TARRANT-CORNISH of modernity. The complex within also cynnwys holl fuddion modernrwydd. Mae’r Head of Collaboration Executive Producer Executive Assistant something special. Little did holds the intimate Stiwdio Stepni, the safle hefyd yn cynnwys man cyfarfod clyd Pennaeth Cydweithredu Cynhyrchydd Gweithredol Cynorthwyydd Gweithredol I realise at the time I would @devinda_ntw @lisa_ntw @mawgaine_ntw multifunctional Crochan and the refurbished Stiwdio Stepni, y Crochan amlbwrpas a be welcoming National Theatre Zion Chapel now renamed the Ffwrnes Fach Chapel Seion wedi’i adnewyddu ac a elwir DAVID EVANS JENNY MCCARTHY LAURA FAY THOMAS Wales to our very own and Head of Production Finance Co-ordinator TEAM Assistant which will soon be occupied by clusters of bellach yn Ffwrnes Fach; bydd clystyrau o Pennaeth Cynhyrchu Cydlynydd Cyllid Cynorthwyydd TEAM exciting Ffwrnes Theatre” cultural social enterprises. The Ffwrnes’ fentrau cymdeithasol yn ei ddefnyddio’n fuan. @david_ntw @jenny_ntw @laura_ntw main auditorium and its high adaptability Prif awditoriwm y Ffwrnes a’i hyblygrwydd JACOB GOUGH JOHN MCGRATH THE CORNER SHOP is the reason it brings National Theatre sylweddol yw’r rheswm pam ei fod yn denu Production Manager Artistic Director PR & Press Wales to Llanelli. National Theatre Wales i Lanelli. Rheolwr Cynhyrchu Cyfarwyddwr Artistig The Ffwrnes is a young venue but like Mae’r Ffwrnes yn fan cyfarfod ifanc, ond @Jacob_ntw @john_ntw

other theatres its ambitions as a receiving fel theatrau eraill, mae ei uchelgeisiau fel and producing venue for production are lleoliad derbyn a chynhyrchu cynyrchiadau laudable and is reflected in the Autumn/ yn ganmoladwy, ac mae tymor yr Hydref/ Winter season with over 60 new and exciting Gaeaf yn adlewyrchu hynny trwy gynnig shows on offer. It’s a programme of cultural dros 60 o sioeau newydd a chyffrous. Like us on Facebook National Theatre Wales BOX OFFICE/ SWYDDFA DOCYNNAU plenty where new and young companies Mae’n rhaglen ddiwylliannol helaeth a Hoffwch ni ar Facebook 30 Castle Arcade/Arcêd y Castell vie with the more traditional for audiences cheir cwmnïau newydd ac ifanc a rhai National Theatre Wales Cardiff/ Caerdydd 029 2037 1689 which are growing and expanding. traddodiadol yn cystadlu am gynulleidfaoedd CF10 1BW Not only has the Ffwrnes established sy’n tyfu ac yn ehangu. Yn ogystal â sefydlu Follow us on Twitter T: 029 2035 3070 itself as the cultural centre of Llanelli, it’s ei hun fel canolfan ddiwylliannol Llanelli, Dilynwch ni ar Twitter E: [email protected] becoming a significant rehearsal space to mae’r Ffwrnes yn dod yn llecyn ymarfer o @ntwtweets W: support the development of new creative bwys i gefnogi datblygiad syniadau creadigol ideas and encourage new diverse voices. newydd ac annog lleisiau newydd amrywiol. Watch us on YouTube Gwyliwch ni ar YouTube THEATRAU SIR GÂR [email protected] @TheatrauSirGar 0845 226 3510 1 #NTWiliad NATIONAL THEATRE WALES THE INSATIABLE, INFLATABLE CANDYLION 16 DEC/RHAG 2015 - 2 JAN/ION 2016 SWALEC Stadium, Cardiff/STADIWM SWALEC, CAERDYDD “A long time ago, In the Kingdom By/Gan: Gruff Rhys, Tim Price & WILS WILSON of Candy, a lion once roamed the streets...Howled on the hour, whined on the minute, roared every second day of the year.”

Tickets/Tocynnau Box Office/Swyddfa Docynnau £12.50 - £17.50 £50: Family Ticket/Tocynnau Teulu 029 2037 1689 Ages 4+/ Oedrannau 4+

(£1 booking fee per ticket applies when booking via telephone/Mae ffi bwcio £1 #NTWCANDYLION fesul tocyn pan yn bwcio dros y ffôn)