List of local colleges and contact details This list may be useful if you would like to contact other colleges to explore courses available. Note: This information is up to date at the time of printing but you will need to check with individual colleges about courses/apprenticeships on offer and number of places available. You can also search for a full range of colleges in your local area via UCAS progress: or Hot Courses: Further Education Colleges Provider Provision Location Contact details Further Education College Central Campus: (main address) Tel: 01273 667788 offering courses including Pelham Street Email:
[email protected] BTECs, Access courses (19+) Brighton
[email protected] and Apprenticeships East Sussex BN1 4FA Performing Arts College offering New England St
[email protected] diploma courses Brighton 01273 603 333 BN1 4GW Further Education College BIMM Brighton Tel: 01273 626 666 offering diploma courses 38-42 Brunswick St West Email:
[email protected] Hove, East Sussex BN3 1EL Further Education College Chichester Campus Tel: 01243 786321 offering courses including Westgate Fields, Chichester, West Email:
[email protected] BTECs and Apprenticeships Sussex, PO19 1SB Brinsbury Campus North Heath, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1DL Further Education College Crawley Campus: Tel: 01293 442213 offering courses including Crawley College, College Road, Email:
[email protected] BTECs and Apprenticeships Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1NR