FA L 2 0 0 6 © ABECEDARIAN COMPANY JULY 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. a•be•ce•dar•i•an . (ay-bee-cee-dair-ee-an) 1. One who teaches or studies the alphabet. 2. One who is just learning; a beginner. a•be•ce•dar•i•an adj. 1. Having to do with the alphabet. 2. Being arranged alphabetically. 3. Elementary or rudimentary. [, from Medieval Latin abecedarium, alphabet, from Late Latin abecedarius, alphabetical : from the names of the letters A B + -arius, -ary.] from The American Heritage Dictionary, Third Edition

Copyright © 2000-2006 ABeCeDarian Company Visit us at www.abcdrp.com

June 12,2006

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.



4 oa - o ow oe ough


5 Unit 1 Sorting words with oa o-e o ow oe ough Read the words below and sort them using the following record sheet. Remember, always say the sound before you write it.

1. b oa 5. ow 9. o e 2. ow 6. r o p e 10. g o 3. t oe 7. l oa 11. n o t e 4. m o t 8. c oa t 12. ough

1 2 3 4 5 6 oa o-e o ow oe ough

6 Unit 1 I Spy with oa o-e o ow oe ough

Underline oa, o-e, o, ow, oe, or ough in the words below and read them.

1. go 3. home 5. road 7. float 9. host 2. grown 4. row 6. vote 8. toe 10. nose

Breaking words apart Read each word and copy it. Then underline how each sound is spelled. Say the sound as you underline it.

1. go ______9. though ______2. know ______10. hope ______3. show ______11. don’t ______

COPYRIGHT ©ABECEDARIAN COMPANY 2004-2006 4. most ______12. won’t ______5. old ______13. boat ______6. told ______14. have ______7. so ______15. live ______8. both ______16. give ______

7 Unit 1 Speed drill Practice reading the words below without making any mistakes. If you have difficulty with a word, say-and-write it a couple of times. go give know live give go live know show most have boat most have boat show and that has help that has help and well did went dress did well dress went old told won't don't told don't old won't so both though hope both hope so though

Practice reading the words below as fast as you can without making any mistakes. both and so boat told that old have most won’t show has know hope go though dress help give well live went did don’t



8 Unit 1 Sentences for fluency practice Read each sentence and fill in the word that makes the most sense. Then practice reading the sentences until you can read them fast with no mistakes.

1. I know ______of the kids. (6) (most, went)

2. The man ______home. (10) (so, went)

3. I hope I don’t catch a ______. (17) (told, cold)

4. Sam ______an old joke. (22) (told, cold)

5. Mom will ______the dress to Jill. (29) (give, live)

6. I hope that Jill will ______us the big hat. (39) (give, live)

7. Most of us can go to the ______. (47) (show, have)

COPYRIGHT ©ABECEDARIAN COMPANY 2004-2006 8. Tom will ______us sell the old boat. (55) (help, don’t)

9. I will show the note to ______of them. (64) (both, live)

10. I don’t have to ______. (69) (won’t, go)

