Edition 1 / April 2021 Heroes 2021 Interviews and reports that inspire Starter Journal

Die green Mur - Page 8 Film premiere - Page 10 Interview Michael Strasser - Page 11 Finisher Beer - Page 34 Page 6

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 1 autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 2 Welcome Starter Journal 2021

The eXtreme Triathlon has been running for 6 years now. With this Starter Journal we now offer you all the information about our event in a newly designed and greatly expanded form. Of course, we also present the participating athletes in 2021, who talk about their background and motivation. In addition, you will find numerous interviews with other athletes and contributions from our volunteers and partners who actively support the Austria eXtreme Triathlon. Especially young sports enthusiasts who take part in the triathlon as volunteers can experience an international sports event up close and also behind the scenes. They tell their stories and report on their motivations, very personally with their own experiences.

We also provide all the information on the Extreme Triathlon Series, which the Austria eXtreme Triathlon has launched together with triathlons in Maria Schwarz , , the and . President

The detailed route description can be found in the roadbook in the proven form.

Excellent event

In 2018, the Austria eXtreme Triathlon was awarded as organiser of the year by the Styrian Triathlon Association and received an award as one of the best international triathlon competitions in 2019. For this reason, we would also like to thank our many partners who support the competition. They too have their say in this Starter Journal.

Despite these awards and successes, we are of course not resting on our laurels and are working hard on the organisation of the 6th Austria eXtreme Triathlon, which is scheduled to take place on 26 June 2021. Although the current situation is very challenging, we are sparing no effort to make this year‘s triathlon new and even better.

It will change your life – Austria eXtreme Triathlon

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 3 Foreword Erich Gosch, Georg Bliem

Dear sports enthusiasts! We have become aware of the positive importance of sport especially in the last few months. In order to get through this demanding and very challenging time accordingly, we also need our positive role models of sport more than ever, among other things. The „Austria eXtreme Triathlon“ unites all these role models in the field of sport, enthusiasm, organisation, stamina and much more. Especially the athletes of such an event show us that with personal effort and the adherence to a set goal, a lot is possible. Because the triathlon leads through our beautiful Styria, the participants also have the pleasure of practising their sport in an extraordinary natural setting. I am pleased to be able to support and open this event again and wish the participants all the best.

Mayor Erich Gosch Market Town Feldkirchen near Graz

The Austria eXtreme Triathlon is an event in a class of its own. The probably toughest triathlon leads the athletes across Styria from the Mur near Graz to the foot of the Dachstein massif - always surrounded by breathtaking scenery. What makes the triathlon so special is the community experience - team spirit is the focus here. I wish the athletes all the best and look forward to the event taking place again in June!

Dir. Georg Bliem, General Manager of the Planai-Hochwurzen Lifts

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 4 Foreword Werner Kreuzer

To describe the Austria eXtreme Triathlon I use the words of Werner Grissmann „an event for the toughest under the sun“. The Austria eXtreme Triathlon has been a fixed part of the Styrian triathlon calendar since 2015 and reflects the beauty of our country with its course and its three main venues. Many will be able to enjoy the magnificent landscape of Styria and the organisational skills of the team for the first time. For many, however, it will be a reunion with the event, as the organising team always thankfully agrees to host this unique triathlon. My very special thanks go to the funding agencies, the sponsors and the media partners of this event. I would also like to thank the officials of the Austria eXtreme Triathlon Association, whose know-how helps to ensure a fair and high-quality event. In this spirit I wish all athletes and coaches an unfor- gettable, successful day and I am especially looking forward to this exciting competition. See you at the finish line!

Werner Kreuzer President Styrian Triathlon Federation

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 5 XTRI-Serie 3 years, 5 triathlons

Together with 4 other countries, it was not easy to set up a unique and unforgettable project, but the efforts were worth it, says Maria Schwarz, President of the Austria eXtreme Triathlon. Every successful participa- tion will be rewarded with a puzzle medal. Those who have mastered five eXtrem Triathlons in three years will hold a unique trophy in their hands. Every collected puzzle medal finds a worthy place in this trophy. Even in the Extreme Triathlon Series, each individual triathlon remains independent and maintains its own personal philosophy. Strength, intelli- gence, emotion - a successful triathlete needs all of these. This is exactly what will be put to the test on all 5 courses.

The Extreme Triathlon Series starts in 2021 in Spain

Pirene Xtreme Triathlon, 29. May 2021 will start in Terradets Reservoir. Athletes will cross part of the Pyrenees and experience the unique flora and fauna of the region along the route. This particularly demanding triathlon includes an altitude climb of 4400 m, which will be covered by bike over a distance of 177 km and a 40 km trail run. The latter takes participants to the highest point of the route - the Prat De Bacies plateau, 2200 m above sea level. This triathlon puts body and mind to a demanding test, which is not only rewarded with the finish. Majestic mountains, unique landscapes and historic villages are part of the route that make the triathlon unforgettable.

Austria eXtreme Triathlon, 26. June 2021 starts in the south of Graz. A jump into the cold water of the Mur forms the starting signal. Even in midsummer, its temperatures do not exceed 14 °C. The 3.8 km swim is followed by 186 km of cycling and 44 km of run- ning. But it is not the length of the course that is the real challenge. During the bike course, the participants are exposed to a difference in altitude of almost 3900 m. The subsequent run course has 1800 m of altitude. The subsequent run course has 1850 metres of altitude difference. This triathlon means pure nature and leads from lush green fields to the snow- covered mountains of the Dachstein masiv.

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 6 Stonebrixiaman, 3. July 2021 starts at 4 a.m. with a 3.8 km swim. In Sulzano it‘s out of the water and onto the bike. The 180 km route leads towards Vello Toline, along the Val Camonica valley and finally ends in the municipality of Ponte di Legno. Now follows a 42 km run. The highest point of the entire route is at 2600 m above sea level. To complete such a demanding triathlon requires a lot of ambition and willpower - and perhaps also some positive insanity.

Winterman, 10.October 2021 A fairytale landscape of the Czech Republic makes the course so special. The extraordinary start of the triathlon alone is something no participant will ever experience again in this form. Everything starts in absolute darkness in ice-cold water. More than 3000 metres of altitude are covered on the bike course, which explains the comparatively low average speed of 20 to 26 km/h. During the 43 km long run, the finish line can already be seen and gives the participants a proper motivation boost. The last part ends with a steep rocky climb up to the 1012 m high Jested, which rewards every finish runner with a breathtaking view, and drives the emotions up high.

Knysna Extreme Triathlon, 16. October 2021 The race starts with a 5 km swim in the Knysna Estuary lagoon. The follo- wing 174 km will be cycled through coastal, mountainous and semi-desert areas. The race continues with a 50 km run along Prince Alfred‘s Pass. It takes participants through mountain valleys, fields and forests of Karoo to Diepwalle Forest Station. This route not only tests your fitness level, but also your mental strength and fighting spirit.

For more information, please visit: www.xtri-series.com

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 7 Story The green Mur

by Dr. Rudolf Moser

Styria - the green marrow, the green heart of Austria - a land rich in water, blessed with lakes and rivers that make forests and meadows blossom, but also guarantee the people in their towns and villages the basis for life. The longest and most powerful river that runs through Styria is the Mur - this body of water is 453km long. It originates in Salzburg until, after a long migration, it flows into the Drava in the Hungarian-Croatian border region. Only in Styria does the river become powerful. From immemorable times, settlements have sprung up along the banks of the Mur, with fortifications to protect the inhabitants against invaders from the east. People have always known how to earn a certain amount of wealth with their own hands. Woodcutters used the river to raft felled trees, boats served as means of transport, waterwheels drove mills and forge hammers. Thus, powerful industrial settlements emerged in the nineteenth century. Many people working in agriculture left their home farms and a new working- class culture emerged.

However, every river is also always a border, because it separates and only bridges can connect the two banks. However, these bridges were interrupted after the lost First World War and the once proud Habsburg multi-ethnic state of Austria-Hungary broke up. In the victorious dictate of Saint Germain, the Mur in the south of Styria became the enforced border between the rest of Austria and Lower Styria and Carniola, the former Duchy of Styria. This Austrian land was granted to the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes - later Yugoslavia - as spoils of war. But this state also broke up and in 1991 military tensions again arose on this border.

Today, this is all history, because ‘s accession to the EU has de- facto opened all borders again and the Mura no longer separates, the bridges connect people again. Due to the growing prosperity, the Mura has become very important again, the river power plants supply energy and within the framework of this water use, many nature recreation areas

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 8 have also been created, as the pure water offers people and animals many opportunities for development. Water sports and the cycling and hiking trails guarantee future-oriented ecologically pure natural splendour. In the course of history, this river has undergone many changes and is immortalised in the last verse of the Styrian national anthem - the Styri- ans are a proud people and what they are able to achieve is also shown by the text in this verse:

Where a city rises lovely and tall hard on the atlas band of the green Mur, where a spirit of art and knowledge lives, There in the noble temple of nature This beautiful land is the land of the Styrians is my dear, dear homeland This beautiful land is the land of the Styrians is my dear, dear homeland!

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 9 Film premiere The other side

Sports fans will soon get their money‘s worth at the Schubertkino in Graz. There, a film premiere of the Austria eXtreme Triathlon will take place for the second time „The other side˝ is the title 2021. Due to the great success of this event in 2019, this entertaining and informative evening will also take place in 2021.

This time, however, the film provides a look behind the scenes of the spor- ting event. The Austria eXtreme Triathlon is a top-class extreme sports event that uses a challenging route between the Styrian capital Graz and the Dachstein as its stage.

Athletes from numerous nations travel to this event every year to swim, cycle and run long distances and overcome numerous metres of altitude. The video recordings of this extreme sports event have already been viewed millions of times on YouTube in recent years, which is why the de- cision was made to make another film about this sporting event. Already in 2019, they invited people to an exciting and informative evening at the Schubertkino. The success finally prompted them to bring a complete film to life. This year, the film entitled „The other side˝ will be presented to a large audience.

Visitors will also have the opportunity to look behind the scenes of this extreme sporting event. A panel discussion and interviews with represen- tatives from politics, sports and business will round off this event. Around 100 minutes are planned for sport and talk. Over a glass of sparkling wine, many contacts can be made and interesting conversations held during the evening event. The success in 2019 has of course contributed a lot to the fact that people are now thinking about the future of this event, which was originally only planned as a small event for a handful of participants.

Film premiere: „The other side˝

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 10 Interview Michael Strasser

What does a typical training day look like for you? well, i almost always have 2 training ses- sions (unless i cycle 8 hours like yesterday, then it‘s only one) between the first and the second session i almost always have to go to the office, as a student i had even better training conditions but that‘s the way it is when you want to make a living from sport - you also have to spend many hours in front of the laptop - thats part of the game!

What does a typical rest day look like for you? well, on the following day i would cycle for 1 hour, but then in the following weeks a deep tiredness sets in. if you don‘t rest right Most embarrassing experience during a away, you will be forced to do so weeks triathlon? later. the body doesn‘t forget such excep- I tried to urinate while on the bike for an tional stresses - it gets the rest, whether hour, but it didn‘t work. Then, during a short you want it or not. descent, I finally got it to work... as I felt so relieved I noticed a TV camera vehicle just Your goal for the Austria eXtreme behind me ; ) Triathlon? i want to concentrate on myself and i want Favourite training location? to improve on the two finishes in 2015 and What counts is 365 days outdoors - i love 17. i once said to Hugo that i want to have to train in the sunny south but i also like the a coffee with him at the finish line at 16.30 countless ski tours in austria when it storms - for this goal i have to learn from some and it is minus 15 – in those conditions it mistakes but i still see a lot of potential is a little more challenging than when it is and i want to greet the last finishers at the 25 degrees and sunny finish line again to give them honour and recognition - your competition is in a com- How did you get into triathlon? pletely different league to a normal Ironman 15 years ago, a friend of mine signed up ... every finisher is a tough one ... and I for an ironman - I thought it was so „cool“ have done about 15 normal Ironmans, I that I also borrowed a bike and decided to dare say ... partake... it was dark when I finally reached the finish line. I took me 8 years of training until my first victory.

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 11 Interview Erich Schwarz

it to success and then to be able to look back proudly on something is like mas- tering an extreme triathlon. Endurance, mental strength and the vision to achieve something extraordinary are, in my opinion, the same goals for the extreme athlete as well as for the entrepreneur. That‘s why I‘m very happy to be involved as a sponsor and official.

Although you are a successful businessman and an important sponsor of the Austria eXtreme Triathlon, your role is more in the background, especially as a reliable planner and always available contact person. Why is that? Because the necessary strength and co- operation, both in the organisation and during the event, lies in staying calm and As a sponsor, deputy president and active focusing on the goal. In my profession and athlete yourself, what is the connection also in sport, success lies in a well-planned between sport and the hard professional and focused implementation. world? There is a strong connection between my professional life and the starters at the Aus- Erich Schwarz tria eXtreme Triathlon. The strength to get CEO something going, the endurance to lead iQ Dämmstofftechnik GmbH

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 12 1 2

Michael Strasser Marcus Raatz Austria Racing4Charity

supported by supported by Thomas Huber Louis Piertzik

4 5

Rado Sodin Vladimir Kröpfl- Slovenia Danilovic KAŠ Slov.Konjice Austria

supported by supported by Aleš Kovač Wolfgang Reithofer

8 9

Georg Michl Sorin Boriceanu Austria Romania RC Gruppetto Graz Triatlon Club Energy

supported by supported by Sebastian Tscheinig Serban Alexandru

10 11

Andrew Fast Arnold Kraushofer The United States Austria Team Krausberger

supported by supported by Alycia Hill Markus Charvat

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 13 Interview Marcus Raatz

How many rest days do you take after a competition? I often do a recovery run or a relaxed swim session the following day. But only if the body allows it.

How did you get into sports and triathlon? I liked to run a lot and that‘s how I got into duathlon in 2005 and triathlon in 2009. I saw something about IRONMAN Hawaii in 2005 and then just did a long distance in 2009.

Do you have any tips for athletes in terms of training motivation and goal setting? I always set my goals according to the SMART method. My goal is specific, mea- Your personal favourite moment in a surable, action-oriented, realistic and sche- triathlon? duled. That way I don‘t get into a motivation Crossing the finish line at the Austria eX- hole in the first place. treme 2015. It was the perfect day for me. But when we have phases like the current pandemic, I sometimes leave the training What is the attraction of triathlon for you? plan aside and just go for a drive or a run The special appeal of our sport is hard to and enjoy this freedom. put into a few words. There are a lot of emotions, the constant challenge with one- self and the healthy lifestyle, to name three points that stand out in my perception!

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 14 15 18

Udo Tschirchwitz Dietmar Konrad Germany Austria

supported by supported by Peter Weis Gerald Konrad

22 25

Florian Kock David Izquierdo Austria Spain Pirene Xtreme Triathlon

supported by supported by Hannes Zederbauer Sandra Cabezas

30 31

Alois Tax Wolfgang Liegl Austria Austria ATV Graz KSV Kapfenberg

supported by supported by Johannes Birnstingl Christian Scheiner

33 35

Rene Berger Bernd Pöllabauer Austria Austria SALTandPEPPER Union Sportverein Gasen

supported by supported by Kathrin Berger Hannes Farnleitner

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 15 Story by Andrea Gabriele

on the Gaberl, well Servas, that could be fun. My helpers are always right there when I need to change clothes, eat or drink. The best care makes me almost forget the un- pleasant weather conditions. With a light down jacket and gloves, I am well provided for in terms of the weather. Towards Lach- tal (Hochegg and Kammersberg), the next change of clothes begins. More and more I realise that with this loss of time I can no longer reach transition zone 2 within the cut-off time, but there is no time for anger and sadness. but now is the wrong time for anger and sadness. It is much more sensible to say ‚fight‘ - so I try to pedal up the Sölkpass with all my might, which I don‘t do too badly. The clouds break and the few rays of sunshine Finisher ...... ? encourage me to make one last attempt - to At 4.30 a.m. we start the swim with gre- be rated after all. My supporter Ernestine at excitement - after all, it is not a heated is still fully motivated and full of anticipa- pool, but the 15 degree cold Mur! Under tion for the entire running distance - old no circumstances - dive in together with swede - where is that damn last check- the (expected) swim winners. Rather use point after all. It feels like an eternity - until a short free zone and off you go. The start I finally catch sight of it, but at the same was successful and the buoy was targeted time I realise - „YOU are out“ - 29 minutes correctly. Swam around in an elegant arc after the cut-off I reach transition zone 2. and off we go in a southerly direction. After Hand in the tracker! It‘s a really sh... feeling, about 2 kilometres, I cross the Mur and but my companions quickly catch me up head north towards the shore at full arm‘s again with an immense number of admiring speed. It goes perfectly, except for a heavy compliments. „concrete base contact“, almost brilliant. The best suggestions for the rest of the NM The exit is in sight, and my loved ones are and the evening are quickly put forward and already waiting for me with loud applause. I off we go to the Hunerkogel accommoda- can hardly believe it, after 1:10 I leave these tion - where the good mood is quickly res- dark and cold waters and run together with tored with a cool beer and a hearty dinner. my supporter towards the „bike“ - the key Not to forget: with this experience, I am discipline! NOW already looking forward to the start After a pretty fast bike styling, I leave the next year! My supporters have already pro- transition area and head out onto the main mised me full support again.We also didn‘t road... Several cyclists pass me at full miss the award ceremony and brunch - my speed. But for me it‘s all about the best greatest respect to all finishers!!!! although possible energy allocation, 186 km with a finisher shirt plus medal would certainly 3900 metres of ascent will bring me to my have felt good! performance limit, I‘m fully aware of that. Andrea - You changed my life - I come The first thunderstorm already reaches me back!

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 16 36 38

Tobias Rop Heinrich Hofmann Germany Germany United Runners of Pfalz / RVC Trieb Tricon Wörth‚94 e.V.

supported by supported by Mike März Evi Landsmann

41 44

Katharina Turza Markus Zach Austria Austria Stefflhof Adventures IGN Tri Team Therme Nova Köflach

supported by supported by Christian Turza Christian Götzl

45 46

Andreas Roth Olivier Dumas Germany ASV Köln Triathlon

supported by supported by Kristina Roth Pierre-Yves Fegele

48 50

Peter Walsberger Mandy Jung Austria Germany sportrix#sportnutrix MaJu SRL-United e.V.

supported by supported by Alexander Stallinger Julia Roch

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 17 Interview Georg Michl

Most embarrassing experience during a triathlon? During my second triathlon I swam against a small island in the water and crashed into it. I was about 20 metres away from the rest of the field. Not many people saw it, but the „right“ people did.

What is your personal favourite moment in a triathlon? Romantically, the minutes before the start. Realistically, when it‘s finally over.

What is the attraction of triathlon for you? I could rant now about the difficulties of the three sports and the manifold training, but the bottom line is that I did it for a long time certainly also for the recognition and the confirmation. Now I want to do it. For myself. And have fun doing it. What are your plans for the new season? Due to an ultimately protracted Covid 19 How did you become a triathlete? illness at the end of 2020, I no longer have I was just way too fat and needed a goal to any plans for the new season. I‘ll let myself steer my life in a new direction. be surprised if I can still get into shape a bit with moderate training. During and also How many rest days do you take after a after the bilateral pneumonia, I thought a competition? lot about my approach to the sport and For a long time I was consumed by blind decided that I will now make fewer plans, ambition and often didn‘t take sufficient but have more fun. The Austria eXtreme breaks. Now I take breaks until I feel like do- Triathlon was my clear goal and an unbe- ing something again; not only after compe- lievable motivation - whether I am ready titions. I don‘t want to „have to“ any more. for it and then also want to participate, I see and decide exactly on the day before the competition.


autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 18 51 52

Andrea Gabriele Markus Vodenik Austria Austria MT Hausmannstätten Car-Life TRi Team

supported by supported by Eva Gabriele Alfons Vodenik

54 56

Thomas Absenger Swen Pabel Austria Austria RTR Weiz X-TRIM Zeltweg

supported by supported by Gerda Zehetleitner Nina Maier-Pabel

60 62

Jiri Prasek Anja Deiters Czech Republic Germany Tri-Bandits TSG Bergedorf

supported by supported by Daniela Praskova Frank Hummel

64 66

Stefan Windsperger Thomas Masser Austria Austria Triathlon ATSV Braunau Team Trialize

supported by supported by Gerhard Mayer Barbara Masser

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 19 Interview Katharina Turza

World Championship in Nice, and my very first Ironman will also remain unforgotten.

Which triathlon is one of your favourites? My favourite triathlon from a sporting point of view is definitely the Putterersee Triathlon and from a club point of view the Südsteier- mark Triathlon at Planksee, organised by the Stefflhof Adventures club, to which I belong.

What is the attraction of triathlon for you? For me, the appeal is the different sports in a row, the endurance and variety, the diversity and overcoming personal limits. Running is probably my favourite discipline. Many athletes swim and cycle around my ears, but it‘s great to know that my strength is yet to come. Several times I have been able to catch up with other athletes by using my reserves during the run.

How long have you been a triathlete? Your biggest challenge? I can look back on 10 smooth years of tri- The Austria eXtreme Triathlon will probably athlon and I like to do sports in nature, be the biggest challenge of all and yes, I‘m preferably when it‘s pleasantly warm. Fort- looking forward to it. unately, there have been no unpleasant situations so far.

What highlights do you like to look back on in your triathlon time? My personal highlights include, for exam- ple, the World Championship qualification in Sri Lanka in 2019 and the subsequent

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 20 68 70

Mario Schabus Andreas Wünscher Austria Austria i4 coaching team triaguide

supported by supported by Stephan Lampl Karin Jernej

72 74

Nicole Bretting Bogdan Ionita Germany Romania MTV Pfaffenhofen C.S. Sportul Pentru Tine

supported by supported by Steven Multer Razvan Ilie

76 80

Norbert Taucher Ingo Doppler Austria Austria RTR Weiz

supported by supported by Martina Löffler Robert Hürner

81 82

David Schultheis Sebastien Massé Germany France SC Neukirchen Triathlon AS Monaco Triathlon

supported by supported by Michaela Wagner Nadege Massä

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 21 Interview Nicole Bretting

sible in a roundabout way and maybe not at all. But it is not only the goal that is import- ant, but also the path you take to get there. Christoph Strasser once said „the path is the goal“ and I would definitely agree with that. If I want to achieve something at all costs, motivation is included. I personally work with main goals and set myself small intermediate goals along the way.

What nutrition do you recommend before a triathlon? That is a very individual question. I think there is no such thing as „the diet“ before a competition. I personally try to eat as healthy as possible. Before a competition I pay even more attention to a good protein How did you get into sport and triathlon? supply and a good supply of high-quality I was already very sporty as a child. Howe- carbohydrates in the form of vegetables ver, at that time I was still passionate about and wholemeal products. I also make sure gymnastics and classical ballet, and in win- I get enough omega-3 fatty acids in the ter I was on skis almost every weekend. I form of fish or fish oil. Personally, I also eat didn‘t get into endurance sports until I was meat, but only in organic quality and only about 16. I started running on the local a little. All year round, I try to eat regionally trim trail and a few years later I bought my and seasonally. first MTB. I got into triathlon years later through my What has been the most beautiful moment oldest school friend. Through her and her in your career so far? husband, my husband and I got to know a There have been so many wonderful mo- triathlon clique from Roth and from then on ments. To name them all would go beyond the way to the first competition was almost the scope of this article. Emotionally, the pre-programmed :-) world championship title in Hawaii was defi- nitely a highlight, as was crossing the finish Do you have any tips for athletes regarding line at the Race Across America. training motivation and goal setting? First of all, I believe that what we do has to What are your plans for the new season? be fun. We age-groupers in particular train Stay healthy and have a lot of fun in Austria! alongside work and family, and that only works if we have fun. Anything else soon becomes torture and will not be crowned with success in the long run. We like to associate sporting performance with goals, and it is important to have goals in all areas of life. These can also be a little bigger, so that you have to stretch yourself to reach them. Sometimes this is only pos-

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 22 83 84

Rene Stelzl Hans-Jürgen Lutz Austria Germany Hurtigflink LTC TSV Hohenbrunn-Riemerling

supported by supported by Elke Baader Maximilian Harren

86 88

Horst Langmaier Christian Schwald Austria Austria RC Martins Bikeshop Unken Wolli

supported by supported by Michael Luipersbeck Thomas Schwald

90 92

Julius Schönwetter Klaus Kontschieder Austria Austria Union TriTeam Ober- Grafendorf

supported by supported by Birgit Huemer Christoph Ruzicka

94 100

Christian Hofer Lei Sun Austria China XTrim Zeltweg Beijing Elites TriClub

supported by supported by Jürgen Stubenberger Chang Liu

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 23 Interview Michael Raab

Your personal favourite moment during a triathlon? When I feel the adrenaline pumping in the minutes before the start.

What is the attraction of a triathlon for you? To be honest, a triathlon doesn‘t appeal to me, except for the Austria eXtreme Triath- lon. Firstly, because the swimming is in a river with a current and the running is on trails; secondly, because the course has plenty of metres in altitude; and thirdly, the sum of all three parts is much more than in a normal Ironman and the time is secondary. I‘m also looking forward to a day with my best friends as support staff and from hearsay to the family atmosphere. What does a typical training day look like for you? There‘s no such thing as a typical day for What are your plans for the new season? I hope that my own Laufcoaches.com me, because I don‘t like the word training. events can take place again, especially the I‘d much rather just go for a swim, enjoy GR20 Trans-Corsica and the Zugspitz-Gip- the trails along the Isar on my way to the felsturm. There are no plans beyond the office or, when the weather is nice, ride my Austria eXtreme Triathlon, as it will be my bike with a view of the Alps in the Oberland. absolute highlight this year. After that I like to party, go swimming with the family and Swimming, cycling, running - do you have a sit comfortably in the beer garden instead favourite discipline or a weakness? of on the bike. I used to think I wasn‘t a runner. And it‘s still a love-hate relationship. If you can talk about weakness, it‘s that I can‘t bite like I used to and I can‘t give up roast pork and wheat beer. I hope you‘ll chill one for me at the Südwandhütte!

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 24 102 104

Benjamin Burdein Jens Decker Austria Germany ATSV Tri Ternitz Non Plus Ultra Esslingen

supported by supported by Jürgen Wedl Andrea Decker

106 108

DANIELE Pinelli David Url Italy Austria Triathlon Bergamo SU TRI STYRIA

supported by supported by Olga Kos Christoph Url

112 114

Jens Schürmann Michael Raab Germany Germany FitnessRunner Laufcoaches.com

supported by supported by Pierre Perret Christian Reichart

116 118

Frank Aurich Dominik Weigl Germany Austria Crazy Runners

supported by supported by Stefan Kanne Bernhard Wimmer

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 25 Interview Heidi Buttery

Most embarrassing experience during a triathlon? Tripping over the timing mat running out of T2! Luckily not many people saw me fall... hahaha, but I picked myself up and ran a great race!

Favourite training location? My favorite training location is the Santa Cruz Mountain range near my home. The- re are beautiful redwood forests to trail run and quiet, hilly roads for cycling, with magnificent views.

What is your personal favourite moment during a triathlon? I enjoy the fresh swim start. I say a pray- er of gratitude before I jump in the water. What has been the best moment in your It‘s an energy-filled, yet calm and peaceful career so far? moment. Santa Rosa Ironman 2019 was the best for me. I trained with my teammates and everyone who participated finished - first What is the attraction of triathlon for you? It‘s a way for me to connect my body and time in team history in the Ironman distan- my mind. Training with a team has also had ce events! But the most special part was long-term appeal. Also, the more people having my family cheering me on, including I meet through the sport of triathlon, I am my son (who was 3 years old at the time). so impressed by their stories, struggles He‘s my training partner too.. usually reco- and strength. very days :-) and it was cool to have him there! It is also my fastest Ironman.

What are your plans for the new season? Since the start of Covid (last March) I have been training solo - running multiple ultra- marathons last year. This year I am back to building up quick climbing skills on my bike. I train virtually using Zwift software. It‘s also fun to train with my team on this platform.

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 26 120 122

Oliver Ludwig Jose Pedro Correia Germany de Almeida Lebenleben Portugal Wikaboo

supported by supported by Sonja Pfaff Katharina Händler

124 130

Michal Dragan Thomas Demmerer Austria

supported by supported by Peter Kopunek Christian Schrempf

132 134

Heidi Buttery Jakob Vestergaard USA Denmark Team Sheeper Triathlon Club TEJN IF

supported by supported by Mark Lucas Mette Kristensen

136 138

Remco Eikhout Andreas Wieser Netherlands Austria PSV-Swimming-TCMierlo- Professional sportscoach Biking

supported by supported by ViviamEikhout Werner Sturm

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 27 Interview Patrick Papst

How many rest days do you take after a competition? That depends on the type and length of the race. Usually I don‘t do anything except walking for 3-4 days after a long distance and then slowly start cycling and swimming again. After 2-3 weeks of training as the mood takes me, I return to a back into a structured training.

How did you get into triathlon? Through my dear neighbour and friend Wol- fi, with whom I used to go running and cycling. One day I got the question: „Don‘t you want to go swimming and then try a triathlon?“ I will not talk about my first swim sessions....

What is your personal favourite moment in What are your plans for the new season? a triathlon? Since restrictions, postponements and During the last 2-3 kilometres of running cancellations will accompany us deep into before the finish, when the tension slowly 2021, I‘m enjoying the journey - i.e. the trai- drops, it is foreseeable that I will reach the ning! I remain flexible and am happy when it finish line without any „problems“ and then becomes clear which races will be possible! the joy of the finish line begins - which is of „Fingers crossed that we will all see each course is also a very emotional experience other at the Austria eXtreme 2021!!!! in a triathlon. That‘s why it‘s important to enjoy these last metres as much as possible - a final Favourite training location? I like to train at home in Laxenburg as I can sprint is a no-go - the few seconds lost are run on the great bike trails and I can have definitely worth it! both flat and hilly bike sessions by either riding towards Burgenlandor or towards the What was the best moment in your career Vienna Woods. Swimming is also perfectly as an athlete? feasible in the Laxenburg bathing pond Participating in the Ironman World Cham- and in the colder months we can - when pionship in Hawaii and fully enjoying those the COVID virus is not raging – use the finish line moments.... Goosebumps! Südstadt pools! If I want to get away, I‘m a fan of Fuerte- ventura and .

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 28 139 140

Hynek Plachy Stefan Anastasiei Czech Republic Denmark TriAde Decin tri club denmark

supported by supported by Josef Vosahlik Vlad Anastasiei

142 150

Patrick Papst Mads Ole Mogensen Austria Denmark Team Mohrenwirt tri club denmark

supported by supported by Robert Schmelz Laura Romer

154 160

Alberto Ronzoni Ido Holtkuile Italy Netherlands Beriv Multisport Hellas

supported by supported by Gabriele Terzano Corina Bots

162 164

Marek Scheithauer Marco Begni Czech Republic Italy DirectChallenge Canottieri garda salo‘

supported by supported by Filip Cichý Paolo Madureri

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 29 Story by David Schultheis

over hill and dale. The 44 kilometres of run- ning were peppered with 1900 metres of altitude. Over meadows, through ditches, over stones and two snow planks we went to the finish on the Dachstein. From km 27 of the run course, I had to run with a supporter. Marcel supported me and without him I would not have reached the finish line. The weather was not at its best. The last 2 hours it rained and it was very cold. On the bike and run course the athletes had to be fed by their own team. So every athlete had a support vehicle with a flag and identification. In my case it was my friend Michaela and, as already mentioned, Marcel. At some checkpoints there were doctors That was a really successful race! who examined the participants. A real ad- This year I was lucky enough to get a start- venture. This race really deserved the extre- ing place for the Austria eXtreme Triathlon, me in its name. Many words and numbers, a 3.8 kilometre river swim in the Mur near but in the end such a competition cannot Graz. The start was at 4.30 am in the dark. be described; you should have experienced This year it was almost 15 degrees and the something like that! first half with the current, the second half The weather and the demanding course against it. led to a very high DNF rate. Everything Then 186 kilometres through Styria on the had to spot on this day. Top organised and bike were supposed to follow. But because thought through to the last detail. Kudos of a pass blockage, the route was rerouted to the organisers. In the end I reached the 210.4 kilometres and 3500 metres in alti- finish line in 21st position. tude to the second transition zone at the Thanks to the Austria eXtreme Triathlon Sölksperre. Team for this great experience. The route had some toxic climbs and the temperatures on the mountains were in the low single digits. The permanent cold head- David Schultheis wind made sure we didn‘t sweat too much. After the second exchange, it was literally

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 30 166 168

Matteo Poli Linda Schonewille Italy Netherlands Canottieri garda salo‘ Hellas

supported by supported by Francesco Bortolotti Thijs Laverman

170 172

Michael Ledinski Jürgen Probst Austria Germany Team Lannach Bayronman e.V.

supported by supported by Bianca Ledinski Magdalena Schötz

180 176

Michael Kohlhofer Richard Beno Austria Czech Republic KSV TriTeam Kapfenberg Richard Beňo

supported by supported by Andreas Patek Jitka Vojtková

182 190

Martin Senn Patrick Schwabl Austria Austria Interalp Racing Team ibex-it

supported by supported by Sigrid Ruppe-Senn Silvia Schwabl

autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 31 Interview Claudia & Günter Müller

race day, we will certainly be perfectly pre- pared by the organising team to be able to give the best for the event and the athle- tes. Günter is an experienced driver and I am sure Hugo has the perfect job for him. Those who know Günter know: you can rely on him.

Claudia, as a three-time finisher and one-time supporter - what was your best moment? When I think back to my three starts at the Austria eXtreme Triathlon, I honestly don‘t know what the best moment was. I am very proud to have done it three times as an athlete. Three times I was rewarded with experiences that made me what I am today. To be an athlete who was willing Why did you decide to volunteer at the to go a hard way for her goals. It doesn‘t Austria eXtreme Triathlon? always count to be the fastest but it pays At the Austria eXtreme Triathlon you sim- to believe in the goal you set. I have met ply HAVE to go through all the stages, or people who I can now say have become rather experience them, in order to be able my best friends. Every moment, every swim to report on them. Just being there as an in the Mur, every metre of altitude on the athlete and then being able to say: „yes, I bike and every kilometre of running made was there“ is not enough for us. We have starting in the Austria eXtreme Triathlon grown so fond of you from the organisation worth it. team that we are even happy and honoured to be able to help you. Deep in my heart and with great joy I pro- bably rank the experiences as a supporter What will challenge you the most this with Birgit Schröttner. After a hard day, weekend? with many motivational tips for Birgit, we This weekend we will be fully challenged. managed to cross the finisher line together No matter whether it‘s the Orga Team, the as a team. I was allowed to take her in my athletes or the spectators.Those who know arms. She cried so heartbreakingly. You the Müllers know that when they tackle so- don‘t forget that so quickly. I gave Maria a mething, they tackle it hard. Every athlete 1 Euro coin I had found the day before and should cross the finish line. We will do our asked her to take it with her to the finish line best, give everything we have in terms of and give it to Birgit at the finish. Birgit knew support, so that every athlete can then say: about it. She had to come to the finish to It was worth it to start. get the coin. I firmly believed that she would make it. Maria gave her the 1 Euro coin at How do you get involved? the finish and gave her a big hug. Yes, that We, or rather I, will go swimming in the was a moment that I classify as the most Mur with athletes beforehand, if possible. beautiful and that moment remains as one They will get tips from me on the easiest of the most precious in my memory. and fastest way to complete the swim. On

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 32 194 200

Jannick Rosenlund Martin Fleischhauer Denmark Germany Supertri.dk DSW-Darmstadt

supported by supported by Monika Behrens

Hotel Berghof

In the heart of the Schladming-Dachstein Region, in the south the Schladminger Tauern, in the north the Dach- stein Mountains and in the middle of it all the Hotel Berghof. Many guests appreciate the central location. In summer, we offer an effortless start to a wonderful day right in front of the hotel, whether on foot or by bike. In winter, the experience begins right outside the front door. You share the remarkable 600m² wellness area with a maximum of 58 hotel guests, with bio sauna, Finnish sauna, infrared sauna, steam bath, outdoor sauna, 2 relaxation rooms, refreshment arena, indoor swimming pool and, in summer, a natural swimming pond. Indulge in traditional cuisine paired with international flair in one of our parlours or in the Genuss Lounge. What makes the Hotel Berghof so special? Our roots have been in agriculture for generations and we are proud of our wonderful home Ramsau am Dachstein. Humility towards nature „grounds“ us in the business. We would like to convey this feeling to our guests as well. Let us inspire you and be our guest.

Hotel Berghof Ramsau 192 – 8972 Ramsau am Dachstein – Styria – Austria [email protected] – www.hotel-berghof.at - Tel. +433687 818480 autXtri 2021 Heros 2021 33 Interview Alois Gratzer, Gratzer Beer

How did the idea to brew beer come about? I started brewing natural beer at the tender age of 15. The fascination of the smell and the foam structure were formative compo- nents for me and aroused my interest at a very early age. At the age of 22, my passion became my profession, with the aim of brewing not from nature, but with nature.

Isn‘t beer rather counterproductive for athletes? Quite the opposite, natural beers are excel- lent for sports enthusiasts due to the isoto- nic effect and its high vitamin content; as always, the right dose should be a priority.

What distinguishes the quality of Gratzer You have been a supporter of the Austria beer, especially the finisher beer? eXtreme Triathlon for years, what made The finisher beer is made exclusively with you do it? barley from the region and thus unique You can only experience limits if you dare to the Austrian brewing landscape. The to reach them. Exactly this topic has moved quality has already been confirmed by a us and brings us to the common denomi- large number of state championship titles nator. Quality does not come about alone, through the Austrian National Champion- you always have to stay on the ball, this is ship. You could say a winning beer for win- equivalent to a marathon. ners. CO² neutral, regional, sustainable, and produced with social responsibility, the Gratzer Brewery has been named the „World‘s Most Sustainable Brewery“ by the International Beer Award.

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 34 Interview Lisi & Peter, Volunteers

What challenges do you face up there? The external conditions in the alpine ter- rain at 2000m above sea level can change very quickly. We‘ve had all kinds of weat- her, from bright sunshine with fascinating distant views to rapidly falling fog, rain to sleet showers, darkness and cold. Like all volunteers, we need great stamina. The day starts at 3 a.m. in Graz, we then ac- company the convoy and are finally at the Südwandhütte from around 2 p.m. until around 0:30 a.m.

An experience you will remember? We are rooting for all the athletes, but every year there are special scenes and emotions that remain in our memories. A Spaniard who was almost dragging his wife, who was looking after him, up the What motivates you most at the last final climb because she could hardly Südwandhütte to cheer on the athletes? manage any more, we were able to give We get to know many of the athletes and him more momentum by cheering him on their support at the briefing the evening and they were able to finish just before the before. finish line! We see them the next morning, before the start, see many during the competition and it is also exciting for us to see how you and the team are doing, how they are coping with the Austria eXtreme Triathlon and we look forward to welcoming them then with their respective coach at the Südwand- hütte full of emotions! In addition, the last checkpoint Südwandhütte has a specta- cular backdrop and view.


autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 35 Interview Family Götzenbrugger, Volunteers

When the athletes pass your checkpoint - what do you feel? -Excitement -Empathy -Proud to be there

Which experience has remained in your memory? 1. an athlete who stopped at our check- point and ate a Wiener Schnitzel from the restaurant across the street. 2. The Chinese team, which was always so remarkably friendly/grateful and polite. 3. In our first year as volunteers, seeing the winner run into the finish line and then cheering on the last athlete, soaking wet, in the pouring rain until midnight. What motivates you to support the Austria eXtreme Triathlon as a volunteer? Were there also any hiccups? - The ambition of the athletes In our first year, we didn‘t know that we - That it is a special/ extraordinary day were supposed to leave our checkpoint in Oberzeiring as quickly as possible and stand at the finish line on the Dachstein. What challenges you the most this weekend? The accuracy not to miss any bib (athlete) & therefore to work highly concentrated but at the same time to cheer on the athlete (have fun)

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 36 Interview Vibor & Jürgen, Volunteers

thoughts of quitting come up here often. That‘s exactly where we want to cheer on the participants with our loud squeezes to get the last bit of strength out of everyone. At the same time, this is also an authentic folklore sign from beautiful Styria.

What challenges are there for you up there? Playing the harmonica and entertaining the participants. Extremely heavy rain or fog is challenging because the participants are only visible at the last second.

An experience that stayed in your memory? When we welcome all the guests with the What motivates you to play the harmonica harmonica at the closing ceremony and at the Sölkpass? create a good atmosphere right from the The Sölkpass is one of the most difficult start. challenges for most athletes on this day and

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 37 Interview Andreas Kampl, Design

Why do you support this event with your performance? I find it impressive how much heart and commitment Maria and her team put into organizing this event. Passion is also an important element to be successful with my company. Therefore, it is obvious that I support this event.

You have also been part of the O.K. team since 2016. How did that come about? Marketing keeps Hugo and me busy throughout the year. That already takes up a lot of time. Of course, I also wanted to be a volunteer at the event itself. Due to the large overall effort, it was then obvious to join the core team..

What do you take away from the participants? I give my greatest respect to every parti- cipant, finisher or not. What inspires me the most is the incredible positive energy How did you join the team of Austria that all participants spread and make this eXtreme Triathlon? extreme triathlon something very special. It all started with a request from Hugo And if I be a small part of that to that, it Schwarz that a design for a beach flag makes me happy. was needed. The beach flag turned into a complete corporate design for this incre- Andreas Kampl dible event. An appearance that can even Advertising agency Hausmannstätten keep up with the big events and has already www.kampl.design earned us a lot of praise.

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 38 Introduction Josef Gerhard Pfleger

His love for art led him to painting at an early age. His training at the Bad Reichenhall Aca- demy was the foundation stone for many of the surreal paintings by the „painter“ J.G. Pfle- ger. These oil paintings are also the basis for his self-designed jacquard fabrics, which are then woven and made into clothing in Austria.

Due to his professional activities, including as a technical trainer and the management of a customer training department of a large global company for many years, several cer- tified trainings as a moderator followed with renowned communication trainers in Vienna and Styria. This training was in turn the foun- dation for numerous moderations on stages, at sporting events, medical congresses and discussion rounds, right up to live modera- tion on the radio. In 2011, he founded his own event agency and thus specialised in special areas of moderation. Josef Gerhard Pfleger cites special knowledge and experience in the field of sports, especially in extreme sports (himself a marathon runner with a usable Josef Gerhard Pfleger was born in Eastern finishing time), in the medical field, in musical Styria. He then moved to Vienna at the age entertainment, fashion and art. of 15 for training in a technical profession and further schooling. The dance training he recei- According to the motto „thoughts strive for ved during this time at the famous Elmayer materialisation“, projects born as thoughts dance school helped him learn many of his are also turned into reality. Talking alone is etiquette and decorum rules; dancing itself one thing, finished solutions are the goal! remained at times an unexplored domain.

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 39 Interview Magdalena, Petra und Raoul

What do you feel when the athletes pass your checkpoint? The emotions at the checkpoint are very intense, you look forward to each athle- te, take your hat off to everyone for their performance and we are surprised every time anew how relaxed, friendly and funny most of them are, cool guys - the extreme athletes!

Which experience has remained in your memory? The Asians will always remain unforgettable for us, a supervisor once stood with us in Aich, we chatted with him and he said „Chi- nese does that“, immediately afterwards his athlete took a wrong turn in Aich and ran in the wrong direction, only by chance Leni saw that and we were able to run after him What challenges you the most this and lead him back on the right track - that weekend? is for us always a winged word in everyday For us late sleepers, getting up early is the life, when there are difficult situations to most difficult part. master „Chinese does that“.

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 40 Partner and sponsors


autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 41 Collection powered by Löffler

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 42 Imprint: Verein Austria Extreme Triathlon, Lendplatz 34, 8020 Graz, www.autxtri.com, [email protected] Concenption und Design: Andreas Kampl, www.kampl. design Fotos: autxtri, Sport Shot - www.sportshot.de, Matthias Rauch - www.mrfoto.at, Privat von den Teilnehmern Änderungen und Druckfehler vorbehalten.

autXtri 2021 Starter Journal 43 the new generation of winners
