
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,034,911 B2 Selvey et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 19, 2015

(54) COMPOSITION OF A 5-HT, (58) Field of Classification Search RECEPTORMODULATOR USEFUL FOR THE USPC ...... 548/356; 514/406 TREATMENT OF DISORDERS RELATED See application file for complete search history. THERETO (56) References Cited (75) Inventors: Lee Alani Selvey, Poway, CA (US); Marlon Carlos, Chula Vista, CA (US); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Paul Maffuid, Carlsbad, CA (US); Yun Shan, San Diego, CA (US); William L. 4,099,012 A 7, 1978 GSchwend Betts, III, San Diego, CA (US); Deam 4,405,644 A 9, 1983 Kabbe et al. Windate Given, III, San Diego, CA (Continued) (US); Ryan M. Hart, San Francisco, CA (US); Zezhi Jesse Shao, San Diego, CA FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (US) CA 2135253 5, 1996 (73) Assignee: Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc., San EP O 371431 6, 1990 Diego, CA (US) (Continued) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 "Arena Pharmaceuticals Announces Preliminary Results of Phase 2b U.S.C. 154(b) by 459 days. Clinical Trial of APD125 for the Treatment of ' PRNewswire-FirstCall via Comtex News Network, Press Release (21) Appl. No.: 13/126,564 dated Dec. 9, 2008. (22) PCT Fled: Oct. 27, 2009 (Continued) (86) PCT NO.: PCT/US2009/005811 Primary Examiner — Kamal Saeed S371 (c)(1), Assistant Examiner — Janet L. Coppins (2), (4) Date: Apr. 28, 2011 (57) ABSTRACT (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2O10/062323 The present invention relates to certain compositions of a 5-HT serotonin receptor modulator and methods for their PCT Pub. Date: Jun. 3, 2010 preparation. The compositions disclosed herein are useful for Prior Publication Data increasing slow wave sleep, improving sleep consolidation, (65) improving sleep maintenance and improving sleep quality, US 2011 FO2O7791 A1 Aug. 25, 2011 and for treating insomnia and related sleep disorders, dys Somnias, parasomnias and nonrestorative sleep and the like. Related U.S. Application Data The compositions disclosed herein are further useful for treat (60) Provisional application No. 61/197.542, filed on Oct. ing platelet aggregation, coronary artery disease, myocardial 28, 2008. infarction, transient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, atrial fibrillation, thrombosis, asthma or symptoms thereof, agita (51) Int. C. tion or symptoms thereof, behavioral disorders, induced A6 IK3 L/45 (2006.01) psychosis, excitative psychosis, Gilles de la Tourette's Syn CO7D 23L/6 (2006.01) drome, manic disorder, organic or NOS psychosis, psychotic (Continued) disorders, psychosis, acute Schizophrenia, chronic Schizo (52) U.S. C. phrenia, NOS schizophrenia and related disorders, diabetic CPC ...... A61 K9/2027 (2013.01); A61 K9/1635 related disorders and progressive multifocal leukoencephal (2013.01); A61 K9/2054 (2013.01); A61 K opathy and the like. 31/415 (2013.01) 58 Claims, 31 Drawing Sheets

-O-Tablet APD125 FI:PVP 1:8 - V - Tablet APD125 FI:PVP 1:8 -- Softgel capsule

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(Sunoo) Asueu US 9,034,911 B2 1. COMPOSITION OF A 5-HT, SEROTONIN RECEPTORMODULATOR USEFUL FOR THE TREATMENT OF DISORDERS RELATED MeO F O THERETO 5 Br ls s N N This application is a S371 National Stage Application of M H H International Application PCT/US2009/005811, filed Oct. e N F 27, 2009, which claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provi N n Me sional Application 61/197.542, filed Oct. 28, 2008, each of 10 which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. However, APD125 was observed to have aqueous solubil ity of about 10 ug/mL or less in each of the following aqueous systems: (a) deionized water, (b) 0.01 NHCl (about pH 2), (c) FIELD OF THE INVENTION phosphate buffer (about pH 7) and (d) saline (about 0.9% 15 NaCl solution). Accordingly, 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H The present invention relates to certain compositions of a pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- 5-HT serotonin receptor modulator and methods for their urea is considered to possess extremely poor aqueous solu preparation. The compositions disclosed herein are useful for bility and would be expected to provide very low oral bioavailability. It is well known that an active drug substance increasing slow wave sleep, improving sleep consolidation, administered by any route must possess Some aqueous solu improving sleep maintenance and improving sleep quality, bility for systemic absorption and therapeutic response. Com and for treating insomnia and related sleep disorders, dys pounds that have poor solubility often exhibit either incom Somnias, parasomnias and nonrestorative sleep and the like. plete or erratic absorption and thus produce a minimal The compositions disclosed herein are further useful for treat response at a desired dosage. ing platelet aggregation, coronary artery disease, myocardial 25 Recognizing the problems, it was discovered that pharma infarction, transient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, atrial ceutical compositions for APD125, which were disclosed and claimed in International Application No. PCT/US2006/ fibrillation, thrombosis, asthma or symptoms thereof agita 038267 (published as International Publication No. WO tion or symptoms thereof, behavioral disorders, drug induced 2007/041409), incorporated herein by reference in its psychosis, excitative psychosis, Gilles de la Tourette's Syn entirety, provide (a) Substantial solubility, (b) pharmaceutical drome, manic disorder, organic or NOS psychosis, psychotic 30 acceptability, (c) ease of processability during product manu disorders, psychosis, acute schizophrenia, chronic schizo facture, and (d) high oral bioavailability. In particular, it was phrenia, NOS schizophrenia and related disorders, diabetic observed that certain compositions allow for the preparation related disorders and progressive multifocal leukoencephal of pharmaceutical compositions containing APD125 in 35 exceedingly high concentrations, such as concentrations up to opathy and the like. about 350 mg/mL, thus allowing for convenient oral admin istration while at the same time achieving improved pharma BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION cokinetic parameters, such as at least two fold higher bio availability, compared to the aqueous Suspension. 40 However, APD125 was found to be somewhat labile in It has recently been discovered that certain 1,3-disubsti Solution at 25°C. forming a number of degradants, the most tuted urea compounds are modulators of the 5-HT, seroto abundant of which are 2,4-difluoroaniline (DFA) and 3-(2- nin receptor and thus are useful for treating patients with methoxy-5'-aminophenyl)-4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazole, disorders related thereto. Disorders related to the 5-HT compound II shown below. serotonin receptor include, for example, insomnia and related sleep disorders, dyssomnias, parasomnias, nonrestorative 45 sleep, platelet aggregation, coronary artery disease, myocar II dial infarction, transientischemic attack, angina, stroke, atrial MeO fibrillation, thrombosis, asthma or symptoms thereof, agita Br tion or symptoms thereof; behavioral disorders, drug induced 50 psychosis, excitative psychosis, Gilles de la Tourette's Syn NH2 drome, manic disorder, organic or NOS psychosis, psychotic disorders, psychosis, acute Schizophrenia, chronic Schizo phrenia, NOS schizophrenia and related disorders, diabetic related disorders and progressive multifocal leukoencephal opathy and the like. 55 The 1,3-disubstituted urea compounds are disclosed and HN claimed in International Application No. PCT/US2004/ 023488 (published as International Publication No. WO F 2005/012254), incorporated herein by reference in its DFA entirety, and can be prepared according to the procedures 60 described therein. One aspect of the present invention relates to novel, solid In particular, the Compound of Formula I, referred herein dosage formulations of APD125 which provide one or more as 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy of the following: (a) high oral-bioavailability, comparable to phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (APD125), has been 65 that of liquid formulations; (b) physical stability with respect found to be especially effective as a modulator of the 5-HT to crystalline form; and (c) chemical stability better than that serotonin receptor. of liquid formulations. Consequently, the solid-dosage for US 9,034,911 B2 3 4 mulations disclosed herein are useful for treating certain One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a 5-HT serotonin receptor-related disorders, such as insom pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the nia and related sleep disorders. manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a sleep Certain synthetic processes for preparing 1-3-(4-bromo disorder. 2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-dif 5 One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a luoro-phenyl)-urea have been described in PCT Applications pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the PCT/US2004/023880 and PCT/US2006/002721, both of manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a dyssom which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. nia. PCT Application PCT/US2004/023880 discloses pro One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a cesses that prepare 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 10 pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea from manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of insomnia. 3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-methyl-3-yl)-4-methoxy-pheny One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a lamine and 2,4-difluorophenyl-isocyanate in the presence of pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the (Example 5, PCT Application PCT/US2004/023880) manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a parasom with an impurity of 0.9 mole % identified as the desbromo of nia. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and an overall purity of pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the 98.2% purity by HPLC. While the solid state properties for manufacture of a medicament for increasing slow wave sleep. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea were not characterized, it pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the was found in a Subsequent experiment that the toluene pro manufacture of a medicament for improving sleep consolida cess as described in Example 5 (PCT Application PCT/ tion. US2004/023880) was observed to be a mixture of at least One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a Form I and Form II. 25 pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the PCT Application PCT/US2006/002721 discloses pro manufacture of a medicament for improving sleep mainte cesses that prepare 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- aCC. yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea from One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a 3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-methyl-3-yl)-4-methoxy-pheny pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the lamine and 2,4-difluorophenyl-isocyanate in the presence of manufacture of a medicament for improving sleep quality. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a an alcoholic solvent, such as methanol and n-propanol (Ex pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the amples 1-5, PCT Application PCT/US2006/002721) to give manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of nonrestor substantially Form II. ative sleep. Although Form II is considered the more thermodynami One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a cally stable polymorph, Form I was identified as the desirable pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the crystalline form based on, interalia, improved pharmacoki manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a 5-HT netic characteristics. serotonin receptor-related disorder selected from the group consisting of coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 40 transient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, and atrial fibrilla tion. One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a tical compositions comprising: pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a condition phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and 45 associated with platelet aggregation. b. an excipient selected from: PVP and coPVP. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to kits for pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the treating a 5-HT serotonin receptor-related disorder in an manufacture of a medicament for the reduction of the risk of individual comprising a container and a pharmaceutical com blood clot formation in an individual. position of the present invention. 50 One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the treating a 5-HT serotonin receptor-related disorder in an manufacture of a medicament for the reduction of the risk of individual comprising administering to the individual in need blood clot formation in an angioplasty or coronary bypass thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceuti Surgery individual. 55 One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a cal composition of the present invention. pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the In some embodiments, the individual is a mammal. manufacture of a medicament for the reduction of the risk of In some embodiments, the mammal is a human. blood clot formation in an individual suffering from atrial In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is fibrillation. administered orally, nasally Sublingually, buccally, transder 60 One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a mally, vaginally or rectally. pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a diabetic administered orally. related disorder. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the 65 pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a 5-HT manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of progressive serotonin receptor-related disorder. multifocal leukoencephalopathy. US 9,034,911 B2 5 6 One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of hyperten for the treatment of a condition associated with platelet aggre Sion. gation. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of pain. for reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an individual. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a sleep 10 disorder selected from: a dyssomnia, insomnia, and a para for reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an angioplasty Somnia. or coronary bypass Surgery individual. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method manufacture of a medicament for increasing slow wave sleep, 15 for reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an individual improving sleep consolidation, improving sleep mainte suffering from atrial fibrillation. nance, improving sleep quality, or treating nonrestorative One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu sleep. tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a for the treatment of a diabetic-related disorder. pharmaceutical composition of the present invention in the One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a 5-HT tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method serotonin receptor-related disorder selected from: coronary for the treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephal artery disease, myocardial infarction, transient ischemic opathy. attack, angina, stroke, atrial fibrillation, a condition associ One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu ated with platelet aggregation, blood clot formation in an 25 tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method individual, a diabetic-related disorder, progressive multifocal for the treatment of hypertension. leukoencephalopathy, hypertension, and pain. One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method for the treatment of pain. of treatment of the human or animal body by therapy. 30 One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method tical compositions of the present invention foruse in a method for the treatment of a sleep disorder selected from: a dyssom for the treatment of a 5-HT, serotonin receptor-related dis nia, insomnia and a parasomnia. order. One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu 35 tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method for increasing slow wave sleep, improving sleep consolida for the treatment of a sleep disorder. tion, improving sleep maintenance, improving sleep quality, One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu or treating nonrestorative sleep. tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu for the treatment of a dyssomnia. 40 tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu for the treatment of a 5-HT, mediated disorder selected tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method from: coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, tran for the treatment of insomnia. sient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, atrial fibrillation, a con One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu dition associated with platelet aggregation, blood clotforma tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method 45 tion in an individual, atrial fibrillation, diabetic-related for the treatment of a parasomnia. disorder, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu hypertension, and pain. tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for for increasing slow wave sleep. preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu 50 tion comprising: tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy for improving sleep consolidation. phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu b. an excipient selected from: PVP and coPVP; tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method comprising blending the 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra for improving sleep maintenance. 55 Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu and the excipient in a blender. tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage for improving sleep quality. forms comprising One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu a. about 0.1 mg to about 500 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2- tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method 60 methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4- for the treatment of nonrestorative sleep. difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu b. PVP. methyl cellulose, or a mixture thereof. tical compositions of the present invention for use in a method A further aspect of the present invention is directed to for the treatment of a 5-HT, mediated disorder selected from compositions comprising Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl the group consisting of coronary artery disease, myocardial 65 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe infarction, transientischemic attack, angina, stroke, and atrial nyl)-urea and less than 0.9 mole% of 1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)- fibrillation. 3-(4-methoxy-3-(1-methyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)phenyl)urea. US 9,034,911 B2 7 8 One aspect of the present invention is directed to methods One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a for treating a 5-HT, serotonin receptor-related disorder in an composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a individual comprising administering to the individual in need medicament for the treatment of hypertension. thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a composition of One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a the present invention. 5 composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a medicament for the treatment of pain. composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a medicament for the treatment of a 5-HT serotonin receptor composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a related disorder. medicament for the treatment of a sleep disorder selected One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a 10 from: a dyssomnia, insomnia, and a parasomnia. composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a medicament for the treatment of a sleep disorder. composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a medicament for increasing slow wave sleep, improving sleep composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a 15 consolidation, improving sleep maintenance, improving medicament for the treatment of a dyssomnia. sleep quality, or treating nonrestorative sleep. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of insomnia. medicament for the treatment of a 5-HT serotonin receptor One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a related disorder selected from: coronary artery disease, myo composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a cardial infarction, transient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, medicament for the treatment of a parasomnia. atrial fibrillation, a condition associated with platelet aggre One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a gation, blood clot formation in an individual, a diabetic composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a related disorder, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopa medicament for increasing slow wave sleep. 25 thy, hypertension, and pain. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a tions of the present invention for use in a method of treatment medicament for improving sleep consolidation. of the human or animal body by therapy. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi 30 tions of the present invention for use in a method of treatment composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a of a 5-HT, serotonin receptor-related disorder. medicament for improving sleep maintenance. One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a tions of the present invention for use in a method of treatment composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a of a sleep disorder. medicament for improving sleep quality. 35 One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a tions of the present invention for use in a method of treatment composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a of a dyssomnia. medicament for the treatment of nonrestorative sleep. One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a tions of the present invention for use in a method of treatment composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a 40 of insomnia. medicament for the treatment of a 5-HT serotonin receptor One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi related disorder selected from the group consisting of coro tions of the present invention for use in a method of treatment nary artery disease, myocardial infarction, transientischemic of a parasomnia. attack, angina, stroke, and atrial fibrillation. One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a 45 tions of the present invention for use in a method for increas composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a ing slow wave sleep. medicament for the treatment of a condition associated with One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi platelet aggregation. tions of the present invention for use in a method for improv One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a ing sleep consolidation. composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a 50 One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi medicament for the reduction of the risk of blood clot forma tions of the present invention for use in a method for improv tion in an individual. ing sleep maintenance. One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a tions of the present invention for use in a method for improv medicament for the reduction of the risk of blood clot forma 55 ing sleep quality. tion in an angioplasty or coronary bypass Surgery individual. One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a tions of the present invention for use in a method for the composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a treatment of nonrestorative sleep. medicament for the reduction of the risk of blood clot forma One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi tion in an individual suffering from atrial fibrillation. 60 tions of the present invention for use in a method for the One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a treatment of a 5-HT, mediated disorder selected from the composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a group consisting of coronary artery disease, myocardial inf medicament for the treatment of a diabetic-related disorder. arction, transient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, and atrial One aspect of the present invention pertains to the use of a fibrillation. composition of the present invention in the manufacture of a 65 One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi medicament for the treatment of progressive multifocal leu tions of the present invention for use in a method for the koencephalopathy. treatment of a condition associated with platelet aggregation. US 9,034,911 B2 10 One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi FIG. 6 depicts PXRD patterns for micronized APD125 tions of the present invention for use in a method for reducing Form I, before and after grinding with a mortar and pestle for the risk of blood clot formation in an individual. 1 minute, 5 minutes and 10 minutes. The PXRD patterns One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi show that the samples all substantially comprise Form I. tions of the present invention for use in a method for reducing FIG. 7 depicts PXRD patterns of APD125 Form I com the risk of blood clot formation in an angioplasty or coronary pressed at 2 kp, 5 kp and 10kp compared with uncompressed bypass Surgery individual. Form I. The PXRD patterns show that the samples all sub One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi stantially comprise Form I. tions of the present invention for use in a method for reducing FIG. 8 depicts a PXRD pattern of an aqueous 0.5% w/w the risk of blood clot formation in an individual suffering 10 methyl cellulose solution of Form I at room temperature and from atrial fibrillation. 40° C. after 16 days. The PXRD pattern shows that the sample One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi has substantially converted to Form II. tions of the present invention for use in a method for the FIG. 9 depicts PXRD patterns of a Form I paste in water treatment of a diabetic-related disorder. alone at room temperature and 40°C. after 24 h. The PXRD One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi 15 pattern shows that the sample has substantially converted to tions of the present invention for use in a method for the Form II. treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. FIG. 10 depicts PXRD patterns for the wet-granulation One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi Form I tablet blend post-mixing without water at t=0, and tions of the present invention for use in a method for the with 50% w/w water at t=0 and 24-h storage at room tem treatment of hypertension. perature and 40° C. The PXRD patterns show that each One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi sample Substantially comprises Form I. tions of the present invention for use in a method for the FIG. 11 depicts PXRD patterns for the Form I wet-granu treatment of pain. lation tablet blend post-mixing with 50% w/w water at t=0. One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi 24-h, 7-days and 21-days storage at room temperature. The tions of the present invention for use in a method for the 25 PXRD patterns show that at t=0, 24-hand 7-days the samples treatment of a sleep disorder selected from: a dyssomnia, Substantially comprise Form I, and at t 21 days the sample insomnia and a parasomnia. has substantially converted to Form II. One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi FIG. 12 depicts PXRD patterns for PVP-based direct-com tions of the present invention for use in a method for increas pression Form Itablets, containing 0% w/w, 2% w/w, 5% w/w ing slow wave sleep, improving sleep consolidation, improv 30 and 8% w/w methyl cellulose and a coPVP-based direct ing sleep maintenance, improving sleep quality, or treating compression Form I tablet, containing 5% w/w methyl cellu nonrestorative sleep. lose, post-mixing with 50% w/w water at t=0. The PXRD One aspect of the present invention pertains to composi patterns show that each sample Substantially comprises Form tions of the present invention for use in a method for the I. treatment of a 5-HT, mediated disorder selected from: coro 35 FIG. 13 depicts PXRD patterns for PVP-based direct-com nary artery disease, myocardial infarction, transientischemic pression Form Itablets, containing 0% w/w, 2% w/w, 5% w/w attack, angina, stroke, atrial fibrillation, a condition associ and 8% w/w methyl cellulose, and a coPVP-based direct ated with platelet aggregation, blood clot formation in an compression tablet, containing 5% w/w methyl cellulose, individual, atrial fibrillation, diabetic-related disorder, pro post-mixing with 50% w/w water after 24 h at 40°C. The gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, hypertension, and 40 PXRD patterns show that the sample containing 0% methyl pain. cellulose has substantially converted to Form II and all other These and other aspects of the invention disclosed herein samples Substantially comprise Form I. will be set forth in greater detail as the patent disclosure FIG. 14 depicts PXRD patterns for PVP-based direct-com proceeds. pression Form Itablets, containing 0% w/w, 2% w/w, 5% w/w 45 and 8% w/w methyl cellulose, and a coPVP-based direct BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS compression Form I tablet, containing 5% w/w methyl cellu lose, post-mixing with 50% w/w water after 1 week at 40°C. FIG. 1 depicts APD125 plasma exposure in monkeys after The PXRD patterns show that the sample containing 2% oral administration of wet-granulation tablets (composition: methylcellulose has substantially converted to Form II and all 30 mg APD125 Form I or Form II in a ratio of 1:8 to PVP) or 50 other samples Substantially comprise Form I. SGCs (composition: 40 mg. APD125 in Cremophor(R):Labra FIG. 15 depicts PXRD patterns for PVP-based direct-com solR 1:1), Dose Adjusted to 30 mg). pression Form I tablets, containing 5% w/w and 8% w/w FIG. 2 depicts APD125 plasma exposure in monkeys after methyl cellulose, and a coPVP-based direct-compression oral administration of wet-granulation tablets (composition: From I tablet, containing 5% w/w methyl cellulose, post 10 mg APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) or SGC (composition: 10 55 mixing with 50% w/w water after 1 month at 40°C. The mg APD125 in Cremopho(R: Labrasol (R) 1:1). PXRD patterns show that the sample containing PVP and 5% FIG.3: depicts monkey PK exposure results for 10-mg and methyl cellulose substantially comprises Form I, the sample 30-mg APD125 Form I wet-granulation tablets versus 10-mg containing PVP and 8% methyl cellulose has partially con and 40-mg SGCs. verted to Form II, and the sample containing coPVP has FIG. 4 depicts the 1-month and 3-month PXRD results for 60 substantially converted to Form II. Note that the tablet PXRD the wet-granulation Form I based tablet. The PXRD patterns data acquisition scan window was reduced to two smaller show that the samples substantially comprise Form I at both regions of 6.5° to 820 and 11.8° to 13.3° 20 to reduce the time points. overall sample analysis time, while maintaining the ability to FIG.5 depicts the 1-month and 3-month PXRD results for discriminate Form I from Form II. the wet-granulation Form II based tablet. The PXRD patterns 65 FIG. 16 depicts the effect of APD125/Pvp ratio on the show that the samples substantially comprise Form II at both APD125 plasma exposure in monkeys after oral administra time points. tion of 10-mg direct-compression (dry) tablets. US 9,034,911 B2 11 12 FIG. 17 depicts the effect of PVP and coPVP on the FIG.29 depicts a powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) pattern APD125 plasma exposure in monkeys after oral administra for a tetrahydrofuran solvate of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H tion of 10-mg direct-compression (dry) tablets, containing pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- either APD125:PVP (1:8) or APD125:coPVP (1:8). urea, which was recorded using a PANalytical XPert Plus Powder X-Ray Diffractometer in the 20 geometry; scanning FIG. 18 depicts APD125 plasma exposure in monkeys after angles 5.0°-40.0°20. oral administration of direct-compression tablets (composi FIG.30 depicts a powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) pattern tion: 40 mg APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8), containing 2% w/w for a Heptane Solvate of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra methyl cellulose) or SGCs (composition: 40 mg APD125 in Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea, Cremophor(R):Labrasol(R) 1:1). which was recorded using a PANalytical X Pert Plus Powder 10 X-Ray Diffractometer in the theta?theta geometry; scanning FIG. 19 depicts ahygroscopicity plot for PlasdoneTMS-630 angles 5.0°-40.0°20. (coPVP) copolymer versus PlasdoneTM K-29/32 (PVP) FIG.31 depicts a powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) pattern homopolymer. for Form II of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- FIG. 20 depicts APD125 plasma exposure in monkeys after methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound oral administration of direct-compression tablets (10 mg) 15 I), which was recorded using a PANalytical XPert Plus Pow der X-Ray Diffractometer in the theta?theta geometry; scan containing either APD125:PVP (1:8) or APD125:coPVP ning angles 5.0°–40.0° 20. (1:8). FIG. 21 depicts a powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) pattern DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound Definitions I), which was recorded using a PANalytical XPert Plus Pow The terms “5-HT serotonin receptor-related disorder and "5-HT, serotonin receptor-related disease” as used der X-Ray Diffractometer in the theta/theta geometry; scan herein respectively refer to a disorder or disease in an indi ning angles 5.0°–40.0° 20. vidual, which may be prevented, inhibited, ameliorated, FIG. 22 depicts a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 25 treated or cured by modulation (e.g. agonsim, antagonism or thermogram for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra inverse agonism) of the 5HT serotonin receptor, for Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea example, by administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical compo (Compound I), which was recorded using a TA Instruments sition of the present invention comprising a 5HT serotonin DSC Q1000; at 10°C/min. 30 receptor modulator. FIG. 23 depicts an FT Raman spectrum for Form I of The term “in need of treatment” as used herein refers to a 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe judgment made by a caregiver (e.g. physician, nurse, nurse nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I), which was practitioner, etc. in the case of humans; Veterinarian in the recorded using a ThermoFisher NXR6700 FT-Raman Spec case of animals, including non-human mammals) that an 35 individual or animal requires or will benefit from treatment. trometer (EQ1874) using the FT-Raman Micro-Stage Acces This judgment is made based on a variety of factors that are in sory. the realm of a caregiver's expertise, but that includes the FIG. 24 depicts a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) ther knowledge that the individual or animal is ill, or will become mogram for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol ill, as the result of a disease, condition or disorder that is 3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea treatable by the compounds of the invention. Accordingly, the 40 compounds of the invention can be used in a protective or (Compound I), which was recorded using a TA Instruments preventive manner, or compounds of the invention can be TGA Q500 in a nitrogen atmosphere. The percent change in used to alleviate, inhibit or ameliorate the disease, condition weight as a function of temperature was recorded. or disorder. FIG. 25 depicts a pictorial representation of the hemi The term “individual' as used herein refers to any animal, acetonitrile solvate of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol 45 including mammals, preferably mice, rats, other rodents, rab 3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea bits, dogs, cats, Swine, cattle, sheep, horses, or primates, and (Form IV) as generated by Mercury v. 1.4.2 (build 2) based on most preferably humans. single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The term “inverse agonists’ as used herein refers to moi FIG. 26 depicts the comparison of calculated PXRD pat eties that bind the endogenous form of the receptor or to the tern of hemi-acetonitrile solvate of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl 50 constitutively activated form of the receptor, and which 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe inhibit the baseline intracellular response initiated by the nyl)-urea (Form IV), based upon single-crystal X-diffraction active form of the receptor below the normal base level of results obtained at ca. 150° K versus bulk Form IV isolated activity which is observed in the absence of agonists or partial from acetonitrile and analyzed at ca. 298 K. agonists, or decrease GTP binding to membranes. Preferably, 55 the baseline intracellular response is inhibited in the presence FIG.27 depicts a powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) pattern of the inverse agonist by at least 30%, more preferably by at for a Acetonitrile Solvate of 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl-2H least 50%, and most preferably by at least 75%, as compared pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- with the baseline response in the absence of the inverse ago urea, which was recorded using a PANalytical XPert Plus nist. Powder X-Ray Diffractometer in the 20 geometry; scanning 60 The term “therapeutically effective amount” as used herein angles 5.0°-40.0°20. refers to the amount of active compound or pharmaceutical FIG. 28 depicts the transient X-ray powder diffraction agent that elicits the biological or medicinal response in a patterns observed as Form IV of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl tissue, system, animal, individual or human that is being 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe sought by a researcher, Veterinarian, medical doctor or other nyl)-urea converts into Form I, which was recorded using a 65 clinician, which includes one or more of the following: PANalytical XPert Plus Powder X-Ray Diffractometer in the (1) Preventing the disease; for example, preventing a dis 20 geometry; scanning angles 5.0°–40.020. ease, condition or disorder in an individual that may be pre US 9,034,911 B2 13 14 disposed to the disease, condition or disorder but does not yet In some embodiments coPVP is a copolymer of 1-vinyl-2- experience or display the pathology or symptomatology of pyrrolidone and vinyl acetate in a ratio of 6:4 by mass, the disease; wherein ns 1.2 m. Examples of coPVP include but are not (2) Inhibiting the disease; for example, inhibiting a disease, limited to KollidonTMVA 64, PlasdoneTMS-630 and the like. condition or disorder in an individual that is experiencing or 5 The term “cps' as used herein is intended to refer to the unit displaying the pathology or symptomatology of the disease, of dynamic viscosity known as the centipoise (cP). 1 cl–1 condition or disorder (i.e., arresting further development of millipascal second. the pathology and/or symptomatology); and The term “DFA as used herein refers to 2,4-difluoroa (3) Ameliorating the disease; for example, ameliorating a niline, CAS registry number 367-25-9, which represented by disease, condition or disorder in an individual that is experi 10 the following formula: encing or displaying the pathology or symptomatology of the disease, condition or disorder (i.e., reversing the pathology and/or symptomatology). The term “sleep maintenance' as used herein refers to the ability to sleep without persistent interruptions or extended 15 periods of wakefulness. Sleep Maintenance Insomnia is a HN disturbance in maintaining sleep after sleep onset is achieved. It is characterized by persistently interrupted sleep without F difficulty falling asleep, and sleep-continuity disturbance. DFA Parameters used for measuring sleep maintenance includebut are not limited to, wake time after sleep onset (WASO) and The term “HDPE' as used herein refers to high-density number of awakenings (NAW). polyethylene. The term “sleep quality” as used herein refers to both the The term “MCC as used herein refers to microcrystalline Subjective assessment given by an individual of how restor cellulose, CAS registry number 9004-34-6. The term is used ative and undisturbed sleep has been (via a standardized ques 25 interchangeably with the terms cellulose gel, crystalline cel tionnaire) and to a series of objective measures derived from lulose and E460. MCC has the following structural formula:


O O O O HO HO O HO OHO O HO OH HO HO HO pi HO polysomnography. Examples of standardized sleep question wherein ins220. naires, include but are not limited to the Pittsburgh Sleep Examples of MCC include, but are not limited to, AviceITM Quality Index (Buysse et al., Psychiatry Research (1989), PH, AviceITM PH 102, CelexTM, CelphereTM, CeolusTM KG, 28(2), 193-213). Examples of objective measures of sleep 40 EmcocelTM, EthispherestM, FibrocelTM, PharmacelTM, Tabu quality include, but are not limited to, the amount and depth of loseTM and VivapurTM. nonREM sleep, the amount of REM sleep and the temporal The term “PIC as used herein refers to powder in capsule. organization of nonREM and REM stages. Subjective and The term "Poloxamer as used herein refers to a class of objective measures of sleep quality are not necessarily con 45 pharmaceutical excipients comprising or consisting essen cordant. tially of either a single compound or a mixture of compounds The term “nonrestorative sleep' as used herein refers to a prepared from synthetic block copolymers of ethylene oxide disorder characterized by the Subjective assessment given by and propylene oxide. In some embodiments, an excipient in an individual that sleep is restless, light, or of poor quality this class comprises or consists essentially of a single com even though the duration may appear normal. NRS is associ 50 pound or a mixture of compounds of the following formula: ated with other symptoms including, but not limited to, exces sive daytime sleepiness, mood Swings and cognitive impair mentS. The term “coPVP' as used herein refers to a vinylpyrroli done-vinyl acetate copolymer, CAS registry number 55 25086-89-9. The term is used interchangeably with the terms copolyvidonum PlasdoneTM, copovidone and copolyvidone. coPVP has following structural formula: wherein “bat each occurrence is independently an integer between 1 to 102; 'c' is an integer between 1 and 57; b+c+b 60 is 3 to 327; and the average molecule weight of the poloxamer is about 17500 or less. Poloxamers are known or can be ti-ch, i-ch, prepared by methods in the art. A number of poloxamers are N O O O commercially available. Representative examples of a Polox amer include, but are not limited to, Poloxamer 124 (Plu (Y|pi || CH3 65 ronic(R) L44NF), Poloxamer 188 (Pluronic(R) F68NF), Polox amer 237 (Pluronic(R) F87NF), Poloxamer 338 (Pluronic(R) F108NF), Poloxamer 407 (Pluronic(R) F127NF) and the like. US 9,034,911 B2 15 16 The term “PVA as used herein refers to polyvinyl , CAS registry number 9002-89-5. The term is used inter O O changeably with the term vinyl alcohol polymer. PVA has the GE) G. GE 6 following structural formula: Na O Na O


ci-fi O O OH. J. 10 HO O HO O HO HO wherein in lies between 500 and 5000, equivalent to a molecular weight range of approximately 20,000 to 200,000. In some embodiments PVA is high viscosity with a molecular Examples of xCMC include, but are not limited to, Ac-Di 15 SolTM, ExplocelTM, NymcelTM ZSX, PharmacelTM XL, weights,200,000. In some embodiments PVA is medium vis PrimelloseTM, SolutabTM and VivasolTM. cosity with a molecular weights 130,000. In some embodi The term “xPVP' as used herein refers to crosslinked povi ments PVA is medium viscosity with a molecular weights20. done, CAS registry number 9003-39-8, wherein povidone has 000. Examples of PVA includebutare not limited to AirVoITM, the same definition as described herein. The term is used ElvanolTM and GohsenolTM. interchangeably with the terms crospovidone, crospovi The term “PVP' as used herein refers to polyvinylpyrroli donum, E 1202, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, PVPP 1-vinyl-2- done. The term is used interchangeably with the terms, pyrrolidinone and 1-ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer. E1201, povidone, povidonum, poly 1-(2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl) Examples of XPVP include, but are not limited to, PolyPlas ethylene, poly Vidone and 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone polymer. doneTMXL, PolyPlasdoneTMXL-10, KollidonTM CL and Kol PVP has the following structural formula: 25 lidonTM CL-M. It is appreciated that certain features of the invention, which are, for clarity, described in the context of separate embodiments, may also be provided in combination in a ti-ch, single embodiment. Conversely, various features of the invention, which are, for brevity, described in the context of a single embodiment, may also be provided separately or in any suitable subcombination. All combinations of the embodiments pertaining to the wherein the molecular weight is from about 2500 to about 35 aspects described herein are specifically embraced by the 3,000,000. Examples of PVP include, but are not limited to, present invention just as if each and every combination was KollidonTM, KollidonTM VA 64, PlasdoneTM, PlasdoneTM individually explicitly recited, to the extent that such combi K-29/32 and KollidonTM 30. nations embrace possible aspects. In addition, all Subcombi nations of the embodiments contained within the aspects The term “% RSD as used herein refers to the relative described herein, as well as all subcombinations of the standard deviation, which is the absolute value of the coeffi embodiments contained within all other aspects described cient of variation expressed as a percentage. The term is herein, are also specifically embraced by the present inven widely used in analytical chemistry to express the precision of tion just as if each and every subcombination of all embodi an assay: ments are explicitly recited herein. 45 Pharmaceutical Compositions of the Present Invention (standard deviation of array X)x100 (average of array One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu X)=relative standard deviation. tical compositions comprising: The term "SGC as used herein refers to a soft gelatin a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy capsule. 50 phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and b. an excipient selected from: PVP and coPVP. The term “SLS as used herein refers to sodium lauryl In some embodiments, the 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H sulfate, which has the following structural formula: pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- urea is Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)- O 55 4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea. | e G In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to ic-clich-i-o Na. pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- O methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif luoro-phenyl)-urea and said excipient in a ratio from about 60 1:20 to about 1:1 by weight. The term “xCMC as used herein refers to croscarmellose In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to sodium, CAS Registry Number 74811-65-7. The term is used pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- interchangeably with the terms carmellosum natricum con methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif exum, crosslinked carboxymethyl cellulose sodium and luoro-phenyl)-urea and said excipient in a ratio from about modified cellulose gum. XCMC is a crosslinked polymer of 65 1:10 to about 1:5 by weight. carboxymethyl cellulose sodium. Carboxymethyl cellulose In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to Sodium has the following structural formula: pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- US 9,034,911 B2 17 18 methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif luoro-phenyl)-urea and said excipient in a ratio of about 1:8 luoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount between about 0.01% and by weight. about 30% by weight of the total composition. In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to further comprises methyl cellulose. pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- In some embodiments, the methyl cellulose is 4000 cps methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif methyl cellulose. luoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount between about 1% and In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition about 20% by weight of the total composition. comprises methylcellulose in an amount between about 0.1% In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to and about 10% by weight of the total composition. 10 pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif comprises methylcellulose in an amount between about 0.5% luoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount between about 2% and and about 8% by weight of the total composition. about 10% by weight of the total composition. In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to comprises methyl cellulose in an amount between about 1% 15 pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- and about 5% by weight of the total composition. methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition luoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount between about 3% and comprises methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by about 7% by weight of the total composition. weight of the total composition. In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to In some embodiments, the excipient is PVP. pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- In some embodiments, the PVP is PlasdoneTM K-29/32 methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif PVP. luoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of about 5% by weight of the In some embodiments, the PVP is KollidonTM 30 PVP. total composition. In some embodiments, the excipient is coPVP. In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to In some embodiments, the coPVP is KollidonTM VA 64 25 pharmaceutical compositions comprising the excipient in an coPVP. amount between about 0.1% and about 90% by weight of the In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition total composition. further comprises at least one ingredient selected from: lac In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to tose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, pharmaceutical compositions comprising the excipient in an Sodium lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon diox 30 amount between about 5% and about 80% by weight of the ide. total composition. In some embodiments, the lactose monohydrate is Fast In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to FloTM 316 lactose monohydrate. pharmaceutical compositions comprising the excipient in an In some embodiments, the microcrystalline cellulose is amount between about 10% and about 70% by weight of the AviceITM PH102 microcrystalline cellulose. 35 total composition. In some embodiments, the crospovidone is selected from: In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to PolyPlasdoneTM XL crospovidone and KollidonTM CL pharmaceutical compositions comprising the excipient in an crospovidone. amount between about 20% and about 50% by weight of the In some embodiments, the magnesium Stearate is non total composition. bovine HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate. 40 In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to In some embodiments, the silicon dioxide is Cab-o-sil TM pharmaceutical compositions comprising the excipient in an colloidal silicon dioxide. amount of about 40% by weight of the total composition. In some embodiments, the 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- pharmaceutical compositions comprising: urea is in an amount of about 40% to about 0.001%, about 45 a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy 39% to about 0.001%, about 38% to about 0.001%, about phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount from 37% to about 0.001%, about 36% to about 0.001%, about about 0.01% to about 30% by weight of the total com 35% to about 0.001%, about 34% to about 0.001%, about position; 33% to about 0.001%, about 32% to about 0.001%, about b. said excipient in an amount from about 0.1% to about 31% to about 0.001%, about 30% to about 0.001%, about 50 90% by weight of the total composition; and 29% to about 0.001%, about 28% to about 0.001%, about c. methyl cellulose in an amount from about 0.1% to about 27% to about 0.001%, about 26% to about 0.001%, about 10% by weight of the total composition. 25% to about 0.001%, about 24% to about 0.001%, about In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to 23% to about 0.001%, about 22% to about 0.001%, about pharmaceutical compositions comprising: 21% to about 0.001%, about 20% to about 0.001%, about 55 a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- 19% to about 0.001%, about 18% to about 0.001%, about methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an 17% to about 0.001%, about 16% to about 0.001%, about amount from about 0.01% to about 30% by weight of the 15% to about 0.001%, about 14% to about 0.001%, about total composition; 13% to about 0.001%, about 12% to about 0.001%, about b. said excipient in an amount from about 0.1% to about 11% to about 0.001%, about 10% to about 0.001%, about 9% 60 90% by weight of the total composition; and to about 0.001%, about 8% to about 0.001%, about 7% to c. methyl cellulose in an amount from about 0.1% to about about 0.001%, about 6% to about 0.001%, about 5% to about 10% by weight of the total composition. 0.001%, about 4% to about 0.001%, about 3% to about In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to 0.001%, about 2% to about 0.001%, or about 1% to about pharmaceutical compositions comprising: 0.001%, each by weight of the total composition. 65 a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- about 5% by weight of the total composition; US 9,034,911 B2 19 20 b. said excipient in an amount of about 40% by weight of b. PlasdoneTM K-29/32 PVP or KollidonTM 30 PVP in an the total composition; and amount of about 40% by weight of the total composi c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of tion; the total composition. c. 4000 cps methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to 5 weight of the total composition; pharmaceutical compositions comprising: d. Fast-Flo TM 316 lactose monohydrate in an amount of a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an e. AvicelTM PH102 microcrystalline cellulose in an amount amount of about 5% by weight of the total composition; of about 25% by weight of the total composition; 10 f. KollidonTM CL crospovidone in an amount of about 4% b. said excipient in an amount of about 40% by weight of by weight of the total composition; the total composition; and g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of weight of the total composition; the total composition. h. HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate in an amount of In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to 15 about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and pharmaceutical compositions comprising: i. Cab-o-sil TM colloidal silicon dioxide in an amount of a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to b. PVP; pharmaceutical compositions comprising: c. methyl cellulose; a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- d. lactose monohydrate; methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an e. microcrystalline cellulose; amount of about 5% by weight of the total composition; f crospovidone; b. PlasdoneTM K-29/32 PVP or KollidonTM 30 PVP in an g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate; amount of about 40% by weight of the total composi h. magnesium Stearate; and 25 tion; i. silicon dioxide. c. 4000 cps methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to weight of the total composition; pharmaceutical compositions comprising: d. Fast-Flo TM 316 lactose monohydrate in an amount of a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; 30 e. AvicelTM PH102 microcrystalline cellulose in an amount b. PVP; of about 25% by weight of the total composition; c. methyl cellulose; f. KollidonTM CL crospovidone in an amount of about 4% d. lactose monohydrate; by weight of the total composition; e. microcrystalline cellulose; g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by f crospovidone; 35 weight of the total composition; g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate; h. HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate in an amount of h. magnesium Stearate; and about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and i. silicon dioxide. i. Cab-o-sil TM colloidal silicon dioxide in an amount of In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. pharmaceutical compositions comprising: 40 In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy pharmaceutical compositions comprising: phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy b. coPVP; phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of c. methyl cellulose; about 5% by weight of the total composition; d. lactose monohydrate; 45 b. KollidonTMVA 64 coPVP in an amount of about 40% by e. microcrystalline cellulose; weight of the total composition; f crospovidone; c. 4000 cps methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate; weight of the total composition; h. magnesium Stearate; and d. Fast-Flo TM 316 lactose monohydrate in an amount of i. silicon dioxide. 50 about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to e. AvicelTM PH102 microcrystalline cellulose in an amount pharmaceutical compositions comprising: of about 25% by weight of the total composition; a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- f. KollidonTM CL crospovidone in an amount of about 4% methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; by weight of the total composition; b. coPVP; 55 g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by c. methyl cellulose; weight of the total composition; d. lactose monohydrate; h. HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate in an amount of e. microcrystalline cellulose; about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and f crospovidone; i. Cab-o-sil TM colloidal silicon dioxide in an amount of g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate; 60 about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. h. magnesium Stearate; and In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to i. silicon dioxide. pharmaceutical compositions comprising: In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- pharmaceutical compositions comprising: methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy 65 amount of about 5% by weight of the total composition; phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of b. KollidonTMVA 64 coPVP in an amount of about 40% by about 5% by weight of the total composition; weight of the total composition; US 9,034,911 B2 21 22 c. 4000 cps methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu weight of the total composition; tical compositions of the present invention whereby oral d. Fast-FloTM 316 lactose monohydrate in an amount of administration to male cynomolgus monkeys of the pharma about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; ceutical composition containing about 40 mg of the 1-3-(4- e. AviceITMPH102 microcrystalline cellulose in an amount 5 bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, of about 25% by weight of the total composition; 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea provides an AUC for the 1-3-(4- f. KollidonTM CL crospovidone in an amount of about 4% bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, by weight of the total composition; 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea of about 4.2 hug/mL. g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu weight of the total composition; 10 tical compositions of the present invention whereby oral h. HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate in an amount of administration to male cynomolgus monkeys of the pharma about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and ceutical composition containing about 40 mg of the 1-3-(4- i. Cab-o-sil TM colloidal silicon dioxide in an amount of bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. 15 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea provides a C for the 1-3-(4- In some embodiments, the present invention pertains to bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, pharmaceutical compositions comprising 1-3-(4-bromo-2- 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea of about 0.46 ug/mL. methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif In some embodiments, the 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H luoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of about 0.1 mg to about 500 pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- ng. urea is present in an amount of about 10 mg, about 20 mg. One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu about 30 mg, about 40 mg or about 50 mg. tical compositions of the present invention suitable for oral One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu administration. tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is oral administration consisting essentially of: in the form of a tablet. 25 a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of in the form of a wet granulation tablet. about 0.01% to about 10% by weight of the total com In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is position; in the form of a powder in capsule (PIC). b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu 30 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy tical compositions of the present invention whereby oral phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; administration to male cynomolgus monkeys of the pharma ceutical composition containing about 10 mg of the 1-3-(4- c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, the total composition; 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea provides an AUC for the 1-3-(4- 35 d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea of about 1.5 hug/mL. lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu and tical compositions of the present invention whereby oral e. a moisture barrier coating: administration to male cynomolgus monkeys of the pharma 40 whereby the composition in tablet form, after oral adminis ceutical composition containing about 10 mg of the 1-3-(4- tration of a 40 mg dose of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea provides a C for the 1-3-(4- to a male cynomolgus monkey provides an AUCo. of about bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, 4.2 hug/mL, or a C of about 0.46 g/mL. 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea of about 0.23 ug/mL. 45 One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for tical compositions of the present invention whereby oral oral administration consisting essentially of: administration to male cynomolgus monkeys of the pharma a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- ceutical composition containing about 30 mg of the 1-3-(4- methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, 50 amount of about 0.01% to about 10% by weight of the 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea provides an AUC for the 1-3-(4- total composition; bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea of about 5.0 hug/mL. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; tical compositions of the present invention whereby oral 55 c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of administration to male cynomolgus monkeys of the pharma the total composition; ceutical composition containing about 30 mg of the 1-3-(4- d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea provides a C for the 1-3-(4- lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, 60 and 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea of about 0.50 ug/mL. e. a moisture barrier coating: In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is whereby the composition in tablet form, after oral admin in the form of a direct compression tablet. istration of a 40 mg dose of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2- In some embodiments, the direct compression tablet is methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4- coated with a moisture barrier. 65 difluoro-phenyl)-urea to a male cynomolgus monkey In some embodiments, the moisture barrier is Opadry(R II provides an AUCo. of about 4.2 hug/mL, or a C of Blue. about 0.46 ug/mL. US 9,034,911 B2 23 24 One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- oral administration consisting essentially of: methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of 5 the total composition; about 0.01% to about 10% by weight of the total com d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy position; drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy and phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; 10 e. a moisture barrier coating. c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu the total composition; tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy oral administration consisting essentially of: drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium a. about 10 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; 15 yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the e. a moisture barrier coating: 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy whereby the composition in tablet form, after oral admin phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; istration of a 40 mg dose of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro the total composition; phenyl)-urea to a male cynomolgus monkey provides an d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy AUCo. of about 4.2 hug/mL, or a C of about 0.46 drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium Lig/mL. lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu and tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for 25 e. a moisture barrier coating. oral administration consisting essentially of: One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an oral administration consisting essentially of: amount of about 0.01% to about 10% by weight of the a. about 10 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H total composition; 30 pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the nyl)-urea; 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; the total composition; 35 c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy the total composition; drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium and lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; e. a moisture barrier coating: 40 and whereby the composition in tablet form, after oral admin e. a moisture barrier coating. istration of a 40 mg dose of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2- One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4- tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for difluoro-phenyl)-urea to a male cynomolgus monkey oral administration consisting essentially of: provides an AUCo. of about 4.2 hug/mL, or a C of 45 a. about 20 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- about 0.46 ug/mL. yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy oral administration consisting essentially of: phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; a. about 10 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 50 c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; the total composition; b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of 55 and the total composition; e. a moisture barrier coating. d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; oral administration consisting essentially of: and 60 a. about 20 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H e. a moisture barrier coating. pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu nyl)-urea; tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the oral administration consisting essentially of: Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- a. about 1.0 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H 65 methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of nyl)-urea; the total composition; US 9,034,911 B2 25 26 d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; oral administration consisting essentially of: and a. about 30 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- e. a moisture barrier coating. 5 yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy oral administration consisting essentially of: phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; a. about 20 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; 10 the total composition; b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of and the total composition; 15 e. a moisture barrier coating. d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; oral administration consisting essentially of: and a. about 30 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H e. a moisture barrier coating. pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu nyl)-urea; tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the oral administration consisting essentially of: Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- a. about 20 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe 25 c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of nyl)-urea; the total composition; b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of 30 and the total composition; e. a moisture barrier coating. d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; oral administration consisting essentially of: and 35 a. about 40 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- e. a moisture barrier coating. yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy oral administration consisting essentially of: phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; a. about 30 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 40 c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; the total composition; b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of 45 and the total composition; e. a moisture barrier coating. d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; oral administration consisting essentially of: and 50 a. about 40 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H e. a moisture barrier coating. pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu nyl)-urea; tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the oral administration consisting essentially of: Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- a. about 30 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H 55 methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of nyl)-urea; the total composition; b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; 60 lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of and the total composition; e. a moisture barrier coating. d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; 65 oral administration consisting essentially of: and a. about 40 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- e. a moisture barrier coating. yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; US 9,034,911 B2 27 28 b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of and the total composition; 5 e. a moisture barrier coating. d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for oral administration consisting essentially of: lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; a. about 50 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H and pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe e. a moisture barrier coating. 10 nyl)-urea; One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- oral administration consisting essentially of: methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; a. about 40 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe 15 the total composition; nyl)-urea; d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of e. a moisture barrier coating. the total composition; Kits of the Present Invention d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tical compositions of the present invention in kit form that lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; allow one of skill in the art to prepare a desired therapeutic and 25 regimen for treating a 5-HT, serotonin receptor-related dis e. a moisture barrier coating. order. In some embodiments, the kits also comprise a container One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu for the pharmaceutical compositions such as a bottle or a tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for blister pack. Blister packs are well known in the packaging oral administration consisting essentially of: industry and are being widely used for the packaging of a. about 50 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 30 pharmaceutical unit dosage forms (tablets, capsules and the yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; like). Blister packs generally consist of a sheet of relatively b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the stiff material covered with a foil of a preferably transparent 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy plastic material. During the packaging process recesses are phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; formed in the plastic foil. The recesses have the size and shape of the tablets or capsules to be packed. Next, the tablets or c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of 35 capsules are placed in the recesses and the sheet of relatively the total composition; stiff material is sealed against the plastic foil at the face of the d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy foil that is opposite from the direction in which the recesses drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium were formed. As a result, the tablets or capsules are sealed in lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; the recesses between the plastic foil and the sheet. Preferably, and 40 the strength of the sheet is such that the tablets or capsules can be removed from the blister pack by manually applying pres e. a moisture barrier coating. Sure on the recesses whereby an opening is formed in the One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu sheet at the place of the recess. The tablet or capsule can then tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for be removed via said opening. Additional examples of con oral administration consisting essentially of: tainers include, but are not limited to Syringes, boxes, bags a. about 50 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H 45 and the like. In some embodiments, the kits comprise direc pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe tions for the administration of the pharmaceutical composi nyl)-urea; tions. b. PVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the One aspect of the present invention pertains to kits for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- treating a 5-HT serotonin receptor-related disorder in an methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; 50 individual comprising a container and a pharmaceutical com c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of position of the present invention. the total composition; In some embodiments the kit comprises single unit dosage d. at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy forms of a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium tion. lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide; 55 In some embodiments the kit further comprises instruc and tions for use of the pharmaceutical composition. e. a moisture barrier coating. Methods of Preparing Pharmaceutical Compositions of the One aspect of the present invention pertains to pharmaceu Present Invention tical compositions of the present invention in tablet form for One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for oral administration consisting essentially of: 60 preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven a. about 50 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- tion comprising: yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy b. coPVP in a ratio of about 8:1 by weight compared to the phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy b. an excipient selected from: PVP and coPVP; comprising phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; 65 blending said 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea the total composition; and said excipient in a blender. US 9,034,911 B2 29 30 One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium lauryl preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven sulfate and silicon dioxide to produce a first blend; tion comprising: b. delumping said first blend in a conical mill; and a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy c. blending said first blend with magnesium Stearate. phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; 5 One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for b. an excipient selected from: PVP and coPVP; and preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven c. methyl cellulose tion comprising: comprising blending said 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an urea, said excipient and said methyl cellulose in a blender. 10 amount of about 0.01% to about 5% by weight of the In some embodiments, the methyl cellulose is 4000 cps total composition; methyl cellulose. b. PlasdoneTM K-29/32 PVP or KollidonTM 30 PVP in an In some embodiments, the 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H amount of about 40% by weight of the total composi pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- tion; urea is Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)- 15 c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of 4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea. the total composition; In some embodiments, the excipient is PVP. d. lactose monohydrate, 316 in an amount of about 21.25% In some embodiments, the PVP is PlasdoneTM K-29/32 by weight of the total composition; PVP or KollidonTM 3OPVP. e. microcrystalline cellulose, PH-102 in an amount of In some embodiments, the excipient is coPVP. about 25% by weight of the total composition; In some embodiments, the coPVP is KollidonTM VA 64 f. KollidonTM CL in an amount of about 4% by weight of PVP. the total composition; In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by further comprises at least one ingredient selected from: lac weight of the total composition; tose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, 25 h. magnesium Stearate in an amount of about 0.5% by Sodium lauryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon diox weight of the total composition; and ide. i. silicon dioxide in an amount of about 0.25% by weight of One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for the total composition. preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for tion comprising: 30 preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven a. blending 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- tion comprising: methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea, PVP. a. blending 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- methyl cellulose, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea, coPVP. cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium lauryl Sulfate and sili methylcellulose, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline con dioxide to produce a first blend: 35 cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium lauryl Sulfate and sili b. delumping said first blend in a conical mill; and con dioxide to produce a first blend: c. blending said first blend with magnesium Stearate. b. delumping said first blend in a conical mill; and One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for c. blending said first blend with magnesium Stearate. preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for tion comprising: 40 preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy tion comprising: phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy about 0.01% to about 5% by weight of the total compo phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of sition; about 0.01% to about 5% by weight of the total compo b. PlasdoneTM K-29/32 PVP or KollidonTM 30 PVP in an 45 sition; amount of about 40% by weight of the total composi b. KollidonTMVA 64 coPVP in an amount of about 40% by tion; weight of the total composition; c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of the total composition; the total composition; d. lactose monohydrate, 316 in an amount of about 21.25% 50 d. lactose monohydrate, 316 in an amount of about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; by weight of the total composition; e. microcrystalline cellulose, PH-102 in an amount of e. microcrystalline cellulose, PH-102 in an amount of about 25% by weight of the total composition; about 25% by weight of the total composition; f. KollidonTM CL in an amount of about 4% by weight of f. KollidonTM CL in an amount of about 4% by weight of the total composition; 55 the total composition; g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by weight of the total composition; weight of the total composition; h. magnesium Stearate in an amount of about 0.5% by h. magnesium Stearate in an amount of about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and weight of the total composition; and i. silicon dioxide in an amount of about 0.25% by weight of 60 i. silicon dioxide in an amount of about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. the total composition. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven tion comprising: tion comprising: a. blending Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra 65 a. blending Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- urea, PVP methyl cellulose, lactose monohydrate, urea, coPVP. methyl cellulose, lactose monohydrate, US 9,034,911 B2 31 32 microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, Sodium lauryl One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage sulfate and silicon dioxide to produce a first blend; forms comprising: b. delumping said first blend in a conical mill; and a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy c. blending said first blend with magnesium Stearate. phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and KollidonTM One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 5 preparing a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven VA 64 co PVP in a ratio of about 1:8; and tion comprising: b. about 2% 4000 cps methyl cellulose. a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an forms comprising: amount of about 0.01% to about 5% by weight of the a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- total composition; 10 methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and b. KollidonTMVA 64 co PVP in an amount of about 40% by KollidonTMVA 64 coPVP in a ratio of about 1:8; and weight of the total composition; b. about 2% 4000 cps methyl cellulose. c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of In some embodiments, the dosage form is suitable for oral the total composition; administration. d. lactose monohydrate, 316 in an amount of about 21.25% 15 by weight of the total composition; One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage e. microcrystalline cellulose, PH-102 in an amount of forms comprising: 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 5 mg, 6 mg, 7 mg. about 25% by weight of the total composition; 8 mg, 9 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 25 mg, 30 mg, 35 mg. 40 f. KollidonTM CL in an amount of about 4% by weight of mg, 45 mg, 50 mg, 55 mg, 60 mg. 65 mg, 70 mg, 75 mg, 80 the total composition; mg, 85 mg, 90 mg, 95 mg, 100 mg, 105 mg, 110 mg, 115 mg. g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by 120 mg, 125 mg, 130 mg, 135 mg, 140 mg, 145 mg, 150 mg. weight of the total composition; 155 mg, 160 mg, 165 mg, 170 mg, 175 mg, 180 mg, 185 mg, h. magnesium Stearate in an amount of about 0.5% by 190 mg, 195 mg. or 200 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H weight of the total composition; and pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- i. silicon dioxide in an amount of about 0.25% by weight of 25 lea. the total composition. One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage In some embodiments the methods for preparing a phar forms comprising: 1 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg. maceutical composition of the present invention further com 80 mg. or 100 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- prise the step of compressing said pharmaceutical composi yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea. tion into tablets. 30 In some embodiments the methods for preparing a phar Crystalline Forms of the Present Invention maceutical composition of the present invention further com One aspect of the present invention is directed to the prepa prise the step of coating said tablets with a moisture barrier. In ration of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- some embodiments, the moisture barrier is Opadry(R) II Blue. yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Com Dosage Forms of the Present Invention 35 pound I) and compositions thereof. Form I can be identified One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage by its unique Solid State signature with respect to, for forms comprising: example, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder a. about 0.1 mg to about 500 mg of 1-3-(4-bromo-2- X-ray diffraction (PXRD), IR Raman spectroscopy and other methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4- solid state methods. Further characterization with respect to difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and 40 water or solvent content of the crystalline form can be gauged b. an excipient selected from PVP or coPVP. by any of the following methods for example, thermogravi In some embodiments, the 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H metric analysis (TGA), DSC and the like. For DSC, it is pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- known that the temperatures observed for thermal events will urea is Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)- depend upon the rate oftemperature change as well as sample 4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea. 45 preparation technique and the particular instrument In some embodiments, the dosage form further comprises employed. Thus, the values reported herein relating to DSC methyl cellulose. thermograms can vary by plus or minus about 4° C. The In some embodiments, the methyl cellulose is 4000 cps values reported herein relating to DSC thermograms can also methyl cellulose. vary by plus or minus about 20 joules per gram. In Samples In some embodiments, the excipient is PlasdoneTMK-29/ 50 contaminated with Form II of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H 32 PVP or KollidonTM 3OPVP pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- In some embodiments, the excipient is KollidonTMVA 64 urea the values reported herein relating to DSC thermograms coPVP. can vary by plus or minus >20joules per gram. For PXRD, the One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage relative intensities of the peaks can vary, depending upon the forms comprising: 55 sample preparation technique, the sample mounting proce a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy dure and the particular instrument employed. Moreover, phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and PlasdoneTM instrument variation and other factors can often affect the 20 K-29/32 PVP or KollidonTM 30 PVP in a ratio of about values. Therefore, the peak assignments of diffraction pat 1:8; and terns can vary by plus or minus about 0.220. For TGA, the b. about 2% 4000 cps methyl cellulose. 60 features reported herein can vary by about +5°C. The TGA One aspect of the present invention pertains to dosage features reported herein can also vary by about +2% weight forms comprising: change due to, for example, sample variation. Further char a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- acterization with respect to hygroscopicity of the crystalline methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and form can be gauged by, for example, dynamic vapor sorption PlasdoneTM K-29/32 PVP or KollidonTM 30 PVP in a 65 (DVS). The DVS features reported herein can vary by about ratio of about 1:8; and +5% relative humidity. The DVS features reported herein can b. about 2% 4000 cps methyl cellulose. also vary and by about t5% weight change. US 9,034,911 B2 33 34 The physical properties of crystalline Form I of 1-3-(4- the reported DSC features can vary by about +4°C. and also bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, that the reported DSC features can vary by about +20 joules 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) are Summarized in per gram. Table A below. In some embodiments. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe TABLE A nyl)-urea has a Raman spectrum comprising peaks at about 1327 cm and about 1657 cm. In some embodiments, the Characterization of Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- crystalline form has a Raman spectrum comprising peaks at yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) about 1327cm, about 1622 cm and about 1657 cm. In PXRD FIG. 21: Peaks of about 17% or greater relative intensity at 10 Some embodiments, the crystalline form has a Raman spec 5.6°, 7.4°, 11.2°, 21.1° and 25.0° 20 trum comprising peaks at about 732 cm, about 1327cm, DSC FIG. 22: an endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature of about 170° C., an associated heat flow of about 64 joules about 1573 cm, about 1605 cm', about 1622 cm and per gram and a peak temperature of about 172°C. about 1657 cm. In some embodiments, the crystalline form FT FIG. 23: Peaks at 3086, 2955, 2840, 1656, 1622, 1605, 1572, has a Raman spectrum substantially as shown in FIG. 23. RAMAN 1534, 1004, 1004,964,911, 759, 751, 732, 723, 673,505, 15 In some embodiments. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl 390, 335 and 315 cm 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe TGA FIG. 24: negligible weight loss below about 150° C. nyl)-urea has a weight loss of about 2% or less as determined by thermogravimetric analysis at a temperature up to about The negligible weight loss observed in the TGA data sug 150° C. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has a gests that Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- weight loss of about 0.5% or less as determined by thermo yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Com gravimetric analysis at a temperature up to about 150° C. In pound I) is an anhydrous, non-Solvated crystalline form. The Some embodiments, the crystalline form has a weight loss of DSC thermogram further reveals a melting endotherm with about 0.1% or less as determined by thermogravimetric an onset at about 170° C. analysis at a temperature up to about 150°C. In some embodi One aspect of the present invention is directed to Form I of 25 ments, the crystalline form has a thermogravimetric analysis 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe thermogram substantially as shown in FIG. 24, wherein by nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea having a powder X-ray dif “substantially' is meant that the reported TGA features can vary by about +5° C. and also that the reported TGA features fraction pattern comprising peaks expressed in terms of 20 at can vary by about t2% weight change about 5.6° and about 21.1°. In some embodiments, the crys 30 In some embodiments, the crystalline form has a powder talline form has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern compris X-ray diffraction pattern comprising peaks expressed in ing a peak, in terms of 20, at about 7.4° and about 11.2°. In terms of 20 at about 5.6° and about 21.19; a differential Some embodiments, the crystalline form has an X-ray powder scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about with an extrapolated onset temperature of about 165° C. to 5.6°, about 7.4, about 11.2° and about 21.1°. In some 35 about 175° C.; and a Raman spectrum comprising peaks at embodiments, the crystalline form has an X-ray powder dif about 1327 cm and about 1657 cm. fraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about In some embodiments, the crystalline form has a powder 5.6°, about 7.4, about 11.2°, about 21.1° and about 25.0°. In X-ray diffraction pattern comprising peaks expressed in yet further embodiments, the crystalline form has an X-ray terms of 20 at about 7.4° and about 11.2°; a differential powder diffraction pattern substantially as shown in FIG. 21, 40 scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm wherein by “substantially is meant that the reported peaks with an extrapolated onset temperature of about 170° C.; and; can vary by about +0.220 and also that the relative intensi a Raman spectrum comprising peaks at about 1327 cm, ties of the reported peaks can vary. about 1622 cm and about 1657 cm. In some embodiments, Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl In some embodiments, the crystalline form has a powder 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe 45 X-ray diffraction pattern comprising peaks expressed in nyl)-urea has a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram terms of 20 at about 5.6°, about 7.4, about 11.2° and about comprising an endotherm with an extrapolated onset tem 21.1; a differential scanning calorimetry thermogram com prising an endotherm with an extrapolated onset temperature perature of about 165° C. to about 175°C. In some embodi of about 170° C., a peak temperature of about 172°C. and an ments, the crystalline form has a differential scanning calo associated heat flow of about 64 joules per gram; a Raman rimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm with an spectrum comprising peaks at about 732 cm', about 1327 extrapolated onset temperature at about 170° C. In some cm', about 1573 cm, about 1605 cm', about 1622 cm embodiments, the crystalline form has a differential scanning and about 1657 cm'; and a weight loss of about 0.5% or less calorimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm with a as determined by thermogravimetric analysis at a temperature peak temperature between about 167°C. to about 177°C. In 55 up to about 150° C. some embodiments, the crystalline form has a differential Compositions of the Present Invention scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm One aspect of the present invention is directed to compo with a peak temperature at about 172°C. In some embodi sitions comprising Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H ments, the crystalline form has a differential scanning calo pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- rimetry thermogram comprising an endotherm with an asso 60 urea, wherein the compositions comprise less than 0.9 mole ciated heat flow of about 59 joules per gram to about 69 joules % of 1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(4-methoxy-3-(1-methyl-1H per gram. In some embodiments, the crystalline form has a pyrazol-5-yl)phenyl)urea. In some embodiments, Form I of differential scanning calorimetry thermogram comprising an 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe endotherm with an associated heat flow of about 64 joules per nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at least about gram. In further embodiments, the crystalline form has a 65 0.1% by weight of the composition. In some embodiments, differential scanning calorimetry thermogram Substantially Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- as shown in FIG.22, wherein by “substantially' is meant that methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at US 9,034,911 B2 35 36 least about 1% by weight of the composition. In some Of these, compounds of the present invention are effective, embodiments. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra for example, in any one or more of the following sleep disor Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea ders (ICSD-International Classification of Sleep Disorders: constitutes at least about 5% by weight of the composition. In Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Diagnostic Classification some embodiments. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H 5 Steering Committee, American Sleep Disorders Association, pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- 1990): urea constitutes at least about 10% by weight of the compo A. Dyssomnias sition. In some embodiments, Form I of 1-3(4-bromo-2- a. Intrinsic Sleep Disorders: methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4- Psychophysiological insomnia, sleep state misperception, difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at least about 15% by 10 idiopathic insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, cen weight of the composition. In some embodiments, Form I of tral sleep apnea syndrome, central alveolar hypoVentilation 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, restless leg Syn nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at least about drome and intrinsic sleep disorder NOS (not otherwise speci 20% by weight of the composition. In some embodiments, fied). Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- 15 b. Extrinsic Sleep Disorders: methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at Inadequate sleep hygiene, environmental sleep disorder, least about 30% by weight of the composition. In some altitude insomnia, adjustment sleep disorder, insufficient embodiments. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra sleep syndrome, limit-setting sleep disorder, sleep onset asso Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea ciation disorder, nocturnal eating (drinking) syndrome, hyp constitutes at least about 40% by weight of the composition. notic-dependent sleep disorder, stimulant-dependent sleep In some embodiments, Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl disorder, alcohol-dependent sleep disorder, toxin-induced 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe sleep disorder and extrinsic sleep disorder NOS. nyl)-urea constitutes at least about 50% by weight of the c. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders: composition. In some embodiments, Form I of 1-3-(4- Time Zone change (jet lag) syndrome, shift work sleep bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2, 25 disorder, irregular sleep-wake pattern, delayed sleep phase 4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at least about 60% by syndrome, advanced sleep phase syndrome, non-24-hour weight of the composition. In some embodiments, Form I of sleep-wake disorder and circadian rhythm sleep disorder 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe NOS. nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at least about B. Parasomnias 70% by weight of the composition. In some embodiments, 30 a. Arousal Disorders: Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- Confusional arousals, sleepwalking and sleep terrors. methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at b. Sleep-Wake Transition Disorders: least about 80% by weight of the composition. In some Rhythmic movement disorder, sleep starts, sleep talking embodiments. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra and nocturnal leg cramps. Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea 35 C. Sleep Disorders Associated With Medical/Psychiatric constitutes at least about 90% by weight of the composition. Disorders In some embodiments, Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl a. Associated with Mental Disorders: 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe Psychoses, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, panic disor nyl)-urea constitutes at least about 95% by weight of the ders and alcoholism. composition. 40 b. Associated with Neurological Disorders: One aspect of the present invention is directed to compo Cerebral degenerative disorders, dementia, Parkinsonism, sitions comprising Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H fatal familial insomnia, sleep-related epilepsy, electrical sta pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- tus epilepticus of sleep and sleep-related headaches. urea and less than 0.9 mole % of 1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3- c. Associated with Other Medical Disorders: (4-methoxy-3-(1-methyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)phenyl)urea and 45 Sleeping sickness, nocturnal cardiac ischemia, chronic further comprising a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. In obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep-related asthma, sleep Some embodiments, the composition is formulated for oral related gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer disease, fibrosi administration. In some embodiments, the composition is in tis syndrome, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyal the form of a pill, capsule or tablet. gia and post-Surgical. Indications and Methods of Treatment 50 The effects of sleep deprivation are more than excessive In addition to the foregoing beneficial uses for the modu daytime sleepiness. Chronic insomniacs report elevated lev lators of 5-HT serotonin receptor activity disclosed herein, els of stress, anxiety, depression and medical illnesses (Na the compounds disclosed herein are believed to be useful in tional Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood the treatment of several additional diseases and disorders and Institute, Insomnia Facts Sheet, October 1995). Preliminary in the amelioration of symptoms thereof. Without limitation, 55 evidence Suggests that having a sleep disorder that causes these include the following: significant loss of sleep may contribute to increased Suscep 1. Sleep Disorders. tibility to infections due to immunosuppression, cardiovas It is reported in the National Sleep Foundation's 2002 cular complications such as hypertension, cardiac arrhyth Sleep In America Poll, 58% of the adults surveyed report mias, stroke and myocardial infarction, compromised having experienced one or more symptoms of insomnia at 60 glucose tolerance, increased obesity and metabolic Syn least a few nights a week in the past year. Additionally, 35% drome. Compounds of the present invention are useful to of the adults Surveyed say they have experienced insomnia prevent or alleviate these complications by improving sleep like symptoms every night or almost every night. quality. The normal sleep cycle and sleep architecture can be dis The most common class of for the majority of rupted by a variety of organic causes as well as environmental 65 sleep disorders are the benzodiazepines, but the adverse effect influences. According to the International Classification of profile of benzodiazepines includes daytime sedation, dimin Sleep Disorders, there are over 80 recognized sleep disorders. ished motor coordination and cognitive impairments. Fur US 9,034,911 B2 37 38 thermore, at the National Institutes of Health Consensus Con refreshing sleep (NREM stages 3 and 4) and instead spend the ference on Sleeping Pills and Insomnia in 1984 guidelines majority of their sleep time in NREM sleep stages 1 and 2. were developed discouraging the use of Such sedative-hyp In contrast to fragmented sleep architecture, as used herein notics beyond 4-6 weeks because of concerns raised over the term “sleep consolidation” means a state in which the drug misuse, dependency, withdrawal and rebound insomnia. number of NREM sleep bouts, particularly stages 3 and 4 and Therefore, it is desirable to have a pharmacological agent for the length of those sleep bouts are increased, while the num the treatment of insomnia, which is more effective and/or has ber and length of waking bouts are decreased. In essence, the fewer side effects than those currently used. In addition, ben sleep architecture of the sleep disorder patient is consolidated Zodiazepines are used to induce sleep, but have little to no to a sleeping state with increased periods of sleep and fewer effect on the maintenance of sleep, sleep consolidation or 10 awakenings during the night. More time is spent in slow wave slow wave sleep. Therefore, sleep maintenance disorders are sleep (stages 3 and 4) with fewer oscillations between stages not currently well treated. 1 and 2. Compounds of the present invention can be effective Clinical studies with agents of a similar mechanism of in consolidating sleep patterns so that the patient with previ action as compounds of the present invention have demon ously fragmented sleep can now achieve restorative, delta strated significant improvements on objective and Subjective 15 wave sleep for longer, more consistent periods of time. sleep parameters in normal, healthy Volunteers as well as As sleep moves from stage 1 into later stages, heart rate and patients with sleep disorders and mood disorders Sharpley A. blood pressure drop, metabolic rate and glucose consumption L., et al., Slow Wave Sleep in Humans: Role of 5-HT, and fall and muscles relax. In normal sleep architecture, NREM 5HT. Receptors. Neuropharmacology, 1994, Vol. 33 (3/4): sleep makes up about 75-80% of total sleep time; stage 1 467-71; Winokur A. et al., Acute Effects of Mirtazapine on accounting for 2-5% of total sleep time, stage 2 for about Sleep Continuity and Sleep Architecture in Depressed 45-50%, stage 3 approximately 3-8% and stage 4 approxi Patients: A Pilot Study. Soc. of Biol. Psych., 2000, Vol. 48:75 mately 10-15%. About 90 minutes after sleep onset, NREM 78; and Landolt H. P. et al., Serotonin-2 Receptors and sleep gives way to the first REM sleep episode of the night. Human Sleep: Effect of Selective Antagonist on EEG Power REM makes up approximately 20-25% of total sleep time. In Spectra. Neuropsychopharmacology, 1999, Vol. 21 (3):455 25 contrast to NREM sleep, REM sleep is characterized by high 66. pulse, respiration and blood pressure, as well as other physi Some sleep disorders are sometimes found in conjunction ological patterns similar to those seen in the active waking with other conditions and accordingly those conditions are stage. Hence, REM sleep is also known as “paradoxical treatable by compositions of the present invention. For sleep.” Sleep onset occurs during NREM sleep and takes example, but not limited to, patients suffering from mood 30 10-20 minutes in healthy young adults. The four stages of disorders typically suffer from a sleep disorder that can be NREM sleep together with a REM phase form one complete treatable by compositions of the present invention. Having sleep cycle that is repeated throughout the duration of sleep, one pharmacological agent which treats two or more existing usually four or five times. The cyclical nature of sleep is or potential conditions, as does the present invention, is more regular and reliable: a REM period occurs about every 90 cost effective, leads to better compliance and has fewer side 35 minutes during the night. However, the first REM period effects than taking two or more agents. tends to be the shortest, often lasting less than 10 minutes, It is an object of the present invention to provide a thera whereas the later REM periods may last up to 40 minutes. peutic agent for the use in treating sleep disorders. It is With aging, the time between retiring and sleep onset another object of the present invention to provide one phar increases and the total amount of night-time sleep decreases maceutical agent, which may be useful in treating two or 40 because of changes in sleep architecture that impair sleep more conditions wherein one of the conditions is a sleep maintenance as well as sleep quality. Both NREM (particu disorder. Compounds of the present invention described larly stages 3 and 4) and REM sleep are reduced. However, herein may be used alone or in combination with a mild sleep stage 1 NREM sleep, which is the lightest sleep, increases inducer (i.e. ). with age. Sleep Architecture: 45 As used herein, the term “delta power” means a measure of Sleep comprises two physiological states: Non rapid eye the duration of EEG activity in the 0.5 to 3.5 Hz range during movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. NREM sleep and is thought to be a measure of deeper, more NREM sleep consists of four stages, each of which is char refreshing sleep. Delta power is hypothesized to be a measure acterized by progressively slower brain wave patterns, with of a theoretical process called Process S and is thought to be the slower patterns indicating deeper sleep. So called delta 50 inversely related to the amount of sleep an individual experi sleep, stages 3 and 4 of NREM sleep, is the deepest and most ences during a given sleep period. Sleep is controlled by refreshing type of sleep. Many patients with sleep disorders homeostatic mechanisms; therefore, the less one sleeps the are unable to adequately achieve the restorative sleep of greater the drive to sleep. It is believed that Process S builds stages 3 and 4. In clinical terms, patients sleep patterns are throughout the wake period and is discharged most efficiently described as fragmented, meaning patients spend a lot of time 55 during delta power sleep. Delta power is a measure of the alternating between stages 1 and 2 (semi-Wakefulness) and magnitude of Process Sprior to the sleep period. The longer being awake and very little time indeep sleep. As used herein, one stays awake, the greater Process S or drive to sleep and the term "fragmented sleep architecture” means an indi thus the greater the delta power during NREM sleep. How vidual. Such as a sleep disorder patient, spends the majority of ever, individuals with sleep disorders have difficulty achiev their sleep time in NREM sleep stages 1 and 2, lighter periods 60 ing and maintaining delta wave sleep and thus have a large of sleep from which the individual can be easily aroused to a build-up of Process S with limited ability to discharge this waking state by limited external stimuli. As a result, the buildup during sleep. 5-HT agonists tested preclinically individual cycles through frequent bouts of light sleep inter and clinically mimic the effect of sleep deprivation on delta rupted by frequent awakenings throughout the sleep period. power, Suggesting that Subjects with sleep disorders treated Many sleep disorders are characterized by fragmented sleep 65 with a 5-HT, inverse agonist or antagonist will be able to architecture. For example, many elderly patients with sleep achieve deeper sleep that is more refreshing. These same complaints have difficulty achieving long bouts of deep, effects have not been observed with currently marketed phar US 9,034,911 B2 39 40 macotherapies. In addition, currently marketed pharmaco enings and prolonging the amount of time in delta-wave sleep therapies for sleep have side effects such as hangover effects (measure of sleep quality enhancement and sleep consolida or addiction that are associated with the GABA receptor. tion) without effecting REM sleep. In addition, compounds of 5-HT, inverse agonists do not target the GABA receptor and the present invention can be effective either as a monotherapy so these side effects are not a concern. or in combination with sleep inducing agents, for example but Subjective and Objective Determinations of Sleep Disor not limited to, . ders: Pharmacodynamic Effects of the Selective 5-HT, Inverse There are a number of ways to determine whether the Agonist 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-meth onset, duration or quality of sleep (e.g. non-restorative or oxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (APD125) in restorative sleep) is impaired or improved. One method is a 10 Healthy Adults Subjective determination of the patient, e.g., do they feel APD125, a potent and selective 5-HT serotonin receptor drowsy or rested upon waking. Other methods involve the inverse agonist is a member of the genus disclosed in the observation of the patient by another during sleep, e.g., how European Patent EP1558582. In Phase 1 trials, APD125 long it takes the patient to fall asleep, how many times the showed vigilance-lowering effects on waking EEG, with patient wakes up during the night, how restless is the patient 15 maximal effects at 40-80 mg; peak effects were observed at during sleep, etc. Another method is to measure the stages of 2-4 h after dosing. In the afternoon nap model of insomnia in sleep objectively using polysomnography. normal volunteers, APD125 increased slow wave sleep and Polysomnography is the monitoring of multiple electro associated parameters in a dose-dependent manner, primarily physiological parameters during sleep and generally includes during the early part of sleep. These effects occurred at the measurement of EEG activity, electrooculographic activity expense of REM sleep. Sleep onset latency was not decreased and electromyographic activity, as well as other measure by APD125. In the afternoon nap model, APD125 decreased ments. These results, along with observations, can measure microarousals, the number of sleep stage shifts and number of not only sleep latency (the amount of time required to fall awakenings after sleep onset. asleep), but also sleep continuity (overall balance of sleep and In a Phase 2 trial, when compared to placebo, patients wakefulness) and sleep consolidation (percent of sleeping 25 treated with APD125 experienced statistically significant time spent in delta-wave or restorative sleep) which may bean improvements in measurements of sleep maintenance, or the indication of the quality of sleep. ability to maintain sleep during the night after falling asleep. There are five distinct sleep stages, which can be measured The improvements in measurements of sleep maintenance by polysomnography: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and were achieved without any limiting next day cognitive four stages of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (stages 30 effects. The data from the APD125 Phase 2 study are consis 1, 2, 3 and 4). Stage 1 NREM sleep is a transition from tent with Phase 1 data and support further development of wakefulness to sleep and occupies about 5% of time spent APD125 for the treatment of insomnia patients who have asleep in healthy adults. Stage 2 NREM sleep, which is char difficulty maintaining sleep. acterized by specific EEG waveforms (sleep spindles and K In conclusion, APD125, a 5-HT serotonin receptor complexes), occupies about 45-50% of time spent asleep. 35 inverse agonist, improved parameters of sleep consolidation Stages 3 and 4 NREM sleep (also known collectively as and maintenance in humans. slow-wave sleep and delta-wave sleep) are the deepest levels 2. Antiplatelet Therapies (Conditions Related to Platelet of sleep and occupy about 10-20% of sleep time. REM sleep, Aggregation). during which the majority of vivid dreams occur, occupies Antiplatelet agents (antiplatelets) are prescribed for a vari about 20-25% of total sleep. 40 ety of conditions. For example, in coronary artery disease These sleep stages have a characteristic temporal organi they are used to help prevent myocardial infarction or stroke zation across the night. NREM stages 3 and 4 tend to occur in in patients who are at risk of developing obstructive blood the first one-third to one-half of the night and increase in clots (e.g., coronary thrombosis). duration in response to sleep deprivation. REM sleep occurs In a myocardial infarction (heart attack), the heart muscle cyclically through the night. Alternating with NREM sleep 45 does not receive enough oxygen-rich blood because of a about every 80-100 minutes. REM sleep periods increase in blockage in the coronary blood vessels. If taken while an duration toward the morning. Human sleep also varies char attack is in progress or immediately afterward (preferably acteristically across the life span. After relative stability with within 30 minutes), antiplatelets can reduce the damage to the large amounts of slow-wave sleep in childhood and early heart. adolescence, sleep continuity and depth deteriorate across the 50 A transient ischemic attack (“TIA' or “mini-stroke') is a adult age range. This deterioration is reflected by increased brief interruption of oxygen flow to the brain due to decreased wakefulness and stage 1 sleep and decreased stages 3 and 4 blood flow through arteries, usually due to an obstructing sleep. blood clot. Antiplatelet drugs have been found to be effective In addition, the compounds of the invention can be useful in preventing TIAS. for the treatment of the sleep disorders characterized by 55 Angina is a temporary and often recurring chest pain, pres excessive daytime sleepiness such as narcolepsy. Inverseago Sure or discomfort caused by inadequate oxygen-rich blood nists at the serotonin 5-HT Serotonin receptor improve the flow (ischemia) to some parts of the heart. In patients with quality of sleep at nighttime which can decrease excessive angina, antiplatelet therapy can reduce the effects of angina daytime sleepiness. and the risk of myocardial infarction. Accordingly, another aspect of the present invention 60 Stroke is an event in which the brain does not receive relates to the therapeutic use of compounds of the present enough oxygen-rich blood, usually due to blockage of a cere invention for the treatment of sleep disorders. Compounds of bral blood vessel by a blood clot. In high-risk patients, taking the present invention are potent inverse agonists at the sero antiplatelets regularly has been found to prevent the forma tonin 5-HT serotonin receptor and can be effective in the tion of blood clots that cause first or second strokes. treatment of sleep disorders by promoting one or more of the 65 Angioplasty is a catheter-based technique used to open following: reducing the sleep onset latency period (measure arteries obstructed by a blood clot. Whether or not stenting is of sleep induction), reducing the number of nighttime awak performed immediately after this procedure to keep the artery US 9,034,911 B2 41 42 open, antiplatelets can reduce the risk of forming additional plasty or coronary bypass Surgery patient, or a patient Suffer blood clots following the procedure(s). ing from atrial fibrillation, comprising administering to the Coronary bypass Surgery is a Surgical procedure in which patient a composition comprising a 5-HT, inverse agonist an artery or vein is taken from elsewhere in the body and disclosed herein at a time where such risk exists. grafted to a blocked coronary artery, rerouting blood around 3. Asthma. the blockage and through the newly attached vessel. After the 5-HT has been linked to the pathophysiology of acute procedure, antiplatelets can reduce the risk of secondary asthma (see Cazzola, M. and Matera, M. G., Trends Pharma blood clots. col. Sci. 21: 201-202, 2000; and De Bie, J. J. et al., British J. Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of sustained Pharm., 1998, 124, 857-864). The compounds of the present irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia). Atrial fibrillation affects 10 invention disclosed herein are useful in the treatment of about two million Americans every year. In atrial fibrillation, asthma and the treatment of the symptoms thereof. Accord the atria (the heart's upper chambers) rapidly fire electrical ingly, in some embodiments, the present invention provides signals that cause them to quiver rather than contract nor methods for treating asthma in a patient in need of the treat mally. The result is an abnormally fast and highly irregular ment, comprising administering to the patient a composition heartbeat. When given after an episode of atrial fibrillation, 15 comprising a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed herein. In antiplatelets can reduce the risk of blood clots forming in the further embodiments, methods are provided for treating a heart and traveling to the brain (embolism). symptom of asthma in a patient in need of the treatment, 5-HT serotonin receptors are expressed on Smooth comprising administering to the patient a composition com muscle of blood vessels and 5-HT secreted by activated plate prising a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed herein. lets causes vasoconstriction as well as activation of additional 4. Agitation. platelets during clotting. There is evidence that a 5-HT Agitation is a well-recognized behavioral syndrome with a inverse agonist will inhibit platelet aggregation and thus be a range of symptoms, including hostility, extreme excitement, potential treatment as an antiplatelet therapy (see Satimura, poor impulse control, tension and uncooperativeness (see K., et al., Clin. Cardiol. 2002 Jan. 25(1):28-32; and Wilson, Cohen-Mansfield J. and Billig, N., (1986), Agitated Behav H. C. et al., Thromb. Haemost. 1991 Sep. 2: 66(3):355-60). 25 iors in the Elderly. I. A Conceptual Review.J. Am. Geriatr. 5-HT, inverse agonists can be used to treat, for example, Soc. 34(10): 711-721). claudication or peripheral artery disease as well as cardiovas Agitation is a common occurrence in the elderly and is cular complications (see Br: Med. J. 298: 424–430, 1989), often associated with dementia Such as those caused by arterial thrombosis (see, Pawlak, D. et al., Thrombosis Alzheimer's disease, Lewy Body, Parkinson's and Hunting Research 90: 259-270, 1998), atherosclerosis (see, Hayashi, 30 tons, which are degenerative diseases of the nervous system. T. et al., Atherosclerosis 168: 23-31, 2003), vasoconstriction Diseases that affect blood vessels, such as stroke, or multi caused by serotonin (see, Fujiwara, T. and Chiba, S. Journal infarct dementia, which is caused by multiple strokes in the of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 26: 503-510, 1995), rest brain can also induce agitation. Alzheimer's disease accounts enosis of arteries following angioplasty or stent placement for approximately 50 to 70% of all dementias (see Koss E., et (see, Fujita, M. et al., Am. Heart J. 145:e 16, 2003). It can also 35 al., (1997), Assessing patterns of agitation in Alzheimer's be used alone or in combination with thrombolytic therapy, disease patients with the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inven for example, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) (see, tory. The Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study. Alzheimer Yamashita, T. et al., Haemostasis 30:321-332, 2000), to pro Dis. Assoc. Disord. 11 (suppl 2):S45-S50). vide cardioprotection following MI or postischemic myocar An estimated 5% of people aged 65 and older and up to dial dysfunction (see, Muto, T. et al., Mol. Cell. Biochem. 272: 40 20% of those aged 80 and older are affected by dementia; of 119-132, 2005) or protection from ischemic injury during these sufferers, nearly half exhibit behavioral disturbances, percutaneous coronary intervention (see, Horibe, E. Circula Such as agitation, wandering and violent outbursts. tion Research 68: 68-72, 2004) and the like, including com Agitated behaviors can also be manifested in cognitively plications resulting therefrom. intact elderly people and by those with psychiatric disorders 5-HT, inverse antagonists can increase circulating adi 45 other than dementia. ponectin in patients, Suggesting that they would also be useful Agitation is often treated with antipsychotic medications in protecting patients against indications that are linked to Such as haloperidol in nursing home and other assisted care adiponectin, for example, myocardial ischemia reperfusion settings. There is emerging evidence that agents acting at the injury and atherosclerosis (see Nomura et al., Blood Coagul 5-HT, serotonin receptors in the brain have the effects of lation and Fibrinolysis 2005, 16, 423-428). 50 reducing agitation in patients, including Alzheimer's demen The 5-HT, inverse agonists disclosed herein provide ben tia (See Katz, I. R., et al., J. Clin. Psychiatry 1999 Feb., eficial improvement in microcirculation to patients in need of 60(2):107-115; and Street, J. S., et al., Arch. Gen. Psychiatry antiplatelet therapy by antagonizing the vasoconstrictive 2000 Oct., 57(10):968-976). products of the aggregating platelets in, for example and not The compounds of the invention disclosed herein are use limited to the indications described above. Accordingly, in 55 ful for treating agitation and symptoms thereof. Thus, in some Some embodiments, the present invention provides methods embodiments, the present invention provides methods for for reducing platelet aggregation in a patient in need thereof treating agitation in a patient in need of Such treatment com comprising administering to the patient a composition com prising administering to the patient a composition comprising prising a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed herein. In further a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed herein. In some embodi embodiments, the present invention provides methods for 60 ments, the agitation is due to a psychiatric disorder other than treating coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, tran dementia. In some embodiments, the present invention pro sient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, atrial fibrillation, or a vides methods for treatment of agitation or a symptom thereof symptom of any of the foregoing in a patient in need of the in a patient Suffering from dementia comprising administer treatment, comprising administering to the patient a compo ing to the patient a composition comprising a 5-HT, inverse sition comprising a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed herein. 65 agonist disclosed herein. In some embodiments of such meth In further embodiments, the present invention provides ods, the dementia is due to a degenerative disease of the methods for reducing risk of blood clot formation in an angio nervous system, for example and without limitation, Alzhe US 9,034,911 B2 43 44 imer's disease, Lewy Body, Parkinson's disease and Hunting In some embodiments, the present invention provides ton's disease, or dementia due to diseases that affect blood methods for treating infantile autism, Huntington's chorea, or vessels, including, without limitation, stroke and multi-inf nausea and Vomiting from chemotherapy or chemotherapeu arct dementia. In some embodiments, methods are provided tic antibodies comprising administering to the patient a for treating agitation or a symptom thereof inapatient in need 5 D receptor antagonist and a 5-HT, inverse ago of Such treatment, where the patient is a cognitively intact nist disclosed herein. elderly patient, comprising administering to the patient a In some embodiments, the present invention provides composition comprising a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed methods for treating infantile autism, Huntington's chorea, or herein. nausea and Vomiting from chemotherapy or chemotherapeu 10 tic antibodies comprising administering to the patient halo 5. Add-on Therapy to Haloperidol in the Treatment of Schizo peridol and a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed herein. phrenia and Other Disorders. In further embodiments, the present invention provides Schizophrenia is a psychopathic disorder of unknown ori methods for treating schizophrenia in a patient in need of the gin, which usually appears for the first time in early adulthood treatment comprising administering to the patient a dopamine and is marked by a number of characteristics, psychotic 15 D receptorantagonistanda 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed symptoms, progression, phasic development and deteriora herein. Preferably, the dopamine D receptor antagonist is tion in Social behavior and professional capability in the haloperidol. region below the highest level ever attained. Characteristic The administration of the dopamine D receptorantagonist psychotic symptoms are disorders of thought content (mul can be concomitant with administration of the 5-HT, inverse tiple, fragmentary, incoherent, implausible or simply delu agonist, or they can be administered at different times. Those sional contents or ideas of persecution) and of mentality (loss of skill in the art will easily be able to determine appropriate of association, flight of imagination, incoherence up to dosing regimes for the most efficacious reduction or elimina incomprehensibility), as well as disorders of perceptibility tion of deleterious haloperidol effects. In some embodiments, (hallucinations), of emotions (Superficial or inadequate emo haloperidol and the 5-HT, inverse agonist are administered tions), of self-perception, of intentions and impulses, of inter 25 in a single dosage form and in other embodiments, they are human relationships and finally psychomotoric disorders administered in separate dosage forms. (such as catatonia). Other symptoms are also associated with The present invention further provides methods of allevi this disorder: See, American Statistical and Diagnostic Hand ating negative symptoms of schizophrenia induced by the book. administration of haloperidol to a patient Suffering from Haloperidol (Haldol) is a potent dopamine D, receptor 30 Schizophrenia, comprising administering to the patient a antagonist. It is widely prescribed for acute schizophrenic 5-HT, inverse agonist as disclosed herein. symptoms and is very effective for the positive symptoms of 6. Diabetic-Related Pathologies. schizophrenia. However, Haldol is not effective for the nega Although hyperglycemia is the major cause for the patho tive symptoms of Schizophrenia and may actually induce genesis of diabetic complications such as diabetic peripheral negative symptoms as well as cognitive dysfunction. In accor 35 neuropathy (DPN), diabetic nephropathy (DN) and diabetic dance with Some methods of the invention, administering a retinopathy (DR), some clinical work has implicated that 5-HT, inverse agonist concomitantly with Haldol will pro increased plasma serotonin concentration in diabetic patients vide benefits including the ability to use a lower dose of plays a role in disease progression (Pietraszek, M. H., et al., Haldol without losing its effects on positive symptoms, while Thrombosis Res. 1992, 66(6), 765-74; and Andrzejewska reducing or eliminating its inductive effects on negative 40 Buczko J., et al., Klin. Oczna. 1996: 98(2), 101-4). Serotonin symptoms and prolonging relapse to the patient's next is believed to play a role in vasospasm and increased platelet Schizophrenic event. aggregability. Improving microvascular blood flow is benefi Haloperidol is used for treatment of a variety of behavioral cial to diabetic complications. disorders, drug induced psychosis, excitative psychosis, A recent study by Cameron and Cotter in Naunyn Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, manic disorders, psychosis 45 Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol. 2003 June; 367(6):607-14, (organic and NOS), psychotic disorder, psychosis, Schizo used a 5-HT, antagonist experimental drug AT-1015 and phrenia (acute, chronic and NOS). Further uses include in the other non-specific 5-HT, antagonists including treatment of infantile autism, Huntington's chorea and nau and Sarpogrelate. These studies found that all three drugs sea and Vomiting from chemotherapy and chemotherapeutic were able to produce a marked correction (82.6-99.7%) of a antibodies. Administration of 5-HT, inverse agonists dis 50 19.8% sciatic motor conduction deficit in diabetic rats. Simi closed herein with haloperidol also will provide benefits in larly, 44.7% and 14.9% reductions in sciatic endoneurial these indications. blood flow and saphenous sensory conduction Velocity were In some embodiments, the present invention provides completely reversed. methods for treating a behavioral disorder, drug induced psy In a separate patient study, Sarpogrelate was evaluated for chosis, excitative psychosis, Gilles de la Tourette's Syn 55 the prevention of the development or progression of diabetic drome, manic disorders, psychosis (organic and NOS), psy nephropathy (Takahashi, T., et al., Diabetes. Res. Clin. Pract. chotic disorder, psychosis, Schizophrenia (acute, chronic and 2002 November; 58(2):123-9). In the trial of 24 months of NOS) comprising administering to the patient a dopamine D. treatment, Sarpogrelate significantly reducedurinary albumin receptor antagonist and a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed excretion level. herein. 60 7. Glaucoma. In some embodiments, the present invention provides Topical ocular administration of 5-HT, receptor antago methods for treating a behavioral disorder, drug induced psy nists result in a decrease in intra ocular pressure (TOP) in chosis, excitative psychosis, Gilles de la Tourette's Syn monkeys (Chang et al., J. Ocul. Pharmacol. 1:137-147 drome, manic disorders, psychosis (organic and NOS), psy (1985)) and humans (Mastropasqua et al., Acta. Ophthalmol. chotic disorder, psychosis, Schizophrenia (acute, chronic and 65 Scand. Suppl. 224:24-25 (1997)) indicating utility for similar NOS) comprising administering to the patient haloperidol compounds Such as 5-HT, inverse agonists in the treatment and a 5-HT, inverse agonist disclosed herein. of ocular hypertension associated with glaucoma. The 5-HT US 9,034,911 B2 45 46 receptor antagonist ketanserin (Mastropasqua Supra) and sar In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a pogrelate (Takenaka et al., Investig. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. granulomatous or inflammatory disease. In some embodi 36:S734 (1995)) have been shown to significantly lower IOP ments, the granulomatous or inflammatory disease is tuber in glaucoma patients. culosis or sarcoidosis. 8. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy. In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a immunocompromised. In some embodiments, the immuno lethal demyelinating disease caused by an opportunistic viral compromised individual has impaired cellular immunity. In infection of oligodendrocytes in immunocompromised Some embodiments, the impaired cellular immunity com patients. The causative agent is JC virus, a ubiquitous prises impaired T-cell immunity. papovavirus that infects the majority of the population before 10 adulthood and establishes a latent infection in the kidney. In In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is immunocompromised hosts, the virus can reactivate and pro infected with HIV. In some embodiments, the HIV-infected ductively infect oligodendrocytes. This previously rare con individual has a CD4+ cell count of s200/mm. In some dition, until 1984 reported primarily in persons with under embodiments, the HIV-infected individual has AIDS. In some lying lymphoproliferative disorders, is now more common 15 embodiments, the HIV-infected individual has AIDS-related because it occurs in 4% of patients with AIDS. Patients usu complex (ARC). In certain embodiments, ARC is defined as ally present with relentlessly progressive focal neurologic the presence of two successive CD4+ cell counts below 200/ defects, such as hemiparesis or visual field deficits, or with mm and at least two of the following signs or symptoms: oral alterations in mental status. On brain MRI, one or more white hairy leukoplakia, recurrent oral candidiasis, weight loss of at matter lesions are present; they are hyperintense on least 15 lb or 10% of body weight within last six months, T2-weighted images and hypointense on T1-weighted multidermatomal herpes Zoster, temperature above 38.5° C. images. There is no mass effect and contrast enhancement is for more than 14 consecutive days or more than 15 days in a rare. Diagnosis can be confirmed by brain biopsy, with dem 30-day period, or diarrhea with more than three liquid stools onstration of virus by in situ hybridization or immunocy per day for at least 30 days see, e.g., Yamada et al., Clin. tochemistry. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of JC 25 Diagn. Virol. (1993) 1:245-256. virus sequences from the CSF can confirm diagnosis without In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is the need for biopsy Antinorietal. Neurology (1997) 48:687 undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. In some embodi 694; Berger and Major, Seminars in Neurology (1999) ments, the immunosuppressive therapy comprises adminis 19:193-200; and Portegies, et al., Eur: J. Neurol. (2004) tering an immunosuppressive agent see, e.g., Mueller, Ann. 11:297-304). Currently, there is no effective therapy. Survival 30 after diagnosis is about 3 to 5 months in AIDS patients. Thorac. Surg. (2004) 77:354-362; and Krieger and Emre, JC virus enters cells by receptor-mediated clathrin-depen Pediatr. Transplantation (2004)8:594-599). In some embodi dent endocytosis. Binding of JC virus to human glial cells ments, the immunosuppressive therapy comprises adminis (e.g., oligodendrocytes) induces an intracellular signal that is tering an immunosuppressive agent selected from the group critical for entry and infection by a ligand-inducible clathrin 35 consisting of corticosteroids (for example, prednisone and dependent mechanism Querbes et al., J Virology (2004) the like), calcineurin inhibitors (for example, cyclosporine, 78:250-256. Recently, 5-HT, was shown to be the receptor tacrolimus and the like), antiproliferative agents (for on human glial cells mediating infectious entry of JC virus by example, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, Sirolimus, clathrin-dependent endocytosis Elphick et al., Science everolimus and the like), T-cell depleting agents (for (2004) 306:1380-1383). 5-HT, antagonists, including ket 40 example, OKTR3 monoclonal antibody (mAb), anti-CD3 anserin and ritanserin, inhibited JC virus infection of human immunotoxin FN18-CRM9, Campath-1H (anti-CD52) mAb. glial cells. Ketanserin and ritanserin have inverse agonist anti-CD4 mAb, anti-T cell receptor mAb and the like), anti activity at 5-HT2. IL-2 receptor (CD25) mab (for example, basiliximab, dacli 5-HT, antagonists including inverse agonists have been Zumab and the like), inhibitors of co-stimulation (for contemplated to be useful in the treatment of PMLIElphicket 45 example, CTLA4-Ig, anti-CD154 (CD40 ligand) mAb and al., Science (2004) 306:1380-1383. Prophylactic treatment the like), deoxyspergualin and analogs thereof (for example, of HIV-infected patients with 5-HT, antagonists is envi 15-DSG, LF-08-0299, LF14-0195 and the like), leflunomide sioned to prevent the spread of JC virus to the central nervous and analogs thereof (for example, leflunomide, FK778, system and the development of PML. Aggressive therapeutic FK779 and the like), FTY720, anti-alpha-4-integrin mono treatment of patients with PML is envisioned to reduce viral 50 clonal antibody and anti-CD45 RB monoclonal antibody. In spread within the central nervous system and prevent addi Some embodiments, the immunosuppressive agent and said tional episodes of demyelination. compound or pharmaceutical composition are administered One aspect of the present invention encompasses methods in separate dosage forms. In some embodiments, the immu for the treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephal nosuppressive agent and said compound or pharmaceutical opathy in an individual comprising administering to the indi 55 composition are administered in a single dosage form. vidual in need thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is compound according to any of the embodiments described undergoing immunosuppressive therapy after organ trans herein or a pharmaceutical composition. plantation. In some embodiments, the organ is liver, kidney, In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a lung, heart, or the like see, e.g., Singh et al., Transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder. In some embodiments, the 60 (2000) 69:467-472). lymphoproliferative disorder is leukemia or lymphoma. In In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is Some embodiments, the leukemia or lymphoma is chronic undergoing treatment for a rheumatic disease. In some lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, or the like. embodiments, the rheumatic disease is systemic lupus erythe In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a matosus or the like. myeloproliferative disorder. 65 In some embodiments, the compound or the pharmaceuti In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof has cal composition inhibits JC virus infection of human glial carcinomatosis. cells US 9,034,911 B2 47 48 9. Hypertension. administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti Serotonin has been observed to play an important role in cally effective amount of a composition of the present inven the regulation of vascular tone, vasoconstriction and pulmo tion. nary hypertension (Deuchar, G. et al., Pulm. Pharmacol. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for Ther: 18(1):23-31. 2005; and Marcos, E. et al., Circ. Res. improving sleep quality in an individual comprising admin 94(9): 1263-70 2004). Ketanserin, a 5-HT, inverse agonist, istering to the individual in need thereof a therapeutically have been demonstrated to protect against circulatory shocks, effective amount of a composition of the present invention. intracranial hypertension and cerebral ischemia during heat One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for stroke (Chang, C. et al., Shock 24(4): 336-340 2005); and to treating nonrestorative sleep in an individual comprising stabilize blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats 10 administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti (Miao, C. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 2003, 30(3): 189 cally effective amount of a composition of the present inven 193). Mainserin, a 5-HT, inverse agonist, has been shown to tion. prevent DOCA-salt induced hypertension in rats (Silva, A. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for Eur: J. Pharmacol. 518(2-3): 152-7 2005). 15 increasing slow wave sleep, improving sleep consolidation, 10. Pain. improving sleep maintenance, improving sleep quality, or 5-HT, inverse agonists are also effective for the treatment treating nonrestorative sleep in an individual comprising of pain. Sarpogrelate has been observed to provide a signifi administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti cantanalgesic effect both on thermal induced pain in rats after cally effective amount of a composition of the present inven intraperitoneal administration and on inflammatory pain in tion. rats after either intrathecal or intraperitoneal administration In some embodiments, the sleep disorder is a dyssomnia. In (Nishiyama, T. Eur: J. Pharmacol. 516:18-22, 2005). This Some embodiments, the dyssomnia is selected from psycho same 5-HT, inverse agonist in humans has been shown to be physiological insomnia, sleep state misperception, idiopathic an effective treatment for lowerback pain, leg pain and numb insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, central sleep ness associated with Sciatica brought on by lumbar discher 25 apnea syndrome, central alveolar hypoVentilation syndrome, niation (Kanayama, M. et al., J. Neurosurg. Spine 2:441-446, periodic limb movement disorder, restless leg syndrome, 2005). inadequate sleep hygiene, environmental sleep disorder, alti Representative Methods of the Invention tude insomnia, adjustment sleep disorder, insufficient sleep One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for syndrome, limit-setting sleep disorder, sleep-onset associa treating a 5-HT serotonin receptor-related disorder in an 30 tion disorder, nocturnal eating or drinking syndrome, hyp individual comprising administering to the individual in need notic dependent sleep disorder, stimulant-dependent sleep thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a composition of disorder, alcohol-dependent sleep disorder, toxin-induced the present invention. sleep disorder, time Zone change, jetlag syndrome, shift work One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for sleep disorder, irregular sleep-wake pattern, delayed sleep treating a sleep disorder in an individual comprising admin 35 phase syndrome, advanced sleep phase syndrome and non istering to the individual in need thereof a therapeutically 24-hour sleep-wake disorder. effective amount of a composition of the present invention. In some embodiments, the sleep disorder is a parasomnia. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for In some embodiments, the parasomnia is selected from con treating a dyssomnia in an individual comprising administer 40 fusional arousals, sleepwalking and sleep tenors, rhythmic ing to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effective movement disorder, sleep starts, sleep talking and nocturnal amount of a composition of the present invention. leg cramps. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for In Some embodiments, the sleep disorder is associated with treating insomnia in an individual comprising administering a medical or psychiatric disorder. In some embodiments, the to the individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective 45 medical or psychiatric disorder is selected from psychoses, amount of a composition of the present invention. mood disorders, anxiety disorders, panic disorders, alcohol One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for ism, cerebral degenerative disorders, dementia, parkin treating a parasomnia in an individual comprising adminis Sonism, fatal familial insomnia, sleep-related epilepsy, elec tering to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effec trical status epilepticus of sleep, sleep-related headaches, tive amount of a composition of the present invention. 50 sleeping sickness, nocturnal cardiac ischemia, chronic One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep-related asthma, sleep treating a sleep disorder selected from: a dyssomnia, insom related gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer disease, fibrosi nia, and a parasomnia in an individual comprising adminis tis syndrome, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyal tering to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effec gia and post-Surgical sleep disorder. tive amount of a composition of the present invention. 55 One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for treating platelet aggregation in an individual comprising increasing slow wave sleep in an individual comprising administering to the individual in need of Such treatment a administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti therapeutically effective amount of a composition of the cally effective amount of a composition of the present inven present invention. tion. 60 One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for treating coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, tran improving sleep consolidation in an individual comprising sient ischemic attack, angina, stroke and atrial fibrillation in administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti an individual comprising administering to the individual in cally effective amount of a composition of the present inven need of such treatmentatherapeutically effective amount of a tion. 65 composition of the present invention. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for improving sleep maintenance in an individual comprising reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an individual US 9,034,911 B2 49 50 comprising administering to the individual in need thereof a the Schizophrenia, comprising administering to the individual therapeutically effective amount of a composition of the in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a com present invention. position of the present invention. In some embodiments, the One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for dopamine D receptor antagonist or haloperidol and the com reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an angioplasty or 5 position are administered in separate dosage forms. coronary bypass Surgery individual comprising administer One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for ing to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effective treating a diabetic-related disorder in an individual compris amount of a composition of the present invention. ing administering to the individual in need thereof a thera One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for peutically effective amount of a composition of the present reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an individual 10 invention. Suffering from atrial fibrillation, comprising administering to In some embodiments, the diabetic-related disorder is dia the individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective betic peripheral neuropathy. In some embodiments, the dia amount of a composition of the present invention. betic-related disorder is diabetic nephropathy. In some One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for embodiments, the diabetic-related disorder is diabetic retin treating asthma in an individual comprising administering to 15 opathy. the individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for amount of a composition of the present invention. the treatment of glaucoma or other diseases of the eye with One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for abnormal intraocular pressure. treating a symptom of asthma in an individual comprising One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti treating hypertension in an individual comprising administer cally effective amount of a composition of the present inven ing to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effective tion. amount of a composition of the present invention. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for treating agitation or a symptom thereof in an individual com treating pain in an individual comprising administering to the prising administering to the individual in need thereofathera 25 individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount peutically effective amount of a composition of the present of a composition of the present invention. invention. In some embodiments, the individual is a cogni One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for tively intact elderly individual. the treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for in an individual comprising administering to the individual in treating agitation or a symptom thereof in an individual Suf 30 need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a compo fering from dementia comprising administering to the indi sition of the present invention. vidual in need thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for composition of the present invention. In some embodiments, the treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy the dementia is due to a degenerative disease of the nervous in an individual comprising administering to the individual in system. In some embodiments, the dementia is Alzheimer's 35 need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a compo disease, Lewy Body, Parkinson's disease or Huntington's sition of the present invention. disease. In some embodiments, the dementia is due to dis One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for eases that affect blood vessels. In some embodiments, the the treatment of a 5-HT, serotonin receptor-related disorder dementia is due to stroke or multi-infarct dementia. selected from: coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 40 transient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, atrial fibrillation, a treating an individual Suffering from at least one of the indi condition associated with platelet aggregation, blood clot cations selected from behavioral disorder, drug induced psy formation, a diabetic-related disorder, progressive multifocal chosis, excitative psychosis, Gilles de la Tourette's Syn leukoencephalopathy, hypertension, and pain, in an indi drome, manic disorder, organic or NOS psychosis, psychotic vidual comprising administering to the individual in need disorder, psychosis, acute schizophrenia, chronic Schizophre 45 thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a composition of nia and NOS schizophrenia comprising administering to the the present invention. individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a of a composition of the present invention and a dopamine D. lymphoproliferative disorder. In some embodiments, the receptor antagonist. In some embodiments, the dopamine D. lymphoproliferative disorder is leukemia or lymphoma. In receptor antagonist is haloperidol. 50 Some embodiments, the leukemia or lymphoma is chronic One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, or the like. treating an individual with infantile autism, Huntington's In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a chorea or nausea and Vomiting from chemotherapy or che myeloproliferative disorder. motherapeutic antibodies comprising administering to the In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof has individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount 55 carcinomatosis. of a composition of the present invention and a dopamine D. In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a receptor antagonist. In some embodiments, the dopamine D. granulomatous or inflammatory disease. In some embodi receptor antagonist is haloperidol. ments, the granulomatous or inflammatory disease is tuber One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for culosis or sarcoidosis. treating Schizophrenia in an individual comprising adminis 60 In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is tering to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effec immunocompromised. In some embodiments, the immuno tive amount of a composition of the present invention and a compromised individual has impaired cellular immunity. In dopamine D receptor antagonist. In some embodiments, the Some embodiments, the impaired cellular immunity com dopamine D receptor antagonist is haloperidol. prises impaired T-cell immunity. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 65 In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is treating negative symptoms of Schizophrenia induced by the infected with HIV. In some embodiments, the HIV-infected administration of haloperidol to an individual suffering from individual has a CD4+ cell count of s200/mm. In some US 9,034,911 B2 51 52 embodiments, the HIV-infected individual has AIDS. In some etc.). Those of ordinary skill in the art are readily credited embodiments, the HIV-infected individual has AIDS-related with understanding the utility of Such compounds in Such complex (ARC). In certain embodiments, ARC is defined as Settings. the presence of two successive CD4+ cell counts below 200/ One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for mm and at least two of the following signs or symptoms: oral treating a 5-HT serotonin receptor-related disorder in an hairy leukoplakia, recurrent oral candidiasis, weight loss of at individual comprising administering to the individual in need least 2.5 kg or 10% of body weight within last six months, thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceuti multidermatomal herpes Zoster, temperature above 38.5° C. cal composition of the present invention. for more than 14 consecutive days or more than 15 days in a One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 30-day period, or diarrhea with more than three liquid stools 10 treating a sleep disorder in an individual comprising admin per day for at least 30 days see, e.g., Yamada et al., Clin. istering to the individual in need thereof a therapeutically Diagn. Virol. (1993) 1:245-256. effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is present invention. undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. In some embodi One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for ments, the immunosuppressive therapy comprises adminis 15 treating a dyssomnia in an individual comprising administer tering an immunosuppressive agent see, e.g., Mueller, Ann ing to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effective Thorac Surg (2004)77:354-362; and Krieger and Emre, Pedi amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven atr Transplantation (2004) 8:594-599. In some embodi tion. ments, the immunosuppressive therapy comprises adminis One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for tering an immunosuppressive agent selected from the group treating insomnia in an individual comprising administering consisting of corticosteroids (for example, prednisone and to the individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective the like), calcineurin inhibitors (for example, cyclosporine, amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven tacrolimus and the like), antiproliferative agents (for tion. example, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, Sirolimus, 25 One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for everolimus and the like), T-cell depleting agents (for treating a parasomnia in an individual comprising adminis example, OKTR3 monoclonal antibody (mAb), anti-CD3 tering to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effec immunotoxin FN18-CRM9, Campath-1H (anti-CD52) mAb. tive amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present anti-CD4 mAb, anti-T cell receptor mAb and the like), anti invention. 30 One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for IL-2 receptor (CD25) mab (for example, basiliximab, dacli treating a sleep disorder selected from: a dyssomnia, insom Zumab and the like), inhibitors of co-stimulation (for nia, and a parasomnia in an individual comprising adminis example, CTLA4-Ig, anti-CD154 (CD40 ligand) mAb and tering to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effec the like), deoxyspergualin and analogs thereof (for example, tive amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present 15-DSG, LF-08-0299, LF14-0195 and the like), leflunomide 35 invention. and analogs thereof (for example, leflunomide, FK778, One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for FK779 and the like), FTY720, anti-alpha-4-integrin mono increasing slow wave sleep in an individual comprising clonal antibody and anti-CD45 RB monoclonal antibody. In administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti Some embodiments, the immunosuppressive agent and the cally effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the compound or composition are administered in separate dos 40 present invention. age forms. In some embodiments, the immunosuppressive One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for agent and the compound or composition are administered in a improving sleep consolidation in an individual comprising single dosage form. administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is cally effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the undergoing immunosuppressive therapy after organ trans 45 present invention. plantation. In some embodiments, the organ is liver, kidney, One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for lung, heart, or the like see, e.g., Singh et al., Transplantation improving sleep maintenance in an individual comprising (2000) 69:467-472). administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is cally effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the undergoing treatment for a rheumatic disease. In some 50 present invention. embodiments, the rheumatic disease is systemic lupus erythe One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for matosus or the like. improving sleep quality in an individual comprising admin In some embodiments, the composition inhibits JC virus istering to the individual in need thereof a therapeutically infection of human glial cells. effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the If desired, the compositions of the present invention may 55 present invention. further comprise conventional pharmaceutical additives Such One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for as co-surfactants, coloring agents, flavoring agents, fra treating nonrestorative sleep in an individual comprising grances, preserving agents, stabilizers, anti-oxidant and/or administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti thickening agents. cally effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the It is noted that when the compositions described herein are 60 present invention. not only intended for use in humans but also in other non One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for human mammals as well. Indeed, recent advances in the area increasing slow wave sleep, improving sleep consolidation, of animal health-care suggests that consideration be given for improving sleep maintenance, improving sleep quality, or the use of active agents, such as 5-HT serotonin receptor treating nonrestorative sleep in an individual comprising modulators, for the treatment of a 5-HT serotonin receptor 65 administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti related disease or disorder in companion animals (e.g., cats cally effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the and dogs) and in livestock animals (e.g., cows, chickens, fish, present invention. US 9,034,911 B2 53 54 In some embodiments, the sleep disorder is a dyssomnia. In One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for Some embodiments, the dyssomnia is selected from psycho treating a symptom of asthma in an individual comprising physiological insomnia, sleep state misperception, idiopathic administering to the individual in need thereof a therapeuti insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, central sleep cally effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the apnea syndrome, central alveolar hypoVentilation syndrome, 5 present invention. periodic limb movement disorder, restless leg syndrome, One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for inadequate sleep hygiene, environmental sleep disorder, alti treating agitation or a symptom thereof in an individual com tude insomnia, adjustment sleep disorder, insufficient sleep prising administering to the individual in need thereofathera syndrome, limit-setting sleep disorder, sleep-onset associa peutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition 10 of the present invention. In some embodiments, the individual tion disorder, nocturnal eating or drinking syndrome, hyp is a cognitively intact elderly individual. notic dependent sleep disorder, stimulant-dependent sleep One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for disorder, alcohol-dependent sleep disorder, toxin-induced treating agitation or a symptom thereof in an individual Suf sleep disorder, time Zone change, jetlag syndrome, shift work fering from dementia comprising administering to the indi sleep disorder, irregular sleep-wake pattern, delayed sleep 15 vidual in need thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a phase syndrome, advanced sleep phase syndrome and non pharmaceutical composition of the present invention. In some 24-hour sleep-wake disorder. embodiments, the dementia is due to a degenerative disease of In some embodiments, the sleep disorder is a parasomnia. the nervous system. In some embodiments, the dementia is In some embodiments, the parasomnia is selected from con Alzheimer's disease, Lewy Body, Parkinson's disease or fusional arousals, sleepwalking and sleep terrors, rhythmic Huntington's disease. In some embodiments, the dementia is movement disorder, sleep starts, sleep talking and nocturnal due to diseases that affect blood vessels. In some embodi leg cramps. ments, the dementia is due to stroke or multi-infarct dementia. In some embodiments, the sleep disorder is associated with One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for a medical or psychiatric disorder. In some embodiments, the treating an individual Suffering from at least one of the indi medical or psychiatric disorder is selected from psychoses, 25 cations selected from behavioral disorder, drug induced psy mood disorders, anxiety disorders, panic disorders, alcohol chosis, excitative psychosis, Gilles de la Tourette's Syn ism, cerebral degenerative disorders, dementia, parkin drome, manic disorder, organic or NOS psychosis, psychotic Sonism, fatal familial insomnia, sleep-related epilepsy, elec disorder, psychosis, acute schizophrenia, chronic Schizophre trical status epilepticus of sleep, sleep-related headaches, nia and NOS schizophrenia comprising administering to the sleeping sickness, nocturnal cardiac ischemia, chronic 30 individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep-related asthma, sleep of a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention and related gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer disease, fibrosi a dopamine D receptor antagonist. In some embodiments, tis syndrome, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyal the dopamine D receptor antagonist is haloperidol. gia and post-Surgical sleep disorder. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of 35 treating an individual with infantile autism, Huntington's treating platelet aggregation in an individual comprising chorea or nausea and Vomiting from chemotherapy or che administering to the individual in need of Such treatment a motherapeutic antibodies comprising administering to the therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical compo individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount sition of the present invention. of a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention and One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods of 40 a dopamine D receptor antagonist. In some embodiments, treating coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, tran the dopamine D receptor antagonist is haloperidol. sient ischemic attack, angina, stroke and atrial fibrillation in One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for an individual comprising administering to the individual in treating Schizophrenia in an individual comprising adminis need of such treatmentatherapeutically effective amount of a tering to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effec pharmaceutical composition of the present invention. 45 tive amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for invention and a dopamine D receptor antagonist. In some reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an individual embodiments, the dopamine D receptor antagonist is halo comprising administering to the individual in need thereof a peridol. therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical compo One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for sition of the present invention. 50 treating negative symptoms of Schizophrenia induced by the One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for administration of haloperidol to an individual suffering from reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an angioplasty or the Schizophrenia, comprising administering to the individual coronary bypass Surgery individual comprising administer in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a phar ing to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effective maceutical composition of the present invention. In some amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven 55 embodiments, the dopamine D receptor antagonist or halo tion. peridol and the pharmaceutical composition are administered One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for in separate dosage forms. reducing the risk of blood clot formation in an individual One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for Suffering from atrial fibrillation, comprising administering to treating a diabetic-related disorder in an individual compris the individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective 60 ing administering to the individual in need thereof a thera amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven peutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition tion. of the present invention. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for In some embodiments, the diabetic-related disorder is dia treating asthma in an individual comprising administering to betic peripheral neuropathy. In some embodiments, the dia the individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective 65 betic-related disorder is diabetic nephropathy. In some amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven embodiments, the diabetic-related disorder is diabetic retin tion. opathy. US 9,034,911 B2 55 56 One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for ments, the immunosuppressive therapy comprises adminis the treatment of glaucoma or other diseases of the eye with tering an immunosuppressive agent see, e.g., Mueller, Ann abnormal intraocular pressure. Thorac Surg (2004)77:354-362; and Krieger and Emre, Pedi One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for atr Transplantation (2004) 8:594-599. In some embodi treating hypertension in an individual comprising administer ments, the immunosuppressive therapy comprises adminis ing to the individual in need thereofatherapeutically effective tering an immunosuppressive agent selected from the group amount of a pharmaceutical composition of the present inven consisting of corticosteroids (for example, prednisone and the like), calcineurin inhibitors (for example, cyclosporine, tion. tacrolimus and the like), antiproliferative agents (for One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for example, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, Sirolimus, treating pain in an individual comprising administering to the 10 everolimus and the like), T-cell depleting agents (for individual in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount example, OKTR3 monoclonal antibody (mAb), anti-CD3 of a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention. immunotoxin FN18-CRM9, Campath-1H (anti-CD52) mAb. One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for anti-CD4 mAb, anti-T cell receptor mAb and the like), anti the treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy IL-2 receptor (CD25) mab (for example, basiliximab, dacli in an individual comprising administering to the individual in 15 Zumab and the like), inhibitors of co-stimulation (for need thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a pharma example, CTLA4-Ig, anti-CD 154 (CD40 ligand) mab and ceutical composition of the present invention. the like), deoxyspergualin and analogs thereof (for example, One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for 15-DSG, LF-08-0299, LF14-0195 and the like), leflunomide the treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and analogs thereof (for example, leflunomide, FK778, in an individual comprising administering to the individual in FK779 and the like), FTY720, anti-alpha-4-integrin mono need thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a pharma clonal antibody and anti-CD45 RB monoclonal antibody. In ceutical composition of the present invention. Some embodiments, the immunosuppressive agent and the One aspect of the present invention pertains to methods for compound or pharmaceutical composition are administered the treatment of a 5-HT, serotonin receptor-related disorder in separate dosage forms. In some embodiments, the immu selected from: coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, 25 nosuppressive agent and the compound or pharmaceutical transient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, atrial fibrillation, a composition are administered in a single dosage form. In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is condition associated with platelet aggregation, blood clot undergoing immunosuppressive therapy after organ trans formation, a diabetic-related disorder, progressive multifocal plantation. In some embodiments, the organ is liver, kidney, leukoencephalopathy, hypertension, and pain, in an indi lung, heart, or the like see, e.g., Singh et al., Transplantation vidual comprising administering to the individual in need 30 (2000) 69:467-472). thereofatherapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceuti In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is cal composition of the present invention. undergoing treatment for a rheumatic disease. In some In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a embodiments, the rheumatic disease is systemic lupus erythe lymphoproliferative disorder . . . In some embodiments, the matosus or the like. lymphoproliferative disorder is leukemia or lymphoma. In 35 In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition Some embodiments, the leukemia or lymphoma is chronic inhibits JC virus infection of human glial cells. lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, or the like. If desired, the pharmaceutical compositions of the present In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a invention may further comprise conventional pharmaceutical myeloproliferative disorder. additives such as co-surfactants, coloring agents, flavoring In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof has 40 agents, fragrances, preserving agents, stabilizers, anti-oxi carcinomatosis. dant and/or thickening agents. In some embodiments, the individual in need thereofhas a It is noted that when the pharmaceutical compositions granulomatous or inflammatory disease. In some embodi described herein are not only intended for use in humans but ments, the granulomatous or inflammatory disease is tuber also in other non-human mammals as well. Indeed, recent culosis or sarcoidosis. 45 advances in the area of animal health-care Suggests that con In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is sideration be given for the use of active agents, such as immunocompromised. In some embodiments, the immuno 5-HT serotonin receptor modulators, for the treatment of a compromised individual has impaired cellular immunity. In 5-HT serotonin receptor-related disease or disorder incom Some embodiments, the impaired cellular immunity com panion animals (e.g., cats and dogs) and in livestock animals prises impaired T-cell immunity. 50 (e.g., cows, chickens, fish, etc.). Those of ordinary skill in the In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is art are readily credited with understanding the utility of such infected with HIV. In some embodiments, the HIV-infected compounds in Such settings. individual has a CD4+ cell count of s200/mm. In some The invention will be described in greater detail by way of embodiments, the HIV-infected individual has AIDS. In some specific examples. The following examples are offered for embodiments, the HIV-infected individual has AIDS-related 55 illustrative purposes, and are not intended to limit the inven complex (ARC). In certain embodiments, ARC is defined as tion in any manner. Those of skill in the art will readily the presence of two successive CD4+ cell counts below 200/ recognize a variety of noncritical parameters which can be mm and at least two of the following signs or symptoms: oral changed or modified to yield essentially the same results. hairy leukoplakia, recurrent oral candidiasis, weight loss of at least 2.5 kg or 10% of body weight within last six months, 60 EXAMPLES multidermatomal herpes Zoster, temperature above 38.5° C. for more than 14 consecutive days or more than 15 days in a Example 1 30-day period, or diarrhea with more than three liquid stools per day for at least 30 days see, e.g., Yamada et al., Clin. Pharmacokinetic Experiments Diagn. Virol. (1993) 1:245-256. 65 In some embodiments, the individual in need thereof is General experimental descriptions: Male cynomolgus mon undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. In some embodi keys were administered an oral dose of APD125 in combina US 9,034,911 B2 57 tion with excipients delivered as either a liquid in SGC (com TABLE 1 position: 10 mg APD125 in Cremophor R: Labrasol(R) 1:1), as wet-granulated tablets (see Example 2) or as dry-granu Cmax AUCo. lated tablets (see Example 7). APD125 dose levels were 10 Dose Ig/mL. h Ig/mL mg, 30 mg. or 40 mg and the monkeys received approxi 5 Formulation (mg) N Mean SD Mean SD mately 10 mL of tap water after dose administration. Animals APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) 10 6 0.227 O.153 1.507 1.218 were fasted prior to dosing. Three to six monkeys were dosed APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) 30 3 O.SO4. O.109 4.998 1.739 per treatment group. In two cases, a 2x6 crossover study APD125 Form II:PVP 30 3 O.OS1 O.OO7 0.727 O.362 design was employed. Blood samples were collected via (1:8) 10 SGC: 10 6 0.942 O3O3 3.192 1.291 venous puncture at pre-dose (t=0) and 0.25h, 0.5h, 1 h, 2 h, APD125 in 1:1 30° 2 O.953 O.18O 4S4O 1394 4h, 6 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 hand 48 h post-dose. Blood was treated Cremophore (R):Labrasol (R) 40 2 1.27O O.240 6.054 1859 with an anticoagulant and plasma was separated by centrifu gation. Plasma samples were frozen and stored at or below 40-mg SGC dose adjusted to 30 mg for comparison purposes. -20°C. prior to analysis. 15 APD125 Form II-based tablets exhibited poor exposure Pharmacokinetic Data Analysis: Noncompartmental PK (C. and AUCo.) relative to SGCs and therefore, were analysis was performed with a commercial Software package removed from further consideration. In contrast, APD125 Form I-based tablets exhibited similar integrated exposures (WinNonlin R. Professional, version 5.2. Pharsight, Moun (AUC) to SGCs, with approximately half the C of the tain View, Calif.; Computer System Validation report CSV SGCs, a not uncommon finding when comparing liquid and 004-SM-R1), with calculation of the following parameters: solid-based formulations. It should be noted, however, that at a lower dose there was disparity between all exposure param eters. At a 10-mg dose, SGC C, and AUCo. values were Parameter Definition four-fold and two-fold higher, respectively, compared to the Agex Time of maximum observed plasma concentration 25 wet granulation tablet exposure parameters Suggesting tablets C ex Plasma concentration corresponding to t ex and SGC become dissimilar with decreasing dose (FIG. 2, AUCo Area under the plasma concentration versus time curve from the time of dosing to extrapolated to infinity FIG. 3, Table 2). TABLE 2 Bioanalytical Method: Anticoagulated male cynomolgus 30 Cmax AUCo. monkey plasma samples were analyzed for APD125 and the Ig/mL. h Ig/mL internal standard using a selective liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method. Plasma Formulation Dose (mg) Mean SD Mean SD proteins were removed with the addition of acetonitrile at Form I tablet 10 O.227 O.153 1507 1.218 two-fold the tissue volume, followed by centrifugation. The 35 30 OSO4 O.109 4.998 1.739 Supernatant was injected onto an HPLC system equipped SGC 10 O.942 O.303 3.192 1291 with a SCIEX API3000 mass spectrometer. Peak areas were 40 1.270 O.240 6.054 1.859 measured against the internal standard in the positive ion MRM mode. Quantitation was performed with regression analyses of the external calibration standards. 40 Example 2 Wet-Granulation Tablet Example 1.1 Example 2.1 45 Preliminary Wet Granulation-Based Tablet Tablet Manufacturing Formulation: Monkey APD125 Plasma Exposure Using a 1-L bowl of high-shear granulator, PVP, APD125, Monkey APD125 plasma exposure after oral administra mannitol, methyl cellulose, half of the XPVP, and half of the tion of SGCs or wet granulation tablets are shown in FIG. 1. 50 SLS were added to the key high shear granulator. The result PK parameters are presented in Table 1. APD125 absorption ing mixture was dry-mixed for 5 minutes with impeller and into the systemic circulation occurred over a 2-h to 4-h period chopper running. After which, water was added slowly using followed by a mono-exponential terminal phase. The time to a transfer pipette through the addition port on the lid of the maximal plasma concentration (t) was most rapid for the granulator bowl, while the impeller and chopper were still 55 running. The process was stopped once power consumption liquid filled SGCs at 2 h. The to increased with tablet started to rise quickly. The lid was then opened, and the administration to 2.7 h and 4 h, for APD125 Form II and granulation visually and texturally inspected to ensure proper APD125 Form I, respectively. The SGC C (0.953 moisture content had been achieved. The wet granulation was ug/mL+0.180 g/mL. dose adjusted to 30 mg) was 19-fold spread evenly over tray paper and dried in an oven at 55°C., and 2-fold greater than the C for APD125 Form II (0.051 60 until a loss on drying (LOD) of less than 5% w/w was ug/mLi-0.007 ug/mL) and APD125 Form I (0.504 achieved. Next, the dried granulation was passed through a ug/mLit0.109 g/mL). The integrated plasma exposures mill with round-hole screen size of 0.063". A 1-qt. blender (AUC) were highest for SGC (4.540 hug/mL+1.394 hug/ was charged with this screened material, and the other half of mL: dose adjusted to 30 mg) and APD125 Form I tablets the SLS and XPVP was added, followed by blending for 5 (4.998 hug/mLit1.739 hug/mL). APD125 Form II tablet 65 minutes. Finally, magnesium Stearate was added and the mix exposure (0.727 hug/mL-0.362 hug/mL) was at least 6-fold ture was blended for 1 minute. Tableting was performed as lower compared to SGC and APD125 Form I tablets. follows: For each tablet (30 mg), 600 mg final blend was US 9,034,911 B2 59 60 dispensed onto weigh paper and filled into dies (0.730"x Example 2.2 0.365"). The granulation was then pressed into tablets using a carver press to achieve a hardness of about 11 kp. General Stability Testing tablet composition is provided in Table 3. Wet-granulation based placebo, 30-mg Form I, and 30-mg Form II tablets were placedon stability at 25°C./60% RHand TABLE 3 40° C./75% RH, using 60-mL HDPE bottles (non-induction sealed). Appearance, Assay, DFA, Dissolution, Water Con Ingredient % (w.fw) tent by Karl Fischer (except at Initial), Tablet Hardness, Related Substances, and Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD) APD125 Form I or Form II (micronized) S.O 10 testing were performed at initial (t=0), and at 1-month, PVP K-29.32 40.O 3-month and 6-month time points. Results for the wet-granu Mannitol powdered 22.0 lation Form I and Form II based tablets are provided in Table XPVP 3O.O 4. Form I and Form II based tablet initial, 1-month, 3-month Methyl cellulose O.S and 6-month dissolution results are provided in Table 5. 15 SLS 2.O Three-month and 6-month DFA results are provided in Table 6. Results of the water content determination by Karl Fischer Magnesium stearate O.S at 1-month, 3-month and 6-month time points are provided in Table 7. Initial (t=0), 1-month, 3-month and 6-month tablet Total 1OO.O hardness results are provided in Table 8, while initial (t=0), 1-month, 3-month and 6-month PXRD results are provided in For placebo APD125 was replaced with mannitol Table 9. PXRD results obtained at the 3-month time point are provided in FIG. 4 and FIG. 5. TABLE 4

% Assay (% RSD) n = 2

Formulation Conditions t = 0 1 month 3 month 6 month

Form I tablet 25°C., 60% RH 100.3 (0.4) 108.2 (2.4) 101.8 (1.8) 89.8 (0.2) 40° C.;75% RH 106.9 (5.4) 99.1 (0.5) 84.3 (2.6) Form II tablet 250 C.60% RH 97.7 (3.4) 96.8 (0.1) 101.3 (2.5) 91.1 (2.3) 40° C.;75% RH 96.9 (0.7) 99.3 (1.2) 84.3 (3.0)


Dissolution% Released (% RSD Formulation Storage Conditions 15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min Form I tablet Initial 68.3 (3.7) 79.7 (0.8) 81.6 (0.7) 82.9 (0.4) 1 month at 25 C.60% RH 73.9 (3.8) 85.9 (0.2) 88.4 (0.8) 89.9 (0.6) 1 month at 40° C.75% RH 70.3 (11.8) 84.9 (3.1) 88.1 (1.7) 89.6 (1.8) 3 months at 25 C.60% RH 76.8 (3.2) 87.6 (1.1) 90.2 (1.3) 91.3 (1.3) 3 months at 40°C.75% RH 71.1 (8.2) 85.8 (0.8) 89.1 (0.4) 90.6 (0.7) 6 months at 25 C.60% RH 77.0 (3.8) 82.2 (0.7) 86.1 (0.3) 85.1 (1.5) 6 months at 40° C.75% RH 65.7 (3.1) 73.5 (1.2) 744 (3.7) 75.0 (2.7) Form II Initial 47.5 (4.9) 55.9 (0.5) 57.8 (0.7) 58.4 (0.5) tablet 1 month at 25 C.60% RH 48.1 (12.5) 58.3 (1.5) 60.7 (1.3) 61.8 (0.6) 1 month at 40° C.75% RH 49.1 (5.9) 57.5 (1.3) 60.0 (1.0) 61.0 (0.4) 3 months at 25 C.60% RH 54.1 (4.5) 60.4 (0.4) 62.3 (0.3) 63.4 (0.3) 3 months at 40°C.75% RH 54.5 (2.9) 59.8 (1.1) 61.7 (0.7) 63.8 (4.3) 6 months at 25 C.60% RH 41.4 (3.3) 48.1 (3.6) 48.1 (1.1) 48.0 (0.8) 6 months at 40° C.75% RH 46.4 (0.0) 48.7 (2.2) 49.7 (0.8) 50.9 (0.8)

TABLE 6 DFA (ppm) post 3 DFA (ppm) post DFA (ppm) 6 DFA (ppm) 6 months at 25. 3 months at 40°. months at 25°C. months at 40°C. 60% RH n = 2 75% RH = 2 60% RH n = 75% RH = 2 Formulation (rep1/rep2) (rep1/rep2) 2 (rep1/rep2) (rep1/rep2) Form I tablet ND 165,166 833,834 Form II tablet ND 253,245 14001414 SGC 542 (est) 4387 (est.) ND The 3-month SGC results estimated using three times mean 28 day data (APD1255-mg and 40-mgSGC capsule results 189.3 ppm and 172.3 ppm at 25°C.60% RH, respectively, and 1658.2 ppm and 1266.5 ppm at 40°C.75% RH, respectively), ND = not determined US 9,034,911 B2 61 62 TABLE 7 the assay results were corrected for water content. This is a significant point, since water contents increased from 9.56% 20 H5O (repl/rep2) w/w to 11.99% w/w at 40° C.A75% RH for the Form I based 1 month 3 months 6 months tablets (Table 7). Therefore, assay results were only used to Formulation Storage Conditions n = 1 n = 2 n = 2 consider the relative stability of Form I and Form H based Placebo 25°C., 60% RH 7.59 9.SS,943 tablets. Chemical stability of the tablet, relative to SGCs, was 40° C.;75% RH 8.96 1O.S.O. 10.53 10.51,11.15 evaluated on the basis of DFA formation rates. For both tablet Form I tablet 25 C.60% RH 8.68 8.328. SS 8.929.24 formulations, low DFA formation rates (Table 6) were 40° C.;75% RH 9.S6 1O.OS,982 observed over the course of the R&D stability study, far Form II 25°C., 60% RH 8.75 8.678.77 9.409.22 10 tablet 40° C.;75% RH 8.86 superior to SGCs. Dissolution (Table 5) results showed no significant changes as a function of time, with Form II tablets Water Content by Karl Fischer was not performed at t = 0 exhibiting consistently slower dissolution relative to Form I tablets, in agreement with monkey plasma exposure results, TABLE 8 15 supra. Tablet hardness measurements (Table 8), on the other hand, showed significant variability. However, since the tab Target lets were hand pressed rather than pressed using automated Hard (SS Average Hardness and Range (kp) equipment, the wet granulation based tablet R&D stability (kp) n = 4 hardness results might not be indicative of long-term tablet hardness stability. Water content determination by Karl Fis Condition Materia t = O 1 month 3 months 6 months cher at 1-month and 3-months (Table 7) suggests a possible 25o C. Form IPVP 1.O 7.2 7.8 4.8 water uptake of about 3% w/w to about 5% w/w between 1 60% RH (1:8) (4.6-10.1) (3.9-10.1) (3.8-7.0) month and 6 months at 40° C./75% RH, suggesting some Wet granulation level of moisture control would be advisable for future tablet Form IPVP 1.O 6.4 7.8 9.4 25 development. PXRD results (Table 9, FIG. 4 and FIG. 5) (1:8) (4.5-9.4) (5.6-12.4) (8.2-12.1) showed good solid-state form control, Supporting the poten Wet granulation tial use of metastable Form I for further tablet development. Placebo O.O 12.9 11.O 11.5 However, the Form I tablet 6-month PXRD results at 40° (9.0-21.2) (7.7-14.4) (7.6-16.2) C./75% RH showed some loss in Form I peak intensity. The 40° C. Form IPVP 1.O 5.5 5.9 9.3 30 water content of the Form I tablets at 6 months and 40° 75% RH (1:8) (3.5-7.3) (3.9-9.9) (7.8-11.1) Wet C./75% RH was 11.99% w/w (Table 7), as compared to granulation 9.94% w/w water at 3 months and 40°C./75% RHand 9.08% Form IPVP 1.O 7.6 6.8 22.2 w/w water at 6 months and 25°C./60% RH, both of which did (1:8) (6.0-10.0) (4.3-8.0) (23.1-23.6) not show a loss in Form I content, Suggesting water contents Wet 35 granulation of 12% w/w or higher might result in Form I content reduc Placebo O.O 8.7 9.9 14.9 tion. Therefore, these results suggest future Form I tablet (7.4-10.6) (6.5-14.8) (12.6-13.5) development should focus upon dry rather than wet-based formulations, and efforts to minimize water uptake. Such as utilizing a water barrier tablet coating, should be considered. 40 In addition, the 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose loading used in TABLE 9 the wet-granulation tablets was based upon Form I API sta APD125 Polymorphic Form(s) Detected bilization results (see Example 5). 6 Example 3 Condition Material t = O 1 month 3 months months 45 25° C. Form IPVP (1:8) Form I Form I Form I Form I Thermal Activity Monitoring MicroWatt Excipient 60% RH Wet granulation Compatibility Screening Form II/PVP (1:8) Form II Form II Form II b Wet granulation Placebo NA NA NA NA Test Blend Preparation: Materials for each of the nine formu 40° C. Form IPVP (1:8) Form I Form I Form I Form I 50 lations shown in Tables 10 through 18 were dispensed into 75% RH Wet granulation separately labeled 60 mL. glass jars and manually blended Form II/PVP (1:8) Form II Form II Form II b Wet granulation (tumbled) for about 5 min. Placebo NA NA NA NA TABLE 10 Some reduction in Form I peak intensity was observed, but no Form II was detected. 55 PXRD measurements were not collected for the Form II tablets at 6 months. Blend 1: APD125/PVP (1:8) NA = not applicable Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) The Form I and Form II based wet-granulation tablets APD12S S.O OSO exhibited similar chemical stability (Table 4), although it was Mannitol (powdered) 21.5 2.15 not possible to accurately determine if a significant drop in 60 PVP 40.O 4.OO assay was occurring for either tablet formulation, due, in part, XPVP 3O.O 3.00 to the significant assay variation observed. For example, both Methyl cellulose O.S O.OS formulations showed near 100% assay at t=0, but the Form I SLS 2.0 O.2O tablets showed 106.9% assay and 108.2% assay at 1 month, at Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 40° C./75% RH and 25° C./60% RH, respectively. In addi 65 Total 1OOO 1O.OO tion, since water content determination was not added to the stability testing protocol until the 1-month time point, none of US 9,034,911 B2 63 64 TABLE 11 TABLE 15-continued

Bend 2: APD12S,PVP (1:5 Bend 6: APD125, coPVP (1:8) xCMC Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) APD12S S.O OSO coPVP 40.O 4.OO Mannitol (powdered) 55.0 5.50 XCMC 3O.O 3.00 PVP 2S.O 2.50 Methyl cellulose O.S O.OS XPVP 12.0 1.2O SLS 2.0 O.2O SLS 2.O O.2O Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 10 Total 1OOO 1O.OO Total 1OO.O 1O.OO

TABLE 16 TABLE 12 15 Blend 7: APD125/PVP (1:8) Dical phosphate/MCC, XCMC Blend 3: APD125/PVP (1:8) Dical phosphate/MCC Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) Ingredient Amount (g) APD12S S.O OSO APD12S S.O OSO Dical phosphate 2O.O 2.OO Dical phosphate 2O.O 2.OO MCC 2O.O 2.OO MCC 2O.O 2.OO PVP 40.O 4.OO PVP 40.O 4.OO XCMC 11.5 1.15 XPVP 11.5 1.15 Methyl cellulose O.S O.OS Methyl cellulose O.S O.OS SLS 2.0 O.2O SLS 2.O O.2O Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 25 Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 Total 1OOO 1O.OO Total

TABLE 17 TABLE 13 30 Blend 8: APD125/PVP (1:5) Dical phosphate/MCC without Blend 4:APD125/PVP (1:8) Mannito MCC methyl cellulose Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) APD12S S.O OSO 35 APD12S S.O OSO Mannitol (powdered) 2O.O 2.OO Dical phosphate 27.5 2.75 MCC 2O.O 2.OO MCC 27.5 2.75 PVP 40.O 4.OO PVP 2SO 2.50 XPVP 11.5 1.15 XPVP 12.0 1.2O Methyl cellulose O.S O.OS SLS 2.0 O.2O SLS 2.O O.2O 40 Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 Total 1OOO 1O.OO Total 1OO.O 1O.OO

45 TABLE 1.8 TABLE 1.4 Blend 9:APD125 PVP (1:8) Poloxamer Blend SAPD125, coPVP (1:8 Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) 50 APD12S S.O OSO APD12S S.O OSO Mannitol (powdered 21.5 2.15 Mannitol (powdered) 21.5 2.15 PVP 40.O 4.OO coPVP 40.O 4.OO XPVP 3O.O 3.00 XPVP 3O.O 3.00 Methyl cellulose O.S O.OS Methyl cellulose O.S O.OS Poloxamer 2.0 O.2O SLS 2.O O.2O Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 Magnesium stearate 1.O O.10 55 Total 1OOO 1O.OO Total 1OO.O 1O.OO Experimental Method: The formulation screening studies were performed at Aptuit Inc., Kansas City, Mo. 64137. Mea TABLE 1.5 60 surements were performed at 40°C. using a thermal activity monitoring (TAM) model 2277 consisting of four calorimet Bend 6: APD125, coPVP (1:8) xCMC ric units (2277-201) and standard amplifiers. All data were collected using DigitamR) for Windows, version 4.1, soft Ingredient Amount (g) ware. Prior to initiating the series of experiments, each calo APD12S S.O OSO 65 rimeter unit was calibrated at 100 uW using a static electrical Mannitol (powdered) 21.5 2.15 calibration procedure. Samples of APD125, APD125 formu lation blend, or formulation blend placebo were weighed into US 9,034,911 B2 65 66 separate 5-mL stainless steel ampoules. Approximately 100 a nickel filter and sample spinning were used during data mg of each material was used. The reference ampoules were acquisition. The application and instrument control Software loaded with approximately 150 mg of 4-mm borosilicate used were XPert Data Collector R, version 2.0c and XPERT glass balls. Each ampoule was loaded onto an ampoule lifter PROR), version 1.6, respectively. The samples were scanned and placed into the equilibrium position. After an initial 5 from 5 to 4020 in continuous mode, using a step size of pause, a baseline heat flow was recorded prior to lowering the 0.0167020. samples into the measurement position. After Sufficient data Results: In FIG. 6, an overlay of PXRD patterns for micron had been collected, the ampoules were returned to the equi ized APD125 Form I, before and after grinding with a mortar librium position and a final baseline heat flow was collected. and pestle for 1 minute, 5 minutes and 10 minutes are com The raw heat flow data were baseline corrected and exported 10 pared. No significant changes in the PXRD patterns were for further data analysis. observed, suggesting that Form I is stable to grinding/milling Results: The results for the nine APD125 formulation blends forces. In FIG. 7, PXRD patterns of APD125 Form I com are provided in Table 19. The desired result is Zero net heat pressed at 2 kp, 5 kp and 10 kp are compared with uncom flow, with results within about 2 LW/g of Zero being indistin pressed Form I. All of the PXRD patterns are consistent with guishable from baseline noise. With these facts in mind, it can 15 APD125 Form I, although with the possibility of a slight be seen that formulation blends 1, 4, 8 and 9 are the most reduction in crystallinity, as Suggested by peak broadening compatible blends, while blend 7 is the least compatible. and a loss of peak resolution/intensity for the compressed samples, relative to the uncompressed control sample. TABLE 19 Example 5 Formulation Net Heat Flow Blend Output (LW/g) Methyl Cellulose Optimization 1a. O.87 2 -13.63 3 8.88 25 Example 5.1 4a -0.23 5 -13.10 6 -8.92 Test Blend Preparation 7 -62.36 8 -0.78 9a -1.19 30 Example 5.1.1 Most stable formulation blends Form I API Slurries in Water These results suggest that mannitol (diluent/filler), PVP (dispersing agent), XPVP (dispersing agent), methylcellulose (APD125 Form I stabilizer), poloxamer (wetting agent), 35 In a small scintillation vial, 152.13 mg of micronized magnesium Stearate (lubricant), dical phosphate (diluent/ APD125 Form I, was spiked with sufficient deionized water filler), MCC (diluent/filler) and SLS (wetting agent), the to make a paste; the weight of the water added, 844.60 mg. excipients used in one or more of the four most stable blends was recorded, and the resulting mixture was stirred using a (i.e., blends 1, 4, 8 and 9), are suitable for further consider spatula to obtain a paste. The resulting sample, post-collec ation as excipients. The remaining two excipients used in the 40 tion of an initial PXRD pattern, was capped, wrapped in study, XCMC and coPVP were not in any of the most stable tinfoil and stored at 40°C. until the next day, when a second formulations, and therefore, should be considered to be PXRD pattern was obtained. potentially problematic. Using another Small Scintillation vial, 2.1183 g of micron ized APD125 Form I, was mixed with 3.3619 g of a 0.5% w/v Example 4 45 methyl cellulose to obtain a paste, which was immediately sampled for PXRD analysis to verify starting APD125 solid Effect of Milling and Compression. Upon APD125 state form, post-methyl cellulose addition. The remaining Form I sample in the Scintillation vial was split into two portions, placed in capped, parafilm-wrapped Scintillation vials, which Sample Preparation: Micronized APD125 Form I, was 50 were then wrapped in tinfoil and stored at 40° C. and room ground using a mortar and pestle, with Samples withdrawn at temperature, respectively. PXRD patterns were collected at 1-min, 5-min and 10-min time points for PXRD analyses to initial (t=0), 2-day and 16-day time points for each sample. evaluate the impact of grinding upon the solid-state form of APD125 Form I. PXRD patterns were obtained pre- and Example 5.1.2 post-milling. Additionally, micronized APD125 Form I, was 55 compressed at 2kp, 5 kp and 10kp for 1 min per sample using a Carver press. The samples were then removed from the Tablet Granulation Slurries in Water Carver press and lightly broken up using a mortar and pestle, prior to PXRD analysis to evaluate the impact of compression APD125 micronized Form I/PVP (1:8) blend, weighing upon the solid-state form of APD125 Form I. PXRD patterns 60 3.0081 g and containing 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose, was were obtained pre- and post-compression. mixed with 3.71277g of water to form a paste. After sampling Powder X-ray Diffraction: PXRD measurements were the paste for an initial PXRD pattern, the remaining paste was obtained using a Philips (PANalytical) XPert PRO theta/ split into two portions, placed in capped, parafilm-wrapped theta diffractometer (EQ 0233) equipped with an X'Celerator scintillation vials, which were then wrapped in tinfoil and RTMS detector and utilizing copper Ka radiation, operating 65 stored at 40° C. and room temperature, respectively. PXRD at 45 kV and 40 mA. The instrument radius was 239.5 mm, patterns were collected at initial (t=0), 1-day, 7-day and the mask filter was 20mm, the sollerslit was 0.04 radians, and 21-day time points. US 9,034,911 B2 67 68 Example 5.1.3 Example 5.2 Powder X-ray Diffraction Tablets (10 mg) Prepared Using 0% w/w, 2% w/w, 5% w/w and 8% w/w Methyl Cellulose 5 PXRD measurements were obtained using a Philips (PANalytical) XPert PRO theta?theta diffractometer (EQ For each blend, materials were dispensed (minus magne 0233) equipped with an X"Celerator RTMS detector and uti sium Stearate) into a glass vial and blended for about 5 min lizing copper KC. radiation, operating at 45 kV and 40 mA. utes. Magnesium Stearate was added and the mixture was The instrument radius was 239.5 mm, the mask filter was 20 blended an additional 2 minutes. The final blend was com 10 mm, the Soller slit was 0.04 radians, and a nickel filter and pacted into standard round concave tablets (5/16" diameter) sample spinning were used during data acquisition. The with a total tablet weight of 200 mg and hardness of 10 kp application and instrument control software used were XPert using a Carver press. For each batch of tablets, several were Data Collector R, version 2.0c and XPERT-PROR), version crushed using a mortar and pestle to obtain a fine powder, 1.6, respectively. The API-based paste samples were scanned 15 from 5 to 4020 in continuous mode, using a step size of from which a small sample was taken for PXRD analysis to 0.016720 and a counting time of 40.005 seconds. The tablet confirm the initial APD125 polymorphic form. The remain granulation samples were scanned from 2 to 1520 in con ing powder was weighed into a Qorpak R) bottle, and ca. 50% tinuous mode, using a step size of 0.016720 and a counting w/w deionized water was added. The resulting mixture was time of 1063.625 S. stirred using a micro-spatula to wet the powder and form a An aqueous 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose solution of Form I paste. A Teflon(R) lid was screwed on tightly, and the prepared at 40°C. showed no evidence of conversion to Form II after 16 samples were stored in a 40°C. oven. Groundtablet and water days (FIG. 8), in sharp contract to a Form I paste in water weights for each methyl cellulose loading are provided in alone at 40°C., which converted to Form II within 24 hours Table 20. PXRD patterns were collected for the five tablet (FIG.9). As a result, 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose was added to granulation/water blends, according to the schedule provided 25 the first APD125 wet-granulation tablet to hinder the conver in Table 21. sion of Form to Form II. However, the effectiveness of methyl cellulose in a tablet matrix has not been previously TABLE 20 investigated. Therefore, as a first step, the wet-granulation tablet blend, containing 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose, was 30 mixed with 50% w/w water to form a paste and stored at room Formulation Used Weight of Powder (g) Weight of Water (g) temperature and 40°C. to determine if conversion to Form II was inhibited. Initial (t=0) and 24 hour PXRD patterns for the APD125:PVP (1:8) 14767 14802 wet samples are shown in FIG. 10. After 24 hours, the sample 2% methyl cellulose stored at 40° C. showed conversion to Form II, while the APD125:PVP (1:8) 1.3173 1.5822 35 room-temperature sample was still Form I. As shown in FIG. 5% methyl cellulose 11, the room-temperature sample remains Form I at 7 days, finally converting to Form H at 21 days. APD125:CoPVP (1:8) 1.5436 15172 In contrast to pure APD125 Form I suspended in aqueous 5% methyl cellulose 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose, which did not convert to Form II APD125:PVP (1:8) 8% 1.5355 1...SO49 40 in 21 days at room temperature, the tablet did show conver methyl cellulose sion to Form II. Therefore, it was decided to evaluate higher APD125:PVP (1:8) 164810 1.6383S methyl cellulose concentrations to determine if conversion to Form H could be more effectively inhibited. PVP-based direct compression tablets were prepared containing 0% w/w, 45 2% w/w, 5% w/w and 8% w/w methyl cellulose. In addition, TABLE 21 coPVP-based direct compression tablets were prepared con taining 5% w/w methyl cellulose. In each case, the tablets XRD Results Suggest were ground, mixed with 50% w/w water and stored at 40°C., Formulation Used Time Point Major Presence of: with PXRD patterns collected at t=0, 24 h, 1 week and 4 2% methyl cellulose initial (no water) Form 50 weeks (1 month). As shown in FIG. 12, all samples contained day Form Form I initially, but by 24 hours (FIG. 13), the sample without Week Form II 4 weeks methyl cellulose showed conversion to Form II, as was pre 5% methyl cellulose, initial (no water) Form viously observed for the 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose tablet PVP day Form blend. Week Form 55 4 weeks Form After 1 week at 40° C., the 2% w/w methyl cellulose 5% methyl cellulose, initial (no water) Form sample showed conversion to Form II (FIG. 14), while the coPVP day Form remaining samples, containing 5% w/w and 8% w/w methyl Week Form cellulose, started to show conversion to Form II at 1 month 4 weeks Form II (FIG. 15). Thus, 2% w/w, 5% w/w and 8% w/w methyl 8% methyl cellulose initial (no water) Form day Form 60 cellulose containing tablets showed retarded conversion to Week Form Form II relative to the 0% w/w methyl cellulose control and 4 weeks Form I and Form II the previously studied 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose Containing 0% methyl cellulose initial (no water) Form tablet. day Form II Week In addition to maintaining Form I, a primary goal of 4 weeks 65 APD125 tablet formulation development is to minimize DFA formation. As can be seen in Table 25, although methyl cel lulose loadings of 5% w/w and 8% w/w exhibited the best US 9,034,911 B2 69 70 inhibition of Form II, they also resulted in increased DFA 1:3, 1:5 and 1:8. The resulting mixtures were blended for ca. formation, relative to the 0% w/w methyl cellulose control. In 5 min, screened through a #40 screen, and blended for an addition, at the 5% w/w methyl cellulose loading, the coPVP additional ca. 5 minutes. based tablets showed over three times the DFA formation of the PVP-based tablets, suggesting, as in the case of the TAM 5 Example 6.2 results, that coPVP might be less desirable as an excipient than PVP. The 2% w/w methyl cellulose loading provided the Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis best overall balance of optimal chemical stability, while retaining a reasonable ability to inhibit the formation of Form Each sample was lightly stirred with a micro-spatula and a II (FIG. 13, Table 25), and therefore, was used as the basis of 10 small portion of the material was tapped onto double-sided further tablet development. adhesive on a disposable scanning electron microscopy (SEM) stage at a height no greater than 0.5 cm. The SEM Example 5.3 stage was lightly tapped to remove any loose material that did not adhere to the adhesive, and the prepared sample was DFA Assay 15 placed in the SEM chamber. Images were collected using a FEI Quanta 200 (S/N D7554-R). In addition to maintaining Form I, a primary goal of The 1:1 blend showed significant amounts of residual APD125 tablet formulation development was to minimize APD125 not coated onto the PVP particles, whereas the 1:3, DFA formation. The 4-week 40° C./75% RH samples were 1:5 and 1:8 SEM images showed similar and significantly less pulled from their stability chambers and allowed to dry over residual APD125, not coated onto PVP suggesting an API: the course of a couple of days under nitrogen. The material PVP ratio of greater than 1:1, but no more than 1:3 is required was then broken up using a micro-spatula until enough mate to disperse most of the APD125 onto the PVP APD125 does rial was available for the DFA HPLC analysis. The samples not uniformly coat the PVP particles, buttends to adhere more were allowed to sit in solution for 4 hours before being filtered thickly to some areas than others, possibly due to variations in by centrifugation and transferred into an HPLC vial for analy 25 electrostatics. sis. Manual integration was used for all chromatograms. Similar SEM results were obtained for API/coPVP blends. As can be seen in Table 22, although methyl cellulose Once again, based upon the SEM images, it would appear that loadings of 5% w/w and 8% w/w exhibited the best inhibition the least residual APD125 was observed at API:coPVP ratios of Form II, they also resulted in increased DFA formation, of 1:3 or greater. relative to the 0% w/w methyl cellulose control. In addition, 30 at the 5% w/w methyl cellulose loading, the coPVP-based Example 6.3 tablets showed over three times the DFA formation of the PVP-based tablets, suggesting, as in the case of the TAM Monkey APD125 Plasma Exposure APD125 Form results, that coPVP might be less desirable as an excipient I:PVP and APD125 Form I:coPVP Tablet than PVP. The 2% w/w methyl cellulose loading provided the 35 Formulations best overall balance of optimal chemical stability, while retaining a reasonable ability to inhibit the formation of Form The effects of PVP and coPVP in various ratios with II (FIG. 13, Table 22), and therefore, was used as the basis of APD125 on APD125 plasma exposure in monkeys after oral further tablet development. administration of direct (dry) compression tablets containing TABLE 22 Form Detected DFA (n = 1) Formulation (1 day) (1 week) (4 weeks) (4 weeks) APD125 Form IPVP (1:8) Form II Not applicable Not applicable 37 ppm No methyl cellulose APD125 Form IPVP (1:8) Form I Form II Not applicable 34 ppm 2% w/w methyl cellulose APD125 Form IPVP (1:8) Form I Form I Form I 80 ppm 5% w/w methyl cellulose APD125 Form I?coPVP (1:8) Form I Form I Form II 292 ppm 5% w/w methyl cellulose APD125 Form IPVP (1:8) Form I Form I Form IForm II 105 ppm 8% w/w methyl cellulose mixture

55 Example 6 10 mg of APD125 were examined. APD125 plasma exposure (AUC) at APD125:PVP ratios of 1:1, 1:4 and 1:6 were similar at 0.548+0.321 hug/mL, 0.575+0.379 hug/mL and PVP/API and coPVP/API Ratio Optimization 0.572+0.556 hug/mL, respectively. At an APD125:PVP ratio 60 of 1:8, however, plasma exposure (1.262+0.660 hug/mL) Example 6.1 increased twofold compared to the 1:1, 1:4 and 1:6 ratios (FIG. 16, Table 23). The replacement of PVP with coPVP in the direct compression tablet at a ratio of 1:8 did not affect Sample Preparation APD125 exposure: APD125:PVP, 1.262+0.660 hug/mL: 65 APD125:coPVP, 1.889+1.162 hug/mL (FIG. 20, Table 23). APD125 Form I and either PVP or coPVP were weighed Therefore, the final prototype tablets were 1:8 APD125:PVP out and mixed to obtain API/PVP or API/coPVP ratios of 1:1, or 1:8 APD125:coPVP ratio based formulations. US 9,034,911 B2 71 72 TABLE 23 Cmax AUCo. max Dose Ig/mL. h Ig/mL h Formulation (mg) N. Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD APD125 Form I:PVP (1:1) DC 1O 6 O.077 O.057 0.548 0.321 4.7 2.1 APD125 Form I:PVP (1:4). DC 1O 6 O.085 O.O71 O.S75 0.379 4.7 4.3 APD125 Form I:PVP (1:6). DC 1O 6 O.125 0.174 O.S72 O.SS6 4.3 2.3 APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) DC 1O 3 O.335 0.138 1.262 0.66O 2.7 O.8 APD125 Form I:coPVP (1:8) DC 1O 5 O.471 0.413 1889 1162 24 O.9 APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) WET 1O 6 O.227 O.153 1.507 1.218 2.2 1.0 Softgelatin capsule 10 6 O.942 O.303 3.192 1.291 2.2 10

Example 7 is of micronized APD125 Form I API) to a target hardness of 5 kp to 8 kp, using a Piccola PLC tablet press, equipped with Direct Compression Tablet 5/16" standard round concave tooling. For the 40-mg active tablets, the final blend was compressed into 800-mg tablets to Example 7.1 a target hardness of 12 kp to 16 kp, using 0.730"x0.365" plain 20 oval tooling. Finally, all tablet cores were film coated with Micronization of APD125 Form I Opadry.R.II Blue 85F90996 to a 5% weight gain, using a fully perforated 11.5" pan. Final tablet composition is provided in APD125 Form I (12.5 kg, particle size do of 1.75um, dso Table 24. of 6.98 um, do of 38.45um) (Sympatec Helos wet dispersion laser diffraction particle size analyzer) was micronized in a 25 TABLE 24 300 mm spiral jet mill at a solid feed rate of 20.0 kg/h with a grinding pressure of 6.5-0.5 bar and a filtered nitrogen gas Ingredient % (w.fw) Amount (g) feed pressure of 10+0.5 bar to produce APD125 Form I (11.55 Core tablet kg, 92.4% yield) of 99.93% purity by HPLC peak area. The 30 APD125 (Micronized) S.OO SO.O micronized product was found to have a particle size do of PVP, Plasdone TMK-29/32 or coPVP, 40.OO 400.O 6.16 um with a Sympatec Helos wet dispersion laser diffrac Kollidon TMVA 64 tion particle size analyzer. Lactose monohydrate, 316 21.25 212.5 Microcrystalline cellulose, PH102 2S.OO 2SO.O Crospovidone, Kollidon TM CL 4.OO 40.O Example 7.2 Methyl cellulose 2.OO 2O.O 35 Sodium laurylsulfate 2.OO 2O.O Tablet Manufacturing for 5% w/w Methyl Magnesium stearate O.SO S.O cellulose-loaded Tablets Silicon dioxide O.25 2.5 Total 100.00 1OOO.O Materials were dispensed according to the target tablet Film coat quantitative composition. Micronized APD125, PVP and 40 methyl cellulose were preblended in a bag, and then hand Opadry (R) II Blue 85F90996 5 NA screened through a #40-mesh sieve. A 2-qt. blender was charged with the preblend, and all other remaining materials NA = not applicable were added, minus the magnesium Stearate, followed by blending for 300 rotations (12 min at 25 rpm). Finally, the 45 Example 7.4 magnesium Stearate was added, and the resulting mixture was blended for an additional 100 rotations (4 minutes at 25 rpm). Monkey APD125 Plasma Exposure This material was compressed into 200-mg tablets using a Piccola PLC tablet press equipped with two stations of 5/16" Monkey APD125 exposure studies conducted with wet standard round concave tooling to achieve a target 5-kp to 50 granulation based APD125 Form I 10-mg tablets, containing 8-kp tablet hardness. 0.5% w/w methyl cellulose, were shown to exhibit roughly one-half the AUC and one-fourth the C of SGCs (Ex Example 7.3 ample 1.1). Additionally, monkey studies using uncoated direct compression APD125 Form I 10-mg tablets, containing Tablet Manufacturing for 2% w/w Methyl 55 5% w/w methyl cellulose found the direct compression tab cellulose-loaded Tablets lets to exhibit essentially the same exposure as previously observed for the wet-granulation tablets (Example 6.3). Materials were dispensed according to the target tablet Based on the PK data and the methyl cellulose formulation quantitative composition. A blender was charged with all of stability results (Table 22), a decision was made to prepare the tablet components, minus magnesium Stearate, and 60 two final, separate R&D batches of coated direct-compres blended for 300 rotations (12 min at 25 rpm). The resulting sion tablets with 40 mg APD125 Form I, containing methyl blend was delumped using a Comill (equipped with an R045 cellulose at 2% w/w, and either PVP or coPVP. screen and round-arm impeller), transferred into a blender, Six monkeys were dosed in a 2x6 crossover design. and blended for 300 rotations (12 min at 25 rpm). The mag APD125 plasma exposure after oral administration of 40 mg nesium stearate was added, followed by blending for an addi 65 APD125 in SGC or dry compression tablets are shown in FIG. tional 100 rotations (4 min at 25 rpm). The resulting final 18. Pharmacokinetic parameters are presented in Table 25. blend was compressed into 200-mg tablets (containing 10 mg APD125 absorption into the systemic circulation occurred US 9,034,911 B2 73 74 over a 3-h period followed by a mono-exponential terminal cal AUCo. results to the SGC at a 40-mg dose, as was phase. The time to maximal plasma concentration (t) was expected on the basis of the previous wet-granulation tablet most rapid for the liquid filled SGC at 2.2 h. The t monkey PK results. Additionally, the 40-mg tablets exhibited increased with tablet administration to 3.3 h. The SGC C. roughly one-half the C of the SGCs and a slightly longer (0.850+0.462 g/mL) was approximately twofold greater is than the C for APD125 Form I tablet (0.464+0.236 t, which is also consistent with previous wet granulation ug/mL). The integrated plasma exposures (AUC) for SGC tablet PK results. and APD125 Form I tablet were similar (4.395+3.122 hug/ mL) and APD125 Form I (4.223+2.660 hug/mL). The Example 7.5 extended t, reduced Cmax and similar overall exposures 10 (AUC) of the tablet formulation compared to the SGC R&D Stability Testing formulation corroborate the exploratory formulations dis cussed in Example 1.1 (Table 1). 10-mg and 40-mg, PVP and coPVP-based prototype APD125 tablets were placed on stability at 25°C/60% RH TABLE 25 and 40°C./75% RH, contained in HDPE bottles with induc 15 tion seal and desiccant. Appearance, dissolution, water con Cmax AUCo. max tent by Karl Fischer, PXRD, related substances and tablet Dose Ig/mL. h Ig/mL. h hardness tests were performed at initial and 8-week time Formulation (mg) N. Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD points only. Compound II, DFA and related substances were assayed at initial, 2-week and 4-week time points. Additional Tablet APD12S 40 6 O.46 O.236 4.223 2.66O 33 1.O 20 tablets were also stored in open containers at 40°C./75% RH, Form I:PVP (1:8) coated pulled and analyzed at the 4-week time point for DFA and direct-compression, compound II. 2% w/w methyl PVP-based and coPVP-based tablet formulations showed cellulose comparable overall chemical stability during the 8-week Softgelatin capsule 40 6 0.850 0.462 4.395 3.122 2.2 1.0 as study, with no significant loss in APD125 observed, as dem onstrated by the assay results shown in Table 26. The DFA As can be seen in Table 25, APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) results for the final two R&D formulations are provided in coated direct-compression tablets exhibit essentially identi Table 27. TABLE 26 APD125% Assay (90 RSD) Dose Initial 2 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks Formulation Conditions (mg) n = 3 n = 3 n = 3 n = 3 APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 90.5 (0.5) 93.0 (0.6) 102.3 (4.9) 93.7 (2.4) 2% w/w methyl cellulose, 75% RH 40 93.1 (0.5) 91.3 (0.7) 102.3 (3.6) 97.7 (2.1) direct-compression (coated) 25o C. 10 90.5 (0.5) NT NT 95.4 (2.1) 60% RH 40 93.1 (0.5) NT NT 96.9 (2.0) APD125 Form I:coPVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 90.4 (0.5) 91.8 (1.8) 92.6 (0.9) 95.1 (1.5) 2% w/w methyl cellulose, 75% RH 40 92.5 (1.5) 97.5 (5.9) 93.1 (0.9) 97.0 (0.9) direct-compression (coated) 25o C. 10 90.4 (0.5) NT NT 93.3 (1.1) 60% RH 40 92.5 (1.5) NT NT 96.7 (2.7)

NT=not tested

TABLE 27 DFA Concentration as ppm (90 RSD Dose Initial 2 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks Formulation Conditions (mg) n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 ND <35 <35 <35 2% w/w methyl cellulose, 75% RH 40 ND <35 <35 <35 irect-compression (coated), 25°C. 10 ND NA NA ND HDPE bottle with desiccant 60% RH 40 ND NA NA ND APD125 Form I:coPVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 ND 69 (1.8) 114 (1.7) 142 (2.4) 2% w/w methyl cellulose, 75% RH 40 ND 67 (1.2) 145 (0.6) 161 (1.1) irect-compression (coated), 25°C. 10 ND NA NA ND HDPE bottle with desiccant 60% RH 40 ND NA NA ND APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 ND NA 645 (0.2) NA 2% w/w methyl cellulose, 75% RH 40 ND NA 918 (0.5 NA irect-compression (coated), open container APD125 Form I:coPVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 ND NA 648 (1.7) NA 2% w/w methyl cellulose, 75% RH 40 ND NA 788 (1.4) NA irect-compression (coated), open container DFA limit of detection and limit of quantitation are 10 ppm and 35 ppm respectively A = not applicable TD = Not detected US 9,034,911 B2 75 76 As was previously observed during the methyl cellulose TABLE 29 optimization studies (Table 22), the coPVP-based tablets were found to exhibit faster DFA formation rates than the APD125% Released corresponding PVP-based tablets, which is also consistent - at 90 mino RSD with TAM results (Example 3), Suggesting potential compat- 5 Dose Initial 8 weeks ibility issues with coPVP. Interestingly, the open-container Formulation Conditions (mg) n = 4 n = 4 results (Table 27) show similar DFA formation rates for both APD125 Form 40°C 10 103.9 (3.4) 97.0 (3.1) PVP-based and coPVP-based tablets, in contrast with HDPE I:PVP (1:8) 75% RH 40 98.9 (25) 95.9 (14) bottle stability and methyl cellulose optimization results, 2% w/w methyl 25o C. 10 103.9 (3.4) 101.0 (1.7) which suggested tablets containing coPVP exhibit faster DFA 10 cellulose, direct- 60% RH 40 98.9 (2.5) 100.4 (2.0) formation than PVP-based tablets. This apparent discrepancy compression (coated) might be due to water content differences. In the cases of the R f 7. Rh R g s: 3. g 8. HDPE bottle stability and methylcellulose optimization stud- fw Ry, s 10 100.0 83. 99.0 s ies, the amount of waterpresent in the samples is very similar, cellulose, direct- 60% RH 40 98.3 (1.3) 98.9 (0.8) which allows one to better assess the impact of changing from 15 compression (coated) PVP to coPVP. However, in the case of the open-container stability study results, each sample would equilibrate to quite different water contents, as shown in FIG. 20. At a relative humidity of 75%, the PVP-based tablets could be expected to TABLE 30 absorb significantly more water than the coPVP-based tab- 20 APD12S lets, and since hydrolysis is a major pathway for DFA forma- Polymorph(s) tion, it is not unreasonable that the open container PVP-based Dose Detected tablets would begin to show faster DFA formation, becoming Formulation Conditions (mg) Initial 8 weeks nearly identical to the open container coPVP-based tablets. It is therefore possible that the observed increased DFA forma- 25 APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 Form I Form I tion rate in the presence of coPVP, relative to PVP, is not the 2% w/w methylcellulose, 75% RH 40 Form I Form I - - - - - direct-compression (coated) 25o C. 10 Form I Form I result of chemical incompatibility with coPVP. Instead, at a 60% RH 40 Form I Form I fixed water content in a closed system, the more hygroscopic APD125 Form I:coPVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 Form I Form I PVP, relative to coPVP. might reduce the amount of free water 2% w/w methyl cellulose, 75% RH 40 Form I Form I available for hydrolysis of APD125. 30 direct-compression (coated) 2. C. 10 Form I Form I As shown in Table 28 and Table 29, both PVP-based and 60% RH 40 Form I Form I coPVP-based tablets exhibited no evidence of significant Compound II assay and dissolution rate changes post-8 weeks at 40° C./75% RH, with the exception of the open TABLE 31 container results, consistent with the DFA results, shown in 35 % water Content Table 27. The PXRD results show that all samples tested (90 RSD) contain Form I, indicating good solid-state form stability for both PVP-based and coPVP-based tablets (Table 30). The Formulation Conditions p il sysks water content determination by Karl Fischer showed essen- g) n = tially no change in water content over the 8-week study (Table APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) 25o C. 10 6.7 (4.5) 4.8 (0.9) 31). There was, however, a slightly higher water content 2% w/w methylcellulose, 60% RH 40 5.7 (3.7) 4.5 (1.1) direct-compression (coated) 40° C. 10 6.7 (4.5) 6.5 (0.0) observed for the PVP-based tablets, relative to the coPVP- 75% RH 40 5.7 (3.7) 5.7 (5.9) based tablets, which is consistent with the fact that PVP is APD125 Form I:coPVP (1:8) 259 C. 10 4.7 (5.2) 4.1 (19.2) somewhat more hygroscopic than coPVP (FIG. 19). TABLE 28 Compound II Concentration as % area % RSD

Dose Initial 2 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks Formulation Conditions (mg) n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 APD125 Form I:PVP (1:8) 40° C. 10 ND ND ND

TABLE 32 Example 8 Batches Tested and Packaging

Batch Formulation Strength Packaging 25 Preparation of Intermediate N-4-Methoxy-3-(2- 1 APD125/PVP 10 mg HDPE bottles methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)phenyl-acetamide 2 40 mg with desiccant 3 APD125 coPVP 10 mg 4 40 mg 5 APD125/PVP 10 mg HDPE bottles 6 40 mg without desiccant 30 7 APD125 coPVP 10 mg l 8 40 mg O 1. DMA, 9 Placebo, PVP (10 mg) HDPE bottles / 45-55° C. with desiccant 10 (10 mg) HDPE bottles ls, N 2. NBS without desiccant 35 H N 11 (40 mg) HDPE bottles A with desiccant 12 (40 mg) HDPE bottles without desiccant O 40 The stability samples were stored at 25°C./60% relative humidity, 30° C./65% relative humidity and 40° C./75% rela us N N/ tive humidity to examine the effect of heat and humidity. The H 2 N studies are conducted according to ICH Q1A(R) guidelines Br (stability testing of new drug Substances and products). 45 After a storage duration of 6 months, the stability tests with tablets in bottles without desiccant were stopped and only the To a solution of N-(4-methoxy-3-(2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- stability tests with tablets in bottles with desiccant were mea yl)phenyl-acetamide (25.0 kg) in N,N-dimethylacetamide Sured after a storage duration of 9 months. (DMA, 140.5 kg) in a 400 L. glass lined jacketed reactor with After a storage duration of 9 months at 25°C./60% relative 50 overhead stirring under nitrogen at 45 to 55° C. internal humidity in bottles with desiccant, the tablets show an temperature N-bromosuccinimide (NBS, 19.0 kg) was increase of the water content compared with the initial values charged in portions at Such a rate as to maintain internal (PVP max.+2.4%, coPVP max...+4%, placebo tablets max.+ temperature to less than 55° C. The reaction mixture 1.6%). The tablets were tested again after 10.5 months and the remained a solution at this dilution of DMA and internal water content was found to be lower than it had been at 9 55 months. The water content at 10.5 months compared with the temperature of 50.9°C. An “in process check” of the reaction initial values was: PVP max...+0.5%; coPVP max. +0.5%; pla mixture to determine reaction completion after at least 1 hr of cebo tablets max.+0.1%). The difference in water content at 9 stirring at 50° C. showed that the reaction mixture was sub months and 10.5 months is probably due to the testing proto stantially free of the starting material. Upon cooling of the cols used. At 9 months the tablets were ground on one day but 60 reaction mixture to an internal temperature of 34° C. water the water content was not measured until the following day. (150 kg) was added in a controlled manner into the reactor to During this delay it is believed the ground tablets picked up maintain an internal temperature between 40–55°C. A slight moisture from the air. At 10.5 months however, the tablets exotherm was observed during the reactionquench. The prod were ground and tested for water content on the same day. uct slurry was then cooled to -5 to 5° C. and filtered through After a storage duration of 9 months at 25°C./60% relative 65 a corrosion resistant filter/dryer. The wetcake was re-slurried, humidity in bottles with desiccant, a decrease of the crushing washed with water (2x25 kg), and dried under full house strength of the tablets was observed compared with the initial vacuum (~30 in Hg) with a jacket temperature of 65° C. US 9,034,911 B2 79 80 producing N-3-(4 bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- perature up to 40°C. isolating 3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-me methoxyphenyl-acetamide (31.6 kg, 100% purity by HPLC, thyl-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenylamine (12.29 kg, 100% purity 96.1% yield). by HPLC, and 92% yield). Example 9 Example 10

Preparation of Intermediate 3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl Preparation of Form I of 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl 2H-methyl-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenylamine 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif 10 luoro-phenyl)-urea, Direct Method, (Compound I)

1. NaOH, Xylenes 1. ACN, <-5°C., O n-propanol, 15 O -112°C. O F F 2. n-propanol removed 3. H2O, extraction N Y 4. evaporation N HN /Y OIC NCO / 5. Cyclohexane, ppt 2. Filtered Br 6. Filtered B A 3. Washed, cold ACN r 4. Vacuum, 25°C. to 70° C.

25 F F O O / N Clu. HN H H 2 30 MN Br Br To a solution of 3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-methyl-3-yl)-4- methoxy-phenylamine (16.7 kg) in acetonitrile (78.6 kg) in a 35 200 L. glass jacketed reactor with overhead stirring and nitro N-3-(4 Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy phe gen blanket at an internal temperature of <-10° C. 2,4-dif nyl-acetamide (15.6 kg), Xylenes (67.1 kg), n-propanol (12.5 luorophenyl-isocyanate (9.68 kg) was controlled charged kg), and sodium hydroxide pellets (4.1 kg) were charged into through a 1 micron line filter at a rate substantially slow a 400 L Hastelloy jacketed reactor with overhead stirring and 40 enough to prevent co-precipitation of the starting material in nitrogenblanket. The reaction mixture was heated and held at the product. After continued stirring at <-10°C. for approxi reflux for at least four hours with a peak internal temperature mately 1 hour post completion of the 2,4-difluorophenyl of 107°C. at which point the HPLC analysis of the reaction isocyanate addition, the conversion of starting material to mixture indicated substantially complete deacetylation of the product was substantially complete. The product slurry was starting material to product. The reactor condenser was then 45 filtered and washed with cold acetonitrile (26.3 kg) at <-5°C. switched from reflux to distillation configuration to remove producing the acetonitrile solvate of the product. Full house most of the n-propanol solvent. This was accomplished by vacuum (~30 in Hg) was applied to the bottom outlet filter/ monitoring the temperature profile of the reactor contents and dryer while nitrogen flowed through from the top enhancing monitoring when the temperature stabilized (126-127° C. the removal of volatile solvents without application of heat. 50 T iterae with up to 145° C.T.) indicating near-complete Samples were removed from the bulk material and LOD was removal of n-propanol. The product mixture was cooled to determined using an IR-200 Moisture Analyzer Instrument 80° C. and water (15.6 L) was added to extract the inorganic (Denver Instrument Company). The time course is shown material from the product dissolved in Xylenes. The aqueous below: extraction was repeated by adding water (11.7 kg) at 70-80° C. and performing a second extraction to remove residual 55 inorganics from the product solution. Upon cooling to 65° C. Sample No. LOD 90 Time (h) vacuum was applied to effect distillation of approximately 1 38.48 O 40% of initial Xylenes charge at which point precipitation was 2 29.63 7 observed. The reaction slurry was further cooled to 40° C. 3 20.96 13.5 Cyclohexane (10.5 L) was charged in portions to control 60 4 7.28 19.5 precipitation at an internal temperature 36.6 to 41.1° C. Upon completion of the cyclohexane anti-solvent addition, the Drying of the “wetcake' was maintained at ambient tempera reaction mixture was cooled to -11.9° C. (maximize the ture under full house vacuum (~30 in Hg) for about 19.5 hat yield). The solid product was filtered using a filter/dryer, 65 which time the LOD was 7.28%. At this point, the tempera washed with cyclohexane (2x12.2 kg), and dried under full ture was raised to 70° C. underfull house vacuum (-30 inHg) house vacuum (~30 in Hg) and with increasing internal tem for 11 hrs to afford 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- US 9,034,911 B2 81 82 yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (24.2 Inc.) with a Cu source set at 45 kV and 40 mA, a Ni-filter to kg, 99.94% HPLC purity, form I determined by PXRD, and remove Cu KB radiation, and an XCelerator detector. The 92.9% yield). instrument was calibrated by the vendor using a silicon pow der standard NIST # 640c. The calibration was found to be Example 11 correct when it was tested with NIST #675 low-angle diffrac tion standard. The sample was prepared for PXRD scanning Conversion of Form II of 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl by placing several milligrams of compound onto a sample 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif holder and Smoothing as flat as possible by pressing weigh luoro-phenyl)-urea to Form I of 1-3-(4-Bromo-2- paper down on the sample with a flat object. methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4- 10 The sample was analyzed using a spinning-sample stage. difluoro-phenyl)-urea Scans covered the range of 5 to 4020. A continuous scan mode was used with a step size of 0.017020. Diffraction data were viewed and analyzed with the XPert Data Viewer Soft 15 ware, version 1.0a and XPert HighScore Software, version 1. THF, heat 1.Ob. F F 2.<-5°C. O 3. Heptane The PXRD pattern for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl Hs 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe OC / 4. Filtered nyl)-urea (Compound I) is shown in FIG. 21. N N Y 5. ACN wash, ~0° C. M 6. Vacuum, Br 25°C. to 70° C. TABLE 33 Form II Observed Peaks for Form I of 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)- 4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) Ranging F O from S28 to 30°28 O 25 Pos. 20 Rel. Int. 9%) N ls N N/ 5.6% 1OOO H H N 7.4% 23.4 7.7 9.5 l/ 9.2 O.1 Br 30 9.7 O.3 Form I 11.2% 25.7 11.6 7.6 12.8 4.9 12.8 4.9 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy 14.0 2.8 phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (24.2 kg) was dis 35 14.5 1.4 solved in tetrahydrofuran (85.6 kg) in a 200 L Hastelloy 15.2 4.3 15.5 3.5 jacketed reactor with overhead stirring and nitrogen blanket 15.7 5.5 at or near reflux (62.4° C.). Solids which had precipitated on 16.1 2.2 the wall were washed down with THF (8.6 kg). The THF 16.5 1.5 solution was transferred through a line filter into a 400 L. glass 40 17.9 1.9 18.5 S.1 lined reactor. At a reduced THF solution internal temperature 19.3 3.2 of -5°C., heptane (128.5 kg) was added into the reactorata 20.3 3.5 controlled rate such that internal temperature did not exceed 20.4 4.4 -5°C. After having been stirred at <-5°C. for 17 min, the 21.1% 49.3 resulting slurry was filtered through a Hastelloy filter/dryer, 45 22.0 2.0 22.5 1.9 and the solid product was washed with precooled acetonitrile 23.1 1.7 (18.9 kg) at -11° C. (without the acetonitrile wash, the hep 23.9 1.3 tane level in the dried product would be about 10,000 ppm, 24.3 2.3 24.5 2.9 which would exceed the ICH guideline of <5000 ppm). Full 25.0% 17.4 50 house vacuum (~30 in Hg) was applied to the bottom outlet 25.6 4.2 filter/dryer while nitrogen flows through from the top enhanc 26.0 4.8 ing the removal of volatile solvents without application of 26.3 5.8 heat. The volatile solvent content of the wetcake was 4.85% 26.8 9.5 26.9 8.3 prior to application of heat. Upon drying at 70° C. under full 27.4 4.0 house vacuum (~30 in Hg), 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H 55 28.0 8.1 pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)- 28.1 7.9 urea (21.9 kg. Form Idetermined by PXRD, and 90.5% yield) 28.8 4.8 was isolated. 29.1 3.9 *Peaks of about 17% or greater relative intensity, Example 12 60 The PXRD pattern for a tetrahydrofuran solvate of 1-3- Powder X-Ray Diffraction of Form I of 1-3-(4- (4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-3-yl)-4-methoxy 3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) is shown in FIG. phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) 29. 65 The PXRD pattern for a heptane solvate of 1-3-(4-bromo Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD) data were collected on 2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif an XPert PRO MPD powder diffractometer (PANalytical, luoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) is shown in FIG. 30. US 9,034,911 B2 83 84 Example 13 Data Processing: Final format: Shifted spectrum, Resolu tion: 4.000 from 99.2486 to 3701.6821, Laser power at Differential Scanning calorimetry for Form I of 1-3- sample: 0.699 W. (4-Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy The FT-Raman Spectrum for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2- phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)urea (Compound I) methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif luoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) is shown in FIG. 23. Differential Scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed Example 15 on a TA instruments, Inc. DSC Q2000 at 10° C./min. The instrument was calibrated at this scan rate by the vendor for Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) for Form I of temperature and energy using the melting point and enthalpy 10 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-meth of fusion of an indium standard. Samples were prepared by oxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Com taring a sample-pan lid along with a sample-pan bottom on a pound I) Mettler Toldeo MX5 balance. Sample was placed in the bot tom of the tared sample pan. The sample-pan lid fitted Snug Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) was performed on gly in the sample-pan bottom. The sample and pan were 15 the TA Instruments, Inc. TGA Q500. The instrument is cali reweighed to get the sample weight. Thermal events (for brated by the vendor at 10°C/min. for temperature using the example, onset temperature, enthalpy of fusion) are calcu curie point of a ferromagnetic standard. The balance is cali lated using the Universal Analysis 2000 software, version brated with a standard weight. Sample scans are performed at 4.1D, Build 10° C./min. Sample was placed into an open sample pan, The DSC thermogram for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-me previously tared on the TGA balance. Thermal events such as thyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro weight-loss are calculated using the Universal Analysis 2000 phenyl)-urea (Compound I) is shown in FIG. 22. software, version 4.1D, Build The TGA thermogram for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2- Example 14 methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif 25 luoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) is shown in FIG. 24. FT-Raman Spectroscopy for Form I of 1-3-(4- Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe Example 16 nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) Single-Crystal X-Ray Structure of Hemi-Acetonitrile The Raman spectrum for Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl 30 Solvate of 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea nyl)-urea (Compound I) was recorded using the Ther moFisher NXR6700FT-Raman Spectrometer (EQ1874), Crystal structure determination was carried out under non NXR6700FT-Raman Spectrometer (ThermoFisher Scien GMP conditions at Purdue Crystallography Laboratory, West tific, Serial # AHR0700837), NXRFT-Raman Module (Ther 35 Lafayette, Ind. moFisher Scientific AEU0700442) and using the FT-Raman 1. Data Collection Micro-Stage Accessory (ThermoFisher Scientific A colorless needle of CHBrFNO, 0.5(CHCN) hav AIS08.00151). The instrument comprises a NdYAg laser ing approximate dimensions of 0.47x0.13x0.11 mm was operating at a wavelength of 1064 nm, an interferometer with mounted on a glass fiber in a random orientation. Preliminary a calcium fluoride beam-splitter, and an InCaAs detector. No 40 examination and data collection were performed Mo K. background spectrum was required, and the Raman spectra radiation (A=0.71073A) on a Nonius KappaCCD equipped were recorded by placing approximately 1 mg of each sample with a graphite crystal, incident beam monochromator. directly into the powder cup on the sample stage. Cell constants for data collection were obtained from least In order to collect the spectra, 1024 transients of an inter squares refinement, using the setting angles of 17249 reflec ferogram containing 8192 points were acquired with 4 cm 45 tions in the range 3<0<25°. The refined mosaicity from resolution. The spectrum was recorded from 100 cm to DENZO/SCALEPACK (Otwinowski et al., Methods Enzy 3700 cm. The interferogram was apodized with a Happ mology 1997, 276,307) was 0.51 indicating moderate crys Genzel function and the data was Zero-filled once prior to the tal quality. The space group was determined by the program) application of a power spectrum for phase correction. (PREP (Bruker, XPREP in SHELXTL version 6.12, Bruker Collection and Processing Information 50 AXS Inc., Madison, Wis., USA, (2002)). There were no sys Number of sample scans: 2048; Collection length: 4240.4 tematic absences; the space group was determined to be P-1 sec; Resolution: 4.000; Levels of Zero filling: 1: Number of (no 2). scan points: 16672; Number of FFT points: 32768: Laser The data were collected at a temperature of 150°K. Data frequency: 15798.3 cm; Interferogram peak position: 8192: were collected to a maximum 20 of 51.2°. Apodization: Happ-Genzel; Phase correction: Power spec 55 2. Data Reduction trum; Number of background scans: 0; and Background gain: A total of 17249 reflections were collected, of which 6818 O.O. were unique. Frames were integrated with DENZO-SMN Data Description: Number of points: 3737, X-axis: Raman (Otwinowski et al., Methods Enzymology 1997, 276,307). shift (cm), Y-axis: Raman intensity, First X value: 99.2486, Lorentz and polarization corrections were applied to the Last X value: 3701.6821, Raman laser frequency: 9393.6416, 60 data. The linear absorption coefficient is 21.3/cm for Mo K. Data spacing: 0.964249. radiation. An empirical absorption correction using Spectrometer Description Spectrometer: Nicolet 6700, SCALEPACK (Otwinowski et al., Methods Enzymology Source: Off, Detector: InGaAs, Smart Accessory ID: 1997, 276,307) was applied. Unknown, Beamsplitter: CaF2, Sample spacing: 1.0000, Transmission coefficients ranged from 0.688 to 0.791. Digitizer bits: 24, Mirror velocity: 0.3165, Aperture: 59.00, 65 Intensities of equivalent reflections were averaged. The Sample gain: 64.0, High pass filter: 200.0000, Low pass filter: agreement factor for the averaging was 6.1% based on inten 11 OOOOOOO. sity. US 9,034,911 B2 85 86 3. Structure Solution and Refinement TABLE 34 The structure was solved by direct methods using SIR2004 Observed Peaks for Form II of 1-3-(4-Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- (Burla et al., J. Appl. Cryst., 2005, 38, 381). The remaining yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) atoms were located in Succeeding difference Fourier synthe Ranging from 5 20 to 30 20 ses. Hydrogen atoms were included in the refinement but 5 restrained to ride on the atom to which they are bonded. The Pos. 20 Rel. Int. 9%) structure was refined in full-matrix least-squares by minimiz 5.3 0.4 ing the function: 5.9 O.3 6.8 O.2 10 8.2% 37.6 Xw(IF?-IF?)? 8.7 1.O 9.9 10.9 The weight w is defined as: 1O.S 4.1 11.5% 18.6 12.3% 1OOO 15 12.7 8.9 14.1 5.5 Scattering factors were taken from the “International Tables 15.6 8.8 for Crystallography” (International Tables for Crystallogra 16.5 O.2 17.3 6.5 phy, Vol. C. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Utrecht, The Neth 19.0 6.2 erlands, (1992), Tables and Of the 6818 19.1 5.5 reflections were used in the refinements, only 5185 reflections 19.6 9.7 19.9% 2O.O with F-2O (F) were used in calculating R I. The final 20.4% 16.2 cycle of refinement included 575 variable parameters and 21.1 3.3 converged (largest parameter shift was <0.01 times its esti 22.0 4.7 mated Standard deviation) with unweighted and weighted 22.1 S.O 25 23.0 8.9 agreement factors of 24.6* 18.4 24.7% 14.5 25.5 2.0 26.9 4.4 R = XF - FFXF = 0.079 27.6 O.S 30 28.4 5.2 28.5 7.3 28.8 S.6 29.6 4.8 The standard deviation of an observation of unit weight was 3O.O 2.1 1.11. The highest peak in the final difference Fourier had a 31.6 0.4 35 32.4 O.S height of 0.62 elA. The minimum negative peak had a height 33.0 O.8 of -1.07 e?A. 33.8 3.1 Refinement was performed on a LINUX PC using 34.5 3.8 SHELX-97 (Sheldrick, SHELXL97, A Program for Crystal 3S.O 0.4 36.0 1.2 Structure Refinement, Univ. of Gottingen, Germany, (1997)). 36.5 2.9 The crystallographic drawing in FIG. 25 was done using 40 37.3 O.3 Mercury v. 1.4.2 (build 2). 38.7 1.7 39.7 0.4 Example 17 *Peaks of about 14% or greater relative intensity, Powder X-Ray Diffraction of Form II of 1-3-(4- 45 Those skilled in the art will recognize that various modifi Bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe cations, additions, Substitutions and variations to the illustra nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea (Compound I) tive examples set forth herein can be made without departing from the spirit of the invention and are, therefore, considered Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD) data were collected on within the scope of the invention. All documents referenced an XPert PRO MPD powder diffractometer (PANalytical, 50 above, including, but are not limited to, printed publications Inc.) with a Cu source set at 45 kV and 40 mA, a Ni-filter to and provisional and regular patent applications, are incorpo remove Cu KB radiation, and an XCelerator detector. The instrument was calibrated by the vendor using a silicon pow rated herein by reference in their entirety. der standard NIST # 640c. The calibration was found to be correct when it was tested with NIST #675 low-angle diffrac 55 The invention claimed is: tion standard. The sample was prepared for PXRD scanning 1. A pharmaceutical composition comprising: by placing several milligrams of compound onto a sample a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- holder and Smoothing as flat as possible by pressing weigh methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and paper down on the sample with a flat object. The sample was b. an excipient selected from: PVP and coPVP; analyzed using a spinning-sample stage. Scans covered the 60 wherein said pharmaceutical composition is in the form of range of 5 to 40°20. A continuous scan mode was used with a a tablet. step size of 0.0170°20. Diffraction data were viewed and 2. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, analyzed with the XPert Data Viewer Software, version 1.0a comprising said Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra and XPert HighScore Software, version 1.0b. Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea The PXRD pattern for Form II of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl 65 and said excipient in a ratio of about 1:8 by weight. 2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phe 3. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, nyl)-urea (Compound I) is shown in FIG. 31. further comprising methyl cellulose. US 9,034,911 B2 87 88 4. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, h. HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate in an amount of wherein said excipient is PVP. about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and 5. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, i. Cab-o-sil TM colloidal silicon dioxide in an amount of wherein said excipient is coPVP. about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. 6. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, 5 12. A composition comprising Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2- wherein said pharmaceutical composition further comprises methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-dif at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohydrate, luoro-phenyl)-urea, wherein said composition comprises less microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, sodium lauryl Sul than 0.9 mole % of 1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(4-methoxy-3- fate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide. (1-methyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)pheny)urea. 7. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, 10 13. The composition according to claim 12, wherein said comprising said Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyra Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- Zol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl)-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at in an amount of about 5% by weight of the total composition. least about 0.1% by weight of said composition. 8. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, 15 14. The composition according to claim 12, wherein said comprising said excipient in an amount of about 40% by Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- weight of the total composition. methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at 9. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, least about 1% by weight of said composition. comprising: 15. The composition according to claim 12, wherein said a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- Form I of I1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at amount of about 5% by weight of the total composition; least about 10% by weight of said composition. b. said excipient in an amount of about 40% by weight of 16. The composition according to claim 12, wherein said the total composition; and Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of 25 methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at the total composition. least about 30% by weight of said composition. 10. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, 17. The composition according to claim 12, wherein said comprising: Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an least about 50% by weight of said composition. 18. The composition according to claim 12, wherein said amount of about 5% by weight of the total composition; Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- b. PlasdoneTMK-29/32 PVP or Kollidon TM 30 PVP in an methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at amount of about 40% by weight of the total composi least about 70% by weight of said composition. tion; 35 19. The composition according to claim 12, wherein said c. 4000 cps methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- weight of the total composition; methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea constitutes at d. Fast-FloTM 316 lactose monohydrate in an amount of least about 90% by weight of said composition. about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; 20. The composition according to claim 12, further com e. AviceITMPH 102 microcrystalline cellulose in an amount 40 prising a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. of about 25% by weight of the total composition; 21. The composition according to claim 12, wherein said f. KollidonTM CL crospovidone in an amount of about 4% composition is in the form of a pill, capsule or tablet. by weight of the total composition; 22. A kit for treating a 5-HT, serotonin receptor-related g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by disorder in an individual comprising a container and a phar weight of the total composition; 45 maceutical composition according to claim 1. h. HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate in an amount of 23. A dosage form comprising: about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and a. about 0.1 mg to about 500 mg of Form I of 1-3-(4- i. Cab-o-sil TM colloidal silicon dioxide in an amount of bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy-phe about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. nyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and 11. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, 50 b. an excipient selected from PVP or coPVP. comprising: 24. The dosage form according to claim 23, comprising a. Form I of 1-3(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and amount of about 5% by weight of the total composition; PlasdoneTM K-29/32 PVP or KollidonTM 30 PVP in a 55 ratio of about 1:8; and b. KollidonTMVA 64 coPVP in an amount of about 40% by b. about 2% 4000 cps methyl cellulose. weight of the total composition; 25. The dosage form according to claim 23, comprising c. 4000 cps methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by a. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- weight of the total composition; methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and d. Fast-FloTM 316 lactose monohydrate in an amount of 60 KollidonTMVA 64 coPVP in a ratio of about 1:8; and about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; b. about 2% 4000 cps methyl cellulose. e. AviceITMPH 102 microcrystalline cellulose in an amount 26. The dosage form according to claim 23, suitable for of about 25% by weight of the total composition; oral administration. f. KollidonTM CL crospovidone in an amount of about 4% 27. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, by weight of the total composition; 65 wherein said composition comprises less than 0.9 mole % of g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by 1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(4-methoxy-3-(1-methyl-1H-pyra weight of the total composition; Zol-5-yl)phenyl)urea. US 9,034,911 B2 89 90 28. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, c. methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by weight of wherein said Form I has a powder X-ray diffraction pattern the total composition. comprising peaks expressed in terms of 20 at about 5.6° and 45. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim about 21.1°. 36, comprising: 29. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, 5 a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy wherein said Form I has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 7.4° and about about 5% by weight of the total composition; 11.20. b. PlasdoneTM K-29/32 PVP or KollidonTM 30 PVP in an 30. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, amount of about 40% by weight of the total composi wherein said Form I has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern 10 tion; comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 5.6°, about 7.4°, c. 4000 cps methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by about 11.2° and about 21.1°. weight of the total composition; 31. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, d. Fast-Flo TM 316 lactose monohydrate in an amount of wherein said Form I has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 5.6°, about 7.4°, 15 e. AviceITMPH 102 microcrystalline cellulose in an amount about 11.2°, about 21.1° and about 25.0°. of about 25% by weight of the total composition; 32. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, f. KollidonTM CL crospovidone in an amount of about 4% wherein said Form I has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern by weight of the total composition; substantially as shown in FIG. 21. g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by 33. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, weight of the total composition; wherein said Form I has a differential scanning calorimetry h. HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate in an amount of thermogram comprising an endotherm with an extrapolated about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and onset temperature of about 165° C. to about 175° C. i. Cab-o-sil TM colloidal silicon dioxide in an amount of 34. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. wherein said Form I has a differential scanning calorimetry 25 46. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim thermogram comprising an endotherm with a peak tempera 36, comprising: ture at about 172° C. a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy 35. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1, phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of wherein said Form I has a differential scanning calorimetry about 5% by weight of the total composition; thermogram substantially as shown in FIG. 22. 30 b. KollidonTMVA 64 coPVP in an amount of about 40% by 36. A pharmaceutical composition comprising: weight of the total composition; a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy c. 4000 cps methyl cellulose in an amount of about 2% by phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and weight of the total composition; b. an excipient selected from: PVP and coPVP; d. Fast-Flo TM 316 lactose monohydrate in an amount of wherein said 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)- 35 about 21.25% by weight of the total composition; 4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and e. AviceITMPH 102 microcrystalline cellulose in an amount said excipient are present in a ratio of between about of about 25% by weight of the total composition; 1:20 and about 1:1. f. KollidonTM CL crospovidone in an amount of about 4% 37. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim by weight of the total composition; 36, comprising said 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 40 g. Sodium lauryl Sulfate in an amount of about 2% by yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and weight of the total composition; said excipient in a ratio of about 1:8 by weight. h. HyOualTM 5712 magnesium stearate in an amount of 38. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim about 0.5% by weight of the total composition; and 36, further comprising methyl cellulose. i. Cab-o-sil TM colloidal silicon dioxide in an amount of 39. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 45 about 0.25% by weight of the total composition. 36, wherein said excipient is PVP. 47. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 40. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 36, wherein said pharmaceutical composition is in the form of 36, wherein said excipient is coPVP. a tablet. 41. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 48. A kit for treating a 5-HT, serotonin receptor-related 36, wherein said pharmaceutical composition further com 50 disorder in an individual comprising a container and a phar prises at least one ingredient selected from: lactose monohy maceutical composition according to claim 36. drate, microcrystalline cellulose, crospovidone, sodium lau 49. A pharmaceutical composition comprising: ryl Sulfate, magnesium Stearate and silicon dioxide. Form I of 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4- 42. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea; and 36, comprising said 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- 55 an excipient selected from: PVP and coPVP; yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an wherein said 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)- amount of about 5% by weight of the total composition. 4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and 43. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim said excipient are present in a ratio of between about 36, comprising said excipient in an amount of about 40% by 1:20 and about 1:1. weight of the total composition. 60 50. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 44. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 49, wherein said Form I has a powder X-ray diffraction pat 36, comprising: tern comprising peaks expressed in terms of 20 at about 5.6° a. 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-methoxy and about 21.1°. phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea in an amount of 51. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim about 5% by weight of the total composition; 65 49, wherein said Form I has an X-ray powder diffraction b. said excipient in an amount of about 40% by weight of pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 7.4° and the total composition; and about 11.2°. US 9,034,911 B2 91 92 52. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 49, wherein said Form I has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 5.6°, about 7.4°, about 11.2° and about 21.1°. 53. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 49, wherein said Form I has an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising a peak, in terms of 20, at about 5.6°, about 7.4°, about 11.2°, about 21.1° and about 25.0°. 54. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 49, wherein said Form I has an X-ray powder diffraction 10 pattern substantially as shown in FIG. 21. 55. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 49, wherein said Form I has a differential scanning calorim etry thermogram comprising an endotherm with an extrapo lated onset temperature of about 165° C. to about 175° C. 15 56. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 49, wherein said Form I has a differential scanning calorim etry thermogram comprising an endotherm with a peak tem perature at about 172°C. 57. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 49, wherein said Form I has a differential scanning calorim etry thermogram substantially as shown in FIG. 22. 58. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 36, comprising said 1-3-(4-bromo-2-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3- yl)-4-methoxy-phenyl-3-(2,4-difluoro-phenyl)-urea and 25 said excipient in a ratio of about 1:10 to about 1:5 by weight. k k k k k UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. : 9,034,911 B2 Page 1 of 1 APPLICATIONNO. : 13/126564 DATED : May 19, 2015 INVENTOR(S) : Selvey et al. It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

In the claims Claim 31, col. 89, line 15, “of 20 should read ---of 20--- Claim 50, col. 90, line 62, “of 20 should read ---of 20--- Claim 52, col. 91, line 3, “of20 should read ---of 20--- Claim 53, col. 91, line 7, “of20 should read ---of 20---

Signed and Sealed this Ninth Day of February, 2016 74-4-04- 2% 4 Michelle K. Lee Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office