Identification of 42 Genes Linked to Stage II Colorectal Cancer Metastatic Relapse
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17, 598; doi:10.3390/ijms17040598 S1 of S16 Supplementary Materials: Identification of 42 Genes Linked to Stage II Colorectal Cancer Metastatic Relapse Rabeah A. Al-Temaimi, Tuan Zea Tan, Makia J. Marafie, Jean Paul Thiery, Philip Quirke and Fahd Al-Mulla Figure S1. Cont. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17, 598; doi:10.3390/ijms17040598 S2 of S16 Figure S1. Mean expression levels of fourteen genes of significant association with CRC DFS and OS that are differentially expressed in normal colon compared to CRC tissues. Each dot represents a sample. Table S1. Copy number aberrations associated with poor disease-free survival and metastasis in early stage II CRC as predicted by STAC and SPPS combined methodologies with resident gene symbols. CN stands for copy number, whereas CNV is copy number variation. Region Cytoband % of CNV Count of Region Event Gene Symbols Length Location Overlap Genes chr1:113,025,076–113,199,133 174,057 p13.2 CN Loss 0.0 2 AKR7A2P1, SLC16A1 chr1:141,465,960–141,822,265 356,305 q12–q21.1 CN Gain 95.9 1 SRGAP2B MIR5087, LOC10013000 0, FLJ39739, LOC10028679 3, PPIAL4G, PPIAL4A, NBPF14, chr1:144,911,564–146,242,907 1,331,343 q21.1 CN Gain 99.6 16 NBPF15, NBPF16, PPIAL4E, NBPF16, PPIAL4D, PPIAL4F, LOC645166, LOC388692, FCGR1C chr1:177,209,428–177,226,812 17,384 q25.3 CN Gain 0.0 0 chr1:197,652,888–197,676,831 23,943 q32.1 CN Gain 0.0 1 KIF21B chr1:201,015,278–201,033,308 18,030 q32.1 CN Gain 0.0 1 PLEKHA6 chr1:201,289,154–201,298,247 9093 q32.1 CN Gain 0.0 0 chr1:216,820,186–217,043,421 223,235 q41 CN
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