Millwide INSIDERTHE MAGAZINE FROM USNR | ISSUE 2 - 2011 SHIFTING TO OVERDRIVE Murray Timber accelerates its primary line to broaden its market GOING GRADERLESS DOWN UNDER Australia’s WESPINE stakes its reputation on LHG’s vision technology KEEPING UP WITH NEW DEVELOPMENTS A quick update on new products and enhancements at USNR Millwide INSIDER ISSUE 2 - 2011 SUBSCRIPTIONS Tel.: 250.833.3028
[email protected] EDITOR Colleen Schonheiter
[email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Sonia Perrine
[email protected] USNR PARTS & SERVICE 7/24 Service: 800.BUY.USNR Ready to prosper Tel.: 360.225.8267 Fax: 360.225.7146 There are signs we are emerging from the global recession, and the Mon. - Fri. 5:00 am - 5:00 pm PDT industry is eagerly poised for a resurgence in demand. While it may feel like we have been ‘through the mill’, one thing about surviving tough times is that many successful businesses can actually come USNR LOCATIONS out in a stronger position. While we hunker down into survival mode Woodland, WA we begin to look for innovative ways to make headway, or search Headquarters out niche markets we likely didn’t have time to pursue while we were 360.225.8267 busily filling orders during more prosperous times. In this issue we bring you stories of customers whose foresight and Parksville, BC Eugene, OR 250.954.1566 541.485.7127 smart business practices have positioned them to weather difficult times. Their good decisions made prior to and during the crisis have Plessisville, QC Jacksonville, FL afforded them resilience, and as financial pressures ease they’re ready to 819.362.8768 904.354.2301 take advantage of more affluent markets.