^::-Ea While at 1:15 P.M
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This during the preceding week in- •'•/.• At UJC Forum will be followed by the discussion cluded: street sign violation; Gerald O. perhaps not wo ttrange) mtwhane* groups which will consider timely William R. Seibpth, Elizabeth; Patterson,'12. Balmiere parkway, Cot fatto tiu curnrnt Oxford tint SHE'LL LOVE IT! Cranford • Four members of the Cranford topics of interest £0 youth of ,jthe Edmund - J. Glynn, Scotch Plains, Unsigned license, $2 fine plus $3 ynttj Fren catalog under tb* («»• High School Forum Club will be •ml h—i*ti«t, "GovromtBt" , community. •. An. election of offi- and James C. MiUer, Roselle, $7 costs. • _ ••.•'•• . '•' •••• -' speakers today for panel ''discus- cers and a review of Jdiscussion A FEW OUTSTANDING VALUES G A R WOOD G RANFORD KENILWORTH sions to beheld during the annual group' conclusions also 'are slated. session of the Union County Stud- ent Forum at Union Junior Col- .'•I' VoL LXI. No. 47. 1 lege. ' •. '"••'- •:••.-•. • -• § .•'•." x^ EMBOSSED and PLAIN TAFFETAS CRANFORD, NEW, JERSEY, THURSDAY DECEMBER 16, 195T e as art-ond cla*s mail rnattt-r at Driver Fined w The Post Ofltce at Cranford. N. J. 36 Pageship .Cents' Steve Samnick and Lee Col- AMERICAS MOST FAILLE, WOOLENS, RAYON SUITINGS burn will speak on the topic "Is Despite Legalities Vm Youth Afraid to Speak Its Mind," AND 72" -~ ~ Concert Soloist while Faith Sharer and Judy Annexation Unit Thousands Cheer Arrival of Famous Character Steidtz' will discuss the subject Raised by Father T MAGNIFICENT Brookside Cornerstone '"Should the United States Adopt In a case in which decision had • A liyw Tract* Policy" been reserved to permit cohsidera- —BOUKBOIV- Considers Sieg will be moderator for one.of tion of legal questions raised by __v ^Corduroys i& Cottons Ceremoriy Wednesday the, discussions. • ••'-..-"• his'-father,-.who isa lawyer, H°- Candidates . The ajl^day meeting wijl attract bert Haut,;M, of Clark, was fined Knitting Materials Under the direction of students of the schools, a cornerstone ISlafed Applications for Board of Edu- high school^ students from "Cran- $50 and assessed $5 court costs by laying ceremony for the Brookside Place School will bp held Wednes/" Magistrate Charlts J.. Stevens in ;•-• :&.-."••? cation candidates in- the February x ; ford.-'Westfield. Jefferson, Battin, r Township Committee will con .day at 10:30 a.n». in the school auditorium. '^ • -'v~ " ' • and Benedictine Academy,1 all of Municipal Court" on\Monday tor 8 school election were,' reviewed OR A GIFT W HOSIERY luct a^Jiearing open tp the 14 Tuesday evening , at the initial The pr<>grarn' will. consist • primarily of various speakers 'i Elizabeth, Hillside,.;Ros.eJle<Plain- permitting an unlicensed driypr toj YEARS OLD i,: * (field'and Rahway high schools. operate-his motorcycle. '. .", •property owners of Berlant Park meeting of the screening commit- mostly studenus of the school.— discussing topics which will spvell out v r«u Cut'lCa IFronif Here '— Each school- is eligible to send 30 At a hearing on fiovember 22, areav to determine, whether the tee of the Joint Cfivic Committee ~T ~~~^~_ 'r~~: T7—\— | •"'Broolcsido Place School." Arthur Claule, crystal-clear decanter for; Encouraging • Candidates for j-delegates. " ' .' - Edward Wolfe, 18, of 19 Algon- residents desire to have their prop- | Kusiv'; a sixth grade student, will In addition to the discussion quin, drive, wqs fined $10 and $5 in a tbramalie "Open House", the Board of Edubation in Sher- 69c to 1-25 pair erty ceded to Linden or remain man School. ' .... .'(. 4<welcome those present an_d make • speakers,., Cranford "High School on a charge that .he drove' the. carton—proudest gift'of all 1 part' of \Cranford. This.»was an- willbe represente,d by the follow- vehicle without-a-license on jp: The screening committee i^ madi the. introductions. -. • . ing students, all members., off. the vember 10., According to the pis- nounced by Mayor F. P. Ander- iip of senior -members of the- II The spealtcr. will be- Louis ForumClub: Marcia Hdag, Phyllis llce; he had a motorcycle driver's' sen at Tuesday night's .meeting of townwide J hjch In Riversjid^ 1 - >:-.:-T.O,WE-LS^:v:;..v .Smith, Gail Schatz, Pat Grant, permit which had expired tar * July. : tho' committiee" fdllowing' receipt "compose' the Joint Civic C.pmmit- of Education. He will toe followed1 tee. Deadline for submitting ap- ' Carol Stewart. Barbara Velbinger, Speeding counts brought iines of' of a" letter from one of the resi- Traffic Flow by Carol. Terpehing, another • stu,- Joy Cromarty, PaP t Hamiltonil , ji$1S0 plus $5 costs, each/ for the in attractive gift boxes,by Cannon; plications for committee considera- ats ittvating the transfer to Lin- tion was Monday. In the interest of automobile derit, whose topic will be "Re- lyn itobey, Carol Wooley, Anne following: James Quinnan, Win- iiii-S-UH m ' The names of prospective Candi- search." . *.' ' Morgantha.u. :, • • field; Andrew Drotar./Raritan, and den. At a previous meeting, an- and .pedestrian ' safety,. Police 1 ! ,„.,,. J • • -T ,. j Mrs\ Homer Martin of the Par- - Also, Gail Flannery, John Shroe- William Engel, Union. The latter other resident had advised the ANTMOlttV CICFFBEDA dates will be submitted'''to'the en- tire Joint Civic Committee at its William A. Fischer announevd to- • ,.._ , «' • !• •„ -. der, Edith Morganthau, Beth An- also was penalized $5 and $5 for *.*.*>* HOME & FAMILY STORE committee that she preferred to next' full meeting December 27 P.- ent-Teacheresent "Otherr Associatios Interesten d wilinl rep- -dersau, EUimr ; 1 have her property remain a part when candidates for the multiple day, the police department,! \vith dren. OiirPTA." Under the head- Witte,-Stephen Haveson, Dolores Frank J. Nebenfuhr of Newark WALNUT AVE. CRANFORD oi, Cranford.' slate Will be endorsed by the com- th» approval of the Cranford Traf- .Scheller, Sharon McCandless and paid $5 and 3>S for ignoring a stop Carol Sing fic Coordinating. Committee, isin jg "Other Interested Organiza- _ Opposite Cranford Meat Market — : Township Clerk Ji Walter Cof- mittee members. tions," Mrs, V. Leroy Brinkerhotfv . Frieda Eichler. Karl Budmen, so- street sign, ;and Otis E. Waitei o{ making some changes in tho flqvv is rioor—DiB ucutjr DtniuiNCjoirOtftTiON, fee was instructed to arrange the Three vacancies are to be filled Santa Claus <who also doubles as Police Sgt William J Gasbinann> is shown ready to president of the Ladies-Auxiliary cial studies teacher, is faculty ad- Westficld Baid a $1 fine plus $1 meeting at which the committee 1 of traffic, in the vicinity of Spring On Program at -the February 8 election. Term field avenge and .Riverside drive to Capt. Newell Rodney Fiske_ will determine also whether resi- of John H- McClintock., M. L: Tali- a tour of., the town in art open car driven-by Howard M. Siegel, Christmas decorations chairman of Post' 335, Veterans of Foreign, dents of the Berlant Park section the Cranford Business Association, after Santa's triumphant arrival jn town Saturday.morning. near the entrance to Normandl aferro and Mrs. G. Holmes Wil- place. ; _ . Wars, wilj present• an,American signed the petition for secession Of Glee Club liams expire, in February; Mrs flag to the school and Miss Elsie Singing of. Christmas , carols, Next to the guest of honor in the car is. Mayor Fred P. Andersen, and-seated next to the mayor is "Entering Springfield avenue voluntarily. The Cranford com- Williams is the only one of. the M. DelPesco of the Harry D. John- mittee has maintained that it will with the' audience invited to join trio Who has publicly' announced HowarHd d HarrisHi , in Charge of the'Santa Claus project for the Business Association. Girl at the right from Normandie place .by way p: the short spur of Riverside drive ; carry out-the wishes.of the ny. r ==4s=Keii<*^gcrRHwT5«3r=6^ tour. Also ••-••• • - • i. -^^Vi^^il^^^-^L^:,^^ fdrlty" of.tKe rSlcten^njrtneiarea. The'annual winier concert of. the hazardous because of 'thi ond three-year term. Mr. Mc- in the front seat are Mr. Siegel's children, Jay and Ellen. ( ,-- • —p'hoto by jagu*..Mote Police