The Boudinot Mansion
The Boudinot Mansion 1073 EAST JERSEY STREET ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY In Commemoration of Its Presentation BY THE BOXWOOD HALL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION TO THE Commission on Historic Sites of the State of New Jersey Lt Loa·n Ecvhibition of BOUDINOT HEIRLOOMS Portraits, Silver Plate, China, 11-,urniture and Library LENT BY THE FAMILY Through The l(noedler Galleries~ ~Tew York City And Including Other Original Pieces of the Period Opening Ceremonies, April 10th, 1943. ~E:·~td l{e-.-rark NJ, 1943 \.'fljoo words.) Lewis Ii.Cook Cook/Boudino€) -i.a:J tru,rt ii.Jte 1 /J ~: ~/~r!, ~,u& DOUUME.NTA.RY HI8'I'ORY OF BOUDINOT MANSION, - lf,J...,,_ et..lZ4-5ETH) /'J.r:.w Tl! Rs e:y ~ f\ 1P1 1:+QW1>ll~D HSti JDRNCR pf 1;;,':=\.RLY d:AYQB f)F By 1=5e~vi3 _D. Cook, B.Sc. in A11 chitecture; Li:'e 1.:er.lber of' the I-I1stor1cal and the Geneal.of!ic.aL Socie.. tie.s o~ r> In its iasue of i·,Aonday, 15 August 1768, theI·f8-Vv YorkJa.zett€ and ,ieekly morning lliat, ct€par~ed ~nia Life after ti shor~ illness, ~he Hon. Samuel Woodruff., Esq., one of His Iviajesty's Council r·or tnis Province. A G€ntle• ma.n univeraa.lly known t·or his undaunted Rea'1-ution, unshaken Fide!i~J, and just Decisions, in tne charac1,er of a Ma6istrate, for his Benevolence, Hoa?i~ality., public spirit and Liberality, few, it· ani, Excel1Ect nim. In ·his priv~te Life were most Eminently joined tne e1.ffectionat,e husband, ten der ~arent, Kind Master, faithful friend, ~nct to crown all., the cheerful ~nd devout Christian.
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