The University of Hull the Package Holiday
THE UNIVERSITY OF HULL THE PACKAGE HOLIDAY; PARTICIPANT, CHOICE AND BEHAVIOUR being a Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of Geography The University, Hull by Andrew Nicholas Laing, B.Sc. September 1987 GEOGRAPHY 3 0 SEP 19 87 SUMMARY OF THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY by Andrew N. Laing THE PACKAGE HOLIDAY; PARTICIPANT, CHOICE AND BEHAVIOUR This research provides an explanation of package holidaymaking behaviour based on the analysis of data gathered through 303 interview-administered questionnaires in Hull. Strict statistical links are used hand-in-hand with informal, qualitative information to generate a thorough understanding of key elements in the holiday decision-making process. Three levels of behaviour are examined. General participation separates the package holidaymaking population from non-holidaymakers and independent travellers. Package holiday 'habits' are then examined; repeat purchasing, booking I the holiday party, services, timing and behaviour whilst on holiday. Finally, spatial patterns are analysed according to relative location (travel time, linear distance, and the home/abroad dichotomy) and absolute location (proximity to the coast, and resort qualities). Explanation is largely based on the holidaymaker's characteristics, represented by trad- itional sociodemographic and economic measures, and by a number of life- style factors. The finer investigation of spatial patterns is accompanied by a detailed analysis of destination choice, primarily structured around information sources, place-specificity and the resort characteristics sought after. The destination decision, and its role in overall choice of holiday, acts as a unifying theme throughout the research. Holiday choice emerges as a highly individualistic phenomenon loosely set within a framework of predictive parameters.
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