Economy, Commtlnity and Law: the Turnpike Movementin New York, 1797-1845
Economy, Commtlnity and Law: The Turnpike Movementin New York, 1797-1845 Daniel Klein John Majewski June 1991 WorkingPaper, No. 76 The University of California Transportation Center University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 The University of California Transportation Center The University of California Center activilies. Researchers Transportation Center (UCTC) at other universities within is one of ten regional units the region also have opportu- mandated h v Congress and nities to collaborate on selec- established in l"al11988 to ted studies. Currently faculty support research, education, at California State University, and training in surface trans- Long Beach, and at Arizona portation. The IIC Center State University, Tempe, are serves federal Region IX and active participants. is supported by matching grants from the U.S. Depart- UCTC’s educational and ment of Transportation, the research programs are focused California Slate Department on strategic planning for of Transportation {Caltrans], improving metropolitan aud the University. accessibility, ~4th emphasis on the speci’,:d conditions in Based on the Berkeley RegkmIX. Particular attention Campus, UCTC draws upon is directed to strategies for existing capabilities and using transportation as an resources of the Institutes of instrument of economic Transportation Studies at development, while also ac- Berkeley, Davis, and lrvine; commodating to the re- the Institute of Urban and gion’s persistent expansion Regional Develupmenl al and while maintaining and Berkeley; the Graduate enhancing the quality of School of Architecture and life there. Urban Planning at Los Angeles; and several aca- The Center distributes reports demic departments at the on its research in working Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, and papers, nmnographs, and in Los Angeles campuses.
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