REI CRETARIÆ ROMANÆ FAVTORVM ACTA 43 CONGRESSVS VICESIMVS OCTAVVS REI CRETARIÆ ROMANÆ FAVTORVM CATINAE HABITVS MMXII BONN 2014 I ISSN 0484-3401 Published by the REI CRETARIÆ ROMANÆ FAVTORES, an international learned society Editorial committee: Dario Bernal Casasola Tatjana Cvjetićanin Philip M. Kenrick Simonetta Menchelli General Editor: Susanne Biegert Typesetting and layout: ars archäologie redaktion satz, Waldstraße 8, D-65719 Hofheim am Taunus Printed and bound by: fgb · freiburger graphische betriebe GmbH & Co. KG, D–79108 Freiburg im Breisgau Enquiries concerning membership should be addressed to The Treasurer, Dr. Archer Martin, Via di Porta Labicana 19/B2, I–00185 Roma
[email protected] ISBN 978-3-7749-3906-6 Distributor: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Am Buchenhang 1, D-53115 Bonn,
[email protected] II INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Vorwort der Redaktion IX Jeroen POBLOME, Daniele MALFITANA & John LUND It’s complicated … Past cultural identity and plain broken pottery. XI The Aegean and the Pontic region/Asia Minor Guy ACKERMANN et Marc DURET La céramique des thermes romains d’Érétrie ........................................................ 1 Bahadir DUMAN Red slip pottery from Laodicea/Phrygia ........................................................... 9 Sandrine ELAIGNE Les céramiques à paroi fine dans ’l Orient du début de l’Empire et leurs imitations égyptiennes, cnidiennes et paphiennes ................................................................................... 19 Jane E. FRANCIS Roman Imports, Imitations, and Local Identity in Sphakia, Southwest Crete . ........................... 27 Cristina MONDIN Hellenistic and Roman fine aresw from the Byzantine contexts in Tyana/Kemerhisar (south Cappadocia) . 35 Andrei OPAIţ Defining more Roman amphora types from theAthenian Agora: too much history, too little typology . 43 Andrej OPAIţ & Charikleia DIAMANTI Imperial Stamps on Early Byzantine Amphoras – The Athenian Agora Examples .