MAYOR FORCHE-A/1 per· R. G. ATWOOD-Many bad- BOB PHILLIPS-Hoi-rods don'! MRS, CHAS. HILDERBRANDT sana/ feelings pul aside, rm al hearing buf na vofos, lif wilh good homes, -Ma:on needs perking up.

.rumeN Demlls rlrnpperl rl~:ad While WOI'IIing ill hill Ctll'll flelrl Thursrluy ufl~!rnoun. He lived on 11111 Ver·non ,J, llr'own fnrm, 4 miles mtsf, of Mason nnrl also See AU'fO RACES, l'ng-e :~ worlwrl nt r.uusing· Oldsmobile.

Books ·Stray from L.ibrary Before Ingham had a county gets little response from letters library rna ny owners of books sent to delinquent borrowers or, would write or print admonitions mm·e aptly, delinquent retumers. in the front or bacl~ of their In nn attempt to get the miss· volumes. A popular one was "If ing bool

11000 bool1, Mls~ 1\n 1hleen La hmln, mhHli'S, He wns nrrlorPrl to pay mel', Sll!ll:t Reed, Amelia Rulhlg, l'weded. DVI!lll, nsslslcrl by Mrs, Arllntr Articles of all ltlnrls wlll fill 1'11111 Slingi'PII, Plllsllurgh, Pn., ~'Ill nnd wnH pJnccd on n .I'I!Ur'ri Program for Cor[l Wood, Nom Burr nnd Mrs. Saturrlny, October 2!l, Is the .Tnrltson who Is t'o·clwlrmun. llw slwlvcs of the GeneJ·nl Store hllJll'rJjlf'l' ji!JHSIII)(, $~. Oluh Hn~ Prll'ly prnhntlon. Honalrl MrHkl<, Lun· 1\lllum. rlnte tot· a cnnl Jllii'IY nt 1111' 'rhe festival will Jnko Its !heme Including needlewll· Dullr.H lnwurrl the world us Gmnge llllll. It Is fill' llw purpmw fl'Dm tile olrf.fnshloned vlllnge ilnlH nnd gmup singing. Prlf'o, Whll1• Onlt, ph•nrlerl guilty l•'rnn•'i:; l•'ny C'ollrril, .Tnr!1snn, nwetlng Monday, William Schnef· C. S. WPI'e rnvealed, Mrs. Lloyd Blnc!1more nrc> the> or IIH! 111·11cles In h<• lnln<~Jucecl at Lillian elrc!P, Cider \VIIS server!. A shorl huRi· to slmpiL• Jcu'I!Pily, Tuc•r;riny, talr· rllfllllnt-( slop 1:ig11, $·1. J'er of Holt, who gnve the ltlgh A IJirihrlay cako and ten were rnmmlllee In cl1arge. the Rock·n·B,Vt! Lmw glfl shop. Attic Treasures shop will he servrrt. ThP 4 cnnrlles on tile rulw The ne:~:t meeting, November Many colorful Chi'IP.tmus r.andll?s spon~OJ'I'd by !lin .Julin. clrele. Tlw nells meeting followrd llw pnrty. lng WI'I'IWIII's frnm Hrrlpli !fll,\'· flf'IPI' A. 1\11'1\illnflll, r~nsl Lan· schnnl student's viewpoint from Guc.>sls WPr·e M1·. nnrl Mrs. Law· ll!'l''s shop. Thry IVI'l'<' nrrlrrrrl 1n the newly organized Pnrent· were tor Intercessory pmyer 3, will be for· lnstnllaliDn of off!· hnve been mndP In mlrl ro the clwlrmun, Mrs. Hownrrl Upclllw, sing, Hfli'Prling rn11l l'llnnlng slop cnrlls, scnrllng lllrthrlay ral'!ls to cem. November· 17, thert• will be nssortmant nl' Clil'lslmns lll'llcles, plnns lo present un ussortment renC'e Sorenson, Mr. ami Mn;, pny $20.2!i IIIII'. 111111 POSIH nt' sign, $111. ' TencheJ··Student association. He Hornce, Ml'R, Hrlrn T..nMarr srrve 10 rlnys In Jnll. m·gt!d all lo remember thnt It Is mlsslonnrles, tnklng speclnl nf· !Ill open meeting. Hev. SnmuC!l w. gifts and cnl'!ls foJ' 1 he Hollrlny of llSf'rl boJ)Its ami plctum frames. LyiP fl . .'it n1'1', 1\lrrnl proJh•r, Ohio, ferlngs for mlsslonar·leH and glv· Wi'nget· will show more plctlll'es House. Bnlh or llwse :.;hops will Also ofret•rcl wJll be holiRC! pl,nnts nnrl Clnud Simons. l•'rrrlrlle Spradlin, Stnrl;l!rirlgf.', Sfli'Prling, $fl. the pupil that all this orgnnlza. stood trlnl hrfort• .Judge 1\dnmH lion Is supposed to help. He lng the nlclcst memher a life unci give the next ehnpter· on his he sponsnr£'d by thr Hlltll <'it•rle, nnd while f'IJ>phants. I ~llf'forrl 'I'IHH'nlnn, f•'l'nlllii'OJ'I, HIWnnllliiS J~lltei'JIIIll Ji'Orllii'I'S WIIIJoUI. II ,illl'Y 'I'UPHrluy, J·Jp WilS lhel'f!fore urged that these OJ'· mombel'shlp nnd sending $25 tn I rip to r~urope nnd the Nr.m· East. whosr f'lwh·man Is iVIJ·s. Snm 1\d· 'l'lw necessary pari nf any l'llnnlng slop fdg11, ~·1. · lho missionary fund. ThJ> oldest co~k. hnzna1· to delight the chlldrC!n will J~nrmers night was fr.aturecl hy rhnrgrrl with fnilurC' tn lriPnllfy .1. f·:dwnrd Sopc>i', Mnsn11, rlln· gnnlzntlons give the> pupll rcopre· svlf nt scene of ucelrlent ancl scntntlon on it. member could not. be present so Dr. nnd Mrs. Clothier and chll· be a fish ponrl, which will he the Holt Klwnnls clulr Tuesduy ning slop sign, ~·1. the fourth candle wns not llght('d,· ch·cn, David, Ann nnrl Susan, arf! 'I'he Post Offlrl' pmmlses to hr. planned by the Wl'sleynn Sel'VIre evening with nfvmbrrs lnltlng n falltu·fl to report necldcnt. I lr ww: .J:wl;ip Nnrllf',\', Ailr•lnn, l'nlltll'f! Mrs. William Kannawln repre· MJ'S, Freel Brower prl'slded nnrl moving to 401 North Mnln street. n busy plarC!, as It sells sul'prlsc Guild, heaclP.d hy Mrs. .Jnmos guest former for dlnnPI'. and .'1 found guilty anrl was nrrlPI'IHI to lo mnk£> :;al'••ty slop :md driving sented the schoolbonrd-parent pny $:10,:10 .~P.I'VP. lfl dnys in was asslstrrl by special commit· Tlte cloctol' will have a small an· parcels whid1 have hcen mailed Oliver. progrnm, The mer. ling wns In 1 he or· 011 PXplrl'd Ojlf'I'H !OJ'S llr'f'llHI', $H. viewpoint. Don Bnlh, superln· ters. !mal hospital on lhe grounds. rrom many points around tlw IHl· Prepamtlnns arC! being made to Presbyterian annex, Two rngl· Jnll. · Ciarth L. I':Higll:llll, l..nnslng, tendent of the Ea~t Lnnslng Ti·nffiP vlnlnllnn tlPI(rfs 1'1'· 1'! 11 s semes t er ' s 1war 1 ng t PS t s lion. Mrs.· RaiJlh, Gilmore, ~~hnlr· Hl'J'Ve lunch at the Chuck Wagon ncet' stuclenls from MSU WC'rl' SjlC!Pfiin)(, $!1, schools; Mrs, Carl Barnes from 1 1 man ol 1 1e 1~I'll ,, 11·r 1e, will he In Inn. MI'S, William. Gl'ltfln has gnPst speakers. Sn I Ayouhee was pnrtr.rl Rrlllcd In t II£' M:1snn emn·t HCJIH•r;t'ill', L:JIIsin~:, t•rrlr· the anne)(ecl 13unlter Hill cllstrlct; conducted.J>Y the Jng mm county ciiRJ'g,e ol' this lmntll. I I l I I · rlm•lng tllr wrri( wrrc llstrrl :rs Lewis Harts Greet health department and arranger! 1cen nppo nler c Hll'mnn nf this program l'!tah111nn. J\lwnnlnns !J•ss driving, .'~:1:un :1nd pmlmllnn and Jotu} AIC'.xandor, a s~hool by the PTA, hnve been competerl Severn! clrclrs have been htlsy plan to worlt nt tlw parlt Sntur· follows: I for :lll days. prlnclpnl father; completed the for kindergarten, third, fifth, scv· -H----~------....:.:_ day aftemoon .. A stenl1 roast at panel. · 85 at Open House __ _;, ______...:.,_ enth, ninth and eleventh grades. night will cnncludP ar.tlvltles for ------PTA President Leslie VInce nn· Mr. nnrl Mrs. Lewis Hart nf t N · the dny. 3660 Merlcllnn I'Dnrl, received 8:1 Felt Plains harvest supper Is ews nounf'ecl Mrs. Ambrn Ward's frnm 0 guests at their home Sunday in G to 8 p. m. on Wrclnesrlay, room won the banner for attend· November 2, In tlw Fell Plains PTSA Irlis Spral{rt• · Ingham County News honor of 1heiJ· !iOt h WPdc!lng un· anN' of parents, He also · an· It Mrs. Alton Kinney (11, nlversary. Mt•. unrl Mrs. Non·ls basement. will conslsl or conll· P. T. S. A. met at thr. school noJJilPPd the addition of 2 new Monday rvenlng. Franlt Landers, Hart, thelJ· son and dnughter·ln· tr·y·style fried chlelten. Volume 96, No. 43 mem hers to the health commit· S/Sgt. Marvin E. B1·ower, Bon president of till! bonrd of educn· lnw, arranged the entire party PUBI.ISHED THURSDAY AFTERNOONS IN Til£ CITY OF tee!, Mrs. Richard Powers and of Mr .and Mr~. Freel Brower of tlon,' gave n speech on 1he school and greeted guests with thJ> han· MASON, MICHIGMJ ~~~'/ MI'S, Lynn Aldrich . Meridian road, Is stationed at bond issues and !l question and Committees for the Halloween orecl l'Ollplc. Entuerl na Hccnnil ~!usn mnu.,r nt lln~ttntrlf'll MoRon Mldtlg ' 1 A Lockbotll'nf! air force base!, Co· answer period Jol!nwecl. 'l'lw J11 n· of Mur,•h :1, I H7~ • . un. IWI ,.,. r.l parties to he spon~ored. by the They reminisced about the d~, lumhus, Ohio. He has Just re· lot• class and pare1its sci•vccl re· Lions club unci the PTA with as· 50 years ago, when they ;w_e e tlll·ned fmm 6 months of rnda1· freshmen Is. A pa rwnlw supper is' sistunce Jrom the village coun· mnrrled by Rev. C. S. Z1111lli, ·· helng planned Jm· Snttll'llny, :N·o·' 5UUSCRJPTION RATJ'.~ ~ehool at Lowry all· force! base, One yent• In Jng-llnrn nnd lliHPiny mteK ap .. ell, was announced ns follows: man In the Presbyterian ehlire 1 ndw•r·tl~lrw 1111 Denver. His wife, a nntlvc of Ire· vember 5, in tllr Iii gil ~rlmnl f'ri re.' udjoln~nt( '•!~Jun.r!u, ...... S2.1i0 plif•ntlnn. Jlr,Hlu••HH' lut•rriH nrul I'Piltl• .Judges of costumes, Otto Heeltsel, In Mason, about the 29 yenrs Jnnd, visited relatives in County terin nl 1; p. ll1. · · ( nyrtulc Ill Advnncu) 1111~ uullt•t•H 1111 Jimt. nutl lot•rd JIILi!l:ll George Leucht, Mrs. Claude spent In Jnckson, 26 of which 0nP ymar outHidi! Inn hum nrul U11! r1 Jlr 14 ~. Nu n·ndinv: rw bu~ln•·ti~ Tyrone, Ireland, during Ills stny . Sl~u 1Jolul}g ••ounltt•!-! ...... !1.00 udv.~l·ti:;ing h·.·m 1111111 r,,;,., J\nnuunc.'fl .. Smith nnd Mrs. Donna Coppens. were! years of employment Jar In sc:hool. She returned In lhP. ndmont IH Ill Jn,~hnm 1lnd lru•l~l!l or f'llff'l'tnlllllll'llf11 wiWl'tJ iul· Games will he under the direction Mr. Hnrl u t Niclwrbocker nne! F Joln!nlt ccnJIIfli~H ...... l.liO mltt11ion l•1 ••hrtr·rrf'•J n1• uf 1111y 11 Jnn United States October 14. They •our montha ...... 1.1111 fn r·niHn r'urnlll ulllt<.l Jut 1•11111 nL l'flllll· of Richard Frohrelp, Leonat·cl Co.; and of the 21 years In the ore living at 85 Cleveland nvenue, Shaglen conler~ ...... or. Jnr r·ntr•K, · Gyles, Mrs. Clare Fuller and Mrs. Felt Plalns·Leslie district. Columbus, Ohio. ' Robert Darling. Mrs. Noris Hart used many November 17 Is the next mt?et· bouquets of flowers, gold nncl News Servicemen ing night. It will be educational About night. · wlilte streamer~ ami white bells After completing 8 weelts basic In her decoratJO~l 0.f th? Hart training and 8 weelts of M. P. home for the OCCilSIOll. rile tea I trninlng al Camp Gordon, Gear· Felt Plains table was especially l~vely, ce.n· gia, Pvt. Robert Brooks Is s.ta· WSCS. tered with a 4·tlered cake. Mls. tioned at an M. P. ·base at Albu· Has Birthday Party Lela Archer, .::n aunt of Mrs. I querque, New Mexico. His ne•N Lewl~ Hart, assrsted by Mrs. Fred address is US 55·530·918, M. P. Fifteenth birthday anniversary R~tlug. ~ncl Mrs. Raymond Walk· Co., 8457th D. u., P •. 0/BQ)\: 550P, celebration of the Felt Plains et,. ser \ ed. ~rs. Elmo Snms.on I Alb,uquerque, New. Mexico. Women's Society of Christian cut t~1e wedclmg cake and M1s~ / . ·!J13tf t~iQ~~J'Iil Laxtoil has; be2n Service for Methodist women Phyl.hs Hart, a grandd~ughter • pe1·manently stationed atop a stressed that all Christian women presided at the guest regrster. · mountnin nearly 100 miles. from are welcome to Its fold. 'I'he honored couple received Fairbanlts, Alaslm, for the next Charter members, past pres· many gifts anct gift bouquets 18 months. Laxton operates a !dents and current members were from friends and relatives from radar set on the remote post. He honored. Mrs. Tunis Higdon sang, Jackson, Mason, Lansing, Onon·lreceived his basic training at accompanied by :M:rs.. Minnie daga and Lancaster, Pennsylvania Lacltland air force base, Texas, Churchill on the violin. Mrs. and Leslie. . ni1d his rnclar schooling at KeeS· Churchill played bncltground mu· -- 'ler air force base, Mississippi. sic for the lighting of candles as Chest X·rnys for nil children IAirman Laxton is the 5on of Mr. each name was read of those will be given Oct'ohei· 31 ,from !l and Mrs, Charles Laxton of Lan· members who have passed on. to 12 n. m. · sing.

Inghram Oil Co. OR 7·3721

It's Not Too Early for CHRISTMAS LAYw.AWAY When You Shop At GEORGEuS FRESH PRODUCE SUNSHINE Crispy Crackers LB 23c Rites Are Said for Idaho CURTISS Frank F. Phillips · GENERAL ELECTRIC Funeral services were con· 5 PORTABLE .MIXER Pot~toes Marshmallows 10 oz. 21c ducted Tuesday .for ·Frank :;,", $14' ' So light that It con' bu used ony· Phillips, 42, who died Sunday KITCHIN TOOL sn · - •·· ·o tn th• litchen for on:lhe·•pol 10 LB ROWDY afternoon a.t the residence, 4288 !Ut-s. Smith Spenl•s at IUeet.lng Su ti~tlul-ond ottroctlw•) A olft thot 59C Greenwood, Holt. He was a resi· · Mrs. Margaret Smith- told of will b~ lun~ dent of Holt am! Lansing for 20 Cans het· experiences In England t.:r F.RESH Dog Food 6 49c years. Mr. Phillips was a member membet·s. of the Holt Study clup or the Holt Methodist church an(l at the meeting last Wednesday BIG BOY was nn auditor at tlw Kellogg evening at· the home of Mrs. Spinach Center at MSU. . Marian McBride. Co·hostess was Cello-Bag Surviving nre the widow, Eve· Mrs. Gladys Gurd. !I-ll's .. Smith MIRRO·MATIC· Potato Chips 64c lyn; a son, Fran!t F .. .T1·.; mother, was a I'C!sident of England for a Mrs. Beulah W. Phillips of Iron· year. The nexl meeting of the . ELECTRIC 19c JUST A·RRIVED ton, Ohio; 2 brothers, .Tohn B. club wlll be November 2 .at the ~~ PERCOLATOR Phillips of Ironton, Ohio, and horne of Mrs. Dorothy Fors, 4286 firings it Ia lust the Robert W. Phillips of Columbus, Sycamore /:ltreet, with Mrs. Peg right temperature, and FLOR_IDA JUICE then koop1 It thoro for sorv• Crosse & ~Blackwell Ohio; and a sister, Mrs, William Wlittel'\Vorth ItS co·hosless.. Mrs. LADY HIBBARD TOASTER Dolightfully crisp toast-ovory lime­ Inat L. Boggs of Lansing, Paul Reul from MSU Is to be the oay tho! A prettnt whistlos mtr• dono to just tho tight sha~o solectedt Oranges Services were conducted at gu(!st spealter·. Het• subject will rll, when ·the water bQJII, FRUIT CAKES- PUDDINGS Estes·Leaclley Holt chapel with be Chlld Discipline. $1195 Rev. Wilson Tennant officiating. ·'5'0 DOZ. 39c HARD SAUCES, Burial was In Woodland cem'e· NFl\fS Hns Meeting tery, Ironton, Ohio. · , Mrs. Ruth Kelley was hostess to the Mlssionat'Y Society of the PTA Ten. Is Well Attended Holt Nazarene church Tuesday Sycamore P. T. A. reports 100 for work meeting and potluclt GUNs· guests attended the second ail· dinner. Clothing was packed to - nun! tea Thursday afternoon at send tp victims of recent floods Win~hester Model 94 the school. Each mother was pre· and hurricanes in Mexico and $69.00 sented a corsage of yellow, New Mexico. Bandages, water Sav~ge 30-30 · bronze and white chrysanthe· bottle covers and tray covers are $48.75 mums, on arrival. The fall theme being sent to Nazarene hospitals R4trnington Model 760 $)04.40 ARMOUR STAR FRESH was carried out In school decora· In British Honduras. News of . With Slide Ar:Hon tlons. A silver tea and coffee mission fields and study was p~· service were set on a green table se~lted by Mrs. Leona Kinney.

Boneless• ' ' ' \ f'< ' ' • : HamsI ; • • ' ' LB '.> ~ ~ ~9c Pork Liver LB · 19c cloth with lenf nnpltlns. Tea cook·· Remington Automatic $124.95 les were served with beverages·. Cubs· Plan 1\leetiug MORRELL SWIFT SELECT Mrs. Frank Landers, Mrs; Doris Holt Cub Scout paclt No. 240 of Hatfi~ld and Mrs. M. Roberts, Holt will have a regula!· paclt ·sHOTGUNS presided at the! table. meeting Thursday night, October ALL SIZES . sn~~d ·~l~gna ~a· 39c R,und Steak LB 69c . '27, at 7:30 at the Holt Methodist Mr. and Mrs. David Davis en· church fot• all Cub Scouts nnd tertal~ecl Mr. and Mrs, John Me· parents, Don. Smith Is in cl) WE TRADE Cullough of Ecford, Ml'. and Mrs .. of the meeting. · I Robet't Davis, Ronald and J'udy · ' of Lansing and Mr. rmd Mrs. Holt Garden clu~ will. have a Stanley Davis at din net• Sunday: monthly meeting Tuesday~ No· ..Buclt·Reasoner Auxlllary · will. vember 1, at the Delhi towl)shlp ~eet,.'fuesdny eveJllng, No,v~lriber hall at 1:30 p. m. Theme of the 1, at the town. lulll for regullii• program -Is , and pictures business meeting. Members . ~r~ ,are to be. sl)own. Mrs. Ethel rrssPri. Flftr•PIJ Work on Street wnntml tn polnl oul Jhnl the city mlnut~H lnlr.t' wlmn II WIIH l'Pr•nn· Ray Drive Lnwrence B, Linrtcmat•, Sloelt· Will Decide on PllltlR ore shnpirm llfl fnr tlw (C'nnOnlii'II fl'lllll 1'111{11 IJ could not rrcovor nxll'a rosts, Vl~rlerl thr. r•otllWilmml tool; nvnt·, Encounters Delay x.. n grnnrl nponlng of MnHnn Vow! Cup!'. Vorsiie Bahcnc•k of 1111! snrne nf them thlnl1!ng n11t lnllfi. bridge, member• of lhe T.,unsing luw firm of F'nHir.rl fo'oslcr, Camp· School Bonding Lnnrl, The new Hnlf·Rf!I'Vic'r! fnorl nn llw lrlwil wltlllllll I!iHIIlW m>· slwrlff's r(npm·lment· rlr.r.lurnrJ Courwiln1nn Rohnr·t Phllllp3 lnstnllutlnn of Hl~\1'1'1' nrul Wit· hr!ll & Llnrlemer, will he in Wnsh· Htore1 wns former·ly lowwn IIH l'fiJll for llglrts. storl< ca1• raring to be a hnrl In· polnled out thnl 11 I'Hhirlentlni tm· rnnlns nnd 1'0Jistrrll'tlon ol: On Chest Ills 'l'ol11 S Mnrimt. 'l'lw int••rlor· of Mr·s. Chnr·h!s ITIIdr.rhranrll, AI· lltrcrwc on ril'lvers. He salrl rec· nren hns developetl nr·rrtlrl!l tlw ctrrh nnd grrltHI' on l'llllll!rlm• lngtrm this wcelt nnrl us a Holt school tlistrlr.t rt•sldents 1 J' i 1 1 J 1 M 1 1 1 It · 1 eonsullnut. Tie wns narnerl vke· ' tho Hi ore hus berm r·n-nrTnngetl. VrHJt ll H s PI', r N' nr·r!r nson orriH show nn lnr.rr.nst:' in rust nnd county park nncl even nut M-:~fi s roe mus wa •or· n11 111 · ;rninlrll( fot'f'r!s, tIll! Inghnrn ehnlrmnn of an Amoricun Bnr will vote on n pmposerl $1.,:i25,00(} Wm·l1 will stnr'l rm the r!)(lr!r·lor rwPrls JH!rl:utlt•r·. Stricken While H~lt 0 till'~~~~~~ $2,1>~() Qtll'lllln E:wrr·t of J..~nsing is 1,100 eiemen.tnry .P•.~plis and ~ ? owner·s nf Densmnr·r.'.Y JGA F'onrl· Snyrll!l' :rlso tool< issw• wl1l1 11 Joss on the chnnce that uuto rae· mst nr polldng- wus 11 ma.i111' fill'· I• igurcs on s.lrl~wnllts WPI'r! al..;o grnrm!Phninnnn for Lansing nnd junior nnd senlnt sclwol puptl~: liner nnd Mr. nnrl Mrs. Rlchanl stntcnll'nt nllr•ihllll~rl 111 Atwood ing will help support the' counry tor. Cady pninterl out tl1n1 ft'll' es!lmated at !ii·l,.lllll. l~nsl Lansing rllvlslnn. Hownr·tl Working in Field This year· elementary pupils IMotTis attended Ihe IGA rlistnr·t 111 the 0l'lo1H!r 17 llJI'I'Ilrrg- lltat ~ lq zntlnn nf

1 COlli'! room Justice Will need' a· i,~e. 1 Search Continues thicllet· hlindfold. ·.,. The husband has also sta·rtecll New flttorescent lights are he· suit to recover hospital bills ami,·' .For 2 Shotguns ing installed by Robert Leonard, other expenses rest1lting from the whole batteries of them hung accident. That suit Is not being 1 I Stute police ami eon~et•varion low where they will shed light. heard at the present time. 1 officet·s are still searching for 2 Howell, with the help of a man Mrs.. ,Aseltine's case is e"pected ~hntguns peddled in Mason Oc· from the Jail, is giving the big to reach the jury Thursday nflcr· toller 15. Two convi~ts stole th~ room a new coat of paint. It's noon. 'guns from the .di."lrlct conserva. going to he a pretty blue. t ion office in Jaclison 11 fter the~' Heretofore painting of the broke l'mm prison. The convicrs courtl·oom has been let by con· were captured. They ~air! they 1 tt·ncl. Howell decided to go ,qoJrl the g11ns to a man in Mason, ahead with labor from the jail. Son Meets Death n man I hey met on the street.. They told offieers they got $8 DO YOU WANT HIM? WILL YOU GIVE? for the guns, n 12·gnugn Rem· In Oakland Crash lngton automatic with ·Win· Harold D. Latimer, 39, son of This is the killer all America is looking for. This is ihe murderer who pounced chester barrel and a Winchestet• Pioneer Daughter Mr. and Ml'!l. G. W. Latimer, 308 on ihe Herdcks .and brutally hammered them to death near Stockbridge, Michigan, single shoL S. Lansing street, was fatail)' September 3, This is the killer that YOU can help· bring to justice by contributing I Officers have the serial mun­ Dies in .Aurelius injured in a head·orr crash in hers on the missing guns. Thi!Y Waterford township, Oakland to the reward fund. ~ nsli \hat any person !mowing Mrs. Nellie Pratt, 93, one of county, Tuesday afternoon. He anything ahout the guns repot't Ingham's oldest residents, died was returning from worlc in the matter· to Walter Mutchler, Saturday. All her 93 years was Pontiac to his home in Milford Family Expresses Than state conservation officer at Ma· spent in Aurellus. She was the when his cnr and a truck · met We appreciate the contributions people have ma·de to this head·on. Latimer was driving Hon, Mason police chi!!f Hm·ry daughter o[ Dr. George and Caro· for Funds reward fund and we express our thanks to them 11nd to Harry west on M·59 and the truclc, driv· This Is last Appeal .Chnndiet• or state police. line Hoplllns. She was a nurse for Doesburg who has as~ed for contributions. We, the children of. her father, one of the first physl· en by Laurence G. I· ley, was headed cast. The true!; In behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Herrick, I make this last plea. To the moth· the murder victims, will be ready to contribute our share to help: I clans to practice in the area. She br.inq crimin11ls t.o justice in other cases.. . was also a school teacher. driver was unhurt. Latimer died 11nd fathers, the businessriwn 1 public ~fficials and even children, i urge each of Mrs. Pratt was born September in a Pontiac hospital' shortly after you to band together to help roach the $3,000 goal. · My thanks go out to all who . . MONIE, LUCILLE, HAROLD and LESTER ~ost Makes Plans 27, 1862, at the outbreak of the admittance. Civil War. Since the death of her Mr. an'd Mrs. Lutlmer and theh· h11ve contributed to the fund and who will do so after this final appe11l. The money .. F~r Veterans Day husband, Ward, Mrs. Pratt lived daughter Connie left Mason Tues­ i! well spent. 1 1 alone, doing het• own houseworlc. day night for Milford. Their son (Signed) Harry H. Doesburq 1 HARRY DOESBURG Browne·Cavender post No. 148 She was taken slclc Wednesday Is stirvlved ·by the widow and 5 is malting big plans for Veteran's night of last week and on Ft•lday children, with another child ex· I Oakwood Gener11l Store .Stockbridge,. Michi911n Day, November ll. The evening entered Mason General hospital. pected soon. !::-· I will begin with a potluck dinner She died the following day. w at 7 p. m. Coffee will be served Surviving Mrs. Pratt are a SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO hy Mrs. Wayne Miller and mem· nephew and 3 nleL-es, George Horn Summons Owner to Fire ~I I Want to Help! hers of her committllC of the Freeland, Detroit;· Mrs. Nellie Marian Pollok of Mason heard Cl Auxiliary. Ct·owley and Mrs. Jennie Elliott, the hol'll blowing on his parked Oakwood Store. Stockbridge z For entertainment the Legion Ann At•bor; and Mrs. Ward 'l'ltp· car Saturday. When he ran to ~ I I H11ve Enclosed $.. ; ...... naires ha\'e ·some movies to be pet', Dexter. · shut. It off, he discovered his car Millville. S.tore. Stockbridge presented by Sgt.·Joe Jones and Rev. Robert Worgul, pastor of afire. Mason firemen put the !: I . ·· . · I Sgt. Joseph Fllito of the u; S. the Aurelius Baptist church, coh· names out, but not before th::!y ; ' I NAME ...... · ...... ·.. ~ ...... : ... I ·marine corps, who are stationed ducted funeral services for Mrs. had destroyed everything except B~own•s Drug Store; St.itckbridge .In Lansing on recruiting duty. Pratt at the church Monday aft· the engine. The car \Vas parked d I ADDRESS •.•.••.. t •• I •• I • I ••• ~ ~ • I •• I : ••••••••• I t I Commander LeRoy Saelens of ernoon with burial In Greenwood near the Donald Ward residence Ingham County News,. Mason the V. F. W; reports his post will cemetery, Aurelius. Ray DeCamp, on Howell road. Fire· Chief ·Le· attend the dinner. Commander ,Cleo DeCaQ1p,· Fred Dolbee,.~Jolin land' Austin. said ·the fire was Jim Stubbert states. that· tlie D. 'Parker,: ClaUlfe Parish" and Carl caused by ·fauHy electrical wir·. . Sf~ck~ridge · State· Bank · wlll also participate. · ·Davis" were ·pallbearers; · ln~r. · ,, ,, \ . .,··. Ma,.riage RevealeiJ Okemos·· ·OES JOLLY 1!! CLUB MEETS ' , I . Jplly 12 met at the home ., ot Mrs, Bernurd English Tuesday Scouts Conduct evening, Perlro wns the rllvcr~lnn b.-StJCLal PerJonab Installs Officers of the evening with prllt:H going Court of Awards Ill Mrs, Rohm•t [(orr, Mrs. llugh I~ .; Ill Olwmoij chapter• Or·4er of the • • • ... • * • • • Austin and Mrs. ,John !logic, Mro. Girl St'tlltls of lrorJJI No, 11,1 l~a~tcrn Stnr No. 2fl!l hnrl a puh· h1ul their court nf nwrmls nt llw lie lnstnllntlnn nt the Merlrllnn Dcrnnrd English wnn I lie whit~> (llephrmt, 'T'he next mer.tln~ will 1'vi£<11J()(IIst dnn·r~h during their ::.,Church Plans Anniversary Observance township hull Oc:tnhr.r. 27 nl A I'Pgulnr lllf't'linr:: 'l'ucsdny, Dec· ... lEighty Women P m. he ul the home nf MrH, lfll7.t!l \iulett on November I. ornllnnH wcm In lweplng with the _ NoJ•Ih Allt'r>ilus Union dnu·:•h 'l'he following officer~ were In· fall 1henw. l•'lve guests nttenderl ... will r•elchrnle Its 7:ith anrrlVI'I'SHry • • • Of Farm Bureau st ullcd: Lntrrlt Wllltlns, worthy Mr. and Mrs. Mlltnn Sw:rrti1o11l tllf> PYeiJI. : Sundny, Or·lnbr!J' 'l'he r!IHII'f'h :m. mntron: Ralph Wlllllns, worthy attended funeral servlr•r>s for· his T h lr 1 y·orw hurl g e s were • \VIIS origlllllliy hH'OI'jiOl'Uit!rl J•'eh· pnlron; Vivian Rlchnrd6, associ· uunt, Mrs. Com! I•~IPI1, 111 Cnr· awartlerl. l'ulsy Prlchs recelwrl ~ TUnry 17, 18Hfl, as IIH! North Alll'l'· Meet at Okemos ate matron; Asnle Brool1s, usso· son City Salurcluy. 1 sr>r•or1rl Plass rnnl1 nnrl first duss ~.']Ius Melhnrll~t nnrl Baplisl Unlnn Elgllly Jcarm Bureau women elate patron; Minerva Povey, sec· Mrs. 11. W, llny, fl;un v nnd ranils wem earner! by Clnuclln Sel· " church. On l~ehr·uary HI, 1!121, the 11 from 1hrot1ghrnll tile county at· retary; Mnrvel Swnh, treasurer·; Margaret coiled on Mrs. Minnie• lwrt, i'nlly McCnrn, Tobey Pem·· ·• 11111111! wns d1nngerl to Norl h lr!tHled a lurwlwfln nj lhe Odd Mar·y Bidwell, c n n rl u c tress; Nice of Lnnslng Tuesday. sail. llar·imr·n Thill nnrl Nrmcy .: Aurell11s Union r'lnrrr'll, and II is Fellow lwll In Olwmos ut nne Gladys Schnnudlgle, Ul!tmc(atc • an lnrll'penrlenl, llihle·hr>llevelnr( Mrs. Harry Webster and Bill Barton. Jt'lfteron girls received o'cloci1 Tuesday aflcr·nonn. Mem· c:onduclrcss; Vivian Brooks, chup· of Grand Ruplds spent lnsl Thur·s· their otw·year membership stnrs. :·~ chur·ch. hers of t hr• Rebekah lodge of lain; Murgnrel Vcr P~anl1, mnr· AI lllP. nmrg11nlzat Inn mPr>llrr;; dny and l•'rlrluy with Mr. a nri A short illtslness meellng !ol· Ol1omns served the mertl. shrll: Merle Petm·son, organist; Mrs. Elmer Schollclrl. '!'liP S1·h••· loii'Pd the nwnr·ds rlur·lng which ·• 1 here were :1R memhers presPnl. Lilian Sllily, Ada; Mnry Able, :~ Mr. 11nrl Mrs. W:rrrl llulhm, Os· Miss Elaine Cronl1l'ight and lwr tlelds nnd fnmlly spent tlw wr•Pil time the Srnuls mnde plans for nr•enmpnnisl, hotil of Webberville, Huth; Marilyn Robinson, J~sther·; end at Rosebush. their t'lllll'l of honor Thursriny ~~ ~· Pill' ,J, Wllsnn, Mr·s. DPlln I!llton, Blanch Kr·ldm·, Mnrlhu; :~:Miss Maurie Builron, Hcrhr>rt Nnr· gave 3 vm•al sPieetions, Through MRS. LOWELL RODTNSON Mr. ami Mrs. 11ussPII !lkllr·iri•• :J ::ln. "' rls, IIerman .r. BuliPn, Mr·. ami the courtesy of assistant agr·letrl· .Jane Eldred, EJecta; Helen unci Jean Ann have l'f!IIII'Jll':l Troop No. 114 Is slnrtlng Its tum! ngent, 1\ennet 11 Bmwn, Ray Mr. and Mrs. Jni111 Verstrnte of Wise, wnrder: Kenneth Rlchurds, '" Mrs. Tfnrnlrl Splnl~. Mrs. FiorPnPr> Grnnd Rnpirls, announce the mill'· from 11 3 wceils vac·atlnn in !ria· liflh yr!ill' In Scoutln~. Mrs. How· DeWill, f.'arm Bureau regional sentinel; flaghearers, Ruby Down· ho. Mr. Mr•Brlde went an r•lil ard St•llwrl Is lenrler· of tlw troop · Clnrl1 and llowurrl L. Smith at· rlnge of their rlnllghter, Luclllr! 011 rcpre~PIIIatlve shnwerl a moviP ey, American flag; Maybelle Stllf· hunt In the prlmlllve rPn nnrl nnrl Mrs. Oils Clipper Is co-lend· ·- t.rmrlr~rl tlw mr!elln~. Elkelherg In Lnwell llohinsnn of 11 :; Tlw nnrrivP.rsnr;.• program will entitled ll:rrvcst Time. ler, Christian tlag; and Leona Mn~on at Angoln, lnrllalln, on Or·· Mrs, McBride nnd ,Jr>nn Ann er. ••· r.onslsl of :l snrvler>s .. mnl'llirm. Mr·s. Harolri Nyc of Olivet DaviH, Eastern star ling. Instnll· spent their lime In Boise :rn.l • • • tobcr· 2li, 1!l:i!i. llr•r· sislt'l', Mrs. lng nlflcers were Marvel Swnb, INITIATION IS STAGED ,. nfler·noon and PYr>nlng. Fnrnwr server! as mnrlr>r·atm· trw a panel John Jorws flf Gm11rl llnplds, ancl Meridian with mlallves nnrl :~ pnslnrs· of lllf' ehurr'h IHtVP lwen rllscusslon on different phases of past matron of Olwmos and past friends. ' Mm;nn Asst•mhly No, :J8, Order .Joe Sander~ of Mason :tllembl preslrlent of Ingham County As· of I he Hnlnhnw for Girls met at '" lnvllml to hr> guP.~t spr!nllers. flr>v, far·ming. Panel memlwrs were Bob Sconelrl, who iiiiPtHis r·,·n· the eouple. Aflr!r 11 trip to Flor· soclallon, installing officer; VIY· llw ~lasoniP !Prnple Mondny eve· .~ c:orrlon Holoff of llw Kr•nl City Mrs. 1\enrwth Meyers and Mrs. ida tlw eouple will resirlt! in Ma· tral Michigan college, spt•nt til,. ,.. TIHplisl drureh will speal~ irr lh,.. C. R. Behner nf Williamston, Mrs. ian Brool~s, lnstnlling marshal; ning for Initiation t'PI'r!mony, The son. Ada Reason, chaplain; Thelma week. end with his pan•niH, lilt'. girls will IHII'e n llnlloween party ' morning sr>rvil'e at 11 :1!1. Hr:>v. Joseph Wlll~insnn anrl Mrs. Chel· • • • und Mrs. Don Scolll•ld. 1\Jr·. St•(•· •• Enwst M11rt irr, Jllislnr nf t:w lis Jlnll of Mason. Mrs. Carl Top· Madden, organist; and Joyce Mad· Novc•rnlH•r· !i at the horne of Allcu den, soloist. Rev. Ira Felt, Perry field wus notllled thai his ht'olll· C:iil'hrlsl. ,. First Chun~h flf t!Je irr lilT of Eaton Rapids, general er, Robert Scoflelrl, of Leslie sur. ·• Dr•t.rolt, anrl flPV. Carl Briggs, chairman, introrlucr.rl the panel· unci Sha!tsburg Methodist mini· • • • Gleaners Stage fered a strokl! Saturday mom· lllr. illlrl lllrs. Aiton Strnnd anrl ;;; pastor• nf IIH' Sl~t•el~ Baptist isis. ster gave the invocation and bene· In g. A h!llwmiun tlirrm•r· will l>o• 111 l'ilbe funds for painting the Barhar:r rPiumed lmme Saturday "· churd1 iw Glmlwin, lmw hPen ,, * • H II p diction. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Willliim Swarlh· " nsls ftn' fornln. Mr. Stroud attended the ::. ers. This mr•r>llng will hr> nl 2:3(}, !~ern Eberly were hostesses and her sister, Mrs. Coral Flkl1, :11 'J'ht' girls r>nsemhle fmm the iii'P lfl lid\1' II riiSil to JIIISS illl'l ' . Fifty-two members and friends Mrs, Maxine Bernard had charge niillnnal mn fererwe for county their own t:JIJIP servir•p, A liliH'Il Au~:ust. Nortons Atten d Carson City Saturday. Ol~r>llHIS Baptist chtu·cll will pre· of the Wheutfleld Gleaners at· of the guest boolt. There were sllpr>r·lntr.ndr>nls there. of snndwldws, r·:tkP ilnd jPilo IS In 1!1·17 the parson:rge was sent spef'inl musl•· in thr• afl•'r· ,~on :p., arty tended a.potlucil supper ami open no gifts at this time. .... noon. The history of the f'hurC'll pl:rnnerl f"r tiH• evPnirrg. purd1ased making it possible for Recep~ ,1[j meeting Tuesrtay evening at the • • • , , . . . tllr:> pilstnr to live in tile eom. 1 Ingham County News October 27, 1955 Page 4 ~ will he given hy Tl11bert Bullen, J he nrlgrn:rl . dntrl'il lnttlrlln;; munity. Tlw debt on the building Rev, nnrl Mrs. Ravm~~rl Nmf..ton Glcun~r,J,IW!L .. Bight.ccn members GIRL SCOUTS HAVE PARTY , ehnlnnan of IIH• honrrl of trus· \~as l'l'lllnrlr>lr>d HI 1HI7. At was iJairl in 19;,3, anrl it Wfl~ J uttendect from. Lansing Arbor. Girl Seoul troop No. 20 had a • ter>s. Al the evening meeting, lrm.r> the !Jnst•nwn.t w:rs hullt. moclemizerl in 1!!54. and BarhanJ pttcndcrl a reception Mrs1,A,IIce Brown,lj,l!,YP a Pi<~no party last Wednesday in the !lin· "· wlliel1 hegins at S o'elflcll, Hcv. strunerl gi;Jss wnu!ows \\/Pl'l' , , :11 CrJ;JcmisGhi'l Un· added, new pPI\'S wen• instuillilorlist church, will anrl other improvemr>nls w'e:·r~, E. Prurl•.'n, has been wit12 the Nru·ton's father. The occasion' with a Halloween play and sang freshments were served and the Prescription "" sprml1, nnrl !;prf'ial music will he made. During the )'Pars 1 ario 11 s 1 l'hlll'l'il Slllce Novernher, 1!la2, was the 50th anniversary of Rev. ".·nvnz·al ."ong.". t 1 d f h ·'~ ~ " ., gues s rcce ve avors as t ey furni~llerl hy n trio fmrn 1he Eat· repairs havr! heen mmlt>. A spr·l Jo:veryonr. is inviter! to at tenrl Tennant's ministry, and also his The tables and hall were deco- tcft for home. · • on Rnplrl~ 'Hartl;;! church. cial offering was talwn at !~aster ltiw ilnniver~ary celebration. 75111 hirthrlny nnniversary. rated with black and orange • • • SERVICE Mrs. Floyd Gcor~e of Mount streamers and yellow mums. Mr. and Mr~. Howard L. Smith I ~Irs. 1{. II art line, Pat Sheldon nnrl Vernon, New York, who is an· Jack·O·L ante r n s, corn sliilils, enter·tuined Mr. and Mrs. Joh!l Wo Dolivor .JJrille 's /lome Is Scene of :VIrs. Russell England. other daughter, also attended the pumpldns, squash and gourds Ridgley of Grand Rapids; Mr. ar1d £1 Day or Night Upon their relunt from a wed· reception. Sllc was accompanied were used in keeping with Hal· Mrs. Richard Anderson of De· ding !rip in lhe southem states by her ~on, Phillip, loween theme. · trolt and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Double-Ring Nuptial Rites 1111' newlyweds will be in their A receplion in tile Copemish Progressive pedrn furnisiJCd IIH! Isaacson of Traverse City over Phone OR 7-0411 ellurch sm~ial hall, in the after· evening's clivers;on with prizes the week end. new home at Laingsburg. Til'~ ' new Mrs. Hazel graduated frnm noon, was altemled h,Y more than being awarderl. Mrs. H. J. Bond and Mrs. Rex :Miss Palli Zorn ol l•:aton Hol high sdmnl in 1954. She Is em· 100 guests, from former pastor· ~· If! lit W. Laws left Thursday morning ALWAYS FR.~SH PRESCRIPTION ids illlCi Wllli:llll Hazel spfll\r iln orchid on a while 13ihiP. ployed in the insurance depart· ates of Rev. Tennant. At 7 o'clock M K II T II for California where they will 11wir· wedding vows hf>forr> n A cl:~ssmaiP 111' llw i1ririP ,rt ment for the state. Mr. Haz:!l an informal evenin~ service was . iss e y e s spend the wlntet•. DRUGS setting of wllite, yellow anrl pinl1 E:alon Rapids high ~l'iwol, ~li:-~ grarluaiPrl from high school in conducted in tile church with Of l f G Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Bray enter· Wo Fill Out-of .. Stato and Out-of-Town mums HI tlw Zorn home Siillll'· Susan Trayer. sr>rwd as maid r,[ l!J:JO. He is tai;ing an apprenticr> Rev. Wilson Tennant of Holt In j e in reece tained Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vaughn rlny nftenwon at one o'cirwk. Rev. honor. She wm·e a blue fror~:~.~ course in tool mailing at the charge. He was assisted by Rev. Miss Rhoda Kelly, exclwp..:e of Roya,I· ,Oak at dinner Sunday. Prcscri pti ons .. Dnnalrl Kcr>;;lr•r, fornwr·iy p:tslt~r Harry Eglon, frienrl of the hrirle· Olrlsmobile plan! in Lansing. Wirth Tennant of Scottville and student to Greece, spoke to mAm··• · Mr · a'nd Mrs · M· J . Grcen " of the Baplisl l'!Jurch ill l!:al1111 groom was best man. • * • fltlle'i; members of the' family, who bers of Mason Woman's clu'~' at calle'd"lili''Mr. and· Mrs. William .. pr:>rfnrrnPrl I he rlnuhl0 For her ri:nr"hlr•r'.' WPrlrlill'.' I~npirls, 1 presented musical number~. and their meeting Tuesday aflerh'iion Tlrh of Manchester Sunllay,: · ~.~ Registered Pharmacists rmg ceremony 111 lire presence uf Mrs. Zorn • .r>"a pi nil suit. Mr;: 1 11 01 gave reminiscences of their fa· at the library. Mrs. Ilugh Bartley Mrs. Elizabeth Gruham· 1df'East lhe eouple's p:rrents. Hazel rlonrwrl il hlut• dn•" for tlw Churches Show !her's minblry. served as program chairman for Lansing spent Friday with Mr. Tlw hrirlr• is the daughlf't' of event. Brllh mothers wore r·or· A cablegram was read from ·the day. find Mrs. Robert Acheson; to Serve You Mr. nnrl Mrs ..lad1 Zorn of Eatnn ~ages o[ white mums. Miss Mary Jean Tennant of Miss Kelly spol;e of her ex· Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stld ,,f Rnpirls. Mr. Ilazel's parents arc ltt•t•t!plinn Fnllmi'S ('l'l'l'nH•IIY Luther Picture Port11guese E:ast Africa, who was periences in Greece and told of Dansville spent Wednesday eve· Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hazel. . Jo'ollowint: \he t•r>r'Pmony, :r I'L'· lhe only absent member of the her life in the 22 different ning with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Given in rn:rniage hy her f,l· ception was given at 1he honw "Martin Luther," the feature family. • I •• I ·homes"'whei·e• she stayed. 'l'hcre Matteson; . ,, i ' .. tiler, the hrifle elwse an anlll<:· with bouquets flf mums and yel· film, produced by a cast on loca· ., • ' is much construction work going Mr. and Mrs, Norman Ro8C ·of ... _.... ·:.WARE'S lengl h gown nf raw silk fnsh· low roses for rlrcoralions . .Mrs. lion in West Ger·many, will be Ml·. and Mrs. Edward Me· there, she said, due to damag.:s Jackson called on Mr. and Mrs. Phone fOR~ 7.0411 Mason ioned with a !wop skirt. She wore Emory Shnrl of Ol1io anrl lVIr~. shown at Mason Presbyterian Donald, Turn and Denni~ were en used by earth qualtes and wars. Forrest Matteson Sunday. Mrs. ':======~ a rwddaC"e nf half climes th;;t Russell SwPel, aunts nf tlw r•hurch Sunday ni~ht at 7:30. It guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dol· The Greek philosophy is tal;e Rose and Mrs. Matteson are sis· I' was presr:>nll'tl to iwr gmnrlmoth· bride, scr·verl wedding e:i11e, iec is bein~ bmught to Mason as a bee at a pheasant dinner Sunday. your time while working and ters. er by the bride's grandfather at cream iind coffee, assisted by en?perative venture. of the Meth· The McDonalds entertained Mr. enjoy doing it, Miss Kelly. said. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thot·burn odrst and ?resh):'tenan cilllrcr~·;. and. Mrs. Marvin Hodge and Mr. The committee served .'.i;ider and.Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ttwt·burn ------'-- The film denis witll the }Gth land Mrs. Vernon Hodge anrl and doughnuts following .the entertnlned Lt. and Mrs. Robert century monk who defied,., the datl"htcr Mary Francis of Web· program. Serving on the refl·esh· Holmes of Ft. Lee, Virginia, Mr. Notice stake in his rlernand for t·eligious ber;ille ~nd Ji1r. and Mrs. Ber· ment committee wet·e Mrs. WIJ.' illld,Mrs. Harley Holmes and Mr. reform. It was pro~luced by Louts nard Hope of Lansing Sunday liam Bergin, Mrs. ,T. w. Eames, and Mrs. M. K Ballard and fam· ric Rochernonl Associa tP.s. evening. Mrs. Glen Coon and Mrs. Paul lly of .Marshall at Sunday dinner. to all The lil.le I'OI~ i.s played by Niall Mr. and 1\•lrs. Clark Haynes of Arnold. The dmner was at the Ross Thor· MacG1nrus, Brtlish actor, who Eaton Rapids called on Mrs. C. ,, ., * burn home. heads a cast and crew of 500 A. Richards Sunday. GAA DISCUSSES INITIATION ------rlrmvn. together for t.he prodL~C· Mrs. Alec Gilpin spent la~t A short meeting was conducted Photographers lion l~om the ~· S., France, Ire· week end with her father, Ralph last Wednesday by the G. A. A. •••••• •! land, bngl~lnd, Scotland, Gei·many Ennes!, in St. Clair. of Mason high school to discuss from YOIII" and . . . the initiation of new members. It Lotlwr Wolff proclticed the ftlm Mrs ..L. ;·r. M. 1nn1s spent last -~~BOW Do~·; 011 location in the tnwtl.s, cnstle.s weel1 With ner snn and daughter· was decided the new members 't-1"' • • • • / .J' l I •·r1 1 M L Ml will honor the old members with and chtll'ches of West Germany. r;· aw, ' r. ar~r rs. ance ll· • • on cozy • 1 B c1 1 a supper Tuesday, November 1, Eastman Kodak Dealer Irving Piche! of Hollywood di· ms, a. ay y. at 5:30 p. m. Sharon Mlller and FLANNELETTE rected and played one of the lwy Mr:, and Mrs. S. E. Moses 211· Dee Grieb are in charge of ad· 1~. 11ALF; BILLINGS roles. tertarned Mrs. Lena _Hayden vising new members concernin The scl'ipl pre[mred by Allan Morton and Mt•s. Ray Fmley cf tl Aft tl . tl g · · ' Cl 1 1 01 · f · • 1e menu. er 1e mee 1rng 1e Direct from l~asl.rnan 1\mlal' Comltall~' color 1•riut and 1 1 11 1 Sk1ppic: 1'.1111ie ·~~t~~~icar~~ct'~'i~t~:tab;;e~~L~ fc~~ w:~~. ~~~~.. HI~~·· ~rs~\~~~~: 3 ~ ~. group played* vnll.e~ b~U, ,. ...; 11rocessing S1~1·vh:1~ in HociH'sl.t•J', Nt•w Ym·l,, has been in ~n. llllR. '· ~1. 1.. and leans heavilv on historic their guests visited Mr. and Mrs. M •.:·· n·!' ~..:· L ""l''l· \ B ·i t :o~r store· this w1:el' t.?,~!m·ange Jo1· Uw new 11rocedure for Cnmrnrl-lodnp ~Yir•n " J 0 1111 F · 0 · d n• · d ' r. a c mr:s. "''io ge m >a o 1 rloctunents fo~· its dialogue. . • 'rye 111 • Yl 'lies a~. ·of Sault Ste. 'Marie ··are visiting (trocessiug. '~: "'''''"'" r•ln·lir· nl'l r·/ with :} 1 :~• wni .. thnnr!. T~e sup~or t of museums 111 M1.. n~d Mrs. •·C\!~Iho.~,obmson Mr... and,1·Mrs.r Roy Ha1·t. Mrs. \lo.u .n·nd.thlt· .IH Berlln, Mnmz, ~lesbaden, and and famr~y of Pnlnesvllle, Ohio, Hart's-nlother, Mrs. Marion Sldn· Gmllr, ~~~. 1}01!, s:~.•JS. J~rel tan w~re enlisted for au then· slayecl. wrth Mr. and Mrs. Eber ner of Plcll~ord, is also visiting tic costuming and reconstructiOn .T. Robmson over the ~eel~ end. the Harts. Mr. and Mrs. l~t·ani< ShnWII "illl urr! of scenes such as .the Diet of They attended the Ilhnols·MSU Hart of Kalamazoo called on the ''ltmrlltnt'f',, llr11, :'\n. :lr11l Worms and the Dtet of Augs· football game, alumni dance and Harts Sunday. Kodachrome· in r~ul\1111 hillblr~, S2.UO, burg. Music was furnished by banquet. M M. I II · . . r. anc1 rs. van · erncc 1man the Mumch Phll~a.rmomc arches· Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Epns visited Mr. ami Mrs. Ra mond and trn with an ongmal s~ore by and children of Jaclcson, Lyle lVIll· Heincelman and family in betrolt Marie Lnthnr of the Buvarra state ler and Eddie of Lansing called Saturday. ' · theatre. on Mr. unci Mrs·. ,J. B. Evans last This will be one of the first Sunday. Mrs. Glenn Moecl\cl of Mrs. R. G. Henson .took Mr. showings In a Michigan church .Tacl\son, Mrs. Lnriene Br·own of and Mrs, J. G. Swerlem lo Dun· Kodacolor since becoming available In 16 Adrian and Mrs. James Quinn kirlc, Ohio, and wlll return Salur· mm, said Rev. Raymond L. Nor- visited 1 Mr·s. Quinn's father, day. ton of the Methodist church. It .Tames Quinn. at the Ingham Mr. and Mrs. Glen TAI\ Dmtler Ski It 1• ie Iii by l•'tn•mfH no admission charge. An offering hocton, Ohio, for the weell encl. every summer in Kansas for the We Ol'l'1~r You l:lw Ynu'1·e 1111 tin• go i'i'orn ll101'11ing eniTcc till will be talcen, Rev. Norton an· 'T'hey arc sisters of Mrs. Willis. last 8 years. rile entl of a eruwdcd, hu,'tiiu~; day •.• I rim, ,lim nounced. Miss .Turly Post sr1ent. the weet1 Mrs. Jennie,Kennedy spent last F~stest Kodachrome and Kodacolor Service in \ \ . and nmtrctl in ynu1· Skippir~ pnnric. Skippic;; are ------Pnrl with her parentR, Mr. anct week with her son and daughter· Mrs. Franl1 Stid of Dansville, Mrs. George Post. Miss Post at·. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. \ . marie of light t!laotie .. , nr.wr pint·h, !oint! or pnke Cecil Howery and Mrs. Minnie tends University of Michigan, 'Kennedy, of Grand Rapids to help ! Ingham County : ... gentle eurve controller kct'ps yon ·glamorous Howery of Leslie spent last Tues. Mr. and Mr~. F. H. Tlnlcler and care for Mr·s. Kennedy who is cornin~ and going! · day with Mrs. Etta Cunningham family attenrlecl the wedding of sick. Dir~ct from Eastnmn T\od!tl\ Comllllll~' In Rocllcster, of Liberty Center, Ohio. They his cousin in Laltewoocl, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs.· Seth Car·lson N. l'., and Findht~·, Ohio. Amllrer,.,'.~ Mrmrthi"~ ll'''n.fut ym11 cnfiiJi':nlt'l/cr..l called on Roy Parl1s of Hillsdale last week end. visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence $/dpfde~ ,,c tWII' br.tU•I~:·IIll)' pudtJged in tr. on their way home. Mr. and Mr·s. Chu1·les Turner Niswonger Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jurrrrly ,,,.ri'C·.Ynllr•H•if cmwter rll~f'luy far {ml Mr. anrl Mrs. Charles Kuhn and and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sid and Mrs. Gmce Rlbby Jlwppin!{. Pi,.k Ill' :r11ur n~111 .'Jkippiru til nur family of Lansing, Mrs. Beatrice John Turnet• of Erie over th~ called on the Carlsons Mondny j'mwdflr;on r.muua today. Harrington of Jacltson, Mr. and week end. afternoon. For Additional Information Phone Mrs. Harold Barnhill and family Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Walt vis- Dr. and Mrs. Donald Cairns Couldn't be wormer, softer or and Mrs. Mabel Collar all had ited Mrs. Emily Frederic]' ancl i prolti lr • , , our gaily dotted ' and family are vaeat nning OR 7-04U dlnne1· with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mr. and Mrs. Nels Bitterman of Thursday through Monday. They dreomaown "Tailored by Kott" Linn Saturday evening. Detroit , la~t Wednesday, They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Arthur a Ia Victorian and sparked with Pvt. and Mrs. Wendell Parker spent. Thursday and Frr'd,ny \"itll 1 :ontrast trim at collar and ylikt are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walt" Tand Hirtrelter of A t~·on, Ohio. to match th11 shiny buttons, E\•el'ythlng Photogt'llllllle Mrs. S. D.' Menovske, for 30 days·. family at Reese. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dean attended the MSU homecoming ball at the Vivid multl•color print en Pvt. Parker wlll be stationed In Mrs. Olive Brown attended the tqua, malao or pink ireunc!• Callfomla. national convention of the Blue college Saturday evening. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J, Kenneth Me· Star mothers at Fort Shelby In Mrs. Dorn Diehl of Dansville and tn tmall, modlum and tar;1,. Cowan of Kenosha, Wisconsin, Detroit last Sunday. · Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bradford . $2.98 visited his father, W,. E. C. Me·. Mrs. Albert Beufe and Mrs. of Sparta ·accompanied the Deans. Cowan, a few days last ·weel<,'· Marjorie Beute, Judy and David Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brunsdor· WARE'S They also. called on· :Mrs. M11ble of Grand Rapids . called on Mrs . .fer and son, Mark, of Ann Arbot• .Rice In Alpena and Mrs. Allee Clara Whipple last Thursday aft· visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown. THE j:iold in ,CadiJiae.. ernoon: • and ·ramlly Friday night. DANCER· co .. I ' ' ' ',,. Mrs. En1ery Barr ·rleE1.ds'·'· Orga1Jization" ~n~on Pythlan Sisters lll'f! mnlt· Docto1" Lectures lng plans tol' n rummnge sale ul ' . ~' the city council t•onms FJ•Irlnj• At Club Meet'·· F01 a IWcllly Good OES County Association afternoon nnrl evening, Nnvr.mbel' Start the day with a •••• 4, and Snturrlny forenoon, No· Dr, Lucille Barbel; of M:SU Cup ol CoU" . , , M1·s. J•:ml'l',\' llntT wns ltwlalluol envm-rrl lnhh! Cl'lllnrrr! wllh 1111 vcmber 5, gnve Jl lo!!ture on the suhjecl as prcs!dl!nl or lnr~hnm count,\' lll'l'llllgeml!lll nf plnl< and white · Memhm·s of the Senior B!rllt· Ynnr CIJilrl Is Normal nt lh~ Suaay nssor.lntlnn, n. 1•:. ~; .. :i;llllnln,v !11 llllllllS nnrl l'llrlmllnns. Dccora· day club will mP.etal llw home of mont lng of Mason Child Slud~; nn Impressive r'PI'I•fllnlly In Ill'! lln11s wer1• In llw plnl< unci whlll.! Mr~. Ilymn Wlgmun Thursday, C!uh Nn. l Wednc!srlny nl thr high twhnol L:.vmncwlurn, wlwn tlwmo. MrH. Darwin Bnrr nnrl Novemhm• a. hnmc of Mr~. Don Chnpmnn, Mora thl! Milson dwplor WIIH hosle:;H Mrs. DIIIIIW Bnrt' ill Huppy Birthday dub will mcnt prn~lc!Prl Dr. Bnrlmr stnterl to the group for tlw c•w!nl. lahle. Sm·ving on tim rcfrcsiJmnnt at the home of Mrs. u:rJith Perle- that a normal child IH able lo llw The Hflm•ncHIII oJU!IWcl c·omrnltloe were Mrs. Herbert berg Thursdny, Novcmbe · 79c nH'I'IInl~ 1 3. In hnrmony In the community nt 2:.10 for tlw l'r!glllnr lills!nosF Colby Hllfl M1·s. 0. 1<. Pnu!cy. Aurelius Center Mothers cluh llCilll!nn 111111 flllllliiiJ l'I'JIIll'IS, J''Oi• • * • and pmflts In a comfnrtnble, pro· lb ductlve wuy. She pointer! nut lhdl lowing clcdi,1n of offic·c!rs, t hro will HJI(JI1sor n 'l'hunl

OR 7--9011 'l'his t'amil,r lm~ lni!NI 1'111'1' nf a lnJ nl' Uw future. lluuul'inl II'UI'I'ii'H ll'ilh a

1111 Wr•clut•stln,v nn f'rlltulll llt·rulliun 1111 f•l:rsHilil•ds P~anned 1 4H 1\'m'tiH 1'01' l'iHt• - All· diliouul 1\'tll'lls k Pt:r•h I fl~i\'1'110J.-A slnvr• I'll!' HH!C!. ' e Cllus•lifil•!l dl~fllny IHl.'l Bul'ns wood o1· 1'0111. ('an ill': Savings ll-11~ (11'1' llldi .~!·en 1ll OJ R Musnu sii'IJPI. $1.1 Plio ill' Muson em 7-Rifll. •I:Iwl p G 0111' nt' 1\iir•llip;uu's hu·r.;· r·~.l wral li uul :ttl Sl'l~· :.;'I'OVE · Cil'l'ttlullng- m11! hro111 Account f.iiiiiH ing slovr•. '117 Nnt•fh ~ll'f'PI, phouP Mnsnn Orl 7.rf.l:ll. - --:--- --·· --·-·· . -··------~~\1'1 I .. =-=-•ee•rww•rrm ...... SPACJ~ fTJ,:ATF:ns - 2 nun I Why Don't You Start One BOARS-- Regis I ered Hampsl1ires. JOHN :!·hollom pnwf't' i' Oil '·"i'OVI•' \V •'II . I , ·II .• _'l'lif'l'lllS, lnrg!! siw !1 Ill' li 1'11111111 Dl~l·:ru;; 1 1111 11 1 Hr.arly for scrvil'r!, slrlc·tly ' 11'01 plow, pnwl'l' post h11IP rllr,· fr•r.-;' '' on this' ltigiHjllllliil'' " ionic· oil,. . hP'll!!i''. • ,' Also· ·.Hlnlllf ,, tJ"tiiPt'A'l •I Ot'i, rnPnl·lypc! llrr.erllng slncl<. This ger Jess 111'111 niiP Yf''ll' old T uw-~ - . · r.tlnp s 11.1 " 11 1lf'.l 111. g 11 ''· Livestock , . . • . • · • 1 , 1 11'·111'11' srnv" 11111 11 StiiH 1ny n 1r.: 111. l~w , .s 7!•1 1~ Jbe • sll'l•rr r Ps-1 l1m'rl l'XitlllllPcl g-l'ilncl rllnmplon rC>nr•r• Simpson, plilllil' Mn.•o11 wrs, Slenly slrwk,Yill'rls nl Oil· 1 son. Phonr> Mason OH 7·R!HI. :r rr;w litnrs. ( 'ompiPir> with nil IHl~l~ltfGEHA'IYll1 _ 12 I'll. [f. ~1'1 nn1l Mnrsl!nll. :{fiwl6 40wtf Farm liilll\ ..lim lll'fi\VII, Ht·l s;. Bnmrs Admll'lll, ciPIIIXI', hiiiP illlf'J'iOI', I Wateh It Grow~~ lSr., Mnsnn, plwnl' Oil. 7·. 10!11. JilcP nPw. Hensonnh!P. Phonro Lnn·; IJORHICS BOAHD!o:D · JlpsJ of Equi.PJTJenf COW - Lnr·gro Tlolslein row, f1·rsh, I rJ2w1 p :;lng FE; fl-212-1. 4:1w2 c•:li'C!, $:111 a month. 1'/lil ill'f'JI· 1 lhll·rl Nilf by ~;lcle. This Is nol a 1011, Hi·l7 W. 'l'l'l'l'illll'inl, Slllllll nt' USP.D: Pull, lllll clmrghlrl' of "Philo." Clll, SPM'P. ITI<:A'l'En Colrmn11, ~~~l-N!mc;-;,~- ~~~~.~-~~-;:;-:~~~-~ Lrsllr•, W!'sl of ll,-;.f:27. l'llllllf' Brady slalk dwppPt' t'nl' I'Prll ·1·:1 I'WJJll PllfHII'il,\', gonrl I'OIHII· hlo\VC'I', $'1;,, L. E. HnciPIH'IIVPI',I J.psJir. .11 J !J.;m I. rf:{w:1 Elrircrl YC>rks, I Y, miles of F'IIPhhm·g on fo'ilchhurg mud. New Jelen C'nl'll l'if'i(Pt' lin11. :r~~ 1·::1,•,1 Solllli llll'P!'I, Mil· :l:i7 E. Holl I'Ortri, phnnr Williams· ---·- ... ·--··--·------· J;on, pi lOili' M11Holl Oit 7·17:ll. ton (llfi.J~-11. 43wlp I r13wl jl User! Elrvnlor 50 YORI\SIIJI1P. l'lf:H lll WPP!IS ·------Dcmnnslt'a 1Dl' 'l'r:H·I ,,,. •12w:1 ------/ nlri. ltnlllf' HpP!'l', 76R W. lfmvPII HOLSTEIN HEIFER clue Decem· Mnnui'P Spt'Pnr!Pr ·-- --~-~--~---::,·~------fl'xl2' HUC Jj10rt SALI~, in gnnrl, mnrl. PI11111P Maso11 Olt 7·•1111:!. /Jcr 8. Mother on DI-IIA. Sian· Wagons . '"'" c·onllitinn. Phonro Mnson on I The 41 wtf lr>y Dnvlci, !Jfi5 Aurelius mad, Mn· Sprradr•r.~ For Sale· ·· !~~~~------· ____ 431~1_!1! PllftoC: 130Ai~S anrl gills. RPgis­ son phone OR 7·:i5G5. '1.1·.vl Disc· Ilnt'l'n\\'~ 1 lr'l'l'll. 'l'op qu:ilily. Pric·Pd to u'lrc~K'--sriEE:P-=cor~l~dnle pur~­ I'f.:P l\1;ilio).!:ln,l'' navPilpnrl 1 JlllRNJTUftE --2 nnllque l'iwirs.l 'Plnws L:JJ'J:P f(llr•i\lrllii;TH•sl; 1 mvcrcrl in green, 1 coverer! in FARMERS1, ol I go. Lo11l1 1111•1n 11VPr. 1•:. 1~. lJic·ks, hrr.rl few sale m· exchange. II. plrotw l·:ast L1111sing E:D 7-7!lli I. H. Tayiol', 1772 Ol1cmos mnd, !lxl:! 1\IJxr•d 1'"'"""'' Jl11n :llld ,lwlge, :{·lliPre sunpnr•lot' suitP NEW: Pari d1nise lounge, arm Pilnit· nnri 1 ·12w:1 phone Mason OR 7·877:{, 42w2 Manllrs Spl'f'llrlf'l' ilnld(t':tl'l' rod;r.J', 'i·piecp eCI/Trc sf'I'Vir·P. i 1-fOHSE~S------\v1nll ;;o,~~c;s ;~;~;;-;,-,!:I SUFFOLI< 11AM-11egistercrl. II Clod Busier ( 'otll'h Phcnw Mason OR 7·4471. 4:!wl / BANK Hnynwnd Sl11•al hPim, !! \:, milrs gmrlc ewes. Joe .Johnston, 27,11 ------·--- - I Corn SIH'llf'I'S snlilll of Ed!'ll 011 "riPn ma(l, Terl'ilorlal Road, Hives .Tu11clion. ~:'~:~"it:;;;;;~:llll l'llf•4l or 111':1\\'l'r.'i Automot•"ve II Oltll•sl Baul; iu Jng-lmnt Uut111l.y 42wrl !:if!!•oncl house cnsl nf Churchill Sle!!l Corn (;rills lV!:.!gn~:itH• Hitd~ REr.J.~·f·-j,~HRD I IOLSTJ-;-:J~N-iu~i~~· Roud OJ' 7th hou~e wrst of US- Wagon Unlon1lrr l'lllllliinnlil•ll \V;II'rfi'•Jiif' anrl i 1 Bron Ifill' Ft'f'C!Zf'l's (lJ'I•>');('J' --·------::....------2 ,~ ,YPiii'S old, fl'rslt 01•1ohet• 127------· o11 left hnnd side. '12w2p JR. Sit'Prl Iii' 13Pss I M.'\Ef'l 0111 alrJ·. _ . . ~ I' lliYril'ilmalie. For full informalionl Store 1hem in yo::r· frce~er. ~211'1 f yent•Jing, sire Reinl1s Tom, in­ M·M ;nul OiiVPI' Pllflll(' 1\1/ISIJII on li·IHfil. F'ORD, I!J:J;~·. VIC'II:l'l:• .. · ·!',\' 11 ,11 1l'.l', c:il!l MilSon OR-7·1731 anrl ask for I Parker Ilouse, dnvrr-leaf or lrmalirllmi f'i111mpinn, clam bred % mllr norll! nf 1\luson 011 US·l271 rJ:lwl Giganlil' Clr.amnrr Safp nf Lair fo'nt·domaiJr · l:udlskln 111.m111 ; Evelyn. Will lnl\r. older rar fori Jowls, !iOr· per l>alwrs dozen. Cln· ily .1\IS!J. Orval Pl'ltnn, 887 Ca-;. PltonP OH·7·ri!J7J. · .. Model OK Used Cm·s --- Ciwc•l\ iiiHI :llrln~. Wi'l· AI I I t I' II Cl ' . . ' . • ' .. , . ·'· . ~ ' "•, ' I'm In, li'il . I 'ORD 1""'l c~ a I, I 1•1 %3 CHE:VROLI~T Sedan ?.dOOI' 'D 'I I f J'10flfl - ~ " so \l'lf'n srnw. ~n nrrncc; walrllll r!Psk,loVC'sPat iiiHI Plnth· ~r 1111!/ei'ro·ll nllrl n'IJ l"rlirl' ·' Jo ' "·'·· .llftom o·!',l'lllr•'r, .211 ..·. b . I·.-,. ' ... nms \\'Ill I'C'('(jl'/ s II -· ,. I ('08F'?3 42 2 M B 1 M 01' r 'J'l"1 "" 'II' 0 " ' ' • • ·". , I c• I r· ., ,,, ,. 1 set Jes, carer anr lnr 10 .. mill\, fi02 f'nl IIIHI r:u:m mill\, . o es, ason • ,n, I·lng. Shop, 12t- IItgli huy nl --· S12!l:5.00. l•ol'ffll'. ,-,nm Inn lnlsl,0 "1, $7fl- -- ·-- --- ·---·-- 1 -~~n_s_on_'_:.:_·--·---~ 1·-:" llr.·s~lir· j '"~ ·12wr r n r 1 111111111 I Renl gslale Man." l;''r"! farm Isl!'cct 1, \Villimnslon. 42w2p · ' ' ln•atl't', ill I'll sign1ils, \\'lllrl· ~ " 1' " , • , TOMA'I'OJ~S - Aisn wnod altfi , til . ~ : • • , • , • RAMS- Regisl!!red Oxford, yrnr· south ol Mnsnn on lfS·i2tBP.. -·-.------. --·-- ··------•I·DOOR SEDANS --- shl<'lcl wnshPt's nnr! lliulrr['(jnl· l!J.Jl PON ~lAC SecLtn, •l·~loor, cnnl l'allg!', Pl1nn • Mnsrn1 OR· l!Ptfr.,lshll'd " '""' l.ll· llngs. l~llswnrlh H1·nwn, 922 4.1w8p SPACI•:III~ATim f;·mnm,gnnc/ 1033CHEVROLETBP1Air·.rn· ing. Tl's exrra nicr nnrl o1HI' ilyrlr:nnallc',hrntrranclmdm- 7-.~000. 1 'iflwlt' rlrHin s l~ro:HIPI': 1 Eden rn:uJ. Masnn phone OH· ------·--·-·- - --- · ·-· 'l'nnrlilinn. $:1:;, Ot·vnl Pr•ll1111, ~R7 rlio, hc:JIPr, sr•nl 1·ovPrs, IIIHIPI'· 2;,,onn milro•:. II c·nn IJr \'our's if $:i!l::i. 1; --·- ·-·----- · Slrro:nnm: l•':nl'lnwn\Vonri:II'I'PS J\r•lnt•'s Hov:d ""'"I,IJ('III·:-t·. 7-•lfl72. .18wlf l~EEDS -- Kwwn nnrl Hrnvc•nn C'avn 11 augi1, r•lwnP 1•:: 1sr Lansin,•!jmnl-. $,1,0fl:i.OO. yott IHII'I',I'. · I!J:iO PON'I'IAC Serlnn, 2·rlorJJ',' POTATOJ<:S,_ also I l'nflhagr.I A a_nrl · - -·------frororls t'ot• snlc•; /lay illHl slraw; ED 7·77lli. ·12\\'2 c• , , , •• , l"O"'D l!Ji'l Cuslom . •vlinclo!' hyclrnmntic, !water and rnrlin -- swerl IIIIUIIlS. · lll'f'C usltn, cia. DliROC-JERSEY 130ARS fo1· sail pem·ls fen· wniPt' snflem·l'~· . ------. - ·-· ---~ 1.1.1 1::! PUMOTIIlf C1mb111igC', "· ... , : 8 1· · Sl!l~ t.:urt·fs 1'0,1!1. HouiP 1 Mnson. nrml'rls: l!i,7J:JmiiJ(, ti!ill t'nl I "'I' .,, I egi"fnr• AI . "0 I I' I ' ' ' lwnlcl' -- $!f!l'i on Forrlnr. Bea:illlui 2·1011C' hlllt' ,), PI \ . , .. ' <10 •tt' I ,, 0 "~,, :; Yl'.; 12,177 mille, li22 Jar. sn· 1P.. ·~ 1rgJ G I e o I' b~ 11~. H so £now 1 Ill 1..>111 flOUIHf'fi s; \asr•o1 .1 co;::IV DAv8NI'0!1T AND C IIAJ!1 .. II!F''· CIIEVHOLE'T"" · · . , tl n1s1... I S prc·1.1., I .111 I<'llnl .· . ..1 . I'I-JI.. ClllcVnOLE'l'. " " " Seci"ll", . ,. wne 1 tile Ills '" ·. 1\ 1 11 111 2 11001 •rr. 2 .Yt'. regJs erec um·ns(!Y. us. ar· olm ;lPI 1111 "glas aiH .o':,. r• $2:i; _np:ll'ln.leni·SJZI! stm'l', I .. ll- ,.,-. lh• •, Olle-ownrr. Only 2R,Oil0 mill'.":. ilcHier·. white wnlllir•es -$42;,.1 ulrl Glynn, !ir·st house nor! h g ve · o r enp~ s rrr stamps. om- $'!0 ., 111 ra hit• 1or 1w·rra 1~ns1011 rnnm w we r 1srs, ~~ H?a '"I -- .$_!lc"llllo0m~• 1. a. . . . I • SORI1Y--:N;~;,,;!ll~;.--,-i~;;;-~ide;.° · Fmsl road on Mroridlnn road. Iinson F'eed Slm·r. I loll Ph nil" .'1' . . 1 . . •. 1 r- : ,. Exeellenl ernHIIIIOil. I fll!l BlJICh Sedan, 4-r)OOI', Ilea lr>t· over t IJp WPPII end. llnnsc•n • Bulls, ngr 8 nwnt11s In one ~~ 1 1 1 ~·' 11 1 9 ~ 1 CI·Tl~VRClL"''i' 0 · • • · ., ""I r•.tge "Ill s oinl oil • .,,,.,, • "' ~ '~ · P II' P ·. 'OR !J"? 1 1 'I' 1 1 n 1rl rarl in $19" 1 I · · I 1111.1 0 I · l' 1 .. month, sirrcl ily \Vnndnc•rros Lu· Phone Mason OR 7-fiG82 or Wil· Hnll OX-4-2881. :~!Jwlt lllllbl'rllti·IVpf' dol/irs pnsl, $3.50. gllrle, radio, ileatel', sc>nl C'nvror.', I· . DS, 1. ·'·.moe r s, tlr Dl's 11111 I ~I ' -;- · · ·'; , .. 1 or.e ~·.llr; . · ,norH a!!." ." .u,., ~ Pi nd:r 's Leader. linmslnn GiO·f-'·41. 40wl f ------·------lll .. I'· ·I·, 1 lf''Ji) J)· , . A 1 , 'O"t~ 1 "'f'"O F'rmiors. Sroveral In !'ltol)s!! HI.> I NASI! SC'rlnn, l·don1, h} 1 lit .1. 1 rmlls 11 c.41 on C.nlumht! '" ,,. ' :-1~ 100 ·, ..., 0 ·, •• ,.. I' .ans~ng. 'Hlllr' .ansrng 1!1!11 l"ORD V-fl, radio illlcl liP:ll· (II'S 'snmr wilh l•~nrriiiiTI'I(it• $1fl:J. I Aureliu~ J(il' nnd nrr in,,. I1 •.. - - JlJlPiwts, • "', 'ii\\'''1\V•\T,'~·l C'HF.:VfWLI·~T. H d p • 11 11 Fairholm Farms -··--~ ·-·------···. . . . . • . . - ·-- · ·' gnnrl. . c•oJHilllotJ." '. llut·ns~- wonrl• ' nr ' trnlr>J . -- ,,,,,,,,"'~"~ n0, !'rllrnl rnmlillnn.. . ) Imn· nlrl rH• . owar ontrac I pm· ,. lltrslwl.. . ,F:rJ . . ('aspe,·, !iJ.I,. 'fAY All JJug/1 TWsworlli an1l l~t·ur·r> J)prr: 'rfi:MPORi\11\' ·- .a If 11 Inrgr I1:1 IPs, ,1,>~~I C'llil.I r ' 11 II :1 F11•1· .>:.,,. ''I 1 p. 111. PJ tone I 2.DCJOil SEDANS__ f•nu II1 ma I\P II w c,o~-,·,·n. p:I,YI11PIIo.. Mason f'i lflllP on" 71801· 1 Bnlcl\1Ol! Ill Jflolri,. M.ISIIIl. 11 honr. 1\Vif]\l,J· Alii'Piius 11nnd, 1 I nil . rr111s lmlr. l'ilmw T.nnsing .ED ~lm:on Oit 7·211:l 111· sPr :11 .'121 in:;4 ciri:vrwi.P.T, 2IO, pnwrl'· FO!lD, l!l:il, Cusl"'" i'kyl_in.c/rr ·1.'-lwl, ~0~ ___7 .:__ 111 : 11 · - _____ :_~11 ··--- PIHIIH' 11 oil OX .f.!JRR2 ,7·!l5G7. iJ.l\\'IIOak Sil'l'£'1. 4.~\\'1 vlirlr -- $14!l'i00 'l'urlm· Gn•rnilrim "I'C'f'll ftn:~ll.l-·=-----· 0 ·-.---11 rf:lwl '1!l:i:1 210, powror· ",rntPr.t / Apples ''o" •'I -~~~·~------·---·-· · ,·,:·1'<>1•'111-I;:,J;·-"~;,:;:----n-1 -1 11 r-~,,~,·· t~I-IEVr~oi,P.'J', 11 ~ 1 " '7.'. . 11 ~·,: ,s,·/~ 11. '~1 ~ ; .l~~~n~f·;~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~h1t' 1iifn~;~. .,.,,,. '' '·"·•'~ ''" ' ·• 11 • .• , ·, . - Jlt ·-.. $1,1l!l.J. ,., 1 l'fiiHlilinn1 1 1 · 1 g111e wllh only 8,000 miles.·1 Only f~ligihle lo I1P regisiPrr1l. Lnrl'y \Vnnrl Slnl -- :;n.rr. rolls H 1 1 ouse 0 uno s Dllllll llonw l•'lll'nisllings, 12'1 1•:. 1!l5:l CfTP.VROLET, j;,(), :l·r!DOI', ' - . ,. " . 0 n $500. Second place south of I f:()f.I)/~N DF:Lf('I(HIS Hill, :32•1!\ K l•'t·nst J'O:ir/, Williams· Ash, pilonP Mason ort 7·02:11.. l'mlio and IH•n1e1· -- $R!J:i.ll0. I• ?!lD, lfl:>ll, Ct.'s.nm ·•·!'j ltnc/ ~ Nir'hols· mad on Eiferl marl.·. SPYS ton, phonc• fit,, F'2•1. cf:lw1 ------·--·--·--- --·---- •I'{ vi Hl~'>'CI·WVROT FT 2-donr·, :J. luc/or. BPnulillll riark hJu,. Phone Mason OR 6·4131. 43w1 I CIDP.I1 1,1 ·------~------VIAN'I'ED io lrmle even up used -· ···----·--·--~·----·-!II-·'"_:-~ 1 ~·)~ !1~ 00 •• ' finish. Hnclio, healer. senl cnv· -----·------·------(/lt'inl£ yo111· ow11 •·nnl:iiiH'I's) PIGS - R W<'rl;s nld. Clw:-1~~ W<'ld•'d WlrP -· llllJ.fl. tY>lis electric runge for gas. Mason I OIL 1rEkmn-- Duo 'l'henn. rlnu- on -~G.' · · r.r:;, fc•nrlrr sldrls nnrl IIIHiror· CHEVROLET - l!l52, 4·cloor ell'· Mc!NTOSII HeJ"1'ic•l<, 28fJS Rnlfr. road. Home Appliance, phone Oft· hie r:hamher, nnP yrar olcl. lfl!11 1• O~D~ Tttclnt·, I':Hiin and l'nat inlr and irs rronl slwrp. luxe seclan, PoweJ•glicle, raclio, .JONATHON 7-5911. Gwlf 1 llsrorl only fi!H' yP:n· ..lnlln King, healer-- $'19·1·00. CH!!:VROLE'I', 1fl'i0, Df'luxe ~- healer and other extms. Excel· DE:LlCJOllS ---~------8 TOP GJ1AJ)J~ anrl t·rgislrrrd ------:21!1 VVPst Dextel' 'l'l'aiL phone r-TARD1,0PS AND CLUB door. Dnrlc .!!1'0011 wilh lig!tt lent condition. Good tires. 230 Lumber & Coal Co. 7 2 7 42 POll's :111d hrifrors, COLOR IS OUR BUSINESS. ?.:lm· .i'vlasnn on . nn . wrr COUPES __ green top. Powc1· :::liclr, sear East Chestnut street, Wehber· . Dockter' Orchard IIolsicin merman's, Smtlll .lciTerson, ---·----- ·------··------covers, fwnlrr ami nnclrrc·oal· 'I ville. Phone 661"21. 43wl l rr.arly to fl'r.slwn. Phmw \Vrhiler· 81~ 5 Mason. 23wtr DJNTNC 1~00!\1 S!I!TE -· 8-piccc l!J53 CHEVROLET Tlnrcllop, r.l· ing. Exrellenl l'flltrlition. . • , . ~ ., J \l: miles so~tl.h nl' Dn~svllle vll11• 7fi,J11. ·l:lw2 Thorburn ,____ \\'alnul. Onk roll-top desk. Sell din andlw:Jif'l' ·-· $1,250.00. OLDS, l!l.'in, Club Coupe. 11uo~s SQUASll -·- All varlel1es, $1.;J0 Phone Dnnsv1lle MA-.l·20l4 TTANDLEY·BllO\VN - Gus con- or lraciP for 2-wiwPI lmilr.J' for 1!J5:l S T ll D 8 B A I< E H. Club good. Extrn clrnn. bushel. Also .gourds. Fred _-f. I 32wtf HOLSTRIN HEIFI':R -- nrr,is· 20R N. Mason St. Mnsnn version htn·ner, lilw new. Phone fnrm usP. !ifillll IO:clgr'IVnn!l road. Coupe, nulomalie rransmissim~. KAISER 19-19 1'i"IVf'ier Tnp Norlhrup, 3 rn1les east of Mn· ---·-. ------tmwl, rlt1P lo fi'Cslwn fly Nn- Pl:one OR·7·:J:lRl 1 1 1 Mnson OR·7·3:i71. Mny he sr>en nl · · 'fU 1. 1 1 t $'l"- 00 · , . · • , :. . . · , son 011 M·3fi. Phone Mf!son OR , POTATOI~S .. Sehngos, $1.20 bu. vrmher· 10. E:llswo!'t h Brown, 13wl 40!1 South Park street, Mason. -nn;Hng, P tni1L' "anstng l'ilC 10 nne Jea eJ·- •, ;~:1. . shape. DP~ 1 hunll I :; l<~kr> not,. 7-0'i93 41wt f I Clare Lnun~lein, :l.'-!4 S. Every phone Mason OR 7·'1972. 43wlp -·------30wlf 2·2085. ·13wl lfl52 CHEVROLET Hnrrllop, CHEVROLb~. 1!l·IS, 'i·rlnor. Go11rl _:_ __:______lrnacl. Phonr !\Jason em 7-1682. ----- CORN PICKER-Belli! Cily and SPAcri;l-if.:'A1;Eil--=-Dun:rl;~;:;~ pnwcrg-llde, radio, hL'atm·. while lrnnsporlalton. ff 'i3w1 COWS-9 2·7 years nlrl. :l .JPrseys 18ft. elevatm· both, $37!i. Phone WINKLER STOKER --- Tn l'i1w oil space lirnlt•r, I win hUI'ncrF wall lh~es, other ciesireablro eciUip· P~N 1c'IT.AC, l!l·IG, SPdilll. nuns fruits-foodstiJ s ------.. nml !i Holsteins, (i now fresh. Lnnsing IV 7·20Gfl. 42w2 shape. Can he seen at nnrl fnn, dnrl\ mnhngnny finish men I. All for only - $1 ,oso.on. ,.., 00 SQUASH--- lluhh1ml, peppm· anrl Arthur· Nesbit, 1!1Rl1 E. Columhin 31G South Main slreet, Webber- with ln·ass Irim, exeellenl slwp:• lfl52 CHEVROLET Club CmtpP, l~OHD, 1941. 8-cvlimler Turlo,r, bulte1'11ul. "Ill pound OJ' $1.SO m~. 4~~ ville. 42w2p complcle with 2fi0 gallon fuel oil powcrglirle, rnrlio nnd heater - .. FORD, 1!13'1. B·c·yiinclrl' ',e·lnn bushel. Douglas Snnders, 2!i l:l ------.JOHN DEERI~ cm·n piclwr, 1· BURGUNDY ft•ieze ~ora alul lank. Only $12;,. See Dick Mol•t·i.~ ~795.00. . plellllp. Dark g:·rrn llni~h. CIDER Lamb mnd. Phnne Mason OR PIGS-50 11igs, (i weeks old. F'h·· · row,· 1mounted. 1 3 years .old.1 All1 chair fot· sale, llrsl class eon- Ol' Don DPnsmorr. al DensJJlOI'e'.~ 'l!l51 FORD Victoria, fo'orcloma· "~oCtrstom 1" G pl1rab, t' ·esrmr 11C'ller humprl'. ttn•n APPLES 6·1•185. . ·------·----43wlp ., man Heud, on Clarll between Ill gooc s lape. $•125 or WI I trar e clition, $70. Bnll·Dunn Horne fo'ur· rGA l~oorliiner, Oil US-127 norlh lie, radio and hr>nter - $6:iO.OO. ":' x ," 1·,.,1\ 11~\\·;11 0_1,111; is 0011 fo1' lWI NT E H WATEHMELONS ·- for livestoclt. Roy D. Donuld, sec· or Mll."Oll. ~3''V1 M" 11\' oti1~1' [J' ~ fin nlocln] Signa S, I l ,_. . • • ' . SALE Howell anrl Columbia roads. one! fnrm south of Aurelius. nishings. Phone Mason OR _ --~------·-•,_ " · ~ lk 0 r d' "s miles. Save hundreds of dol· • ~ Will l0fl. 1. AI R'rce Chevrolet signals. road lamps, l'ear hlll11fl· 42wl fat· harvesting. 478<1 Thurlby old. Also one paint, 8 years· olcl. 01' feed. No cash necessary, will !JIH•Ivlllc•I:Jevnlrn· _wne nnsng1 2 ' 108 eJJJ 1111rl 11111ly rlPIIItlll«'d M1'S, ------llglll tnn lopront, size Hi $'i, IPrl JliH!ll ry hon r 'J'r•1 ms Clm enre Boles, Mnson OH 7 2.1fil BOATS -And J10,1t l!nllers nncl chrrlc wool ron!, size tfi, $8, 2 NE:AI1 DANSVILLL 14'i nr·!f~ C TewPII AgPuey 43wlp 43w21DO YOU NI•:RD n plumher or Mllnn Wnlrors, .ll'l W Ash siJI'PI, molnl s 1 ,owl huys Guns, shnr t wont ronts hlun nnd blnrlt rlniiY flllll With 13~ llf'ICS of WAr-fi'I:D- Hn!Jy Cull l'udy IfnJrl Mnson ()[! 7Hihl Rropt•s potydrolws Rantuls nnd anil whltP f'iwrlt, slzP 1h $4 oml ------hetl-nnrl~ut- elerttlcinn'~ g'n:,~w nt~l~[w~ 1 vr10rl work ln111l L.n·ge 'i herl 11 rs~ In good ronrlltlon Phnn(! ware, Heating und Plumbing, J J1 ____ II'Jll irs New IJ 1111 op (] :nsy Ririe l $fi 2 wool slc!J Is, Ill<£' nr.w, rla!lt 1nom hnmf', 2 l.u go cJ,IiJ Y hm ns Mason Oil 72.121 't3w1 W. Ash, phone Mason OH 731~~:f !IPSTAIHS AI'AitlMI,NI'-l'lll'· hnnl 11nllrr~ fJOm 'l'i02200 rn ll!own nncl gtf'Cil, $3 I'Ufh Jllill' rl!lf' l!ns 21 •lnnrlllons, wulr·r [IIIII I~ I ~011 (\IV IIIOLIJ;h l o,uf 1 of gJny \VfHlf s)Of'lts Wnlsl 211, - ---- __._ _ nlslwcl .1 11111111s 1111! IIIII II JIPal 111 hntn I 1 x1{) •rio jTJIIIHll'~ In Abel pl.ll P Pnsl ol NYC'RR Phone $1, gl!ly wnnl lrl'RI'Y fir rss, sl~e PAHM WAN'll'D -- MIISI hnve \VA'rCJT AND CLOCI' R"'PATR 1111cl WniPI lllllllslil'rl J Ps f'nhnPI, h,IJJJ 'I Ills t,nrn lws lois of pos IJP\VPl IVjJP OJ voorJ lllllciPJ nlzc•d , I. ,., ll p M IKOII ()Jt 7 C,ll21 1211'2 [I I) ..,nr 1 3" 1r lb $3 mn11 s nvm rna I, ulmost 0 ho11sr> bf' wlililn ill'ivlng rllstunrf' se1vlce, all worlt gunrantPPd I ''1 n rw\v t;hw sl71' 10 42, $1f> sihllllir.o, p,,, r> $ 1 son wl!h ~~~~~~~~ -~ ~"~-~-~ -~v- 1~nol $7nOO llnwn Real Estate of I'asl L,IJJslng Phntlf' I nnsl11g Ptlce~ rrusonnbl!!, liN• .Pst!mntr.s PATN'r- RPV Salin Il1'1ry Bros 110 N Olwmns M 1son Phone Ji'R fl 2121 or w1IIP Box 1:! Jng Wllllnm JI. Willis, :JOC, E, r: Ash, Mnsr.n on 7 R'i II 13w1 Jf) Al Rl :'i 1111 bllcltlnplnnrl Tlf'dl' lntex hnsn pnlnt Zfmmr.rman's S!nrkilllllf'P 1\1111 1111 exrcllrnl 22'i ACRE fm m, ext Ill good loc,1 hum c Ollllty Nrows ____ 1:11~ MoHon ____ _ >1wtf 21wu 1 HUN I'ING SITIT - f!rorl wool c, ill dlnfl!ll h111111 .l plf'rf' balb, lion, 21 'i acres t lllnhlr. 10 acres HOUSE: '!'RAILER- 10 fl Al1111 flmhPI, 2famlly, model n WAN r I'D Sc•ptemhPI !lfl Issue IIJEA'riNG RAt.l~::. nnrl servlr.(! PATN I -Bnrn .mrl house pntnr, hunting suit for sal£> Ill' 1rnl In nil I ill IIIII I', 11lr t• pn1 rh, goorl of fnglnlln County News We Lennox rurnnrPs Cndy Ha1cl Aluminum, l111tllP go~s, 11rw IIIII hoiSPI111'111 hll!JJ, 1 rm gn house, 2 lurg(! hnr ns, n :l'ix70 both ln~lrlc nncl n111, Plllsburg good Pnnrllllnn, tm ge slzr., $10, will pay lOr 11e1 copy 'nwlf waw, Plumhlng nnrl JIPntlng, tlrrs PI fr£>rl nl $h'i0 132rJ Cm lfl 1nvr JHIIIilr;. l1nusp npp1oxl hlp 10of hnrn with husemenl, hr nnd Only $3 'l') fl<'l gnllnn at fi line h slnl' wllh clrnln hoarrl ,mtl ------Mnson 12wlf !'Oft 11T:N'I' 102 (ill' I 1) SIJ f'M, wnrl, filnrldnlrlgP W II Plclwtl mc~ 1P 11 ,I( , Ps wm lc J,lJul sllr1 and nlhm· lmllrllngs, $12,. WAN rfo:D - 2'i Whltn Rock pul P X fntllf'ls $lfi Ollit IOVI' se,ll $'i m or I hrrhnoms lnqulll• of 11\VIlf'l', ym11 Mnson slmn Other 'I PI rns ono rlown IP.Is, luymg, Ol' WOlllcl t0J1f;iclt'l h.ngalns lllf'ludlng clgnrrls nl M1 s C ll C'llppPI, 110 E On it, •12w2p C & ,J TRAVIS SEPTIC l'ANI\S MIK f It .J ~roll!, ll'il'i Ph•1l· YP.III ling hens Mr ~ .lnp Atom• $1 'll r .n ton Wmlc shoes nnd 1 hO /\( RT'S 111111 .1 gonrl 7 10om lfiO ACRE farm, 1:10 arJPs till nnd rll nln llelrls, I l'PIH'hlng nne! mn111 nr I roil .ll Col\ l' orr II Jill· phorw MoiHOJI OH fl1R~1 43w1 TRAILER wl1rf'ls \\Jlh Ktork phone• Lesllr• fl 2fll7 ~31\ 1 r lnlblng liPs! fm lc ss Wro nln'l 1 1110rlf'l 11 hnnw mw halhtonm, .HJ footings, small hnsemPnts £lug l1ln11 ancl nllmiH•t 111 fnmlil •l.'lwl ------, mrk Alf'X Bnlllif'l, 71H nhiP, l fi nPres tlrnhc1· onrl I 'i fnnq 11111 11 f' IJnVP (jllnllty nnrl ROY Sf'Oll'l lTNIFORM In vr• Y ITngshnrltMl~ 1om! phon<' Mason OH. IIPW Ill! om lllr' nil furnncr, nr1rs pnstme land Good li FIJI rlltl nnrl rond grnvf'l hnutf'd I --- Plnnomy Mnson P X Store good conrlltlon Alsn oth~>r f112R3 ll\1 t rnndPIII ldlr IH 11 lim dwon,J 1oom, modern house, aGx70 hlp Phone Lnnsfng ED 7·7170 m· I:D FOil IU'N I 1'11 r 11111111 IJrlllsP, niL 28wl! Sroul PfJUipmrnt Also Jed satin • ______11om s g1 llhll;. onP 1'" garngro, roof tmsemPnt ham, silo grndr 2~831 28Wif hf II hniiJP !'I• sl1111 Nf'IIIY hlo11sr ,mrJ whllr sntln plrntecl JTOl1SJ~ CAR R 11 hi~ 1 _ ton Krnnll loot shed hip I onf halll, A milk house nnd olhPI bullrl IPrir fllldiPd II lif tnllf' oil pnvn­ "i~ olf'J('. IIIIa ili<' PrirPrl nt $11, NEW PLACE OF BUSJNITISS - TENTS-All slzrs avmlahle at sltlrl, size 10 sultahlf! for· ros 01 ):1 plcl $~Oil tenns old housP tJnllers, top prlres rho1s1ng for 1111 ~ stn1 es givr.s you rllllon, lw• hrrn wmn nnrl' Mm WnynP snngrPP, IO~O'i Wrst l'n WPsl nl L mslng AHtri!IIK 17111 1:11v1 rNenMr rRorrRTY 2 11o1Jscs pnlcl. SlnnJey's Auto Parts Pol lhf' )O\\I'SI pJitf'S lliiYIIilPIP. 011 gmr.l Wing, Dnnsvlllr> Phonr Jumhlol, phonn J;,,lnn ltaplrls 241 ACRE fnrm, 1'i rmtes south tervllll' Plwnr Mltcllf'IJ :i or,fil AI' A It IIIII N 1 1 OJ( IWNT - D.msVIIIP MA 3 2Sfi1 4 iJ GGO 1 l Oil 1 ,Jr If' ol I,IJIIJ ~ IIIII lS nJI I ,.l!tPVIPIV ( nil olgPnh PS Vlstns, ~w1 ~w2p WC'Rl of Lansing, 17!i af'J es 1111 l!iwt r I Plf'.IS In I lllllrli Ill lllllllllllshrrl modPI 11 fill h!H ltlnp 1onrl Ow11 W11l Ienis foipnrlmun's Umhrelln ------rlPI the plow, 10mom modr!Jr WAN rED TO R8NT n huihlln;:: • - lpntltnt Ill I lflllllls wllh halh, 1P.11 Is Cmne Into Mason P X and CITIPP8W A BOOTS, sl~f' 8, B HOUSE '!'HAlLEn-- rr oiVPio, 'lh r r will 1 lltlSidPI n 1J .11lr Pit hr r llol' M' 40x70 hlproof hasnm<'nl LIV8STOC!{ WAN fED - All 1 II 1'1 1\" till< with stmr> manugm Dan wlrllh worn one yrar NwP. fm ft lfl'll Ex£Pllenl tonrllllon !11ul 1nn11 .111 Oil Jll Ol1PilY or barn.o.c nlso 24x40 ha111 and [)) h.u" IH'oll Mason In stow kinds at ull times Marlcet ORSll Ia)mo (' ifll I IIIIJI"1 IIIII<' ollKOII~Sw'' Mronovsi

PutiW! Mil he E P ulu r was born No vcmber 2[) 188£i to Alberto and Viola Pa1 kcr Site spent her young ilfe In Leroy and White • Uzm h•y Oak township Huwlcy extension club met for Octobe1 5 l!JlO she was united the Christmas workshop with In m.ul!agc to Vernon Wilhelm Mrs Glen Chnc October 19 Ther • of Wh1te 0,1!< ro this union one were 10 members and one guest Kleis Herd Tops cidughtcJ Mary E Ilm ter of present After the bus mess meet D lllSVIile wfts bo1 n lng they adjourned for lunch Mrs P,triler was a member of After lunch the leaders Mrs D. H. I. A. Tests P ul1e1 s Corners church and W Glen Cline and Mrs Edward s c s a good mother wife and Johnson instructed the gwup m 1Jways L wllhng helpmg neigh making mtillweed flowers An ex bor 1 tra work meetmg was set fnr She le tves the husband daugh Thursday October 27 With M1s tcr 4 gr

DR PAULEY IS CHOSEN Dt 0 Keith Pauley was elected president of Capitol City Assocla In those days there was a B<~p tlon of Osteopathic Physicians tlst mlmster one Sunday and thn In Memoriam tnd Smgeons llunng a meeting next a Methodist each driving Tuesday at Hotel Roosevelt In oul from Mason for afternoon Lansmg church set vices 11 2 p m ami Sunday school dt 3 p m Whir 11 had the greatest number of Iol lowers I couldn t say There w 1s u long horse anrl buggy shed on the grounrJs anrl one s ta 11 was modem 1t had doo1 s to close after the horse mel buggy were dr1ven 111 and it also had a manger for hay and oats and each horse would gladly en ter and regardless of his belief he always enjoyed eating wh tl

Country Cousb1s ~ G. L. Bailey k Son A special meeting will be staged at the home of Mrs Gcr ald Johnson on Hulloween Octo ber 31, at 8 p m Members are asked to tai1e their special sewing 1 Appliances pt ojects to work with Am ell us Center Members of the Aurelius Cen ter extension club learned to Legal Notices make artificial asters and mums at the meeting Just Tuesday at Have Moved to the town hall Mrs Ray Mathews and Mrs William Jennings gave the lesson on Christmas wori1shop at the meeting Thursday The group 951 W. Colutnbia made Christmas bells copper bracelets und llowe1 s of mlii1 weeds rhe next meeting w111 be No vember 17 at 9 a m at the hall with a lesson on simple home New Authorized Dealer 1epalr for

GENERAL' ELECTRIC Appliances and Television

them we will continuo to sorvtce those we have sold

Will Be in New Location Starting Five Me~son Sei1ioi"S Gain 27 1955 All-A Marks for Period Ocl•he· • The ·lng;ham County News · Part·2 " Mason's Henlot• dUHH huH f1 Nurw,v !!my, Nnnr:y Dnnglr.r·, students who n·r~f'IVI!fl ali·A .J11hn l~mnns, S;rnrlrn l~rllnglmr, mnrlts for tho Hr:lrool year'H llro.;l !Ielen I•:lliolt, .Jurlllh llannu, mnrldng pr.rlorl. The ~. ll:;tr•rl ,Ji. l'lryllls ,lrllrnsllll, Ri!!luu·rl ,Juri· Ma.9on Graduate phabetlcally, urn TIHHniiH r~Jarl<, Hllll, Vr:ru 1\lnnn.llovlr:, Llnrln Mor· Margaret Colo, .tnmr llnll, Jll:lnll rls, .roAnn Mutr:l1lr:r, narllflra Top Cast Heads Tough Guy Comedy at Fox Theatre Dies ott Coast Swrllm and ,Joycf' WiiHon. f::,~!! ~~~:;;:, Norlon, l•'uvr:ltr: lllr:h, ,J11rl1 Slls· Mrs. Mnrlge Horton ShHW, 75, 'I'hom nrc 2 ,!unlorH orr IIH: aii·A hy, K;rlliryn Stonr:, Carol Thornp· Fox ln.:alcr fnns will have ~ ' Irving A. Snyrlcr·, 77, fl21 Jlan· died in l~nilbrrlok, C!illfornia, Sat· list, nabertn Rir'P. irnrl Nllrlr'y snn, Nurin VunDr.Mrmrlcl nnrl dolph street, riled Snnrlay morn· whole WN!I< of lop allmr:tlnns ln. >~IOI'r• for Smith, Sophomon'H pl11r:r:rl :1 on Ronnlrl VnnSir:r!lnnri. lng ill his homu follnwing a sll'l<· tlwm. llrrlny nlgltl. George Shnfet· of th!! select nii·A JIHI. 'l'lrr•y ill'•' l•'mslinH!n - Cnnnle Bell, Lrl· ni!SS of seVCI'fli mont ilH, lfe WIIH Starling off tho weni('S ntlrirc·' Mason receiver! 11 lr:legmm tell· Carol Eown111n, Hrllh .JiiriHon anri ann,. lllrnr,\', Kn,v Bnwrlrr.:, Larry born Oclohm· 2!1, 1H77, In .lilel(slln lion will hP n rlouhie fe;1t Ul'l' on' lng nf her· flirs~ing. Susun Wil~on. 'J'wo fi'I'Sirmr•n, Jo'rlrlay nnrl Salurrlay. fo'ealured: llowrlm, Camlyn C11vrmrlr:r, Br:li,V county to Amos ;rnrl Nora Jl.lnnlr:y Mrs, Shaw WiiH gmrlunlerllmm Patricia McCarn 11m! l•;tnlrrf' W:1t· Corr, Lomt I11 Cnrrlrlocl<, Douglas Snyder, will lw 2 of I lollywoorl's lop ef·;. ldns, lwvr. ali·A rnnrirl In Jhe with no rnnrl< lr:Hs llrnn 11 II, un.:: l{rnmr:r, , Lr:non, Cnml Mill'· he marr·lcd Clam f!;rr·vr:y al VP.r'· ArliHI~' 'l'r:r:hnlcolor Jli'IHluetinn: builrling now or.·euph•d h,l' Mn::l· lin, Hldiiml Md.rmn, Wllllnm monlvillr., Mr. SnyriPI' was a "Sirnlgurt," tile llrsl hit at tho~ Senlors--ltnhr:rl Carroll, Duni':i ern Clr~arwr·s. CummingH, .lullr: DaviH, llr:lrrres OIIH, r;rmrge Pnlrrdos, Tuhr.y memhcr of the Orlrl i•'ellnws at !•'ox llwalr,r. . Donaldson, .TIIilf!l T•:vr•r·y, ltir·ltnrrl i'l'ilrsnll, Kii.Y Pfh.:Hicr, Katie Tompivil's lslnnrl, snr:cumh for tlrr• 11'111! prrrlmyal of I he lnrllan's pale in a r•rrnfererwr: of counly worth, George SlmHon, R. G. Sr:oll por·lrayH nne nl lho moHI poster!. flrHI lime in tlwir· l'l'imc·ridriiPd renl emotions," school arlminislralrm:. Woodard, Clifford Dorelll, Cliflrm rleHpiHccl rlwracler·s of rile old Tho: pl,lurc WiiH fllmerl againsl llvPs to llw urge tn ltelp llteir Dowding anrl Lewis Leggett. weHI, a "lmunl.,r hunler," or a m;rn the flaming hal'i\g-rourtrls of I he fellow nwn, htll insiP.;rrJ Hlir up n ------·--·.. ·-··- wilo makes his livelihood by !till· Arizona Mcsil r·rruntry, wlwr·•! lwrnri'H nesl of llllll'rll'r anrl Jar· ~ • ·· ·-· ·while dmHIH, hlue side~ anrl tlrr! ceny, · Mrs. Grove .P errm H t s ttl J'OciH, biLif'H, lllilli\'PH and yellows Grac('(J hy a SliliTing r:aHI oi un ers e e of lilC' diffs 1l1H.l mounlnins makl' exlr:rorrlinary qnnlil~·. I ill' rlrnrnil ·e.s at Ho'spl.tal f . a panrrliHI' for TeC'Itnimlor plto· in adrlilion tn Bogar'l, Ray awl Dl lograph,l'. 1 Ustlnov boasts lhl' trrp-fiig:11 FOr In ractlons In lite .'l!<·orHI hit a !!l'r>al talcnls of .Joan 13cnncll, Bnsil Mrs. Mnr:,· Ann Perrin, I Hmarlway stage slit I' has hePii pul Ralilhnnr> anrl r .pn G. Carroll, t·esldr.nt of M:rson nnrl Lnnsinl.( Hunlirtg vi o I a I Ions brought rm film. plus a young anrl itigl1ly apr>r;d. for many years, rilcrl at lilr Ma· slil'f Jll!Il:lllieH fmm Ingham jus· Motinn f•idurr: audienceH who ing suppor'llng players·: G!ot·i.r son General hospilal Monrl:ry. tir:I'H lhiH wer.J( anrl laHt. first sm1• t·he exlnwrdinarilv tal· Tali)(Jit, maldng her rlehul, .John Personal Sit!! had been In f:riling healllt Herman Wcichncr. <14, LcHiie, entcd Shirley Bonllt inlirr ei'nema Baf'l' anrl .Jol1n Smith. for several ycarH. arrester! last Thursrlay for carry· dehul as liw sirJVPnly hnusewif•• Churultr•r· I!. lnrllun Ag·nln flail-Dunn Sel'Viee is fl high· Funeral services were Thurs· ing a lrwrlcrl e:un in his car, in "Come Bnck, Litr·Jr.: Slteha" are Aflet· a sucr·eHsion of full· 111 day afternoon at 2 o'cloeJ( tlw pleaded guilly before Jusliee of in for a surprise. Miss Bonllt, hlooderl Indian roles, ,fpff Clwnrl· ly pet'Sonal set·vicc, since each ... Bali-Dunn funeral honw. Burl:rl lilc Pr.:ace Roy W, Adams at Ma· whose eharacteri~alion of lh111 lcr is pl:rying only half nn ln· was at Maple Gr_ovc r:cmPI~~·y. son, paying $i7.80. slattern!~·. blowzy hCI J 1 E F 2" L· .· pelling Jovr• stories rver l>mucrltt mnnosvllabic in this one" snys the Eastern Stars, While Shrine. I °t 111 ~.AI·~o~manj ,), ar~s~ngl to the scr~c;t an;i lhr> ar:ling~of the r~r.gcr~d porlray~r o[ .Cn~hi:~~ to a minimum. You'll save important heating dolla111 Royal Nelghhors Women's R~- s 110 an are on ten p 1 1e<1san . • , , • . while. you enjoy continued comfort. · . . ' , ' ~, Saturday. He went bcfor·e Judge !"firs Bnnlh.1 ends a magreal quaJ., and other lo(Hnnklng American hef Corps, Moose, Happy rwcnl) A I d . I $38 10 d I I II" to the frlm Imihrt fr'"Lil'CS '"l'oo ITI"JJV 'ill Cnll today fur n free irmpection of your heating syste~l ·I b I M th I'1 t ·I , ·I 1 rams an parr , ·' an o~~, ' . . ' " • , " ·' , . c u anc e or . ~ c lUre :, tho privilege of hunting for a Cllm·I•:IH llaw :-;on lf"arls 1original roles call for n maximum A daughter, Ml~. W, 13. Rrro, of year. ~ur~urng r1 talcnl for. murder, i amo.unt of grunting frnm thr 'i WORLD'S LARGF.ST MAIIUFACTIR£11 Mt. Cleme~"__s~~~~~:~~:_ John T. Schubel, 30,. Williams· swmdlm~ or safe;;-r;ackmg may 'lleadll~g man, Fran~ly, I'm 1ir1:rl ANO EltnJNEERS OF ton, was discovered wtth. a hen j.Iand a man on De\ 11 s Islnnrl. but of herng a grunler. . .l~~'Mra'X . ' . WARMAiR HEATIIIISrSTIIIS ... ~ Former· Publisher· · pheasant in his possession.'Satu'rf · nul thnl taie~11. t~ mar<:. Instcacl of. .malting. sign ·ian· day. He pleaded guilty before honest .use ~1ny get hrrn m,tn nl· ~llaf.P. lo .J~n~ Ru~sel.l in "Fox· Dies at Springport .Justice w. R. Wood, Williamston, n:tosl ~s mL~r.h trouble. That s the: .• re, the actor dehVI!lS whnt he New Oil Furnaces Oil Con\'ersion llurners Monday, paying $;)7.80. stl:uatron wll h Humphrey Bo~art, sn,rs a~·e some _of the most Jnte.lli· E. C. Sibley, retired publisher, Thomas Sharpe, 38, Williams· Aid?. Ra:o: il~~rl ,Peter Ustrno~: :::~nt l~ncs· wrttlen for· .an T_n. New Gas (rurnaccs Gas Cornrersion Burners cllcd In Springport Sund:ry, Here· ton, waH rtr·iving with a loaded I staJ rrng 1,n Wr re No Angels, chan (rf only half an Inritan) rn tired in 1949 after 4() yc;u·s as un in his car Monday, He wenll Paramonl s .. wonderful o~f-heat a good numhcr of years. publisher of the Sprlngporl Sig· ~cforo ,Judge Wood to plead drama pliT} rng nl the F'ox Sun. Chandler·, who J?O!'ITays a. half· nal. He launched the Dimondale .11 1 , $17 80 rlay Hncl Mrlnrlny. breed Apache mrnmg engineer, News in 1897 and in 1000 hougill g~o~s::~~'afiZ ' Offi~er Waller "We're ~o Angels" is the tale who falls,in love with an Eastern the Springport newspaper, His 1 Cady Hardware • f M c of 3 unlikely candrdates for 1 debutante, says that his role is column, "As We Sec Il," was M u t c11 1er a ason mace1 a 11 11 1 • widely quoted. arrests. Plumbing. and Heating For a few months during l.he Phone 1\fuson OU-7-12<11 141 \Vest Ash war Mr. Sibley was on I he. staff of the Ingham County News ill John Sherwood Dies Coli Your Cerlified LENNOX Dealer Today! Mason. A brother, C . .T. Sibley, i~ editor and publisher of the Slncl<· After Long Illness bridge Brief·Sun. .John Sherwood, 77, died at his' Surviving Mr. Sibley arc the home In Broch:inridge Friday, He widow, 2 daughlcrs and 2 grand· harl heen sick for 10 years, bed· Fox Theatre children. ridden for 2. He was a retired farmer. Mr. Sherwood was a. son of B. Fri.-Sat., Oct. 28-29 Sunday & Monday, October 30-31 Vandals Smash Windows F'. Sherwood and Rhoda Hurl burt Tue.-Thur. Nov. 1-3 Avoid Taxpayers of Mason school Sherwood. He was horn in Ing. "It's district had to replace I 0 pa nr!s ham township neat· E:lchel's Cor· of glass at the Hawley area ners and lived in the neighbor· always school Mondny. Somebody with n hood un Ill he was 20 when he ,.. m't care what ·cHIL:LS ·and ILLS shotg(m blasted out tho windows went lo Gratiot county.. . open season ·THEY'RE MUSCLING IN on · 1111!' east side of the Hcltoe~J Mr. Sherwood is survived by on women they call you! Saturday night. Caplnin Vcrsile the widow Gladys, 4 sons, 2 t:~or by TECHNtCOLofie. ~N A NEW RACKET! Babcocl< said that Marlin Polloi< daughters and a brother, Ervin like vou I" I only know that this winter reported hearing, shots aboul Sherwood, Mason. 11:30 Saturday night. He llvcs a Funeral services were Monday. quarter-mile away nt the 'slalc afternoon with burial in the you're all man ••• game farm. Breeklnridgc cemetery. ·

Get into Mason Cadillac Dealer Displays New Models

Cadillac's line of 1!l5G automo·j Cadillac is readily identified by biles presents a completely rc· Its . highly distinctive exterior stylmg. styled appearance, features an Front end appearance is impressive list of i,mporlant. en· marlys ntlrmdc•d tltr> At 8 o'clocl<, Clnir Balwr will Drcwrv's 1111d !):11'1 lnstlrlltlf'[! P!rasnnl lid\1!, 1\11•. 11111! MrH. '1'. L. Sllll(llly. 1\!rs. Mary Lewis cntnrtnined hnrhersl1np qunriP.Ile coniPHI al Club Meets at nuctlon off boxes for eh!ldren up o\gPIH',Y .PiiC']l \VO!l •{ JlU i Ill !i from South Aurelius and 'l'hompson nf Lln111, Ol1lo, M1·. and M1·s. HoilPI'I Dnvlson and fntn· .lnl'!;son hlglt .~c·hnol, Salttt"clny lhP Birthdrty C'luh Jnsl Werllli:!S· to the ngc of 12, followed by nne· Neely's Men'~ \VI'ill' nnd \V,VPI!i 1\'lt•l!l .rune \Vnmer c•elr!Jratl~d ller Crandall Home clt•r·lcd president. Otiwr oiflecrs ents nre to pnck a box for encl1 AI HiPe Clu•vrii]PI n11d ('11111· Lc:si'IH'Y (If lh•tmll, Mr. and Mrs. fnmlly. Bl!l'llPII a Bullen went. girl, and boys will bid for them ltlt!J ltlri!Jdil.l' an11ivc1'sat·y Saltn·· l'l!Pnn Lc•;;t!IH!,I' awl family (I[ 'T'IIP \V. A. c. mel at tlw home m·r• Mrs. l•;vn A!l'hin, virc-prcsi· mlngs Barber Shot' r•:wh tonk :l Mr. mul Mrs. flnrry l\l!'HHrttgror honw with ltPI' nunt und sJWnl Mill< he furnished for t hn day ewnlng. Then• wen· H gtH'HI~ C'lwrlot II', Mr. and Mrs. ltolwrt ot J\lrs. Ch~o L'IHtsr! last l\lrmday will points from sl'•·ond plnr•p ,\lor rr• ilnli family of Dc•t roil were Sun· SiliHiay. dent; Mrt;, llirnwlic Hnsl;ill, sec­ children nncl coffee fm• udults. {ll'i!SPIJI, C\ cning. Mrs. Christinl' Crandall Hestntll'ilttt 11111! 1\'ai'C"i Drtt;: riay gliP>~IH of Mr. and !\'In;. ,Jnlm rPtnl·y; 1\'lr:;. Millie .Jnsdofct, Mr. nnd Mr~. nus~coll Wamer was m·llll~tcss. There will be n costume Pfl Store. lil'llllllls. trensurcr; andl\lrs. llltth Hnsklll, and t'rnnlly visll~d Mr. and Mrs. Hnll enll was nnswerc!l by rarle following the supper, wl t 11 1 flower lund. prizes for children under 12 and C!~g;:~~~l ~~r:~·l.'tl~•~:~lf1 ~ :iw~lo~~~;;·:: T!Pf'Pill !':tilers :rt the B. II. F'iC'!cl \V. I. C'rlptJP!l 111 Wll!imnst"n nniPrl 1\'IIITJCII of the past. A re· .Jim's j\[11 rj;pJ. 1'!1!\'IH! lhrk•·r mil· hunJP WI'!'!' Mr. anrl Mr.··. Clifton Sttnrlay. Tlu:y I'I'IP!Jrntecl .lane J•nrt llll tllf! woman's Friend!.\' prizes for adults fot• thn best anr' worst costumes. Spilm Dansby'~ \ng high' St'ri~:; J'r 1r till' !.'\'r'lllng C'IISIH'I' 11! r;ai'!'PI, llllllatt:l, 1\11'. WnrnPr's and liP!' gmndlntltcl"s llr.nw 11'1', ;:ivcn hy Mrs. Eva AI· ;nul M 1'!'. l'liar!l's <'lld"wr and music mnlmrs w!11 furnish muslr for Br.mcllt>:, :•J.J ~~nn, filii. . , . • hlrt hdny atllliversnl'lrs. cllitr. i\lttsie was furnished by 1 1 1 Other liiglt 1,,, 1111 ... ;, 111 ] •:r•l'iP!i dttlril'l'll, \ ••lls ( It' Plf.'l' of Lan· 1111!;. '\Till'\' Ellrn Tannor wlolt 0. E. S. Elects for !lancing. Cicler and doughnut!· will be on sale dut•ing the dnnc·c •vrre Inlier! hy ·.Iilli lw·ln:JIIt. ·~1'~· Sll% \1 1> l\li~ld~ Mar;ruar!ll nl• v<>•·nl ~l'lc·r··lions hy Camlyn Au•;. "i4!l; Hnrold Dr 11. ~!"l: na~;il llo!t, l\:1. ami J,h;:· l.Jnn.ilrll,lrldlu IIIH• .tc"o·nmpitnlerl nt the plano h.r Bunker liill '19 56 Officers Mr. nnrl Mrs. Kenneth 'lour·•· o\rlmns, :2110, ::?:ln ~7'c; L<·l~o~' Lr··~. anrl l'!tdd,'~'ll ol .·.L .lulms ili!LI .n lwr ~istrr, Fmncls, who also S:mclm Winl'lwll "131; f{nill:rt ln,~lir:rn 1 . ~·i~l; (;,: 1 hroliH•r, t liarill' H1lldll', who 1s plnyPd 11 plnno sP!Petlon. The 0. E. S. harl It~ rrgul'lr from Lansing hnvc moved lntr thn Knsper home. Tiowlctl. 211·.-·~1; ll:t\'l' .'ltnn".l home on a (ltrlcnt:::li I rom New 1'!wrc will IH• no sr!hnoi nt Blr­ Mrs. Alicl' lllillt'r had chnrge ·Jf mretlnr: lit!;! \Vcclncsday eV!!· 'l03; Cliff Hnr!gt'l'!. :1:'.1\: 1\c•t Yor!(, the prnt:ram wllkh was· on ning. Election of officers was the Rolnnrl Graham Is working ~· twy S<'illrnl Ol'lohc•l' ?.fi thrnlltlil 2:! Horn, :lOS; Walt Lyons, :J:1:!; .tnd Mn:. NPJiiP Prnit, \'l~, a long· ns Ill!' mother of tlw tPadwr. fnnlflus ll'lllllC'n. She was n~s!sted main Llusliwss c·mulllf'tccl. Fowlerville as manager of thr Bv!erll' store for a week. DlcJ( Lyon, ~2H·:;I.-~. I limP n·~icll•nl of 1i1P mmmunity 1\Trs. Mmy Ilartrr, died. lJy i\Jr.;. l~uth West anrl Ml'>'. Officer~ chosen nrc: Worthy Bement's l!'atrl l1nd hi,,li nnmro r!ierl Saturd:ry morning nt !vinson Erln.t Tannnr. They lectured on mntrnn, Mrs. Ji'rnnds Patton; ·A J~rge crowrl nttenc1ecl tl 1 11'1. nnrt Tim's Illarlwt li:,ol llit;ll Gr•neral lwspita! whr:n• xlw wm• Mr. ami Mn;. LPc Ulrry vlsltl'rl Mt•. 111111 Mrs. E:d Sti!P•r ill Fenlon Lilli:tn Hntlt, Gr~mdma Moses. worthy p~Llrnn, linwnrrl Joht~>; smorgnsho•·rl nnrl bnzanr at tb ~cries, 2430. t11i;c,t Fl'ir!ay Hftcl'l!nnn. Funeral church Friday evening. Sunday. i\'lrs. Grifmh, He>l011 Keller and assor'!utc matron, Lillian Oshorn; 'fr.nm standing-; nre Wi fn'ln\\"! · sr~rVIC'es werP. !Hnnday at 2 o'f'lcwl< Ivy Ba!{CI' Priest. assrwiatc> patron, Eldon Rosr;; Mr. arul Mrs. Bruce Wyble all '~'emn \V L at !lie Alll'elitls Bilplisl c:lnlrch. Mrs. llcnry Wllhcrrlinr: nnd TIH! nl'xl meeting will be at se<'retar.l'. I•;dn;t Fulton; trens· daughter wore guests of Mr' LJnrvin's JcP Crf'~lll ...... :~:1 S!w Is SUI'Vil'f'd l1y Sl'l'f'l'nl n!rr·es fmni!y S[lf'lll Thursdny ill the of Mr~. It rei', Gn11·c Ross; conductress, the home Ruth Schmicii Anna Royce this wee!' end. Th ,. >\1 Hice Clw\'ro!PI ...... !S 111 and ncplw\\'~. HP\'. Hohf'rt Wnr- home of Mr. and Mrs. l~rhwml Nowmllf'r 7. Floretu•c A nrlrrws; ami associatc nrr. cnroute to Cuyohoga F'allr Schneffcr fot' n surpl'iR2 pJgie Tlturby of Fitchhmg. rc!alivrs In KPnlurl\y 1!1'" JlaHt ness ..• nt'C under 25 nnd tlWITiccl .•. if you nre Tlnnc•t· f'rnlrmula nml went fish· SII[IJlPt' n! !hP Methodist l'ltllrch nncl Mrs. Vernon Hod1-4'l:l; 1\1:•1'~' .J. ,\lor n l'Clllly, died Monday nt llw home .oJ--.Ja'iw W;ll'lll'l' of LPS!il'. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valtghn 1G8: ,June Str>lthert. •1112; and of her daughte1· in Musill'gg.u,-" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stran:::p who has been vlEiling thci•· INSURANCE Bohhv Bn·1le. ·100. Doris Hulfi1w gave a hirfhday and Miss Gertrude CnnhHm werr claughtt:!r, Mrs. Loris Johns, anr' Sta.nrlin.r,s nn• ''" fulln\\'s: · dinner Sunday' In hoth11' of her dinner guests of Mr. nml Mrs. family hn ve returned to 1hri' 3181f2 S.· Jefferson Phone OR 7-3841 Team \V L mother, Mrs. Harold lluffine, on Joseph L. Str.ffcP nt Sunny Ha· , I' home in Califo!'nia. ChristcnsPn's ...... :!~ c; liPr birthday nnnivt•rsary. Guests vrn, .Jerome, Snturclay. Frank Lockwood is spenclinC' McCam Olrt~ .. 1ft 'l ______:_ __ _: _____ some time with his claughtrr Mnsnn Home J\ppliaiH'C' 1:3 1 I L======Mrs. Agnes Coffey, in Mason. Kenn's Storr ...... 11 17 Mrs. Adelia Pulling of Dext~· Lincl.v's . 10 lil anrl Mrs. Effie Harvey of AIF Mills Storr ...... \'l 10 What you see here is automobile history Arbor were week end guest~ o' \oVnres Drur~ :'!ln'·ro won 'I in the making. For this is nn octunl on­ ,· Mrs·. Daisy Pulling ami Mr~ nolnts from Wnnw :\li!lr>r's nnfl Edna Osborne. the-scene shot of a camouflaged '!'i~i Drewry's tonk 3 point!; !'rom l\lit· Chevrolet shattering the Pikes Penk MI'S. Edna Tanner, Millie .Tas son Golf Course !11 m:.J;l' :1 :1-wn:-· dofer, Anna Royce, Eclnda Fulton tie J'or lir:;t placr•. DrltsmnJ'P's record in a dramatic, top-secret run. Francis Patton and Ml'. nne! Mr~ ?56 Chevrolet streaks up n!so won •I point'' Jrnm D~rt N.1· supervised and certified by NASCAR!. I·Im·oicl Johns were in Mason Sal tiona! E8nk Here's record-breaking proof that this urclny evening to attenrl the In!! Hi~h team ganw and seriros wac; . '56 Chevrolet hns the power, cornering · ;• ,lwm munty association of 0. E f•' . ·, s. rolled by Wares Drtt<.; Stem•, 'i:~G, • ability, and sm·eness of control that will 1 701-20:3G. a:; Mrs. Agnes Howard of Hmwl High inclivicltt:tl r,nmros nnd Pi~~es Peak to new record~ b(make your driving safer and more fun. was n dinner guest of Mrs. Eva serie~ WC!'r.• l't~IIPd by ~;:llHit".l Ancl you can see and drive il soon now. Alchin Tuesday. Horn, 'IriS, lfi8··nl; rJ,·InrC's Kl'lll'. just wnit! Mr. and Mrs. Will Dunnivan of Fl7-42G; l'v1nrg;1r01 J\ll'LCc:tn, 1!17· ~fl,llionol Auodotion (or Sfock Cnr J\u/o Cndng wJ,,w, offiriolr Dexter wert:! in Webberville Fri· 1 ,122: Margnrt'l Ilttrkn•"''· 171i 1I I: timHd m1d rr>rllfiud t/,u rorfutmQnru nf lhil prt~rrCldm:IIOil mr.dtJt, day evening and attended th(! Isabel Why!C', !!ill· Ill! I; l'hyll'•; smorgasbord and bazanr. Craft, lflS; Bet!\' llrrgcnn, Hi2; Reva Mnr.q•, J:iO; :t111l lll•len Ware, 40:1. Reeves District Slancling-s are ns follows: Team W ]~dna Geet• i. Wayne Miller's Sales ..... '17 '11 Mrs. Betty Krasher and Miss Wares· Drug Store ...... 17 '11 Carol Gnrnant presented a film Drewry'~ ...... 17 11 on safety, with a discussion by Densmore's IGA IG 12 the pupils, Tuesday. Masnn Gnlf CotnsP .12 IG Those on the honor roll for the Dnrt Nnlion~l Bank :; :n first 6 weel tlw big gun Judy c!o\van mid David Shepn rei in the Thorburn attad1 posting Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barton of a 230 game in n 603 Si'l'iPs. Court spent the week end with Cafe and Mason D~iry wen~ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hadley. other 4 point winners. winning Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Geer and them from Dnll·Dtmn and Hoy familv were Sunday dinner Christensen Ford Sa!Ps. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert High ~cores rolled lwsi[Jes Rng· Geer of Howell. "'OW's 605, wen~ Le>Roy Lee, !i09; Square Deal Fann Bureau met Warner Kcan, 50S; nncl Andy Wednesday evening with Mr. am' Tones, 211. Mrs. Raymond Stephen. With Davis Clothing dragged Clover Blossom 4-H club wen clown, the rncc her,nn to tightc;, This offer applies only to homes having roller ,sl

tire fliiJlJif'l pl:r.1·s will l1r• giv"n ·1s 1' Wigirtru:rrt "l"'llf'riliis man>· gift:< ll'orks for tlw Aosodall'ri 'l'rud< tended. hr:rte their golden wedding annl· · D · Ten ynung people of !lie .Junior ;r fp:rllll'l' ol tlw :lllllll:rl Sll'l'f'l nt' r '' · · I~11res. urrng till' business meeting, versm·y Sunrlay afternoon, Octo· · 1 1 1 1 . · High WestminsiPr I•'PIImvsilip ol' J ,rll" Ci rops r:m1:11·. 1\lrs. NPU·1 ~Ir. ;11111 ~Irs. ttldll'll Sn11111 "' A Novemhr!l' 2!i wer!r 1rng rs conr 1ueter 1 11y 1\frs. Ira Hiller, ber :JO, at their home. Op~n house 'II 1 · the Mason Presbyterian dnm:l1 lllifllll ~,., "' a~"~'':" hy .Mrs. Jlo11'1'11 mllr•rl "" .\11·. ;111r! ~ir·s planned by IIH· ''.'l.l!Jllc. r:Jwirm:rn, plans were made to Jwurs arc from 2 to fi p! m. Mr. I 1. 1\. Sutlu•r-..;, \I'll<• ol fliP Vld<~"r 1\l:rn·ln .l:rns"n Sf!ll!im·. • ., • have a rummage sale November attended tile fall rally of tile nnd Mrs. Childs extend a wei· $189.95 · Presbylcrlnn of Lan~ing Junior nf .st.. KniiH•r·in,. f'itlll'r'h on 1 1\lrs. t'arl ,,,.,,.,. 11 .rnrl .\lr~. 1\'int · I h 2 at tlw 1. 0. 0. J.'. hnll on Nortli r·mne In all friend~ and neighbors $'!11.fliJ llown •t 1 1 J Q t High Fellow~hip ill the First "1'1'11 Hill rmrr · t',·•r·r· ,·rr·r• 1· 11 ( •t 11·, ... 1L,, 11 lirl·.· 11.,.,.,,. aC (SOn rC eS ra Washinglrlll. Mrs. Gorr.lon. Rieh.· p I I I to attend the open hou~e. . ·' res JYICI' an r· ll!l'c•h, 'l'eerrmseh, . ,, " •. , ~~ $11.71 Monl h 'l'lw play ..; will hP St. K:llfl('r· nllr'rHiing an nntiq 111 . ,,1., 11.. 'II Q S . .... man and Mrs. l\.lel~. rro.]· S 1 'l'l .• r illf''s gllilrl's I'IIIJII'ihtrtillll Ill lh•· 'I.. \ I' .. I .. ' I 'I·' WI pen eason . eel leaders, gave the le~~on on unr ay. tere 1\'CI'l• :2i:i young Mrs Alv· c· I II . I I h;mrnr ns .11 .I'; n 1111ssrr>n . . of :;1. II " Is. ..J '". "II . . '"II s. ""' ,, , s Cl lt'ISimas. 1\'CJri{S. I1op I nc I w I'rng Ill·. people Jll'l~sertt at llw gnllll'ring. srJIJ·l·1·1:1,•Jiv ,·t,tllrl r'tlm,.,lrl"'111eter, '!n,,r" .. ,•tlnerrl 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 11 1 111 11 1 1 111 1 11 111 1 1 MODEL AE-620 1':111ls nt' l.nnsing, l'lli'I'Pi:rill. : c' · . ._.'" ~ ,· ,''' '' . "' ; .t '' j .r,:w\S< S.\' . ~' -" ~· or,~· ~~' ~lr:~; I olru<:~iom; fill illlll' to m:ilw inex· Mr. nmJ Mrs. Sl;rn!Py 1\nopr,l Mr~. Gerald Potter will leave Frl· . • 1I) 1 11 •••• i' 1 1 .I 1 I'. Ill 1,.(';-.I('·'1 1 IIIII 1,l\ lliH {'I' IH'1 ( 1 ll'C1l'IIOl1 0 1~tll!...... , . . COUJl!-;eiJors 'lnrl n~:v P'lUI I I ('CIJIJH'I' ill HI f'!a~· ('l'l':rrnlf'.~. SII'Pd·; r•vt•nifl" '1'111'1'1 """ illl!'lffl!'ri :1 It'·. I .. , .·.I. . v' J· pensrvr. ( ll'ISIIIlas deCDratlOilS . . ' • . . ' ~. ( ay for Florida. Mr:>. Campbell 1 r' ... (1 r 11 is'h l'lnlmdrlr•rl•ri lllll'<'ls. frrril ' M· • · . ~"·' '· ""· "' " <. JliO ~ssol . from ehlclwn wire llowcl's from Arnolrl altc•nrlf'd from Mnson. plans to spend tlw winter at . . 1IIlli' 1 "'"" :11 t 1H' llllllfl' "' ~Irs. 111 iilld <'iramlH•r rn11srr• nl lfllrvcr · ' · . Y0 ur Jl 1 11 t' f 11 Jl.'• n fncl .... thin NO!{( IE dryer is i11r Rimplest, eafest. cal\PS, aprons a11rl r'lrnstmas rlec·l C'l\'r!P l\'o"'llarrrl irt l-'·rst ·rrrsin, . . r ·I\!' I'! . ,. . i 'Is mrll{lveed seeds and .rewelry !rom lg eop e a l'lll 1111-( l'fllll Je Lakelanrl. The Potters will he 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 dryer PVPr mnnuf:H:IIll'l' " gdn, WI leg n · copper wire. "!nson chureh. inl'irrrlcrl Margaret staying ill Ft. Lauderdale. ahle, even nylnnH, plnHI.i<'H, dninly l'flnhmerr RIVfJnter•! to IH' solrl at llu• IHI~:ral'. l·r·ariH~'· . 'lXIII >'C':I~on of eDnr·crts W~dncs· A spr:c·ial meet in, was con· Grown, Snc Swartoul, Marilyn 'Irs l'r .. 111k I I And-only NOlt(;]•, oiTf!rH ynu IIH' nppnrl.unit.y In try • Mr. :rnd ~Irs. IJp;l[( I .rrsr·addl'.f Iii\' f'l'l'lllll". November 2. Ill th·· I I I 'I' I I gtl I f St . 'I· .• \ II I . IV • • • ' zzo fiiJ( son, Sl I I I I ,. Ill ''Ill . ,... c ll~ er trest·rv 'l lC wmc o evenson, lv '" \ ' nn ar· {ness, St f" t S I N !.hi~ drynr in yuur home for :10 rlayu, 1f nflcr t.hnl t.ime, • Ifill'S arr• "'''"' fl ''' or ;., of DPII'oil :111<1 .J. 1·:. D1'.lll 11'1'1 ,, lal'!;s"n high sl'hool aurlitnrium .' '· ' Mary Ann and' David i\rnolrl, · even, 0 .oar~l.oga • PI' ngs, ew you'r~ noL ~nl.isficrl, wc'll t.nkt• it. buck and IIIHI II ::\rl in !ill' lllfll'lling :IIHI :Ill rlinrwr l!ll!'sls or ,\Ir. :rr!d ~lr:·. II S p. m.. Mr~. Ira Rrtler,_lo learn. !n mnlw Brian Ragnn. Clwrlt•s Tworl<, Yr~ri{, ."~·~ .vlsr~rng Mr. and Mrs. refund your money in full! 1::111 :rrul t::lll in tlrr• a!'IPrlloon ~Ia•· DPall Snlirrrlal r•~r•rlirlg. r·opper en:mtc:t.tPWc!lry. !lie next S.·tlly V,'lll ,<·,l· .. t,·i" '1111 11•1• S·. Arlht.ll t:rr.kgr<~f this wee!<. Mrs. with an l'l'<'llilll.! JH'I'forrn:rrwl' all 1\lr. and Mr,;. l·;r:rrwis•rll''' William Dopplmrn. n sPnior r.l r·eJ.:Ui<~r ml'etlng Will he Novem· r. It' L , , I r. en •. co Izw IS thell' dnugliter. ~ 'I Tl ., llnil'!'r~ily of 1\lil'higan, will hi' I 1 1 t II I1 11 0 f M r I .re (. I_:. II,. rr•r·r• '·1'1 ''"'a small :Himi.s·. "'"' ranrill' r·rriPrtairwd lrr•r Jlil.· · f · A · Jer ; a le " .1f' I'S, ~C· " .,, ,, Dr. and Mrs. DeiV"Y lloilcl ,'Jilrl Only dryer in the world tl1at so""'1 111' 11 1f' or:caston. pwn II' 1 R~rl t 11!3 1 1 1 E 1 L ntnrr I ''"· I .rrrwlu•"" will IH• sr•n•:•ri <.'II I.e·, 'It·. ·,'IIIII .. 'II'."· 1'. ll. [),'ll''r.··. Lan. " 111!1'' o a {am' • as I II PI .,. I [ E . I fr' I - 'lll f' ·' " " ·• ' · is!, ·"Jr. Doppman has performed 'ltlSJilg MR. NOftTil AT i\SSI~M13LY f aug I er, II Inc n, o wanston, ' 11 11 0 ,11 11 ani f lflll'l' ;I .J;, · ,1':;· al riilllll'l' 1-'rid;l\' f'\'f'fll.lf" illllllll' • • · . ' ' ' [J)i'IIOI's, .S11e11t tile wen.J' e11rJ Wl't\1 I " wrlh tile Cmr•mnati anrl Cliiean-n ' 01 •• At·vr'l ~· II II I I tl "' gives you 4-ways to dry dotlle$1 t'IT:I!HHIS s_JollldI lw n1adr ft~t' 1-, 1l.' tlrc·r· 1... , 1,. 111 1·1,,, 1111.11 ,. .. 1,1,_ 11-1,r•r r. ·• \PIItos ce nor 1 n enrPc lC 111 1 M \'''I' .. ' ~ s,Ylll[1lwnir.s and was· 1954 winllf'l' Ol r. 1 · 1 102 111 1 .1111111 1 11 f 11 r. anr J rs. 'I lis Collar. They II '""' p Iilllllllt:.: lo . ifl!f'IHI_. l'lril· ~if I'\', 01111'1' gur•,,ls ll'f'J'I' \tr·. anr ,,f both tlln N,•ttrml>et·g •'lltri {ernos ·~x ensHJn c 1u l me 1 ' a assC'Illl \' " 1<' attenrlerl I he homecomin"' "am'c rlrr•n m·1•· 'lllc•rul \1'1111 till'll' Jl'f" • ~ wilh Nellie Querie la~l Tuesda''· Grand Council, Rn.Yal ;lllrf Select "' "' 1 2 j 4 .,, ,.. '·' ' ',. Mr·s. \\'illiarn 1-'ollnl;;ill anrl ~Irs Mir-IIIIP!s musi" 111var·cJ. He will ' at MSU, where IJolh arc alumni. ~ 111 ,, ~ The hostess ser·ved a noun lunch· Ma~ters of Illinois, al Rnd< ];;. . • ,Tumbling Tumbling No tumhling, No tumblin,.. ,. w "' i'ai.•ll. play lilr' Beethoven Third Piann con to 17 memilr!rs and 2 vlsito1·s. land, Illinois, Ia;.;! Friday and Mr. and Mrs. vV. L. Sweet and ~l;rrg:rr·pr ...., •·· with with he('ltP.d air , . . I ~Ir. ;rrtd Mrs. S:rrn I 'l••llwn" I Concerto. . The leaders (JI'f'sr•nted manv ideas Saturday. He was the l"'rsonal son, David, of Midland, Robert 1\lrs. ~r. 1,. 'l ii"Pl' nl llrnntll''·l visitr•rl ~lr ·•nrl ~lr~ !Jill' t'rown . . ' Cnllar of Detroit, '·lr. ,•1nrJ l\1rs. heated air I air only! air! only I •· . ~ ' · · · · · · · ' ' 'llw ordwslr"l 11'111 perform for making Christmas 11resents representative of llw Mo~l II· ,. 1111111 IIIII I :ll:·s ..J;r~· Snn!Pr ~Jll'tll l1'11 ''l"lllrl I,,,,,.,, Stiftli'rl' S·r11rlr"' I I .R. '· • I · I C E·1rl '·VclJIJ ol' Oi"•mos 'IIlli · · · '-'' " "'· · · · · ·' • worr:rry men1· Mr. ancll\1t·s. Stuaa'l Bullen :rnrl , . 1\las. I I. ill. Srut "' l.lll.r..' r II~ lrcr rlaugltler·, Mrs. Lyle Karr 1 1 · · II Ill' · c 1 filmily of Kalamazoo spent. Satur· 1\lr. :rrrrl ~Irs. t 'l~:rrl<'s I lrpp<'r I anrl 1\Ir. :rlul ~lr:< ..1:11' snyd<'1 Mr. anrl Mrs. .T. E. Walton anrl Ten members respnnrled. to roll .. ler·s lip m le. lnors nunc I uf cl . I M I M i111rl l:rrnil.l' S[ll'lll I liP II'Pf'k end I :rtlr•nr!"rl .'11" lwme<'<1fl1ing r:anw daughter spent the week enrl with call. During I he business meeting . fiJrlce lllustrrnus Musters. Ar· l;:t;lc~ill:nd l';rtt~~;led ~~~~ II~~~~~ :rt St. !ft•t,. . :rl tile J(,'ll'l'.", il was decided tlwt the group l;ansns, No1·1h DHiwta. Wisconsin M' . S 11 1 .~ISll S;rtunla~·. 1 1 Home· Appliance ' would help with thC? chest X·ray and Iowa were also represented. com ng at lC 11gan late uni· 1\lr. :mrl Mrs. Glen Cnon visited unit. 11 will he at lire Millville '·' ·•· ,, versify. 12•l l'V. 1\lilJII!l 1\JIL'iOII M~ a~ M~ Ro~M Skillen at store D~emh~~ WRTHDAYDJNNERGIVEN ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ionia Sunrlny. [ i\·lrs. Alir-e Allen nttendcd 11 rP· A te1· the husine~s meeting a Mr. ami Mrs. C. R. Womllnnrl eeptinn honoring Mrs. l~lom pnlluck luncheon was served by Io! East Lansing entertained 20 :rl Meeeh Chamher~ at the F'ir:;t lhe hostess. cltnner Sunday in honor of lhcil• 8aptisl r•lmreh, Lansing. Sunday In the afternoon the tearier, daughter, !\Irs. Halph 1Kathr,ynl 'ENRICJ.I afternoon ill :J o'clock. Mrs. Mrs. Marie Feltor.t, and her help· Woodland, on her IJit'lhday iln· Chamber~ 11nrl IJaC?n organi~l at er, Mrs. Theria Gl'llf, gave In· niversary. Guests ill tile pari~; MEANS II he I'!Hrreh for liO years·. She r·c·· sf ructions on how to mal{e coppet• were Mr. Woodland, A. C. Lake. LAST CHANCE! wir·e jewnlry, Christrnns rtecora· Mrs. Woodland's father; her ;{ !'f'il'erf il pursP of money will! whiclt she plan~ hu~· !-Jam· lions fl'flm wire. toaster suns. Alvin and family of Leslie. I 10 11 1 monrl organ. Recently she went covers. Christmas tree skirts anrl Richard ;mrl family of Mnsnn. TO GET ONE OF UIESE BIG to Tennessee to make her home oven mills. Flowers made from William. il pre·dentnl strident a: with her dnugltler. · milk weed pods wern also rlem· Alma; anrl his flilncc, Miss .Tllri\' · l onstmlerl. Nussclorfer, and Mr. Hnrl Mrs.l Mr. and Mrs. F'mnr:is Fiedlr?r I altcnrlcrl the 18rifi showing of The next meeting will he at Robert Ynunp.;, students ill MSU. DETROIT JEWEL Gillson free;.:ers Weclnesdav 111 tile home of Mrs. Pauline Not· and Kathy Young, n student ;rt llw GreenviiiP counii'Y ettih at tingham November I G. Miami universit~·. Ohin, who: Granrl Rapids. ., Hunnysirlt••·s '' wm·e in Enst Lansing- In nlfpnri' Gas RallfJe Values Mr. anrl Mrs. 0. R. Overmyer Thirteen members illul nne the homcmming g:unc. Mrs.· ,f Detroit were weak end guests guesl of the Sunnysirlcrs exlen· Woorllnml l'PPeiverl m:rny nlr:c ,r Mr. <~nrl Mrs. D. C. DaaTow. sian group met at tile home of gifts. Slw is seerrtm·y at the~ Eve ret I sehool, whictl' she has 1 1'>11' 'lilt! l\1r·s l'rJ11CI'I OI'Ct'mvnr· M r~. GPorge Eifcr•t last Ttresd,'l" · ' · · " • ' been for I hr. rmsl 14 '.'ears. ••f Charlotte had rlinner with ~ evening. '!'he reading of !he creed " , ,,, ·' I narrows Sunday. was fnllnwerl by ~ moment of Mrs. Harley Vnn Pillion nf 1111'. anrl Mrs. Harry Elliott of silent praynr, after which Mrs. 1-'nwlerville caller! on Mr. and l-larnld Mc•arl,- ehairman, con· Allen en lied on her aunt. Mrs. i OLD STOVE ROUND-UP SALE ENDS OCT. 29 Agnes Sunrlay. : Mrs ..Jny Coffey Sunctay. Mr. and ductnrl the business meeting. Roll Cogsri!IJ, Mr. anrl Mrs. V. C. kutt and' ~lrH. Coffey. attcndcd the 50th call was responded to by a most werlrling·y of Mr. anrl frighte1iing experience. Pennies daughter, Carol, o[ Lansing spent Friday evening with Mrs. Kutt's Mrs. Will Carr at the home of for Fr·ienrlship were collected and l'vlr. and Mrs. Delmar· Carr In the group discussed maldng tags mother, Mrs. Bessie Walters. I Check ·These·s . \':•. Dansville Sunday. F'ranl< Loci<- fn1· the Christmas tea. . wood nf Webberville has Leade1•s, Mrs. Hirtus Alles and SJll!llfling a Jew days with lhe Mrs. Glenn Whiltemot·c, gave the * New High Broiler with electrically oper­ atad Rotisserie-Barbeque Cul'fe~'s. Mrs. Leslet· Bnenipg, lesson on Chr·istmas workshop Cl~EST sister of Mrs. Coffey, visited ·in rro,iects. Everyone made an arli· * Look-in Glass Door in both Oven and .~~~~~~;;;;: and retul'llect home ~~~i~~~. ~~~~~~~~· ~~~~~s~~~~~<,~~~ec\;~~·~ I })rive~ In 11wrt Ire Broilar ~~~ .. ~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ servecL ~ ftlilns East or l~nst IArnsln~ 1 * Electric Light in Oven ' ' Ahtit•dnn Uentm· *I Mrs. flay Lott opened hm· horne J'lunw 1m 2·1UI2 * Ebclric Clock and Timer In 1•1 members of the Alaiedon Center extension gmup fDI' the 1 -~~------·------* Beautiful Backpanel Lighting · I I f?l•idu~··Sn htl'rlny Od.. 211·2!1 clll'lstmns wons wp lesson re· cenlly. Mrs. Harold Redman Aclults Out~' During this reported on a safety program and Sale ONLY DAN lNG the movies on safety that arc being shown in rural schools. Dance Hall Racket Mrs. Donna Weyerman, assisted I'ins by Mrs. Beverly Fruin, demon· M·odcrn Every Saturday Night stmtcrl' liow to mal;e milkweed Fighting:. Man, Automatic:, corpcr wire jewelry, UnmlnlJJh St•ntt. Model camfes anrl corsages and chicken ___ ----''-'-'-""-~~- wire Christmas decorations. M1·s. IJcg·innirll.\' ~nt1u·dn~· Midnight * Automol-ic Ovon Lighting tt served cranbeiT)' salad, --THE DELLS~- cool. m. :;JIJe Cappo Orchestra • • • I'IIIN · ,, ,, ' •'. ' ' . Alton Weston of Dansville and Forrest Matteson attended Grand Key Largo Lodge In Grand Rapids fot• 3 days CONSUMERS POWER c·OMPANY . ··~ : ·~--~-+-~--~~--~~--:-~;....-.-..:....;;;,_..;;...... -.._;._;,.;_ __.....; _ _;.-.._.;....__.__ _;;..;...;.1 last. week •. 1 .- • • '· ·.- • , :.: r....--..-..--:---..---:--_;.-fJt-----:7~....;.~:-"--7'"--~~±.;;~~'#~*-~*':+i'-~~~~;._~,;:;:;;::z:::;:~=..J ·'' •• ',,,,_;. '.' •-1' Ingham County l~tws Odobtr 27, 1955 Page 5

1 A_s always, ti~e~s llWM~fni:'ff':tt::' t~~-d~f m\ YOU CAN ~UT YOUR TRUST IN "Super-Right Quality" Meats! g1Rn~ 96th Anniversary celebration! A warm welcome nw~1ts you .... ond a wide-open opportunity to stock pantry, refngerotor and freezer with family food f~vorites. To you who hove made our October An­ niversary so outstanding, we soy a henrty Thank Youl To o/1 who want more low prices on more items, more iays of the week, we do hope you'll cnll agnin! Come Pork Loin Roost .e~ .• , • come save nt A&PI KOIHER STYLE ONE QRADE, NONE FINE" ( Lll, r OUTSTANDING BUYS .Corned Beef Brisket Lll. 53c Ground Beef I OCTOBER CHEESE FESTIVAL TIME! FANCY QUALITY, COUNTRY ITYLI LEAN, MEATY AGED OVER 1 YEAR ~~:~~ Bacon 2 PL:o. ggc Spore Ribs 4jENUINE SPRING, 69C Mom1noth Leg Of Lamb tt FULLY TRIMMED LD. Veal Roast cHoJc! ·;,moe~ ·~urs ~ u. 45o Veal Chops ··· · sHouLDER oua LB. 59c Pork Steaks LMN tLAoE curs u. 55o Cheese 1 .Chop Suey Meat VeAL AND roRI( L8. 49c Beef Stew LEAN, IIONELEss \ LB. 69c Sliced Cheese MEL.o-BJT, AMERICAN a.oz. suP~R ~IGHT tfiiJl-.T" cur u 79c OR PIMENTO PKG. 29c Pork ·Roast TENos~oJN I"ORTION } LB. 3.9c Rib Steaks · . Beef Liver ' cHoicE. voUNIJ mu LB. 37c Frankenmuth Cheese LB 55C Pork Chops LEAN ceNnll. cuTs ~ La. 65c Customers' Corner 6.oz. , Link Sausage suPER 11.16Hr ' ' lB. 59o Handi-Snack9 KRAFT's. AssoRrED ROLl (, Sliced Bacon ,.,LL G;ooD L~AN LAYERs ) lB. 49c Flow Does It Fool to Bo 96? 90 8 IJ.oz. Leona Bologna lUPER 1~G~~A~ICSD, p~~: 29c Simply wonderlul, thonka , , • t11anks to all you loyal A&P AMERICAN cHEESE FOoD rand Duchess Steaks ~ROZEN PKG. 49c Ohed·o·Bit 2 L6!F 79c G cu1tonJers, thet is, Your lriendohip and patronage have mado tho month-long celebration of our 96th Anniversary during LEAN, soNoLess-sMoKeo LB. Mild Colby Cheese LB. 47c CoHage Butts 69c *Because meat represents about 25'/• of October on occAsion lor reel rejoicing. · LEGS-THIGHS 79 IG We sincerely appreciate your continued support, nnd-nt we C 8 S [BREASTS LB. 89c) LB. C your food budget, it's lmporlant know ------Chi ken P rt embnrk upon nnother yur of serving you-we pledge ourselves .•• A&.P's "Supor·Right" Quallt)r Ia • rellablt to prove worthy of it by constnntly atrivlng to mako your Beef Bacon ARMouR-suceo Lo. 59c standard ol top mont value. • p~~~~R "Super-Right" auuru you that whatever A&P n better plnco to ahop , , , lor hotter voluu. FRUIT CAKES • F k suPeR RIGHT QUAI.ITY, SkIn 18$5 ran S ALL MEAT LB. 490 you choose nt A&P II Quality.Righl , , , If you hove •nl' suggestion• thnt may holp ua achieve thi! goal, Controllod·RiAht , , • Prtptred·Ri~llt • , , Sold· pleo!o P"" them along to your At.P Mnnager.' We're never too 5 5 Righi nnd Pricod.R/gllt, t~~ SJ.49 L~. 2.70 L~. 3.99 Ring Bologna suPER II.IGHT-All MEAT. LB. 49c old to leorn! CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT JANE PARKER A&P Food Storoa 420 Loxlngto" Avenue, New York 17, H. Y GOLDEN, SUGAR 19C U. I. NO. I Donuts OR CI~INAMON Q~~~,: BONELESS, NO WAITE LB. Moine Potatoes lAG White Buss Fillets LB. 57c 10 LB. 1111: 150·171 \Vhite Bass PR6SH DRESSED 47C Ocea11 Perch FROZEN FILLETS u. 29c DOZ. Florida Oranges 59' . c;~p~,;~cii Haddock FROZEN Fl LLETS LB. 29C Cucumbers axrRA FANcY 3 FOR 29c Pumpkins JAcK o'LANTERN eACH 49c 'rnnd GRANULATED LGE. 3Sc GT. 47c MICHIGAN Cauliflower \ HoMe GRowN ., HEAD 23c O l Ill DETERGENT 2 PKGS. PKG. nions MICH IGAN, U. S. NO. 1 3 BLABG. 25c Mushrooms B6~ 25c ~AL. 59C CALIFORNIA -· Las. Apple Cider Cabbage FIRM H&ADs ln. 7c Carrots 2 27c Cracker Jack sATCHEL PACK 24 soxEs 99c NEw · · · FoR Potato Chips JANE PARKER Cocoanuts cR~ 2 29c ~6~ 59c ~ndive m:SH AND CRISP 2 HEADS 29c 16 I-LB. B~nanas cHoicE FRUIT. GOLDEN RIPE LB. 17c Harvest Mix Candy Treat PKG. 290 weet Potatoes JEIUEY, u.s. No. 1 4 Lss 29c C~mpHre Marshmallows P~J: 33c PKG. Pmk Grapefruit s1zE 3 I'OR 29c Leaf Candy Suckers 100 49C OF Tokay Grapes OALIFORNIA 2 LB~ 25c 8 16·oz. Kraft Caramels MAKE cANDY APPLEs PKG. 390 DRIED FRUIT AND NU'TS . IT'S APPLE WEEK AT AltP Sweetheart Soap c!K E~~~5c 3 t1~ES 26c Seedless Raisins 6 1112-oz. 19c Peanuts in the Shell a;~ 39c IUNMAID ~KGS. Mcintosh Apples ~tH~0; ! 4 ~~ 39c 16-0Z. 12 8 2 99 6 Cashew Nuts A&P, '"'me 8~~ 55c Mixed Vegetables LaCHOY CAN 29c Sweet Savings for Naf'l Honey Week Jonathan Apples e~s~E~~2.~9 4 s~~ 39c Popcorn A,, nLtow 2 a;~ 27c 5 0 &TRAINED Spy Apples s~sHs~ ;3.~' 4 s~8G 45c LB. Crisco Shortening 3 CAN 91c l·LB. JAR 33C Ann Pug~,. Honey LB. I-LB. :i'\f (PKACH,XPINIAPPLI, PLUM, APRICOT, CHERRY, ANN ·PAC!!!. 3 CAN Strained Honey · KELTY's 29,. Fluffo Shortening 91c JAR 8 - Honey KELTY's- ECONOMY PAcK 5j~~ $1.25 DEAL 1-LB. I·LB•··· · PACK JJ.QZ. 33" Keyko Margarine 2 ems. 430 Comb Honey FRESH AND swm . JARI ·• ggc· PK~>. ~-~i 2 19·0Z 59,. Honey-Spice Cake Mix D~~~e. It' 4 PKG. .Pure Preserves PT. 29c Whole Peeled 3 :JO.crl. Cans tlllc A&P, OUR F'INEIT QUALITY. Salad Dressing SHEDD'S JAR FRESH FROZE·N FOODS A P APRICOTS Whole 3 30 oz. Cans 79c 1 & DISHWASHING 24-0Z. FLORIDA GOLD, CONCENTRATED Unpeeled .... lA~~- Apple Sauce 4 49c "ALL" DETERGENT PKG. 39c Sweet Potatoes AM 2 g;,~~· 39c Instant Drf Milk. .j. WHITI!HOusa uC:~~i t3c Orange Juice 6 ~-.~\ 97' FOR COOKING 1 Sparkle Gelatine ·...ssoRr,;&~c5~i ous 5 PKss. 27c Tomato Ju1ce · ' A&P 2 ~;.~~· 45c Wesson Oil AND SALADS PT. 35c Meat Pies CHICKEN, ~~~BFY~,R 4 p~gf.' 79c 46 Tomato Soup ANN PA6! 5 ~~N~z. 47c Tomato Juice LIIIBY'I i C:~~ 29c Fruit Pies APPLE ~~B~~ERRY 4~~~s~z. 79c 2 dexo Shortening ~tii ~~:~~:ls 3 c~N 69c Chunk Pineapple AlP l ~~~ 27c French Fried Potatoes LIBBY's 2 ~~~l 35c HabHant Pea Soup 2 ~;,~~ 35c Pineapple Juic8 DOLl, .~ ~2Nz. 29c 1 1 Black Pepper Hew Low JIRJce /2 €!·N· 49c Roast Beef or Corned Beef sA~si~E~A ~~~ 45c 24 12 YO\l've never had Blended Syrup ANN PAG.I . ~t 39c Chopped Beef •w1111 • c~~ 33D stews like· these! 1,.\ ,,· :I• ION A 2t-oz.SJCANI 00 The Woman's Day Kitchen, in a big color feature, NEW LOW PRICES Bartlett Pears 3 1 shows how to cook the six best slews of nil lime­ '011 QUICK .IICUITI gil'es you the secret of making them savory nnd sue· · Luncheon Meat --- .. , A&AII 12c~~ 31 c culcnt, There's vcnl, beef, chicken, lnrnb, oxtail, and 4o-oz.PKQ, 39c kidney, aml they can bccorne your best stand-by Bisqu.ick Freshlike Peas ·, 2 g.\~~· 35o lecipcs. In the November issue oE A&P's famoug "Flavor-Saver" Roasting is one 4 Borden's Starlic -~woEJl!;o MILK ~-!~ 3DJ t~~ reason wh~· Ae.P premium-quality Coffee is Vegemato.Cocktail Juice 31c 2 "Alive \\oitn Flavor" I This modern roasting Bosco Milk Amplifier \ ~~~ 5g_, method toasts in all the natural, rich coffee'fla· .woman's ·day 7¢ .oN SALI J s.oz. 3!:':" THE A&~ MAGAZINE . · YHUitSDA y Pork 'n Beans ~NN ,.~GE ~~~~· ·1oc B d TUr keJ SWANSON · ~ CAN '-!iJ vor., .nnd you get it I Yet you enjoy A&P Coffee's One million-dollar fiovor for only about 2t a cuP,. Try 6 6-oz. Boned Chicken swANsoN ' C:~ 35~ it today! i[ ·Horseradish i~~r~~ . 2· BOTS. 35c All Prices In This Ad Etfectlve Throuih Woodbury Soep 2 J~m 27o 3 c~~ES 2lb Mild &·Mellow · . ' ~'---.. .~... ·:. · . Saturday Octobe,r 21th ANN PAGE Noodles, J VARIETIES PK~: 25c Club Crackers HEKMAN · ~~: 33i{; Eight O'Clock~~.• ~,.·.. c Fels Instant Soap Powder · 2-l;?.t 30~ . 3-Lb. · · < , Pork:· .. 'n Beans c~~P- 2 ~A~~· 29c $~.31 t. , SULTANA ~~~~.D~ditd RED CIRCLE I ~i~:~~; IOKAR . 1·LI. Bfc 3·LII, ••• loLl, 3-LII •••• ANN MGE ao.oz. "ftc BAG $2.55 . BAG ate $2.61 . -· ,Giape ~Jam . 4 Jt:s 99~ . . . CANS. .. - .... ' . ·'' .'·· ' ''· . \ .·_ ...•' ' ~~:J. . ' 2 ; '··· '' Ingham County News October 27, 1955 tlo If llu 1111111 Page 6 Legal Notnces Delhi Township Church Notice,q Ti'IJJlf'Jnl ~e!\ltf'R 1 f II wu I Wt rlltPHd I~ ill Proceedings Jlh HI ( hill I h ul ( lu bt Lega~ ~~~otices

\II I Ill I II d ' lllfh '

Roy Dodge NS

G Posters - Banners c Walls - W1ndows

G Truck Letlerrng e Screen Process

It ' l shtll !Its ( olut Slu l1 ht '• 1II N ('ftJ)A H S !'ltl I 'I H.IS(JJI (lotlllt'lh (O\Itlt\\)

!'how H tstm OH h-!i!1:-l2 (It 11oft 0\. I l:~fd

Pennies A Plary C~n Sa:uve A lli?lt! Lef us Check Your ln~lll ancc Nncd, Now

WI I wdl happen /UU f hue? You c 1n t forn

sec n fortunr> but you c1n us fares ght II cosls

I ttl A Jo olcguord 1o r o vn >nd yo1r I 1fnoly I I r' furP w lh n dnca ' d •I m>y war h n tcry.

illlngf Lui us help you plln l \Ofnd rrogn n of'"

s r 1ncn 1 rolf c:fl )/l vor lu tidy We wr le

( 10 r 1

H. Chappell Agency l'hOJII' 0\.-l-2111

\~ eoh Sc llool c luh 11 Ill meet r n thr. J[tc•noon o! 11 \\I til LLIC y G1 11111 II AUIC Ill\' i\!J Qnrl MT s 81 ll1f'T I\Pll1P" "' L 111SI11g Mr mel l\!1 s Hal ph I'll I tnC> 5;J o[ M~s >11 M1 .mel lilts 1 hnmns Tones of Snr:nn 1 1nrl Mt mrl Mts Lnu1s R1 h !nun ot l\lason IIC'TP. S Jlurcl ~~ evcmng guests o[ 1\11 nnri M1 I ronm cl Nelson 111rl f umly Next Suncl11 the Notth Au.c hus chu1ch ts cclellrtl n.;: Is 7ith Jnn11crsm \ 1 hr.te 11 Ill 1J m01n111g attmnnon and ~,, nmg SCI VICCS Hr!l John Pllldl'll 1° tile mlniSiCJ M1 mel M1s l"lmeT Llhotl ot Pottet\llle vs1led r~t the homed 1\11 nncl M1 s C]J de !1111 Sum! ' CVCillng Mt and Mt s Dl\1 1 ell Hunllnr; ton and flmiiY Mts Russc>il liuntmgton nncl clulghtcl s ,md Mrs Vernon Snyclci lllcl son~ callccl at the home of lilt md Mrs Collins Huntington Sumb1 l~(Qnly_Piotection From Damage a e1 emng '!'he g1 oup ell c11 n:1111 's fot Chrtslm.Js Mls Eslhe! Tones M1s Rllb\ Owner Has Is _T_o Carry Nelson nncl Annnbell attenclccl the ~ro"e!ty c h JnlPJOnslup stock c 1r races 111 Jackson Sunday M1 and M1 s Lyon Jt Adequate Windstorm Insurance; and Dcnms called on Mt L~ on s Thos ~old mutual company 11 the second largest .of '" kind on the world. Sec our nearoat asent .or write direct to tho homo office - - 1 Wttlett Ilnmmnnol I '' -__._..- Hnmn1o1ul 0 tobc1 1 ' I heodote C WJ!-ir Vt\ C n e " st Ot

to~~~rle~ L [hm\ 1 \H Hnba1l 0 01o \fl Ootohct I I Mm l~n Phcnne) \:A ncy Octohct 14 Gertrude JohnRon \ !-1 Octo! c1 14 Dolor~p J oncR VR Octohet II l~ooos~ L Dnvl• 1 • Dt via Octobot l t Leo 11 lletfcl v• Octobco I I MRtY Hcmvy October H I Ingham County News October 27; 1955 Page 7 Boy In,ini'i'll In Chieng"o wishing lrnnsportntlon, plcnse Leslie Children Mlldwll Burrlld1, 10, son of Noble Road notify Mrs . .Joint Hul'flne, Mr, nnd Ml'H, Arr·hle Bltl'rllek of ltnHellnd llowrm Mr·s, Aggie Thurlby hus re· Grnnrl Hlvm· rrmrl, is Improving turned to the S, V, Lnwrencr. To Canvass for nrPorrllng In his pur·c·nts, after he· Larry Bowen Is now at Michl· home nfter spoiHiing n few dnys Leslie News lng slr11eit hy 11 enr In Chleugo, gun Slnlo university tnl Hnwley spent tlw llllll fuir· Novr.mbrt' 2. Serving Tiro LYNDEE. 7~·1ny, .John Grnf, oml Jumlly. until all are ~m·ved. ~lwnUe rorina, l~gt roJtru W. Wenger llf tiw F'lrsl Cnngrr•· Miss Shirlny 13nnnister, sister of Games will he UlHiei' tlw P. '1'. .Judy SzamJ'Pj, Dnnna SIUI'mnn, of gnlinnal ChrlsliaiJ f'lltlll'll was the hl'lilegrnom, of Rlvr!s ,June· M. Y. F. met nt the homr Mr·. nnd Mrs. Hex 13nltrl' anrl A. r•nmmlltr•r• nr Ril'lmnl J<'mh· Hosr>mar.v Smllll, Belly Smith, Mary Ellen nml Haymond !{noll Dennis ret tll'lted· to llwir home IIH• offir·ialliiJ!, l'il'l'f!,YJnllll. lion, Dluna Halcli of Leslie nn1l relp, Lennard Gylc•s, Mrs, Clnrr~ Tnnin f{olonli'll, WullnPP. Crnft Just. Stmclny evening. nr.ur Slevcnsville aflr.I' spPnrllng A W. 'J'hc 3-!lcrcr.l weL!dhig cak~ Marr, c;porgr•Pn LIIPI'hL Mill'· MrP.. ,Jolm Gmf rntei·tnhwrl IJP f;nnll,v had ns week end guests 120 W .. Maple full skirt. llcJ' vl'il of nylon 11r•l fomwrl lhe centerpiece fm• the Arthur Bardens 1 i'h,;rln 01~-7-G911 ' g[lret 1\ofr-1 .ai11, LlJHin ParkPr, Mel'l'y Go Round duh at h~r· Mr. and MI'R. Erl Hnyes, Mm·l< and wn~; finger·lip i11 lt•ugtli. ~:lw <'Ill'· huffet lnble, which was coverer! .frHitl llil~'lllOIHI, Linda 11ir11P,Y and ilfJme Saturday aflernoon. Susnn of Del roil a!Hl Mrs.• Jrn· l'il'rl II whiiP llihlt!, 1111 whir·ll ~·el· wltli II white linen doth. Green Are Installed Loi.-: \VIiilliPy; Mrs. Lucy Grow spl'nt 2 days niP Sullwwsld of Howell. J I I i 11 .11)\' 111111n'· lr>nvrs were In "'arlands nt the ow rnsl' Hll s :1111 · ·' "' Nintlt gl'arlr•, .Judy i\m!Js, ,Jim Jnst WPrk wilh Ml', anrl Mrs. .Tni\nnr Wrst of Wehhrt·ville t!Pd wilh lo\'l'l's Juu•l·: wrrP hnse of lhe ra!(e flnnhPrl hy tall I L I' QES i\llen, Cl~:~rles .i\rlnms, Ji'rnnl' Franlt F'miermuth. and Arion l'rnr·trll' attendrd tlw )ll:t~Pri, green candles. n es le IBaldwin, S!JiriPy BannislP.I', Tom 'J'hrre will hr. 11 clennlng br.e 011 limner~nmlng ul Mlelilgan Stair 1\lrs. ,Josc•pll fo'nwi 11 •y ul' Lnlngs·i Onl-nf-lown guests wen~ .fr·om J3issi'IJ, ,Jru•J Brown, Nnnrln the rmrsonage at Munilil Tues. Normal mllrge Saturrlny. They Alwnfel', California, Mr. Hnrl Mrs. Arlhur 13m·den · wnlr•r>, ,/amir• BullllC'l<, Virlde dny, NovrmheJ' 1, rrnrn 10 n. m. ~o:nw tl1r. fnothnll gnmr IJr>lween 01\emo~;. 1 n111 Wllllnmslon, .Jadts·nn, Mnson nml were instnllrrl ns worthy palrun Cnmphill, C;nnrrnn Cm·tm·, Bt•n· to · a:30 p, m. T 11oHe atlenr!Jng· nre llllnols.MIPhlgan Normal Clwrnwn, Lnurn Dnvls, Jnn<'l T/, f!'~'()lJ/RE I ~o__ tak:_u _.:_~e~--~tlnr·~~~yo~ Mr. and MI'S. GPorgr, Stlnda~·· LESLm, l\IICUIGAN- PHONJ•; ,llJ-!1-:!:ii:~ the Le~Jie high school In 195S. associate patron, .Jnml's i31Jhzicn; Raymond, Cl1arlr>s Rir·hmonrl, Pixley mel. with fmme1· r.ouncil·l Mrs. Alia ~1lrox fell.nnrl hrnlw NOW- HELD OVI:R She is employed at tho Notional conductress, Mrs, Frl'll Rou;;r; Carol Still's and Marvin Sliles; men and villuge presidents, fo·· lie!' urm Fmlny, Slw rs stnylng 11'1 G.,y! 13anlt of .Jncl lntim,lllll hrlrl~!· October 211~29 g!·oom grarl~tateclr.: fr?m .~eslw Dickinson; sePrelary, Mrs. Lrah Dalr• W;u;n~r .fn·a:l w:tllaec, Gary sewage situation recently, Mrs . .Tuy Sprugtle. lngl1 sdwol Ill, 1fb4 dnrl Is em· Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. Dnrolhy 1M :· . G .. Hn niltnn Rns· Pi.xley went on to say thnt. th1! . .l.:'l'.'s. Hicilnrrl Chlupsa has been A/P.c Guinnuc;~ l 1 village is clr.elarerl in mntemrt ViSlltng her mother, Mrs. Alfrrd in ployerl hy Blall' Auto Ports !n LaMarr; chaplain, Mrs. Ms. Mrs. Barbara Coo!Py; Martha, Evc'Jyn Gillclt, /lila Hamiltm1, into Huntoon Crerk, Should the fnm1ly all!! Mrs. Don Swunson Tochnicolor 1 people of Leslie reject the honrl[ nnrl fnmily were dinner guests of -·---- Mr.~. Bonnie Ruyle; Elef'la, Mrs., Rir·h'arrl LamiJ, JYl:1rgarr!l Smith, issue permitting t.he building o[ M 1'. :mrl Mrs. Om Bal towns, snys Olio Cnrl·jBLtt' was the installin/T,., mar· S,mrntd dllll J 1nnces 1ilnmas. other $200,000 beyoml the prn· D S h I '-:======:so~n~o~f~L~a~n:s~in~g~·------, shal and Mr·.~. Lela Arf'ilCI' was ·- posed !'ewag!' clisposal plant, il 00 r tl1e installing chaplain. 1 art c b .· would bring the total In appi'O.~i· Sixt,h Grade Hays Ml'. and MI'S. Barden werP f'S·I Novem er Is mntclv a hair million dollars. rorterl to till' East through an 1 . 30 The Semi-Annual Sale It is estimated that encll tax· Ra.lp!J, Hnrold and F'rerl Lnn<:;e honor line fnl'll1NI by their chil·r ol' D f v . payer woulcl pav an adclilinn:~l were Sunday guests· or Rirhnrd drcn: fheii' SDn·ill·lll\V and rJnugh· ate or ot1ng. lax o[ $5.50 fOJ' the general ohli· Lange, Sunduy Shows at.l'i-7-!) 1•. M.; lHolHhty af 7::11i Only ter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoggow, J Surpl~s institutional Heifers r;ntion honcl retirement pluS' $1.!i0 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hudson ~~~~r~~Jeil' lll'in sons, Lesler and' On New p1 ant hydrant rental tax for the first and Hobert II'PI'e Sunday dinner I l\IONDAY ONLY- !l:4ii J>, 1\1.- OC'I'Oil!•~n :~·1 ,JA(JKSON COUNTY FAIR GROlJNDS 5 years after the bonding issue :s guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul ,Jad,son, l\lichigan Retiring Mnlrnn, Mrs. Fayc I ,, . , .. . , passed. After 5 years, clue In lhr Hood anrl fmnily. Wardowsl\1, was prrsenlcrl her 1 l'!oHmbrl .lll ~~ I he, rlate, J~I reserve that would he built up, I Paul 'l'itus has hecn nut o[ 'l'ii!IW'mAY, NOVE!\Illlm. 3,1955 past. matron's jewel hv Mrs. Lu·j vnl111g oil 1!1e p!opos~d se11a,.,e cile Barden .. MJ's. \vanlowski rlisrosrrl plant· frll' Leslte. the general obligation hond tax Ischool for· 3 weclt of llf'll' sewer>', and w!ll time, in the village is $15 per Those who received A in spell· S!ll'ingPt's Brownlee were in ehnrge of re·j s~1·vc on!~· ~·xis Iing sr•1;•e1' usc!·s. Jhousand, This would raise il In ing were Denni.~ Warfle, Donna Hnla Ltt!-!;OSi in 5 Young Bulls frcshments. V11ingc presiclcnt. Mnrv1n L. Ptx· 22 mills. 'Tuhachkl, Harriet: J(emlrr, Glen· Mrs. Dot·o.thy CnrfPt' prrsirlerl ley, poinled oul, iHJWever, that il Tlwre will he 11n opr.n meeting lie Titus, Helen Tubacillti. Louioe 'l'hr•se hmds hm•r• all heeu c·lassiliPd I'm· i\VJ!P. nnrl nll nnimnls I ovm· Jl1e gue;;l bon](. was doubtful lila I. lllf' state would at the high school on the evening Ba_lrrl ga)'(lcning * and was especiail)' proud of Use it with Zero's Super StraorAer flowers he raised. A carpenter· by trade, he had· been employed by the Goodyear 'rire ami Ruh· .. , * Use it with direct cow to tank ho~~~ .. tw~) her Co. for 14 years. He was n member of t·he Jnr!Ppenrlent 01'· under vacuum cler of Forresters. * I Survivors include Jlw wirlow. • Adollu; a daughtei', Mrs. Rulh No Releasers needed Carley of Munith; 2 brothers, Lloyd of Plymotlth nnd June of Bnttle Creek; 3 sisters·, Mrs. * Anna Leggett of Pontine, Mrs. The easiest of all to clean! Lids go in wash tank . , . Flecla Lottghlin of Petoslre presenl. Mrs. Hnr· of M1•, nnd Mrs. Grunt Jo'cllows matmn, I•:mma Hol1hlnsi wnrtl1y ChrlfJilnn SPI'Viec, They wen: riel I(Jng was unahle lrJ altlmd anrl Kay. 'I'eachers of H.iverslrlr. mchool pnlrntl, J,nuls llnhhlns; ns:-;oc:late nslwrl lo cC'Ir.hrnte lhls monlh nt and Mrs. Iva Wilson nnw lives In Olds Road Community Mr. nnd Mrs. A. r.. J[Pm'y nf announce l.lw fnllnwlng ltnnor· nmtmn, 1\;Jill' Rr:hiillzj nssndill•: nn nnnlvr:rm1ry pHrly. Crtllfornla. Jllr·s, Elnu.•r OIIH J•'owlr:rvllirr werr. Sunday mllr!rs Auto Policy rolls fm• lhe lin; I n Wl'l'ils period: pi!tl·on, Walrln Sl.f:vr:11s; sec:relary, Twc•nl,v·one memhem nnrl vlsl· l•'nur chm·ter members of the of Mr. nml Mrs. Ji:zl'fl Wilcox. Prlmm·y Mrs. l~dna tors met nl GrnvcnbUI'fJ c:hurdt Society of :JO ,"cars ngro ure Mrs. M1·. nnrl Mrs. Or:;en 'l'nylor left room, MIII',Y l•'renr:h; tr·r::asllrr:J', Cora ·' Clnrenc:e Kemler rPI m·twd Moore lenchor, li:Jis lltn following 'l'htll'sduy nftemonn, Octobl'r' 20, Hnzel StrobPI, Mrs. lin Mr:Cue, Saturday morning In allt'IHI lu· KIll' n c• s; c:nllcitwln•ss, Helen horne ~unrluy aftr:t• sprndlllJ~ sr:v· for perfect 11llendaner•: Pntly .':;Jevcnsj n~··;cu:iato colulnctress, for Uw ocmslon. Mrs. J~mma 'I'lwmpsnn 111111 Mrs. neml sorvlcc:s for Hc1y Lanlzer ol era! WN:IIH In lhe hospllld. Ill! J;; Baldwin, Douglas Dac:l1, S;mdra Dnl'ls Bowers; c:hajJlnln, Genr!VI'il 'J'lw rlr:vrJllonal JIUt'lorl wns led Mildred North. 1111 excopt Mrs .. Cndlllne with blll'lal nl Miinlon. mucll lmprovnd. Clarl<, Howard llr:r:tnr, .ferry flh:lwn.lmn; marsh a I, .leiln hy Mrs. Vrands ,Johonnlrlrs, wife Thompson SCI'Vr:rl ns president. He was the urrele of Mrs. Tnylnr. Claim Service M1·. nnrl Mrs. flnrlow Sly 111 1rl Samson, Dlxlr• llaytcr, llamlrl Doylc:i orr~anlHI, r.rm·e Cllllcls; of lhc• rnlnlsler, wlm H(llllw n[ the Tlw annlvr:rsnry offering wns Mr. and MrH. Gerald 1\fm·lln Haytet•, ftulh Hl'tclnt', Davlrl Nor· lldiih, ,)oyer> Nnhll'i lllllh, ,Jar:ldr: llrP nf S;1rah, wife of Ahmham. lnliCil h~· Mrs. Mnxlnn Nlt:liols, nncl sons of OnorHIn lllc job for rls, Marcia Pnrr, Daniel Stlrw, Trdryi l•:sllwl', !Jt•rnnr.llnc M•·· 'l'lw f.lnl'i;wnr·cl Lnnlt Wf!lll hud1 W. S.C. S. ~i!'l!l'etary, and Its pur· and Mm, lle!'lwnl Otis nnd sons vonln. ·• · Michael Canfield, ,Johnny Doyl1•, Mlr:hi!PI i Marl lw, llr>Uiilh l~lllol I; l!'i years IH'yond llw lfi yenrs In (JCJH£! r:xplaltwd after lhr: third spent Sundny evening nl t hc• K wid ell you ilottl:ilt il, f:ilnw:; hn\\' wir:ely you plclwd your Gale Gray, Hnr.lnry Mc:Miclwel, I•:Jcc:t n, 13Pity llh hws i wa rrlr:r, l!J2!j WIWII I he lil'lit Met.itrJdlst cnnrlle Wits Jlgltterl. Names, nd· c. Otis horne. LPsllr' Ling of P~tmll vlslt•:d Janice Munro nnrl Larry f'arr. Virginia Allison; illHI sPnlhwl, 1;r·o lm;HJ 111 Mlsslnllilr.Y Suder y rlrr::;seq iiiHI hlrtiHlay lllllJiver· ftoy '!', Brown dlrocl l•'rlrlnv anrl his slst~:r, Mn;, 11ownnl Wal'i, "ilmnrl" of :tttlo irlsttrnrwt•. w,. ll'rilr! insttrunce fo1· your The following m•cmHI gmders William IUr:ltanlsm1. Puhllc! in· wns nl'l-:llllizr:rl. At that time. !lev. Hlll'ir.s of mlssionnrlcs wr:m rlis· rnncr1ll servlec•s WI'I'e Mominy nt Sur,Jr.lny. · frir:nrl:;, Asl< hi'lll llll'y l(l•c.•p cnn1i11g lmr:l< have hurl perfc!!l spr:lllng: Siill· slnllnl inn of offli'Ns of Ononcla· nnrl Mrs. Rldmrrl Terwilliger l.rihutr.rl afler ll1r: liJ.:Iiling of the tJw Lellr:ht fiiiH!l'al liomr: \villt Sr•vt•r;rl frnm the c•omnlllnlty I why to t.hiH dra Clnrl<, Patrlc:la Baldwin and set·verl tire elllll'eh and Dlmondulo. fourth r:anrllo, hy Mrs. Mildred hurial Ill. Sloclavr!. ,nexl WPI'k eo vlsll I heir l.lwit· nul.o insuni!Wl'. Michael Doyle, ltnnalrl l•:Jdns, Sl'i1nlt~. Mrs. !':rnnw ffnbhln~. A lnc·e·t·overed lahlr: wa:; cen· Shepherd of Lrwc. J'vlr:;. Doris <:Ills, ~lr. and Mrs. ltny Lnntz, at son, 1om, al Vanclel'hilt unlvr:r·l Diane Gmy, Gr.nrgr: Norris and Mrs. Genevrn Rielwrrlson, Mt·s. tercd hy a heaullflll hlrthr.lay J•;llswnt•Jh ~-:avl! The l~orwa!'rl a hlrlltda,v dinm·r· IHHHll'ing Mrs. slly. 1 Snnrlrn Parr, of tlH' ll!lr·d gmd'2i ltuhy WhlliH'.Y l!nrl Mt•s. Br:l'llil· ealw halwrl hy Mrs. Lily .!arvis. Looll and Mr~. Uclt.v Hart gave Lanlr.. r;xtenslon womell ltOIICJJ'C!d - --·------· ...... fourth grade, N1•il Mnrr, Max dine MeMlchar!l :~tlenrlr:rl lilr! 0. This was flanlwd by 2 cnnrlles ur the closing Jll'a,\'CI', her wllh a hanlPil of Mr. anrl Mrs. (;lc•nn nll'mhr:rs anrt pnHI pt·csirlcnts Iva Wilson of Turlod1, Califomia. tncl<. snn·ln·lnw and r.lnughlcr, Mr. a111l following have missPd 1111 sprll· llnrlonrl anrl f:ornily. Sunrlny Mrs. Mrs. Dora WehCI' iH l;kl< Wllh Mrs. Bill !Iuaxhursl anr.l Donna lng words on rn;tsii'I'Y lesls for ti GPIWVi••vr TrcnrlwP.II l', J)i;Jnc•, nf Olwmns mcll ninr: durin~-: church 1:ervice !511inner entertained a group of shop will be given hy Mrs. Lc:no.v For lhe ,i11nlnr llir.:ll !'1111111, Mrs. •·;tll•:rl nt the• Mnrtin lrnmc•. n1HI wn~ liilwn home. Slw is hct· !)!;inner relatives al dinnet·. Mr. Brown. Mrs. Eo,\' Lantf. is en· Helen Lynd1 r••pol'ls IIH• fnllmv­ Mt·. nnrl Mrs. rllnrlPs Mn!Jr, tet·. I ler dniir;ltter·, Mrs. l'nul aml Mrs. fo'rccl Lflslwslty W!:!re hostess. lng sturlenls lli!V<' fl''l'fPI'I ·"lw:l­ Sr., ;H·r•ornpa nlc•rl Mr·. nncl Mr~. ,)acl;sun, lipl'nt Mollfl:ty with hr:r. Lynnforrl Ad:tms was elected lng for !i wec!l<:;: 1\:m:n Bilrlnnd. l10nor gUI'Sls II t both o[ these Cliin•rw" Acllof nf M:"illll In Shr:J. Monrlil\' rvrrs. l•'ranlllin was· tal<· I•'VA sent inc! for I n::hmn enunl y. Sherron Benson, lliduml ('orsr•t·. gai.IJCririgs. They plan lo leave IJ,V on Monclav In iliiPnrl funeral en tn ~JcLaughlin lwspilal where Child{ Adams also tool; !he I rip Rodney l.• r•nlr., C:~ml Clarl;, [nt' Holbmok, Arizona, Octobe1' SPJ'Vic·es fnt' Mr•. Mnl1r's sislrr. she Is unrlcr[:oing lreulmcnl for lo Chicngo with the Ji'VA boys. Dianna Morris a11d ('ilml,vn nu,,. 2ti. ~'lr. nnrl Mrs. rl~·rll! Mnlli(IIS nf J,:IIJI SICIIH'S. Mr. and Mrs. Rn!Jer'l Foreman lap. The schol:~sl ic' lwnor rolf H' fncliilnilpnlis, fnrlinna, spc•nt SI'V· Mrs. Arlc:ne Stride ling will he Mr. iillll Mr:;. lfnrman Homt· and rlaughten; were Tue.-;dny eve­ Grand hs follows: Six I 11 grnrlr>, l1ell,\' hnstess Frid:1y evening u! this r•1·al clays l:tsl wrr:l1 vi~ilinr! lhroir ning guest:; of Mr. and Mrs. Clarlt, Donna Elllrl Opening iltlrl Mrs. Ezclla ,Jolmson of Lnn· anrl Mrs. Garth Brownlee, lws I Rodney. Lenir.. ""rsls nf Mr·. ami Mrs. l''ln.vrl end guests from Tecumseh at the Be There sing 11nrl Mr. unci Mrs. Charles been sleil from the smallpox va· f ,yke and fliP Richard .Jarvis ffl;l1. home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sanders :111d family of Lamh Hart. r:inallon. · · I The junior ldgll mom slurll'nl~ il~· nnrl tiH• Lnt'l'.l' Do.vlcs. Orlls Howe will gr.l his llnal of Riverside sold 2:1 new Hth· Mr. anrl Mrs. Jlnlwrt Bush find road were Sunday afthmnon Mr. and Mrs. llalpit Ilnrt and disr:harge papers from the air J serlptions to the l~aton Rnplrls Cnrole nnd Prte Woods sn1:nl. c:allrm; at tl1c home of M1·. and children were entertained at din· Journal in their c:ampnign whiei1 Srtnrtny in Fort Wnvne, Indiana, Mrs. ChtreiH!!! Lconanl. ner Sunday aftcmoon at the: force the 27th of this month. 1 Mrs. Robert Brat Lion and Mrs., ended l~st week. lnrlivirlual prizc:.s visilin.l: Mr·. ;mri Mrs. Thom1H Mrs. Mildrecl Nort11 altendcd home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard F1·anl< Cooper mr.:l Tuesrla,y eve· were gtvcn lo I he hP~I salesmep, I AIIHiin nnrl Mr. Au~lin'.s p;u·rnls. I he meeting o[ the Poclry Soc:icty Heinig ncar Springport. ning with Mrs. Elmer Otis to as well as a elass pnz1• fnr mnl<· llftllil' Fnwll'l' 11f. Pr:ns;ll'nl;,, o[ Michigan nt the home of Mr. Mr. ami Mrs. Hugh Angell mltlw out rc•pol't fo1· the r:oming lng their gnal of ~:1 new sui!- Jo'lnriclil, l'alll'li nn Mr. and :M•·s nnd Mrs. M. L. Slcams of Palo visited M1·. ancl Mrs. Byron Coy a scrlbers: First prize: winners GPorgr r·:ldns nnrl family la:ot Sunrla,v nflet·nuon. near PotTY and an aunt, Mrs. Ora yem· of their extension club. were Lmrla H11rford and Chat'· Snlrmlnv. Mrs. F'annic Gougeon and Miss Thornpso1;, of Webberville Sun· lvi!lene Alton from Bay City, lotte Johnson. Sharing :-;econrl Mrs. 'nPr~ic J{eclf'r Anrl Mrs. day afternoon. Wh'l d 0' l • l prize were LRrry Pill'l', Dinnna C:rrtir ,fl!flnv wr:rc l•'rirlnv rlinn•!r :-;pcnl from fo'rirlay till Sunday ill Mrs. Merle Colvin from Cflli· I c og IS nc Morris, Rodney LPntz anrl Con· guests of Mr. nnrl Mr~. Ford Uw homes of 1\1 rs. Fred Strobel fornla nt'l'lverl Monday afternoon !\Irs. JU. v. Uullm· nie Gray. Tile . rnnrn l'l'aliz~·rl Kr:eiP.r nf Ealnn Hiipids. and Mrs. Lily .farvis. al th~ home of Mr. and Mrs. $17.50 nn tllC PI'IJ,IP.CI. Mrs. Clare Sholwell of r:rern Mrs. l~mma Thompson was a Hugh Angell. Mrs. Hurtus Alles, Mrs. Paul Mrs. Btu:ton Ba~rll1•in, Ononrl:i- ville, formerly Ann 1\ilhurn, rlintll!l' r;uest Sunday nfternnon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Janecl

'l'he nation's first · · regular.ty ·;.P.X. Stores scheduled a lr passenger .service BUD'S AUTO .PARTS originated . in Michigan In · 1926 · Mason . •; :: when Stout Air Se~:vlecs began 2 Miles South ofHolt: round trip flights dally between ...... · . . ... ,> : .' ...... '. •' .... .\:.!t~+'~::±-~~.;;_~~--:---~...:...... :....~~----....:..-....:..~1 ·Petroit and Grimrt· R

'J'mtJ'H Uf OIIIUJIN - 1101 1'1'• IUOI'Ii4l. Superior General at Maryknoll SJledlll~••·~ iu I hn llildwn.

JIJOi'll 1.1'111 fl II IIIII JIOi!ll',\'! Will Prea(h Dedi(atory Sermon 11,1' I•:Lt\llm Wlll1'11 twlltlduns le11perl nn llif! L'[llsode, The Most Reverend Raymond of ;rc•tlvlty nnrl experience In the iUid tllfllll I'I'HN8 Assol'hallnn prnml~lng that Irnm's program A. Lrtnc, M.M., D.D., superim· l~at• East have !crt him deeply Pnlltlcnl emharrnssments lllll'l' woulrl he .tunlwrl. · Boo, lwo! Otll' tears r·an n without a fac•e on each side of me general of the Mai'Yi(noll !•'at hnrs, Impressed with the problr!mS heen tnltlng the piny away from utrcam down our frl, "Evc>ryborly's ol't' hnlnnce ll's huc!n 11 hc>!'\ie autumn fnr r·cc:nnl, yrHI r·arr lw s11n• that sqwclt In the mlrlrlle of tile onion my hnrHI. 10:30 a. m. peeling pnrl. They must have Somn rlay r will lH! nhle to turn lu lire Far Easl. People are nsk- SC't'l'l'lury of State ,);rrncs ~J. l!iri'C!'s Pl'ograrn will IU~I'r!r he Crt· Blsl1op Lnne was n .raprurese lng; 'Where arc tl1e Amerimns HarP. H('IPrl," been cxtm slrong for I never nl'llunrl swiftly unci not full over prisoner at a cnmp In Szepingl<~~l, cried Jll I· ·I pnlrs of feet 1my own in· going, wlwl do they IJellevc ln'!l '' l!r• fll'oprwerl his "II stc•ps In liP arlnrii!Prl tlrnl 1\nvunn,;rh 6., Northern Manchuria, illll'ing rnosl ~t,,_lng them wlwn the girls c•ame In !'lllrledl; \Vhc>n I lay down a Tlw bishop slated llurt America's ltlt;liii'IIY snfety" 111 11 pnlnt WhPII was orrly onp of :t,lliiO,IIIIO rlr·lver~ of the war years 11p until V·.r answer musl C'Oine in terms nl' IIIH• puhllr• wus gr•nPI'allv eon· in Mlr·hlgmr. Oih<'rs snlrl II would nnd they begged mP In lei lhmn utr•nsil It will he them when I Day, August 14, ln·l:i. Jle was help•..• there Is ahsoltltely liD\ II· turn nrounrl; 'I' here will be no social .Justice in the international t'PI'llPd nhnut the sluughier on hP ".lust too poiltiPal" tn serap elected head nf the Mal·yllnoll spiH'I'C', "Put your·sel1•es In thri !liP llll(ilWII,\'s, pnriPI'tion for 1ill' ollwr 2,flrJ!J,fl9!! log they lllrl Jac·es will nash In the Orient nnd his many years We• losl that war. We we1·e R"rnphcd this sumrncr in Greece by Mlchigun CUOI' Director II r•nnln 1nr.rl a pr·opo~11l for II II \'lolalm In Ionia Ol' a lmffic QVCr to the IH'f(l·llOt·frfnrJ!'l' sJric. fll'fOI'P. 111C!, muted. Tlw Chinese still say 'We Uuss Hnrhlcr. llrrrn in Alhnnla. of Greek descent. they cume stair• ;:)'SIPm of rh·lver license ex· c·op mistnHirorsloml. l!ul lhP nr~t It would satisfy some urg-e anrl heal t!IC! Arnerkans.' TIH• funrla· to loanninu, Greece, with their Jlotrcnts whrr chose to become arniners, supplanting lt)('ill offi· n•port \VIIS tllitl rrnrP W/1~ flnert 1 But even tlren !hey were inll'r· I don't lmmv hnw this is going sense of independence and free­ estcd unrl by-my-side SJH•r•talnrs. to sourrd in print! But It's what mental problem in Asia is tilL' refugees instead or Ji1•ing uncl,•r a l'<•nples Htute dictnturship, c•ers who for ye;m; have ifiiHIC'd Ji. for a parking violation, lciPntlfh'rl dom. Necessary to them to then In fact, thcrP arc some t;rsi(s I I llr•lievr\ If girls woulrl work a riglrl of humnn beings to exlsl. 1\lr. llnrtzler surveyed t:I!Ol' fnrul distribution channels in c·enses. hlmsc>lf and IIH• ti••kt'l was torn settle down to the restrict ions We ili'C not dninr: anything In a Europe and the Midrlle Hast. He fnunrl that emergency needs Slwl'iffs. under llre hl'fore from up. 'l'hr limr was :UlK p. Ill. on a don't !mow hmv to do properly J while• lldore 1hey were married that married life contains a lot hlg- way to remnvc lhe pi'Ohlern: in these t•ountrics dcoer11l on u.,. l!l,ii ('1:01' fuurl nppcnl. l'Pformers wlw believncl :1 pnlili· Frirl;ry, of. More truth than poet r·y! uf foorl anrl ovcr·pupulatirm.'. dan enulcl never· ad<'qualely en· !Tare snirl nl i11al PXild minute I!ut we aren't ull alilce, th<1nk We've clonP nothinr: to solve it." Lellers lo JEc/ilor 1 al\ad(s 011 Mac.:Al'lhm· were made frn·ce the lm~. ~ver~e lnc·PnsPtl. I1P was lnlkinv wilh n l'r•pnr!Pr in goodness! 13ishop Lane, n vetemn of many for llu• rlelihemlc purpose of dis· . . Ills Lansing offi<'P, :r; rnilrs from ,\'l'an:' rnlssionnry service in I d lrar:ting allenllun fmm the truth. AI 11 IO<'PIIIlg In the r•apllnl, To!1}11 • , C'lrina, ilarl some ldcas on the ( ar Y Praises legion It ~~ to be regretted llwt these they pinned Hare's ears bar·k, r.l<•· IIH• lrwull'n\ nlitriP lhr heari- Formosrrn issue c:entnrerl annmd The Arnerir·;rn Legion nrlnptc•rl f;H'I~ \I'C'I'l' not rnndc public ·cars Imnndlng lh~t 1;r fl\ove that ~~~- IIIli'S, 0 ~ r·olll'SP, anrl I ill• dHlllCI!S 1 t . ~. compclerwe In lrct'nsmg wus kill· of If:ll'f' s progr11rn 1111 :tr•r•mnula- Book Talk llrc• lslnncls of Qucmoy and Matsu sever·al resounding resnlut Ions ago: .\\ c~ ~·;.mno 11ave 111 1c• 11 rgcn 1 ing people on the highways. linn of ir!Pns l(allic•n•rl nvrr 11111 11oura open l1> l.hc rouhlln nt. 111111 ;1nrl the eiTcct that America's' resolutions at Mimni. The LPgion rlet·lsrons II we rio not lrve only lhe rlrsiWIIPst pnlrtr· lhn sheriffs nncl other !om! offi. "I c•pr\ainlr IH•I"' this Vl'r\' Ien- 12::111; Sntur fill'llll'r· too few The library sends notices to and on the other arc the be- other· conferences rested squarely for 3 years. was lgnor·ed. dollars for tilt' wnrl< put Into fl borrowei'S who have not returned !levers. One pretends and actual· on the shoulder:s ol Roosevelt -·------II bor·e the name of Thomas crop. their books on time. The libmry ly docs not. upl1olcl something and Truman. Sl!rratot· Lehman Tl1ere arc about $2'7ii million M, Kavanagh, of Car~on Cil,l', Qualit~· ll;rs hr•c•n rr~;H'IH•cl, he Is not obliged to do this, as It is lil;c mrmllity in international af· ~ust have known he was not ~ell· worth of house trailers sold who now is the s1nte's attorney. said, and nnw IIH• emphasis the borrower's rcsponsihilitv to fain;, The other is the all-out lng the truth when h_e publwly yearly in U. S.-and one out of gcnernl, lhe chic~f law officer in should be plac<•cl nn mnvinelng keep track of the bool out fear of blackouts. t also means haying MICinGAN WATER WONDER· man, he Is the owner of a dry· t LAND will be avnllable. cleaning plant, as well as a retall ·enough outlets, lights and switches· to AU braneh libraries have de-· fur shop and storage vault at ·make it easier. and convenient to use elec­ scrlptlve catalogs of the fllms and Marshall. He · was married In dates for scheduling. · Ingham 1932 to Margaret Beattie, a na· .,Ticity when and where you want it. Ask county groups may botTow any tlve of Scotland, and has one ·any wiring cqt1tractor or builder .to explain of the films for a.small fee. The son, George Edward, who Is 12 films cannot be used by schools, years . old. The family holds the advantages of·moden1 Adequate· Wir- however. membership ln tlie ·First Meth· . ing ... oi·. consult Consume1·s Power Com· MLA Conference odlst church of Albion, and Ris· 1 , Michigan Library Association tow Is a member of the Albion ..... :pany.:._ You·glad you did!· con1erenee started yesterday, at Rotary cluh. : ~: J '' I ~.:·. :_ ',: f ~.'·;·, • ' the Hotel Olds In Lansing, and Hls interest in the Masonic PE 0 469~ 30 will ·continue through Saturday. fraternity became active In 1939. ·stop In and see the exhibits and and he is a past master of Murat t~P,I~ ~ prog~Rm ?r 2. . . Jo_dge ·!If o.l~ nt Al~l~IJ.·. · · ' Tnstallnllon of '' new howling Ingham County News October 27, 1955 Editorials nlley~ lm\'e been complered nl Mns1>n Jler:rentlon, Now I he 3 Down by the ulle,vs from Ihe n I'HI nom• locn· lion urn h1!1ng mnverl to the ~e1~· ,------·---··------...... ---. A Logical Conclusion nnd nonr ulonr:sldc tl1c new ul· SYCAMORE Jeys. Members of Mason's city council, after• u week of con­ Cnrpnrnl Dnnnn Hntemnn IIIIH l'lllltution and dellberation, voted 7 to 0 uguinst: lifting the rellll'ned In Mason nfler :1 yl'nrs ban on stock cal' t•uces at: I he foh·groundfl tmr.k. Their de­ Brother Pnul L. Amold cnme this yenr the Chrlstmns HniC!s nrc wllh the WAC, most nf II In cision is logico I. up with n. solid chunk of phlloso· expected In t•e:wh 110% lnstontl of J?rarll'l!, phy Sunday, He pointed out that Ins I year's 'ifl, so ill' II er lmy I'Lirly, " 20 Yl'ru·s Agn-.l!l:lll Councilmen are no! oppo!'lecl to enl:et·l.uinment, even auto­ mnsl: people, hwlurllng lenf!iwrs At H o'elrwk Sntur!lny night mobile races us enterlainmrml. 'rhet•e we1·e ju:i1. too many themselves IWem mnst: concernerl .Earl Snllsillll'Y wns among illn snmemw shol 111111 I>IIIC!rl Bert disadvantages- more I hun the mivuntnges, over slnnrt'urds .~et fnr teachers mnumers Sn IUI'!Iny whnn I hu Wchh, IH, In his ofTku li miles and texts. or fill' more const•· foolhnll team l'eprrscH.IIIng . hiH Wr In llw Ill<' dll!·wrlptlnns gil'l'll by Mn;, wouldn't compr.nsnte for I he nlli~;aJH'f' nnrl inconvenience Illinois marching hunrl. Tlw ,VPar Weill>. eaused those who livf' nrorby. Yes, II: takes 2 In ll'ar:illng- he liltes to rememhPJ' lwst wns AfiPI' llrsl Hrioplliilf n re:mlll· the teaclwr ami the pupil. 'J'he when he orgnnlzerl n pnrty to go tlo11 pmvlrllng fnr ~lllnt'Y in· Them nt•ci Jhpse wlm ~ny thut tlw city ought to sur­ best. teacher In all tlw world will nil the way to ChnmJlRign In sc•l' Pl'l'HHe~, JngillliTI ~IIJlPl'V)SOrR l'f!· render jul'isqlct'u)n~ Jrt~ the eounty inas1m1Ch as the property lw wasting his lime If his pupils Michigan and Illinois piny. nr:rl I'OIISJJiei'Pd JJilr) Ihrn J'PSPllldPrJ easiest wa~~ Is owned hy the COL\nty, And I iwrP m·r! ot hm·s wi1o say, "The ure ff young people Grnnge tool< the l>lrllfll'f mH.l IVPnT thP original rrsnl11lion. racE> track wns ther·e wlwn the pPop!e in .Jewetl fillbdlvision today don't lmow IJOW to spell OJ' for u lotlr•hdown and ran up nml J'Vtr·. :null'l1r;;, e:n·l~·le Waltz llnrl read or wr·lte, lhP.n II muld be down the field nil afternoon. and on Hall boulevu rd buill I heir hom•~s. Tiley shoulcln't: ldr.i' ~on nf NllPs ,;prnt tilf' \Vt'PI< l'flll there is to thai the tear.hera are nol lo will! 1\11'. aml Mrs. l'llut• Vaughn, b"'Cnuse It will hC' llsNI once a wrrlc" blame, 'J'he fulJlt l'nllld rPst wll h Wali.f1J• Ctlt'ven en l'l'illd his lll'irh• ov••r th" lhr,•shold of lhr>IJ• IIPW thr> purPnts of Mr;;. Wnllz. It: Is WPIJ to J'r:>membet• that the lnml was nevel' purchusrd l'lte l1nys and gh·ls and t11eir pnt·· Mason hPol Htl\VPII 1~111 In font· IHJIIll'· on Oansvllll' l'llnd ~lorulny I do your for a race track. It was ptu·chnsed J'OJ' a p:ll'k and fnl' a fnJ•m euls. If the youngsters wm·e lmll i''rldny. given thl' right incentives nt afternoon nnd they Hir'llt. thl'l''' on which county jail pi'IHonet·s woulcl work. The building of fm· flw first; flmr iHondlly nhrhl, Ollvc>r W. Mnlnr wn~ t•IPI'Ir.rl the race track came along with WPA. home, the propel' dlsr.lpllne and for tlw 22nd tlnlf' :1s roJil'l hnusr f'ncourugement, many would he Prnplt! whn wnnl to !mow llw .lnnltoJ', honking: .• "But otheJ' towns hove tmcks scheduling automobile eager to lenJ·n. l~vrn If their renson fo1· promoting 4-J·f hP£>f i :!II \'J'UJ'H Ag·n-11121'; teachers lueked n rlegree m· If races,:• people ask, "why shouldn't Mason?" projecls run find it t·lglll nn lhl•ll' 1 A Mnson Pnulti'Y assnr'iation lhe texlbool>s went back to the TheHostings t.t·uck is 2Y:: miles out of town. Owosso's plates nl. lhr:> Ste\'1!11~ '1'. Mnsnn lws hern nt'gHnlzPd with IC A. McGuJTy IYJlP, Ihr young8II'I'S cnfelerin In Lansing. Gust tllld %Immerman, p J' <' s i rl e 11 1; Paltl is 6 miles. away. The CupitoJ City tr·uck h; 6 miles from Lrul­ woulcl Jearn, lleraus£! they would .· Steve Melllns hough! a lot of I he RowP, vlr~P·; a Jill Mar BY MAIL! sing. Jacl(son had a tracl< fot· aulomnhii(' t•acing and it was he ( . I enget· to learn. And when prl1.e 1·H l1r.ef nl tlw stnlr! shnw Vnng!Jn, li'c>aslii'PI', In :Jrldltlnn tr, . '"':":·.--· .-·· linnlly moved outside or town. Saginmv has a tt·:.wl< inside 1'111Jdren. m· anyone rise Is l.'ager· '\ nnd nre Rt>l'vlng It now in nll rlfl'lem·s, olill'l's n11 tlir limll'fl of I the cityond it. is o continual sout·ce or enmplainL to leiJI•n they can uJwriys lenrn styles. Il's clrllriom:. rlii'P.t'lnt·s am Mt·;;, W. L. Clintwy, snmel illng from evf'rynne . 1 Op11n frid<~y Niqhh Until 5:30 .. . Automobile race tracks rlo not belong in nny town. , H()WJI!'II Coy, .1. HPIIhmllll!l' and Lansing wouldn't permit such n condition. · Thet•r. was anotl1er angle to the Bryce. Hill ~f M,~!;o~: a ~wm·Jm~r: Mt·s. Leslie Palrm. Prof. C. 1~. preacher's philosophy. 'l'huL wos membm. of ~1. 1 ,rul s Lplsrop.ll 1 C:ml of tile M. s. c. ponltry rle· ·"But the county owns t11e pmperly nnrl I he fair board ehurcl1 Ill L~nslng, Is .rrg:_u·dr.d ;:s pnrtmenl addl'essPd the group :1! controls the falrgl'OUilds," people insist' 'l'llc fail• board ha::: thul. peoplr. who maim I he excuse they can'!. understand the ·Bible an authorlt~ on tile lm;tm yof}H>~ the r)l'ganizatlon mreling. th~ same J•lghts In the county J11'opeJ•ty I hat othe1· owners ore actlwlly confessing they laclt church and the Church nJ l•.ng· Sam Bullen, Mason high srhool have in t.heh· propeJ1.y- no more, no less. '!'he owners of basic lcnowlfdge. :.J'hey need to land. student, playr.rl hr~1· violin al the otl)er propet1.y have no right to usC' it. fm· the harm of others. learn fundamentals. .1 ust as a Uav11 yon stopprd UIP rirl'nla· I Lansing Musle Teachers a~sod· Th€'county has no rights superior to t hnsP of owne1·s of ad· student of cQlculus ancl tt·lgonom· Uon of an Ingham f'OJ!IIty lihra1-y atlon l'er:'Jtal at St. Pauls Guild jotning prope11.y. etry must start with the,multipll· hook, B~Uel' loolc. on the ~IHllf' hall. · ·. Neighbm·s l1aw no vAlid complaint ove1· the noise and cation · tnbles. Too inniiy people amt if you find onP gf't. 11. )ial'li Rrp. George M. Long of Grn· confusion which distm·hs theil· neigh bm·hoocl for a week of the today arP permitted ·to sltlp I' he before ganb'TI'.ne ~f'ts in. tlot. collllty, hi;: wlfr anrl :l county fair.· They do have reason to pt·otest over· pt·ospects fundamentals. Thus they are not ' r.luughtet·s or nroighhot·s . were l~llled Sunday nflm·nonn wlwn for noise and confusion one o1· more nigh Is a week dur·ing the In a position to leam. We have raised thP · qnallftcn. Tile Good Long's l'ar wn~ l1i1 by an Intel'· entire summer, noise and confusion·y for a pro­ lll'bn n n 1 Sp1·ingr1' mad crossing tion.~ of teuclters 1\1111 gone motel' to gain a little prof'i I. ju~t. nnrlh of Mason. to gl'l'llt lengf;h to lmprovP tPxts. Raim' anrJ cnlrl wratllet• lwve [)isadvantagt>:; of an antomohile speNlway within 1l1e But there'll be no P•tyoiY 1mtil we Old Days city outweigh any possible advantages. City councilmen fm·nlsh better shull'n(.s, It HOnnds damaged l.ngharn crops, Fm·rnPrs One VPI\1' A!;'o hnvP berm unable to ha1·ves1 IIH!h' 1 reached a logical decision. rensonuhle. • ' I , , ' PaL Rosehury wns rmwnrrl mrn. Much of tllf' br.nn ('J'OP lws Here's what .T. Eclgnr Hoovm· Mason footlmll f!Uef'n in C'f'J'r· )H'!en l'llinrrl. has to say about Sunday school monies hel'nre tlw Mnsnn-Hnll iiO Yl'lli'S Ago-Hlllf\ Changes on the Farm pupils: Shall I mnke my child go fnotlmll gamr. 'l'lw Ypsilanti Jli'r rlepat·tmrnt tn Sunday school and church? 1'hlevPs t•nldrrl 1hP pnlllll'Y hns !Jnugh 1 fo't':Jnl< U nrlr~I'II'OrHI's . bown on the fa1·m brings up nostalgic thoughts to many. Yes! Ai1d with no fnrthPr discus· flock· nf Brrl Warnrl' on ~'olllh large dwstntll gelrling, They believC' that rm·ming offet·s the simple life, where events sion about. lh£> matter. Stnrtled? ~!reP I. Dlllnrrl Onlinr!, 2: II \:0, is h~elt follow familim· patJeJ•ns, where theee is little change. Why? How do you answel' Junior Leaders nf both pnr·tiPs lwve in Mason with his ownm·, O;~vlcl 1 when he comes to breal fire and lilf' rlend Mrs. Charles C. Gt•in'in nnd mentiocal corn. Now with new eot·n hybrids and potent fer­ No. 4 and No . .11 greens at the end of I hr. tunnPl. Mnrgt1eril'e .and Hrsnlvn linve 1'1'· tilizers, this section of Michigan p1·oduces fa1· more em·n tha11 Mason golf cour~e will have to • Montie Woodard retumecl from turner! frnm Chicago. Ingham County News Classifieds:. be ·moved to make· room for new it. can use. 'rhat's why thousands of govel'llment storage the north Tulwlay with a .10-pninl George Shaw or lnghnm town· US·127. If you have any sugges· 1 huts have been built. That:'!-1 why many more thousands of buck hroughl. down hy hrow :mrl ship hils heen appoint rei jnnitnt· tlons, notify He1'man · Fiebig .at arrow. or llw cnul'l house at M:1son. SELL! huts are going up on fanns. Tlley'1'e to hold t11e corn that Mason gal! course or Charlie 1 Michigan feeders don• L need, eom pmducecl umle1· govel'li­ Ziegler,· state highway commls· ~------·------~~~~--- ment~suppm1: prices ... slonet·. They're the men wlJo'll do . . These giant elevators at Blissfield and Maumee are tak­ the moving. · · · · ing wheat and corn that once used to pass through local ele­ Winter· wheat, .wiU1 all the rain vators first. Some of it still does. But when the seaway is nrul warm wentlu~r, never looked completed the grain may all go to poJ'I: elevators by. farm better than it did Sunday. truck,· by-passing local elevato1·s and the railroads. Whether lhe Moslemile is pub· ·: · Once there were beet sugar refineries scattered all Jlshecl by the Shriners or by o thJ'ough lower Michigan. Lansing's l'actm·y has been dis­ Mohammedan, here's a ·piece muntled. So have other factol'ies. Fl'Dm as far away as that's worl h rending: "Take time Howell suga1· beets are now trucked to a giant loading dock to live, my fl;iencls.;'l'alw lime to work-it is the pdce,.of.':"success: at Mason and they go all the way to Cal'O. ·· · !: : ·. : .•: •. .' .. 'fo the may. who~~*l~king taie time lo live, my Those good old days down on the farm that so many friend," people long for are idle dreams. Thet·e is· no place for idle­ :}-'>And what you're missing is more th'an _.)--;:;:.Surely you don't want to miss the de~ ness on any farm today. Farming is big business, with some­ Do you wonder why greeting card cabinets occupy prominent ~'maybe," it's for sure-if you haven't yet pendability, the over-the-years economy for thing new developing every dny. Look about you. See the space In stores? In the United changes. States last year 35 biJllon of those visited your Dodge truck dealer. which Dodge is so well known. cai·cls were sold with sales _...._ amounting to $253,000,000. Forty. :.)';:::. Do you want to miss. a rock-bottom price? -/';::.You don't want to miss Dodge safety­ eight per cent of the sales were Mason's Halloween· Program Perhaps you haven't realized that Dodge which includes the biggest wrap-around wind.: I •'Hiu· Christmas greeting cards and ' · · ···In scores of_ t.o>vns next Monday night property will be tmcks actually cost less than you'd pay fol' shield of any truck on the road, the shortesl; damaged, boys nt\d girlswill be injured and there may even corresponding models of most other mal{es. turning radius. Or Dodge superior cab comt~;.:ti.' be trf![flc deaths resulting from Halloween pranks. Young­ •.. J.'OrwarD d Loo Ir sty1" mg. . '." lht!,,, . sters m those towns won't have half as much fun as they do :>~ Do you w~nt to miss power so high it lnMason. leads the field? Consider·this: with engines of ;.)>;.In short, you can get a whale of a lot · Mason has d~veloped an outst-anding Halloween pro· gram. Boys and girls look ahead to having fun together. 169 to 175 horsepowe1·, Dodge overpowers euP.ry more truck for a good deal.less money· than. other leading. make of true!~ in the low- 'and you think! Stop in and see your Dodge truck 'fhey enjoy the parade. They have fun planning their cos­ ,-~ t\,tmes and they Uke the competition and the prizes for the ...\l me~.iW:n-t.onnage fields. denim· right away-don't miss anytJting! b~st costumes .. are fireworks and other ·entertain­ (J Mobil heat- ment. And· they like the favQrs and the refreshments. ( • ,,., • I •• lou"! HI•I•OOI. 1111 .··. This year Maso11 is staging its' 24th Halloween party. There has· been an entire generation reared here, without what has become Halloween vandalism elsewhere. The trick - or treat nuisance has not taken root in Mason. Youngsters .·l&t.CBtt1~-"· ' DODGE Jnh Ratt~c! TRUCKS know· that it itm't in the Mason tradition. . · . · · ·W!r WITH ,THE FORWARD LOOK~ · . , · For. 23 y,ars Ma8on business men,· led by the Kiwlmis 7 club. have presented a .constructive program which offers (NMpt~ \ .. youngsters than their parents .and grandparents ,ever had soaping windows, tipping over privies and other- ·.- .wlse . · .property.. We. now have our own tradition ., ' . '•-; PHILP MOTOR SALES Is up to all of us of all ages to see that the ···~ ,., ~··ai.UI.IIJII is upheld next . Adults can help by .·.·r:lb:. SERVIrlrllng nnnlvcrsnry. Tlw celr~- mnny nice glfls. Meets at School Mrs. Robert Sawyer of Ithnea Miller, Mrs. Clyde Howiell, Mrs. 1ness meeting, Mrs. Moore gave £tttondorl funcml _scrv,t~us fo.r Ot:· Mt·s. Elsie I~rct::t' unrl Miss Or· I hrntlon \VIIS g!vron nt the fnrm were Sunday visitors of Miss Idn son Horton at Flint l•IIdny after- rene Freel' spent. till! weelt end hnme of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Delmar Regular mer.tlng of !he PTA Harold Wing, Mrs. Jeurl Mc:Cni.Je, highlights of llw county convcn· noon, They also visited Mrs. Allen with Mr. ·unci Mrs. Charles Can·. The 10th unnlvcrsury of ,lhc Walker. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Norris, tlon after which Mrs. Elmer was Thursday evening at the Hartshom of Durand on lheh· Schench of Otw hunrit'Ni·lifty relntlvcs unci United Nations wns celebrated at Mr. nnd Mrs, ,James House of Mrs. David Woods and Mrs. Gil- !~rosl presented the program. J~var·t. I. '!', A. S. by a program' iJpon· sehool. 'l'lle hu~lneRs meeting was Jacltson called on Mrs. Fmnces way home. Mrs. George Vugt, Sr., spent a rrloncls were prr.senl nt the rccep. presided over hy thn president, bert Glover attended Ol~S County The Novemher meeting will be sorerl hy the F. H. A. lllondiiY Ncbclung SundftY. Association ut. Mason Sntunluy. ut the home of Mrs. George Vogl, Mt·s. Lyle Campbell and Mrs. few days last WCL'il with IH!l' sis· tlnn ft•om fltrwl\hrlrlge, .Tad

Fellowship Group Has Regular Meet Introducing a Big and Vital 4~door Catalinas! Methodist Youth Fellowship gathered Swulay evening at 7:30 General Motors "Automotive First" at the ehurch for their regul~r meeting. There were 18 members present' and 2 sponsors. New St mto-FI igh t 11 yd ra-M utic* coupled with The first pHrt nf the meeting J Pontiac'.~ new 227 ·h.p. Strato·Streuh V .[J rltJ!ivers was used for discussing plans for the booth to he exhibited at th~ all-new performance so TWW and dramatic it mnst Chelsea home f<'>

Nel~nn!i' naug·htr!l' Is \V1~d Mr. anrl :\.Irs. Cnrl Nelson anr.l famil~· attendrd the wedding Clf their daughter and sister, Clarice, to Millard T~rlwarrl Waddell nt Balt.imore, Ma•·yiand, last Sunrla~· In the Baptist chapel at 5 p, .111. The bride Is a gradunte of ITAS, class of 1951, and has since been stationed at Cambridge In the WAVES. Mr. Wndrlellrecently re­ ceived his discharge from the army and is n clvillim policeman. The newlyweds will reside In Baltimore. While the Nelsons. were on their tr·ip they visltP.d Mrs. Nelson's brothel'·in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Duskey of Waldorf, Maryland. Dansvl!.le Methodist W. S. C. S. will have its annual bazaar Sat· urday, November 5, at the town If Ws a hardtop, Pontiac has it /or '56 ... with Two· Two-Tone color combinations. Name your own ticket A tonent of smooth, eager, split-second power . hull ..Fish ponds, apron sales, par­ cel post and a baited goods sale do~r and Four-door Catalinas in all three series! . on yom· favol'ite type of interim· luxmy-and get it impatiently awaits only the nudge of your toe to will be among the activities. Cof­ And if you like yom glamom· in great big pack­ fee and· doughnuts will be served in one of Pontiac's 32 choices. bla..:c alive with the grcate.~t "go" on wheels! throughout the ufternoon and a runner will be served from 5-7 ages, Jll'cpare to lose your heat·t to Pontiac's all-new But fot· all its distinctive glamour, the keyword And the security of big brakes and easy, instant p, m. ·Four-door Catalinas-hardtop styling at its low, wide . 'Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Harrison of for the fabulous '56 Pontiac is GO! Its heart-lifting handling givt~:s the clue to the greatest .~a/ety ever Dearborn were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harrison. and· handsome best ... in tht·ee models, tht·ee price style foretells breath-taking action like you've ncvei·. built. intu a car. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yaeger cif ranges and two wheelbases. East Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk known before- exclusively yom·s ft·om history's Why not make a date to send your spirits soat·~ Ottman of Grand Raplds,and Mr. Pick your own particular spot m the rainbow and Mrs. Floyd Mitchell were en· highest·p~wered Strato-Streak V-8 and the incompat·· ing? Come in and sec and dl'ive the fah11lous '5'6 .. tertalned Sunday at dinner at the and it's yom·s in one of Pontiac's 56 solid ot• Vogue home of Mr. and Mrs. George able smoothness of Strato·Flig;ht Hydra·Matic. Pontiac with America's greatest performance team. Mitchell In honor of the Blst birthday anniversary of George •..l,a P.t1ra•CII>I upliu,. Mitchell. .. ·· Mr .. and Mrs. Earl Dickerson ~- and fumlly of Vantown, Mrs. Aubrey Alexander of Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor and fam· · · The fabulous fly and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bat­ tlge and family were guests· .at ·' · dinner Sunday of Mr. and .Mrs. '56 Glen Sharland~ . ,· . · · Mr. and· Mrs. Lloyd · Hayhoe • : .. nd Mr. and Mrs. Leon· Ketchum 1. 111id family were Sunday .dinner .I guests · of Mr. and. Mrs. ·Lloyd Hayhoe, Jr., of Bell Oak it\ honor of· the fourth birthday unnlver· liary of John Hayhoe...... · · and ' Mrs; Edward Eldred · of Pontiac 'were Sat· o:n:uu,,.,.· . ; guests of . \ HOWARD. . . . ' ' ' . ' PONTIAC. ' . ' . ,:·:,. . ','• '' lnoholll County News October 27, 1955 Page 4 .-..--- ...... - Dansville Helen Young MA 3-3931

\'oulh Jl.ILIIy IH Plann~l A lllstrict: youth rally tot• FMY SPAM Second UNICEF mcmhers nncJ Iheir friends will he eoncluetecl Sntul'lluy evening, Oe· Is Planned for tohm· 29, at: the Free Methodist l'iHII'ch of Peny, .Tames Munola, Jlmfessor of soclul studies of 39c Dansville Youth Spring Arbor college will be the J~or llw sc•r•nJHI yen1· tlw dill· ~prmlwt·. 'rhere wlll also he spr· rlrrm of the comrnunlly will hnve dnl music hy u quartet ft•om tlw co!IC!gc. The Hl!l'VIre will begin nt 11 UNTCEJ? llnllrJWC!I.'\1, The slle· Swiss or Cube l'f'SS nf the pi'O.II'ct. lust yrar In· 7::10. •rrnnspot•tnt!nn will lm spJt•prJ IIIP Wnmun's Sol'lr!l)l of flll'lliHill'd for all yoUllf! prople Christian SPI'VIr•!! unrl tlw Dm·<"ns wlm tiPsl!·e In nttrncl, hy calling rirrlr with tlw lwlp or otltPI' eom· fle1•. If. E. Mnnre, munily rll'gnnlzntlons to HJHlllsnr . It ugnln. l S , Cl 5 II STEAK Nrxt Mowlny C'Vrning, (Jcolohrt• emor ass e s 31, nt ii n'£'1rwlt, nt thr sounrl of Ch ' t ( d lhP Sli'I'II lhP I']JiJdi'l'll \I'Jih tltrh• rJS mas ar s cnnl.9lrl'H, will l'lng- door lwlls MPmhr1·s of the RPnlor r'lnsR tl.llrl nslt fo1· r'ollll'ihutions to hPJp a1·e busy with Christmas rarcl or· the unclm·rn·iviiPgPrl l'hllrh·en of rlm·s. Ordrrs· for nil Imprints lb 59c the wnrhl. must hr in hy nrxt wrrlc in or· M1·s. Vlneent Carlr!n is nt•lin~-: rlr1· fm· rlelivery...... ~ ns g1mrrnl ehait·man. OtiWI' com· The first paper drlvr nclt!'d the ...... mittel'S are as follows: entPrtain· c•lnss a consldm;a]ll!!' .'sitm of mr.nt, Mrs. Hoylyn Miller anrl mnn!!y. Clwrles Weel ~ll!st ones. At 7 o'clrlf'l< I on. Friday PV~nin Nov~mbt:,. 1R thP sh·r>n '':'II s•H~ 1111 :~g:~ln amltlw 'with a rnatlnre ~~rfoi·manC'l' o1; dlildr••n Will gainer at .the sdwolj Thursday nfll'rnoon, Novr>mhr.t· ·'· whPI'f' llu•y wrll rPf'~IVC! tren.ts, t7. The eaHl has undrrgonc n 1 havr a grand I~J:IITII HI 1lw g) m fr.w l'hn nges with Gil hert HIP.~ 111 TOMATOES aft.PI' wldi'II Jli'IZI'S Will ' gtvc~n plnying Klrl KennPrly,. Wal'll for thr hrsl •· A lllOVIP Soper as Dic-k Slnnn ancl ChariE's will tllf'n liP siJnWn tor r•ntf'l'l:lln· Wrrlts, as Anclre. Mrs. Allee mrn1. llunt, C'lnss nrlvisor, Is rlirfrllilg 4 303 Cans 49c IIH' piny. I -- ' FFA 1\lrr.l.~ Offif'PI'S OES to Install LAst Wrclnrsrlay, mrmhrt·s . of Stokely's thr Dansvillr> 1". F. A. RIIPJ1Circl a lll('PI i ng of IIW rounty I~. F. A. New Officers f'lmplPI's at Stoclcht·irlgr.. Dnring . Therr will lle a puhlif' installa· thr husinr~s mrPtin~ lhc new PUMPKIN tinn of OES ol't'krrs of D:msville I county nffiCI'I'S were elected and Chapter Thursclny Pvening, No- Carl Minnis of Dansville d.lapler vrmhrr :J, in tiH• Masonif' hall at was rledrc! treasurer. RIC'harcl ·l Large 2 1h Cans l9c 3 n'Plork !3I·oolcs, als'O .of Dansville, was Following installation there Plr>elecl onr ol thr. 2 r•onclurtnrs. will hr. rr.freshmPnts hy tllr. r·nm· Damwillr. will he ho.~ls to the county Crrrn Hanel !nl11nllon No· m!ttee, eonsisting nt' M1·s ..Jmn·l vrmhr.1· !l. Millar's Nut Brown Mr.tahe, Mrs. Searl Briggs anrl Mrs. Claud Campbell. Tile recep- Mr. anrl Mrs. Lloyd Broolts tlon commiltPe is Mr~. J. B. Dal· called on Mr. and M1·s. Jm~· Zri· ton and Ml'S ..A. J. M_J!Ier. . lr.wslci of Olcemos Friday. . .. .1 .•. !'lchonl of. mstruc1lo.n will .~'e I M1·. and Mrs; Myl'On Corwin COFFEE Nnvemher 2.3 at Dansville• at 7 .. i0 I · s rl' · ·m 'l'l1r.. 'I"SOC'hle "l"liHI matmn were ~umay1 mner guesls nf P· · · • ~. ·' " ' ' M1· ancl Mrs Henry I I f Mrs. Etta Bttl'goyne, will IH! thr. w; 'more ; ;e, 4 e lman ° 1 11 1 1 lb 79c lnstnwtnr. M1·. and Mrs. Lewis Frrer and Mt·s Prarl Hoot ;nd Rnlpll BILle • family were . Sunday dinner ,·: . ·• c• , 1 g I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waynr. Gold Bell Gift Stamps are just like of Jo lint were ,,a 1111 '11 a:> even 11 1 Freiermuth of Fitchhur · · Mambo suppPr guests of Mr. ancl Mrs., M M g. Rohe;·t. Smi 1h. Mr. ancl Mrs. Don· . ~'; and rs. Earl B.raman en· aiel Sitrs nne! fm.nily of. Perry, lrilamecl Mr. ~ncl Mts .. .ElmPr \ . ,James Nortnn and :-;ons of Glen, OJala and Bmm1e and Mrs. Cora • PVf'· extra $$ lfl your MrG~rl'in unci Bud Sibley or Lan· ~i'way at rUnner Snturduy pocket. They're PUNCH sing· ami M1·. nnrl Mrs. Robert ng. Lahnn and family were SLinday Mr. a~d Mrs. Forrest W~llcer dinne1· guests of the Smiths. and family were Sunday dmne1• Mrs·. Allie Thompson nncl Mr. guests of Mr. ~nd Mt·s. Guy Fel· J 46-oz. Cans 5 9 C anrl Mrs. E. A. Densmo'rc called t~n of Stocl~b:1dge. Sunday eve­ Free with every purchase! Sunday at tlw l10me of M1·. and mng they VISited Mr, and M1·s. Mrs. Evei'C'll Loffhurg of Ann Geralrl Walker of Jaclcson. Arbor. I Mr. and Mrs, Theo Clickner Mrs. Wallace Barhy of Leslie were Sunday evening luncheon Mrs. Dale Harrison and guests of Mr. and Mrs .. Lawton BISQUICK claughtl'l' of Mason spent Sun-, Gauss. . ·. day \vilh their parents, Mr. ami Dr. and M1·~· A. N .. Lawton of Mrs. Melvin Ullcr. · Broadhead, W1s:, were .guests o.f ··Mr. and Mrs. Leland Peninc, Mrs. R. M.;Liiughlin several da.ys Sr.; anrl Louise spent 'l'hursdny· last ··\~eek.: \ , .· ~. ~.. !;•.. >:. · 1 in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Backus.and 2 h lb Package . J Sc .. J\olrs. Irma Bet tman and Mrs. ·daughters; ~Mr. and Mr~;, Floyd Nellie Adams of Lansing were Do11alds, and Mr. and Mrs·. ·.cas· Thursday visitors of the former's per Dietz and family of WHJ!ams~ mbther, Mrs. Rosa Anderson. ton were Sunday,vlsltors of Mr. ·James Bailey nml children of and Mrs. David Balter.·: : · . ·, ., I_';,, Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. William· Muench Bonghnet· anrl family of Lansing t•eturned Wednesday from a tour ami Mr. and Mrs. Frerlericl1 of the western states. :~'hey: visit· Bailey and t'amily of Ballle Creel• Ied Yellowstone Nntiomil Park, Sliced '·Bacon were Sunday. dinner guests of Salt: Lal L~coted :,~t·. C~~ner,:·,.o· r,,,!>-.4~a~u .~~~.: ~/.i'lh*thby .:~o!\~1 ,on· US-127. North of Hoit / :pJemE!iits :·. :._~,- ;--;_r.::..:· -.. _,;-~-. '(•'- '·':. --~- 1 -:;•·. ~-~_-.,,·~• .-;;~t;·~··, ~:<~:-:~::-·~ ·.,.!.,,- .. _:·.·, _ · __ ·_, £ , _.- . -~7· ·rJI"'t lnofiam County l~ew~ 0·rto INl '· , 1 "'"I

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Top to uol/om-Eidorllllo ,\'eui/1~, Srd1111 de f/il!r, Si.\·ty Speda/ ...1.- !: ,: •: ' Motor Cars the· World Has Ever Seen ! .j'l '' ' ·j; ,1!•. ~·· ~ You ar·e·looking at tl11·ee of'the most magnificent and inspiring creations .~· almost beyond description ... and featmes of comfort and convenience that ever to issue fi'Dm the drawing boat·ds of Cadillac's designers and engineers . will delight even the most experienced Cadillac owner. ·.,.,' ,, , :t They are the Eldomdo Seville and the Sedan ·de·Ville- two entirely new and . I .And where conld yon .find anytldng to rival them pciformal!t:d There's a ,.,~ii ·exciting additions to Cadillac's roynl fa)nily of motot· cm·s--and the brilliant i11 ne:.v Set·ies Sixty Special. . 305 ,.il' completely redesigned Cadillac engine developing 285 and horsepowel' \: ; .. an entirely new, contt·olled-coupling Hydra-Matic Drive ... advanced ~·: . · These spectaculm· new Cadillacs~in company with the other Cadillac Cadillac Power Steering ... and improved Cadillac Powe1· Braking. ' models for 1956-introduce a standard of automotive excellence that \Viii ·find no counterpart on the highways o(the wtirld. This extmordinary new .Cadillac beauty ... and this brilliant new Cadillac luxury ; .. and this dynamic new Cadillac performance . , . have : Wltere,jor ilzstmzce, could you ./indr/nytlling .to matc/1 tlum for beauty and . been intet·preted in four separate sel'ies and in nine individual body styles. e/egancctTheir low,· sweeping lines ..• their jewel-like grille and rear-fender designs· ... th'eir ex~iting ne'\v colors. ,'. their sp:u·kling highlights of chrome We sincerely urge you to stop in fat· a personal inspection and demon­ . ariel gold ..• all co1hbine to ct:etne a beauty that is truly unique. . · stration at yam earliest convenience . . If/here could youjilzd anytldng lo equaltl/Cm inlti:mry.~ Inside a1·e fab~ics . We know you will agree that, ft·om evet·y standpoint, these a1·e the most ofrare,richness and patt~t·n,,, appointments that are be:mtiful and'regal·' inspil'ing Cadillacsofall time. And that, of course, means thut they tu·e " ,1.' the most inspiring motor cars Jhc worltlluu iver s1:/m! ' ·

.\ '· '•- .·


' Robi.nson' . . M.otor. ' ~ Sales. ..------l!!l!!-----1111!!1!!11111------ll!l!ll!l!!l!lll!!!lll!!l!!!!!!ll!ll!!!lllm!!l!l!!!!!!!!!l!!l!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!l!!l~!!!ll!l!!l!l!!!!llll!l!!!ll~l!!!!!!!l!ll!l!l!l!!!l!!:'lB!!I!!!!!!!!!!!II!II!!!I!-111!11-!I!!!I!!-~·Ingham County News October 27, 1955 Go To Church This Sunday :xes awx '

This Message Is Brought to You This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service by the '' I'LL BI GLAD TO// as a Public Service by the Following Firms and Individuals Following Firms and Individuals • •

The filrmers Bank Tbotburn Lum~cr & Coal Co. Mason Mason

Perkins Hardware Lindv' s Drive-In Mason Mu~on

Ball-Dunn Funeral Home Mason Citv Bakery Mason George's Food Markel The Di!nter Compilny Mason of Mason Vogt Funeral Home Van's Service- Sinclair Dansville Mason Leslie Coffee Shop B(;mcnt Feed & Supply Service Leslie Mason

Comurner~ Power Dick's Sunoco Service Ma5on Mason Kean's 5( • $1 Store The Ferris Company Mason Mason Mr1sou Dairy i. A. Dart Co. Mason Mason k11elt funeral Uorn( Dart Natiorml Bank Mason When they want an cake for the church bazaar, Mrs. Turner Mason ang~l f~od is apt to be asked to bake it. She almost alwav~ responds to such requests with a simple, "I'll be glad to." Ellis Grocery Corner Gift & Bible Shop and If you as"k people about Mrs. Turner, they -....11 tell you that she is ·one Dam ville H & M Drive·ln Cleaners Jf the happiest women in town. Yet not so long ago she was feeling pretty THE CHURCH Holt sorry for herself. Life seemed such a humdrum affair. As an accomplished ALL FOR FOR ALI. ••• musician, she had had dreams of the concert stage, but marriage and Eden Eleviltor The Church THE CHURCH r.hildren had changed all that. Somehow it didn't seem fair! the build 15 the greatest 1 Eden It is a 51 ~~~ of character and a;~o~ on earth lor Ware's Drug Then one Sunday, a friend persuaded her to go to church. The sermon strong Churchouse. of spiritual Valu o c*~enship, Mason happened to be about the ingredients that malce a full and happy life. The con survlv , netther democrac es, . tthout a every Per·"o· Thhere are lour so/ndnor CIVIhzatlon Cutler Oil Co. things the minister s~id struck home, and the next Sunday she found " n s otild reasons h on d . support h attend servj w y 119 E. Mic~igan - Lansing herself back in church again. Then one Sunday Mr. Turllllr went along, own sake (2) t e C~urch They a ces regularly Dart Manufacturing Co. and next, the youngsters. sake of h' F'or hts children' ~e. (I! F'or his sake ol th: ~~mrn_untty and n~t:~ e.~~~) F'F'or the Mason Now Mrs. Turner is still "just a housewife," but is she dissatisfied and mot • urch Itself, which · or the Frand~ PiaU with her role? Look at her face, and see for yourself! It took the larly ande~~aldsupport. Plan to go ~~e~ his moral a Your Bible dail c Urch regu. Mason ~ Church to show her that she already pos~essecl all the tools needed D'Y Wolverine Engineering Co. for fulfillment and happiness, if she would but use them. Now, she Snnd•y... Book . Mondoy "" "• "•· Deuter Chapter Mason T11esday · · · · · ·••·· .. I Chron~"?m-' IS ~'edneedAy., ....•.... Proverbsc es 29 Mickclson·BakeJ Lumber Co. }' ~""d•y .. :: · · ' " · · · · Provorb• lJ ~ rtd.!ly ... , · · · • · · ·- • Rorn1n1 22 Mason «l!Urday ... : : · "," · " . 2 Cortnthl 12 ·" .. "" Gatatlaao A!I.S 9 Estu·Leadley Funeral Home 5 Holt-Lansing Robart Nuning Home Mason What tile Churches Are Doing l'llttaon Church of the Nazarene, Wllllttmston Baptist, Harold St. ,JameM Cat.ltolic, Fr. Paul Of' Williamston Wesleyan lllelhotl· m., church school; il:ilO p. m., the Leslie Flr!jt Congregational, Roy Mumau, pastor. Sunday Reese, pastor, Church school, 10 Rose, pastor. Masses: Sunday, 9 7:30 p. m.; evening service, 8 p. school, 10 o'clock; preaching serv· 1st, BJ'hlll, Rev. Delos Tanner, Festival of Faith service in the Rev. Samuel B. Wenger, pastor. m., topic, Continuation of Pel'· a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. a.m.; da!Jy, 7:15a.m.; devotions, pastor. Worship services, 10:00 a, Church school, 9:<15 a. m.; morn· lee, 11 o'cloclt; N. Y. P. S. serv· dedicatory program of the Lan· Ronal Evan~ellsm; Prayer serv­ and 7:30 p. m. ,Junior and senior Thursday, 8 p. m.; confessions, m. and 7:30 p, m,; church school, sing Civic Center; 6 p. m., Senior lng worship, 11 a. m.; choir re· Ice, 6:45 o'cloclt, song and praise. groups H:30 p. m. Thursday, Thursday after services, Satnr· ice, Wednesday 7:45 p. m.; su­ 1 J :00 a. m.; prayer service WJi' willl Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn hr.arsal Wednesday at 8 p. m. ~t perlntenricnt, Rev. K L. Boileau, Evangelistic message, 7:30. Pray. teachers lesson study followed day, 7:.10-9; baptisms, by appoint· Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. the church. er meeting Wednesday evening Snook; 7 p. m., .Jr. Hi WF with will conduct church services Ett by prayer servlee at 8 p, m. ment. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Knopf; 7:30 at 7:30. Women's Bapllst Union, third 7:30 ThuJ•sdny and F'ri,lay; olii· Wllllnmston Gospel llall, qtJ21 p. m., Martin Luthe1• film In the Bunltm• IIIII NaZUI'eiiC, Rev. cia! quartel'iy honrd mccling aftet· Wednesday, 2 p. m. in homes. Williamston ComnnmU.y 1\llll.h· Aurelius Bt~J!tlst, Rev. Robert Burkley Brcalting of Bread, Presbyterian church; Tuesday, Carl Barnes, minister. Sunday Friday's service. Worgul, minister. Sunday school, 011lst, Rev, Louis Ellinger, pas· 10 a. m.; Sunday school and 7;30 p. m., board of trustees; school, 10:30; morning worship Wllllumstnn :St. Illary•s· tm'. Church school, D:~5 a. m.; 11 a. m.; morning worship, 10 Bible class, 1l ::~o; Gospel and Wednesday, 7:30 p, m., Senior service, 11:.10 a, m.; Young Peo· ollc, Rev. Fr. l~rnncis Marlin, pas· worship sct•vlce, 11 a. m.; Inter· l•'elt l'lains J•'irst. lUethodl.'lt., a.m. ministry, Sunday 8:30p.m.; min· choit· and church school council, plc's service, 7:30 p. m.; evening Rev. John W. Bulloclt, minister. tor. Confessions and devotions mediate M. Y. 1~ .• 4 p. m.; senior istry, l~rlday, 8 p. m. 'l'hnrsday, 6:30 p, m., Junior cvnngellstlc service, 8 p: m. Sermon topic, Social Responsibll· Saturday 7::30 p. m. Sunday M. Y. F., 5:30 p. m. choir. masses at 8:00 and .1.0:00 a, m. ity in Our 'l'lmes by guest ,speal(· llolt BtiJ!tlst Chm•ch, Rev. C. Oimmos BnJillst., Rev. · John J.e.~lle First IUethodlst, Rev. cr, Rev. James Blrstah, executive Fowlerville, Rev. Fr. Wnllter. J.ttnslng Zion Luthe•·an, Rev. John W. Bulloclt, pastor. Sunday James Pasma, pastor. Sunday Confessions and devotions on Dooi service, 11:30 a. m.; worship, 11 a. ·m., sermon topic, union; 8 p. m., evening service. COJIUI), Rev. Derwent A •. Suthcrs, cers and workers In the Sunday Youth Fellowship, 7 p. m. Rev. Louts Ellinger, pastor. Wor· young people's meeting, 7:30 p. The Highway of Holiness; Chris· church school; 11:15 a. m., Sun· Thursday, 7:30 p. m., prayer and VIcar, Meridian road, half·mile m. . . tlan Endeavor, 7 p. m.; evening ship service, 9:30 a. m.; church Bible study. north of US-1.6, Sunday services: day school under the superln· school, 10:30 a. m.; Young Peo· worship, 8 p. m., sermon topic, Stockbridge Methodist, Rev. 9:15 family morning prayer and [,esllc First. COIII,"'"egiLtiOIIIII tendent, Paul Richards; 6:30 p. Gorden Arnold, pastor. Worship pies meeting, 7:30 p, m. Hold That L I n e; mld·week Lt!slle l~irst. Bn(itlst, Rev. Rob· instrucllon, Iollowed by Stll1day Clll'lslhm, Rev. Samuel W. Wen· prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p. m., Baptist Youth Fellowship: service, 10:30 a. m.; church crt W. Worgul, pnstol'. Suncloy school and adult Bible. clnsi;: gcr, past·or. Sunday school, 9:45 m. 7:30 p. m., the pastor will spent< school, 11:40 a. 'm, · North Aurelius Comnmnil~, school, 10 u. m.; morning war· 11:00 a. m., morning prayer' and · a. m.; morning service, 11 n. m., on the second of a series of ser· Rev.. John E. Pruden, pastor. ship, 11:15 a. m.; sern1on topic, Leslie Free Mctluxlist, Rev. mons on The Prodigal Son; 8:30 Am·eUu!l First ·:.&(ltlst, Rev. sermon, followed by coffee hour. sermon topic, The Unfinished Re· Sunday school, 10:15 a. m.; morn· Sent Forth; B. Y. F. 6:30 p. m., Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., evening.' formation, for reformation Sun· Harry .W. Cummings, minister. p. m., Youth choir rehearsal and Robert w. Wo11gul"f pastor. Still· lng worship, 11:15 a. m.; young slide Illm, 'l'he Stranger ,Within prayer. day; cholt• rehearsal, 8 p. m., Sunday school, 10 n. m.; morning pet;iod of fellowship; Tuesday, day .school, *1 a. m.; morning peoples meeting, 7 p. m.; evening ThY. Gates;· evening service, 7:30 service, 11 a. m., 'sermon topic, 7:30 p. m., the board of Christian worship, 10 m.; sermon topic, Wednesday; church school teach· 'n. service, 8 p. m.; Wednesday eve­ p. m., sermon · topic R,oman .· l'lfnMmi P•·esbybwlan, Paul L. ers and officers will attend a. Personal Evangelism; commun­ education will meet at the parson· ·Sent Forth; Thursday, 7:45.p. m., ning, m!d'\l!eck pl'Uycr service, 8 Catholicism;· mld·wcelt prayet• Arnold, minister.· Sunday, 1.0 a. wo't'l{sillOn· at Pilgrim Congrcga-. l,on following Sunday school, dis·, uge; Wednesdny, 7:30 p. m., ·Rev. LeRoy Johpston, missionary. p.,. m.; ·.)'trung peoples choir prac· ·service, Wednesday 7:30 p. m.; m.: Worship service, sermon, The Lansing,· Thurs· trlct' superintendent, Rev. E. L. prayer and Bible study; 8:30 p. appointee to Korea, will s~eak. · tlce,· 7 p. m. ·senior choir, 8:30 'p; m: · Bollen~,-· guest speaker; FMY, ' • ' ' I • Secret ,of the. Kingdom; 11:15 a. . m., senior choir rehearsal. · The Ingham County News Part 4'

, Ice with n touchdown In the cloll· Grid Menu lng minute~. Wltil Fred Pantera Okemos Moves Closer t~ Grid Title Everett Posts nne! Mllm Miner tnltlng turns the INGHAM COllN'I'l' U:AGl!l•: Comets stnrterla drive which was If~ Fr·hlny GillllllN good for 82 yards with 5 fir&t Slocl ~cored ., ' .~. ,· 1 _, •. tl 1 11 ,.· ·t 1.1 0 ltlcaughtcverypassthr·ownatlum. Wtllt.tmston 1mcup 1 cdy lllgl ·,\'arc pun.reurn 1o 1c ,, r again, this time on a pass from hounds have had t•ough sledding uggmg l£l Ja ag,nns ·- • • 1 h· 1 quite · evening He Lcclge :m. Dick Knlrrcn picked up this seuson, coming close in sev. Th~ Rams st.artcd .ou~ the first· Going into Satu.nlay's game tw ~~~re/~ of the' 111Hornet · iouch· 13 yards as pnt·t of the Everett Doug Gerl r•xJIIain Ulrl tww Masonbeen the game. ~rongest The Masonpart ufjuniot· the lilS1'0ItnJ - ACCIDENT title or at least a share of one by Rams would drive for 50 or 60 downing Haslett 20·7 Friday yards and then loose the bail. 113 1~. Oak Phone OUcluard 6·1261 night. The victory was the fifth Mason would try 3 plays then one for· the Gladiators In 6 starts, punt and the Rams would start NOW!'· BOTH . Chances o!.ovei·taJ~lng .the Oke· all over again. ~ mos Indians are good providing ··At the end ·of t.he"iasf qLuirter· '' "' the Gladiators can gel past Leslie Holt pushed to Mason's 3·inch Friday night. A win over the line before Muson took over on Blackhawi