![Ingham County News October 27](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MAYOR FORCHE-A/1 per· R. G. ATWOOD-Many bad- BOB PHILLIPS-Hoi-rods don'! MRS, CHAS. HILDERBRANDT sana/ feelings pul aside, rm al hearing buf na vofos, lif wilh good homes, -Ma:on needs perking up. .rumeN Demlls rlrnpperl rl~:ad While WOI'IIing ill hill Ctll'll flelrl Thursrluy ufl~!rnoun. He lived on 11111 Ver·non ,J, llr'own fnrm, 4 miles mtsf, of Mason nnrl also See AU'fO RACES, l'ng-e :~ worlwrl nt r.uusing· Oldsmobile. Books ·Stray from L.ibrary Before Ingham had a county gets little response from letters library rna ny owners of books sent to delinquent borrowers or, would write or print admonitions mm·e aptly, delinquent retumers. in the front or bacl~ of their In nn attempt to get the miss· volumes. A popular one was "If ing bool<s bacl<, the library staff this boolc should chance to roam, is combining Armistice Da)' and box Its ears and send It home." Know Your Libraries month. On Not enough em·s arc being November 10 and 11 an armistice boxed these days. More than will be declared on delinquent 11000 bool<s are listed as strayed borrowers. Hall Memoria I librarv or stolen from county library at Mason and every branch wiil: shelves. That's fat· a 6·year per· receive nny overdue, lost or "re­ iod. Under a rigid follow-up plan, ported missing" hooks with no the losses so far this year have fines levied and no []Uestions been held to less than 100, re­ asked. ported Norman Bunltet·, county In some counties prosecutors librarian. have brought suit to force par­ Most of the missing are chll· ents to pay for llbt·ary books dren's boolcs, Bunlter said. Many which have not been returned, of them have been borrowed the Ingham librarian said. through boolcmoblle service, he "We hope we won't have to added. take court action,"' said Bunk-er, "but we don't believe that failure The bookmobile serves flbout to return boolcs should be lg· 80 schools, or did. Some of the nored. Llbt•ary· boolcs are public schools may be cut from the list, property and public. property the librarian Indicated, because rights should be respected. A' of the loss record. child may learn more from ha\•· , At most schools the authorities lng to account for a bol'l'owed 'Cooperate fully with the library, book than he learned .from. read· whether the service Is through a lng the book, ltseU. It isn'Ljust branch or by bookmobile, Bunker the money Invested in ri.· book, 'it · ·, Some news, features and nd· explained. Is a matter of teachlrtg'respect vertlslng scheduled for publica· Some parents show little con· for publlo property. That'S1iWilY tlon this week had to be left ottt cern ove~· the books their chll· we are malting a determine'd ef· because · or' the coverage given dren have borrowed, , Bunker fort to see that library bodk's are the G~rald VanSlngel accident. stated. He said. that the. Ubrary returned.'' · I'. • '• I' Ingham County News October 27. 1955 Page 2 Dinner Dnw Set Grange Assists Holt WSCS Makes Plans A hnl'vest rllnnr.l' aponsorecl by Justice Courl' Actions membors of tlte Immuculnlo Henri of Mm·y r.hureh will hc! lloy wI Adams, Justice of roncu In Party Plans served ut lhe Delhi township hnll For Fall. Fest·ival Bazaar ,TURtlm nf lilfl Prur•n Roy W. C. Wnynn Wrlr;hL l'~nHI Lnn· Lealie Local Gl'llngo No. 1736 Novrmhrw n from one o'cloek 1111 Leslie News Arlnrns hna he on IHtsy wll h t I'U 11'11', sing, l'lllllllng slnp olgn, $•1. addect Its tlllfJJlOI'I: Jo the Hnllow· Women of tlln Ifolt W. S. C, S, Hewing npt•ons nnd hnncllccrchlcfs 4 p, m. Co·cltniJ'Tn!!ll frw the rlln· llllllllng vloln t lnnH mHI nlliLll' Clara C. Strange ccn party lo be given In lhc nre f<Jshlonlng lll'ilrles fm• the lo fill llw Apron Purlt rmd tlte nel' om Mrs. Edwin Clovm· of A lvln Cole, Sl r)('llill'hlgcl, no cnsca, Grunge IJnll next Monclny night, fall festlvnl baznn1·, which will lie Snlfflo 'l'ree, These rlcpnrlments Hall nnd Mrs .•J. H. Stephenson, mlii'I'IOI'1 l'OHIH, ~:~. 'l'llflsa were Cleo Rice, Lucy Rice!, Mr. nnd MJ•s. L. s, Barnes WC!re Novemllm• 1!1 nt t!Jr• Delhi town· will he headed hy the Neva rlrcle .J1·. Othm· chnlrnwn nrc: Dining On Werlm•sJiny nnmlniP gllrnn, Cod! 1!:. Cnmplmll, MnHnn, 1111 Rndlll VanFieclt, Fmnccs Dow· appointed as a committee In be sltlp hall In Holt. Mrs. At·tluJJ' with .Tnhn Mlllhlslet•, ch·cla rhnlr· room, Mm. Irwin Jfadlnnd; puh· Lnnslng, plm11lr.d guilty to f'OI'l· Hll I'I'IY HI op I!Pfnrr fill I f'l'l\llt high· Panel Provides eJ's, Nellie Bnlluf, Cni'OIIne Pal· l1elpful In any wny that was DJ•icr Is genr.t·nr chnh·man of the mun. llclty, Mrs. Donnlcl .T, Moe; nnrl lrlbutlng to the .JiellnqtWIH'Y of way, ~·1. llclt£>1, Mls~ 1\n 1hleen La hmln, mhHli'S, He wns nrrlorPrl to pay mel', Sll!ll:t Reed, Amelia Rulhlg, l'weded. DVI!lll, nsslslcrl by Mrs, Arllntr Articles of all ltlnrls wlll fill 1'11111 Slingi'PII, Plllsllurgh, Pn., ~'Ill nnd wnH pJnccd on n .I'I!Ur'ri Program for Cor[l Wood, Nom Burr nnd Mrs. Saturrlny, October 2!l, Is the .Tnrltson who Is t'o·clwlrmun. llw slwlvcs of the GeneJ·nl Store hllJll'rJjlf'l' ji!JHSIII)(, $~. Oluh Hn~ Prll'ly prnhntlon. Honalrl MrHkl<, Lun· 1\lllum. rlnte tot· a cnnl Jllii'IY nt 1111' 'rhe festival will Jnko Its !heme Including needlew<wlt, Jll'odur·e, Mui'Y A. Mr{'nnnrll, ;ltnr>ll· Dullr.H lnwurrl the world us Gmnge llllll. It Is fill' llw purpmw fl'Dm tile olrf.fnshloned vlllnge ilnl<cd goods, candy, eanned goods .Joel< nncl .Jill 'I·H rluh nf Holt sing, lnvolvorl In lhco same t'aHP, PTA Meeting; hod a llnllowcr.m pm·ty •ruesdny piParled guilty Mnndny, Hr judd llrhlgr, failtll'r In ~·h•ld i'lghl ol' typlfled hy the Unlterl Nntlons nl' llw grncrnl trcnsury neerls. squnrP, with prepnmllons hclug nnd humllemft, or 11!1 vnrletlos, IVII,Y, <'llliHillf( llf'ddl'lll, :j;!i. night nl the home of Lnls Neill. $If!, nml WIIH plnr•prJ on prnhntl•lll A pnnel discussion on Children nnd the part played by thl! Jocnl Non·memhers mny also nllenrl. mnde fOI' mnny hoot lis and shops, All membet•s nrc busy Jll'Cparlng chtn·rh uctlvllh:s unrl soelnl relcl· 'J'here will 11e refreshment:; and Hanclmade toys, unlmuls, rloll articles fol' this shop, 'l'he dwlr·· •rtre evening's entert alnmenl. fea· f1ll' 11 year. C:nry l'hllllps, Mnsrm, l'llnnln~: Are Everybody's Business pro· l'f'rl Jighl, ~:J. tlons ili'DIIghl out by the W. S. prizes, Mrs. Huzel. 'J'uylot· nnd rlolhs anrl hnby doilm m·e some mnn Is Mr·s. Arno~ Parlter of the lured n weiner roa~t, hohhlng for William Wrld1 nnrl Clurrnc.·p vlded the program at !he PTA apples, gamc>H nnd gmup singing. Prlf'o, Whll1• Onlt, ph•nrlerl guilty l•'rnn•'i:; l•'ny C'ollrril, .Tnr!1snn, nwetlng Monday, William Schnef· C. S. WPI'e rnvealed, Mrs. Lloyd Blnc!1more nrc> the> or IIH! 111·11cles In h<• lnln<~Jucecl at Lillian elrc!P, Cider \VIIS server!. A shorl huRi· to slmpiL• Jcu'I!Pily, Tuc•r;riny, talr· rllfllllnt-( slop 1:ig11, $·1. J'er of Holt, who gnve the ltlgh A IJirihrlay cako and ten were rnmmlllee In cl1arge. the Rock·n·B,Vt! Lmw glfl shop. Attic Treasures shop will he servrrt. ThP 4 cnnrlles on tile rulw The ne:~:t meeting, November Many colorful Chi'IP.tmus r.andll?s spon~OJ'I'd by !lin .Julin. clrele. Tlw nells meeting followrd llw pnrty. lng WI'I'IWIII's frnm Hrrlpli !fll,\'· flf'IPI' A. 1\11'1\illnflll, r~nsl Lan· schnnl student's viewpoint from Guc.>sls WPr·e M1·. nnrl Mrs. Law· ll!'l''s shop. Thry IVI'l'<' nrrlrrrrl 1n the newly organized Pnrent· were tor Intercessory pmyer 3, will be for· lnstnllaliDn of off!· hnve been mndP In mlrl ro the clwlrmun, Mrs. Hownrrl Upclllw, sing, Hfli'Prling rn11l l'llnnlng slop cnrlls, scnrllng lllrthrlay ral'!ls to cem. November· 17, thert• will be nssortmant nl' Clil'lslmns lll'llcles, plnns lo present un ussortment renC'e Sorenson, Mr. ami Mn;, pny $20.2!i IIIII'. 111111 POSIH nt' sign, $111. ' TencheJ··Student association. He Hornce Nr.nl, Ml'R, Hrlrn T..nMarr srrve 10 rlnys In Jnll. m·gt!d all lo remember thnt It Is mlsslonnrles, tnklng speclnl nf· !Ill open meeting. Hev. SnmuC!l w. gifts and cnl'!ls foJ' 1 he Hollrlny of llSf'rl boJ)Its ami plctum frames. LyiP fl . .'it n1'1', 1\lrrnl proJh•r, Ohio, ferlngs for mlsslonar·leH and glv· Wi'nget· will show more plctlll'es House. Bnlh or llwse :.;hops will Also ofret•rcl wJll be holiRC! pl,nnts nnrl Clnud Simons. l•'rrrlrlle Spradlin, Stnrl;l!rirlgf.', Sfli'Prling, $fl. the pupil that all this orgnnlza. stood trlnl hrfort• .Judge 1\dnmH lion Is supposed to help. He lng the nlclcst memher a life unci give the next ehnpter· on his he sponsnr£'d by thr Hlltll <'it•rle, nnd while f'IJ>phants.
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