SHOE BOX, Inc.” (Con^Niiiil ^ Ifa I^ .^ R Ty-O^) Method Eclfiittete Are Newjr T# Get > and See Whether and Bow Well They (Caniiniwd on Iwge Twenty-Alx) Injured
t-,;’ -.N * 0 5. T a TUESDAY, MARCH 80, fB84 ^ iPBrage^Ul^Ne^PreM Run ' V V - . ' tko Womnn'a BapCiat diacuaaed. Maztla tooomaaeaded f lo v n o L ; Sodrty of UULOomnonltp import .Order Addresses pBUicr tiul Son Nif hf Catherittg Board to Talk Ropea, Grey, Beat. f^Udge, and Cbur^ AniKMbtM Iki O ni^ Rugg, the Boaton. Sraa which has DON'T mage tale for Itoturday, -^iAl I, i handled the Issue for the high ’ST. CbmmU- tol2 Bbon. at the TMCA, 1« North achool and the Keeney Stirdet a t, Sewer Funds t 0 ^ mtM &vnt Man under the Chairmntirtp School. ntlB Plenty Of Wear Left V ■■ CUy of VVSag^ Chorm ■t t p. m. at Mrii. Walter BtUlnga, lU Town ufflolale plan a hike in b Shoea aepatrfd Here Any ertd D»m- bridge B t Memben nay bring «r- D irectors l!||By Consider tMS» water rates to p«gL..i|;or tha ^ to oerdMly itMl to »t- tidet to tha church, or if they with improvemants, including'Improve- VOL Jn X I I I , NO. 15S fOlaaalltod MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31.1854 (THIRTY^O PAGES IN TWO S E C li6 !| | ) tlds macttaf. pickup, Mrt. BUlingt or Mrt. Hiring Bond Gmnsel mrtiU to the eawaga rttpoeal m YULYES Frank Carpenter, t l Adelaide Rd, plant at^Qlcott St., and reffnancHig Shoe leiialrlag of the Better H ^ ' BM|e. Mn. prcaident of the aoclety, may be To Hiiidle‘ Refinance the MM.OOd in bonds which are I Ktad brne'While Feu Walt. _ Witt, li™.
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