Objective Evidence for the Reversibility of Nerve Injury In
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Letters (2); the latter was the main bladder abnor- Objective Evidence continued, and her weight had returned mality in our patient, presumably reflect- to baseline. The aberrations in nerve func- ing the brainstem atrophy. Previously, for the Reversibility tion had normalized; most dramatic was bowel dysfunction has only rarely been of Nerve Injury in the improvement in nerve axon function, documented in WFS (3,4). In our case, Diabetic Neuropathic represented by a doubling of amplitude loss of SPRCs and sphincter weakness potentials. For example, in the sural nerve were the main bowel abnormalities. The Cachexia the conduction velocity improved by SPRCs are likely to reflect the intrinsic 30% (from 36 to 47 m/s) and the sensory neuronal activities of the pacemaker cells amplitude potentials doubled (from 3.4 iabetic neuropathic cachexia is an in the myenteric plexus, which can be to 7.5 V) from baseline. Similar changes acute complication of diabetes damaged in peripheral neuropathies that were seen in the median and peroneal marked by such extreme pain and involve small fibers. Sphincter tone is D nerves for these parameters and also for weight loss that, although exceptionally maintained by the extrinsic somatic nerve F-wave latencies and vibration perception for the external sphincter and sympa- rare, it imparts major challenges in man- thresholds. thetic nerve for the internal sphincter, re- agement and diagnosis. Little is known of The profound weight loss, the sym- spectively, which can also be damaged in the fundamental pathophysiologic fea- metrical sensorimotor polyneuropathy peripheral neuropathies. These bowel tures of the peripheral nervous system in associated with dramatic painful pares- dysfunctions need specific management this condition; for example, the symp- thesias devoid of weakness, the temporal to maximize the quality of life in patients tomatic resolution that is classically ob- relation with insulin therapy, and the with WFS. served may arise from either complete chronic course are in complete accor- destruction of pain-transmitting nerve fi- 1 dance with the diagnosis of diabetic neu- ZHI LIU, MD bers or from their repair. To reconcile this 1 ropathic cachexia (1). This report RYUJI SAKAKIBARA, MD issue, we report the first case to our 1 emphasizes the need for vigilant symp- TOMOYUKI UCHIYAMA, MD knowledge that the nerve dysfunction is 1 tomatic therapy of diabetic neuropathic TATSUYA YAMAMOTO, MD reversible. A 36-year-old woman pre- 1 cachexia while expediting investigations TAKASHI ITO, MD 1 sented with subacute hyperglycemic for eliminating alternate causes. Unique SHOICHI ITO, MD 2 symptoms. Soon after initiation of insulin to this report, however, is the objective YUSUKE AWA, MD 3 therapy and the decline of HbA1c from finding of nerve dysfunction that was dra- TAKEO ODAKA, MD 3 14.9 to 5.5%, she developed severe lanci- matically reversed after symptomatic re- TAKETO YAMAGUCHI, MD 1 nating pain and profound weight loss as- covery; it supports the proposed TAKAMICHI HATTORI, MD sociated with anorexia, amenorrhea, hypothesis that paradoxical hypoxic in- From the 1Department of Neurology, Chiba Univer- insomnia, and dehydration. On examina- jury occurs at the initiation of insulin sity, Chiba, Japan; the 2Department of Urology, tion, allodynia was so pronounced that a therapy (2,3). This case fundamentally 3 Chiba University, Chiba, Japan; and the Depart- light touch to her shoulder would cause suggests that the reversal of painful symp- ment of Gastroenterology, Chiba University, Chiba, her to weep. Profound loss of subcutane- Japan. toms is associated with repair of func- Address correspondence to Ryuji Sakakibara, ous adipose tissue and loss of muscle bulk tional aberrations in nerve fibers induced MD, Neurology Department, Chiba University, was evident, such that her weight had de- by hypoxia rather than their irreversible 1-8-1 Inohana Chuo-ku, Chiba 260-8670, Japan. creased from a baseline of 58.3 to 41.8 kg ischemic destruction. E-mail: [email protected]. (corresponding to a decrease in BMI from © 2006 by the American Diabetes Association. 2 1 21 to 15.7 kg/m ). Pain, temperature, and JASPREET GREWAL, MD 1 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● light touch sensation were abnormal in VERA BRIL, MD 2 References the hands and feet. GARY LEWIS, MD 2 1. Sakakibara R, Odaka T, Uchiyama T, Asa- Blood count, chemistries, and thyroid BRUCE A. PERKINS, MD, MPH hina M, Yamaguchi K, Yamaguchi T, Ya- and cortisol levels were normal. 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Pediatrics 103: e26, 1999 n their recent article, Alfenas and meals did have identical macronutrient Mattes (1) conclude that the glycemic composition and solid food components, I index values of individual foods do not and the measured glycemic response cor- Influence of Glycemic predict glycemic response to mixed responded closely with prediction (8). meals, nor influence measures of hunger. Clearly, research into the relationship Index/Load on Because the observed glycemic response between glycemic index and glycemic re- Glycemic Response, did not differ between diets, the lack of sponse merits study.