The Botanical Society and Exchange Club,'
- .f' -::~,:.:.' ~ .... ~-\"_---,-.~"I"""""-----"-'----- -- --- -','- - ~ -.~T"";:-:-' - , .' --"- --- --- -'~"-~.~.~~':-~'":""T' .. ~. - . .':~". '" ~ • ~. \' , I. • " THE BOTANICAL SOCIETY AND EXCHANGE CLUB,' ". ~ OF THE BRITISH ISLES. ", REPORT ,FOR 192 7 ',. J OF THE BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB, (CONVENIENTLY ABBREVIATED REP. B.E.C.) BY.THE EDITOR AND DISTRIBUTOR, F. RILSTONE, ESQ. VOL. VUI. PART IV. \. PUBLISHED BY T .. BUNCLB& CO., MARKET PLACE, ARBROATH. August 1928. PRICE 4/-. \ I" TItC ,Stroctgre and Development ", . ~f, th" Fungi / ) 'I. l;3y H. e,.r. GYWNNE-VAUGHAN, D.B.E:, "LL.D., D.Sc.,F.L.S., i'rof~ssor ,of Botany in the U~iversity of Londol?- and B. BARN;ES, B.Scp F.L.S." . Lecturer in, Botany~ Birkbeck Oollege, University of London With a!fronti~piece and28s text-figures. I ' I " • ' ." I. " Demy 8vo: " I5s net~, : ' " I}) I.This Book includes .the whole of .the ,F~ngi'1fot ' merely selected,classes, and it is addressed to the student rather than to the ,investigat~r. It has peel!- designedt'o meet the needs of students in the BQt~nical Depahments of,Universities. h, I ! ;',' ~ A Treatise on the British ! I' , F,reshwaterAIgae, . / . .' '. ., I in which are included a)l the Pigmented ?rotophyta hivherto ' I found in British Fr~shw;:tters. ,I' "':, ". " ' . I By the late G .. S. WEST" M.A., D,Sc., F.L.~., A.R.e.S. NEw ANIi REVISED .EDITION in great part rewritten by F. E. F~ITSe~, n.'Se., PH.D., F.~.S. ' Demy 8vo. ,215, net. c', It is most carefuilycompiled... " Th~re is a figure for ev~ry British fresh'water alga, an,ci in the case of many of the'larger genera several species are illustrated.
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