The Afghan Martyrs

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The Afghan Martyrs The Afghan Martyrs THE TRAGIC TALE OF THE FIRST MARTYRS OF AHMADIYYAT IN KABUL, AFGHANISTAN B. A. RAFIQ ©B. A. RAFIQ Ftrst Edition 1995 Published by: B. A. Rafiq 17 Merton Road, London SW18 SST Printed by: Raqeem Press Islamabad, Tilford, Surrey GUlO 2AQ (U.K.) From The Holy Quran 'Think not of those, who have been slain in the cause of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living, in the presence of their Lord, and are granted giftsfrom Him,' (3: 170) 'Say not of those who are killed in the cause of Allah that they are dead; nay, they are living; only you perceive not.' (2: 155) 'And if you are slain in the cause of Allah or you die, surely forgiveness from Allah and mercy shall be better than what they hoard.' (3: 158) lAnd those who leave their homes for the cause of Allah, and are then slain or die, Allah will surely provide for them a goodly provision. And surely Allah is the Best of providers.' (22:59) 1 List of contents Preface 1. The Eid ul Azhia sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifa tul Masih IV, may Allah support him. Ancestral and academic prominence of the martyr of Mghanistan. The background of the martyrdom of Hazrat Sahibzada Sahib. The meritorious event of the martyrdom. Dust storm of great ferocity and unanticipated calamity of the spread of cholera. Exemplary end of those responsible for the martyrdom. Astonishing evidence of the act of Retribution. Long term benevolence arising from human sacrifice. A period of turbulence in the land of Kabul lasting for a hundred years. Solicitation for prayers for the Mghan nation. Enormous sacrifices offered by Pakistani Ahmadies. Pages 1-16 2. Afghanistan Ameer Abdur Rahman Khan Ameer Habeebulla Khan Pages 17-32 3. Compliments by the Promised Messiah (PBUH) upon the sacrifice by the Martyr Page 33 4. Ancestral Background· Education His station 111 Acceptance of Ahmadiyyat Pages34-44 5. The Sahibzada's visit to Qadian His Sentimants of Ghairat for the Promised Messiah (PBUH) Jehlum visited Pages 44-52 6. Departure from Qadian for Kabul A narrative by Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Rasool Rajekee, (MAPH) Communication with the Ameer of Kabul Arrest Pages 44-60 7. Written Debate with Afghan Divines Conviction Stoning to death The day of Martyrdom March to the place of execution The first stone Appearance of Divine signs after the event of martyrdom Burial Pages 61-86 8. The pure person of Abdul Latif 9. Retribution for the atrocity. The End of Sardar Nasrulla Khan The End of Ameer Habeebul1a Khan The End of Doctor Abdul Ghani PutUabi The End of Mulla Abdur Razzaque Qazi Pages 86-103 10. How did the children fare after the event of Martyrdom? Pages 103-109 IV 11. Hadhrat Mulla Neymatulla The Third Person Who Attained the Rank of a Martyr Pages 110-121 12. A Submission from Hadhrat Chaudhri Mohammad Zafrullah Khan Seeking pennission to go to Kabul. Pages 122-126 13. A Lesson Pages 126-127 14. A Shining Example By Sir Mohammad Zafrullah Khan. Pages 128-130 15. The End of Amaanulla Khan the King of Afghanistan. Pages 131-136 16. Comments of the Press on the Steadfastness Displayed by Hadhrat Moulvi Neymatulla the Martyr. Pages 136-137 17. Hadhrat Moulvi Abdul Haleem and Hadhrat Qari Noor Ali the fourth and the fifth who acheiveh martyrdom in Afghanistan. Pages 138-144 18. Belief of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya concerning 'Jehad' Pages 145-156 19. From "The Absolute Amir" by F. R. Martin Pages 157-159 20. The Martyrdom of Hadhrat N eymatulla mentioned in English Newspapers. Page 160 v Foreword Mr. Bashir Ahmad Khan Rafiq deserve our sincere thanks for presenting in a book-form on account of the lives and achievements of four most distinguished Ahmadis from Mghanistan who made the supreme sacrifice of laying down their lives for the sake of Allah. Their martyrdom is a lasting monumant in the struggle for truth and righteousness. The nobility of their character and the steadfastness demonstrated by these martyrs is an inspiring example of the spiritual and moral revolution generated by the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. The auther of " The Afghan Martyrs" is a senior member of Ahmadiyya Jamaat who has devoted his life to the servi~e of Islam. After a long and successful tenure at the Ahmadiyya headquarters in Rabwah, he distinguished himself as Imam of the London Mosque in the sixties and seventies. He has the ability to express his views and ideas simply and effectively. He has regularly written articles for English and Urdu journals and published a number of books including "Truth about Ahmadiyyaf' which is an essential reading for understanding the attitude of Ahmadiyya Jamaat towards important issues raised by its critics. Brief accounts of lives and achievemants of Hadhrat Sahibzada Abdul Latif and Hadhrat Mulla Neymatulla have been available but little is known about Hadhrat Moulvi Abdul Haleem and Hadhrat Qari Noor Ali. By compiling authentic information about them, Mr. Bashir Ahmad Khan Rafiq has satisfied a long standing need. This account assumes relevance and poignancy in Vll view of the tempestuous history of Afghanistan since the martyrdom of Hadhrat Sahibzada Abdul Latif in 1903 and the political storms which continued to rage in that country. I hope this book will be read by all those who value freedom to profess and practice one's faith. May Allah bless and reward the author for his noble effort. Amen. London, Aftab Ahmad Khan 23 May, 1995. National Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, United Kingdom. viii PREFACE On the 14th of July 1903 the soil of Kabul was stained red with the blood of Hadhrat Sahibzada Syed Abdul Lateef, may Allah be pleased with him. Referring to the martyrdom of the Sahibzada exactly 86 years later the present Supreme Head of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, may Allah support him, delivered a sermon in the 'Bait ul Huda' mosque in Sydney, Australia. Because of the relevance of the sermon with the Eid of sacrifices, it is reproduced in the following pages and it forms an essential and integral part of this book. Whilst I was engaged in writing this book I made a humble submission to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV and requested him to write a few lines pertaining to the book. In answer he said, liMy sermon should suffice". Hence at the beginning of the book the sermon is being reproduced. My book 'Shaheedan-e-Rah-e-Wafa' written in Urdu has, by the grace of Allah, found wide acceptance. Through a number of letters and verbal messages, very many have conveyed to me their wholehearted approval. Alhamdolillah. Innumerable friends have expressed a desire to see an English translation of the book so that those living in Europe, America, Canada and other English speaking countries, the younger generation and new converts to Islam may become aware of the tremendous sacrifices made by the 'Martyrs of Kabu}t. IX Last year I asked my dear and revered brother Anwer Ahmad Kahlon to translate the book into English. He readily and happily accepted the assignment. He said that he would gladly undertake the task so that when the readers supplicate in favour of the 'Martyrs' and the author, he too may benefit their prayers. In relatively short time Mr Kahlon completed the task. Mter word processing he sent me a disk of the English version. May Allah reward him abundantly. All those to whom I have shown the English translation, before publication, like it and approved of it. Alhamdolillah. Apart from proof reading, my two sons Muneer Ahmad Rafiq and Mahmood Ahmad Rafiq and my daughter Bushra Naheed Mirza tendered valuable suggestions. Thus they made my task simpler. May Allah reward them all. Revered Munir ud Din Shams the Additional Vakeel ul Ishaat also deserves my gratitude. He encouraged me throughout and then assisted me in the despatch of the books. I request the readers for prayers that this humble effort may find acceptance with the Almighty. May He create sentiments of love and prompt readers to pray for the 'Martyrs of Kabul'. B. A. RAFIQ x In the name ofAllah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Eid-ul-Adhia Sermon delivered by HadhratMirza Tahir Ahmad Khalifa ttll Maseeh IV, My Allah support him, on 14 Wafa 1368 h - 14th July 1989 A.D. at Bait-ul-Huda, Sydney, Australia. After Tashahud and Taooz and recitation of Sura Fatiha he proceeded: A DAY OF EXTRAORDINARY HISTORIC IMPORTANCE. Today it is the 14th of July and it is a Friday. It is also Eid ul Adhia and hence two Eids have been combined. Apart from that, in the history of Ahmadiyyat the 14th July has a special significance. This day is associated with the Eid known as 'Eid­ ul- Adhia' which means an Eid of Sacrifices. In our country, particularly in the Punjab, as we either sacrifice goats or cows, some call it 'Bakar Eid' and some call it 'Bakrah Eid'. Some call it the 'big Eid', while the 'Eid-ul-Fitr' that follows the month of Ramazan is known as the 'small Eid'. Today we are celebrating the big Eid which is also known as the Eid of Sacrifices. What relationship has the date 14th July with this Eid? That is what I wish to explain to you today. The Promised Messiah, (PBUH) received a revelation, "Two goats will be slaughtered" (Tadhkira Published by Saffron Books in 1976 Page 57). This revelation was received approximately three years before the 14th of July 1903 and was published in the Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya. 1 The Promised Messiah (PBUH) interpreted it to mean that two outstandingly dedicated members of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat would be sacrificed in the same way as goats are sacrificed and those two would have been endowed with certain attributes for which goats and sacrifices are well known.
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