Portland Daily Press: March 29,1892

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Portland Daily Press: March 29,1892 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 30. PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1892. {SKffi! PRICE decide the contention THIS MORNING’S NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. of the Republic at the M“«»l encamp- bitrators against tan. of Great that ment at next CANADA’S FINGER. tion Britain, government GUIDES TO DEATH. 1. ITS DEATH BLOff! Washington Page would be liable for the claims of the General telegraph news. Hand-Made DANA’S DEMURRERS. North American Commercial Company Weather indications. against the United States for non-per- Asks formance of its etc. this Pages. Maverick Bank Director Discharge contract, By CI ea rH a va n contract the catch was limited to 60,000 a a^Fijier. from the Indictments. Its Mark Left in the Sea Two Polish Peasants Who Made Gossip of the Pension Department Bland’s Bill Said To Be Destined for Behring skins the first year, and 100,000 on each Obituary. tub subsequent year. Under the terms of Boston and Maine affairs. Mass., March 28.—Thomas Seal Pie. the modus vivendi, the was re- Trade of Murder. an Burial. Boston, company Elks elect officers. Early Dana this afternoon filed four demurrers stricted to 7,500 skins. Page 3. indictments returned him to the against TREATY WILL BE RATIFIED. New York letter. by the last grand jury, which charged PRESIDENT HARRISON PLEASED Messrs. Frye and Gray Still Holding Out THEY HAVE KILLED OYER TWO Page 4. THE DEMOCRATS WILL NOT ASK him with fraud in his conduct as a di- for a Provlslo. New Publications. rector of the Maverick National Bank. WITH SALISBURY’S LATEST. SCORE PERSONS. 10 Cent ClGAR. FOR THE CLOTURE RULE. March 28.—Lord Salis- Editorials. Indictment No. 407 contains three counts, Washington, to last communication to the Presi- Page S. NEVER ARTIFICIALLY FLAVORED. and there is a demurrer each count, bury’s Dn Chaillu’s lecture. forth that dent, stating the grounds upon which he each of which sets _ the count Between the The Murderers Acted as Guides for Emi- Meeting of the school committee. to is not sufficient in and More of the Correspondence would consent to renew the modus viv- Bland's Lieutenant the Rules Com- demurred law, Says be grants and Criminals Who. Wanted to Music and drama. prays that the defendant dismissed. Two Governments—Salisbury’s Latest endi as to was laid before mittee Behring Sea, Deaths and May Take the Responsibility— There are also similar demurrers to in- from Russia—Those of the marriages. Note Regarded as a Concession to the the Senate in executive session to-day. Escape City Electricion's report Opinion Seems To Be That They May dictments 408, 470 and '481. The de- American Remand for a Modus Vivendi In transmitting the paper to the Senate, Travellers Who Had Property Worth murrers do not set forth on what Page 0. Allow the Bill To Be Shelved—Today grounds the President stated that Lord Salis- the defendant relies as a defence, and it —The Senate Will Probably Ratify the Stealing Were Killed in the Lonely For- Wit and Wisdom. Will Tell—Bills to Relieve was very to this Probably is not that they should do so. bury’s reply satisfactory est—Other News. New York fashions. necessary Treaty Today Without Conditions. and he was a suit- Foreign United States Courts. government preparing able The character of this re- Page 7. ON TO MINNEAPOLIS. March 28.—Additional cor- response. Warsaw, March 2S.—The police in- 5 Cent ClGAR London, in and Commercial. March 28.—Mr. Pierce sponse was indicated the President’s Financial Washington, on the sea contro- into the case of the two brothers respondence Behring letter as being a substantial acceptance quiry Marine News. of Tennessee, who has been trying to se- The Trains to Take and the Bates of named here Page 8. Is a Delicious Smoke. versy shows the part taken in the nego- of Lord Salisbury’s tender with a few mo- Koulikwosky, imprisoned cure of the of the Kare. Brief Jottings. signatures majority tiations by the Canadian authorities. difications that could doubtless be ar- on a charge of murdoring and robbing a Personals. All Dealers. Democratic members of the House to a -r *1 _1 rt- without difficulty. nooDQnf nnir nl Artonlr Woo vattahI >1 jjuiu uttiuiL in v/i. ranged 28.—The v, was lue City Government meeting. the committee on rules to Augusta, March following vvnen aujournmenb nau 11 was petition asking sent the to Lord Knuts- practice of wholesale murder of emi- State Board of Trade. for the excui'sion of the Maine ada, following general belief that the treaty would be report a cloture rule in connection with itinerary Institute at Bowdoinham. P. BOYCE Mfrs. colonial on 23: ratified to-morrow, without con- grants on the frontier. Already the Farmers’ JOSEPH CO., to the National Republican Con- ford, secretary, February any the silver free coinage bill, announced party ditions or resolutions which naked bodies of five have Formerly Irwin Cigar Co. “With reference to your telegram of the might oper- victims been, this that the was vention at Minneapolis has been ar- ate to defeat the of the SPECIAL NOTICES. late afternoon petition min- completion nego- discovered in the snow in tho raneffifL 16th respecting amodusjvivendi, my tiations. Still there is an eloment in the withdrawn and that the free coinage men woods to the house 165 ftlILK ST., BOSTON. isters do not possess any information to Senate that in the adjacent occupied had given up the in the House. Mr. The party will leave Portland on the persists urging adop- fight of resolutions the Presi- the who lived in the my9 S.Tu&Tlstply Pierce said: “We will make no further Maine Central Railroad, White Moun- show that a modus vivendi is necessary tion requiring by Koulikwoskys, dent to withhold the of ratifi- bXLUX U OiUU T KJ UVP1UVU LU iVy V I/XIU Will- of Monki. 1UX tain Division, Thursday morning, June or that it can be reasonably demanded. exchange village Many disappearances be cations until the modus vivendi is re- mittee on rules assume the responsibil- 2d; regular train to taken to St. have been of late in that OFFICE AND ROOMS AT If such information reached Her Majes- These Senators include two reported neigh- I'have seen Mr. Bland and (dinner at Bartlett) and from newed. ity. speak Johnsbury the Dominion borhood, and the police estimate that foPr him also.” St. Johnsbury a special is to be provided ty’s government, govern- members of the committee on foreign and who the two brothers have murdered at least Foster's Forest The failure of the petition is regarded through to Niagara Falls (supper at Mor- ment would not oppose such a modus relations, Senators Frye Gray, City Dye House, it were confined to a made in of was a by many as indicating the final shelving risvilie) arriving at the Falls at 9.30 Sat- vivendi, provided strong arguments support 40 persons. The elder brother of the silver bill. June 4, where break- zone of moderate limits, say 25 miles their position. peasant farmer, and the younger brother 13 PREBLE CPP. PREBLE HOUSE. urday morning, ST., A curious story Is in circulation as to fast will be served. around the seal islands, and provided it lias been a soldier in the Russian arm3r, YOUNG FOLKS TO CELEBRATE. the reason the contest over the pro- At St. Johnsbury, the party will be is accompanied by stringent restrictions but his time had expired. He took to This machine with steam attachments why patent- rule to aid in the of the a of the New the killing of seals on land, with across tho frontier and be- ed and in use by the leading houses posed passage joined by majority Hamp- against smuggling through- and at a better than that the Day To Be Devoted to tlie came with all the secret out the United States; largest floor space In free coinage bill did not begin in the shire delegates Swanton by the supervision during “Discovery acquainted paths New England; covered teams; no charge for House today. It appears that Congress- Vermont delegates. modus vivendi of last year. Any ar- Public Schools. that led into the Prussian territory. trucking; Carpets cleansed to any kind of man McKenna of California, who has Three hours will be given the Falls, rangement of a more extensive character Many persons desirous of leaving Russia, weather at ail seasons of the year. been the new circuit for there at 12.30 p. m. would involve the compensation of seal- particularly emigrants, are not supplied appointed judge leaving Friday, (place Chicago, March 28.—President Bon- that district, resigned some time ago, to for supper not arranged) arriving at Chi- ing vessels. For this, of course, Canada with the necessary passports. These of LACE CURTAINS CLEANSED EVERY DAY. take effect tonight. McKenna votes cago at 7.56 a. m., Saturday morning. could not be expected to make provision ney of the World’s Congress Auxiliary persons would bargain with tho Koulik- against free coinage. The Speakor is June 4; and arrangements will be made from the funds of the Dominion.” the Columbian Exposition, has issued an woskys for safe and secret conduct be- have of for the the oars to the C. & On the 9th Mr. Baden- Russian soil. from said to heajgd transferring inst., George address regarding the celebration of yond Fugitives jus- the date of this “hence N. W. so that the train can Powell, one of the British commission- tice also availed themselves of the Koul- resignation, station, get October 12.
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