LAW and LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) ,.,.... .... DOCUMENTS J'RINTE]) BY DIRECTION OF THE GOVERNOR, AND BY ORDER OF THE LEGISL!TURE, !'OB TBE YEAB. A. D. 1839. VOL. 1 . .ll.UGUST.11.: SMITH & ROBINSON1 PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1839. NINETEENTH LEGISLATURE. To the Senate and House of Representatives: I herewith lay before you the Report and account of the Land Agent, and the Documents referred to therein. EDWARD KENT. COUNCIL CHAMBER, l JANUARY 2, 1839. 5 REPORT or TH:& LAND AGENT, 1839. [SMITH & RoBINSoN,...... Printers.] STATE OF MAINE. LAND OFFICE, ~ JANUARY 1, 1839. } To the Honorable the Governor and Council. GENTLEMEN: I have the honor herewith to lay before you, my Annual Report, in relation to the business of the Land Office, for the past year. Soon after entering upon the duties of this office, I caused an examination to be made of the Public Lands, liable to trespass, during the winter. No depredations were discovered on the Kennebec waters, and it is believ ed that no trespass was committed in that part of the State. One hundred pine logs, scaling forty thousand feet, were discovered on the Mattawamkeag river, cut on town ship number Six, in the Fifth Range, by John Dudley, and ninety-two pine logs, scaling sixty-six thousand and nine hundred feet, and thirty-four spruce logs, scaling seven thousand feet, were found cut on township number Three, in the Fourth Range, by teams employed by Jacob 0.
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