CURRICULUM VITAE September 2020 DAVID RAY HERNANDEZ Department of Classics, University of Notre Dame 304 O'Shaughnessy Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Tel: 574-631-7195 (Department); 574-631-1382 (Office)
[email protected] Citizenships: United States & Spain EDUCATION Ph.D. Classical Archaeology, University of Cincinnati, 2010 Dissertation: Excavations of the Roman Forum at Butrint (2004-2007): The Archaeology of a Hellenistic and Roman Port in Epirus M.A. Classical Archaeology, University of Cincinnati, 2004 Thesis: Studies in Roman Republican Topography: The Servian Wall and the Porta Triumphalis B.A. Physics, University of California at Berkeley, 1996 Specialization: Quantum Mechanics EMPLOYMENT Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame, Department of Classics, 2017-present Concurrent, Department of Anthropology, 2012-present Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame, Department of Classics, 2010-2017 ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Principal Investigator, 2011-present The Roman Forum Excavations Project at Butrint University of Notre Dame Principal Investigator, 2010 Mursi Archaeological Research Project University of Notre Dame Principal Investigator, 2008 Amantia Archaeological Research Project Butrint Foundation Field Director of Excavations, 2005-2007 The Roman Forum Excavations at Butrint Butrint Foundation Field Director, 2004 Archaeological Survey of the Ancient Necropolis at Butrint Butrint Foundation Data and Finds Manager, 2002 Troy Excavations (Turkey) University of Cincinnati 1-DH CURRICULUM VITAE September 2020 PUBLICATIONS I. Website: II. Book Hernandez, D. and R. Hodges (eds.) 2021. Butrint 7: Beyond Butrint. Kalivo, Mursi, Çuka e Aitoit, Diaporit and the Vrina Plain. Surveys and Excavations in the Pavllas River Valley, Albania, 1928-2015. Oxford: Oxbow. III. Articles in Academic Journals and Books: Hernandez, D.