Pink Flamingos" Convention a Success; J Ing, "We're Going to Kick Some Fag Ass." Lane's Pre-Trial Conference Court Date Is Oct
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/ ' LOCAL NEWSBRIEFS It all comes down to Man ciiarged loving yourself enough in bar assault; to fight for your life. two injured Our culture tells us not By Susan Jordan An violent incident took place at the to. It takes my breath Bachelor Forum. 67() University Ave., on Sept. •. Ange M. Lane of Rochester has been charged with assault, and the investigation away that we exist at is ongoing. Two men who accompanied him into the bar have not yet been charged. all, have survived in a Lane allegedly struck the co-owner ofthe Forum in the face with a motorL7cle helmet, society tbat wishes us breaking his nose. A bar patron was alleged ly hit with a bottle by another of the men. but has not yet pressed charges. dead.'' Capt. Ray Moshcr, Rochester Police Department haison with the gay communi — Michael Callan ty, told the Empty Cioset, "We don't know why they went in the bar or what was said. Witnesses are not being very cooperative. I'm convinced that it was bias-related; that the men went in there with the intent to do violence to gay people.' Mosher said that the investigating officer's report does ntit include references t(» anti gay epithets, and individuals involved can be charged only with assault Howevet Mosher said. "The Department and the District At torney's office are looking at it as a bias Still Life with Flamingos: cnrenij^e nf the Ciiiy crime, and we arc making sure that thc pro- iiiui l.esijiiin (.fitirettt/tui. /Hts^es Hit. P/jntt, hy I secuting attorney has full information." Ifh'fi Ma/uif/y Moshcr said that thc three men had allegedly been overheard outside the Forum making anti-gay remarks to patrons entering the bar When one patron replied to them, the>' foUowed him into thc bar, allegedly say- ''Pink Flamingos" Convention a success; j ing, "We're going to kick some fag ass." Lane's pre-trial conference court date is Oct. 10 at 9:30 a.m., before Judge Johnson. 500 attend wide variety of events Forum co-owner Arnie Pegish (who was! By Susan Jordan otherwise. They really took pan in the con not present during the incident), said, "Wei tion next year, Andrews replied, "Absolute Thc Rochester area has seen many "firsts" vention, too. have hired security, starting Sept. 13 I would! ly It's got to be done again. 1 feel 1 have a over the years; the women's movement, Tve received many letters and calls," An responsibility to the people who stood there also be very supportive of any effort to create: photography, xerography, the Mormon drews said, "and {>cople have been stopping a gay volunteer group which could patrol bar! Sunday afternoon and said *1 wish it wasn't religion and spiritualism all got their stan tn mc on thc strcet, telling me how much they over areas." the city or the general vicinity, (Must be enjoyed it. I haven't received a single Improved street Ughting is also under j something in the water). So it's not surpris criticism." Andrews said that although the consideration. ' ing thai Rochester saw what may have been convention did not break even financially, Ann Northrop Paul Scheib, president of the Gay Alliance the first-ever gay and lesbian convention on she felt that it was worth thc effort because of thc Gcncscc VaUcy, said that persons who Labor Day weekend. it brought so many f>coplc together, and add have experienced any type of harassment, The keynote speaker at the opening Around 500 people, some fft)m as far away ed greatly to gay and lesbian visibility ceremonies on Aug. 30 was Ann Northrop but do not wish lo press charges, should at as Portland, Ore., attended thc "Pink Flam Andrews said that, as far as she knows, the of ACT UP's "Safe Sex Six," who chose to least report the incidents to police. "You ingos and Purple Hearts" convention at thc convention was the fi»-st of its kind be arrested during the controversial don't need to give your name," he said, "but Floliday Inn Downtown. They experienced anywhere. "It was original in its scope,' she demonstration in St. Patrick's Cathedral last at least let police know that thc incident has a variety of workshops, panels, speakers, a said. "It dealt with everything — potitical, year, which pn>tested Cardinal John J. occured. They are concerned about stopp film festival organized by Pyramid Arts spiritual, social, emottonal What's impor O'Connor's homophobic and AlDSphobic ing anti'gay violence, and need to have am Center, dances, a banquet, concerts by Cris tant about the convention is that people left acts and sutements. accurate picture of the situation." | Williamson and fhrt Fure and thc Flirutions, their differences at home. There was a real Northrop began her talk by referring to thc excerpts from the play "Franny, Queen of communion. I've never seen so much hug recent study suggesting that the brain struc Woinen organize Provincetown." presented by Rochester (iay ging, kissing and communicating. We set a ture of gay men may differ from that of Summer Ihcaier and much more. A refrain loving tone at the beginning, and all 1 saw heterosexual men, which implies that heard owr and oxer again \\ as. "I saw so many was smiles." homosexuality may be biologically based. Take Back the Night, j pc<>ple I hadn I seen in years!" Andrews said that the workshop with the (See article in Newsfronts section.) Organizer Leigh Andrews said, "It went largest attendance (94 people) was Dr Jen Northrop said she was ''nervous, month of events extremely well. It was empowering, the nifer Lloyd's "Rummaging in thc Closet;' on delighted, confused and curious" about the A local organization. Women Acting most positive experience I've ever been lesbian and gay history. She added that many issue. "I have a different uke on it." she said. Against Violence (WAAV) is sponsoring i associated with. 1 thought the Flirutions other workshops showed comparable "What we'll ultimately discover when we Take Back the Night March on Oct. I, to pro^ wete just stunning — they're one of the attendance. test rape, serial killings, battering, child abuse finest acts I've ever seen, gay, straight or When asked if there would be a conven Convention continued on page H and all forms of violence against womenj The march will begin at 6 p.m. at Planned Parenthood, 114 University Ave., and will end at the YWCA, 175 N. Clinton Ave. Fight back Flirt on WAAV has also produced a month-Ion^ series of events which will address differenil aspects of woman-hating violence in ouij society. Thc first event, on Oct. 4. is a con-l feimce on "Power, Control and Other Dead-j ly Themes," sponsored by Alternatives foil Battered Women. It will be held at the HoliJ day Inn Holidome from 8:15 to 4:15l p.m., and the fee is S65. Por information call 252-7353 For a listing of the other events takin; place during the coming month, sec Calendar section, page 14. For a The Homed God of thc teoes involved, tec the interview Flirtations & Cri$ Williamsoin See page 12. Anna Ffcund and Mafsha Peonc of ^niAV imcnicii^ with Anna Freund reviews. paresis. See pi^ 11 Thc Wheel of the Goddess and MafiOu PtxKic of WAAV. Seepage 13 continued <in page 3 See page 6. Photo b>' Susan Davkl n IHi: I-MPIY Cl.OSHT October, 1991 n*i t,r| •^liltf-.i fNf October. 1991 THE EMPTY CLOSET editorial State and local news Born queer or not, we still need to come out Newsbriefs continued from pago I fenders against the policy arc supposed to By Susan Jordan l>e terminated from their jobs. The policy on the streets, who can only feel good in thc Ncwsfnmts section UJT details.) Oct. II. C:oming Out Day. is here again, ("manly") when the>''re destroyingsomcfine implies, and with all the rights that implies, Mortgage- also requires store supervisors and managers We can now say, if in fact the study pm- the third time it's rtilled an>und since Tve they t*an think of as inferior to themselves; whatever our sexual identity, race, gender, to maintain a work environment free of %es to be meaningful, that it is unfair to Queers query candidates: been edttor of the Fmpty Closet. This year someone their bosses and leaders and dad or backgniund. And thac holds true whether burning harassment. discriminate against us for being born queer the national theme is "Cioming Out, Staying dies and preachers will reward them tor gayness is proved to be bioh^gicalty deter Thc Gay Alliance of thc Gcncscc Valley The policy does not specifically mention Ihis is helpful to our, and the anger of Out, Being Out." destroying. mined or not. will hold a mortgagc-huming party and harassment on the basis of sexual orienta right-wing pn>pagandists like Cal Thomas at Some of thc voices urging us to doubt and open house from 5-7 p.m. on Oct. 12 at the Kverybody is surely aware by now that Let's get the poison of hate out ofour own tion. Tbe Pink Paper quotes an unnamed Political Caucus Survey part 1 coming out in large numbers is our only the \er> suggestion shows just how helpful it hate ourselves are the voices of people of GAGV Community Center, 179 Allantic Ave.