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Illa M Rbr B Tr R E Af ^ Ing H Rrald \ .> XTUESDAY. MAT 16.19W FAQETWELVB "n • * illaM rbrBtrr E af^ing H rrald N. S' ALWAYS^^ READY FQR AN EMERGENCY^YOUR HOSPITAL! X and ^ ^ ts Naeht" a Oerman^FPIk nessee and Kanoas, tiesldes those EMERGENCY DOCTORS from clubs in this stats, wUl attoad. ; THE WEATHER tun*. a v e r a g e d a il y CIRCL'LA'nON SCHOOL MUSICIANS dM>lT Of I t s VolOM aU B S CONVENTION Th* United society la a national: Foronuit of V, 8. Weathei' Bnrehn ABOUT TOWN' Physician* of the Mancbaater Aa a combined choir of 193 voices Organization com(>oBed of member i to r the month of April, 1939 Medical aaaoclatUm who wlU res­ t b ^ will present "Sing" by Holst lo ^ clul^ throughout the country.; HALE'S SELF SERVE Hr* Katherine M. OOrman a t 27 pond to emergency calls tomor­ and- "0 Bole Mlo" by Dl Capua. > HERE0NMAY28TH The Manchester club has racentfy i row afternoon are Dr. Edwin C. TO GIVE CONCERT been notified that th* United society • The OrlKinal la New Englandl 6 , 2 3 8 Generally (olr tonight and Tboro- Uocuat ■treet ha* had a* her recant An orchestra of about 90 pieces Member of the Aodlt KUMt. SU»* Winifred Ryan of 8an Higglna and Or. Robert Keeney. from tile begtnhera, gradet and hlgb has named aa a director Clarence F. day: allghlly warmer tonight. rranciaco, Cal. achool will play "Funeral of a P et” BldweU of this tofrn, auctloqeer for | I Bureaa ol CIrcnIatlona ' by Tscbalkowaky, a German folk the local club. BldweU also is a : AND HEALTH MARKET MANCHESTER ^ A QTY OF VILLAGE CHAH.VJ * Th# Kins'* Herald* will meet to­ Mr. and Mrs. Prevost F. Smith Orchestra Of Ninety Pieces tuna called "Post Horn's Call", the Stamp Colledort Of Many member of the United committee on ' and two small sons, Eric and Le- familiar German choral "PrMse the credential*. ! morrow.afternoon at 4 ‘o'clock at the (CUeolfled Advertising on l*ag« IS) MANCHESJ^R, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 19.39 (EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS South M e^otjist ch\irch. land. motored S a tu r^ y to Ogdena- Lord" and the march from "l^e Oc- All members of th* Manchestar! VOL. LVIIL, NO. 194 burg, N- T.. vthere Mr*. Smith and J o Be One Of Features At caalonal Oratorio" by Handel, . States (iather As Local club are requested to attend the ' Wed. Morning Specials corning event to welcome th* dele- I Mlaa Rhea Aiken who haa been her childred will, remain for a *lx week*’ vlMt with har_ parent* who gates to thl* town and to sit In a t' x*lsltlos her brother. Dr. Sidney o High Schoul Hail Unit Is H ost dlacusaions of varloua points of the jl'W Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Alkan. ha* left for New York to have a summer hom* on th* St. Tries Atlantic Hop Lawrrence river. OmCERS ARE EUCIED hobby of stamp collsctlng. i , Vlalt the World'* Fair.' The Mancheeter club Is eontlnu- ' BRITISH PONDER < The orchestra* »nd seventh and The Stamp Collector*’ Club of tng, with the Hartford organization, i ' 1-Lb. Can 18c k in g :g e o r g e g iv e n Its program of helping chUdren at ' Spry CONNECTICUT BUDGET Federal commbditle* will be dla- eighth grade rhuir* of the local pub­ BY WESLEYAN GUILD Manchester will be host to visiting tributed b> re at Klttel'* market Fri­ delegate* and committeemen of the the Newington Crippled Children's: OFFERING ARMT^ day It Wa* announced today. The FERGUSON NAMED lic school* w(ll present an Inter- United Stamp soctetlea'of America home make colIecUona of atam|Mi, a ; Libby's llei of provieion* will no longer be *rhiM)I concert at the high school Sunday. May 28 when, at 12:30 p. m. hobby In which many there ore ^ auditorium tomorrow night. Each Mrs. Marlon Eddy Namrd As a dinner wUi be served at the Hotel greatly Interested. WELCOME made publit? prevlou* to distribution choir win Bing ope group and wdll President At Annual Ses­ Corned Beef AID FO^RUSSIA It wa* etated. TO NEDNA BOARD Sheridan, followed by a business ses­ NEARLY TWO MILUON alao appear In a combined group, sion—Other Officers. sion and annual election. CampbelPs •“ A very heavy froat covered thl* while another feature will be the Over 52 delegatea from New section this . ibomlns^ as the i'old orchestra of ninety pieces, compris­ York. - New Jersey, F*enn*ylvanla. TRUSSES TO CANADA TODAY (egotiatioDs For Soyiet Ad- AU grou|ia of the Wesleyan Guild spell continued into Its third day. ed of beg1nna|a, grade school and Massachuaetts, Rhc^e Island. Ten­ BELTS SUPPORTS Tomato Soup OrehardlSts and farmer* (ear that Herald Editor Elected To hlgb achool (Ayers. gathered last night at the South Especially Interesting to those Matbodtst church for th* annual ELASTIC HOSIERY / If the nisbtly cold contlmie* their Ooneentrated . , - , ni I b o y l e a r n in g t o t a l k k e r^ e To Anglo-French SHORT OF BALANCING crop* may be damaged although who have signified their Interest In bustneaa meeting. Reports coveting Mole sad Female Flttera. SAY-ES PLAYMATE’S LIFE Newspaper Association Ihe work being done with instru­ the year's actlvlUas of each group Lge- ual Takes Place\ln most plant* and tree* are not yet T developed enough to be h a rm ^ ment* In the nehool*. will t>e th* wereeead, and the following officer* Waller N. Leclerc ARTHUR DRUG STORE Blue Super Suds 2 Pkgs. Greenup, Ky., May 17.—(AP) Front Go Forward In MOTHER RE8CI E8 HON as jret. GoTcmms Groap. playing of the claasea In violin. rello.‘ Were elected to Berv* for the year In idow Of (Sant CBffS' —^Two-year-old Jainea Meadow*, FROM BOTTOM OF WELL ! Appropriitions Conumltee, cornet, clarinet, trombone and flute. prospect; just learning, to talk, was nviRPROJEn Tha procfeda of tht* concert will be PreeldenL Mra. Marlon Eddy; vice Funeral Service Freak Oreen cimted today with ssvlpg the Meeting Of Cabinet Today Childress, Tex.. May 17.—(AP) x : The North Methodist church used to further th* Initrumental —With no ladder at hand when . After Period (N Confn- 11 X school board will have a meettng to president, Mrs. May D* Wolfe; sec­ No. Main SL P hone R 6 9 WoUe*s Army Sidled To life ^ s playmate. William RUey, Ronald H. Ferruaon. eltv editor work In the school*. retary, Mlaa Edith LIppIncott; treas­ 2. who w>ss revived by pbyvlrisns her 2-year-old son (ell Into a 14- night at 7:30 at the church. The Teaching Staff String Beans OTENS POWER foot welt.-Mrs. O. J. Rickman; of the Evening Herald, today wa* urer, : ,m Ethyl Lyttle. Mr*. Eddy after being dragged uncohsciim's iliondon. May 17.— (A P I—Nego- The present teacher* of these Win New France Area ; tied a rapo to a (lost and slid to sion Bringing Foot Revi­ Mr. and Mr*. W. R. Tinker. Jr. elected to' the Board of Oovernora aucceede Mrs. George McKinney, \^ASTATfMENT0f OUR from a creek. jUtiona for Soviet Russian adher- rlasurs are Robert Doellner. violin. president for the past year, and all •'Boy—water", the child cried hi* rescue. | were recent gue*ta of the Hotel of the New England I'ally Newspa­ Walter Joyner, cello. Sylvester John- eilce to the French-Brltlsh front P O U n DEBATE She pulled the child from tw o' Commodore svhlle In New York City per aoaoclatlm at It* annual meeting offtoen are new this year. excitedly to hla ihother, Mra. \ sions In Less Than 24 eon, flute. Ward Krause, clarinet and Aftar th* busineas meeting re- New Onians BUlXETINt Clifford Meadows', a* he toddled went-fpiw'ard today In a meeting of feet of water, grasped hie clothes held In Boeton. The a**odatlon I* aaxo|>hone. Jack Crawford, cornet LUMBER... 1 POLICY the' British (Cabinet- and a call by In her teeth and climbed back , and trombone. Ward Krauoe will freohments were served by the At- Quebec, May 11.—(API— Into the kltcbeh from the yard The monthly meeting of the Man- made up of member pepera Frame and FTnIsli—All Kinds where he Irad been playing with the Russlu ambassador at the For­ band over band. Donald Glenn i. Honrs, Annoaces Tmal cheater Republican Women'* -club, conduct the beginner*' group*. bury group and a oodal'tlme was King George VI declared today Navigation Plan Criticized suffered only bnilaea, but Mrs. I throughout the New England atale*. For the first time the comhlned enjoyed. W’hen you buy an In the llret speech a reigning the Riley boy. eign Office. which wa* to have been held tomor- Other* elected to the Board of Gov­ HEALTH MARKET Mrs. .Meadows found William Britain was de^rlbed In responsi­ Rickman was (uUnfully burned row afternoon at the Y.M.C.A. will choir* of Buckland. Barnard. Green G. E. WILLIS A SON, INC. automobile, what Britidh sovereign ever hao by the ro(>e. I And OfTidd FignTo” To­ ernor* ere Jame* M. iJingley. Con- and Hollister school* will combine in made In Amerira th at on this floating downstream In ’Town ble quarter* aa willing now to- make By Opponents As First b* hald at a later data. Mlae Katb- eord, N. H., Monitor: Edmund F. 2 Main SL TcL 8125 branch. A neighbor. Miss Hattie important concessions to bring Rua- artn* Byrne of Putnam, the apeak- a concert.
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