\ .> XTUESDAY. MAT 16.19W FAQETWELVB "n • * illaM rbrBtrr E af^ing H rrald N. . S' ALWAYS^^ READY FQR AN EMERGENCY^YOUR HOSPITAL! X and ^ ^ ts Naeht" a Oerman^FPIk nessee and Kanoas, tiesldes those EMERGENCY DOCTORS from clubs in this stats, wUl attoad. ; THE WEATHER tun*. a v e r a g e d a il y CIRCL'LA'nON SCHOOL MUSICIANS dM>lT Of I t s VolOM aU B S CONVENTION Th* United society la a national: Foronuit of V, 8. Weathei' Bnrehn ABOUT TOWN' Physician* of the Mancbaater Aa a combined choir of 193 voices Organization com(>oBed of member i to r the month of April, 1939 Medical aaaoclatUm who wlU res­ t b ^ will present "Sing" by Holst lo ^ clul^ throughout the country.; HALE'S SELF SERVE Hr* Katherine M. OOrman a t 27 pond to emergency calls tomor­ and- "0 Bole Mlo" by Dl Capua. > HERE0NMAY28TH The Manchester club has racentfy i row afternoon are Dr. Edwin C. TO GIVE CONCERT been notified that th* United society • The OrlKinal la New Englandl 6 , 2 3 8 Generally (olr tonight and Tboro- Uocuat ■treet ha* had a* her recant An orchestra of about 90 pieces Member of the Aodlt KUMt. SU»* Winifred Ryan of 8an Higglna and Or. Robert Keeney. from tile begtnhera, gradet and hlgb has named aa a director Clarence F. day: allghlly warmer tonight. rranciaco, Cal. achool will play "Funeral of a P et” BldweU of this tofrn, auctloqeer for | I Bureaa ol CIrcnIatlona ' by Tscbalkowaky, a German folk the local club. BldweU also is a : AND HEALTH MARKET MANCHESTER ^ A QTY OF VILLAGE CHAH.VJ * Th# Kins'* Herald* will meet to­ Mr. and Mrs. Prevost F. Smith Orchestra Of Ninety Pieces tuna called "Post Horn's Call", the Stamp Colledort Of Many member of the United committee on ' and two small sons, Eric and Le- familiar German choral "PrMse the credential*. ! morrow.afternoon at 4 ‘o'clock at the (CUeolfled Advertising on l*ag« IS) MANCHESJ^R, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 19.39 (EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS South M e^otjist ch\irch. land. motored S a tu r^ y to Ogdena- Lord" and the march from "l^e Oc- All members of th* Manchestar! VOL. LVIIL, NO. 194 burg, N- T.. vthere Mr*. Smith and J o Be One Of Features At caalonal Oratorio" by Handel, . States (iather As Local club are requested to attend the ' Wed. Morning Specials corning event to welcome th* dele- I Mlaa Rhea Aiken who haa been her childred will, remain for a *lx week*’ vlMt with har_ parent* who gates to thl* town and to sit In a t' x*lsltlos her brother. Dr. Sidney o High Schoul Hail Unit Is H ost dlacusaions of varloua points of the jl'W Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Alkan. ha* left for New York to have a summer hom* on th* St. Tries Atlantic Hop Lawrrence river. OmCERS ARE EUCIED hobby of stamp collsctlng. i , Vlalt the World'* Fair.' The Mancheeter club Is eontlnu- ' BRITISH PONDER < The orchestra* »nd seventh and The Stamp Collector*’ Club of tng, with the Hartford organization, i ' 1-Lb. Can 18c k in g :g e o r g e g iv e n Its program of helping chUdren at ' Spry CONNECTICUT BUDGET Federal commbditle* will be dla- eighth grade rhuir* of the local pub­ BY WESLEYAN GUILD Manchester will be host to visiting tributed b> re at Klttel'* market Fri­ delegate* and committeemen of the the Newington Crippled Children's: OFFERING ARMT^ day It Wa* announced today. The FERGUSON NAMED lic school* w(ll present an Inter- United Stamp soctetlea'of America home make colIecUona of atam|Mi, a ; Libby's llei of provieion* will no longer be *rhiM)I concert at the high school Sunday. May 28 when, at 12:30 p. m. hobby In which many there ore ^ auditorium night. Each Mrs. Marlon Eddy Namrd As a dinner wUi be served at the Hotel greatly Interested. WELCOME made publit? prevlou* to distribution choir win Bing ope group and wdll President At Annual Ses­ Corned Beef AID FO^RUSSIA It wa* etated. . TO NEDNA BOARD Sheridan, followed by a business ses­ NEARLY TWO MILUON alao appear In a combined group, sion—Other Officers. sion and annual election. CampbelPs •“ A very heavy froat covered thl* while another feature will be the Over 52 delegatea from New section this . ibomlns^ as the i'old orchestra of ninety pieces, compris­ York. - New Jersey, F*enn*ylvanla. TRUSSES TO CANADA TODAY (egotiatioDs For Soyiet Ad- AU grou|ia of the Wesleyan Guild spell continued into Its third day. ed of beg1nna|a, grade school and Massachuaetts, Rhc^e Island. Ten­ BELTS SUPPORTS Tomato Soup OrehardlSts and farmer* (ear that Herald Editor Elected To hlgb achool (Ayers. gathered last night at the South Especially Interesting to those Matbodtst church for th* annual ELASTIC HOSIERY / If the nisbtly cold contlmie* their Ooneentrated . , - , ni I b o y l e a r n in g t o t a l k k e r^ e To Anglo-French SHORT OF BALANCING crop* may be damaged although who have signified their Interest In bustneaa meeting. Reports coveting Mole sad Female Flttera. SAY-ES PLAYMATE’S LIFE Newspaper Association Ihe work being done with instru­ the year's actlvlUas of each group Lge- ual Takes Place\ln most plant* and tree* are not yet T developed enough to be h a rm ^ ment* In the nehool*. will t>e th* wereeead, and the following officer* Waller N. Leclerc ARTHUR DRUG STORE Blue Super Suds 2 Pkgs. Greenup, Ky., May 17.—(AP) Front Go Forward In MOTHER RE8CI E8 HON as jret. GoTcmms Groap. playing of the claasea In violin. rello.‘ Were elected to Berv* for the year In idow Of (Sant CBffS' —^Two-year-old Jainea Meadow*, FROM BOTTOM OF WELL ! Appropriitions Conumltee, cornet, clarinet, trombone and flute. prospect; just learning, to talk, was nviRPROJEn Tha procfeda of tht* concert will be PreeldenL Mra. Marlon Eddy; vice Funeral Service Freak Oreen cimted today with ssvlpg the Meeting Of Cabinet Today Childress, Tex.. May 17.—(AP) x : The North Methodist church used to further th* Initrumental —With no ladder at hand when . After Period (N Confn- 11 X school board will have a meettng to president, Mrs. May D* Wolfe; sec­ No. Main SL P hone R 6 9 WoUe*s Army Sidled To life ^ s playmate. William RUey, Ronald H. Ferruaon. eltv editor work In the school*. retary, Mlaa Edith LIppIncott; treas­ 2. who w>ss revived by pbyvlrisns her 2-year-old son (ell Into a 14- night at 7:30 at the church. The Teaching Staff String Beans OTENS POWER foot welt.-Mrs. O. J. Rickman; of the Evening Herald, today wa* urer, : ,m Ethyl Lyttle. Mr*. Eddy after being dragged uncohsciim's iliondon. May 17.— (A P I—Nego- The present teacher* of these Win New France Area ; tied a rapo to a (lost and slid to sion Bringing Foot Revi­ Mr. and Mr*. W. R. Tinker. Jr. elected to' the Board of Oovernora aucceede Mrs. George McKinney, \^ASTATfMENT0f OUR from a creek. jUtiona for Soviet Russian adher- rlasurs are Robert Doellner. violin. president for the past year, and all •'Boy—water", the child cried hi* rescue. | were recent gue*ta of the Hotel of the New England I'ally Newspa­ Walter Joyner, cello. Sylvester John- eilce to the French-Brltlsh front P O U n DEBATE She pulled the child from tw o' Commodore svhlle In New York City per aoaoclatlm at It* annual meeting offtoen are new this year. excitedly to hla ihother, Mra. \ sions In Less Than 24 eon, flute. Ward Krause, clarinet and Aftar th* busineas meeting re- New Onians BUlXETINt Clifford Meadows', a* he toddled went-fpiw'ard today In a meeting of feet of water, grasped hie clothes held In Boeton. The a**odatlon I* aaxo|>hone. Jack Crawford, cornet LUMBER... 1 POLICY the' British (Cabinet- and a call by In her teeth and climbed back , and trombone. Ward Krauoe will freohments were served by the At- Quebec, May 11.—(API— Into the kltcbeh from the yard The monthly meeting of the Man- made up of member pepera Frame and FTnIsli—All Kinds where he Irad been playing with the Russlu ambassador at the For­ band over band. Donald Glenn i. Honrs, Annoaces Tmal cheater Republican Women'* -club, conduct the beginner*' group*. bury group and a oodal'tlme was King George VI declared today Navigation Plan Criticized suffered only bnilaea, but Mrs. I throughout the New England atale*. For the first time the comhlned enjoyed. W’hen you buy an In the llret speech a reigning the Riley boy. eign Office. which wa* to have been held tomor- Other* elected to the Board of Gov­ HEALTH MARKET Mrs. .Meadows found William Britain was de^rlbed In responsi­ Rickman was (uUnfully burned row afternoon at the Y.M.C.A. will choir* of Buckland. Barnard. Green G. E. WILLIS A SON, INC. automobile, what Britidh sovereign ever hao by the ro(>e. I And OfTidd FignTo” To­ ernor* ere Jame* M. iJingley. Con- and Hollister school* will combine in made In Amerira th at on this floating downstream In ’Town ble quarter* aa willing now to- make By Opponents As First b* hald at a later data. Mlae Katb- eord, N. H., Monitor: Edmund F. 2 Main SL TcL 8125 branch. A neighbor. Miss Hattie important concessions to bring Rua- artn* Byrne of Putnam, the apeak- a concert. EXPERT leads yon to a cer­ continent during Hie lont 200 Jewell of the Manchester, N. H . The seventh grade choira will *tng Frankfurts Lb. 27c year* "through loon and Horsley, pulled him out of the aia Into the (rent, and one reliable day; BOl Tabled For Cal­ s r angaged, la In Washington and. 1* Union-Leader: Alexander H. Rog­ SHOE REPAIRING tain make? Isn’t the I water. Physicians said be would Informant said a new offe^ to Rus­ Step Toward Estabfishinf net expected until next week. "Night" by Beethoven, "I Would Be (Anallty Material* — First Claa* through gain, the British com­ ers, Lawrence. Mas*.. Eagle-Tri­ a Sailor" by Leavitt and "The Spin search for the best monwealth of nations has been I recover unless pneumonia de- al* (or a Russlan-Britlah ml»tnty bune; Franklin B. Hurd, Providence, Workmanship and Service. I xreloped. ' alliance had been consider^- .. MISTRIAL MOVE endar In The Hoise. nlng Malden" by Jiingst. possible service at largely moulded Into Its preoeot ■9 ------______, Mr. and Mr*. Joaeph Atblafon who R. 1., Journal; Leroy B. Noble, Rut­ The eighth grade choir* will ren­ Loaf Cheese Lb. 25c form.” Ho B|)oke at a luncheon "Active consultations are In (uu- Tittle TVA” In N. L have been spending the winter and land. Vt., Herald; Jullii* Mathew*. SAM YULYES gfesa" both In Moscow and Londbh. der "I Dream of Jeanle" by Foatar, 101 Mala 8L Johnaon Block the lowest possible given by the government of aprtng thu* far at Auatln Turner'* Biddeford, Me., Journal; and H "With Catlike Tfead" by Sullivan F. E. B R AY Canada, with Prime Minister a Foreign Office a(>cf;esman aald. IS THREATENED StaU Capitol, Mortferd, May 17. OB Strickland atreet, have returned Irving Jenk», Greenfield. Mas*., Re­ fair price? We offer Soviet ambassador Ivan Maisky call­ Washington. Msy 17.—(API — A to their home on Boulder mad. W. L. Mackenzie King presid­ -(A P I—Tha Appropriatlona Com. corder. JEWELER that kind of insur­ Rib Corned Beef Lb. 12ic ing. Be uttered the carefully ed at the Foreign Office at noon. 213,000,000 Connecticut river navi­ Frank E. Pbllltpe of Worcester, ARMY OF 70.000 Drafts Britain’s Answer mItUe of tbe General Aeeemhly, ‘The Women'* Home Mlaalonary Ms**., was re-rlected manager, State Theater KuildinK ance. We’ll not m II pre|Mired sentenoee In a slow, gation and (lower project gave ple^ng tone./ Earlier the Cabinet discussed the AT WATERBURY after a (leriod of confusion whleh aoctety of the North Methodist George B. Utter of the Westerly. 737 Main Street a policy too low negotiations and was believed to House members on op()ortunlty to­ ,------. i brought four revisians of totals In R, I.. Sun wa* elected president of ' church will meet Thursday after­ priced to be safe. Quebec. May 17.— (A P)— King GERMANS BEGIN have drafted Britain’s answer to day to debate the merit*'of the ad­ Ices than 34 hours,, ennounoad to­ noon a t 2:30 at the home of Mr*. the aaaoclatlon, William Ltwlght of Russia's rejection Monday of the Clarl Backmon, Swedish aviator, waves goodbye at Bangor, Me., be­ day AS the "Anal and official" figure Charles I. Balch on North Main the .Holyoke, Mas*., Tranncript, was George VI today became the first ministration’s (xmar (wllcy. Defense Momentirily Re­ [ By Geo. Holme* | HOLMES Watch and Jewelry previous British pro(>o8ala. fore entering hla tlqy single-motored plane on his attempt bo fly to that tha eUU maintenance budget street. made vice president, Charles L. PHONE reigning British monarch to set foot Prime Minister Chamberlain, an­ The (iroject, offered os a oomralt- for tha next two years woe out of Fuller of the Brockton, Maos., En­ llernrstive TAKING CENSUS Stockholm. He flewrfrfim Bangor to Botwood, N. F., and then took tee amendment to the rivers and on North American soil when he and swering question* In Commons on off across the ocean. T ^ plane's cruising speed Is 110 mllea an hour. balance by $1.9S&,f0B. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Klnne terprise, wa* named treasurer, and Upholsterer 3615 Repairing At WATKINS BROTHERS harters authorization blU, was critl' fers To Possible Action In Queen Elizabeth landed at Quebec the Britlah-Ruaaian negotiations, ______'______■ \ ______■ Im m ediate after the final figuree and aon William, of 221 Adams Stanley T. Black of the Pawtucket, JOHN L. said: cised by op(xments os the first step were announced by Richard Oovort. atreet, attended the funeral at the R. 1., iimea was elected secretary. Reasonable Prices fbr their tour of the United States WiD Afford Nazi Regime In­ "The foreign aecretary (Vlacount toward establishing a "little TVA" Protest Agiintt Infer­ oommItUa sooretaiy, the budget hlli Canterbury church today of John T. RE-UPHOLSTERED FUNERAL SERVICE and Canada. Halifax) received a further com­ In New England. Introduced In the Houao aad Klnne of Rehoboth, Maat., Mr. S-FIECE SETS IJKE NEW. AU New Materials—S-5 New Spring JENNEY However, opponents of th* meas­ l-1llrd Uttuhlnn* With Every Order. The king and queen mode their munication from the Soviet govern' Ubied for the oelender end prlntliig. Klnne'a brother who died Sunday. step In and See One of Stan- Insoranoe and Bonds landing from the Uner Empress ot formation On Which To roent on May 15. It Is now under HUNDREDS FIGHT FIRES ure eoncetM there was little chance ence’ Assertion By Akom It will not oonm up for a vote be­ .\ll Three Piece* ...... Bstablished 1874 $ 4 9 0 0 cheater’s l.ariceat Selections 191 Main SL Tel. SetU A ustralia a t 9:84 a. m. eat., to be consideration by Hi* Majesty's gov­ to defeat the amendment, which the fore next week at the earUeet. The Women'e Home L/eague of welcomed by Prime Minister W, L. ernment, and I cannot at present House Riven and Harbors Commit­ A sum noiy made puhUe by Oeveri of Greetinx Cards for All 10 Depot 8q. TeL SUM R. K. ANDERSON, DIRKCTOR Base Further Regimenta* tee voted Monday to report favor­ the Salvation Army will hold Its 15.00 DOWN __ OR — $5.00 DOWN Mackenzie King and leader* of give any details." WeUrbury, May 17,—(AP)—The pieced (soommended a|iendlng (rom regular meeting tomorrow after­ Occasions. Canada and the province of Quebec. Befoaea To Ooaunent IN NEW ENGLAND TODAY ably, after having voted against tbe the general fund at |U,204J»0 to $1.00 PER WEEK $2„50 WEEKLY 142 FAS’! CKNTISR STRKliT dafensa In the WaUrbury fraud trial noon at 2 o'clock at the citadel. The ceremonial welcome took tion Of Life Of Nation Ha refused to comment ob the Tfto^et lost week. ctntraet to aetlamted InconM tout­ PHONES: OFFICE 5171; RESIDENCE 7494 place In the shadow of the giant statem ent published May 12 In af States' Rights momentarily threatened today to ing $S1 J88J17B. Alfred B. Uagnell, fliumdal editor Third Payment Plan Not One Penny Down. No Pay­ cUffa which General Wolfe’a army Izvestia, the Soviet government or­ Opponents of the proposal to niova (or a mUtriol during a protest RoohaMi Afifit $166,86# of the , 'wUI. ad- ment for 30 Ixinir Days. scaled 180 years ago to win "New gan, describing the Sovlat govern- M assachv^ Legislator dre< ^ a 13-foot channel 83 mllea against on aaoertloa (rom Proeoeu- A hour before the final figure WW6. dreaa the meeting of the Holy Name France” for the British crown. Berlin, May 17.—(AP)—A volun' msot’s proposals—for aa aUiano* of m n from Hartford, Ooon., to Holyolie, tor Hugh M, Ar Society of St. Bridget'* church to be Wears Admiral’s Uniform teer army of 70,(X)0 Germans began Critaln, Franca and Russia, and Moss., Indicateid the Iseue of etatao’ held In the church ball Monday eve­ n tE E ! A Hiff Roomy $15.00 Pull-up Chair Free With King George wore the unlfrom ol Seeks Federal Aid In from testimony Intreduoed by c r u “; Every 3-Piece Set Re-Upholstered. work today on a census' which will possibly including PoloBd. riiIghta would be raised. atato, en ‘inference" of "apUii ning. He will show several reel* of on admiral of the fieeL The queen afford tha Nazi regtma Infomatlea Laborits Wsdgswood Bena aafcsil OPERATOI The navigattoS program, biclufibig klekhecks" with e1^ money ootald he ptcture*. Michael Morphy I*'head was dressed In a (>eart gray en­ $7,000.0()0 eomMned navlgatlaa n. Thn Ameunt of ovto-eOHMUIt Pn which to base fuilher ragimentS' whether it wouM be correct to oo- Cloiring Woods (K Hnrri- drawn. of the refreshment committee. The ,\ll New Sofas and Chairs Built In Our Own Factory. GOODRICH GAS semble with an off-tbe-fade hat of and power dam- a t Enfield, Conn,, A defense attorney's threat to boil boen eoUmatod a t about meeting will be open to all men of the oeme color. tlon of the life of . jp im o th at noL (urthor dlscuaslona. hoe been op(»oeed by alt Conneetleut 000 Into lost Bight Irr expsrU voril- .All Ke-UpholHterinR Hone In Our Own F'aclory Under Ona im|x>rtant puipooe of the 'm uld take place until Lord HMlfax "pureuo our only retaedy” unlem Al­ the pariah. ’ V 70 Octane King George made his way down caiw-FeDed Tree Menace. UN ION C^I Intereeta ap(>earbig at hearings and corn daeleted from the type of orgu-; ing for' the eommlttee and eeritar ' .Manaffement Supervision. the flag-decked gangway Juat a step count. It was ofllclaUy Stated,- 'la to meets Maisky st Geneva Monday, yesterday fienate Chairman ChorMfi determine exactly what caUingi, >"Oh, no," the premier said. b y H ^ lour Connecticut RapubUeon meat be wez following was r a g g ­ ahead of bis amlUng conaorL A tre­ repramntetlvea. ed Of referring to a pqeslble mistrial E. Whreler (R-StreUordl hod an­ MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING RENOVATING mendous welcome arose, cheering, trades, professions or -branches Asked whether he would be able Re|>raeentatlvea Smith and 8ban- nounced the figure at $1,600,000. pealing bells, screeching ships’ whis­ labor are too acantily supplied to make a statement on the negotia­ Boston, May 17.—(AP) — As ' Harlao Only Kentacky Area motion. One-Day Service. Floss, Hair,. Felt and Cotton. ^ gallons $^.00 ley, Connls'ttrut Demoerata, declined Tha argument’arose at the con' The siunmkry made puhUe bp tles, 'the ropr of airplanes. satisfy the needs of the nation and tions during foreign affairs debate hundreds of weary men fought (or- j to dlacloae their poattlon. (jovert dlsckieed that tbe committee' Sanding Floors Friday, CSumberlaln replied that he elusion of tbe (>ert of Accountant Canada's first view of her aover- eat fires tai various (larts of New I Support foriNtba program come Warren H. Brown's testimony relat­ bod added 6S,686A8S to tha OCR SPECIALTY PHONE TODAY— 361.'>. Youi* Own Local Leading elgna waa one of pleasing and unex­ (Uonttnoed on Page Fourteen)i eboDUld not say. Left DizMotinf; Agree­ chiefly from Chicopee prlstlone recommended by Gk>v. ?' • England today, a Massachuaetts: ing to city (wymenU mode to John ’ E s th n a ^ CheerRilly Given. Upholsterer for Over 18 Years. pected Informality, the king and BosIb Of New Plan and Holyoke, H oeavud Re(>reaenta- 8. Jobneton, New York broker. He, RoFmoad E ' Baldwin. A (sodjust- queen smiling and waiving from the Under Britain's re(iorted New legislator sought Federal aid In Uva caeeon (R., Mom.), who aougbt nwnt between other estlmotea bod "MK ding m a c h in e • 3 9 s ment Covers 40 Mines 0 with Mayor Frank Hayes sad 31 Dial Goodrich An K. Gas Goodrich Ethyl Gas ■hip's rail to crowds below just be- plan, Ruaala would promise to fight clearing the woods of hurricane- reoonalderatloD of the M^nmlttee re­ othen, is on trial on a charge of eon AND EDGER FOR RENT A Real Anti-Knock Gaa! ^ re thq landing. JEWS INTENSIFY for Poland, Rumania, fCstonla, Lat­ flUed timber which, slntm snow melt­ jection lost week, eplrocy to defraud WaUrbury of (Oenttoned on Pngs I 8) 3230 Prims Minister Awaits via and Finland; Britain and France 27 Operating Companies. entettvea HlUer (RvOonn.) For Information HOLMES SOFA & CHAIR ed, has represented an acute fire ever $1,000,000. Ctran. OcMillurtable Carl OHOIOB OF TAPESTRIES Prime Minister Mackenzie King would promise to come to Russia’s hazard. lero (R., Jllrii.). t h ^ t t e r Moves Testimony Stricken Out See A Floor .Man. UPHOI..STERY COMPANY awaited their Majesties at the foot aid, if Russia went to 'war to ful- S of the Rivera Coarlnittw 8rr\’lr® At All ■RP' 0 gals. $X.OO No where else can yon And Other Flao Fabrics ' PROTEST PLANS An order offered by Rep. Roland r ‘ Jobneton’a attorney, Patrick H< 13 School Street Showroom. Factory and Office Y gals. $X*00 of the gangplank as they came | ailBer defense pledge*. D. Sawyer (D., Wore) asked aaalat- Hartan. Ky., May 17.—(API—The ley, moved that the nmjor port A Better Place for Your Upholstering! matcH such quality at ashore a t 9:34 a. m., eat. JOS. J. FARR NOT ONLY RECOVERED, but Britain, France and Russia alao anee from President Rooeevelt and Hazard county coal operators, em­ (UoaUaued on Page Fourteen.) 'e testimony about hla client FLASHES! prices as low as ours. rebuilt! We eaU for and deliver The landing o n s delayed a few would make a deciaraUofi against the heads of the WPA and CCC In on out on th* ground that Telephone 8284 CITY TAXI your aulte, repair and reset web­ minutes because the king and queen ploying approximately 7,000, men, (Lnto Bnlletina of the AP Wire) DBNNIti MCRPHV.'Profk. EsthnateaT Gladly. aggression and their raiiltary staffs New Bkigtapd, declaring "there la to ounnact him with any ot bing, add felt and repollah stopi>ed to say goodbye to the Uner’a Hatkmal Institutions Open would exchange Idea*. no project u(mn which WPA men today signed union shop contract tha other occueed. Telephone framaa, rotle springs, moos. In­ officers and men. Cannon foored the Tha negdUationSi-now two months are now woiUng ao important aa luld L when the beak HBH> POB OB8BBVAT10N ai-gun royal salute-aa their Majea- a t Lexington with the united Mine' SWEDISH AVIATOR Jonathan J. Onreia stall new spring cushion uhlto, old, have been ham|>ered In (>art by (trotacting us from the threatened Workers os 400 addlttonal National ords were ^Msitroyed T" AlOom ex­ Woehtagton. May 17—(AP)— A VAN’S "‘Si?,’?'” and aterUlzo your fnrnlturo. tlea left the ship. Special Offices In Palet- British reluctance to share military wldes{)read fire menace." claimed In arguing against th* mo­ SS-yeor-eld PhUndeipkIen areeatoA CALL 6018 Covering and labor included. The arrival waa two day* behind Meanwhile, state patrols aaarcbed Guard troops were ordered In readl- Corner Hartford Road and Palm Street ’ TeL 3866 the original schedule, delayed by ta g secrets with Russia, one informant tion. on ke triad to ehiBh a (eneo at tbe IT TlOATt Extra Large, Ripe tine As Placards Posted. declared. the Chqie God region for a pyroma- nesa ' to movs into, this strae-torn STILL O V ffi SEA Tha prosaeutor^Hien want on to WMto Heusw areqjed wMh a raefe and ice hoBords of the North At­ nine, or iitiup of pyromanlocs, coal area. say that (rom Brown's teatlmony and pen kntto, woe bald In OnUtogar • «% .N SUM lantic. PINEAPPLES blamed by State Conoervation Com- Announcement of tha signing of about ds(K>atU and euoe w ient with heepital today for mental akaervn- PARLOR FURNITURE CO. *nM crowds got their. first good mloaloner Ernest B. Dean for a drawals Johnston moaq of city Wo Sell Upholstery Fabrics and Sni>pllaa view of the king when he left the Jerusalem, May • 17.—(AP) — tbe contract waa made simultan- Uen. Tbe man, keehed ne Plnnh IVORY SOAP series of forest fires In aouUieastem eonoiy by J. B. Johnaon, e member Despite ExceHent Weatiwr money paid to him tbe ' Jeeenh Twere, toM SergL Btamr. 17c each Cor. I w Odk and Btain Streeto r, Oapn. woloomlng dais and, vrith an officer, Pre(>aratlona of the J e ^ of Faiea- DENMARK ACCEPTS Massachusetts which reached a could be drawn of "spUU add., kick' Large .. took- long, quick strides across the Una (or nationwide protest against of the Hazard operators' group, and Lewis at tbe metrepeSton paNee, ...... 3 for 25c critical stage yesterday when six Sam Caddy, preeldant' of th* Hazard haoko." Lento reld, that he tot en did is klB Medium I • •••5 for 25c Shurflne Coffe«, 4% jf taoU^ square to Inspect the guatd Britain’s plan for the future a t the ae(>arate fires burned over eeveroi Another defenee attorney, John of a com(>any ot Canadian Grena­ Holy Land were intensified as time district U. M. W. ConditioDS RackiBaii Not Praetdent h eneevett bseamm '1m to Gneat .. , doz. 58c lb* •#**•*** *.* \ for the plan's pubUeatlon, lata today, GERMANY’S OFFER hundred acres of woodland. The agreement covers 40 mines, to the peer- aad 'tohot diers. Serleua Fire In Maine. an of t h ^ In the area, o(>erated by (Oou« on fnge Flltoeu.) ry needs la a dictator.- Boy theee meat aiifcUiU Wedneiiday m oniinf . . Plneharet H* moved quickly down the front approached. Expected Until 8 P. M. . • a fwoeee a t noon on \Ved.nr.eet while Sweden, blaze In the vletnlty of Petersboro, field adjofna Horton. At Awond ea.t) Beckman's rootbar, brotbara Enqdojmmt Maktt Rec­ Bcpreeentollvee oadjle before Regular Size Yellow...... Onion* ...... ,8 lb*. 14e ••Hdway Heatildton . fere with the demonstrationa:as long Norway and Finland poUtely de- N. B., where firefighters were bzm- yesterday the other dlesenUng Ken­ and aiaUra ware unaware that ha ewspaperi Charfe Ge^ they tgrere orderly although ex- oUned Chancellor Hltler'a propoaola pered by. lock of water hi timber tucky grpup, big Sondy-Elkhorn hof token off (rom Newfoundland A SPECIAL ON SLICED BACON AT ...... |b. Jle Dampers j / ' tenalve n o ta ry and .poUca precou- of parallel accords. bipwh down by lost Se(>tamber's Cool Operators Aeaedatlon, signed yesUrday until prem reporU were ommendations On Isine OVBRBULB8 OEMVBBEBS Kidney Stew . . We Haxe l.«mb. Beef and VmU Kidneys . . the Oiimney Hnea tioiw have been token to cope with hurricane. The flames sfiparently tbe controcL ' Peace negotiations received. Lamb SeU.AI ...... g for lOe QuMuoM rikH mans Trying To Show Po* Danish sources aald: however, New Yerk. May 17.—(AP)—PM- NEW MAKES jCleoa Out Doori any development of the tense situa- that- thetf country did not pledga sprung from, embam which had here are not to be. raeu^ad tmtil eral Jadge W. Oahrln dm eant todog Some Tender, Plump, Fre.h Fowl «1ll be featured a t 8le lb. tlon. herself to accept such a pact under smouldered (w a weakHh a wooded Monday. ^ ' NO BEPOBT BBCEIVBO Hartford, May 17—(AP)—Age everreled oH demarrera Sled Oeanlne Spring Ijuuh I* \ery lender, and lean. Buy a whole HOME BUILDING EASY r • fish Minority Negligihle. Anbo. Palestine’s majority, on section ruined by an aariler confla­ The Hoaord ojierstdre tmued a New York, May 17—(AP) —Carl barrten against workers of 4B or rmer U. 8. CIttmIt Jadge Mortlq SkauMer of Lstnh (about « (tound*! a t-lle jh. . . . IU*-e Chop* •HARDWARE ' i the other bond looked forward to any sad o)l drcumatancea. It still Btatemcnt esylng that while they HY pay rent when it’s eaay to own your o ^ hemal La* has to be negotiated. Denmark Ie gration. Bookman, Swedlab aviator attem(>t- more In cIvU eelrvlce eystems era de­ T. Maaton to dve eonsplraey InmcS* eat off, or a Cunhion Boast to Stuff, and use Ihe rest of the * Stanley oiri Roaswbi BoUders’ Bord^ora the British plan optlmlsUeany. Two MWtnms remained in the "atlll opposed the union fhop" It Ing -a trone-Atlantic flight (Ir^ plored by the governor'a. commls- mto pending agnlnat him. The de- Shoulder for stewing. W us bslp you. Aa Onild headiinartars wa offer you on* "Al Jihad," organ of the - exiled the only one of the four etatea hav­ atop” aarvic* ... you aalaetth* houaa you want. . . many ax- Schloge Cylinder Locks Warmw, May 17.—(AP) — Pro- ing a common frontier with Ger- Newfoundland to Stockholm, alon'oa employment of men over 45' irren of Montan’e three eo-«to> Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, leader of (OeutI I eu Fogo Two)' (Oenll en Fege Fifteen.) Sweden, wee unreportad a t on early yeera of age In Its ,re|x>rt to th* idaato ekw were everreled. Man- WEDNESDAY MORNING FRESH PINCHUIIST VEGETABLES clasiva'OuUd Club hew* dosigns to choos* from, aach Stanley and Worth Tools testing methods ismidoyod In taking Arab opposition to Brideli rule, ex­ ■oeny. ly preiMrad for aambera e t th* National Housing Onild by The mlnistera of the four powers hour this morning. governor totoy. ton is geeueed apeeUtoaSy ef having Fresh BroonoU In again...... large bunch 2Ie *1 bought a new waddng ma- more. A nknt cake ef> tee !■ Nails, B ^ s, Screws, Etc. the cenous 5f (Mimlatlon In Oer- pressed satMfoctlon that.ofter a 30- He canjod no radio, however, ao oeoepted aware to taSnenoe Ida d»- Sammer Hquash . . Exceptionally Nk* Green Pea* . . Small, foromost ardiltecta. W# do tha roat . . . w* evan arrang* a yaor struggle Palestine soon would were tesdved aeporatcly by Boron Two repommendatlons on this Is­ •ovrcc of fiwwwgjtty. Yom' hooM wilt bo boilt by coBipotont ddne with the money I-saoed Coolerator’s r ** cooing nnit.* numy, th* Boclalist newspaper re(wrta of hla progr esa would depend sue are made: i cMona on the benek Beimd Green Bean* and White Caullfiower. by dioowng Coolerator. But Coofemtor nae* loo in an callim Join TYansJordon, Iraq, Yemen and Emet von Wsisaasekor, state secre­ on hla monoplane’s being seen by e ... locM contractor* who ar* maiubar* of th* Onild. Opa alinpl* •GARAGE EQUIPMENT . Robotnlk charged today that only Saudi ArabU oa an Independent tary In the Foreign Office, ertiaa 1. That th* General Aaaembljr tiunaactioa covata svstything. Johna-ManvIU* Bniglaeariag not die main tcaeon I ly new. way to jjhre yon air coo^ FVonta Swing-op Barduran PoUrii citizens and Pole* zpeaklBg Gadget* Adorning Women Uner a t aaa or from soma land (Mint examine, with great care, any aUto MABKBTS AT A OLANCK NATIVE NATIVE, F ItE S a RED Standard* ^ v id s addetl protaCOen «gaion fir*. wMtbar and A rsb ■ they delivered th d r three ‘‘noea’' along hla rout*. . New York, May 17.—(AP)— dMMe IL Coolenter ghet me (fidooed icfligendDn — Stanley Sw ^-np and Fokt-op Ooon claaalcal Polish would be permitted The Palestine Post predieted that and one "yes." or munlci(ial civil aervie* legiala- ttcodopi fal * to- register aa Pol** In Germany— A t 3:40 a. nL, B8T, Beckman was tipn now before it from the atand- Stnahe Lower; Ireieri eUp. mdy MODERN leftjgcralian Binges, Loan, Etc, Jewish efforts to defeat the Britiah Anatene On Two Benda Mlied; P. 8. geverementto ASPARAGUS RADISHES AflC r a t rORTPOUO o p p l a n s a n d reftigmrtk*h yet k regaidteos o f what race their pa(Mn plan would lead to "an era of non' Two quesOone coBcemliig which Extend Over Wide Range 34 hours out of Newfoundland air­ p^nt of poeetble dlacriminatlon ■81 pcov^ for myielf on 10 day Garage Doors — A0„Typcs might righlfy. port If ha were eUe to maintain against older workan. again advaaco. FIH COPY OP 'HOIAB IDEA iOOK" free triaL” L E ^ Why not enk m w r~ Newapapers . olao charged that eoopetaUoa." Danmark wee dlecloeed to bo top cruiaing epeed of 110 mllea an Garb Foeyi spectaltieB In supply. 22c - 30c bun. 2 bunches 9e **Mri»l eavinw wml ■etdMi Germany was trying to establlah A (rimt-poga adltarlal In the Toot, daily amdoae were: 3. That the General AaaamMy Fwmgn Bschange—Qulet: guilder 2U* h th* rooeUr *»nm* be*k —xj w t a hMM taiMlw a ddhk* •INSULATION the only dolly In the Holy Land pub- Oileago, May 17.—(AP)—God-, berries" note to a white zporte hour, ha could have covered 3,640 memorlaUse the Federal OongreaB Native Btrawberty Rbubarb hutMd .( . S n S m . nhad «bh hdrM .l4.uu4 ■m.Wt.a., u w m h you fiioeie viOQiennc truly M f^G W ich%e^rtfaBle m M T statlsUcal proof th a t tha PoUoh t. WUI Germany damand a pleb- drees. mllee or a Uttle more than tbe dis­ ...... 8e lb., 6 Iba. 28o wdcl. u ealec u . io roam usannwaM. Suuetloea *ic„ twesu sad ------BalmniWook minority in Germany Is negUglbto, UMied in IteHah, sold, "Jswa wUl iadte In North Schleswig before gets that woman eoaelder adorn-1 to remove existing eg* barriers Qetten* Irregntor; trade eevectogt .Seedless ..Indian Rlx-er GR.4PEFRUIT two sizes . . 1 (or 28e •oar s4ms t r u aeiiy** l».4lns_swill hoau srrtd iffie 8a*iRg often mm to flOO er lnvutIgn|B Cooktnior lode^* be launched tomorrow on an era of Some designer most have wan­ tance cf his planned eoutae. He had from th* Federal CIvU Service re- and 4 to r 25c. tuts, OffecW ie JehuMuijh* asWod e4vw _____=^j,BoHiWo(d (OenouB taking otarted la Berlin signing a pact on the grounds that lan ie expected to fig-1 dered Into a candy store and been estimated, however, that he carried eeuthere seUlnr. h Wsurnw el I*, a am*. «• krisf h is yns ins 1!Oll TOtnL'lO SAT ffRBB TRIAL OAU. today). noa-Gooiieratlan whldi hi (Orcisd the present frontier was fixed by out wtqt—fangs this spring qulremtota. B u g w ^ N e 1 Very Sweet, Natoral Color JUICE ORANGES Insolating Plaster Lath them in order to deviae meona to inzptred by trays of mint wafera. enough fuel for a 4,000 mile flight The report Is the commleelon’s ■ doaLtle ao5l **2 I •w«takW‘— KUrJer Worazavrokl publiahed a tha ’treaty of VetaolUaa, which Hit­ from lonterA to enetus. As a resui;^ women ere wearing —should be be forced to vary tha atonal eperatl * * Maow «W N or C«ff «w Awr ■oak re|Mrt Marshal Edward Bmlgly- defeat the pMlcy whldi is about to ler has solemnly denounced? first sine* It woe apiwlnted by Gov­ WUte Paper Napkins...... 2 pkga. 28o be imimoed." One of the new tteiM in costume neckJocea of two dozen eoktred can- course. - i Oegee—L’l L T . WOOD CO. Rydo, chief of th* A m y, would vlalt 3. WUI -flermany dmnand the dy-lllte discs. ernor Baldwin A|Hrtl 13 following a Kleeiwx ...... S-pkgn. 25e Baltic oountriaa aocd. T1|idi«m re- Galls fi Jeweby eeen today In the retail sec­ resolution adopted by the leglelsture Sole on tie Waxed Paper a t ...... 18c, 8 boxes (or 81e M an^egter Lum ber Hia plan, set forth In a White Po- right to preocriba to Danmark bow Tbe xrogue.for turnliia, cobhegea GHANOBO BEGISTBY gardad as (urthor evidahea ikiland the affairs of tha,Oerman mtnority tion wee a emell metol lantern, n end other vagotoblaa la costume Chicago, May 17.—( AP)—Broth­ Members ore Carl A. Orey, Farm­ TBBA8UBT BALANCB. We have three Johnsoa’s Electric Floor PoUskers (or real The W. G. Glenney Co. was endeavoring to counteract ovar- (Mr to be rales ead tn 'Laadca, Oene- ington; Francis 8. Murphy, Hart­ sad a full line of Joknson’a Wax. IS ONLY ONE vs, 'Waohlngtcn, th* Atab stotas in Denmark shall'ba odmlnleteredT oofiy In minkitnie ef one that might Jewelry is rivaled this seeaon by ers of Charles Beckman diacloaed OonL Unnber. NMont* SuppUes, Pubit and FuMl Co. tures to thoo* oountriaa. If dthar aaaUrar la affirmative, ford; Edward P.'Riley. Brl^e(iort; Waebington, May IT.—(AP) •M 1^0. Btala 81. TeL 4148 - Kurger Poronny, in an obviously and Palcstin*, waa believed In-ad­ have lighted CBoitas DIckena large clusters of poetri end bright here that the Chicago evtstoi'e HnsseW PaoL l|anagsr Donee said, the p through a doorway. It decorates colored com|)oslUon flowers In clips takeoff on en attempted flight from WUltom C. Krueer, Torrington, end The poolUoD of tbe Treasury May CsntsrStrsat Inoiiired articl*. Infotrsd that n o ^ vance to call for gradual tronelttoa OeOrge C. OowdeU, Prae(iect. IS is as foUowa; MSTUMITORt Off JOHNS-NANYIUI MATIMAU TeL 1145 tiotiona toward ananeg vrith Bom t Of Poteetinc Into on indepondent greeelon paid wUl not meterioliae. a inung nwdem’n zprlng nutt lapel. strung M-fazhlon Into aadr Newfoundland to Stockholm w u Gnetenlee Of B Red end whtte Is on ImporUmt sad bracelets. modo.poaalble by changing the n g - Aefce Bxtoarien (H Life RooWpU I13A69.3B7AL TOCc’ / V Rnoola had not gcaa oa-tar-aa i stota 60 par cent Arab and 40 par la Ita report, the cpmmieelnn aeka Expenditures 666,430,iBtJP. (•ports in d ic a te PoUee, tha. or- m b ! Denmaifc was said to wont the wormweather color ' TO keep the style from being too, tatry of hla omali mcnoplane. i 3'_ : VAiN ^ ' GUiLDiunv HOiTiES nno R F K 11 ■ i t ■ i', I poet bdeonea It would too eweol there -ore leige eilpa of Tha hratbera; Gust aad Andrew, that its Ufa he extended for two Net totonca I f 046,661, sold, bos (omaliiid fivin (Britain was reperttd to h««« de- lead lii line with tble ore eiqie of C!ust«k recall for . la bar emphsria on M- [extra-lifg. itopar-Wg tuectoua iwl u d eectus leevoe to-trim linen HomE impRouEmEnTS letrawMrrito to odd a "tbat’e tbe ko. . , j Owithined on Page Plfteen.l ICbattoned oa Page ilttetn | i i i i i oviif TnppnAT A D ^ C IPM , .■ i .. / \ s- V A Q Z H rO MA27CSE8TZX EVyWWG REXAtD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. MAT IT. IM f ■/ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17.19S9 PAGE THREE URGE ACCEPTANCE ANNOUNCE STATE’S Tooth and Tonsil Jerking Engineers Hope Equipment President Louis G. Baldwin, said ,ind formerly' an offlcl.'U of other Hendrick Ooletnan. widow of Chap- , fined 310 by Magistrate J. W. Dav- EARLY STRAWBERRIES k in g g e o r g e h o n o r s w o m e n v o t e r s o p p o s e thaba national vote on whether the Deaths Last Night large dep-artmenl storea man Coleman, for many year* U. S. enport for.opeipUng an automoWla WOMEN EMPLOYED ' | nation shduld go to war "offers no Whe,-llng, Va. Freilertck J Weis. consul general In Berlin nnd Rome. «-ith faulty brakes decided to. sell P p E IR Y WINNERS Not Positive Treatment OF SOCIAL STAND Will Be Lightning Proof sure and certain safeguard against By ASSfH I.\TEI» PR r.S* 54. trea-surer of the Kldellty Invest­ ■ - — ------— the car to ral'ae the money. RUINED BY FROSTS GAINFULLY HIGHER g a p t a i n o f s t e a m e r i w a r r e f e r e n d u m l a w the Involvement of thia country In a Chicago — Jacob F.spovlch. 3.5. ment AseoclaUon. FINE FIX. It brought 36. He borrowed the foreign war," general manager of the Uoston stort: Frartkfort. Ky. - Mrs. Jennie Spartanbiii^ 8. C.—A defendant treat from frienda • t Loula—(AP) — A wanUag^othsr conditions. Dr. Rslmann ds> Sharon, Pa. — (AP) — Reversing, mesa production of “hot UghtoUig.'* Tbe committee la holding bearings Makes Him Commander Of Washington, May 17.— (A P)—The on the war referendum prqpot^ sub­ ^ ■ IM • 1 n It ; M oucti to b * Affaetod. Tk* b«r> Seren Yonng Men Chosen To against disasss trsatmsnU by elared, and still have R. Also thou- Middle Western RepnbEcans exparlmenu mdde In eolonlsl days putting ft to work on Growers Id This Arei Re* rtm u*t w«r* uu tb« fro«t ttu "iootb sad tonsil jerksrs” wss ssnds of parents bsUevs thst tonsil uas to tsst dlsWbuUon transfonn- Royal Victorian Order And National League of Women Voters mitted by Senator LaFoIlette iProg- uivfTci* ui r u ^ would b* th« ohm that would Issusd X66a,y bsfors ths tOtb annusl' sxtracUons are certain Insurance by Benjamin Franklin, enylneera ^ integral part ol tha oppdsed war referendum legislation Wls). have demonstrated how manufac- ayetems that span tbe matlon. ConnecHcul Has Larger Pro­ Sends Me.'v's.iffe Of .\precia- in a statement today to the Senate ■ I atart to eoma tiito tba markat about Represent Connecticut At msatlng of tbs American Medical agafnat tbe oeeurrenca of sore Argue Party Should Agree ! ticn. DOrt LOW'LVlDf rielat Are J u m lO. nw barrtaa th at aMin to Aaaoclattoa. ' tbroata, colds, and ear. Infections. tured thunderbotU have taug:ht The outdoor demostratloo Judiciary Committee. Moors kiss each other on the . ^ have eacaped the froat wUl not ba The statement, forwarded by Vice shoulder. Cleyeland Erent Contrary to popular and medical Both groups are frequently dleUIu- to Laws. "CT portion Than Most States Quebec. May 17. /(A P I— King KEITH^ Have The Answer To Your D.JU. lEa Unn hOmnt matured aufTlclenUy to eoma tnto opinion tha teeth end tonsils are not | stoned. D&QlJ IIIl“ “ ” in HOCtl jtha markat for anotbar month.*ThU common a aoures aa Is bsltavsd { Symptoms Basalt, Not Cause will ba lightning proof. monstratloo a t l.SOO.OlX) velta. George VI. in recowiltlon of the will help the growers la soma re of Infection causing rhsumatlsm, | . Frequently tonsil and tooth Infsc- Franklin eapfured what be called Hope For Protoctioa In Union. service of Capt. A. R. Melkle of the spact as school will close on June 16 Uone dliappear when a person with fire” from lightning to experiment The cn^eere hope such toett liner Kmpres* ov Australia, haa Names of savea young yoOltry- arthrttle and similar, dleeoaea. Dr. W ashington — (AP) — Middls made him a commander of the Royal AO Early Crops. and the barrtss th ^ will ba ready Hobart A. Relmanh and Dr. W. a genarol Infection Improves, Ur. wsatern Republlcana are bringing with electricity; tba engineers bgvs as this will eventually aasure corn* to harvest wilt not itava to go to man who will raprasant Connecti­ Relmann added. Indicating that tbe created man-made lightning thrsugh pletoeeU protection of traneform* Victorian Order. Furniture Prciblems (New or Replacement) Paul Havens of Pbltadelphta declar- the word to national headquarters He conferred/ the Insignia last waste for lack of ptckera as was the cut In poultry judging and demon- mouth and throat aymptoma are a that the party In 1040 should ac­ electricity, finally produdni In It ers from the electrical storms that - Hartford. MayT7 — night and Serw.a message to the a g e by heavy ralna and flooda laat case In othsr years. Ths contribution of thus tlaauea result, rather than a cause, of auch cept much of the New Deal's social FrankUn'a "fire.” necticut has a much higher propor­ Poultry Congress In asveland were, conditions. He urged pbyeiclana to neas and bandlrap Industrial een> Canadian Pacipc line expressing his September raauUinf In a ahortaga of Reports reaching local nowara to the cause of general Infections la legislation. WlU Burn HutMigh Metal tion of women employed gainfully anil Queen Elizabeth's appreciation brings tba Information that the New announcsd here today by Oarry A. do a thorough diegnolels of auch ^ ey call It "hot lightning” be­ te n . berrtea for thta year, were again eat no greater than that of other tiasuaa One of those who has put that P. L. Bellsechl. 36-year old Llian mo.>ft etate* of the Jinlon. a "for all that/ha* been done for our back by the froat of tba laat three Jersey crop has also been badly hlV Connecticut gtots Col- of tbe body, sucb ea the lymph caaea Instead of accepting the roost argument before Republican com­ cause'they um..have ....v— succeeded after l During Their NEW MANAGEMENT llkaly cauM and to remember that Ui chargt of tha ^^tudy of tho siipHcallon^ for Fed- comfort .arifl/*afety." > “STAY-UP-TOP” momtnga In nearly all of the low i : r n » y ? j ; the strawberrle^s af^ glands, they declared, but sines mittee officials la Gov. Harold Btas- years of experimeota In producing ubora-’ The me. Mge added: fseted but tdmatoca and small gar­ Hahn of tbe State Department ICdu tbe complications of tooth end ton­ oral o'd-age In.-urance nccounU last p la^ In the Uancbestar Auction cation. they are readily available for surgi­ sen of Minnesota, who defeated an artificial u tory^^e, .explained the new Itght- year reveal*. "Our voyage has been an eventful j Markat area where the berrtea were den truck that would start to come cal work their extraction baa be­ sil operations may be serious. Democratic and Farmer Laborltc The lelectiona were made after a Persona who have a “kink” In the ^ ' Of the triV.ll- of 49.345 men and one. We encountered fog which kept I ao far advanced aa to ba in bloaaom In from the New Jersey market will come popular. candidates last fall. atrlkee. It wU) burn through m e W . voltage “Tgh current ' women appjvlitg In 1938 in the ftatc, us Immobile three days and passed / LEO ANT* GIRDLE and would have been the Itn t berries be greatly cut and In eoma eases a ■tate.w1de elimination eonteat at back following an automobile acci­ Durham laat Saturday. A judging Indlaerlmlaato Bamevol Net Jnetlfied Big, Bland and only S3, Staaaen "Hot lightning” waa demonstrated I 10.780 nr about 40 per cent were Uirough / an icctleld of an extent ; SALE Now Going On! Big Savings! dent or after fa ^ were warned by to coma Into the market, there have compitto lost. Oftentimes their removal may la barred by his age from coneldtra- ubUcly recently for the first d?scribed It as i 'low currant women. In the country at large which la I believe, unprecedented at | bean reperta received that n e a i^ all The strawberries that have been team of 4-H Poultry Oub membera. Dr. H. Earle Conwell of Birming­ a demonatratlon team of 4-H Poul­ rellsva on Infectious eoadlUon If It ham, Ale.. Uikt they may actually tlon as e poaelble presidentlal can­ I ths plant of the Weauftg-1 duration discharge,' women constituted some 22 per cent this time of year. have bean affected by the .froat. In bit by the frost were those that centere In an inflamed throat or a didate. It will be 1044 before he "The hlgbest praise Is due to the $ were being grown In the lower si-c- try Club member! and a judging have a broken back. bouse Electric and Manufacturing i temperatura of "hot' ' person* gainfully employed j 4.98 : some caaea the entire early crop la team of Vocational Agriculture pus pocket on a tooth root but many Broken^verttbrae do not always could be spoken of In th at connec­ Company,>'heTe for IS years en-j„i„^. i, je,, than half aa Jing_to the 19.30 cenau*. ltd* cupts)» of the Emprea' of Aus- j ; gone. UODS. From the Bolton bills and atipposadly tnfacted teeth and ton- tion, for a man must be S5 to be out by Kmnk J. C. Donohue. i trail ho did hi* ulmoet to get u» ' It was estimated at tba outset of from aitead comts the report thst ■ludenlt were eelected. oVocattonal cause An Immediate parelysle ot gtnsen have fired 800.000 artificial | th at of ths familiar “cold lightfl) Warner Girdles With the New Waistline “Sta-Up-Top” More Men That Comprise Agriculture etudente wlU compete alls are not actually infected and b o ^ or even great discomfort, he president. thunderbolts in their efforts to per-1 with which engineers have been < nager of the Hartford office. So­ her» Monday, but in the excutlon ol | 2 Pc. Krohler Suite ‘ the aaaaon after a survey had bean tbs frost has not hurt thoss berries tha Indlacrlmlnato removal of them Basis Ctf Platform cial Security Board. ’ his /duties l as a sailor I can appre­ Feature — $2.98 Up. ipfite of tha damage dona by the and thers la also tha sneouraglng rs- May 37 to eelect a demonatratlon declared, but later develop Into feet It by InatUUng tha heretofore p ^ m en tin g for .some yeart. The team. In the vague hope of correcting tha irmanent___ paralyala and frequently While no apectfle planka of the fiery ralaalng link.” Until now, ar- new lightning concentrates Ite our- The study of new insurance ac- ciate this fact! made the safety ot ) rains, that there would ba about a port that" they ars not eapected to hl4 ship his first consideration. Our Personnel be hit ea they are not far anough In the 4-H Club eventa not only general Infection cannot be Juatlfla^ dMtb ^V'ksns^ ' who are able to walk 1040 platform have been discussed 'Uficlol lightning has failed only to ; rent and maintains electrical firs . qounta set up by the hoard In Con­ The Corset Shop heralds the new aeason In the 60 par cent crop barvjMtad this the Philadelphia physlcUns aaUL necticut last year "shown 60 per ,'"We shall say goodbye to the Em- guise of immarulately tailored Talon stepin' summer, but tha froat baa cut down edvancsd to be subject to a frost at the icorea made laat Saturday were away from an accident are not “all publicly ao far. Dr. Glenn Frank equal natural lightning's ability to i between 100. and 1.000 tlmee as Bella and other “focal” infeptlona right,” as they claim, until a phyil predicted at St. Louis recently that cause fires. long, or sufficient to burn, he ex- cent were for young men and wom­ ffrecs of Australia with regret and ^rdles to we*r 'heath your apectator or active \. ’ IM* figure. Just how much the this Uma. (onaldered but the boya' prevtoua With gratitude. On# of the larger m w s rs In Man- recorda ln~’pouitry wrok. which may cauae blood imteonlng, dan has made a thorough examina­ the recommendaUona of tbe RspublU Westtnghouse has inaugurated > plained. en under 30 year.* of age. sportswear. ’ froat has affactad tha local barrtes auch aa splinters In the hand or Applicants under 20 years ac­ (Signed) ; is hard to tall. Tba season has bean cheater reports, the lose of the en­ At Cleveland tion of tbe spine and an X-ray diag, can Program Ck>mmlttee, which he ./ maty natia carrying tatohua germs, QOsti, Dr. Conwell said. heads, would form thu batla of the counted for one-third of the whole. "GEORGE R. I." The 3 Inch 8to‘Up-Top tends to ! lata and for that reason the berries tire crop of a five acre patch that At Claveland -the Connecticut More J.han half of the wonien i that have bean bald back because of would have been bearing early team! will enter conteate with alml are obvloua, they eddpd, but the ex­ Physlclane should also explain platform. were In TarifMUe. .Sterling, Bristol, give you those crisp, suave, chis­ perience of 35 y e ^ "baa not pro* ■ptnu fractures thoroughly to their "They will consist," Frank told were under 25. eled llnee ao much a part of the tba cold weather were not advanced strawberries this ysar. lar teama from other atatea. The HUNDREDS FII IT HRES Manefleld, Plainfield and Lebanon. The proportion of worker.* over 45 4-H demonatratlona take place Sat vided eufftclent ayldence to warrant patianta, be added. Some persona at- reporters, “of an audit of tha re 3 A day or tvra of iubitantlal rato- new silhouette. It cannot roll U.e routine extraction of teeth or Umpt to exaggerate their condition suits of the New Deal s M con' was the same as that in the country SAYS POLICY DESIGNED down and cannot 'cut Into the urday, July 20, tbe 4-H judging fou, Mr. Lathrop said, might end a t large in this age group; event! Tuendey, Autuit 1, and the removal of tonalli In the hope of In the hope of obtaining compensa­ struettve itateracnts of RepubUcan IN NEW EN(HM > TODAY the hazard for tha season, hut fall­ flesh. You will love .the com­ Influencing general syatemlc or re­ tion and can frequently m Identified. Largest iSrntip 1.5 to 10. fort It gives and you'll'Tove the vocational agriculture judging philosophy on political and sconomic ing this. It would continue grave. By far the largent group was In TO BRING ABOUT WAR evente Tburedey, Auguat S. mote dlpMse." Others, however, develop mental at- problems.” ending of that old girdle buga­ Tbquaanda of persons In the Unit­ titudea In which they aCtuelly be­ (Coatlnoed from Page One.) the nge brackets of 1.') to 19 years, boo . . . the top that rolls over. The Nicest Dress Fashions Ten high achool atudenta wkra en­ This la tbe gist of what Repub Tungsten, a metal used to eleetrle totaling 16,119.' The next older tered In tho vocational agriculture ed ^tetea have had S4l their Aeetb lieve they cannot walk but can be Itcon headquarters has been hearing e^reeted In tbe hope of iettli% re­ restored to normal by proper ad­ path of the flamee although the lamp fltlmentz, bai a malting point group ot 20 to 24 yaar.s of age to­ , Oklahoma City, May 17.— (AP)— judging trial, with a team of two from the midwest: taled 8,270. followed by lho.se 25 to J. Frank Norris, militant Baptist "TwoWay-OneWay” stretch lief from arthritis, rheumatism, or vice. "We can't be a business party, g wind change apparently-aavcd sev­ of 6060 degrees Fahrenheit, tbe high­ chuaen to go to Cleveland. Wlnnera est of all metals. 29 numbering 4.S27. ' As ages (h- pastor of Detroit and Fort Worth, Lastex with , batiste front panel were Lawrence Goodwin of Ashford, a farm party, or a labor party. wL eral valuable eatates. Two serious and Lastex batiste hack. Ab­ fires also were blaring In Maine. creased the number of applicants Tex., charged today the admlnl,*t,ta- a student at Wlndbpm High School, must consider tbe whole country and -fell off with sharp regularity until tion's foreign policy Is designed to dominal Imnlng for a trim pro­ and Michael Vallldes of Rnfield, Willard Bristol, brothers, of Canton not just one group. There already la Maaeaebusetta offlclAla blamed “py- file. Nude pastel. Short or romanlaes” for six fires within an those 65 and over numbered only plunge the United States Into war atudrnt at Enfield High School, who Center, with a demonstration of the BODY OF FARMER too much evidence Of bloc govern­ 1,510. "to cover up our certain bank­ long length. flniahed in a tie. roabl method of picking birds ,n ment. hoiir yesterday which leveled hun­ dreds of acres on Cane Cod before The large proportion of youthful ruptcy.*' Tied for aeoond place were preparation for market. Sprinkling “Nor can we expect to win by applicants shows thnt the program. Norris, founder and president of powdered roaln In tbe bird's feath­ IS FOUND IN RIVER promising to pull more rabbits out TOO nien brought the' flamee tmder Regularly Douglas Porter of QUead, etudent at control. Inaugurated In 1937, is becoming the World Fundamentalist Mission­ Windha'nv High School, and Stephen' ers. they dip tha bird In hot water of the bat than con the Damocrats. S Y A 1 1 stabilized. Mr. Donohue said. ary Baptist Fellowship, said he Luryal, Enfield High School. 'Iliey and then pull off the feathers after The country la ready to get down to Maintain Steady Patrol. "Workers who already had jobs would elaborate on his pliarges at $95*00 the roaln hae stuck them together realities and face the facta of our TOMORROW - FRL AND SAT. W T/ier's will ba altemataa. Northford. May 17.—(AP) —The M ore.than 730 separate woods got their accounts numlier.* a t the situation now.” fellowship meetings tonight through 4S Competltora In a mass. body of Cnayton WUltams, 65, wide­ fires have been fought In the Bay start of the program early In 1917," Friday. FVank E. Chamberlain Forty-three boye competed In the Tha Bristol brothers will do this - Ready To RepndUto New Deal state this spring and OffleiaU he said. ' "As a result, most new He is a delegate to the annual "STA-UP” BAND Donald W haler dsmonatratton at Claveland. Other ly-known farmer and church sexton Governor Stoasen says he bellevea 4-H judging elimination si Durham, of this town, was found today In a throughout New England main­ S v i u m applicants are naturally young convention of Smithem Baptists, AI.PHABET BRA Special Give ns two meat one on expert For twewty-five yeoia Mr. Oka with John Plho of Scotland atand' Goodwin and Harry Rogars, Groton. the farmeri "are ready to repudiate tained steady patrol over the ex­ folks taking, or about to take, their opening here today, but said the fel­ shallow part of the Farm river, a the New Deal.” mwOTi...wooi iKDor but poorly manupfeA the qthqr berlala has bee* calBag at yi Ing first. Arthur Cohen of Guilford caponUing. Rlehai^ King and Paul laroe roM tied about bis waist. tremely dry da^er areaa. first Jobs.” I lowship meetlngi would be conducted with peraoaaUty plus oad ue troto- Olaon, Southington, preparing egga ''What la the remedy for ths farm Maasachueetts Conservation Com­ In the largest single age group separately because the convention $ wee In second place but la under tbe Dr. Jamas E. McQueen, Branford •Ituatton?” ba continued. “I don't 1.00 Ing as a anleaipiin, and we «rill take honae os a aelsawien-eolleeter. minimum age of IS and U Ineligible for market. Fred Voos and WlUlom medical examiner, said ha waa missioner Ernest J. Dean linked sev­ last year, those 15 to 19 years of would not permit him to voice his ihe man with tho jgeraawality. Felske, Jr, Chethlra, wiring poultry have any complete answer. I do eral other recent forest biases to sge totaling 16,119. there were Modern uplift of fine quality batiste with 3 tiny tucks. “Sta- malatalna a wider circle of trlMio to compete at Cleveland. Edmund studying the caae but had been un­ know that we must continue to help / p - - ' X I That’s the, Vray we feel nbont Mr. Ruwet of Torrlngford waa third, houses for artlflclal light. able to determine whether the death southeastern Massachusetts with in­ 9,004 youths and 7.115 young Up-Band " fagoted beneath bual section prevents wrinkling or KkUillUk $7 9*00 Wheeler.,' We’re onre yen will and nrqnnhitnneee than any ■ Ralph Hayden and Donald Lana. the farmer, and that If the Republl cendiarism. women. crawling up and furnishes that much to be desired, snug William Franz, Jr., of Wlnated, was suicidal or caused by tout play. can party la to wlri In the middle S.MLOR KILLED IN BL.A8T 7 agree. He’s learning to he a fer- ■IntllaHy ocaployed In IMa soot fourth, and George Goodwin of Ellln^on, metboda of ventilating Ha gave no verdict after a prelim­ A carelessly thrown clgaret waa diaphragm control. Adjustable shoulder straps. nltwre MleanuM and bound te be poultry houses. Tbe beet conaumar west. It must convince tha farmer Groton, fifth. inary Investigation and said he that it Intends to deal terioualy and blamed by authorities for a fire to STUDENTS DROP GER51.AN Portland, England, May 17—(AP) A popolsr style salts that sertalaly will be a quick eeU-oot at tUa a wtiuMT. ot tho etnisb With (^en eliminated tha team demonatratlon waa by A rthur Koc- would confer w ^ Coroner James Uie New London, N. H., area which -One sailor waa killed today, and 879 prise . . ordlsarfly you’d pay $98 for uphoUtsriug os deep a k and Harry Pattee of Walling­ constructively with bis problems.” swept 75 acres of timber slash be­ to go to Cleveland will ba Plbo. J-. Corrigan during the afternoon. Regarding the selection of a preal New York, May 17.—(API— The three were Injured seriously when a A B C ALPHABET POCKETS aud miUlent os this. Covered to one of 19S9’s newest omartoet Ruwet and Frans, with Goodwin ford, preparing egg and milk drinks. Williams waa last seen alive laat fore 200 men subdued it to a four- gun exploded on the destroyer In second place were Esther and dentlal candidate, Staasen says: hour fight. niulnber of students studying Ger- lobries. Hated aa alternate In ceaa one of the night leaving a Northford store. It "It la very Important that the ^man In New York city's high schools Eskimo In Portland harbor. The others cannot make the trip. Harvey Colburn, brother end aleter, was net discovered that he was At Westfield, Mass., about SOU gun was being cleaned after-gun­ Duncan Phyfe of PhoenlxvtUe, preparing an egg delegates tO the 1040 convention has dropped from a peak of 22,H demenatratloni were of miaaing until this morning when hit represent genuinely and honestly the acres of woodland near Barnes air­ in 1934 to 14,000 last year a de­ nery exercises when the peddent oc­ drink. wife went to bla room to call him port burned to 'what officials there T Begnlnriy Ug anongh Cer two kinds, one dealing with produo* sentiment of their atatea. They cline of ,35 per cent. • x , curred. dIalBg; top etooed 19x87”, open It’s tlnn methods and the other with In third place were Frances Mor- and found he wae not in bed. should not just be a delegation pick­ described as the worst forest Are of ley and Gertrude Oonaty of Derby, A searching party of neighbors the current dry season. In Maine, 17x44”. Combine H with eel ef ways of Increasing' use of eggs or ed by political bosses. Political backs the Phyfe chnira. poultry by coneumera. Five produc­ preparing a fowl for roasting. Immediately began a hunt for him won't do. Their states must have serious blazes were battled at Ma- tion defflsnetratloo- were gIvM end and found the body lying face-down confidence In them. galloway Plantation to Oxford coun-' three consumer damonatretlohs. In the shallow water about 10 a. m. “Among them should be come ty and near South Casco. 6 Maple Pieces —Fresh Whits on D srk ~ Brothers Vdn Trip REFUSES LABORING JOB, WlUlama was aexton of St. An­ youngsters, some real farmeri, some Firelighters Driven Back "A” type "B" type “C” type drews Episcopal church. Survlv- $13.95 ‘a —Colorful Print*— First place among the demonatra­ real workers, some buslheai men Foreit Commissioner Waldo N. pocket for tho pocket for the pocket for the tlon teama and the award of a trip Ing^are his widow, two sons nnd two Tbe convention should present i Seavey called the Megallojvay fire m small busL. average bust. large bust. Begnlariy IM.OO. —Pastel Spectator Sports- to Cleveland went to Sterling and QUITS HIS REUEF NICHE brothers. compoalte of the nation." the worst of the seaeot. to Maine and SPECIAL! s tbe flames, covering a mile front, $ 3 9 -8 VOICE OP EXPEBnENOD Appealing Styles It wras learned today that the drove 100 firefighters back slowly. Main Street Manchester 'Maple table witii a ooweealed leal, Axminsters ( for All Occasions The six Cape Cod fires broke out town has loat one-of Its charity re . Omaha, Neb. — John Pyle, 87. within an hour, first at Massa­ 6771 Ample Parking 4 chairs and a huteh eoMuet pol­ ciplents who had a chance to be­ speaks with experience when ho Manchester chusetts military reservation to FRADIN’S ished, stslnless, highlighted flolah. come partly self supporting, but re­ tells you the way to keep a wife' S3 Junior sizes: / 11 to 15 fused to'take a job; The man In Bourne and Sandwich, then at (Not Exactly As Bhowu.) $29.85 years Is “ to oat'eh 'em ^ u n g , treat Masphec, Monument Beach to 9 J Misses’ sizes: 12 to 20 aS* gr Wbw r«y •wTOBiTfctirbjrf jr question wsui'told to report for wrork Date Book Firmly wovoa xU” rag* la nM Mottp—pour •tansfli p«un wl !«• mm»k. tu^ with the Perk Department, where !em gently and never let It enter Bourne, points In Sandwich and East era. Oriental, heehed patterns i Women’s sizes: 16Vi to 24Vi VwT 4oMa‘t Aitfm ywi. luvy Wut- anybody's head that the marriage Sahd'wich, and In North Sagamore. at a fwtared sale ptiee. A. Larger sizes: 44 to 50 bum. BAutm. p«la w mm mmtrh. Jm tm some labor was offered', but came In Tonight ^ CAAfF/ to the relief office to report th at he Isn't for life.” May 17.—7th and 8tb grades con­ New Hampshire offlclala called for Ha end Mrs. Pyle, whom he mar- cert at High school ball, choir and more men today to help fight a blaze didn't like the type of work he wma at Fitzwilllam which - burned all / Priced from to Mrtt Uto 6i«Ms eiMifh ftiliki b«mU66. rtiivvt asked to do. The job oonsisted rled when she was 15, celebrated combined orchestra $3-95 to 512.75 duir« 5 u A Mliwtto ^ of usual routine assignments. their 6Sth wedding anniversarv this This Week through the' night. About 250 acres W iltons week—and concluded It waa itill too were Burned over and authortUes The man was Informed be would May IE —Annual "Open. House” estimated about 300 men or more have to work or go off relief, where­ early to tell who waa boas of tbe night at State Trade school. ' ■ PLUS . . family. would be needed' to subudue the She can’t looe . . . oka Mm i upon he asked th a t bis name- be May 30.—Legion Cabaret dance flames. tha fatken testead of tha $42.50 taken from the relief roUa. I t wae at Rainbow, Bolton. • ao / u s t a b u b a c k Cloae woven, eempaet plla raga la thought by the charity department FALSE AL.ARM bqhlea! , This Moath MENACE SERIOUS Peralaa patterns, fringed, A that the man probably knew where May 31.—Third annual banquet Hartford, May 17.— (A PI— The TORCHY RUNS eaper-volne la a.9xU rng. he could get a job and become self- Hartlngton. Neb. —(API— A of Qertbaldl society at 8ub-Alplne forest fire menace today remained ^H O N m i N 6 T O I ^ BBT. iw n supporting U he had to do sO' screeching fire 'whistle brought the club. FOR MAYOR F o a A a^oue In Cdhnectieut woodland. Evidently the man decided he whole toi\-n to see the fire- but they May 34.—Fourth annual outdoor .building , of fires, in the open for with GLENDA FARBEIX would "make the break.'* couldn't .find It. Investigation finally musical feitival at Educational IN A JIFFV/ Broadloom disclosed a WPA worker on a pav­ any purpOM woe prohibited. ENDS TONIOHTi Square, 1,000 voices and 100 must- C. H. Lathrop, assistant state It la Illegal to sleep In a hotel ing project bad short-circuited the ClMt. THE EAGLE AND THE HAWK’ roeUurant. kitchen or dining room whistle when he eut an underground forest fire warden, said six Area, PLUS . . . ‘NEVER BAT DO’ BINGO May II.—YDVA ctreua revue at none major, occurred Tueedey. They la North Dakota. eabls with a spade. $39.50 State Armory. Ffaw 9xU hreedleew rage w Next M eath the leaf patteta yon hear ao aa June 14.—State Trade school BUDGET PLAN OF PAYBODITfit abont from rag stytlsla. graduation. Bemember, yon enn choose and we June 16.—Manchester High heme fnrnlahlags while yen are Benson's school graduation. paying for them, by dividing the DAILY PATTERN pnrehaae pries Into aeries of small ^JLll monthly pnyihenta .7ll-7li MAIM fTRlRT AWNINGS ^ By OABOL DAT CIRCLE Girl Scout News [ THEATER HANCHERTER Extra Heavy (tinted Drill THE RADIO SCOOP OF THE YEAR OddFeltoWs At a time whan Accessories ime Girl Scouts have been Invited to S i/N A A S r / so Important, why not have all ywi OUR NEW DISH SET STARTS C O lO N S l JUST 25 OF THESE FAMOUS want, without straining your bud- attend the morning worship service Hail geL by making them with this tu y Sunday morning At 10:45 at St. At the Center design, pattern 84437 Mary's Bpiac^tol church. THURS. & FRL ' fwithaHwpe&fith'igc I t Inolvdss a basque blouse, with plan ^ BUY 18-19 Doors Open 7:30 a flirtatious frill, smart elip:«n p a rt to. tbe Memorial Day parade,’ gloves, a roomy bag, and a dainty ' are requeetod to meet at Mato and 30 INCH 36 INCH Starts 8:30 collar and euff set They’re oU a- Charter Oak etreeU, whet*, the moxlBgly oosy to moke, even the parade will form at 0 o’clock. ONLY glovee.' Tbe moat Inax^rlenoed Special diame aewer eon eomplete them, gntdeSTby A apeclal train at excuriion rates tha stsp-by-atep sew chart. will nm to ihe World's Fair If a FREE! 89<98« Tonight Tbosa aocessoriei can ba made la ■ufflclmt number of Girl Scouts TO THE LADIES WITH A 25c TICKET aojo^ blT many matertala to introduca endlssp^; from Hartford and vtotoity will go Mktinoe or ETenlnc Parformances $ 5 9 -9 5 $ Nunibers $30.00, if variety Into a limited wardrobe. on Girl Scout day, June E All -who Faille, silk prints, pique are just a would like to taka advantage of tba THE FAMOUS 26-PIECE Reg. Price $8«.SS no Bingo is cRlled in 9 few. You’ll repeat this pattern hxpurslon ere urged to get to touch Ha«Y Gake«i«d \ INSTALLED numbers we fill the time after time. with their leaders at once, Mrs. Bet-i w ith T oot Radio Pattern 8443 te designed for sites ty Hamilton, president of the LsAd' card for $10.00. 14. 16, 18. 30. 40 end 4X Sixa 10 era’ Aaeociatlon, or Commtosioner MANDARIN • 3 Bands requires 3 yards of SO-lnch material Mrs. T. B. 'Broanan. TIM Girl Scout ea Tor the bloueer M yard for tha bag; - headquarters at the fair will be to CAKE AND T SERVICE • 12 In. Speaker 5-g yard for the collar and cuff act, the ChUdron’s World, a t tko- Girl Itovga Ooka Plate, Sngu Bowl, Groom pt Linoleums 3 1-8 yards pleating or ruff- Scout chalet. ^ dow Bowl, Batter DtolL ^aidy DUh. d • 6 Push Buttons G>me EverylNMly 1-8 ymid for the glovee, plus ‘ t t aaoew, d IndMdaal Coko Plotoo, Sthror ] $ 3*30 to $4-50 K Tbe next maettog of tha OM Soout Coko Sarwiv $1.39»q-yA 1-8 yard contrast. W g’m oirtAttina 4m wbII Jfwnd man • 4 Pt. Tone Control This Looks Like Odundll will tok* ptooa Juna 1 in­ standard Tbe new SPRING AW 8UM- stead of June X8. I t wtU ba to tke ow B laawi a 198rs nc oolewa, tUe MBB PATTERN BOOK, S3 pag4« form of a picato at tba Oiri Soout Daeerntod ki < SCREEN D00K> o wmm«f then wordfobn le IoIm him 4wongli pattefna.0.. CALL of attractive designs for every Bm comp. IW tloBaanr " 1815- FULL SIZE Z’fi’ * 6 * - 8 ' The Lest Bingo and ovary oobaeion la now ready. lAUtl-Oolondr c»atof^ o«r $29-85 Special Event help you to your aewtng. One pat- a got Jo# Fuoatox Into on outomobUo, ScrtorniiiQ Demonstra­ tarn and tha new Spring and Siun- -V pmiSCILLA_LANE comfortablo foil siae iicd, bed-hifli froM tho floor. Has A Sa9A9 Va but tkoy bod to otool bto borot u d IEFFBET LtNNE la Gar N aw f^ralnd wbig tip in wlrifn bnefca— oild hit Tonight mar Patteni Book—38 cento, Patr buggy to do It, Dlah Sot Te eompaiiaMBt for boddothes. / tion tern or book alono—18 cento. •YES. MT DABUNO Avow n e Evo- Drawing of Pirate A. F ^ ta E who olwaya has rofuiod DAUOHTBKl . doyfliM feimollty, onr wbita bnd aidn wi4i Expert For n PATTERN of this attroe- to rlda to goioltoa vabieloa, roport- Repair Service C. club Mp to World’s ttva nMdel aend I8e to OOSi, your od bu bona and boggy otfiloa and ‘ frO U O AfiPT GSDBAT ^tam or blade calf trim. Eoeb itylo at SS. NAMX, ADDItEM, BTTUI N ^ - poUoa MOB looAtofi 4 0 ^ to Ann- On Ab Home Fair 6r $75.00. Game ■ONEBX MAN" 7 BER and SIZE to (NAMX PAPBlt) b ^ B . Tbegr told m o ato s bo'fi.baTt ^ tin . w. o. riEUM Take advantage of our shore delivery. Our truck will leave Or Auto Radio early and get a seat TODATB P a t t e r n b u k b a u . to go tb m to otoUB bia psoporty. IM n V E N T H AVENUB^A NEW ao no borM at Uat oo- TCMIATt " n o d e F o r OtkW” — ;{|pQPRHAItOWMtEl Tuesday, ^ay 23rd and Monda^y, 29th for Connecticut TMUL k : t . OagtaA B M o BBtOw j t \ CUIQU^ MANCHESTER E\TTNTNG HERALD, MANCHECTER. CONN. 'WF.DNESDAY. MAY 17. IPS* PAGE PAGE FOUE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1 7 ,198» plan. The Senate's vote favored It !vhether to send bluejackets ashore mere* outing Thu ' near B radaa- 81 to 7. i for protection of American life and ton. Palmer, times maiTtad IFLORIDA PENSIONS PROBHIG LANDING ^ I property. ^ SEEK EXAQ CAUSE scion of Chic ^wealth, died Man- Offer Confliottng Advice I Consular reports on the attuatloo dny. IS0UT10N POLICY Electric Cell Replaces BANKERS TEKM FEDERAL ' were being sent.to Washington. Funeral .^rvICea were arranged 6, OF JAPy^ TROOPS The Biitloh cruiser Birmingham OF PALMER DEATHhare tod/Kjr, and It was planned to DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS On Agricultural Measure SCHEME DELAYED .with Admiral Percy Noble aboard send the body to New York for ere- FINANCES BK PROBLEM ! departed from K ulangsu for SwafcMr niaUCltle MAY BRING WAR Human Eye Making Steel -I Aaalataot State’s, Attorney W. M. /. without landing say martnea. Washington. — fAP) —*to be raised for the** expenditure* The Kulangsu Municipal Council -Smiley said no charges ■ bad bean new levies also should be Impoeed White Sulphur l|pring*. W. V*.. Naval Officers To Golfer was reported to have told the Corool^r’t hvest^tioii h ilBced against Kenneth Nosworthy, Pittsburgh — (API — The electi matnly becauM they can man- Members of--^T^iesldent Roosevelt's State Payments For Aged May 17.— (A P I — Term ing the Iradenton meat cutter, who volun­ cell replace* the human eye in the acturs a uniform steel with great- to' reduce the Federal defleit result-: Japanese there was no baal* for the Harrinun Calls Upon United oflleial famUy were reported on Cap­ Ing from other activities. ' govemment’a flnsnee* "the most im­ demand for administrative control In tarily admitted, striking Palmer flrat basic Improvqfnent claimed in erNnachlnablllty an dassure a wider itol HiB today to be offering him portant problem in our national With American Consol At Recess Pendoig Rejpiirt On with hia flat. 80 years of Bessoraer ate*l making. Senator Georgi (D., Ga.1, a com-' Overwhelmiiigly Defeated the settlement. Th* council pro­ WTIC WDRC markbt. The Besaemer produces etoifUCUng advl(e on w hether to sign mittee member, disagreed with the life," the Investment Bankers Aaao- tested. It was said, against what It States To Adopt Program Jones and LkugbJIa Steel Corpo­ steel InHS minutes while the open to cal crtnie. A Japanese naval com- determine by autopay the exact WediMwIaj, May 17. 4:0O- Fact JTnder. of lanlatlon, formulated In the name- qeeept 'moat of the 9;t8.'?:0o0,00() add­ George said. for aged persons In Flortaa. a haven j.catciilate taxes several years In ad- head arrived tixlay at Kiilangsii, 4:18—Time Out for Dancing. man ufac til ring process feround iSM, physical (xmdlUon or other vari­ "At present we should elm at mender had been endangered by the | cause- of socialite Potter D’Orsay P. M. of peace, "may well be rcaponalbl* skilled eyes of workmen have de­ ables. ed by the Senate. for the elderly, appeared IndeflntteiFj vance. almpllflcaflon of regulation* southeastern Oilna'. to investigate WAKE UP YOUR 4 :48—Ruthy* Brooka; Malcolm for America's ultimate entry Into £LECTRiaALLY. auch a ri»vi«lon in the revenue act the-landing '’f Japanese troops . In 1 4:00—Bacbatag* WlWtf* termined by watching th* flam* Among other unbudgeted Items. delayed today following oiRerwhetm-1 xnj dlacontlnuanre of the undlstrt- < . I Palmer's death following a list alter- Mden. tongs. Develop Nsw Flame Oaatral Senate wrote In J225,000.000 for as "may reasonably be expected lo The Japanese air foiwN:onUm.ed ^ “ 4:15—S trlla D a llu war," In the opinion of Henry 1. Har- when the impurities had been blown Finally they, developed th* new Ing defeat by the Senate last night buted proflta tax. I the International Settlement. 4:80—Vic and Sade. 8:00—^Ad Liner, Dance program. rlman, former preildent of th* Unit­ 1 m altyIty payments designed to raise sUrhuIate general buaineas, thereby of a hotly-debated proposal. C. Provost Boyce, Baltimore,'I Japanese - marines went ashore raids along the coast. Three hombsf A ,, coroner's InvestigationinVesM. waa re- 8:30—Stanley Hickman Serenad- ed Stale* fhamber of (Commerce. nut of the hot metal to Insure uni­ flame control which they said o|>- increasing the general revenue to' fell close to the foreign settlement esaed pending the medical report, LIVER BILE- 4:4.5—Girl Alonr, form quality steel. ■ I m imnera' e purchasing power and Senator Spesaard Holland read a chairman of the IBA Federal Taxa- | there last Frlilay as Japanese au- *f*. Addrcanlng the 3I*t national plan­ erstea with apUt-seonod speed and 9113.000.000 for nurplus crop dis­ the government from increased bus­ telegram from Dr. Francis E. Town­ tion Committee, wrote Underaecre- thorlUes demanded major admlnls- at Ftxwhow. narrowly mlsslpK-'two which was ordered when Palmer's m ad C ik ail h i Tati JM pM atM li 5:00—Uldatream. Open Hearth Foriuuses MoJaslay 8:15—Buck Rogrra. 8:48—So Toil Want to Be ning conference last night, Harri- without th* variables of the hiirosD posal. The bill now la awaiting iness activity." send. promulgator of the Townsend tary__^ __of___ the Treasury .fohn W. Hanes trative Job.* In the Kulangsu govem- churches. Catholic and Methcallst. ^yalclan. Dr. David R. Kennedy, lU NetNM lokT I* G* For the last several years open eye, giving th* Industry for the flrat The U w e h o u llw r ^ ^ w w * * 4 5:80—Billy and Betty. 6:00—Newa. weather. man called upon the United State* House action on the Senate amend­ •Mr. R(x)*evelt said yesterday that pension plan, disclaiming Individuat'd,,^, 'of the aaaoclatlon's propo*e>l nient. The United State* Is one of discovered a preliminary autopsy nauM bU* iBlo your bowels4»Ur- P.tM* MM 5:45—Little Orphan . 6:05—The World of Sporta Jerk to adopt a policy of "world coopera­ hearth furnace* using pig or scrap time scientifle quality controls. Pat­ This cake, for exam­ m ents. parttclpanta In Monday’s tax con­ state effort* as "deximed to failure.’’ changes In the tax structure might the foremost power* sharing In the SIX KIIXF.n IN 4«.\SH showed no signs of the rerebral le sot flowlee (i*tr. yoor too4 eoeeei «*«». 8:00—Newt and Weather. Zalman. tion," aaaertinx that the time waa Iron have been the mainstay of the ents were applied for, detail* being WeU-lnformed person* said the ference had talked over the situa­ Soon afterward." a* scores of elder- reduce revenues temporarily but "on adminl.vtrallon of Kulangsu under hemorrhage he at flrat suspected It juet dersr* la.uv* bowoU. Mo*** ** *trel Industry, oiitmimbertng Bea- four stotaacb. Toa aet conetipatea. wtw 6:15—Hlatory In the HeailUneii - 6:15—Howie Wing paat when "*ny one natloh ran live withheld until later- ple, practically cooks Prmideht brought up the bill at a tion In a friendly way and that some ly person* watched tensely frbm t^e other hand, the effect on bust-! treaties between China and foreign Tokyo, May 17 ' (AP) llpmel. was (he Immediate cause of death. whole nr>teei,le poboned end »o« lew pear. rrotesaur Anilre Schenkefl 6:30—Edwin C. HUl. In Isolation." semeni more than ten to one. Ex­ Metallurglsta expre.^sed belief the t^an t Cabinet meeting, where one progress had been made.' He said the gallery, the body voted 28 to 8 oeaa will be aaliitarv and ctinse- powers. Japanese newaagency, reported Peace Jvtatira Franklin Redd. Jr., suak end th* world look* imsk. __ 6:80—Melodic String*. Joyce All- 6:40—Baseball Score* Declaring that "economic n(*ed perts say steel from an open hearth flame control would bring new' ap­ of advisers, led by Serretarj- another' conference would be held against the proposal to flnance pen- quently helpful to the entire conn- i The Marblehead left Tslngtao from Fukuoka tmlay that six per- aald the report probably wouM be A leer* bowel saorHaeat * * a \a 2 _ S itself on an automatic ready In "twtj p r three days.” tbo caoe*. It takei tboeo a ^ aU C erttn man and Larry Hiiard, vo- 6:45-The Old Fire Chief dominates world politic*," he ail- cart be gauged more accurately -by plications for Bessemer steels where was reported to have urged after the House Ways anil Means slona with a two per cent trai^e- fry,** | Monday night. Capt, Thomas Moran aems burned t o death, one was criti­ UttI* L lw Pin* tn aet thee* two puuak calUta. 7:00—Amoa h ' Andy. vocaled changes In the U. 8. neu­ employing certain mechanical de­ uniform high quality is desired. 'J m h e sign It.- Committee has studied the (juestlona tlons tax. The benefit would have !' ------jwas ex)iecled to send a group of of- cally huiL and four were uninjured Wltneaaea' Give Veraloas' tt Ml* flowtae frMlz aad ataka poo M 7:15—Liim and Abner. vices not applicable to Kcasemers, ^ Another gronp- which included gone to persona 60 years and older, | when a Korea-bound airliner atruck S * and ap." llarmWea. cmliairet ■■■*■ 6:45— Lowell TTioma*. trality law* to permit sale of good*, They said testa over a period of ELECTRIC range, raised at the flrat meeting. Black widow spiders have been fleera to confer with Karl deG. Mac- At the Inquest yesterday aeveral In* la maklac MI* Sow fre d ^ .A * liv 7:00—Mr. Dlatrlct Attorney. 7:80—"Colgate A*k ll-B**kft " Imlitillng arm* and miinlllon*, "to PrtMlucer* long have endeavored months showitd the new regulator Vice President Gamer, waa said to The president reiterated that If at least five years resident of the reported In all 48 a tste s of the ITn- 1 VlUy, the United State* consul at some wires at the airport and crash­ witneasea gave verslona of the alter­ Carters LUll* U»*r Pin* h» auBW »***>* 7:18 —Champion*. 8:00—"Oangbuatera." any nation which can pay for them to put Bewicmer converter* hack highly aiircesoful in achieving uni­ have BUggestfKl thot he veto It and | ^^e undistributed-proflta tax— fre state, with provision they spend It | km. 1 Amoy, on Kulangsu, before deciding ed." cation at a Junior Chamber of Coni' atnbbomlr refu** eaptblaa *l*w 7:80—Inatde of Sporta with aJck 8:80—Paul Whttelnan'a orcheatra. and carry them away In Its.own vea- Into greater use for multiple rea- form quality. and ELECTRIC range return the farm problem to Con-j (,yg|nesa men — within the month. Stevena. 9:00—T*nu» Star ThaaUr. *ela," with the provision America gress with a request that It waa repealed, sorne methcxl to pro* Debate For Five Hoars 7:48—Serenadera with Peg La Cen­ 10:00—^Raymond • Palga, 69 Men may refuse to trade with a nation accuracy assures you hold to the budget estimates or ral^ hlblt legal tax avoidance should l>e The pension theory was assailed I and defended In five hours of debate, tra . and a Olrl. which "haa broken a treaty with ua Day'program from Safi Frunciaco spokesman said, that "Yugoslavia additional revtnue to flnance the I enacted In Ita stead. 8:00—One Man'* Family. 10:80—It Can Be Don*—Edgar or la obvioiialy an aggreaaor." Senate-approved beneflta. , Senator LaFollette (Prog., Wl*.). in which more than half the body'a | World'* Fair. would respect her engagements to of success every time. Gamer, long an economy advo- - . “ membership participated. 8:80—Tommy Doraey'a Orcbeatra. Guest. Th* apaaker, axecutiv* of a large Some Thursday short waves: the entente and especially to Ru­ member of the Senate Finance 8:00—Town Hall Tonight. 11:00—News, weather. New England power company and cate, was described as believing that Committee, expressed a similar Dr. Tow nsend’s telegram from | HAT4 B iid a i^ t 7 Sch(X)l ITholr; m ania." farm aid waa Imperative but that Washington, aa'read by Senator Hol­ 10:00—Kay Kyaer'a College of Mu- 11:08—Forest Fire Weather Fore­ for four years the employers' repre­ 3RO Rome 7:30 SAlectlons from view. atcal Knoa'ledge. cast and Baseball Scores. sentative at the International lAbor Congress could do a Ijetter Job, of' The undistributed proflta tax land: A WNINCS Operas; DJD Berlin 9:15 Hello In­ legislating if Mr. Rooseyell vetoed "Utterly opposed to any scheme I 11:00—Newt, and Weather. 11:10—Main Street—Hartford. Conference In Geneva, aatd th*' world diana; TGWA Guatemala aty 11 ranges from 16 H to 19 per cent, and 11:15—Laglalative Newa —William B U C K the pending measure. The vice for pensions for aged by single state. yeU/SA¥iwHENyouBUyAr 11:35—Charles Baum'a orchestra. had become a "aingl* economic Marimba Ensemble. PROTESTS, 1$ GIVEN AND WHITB CAKE imposes a higher rate on those cor- A. Sheehan. president haa said nothing publicly These efforts Inevitably dimmed to I 11:30—Ossla Nalaoo'a orchestra. unit", making It lm|io*slble for 81/] oops lilted Boar piiratlona which build up aurpluaea 11:80—Program from New Tork. 18:00—Jack Teagarden's orchaatra. natlona to "live by or for themaclvca RII'’r 8 A8HORE Tomorrow** Program. I egg sad 1 yolk cusaion of new taxes to flnance farm CThariea Johns Introduced the m eas­ 7:00—Shoppers Special. Lo* Angelas. May 17 —(AP) — ECONOMIC CONFERENCE li/i OB. ■uweetesed cluKwIate, aielted \ payments In hta talk with Congress- ure. It nriginqlly proposed a three SUITS A. If. 7:15—Newa, waather. Swampiuxitt. Ma.ss., May 17. — 6:00—Rerallle with Jake and Cart. Two policemen m et A rth .r Moe, 53. atonal and Treasury-tax authorities per cent levy and set the age mini­ 7:80—Shoppara Special. a truck driirer, at an express depot. Monday. He has signed previously (APJv—Prof. David Potter, 43. of mum at 65. but thia waa changed TRIPimSTO/tfS •:SO—Prancl* Cronin. Organlat. 7:55—News, weather. RADIO Cream ahortcalag. add sagar Clark LJnlversity, Worcester, drifted 8:88—New*. Bucharest, Rumania, May 17 — TTiey temk him ,-protesting, to head­ that the Senate additions made new before the vote was'taken. Johns! 8:00—Shopper* Spaclal. and oraage rind. Add beaten egg yolka 81ft together dry iagred- ashore hers yesterday In his 30-foot 7:00—Homing Watch. " Day (AP) — The Balkan entente took quarters. levies necessary. estimated the levy would raise 985,- 8:80—News, weatbar. up how to Improve tourist traffic &ly*tlfled he entered the presence Icnts and add altemataly with milk; lastly fold tat brntMi egg wWt*. Some members of th< Senate Fi­ cruiser afti.T an all-night watch on 000,000 and full pensions would cost | 681 Main Street, Manchester Telephone 6771 8:00—Nawa and Waatber. 8:85—Bhoppara Special. S:l^Hl-Boya. Eastern Standard Tim* and commercial communications at of frowning (3*pt. C. B. Horrejl, ^1da batter Into 8 parts.. To oae add the eboeolala. Bah* la S nance Committee said there waa hla boat whl^h waa disabled and at more than 980.000,000. • AMPLE PAR^CING — DRIVE-IN SERVICE — 9:00—Richard- Maxwell. Its seventh economic conference little chance that the Senate would the mercy of wind and currents. 8:80—Radio Baaaar. traffic division head. Suddenly the separate greaeed layer pans (rooad or aqoare). Bake at S78 degrees Several weeks ago, the Leglala- ■N, 9:15-vHom* Folk* Frolic. opening here texlay. captain smiled, grasped Moe's liand approve extra taxes for farm bene­ He was suffering from cold and I ture memorialized Congress for I 8:45 -Rtothma of th* Day. New York. May 17. - Secretary for 80-80 mlaates. Pot together with yoor favorite chocolate frost­ 8:00—HUky Way. 9:35—Nawa, weather. of SUt* Cordell Hull la to make Qf th* four entente natlona — and extended a citation far safe fits. They argued that If taxes were fatigue, but otherwise unharmed. ' I passage of a national Townsend | ATTRAOnVKLY nXlPID 8:18—Food Newa. 9:30—Girl Interne, Jo y n Jordan. two hroadraat* before th* month lx Yugoslavia, Turkey. Greece and driving. Moe smiled Weakly, then ing and sprlaklo ehoppeq nata oa top. Heavy DrUFCenplete iriUk FIttlaga 8:80—The Adrenture* of Uncle 0:45—Ua On a Bua. out. Rumania —only Yugoslavia has not Joined In the laughter. J . t '. Jimmie. 10:00—Pretty Kilty Kelly, On Sunday at 7:45 he will open receive!, a guarantee of aid from A few hours latqrr he collapsed in SO AiQo a$ 8:45—The Happy Gllmana. 10:15—Myrt and Marge. national foreign trade week In a Britain and France to maintain In­ his tnick after bringing It to a atop laoh 0«F Ineb 98 10:00—Central City. 10:80—HUItop House. 18-mlnute talk via WABC-CB8. dependence; neither, however, has to preserve hit safety record. A SEE THE NEW ELECTRIC RANGES Verttlad VahM VerilM Vahw 10:18—John’* Other Wife 10:45—Stepmother. Then on May 38 at 9 p. m. over ahj aligned herself deflnitety with physician dhtgnosed hla trouble as THE EXTRA SMOKING jui_ l0:8O-Juat Plain Bill. 11:00—Hartford Board of Health WJZ-NBC hlx’half hour addrea* be­ the RoTpe-Berlln axis. nervous reaction and ordered him to 10:48—The Woman In White. Present*. fore the Cbicagcv Sunday evening It was expected, a Bucharest bed. IN EVERY PACK= 11:00—David Hamm. 11:05—Phil Boiidlni, accordionist. club will be broadcaat. S W l O K B S 11:18—Lorenso Jonet. 11:15—Scattargood Balnea. " 7 “ AT TOUR DEALER'S OR 11:80—Toung W'ldow Brown 11:30—Big Slitar. Montreal's weldnme to the King 11:45—Th* Road of Life. 11:45—Aunt Jenny's Stoiiaa. and <3ueen of England at 2:30 p. m. 18:00—.Noontime Var^tle*. 12:00 Noon - Kate Smith. Thursday will be dssrribed by th* 18:15—Bradley KlncUd. P. M. CBS and th* MBS chain*. 18:80—Tour Family and Mine. 13:15—H er Honor, Nancy .Tame*. m 18:45—Bingin' Sam. 12:35—Romance of Helen Trent. TTila one could be called a whal* FRIGIDAIRE The Manchester Electric Division 1:00—Newa and Weather. 12:46—Our Gal Sunday. of a broadcast. U I* to come from rfeteets and BeaoUfl**—mU nai I 1:18—Malody Sweethearta. 1 :00—News, w aather. Bermuda and deal with the experi­ £ n JOY the smoking thrill...and t* liiraiaitlae with the aew m*4*s AppNstBMIwMi THB CONNECTICUT POWER COMPANY carsu Made *4 sp*ei*l treated steel ehtw e platedlatad. 1:80—Uaijoiie Ullla. 1:05—Conn,. Pfodiice Market Bul- ences of a resident there. Fox by 4 ^ ECONOMY... of Caffier* extra-mild, ripe-ta«- Acool shirt and slack com- ■w* I a 1 nf., H-ooL Qts Cast 8:00—Ouy Hedlund and Company. letln. name. It seenui he once agreed T7S Maks tkraot I. A valoa at 99J6. Othar tjpas l i t to UHMV with taaddMsomib* I:'l0—Munlcal Interlude. RANGE io g tobacco*. There if more tobacco by weight blnatioti that will air> ■ w a sse lt* 8:80—Newa for Women Only. to be lowered Into the atnnmch of in Camifl*, compared to the average weight o f condition you all-tuininct ragalor sovtwga 8:45—Meet Mlaa Julia. . 1:15—Ufa Can Be Beautiful. a raptured whale to te*t out the rOMKINIS MICH s m o (OW 8:00—The Story of Mary Marlin 1:30—Main Street—Hartford. Jonah atory. Juat what happened 15 odier of the largcst-teiling brands tested. long. Tailored of wash­ c o s I SOKI Ki Sin f a able Hollywood Sacking, MOTOR 8:15—Ma Perkina. 1:45—Till* Day Is-Oura. Is to be related In an Interview with Besides, Camels bum slowtr than any other 2:00—Doc Barclay*! Daughtera. the Enseiuula is ideal for 3:30—Pepper Toung'a Family. S. Beward fToddlnga, publisher of SHOHII NS Kilt Hi N HOOHs brand tested —25% slower^than the average OIL 8:48—^The Guiding Light. 2:15—Ufa and Love of Dr. Susan. the Bermuda Mid-Ocean rre**, golf, tennis, boating, hik­ :, G u CIO c 0«r S 2:30-Strictly Swing—GlI Bayek. which the CBS chain aays It will MAKI S All I OOKINf. AND time of the others. So Camels give you the ing and beach wear. Omca ALL GRADES 2 O A L . 2:45—Kentucky Derby Preview relay to this country on May KAKINU < ASH M Ht H I H equivalent of 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER in Natural color only — a I 1 H A PPL 111) I R( t ^ from Louisville, Ky. PACK/ On top of that, you get the mellow Eqadi to what you ASKS CHRISTIAN PEOPLE 3:00—U. S. Army Band. Program* tonight: costs SlIHI'NlSlNta Y i i m i Shirt slzesi Small, Medi­ goodness, the smoking thrill of Camel's cort- wfould havB to pay MMX -3:30—Walberg Brown Strings. WEAF-NBC 7 One Man's Fam U) OWN AND list um. Large. Slack sixest ' to PRAY FOR PEACE lly: 7:80 Tommy Dorsey Ihuatc; 8 SEE THIS PRIZE WINNING tier tohMcco! in a matchless blend. PLEASURE 29-42 waist; 3(V34 intcam. up to 20e a quart. Fred Allen: 6 Kay Kyaer'a College; pins ECONOMY made Camel America’s ciga­ ^ n f ^ F U T 11:30 LtobU Out. rette No. 1. Why not your* too? JisaiusrMu u s r w TBz B z / g 9 5 London. M ay 17.— lA P )— The WILL GET POSTMARKS W A B C -C 9 « -6 ;3 0 ,Jlm M(:W1I. //V biquAhA.uiX A . El Archbiahop of Canterbury today llama Qiitx"; 7 G ang Buatera; 7:.7f) INSECT aaked Chriatian people to mark the FROM ROYAL TRAIN Paul Whiteman'* Rand; 8 Theater of COOKING COMBINATION approaching featlval of Pentecoat. Stars; 9 Raymond I*alge concert. THE CIGARETTE OF Fasi* ROOFINGlUR CeAflete wMi KaBi SPRAY May 28. by prayer that natlona of WJZ-NBC—6 Easy Aces; 7:30 stordy. Qnldot, A Mptrlar retOet mo4e si' F u f i h 'n t th* world may be saved from fear Hobby Lobby; 8 Horae and Ihiggy iSc.A O W yaw aol ot tfease tlghl: the Wet nettHele Wr #m ^ j Washington, May 17.—(AP)’ — Days; 6 Ransom Sherman'Preaenta; caused "by the threat of force." .Stamp mllectora who want epve- TODAY I COSTLIER TOBACCOS tiaeaa ■**** fstidara. Ike liiekii weeefMierwi.i 9;30 Piillo Interest In Democracy. i m , In a letter to the time*, the areh- lirpei hearing the postmark of King lf! S L IZMOKIS 9149 valoat Relk M wUrpfetC wHkl blahop recalled he had communirat. What to expect Thursday; WEAF- forn oat piping hot R p u n d e d •epkeAa George'* royal train In th r United NBC-f2;15 p. m. Merchants Aaso- roll*, dcliaous ro a ^ ed »1th Pop*' Plui through Cardinal States next month will get their PENNY FOR PENNY YOUR BEST CIGARETTE BUY Hinaley and the pontiff replied call­ wish. rlatlon of N. Y. Luncheon; 1:46 he-man stcaka, Ught-'a*- Hymn* of All Churches; 3:30 Vic ing attention to the Vatican's own The Post Office Department hai feather cake* quickly, . call for prayer during May. and Sade. CBS Chain—3:15 Bel- KEM P’S, Inc. arranged to apply a special poet> ihoijt Park Races; 4:18 Patterns In easily, with icienuficaUy M OlSm ie FKOOF ^ ‘3anlE A a T7 « 'There will be an Independent'but mark to auch mall June 9, although real association of this apectal call Swing; .6:46 Nan Wynn'* Song*. designed equipment— o u r K > 8 ^ the letters actually won't be carried WJZ-NBC—11:30 a. m. Farm and FYisridaire Refrigeration and^^ang^ DUPONT with the appeal which Hlr. Hnllnesa on the special train. Prepaid cover* with this prize winning th* Popt has made." Wrote the arch- should be sent to the second assist- Home Hour: 1 p. m. Good Will Day Salesi "and Service cooking combination. V 'Ni AUTO - Mahop of Canterbury, program. Dr. James R. Angell and ant postmaster general. others; 3:80 Music Club* Convention 763 Main Street Teleidione 5680 POLISH NOSEY Concert MBS Chain—5 Peace 9 8 4 MORE WORK ON FARMS TN Open-Minded Shoes O akk aad Easy I0 8 « - ___ Rocky Mount, N. C —Mac, a^blill- FNGUSM TYFE Washlngloni May 17.—(A PI-The ■ L a t i i i n u r A o B dog owned by Prohibition Gfncer Agriculture Department estimated GittranUed, '7L39* Seth ^Anderson, h u become the bane t(x1ay that 11,362,000 persona were TENNIS 1 0 ,0 0 0 m i l e s / Chunuitood $0 Tdon of bootleggers and moonahlnera. employed oq American farms May 1. The dog has learned to spot a atll) compared with 9,960,000 a month .,Tliit(f«Mn«V taMHcsl iKeii BALLS or whisky cache as easily as a bird earlier and 11,399,000 on May 1 last You may as well be one who will ^ • J iCUMFyFfT Sgflt (Jog s<:ents quail. year. 'sn opcn-mliided aFFaits, b«4 ------save $30.00 tin a lieviag Fimly Aal lk« less lost * * 2 0 ^ 3 f o r 594 1938 titetti coveraH yon wtar, ilia coolid GENERAL yenll litepl Tksiy bebeve, lo«^ ELECTRIC Aai a sliM—ae matter kb«‘ KELVINATOR Ira^le it Ioolu~«wtl bt sItMf* .Refrigerators iSuper De Luxe f a t ly coaslractad to ylvt yooi ’,r The Only Vacuum Hermetically Sealed fbo| a Irao balaoc* oF comFot^ Mechanism Used * In ^6 cubic foot So, ildiew|b ihtso styta bofli Electric Refrigeration. If you X--ray your old o dabeato alr-an^ axposo mosl ice h()x you wiU find it Refrigerator haa bacteria, germs, For cxwking at iu besting A oDmua u e n u e XAMOB oF yoor Fool to tbo air-yooT spoiled food and very and ”Wcsr-Ever” alnadnoas nteniila that are adea- L B 6-S9 bad temperature. dically designed to ranserre hfOt and apace, to prm Fiad tb«m rtbably conForteblg serve food iavora. Yoar draam taage—the 1939 h 'l 1939 Models G. E, Start A t COMCTOR modal-ha* dffoofliool a siNiMMr's actteHy tZ MONTH GUAimiE < WSalact'd'hcac Calrod for loog Ufe ami PIn-poiforoUd, alasHe iadoon aad oot SOFTBAU Just 4 Manchester families ican take advantage of correct heat. d Step-In. $ this special “buy.” When these 4 Kelvinator DeLuze AAcentate, automatic tamperotare comroAui SHOES 119.50 - .5eaUap dstolf stsp-ln *2.29 to $6.50 SEE THE 19S9 MODEL L B 6 •— THRIFTY TO BUYI models are gone we can’t get another single one!- And WSotooth one piece, enia-resiatsat top. jT pnfnp, punched nw- s.ssM /e what a value this is. Last year they cost $1229.50. ALarga atdrsge coapartBMat. / »v»- THRIFTY TO OPERATE This year you save $50.00! ’ o ' i . Stitekod strop aandal, and maay other featnrfs. Cooking, dau Mvas rich food with op*n heal. A FULL SIZE 6 CU. FT. See all these features, and more! 1-piece poreelain' levor* and valuable viiaaalns-T prim winning cook- interior; stainless steel freezer with exclusive “vaca. Draped platform skit- lag is yoor* with this perfect Utchea comhinailom buclifed monk type G. E. REFRIGERATOR tion” setting and automatic defrosting reset. Sliding shoo. I0!» ve^table crispers. Powered'with sealed Polarsphero

era with l^usala since the Oerroanl- tiSat aounda funny, then the‘‘ courts tlon of democracy against-the au­ Washington Daybook z "Drop in again. Mike.” he said Oat-: itotrlftftfr satJon of Bohemia and Iforavtiti art funny. | thoritarian regimes, in Europe does ARMY WOIUD ELIMINATE now approach. SERIAL STORY ly to the policeman. and wim ramambart with aajr dar- 8 o funny that It la funny that "I will sometime." the officer but­ Quotations- — Dr. Edratrd Beoes, former preal- the erlsU of last BapUm t^, U they haven't made If p i^ b le to PRESTON GROVER deat o f Csechoaloralda. OVER AGE OFFICERS toned his eoat.\ '"Thanks for de pretty likely to conclude thai there pay eight dollars In tinea on iexact- DATE WITH DANGER drink." . ■ ____ VDBUSMSD BT THB "You run alonli; loo. Tony." or­ w l l l \ ^ no Ptanco-BiiUeh-RuBBla ly the same principle, nrlth a!dollar Wake up, poss Hltfer. Remember PKINTINO o o m p a k t , in c Washington-Secretary Ickes la,to put Colonel Lindbergh on active I thtok It w.ul^ I ropoMi Urgwi By General B Y HELEN WORDEN , coevkiOHr. isss. dered the Duke. "Nick and me’ll II Bluatl (irM t mtlltai^apreement tinUf: WIl. ■ ''* 8 0 far no court, we bjiUeve, trying to scotch proposals that duty with the air corps to "make kaiser's experience. M «.y mien Fra«d.n, « Un ^ p ^ . NIA SSaVICK. INC . MaaetaMXi. Conn. — Abe Hickus, Cleveland ialema- shut up.” The B n U ^ and Ptehch praaa and baa dona that and so the fcMtball Alaalu be oooverted Into a home a survey ot the aviation reaearch United States to adopt any policy Eagerly the doorman pdl on his TBUMAB rKkOUBOM for refugee Jews fqpm Germany and facilities the United States.” ttonal telephone call addict. In motion .Of Yoanffer Men. Oonnrni Minnnor ot toward Latin America other than C.%8T OF t ’H.YRAtTT.RS hat and coat. "I don’t, mind If 1 do the newa ^^enciea' stop talking concern will have to pay (Stio ‘ In birthday wire to Der Fuehrer. was beautiful. Red'haifr There was BonaAoB Odofeor I. lilt Italy. He has had an exceptional bppor- the one which every President baa M A R I’ F R A N K L IN — Soclet.v ed­ turn In." Whistling Loch Lomond about this aspect of the all. Hoorever, the "conciirrent From time to time the Idea , bobs tunity to study production methods put into effect. Washington, Hay 17.— (A P I—The class written all over her." He itor. off key, he left. Fakllnh*! Cmrr e»»nin« E i«p « tinea" are probably about dud and up ihat vast unpopulated Alasksi employed In Europe, particularly In — President Anaataslo Soinosa o f . War Department la seeking Ooo- sighed. "When w-e was almost to de ' Banlkra nn* Hnlldnr* Cnl*r*l dnl "b a emocracles' " ^M orts to "bring Our present iinneiitnl national DUKE M.ARTIN — auave night The Duke listened (or Tony jo to shiipiv '''‘I*' 04,000 square miles of poten- Germany, where spe^-up alrplanb' Nlcaragua. gresslonal sanction for a proposed d(K‘k. she came to and begun whim­ Bm i OBleo at MnnchMt*r. Conn ussla Into It u n it^ front against then It.* will -... be ,poesible------~ ^ ' i^tml . . . . . ms*d4 eamaOiasaA lmsa«l - samelrl ... Kllll^lsbBu t.te. SkMm.. . Sfc^^a - __ • M___ : f»llc y may ..bring things to s head rlidi gangster. shut the front door. "W e've got to • mob4 CUm Mnil Mniior. an MOO for a h iiW ed **“ ' •"** P "tu re laici, oould biUldlng haa put that country far far more rapidly on the continent elimination of more than 2,300 over- pering, 'Don't make me live, officer,' Fasclat-NaxI aggreesii - - - - - I JAM f-E FKE.NCU—Aorietv dri>. iW fk quick. Nick." he spoke with BotUe an WOO One for a hundred harbor quantities o f fugitives. They ahead of aU others In air strength, of Europe than any other courrw we A m e r i - offlcere. she gasps, 'de've got me. I can't What a Nickel or a Dime Does ! •UBBCRIPTION RATBB We beg of you to protect ,■** eemy offlcere. JI.M SH IR LE Y—pis.vhftj. machine gun precision. , -That’s This ,ii>rm of expresahm Is edr- bucks just aa it is so often p o^ b le could dig for gold, raise carrots and But the Army diacovered that he could pursue . by getting off the. detours and Brig. Q » . Lorenxo I). Gasstf ha# go on. Let me die.' ’’ OM Tnnr b» Mall ...... *•• • !* !! ca Janice French Mike hauled out of tar Monta b^ .lfall ...... I •• talnly not spontaneous cio^tte part I to settle en 800 day prison tenia for tomatoes and mind the reindeer had certain drawbacka from a pub* — Dean~ Helen— Taft of . back- onto ^ the - constitutional road. 'been asked to explain to ths House "She -muata had some hangover., B lula 0*ny ...... •• when the Eakimos were busy with lie opinion standpoint. He dislikes Yesterda.v: Marj- IdeoUfles Janice on,” said Tony. "Dey all get weepy ; the river. I know the ring he de- DalToamd Ona Taar .I» * * of the press. It m a n ife s tly^ in -; » hundred days. "Cpncurrentiy.” Brj n Mawr Goteg!S“ 2iuighter of —Cathiine C ^ ls. dbector of Wom- Military Com m it^ detaUs of a p t ^ French. N Then Lndd (ells tbe doctor ac'ribed. Where are thoae pictures the seal bunting. Such Is the gist any sort o f personal publicity, for late■ “President ■ ------Taft. ea Investors U Amekem. fastify- P°“ > “Cged by ^ general staff to when dey's drunk.” spired by the BrlUab and of some ol the stories. one thing. For a n i^ er, o m official to look for dniga In the stomach you pinched from Mary Franklin?" mniBieR or t h b a rm n a T F O ing'brtore'^oi'gi^.ilJ’ BeaDS- "No. She wasn't drunk,” said PHeM governments, as a matter of pro^ I - GREETINGS Ickes was very adroit In avoiding pointed out, be bee been criticised younger officers by wholesale InwB- whevi he perfomie an autopov. Mike. " I ’ve handled plenty of dem. Nick look a king white envelope TIm Asaoeiat^ Prn» .n •leiuaKalp It's pure nonsense to say '' that, Bty committee. reUrement la the upper EVERYBODY SAVES AT any offense to Jew s He pointed adversely, even as he haa been (CHAPTER VII from his pocket. "W hst are you aatitlod to tbo bm oI rtpabllrailn :;anda. It la Intendad to represent cens-jrshlp In Italy restiicta truth,-, I know dat kind. Dis one was HI. King! Hi, Queenie! nut that Alaska needed population. commended, for a share In the Mun­ ' nnks.* Dawn was breaking when the last desperate." goln' to do wld ’em?" af all BBBra llanaiebM orod i^ M It Russia aa a reluctant, healtant en- It haa only SO.OOO now, half of — Ears Pound, American literary r- or boi BiharwtBo orBdltod In ihia Greetings to the Weateim World! ich crisis Rightly or arrongly, he G-Jvemor Stark U not only the secretary Woodring recenUy de. I couple left the Dove. The storm, "And so w hst?" Ths Duke was The Duke walked through the panat and alao tbo loeal novo nab* tity, unwilling or afraid to use Its whom are (pdiana. Mora could be was credited with conveying to expatriate who mode good (n ' favorite Eon of Missouri because the acUon was nicesaary ta| after sweeping the city, had van- i Nobody on thla side, even In Italy. plainly bored. pantry to the kitchen. Nick follow­ Uabod boroln- I power; # h w a s Russia long ^ used aa farmers and as colonisers, Prime Minister Chamberlain bis his cleanup of the Kansas City sit- relieve over-crowding In the grades I ished In a level line of black clouds, ed. He stepped, over to the range, All richta of rapnblleatlDBA al hoot whether you as a national defense development: apodal diopatehoa horoln a ^ alao ta* made the Only straight-out, bona views that the Russian A ir corps uatlon. bui;.he has become the hero Vrom captain to colonel bysodm the wet streets, as pale as death, picked up an Iron lifter, raised a EVERYBODY'S MARKET! Too Much Money He’s an old man and hasn't long The policeman's voice dropped. ■aroad ! made that nervous passage acro.fg was too Inefficient to be depended o f the hoiir In the nation. |4.000 officers who entered the eerv- were smoqth and slick, like poltahcd I stove lid. look the photographs out fide proposal of a rsal alliance that In listing the requirements how­ to live. Why should I make him “ When I finally pickedT>4r up sgaln', I the ocean and through the fog and upon against Germany. — U. S. Repr^wntatlve T. V. Smith ice in the World war. steel. Bright lighta hlaz-d from I of the envelope and slowly drop|>ed DIAL 5721! Fail BervleB etient ef N. B. A Serv- haa been made and Is standing pat ever, Ickea pointed out that faml- Russian aviators denounced the more trouble ? of Chicago. I The forced retirement would be she wan dead." FREE DELIVERY! LIMIT RESERVED! lee Isa I Ice all on your owrn or whether wme every window of the t>ovc. i them In the fire, then watched the on It, waiting for the trightened llee moving up there would need report aa Inaccurate and their Briti­ — .Mrs. Mae Roeeean. Crafton. O.. ------' spread over several years Wood- "ElosiWs not'gpne home yet 7" In-j "Ven.” The policeman's hand .of thoae wise boys In your govern­ snapshots bum. a aardonlc expres­ Member Amerlcsb .MBwapeaer Pab- financial aid for several yeaia while cism haa been reflected in some widow, asking grand jury -not If Immuned against - the sordid ring estimated the cost o f ' sn officer o f the doorman. shook as he filled hts glass for the lUbare Aaaoelsi t B n . ______■western powers to come to her they got etarted. It la no' place sion on'hIs ugly face. He suggested ment put yon up to It; or whether circles in tbe United States. to IndIrt Will Case, 8i-yrar-oid fumes of perverted propaganda, fourths pay for the retired ^ ^ H vop e. It'alagainst de rules of third time. terms. for relief clients, with bread 18 to Nevertheless, best sources here farmer who killed her husband. the younger generation wlU con- at about 1500,000 a year. one of tljose primitive stone carv­ JELLO, MY-T-FINE , e PabliBkere hepreMnttilvee: Tbe The Duke yawned, "hind out who Lifebuoy^ Camay^ I yon fame over to cast an anchor ^IPh oa'^c to cibae' so l o ^ as any- ings In which ~there ta barbarism JalloB MitbeiiB Ap m IbI Ae«ner—New For weeks, now. the latter have 2.1 cents s loaf and milk 21 cents a preing and relentlessly cruel. RITRRAO OP er you had a yen to see what things deeply before denying the National another democratic esilapse, but on i which we are oo proud, 'islators who called the measure too mebbe she might be one of your ROYAL GELATIN ’’’’ > m e m b e r a u d it a time. But meanUma they seem to Somethlr.' spooky about It." He Nick's li(w moved. "It Isn't go- Lux or Ivory Soap CIRCUI.ATIUN8 look like— and feel like—On this Matanuska colony, financed by Advisory Committee for Aeronau­ the wrhole, the period of new reaq- — Ignaoe Jan PaderewakL drastic. customers. She wan clsnsy enough ______Imagine that something la to be W PA, has proved a very limited tics the (10.000.000 it la asking for jumped suddenly. Nick poked hta ! mg to be easy to make the Gazette side of the Big Drink. You stand siirress, with about half Its original head out. to be." forget last night after I bulldozed »>y making the world believe research to bring U. 8. aviation a- The Duke frowned. "Cut the for something pretty big and Im­ 400 family population already hack brenst of, or ahead of Germany, "W hat's eatin' you, Tony? You’re their favorite reporter.” Mr trposraphicel errnre appearlns >a that It I.B the Soviet Union that U nervous as a cat. Mow’d you like to kiddin'! We don’t go in for nul- f Mveiileemenie tii tiM Manchealer portant Bnd everybr^y over here In the states and only a .p‘.'' Mike reached In hla pocket. "we've been done out of a cool thou­ Van Camp’s Kremlin will abruptly call the No such largess could be expected A TAX POLICY day without falling off Into the sea "A n y foixe which Germany could Kve checked In for the stretch. I "Here la a copy of me report." He sand a week. Where are we going for newly arrived Immigrants, par­ Confectionery Sugar Tomato Soup or Pork ond Beans whole thing off, turn Its back on sneak across the Atlantic and land need It after a night like this. began reading, "Dragged out of the to get ahother customer like that?" MILK Wlien one takea a hard look at or having to shift your language ticularly since relief money has Europe and bed down behind its at MonUuk Point (that U on Long: The Duke was leaning against the East River at 2:30 a.m., November "Janice French Isn't the only rich tba financial attuatlon of tbe Coo- gears been denied to aliens. to Watkins own frontiers. Mland) could be taken In hand by\ bar in the rear room, drinking a 24. a girl. Height five foot two, kid tn New York,’’ said the Duke. Large 1-pound con 5c Bectlcut stata government—with When you come across that fa­ Undy .Move BadT the New York Police. Like myeelf, whisky and soda. The air was stale weight 115 pounds. Red hair. Brow-n 5c can 5c package And this la a situation that Is not The War Department 1s not lOO (T o Be Continued) ,tha Governor compelled to give up mous. frontier where there are no (he Germans would probably get and dead: heavy with old cigar and eyes. Pink evening dress, silver to be Improved by any pretense that per cent sure It was a smart move lost In the outskirts of Brooklyn." rigaret smoke. Though brightly lit. Ua alwraya baaeleaa hope of meet­ guns and all at once someone tells to offer you alippera Platinum ling set with Russia Is -being dragged or cajoled the room exuded the vague, mys­ sapphires on- Httle finger o f right ing It without recourse to new you you are In the United Stales— BEGIN NEW TRAINING. Introductory Offer! Into "joining" the defense bloc. She terious air that goes with a s h ^ y hand, 'From Daddy to Babe, March BWireea of revenue and Legislative which you aaould neves know wdth- through a singing engagement at sunburn more than jthe brunette past. Ua long bar. its poxter-plaa- 23, 1936' Inscribed Inside." la a bloc all by herself and has In- / London. May 17.— (A P )—The Daily 1 Friends Beans •9o.«aiOe the Gay Nineties .groups pawing about for eome way but being told because there's no with a darker akin, but regardless tered w-alls and its liquor-stained ‘The Duke put hla glass down. Hts Hall said yesterday that the sub­ vlted Britain and Franca to join Joe Howard, 71-year-oId min­ of tbe Ijrpe of ekin you have, it Is tables suggested more lurid hours. face had paled. "Sounds like sob >ef Increasing state income without barbed wire—you'll find mllllona strel and composer of hundreds of way ride Princesses Elizabeth and her. If they don't, Jt’s up to them. wise to use caution at flfat. Nick spoke to Martin. "Tony’s stuff to me,” he sold abruptly. "It’s Margaret Rose took yesterday was CHEESE offending an.vone with any Influ- upon mllllona o f friendly grins, and songs, has returned tn a profitable Sunlight le capable of doing you bringing Mike In for a drink. Old time to be cicwlqg.” He walked to- Queen Mother Mpry's Idea and the large Is OBce, and nobody apparently having no blaek looks. ' cereer, thanks to Harily. Eddie a great deal of good and I urg^ you Fruit Cooktail lOe friend mf ours, eh Duke?" W‘srd the door. beginning of a new course of train- | Leonard, of the "Ro'ey-Boley ;anytbln(' beyond some makeahtft f W O M E N We hope you'll like Canada and to get all the good you can from Martin smiled. "A s long ss we Nick glanced at him nervously. btf! on how the other half Uvea Eyes," secured other club and It. But at the same time, keep on the right side of-the fence. ^^WAFnES” BDhitloa— It would seem to be pret­ we hope you'll like the United theater bookings tlirough bis re- The lines ot one person's succeae enough common sense so that yoir That’s okay, Mike. Come draw up ty obvious that tba tlma has aniv- Statee. 'And—whisper—don't min'd Introductton at the Gay Nineties. colors and grades in in Ufa may lie very far apart In­ avoid all ths .discomfort of sunburn. your chair. What do you know?" So, too, have John Steele, the for­ Sliced Ptoeapple •( ^ 10« •d for doing something about i t If you do encounter a few aapa who He poured the policeman a Scotch deed from those of another’s. Yet mer ZIegfeld Btar, Charles King, C large package It haa been said that .there la no­ try to talk your kind of English and QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS and Soda. "Tony, fix your own 15 the^a may be as much jof sstlsfsc- Yvette Rugel and Bert Bwor. But body anywhere who really -knows pretend that they are used to all poison.” Mdn In dns as In the* other. Sentiment along does not win (Kidney Trouble) ''FRIEZE" A Delldoua "Waflle HhapeO" fhenw Bll. With Each Package anything provable about taxation that court flubdub that must bore them a job ‘with Hardy, who lis­ On the same day this week Jona­ Queetloai Dave B. L. Inquires; Mike pushed back bis cap. "I , Von Bay W e WlU Sell Yea . . . Sliced Peaches except that nobody wranta to pay tha daylights out of you when you tens to a thousand oId>tlmera dur­ will you pleasa tall ms what s per­ than B. Sanford died tn Redding, ing the course 'T )f a year. ■ The Fil-your-room rugs had my troubles last night.” taxss and everybody wants to shunt have to submit to It for tradition's son should eat, and not eat,-who Is "Drink your drink first,” inter­ 10-Lb. Cloth Bag of Jack Frost this state, aged 7fi, and In 'a New young-timer, too, per.hrms there. that duty off onto eomebody else. troubled with bad kidneys. Would rupted Nick hospitably, "mebbe York hospital th ^ life of Charles sake;' they're just fiaak misfits. Ooe former Gay Nineties . dis­ too much sugar and salt be bad?" That Is only partly tru^. But It. Forget them and have a good time. covery now sings with La Scala your troubles won't seem like trou­ B A B - O Urge can 1 0 « Francis de GsnshI came to an end Answer: Without knowing the bles after a swig. I've discovered la wholly true that the subject baa You and Friend Wife. HI! opera in Italy; another with the exact kind of kidney trouble present 9.\12 Sizes Perhaps yours is a room that needs a plain color . . yet In hlf seventieth year. that mesclf, say what I ' went Btver rsoetved, on the part of the St. Louis Municipal Opera Com­ It U somewhat difficult to give you you want a texturous effect. Then select a "frieze" rug or . Sanford was bom In Redding, pany. any advice. As a general rule, carpet, woven with twisted yams. And, by all means, chouse through wld laat night—" Martin Fine Ketchup Ige. 14-oz. btl.*10c OenneeUcut stata government, the in “Friezfc^” trod heavily on Nick’s patent leath­ I g r t : 2 ^ 1 lived there all hla Ilfs. For nearly Basing hta policy on the Irref­ those with damaged kidneys should It at Watkins where you have no end of varleta. 82 different BeetSq Tomatoes lOe degree of etudloua attention ‘ to colors and grades . . up to 47 room-fit sizes 27x&4 inch er evening shoes. three centuries hIs family had lived utable theory that there's no song avoid tbe over-use of salt and su­ ttom All-Bran or Rice Krispiet______10c which it entitled. Whenever we like an old song, BUI Hardy en­ gar. Possibly you have Bright’s are priced- to 18x24 feet in certain grades . . plus special sizes up to "You must think you're back on there or nearby. Jonathan B. was Tenth avenue again.” Nick growled. have uBilertaken bo dig Into the In New York courages audience participation In Disease of Nephritis. If such is the 18 feet wide by any length! tha fourth aueeeBsIve member -Jf the lyrical excursions to the days case I suggest that you send for "Where's de manneta Tiickle's Come in now and select a g ift- small down pay- BMittsr we have turned the job from $63.50 Or, If you want plains, there are 124 different colors and Linit Starch Tapioca bis family In direct Una of de­ By UBOBOB BOSS o f the past. Celebrities flock to ray article on BRIGHT'S DISEASE, learnln’ yuh?" ment will hold it until you want.it. Del Maiz Niblets »" 10« \grades at Watkins . . 110 tone-on-tone foliage types . . and ovsE to some Individual or group— the ' Gay Nineties, sipping their requesting soma general dieting In-^ "You're Jest a sap-head,” com­ scent to hold the dffloee of plain textured.' hooked. Oriental, Period and Swedish Modem MIm former Governor Cross' special lelfcr from old- fashioned steins stroctions. This msterjal Is avail­ to $102 mented the Duke evenly. "N ow P u d d in g BILL HARDY HAKES Hlfl PRES­ In great variety. With your selection goes Watkins authorl' judge of probaje and town clerk of and vocally Imbibing In such Im­ able to any reader who writes in that we've shut up this foodling / tax study commission— which has ENT UVINQ BY UVINU tatilta decorating service . . wrlthout charge! Redding. I f ever a man was deep mortal tunes ns "B y the Ren," “ On care o f thle newspaper. Please en­ partner of mine. Mike, tell us what 10c pkg. Asparagus 'Thank You'' 8 oz. c . a l O « V lataored ponderously from some pre- IN THE BAST 10c pkg. rooted In the eoll of his native place a Bicycle Built for Two," “I. won­ close a large, self^ddressed, staron- happened last night.” Watches^, of Course, ^Boocelved angle of approach and der Who's Kissing Her Now,” ed envelope. The policeman drained his glass.. and in the ways of his forebears It New York, Hay 17—Bill Hardy, It Dm produced after a long time, and and -"Take Me Out to the Ball " I fished a girj out of the River. was he. seems, wss bom in tha Gay Nine­ sA great expense, a report half Qame.” The planet Neptune wse dlscov- WATKINS HAS THE VARIETY! Tbe men showed casual intereat. Kraft's American Cheese De Ganahl wee bom In Texas, ties and never got over IL '"Some deme's always flying off the ‘{■atltudliious, half cockeyed and al-. pencils. pap3r and Are Tops In Gifts Minced Ham - Bologna -4- or | "*«4Tii5n>N MEAT LOAF went to a military Institute In the Throughout hla life, during- logarithm tablea as Instruments. handle." Nick remarked Indifferent­ together beyond the comprehension ly. "Dey. can’t take It.” South, attended an agricultural and Fronkfurtt ct anyone. which he haa been a profnssional He reached for the whisky bottle. 25c pourid 25c pound mechanical college and afterward dancer and baa operated a chain Mma li One lAsf. TFr HI T et we beUeve It to be .'entirely Health and Diet Tbe policeman paid no attention. Hamilton Wrist Watches...... ^$40.00 and up Fear DUNnst MsSs ot a busineas school. A t 30 he went it’s Gieatt paeMble for a real survey ot Con- of dance academies through tha "I might of saved her If I'd, got Hamilton Strap W a tc h e s...... $37.50 and up 2 pounds 25c to Mexico, became a reporter. Next Eiast, Hardy was Impressed with there a couple of minutes eariier, aecUcut'e tax attuatlon to be made Advice Hamilton Pocket Watches...... $42.50 and up year he went Into Tampico Ss an fire talea and trsdlUons of those but It was‘ rainin' and blowtn.’ I smd Its results disclMrd in so ele- By DR. F R A N K MeCOT didn't see her until she was jumpin' explorer, opened the upper Panuca waning years of the last century. Waxed Poper FlatfiO's pkg. 5c_ Stuffed Olives jar 10c Bsentary and simple \ a wsy that Hla curiosity developed into a off the doc_k.” River to navigation, established- a everybody concerned,-me people as near-obseSston and be began tu SUN BATHING On to New England*^ says "Go in after her?" Ihqulred the Elgin Wrist W'atches ...... $24.75 and up Reg. 10c pkg. Sc Maraschino Cherries ^ jar 10c sugar plantation. Then hs started collect Gay Nineties mementoes Duke. Rice Puffs ^ B wrhole, tbs direct tstxpayer, the Elgin Strap Watches ., ...... $24.75 afid up building steamboats for liver use. as a hobby. The hobby, In turn, In the coming months many of “ Yes., That’s why I have on these \ pkg. Sc Meof Spreads Roth's con 10c voter and the Legislator—yea and duds. I had to leave me own at the Elgin JPocket W'atches...... $17.50 and up Safety Matches 12 boxes A t 40 he wraa burned out by rovolu- gave way to commercial enter­ you. will be getting out of doors the governor of the hour and tbe prise—for In the spring ot 1931 station house to dry out.” Uonista, went to Tampico City and tn enjoy tba sunshine. This Is an HOUSE 4 GARDEN Cleonser Sunbrite con Sc Deviled Ham RoyOl Scorlet can 10c beads of state ,departments—would he opened a club dedicated. tn "Tough night to be In any river," entered the oU business, heading a excellent habit to F 'l Into and one he placed In poseeBtlon of a fiscal spirit and song to the day Before IN ITS JUNE ISSUE OUT NEXT WEEK said Tony. Did ahe fight?" Waltham Wrist Watches .. . .$20.50 and np‘ yesterday. which will be productive of a great “ Yes. She eSHed me a devil, hit Dog Food Fovorite con Sc French's Mustord Spoon Free jorlO c picture of the state much clearer company, and organised a transpor- W'altham Strap Watches.. .$17.50 and up tatloif corporation. In 1913 he Originally, the Gay Nineties deal of~bcneflt. However, It ta a me in de face and boljered to let ■than any of them has ever seen be­ Club was known as tha Silver wise plan to remember to ko alowly her go.” * Waltham Pocket Watches I..$20.50 and up Vegetables S-ox. cans ^ eochSc Fruit Syrup Krasdqle . Jug 10c fore. started a shipbuilding plant at Dollar, a- name, faithfully borne at first, in order to avoid ail danger "Did you?" asked the Duke. of sunburn. m It Is becoming more and more ip- Newburgh, N. Y., building the first out by tha silver dollars fastened "F er a minute. Till I could get Sordines Americon can Sc Corned B I Hosh Armour's con 10c ail-welded steel barges. He built to the barroom floor. Today it is The health-promoting effect of hold o'meeelf. ’ When I caught up parent that Connecticut must. In sunlight can not be stressH too oU tankela for the government In slipply BUI'S Gay Nineties, boost­ wid her, ahe was floatin’ out from Kipper Si|ocks con Sc Green Goge Plums Large 1's con 10c the very near future, adopt a taxa­ ing four floors that drip with nos­ strongly and It has been recognized I shore and I struck . her across the tion policy— something it has never the big war. In 1023 he went to talgia, and display a eontlhuoua for a long time that aunshlpe Is mouth. She screamed.” Mike wait­ R. DONNELLY Black Pepper 10c size ~ con Sc Crushed Pineopple ^Dole's Large 1'e- con 10c in some way a tonleV -had. And no such policy can bs England and In tm d u i^ the Ameri­ parade of song In both the bar J ed till Nick poured him ‘another can method of oil cracking, eetab- and dining room. The walls, and Part o f the good effect of sun­ glass. '‘A fter that she passed out.' JEWELER psrmsnehUy or satlSactorlly es- light may be attributed to the ultra Tomato Posm. Madonna con Sc Pineopple Tid-Bits Dpie's Lorge 1's con 10c llahed an oil company and a ship­ even tbe ceilings, are burled be­ "W a s ‘the girl good looking?” In­ Headquart^ for American Watches •tahllshed unless It very sharply de­ neath joyful reminders of a joy•^ violet rays, however It Is' likely ping ’huslnesa Ten years ago ne quired the Duke. 51$ Main StrM t '' Maiichcater roll Sc Beon^SprouH LoChoy No. 2 can 10c fines both state responsibilities and oua yesterday. that some benefit may be derived •'Dst’s what kept me workln’ to Toilet Tissue \ Viking from the Infra red rays. The ultra // JBunicIpBl responsIblllUes In financ- and his wife started a trip around ALWAYS SEARCHIND save her," said Mike. "She sure violet raya are essentially cold rays, Pea Soup Habitant 21^'s 10c. the w-orld, but be became interested FOR ’M's RELICS Fine Rice lO csize 1-lb. pkg. Sc .Ing, and provides for tbe separa- for example, even on a cloudy day < 1 1 0 0 o f those responsibilities on a In gold mining In British East A f­ A genial, voluble and energe­ when jmu are not aware of receiv­ :bas& of practical justice. Having rica, founded an exploration . com­ tic gentleman, Hardy devotes most ing any warmth from the sun, you pany that developed gold mines of bis spars time to unending pil­ will still get enough ultra violet to lb. 29c Polish Style Ham - lb.49c once adopted a clear rut and work- ■ grimages to out-of-the-way cuiioa- Land O'Lokes or loWo Stote Butter there and in British Columbia. He cause sunburn , If you lie on the able taxation policy and . having ity and antique shops and \ public beach for. several hours dressed in X; lb. 9c Leon Rindless Bacon Rath's lb. 25c charted that policy so clearly and founded and was president of a sales. His oelecttoa has f&cbed h bathing hull. Pure Pockage'Lard \ so simply that It jcan be readily un- Pennsylvania corporation manufac­ au-'h proportions that be employs a , T h e . infra red raye are. on the lb. 29c Local Fresh E< Medium / doz.25c turing stainless steel airplanes. curator, and now he owns eo many other hand, heal rays and there Is Grote & Weigel's Frankfurts \lerstood by any intelligent cltisen, relics that he rents them to hotels, reason to bellevg that the action of . .lii fthe business o f aJlmlnlFteHng the Both these mep lived the kind of department stores, theaters, etc. these heat rays warms the skin AmeriGan A WaMwM Valm! Oaofi Mac MMIom T Aaother Ftoa Valaa! Riga. Baanfi I Ua* » Larga Paehaga Twe#toret(e#,mm With Jflscal affairs of this state should lives they wanted to. Both pre­ The best o f his collection, of enough to bring a better blood sup* ’ WBiari^ from the condition of confu­ sumably wAre happy. course,' finds refuge 'at tba Gay riy to the bldod vessels, which in- Pofotoes^”^ peck 19c I Strawberries qt. bskt. 19c | EducotorCrox l^e^boxj^ And thwe are fooilab people who Nineties. Tha wandeiing. wonder- (oreasad blood supply hastens the sion and,,uncertainty from which It Ing^eye may rest, on scores, of absorption of the ultra violet. bellfve that' men and women can ]'[ According to latest re^rts. it.has been decided •’has never been free up to this time shaving mugs, mustache' cups, The absorptionorp' o f the ultra vtolat r—and in' wrblch It Is doing some es­ be reduced to a pattern or a for­ framed theater programs, original apparently brings about Important , t!iat the King and Queen of England will be greeted . Rodishes -- Rareripes or pecially fine floundering just now. mula ' song sheets, autographed pictures changes within the body. Even ths of by gone athletic, poUtIcal and blood is affected t>y such absorption, by the cnatomary American handshake while here in ’ Let ua try this tax study business CaBtomia Peae for after a sun bath, the red blood theatrical luminaries, beer steins audlUoDs talent for his night club background is ons o f ths focul three-year term, tbo j u ^ an­ ths asms length of time. The sun- p ^ t a in Cushman OaUeries at pointmsnts. Classd Wedne^ mSSEraESENTATION entsrtaiqment Forgotten per- days at U. Noon. Fras park­ Fancy New OnJons 5< nlng period may then be gradually Watkiiui Brotharo. nounces that tbe terms a n lt s bs form sn o f vaudavlUe days s t ^ ing spacs at rear of storK of Manchester Nattva OrawB fol the I served “ooneurrently." U there ^ _ nger aaeb tiow until A M r Mn I Sfvinga Bank tka asB feiii^ eoui4a aad feur tanns (or tha ehanes at a posslhls a protoetive t a n ^ davakmad, TheB WATKINS B ^ R OTHERS 1 N C aati-NaM lead- coBvlct servos (our years In poe. tt comshimk, and abundtat ara ths biMide with a thin, esmltus ™ lesap Apples 5* V j-. old Stan wIm havs.fotind new lUa touto. UplHdlr ^ ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY. MAT 17.1939 f P A G E m s O t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHECTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MAT IT, 19S» ' K i i \ BKTUUCMENT— A OVBUITISEUSNT— AX) VKRTISE3I K.NT- Into whipping cream mil cause it of the trust os they have been set been awarded the DlaUnguIabcdT to thicken qutekiv. w up In the will,'the trustees ere au­ fense againnC a ’’surprise** attack of FLEEING USELESS Service Medal for his historic ac- j > Tricks with Butter Y.4LEMAYCET/ thorized to name another eduoa- WAR MANEUVERS ••enemir*’ planet. OFnCERNAYGET eompllshraent. When melting chocolate In e tlonol Institution to recslve thara. Big Airship Might Be Used Orders for the black out, to be A first lieutenant during the | sauce pen, butter tbe Intlde of the In addition they'haya authority to WARDS BLUE PENCIL broadcast, will Immediately precede “Barsriar*" Battering Through SpaAUh-American war, be was pan first. The melted chocolate BIG mUST FUNDmaintain the present residence or an ’’’attatje" from all directions by Locked Doors Prove to Be given verbal Instructions to carry will then pour out cleanly opd erect a new structure for the hous­ TO TEST lOYAlTYan iihdlaclosed number of Army CUBAN DECORATIONa message from President McKin­ smoothly. Butter the Up of the ing of valuable collections of pic­ Carrier For ^ombers planse fij^g at altitudes from i.6 o o Rescuing Firemen- ley to General Garcia, leader of the cream pitcher to prevent cream tures. Sri objects and antiques ec- : to 18,000 fest. The hasardoua un­ Cuban forces. He crossed tbe dripping onto the clean cloth. cumulated by Mra. Btoeckel and her ; B a r g a i n D a y s dertaking has been carefully worked BARGAIN HOUND Will Of Mrs. Stoeckel Leaves late husband. Mlaml, Pla., .May 17.—(AP) Caribbean In an, open boat, eluded Wublncton. IT—(AP) — tin out to prevent craahea. NEW FIGURE Other bequests were made to rels- , riKllon b —Wfhen SS-yqar-old Mrs. Irena Sabcoimnittee Recommends enemy patrols on the Cuban coast, Children t'es Up a Tremeoidsut wttti President Roose-TNavnl spproprlauon bill a MOO.OOO Oaini Island Ggandc For Army circulars printsd In thrss Hahn saw 'a man battering . m. . ;and’ (aade hlS way alone through Amount Gf Energy In a Day Uvea, friends and a fsw charlUea ' T«It'a balUnr °T plans for Immsdlale, allotment for dllri|^)Ie lrlj^e construction.I •TO ORDER* Million For Musical Edn- with the residue of the entire ea- languages were distributed through­ through her bedroom door With Allowing Retired Major Gercla-> headquarters. —that's where coostrucUon of a Naval dirigible, a At the same tlrasNjt approved «*- tress Of Cleverly Hidden out Oshu Island In preparation for on axe she leaped from her bed Boeco, the deli­ tatc In trust for musical purposes. blah Navy otflcer has advised Con-jpeaditure of |a00,000\roi: equipment the "blackout" expected by civil and In terror end locked herbelf In cious niilk empll- cation And A rt «rees tbat.. . a mammoth------.w airship might produce nitric addVan essential military ai^orittea to demonstrate an adjoining room. 7 ^ fler Is helpful to be used as a carrier for probers and Ingredient of ftinpo^er—at the Troops And Gant. the loyalty' ths polyglot residents Again tbe door tMa battered Accept Medal HOUSTON POUCEMEN replace e n e r g y | pursuit planes. Navy’s Indlanhead, Md., powder would show In wartime. ly, dry, and polish with outing flan- WOMAN IN CUSTODY In. M rs Hahn fled to a third net. and build strong Norfolk, May 17.—(AP) — Tele Rear Admiral A. B. Cook, chief of plant. \ Will Demorntrate Cooperation room. The door was again The CkoTti Studio oflan the very nsw- bodies. A spedsl the ’ Bureau of Aeronautics, told a ■plintared. ITia axeman and sev­ Washington, May 17.—(AP) — MUST REFORM WAYS ast thing in fothionoble corastry >• offer now at Tbe^ ITnlveralty had In prospect today use Senate Appropriations Subcommit­ ’ At present, tbs Navy g tU lu Honolulu, May 17 — (AP) — Addreating OriantaF, whtta and your figure "done ovet" to Milt yow Slacks .\re Ideal For Hou*e»vork IN DEATH OF BABY nitric, add from sodium nlm ts Im­ Hawaiian residents, alike, Cov. Jo­ eral other fire-hat meted col­ The army officer who carried the Bryant A CSiSp- of a trust fund estim ated a t 81.000.- tee that there was a “great poesl- Cleverly hidden troops and gimt leagues seised Mrs. Hahn, hus­ penonol neodi. Thii h the siithod There are cotton slacks ported from Chile. It has 'fbout seph B. Poindexter said the "black­ “message to Garda’’ soon may get now m vogue in the wnertei* metro In the business ward­ man (3o., an orange 000 created under the wIH' o r Mrs. hllit/' of using a big dirigible as a made Oahu IMend a gigantic fort­ out" would be a "spisndid opportu­ tled her bodily out of the bum- ’ Houston. Tex., May 17.-^(AP)-r colored Bear glass teother ship for nine bombers and two years’ supply on hand, but of­ another medal for hts feat — 41 Their best friends would not tell politan circle!, h include* espeit robe of this womon Ellen Battell Stoeckel for the benefit Middletown, May 17. — (AP) — ficials say they want to ellmlMte ress today as Army, offleem bent nity for us to demonstrate the de­ Ing building. figure onolytit, careful ihidy of your free with 1 1-3 lb. 12 to 18 attack planes. - Hard of hearing, Mra. Hahn years afterward. ' them so Police Capt. J. H. Tatum whose builneos it is of muslcareducstlon end the study Miss Jennie Kenesky. 34. was held tBe need for further Imports. A seriously to Uie task of slroitlated gress of coopereUbn which the ftguro typo and comelfto Ngwo tides-,,- ^ to take care of her Jar of Booco. Tel. 7697. of art and literature. In police custody today, but with no ' Cook’s testimony, made public to­ Army may expect from our civilian bad not beard ue shouts of A House Military Subcommittee Just had to whisper this embaitasa- formation, obtoinaolo only I n '6 day, said that a dlrl^ble could re­ new prooees would be used to p r^ war In maneuvers Involving 20,000 Ing gossip to his policemen: house, her children Mra. Stoeckel. who died at her specific charge placed against her. ; duce the acid from anhydrous am­ utation In the event of attack by "fire" end mistook her rescuers has recommended thet Me]. Andrew Chart! or Swovi! foundation. Tel*- This poem sent to us by a reader lease planes at 8,000 to 10,000 feet, \snldlers. They are suffering from these phone or coll, oftor 4.00 P. M., for and her husband In­ I* home here May 8. for years had pending further Investigation of the monia. oaUla force." for burglars. S. Rowan, retired, be permitted to seems to be Just what should be sponsored music festivals in the death of an Infant girl whose body | saving the time lost when planes Honoluluani conducted their lisual accept tbe order Carlos Manuel De widely advertised disorders, toupee full information. No bbllgetion. stead of directing a climb that distance from the lyound. nOf the 411,488 resldanta of the hair, sloppy socks, run-over heels, HELLO THS;C£:— .Tervsnt to do the Job. done In this troubled time: commodious shed on her estate, for was found In a brook In ths Rock- hivslness unaware of the hidden Hawaiian Islands. 103,839 are Japa- Ceapei from tbe Cuban government. New Modiste Not Seriously Considered WILL. PROBT. CHASn GERMAN NAVV BETl’KNS messy manners. MAY. n i E TIME OF YEAR In six eggs, beaten with half a cup Her slacks are wash­ the maintenance of which, unless the (all district last Friday ntglit. I In^ps and guns. There was no neae, 28,380 Chinese, and 6.707 A similar recommendation has been when everything comes to life, of milk and cook slowly 'r until tt By Ruth C, Percu-sl tniatees see fit to erect a new build­ Coroner Morris H. Wrubel report­ He emphasised that the Navy Is Lakehurat, N. J.. May 17 (AP) made by tbe Senate. It's a touchy subject and very dis­ able, of course, shrink- not giving serious consideration now evldknre of warfare In downtown Koreans. About 24 per cent of the takea or\ a fragrant new beauty— thickens. Serve the scramble pour­ proof, color-fast and Peace must be Ured of wearing her ing. ehe left an estimated 8500.000. ed tsst night that Mies Keneaky had ' with purchates —A four-man Board of Inquiry was sertlf^s of the city, for the defense Japanese ere allena, as are 13 per Kiel, Oentiany, May 17—(AP) — Under existing law, officers of tressing to Captain Tatum, who frayed garment. admitted she was the mother of the to the construction of any rigid alr- Units-of ths Germany Navy which the American military forces must termed their appearance too, too MRS. HILDA JA B V U . ea—here, there and every- ed around a pile of hot, seasoned crease-resistant.' ^ The trustees have wide dlicre- to Inveatlgate today the crash of the of whtch nearly SO.OOO troops and rent of tlie Chinese and 35 per ceM ere. At this season, we too, need carrots, asparagus, green beans or Torn by wars, clumsily patched by tlonsry powers, they said In on an­ child. The coroner said Mlos Kene­ of 5 gall, of K-2, the Navy's newcat end liirgeet sailors snd nearly . of o( tbe Koreans. More than half of for several weeks have been maneu­ have permission of Congress to ac­ ghastly. 16 Church Street,. Manebrrster. I She wears tliem In ***^ngrese authorlwd a dirigible 130 0 000,000 jes. In cOetumes, surroundings peas. ‘ the laundry. . when battles and lust. nouncement lost night, which In­ aky told him the baby met death In non-rlgld airship, which struck a equlpmei\t_are permanently station­ the territory's pp{lulatlon Is on Oahu vering and making courtesy calls cept decorations from foreign gov­ Such things as polo shirts, rudely^. "Exclusive Dtatributor Women of the world, let's make her a fall to the floor soon after birth, i costing 13,000,000 last session. The In Bpanlsh and Portuguese waters ernments. displayed pistols, dirty sh lr^, loud poatlmes. Many of ua get a ------washing dl^es and clude assletlng-Yale at New Havtn Navy recently called for bids on a tree while landing at the Naval Air ed here. \ ' . Island. for Manchester" thrill spading, planting and watch­ a new dreoe. in extending the courses In music, Dr. Cart C. HsrVey, medical ex- ‘ Station after an overnight observer pJAssengflrsi arriving on the Lur- To make aura there would be no returned to their home stations to­ Rowan, who la 82 and lU In a lik in g and pla>-ful mayhem are out Gey Designs Brigbtea Kltoheo finishing the early sblp of 1.000.000 cubic feet and then Keheefortb, said tbe captain. ing th^ffoung, lender green shoots morning, work. They Stitched by imderstoniUng, trimmed art or literature. emlner, had reported to the coroner Uon flight l|na did not know when the liner mlsundentandlng. the Army dlatri- day. San Francisco hospital, already has You can be conaiatent with color with tnisL prevloualy that a blow on the head relected them. huted etreulara printed In English, come up in our gardens, others get and design In the kitchen. Shelf pa­ keep her stockings Further, they are authorised to SUPER HOUSE PAINT Mr. Roosevelt told reporters yes­ Corndr. Jease U Kenworthy and a passed close to four IM millimeter delayed exercise on the golf course set with Yale In holding, a music esuaed the Jsfant's death. ^ guns kicalcd ^^mld the brush end Japanese and CHilneae. T per and edgings and a naw wash­ from getting water-spotted and I terday he had Instructed the Navy crew of eight men escaped Injury or tennis court snd It won't be long able lining paper for egaboard and eliminate the need for e separate festival annually or at three-year to halt Its plans. He said a bidder yesterday when the blimp collspeed send of an Tsishd fronting Honolulu Ull we can try out the ole’ ewlm- periods on the ^Q O -aen estate which Gregory I, who was a follower! The paint that’a aet entirely new harbor. lilmllaHy they were iin table drawers in brigbOihadea and apron when the weather Is very holds the palatial Stoeckel mansion on the proposed airship had sug­ on the field after branches of the FAK.\IEBS GET CHANCE mln’ bole again. Inside our homes moiifa cut In convenient widths, all h o t of Bei>edlct and 'was mode pope In • atandarde for the entire ^ in t in­ gested thet a larger craft would be tree had punctured the helium-filled aware of big guns levelled at the we bring to light gay fresh ' sUp knoun os Whltehouse. 590, was the first monk to toks the ‘ dustry I Gives more beauty, more harbor from adja^nt forts. TO U4)(HDATE LOANS to match, are Inexpensive material! She still has printed shirtwaist If Yale should refuse the benefits papal office. gas bag of the ahip. Kenworthy covers and drapes, tuck away aU that will add a gay charm to kitch­ dresses—plenty of them, but they 1 hiding pbwar and covers more sur­ The president, ’however, declared said damage was slight and the Troops engaged In defending this our Winter clothes, etc., and see If 64 a larger sblp was not wanted, and Chicago, May 17—(AP) — An en and vrorkrbom. fit as perfecUy as her favorite face than costliest natlonatly ad­ G*Uaa h-2 could be repaired at little cost. bulwark of Amerlra'^s Pacific de­ last season's wardrobe can be mode bridge frocks. Their skirts ore added that since tbere was doubt The Board of Inquiry was com­ fences against eiMmsglnary enemy unexpected recent rUe In the price to fit But when you see the new vertised paints at $3.30. And at laB-faL 'ab o u t the safety of the smaller one, have perferteng Days, ______■■ntlag Mews—A New SoBBSar spoon ealt. O)ok 10 minutes. Place ly evident tbat bis panic was real. raarfpriflgccnten) JsefMwoiadMO Yar^-^Ragatte** Ws DeoH Exaggerate These New Haven, May 17.t-(A P )—^The Ha wiiaaled and dashed off the set, piring a scrub baseball game and Ford load* for 1939 e e • Dressee Are Real Btey Valnea a layer of corn meal In a greased died on the way to e hoapital. FREE! A Big Roomy $15.00 Pull-up Free With. iMger disn ipringbaM of otM lead­ Is waking ite initial appearance at cases role and cover with half tbe Ckimmuniet P arty of Connecticut S-Ply bls'ISea flushed beyond any acting Middletown—The Middletown Y. Tha Tam and. Gift Shop, the yam as they combine good teste wltb Issued m circular today entitled aflort. SnailT HTBaaUUC ISA aa ever used oo a low-priccd car. ing low-prked car, m u * locliea cool smartness In fashionable print­ tomato mixture. Add a layer of G wdan M. C. A. elected e Catholic, former Every 3-Piece Set Re-Upholstered. \ T 2-inch dnuDS, 162 square incha toul braking surface. svlth a look of wool and the comfort shrimp, cleaned, and sprinkle wltb "The Way Out — A, State Income -‘TmaglDe It," Mickey exclaimed. Rep. John C. Barry, Portland lum­ of cotton. See It, you’ll Want to ed Bemberg Sheers, sizes 12 to 44, Tax" urging the paebage of e "state Arrow has made It simple for you to play, romp, H om •Tve been watching that girl around longer dian tpringbaac of ths other a t Rublnow’s, on sale for $8.98. Be part of the cheese. Repeat topping berman, to the presidency, in what New Factory. ■MT a a i IMUaai among all leading low-priced cars in start knitting right away for Bum- with remaining shrimp end grated income tax law on the wealthy." or relax In apottawaar. the lot for a year an’ never got up General Secretary Frank L. Smith All Kg-UpholaterinK Done In Our Own Fade Under tbit year's Gilmore Youmlte economy tun was given by L ...A nd Ford ig the aofylow-pdced mar wsar. Inexpensively priced. sure to get one. ' The circular attacked the econ­ 119 ' tbe nerve to speak to her. Now I'm cheese. Bake iir a hot oven about {10 termed an unprecedented move for Management Supervision. 8) h.& Ford V-8. (Ford osmers now also report no oil car with a chsMif engineered with minutes. omy program of Governor Baldwin’a supposed to walk right up to her. the organtiatlon In this community. added between regular diangas.) ’This recipe la vary inexpensive, Now SumiDer Giovos administration and charged that tha Arrow Sports Shirts $2.00 mp TWs la a nutty business if 1 ever Hertford—Francis J. C. Donohue, true Torqoe-tnbe drivo, 4 radios yet contains plenty of nourishment A charming . new- glove arhtch chief executive, aeeklng a way to Braided cotton cord reinforce- MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING RENOVA1 OMT V-a BiaiNf la any low-priced c u . Fastest, most Here are two more household balance the state budget, had failed Arrow SU x...... up men*. Stands 37S Ibt. prstsora bnsw one!“ manager of the Connecticut field for a hincbeon dish: will be worn by many fashion­ hints—do' you have any favorites office of the Social Security Board, One-Day Sefvice. Floss, Hair, Felt. and Cot! povpttfnl, smoothest, most fmn to drive. rods, soft trsnsvetw swings to gho Oottegs Cheees Sonflle able women this sumihcr la of per­ to mention an Income tax because per square Incb. 33 foot caU. we could uae? Do eend them to he "la speaking for thoae very same Coma in today. . , gat your Am w Spocta anaanbla reporied evidence that the Federal gWfT AOVANaa im m a in 1939 low-price field. Mod­ a hilly stabilised ride. . . free from From Ths Sesitest Cook Book forated wuhsble lambskin with Judy. mCHEST MARKS MADE old age Insurance program is reach­ 1-4 cup butter scalloped cuff and tipless fingers— wealthy Individuals who control the -PHONE TOD.AY— 3615. Your Own I-ocal Leading em lines, rich inierior* to match. Recognized style leaden '‘■quatting” Rant, "bobbing" Kopih To Whip Cream Qalckly Republican Party and who want no . . . and make tfaia Summer your bm-draa8ed and Block ing stabilization In this state In. that at the price. VS 1-fl cup flour the Ides being, of course, to show A few drops of lemon juice—no SereFdOeysOafrf 00 per cent of the 49,340 persons for Upholsterer for Over 18 Years. A N " S ' IS BETTER . 1-S cup milk perfectly manicured, polished nsUs. part of an Income, tax to touch moat comfottaUa. DURING HURRICANE cxctetlv tidetway on tnmt and more than three or four—squeezed their huge proflte.” Screen W ater Syaten whom accounts were set u)i In 1938 MOST NMFMINT at oo extra cost, iocludcd in low deliv­ 3 cups cottege cheese (Colors are white and natural. Wife came under the SO-year mark. ered price of yoor new Ford V-8. T H A N A ‘6 ’ - toughraadt... 1 tesqxxm grated onion i y 4 c Amherst, Mass., May 17.—(AP) Salt and pepper Extra Savings Daring t^rda 4 ISO G a l Sse The mojt popular horee'^for har- / I r i v s a Ftid V-d aad |H |w * 8 dMhnmM e-lf you want the" highest marks HOLMES 4 eggs. Dnyn Of Bins Penoll Bargains vamsf/sm r Bq. Ft. In a eoUege examination, take It nresing tp stage, coaches was the Melt ths butter In a doubts boil­ starting today, which means tre­ 35“ UPHOLSTERY COMPANY m sr nwMiN9s INC. Bringa running water to ratal during a hurricane. Percheron, Which contained Flem­ er, add flour and mix well. Add milk mendous mark-downs from tbs Freteet your beaM from flies 13 School Street Showroom, Factory and Office gradually and cook,' stirring con- homca . at Amariea’s lowasl That seems to be the conclusion ish blood crossed with the Arab. It original prices In ovary dspartmenL with tbia low-pcicad wire. 13 coatl Antomaticl Dalco Motorl reached by Dr. Harry N. Click, head la still widely used for draught pur­ A ^ ttc r Place for Your Upholstering! TOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER Btantly-until thlckenM. Add cottage For Instencs, "Ramblsr" Urea that mesh, black enameled. of the psychology department at poses In the Argentina and the cheese, onion and salt and pepper have won a recognized reputaUon Maasaehusetts State College, who United States. to taste and mix well. (If cottege lUM on eele from 84J14 for the CkroaiiMa ^sese Is In large curds press 4.40x31 elio up to 87.86 for 6.00x16 / through a sisvs.) Remove from ths siM and these are 4-ply tires that M lalat' beat and add slowly to- ths wall compare with other tires of much Ftweel hsatea egg yolks. Fdd in the stiffly higher priM. See them. beaten egg whites snd pour Into « huttersfl baking dish. Place In a pan 2 9 5 o l hot water and bake In a moder­ A(valdiBg Obvloos Sooveolra STRAW HATS I t you Just don't care for obvious ate oven (828 degrees F.) to t about aouvanirs, ^ wish to tsk^r) lume and Hardwood seat with isamtess Worth at least $U6. Has a asA ^ 1 hour or until set Servea efat. some tsstsful memento of the New white celluloid finish! Bar Ungsa swing apont tiid removabls^ sttf- X era chromium plalsd. „ drafauag soap dish. A Maw Sport Shirt 1 ^ Arrasr— York Fair, you might like to )o , isasily appUed you can 'TYy Before You Bu^’ 1 Lwhlte powder. It their portable Corona tjfpewriters f.dad.d 1 5 ? of dreuleting (he refrigerant. No mevu gad pay only $1,85 a month. FELTS $2.95 to $6 omes In bandy- Sturdily built with gliisd and' slfter-top container and Is es- Rogf N et Bnamslsd steel kickat; ing, wearing,. grinding parts-:-hanco pinned mortise and tenon Joints, thick earthenware ju freadom from costly ropairt . . . mero pedally recommendsd for' use on Steamed, Date Podding B'iaad Men’s walnut finish. 12 mesh wife. UquidalMt ( the feet during hot weather, en>e- (Courtesy The Dswey-Rlchman Cb.) yoart of dopondabla MrviM . . . con- cially nice for golfers and othor 3 eggs well beaten SPORT COATS timiod low oporatin'g .'cost. SERVEL ELECTROLUX IS sport fans. 8-4 cup milk 1 cup sugar Tan Oaa Get AB The Latest Tunas n p Ceaipnra with $35 Bthasl in rooorde, either Dacca, Brunswick 1 cup chopped dates s9 •»THI ONLY’lEFRiGERATOR that t^poratus on teonemieol GAS. or Vocalton at R. 8. Potterton’s os 1-3 cup flour wan as a i^da variety of the fevor- 1-3 cup chopped nutmsats ,Ckaeka azM Send Colon, H aw thorne .3 cups soft bread,crumbs ^latoat Bkadsa a t Q nam , tte classica frcmi SSc up. ,, 1 teaspoon salt —THE ONLY REFRIGERATOR that Is pot^monuntly silont. Tmm, Brawn and Bkw. Clever Is The BeasewUe 8 1-3 teaspoons bsU ag powder M oitelSO who servea budget-poring meals so 1-3 teaspoon cinnamon ---- , —THI ONLY REFRIGERATOR that has no moving parts in thn froailng syttoin. skillfully that tbs nmlly nsvsr ta- i-4 cup salad oU 1-4 teaspoon cloves Wool aad W onted f. sHsss Mm has started on economy F O R a M . . r'- - ■ ■ drive. 1-4 teaqwoo allspice. She's a woman who knows bow to Add sugar, gradually add tha oU ■tvs spring-tlnis drsaMnaas and sip aad btaad, add datsa, beatea stta, itram b ai to standard low-oosters by tbe sub­ crumbs end milk. Mix thoroughly, bib#' Tn your ehofag ol col- tle use of ssssnnlngs, piquant gift flour, baktag powder, aalt aad ARROW oeel Ballaea itraal Tread aaueSa and gay, colorful osmblna- splcM together and add akmly to Nirta — Maekwaar aaddlal F am an s eaasier tlens. Hare are tvro of bar tricks: the mixture. Add nuts, mix wen aad GabBrdtaa P adarwaar afM brahat Far boys or girlo. Mancliester Division turn into a greased mold, flteam 3 TMW atm rrmTHMS / Bovampsd Maearaid Aad Oeess TrooBari f 2JKI ap Tqilpa fasMoem. . Add a UtUe cooked maiat, chicken hours kespliig the w atar a t bMUag ^ Hartford Gas Co. or soHM muahroon» to the put point flarvs hot with sauM or wUp- In a little catsup or chill saires for pedfereain. wiTkaut sMlse. Prise (■• ONOMB sM w esAOr alsee Sm s - i h i i m a i u asst aad give It a covering of sfs. tssissr aasiOa sum i : M .i'j:hai / minced parsley and crumbs dipped 4eweliF Heeds Wlmpli OSM Mss ssS fsa* TtessMSts- In melted butter, , Jewelry worth keying Is cer­ tfsa. sMs smS Jsss/(asMk ft Hot Veg*«itli B tainly worth keeptng vrea It’s a Oook a tauter of a am of diop- good idea to keep each plHo hi 6 MONTGOMERli ped gram peppers, a Uilrd of a aeparata hea. prnferably flaed. Con­ (£ H 0USe-3OH. 824-826 cup of minced onlens a»«A a quar­ tact with other piaeeo oat INC. ter << a cup of G bop^ oelary, to acratebas. To cleaa, wash with a MAIN ST. d Uilrd of a oup of <8esd baooa for soft bcu* la a'^ bath o t tepid wa­ MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, IN C te«lan^3Ni^([;jgMr B t and HMd. Nteaifl HbaacAaal minutes la 1 Four ter, bland soap — D fcsiSlsi'' " lEFORI YOU ■UY ANY gEFRIOlERATOR ■$ SURE TO $11 THE UNIQUE SERVEI^ ELECTROLUX GAS REFRIGEEATOR Idrepa of amawnln. , .'m m m m eANCHESTE* BVBNUfO HERArD, WANCHEPl'ER, COW. WEDNE8DAT, WAT IT, lOTf MANCHICSTEK CVE.MNU HEKALU, MA.NCMESfl EK. CONN. WEDNESDAY, M AY 17. 19S® ' W O T T E f Page e l e v e n about the deaths or five oOier raeo, PROFESSIONAL CLUB Watch Your Manners, Mick ACE all o f whom once courted her. TALL CEDARS O E Discover Part O f Brain ^ BtAN SOUGHT ARBE8TED ‘ Claveiand, H ay 17— (A P )— Domi­ SEEING nie Rpdlo, .SI, of Philadelphia. FOR CONVENTION Enabling Man To Stand ENJOYS A BANQUET sougbt\by Federal agents in their News From Manchester’s Neighbors Investiga^n of an Interatato poison IPOPULARI murder ring's operations, was ar­ 8 t U>ul», Mo., aiy 17— (A P V — * Cancer la more frequent in oc- rested here today at the home of a curanre In areas along the occana W a rra ilt Ramlcil To F e ^ Delegatioo Of 25 To Attend Buell, Sunday. t>l»covery of th^ ppoclflc part o fj Center Qrarch Groop Holds j^ te r . and the Hreat Dakca. Dr, Joseph W. -sRodlo Is one h f two persons for I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson BOLTON SEEKING TO ESTABLISH the brain which cnBblra-men to! Mountiri o f the V. 8. Public Health STAFFORD of Manchester called on Mrs. Lovma al Agents In Philadelphia whbm warrants w r^ Issued to Fed­ Anmiai Gathering At At­ HENRY PARK DIAMOND MRS R. K. JUNES eUod uprtjht w *« ejinounccil todnjr Bosness Meeting And Hutchinson Sunday morning and at­ Service told the physicians. After eral agenta last MARKET before the Amerlcen Mcdltal Aeeo ailjuattiig the cancer rate flgiirea to tended services at the Gilead Con­ aaue, Mahcncatar GAME BIRD FOOD SPOT^ Detectl^M Ralph ^ n ik d y and SPRINGS gregational church. They wer# din­ and Self Serve G roceries elation. ' account for other factors It was stiff PQjson Ripg Deaths. Vincent Aiorrow arreatetlMro at the lantic City This Week. It la n "etrip area" of brain celle apparent that such states as Npw Dinner At Vilia Maria. JOHN U NETTO ner guesU at the home of Mr. and home of M nt John dl Ff*t>clsco, HAS BEEN COMPLETED 47 A t the last meeting of the Grange 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING lying'iuat under the front part o fj -York and Rhode Island have alniMt X auffyril Mra. J. Banks Jones. Quarter Acre Patches Of Live, tha ahull where a peraon acratchea' twice as much cancer as Arkansas where be was asleep Mr. and Mrs. A. Etarit Post and a Uothar'a Day program waa pre­ Grain To Be Planted For “WHERE THRlrtY SHOPPERS SHOP” Philadelphia, May 17— (A P I — Ace said they bad recMyed a pick A delegation of 25 membera of Rev. Rowland J. Martin, pastor hla head when pueiled. In humane and New Mexico. Center Church Professional Wo­ U J T D I Ml proprietor took zevtial from tbs children Wallace and EHeanor and pared by the lecturer, Mloa Lydia man-hunters of the Federal Bureau der for hla apprebe^aton from of the First Methodist church (or Wildlife By May 1. only the frontlera of the area have A new warning aganist the use of men's club held lU final business Nutmeg Forest. Tall Cedars of UUlQe lO KOCkVlIIe abelf, tbs other azked about aulta Miss Nellie Neeland of East Hart­ Young. A roll call waa given en­ sulfanilamide except under medical of Investigation set out today on a of Police Edward Hubhf Report the past three years has been invit­ ford. called at the home of Mr. and been touthed by peraona exploring meeting and banquet at the Villa Lebanon, will attend, the 28th An­ I and was taken to the rear of the titled "Something Mother TnIJ Me the brain but It haa been dehnltely' aupervlalon was Issued by Dr. Cur­ search for the No. 1 fugitive In an delphla.' ed to Oil the pulpit for another year Mrs. Charles Ftsh, Sunday after­ The State Board of Ftaherlea and Maria last evening, with twenty-hve nual convention pt the order at At- at the quarterly conference held re­ noon. That 1 Alwaya Remembered.* outlined and lnvaatlK"ted in mon- tis F. Garvin o f Cleveland, O. In ad­ Interstate maaa murder ring Inves­ Rodlo was named tn warrants as CommoD Council; Several the flrat customer, the two decided Game today launched a program to dition tn Its triumphs In controlling m'embera attending. Dinner was tigation — an attractive widow an Bcceasory in a drowning. itlc City, N. J., tomorrow, FrldW cently at the church with Rev. Mau­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Way and chlj. A paper was read, "lllstory of keva and aub-human apea j I they did not want to buy but aa create scores of game hlnl "rafe- Thursday Specials Thla narrow atrip apparently Infections the drug haa Its datigera, serve,] at d:3i). A t each place was a known to police as the ring’s "kiss and Saturday. An advance delegira rice E. Barrett, D.D.. district super­ dren, Mias Ruth and John of West Mother's Day" by Jean Munro; dis­ ■ inarfca one of the principal differ- he said, and frequently causes wsak- dainty corsage, the gift of the re­ of death" member. tlon\wUl leave town tonight In prl*| Pedlions Received Al The S, '“ V intendent presiding. Rev. Mr. .Hartford, spent the weekend at the cussion, "How Much Do We Owe tertaa” In co-operation with local tiring president. Mias Bertha Good­ vate egra bound for the convention, Martin assumoil the pastorate In VVellesway Farm. Mr. and Mra. John Ot»r. Children?" by Viva Maaaey and encea between man and the lower ness, hesdaches, dizxtnesa. depres­ She is Mrs. Rose Carina, for ; the rear seemed to have something sportamon'a organizations. The anlmaU alnce it la U»e anti gravity sion. lack of appetite and nausea. rich. whom a murder warrant was Issued HLIPINOS TO HAVE city. Ahother group will go tomor­ June 19.36. The follca'ing officers L. Way. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sted- Mra.'Anna Munro; "How klucb Do Board announced Its readiness to row and \still another delegation under his coat and he waa oueatlon- area which enables man to atand up­ Sometimes It causes mental con- Following the dinner. Mias Good­ weeks ago. Police Capt. James Kelly Meeting Last Evening. for the 1939-40 church year were man and daughters, Marion and We Owe Our Mothers ?", Barbara furnish clubs with seeds for plant­ plans to leAye late Friday afternoon ed. The two men returned to the SMOKED right. Dr. John F. Fulton of Yale fualon and Jn almut B« i>er cent of rich toye^ Old Sweet Song.V, fence the feeding areas for wildlife- ports. After thla, In res|>onae to a The entire ^ronp\wiU return guhday kvllle, May 17— (Special) — j When he waa putting the suits annua] gathering of the American Mickey Rooney seems to have some difficulty with hla table man­ der of a grocer in whose exhumed K. Taft and Parley C. Patten: re­ Hr. and Mrs. Myron Post of Etaat Between ikx^tlons and tlcketia Plantings must be made before Hay SHOULDERS roll rail, each guest spiike briefly, Included in tonight'a delegj|l|0 or Claude Mills presided at .he | back on the rack ha found one fo.'d- cording steward, Ernest K. Taft; Hartford, former residents of GU.ad 31. Medical Asaoclatlon. ners In this scene from "The Hardys Ride High." the current Hardy body traces of two types of {^aon Manila, May 17 — (A P ) — 'The ed up a short distance away from aold for the Y. \V, chorua (oi\the g'ving an interesting or humorotia Family feature at the State Thursday through Saturday. With will Grand Tall C ^ a r of htlng of the Common Council disbursing steward. Burt T. Eaton; have returned home after spemlmg For each auch project developed, Without It man might attll be a were found. Philippine commonwealth, busy the other suits. Police Captain Peter beffEflt of the young .people's/Mim- THREE OF TEN YOUTHS story. Mickey above are lovely Ann Rutherford and William Orr. Forest. Fred KnoflVand D Q IF' conpectlonal steward, Mrs. Harold last week at the World's Fair in the Board will stock 10 pbeasanta In water-living animal or at moat a Warrants for the apprehension of building an Arm y air force and an held In ■ Rockville on Tviesday eve­ J. Dowgewlcz was notifled by Mr. mer conference, about 620 waa Mias Beulah Todd, chairman ot Representative Jamek\0. Bahnk L. Andrews; district steward. Par­ New York. the locality during .tbs fall. The P O R K C H O P S alltherlng amphtbtan -rapable of i Mrs. Carina and a man. Dominic offshore patrol of speedy torpedo ning with all of the members being Qiber. realized • the nominating committee rear! the Others going tonight « e WUIIam ley C. Patten; Reserve district School in town held one session grain patches are expected to re­ only brief excuraiona on land. ■ TOTALLY UNEMPLOYED Rbdlo, named as an accessory tn boats, will have a W ar Department present with the exception of Alder­ The Tolland County annual con­ SHOULDER slate of officers for the coming year M. Anderson, Ward Oougan. Wilbur Atteadlng Meeting steward; B. T. Eaton, superintend­ Tuesday so ths teachers Mrs. Fran­ duce winter loaeea, Superintendent 1b. Control MnaeJea Of Trunk Celebrase, 17, went willingly to the drowning, were banded to Federal under a bill approved today by the Hadden. John Dowd. Ray' Warren, man Underwood. The .Trinity Past Noble Grands ference o f Congregational ehurchea Tbeae brain cella control the "ex- Officera-elect President, Misa station last night. ent church school, Mra. William Ab­ cis Daly and Mrs. Alice E'ozll could Kiizaell P. Hunter atateo. Marion WaahbJrii; vlce-prealdenl, AUTHOR BELIEVES ^ A R agenta last night with orders from National Assembly. and William Hunhlford. Tomorrow Alderman Ebcn H. Cobb reported Association which haa several mem­ and mlnletera waa held at ToMand tenaoT musclea" o f . the tnink. lega Twenty students captUred Cele­ bott; president of Epworth League, attend the teachers' meeting held in A "flfty-ftfly" plan of pheasant V E A L C H O P S .Miss Madeleln Brown; aecretary- FBI director J. Rdgar Hoover to The measure creates a Depart­ John Wilkinson, Edward Crawlord. that the Public Works Committee bers In Rockville is holding a meet­ Wednesday. The following dclegalaa and arms which,.-nable man to re- Thone Worklfiff. After -Com- brase, they told police, after they Miss Nancy Whitaker; secretary of Oolcbeatsr under the direction of the purchaonlg to encourage more stock- Ireaaiirer, Mina Harriet Kransen. give local police "the very greatest ment o^^tLldnal Defense. James Dickson and Thorston LarWm has completed the Soft ball diamond ing this afternoon with Welcome supervisor Martin Robertson. were aijpointed from the Centei* alat the pull of gravity. Dr. Fulton pletinif Schooling, Karn Av­ W ONT START IN EUROPE heard the creaking of a jack In the Good Literature, Miss Florence Ipg by clubs was alau announced. Prtqfrani fVrnimittoe co-operation' possible within our The Assembly rejected an amend­ wilt make the trip. Friday afteK.^^ at Henry Park and that It has been Rebckah Lodge In East Hartford. Mrs. Clarence J. Fogll, Mr. siid church: Mlaa Adella Loorola ||nd explained. They are automatic In fraternity houae parking lot. A t the ment by Miguel Chienco which would Washburn; delegate to Willlmantic Samuel Alvord. Mra. Cflyde Mar- Ijndar this plan, the Board agrsM SHOULDER or CUBE erage Weekl.v Wage Of $1.3. The program committee waa also jurisdiction." noon's delegation will be composed enlarged. 'A military whist party will be held Mrs. Floyd. Fogll and children spent to ihqtch any release of tha game action since few people ever need elation he qulckly"Mentlfled his two prevent a military man from hold­ Several petitions were received Camp meeting. Mrs. Binjamln R. obatl and Mrs. R. K. Jones also at­ nafned. as follows: Chairman, Flor­ The Federal agents entered the of largely of members who are In this evening. Arnold. Sunday in WaUlngford. the guesU birds irade by a club on unposted to exert any mental effort to stand New York. May 17. —(A PI—An- cotnpanlons and all three were held ing. the post of secretary of war. the Rangers drill team and are to be Including one from the Louts Schoo- tended. New York. May 17. — (AP) — ence Benson; Gertrude Carrier. Avis case at the request of Judge Harry of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Doran. lamia. Clqba-muat advise of their up. for District court on charges of at­ Cuenco said he desired to eliminate in the parade Saturday. Ilck Co., for an addition to U>e P.' W . Mlaa Anq Strickland, organist at Howard M. Bell of the American Kellogg, Ruth Porter, Lola Parker. ilre Maurola, French writer believes A military whist party will be desire to participate before June lb They also art as a. board of dlrec tempting to steal an automobile S. McDevitt, who earlier had urged The entire Ramiera drill equad will Woolworth Company at 22 East Youth Comnllaalon -. said yesterday The retiring praaldeht waa given there will be no Immediate Riiropean the’ poaeiblllty of a military faction given al the Town Hall on Thursday the Center church, played for the to enable making of contracts with tors In the functioning of the other tire and wheel, ' Hoover to make A personal survey take part in the big parade. Nut* Main street In the center of the S T E A K S . 2 5 that three of every ten youths In lh'- a white headerl a|K>rt hag. aa a war because "none of them over which later might dominate the goV' evening. The proceeds will go to­ prelude Sunday, "A ve Maria" Bach- game breedera. pe.rts of the.brsln since they stimu­ of "thla. unbelievable crime syndi­ meg Forest’s drill team has Impres­ WAPPING tTnIted Stales who had completed token of the cluh'a apureclatlon of there will start a W!;ar without the emment. f vCity. The addition to be 29 feet by GILEAD wards bsiplag to defray the expens­ Oounod and poBtlude "Cleranbault.” Bulletins on the grain and pheot- late other cells nearby which con­ her work. Miss (ksKlrlch expressed cate." Authorities believe the ring sive uniforms and always 'make a MRS W. W a R A N l their schooling were tolsity imem- cerlalrrty of winning - and none.hav^ S6 feet 7H Inches and to be of jeon- es ot the young people uho attend A aolo waa given by Mrs. Harold ant planting progrkma are available trol voluntary movements, such as her thanks for the gift, and for.the may have killed more than 100 per­ hit at the annual convention. ciete blocks. This petition waa re­ 8800, Manrhsstor Scrvlcea wqre well attended at the CUT UP running, throwing, and swimming. ployrid. that," ths summer confercncea of the Con­ Symington entitled, "Prayhr," The from the offices of the Board here cooperation of club members during ATTEMPT TO UGHT HIS sona In eastern states by poison, ferred to the Public Works commlt- Gilead Congregational church, Sun­ gregational churches. Cultivation of a '-'poker face" Bell told the Boys' Clubs of "Woodrow Wilson had the light topic of the sermon was, "H er chil­ on request. her tenure of office. At her invita­ drownlngs, and faked accidents. D O N l WANT PREACHERS • tee with power. day morning. A Mothers' Day pro­ Mrs. C. Daniel Way and Mrs. Wln- among persons afflicted with twitch­ America convention that those em­ idea,” said Maurola, who sailed to- Everett Thornton and William dren Called Her Bleaaed." tion. M4aa Marion Washburn spoke, Postal InepectoraMey Take Hand BANDITS GET $15,000 Alexander Raczkowskl petitioned gram was presented. Rev. Berl throp Porterf were elected delegates ing of the face muaclea following ployed earned an average weekly ilay on the French liner Normandie, CIGAREITE COSTS UFE Kennedy of Jewett City, were the BLUB AND QRAV^ accepting the presidency for the "but hc“had the wrong approach. A t the srfUW'llTlIe the possibility ' to build a garage 20 x 20 at 66 VU- L«wts bad for the theme of bis ser­ from the GUead Congregational FOW L I SAUSAGES operations or Infections was recom­ wage pf 113 and that 43 per cent of a second Federal agency step­ TO BE LADIES’ MEN guests at the home of W alter N. mon "A Humble Career”, the Young SAYS YOU ALSO MABRY thought they were In "dead end" coming year. Tlic League of Nat Iona some day - lage street and this was granted. Foster and Mrs. May F. Barber last church to attend tbs annual meet­ VOUB MATE'S FAMILT JopUn, Mo.—G. A. R. veteratu mended to the physicians by Dr. The club will conclude Me activi­ ping into the Investigation develop^ IN DAYLIGHT R O B B ^Y The peUtiona of J. and W. Zahner People's choir sang an anthem jobs. may be the solution of the problem Plttahurgh. May 17—(AP) — An Sunday. They attended services at ing and alio the lOOtb annlveraary rose Indignantly whan they dtseov. Edmund P. Fowler of New 'York ties for the summer with s picnic with disclosure that the Bureau of to build garage 20 x 12 on Llbertjr 'Mother-Love". Hiss Lovina Foote He said only four per rent of the Wilson's faith Was not In man but attempt to light a cigaretta while the Community church. of the Tolland County Asaoclatlon ol Ames, la.— (A P )—Marrying tha i'ered a "rebel” at their state en­ - dty. at Columbia Lake on Wednesday, Postal Inspectors was interested in Oklahoma City, May 17— (AP) street and John Gottier to build a told the story of Anns B. Shaw and 20,000 young persona ■ Interviewed In humanity, and that wai. hla mis receiving treatment In an oxygen New York, May 17.— (A P )— Five Mra. Florence LaVinge, Is .the Congregational Churches, and Minis­ boy or girl means marrying his camp ment Actors and others who use their May 31. whether the malla had been used by Baptist women don't want their garage 12 x 20 on Liberty street the choir sang two anthems "A ters to be held at the Tolland Fed­ 1 1 5 * " ’ ' facUtl muaclea contlnunualy to ex- by the commlaalon wanted a "new take." tent coat Eugene A. Boehm hla life, pistol-bearing bwdits escaped with guest of her daughter and family, or her family, too, says B ocloloi^t I He waa Andrew Hawkins, tO- The author, who la writing a life the syndicate In operating matri­ preachers to be ladies' men. Mrs were both granted. Mother's Love" and "Come Unto erated church, Wednesday, begin­ ireas themselves may be partlcular- economic system"' and more than Coroner J. P. Henney reported. between 610,000 and $1S,()00 Mon-. Mrs. Carl A. Magnuson, a t Blast C. Arnold Anderson of Iowa State year-old (Confederate veteran, who of President Wilson, aald he would monial agencies to bulwark the J. M. Dawson of Waco, Tex., told Neal Benton asked permission to Me." The church was prettily deco­ ning at 10 o'clock. y ausreptible to the facial palsy. BO per cent believed employment The 40-year-old lutemployed steel day after terrorizing 1()0 customers Windsor Hill. , ^ Unlveralty. said be flgured the war waa over retiitn In the fall for a setiea of lec­ 8lay-for-pay racket. the paston' conference of the t>model a shed Into a garage 24 x rated with roires, carnations, violets Mr. and Mrs. Norton Warnsr and . A fter It develops_ the best known and Increased wages were valid re- worker of AmbrIdge burned to death and 17 employes In a swift daylight Mrs. Alice L. Barber, of Brooklyn, "Marrying U to a larga degraa a and It waa time to let bygonee be MAMBimO HETH HOSPITAL TRIP tured at Harvard Unlveralty. He was Southern Baptist Omventlon. 80 at 87 Grove street, and this was ah'fl hydrangeas. The older girls pre' children spent Sunday in Meriden, method of relief ‘ Is coaching and aponslbllltlea of government. In hla bed at Presbyterian hospital This angle first drew the atten-' robbery of the ConsoUdated^tsoa N. Y., came to ner auijimer home, union of famlllea and groupa oa wall I bygones. accompanied by hla wife. Mra. Dawson, a minister’s wife, sented evety one with -a bouquet ot the guests of Ur. and Mrs. Brnsst ' training the vlctlme not to uae the Forty per cent of the married yesterda.v. tlon of Investigators when It waa es­ (Company's Harlem branch office. alto granted. the Henry W. Loomis' farm, last as of Individuals,'' Andaraon said Tha union vaterana agreed but said "there may be a few silly, sim­ The next meeting of the Council violets as they entered the cbarch. Uengivetl. Mrs. Warner and the chil­ muaclea which set off the twitching. youths. Bell added, were forced by MAY BE MAirS LAST A fellow patient who made a tablished that the ring's far-flung The bandits, ransacked 13 cash­ v.eek. Her aunt la staying with Her after completing a study of human maintained a G. A. R. encampment FRAIIKFURTS pering sisters who brag of social will be held on Wednesday evening. Miss 'Oloria Barrasso spent the dren are spending a few days with “ These patients must be trained economic' reasims to live with rela­ futile effort to drag Boehm from the Bctivitlea reached Into other states. ier's cages but over looked 610,000 for the summer. , mating habits. ■was no place for him. graces, but the real Christian wom­ H ay 31st because o f the holiday weekend dt the home o t her class­ her parents, Ur. and Mrs. Denglvell. to i^ u c e their facial expreaslona " tives. Urging educators to study the tent aald the oxygen burst Into Detectives expressed. belief then the In a package on the chief teller's Mra. Margaret/ Gahvey, mother of FRATERNTTY MEMBERS en of your congregations don't care coming on Tuesday, the regular mate Miss Lucy Wraigbt In West . Mlaa Florence Jonea spent the by not blinking their eyes so much problcma of youth-more attentively, Krle. Pa , May 17.— I ^ P ) -Chea­ flames aa soon ns Boehm jrtnick the matrimonial agend.es might have de.sk. Mra. James Callahan, of Fteasant Willlngton. Miss Barrasso and Miss VEAL LOAF whether you know an Ice cream date for the meeting. weekend in Columbia, vlsIUng at the and relaxing the muscles of their he said one of eveiy four of those ter "Hard Duck" Dylewakl's fifth match. been used to obtain prospects for A wsjthan teljer who seemed about- Valleyi left last Sunday for a visit Wralght attended the Junior Prom spoon from a salad fork." Beacon Light Teoted home of Mra. William Johnson. faces. Dr. Fowler said, "Any move­ queatloned had dropped out of trip to the hoeptlal may be hla Isal. Attendants sal.d they repeatedly Insurance murders. to scream felt a gun jammed against of a week with relatives In Spring- of the Windham High school, Satur­ PADDLE THIEVING BOY Many of the re^denta of the city Mr. am Mra. Wlnthrop Porter ment. whether voluntary or Involun­ school in the belief he was not Attendants gave him little chance warned Boehm about smoking In A. Bernard Leckto, agep| In her ribs. .She fainted. fleld, Mqss. day evening. noticed the red Beacon light on Fox spent Sunday afternoon In Hartford tary, Is likely to produce the very learning what ha wanted apd need­ to recover from a akiiU fracture and the presence of oxygen. The steel charge of the local FBI office, said POIJCT CONFISCATE Hill on the W ar Memorial which The quarterly conference will be Mr. and Mra. Elton Buell were visiting relatives. Pelicatessen Specials. anno}rlng twitch which they are try­ ed. Internal hurts suffered yesterday worker was being treated for the G-men's activities in the Inves­ ADOPT BABY OnU, when caught between a tennt of Cambridge. Maas,, May 17— (A P I Atm-NAZl STA'nON was tested on Tuesday evening. It held at the WIndsorville Methodist supper guests at the home of Mr. ing to avoid." asthma. tigation would be limited to "mat­ church next Thursday, May 18. and Mrs. Howard Tryon in Bucking­ Itrgea Kefllng-l'p Exrrriara horses and trampled while trying to — A well paddled Somerville youth Los Angeles, May 17.—(AP)— ia planned ,tb have the tower Illum­ Try Oar Cole Slaw and Potato Salad ...... 9lnt 20e - “S - ters outside the state, prindpally The South Windsor Garden Club ham, Sunday evening. He recommended setting-up exer­ HOPS ON Sr-COND l,K(t unravel a harness snarl. One of the waa charged with attempted lar­ Antwerp, Belgium., H ay 17----(AP) Blllle Dove, star o f the silent screen, in a t i eabii night. The dedication of (We Make Itl) ceny today after a harrowing ex­ TWO SPir/4 BEHEADED apprehension of criminals who have —A bidden radio station In the met yesterday at the summer home Mr. and Mra. Romolo Sagiio and BUTTER cises for the face, done tn front' of a animals fell on him. A rein wound and her huaband. Robert A. Kena- tliv War Memorial will take place RECORDS fled the jurisdiction to avoid prose­ of Mrs. Peter E. BosMn at Vernon. children were vtaiu^s Sunday at the mirror, to train such [lersona to LJabon, Portugal. May 17- (A P l around Dylewskl'a neck, almoaj perience in the D.K.E. fraternity town of Bercbem was ccKiflecated by ston, have adopted a 16-montha-old in Juqe. Oaeea. OohunbU, B m tw le k Bonie 51ade 51cat l.oaf ...... Ih* SOe cution.” A picnic lunch was enjoyed after home of Mrs. Afex . Marehlsla in . smile out of the side of the mmith —The Lieutenant de Valaaeaii Paris, strangling him. house at Maasachuaetts Institute of Berlin. May 17— fA P ) —Two men police tM ay on a conyiiatnt that it girl “ loaned” to them se veral montbe ,/' Belief Corps Meeting Vooalloa Mrs. Carina, long souffht as' a whlclrthere was a business meet­ Buckingham. SLieZD . 1 opposite the one which twitches shd' (French airliner, took off for linrta, Only a few weeks ago the. 26- Technology. convicted of supplying German mlU- was broadcasting antt-NXM pro­ ago by a children's home-flndlng Btirpee Woman's Relief -Cqrps Baked Beans, 20c qt. Brown Bread, 10c ea. COTTAGE the Azores, at 4:43 a. m. 111:43 p. year-old Wattab'urgh man waa Reacuei by police from the top of tnrv secrets to foreign agents — principal in the ring,. Is charged grams four tiroes daily. On March s ^ e ty . The child, ' Gail Melinda wtu bold a meeting thla evening at ing. 'Hie club planned to aet out s Henry Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs to look at themselves anil.othera \in- Wlntbrop Porter and Joseph Frac- R. S. iPofterton Meat Piks, 10c, 3 for 25c. Chicken Plea, lilc ea. m. Tuesday, e.a.t.), en route to the struck by an automobile. In. 1937 a tennis table where fraternity Rmli Zeldler, 36, and Martin Rich­ with murder In the poisoning of 20 the German government apolog­ Kenaston, has a brother. Robert /eight o'clock in the O-A.R/'^ ball. permanent Christmas' tree on Tues­ ____^ til they forget the defect. "The leas cbla, son of Mr. and Mra, Joseph At Uw Csater 886 Mate 84. Boildd, H am aelf-consclouB the patient becomes, United BtalVs. She arrived here yes­ hla skull waa Injured In a fall. Twice membera w ^ e subjecting him to a ter, 33 — were beheaded today, Pietro ^tea, who died In 1936. In ized for a radio broadcast which Allen Kenaston, born to the former / There will be a mdmbcra supper at day afternoob on the grounds at the CHEESE J before that he had been . hurl - In paddling In an elYort to learn the bringing to 20 the number executed addition, Police Captain Kelly said, Belgium protested as meddling In Screen beauty and her Santa Monica Town hall. Fracchia, are sick with the measles. Poliah Ham...... lb. 76e/jfBaked Ham .....lb, 85c the less, hla face moves." the New terday from the Blararoaae, France, ' 6:15 o'clock with the foUowlug com­ Mra. E. B. Foote accompanied her similar accidents. names of his oompanlbns, Salvatore jaa-aples .since Jan. 1 Investigator's want to question her a Belgian general alection. rancher husband live yeara ago. The Young People's Society is to York physician declared. airport. mittee In chsffge, Mrs. Ruby Lev- niece Miss Leora Hibbard of Man­ eriu, chairman, Mrs. A le tte I^dw lg, hold a "Hare and Hound" chase this Backotni'a Fnnkfurte 1 • a • • a •...... lb. sac evening. The members-will meet at chester to Black point Sunday ■3 5 e K ■ Mrs. Clara Lathrop,^Mrs. Emma morning. In the afternoon Mrs DEKP CUT PRICKS freeeed Ham, 85e lb. /^ Mlneed Ham, 80e lb. Andre, Mra. Edna Lutz, Mrs. Jessie the Community House for the start 5 * " ’' and It Is to end with' a picnic. Foote and Mra. Lovina Hutchinson IN ALL DCPARTMKNTS WIlBon’a Nalaml ...... a • a e 4 e...... lb. flOe, 68e - Meyers and Mrs./Margaret Marlny. were guests of Mr. and Mra. Robert Leagvta of Voton On next -Tuesday afternoon. Im­ ALWAYS A SAVING WUaM’s Cbleo, 4 8 p ^ Dnteb Leaf, Me Ik. mediately following school, the Foote. Thera will ^ a meeting of the Mrs. Bertha Hubbard and son AT THE Fairmont’s CrmUn Cbem ...... S pkgo. l i e recently organized branch of the Junior choir will close their activi­ ties with a party in the Community Richard of Jackson Hetgbta, L. i ARTHUR DRUG STORE League of .Women Voters this eve­ were callers at.the home ot Hart E. FRESH ning at 7;,30 o'clock at Library Hall. House. Miss Itatherine Ludington, state A meeting of the Church Council preiaident will give a talk os “The is called for tomorrow evening at 8 IS HOME BAKERY ' * MACKEREL HIstoTY o f the Lieague o f Women o'clock at the home o f Mrs. Emily “At the Center" TeL 8286 Votors." B. OoUlna. / To Present Mlostiel Walter Gudzunoa, aoa o f Mr. and : The Italian Social Club will pre- Mrs. Anthony Gudimnoa fell while SKINLESS SLICED 1 oent a Minstrel show and dance on playing ball and broke his ankle. Manchester Public Market Saturday evening, May 27 at .their His foot la In a cast and he ia able to get around on crutches. This Is FILETS POLLOCK m im m m im m m u clubhouse on Snipstc street The f -i'^lartin, Everett Theummier, Valley. Sole — Fresh Scallops — Chowder ClsBU OMnad Fat Fleischer, Walter Trtnks, Har­ Clpina. For A Maintenance Fund of $15,000 old Lehrmitt, William Mareenosky. Ex p e r t t e l l s b e o in n e b s Frederick Hartenstein, Jr., will be -- TO COOK ASfERICAN N o . 2 cans . ^ ^ e tall can 1 Interlocutor for the show. AT OUR MEAT DEPAimiENT Tuskegee, Ala. -- (A P ) — Lucius PNIMMIf Fann Boreau Meedags Fresh Made Lamb Patties, from 1939 Sprlaf Lamb, / The Tolland County Farm Bureau Boomer, New York's hotel and res­ wTMped in Bacon ...... 25c lb. has arranged the following meetings taurant exective, told members of m for next week in the county: May Tuakogee Institute's elaaa In com- Tender CsItcs’ L16V , Weatoni...... S5c lb. MADONNA 33, Matisfleld, Hiss Llsbecb Mac­ mer dietetics not to try to^be French Fancy Sngar Cured Baconnnachine sliced...... 29e lb. Spoghdfti and cooks or Italian cooks. donald; May 24, Rockville, Care of "Be American cooks,” Eloomer Tender Beef Liver .... i.; i ...... 25c lb. the Skin, Mias Macdonald (evening); Tom ato Fdsfe advised the class during a visit hi Boneless Veal Roast ...... 25c lb. M o c o r o n i H ay 25, Tolland, Care o f Skin. Miss the famous Alabama negro schooL Boneless Veal for Stewinr ...... t.. .25e lb. \l Macdonald; May 26, Vernon, "There is a great future In Amerl* Polish Imported Cold Cuts Special for Thnradayl Hygiene o f Middle Life, Mias Mac­ can cooking,'’ ha continued. donald. * Cooked Pork Loin, machine sliced...... 59c lb. ''Americanize, the menu: never uae [ 2 n »- 1 S« Banquet Tonight foreign terma if you can avoid it; Polish Ham ...... ,....1..4. .fi3c lb, d f ’ 2 5 * The Friend to FriendaCflub 6 t the make your dishes Ameriesn.” Polish Special Luncheon Meat...... 29e lb. Union Congregational church will Grots & Weigel Frankfurts • aesaBoasa p ' p j * a a • • a • 29eib. hold ita annual banquet this eve­ CHASE* SANBORN ning at the church social rooms. EVAPORATED 1 Alan Attempts Theft THK Kl-EtTRIC AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT Two Negto men riding In an 19 ^ C O F F E E Itomoblle ' bearing New York FlIKNACK MAN Strawberry Shortcake Biaeuits...... e doa. MILK arkers attempted - the theft o f . a Lowest Cnat AotiMnalle Ileatl Our Home Made Quality Bread ...... 9c loaf, Slfor 25e Sold Escloalvaly Bjr lit from Alex Giber, a merchant In Jelly Donuts .27c dog. center of the city on Tuesday, b. e. WILLIS A SON. INC. Cnpeakes, assorted if yoa wish..23c dos. 1 9 l c ib. ' l^^etallcan he two men entered the store and < Mala'Street IM . 6185 Apple Pif^onr regular 9-incfa sin ,...i...... 2Se each one asked to eee soma shirts. While FANCY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Natiro Asparagus, ektra fanqr ...... lb. bunch 19c 1 LUX FLAKES BORAXO Fahey Golden Wax Bcaaa ...... 3 qta. 19e Freeh Peas, well filled ...... 2 nta. 16c SealdBweet Juicy Florida Oranges ...... dos. 25e l ^ C l f r b o x GOODRICH GAS California Sunkist Oraagaa...... dog. 29e 1 5 *“" Fancy Ripe Tomatoes...... lb. 15c SMALL SIZE...... 9c 4a 70 Octane New Potatoes...... 5 Ibq. 28e

A Solicitor Will Call For Your Pledge Or Cash Gift. Please Give All You Can. THURSDAY GROCERY SPECIALS 1 CUCUMBERS DELICIOUS APPLES > Batter, Fairmont’s (Better Butter) ...... 2 lbs. 55c BIT riRBT.BAIfD rSOOP A ' - A A .. ’ ■ A M A M sa a ' a ^ g a l l o n s $ J [ ^ . 0 0 * » » ■. I ■' ifg tM ^ M X -R-^ Cm - M Miracle Whip Salad Dressing ...... pint Jar 25c tMAT •n m u il, MOTOM' 1 3 lor l O e 4 2 S e 1 . Cream Cheese, Fairmoni’a . . .T...... Shw. f«dl pkg..5e EECOIIP LOW MT-PRieBS Free! Dish With E»A '4 *Lb. IM Label SeMa 1 TOMATOga PINEAPPLBS 1 Tea 2lc out orriRB m b u t Goodridi A. K. Gas Goodrich Ethyl Gaa .EvaporuMMlik.LaiidOT.akeaorl^8e a ^ ...... PQR T IB &BBBT 1 2 Ibi. 2 S e l O e each ' A Real Aail-|bioek Gas! ...... d tfdl caiMi 25c A p r No ear or earth la better Whole Beets, Saudi, Royal ScarleLNb. 2 can.. .2 far 23c 1 MACAROON STRAWBERRY I encinaorod—none is ao Pass, Natural Gard^ Boyal Scarlet, No. 2 can, 2 for 29e A i646iinmi w »i CUPCAKES SHORTCAKE BISCUIIB 7 gab. $]^.00 0 gals. $X-00 paehad.wltii value. Every fw t m ! 4 Toautoaa (Pfam Cons Brand), goe^ quaWy. Na. 2 can:, m m toiFu m m im ,2 for 25o la the finaat money ean buy—yot 2 3 e doz. t d e d o x . ' j Toauto Jalca (Kemp’a Sub Rayod), 12K***- con .... the bif new 1939 Pontiac le 3 for 19c priced right next to the loweet. Make Checks Payable Tp V A N ’S New^ Service Windex. Washes Windows Withont Wqter ... .bottle 16e Thh A4Tt PaM For fey Hit BfaaditBttr BMktl This Is Manchester’s Most Vital Fund Blatchcs, Birdseye or (Hiio Bine Th*..;. .3 Ig^ hexea lOe Tea ■var Had-PM M I OB m Sturdy'Broenui ...... ,.tH Uc^ 45eand 37e The M^chester Trust |Co., Treasurer Attodatloa Aad A FrkM Of Hit HotpUaL . TeLSSM COLE MOTOfl^ 91.92 Canter 8 ^ Maadiaoter ADVERTISE IN THE Appeal. Every ConM^tion Cpun^ pAkL51« 7 ~ P m ] 4> PAGE THIRTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN WEDNESDAY, MAY 17,1939 MANCTIESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. MAT 17. IW f PAGE rVVELVB

eaUU^ the smmmts should be sllo- catoA . __ BALDWIN PRAISES We are not for the present cou­ c h e d with the oonlroverelsl ques-, High Nine Trims East Hartford, 14-8 DRUBS W. HARTFORD, WEAVER IN TRACK /Sons of the amount of poUUcal cor­ REUGIOliS STAND. ruption resulting, nor ths effect of the policy of cresting ths habit at 1, depending on public support. Ths / comiptlve evils which hsvs resulted RODERICK EXPECTS MURDOCK HOMERS TI^CE from this policy ere clearly recog- Local Sport Chatter OCKVILLE HIGH NIPS TRADE 4 TO _2 .Edmund Shields Scores ONCI IN 100 YIARil (ioTernor Says All Faiths ntz^. We are here concerned arlth empha.'*lzing the failure pf Congress TO TOP ARMSTRONG Out of scUon tor several monUiB.A Fran Laary, former U.H.8. mile . Show Reverence, Respect over a period of eeven years, which the veteran Joe IfcOuskey returned luminary, was in acttoB-lost week- topi£FORU.s.to pace 17-HIT ^ A C K 100 HOURS TO RUYI long exceeds the period of sny to competition Sunday and captured oad for Seton Hall Prep In a mee^ I Summary Second Straight Triple 1 emergency, to determine even the the MeUopoIltan AAU ten-mUe at VUlaaova Collega'. . . Leary ran THREE RUNS Eddie Elm Stops Rival And Tolerance. basic principles which should gov- cbaniplonatalp on the quarter-mile second In the mile and then came 40"Goal Array Slated To Op­ Ruaiilng Events. ! em the allotment of such sums. .This British Welter Czar Is Given track at WtllUmsbridge Oval in back to captura the half mile In two Also Gets Triple And loq yard dash—Won by Eds-acd ! is unquest lonsbiy the responsibility New York.... McCluikey, veteran ot minutes, one second desptu a driv­ FiRST TO HAND Cold In Fifty Seconds Gunn, H; Lorcb, M, 2nd; Whits, M, a decade of foot racing, was clocked ing downpour rain . . . pose British In Interna-, In Triangular Triumph Harlforil. M«y IT -lA P ( "E *' : of .OongiTSS. We are concerned with ot 3rd; Roma. W, 4th.. Time, lO.S the weakening of the 'power and Good Chance; Champion In S3 minutes. S3.ft seconds and led a le; Kelleyites Stage c*pt th«t moral value _*>• reroRnlae'l ■econda prestige of Congress and the field of twenty-six finishers by seven­ The Red Hen's AthleUe au b will Easiest sports assignment in ^le. Just walked over to Eddie and 220 yard dseh—Won by Gunn, H; and except that thr individual, by ty yards. .. .there's still plenty of tional Polo Matches. - L0CAU4THL0SS , t r ■ > f ■ certain second but In the closing strengthening thereby of the po­ Far Below Form. hold a special meeting at the club- 7-Ron Uprising h 7t state lost night was the order' rsdsed hte gloved bond. Lorch, M. 2nd; Eteenberg. W, Srd: hia aptrilual strength. recognliea litics! controls placed In the hands ;stuff left in the "Iron Duke” . ... rooms on Brainsrd Plsce tonight st Bobble Ivy, Hartford favorite, was Becker, H, 4th. Time, 39 seconds bains^ Victories In Uiiarter, ^ AMn*»h to th# ties tape *e-i$$« Bmgham m lAS'wldlfS of wesv ■rtwlvs the fundamental truths as taught report thq Eddie Elm-Jimmy the only r^eeming feature of the of the PresIdenL 'This breakdown B o'clock and President Pete Yen fist. rxnner, : by religion, every thing we have la of legislative respotuilblllty 1s due In Annual nolle# to all local baseball By GATIJE TALBOT Blast Three Horlers; 01*' C>>sts fight at the Foot Guard hall bUI. Ha knocked out Ted CJirlsUe 440 yard dash—Won by Edmund that Just liippcd the local London, May 17—(A P I—The wel- driUo urges all members to be while Pcsolk took fourth Ixehind lost” , flovemor Baldwin tnlil the the first Instance to the hope that teams: Box scores of games will not lys Main Factor In Set- In Hartford. Baled as a four In tha second round of a mill that Shields, M; Csrmody, H. 2nd; Han- High And Broad Jumps; be used on The Herald sports page P tw n t . New York. May 17—(AP)—It’s Lltvlnchyk. delegates to the sUte convention of It would he for a temporary perioon the powers of the Hiere was a distinctly local tinge Blanchard, If . ...1 0 0 0 0 0 ked. He wss’lUted in favor of lo* Now disqualifies a fighter. To unfortunate enough to attend . this assemblage of talent, they hits as he pitched his second victory M, and Harlow, H, tied for 4th, 9 and 26 1-2 for Hail, while in (mother first but for an unfortunate I shown by John C. B.urleson. President, especially In the case of to the track meet between Wesleyan Becker, cf ...... 4 2 1 3 0 0 I BuUck and the letter went the accident to speedster Boh Y»rch. I Armslrimg, who often loses two and the meet lasted mbre than three should bo. In the hlitory/of Amer­ In three starts. East Hartford got of the dtetsdee without dlfft- Twirls FiYe-loning Relief feet, 6 Inches. dual competition the Red and Artlon Of Convention . a President to whom It haa entrust­ and Conn. State yesterday, wbicb ican polo there have beCn but 16 Vlncck, rf . . j. ...1 0 0 0 0 0 The latter was narrowly hasten by ed almost Unlimited power of ex­ three roixthjs a fight on low punches hours . . . a similar affair here lost 0 0 to him for two runs In the first, two Ketcbam and Logon divided Shot put—Won by Harry Squa- A t the concludnlg session of the the former school won by 78-57 players called perfect, and here are Pesclk, rf ...... 4 1 2 0 trito, M. 46 feet. 1 1-2 Inches; Hur­ White drubbed Weaver by 64- Edward Bunn ot Hall In the century I penditure for relief and public this Is a real-JhreaL week lasted half as long b°ut that's ...3 2 2 11 0 0 In the third and three In the fourth Ipltcblng assignment for Rock- eonyentlon earlier fn the day the Lockhart Rogers of Cardinals four of them ganged up. Phipps was HlllnoJU. lb .. to gain a 7-6 lead up to the fateful Trick Agabst Dodgers, ley, W, 2nd. 43 feet. 3 Inches'; Gav- 40 and Hall by 77 1-2 to 26 1-2. and the rivals hooked vp In another I HEAVY- delegates authorised the holding of works fnxni loans. Roderick >qtoer fanrlos h|s becaush It was properly planned Correntl, aa . ...5 2 2 2 2 0 1 end held the locsis to four bile. chances hInxselfX He U familiar took the broiul Jump with a leap of the 16th to be elected, and he la the seventh when Manchester broke ello, M, .‘lrd.,42 feet, 3 Inches; Wat­ Au Iron Man Hluiit sizzling duel In the 32t>. They were JU IILII RRICIt a two-day convention for 1940 w-hen U would he a aerioua mistake to and conducted , . . Pratt, c ...... 5 2 2 9 0 0 tile’s first three runs were I’ESTERDAY’S RESULTS with the ceaseless eqergy and dyna 22 feet, lOH Inches, then placed sec baby of the team. loose with -the heavy shower o f baa* liered without s bit. Schruraph kins. M. 4th, 40 feet. 7 inches. fihlelds, s toll, slender blond who practlcsliy neck and neck leas than DUTY TUBES delegates to the general convention axwiime that responsibility for the Olbert, p ...... 6 0 1 0 1 0 Gives Three Hhs, No Nstioasl scarcely seems to have the stamina nilte-laden fists of Armstrong, but Can't hi'lp but wonder what ond In the 100-yard dash . . . Frank Up to yesterday there had been hits that sewed up the game,' helped Iced and best the throw to sec- Discus—Won by Phil Goldenberg, ten yards from home when Lorch ON ACCISSORIIi must be elected. Integrity of CongrtMS . begins and Robinson of State won the discus SL Louis 7, New York 6. W. 130 feet. 9 1-2 Inches; Gavello for one event let alone three of he says: ^ ■ makes this guy Ed Shields tick . . . some doubt Uncle Sam would use 47 14 17 27 10 1 considerably by the coIIapSfe of East ion HeUxts* bimt as the latter stumbisd' snd fell snd slid the re- | Another rcaoliitlon adopted pro ends In Congress Itself. It begins with a toss of 124 feet, 4 Inches . , . Hartford’s Infield with flve result­ Brooklyn 12, Chicago 2. M, 2nd 117 feet, 1 Inch; Murray them, duplicated hte brilliant exhi­ remaining dtelance to the flnteh as I with-public opinion and Its progreas Ol'vo got a chsnccXOl 'ave he's a well built lad but doesn't give this terrific quartet against the In­ Ibed flrsL Then Morganson was Runs; Uring Head Now; .^^fTiaec. $4Jti N*9 S aided that the bishop designate i Charlie Robbins of State placed sec­ East Hartford. ing errors. CHnclnnsU .4, Boston 1. W, Srd, 112 feeL 3 Inches: Squatrl- bition of last week's meet with Gunn completed a double for two of | Is supported to the end by public Ol'vo not Ixccn knocked oiiCsto 150 the Impresskxn of strength, espe- vaders. It happened that none of ab r h po a e py a pitch In attempting to bunt, week during which the churches ond In the two-mlle . . . V Blast Three Hnriera. Pittsburgh 8, Pbllsdelphls 0. to. M, 4th, 111 feet, 6 1-2 inches Hartford and Bristol by gaining Halt's tbrCp firsts, the third being MkrwbiR..I8m> 81681 would be urged to prs'^ nsist earn 0|>lnion. -But the Tiower. which the fights and Ol don't mean to IN^ 'Im clsll'y as he looks well petered out the four had had much experience ...3 2 3 4 1 0 |g the bases. Trade protested US at the No. 4. or goal-tending posi­ McKenna, 2b . MMchester opened Its scoring Idectelon vigorously but to no Yankees Hold Hot Pace. American (Winning toss te new Weaver school flrst places In ths high Jump, brood gained in the relay on which Gunn cstly to t world peace. President now holds to Influence ilo It." after a few trials In his specialties IvOnders, lb ...... 5 1 1 8 0 1 New York 7, SL Louis 8. tion. A 10-goaI man, as his title with a three-run cluster In the PbilUps hobbled DeCterll'e record.) jump snd quarter mile. It was truly ran anchor for the winnera. A resolution proposed by WUllsm public opinion through thy dlstrlbu The boxing writers know Ernie ai but when the chips are down he The Green Juniors are seeking Dulka, cf, B. I8M M m-indstion of /a proposal to the ing. "It gives him a terrifying as­ the high and broad Jumps age . . . for bookings call Earl Rice, of roughshod through the opposi­ Scribner, If, cf ^..5 0 0 1 0 0 on the next pitch, GtiSln cut then deserted that event to race to dtecue into the oxone for a sensa­ by Uongress to him, particularly In the eighth to complete Its scor­ be peg to second and threw tb nIgbL) W, Srd, 150 feet, 4 1-4 inches; Mur­ s ten-yard victory In the quarter In, general eonyentlon that Kplscopsl the power of the purse ami the ahll pect," x*ald one writer. and theNiuartor tel. 3208 . . . tion. Draper. 3b ..: ...4 0 0 2 1 8 Heed for the storm cellars, bosrs: Eastern rey, W, 4th, 148'feet, 8 1-2 inches. tional mark of 130 fact, 9H Inchss, * swB11Sm Men 4NI J f ing activities for the day. Butcher but Parciak dropped the boll the fine Ume of 64,2 eeconds, re­ a new Weaver record which " woi parishes be given the right to call Ity to Ixorrow In lieu of Imposing In a hiiHlnesa liberally endowed So there they were.-‘with four Martini, If . •. ...0 0 0 0 0 0 started on . the moxind for East Dizzy Dean is bock—and the din te Scranton 12, Hartford 4. D U A U R M i with nslenls, EmIe Is the Brat rat- highly-strung polo Red Oranges and Caetellani, ea ...3 0 0 0 2 1 I Morganson scored. Modesn got turned to the jumps snd won st '6 also bettor than the etondard Gold* 6tefsle BMbe»..Msn. tfsl M their own rectors for a ileflnlte. current taxes. Hartford, Gorman took over In the Inext three batters without fur- terrific. Springfield 0, WUkea-Barre 4. period of service was tabled. breeder. til! keeps a rat farm with Bll was telling how cold and damp not B man among them with much Butcher, p ...... 1 0 1 0 3 0 WUUsmaport 7, Binghamton 8. feet, 9 iDChee, then polished off hte enberg set tn the state 'meet test ORILLI During the period of thla stir- third and Flanagan relieved him In - ecoring. The Rev. Raymond Cunningham 5,000 Inmates as a hobby and re- it was down there near the cellaf first-band experience at heading off Gorman, p .. .. .2 1 0 0 1 0 the seventh. Olbert Issued only one Not that the great ou4j6 *ay Elmira 5, Albany 4. Yesterday's Stars afternoon's stunt by toklhg the year. Ha achieved s double by cop­ aEpTS)7itoib0.iti t M n-nder. inethiKls of organising pub­ 0 Protest Ump’s Ruling blushing violet any time, p u t when broad jump handily with a lamp of nt Hartford and the Rev. Loyal Y. lic opinion have been treniemlously pulexlly spends his off lime |Mii)der- FOUR TEim ^ ENTER . "are you telling me?” asked the opposition. This happens to be Flanagan, p . ...1 0 1 0 0 walk and strupk out eight batters. ping tha Javelin with a toss of 184 OUARD a mighty Important factor In polo, bother tiff with the umpire re- he's In there showing tbaJiatters up, 20 'feet, SH Inches. Add all this feet, .109$ inches. Graham 3nl, of Stratford were add- expandexi by means of rapid com­ Ing the Mendcllan theory of hered- Wlfson . . . "I was in there five Murdock Icd- Manchester'a clojit- -In the second when the STxANDINOS (By Associated Press) ad to the Hat of presbyters elected as In other games 41 8 18 27. 8 3 he's not one to let the bnye and girls Nstkmal Whltey Wyatt, Dodgers, snd Dlz- despite the fsot that he was both­ munication and especially by the Ity. yeare."- Ing spree with his two homers, • a era threatened to scor*. With forget it. Other Local Stoadoa$a at the morning session., Buy, page Mr. Tunney! Very much, wanting a place on Manchester ...... 003 02J 710—14 triple and a single, while Murray, w . L. PcL sy Dean, Cu)»—Wyiitt pitched four- ered by s' cold. Manchester'■ other stand outs In- ’ fiB6tSSiem.$4ii M radio. When these means are used SOFTBALL lout, Kradas singled to right, And Dte te definitely back. He 9 •nje Rev. Gerald .(tinnlnghain of to apiiesi to class prejudices, they I'sm Htand-I'p Htyle Attention, Seattle; Solly Krleger the American team was Winston East Hartford . . . . 202 300 100— 8 Pesclk, Hllinskl, Correntl and Pratt, to eecemd on a hslk and third SL Loute ,.. . IS 8 .819 bitter, fanning eighL to top Cubs, Hestley CWps MUe cjuded Elmo Gavello with a second showed that yestefday with a flve- 10 .343 Stamford apd Edward 1". Sawtell of have great pooMblfltles for mvaylng Aside from this ho Is average has made up with promoter Nate Guest, • veteran of the last three Runs batted In: Murray, Murdock all of whom haven’t been particular­ a s fielder’s choice. When Boston...... 12 12-2: Dean sUow^ three nits, no Four other first were garnered by in the discus snd a third In the shot ----Wo ISCI a .... Sharon were elected’ to succeed innlng relief tr i^ during which the . 13 10 A43 runs In flve-Inning relief trick. 1miR5b6»«ae#.4irt J 9 vast numbers of people! enough. ■ He learned to box as a Druxman and will be out the^ to victories over England and a star 4, Pe.sclk 4; Ckxn-entt, Hllinskl, Dul- ly potent with the stick In previous I started to wind up, Krsdas ClndnnsU .. Manchester athletes ss Ooach IVhlU with third In the 100, Odar- themselves as members of the No. 4 player, or back. The question games, got two blows apiece. Dulka Brooklyn Dodftra were lucky to get Chicago . . . . . 12 12 .500 Atley Donald, Yankees—Come In •sastlfslly Sbreswplntod. In the light of our own knowledge s<-h(K>lbuy at Friars school. Uver- light Al Hoslok June 27 . K / L«o- ka 3, Lolka. Lltke; two base hits: |e for home. Psreiak bunted the mots than f loud foul off him. He Cfiisrles "Pete" WIgren's charges man with fourth iln the mite, Cutler *YS.*CarfcMa.ntiei A t cathedral chapter. pxsd. where he alsii was a -chaniplon Two More Entries Souglit Inater and St. Bernard^ high naturally arose: Would It be better Murray, Pratt. Correntl, Becker,. featured for the losers with four Brooklyn .., . 11 11 JK)0 cold ss relief pitcher in ninth inning gave s ctessy demonstration of wall- with a Ue for lecond tn the high flsfMarpf^I6.fi, fdB9S and of these warnings, we ns cltl ]but was knocked from the bat allowed otM thrpe hita and no runs, .435 nmner. Today, af 35. he Is 5 feet bxibqball teams opened the' football to use Guest, a crack defensive Landers. I^olka, Lltke; three base hits in flve attempts and McKenna I box by'the Rockville catcher as Pittsburgh . . 10 12 when Browns had tying runs on base balanced strength in scoring 80 despite a bad ankle that bos re­ zens should Insist that tixngress re fanned fiVe and walked none, qrhlcb 18 .433 snd retired two men In row to save H>, Inches taH lights best at s ea s^ flve months early/up at player, despite We raUng of only hits, Murdock, Dulka; home runs, and Lolka also went well at the letter toted to block the piste, New York .. . 10 points in tha foot races and 34 tarded hte progress since It was in­ tain the ixower of the purse. II Complete Town League plate. Murdock’s fielding at sec­ Is StUl .par for the coxurse. Philadelphia . 9 18 .409 7- 6 victory. O r a i T O T should not be surrendered to the H7 ismnils.dhe welterweight limit. FRchWr^, Mass., the ot^er day by seven goals, or to toss In the Murdock 2. Hllinskl, f^orrentl; hits hire Cullam rujed Psretek out klyn won the boll gome 12-2, points in the field events. Dave jured Indoors, Krause with a Ue for playing 33-23 t.core/. . . some­ “dream" team, lock, stock and bar­ Olbcrt 13 In 9 Innings', Butcher ond was also outstanding as ha llnterfarence, cjalmlng ths de- erlooD Pepper Martin snd Lynn Myers, , V Executive.’ Equally miist we Inalst He has been trained In the tradi­ aa handled six chances without ^ mla- dofflnesa boys did all their W. PcL <3srdlnsls—Martin's three-run hom­ Heatley ran a beautiful race in the fourt|i In the pole vault, and Wat­ - tional stand-up style of British box­ For Com'mg Season. body oughlHp tell the Garden brass rel? 4 in 2 1-3 Innings. Gorman 8 In 3 was not s legal pitch. H- D. V rolie, setting hte own pace virtually POWT.R.S t>F fX>NORF,SS that the Initiative and the duty for play. before old Dtex ambled In New York .. . 16 6 .782 er enabled Cterds to'come from be­ kins' with a fourth In tha shoL Ths - ■ the la>ing of taxes la a major ri’- ers. He has a good straight left, but hats the cosT'Crlals la ovdr. It was I think I saw the question decided 2-3 innlrtgs. Flanagan 6 In 8 Inn­ hte ruling several times se hte flrat National League appear- an the way and then flashing i local r ^ y team, comprised of Md- • ' yesterday out at Old Westbury, ings; stolen bases, -Becker, Hllinskl, A t Meriden Next. ders protested but Insisted Boston VV-... . 13 8 .722 hind to Ue Score snd Myers’ plncb- Editor The Evening Herald: nponMhlllty of Congress, If It Is to his left hxsxk and his right to the so cold In the jNnt/Monday night Manchester travels to Meriden^ e of the year. 10 JWB •tagle In seventh sent srinnlng run iqirint finish to brlaet the tope nesr- Csbe, McCtollum Benson snd Smith, -t' even the bike riOM were beefing where there’s a polo^plajing mil­ McKenna; left on bases, Manchester stter wss out Chicago . . . . . IS ■ When the Fourniers of govern retain lls essential place In our body are his best punches. Ho Four teams had representatives tomorrow afternoon to erigage Its Using Hte Head Now Cleveland .. . 13 10 vB4B across to whip Otenta, /-8. Yy ten yards to the good. Heatley also ran a good raos In taking sso- knocked out Jake Kllraln with the . . . Heins Vopolx W(ho got a con­ lionaire behind every trim hedge. 7. East Hartford 7; base on balls ckviUs added another tolly te showing improvement In every ond place. mant up the three-powered ays threxx powered system of govern­ at the meeting held last night at off Olbert 1, (Jorman 1; struck , out closest- rival for CCIL honors. The Ithlrd when Shrumpb opuxed It's not the same Dte now, thougb. D etroit...... 10 15 .400 Joe Voamik and Jim Tabor, Red i1 Hsif-Pricfi l l a l l I i i V v cussion In the' flrkt st>Ul, la In a The four perfectionists will ride t#m—each one of which was to -act ment. former to win the British title. He the West'Side Rec to form a Town KeUeyites are setting the pace in Hte motion yesterday waa lota more St. Loute ... . 9 14 .281 Sox—Etech collected three lUta end start, haa admirable -form-snd -the Yastarday’s results gavs M has lost only two of his last 87 bad way . . . klhlla they exuried against the Invaders next month by Olbert 8, Butcher 8, Oormaa 1, .^single, went to seoon stomins to set and hold a stiff pace, not only as a check, but a balance, - Connecticut Economic Council Flanagan 2; umpire, Muldoon. the circuit at present with three natural than It haa been recently, Waabtngtoi) . 8 13 ..881 drove In flve runs in 18-4 y m over Chester a record of tour dual tri­ SoftbaU League, namely. Hose Com­ him out, the band, played' "You're a with Iglehart swatting the ball and ^snd scored on p^Csrli’i He was clocked in the good Ume of upon the other two— they undoubt­ By: HOWELL CHENEY. fights. wins and one defeat with Meriden |ty. 'Tbqre woe no flicker scor- but hte fast baU bad no more sip Philsdelpbis . 6 IS .286 Whits Sox. umphs In flve starts, the lone h>sa Roderick Is Immensely . pcipular pany No. 1. B. M. F. D.. Pagani's Sweet Little Headache.” taking Ills defensive duties very right behind with,two wins and one than a hangover. However, hs boa Joe Bowmen, Pirates—Held Phil- 4:49.4. edly looked upon the Judicial ilepart- •Treasurer Barbers, Struft-Amoco and the Oak luntU the^ssventh vclien Trade stern . thus far this season being suffered . . v ment as that one which would moat around Liverpool, a city that pro­ lightly. After all, what does a 40- Birds have three ejrelids, the'ex­ setback. Tomorrow’s clash will taken a page from King Carl Hub- W. L. Pet. lies to nine bits snd drove In four Deggart Easy Winnsr from the Omn. State Frosh, while 1 Clearance Grill. It Is hoped to have six bed across Itektwo cSectu^ly safeguard our Individual duces good lighters by the dozen. Today’s Onest Star goal team need with a goal-keeper? tra one being called a nictitating have a moat Important bearing on bell’s book snd te pitching with hte Williamsport . IS 8 .619 runs with double and triple In 8-5 Robert Doggart sped to on easy wins have been earnsd over Hart­ teams In the circuit and other or­ •Yhey played a practice match on bggl smashed iSsfl^iaamlng drive rights and liberties. This .Is still EmIe Is engaged to Edna Tarle- William F. M’Crea, Salt Lake membrane, or "winking” membrane, the title and Cy Blanchard wUI be head a* much as with that famous Springfield .. .. 11 8 .879 vlctoty over rhlllleS. triumph In the half mile os most of ford, Bristol, Hall and Weaver. Ths 1 w iiifs D. E. ArU> Radio, ganizations Interested In JNnIng are Telegram:/"How about a battle of the Phipps family’s private meadow Umlts of the/pteytng field for - - ,4;, true, although the attack (in' the Su­ PROGRAM IS PRRPTED ton. slater of his trainer, Nel Tarle- and which can be drawn over the sent to the box In an effort to earn time run. Kradas aTw s walk, right arm. And don't fbrget, when Scranton . . . , .,1 1 9 .330 Tommy Bridgns. Tigers—Fanned his early opposition was furnished Wigrenites wind up their schedule asked to have someone present at the cripples—Dizxy Dean vs. Carl with Iglehart trying Ws wings at hla fourth straight triumph of the he does that, the greet one 'te s reel •476 six snd stopped Senators with nine preme Court haa demonSirated the ton.- She never watches him fight the next meeting next Tuesday eye even though the regular Uda are I second and/wnt to thhd oh De- Albany...... ,. 10 11 by s teammate, Al Lltvlnchyk. this Friday by entertaining Middle- U S E it: •;l becauM she doexm't like to see him Hubbell-/when the Giants visit Chi­ No. 4 for the "big" team and both open. season. "cuUe.” . Binghamton . ..1 0 11 .476 bits, and drove three runs ■ across l!r!!^..$25.00 necessity of protecting the Judicial wUd eeg. Logan rshteced These two dominated the race until town's strong array at the West ' -■« BY ST. J O im S Q C I E n night at 8 o'clock at the West Side So Phil Wrigley may yet resltee with double snd single for 6-2 branch against executive ilsurpa- hurt people. cago? . . It would lure plenty ot Winston Guest and his brother, hham ocyue mound and fanped Wlikes-Bsrre 10 11 .476 the final lap, then Doggart unleash­ Side Oval, end will then be idla un­ Rec. Raymond, playing on an opposing aoRiethlng on that $185,000 Invest­ 11 .476 trtumpb. , Uon. Those present last night agreed the faithful." for/Oie flrst ouL Porcl E lm irs...... 10 ed a spurt that far outdistanced the til the state meet at New Haven a WiBffl side. Mike Phipps was out with a ment. And. with HubbeU on the rood Hartford . , . . .. 3 12 .294 Ernie /Iximbsrdl, Reds—Hit two On the other hand. It has become that the seaiion's campaign should to M T t left, Kradas Scoring' doublM end single, sending three field and he won going away by 30 week from Saturday snd the CCIL clear that the key to the integrity Ijidies’ Adomtlnn Group Ob- Harry Mehre la trying to get his Bpralni.-d wrist and Ebble (^rry took |r thacstcb, snd Geer famxed to too, one, of these fine Sundays be conducted In accordiince with the yoU’ce going to bear your favorite nmsdver to down Bees, 4-1. yardjtjn 2;08. Litvln^yk seemed a meet At Middletown on June 8. 1 and strength of the three-pow’ered HervtH Mother’s Day With LOCAL TOSSERS BEAT rules of the National Association. U. of Mlaalsslppl Rebels on Notre bis place. The Guests really were I gome. TO D AYS OA2IER ssr. $15.00 announcmg s pair of bat­ leR Heath, Indiana—C3out«d dou­ systeip.ds a whole resLa in Congress. Kittertuinment At Pulaski It Is planned to play games on "rues- Dame's 1944 (that's right) sche­ In there batUlng. But the 10-goal- SPRING TONICS Hartford Here Friday National dule . . . Bantamweight Clhamp ers won without much difficulty, 8 teries hteded by old SquarspanU New York at SL Louis. ble with bases full In tenth to open 'i If the Courts get out of bounds. It Hall. day and Thursday evenings each Poggl, Modean and Al Kra- tve-run rally that best AthlsUcs, R«bb«r HARTFORD BY 19-17 E^toto Escobar hit town today with to 6, and Iglehart looked great at faccounted for all the local bits and old Dux^ Brooklyn at Chicago. bps' been demonstrated that they week and play will be completed In Both the (Alfaa and tha New York 8- 3. time to enter the state playoffs late Laxls RogI, a red-headed Puerto his unfamiliar post That appeared le Rockville’s six blows were PhUadelphte at PitUburgh. f 4km be curbiil. if the Executive bo- with ‘Spiritlifting’ Appeal Giants can use those teds. For white Boston at ClndnnaU. oomee too dotilnative, he- ran be Under auspli-es of the Ijadlee In the summer. RIciui welter In tow . . . the Job to settle IL lured over aa many batters, $ $2.00* 3 the Cuba held . fourth place In tbs Aowriaui \ restrained, provided the Cuurla'and Adoration society of St. John's The Oak Grill horaeshoe pltcbers A schedule wlU be adopted at Rogers Hornsby la doing at Balti­ Dotted Marquisette bchester entertains Hartford defeated Hartford' In their second Nations] Les^e, tnhv dropped a SL Loute at New York- '^ e Legislature remain Arm. Bui next Tuesday's session ' and rules more Is getting rave notices around de at ML Nebo Friday and haa game farther off. the psMpet by the Last Night*s Fights 3-Cdl PoflRSiaff Q C * * rhiiri'h. an appropriate observance State League match here Sunday by and' regulations wrill also be ap­ the International league . . . old CRISS-CROSS hopes of regaining the winning Detroit at Washington, tbe^ Legislature may be the source of .MathiT's day was carried out St, Louis Cardinals, wbo'•pern to Chicago at Boston. ^ FhahUght O #C a" score of 19 to 17. Guido proved. Art (What-A-Man) Shires la ra m. Hartford beat the locate By ASSOClAnO) PBBS8 of the greatoet danger lu our Riinday afternoon at I’xilaskl noli, "Champ" Gcorgettl again came I WRESTLING CURTAINS have plugged up the leak, somehow, (Only games schedulsiV) Dethobracy of today, not so much J- ferrtng wrrestltng matches In Texas teat yaai by scores of 6-0 and New York—Sammy LUftqxrtng, with a' parish sxxpper following through with slg, wins without a Cream and Ecru and Coach Frank Crowley’s from which all of tbete famoua Bssttra because^^f a tendency to override Miss Josephine Grzyb. organist and getting top biUlng .... (By Asaoeiated Press) was rapidly ooxlng. 148, Toronto, outpointed Johnny WlRffoot defeat as he tossed 161 ringers. one song barred In the Yankee 46 Inches Widi are 6ager for revengs. - Binghamtoa at WiRtemsporL Its poweiri ^and , become tyrannical, of the church, was In charge of the Maurice Correntl won live of Biz They reminded on# a Utto of 1984 Rartford at Serantoo. McHsIe, 180, Brooklyn, (8). Motor Oil . . . . O U C though thla'ts a posaibllity; ;but be­ Sports Roundup clubhouse these days la “1 Can’t Newark. N .'3.—Dr. "Dropklc)t" box score: yesterday coming from behind to Rochester, ;N- Y.—Frttsle JSvlc, music which was fumlshexl by the games and made 171 ringers and Get To First Base With You." It Murphy, 211, Boston, threw Abe Special 98c l^air Rockville AUMxny at Elmlrfl. cause of a sulTcnd'er ot Its jiowers Junior and Senior choirs. Mrs. Olive top the Otenta, 7-6, boost their first- Springfield at WUkea-Barrs. 144, Pittsburgh, outpointed Al other local toasera fared as fbllowa: By EDDIE BRIETO was. authored by Mrs. Lou Gehrig. Coleman. 248, New York, 87:27. AB R H PO A E to the Executive. Rerave of V’eraalllra. former organ­ John Chambers, won four out of six piece edge to s_ga>nb *bJ * *fid Traiho, 148, Rochester, (10). Minneapolis — Ralph GartlMUdl, sink the New Yorkers into sevsntb Houston, Tex.—Bobby Siegel, 134, Chief Justice Hughes has clearly ist, acrompajiled her stater Miss with 142 ringers. Russell Anderson, 210, BL Louis, pinned Joe Dusek, Regulai^l.49 . AH Indicated that in the. strength of Clara Skrabaez wbo tap danced. Nqw York. May 17—(AP) — Ob­ Qopstlan Box place. With no Hublleil bandy, BUI Houston, stopped Kid Laredo, 120, Prieon won two out of six with 131 ring­ A westeim e^tor read over the Ust 228, Qm^ha, 30:03. 8h public opinion lies the\cuntinuance -Mmi. Agnes Skrabaez was In servation ward: Mickey Walker be- C R I^ C R O S S Terry called on a couple of run-of- Monterey, Mexico, (4), ers, Thompson, won one out of flva of authors, scientists, Yogi teachers, ONLY! of our cinstltutlon.. ‘'\Vh^*lhe j>eo chiHTie of the dramatic program, with ,63' ringers, Mike Hsrabur^: glna a nation-wide bunt for a the-mlne toeeers, and they gave Los AngeYes—Baby Arlsmednl, heavyweight white hope at et cet Lou Nova is hobnobbing with pie want they generally get . . which Included a short speech which won on* oxit Of four with 64 ringers. MibBIABTYS TO PRACTICE. CWTAINS Johnny Mtee, Ducky Medsdek 1S6H', Los Angeles, and Eddie Mar­ She delivered on twhaif of . the Bror -Johnson, lost two with 84 Hagerstown, Md.. June 7. He a Nyack and- inquired; "la that guy jream Only Pepper Martin a home-run cus, U lU . Los Angeles, draw, (8). The forma of government; however training for a . fight or to get on mother’s; rerlfatlnnsl by Francis ringers and Horace Chambers, lost will try to pick up ex-penaes Horiarty Brothers will practice apiece. - New York—Johnny Rinaldi, 141, m '^Q .lO O" eeeeftore NEW well they may be contrivelher'a day In a special match, Correntl de­ Jos Louis yawning) . . aome of the that's to be expected. Babe Daht- .472;I; lKtthel. ^ e l . C3ilcago, .420. 1889$, New Haven, Conn., outpointed N IW —new la dsslip sod cratic institutions U> liut in existing Nick Angelo is trying bard to get Ruffled Marquisette Runs—Greenberg, Detroit, Ink umAI^Mn Im exercise was presented by eight feated .Turble by a score of 60-36, gallery customers at th» six day a road game as no diamond Is avUl- g i^ , George Selkirk and Joe Gor­ 2 1; Victor Trotel, 189, Mount Vernon, N. mmW IS WvVOTw IW Constitutional provisions, but In the Topeka, Kas.—State Biidget Di­ 21 4 6 20x11 1 don accounted for six runs as the four players tleij with 20. chlldreh. Regina and. Doris Opalach, tossing 36 ringers to 27 for his bike race were hollering for.. Bob able In town Sunday. May 28, the Y „ j8), ■“ wsigbf fs6 Issgsr ISl wssri dominant bentiment-which sustains Postor and his bike . . , Van Mun­ rector Floyd Shoaf doesn't know CURTAINS ater Trade Yanks topped tbs SL Louis Browns, Runs batted in—Selkirk, New Hartford, Connx—Marty Servo^ them." , Clara Skrabaezi Stephanie Kosak. rival. Utchneld will be the next anything about household llnancas. locate arlll open their home season AB R H PO A SsM fo dslltef 11% awre opponeiit of the local team, go will lay you dough hti roommate, Cream Only 7-5, for their Mxth straight win. Ths York, and Greenberg, Detroit, 22. 1839$, Schenectady, N. T * tsch- J W’ben we look, theiefore, to the Lorraine Olbert, Heien and Jose­ A woman wrote him asking bow against the Meridet) Barons at the H its—McQiUnn, SL Loute, 88; freed ■ffesfs. IfJYssfpsd- phine Kuclehakt. The Misses Ru- ^ c b BUI Klllefer, will lead both West Side. Mamo|ri*d Day after­ Yanks needed tbs victory tp keep ‘ nicAUy knocked out Mike Angeri, ■trehgth of. Congress as being that the National and American leagues to budget for a family of four arlth Special 69c Pair 1-2 gsmee In front In the American MeCosky, Detroit, 86. 139H. White Plains, N. Y „ (B). aril b Sss-snr Nras. Bet power in mir government which bacha, GromuUiki and Sendrowokl aa Income of $100 a month. Shoaf noon the locate wUI play SL Brid­ IffllR* I hPr IHWHMRs VwTA VflhMR appeared in a short sketch; Walter In snoring . . . tickets for the 1940 gets vyho last week defeated the League, for Boston’s second-place Doubles—McGosky and Oretn- Portland, Me.—Ooiey Welch, IBS, fsdsyh Mrs bodwr. TM AT most directly represents public opin­ was too busy handling stmts Red Sox collected 19 bits to Jar ths herg, Detroit, 11. Portland, won newspaper d e ^ o n Grzyb played a comet solo and NEW SOYIFT WARSHIPS Olympics at Helsinki, Finald, go on penses to make any suggestions. Oonnaa-Ameilcans by a big score. Get Aeqnalatod With Tex- ••II ostta so msrsl ion, It -is clearly up to ue, who are la here today. A W N IN < CUesfo White Sox, 18-4. And they Titoles—Keller, New; Toth, Tra­ over Tony Fteher, 188, Newark, N. ^ ubAs. $3.00 the public, to hold,Congress wltiiin played a duet with his brother K ui. ttte’a Fine Dpholstertag vis. Wsahlngton, McQuom, SL Louis ralr; a quartet' oiuig, composed of Servlea. WodI gladly show did It without their biggest gun, J. (8), - the proper deUnition of Its powers,^ MANEUVER IN BALTIC Thafk His Story 98c and $1.29 Jimmy Foxx, wbo went to a hospi­ and Keitner, caevetend, 8. Norfolk. Va—-Rod bswlA ITS, Marion Wierzblckl, Agnes Skra- yon aamplea and give esU- Home runs—Greenberg, Detroit, It Is perfectly clear that the con­ ______• Mr. Kayo Janie, personal body­ nmtea. Telephone 6844. tal with hte old sinus trouble. Richmond, Va., outpointed Domsnic ditions which at present surround baez, Eleanor Gi-omulskl and Jose­ Cincinnatl’a Reds, largely .tluougli SenUrii, New Toric and Foxx, phine Myeski. guard to Ifsx Baer, blew in froih CeeoarclU, 1719$. New Yotfe. (8). Congress raise the question as to Moacow.. May 17~i(AP)— A full the coast yesterday repeating his Red Men To Shift Bouts N ew EmIe Lom,berdl’s bat and Lea Orta. Boston» 5. arhethcr a moat aerioua danger does squadron of new Soviet warships prediction that If Nova ansalers the som’B soupibons, climbed Into s sec- Stolsn bases--Csss, Wsahlngton, not Ue in the surrender by Congress has been participating In Baltic be ' for the second round It wflll only Crash Bedspreads ond-pteoe tie/In the NaUsnst-Leenc 10; W elaj, Washington, 8. ' '-J of the power of the purse to the NEW JERSEY COYERNOR fleet maneuvers, Izvestla, govern­ be because he knocked Bser out In To Mondays Next Month by mrubblng the Boston Boss, 4-1, Pitching—Ruffing, NSW York With Drapes To Match I 2 4 18 7 2 Jos Bowassn pitched a nine-hitter and BridgxM, D e trc «, 8d>. Executive. The JusUttcation for this ment newspspxrr. said toda.v;-' the first. GOOD>YEAR surrender lay in the years 1931-32 in "Craws* of these speed.Y ships - Ttada . .. 000 000 2—2 and drove" In four ruite himself In NathMul litBffVie an emergency, in which It was im- IS BATH ROOM SINGER were composed of young Red sailors The Red Men's AthleUc Club haanahowe on ’Tuesdaiys only through the 98c Each High ...... 801 000 X—4 pacing Pittsburgh to aa 8-6 dsetelon Batting—Oaten. CblM go. .407; ourrrANDiNG One .of Don Budge's tasks aboard -Parctek out for Intarfsisnce poisible to harmonize the claims for who recently completed their tech­ ebeolutely no tntenUofl or deatre to month of May or untU the itock- over the PhUHes, whteR boosted the Arnovicb. PbHadelpfatei .SM. TIRES will bs to try to talk Baron Von I ea t ^ r . Runs—Ott, New York, SO; Bonn- VALU1U AT SHIRTS relief of aU sections of the United nics! training." the paper said. conduct lie amateur boxing ahoars vide flsUc soloaa get their cards un­ Bucs to sixth pteoa. Trenton. N. J.. May 17— — Cramm Into Jemlng up for a pro Stm theT R lk Qssr hatted for BUidrowskl in ra, Nfw York, Wether, CtocimiaU, low COST... ..H IR H Y A in States. It may have been Impossi­ Warshlpa of the Arctic fleet also tour next year . . . Joe Di Hagglo's In oppoaition to the CXDJC. Oub'a derway. Ths flrst night gams ot tbs yaar, A Atth tolscdon o f all dm ble for Congress to set up any GoV.' A. Harry Moore revealed him­ maneyvered under difficult condi­ After that tha Red Men, Vendtjllo of the Town! featuring ,^Ca4lnis Mack’s Athtettca and Oarms. Boston, 18. self to be a bath room singer today M.D. thinks he’ll have Joe ready to programs at Crystal Lake or to any­ wttad la: DaOstU, Poggl, formula based on population, af-eu; tions of fog and ice. states, will conduct their shows here in an evening "at. home", went Into Runs battsd in—Goodman, Chi- ssaM aow-stasoii lUrt ideas, In declining an ipvitaUun to attend go agalnat either the Whits Sox or one etea’a attracUona. That araa the ,.ti*o baaa hit, Morganson; eflumU. 23; MeOormiek. CbicinnnU. to average Income or outgo, which BkUIorlals in Ixvestxa and the official word today from Peter Ven- cm Monday evening each week. DRESSES overtlma before the Cleveland In­ a convention of the Society for the Army newspaper. Red Star, dealt Indians this week-end . x . Apdy b M hit, Modaaa; borne run, dians paraded flve runs scroes in the and Arnovicb, Pbitedelphin, 31. new stjrlcs, now'fabrics, now S A V C oC g m m g n • # m would adequately, promptly and Preservation and Encouragemb'nt of Farkas now says‘ he isn't through driUo, president of the Club, In re­ Siould inclement weather or other jUtooff Modsaa4in 4, off with rapid growrth of the Navy In circumstances make It impossible to $1.98 . tenth to top the A’a 8-8. 'Tommy Hits—Arnovidi, Phltedalphln, 28; colors, in brilliant Yarittjr fairly distribute relief where most Barber Shop Quartet Swinging in with pro footbaU and wUI play arlth ply to the article in test night's Cannon lek 2 In 2, Kstdmm 4, In 6, Fagan HsdL Chteaga, SS. discuaaing yesterday's decree length­ adhere to the Monday schedule, then French Crepes Bridges- tumed m hte flfth straight nee^d. Hence. , the most direct America. ening the terms of service. WaamngtPP agnln. He must have Herald in which Tom Rady of Rock- TURKISH TOWELS iT; saerifles hlto, Hemts 2. Allen flinging trtumpb as tha Oetrett Doubleo—Bsrtell, Chlcngo, 8; Rln- to plcsat cvsfjr nun’s taitn. way out at the time seemed to be The ‘governor wrote O. O. Cash, a changed his mind sin:m being Ip- rtUe chuged the local promoters the bouts will be held Tuesday Spun Rayons olsn baaca, Ktadaa, Modean; ao, Pittsburgh, 8. The papers pointed put that rapid nt^ts. VendriUo Mxjla however, 92x44”. Tigers whached WsMiington’s sup­ to put vast sums In the hands of the vice president of the sbclety, at con­ 'growth of the Navy liitenslfled a de­ torvtewed by the Detroit News last w(Ui skullduggery and arhat not Slab Broadcloths OKe* on bassa. Manebastar 2, Rock- ping Senators, 8-3. Triplen— Goodman,, Chidnnstl. President to be spent at his dtsece-' vention headquarters at Tulsa. mand for trained personnel, hence wreck . . . for our money. Doc' Vendiilki annoimcea that the Red that he doesn't beliava Uda adU be a E a c h ...... 4; baaa on balls, eif Motean 1, Ganns, Boston, and Hennnn, Chleo- fiOODYEAR SERVICE STORE Uon. The spen d^ of- smafl sums Okla.: the decree raising the term of serv­ Prothro has the toughest walk In Men's plans to conduct outdoor frequent ocxiurenee unless Old Man Cham 1; bit by pitchsr, Morgan- go, 4. under Presidential discretion was "I should tike to attend (June 2 ice on warships to flve years and in the majors- just to see him lump shows on Tuesday eveninga at their Weather rears up and glvea tha Red by Modssa; atrude out by Mo-1 SM TIB AIX VRAOnCB Boros ru n s- OsmtlH, Brookly n, dot without precedent, but never and 3), but I belong to the bath the coxutal defense servlca to four It across the field makes a guy fern new arena at the comer of Hartford Men the arorka. n 6, Kstohsm A Fagan 2. Tlias, | and Mias, SL Louis. 8. have we ventured upon such vast room ‘ singers, and I am sure that years. jlks readying for his gun. Road and West Center streets te The Red Hen's first show adU be THE TEXTILE STORE Umpirs, Cullam. Bank MoCann. Who is bsndiBg Ow ■tolsn bassn—Lnvagstto. Nant Vs Snlvntta I Aistr undertakings without Congress de- the' bath room singers -would .feel only a temporary setup that will be glYSB next Xtieeday eaaning. May 28, A. L. Sloeosib, Prop. •L Jaaaas’s Roly Nssm Sodaty soft­ 8; M ilter, Boston, and $Co0rt, MORIAirrT BR06. CLENNEY'S 188$ mY ■rinouift -which Ths time used In the Hswatlan 8horl s i t y abandonsd whan the C D.K. Chib and nn nU-statlprogmm for tha Thom, 178, In- ball tsom. wiahss nO «sa>dM«tsn for i t L oom, 4. 881-lS OMflm. M m f m l A * K > t » * F . ivery much chagrined were I to at- 91S] I Street . Nest ts ths 1 789 MsiR Strcflt r 11(14 X*-.' /Should bs spsht fpr oertolo r jjin s of i tempt to associate aith harbor shop Islands Is 80, mtnutss later than the BUI Terry and Jimmy WUaoo had atarts ita s te m a t Sandy opener will be (innoiinflad In n fear ths'O raa Menhtslo, ths tonm to isipoct at • tfeknk t»- ':«^^|p[Bfsct|i, hot to what or to- slngtrs." stfliklard tine of that m e . i dltiner to(«ther ths other night and Tha Rad M m wiU praaaat . thter dayn. WSi 'w it' MANCHESTER EVBMNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN WEDNESDAY, MAY 17,198* MAN'CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. MAT 17.1939 PAGE nFTEEN < PAG9 f o u b t e e :^ DISPLAY o r UVE 1KH8 Icctcd from every citizen on hi* COLLAFSES AND DIES MAKES SPECTATORS m H H E A W TRAV OF GL.\SSES APIE B "JITTEBBUGOIMO” birth, education. profe«*lon, religion CONNECnCUT BUDGET Monkey Business Makes Sense tb Him CALL COMPANIES MtEAKA WAITRESS’ ARM Quebec, First Host to British King and Queen e d u c a t k n a l c l u b PROHOnONS MADE and mother tongue. . RIVER P R O J E a ! XING GEORGE GIVEN II I St. LouI'a May 17—.(A P )—The MISTRIAL MOVE Benton, Me., May 17.— (A P )— Nazi* •enffed at report* that the scientific exhibit relating to Boaton. May IT— (A F )—Mis* canau* chiefly waa Intended to eatab- ' NEARLY TWO MIIUON Miss Annie Korter, 80. a Watsr- Rocky Mountain spptUd fever at FOR GRASS FE o m O A L WELCOME - Helen Shuman. 19. of 74 Dor­ vllle waitrsas, eoUapsOd and died llsh the number of Pole* living In OPENS POWER j the American M ^ c a l Associa­ chester atreet. Worcester, a SELECTS OFnCERS IN HIGH SCHOOL Germany. They aald thl* enumera­ IS THREATENED last night shortly oftar “Jitter- SHORT OF BAUNCINC tion convention ho* scorea of live I waitress, who has done It many tion waa planned laat year but had TO CANADA TODAY bugginff* through thrso dsnesA to be poatponed becauae of the ticica on display. A female may I times bsfor*. bent tp lift a heavy Dr. John O. TofBa msdlosl POUCYDEBATE be observed under a lens batch­ , tray of glosacA Czech dial*. (fVmtInned ffOm Page One.) Ahnn Torned h For Bl; AT WATERBURY examiner, said be helleyed a Tfcree Teadiers Are Added The ofheial yearbook fur lUlib ing hef thousonda of egg9.\ (OsatlBoed from Page One) As ahe lifted, she felt a pain 'heart aliment caused death but M ri Sherwood Goslee, Pret* lUted 3B8,luy German citizen* a* (Oouttaaod from Page Ooe.) . A typical spectator’s remark: in her right arm and beard a ordered 'a further examination to- the net effect -of. reducing that “I’m -leaving here; I’m itchlhg (OsotUmed from Pago O nA ). having given Pollah aa their mother anvaint by'approximately 1600,000. On Olcott Property th* royal standard flying, moved cracking eound. d*y. To Ifigh School Staff tongue.. The majority, alau afioke bora Oommittce, laid they' Would already.” Into poMtlon before the dais. - --- ■ ------ident; 34 New Members To the eatlmatea of 149.556.088 In j Doctore at City hospital said (?ossldy. broke In then to ask the German. They live In dlatiicta bor­ Income ln the budget report, the lead the fight against the project. j The king and queen entered the [ th* arm was fractured. dering Poland. There are 173.514 Both- declared the Houae should Main Street, Sionthind ; open car, a gray robe was thrown court to warn A kom against re­ Soperintendent tiling. committee added $242,000 In re- marks of that type, declaring that Are Added To Rofl. Pollah citizen* Hated by the yearbook celiiti from aupport of the teacher* refuse "to shove down Connecticut’s | over their taps, and they moved off SWEDISH AYUTOR aa realdenta. throat something it does not want." on. the route to the Quebec Provin­ , imlesa the prosecutor destkted the c/iflegea and trade achoola restored night the liner’s engines had beefi i (kfenpe would be /orced to "pur- Would Serve As "yardstick” cial Legislative' buildings. (o the biidjfrt, $69,000 for relm- An atem of fire was turnei^i qulet for 11 days. I Site our o'nly remedy.” Mrs. .Sherwood Goalee woe elect­ The number of pupil* In the; Another committee member. Hep. N.Y. Stocks Royal Couple Ride .\lone S T H l OYER SEA burai'menl* to the tax di-jiartment from Box 44,at the corner of h,-j lesentative Rsmkin (D „ Mias.), said Enjoy Lost Shipboard Day Difficult To Draw line ed president of th* Educational club gradea o f the Mam-heater achoola' umler the municipal audit bill, $11.- and Oak street at 11:40 today ' The royal procession consisted of 400 for federal payment of the aal- the project would serve as a "yard­ It was reported from th* Empress With Alcorn affirming heatedly at lU annual masting yestsrdsy af­ next fall will be bo reduced that It CSifford Frost of Mapl* street, ^ two open cars and several closed of Australia that their majesties en- that he would stand by what he had (Onnttnaed rram Fogs OsA) OBITUARY •ary of the ilircetor of old age aa- stick” for New England electric Adams E x p ...... 7*4 ^pors of ofhclals. The king and queen ternoon at the South school. Mia make* poaslhle the’ promotion of poa-er aiid light rates, "saving Con- Air R e d u c...... 46*4 la driving along M (^ street. — Joyed thoroughly their laat full day said 100 per cent. Judge Ernest A. alalancr. and $1,.190,089 for a trana- rode alone. said Washington offlrlals' hod re­ Gosles sueoeeds Mta Bdaen Ballsy, thiW teachers to |>oaiUona In the .necticut and Massachusetta millions Alaska Jun .8 b lu e In the hurricane sti' ~ aboard ship. They spent more time Inglla remarked that it wa* difficult 7er from the highway fund to meet Cheering came In great waves, to draw the line between what would fused th* 34-year-old aviator par- who now assumes ths'posltloa of High acbool. Ihree-qunrtera of atafe |>olire coata. a year.” Allegheny ...... 44 tion of the Olcott prope>ly - 'punctuated by welcoming cries Iq on deck than on any other day. DEATHS across Main street from the ( There waa a cold, northwest wind b* considered fair end unfair argu­ misdtqn to mok* th* filght Lost sseretory. Tha otbsr offtesre ore: With the Incrcitacd enrollment at Transfer ,Not Apprnted He aald Connecticut was “pairing Allied Cfiiem ...... 159’4 Quebec French and the pealing of the High .Hi-hool next fall, .Superin­ building. The Are was burnihj,^ but the sdfi ahoife brightly. The ment and,'said he believed It would week, they added, Ba'-kmon ar­ Vic* prsMdsnt, Miss Mabel TUllng- Mra. K lli»l«lll lln,wa„,. | The elate police tranal'er haa not $20.(100,000 too much in power rates Am Can ...... 85 many church bells, as the royal car tendent Arthur H. Illlng waa at up on the hill within 50 feet oF, , Klpg went vrithbut hi* hat and the suffice to'instruel the Jury to Ignore ranged by teleplion* to oell the hast; treasurer, XtiA Francis Hand- luid Masaacliusetts. $37,000,000." Am Home'Prod...... 46*4 climbed the narrow winding cobble­ plane to a friend in Sweden, thua Ural of the imi>rc»ainn that It wouM Mra, Ellzalieth' Davldaon. of^lH y,.^ appiovi-f hy the Leglala- Chairman Mansfield ■ (D., Tex.), Am Rad St 8 ...... 114ii home of Mrs. Walter Olcott. T ' ' Queen sat almost all afternoon In a arguments engaged In by coun.-wl. ley; press eorrefpondebt, Mias stone streets that lead from the Brotvn, employw. by the state as qualifying It ^for Swedish registry. ■ be neceeaar}' to add to the teaching Orchard atroeL died lute yesterday ture, anil oppoallion to the proposal said he would offer the committee Am Smelt ..■ ■ 394i appeared to be nobody around deck chair, weartpg a wrap. The Marion (Tossy; welfareVhslrman, afternoon at the Memorial hospital. riverfront to the "upper town.4l an accountant since the Waterbury force. A aurvey Indicated however, haa liccn volreil hv the niral roads amendment, but would not vote on Am Tel and Tel ...... 159Ti bouse at the time. ! liner kept dipping her "ft-hlte ensign Thus, ostensibly. Backmon la mak­ Mrs. Samuel Steveneoa; chairman Mrs.' Davidson who wa.- 93. fell h)oc. M 10:10 a. m., e. a. L, the prOcea- oatern, In recognition of the salutes Investigation began early 4a.st year, ing a Ironsoceente delivery of on a falling off of grade ai.'h(>ol pupibi. It. He sold he was opposed to car­ Am Tob B , ...... 80 VL The alarm brought out Oqnipa f reached the ramblln# ' leglsls- of Christmas seal campaign, Mrs. aliout two week* ago and fnli lured The budget hill no sooner had That the monkey l a a warehouse of spare parts for the whole hu­ of passing vessels which raised all hhd testified previous to the argu- airplane to a Swedish buyer. ia Pronfolioiia Made rying out- navigation projects which Am Wat Wks . . 2. 3 end 4 of the SuutkMH^he' H buildings (or the welcome to Charles Johnson and M Eet(fil* her hip. Previous to that lime ahe come Into the House when It was man body” wa* declared by Dr. Serge VoronofT; wherne monkev available flags. i rnent that many check* Issued by Simpson; finance -.oommlttae ehslh* Today Superintendent Illlng made gland operations won him international fame. He is pictured with were not Justified unless power were Anaconda...... fire department. No.|^Hh''‘>i|- j^ e c province by Premier Maurice Ora W. Young, oontor aeronauti­ hail been able b> he around I Me thrown further out of iMtlance by Armour III ...... Canadian NaVal croft In Quebec the city to Johnson were cashed at cal Inspector for th* Chicago area, man, Mlaa Doila Klbbe; program krvjwn the protnoliona. Miaa Anna Mr*. VoronoK when they recently arrived In New York. developed. used the contents li iplessl.l. harbor were ordered to fire 21 guns | me Waterbury Trust Company and McGuire who ha* been teaching In bopae. ' the refusal of the lower ehamber to Army spgineers, fti recommend­ Atchison . , ...... chemical tank and also tRi? » Thousands thronged the lawns sold that "If Back'man is rssUy chairman, Mra. Ernest I^teraen: approve a proposed transfer of mo-' in salute aa the liner eased into that a few days later deposits, the Barnard achool. will teach Eng- ■ She waa tb* widow of Daniel ing the'project, sold that unless Aviation Oorp . . . . . hand tanks before using the w around tltg buildings and cheered os making a delivery on tha ship It U m em ber^p chairman, Mrs. James tor vehicle flnea and forfetturca t/> Wolfe’s cove today. smaller In amount, were made in Uah in the High School next fall. bavidaon and had llveil here for powsr were developed at ths. pro- Baldwin C?T ...... tanks that they also carried on the king and queen entered. irobably th* firat time a lond’^ghlp W. Farr; charter revision chairman, nearly 60 year*. For the past 36 the general fund from the highway Today’s program called (or a brief Johnson's account In a New York Mias Marjorie Leldholdt. Mlaa McGuire la a graduate o t JEWS INTENSIFYw [>osed $7,000,000 Enfield dam the Balt and O h io ...... truck. The fire was burning Th* Empress of Australia today welcome aboard ship froni Prime >0* ever been dellvarad by fiylng It years ahe hgd made her home with fund. After a sharp debate, the blU ABOUT TOWN project would not be economically Bendlx ...... brought King George and Queen bonk. ocroia the ocean.” ■ i t New Members Mancbeater High School, New Hfll-. wa* rejeeted 148 to 69 Th* pro- section surrounded by fa ll» t i . Minuter W. L. Mackenzie King, fol­ The 49-year-old Johnson, a bust F-dward C. Elliott. Sr., father of juatlfled. Beth Steel ...... Elizabeth into Quebec harbor for Backmon, who la g portnor tn a Under the chairmanship of Mrs. aln Normal School In the claAa of poaed transfer would have swelled Chief Foy, on arriving, t, lowed by a great cereroonUl -a few ness associate of former Comptrol- Farr, at least 84 new membsra have IBZa and In 1038 waa gtvem'a B.S. Edward C. Elliott. Jr., local build­ PROTEST PLANS TTie Pirate Athletic club will hold Opposittoa Seea la ^tmuito Beth Steel 7, pfd .. turned In a recall sending I their history-making tour of Canada mlnutea later when their majestiesi . Daniel J. Leary, one of the de- painting and decorating firm, has ing Inspector. .She wa* an aunt of the general funil by about #190,000. a drawiilg tonight for the trip to the Borden ...... been added to the roster during tb* degree by New York IJnlverajty. Even if the amendment passes Company 2 and 3 while No. 4 and the United State*:. had come ashore. fendonts, was employed by the city 1,500 hours of flying experience but the late Mra. Eilward C,. Elliott. A Democratic attempt to force World’s Fair or. $75 In cash at Odd Con Poe ..'...... The big white liner at 8:48 a. m., Specially built automobiles watt­ tost year. ‘Dm present enroUmtnl She baa been teaching at the Barn­ Immediate action on Governor Bald­ '^(Oanttaoed from Pag* Ona.) the House, it may meet stgoiig'' op­ ram m ed at the scene. It was fdi-; In 1930 to aid It tn securing a short hts longest previous flight was from Mr*. Davidson was a'native of Fellows Bingo. The doors Wdll be Cerro DSr-Pas...... e. *. t., pulled into Wolfe’A cove. ed with a’ guard of honor to carry Miami to dhlcogo. ■ 266, and while th* great major­ ard School alnee 1920. win:* nomlnatinna for two major position In ths Senate. Senators Ma­ that the fire would burn under term loan, a grand Jury that Inves­ ity are women teochera o f th* town, Mlaa Lola Parker, who baa taught Portadown, Ireland, and a member opened at 7:80 o’clock. ^ Chea and Ohio . . . . Orentonlal Welcome Outdoors the royal party up the winding cliff of St. .Mary‘a. Episcopal church. She state cnmmlaalonerahlpa waa beaten elded to free herself In 1944 of any f ^ loney (D.. Conn.), Walsh (D., C hrysler...... pine needles and break out in ’ tigated Waterbnry ^ a lra sofd. The a few of the mole educatore or* also the eighth grade ,lu the Holllatcr ohllgallon to facilitate a Jewish ferent places which /as'tbe rej.^d Fair weather made It TOssibla for road to the legislative halls, (or an­ grand Jury said Johnson was paid leaves two nlecca, Mr*. Sidney F.l- down hy Repuhlleana today In a Ronald MIkolcIt. son of Mra. Lil­ Maas.), and Lodge (R., Mass.), have Coca Cola ...... other reception. on the club's lists. atreet achool la abm to he promoted. diamalle Senate aesalon. national home In ralestlne through lian Schlebel Mlkolelt. celebrated hla withheld comment oii the program, Col (?arboD ...... that Chief Foy kept men on I'-L the ceremonial welcome ta the first money by the city -from 1930 to For yeote the club has carried on pre.-u-nt at her Holt of thl* town and Mra. Minnie reigning British king and queen to Broadcast facilities were arranged HOSPITAL NOTES Mlaa Parker 1» at . The clash wa* precipitated with further Jewish Immigration. , She fifth birthday yestenlay afternoon but they were among the leaders of 0)1 Gas and El . . . . for a half hour after the recall |1| for a luncheon speech by the King 1937 but that It had reason to be on acUvs program in Its nutrition home in Strgtford.Strgtford. she Is a gradii Brady of Now York City. holds a League of Nations mandate visit the American-continent to be The funeral will bo held tomorrow Senator John L. Sullivan, New Brit­ at the home of hla grandparents. Mr. the oppositnon to last year’s flood ComI I n v 'T r ...... been sounded. Chateau Frontenec. A atate llev* he worked (or the municipal­ clossse, dsntol and chset oUntee and ate of the/Connecticut College for over Palestine.) held out of doors. ity only"slightly over two weeks" afternoon 'at 2 h’clock at the ain ..J^mocrat, Introduced a resolu­ and Mr*. Frank .Schlebel. The deed- control law on' the grounds it vio­ Coml Solv ...... No. 4 was called at 11 o’clock lirocesslon through the city to the other forms of oorrectlvs week Women Is Uie claaa of 1927 w-herc tion fxBling upon the Committer on The Post declared no amount of rations and favors were In yellow lated state sovereignty. Cons Edison ...... morning to extinguish a grsss ^ ■ - A dal* with two throne choirs :?laln$ of Abraham where Wolfe during that time. Admitted ysstordayt Mrs. Helen among undsr-privtlegsd children IB Thomas G. Doiigan Funeral home, Schleldge, 488 Osrdnsr strest, Mia ahe received her B.A. degree. She Fjii-ciitfye Nominations to comply persuasion or pleading could stay and white, as'well as the lieautlfully Opponents of the Connecticut (Tons O il...... on Arvine place. fegolnst a background of gold was won Canada for Great Britain 180 Brown teatifled yesterdayX that Msneneeter seboolA with the *■- haa bwn teaching in the Holllater 39 HoH atreet. Rev. James Stuart river program contend it would vio­ ready as the liner neared the shore. Jobnaon got $211,247 from th* city Bernadette Bchuls, 487 Centar Neill, rector of St. Mary’s Eplacopal with a sU is law. requiring Uie Sen­ Britain In her. “headloiig course of decorated birthday cake. Ronald re­ 0)nt Can ...... yean ^ o , tea at tha residence of caption of the MonohesUr Ocean atrget achool alncc 1938. She will robbing Jews to enrich Arabs.” late states’ rights because Connec­ The great white ship. Convoyed by during that time. street, Francis Ksugh, 86 fipruoe church will officiate and burial will ate to take'actlon on nominations ceived toys and other gifts from the Del Lack and West he lieutenant-governor of Quebec school, funds tor milk, and end liver tgaeh EMgltah.' . "Though the Jew has lost faith relatives and -frienda who were ticut, In which the power dam and the Canadian destroyers Skeena and irovlnce and dinner at Chateau Can’t Acwount For DIffereaoe street. be In the Bast cemetery. The fun­ within ten aesalyn days after they Douglas Aircraft .. oil being furaiahed by th* MaBebes* / Edward O. Lynch, who came to are submitted In the British government of to­ present at the party. more than half the project would be Du P o n t ...... Sogueniiy and the British cnilsen Trontenac were the other high spots fieverol times today Alcorn asked Birth: Yesterday, a daughter to ter Green Oommuiuty club. SL eral home will be open after 7 Southampton and Qlasgow, moved the Maachaater achoola in January Th* senator Intrbtjuced the reso­ day," the Post continued, "he re­ located. Is opposed to it- Eastman Kodak ... of the day. th* accountant If there was ' any Mr. and Mra Lawrence OoataUo, 67 Jonies’e parochial school Is now In- o'clock thl* evening for friend* of tains faith In the British people and majestically toward th* anchorage Cottage atreet. IBSS to teach In the Holllater atreet lution atfer Senals President Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters Approves Naval BUI' Elec Auto Lite . . . . Local Stock] Tomorrow monHng the royal par­ way of' telling what became'of the elu tte achool la a native of Fitchburg, the family, the British empire of today. of Union Veterans, will nr.ect In the as this* Canadian Air Force planes ty will be up early to entrain for difference between tha aums John­ Charles J'. Arrigoni, ^Republican The Senate Appropriations Com Gen E lec"...... Quebec, fiht (Unadlen city to greet King George and l^een WUsbeth, la pictured framed In the DUchorged yeatordoy: Mlaa Batty 8penda.il,»66 Tente Maaa. He graduated from the Fitch­ “ When the right of Jews and State Armory tomorrow night. All Gen Foods ...... rqorsd overhsod. Three Rivera and Montreal In a son cashed here and the smoimta he Haln, 44 (Tombridg* atreet William Edward W>M> chairman of the commItteeNimerted mittee approved the $773,000,000 outline of the maple leaf. naUonol Canadian lymbol. Above olrvlew ehowe the fit Lawrenra r W U m club spends about IX,9t Arabs Opposed. take place tomorifiojv evening at 8 Johns MoavlUe . . - never before, the throne haslwcome count and cashed at the Waterbury HAZARD COUNTY th* pita would be picketed. Death: Today, WlUiom Webb. 6d, vancement, namely, 82d for art. to 56 years ago. He waa formerly em­ with only 10 senators, all Drmo- o'clock, and a goodly attendance of hibition against Argentine beef Bid Av! I General Carter, holding s preea Extreihiat A n^s in Palestine ajso Kennecott ...... Shore guns boomed as ths royal the center of our national Ijt e .'' Trust Company. I conference, In answer to S question P. J. McFarland, general auper- of Buoklond. be administered through Mlae Hnnel ARMY OF 70,000 ployed by Hackett Brother* at their crata, voting In Its favor. the members is hoped fog. / which has stirred a controversy be­ Aetna Casualty...... 104 convoy waa welcomed to the river expressed opposition to the plan and Lehigh Val Rd . . . The prime minister's address of Alcorn asked If there was any I said; , intrndent of the ,U. 8. Otal and Birth: Today, a son to Mr. and Luta, art teacher in th* schools; |SS tobacco plantation.- He leaves be- Jews announced a 24-hour strike to tween President Roosevelt, who au­ Llgg and Myers B Aetna F ir e ...... 42 before the city. From the dotted Ntrengthm Milk Act Aetna Life -...... 29 welcome wss deliveredyat the Do­ way of telling who In the Water- OPERATORSSIGN I "The troops are undsr ordars to Coke Company operation* here, re­ Mrs. Herbert 'TomUnson, Newington. tor Utoraturs, throurt Mlae Ellin- alde* hla mother, a slater, Mrs. Mar­ . The clash between Sullivan and Inaugurate the'-MlIqy of non-coop­ Police received a report this morn­ thorized a 48,000-pound purchase, Loew’s ...... cUffs come cheers and much 'sraving bury Trust Company got th* pro­ and western senators. ^m ltor Automobile ...... 31 minion government's /luB^ethi for shoot and ohoot to kill If neceisory. ported more than 1,000 miner* re­ Census; 74 patlsnto. beth Bennett and |3fi for muMe to GERMANS BEGIN garet Morris of F^iat Hartford, and Arrlgonl came after the Senate had eration. ExtrehiJJt organizations ing that two Utile tots whose homes Lorillard, ...... of small British flags. th* king and qpeen. c e e d from these checks. three brothers, Frederick Wehb of arc on Bigelow street hud wandered O’Mahoney (D., Wyo.) testi­ Conn. General...... 26 % Thtre'U be no pushing arCund of turned to work, providing full be expesMled by O. Albert Fenifion, adopted a Hoiuie bill designed to said Jewish Immigration'would con­ Mont W a rd ...... - X A* the liner drew alongside th* *We would have Tour Majesties After a defense objection to the ooMiers on this duty. Non* have erewa for three mine* and a partial muRc director. Talcottville. Clinton Webb of South tinue under protection of Jewish away from home. The youngsters fied in its support shortly befors Nash K e lv ...... HorUord F ire ___ ... 71H UNIONCONTRACT strengthen the milk control act, but Hartford Steam Boiler 53 dock King George and Queen Eliza­ fesl that. In coming from the old form In which the question waa put been pushed around. ■toff tor tb* fourth. HOPEH TO FIND TRACE Tea was served precedlnf the Coventry and Lee Webb of thla arms If necessary. were found later-in the day on Rus­ the committee acted. Navy offi Nat B Isc...... beth were at the rail waiving to the had been overruled, Brown replied: OF ANOIBMT IMCHB TAKIN^CENSUS town- I tagged on an amendment which will cials had urged that It be eliminat National Fire ...... 55 land to the new, you have but left There haa boen no ssrlous trou- .The mtnee, whleh aupply fuel buslMoe meeting. require further action by the lower The chief rabbinate called world sell street. Nat Cash Reg . . . crowd below. one home to come to another: that “Not from th* available records (OMttnssd from Pag* (fSA) The funeral will be held at the ed and Mr. Rooeevcit had said that Phoenix ...... 71 1 bl* sinca th* firat night the troop* eblely to the iteel company, hod op­ chamber. Jewry to devote tomorrow to fast- Nat Dairy ...... This Informal appearance. Ilka we ore all of one household,” Mac­ In the Waterbury Trust. No, air.” Honolulu, T. H. — (A f ) — Dr. (OoatlaiMd from Pag* One) Holmes Kiuierol Home, 28 Wood- Argentine canned beef was superior Travelers ...... 450 4‘= •would bs economic autcld* not to came to Harlan - Sunday night— erated prior to the April 1 ahut- The amendment. Senate Chairman and prayer. The Aviv pre­ Nat Distill...... 1 that of ordinary passengers arriv­ kenzie King zoid. Tha state charge* that another of down without a union cxintract but Laura Tbompson, young rsesaroh bridge atreet, Friday afternoon at pared to gather tomorrow before in quality and cheaper In price. ' N Y C entral------PubUo UtiUtles ■ign.” when a non-union miner was klUsd which on** are ovei-crowded from 2;30. Rev. Forrla E. Reynold* of the Donahl A. Fritaer (R „ Salem) aald, DID YOU KNOW T H A T - Coon. Lt. and Pow. .. 63 i ing from a cruise, surprised officials. Free Initltutionz and democratic the defendants, C!arl D. Olsen, for­ by another non-union 'miner In a th* union now claims to represent ossoclato at th* University of Hn- CURB QUOTATIONS the big synagogue for a parade t-, 1 Ing, with the sun appearing and dis­ the reault of collective bargaining. main atreet of Harlan by a deputy spend six months In trying to un- vidual talents and achlevemcnti priMtiiccra to fiiniish bonds to re­ tion and speeches.' Packard .'...... J appearing behind clouds. There peoples In any other port of the em­ ords In on effort to conceal the al­ Biickland cemetery. Tlie funeral British troops were placed at all books gave two sots of Instruc­ It carries funds for 500 new'fight­ Param P ie t ...... Illuminating Shs...... 51 We uaed th* pen Instead of bay­ ■heriff, except th* clubbing of a Tbslbrlglnal Santa (Tlaus, or fit rnvst th* mystery of th* old Cha­ By ASSOCIATED I better aerve the ‘dominating tnter- home will be open from 4 o'clock on move doubts as to Its conatltiitlon- ing planes slid 23 new warships, in­ Hartford Gas ...... 32 was no wind and flogs on the ram­ pire. We regard their preoervatlon leged conspiracy. / union miner by a Guordamon. morro rac* which Magellan found aets of the Reich are expected to strategic points to deal with any tions- one for "rich stove own­ Penn ...... and perpetuation os the common $7,500 rayroent Typlral onets as they are trying to do In Nioboloi, was Bishop of Myra dur­ tr)inorrow for friends of the family. allt.v. disorders. Volunteer flreinen for ers" and another for cooking at cluding two 43,000 ton battleships, Phelps Dodge . . . . So. New Ehig. Tel. Oo. 149 I. parts atop the cliffs hung Ump, Rarlon county. ing th* 4tb century. Ths pressnt on ths Island. a t s S e r v ...... follow. Earlier, with Senator John 8. two cruisers, eight destroyers, eight Western Hass...... 32 Soma 5,000 parsons were at tb* concern of all. Typical of the transactions Brown RBSUMB OPERATIOMS Among th* orehasolngtcal re­ O U Serv., pfd ...... ' Erophaalze “Colonial Solidarity” the first time were ordered to stand open hearths. Phil Pete ...... Greater than our sense of the described was a payment of #7,500 Union labor In Kentucky con- nam* conMs from (tem osy, Holland Mrs, Frances Muaclllo Thornhill, Insurgent Republican, submarines, two small seaplane ten­ Industrial dock, scene of the csremonlal land­ demna tb* amazing act of Governor mains she win Invsstigat* are two S3 Bond and Ibor* . . . . Meanwhile the axis power*. Ger­ ^ to aid pollca’ ir necessary. Children have the faculty of Pub Serv N J . . . . )Ulender of your: state U our offec- he said the city made to Johnston Gary, W. V*., May XT.—(APl-r^ and Russia and sssms to have or­ Mra. France* Muaclllo, 77, wife again returning to the Republlcan- hearing considerably higher pitched ders and one repair ship. Acme W ir e ...... 15 ing. Chandler in sending troops Into iginated with the conversion of th* rows of snelent stone . slabs that Penn Rood ...... many and Italy, emphaalzed' ••colo­ Soclallat bloc, a move by Sullivan' Radio ...... 3ion6i for two young people who In 1933 and which ^hnston deposit­ Four mines o f a U.. 8. fitsel Corpo­ of Anthony 'Muaclllo of 15 Mintz sounds than grownHips, ^ Repair Battleships. Reading ...... Am^ Hardware ...... 21 Green carpet covered the throne Harlan during the Uroa when there ration subsidiary rssurasd opera- fsutoos to Christianity. long hav* puxslsd solantlstA Unit U and Pow A ••******• nial Bolldarlty"—united action for Court died thl* morning. She haa for, reconsideration of a tax np- Arrow H and H, Com. 32 ; dais and lU steps, with a great rsd bear. In so high a spirit, a responsi­ ed In New Y o rl^ A week later. overaeaa galiia—an a new phase of The world series of the baseball Money also is included for alera- Rem R a n d ...... waa every posilblllty and reason to l>ern In falling health aliice last Dec- polntnieiit bill was beaten by a tlona and repairs to two airplane' Billings and Spencer. 3U path to the gangplank. bility unparallsled In the world.” Brown aalcL. tfifee checks were believe a sstlsfactory agreement their policy. SlmuUnnemia tniira vote along stricllv partisan lines. A T K b u g h t sport world originated in 1903, Republic Steel . . . ; Raoul Dnndufand, government drawn on Johnston's account, each ombi'r, but her death this morning when the Pittsburgh team, winner carrler.s—the Lexington and the Rey Tob B ...... Bristol Brass . . . ^ . 29 The Empress bad left her over­ could be reached. of fortifled frontier'zone* overlook­ The vote wa* 18 to 17. Colt’* Pat. Flrearihs. 76 ' leader in the Senate, wMcomed the for #1,875, and cashed at the Water ing France by CTmticclIur Iflllcr at 6:30 was sudden. of the National League- pennant, Saratoga. Safeway Stores .. night anchorage off th* Island of ' “We no longer regard him (th* Bom in Poland, she haa been a Aiming measures favoraldy re- But the word uf the Isird en- As reported to the Senate, the Eagle Lock ...... , 9 king and queen "in of bury Trust Ctompony. and Premier Miiaaullnl underscored dureth forever. And this Is the and the Bo.ston Red Sox, winner Schcnlcy D ls ...... Orleans at 7:15 a.ro. (*.a.t.), today governor) as a friend of labor rs- realdent of Manchester for over 25 imrted to the Senate we're proposalH Naval measure totaled $773,049,151, Fofnir Bearing ./.... 90 1* and started her 18-mUa voyage to new Franco? and sold that French- The witness pointed out that tha gordless of his ststement to the the axis unity. ; tor limit lug Ihe hours of work on word whleh by the gospel Is o ' the American Aaanciutlon pen­ Scars Roebuck . . . speaking Canadians “from loyal total of .the three checks—#5,625— ■Figures revealed hy Gei-iiiuny'a years. Surviving her .are. her hus­ nant, were featured. or $371,090 less than voted in the Shg)l Union ...... Gray Tel Pay Station 8',i Quebec. contrary." band, a daughter, Mrs. Mary Pieaclk public workH, highways and bridges prrorhed unto you.—1 Peter 1:25- Houae. ' Laat year’s appropriation Hart and C ooU y . . . . 90 K hearts” greet the king with “ 'Vive was t^e-quarters of the amount ccnsiia are expected to have derisive One liarber shop - in Montreal Socony V a c ...... { The liner bod spent the night off Brig. Gen. Ellertw Carter, In com­ of Manchester and a aon, l$tevcn to 48 a week and for a state aeru- was $623,526,194. Hendey Mach., B. . . . 7 1* Rol.” Johnston originally got from the mand of the state troops ' ordered effort on Oennan education and vo­ nautical commission. ' ' The shirting systems of false re­ offers haircut, shave, and clothes South P a c ...... i the village of St. Jeon. Mlkulzka, txith children of a former The Senate group eliminated from South'Rw-y Landers, F u ry A (Hk. 23 oltyZ here by Governor Chandler as mines cational training of the future. Defeuls Fines fYuingr. ligion arc continually changing their cleaned and pressed, with the cus­ < Motorists^ Spend Night In Onrs bis testimony yesterday about It 1* possible that young men and marriager also five grand children. the House measure a $500,000 al­ St Brands ...... New Brit. Mach., Com. 22 GOVERNMENT BLAMED Jb i closed since March 31 opened; said The House today further upset places: but the gospel of Christ is tomer doffing his suit and wearing do., ptd...... 95 The big white liner headed up­ ransactions taking pole* prior to women will not be |>ermitted to en­ a dressing gown during the multi­ lotment for dirigible construction, St Gas and El . . . London, May 17.— (A P )—'The th* 400 more ooldlera had not been /■3 tjie state's financial “apple cart” the same forever.—T. L. Cuyler. but thla decrefise was offset in part Nprth and J u d d ...... 21',ii river to the accompaniment of ma­ British governmsnt. wss blamed In .938, Brawn sold th* amount of LAST 3 DAYS ter any calling they choose but will when It defeated 148 to 69 a bill ple operation. St Oil Cal ...... ■ rine whistles and a deojenlhg chorus colled to duty but “alerted” for poA be assigned to task* considered es­ by small increases In several items. Peck, Stow A Wilcox. 5 the House of Commons today foY withdrawals approximated two- ■tbie quick movement Thar* or* FUNERALS providing that lines and forfeitures r l s i u n Ti b o o m s All English paper was water­ St Oil N J . , ...... of horns from motorcars parked sential to the nation's welfare. Another phase of the big national Tex Corn ...... Russell Mfg. Oo...... 19 the two-day delay In the arrival Of thirds of the orlfrinal payment almost 800 militiamen here.. collectMl Ip motor vehicle Iqw vio­ IN TEXAS PANHANDLE marked with the royal arm* of ScovUI Mfg. (to...... 18 along the shores. Many motorists The laat Johnston tranaocUen Another phase of the enumeration John OrlowakL England during the reign of defense program disclosed War De­ Timken Roll Bear King George and Queen Elizabeth AdJ. Gep. Lee McOato was her* r expected to produce material for Jphn Orlowski of 15 Edwards lations acenie to the states’ general partment plans to put nearly 300,- Sfiex Cto...... , 10% hod slept In their cars all night to In Quebec. / about which Brotvn testified occur­ fund. Amarillo.' Tex.— (AP) — Members Charles 1. Oliver Cromwell, to Trans America .. he on hand to see the royal ship to confer with General, (Tarter. Fur­ propaganda In Interitatlnnal contro- atreet, who died .Sunday evening, 000 officers, and men through inten- Union Carbide . . . Stanley W ork s...... 33'i 4 Laborite R. T. H. Fletcher, 4 for­ red In 1987 when, the wltneaa sold, ther than to say bs wo* merely ’’on .Based on the rate of collections of the Southwestern Cattle Raisers show his contempt of Charles, on aive military training this summer do., ^ d ...... 28 . pull out. tb* New Yorke- was given two Yeralea la a aeries of three questtons; was burled this morning. The his acccHslon, ordered the royal Union Pac ...... mer Naval officer, asked Geoffrey observer” the hdJuUnt general de­ 1. Of what courttry la'the Indi­ funeral was hel(j at his late home at from this source for the past sev­ Association believe there was more In 132 locations In the continental' Torrtngtcm 28 Throngs began gathering on the H. SltakespeBre, Admiralty under­ cheeks Issued on tha seme date and eral years,- It was estimated by cattle riistllng In Texas In 1938 than arms to be replaegd by a fool’s Unit Aircraft . . . . f clined comment vidual a citizen? 2. What is hla 8:30 and at St. Bridget's church at United States. Unit Corp , , , . . . . Veeder Root ...... 38 heights above Wolfe's cove before secretary, whether the Admiralty tqtollng I18.V56. Rep. Clarence Baldwin. of the In any year since such ifiiaracters cap and bells, hence foolscap pa­ (teUgbt to get a bird's-eye view of William Tiirnblaser. presldast mother tongue? 3. Of w hat 9 o’clock. ' A funeral moss- was Thla announcement was made Unit Gas Imp . . . . ' New York Bonks “should not have advised that the ' A few days isfter these wsre the Harlan district of tb* United “ folkdom” does he feel himself a chanted by Rev. Jam u P. Timmlna, Finance Committee, this source of as Billy the Kid roamed th« fouth- per. ' simultaneously with Secretary Bonk of New York .. 405 4: the arrival. A t different pointa on cashed at the Waterbury Trust revenue would yield the state about west. U S R ubber...... time schedule of the vessel.should Mine workers, who yssUrdsy wired part? the pastor and the coramital serv­ A gull can soar as slow as 12 Woodring'a disclosure that ths ex­ Bankers T r u s t...... 58 the cliffs hundreds were clamoring be extended tai order to avoid great Ctompony, Brown said, Jolmston's $9!\jOM B year. Hustling cases were heard In miles per hour. U S Smelt ; ...... President Rposevsit a protest over . An authoritative InfurThant said ices at St. Bridget's cemetery were panding Army Air Corps would U S Steel ...... Central Hanover . . . . 92 J to g ^ vantage points. Inconvenience to the people of Can- New York account showed ■ cash At present theau monies ore re­ nearly every Panhandle and West The mulberry tree furnishes meet eome of Its needs for aviation Chose ...... Stringent-precautions were token the presenc* o f troops charging the that a man living on the French- conducted by Rev. Frederick Clark Texas county and there were many Vick Chera ...... la, which In fact hhs occurred.” deposit of $4,500. soldiers sr* tiding "used aa a strlke- German or Belglsn-Gerninn frontier, Mra. Arlyne Garrity presided at the turned to the state highway fund, food for sllkwornia. mechanics by tralnfhg 1,000 enlisted Ch6inici|I R * a * * • to prevent any mishap in today's Transfeired Aoooaat ' which, however, under a recently convictions. • Western Union Shakespeare replied that plana brsaklng agency" and asking the for Instance, might any that he was organ, aiid sang the mass. Aa thu In Houston, Tex., it Is against men for a year at seven civilian a t y ...... docking ofHths-Bmuress to-set-Kfaig for the voyage hod been made after The stats brought opt, but did enacted minor court bill would re* Many of the stolen cattle came the law to deliver milk or other West and Mfg Georg* VI and ^ e e n BUMbeth prealdent to do something to "re- a French or Belgian citizen, and hla body waa brought Into the church schools. Plans previously had been W oolw orth...... Continental . . . . consulting th* !>**$ avollajde nevl- not Indicate what stgiilflcance. If celve only one-half the amount col­ from dairy herds. Daley cows arc bottled goods by vehicle between announced for civilian . prlihary Corn Exchange . .ashore. llev* the situation," was b*ek at hla mother tonguc_Frehch but that, he ahe aang "The Lord la My Shep­ not branded and rustlers have a EHec Bjond and Shore (Curb).. gatlon experts and that thsy chose any, was attached to It, that In th* home In Jelllco, Tenn. really felt himself a member of the herd" amfiitl the offertory she aang lected. singe the other half would the hours of midnight; and 6 a. m. schools to give primary training to First National .. Hartmr Oompietoly Cleared. go to the towns In lieu of constable preference for that kind. the rout* most likely to be free middle oif 1935 Johnston closed his Mr. Roosevelt at Wsshlngtoa toM German “folkdom" y "Ave Marla.” At the end of the The chinchona tree Is the pilots. \ Guaranty Trust Complete clearance of a five-mile- from Ice. account ip one New York bank.And '/ Win NpJ r »« Prea*\i re, mfiua Bhc sang "Softly and Tenderly fees, which the court bill abolishes. principal source of quinine.' In the Houae wing of the capital Irving Trust . . . a press conferanc* he hod no inten­ Republkiui Hanks Split CHEMISTS’ DISCOVERIES long area of the Quebec harbor was “I think tb* whole esuntry Aould transferred to another. tion of Intervening In th* contro­ A German government spokesman Jesus la Calling." ' Public health -figures show that, the Rulee Committee granted legls- PLANE PILOT IS f f ilD Monufoct. Trust Alcorn then began questioning RepubIR-an rank* in the House START GEM RUSH. fatlve right-of-way to a bill to au­ ordered by the Department of bs grateful for ths way the captain versy over th* use of troop* In the declared that no pre.saure of any The benrera were Frank Duptula, back in 1800, the average length Manhattan . . . . . Transport to permit free maneuver­ and tb* crew have carried on," be Brown about treasurer's checks to kind would lie brought u|Kin any in^ John Baldyga, William Bober, split wide open toilay during con- of life In the United States was thorize conatructlon of three new N. Y. Trust ____ cool field*. Hs sold the use of slileratlon of a rraolution pro|>oBlng Honolulu, T. H. — (AP) —* Ama­ ing of the big white liner and her ■aid. ■hofir, be sold, that there war* troops primarily was up to the gov­ habitant to declare himself German -Mh-haer DuhancfW’akl, Jolm Lucas but 33 years. In 1855, it was 40 cutters, IS seaplanes and a combina­ RESPONSIBIE IN DEATH Public National ooniroy of four British and Canadian "dealings" . between ..Olsen and 6 constitutional amendment givliig teur proposals are hurrying to the tion cutter, and airplane base for the ernor. A t th* ttm* h* sold h* hod ^ SPORT (U RTIfl$5 unless he really fcel.s himself to he and Peter Bolon. ruCTied Watanoe mountoint near years, and today it is almost 50 1511* Guarantee worcraft. Johnston. I such. V the governor the right to nominate year*. Coast Guard at Kodiak Island, Alas­ not recalvsd th* Turnbisssr protset. minor court Judges, except thoss of here to search for seml-Tprecious U S T r u s t...... The zone w ^ ordered closed to d 88 t,o 112 and the resolution Jaaper, 'bloodstones, olivines and "When spring comes, queen the death of Francis Grager, IS, of off the vlUage of Jeon, Island of attornsyA Alcorn began question­ • Pldbtn desire to be considered part of the E. Story oT the South Methodist preferential etatua simultaneously ths oparators’ organisation finally adopted 115 totW. opals which have been valued at wasps build the first units of their Windsor, was held criminally res­ Orleans; 18 miles downstream, from • (OontlBned fratti Pngs OnA) ing Brown concsrnlng city pay­ German community-. Church officiated and burial waa In homes by themselves. After the to legislation to authorise m a j^ ponsible today by Coroner Frank E. GERMANY’S 01 Is gateway to the Dominion, non-committal on th* Monday con- • Belts To Match HATS The House passed a blU eroaUng #1,500. oveibaule of five battleships r - the ments mods to Frank J. Sonto- fsrsne*. Hitler's tour Ihitiugh the Saar the East eemetery. ( The chemists made . their finds workers hatch out aud ihatur#'j all Healy. b-Motor launches In charge of Royal 9 2 * 9 9 valley timed with Mii.s.sollni's a revolving fimd of $10,000 for s4u- Ttonessee, Californio, Colorado, years In order to pursue th* follow­ luclo, one of ths accused and one Gensrol C a rte r sold today Harlan 'The pall..benrera wet* Thomas catidn exjtension services. While searching for bauxite, a min­ manuhl labor« Is turned over to “The evidence shows,” th* cor­ (OsBttnned from Pne* i nadion Mounted Police were or- of the men whom the grand. Jury awing through Piedmont frontier Trwln, Alexander Leggett, William Maryland and West Virginia. ing studies; county coal mine pickets bod fail­ . It concurred wiyi the Senate In eral uised Jin clarifying sugar oynip. them. The mechanics' schools will sup­ oner’s report states, “that the. ac­ to keep the area clear of . 1. CJlasBlflcatloB of tb* unemploy- described aa “favored" contractors. White, Tfiii, Brown and White Saddle towns—and the-Reich (’olonl'al Con­ Leggett, Philip Skewea. Only about. 6 per cent of the cused 'Violated about every law en­ be Germany’s first guaraB|^J|^.J 'Mloggling crofL ed to comply with agreements mode gress In Vienna are to lead a Climax' adopting a bill which would Increase plement sir schools already eetoh- *d. middle aged In occupational H* draw from Brown tha toOtl- by their. lesderA He listed two in- from $21 to $25 the maximum week All matsorltoa are qot hot when British motorists involved th fa­ llshed at Chonute Field, Rantoul. acted for the safety of sir trafiHc 1919 boundafy between ' the .The Empress, 11 days out of mony that only a small portion of CREPE SOLE 9 2 * 2 5 with the signing of the Italian-Ger­ INDIANS ASK AID they reach the earth: some have tal accldejits ' arc women, accord­ Portsmouth, fitoglond, and two daya groups. / , stonceA Waterproof Straw aad Fibre ly beneflts under’^ e workmen's IlL, and Lowry Field, Denver. They from the time he storteJ his flight countries, fixed after .a plebisi 2.: Analysis of oldsr wotjun from the' city funds paid to Sontolucla man military pact, probably in Ber­ FOR AIDINU WIDTE MEN arrtvad coated with loe. > ing to recordi. until his plane crakbed.’" behind schedule because of fog and One was a reported concentration lin next Monday. ' compensation law and would permit ore: ordered by the Versailles tre standpoint o f employability. was deposited by him. of trueks -• and automobiles two EVR-STAY CBEA8 E awards for disfigurement. Cuitisa-Wright Technical Insti­ The coroner discounts Myers' transferred North Schleswig, (l ice on the Atlantic, sploahsd her Brown, , storting hla second week The new , policy, aiming at en­ lAndusky, Mont. — (AP) — Rem­ anchors in the St. tAwrsnes off SL 5. Investigation of hiring and lay­ abreast, on a highway serving min­ SHOES $1 .9 9 Blllg. reported’ favorably Included tute of Aeronautics, Glendale, story that the crash followed an im­ square miles) from Germany on th* stolid yteerday, beard da- .8 S larging Germany's and Italy's re­ nant membera of the Cree and Chip­ Jean at 10:82 o'clock ( a a t ) lost off poUdss. PoHclss pursued during ing properties near Cumberland, making 18 instead of 21 yeora the Calif.; Aeronautical University; CHii- minent collision. The report states Denmiork. North Schleswig pa: fense attorneys register ofijectlon -< .WORK OR PLAY spective “spaM for existence;" waa pewa Indian tribes, contending other What's Home Without Pillboxf night. depression year 1987-1988. Ky. carter sold he dispatched Trou sers Pafai pro^aimed when an Italian delega- maximum age at which nU&rs must cago; Roosevelt Field, Mineohi, Long that “the-accused has' no apprecia- from Denmark to Germany In t after objection oil during the day to Indiana “resent" them because they obtain certificates fmni-'tne. Boards Uon of the danger of operating an Tliat left 18 miles to b* covered 4. Accident, slckasas records and troops to Clean' the road. No dis­ ' tlon to the Vl^mi convi-ntlop ye* were on the aide of the whites bi iBlond; Spartan Bchool of Aeronau­ Sweden, Norway and Plnl productivity by afa groups. hla tssUmony but they were over­ turbance was reported. of Education to work and providing tics,Tulsa. Oklo..’ Casey Jones airplane.” today before the ceremonial weloonM ruled by Judge IngUs. ■ terday assured Germany of Miuiao Indian wars, have asked the govern­ sold they saw no necessity for at Wolfe's cove, Qusbse horlior, final fi. Ages at psiioas hired, o !« ig Carter sold th* mossing of hun­ for permanent quarters for news­ School of Aeronautics, Newark, N. Feb. 19, Myers was flying an proposed accords, which Hitler llnl’a full cooperation In elTorta to ment for aid. papermen In the Capitol. destination of the royal vessel and with examination o f asporatlSia dreds o f meif and women at Brook- i^ a ln lost overseas poaseasions. J. H. Dusom.e of Zurich. Mont.. J.; New England Aircraft School, Aeronca over Brolnard Field with fered May 3 in a move Interpn Bills rejected Included eatabllab- Boaton; and Parke Air College, East Grager os a paasenger, when the .tha scene of a great oeremonlal from ths wbrfcliig fores over the CLEVELAND TO GET ■Ids also wont against tbs union Will Marrh at Gt-rmanj** Side- haa been elected spokesman for 34 B S an effort to prevent extenstoi welconw under the battlements of HALF PRICE SPECIALS ment* of a 8 hour day and 40 hour St. Louie, m. plane went out of control and crash­ same period. PUBLIC COUNTBY CLUB leadership’s agrsement not to psr- ' * Muasollni's cabinet dllreOtor, Dr. of the Indians aiM he la asking that the British-French front. this eld fortlllsd city. week for workers on state highways ether Washington activities In- ed. Grager died the next tfoy at 6. distribution of current ndt moss plcksUng or to allow men MarlengazzI, declared that “ Italy the government give each family 40 from on* mining camp to move to wW march at the aide of Germany acres of Irrigable land and aid In and state btilldlng const ruction. eluded: Hartford hospital, where Myers waa F an siri Hall Royal VeassL force and personnel poUdes. Cfievelond, O .--(A P )—Clevetonfi'e another for picketing. •*enaaa*aaaa*at b* thanked the-.“ west wall” carved chess set friim the estate of tlonal farmers’ union. Rol....'VIve Ls Reins!”— "Long SIX TEARS LATE workers reported, h* ssid. right sliadea of green," he explained, merce commission to requiiir the "Local Boy Wads On Cbost; Arling­ workara for their faithfulness “in hla mother in Germany five years “is to plant plenty of winter le­ telephone company to print Its di-. STATE HAS SNAKB-HUNT. Livs ths King!!....Long Ltvs th* Governed Chsndlsr at the fitato WHALE HITCH-HIKES ton Brugh, rsportod doing .well lit this vast w ork"r-«f fortifying the ago be valued it merely for senti­ gumes, such as Austrian winter rectories In larger and blacker type. Qussn!” Roehsstsr, N. T.—(AP)—It was Capitol in Frankfort iMuod m frontier. Cheyenne, Wyo.— (AP) — dramatics, wads Ruby StsysnA” mental reasons. pCaa, hairy vetch and clover." He averred he stiffen eyestrain Conadtan ’’Mbuntlss’’ "Happy Eastor" Just six years and lengthy stotsnMnt usw srlag MEN'S SHOP OfltaM Cloaa Far Oenaus The other day ha read of a movie Shanghai.— (A P) —^ A SO-foot Wyoming foil rattlesnake hum nsoreft Aors of the Ins^ c t Or- That was ths way th* Bsotiic* In addition to provldi^ a good and lo sv ttm* trying to rood tham Sevan months too lata for cboigss of John U LsWIa the UMW 805 MAW BTfUHCt Mbbf tUBcm were closed toiUy to actor’s valuable antique chess set color effect, Alexander went on, whole, hit by the steamship Loch- sag inn haa opened. Three c t loans and tbs BrUMh ei Kathsrlns.WslaanborB. i ■un told Its readers o f ths marriage and CIO chief, who diorged the roadiiet • aenatie among employees. goil, )>ent around th* boig bdow the aa they now or* printed. enne men killed 54 of the rept o f Beatrice's High school's best and submitted bis own to experts. these crops will protect the land company offI rials oallsd It tlia uthampton and Glsagow and tte id a cord rsosntly from a friend governor with bsiiif "nud” in tsofW N est IS Um Schools and univendUes will cIob* They said it was a fine example of from winter erosiun. build up fer­ waterline and the ship hod tq be in a den #0 miles north of b in Maw York. R was poat-nnrtod known grnduntA i togU is troopn, Masked to suit the occasien. a couple stand in> doorway of first most unusual complaint sines soms- first mass slaugbteif reported Mar main v r Tor the een- Chines* ivogy .carving and worth tility and provtd.* valuobla stock dual purposs, loinfocwd concrete, i^llbox air raid shelter annex stopped^ detach it - The whale ------■ “ H AHUftoR MviliJP ilsbte Ifiitel ; TiM people e f *TIm LUSp I I aUtaraaaii are t* he eol- 8T.Q00. - .IMA ■ — : come tm the surface. Maw heartily one denijsnded Um right to talk oU year. The snakes wep* to fie M POST’S J» fi— J r ' It's usoful k$ Risos Um*, too»-ter storriipusa. AfiRldbMOaRkdCalitt, _ dAi[ tforq.klclMi, e l ' A ■■■■■ ' '£'•1 < £-ci

/ PACEFdOtTEEN MARCHES TER EVEMNG HERALD; MANCHESTER. CONN WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, W8» MANCHESTER EVEMNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. MAT 17,1989 PAGE FIFTEEN j - f - * niSFLAT OF LIVE TICKB * lected from every cltiran on his COLLAPSE* AND DIES birth, education, profession, religion jI CONNECTICUT BUDGET Monkey Business Makes Sense to Him MAKES SPECTATORS ITCH CALL COMPANIES HEAVY TRAY OF GLASSES ^ AFTER "JirrERBUGGINa" and mother tongue. RIYERPROJEa KING GEORGE GIVEN ' w m a h s WAITRESS' ARM Quebec, First Host to British King and Queen EDUCAHONAL CLUB PROMOnONS MADE Sf. Louis, H ay 17—. (A P )— The N ails scoffed at reports that the MISTRIAL MOVE Bentoa. Me., May 17.— (A P )— scientific exhibit rclaUng to census chiefly was Intended to estah- NEARLY TWO MIIUON Boston. H ay IT — (A P )— Mist Mite Annie Karter, 80, a Water- Rocky Mountain spotted fever at llsh the number of Poles living in FOR GRASS H! OFFIOAL WELCOME Helen Shuman, ID, of 74 Dor­ vine waltreae, eollapeeid amt died IN HIGH SCHOOL OPENS POWER the American M ^cal Associa­ SELECTS OFnCERS Oenhany. They said this enumera­ chester street. Worcester, a IS THREATENED last night shortly after "Jitter- tion convention has scores of live tion was pisuin^ last year but had , SHORT OF BALANCING waitress, who has done it many bugglag" through three dancea to be jXMtponed because of the ticks on display. A female may TO CANADA TODAY Umea before, bent to lift a heavy be observed under a lens batch­ Dr. Johtt-O. Towna toedleal Czech Ctlsl*. tConttnned from Page One.) POUCYDEBATE !Alarm-Torned tin For B!.i tray of. glaiaea - exammer, said he believed a The officuil yearbook for 1938 ing her thousands of eggs. AT WATERBURY N ri'S ^ i^ o o d Goslee, Prei- Tkree Teadiers Are Added (OMUaned from Page One) As the lifted, she felt a pain heart ailment caused death but listed 398.1U2 German citizens as (Oonttaaed irom .Page rww.) - - A typical spectator's remark: the net effect of reducing tb*t ‘ "I'm leaving here; I’m Itching in her right arm and beard a ordered a further examination to ­ having given Pol^h t*>elr mother ^ approximately 1600,000. I On Olcott Property the royal standard flying, moved cracking sound. (Oeatlnned from Page Oaa) day. To Ifigh School Staff Hy longue. The majority also S|ioke bora Oommittae, aaid they would already." ^deQt^ 34 New Members To the estimates of |49,.'i06,086 In into piAltlon before the dais. ■ Doctors et City hospital said German. They live in dtstrlrts bor Inccitne In the budget report, the lead the fight against the project. The king and queen entered -the Cassidy, broke in. then to ask the I the arm waa fractured. court to warn Altom against re- ^ adde“d t2V2 0 ^ - ‘.n ra Both declared the House should Main Street, Sooth End; o ^ n car. a gray robe, was thrown Soperintendent Illing. Polish citizens listed by the yearbook P ...... --I";.------^ 'marks that type, declaring that Are Added To Rofl. celptH from support of the teachers refuse "to shove down Oonnectlcut'a over their laps, and they moved off ot as residents; unleea the prosecutor de.ristcd the SWEDISH AVIATOR colleges snd trade schools restored throat something it does not want." on the route to the Quebec Provin­ night the liner’s engines had been : (kJense would be forced to "pur­ I to the budget, 169.000 for retm- Would Serve Aa “Yardsllck" An alarm ot fire was tume{|| cial Legislative buildings. The number of pupil* In the Another committee member, kep. N.Y. Stocks quiet for 11 daya. sue our only.remedy." Mrs. Sherwood Oosiee was sleet­ j bursements to the tax department from Box 44 at the comer of Royal Oiuple Ride .Alone STILL OVER SEA grades of the Manchester schools under the municipal aiallt bill, $11,- reaentative Rankin (D., Miss.), said Enjoy Lost Shipboard Day Difficult To Draw Line ed president of the Educettooal elu& the project would serve aa a ' yard­ and Oak atreet at 11:40 today ':) The royal procession consisted of With Alcorn affirming heatedly next fall srtil be so reduced that It ' iV l for federal paymeht of the sal­ two open cars and several closed : It waa reported from the Empresa et Its annual meeting yeeUrday af­ stick" for New England electric Adams Exp ...... 7^ Clifford Frost of Maple street. of Australia that their majesties en­ that he would stand by what he had (Osnttaued frem. Peg* One.) makes poaslble the promotion of ary of the director of old age as- r i of officials. The king and queen ternoon et ths South school. Mrs. jslslaiiee. and tl„300.089 for a trans- power and light rates, "saving Con­ A ir R e d u c ...... 46*4 In driving along Main street^ joyed thoroughly their last full day said 100 per cent. Judge Ernest A. three teachers to |>oBitions in the necticut and Hasaaebusetta millions Alaska Jun ...... 3 blaze in the hurricane str ' alone. aboard ship. Th ey spent more time Inglis remarked that It was difficult said Washington officials had re- Ooelee eueceeda Mrs. Edson Bailey, ; fer from the highway fund to meet Cheering came in great waves, High school. — a year." Allegheny ...... \ tlon o f the Olcott property on deck than on any other day. to draw Ihe line between what would fuasd the 34-year-old aviator per­ who now asBumra tha poeltlan of ' DEATHS 11 three-quarters of state pfillee cost*. punctuated by welcoming cries. in With the lncrcaHi>d enrollment at He raid Connecticut waa “paying Allied Chem ...... 169i,i across Main street from the < There waa a cold, northwest wind be considered (air and unfair argu­ mission to m ^ e the flight. Lest ■eeretery. Hie other offloera are; ■ ; ' Transfer Not Apfiroved Quebec French and the pealing of the High .school next fall, Siiperlii- 320,000,000 too much in power rates Am (?an .- ...... ___ 85 building. The fire was burhinjl'l. but the sun shone brightly. The ment and said he believed it would weak, they added, Bsaknian ar­ vice preeldent, Mlae MabM TtUIng- Mra Kllfalmlli IkirhlMH. ; has not many church bells, os the royal car trnJcnt Arthur H. tiling was at and Maarachusetts, 337,000,000." Am Home Prixl ___ 46 U up on the hill within 50 feet o f ' King went without his hat and- the suffice to Instruct the jury to Ignore ranged hy telephone to sell the hast; treasurer, Mrs. Fraacle Hand- \.- Mr*, . ‘»f IH y».i hy Ihe Legiflia* cllmbedi the narrow winding cobble­ Unit of the imprcaslon that It would Chairman Mansfield (D., Tex.), Am Rad St S .. ___ 114* home of Mrs. Walter Olcott. T Queen sat almost all afternoon in a arguments engaged In' by counsel. plane to a friend In Sweden, thus ley; -press correspondent. Miss Orchard d l«l lute opixMttion U* the propoMil stone street.* that lead from, the be neceasarj' to add to the teaching said he would offer the committee Am Smelt ...... 39V appeared to be nobody around deck chair, wearing a wrap. The Brown, employe/, by the state as qualifying It (or Swedish r e ^ tr y . Marion Casey; welfare chairmen. afternoon at'the Memorial hospital. riverfront to the “ upper town." force. A survey Indicated however> haw i>**<*n v*>ire Elizabeth into Quebec harbor for lowed by a great ceremonial a few Backman, who la a partner In a 1920 and In 1938 was glyen a B.SL Edward C. Elliott. Jr., kical build­ PROTEST PLANS The Pirate Athletic club will hold Beth Steel 7, pfd .. ness associate of former Comptrol­ Farr, at least 84 new members havs ing Inspector. She was an aunt of the general fund by about |l90,O0U. Oppoaltloa Seen Bras to turned In a recall sending I ' their history-making tour of Canada minutes later when their majosUea ler Daniel J. Leary, one of the de­ painting and decorating firm, haa been added to the roster during the degree by New York Unlve^ty. a drawtilg tonight for the trip to the Borden ...... 1,.500 hours of flying experience but the late Mrs. Edward C. Elliott. A Democratic attenipt to force Even if the amendment passes Company 2 and 3 while No. 4 - and the United States. had come ashore. fendants, was employed by the city last year. The present enrofimenl She has been teaching at the Barn­ World's Fair or 375 In cash at Odd Can Pac ...... The big white liner at 8:48 a. m„ Specially built alitomobiles wait­ hie longest prevlaus flight was from Mrs. Davidson waa a native of lmmels Parker, Who Ms taught Portadown, Ireland, and a member oi>ened at 7:80 o'clock. Ches and Ohio . . . . term loan, a grand Jury that Inves­ ity are women tsachera of the town, state commlsslnncrshlps was beaten cided to free heraelf m 1944 of any loney (D.. Conn.), Walsh ns E d is o n ...... morning to extinguish, a grass A dais with two throne ebairZ during U-at time. Admitted yraterdeyt Mrs. Helen among under-privllegad ChUdrea In she received her B.A. degree. She Plains' of Abraham where Wolfe Schleldgs, 438 Gardner street, Mra 39 Holl street. Rev. James Stuarl Executive Nominations tn comply penhiiuion or pleading could stay and white, as welt as the beautifully Opponents o f the Connecticut Cons O i l ...... ; on A riin e place. against a backgrouncT of gold was won Canada for Great Britain 180 Brown tratlfled yesterday that Manchester ecbools, with the ax* has been leaching in the Hollister Britain In her "headlong course of Bernadette 8ehuls, 487 Center Neill, rector of 81. Mary's Episcopal with a state law requiring Uie Hen decorated birthday cake. Ronald re river program contend it would vio­ Om t Can ...... ready as the Ilnet^eared the shore. years ago, tea at ths residence of Johnson got 3211,347 from the d ty caption of the Mancheeter Oreee ■tract school since 1938. She will ate to- take action on nominations robbing Jews to enrich Arabs." celved toys and "other gifts from the late states' rights because Conhec- Del Lack and West The great white ship, convoyed by during that time. street, Francis Haugh, It Spruce sehoel, funds for milk, and cod Uver teach English. church will otTlclat* and burial will he lleutenant-governo*' ot Quebec street. within ten session days after they ‘T b o u n the Jew has lost faith relatives and friends lyho were tlcut, in which the power dam and Douglas Aircraft .. the Canadian destroyers Skeens and rdvlnce and dinner at Chateau Osn't Aooouat For DIffareaoit oil being furnished by the Maaobes- Ekiward O. Lynch, who came to be In the East cemetery. The fun­ In the BrttUh government of to­ eral home will be open after 7 arc submitted. present at the party. more than half the project would be Du P o n t ...... SaguenayTtnd the British cruisers 'rontenac were Uie other high spots Several times today Alcorn asked Birth: Yesterday, a daughter to ter Oreea Community elub. BL the Manchester schools In January day,” the Post continued, "he re­ located, is opposed to it. o'clock this evening for Triends of Ths senator Introduced the reso­ Eiuitman Kodak Southampton and Glaagow, moved of the day. the accountant if there waa any Mr. end Mrs. Lawrence Oostelto, 87 Jamee'e parochial seheol le new In- 1938 to teach tn the Hollister street tains faith In the British people and ktary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters Elec Auto Lite .... Cottage street. the family. lution atfer Senate President Approves Naval Bill Local Stodi majaatlcally toward the anchorage Tomorrow morning the royal par­ way of telling what became o f the eluded. school la a native of Fitchburg, the British empire of t^ a y . of Union Veterans, will n.ect In the Gen Elec ...... Charles J. Arrlgonl, Republican The Senate Appropriations Com­ ■ ______"V as three Canadian A ir Force planes ty will be up early to entrain for difference between the'.aums John­ George and Queen Ellxab4th, ia pictured framed In tho btscharged yeeUrday: Mias Betty glAOOTeuta Mass. He graduuteil from the Fitch "When the right o f/ 'J e w i anil State Armory tomorrow night. All Gen Foods ...... Quebec, drat (^nadlsn city to greet King William Cklward Webb chairman of Uie committee, asserted mittee approved the 3773,000,000 N roared overttead. Three Rivers and Montreal In a son cashed here and the' amounts be Un symbol. Above alrvlew shows ths 8t. f i w Haln, 44 Cambridge atreet The club spande about $1,500 an­ burg Teachers' College In 193.1 with Arabs to work nut their destiny in officers are requested to be present Gen Motors ...... outline ol the. maple leaf, naUonal CanadI a meeting had not yet been held on. Naval appropriations bill today af­ Furalshed by Putnam aad Ce Thousands lined the ramparts of tour across the continent and back, deposited in hts New York account. ^.background, grain elevator* and skyscrapers of the trsns-AUentlo port. Inset center Is Lord Twseds- Death; Yesterday, Mrs. EHaabeth nually for this welfare work. Funds a B.S. degree and was given the William Edward Webb, son of Palestine la reenthroned In the Im­ for rehearsal. A program In qb GUlette ...... and into the United States at the pending nominations before It of ter accepting a House-approved 6 Central Bow Quebec to pour out a volume of Brown said there was' not. muit, governor, general of Caneds, with the King and Queen on cither aide. tkivldson, 98, of l l Orchard atreet ere raised by memberahlp dues, the EdJf. degree from Boston Univer­ Mrs. Isabelle Webb, of 755 North perishable words of the Balfour scrvance of Mother s Day will be Hecker Prod ...... Niagara Falls June 8. Highway Commissioner William J. provision prohibiting Navy pur- Uurttord, Conn. cheers that, combined with the ring­ Brown testified also that some of Admitted today; Mrs. Teresa Bale ot Oirletmaii aaela and eooe- sity In 1930. He will tMch social Main street and the latJ Edward C. declaration (for creation of a Jew­ presented. Hudson Motors . . . . the city checks Johnson received Webb, died at the Memorial hospital Cox (D ) for reappointment and ish homeland) a freah start can be ebaaes o f Argentine canned corned TelephoM 6-OUl ing ^ church bells and the noise of Throoe Center ot Life CasselU. 117 Eldiidge street Mias •lonal leoturee er plays through the science next fall In the High school Int H a r v ...... 1:00 p. m. 4)uot)MioBs were deposited In bis New York ac­ year. The elub epptoved M ^ t this morning after a day's Illness Prof. Olln Glenn Saxon, (R ) for made at the point whore non-coop­ A special business meeting of the beef. tha ships’ whistles tn the harbor, P^me Minuter W. L. Mackenzie : that he. as governor, waa "going to tlons today without a United Mine EHaabeth Lobdell, 188 Mata street a Int Nick...... count and thet a few - days later of $1,010 for the coming year, tw a - from heart trouble. ftnence oommlssloner. eration left OH." Second Congregational church will On a show of hands, the commit­ waa almost deafening. King told King George and Queen { guard the rights of all Of the peo­ Workers Union (CTO) oontrect end Diaoharged today: Oue Donald, Int Tel and Tel . . . . Elizabeth today that ‘'today, aa checks were drawn against thla ac­ in defiance of UMW warning* that year $70 waa voted (or ct)ltjiral..a6* Mr. Webb was born in Manchester Sullivan'S resolution waa killed Extmnlat Arabs OppoMid. take place tomorrow evening St 8 tee voted 9 to 7 to retain the pro­ Insurance Stacks Shore Guns Boom WeioofiM ple." 591 Hilliard atreet Johns Manvllle . . . . never before, the throne has become count and cashed at the Waterbury HAZARD M Y the pits would be picketed. Death: Today, WlUlam Webb, 63, vaaoement, namely, 330 for eih to 55 years ago. He was formerly em­ with'only 10 senators, all Demo Extremist Arabs m Palestine also o'clock, and a goodly attendance of hibition against Argentine beef Kennecott ...... Bid General CarUr, holding ■ e press ARMY OF 70,000 ployed by Hackett Bruthrrii. at thrlr crats, voting In Its favor. which has stirred a controversy be­ Aetna C a su a lty...... 104 .Shore ^ n s boomed as the royal the center of our national life.” Trust Company: conference. In answer to a queatlon P. J. McFarland, general super of BuokluuL be administered through MIse ItaM l expressed opposition to the plan and the members is hoped for. Lehigh Val Rd ...; tobacco plantation. He leaves be­ tween President Rodsevelt, who au­ Aetna Fire ...... 42 cohvoy waa welcomed to the river The prime minister's address of Alcorn asked if there was any said: Intendrnt > of the U. 8. Oial arid Birth: Todiw, a son to Ms. and Luts, art teaebsr In the aelwblm Strengthen Milk Act Jews announced a 34-hour atrlke to Llgg and Myers B b e fm the city. From the dotted way of telling who In the Water­ sides his mother, a sister, Mrs. Mar­ Police received a report this morn­ thorized a 48,000-pound purchase, Aetna L ife - ...... 29 welcome was delivered at tha Do­ OPERATORSSIGN "The troops are under orders to Coke Company operations bare, re­ Mrs. Herbert 'Tomliiisan, Newington. (er UUreture, through Iftai Wllne- ■ The clash belween Sullivan and Inaugurate the policy o f non-coop- Loew’s ...... cliffs' came cheers and much smvtng minion government's lunchson for bury Trust Company got the pro­ ported more than 1,(HX> miners re­ Cenaua: 74 petienta. beth Bennett and 3M fo r aauMe to GERMANS BEGIN garet Morris of East Hartford, and ArrigonI came after the Senate had eratlon. Extremist nrganlrsitlons ing that two little tots whose homes and western senators. Senator Loiillard ...... Automobile ...... 31 shoot and shoot to kill It neceraary. three brothers, Frederick Webb of conn. General...... 26^ of sinall British flags. ths king and queen. c e e d from these cbecka. turned to work, providing (uU bo oxpMMlod by O. Albert FenrOWI. adopted a Hoiue bill designed to said Jewish immigration woulil con­ :iro on Bigelow street hay Xbother non-union mlara la e the union now clalma to represent easoclate et the Unlveralty of Ha­ ^QUOTATIONS the national vlewiKiInt. Second Oongregatlonal chiirch will would change a provision requiring Coon. P o w e r ...... 46^: Ideals are aa dear to the hearts of mer Wa'terbury T n u t Qampany MaccabI stadium for a demonstra­ So rare were stoves at one time ace-tlme record, waa expected to' North A m ...... It waa a distinctly chilly morn ‘The agreement waa signed a s nesrby to w aM a msn Shot on a -61 per cent of the men. waii, haa embarked for Quam to Measures designed to make indi­ officiate and burial will be In . the dcalera delinquent In payments to- your people in Canada as to the vice-president, destroyed bank rec­ tion and speeches. that, even a* Iste as 1865, recipe r e « lv e prompt Senate conalderatlon. Packard ...... Hartford Elec. Lt. ... 63 ing, with tha sun'appearing and dis­ the reeult of collective bargatnlnf. tireet of HarUn by » deputy spend six montha ta trying to un- vidual talents and achievements Bucklanil cemetery. Tlie funeral priMliiccrs fo flimish bonds to re­ It rarrles funds for 600 new fight­ Illuminating Shs...... 51 appearing behind clouds. There peoples in any other part of the em­ ords in an effort to conceal the al­ better eerve the dominating inter­ British troops were placed at all books gave two sets of instruc­ Parara P i e t ...... '. We used the pen Instead ofbay- sheriff, egespt the clubbing ofThe a ^Iglnal -Santa <^ua, or Bt rav*t the mystery of the eld Chs- By ABSOOIATBB home will by- open from 4 o'clock on move ilmibts ns to Its ronstltutlon- ing planes and 23 new warships. In­ Hartford Gas ...... 32 was no wind and flags on the ram­ pire. W e regard their preservaUon leged conspiracy.. rnoiTo race which Magellan fottad ests of the Reich are expected to nllty. strategic points to deal with any tions-- one for "rich \ stove own­ Penn ...... oneta aa they are trying to do In union miner by a Ouardemaa.NIobolaa, waa Bishop of Myra dur­ tomorrow for friends of the family. disorders. Volunteer flremen for ers" and another for "cooking at cluding two 46,000 ton battleships, So. New Eng. Tel, Oo."149 parts atop the cliffs hung limp.’ and perpetuaUon as the common 37,500 Payment Typtcaf on the latend. - (Xto Berv 014 follow. Earlier, with Senator John S. Phelps Dodge ..... Harlan county. ing the 4th century. The present the Aral time Were ordered to stand open hearths. two crutMra, eight destroyers, eight Phil Pete ...... Western Mass...... 32 Sonqs 5,000 persona, were at the concern of all. Typical of the transactions Brown Union labor tn Kentucky con- RESUME OPEEATIONB Among the orehMokrateel Oto Berv.I pfd 8Tle * Emphasize “Colonial fiolMsrlty” Mrs. Franeea Musrtllo Thornhill, Insurgent Republican, duenbed waa a payment of 37,500 name oomee from (Mrmaay, Holland IW to aid police if necessary. C’hlldrrn have the faculty pf submarine, Lkro small seaplane ten­ Pub Serv N J . . . . . Industrial dock, acene of the ceremonial land­ 'Greater than our sense of the demne the amazing act of Governor Gary. W, Va., May 17.— (A P )— end, Russia and seems to have nr- mains shs will InvosUgato are two El Bond aaiAO Bhare Tie Mtanwhile the axis powers. Ger­ Mrs. Frances Musclllo. 77, wife again returning to the Republican- Acme Wire ...... 15 ■plendor of your, state. U our affcc- ba Mid the city made to Johnston many and Italy, emphasized •‘colo­ hearing considerably higher pitched ders and one repair ship. Radio ...... ing. Cbaadler in sending troops into your mines of a U. 8. Steel Corpo- Iginkted with the, conversion of the rows of ancient etMfi' slabs that Penn Road ...... of Anthony ■Musclllo of 15 Mlntz Socialist bloc, a move by Sidlivan Am. Hardware ...... 21 Uon for two young people who in 1D33 and which Johnston deposit­ nial solidarity''— united action for sounds than grown-ups.' To Rem r Battle«liips. Reading ...... Green carpet covered the throne Harlan during the time when there 1 ration eubgldlery rraumed opera- Teutona to Chriatianity. long have puxaled ^immUsto. Unit U and Pow A •gseeseea. Court lUed this morning. She has for reconsideration of a tax ap­ Money a ls o ^ Included for alera- Arrow H and H, Com. 32 bear. In so high a spirit, a .responai- ed In New York. A week later. overseas gains—as a new phase of pointment hill was beaten by a The world series of the baseball Rem Rand ...... dais and Its steps, with a great red wBs every poralbility and reason to their policy. Simultaneous Jours been In failing health sliiQe last L>ec- A Thou)|jit sport world originated in 1903, tlons and rcpaika to two airplane Republic Ste^l . . . . Bluings and Spencer. 3*: path to the gangplank. billty unparalleled in the world." Brown aald, three checks were believe a satisfactory agreement | embr-r, but her ileath this morning vole nionk strictly. partisan lines. carr)er.s—the L e ^ g t o n and the Bristol Brass ...... 29 Raqul Dandurand, government drawn on Johnston’s account, each of fortliaed frontier zones overlook­ The vote was 18 to 17, when the Pittsburgh team, winner Rey Tob B ...... '57 >A The Empress had left her over­ could be reached. ing France by C’liniieellor iflllcr at 6:30 was sudden. of the National League pennant, Saratoga. Safeway Stores ... .36 tl Colt's Pat. Firearms. >76 night anchorage off the Island of leader tn the Senate, welcomed the for 31,875, and cashed at the Water We no longer regard him (the Born In Poland she has been a Among raeasnres favoralily re- But the word of the lx>rd en- Eagle Lock ...... 9 king and queen "in the capital of bury Truat Company. and Premier Mussoiltd underscored durrth forea-er. And ihhi U the anU the Boston Hod Sox, .winner As reported to tfVe Senate, the Schcnlcy D ia ...... Orleans at 7:15 a.m X(e.at.), today governor) aa a friend of labdr re­ resident of Manchester for over 20 |K)rted to the Senate were pro|sisals Naval measure totalc(K$773.049,151, Fafnlr Bearing .[...... 90 V new FYancel' and said that Flench- ‘the witness pointed out that the ' the axis unity. tor limiting the hours of work on word W'hleli bj- the gospel In n.‘ the American Association pen Scars Roebuck . . . . and started her 18-mO.e voyage to gardless of hia statement to the Figures revealed by Gemiany's years. Surviving her are her hus­ nant, were featured. or 3371,090 less than vHtod In the Shell-Union...... Gray Tel Pay Station- 8 *' speaking Canadians “ from loyal total of the three, checks—35,825--- contrary." band, a daughter, Mrs. Mary Plesclk public works, highways and bridges preoche^ unto you.— i IV te r'1:25. . Hart and Ctooley .. /. 90 II Qqebec. hearts" greet the king with "Vive census are experted to have decisive One harbor shop In Montreal House. Last year's appropriation Socony Vac ...... The liner bad spent the night off was three-quarters of the amount Brig. Gen. Bllerbe CgHot, In com­ of Manchester and t^son, Steven to 48 a week and for a stale seru- was 3623,526,194. Hendey Mach., B. . . . 7 le Rol.” Johnston originally got from the effort on German education and vo­ Thef shifting systems of false je- offers Jiatri:iit, shave, and clothes South Pac ...... mand of the stateJtroopa ordered Mlkulzka, both children of a former naiitleal rominisslon. The Senate group ellmlnat^ from Landers, Frary ft Clk. 23 the village of St. Jean. city. cational training of the future. llglon'sre continually ehanglng their cleaned and pressed, with the cits South R w y ...... here by Governor Chandler as mines marriage; also five grand children. • Defeats Fliies Change. the House measure a 3500,000 al­ New Brit. Mach., Com. 22 Motorists Spend N ight ta O an In bia testimony yesterday about ' It la possible that young men and places: but the gnapcl of Christ is tomcr doffing hi* suit and wearing St Brands . . GOVERNMENT BLAMED closed since March 81 opened,* said The House today further upset lotment for dirigible coosUoic^n, do., pfd...... 05 The big white liner headed up­ transactions takin g' palce prior to women will not be permitted to en­ the state's flnunciBl "apple cart" the same forever.—T. L. Cuyler. a dressing gown during the multl- St Gas and E3 . . . . London, May 17.— (A P )—The the 400 ipors/Mldiers had not been ter any calling they choose but will but this decrease waa offset in Nprth and J u d d ...... 21 < river to the accompaniment o f ma­ 1933, Brown said the amount of when It defeated 148 to 69 a bill plcppcratlon. St Oil Cal ...... BrlUah government was blamed in called to duty but ‘‘alerted" for pos­ LAST 3 DAYS Peck, Stow ft Wilcox. 5 rine whistles and a deafenteg chorus be assigned to tas,ks considered es­ FUNERALS All English paper was water­ by small Increases in several items: St Oil N J ...... the House of Commons today for wlUidrawais approximated two- sible qumk movement. There are provliilng that lines and forfeitures ‘Rl'MTLING BOOMS Another phase of the big national RusseU Mfg. Co...... 19 of boms from motorcara parked sential to the nation's welfare. marked with the royal arms of 'ex C o r p ...... the t*ro-day delay in the a rrit^ of thlrda of the orlcdnal payment. aimostydOO militiamen here. / John Orlowakl. - - collected In motor vehicle law vio­ IN TEXAS PANHANDLE defense program disclosed War De­ ScovlII Mfg. Cto...... 18 along the shores. Many motorlats Another phase of the enumeration England during the reign of iken Roll Bear . KItm George and Queen Elizabetb The last Johnsfon tranaacUon (ten. Lee M cOain was here expected to produce material for John Orlowakl of 16 Edwards lations accrue to the states' general partment plans to put nearly 300,- SUex Co...... ^ 10^ fund. . Charles I. Oliver CrOmwell, to Trims America ... had slept In their cant all night to in ^ e b e c . about which Brown teatlfled oocyr- propaganda in International, contro­ street, who died Sfinday evening, Amarillo, Tex.— (A P )— Members 000 officers and men (brough inten­ Stanley Works ...... 33’; infer with General .Carter. Fur- show his contempt of’ Charles, on U n i^ Carbide . . . . be on hand to see the royal ship Laborlte R. T. H. Fletcher, a for­ red in 1937 when, the witiiess said, versies is a series of three questions; was buried this morning. The Based on the rate of collections o f the Southwestern Cattle Raisers sive military training this summer do.,^d . 28' than to say be-waa merely "an .... from this source for the past sev­ Association believe there was more his accession, ordered the royal UnloiPsPac...... pull out. ■ -V mer- Naval officer, asked Geoffrey the New Yorke* wu given two ''observer" the adjutant general d e - lH . I 1. Of what country Is the Indi­ funeral was held at hts late^home at in 132 locations in the continental Unit Ait;cr*ft T orrin gton ...... 28 Throngs began gathering on the H. Shakespeare, Admiralty under­ checks isaued bn the same date vidual a citizen? 2. What Is his 8:30 and at St. Bridget's church at eral years. It was estimated by cattle rustling in Texas In 1938 than arms to be replaced by a fool's United States. Veeder Root ..... 38 dined comment. Rep. Clarence- Baldwin , of . the In any year since auch characters cap and bells, hence foolscap ■ pa­ Unit Co heights above W ife's cove before secretary, whether the Admiralty totaling 318.956. William Tnrnblozer, pruldest ot mother tongue? 3. Of whut 9 o'clock. A funeral mass was This announcement was made New York Banks daylight to get a bird’s-eye view of Finance Committee, this source of as Billy the Kid roamed the aouth- per. ' Unit Gas Imp "should not havs advised that the A few doM after these yW ere the Harlan district of the United "folkdom" does he feel hlm.sclf a chanted by Rev. James P.'Timmins, simultaneously with Secretary U S Rubber" Bank of New York .. 405 the arrival. A t different points on cgshed at ^ W aterburyX Trust part? . _ - revenue t^ould yield the state about west. A gull cpn soar as alow as 12 time schedule o f the vessel should- Mine workers, who yestsrday wired the pastor and the commltal serv­ 395,000 a year. Woodring's disclosure that the ex­ U S Smelt , Bankers ,Tmst-...... 58 the Cliffs himdreds were clamoring be extended tn order to avoid great Company, Brown said, Johnston's An Butborltatlye Infomiant said Rustling coses were heard In miles per hour. panding Arm y A ir Corps would President Rcoeevelt a protest over ices at St. Bridget's cemetery were U S Steel ., Cratral Hanover .... 92 to gain vantage polnta inconvenience to the people of (?an- New York account a h q * ^ a cash that a man living on the French- A t present these monies are re­ nearly every Panhandle and West The mulberry tree furnishes Chase the presence of troops charging the conducted by Rev. Frederick Clark meet some of its needs for aviation Vick Chem ...... 31V Stringrat precautions were taken deposit o f 34,500. , German or Belgian-German frontier, Mrs. Arlyne Garrity presided at the turned to the state highway fund, Texas.,county jand there were many food for silkworms. mechanics by training 1,000 enlisted la, which in fact haa oocurred." soldiers are being "used as e atrike- convlrtions. • Western Union Chemical ...... 46 to prevent any mishap in today's Shakespeare replied fhat plana •^DMiaferiedAOommt \ for Instance, might say that he was organ and sang the mass. As thu which, however, under a recently In Houston, Tex., it Is against men for a year at seven civilian breaklng agency" and aaklng the Many of the stolen cattle came West El and M fg a t y ...... ____ 25 docking of the Empresa to'set King The State brought out, but did French or Belgian ririzen and his enactetl minor court bill would re­ the law to deliver milk or other schools. Plana previously had been for the voyage had been made after president to do something to "re- % Issly waa tirought into the church from dairy herds. Dairy cows arc Woolworth Continental . . . . 12 V George VT and Queen Elizabeth not indicate * ^ a t significance, if ceive only one-half the amount col­ bottled goods by vehicle between announced for civilian primary consulting the brat available navi­ lltve the rituetkm,” was beck et his mother lohgiM! French but Uiat he she sang "The Lord Is My Shep­ not branded and rustlera have a EHec Bond and Share [Curb).. Com Ebctihange ...... 53 ashore. really felt hinwelf a member of the lected, since the other half would the hours of midnight and 6 a. 'm. schools to give primary training to gation experts and that they chose any, was attoOhed to It, that in the home in Jellico, Tenn. herd" and at the offertory she sang preference for that kind. First NaUonal ., ,. r. 1670 Haihoc Completely Cleared. middle of 1U35 Johnston’ closed his German “folkdom" '4vo Marla.". A t the end of the go to the tovVna in lieu of constable The' chinchona tree is the pilots. tha route most likely to be free Mr. Roosevelt et Washington told Guaranty Trust . . . . . 355 account ^ o n e New York bank^and feea, which the court bill abollshea principal source of quinine. In the H oum wing of the capitol CompLbte clearance of a ftve-mile- from ice. a press conference be had no Inten­ Will Not r »e Pressure. mass she sang “ Softly and Tenderly CHEMISTS’ DI800VER3ES Irving Trust ... , .A German government spokesman Jesus Is Calling," ItopubHoan Ranks Spilt Public health figures show that, the Rules Committee granted legis­ long. area of the Quebec harbor was "1 think the whole country should transfeiT^ to another. tion of Intervening In the contro­ Republican ranks In the House START OEM RUSH. PLANE PtLOT IS HEU) Maniffact. Trust Alcorn tben.^began questioning declared that no pre.ssure of lit;. iThe bearers were Frank Duptula, back in 1800, the average length lative right-of-way to a bill to au­ M anhattan...... ordered by the Department of be grateful for the way the captkin versy ovar the use of troops tn the spilt wide open ttklay during con- BfOWn about treasurer’s checks to kind would be brought U [> on any in­ .lohn BAldyga, William &>ber, of life In thC'United States was thorise construction o f three new N. Y. Trust . . . . Transport to permit free maneuver- and .the crew have carried on," be coal fields.' He said the use ot alderatlon of a resolution proposing Honolulu, T. H. — (A P ) — Am a­ ing of the big white liner and her •aid.' shew, he said, that there were habitant to deelari' him.self German .Michael Dubanowskl, Jolm Lucas teur propoMie are hurrying to the but 33 years. In 1855, it was-40 cutters, 16 seaplanes and a combina­ RESPONSIBLE IN DEATH Public NaUonal troops primarily was up to the gov-1 a constitutional amendment giving tion cutter and airplane base for the convoy of four British and Canadian dealings" . between Olsen and $8 SPORT CURTIS 35 unless he really feels himself to tK- and Peter Bolon. rugged walanoe mountailna near years, and today It is almost 00 Title Guarantee ernor. At the time he said ha hadj such. , /; ■ \ the governor the right to nominate Coast Guard at Kodiak Island, Alas­ wmreraift. Johnston. I . not received tbe.Tumblaaer protest.,I minor court' Judges, except those of here to March for aetpl-preciout years. U S T r u s t ...... Nevertheless trafried foreign ob­ John a . Putter The spiny ant-sater, although ka. The projects would eost The zone was ordered closed to The stats charges that tp- con- Before leaving Harlan Turnblas- probate. atoneti following diaeoveries there Hartford, ilay 17—(AP) —Ed­ general traffic on the mile-wide REPORT DEPLORES H End $5 servers believed manv nonrGormans, Funeral services for John O. P ot­ copaldered a warm-blooded ani­ total o f 314,823,000. The Navy alsd ward A. Myers. 34, of Harvard city . payments Olsen drew ar said he ezpected to resume ne-1 SPORT However, with the aid of tbh vir­ by two chemists. chemists Lawrence riVer some time before treasurer’s checks and exchanged especially in small Towns and vil­ ter who dletl Sunday %vere held this mal, has a variation tn body tbm- projecta an ^,000,000 airbase at street, pilot of the plane that crash, gotlatlona with the Marian County I Nationally Famoui tually solid Demoeratic hlpc, a mo­ -:-AIexander Oornellson aRd Howard Kodiak. the arrival of the BmpreM of Aus­ tbtm for Pants lages where everylssly knows them, iifternoon at 2 o'clock'at the Thomas perature of 18 degress FahrenbelL ed at Bralnard Field, resulting in DENMARK ACCEPTS Coal Operators Aeeoclatlon Mon-| tion to recommit the proposal was Cooper—picked up yellow topaz, red tralia from her oVem lfht anchorage, AGE LMTATIONS A fter the clash with the defense SHOES will, consider it wise to register a C Dougan Funeral home. Rev. Earl 'When spring cornea, qiitoti The Rulea Committee grantqd the death of FTancia Orager, 16, of day. George B. Ward, eecretery ol| defeat(“d 88 to 112 and the resolution Jasper, bloodatonvS, mivliiea and off the village o f St. Jean, Island of attoraej/s, Alcorn began question­ • PlMtn desire to be considered part of the E. Story of: the Soutq Methodist waspa build the first units ot thslr preferential- atatus aimiiUaneousiy Windsor, was held criminally res­ ths operatore' organisation was finally adupU>d 115 to 87. opals which have been valued at Orleans, 18 miles do-wnstream from ing Brown. coaeerning city pay­ German 'community. thiircb officiated and burial was In homes hy themselves. After* the to legislation to authorize major ponsible today by Coroner FTank E. (B M A N T S O l (Oonthraed fieim Page Ona.) non-committal on the Monday con­ • Belts To Msteh The House. passed a bill creating 31,600. overhauls of flvs battleships — the gateway to the-Dominion. ments made to Frank J. Santa- Hitler's tour'through 'he, Saar the East cemetery'. The chemtata made their Unds workers hatch out and mature, all ference. a revolving fund of $10,000 for adu- Tennessee, California, Colorado, Healy. * Motor launches in charge of Royal lucio, one. o f the accused and one >2.99 valley • timed with ' .Mmssbllnl s The pall Iwarers wgre Thomas while aearchtng for bauxite, a min­ itianual latxir is turned over -to “The evidence showa," tha cor­ years in ordsr to puraus the follow-, General Cartor aatd today Herlim | sw'ing through iPledmont frontier cntlnn extension services. Maryland and W est Virginia. (Osutimed from P ladian Mounted Police weie or-- o f the men whom the grand Jury Irwin, Alexander Leggett, William It concurred with the Senate in eral uaed in- clarifying sugar syrup. them. oner’s report states, "that the ac- ing studies; county coal mine pickets bgd' fail­ towns—and the Reichd?oloniar Con­ Leggett, Philip Skewes. The mechanics' schooU win sup­ to keep the ares clear of 1,. CUaatficatlon of ths uaemploy-i described as "favofed" contractors. White, Tnii, Brown and White Snddle adopting a blU wbiuh wjiuld increase Only about 6 per cent o f the cuaed -vlQlated about every law en­ be Germany's A M gu^^aoK^of ed to comply with agreements made | gress In Vienna are to lead a cUniax plement air schools already estab­ sttaggUng'crafL sd. middle aged in occupational Hs drew from ' Brown the- tratl- from $2l to 325 the mimlfnum'week­ AU roetaoritas are not hot when British motorists involved in fa ­ acted''for the safety of air traffic 1919 boundary between the The Empress, 11 days out of by their leaders. He listed two ia- * 1 , 8 8 with the signing, of the Italian-Ger­ INDIANS ASK AID lished at Chanute Field, Rantoul, groups. , . mony that only a small poison of CREPE SOLE ly beneflta under the ' workmen's theyVreaeh the earth; some have tal accidents ars'women, accord from the Ume he starteJ his flight countries, fixed after a plebisi Portsmouth, England, and two days StancM. Wntfivroof Straw ^ Ftbn man .military pact, probably In Ber­ FOR AIDING WIDTE MEN ni., and Lowry Field, Denver. They 3. Analysis of oldar workof* from the city funds paid to Sahtalueia compensation law and wouM permit arrived coated with ioe. Ing to records. are: > until hjs plane crashed." ordered by the Versailles tre hehltt-J schedule because of fog and One was a reported concentration I lin next Alunday. atanditolnt o f employaliUlty. was deposited by him. of trucks and automobiles two BVR-STAY CREASE awards for dlsAgurement. Ct)rtiss-Wright Technical Insti­ The coroner discounts' Myers' transferred North Schleswig, (1 jee on -the AtlanUc, splashed her I The new policy, aiming at en­ t.Andusky, Mont. — t.8P) — Rem­ a. Investigation ot hiring and lay­ Brown, starting his second week abreast, on a highway serving min-1 larging Germany's and luly's re­ Hilt* reported favorably included tute o t Aeronautics, Glendale, atory that the crash followed an Im­ square miles) from Germany anchors in the St. Lawimiee off St. SHOES il.99 .85 nant members of the Olree and Chip­ off poUcias. PoHdas pursued during, on the stand yesterday, heard de­ $- spective '.'space for existence," was making 18 Instead of 21 years the Calif.; Aeronautical University, Chi­ minent collMon. The, report states Denmark. North Schleswig pa: Jean at 10:33 o'clock . ( s. a t.) last Ing properties nsar Cumberland, I pewa Indian tribes, contending other What's Home Without Pillbox? depreaaian year 1987-1988. fense attorneys register objection Ky. Carter said he dispatched WORK OR PLAY P a i a m ^ maximum age at which minors must I proclaimed when an Italian delega­ Ihdians "resent” them because they cago; Roosevelt Field, Mlneola, Long that "the accused baa no apprecln- from Denmark to Germany in 1 night. after objection all during the day to obtain ccrliflcatcs from the Boards Timt left 18 mllee to be covered 4. Accident, sickness records and troops to clear (he road. No dlsr-l tion to the Vienna convention yes­ were on the side of the whltea in Island; Spartan Stfiiool ot Aeronau­ Ubn of the danger of operating an Sweden, Norway and Finl his teetimony but they were oyer- of EdiicHlInn to work and providing today before the eeremonial welcome productivity by groups. turbanee was reported. terday assured G<;rmany of Musao- Indian wars, have asked the govern­ tics. 'Ttilsa, Okla.; Casey Jones airplane'.”' said they saw no necessity for ruled by Judge IngUs. llni's full cooperation in efforts to. ment fur aid. for permanent quarters for news- School of Aero|iautics, Newark, N. Feb. 19, Myers was flying an at w olfe'a cove, Quebec harbor, final 5. Ages at persons blrsd, atoM Carter aald the massing of hun­ pa)>iTincn In the capitnl. proposed accords, which HiUer regain lost overseas possessions. J. H Dusome of Zurich. Mont., J.; New England Aircraft School, Aeronca over Bralnard Field w-itb destination o f the royal veasel and with examination of separations dreds ot men and women at Brook- I Bills rejected Included establlah- f e r ^ H ay 3 in a move ihterpn side also went against tbs union | W ill Marrh at Germany's Side. has been elected spokesman for 34 Boston;'and Parka Air College, East Gcager aa a panenger, when 'the as an effort tp prevent external the • scene o f a g r ^ ceremonial from tbs working fores over the CLEVELAND TO GET Mussolini's cabinet dilrector. Dr. mentf of a 8 hour day and 40 hour St. Louis, m. welcome under the battlements o f same period. leaderahlp’s agreement not. (o' par-1 HALF PRICE SPECIALS of the Indiana and he is asking that plane went out of control and crash­ week for workers on state highways the BrlUsh-Fl^nch front. PUBUO COUNTRY CLUB Mariengozzl, declared that “ Italy the government give each family 40 Other Washington activities In­ ed. Orager died the next day at this old fortified city. • A ge distribution of current mit mass picketing ev to allow fiaen will march at the side of Germany end state building construction, cluded; force and personml poUdsa. from one mining camp to zsove to | acres of Irrigable land and aid in Hartford hospital, where Myers was rannera HaU Royal VeoML Cleveland, O— (A P )—CUveland' . .Oftch 69c in the colonial question," to which establishing homes. n># House'adjourned until 11:15 The Monopoly Committee heard 7, Compensation rates, group In- another for plAetlng. 35eSOCKS ... I o-e e o • 0 e « ...... 2 9siro for S5c $1.50 McGr e g o r s p o r t s h ir t s a. m. tomorrow. - ; confined for some time with injur­ CCC BOYS DON’T GET French-Canadlan farmers on tha "common folh” are going to have a Gen. Franz Ritter Von Epp, presi­ "In every Indian campaign vye testimony from John W. Barriger, c m ies. A.NLMAL BOUNT Island o f Orleans, working at dawn surancs, pension plans tn relation to mllUon dollar country club. NflsaadefstaONtav Eelatad 85c GARTERS > 0 e e e e o era ...... 2 pnira for 35c $2,00 SLlP-ON SiVBATBRS, I^;|L00 dent of the Nazi Colonial Asaocia- were on the side of t}fe whites ahd HI. of tha R F C that the moat im­ Prosecutor Marthi Mostyn of the with their oxen, were the first to age. Three hundred acres of city prop­ A misunderstanding by which I portant source of railroad capital one detail of (Juardsmen prevented 55c TIES ...... 2 tieo for 55c $1.00 KNOTHE SUSPENDERS ...... oniHi 47« . tion, replied he felt sure that the for this reesoil there has been a no­ GEORGIA TO SEE GREEN Hartford p«Uce court today issued Ketchikan, Alaska.. — (A P ) hall the royal vease! today. g Determine what cffMt age has erty will be transformed Into since 1931 had been the carrier's in­ edonial claims would ba met “ maybe ticeable resentment agaiilBt us THIS WINTER. a warrant charging criminal negli­ Civilian - Conservation (torplii-i Lost night beacon boofirca burned on ths power of workers who are floray pleasure place by W P A work­ both pickets end miners wishing to LARGE 10c HANDKERCHIEFS * ...... 2 for 10c $1,00 KNOTHE'VELTS, ,eoch 67c la a year, or is a' decade." among the other Indians, even to the come rather than new investment work from approaching a mine wee gence,'’which was given to Detective inaugurated a wolf-trapping pro. along the great waterway and bells unsmplcjrad to gala or rqgain s foot­ ers. There wl)l ba two g o lf courses, Ton E w at the same time fls- preeent generation,” aatd Dusome. Senator L m (D„ Okla.) Intro­ related by the general. For a time, I 65c T IE S ...... 2 tid|.for 65c $1,65 DRESS SHIRTS . eoch 97c Athens, Ga—(AP) — Regardless James Egan for sendee. this winter to aaaiat in making pealad la welcome from rlveralde ing in Industry.. a ewtmmlng i ^ l , tennis oourta, aa etaredtt waa a “mistaks to believe of wbat the fsahton experts de­ duced a new cotton bill which he ward Creek drainage area a pi village churches. Here and there 9. Results of tnfliiatrial fluctua- Carter said, soldiers stopped all I 25c COLLAR CLIPS ...... -^...... 2 for 25c $1.65 FLANNEL OR BROADCLOTH . that R ltlsr ia unfriandly to Eng- t h e r e m m o n e y ■aid would assure growers a fair elaborate clubhouse. and landseap- •OMETIMBS cree, Agrunomiat K. D. Alexander (Use for fur-bearers, game amis were ths aotay Mlutea of automobile tiona ta Oonasettm and the oorrs- persons .nearing the Kentucky Car-1 E\’EN IN CHESS. income and pay Its own way. It lag to sulL 89c M EN^ SHORTS. S ...... 2 for 39c PAJAMAS ...... ,,,.,.iOSch 97c rays bright green is going to be BO.KO FACE REQUEST jand birds. - Because they are | horaa. spondlng affect on age gtoikpa. dinal Coal Mining Corporation’s I Hltlar wwDd up ths third day the color on George .farms this was described as the "domestic al­ emment employeee, the youtte mine on tha Hariao-BsU counties | $2. and $3. DRESS GLOVES. Very Spcdnl.. ,|wlr $1.60 A t the sight of the’ moving lights FACTUAL EEPORT 89c RIBBED SH IRTS...... 2 for 39c eg Ua tour at Saarbruecken's thea­ Calgary, Alta.— (A P ) — When winter. lotment . income certlfleete cotton Chicago—Attorney Alfred O'Cbn- collect no bounUee. of the Uner and her convoy M r* line. After, the eltuation eras oor-| ter, where during intermlasion Isst Fred I^ser received an old band- "The aecrecy of. obtaining the blU ,and was.eponsored by the na­ nor has peUUOned the IlUnoia Com­ along the shore called out, " ^ v e Le reeted, M per cent ot the expected I BASTKR OBBUnNO ABKIVm Beatrice, Neb.— Tha headline read night ha thanketPthe “west wall" carved chess set from the sstate of right shades of green," he explained, tional, farmei^’ linlon. merce (Jommiaakm to require the R o l....‘Vive La RahM!”— "Long BIX TEAKS LATE workere reported, he aald. , I workara fo r their faithfulneaa “ in "Local Bojr' Weds On Ooaat; Arling­ hi* mother in Germany five years "la to plant plenty of winter ie- telephone company to print Its di- STATE HAS SNAKE-HUNT. Uve the'Klngll....Long Live the Oot^amar Chandlsr at the Bute I thia vast worit”—of fortifying the WHALE HITCH-HIKES ton Bnigh, reported doing well la ago he valued it merely fo r senti­ gtimes, such as Austrian winter rectoriea in, larger and blacker type. Rodiestercnoenrau N. T.— (APT—It Capitol to Frankfort taeued n I freotier. mental reasons. Cheyenpe, Wyo.— (A P ) — dramatics, wads Ruby Btevens." peaa.. hairy votch and clover," He averred he suffers ayestrafai CanadUa "Mountlso" the Easter" Just afli lengthy statement aaewerixg I M EN'S SHOP OS b m Obaa Far Ceaaua The other day he read o f a movie, Shanghai. — (A P ) — A 30-foot Wyormng fall ratUeanake bum That was the drey the Beatrice In addition to providing a good and- loav time trying to read them neareot dmre 03 the Island eC Or­ months too late for chanN* of John L. Lewie, the yM W l UaBT Otteaa were closed today to actor's valuable antique chess set whole, hit by tha steamship sts Loch- aeosoo has opened. Three a Bus told Us leedere of the marriege 605 MAIN STRIIST. 7 color effect, Alexander went on, as they now are printed. ths British cruisers fatlwctae Iffslaeaboni. leoetv- and CIO chief, who charged tbe| rondnet a asnsua among amployaes. and submitted bis own to experts. these crops w ill protect the land goU, bent around the bow bdow the enne men killed 53 of the rept ot Beatrice’s H l^ sebeoTs I Wehoois and unlverrftiea will close Company offlciala . colled It the I and Glaagow and tbs ed a card reoeatly from m Mead govern or'with bMng "mad" ta 3 NestThtlin( They said it was a fine example of from winter erosion, build up fer- Masked to suit Ihe eccathm, a couple stand bv doorway of ’first * waterline and the' ahip had to be in a den 30 mllee north o f I i M n g w s ta Near Totk. Jt was poet-awlmd kadwB gndustft i May 10—ths mala for u e can- Chinese ivory carving' ahd xvorth ■topped hto detach It. The whale most unusual complaint since some­ flret aaasa slaughtetf reported apd. provide valueUa alock | dual purpose, leinforeed eoncrete, ^ Ib o x eir raid shelter annex * ■ " t a aus-ruMm MaUmettfa aca to bs aol* 37,000. came tsi tha aurface. blew heartily one demanded the right to talk all The anakee were hflM ll‘» im lu) Aft pea Cl Urns, tew—tor siota ^ m *.. dfty fair a Blehab iC W - :*K. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, BlAY 17,1989 ■SENSE AND NO.NSENSE: A BOty Thiaf Teung (to-sd—Oh. Dad. Tvs Just| Tha Aretie enlerer kasd md at BUY CLASSIFIED Whan friends a u why Tm always discovered that ths girt who sits ths deer ef the Esktme’s heues. The gay—And say: ’lYou’ra never next to me in Bio. has a hat exact- i Eskimo onswersd ths summens. btus!” ly like ndns. ' "Hello!” greeted the sxplorsr. I answer; "Ob. 1 gueoa It’a ’cause I Father—So I suppose you want "Can you direct me pt> the North jP ftiU think drsoma com* true.' ma to buy you a new one? I Pols?” |fs aMtter what bad luck is mine, Coed—VveU, darling, that would: ‘That’s easy,” returned ths XsiM- I somehow Just esil’t mops; be ehesper than chspgmg schools, mo. "Tou’ro at ths North Pol# I ’ p'or way down detp Inside of m’e 1 ------niw !" simply don’t loss hope. "Say, Tubby, why did the tore- The explorer’s eyas widened. He LOST AND FOUND^' 1 AUTOMOBILES POR SALE 4 PAlNTlNt^-PAPERlNG 21 HUUHKHULO GO0D8 81 |t isn’t sffMtotlon—or s pose that man dock you jeaterday?" pointed at tha Icy waota. PARK BOARD MEETING X assume, . "Well, you know, a foreman la “You mean," ha cried, "that this 1937 BinCK 4 DOOR trunk sa4Un. PAINTINO a n d DECOKATINU FOR SALE— m a h o g a n y four FIREMEN’S CARNIVAL 1X>RT—BMALX. hUck poCk«tboo.l, ADDRESS IS MADE WEATHER DELAYS poai*w1i*i* within ma Ultra’s a th* fellow who stands around and la'the North Pols right hefa?" ‘Diarm «tA;.KS arely ea- la aald, desire the spraying to be' aetlvttlea at the educational insti­ goped from that lira at tha hotel lOWKK REPAIRING, Sharpening, done, but the ooet to be borne by at 11. The grounds secured from w a n t e d —iA t E MODELS used CASH W ILL BE PAID to you for tution at the meeting of the Luther the Bon Ami Company on Regent B. Hodge that shortly hts force slU Mat night key fitting, duplicating, electrical saleable jimk. Call Wm. Ostrinaky, the Park Depai^meijt. It « on this begin the annual overhaul and In­ > Manch^er 1 cars. Will pay cash. No red tape utilities, guns etc., reconditioned. League of the Emanuel Lutheran Wreet between Hilliard and Wood­ Holewyngs—That’s not strictly 182 BlaaeU atreet. Tel. 5879. situation that tha Imeeting today church lost night. spection ot the school heating sys­ For appointment telephone 5191. Bralthwalte, 52 PearP street. will act land strecta were found to meet the true. I cm my pajamas. Evening Herald ^Brunner Sales. Co. SO Oakland St. Mr. Arnold aald that the main requirements as to size. Th e repre- tems. An Inspection of boilers by Some persons claim that when purpose of a liberal arts <&llege Insurance company officials la a ROOMS WITHOUT fund la appropriated by town meet­ ‘sentative of the company agreed to A boy’s life must 1m a happy one. CLASSIFIED BONDS—STOCKS— such as Upaola waa to develop the move hlB equipment onto the lot on part of the overhaul work and 4t la Ito deesi’t have to worry about BUSINE.SS SERVICES BOARD 59 ing, the vote carries with It a pub­ expected that as soon aa Area can ADVERTISEMENTS MORTGAGES 31 abilities of students to enable them June 4 and have the entire aet-up kew to meet the premiums on his OFFERED 13 lic order to spend the money for U. earn a livelihood In later Ilfs, rle be let out Inspections will be com­ FOR RENT—SMALL front room, the work provided. Others say ready for opening on the night of Rfa timrance. ' 'A N S Coont Sts words to' « liDS LONG TERM FIRST mortgagea. expressed the opinion that atudents June 5. . , menced. Initials. outntMrs sad sbbrsvisttoot refrigerator service, (iimmer- completely furnished for light that the Selectmen have discretion ssciv count as ^ word and oompouno Ins. Co. Money or F.''H. A. plan housekeeping.'Grube, 109 Foster 8L have a more serious outlook on life The department meeting followed At a otmilar outside Inspection ‘Do you maka good nqoney os clal and household. Reconditioned In spending or withholding appropri­ carried on about three weeks ago, wptds as two words Mtntmom cost is Deals completed through local at- ations. today than they did some years ego the carnival committee meeting Tsntriloqulst, Mr. Smith?” l^rleo ot ibrss linsn refrigerators, electric rtintor re­ tnney. The Loman 4k Nettleton Co., but said that In some Instances tfle local school boilers a very gM>d Ltns rafss par dsY tor trsnsisnt pairing. Wayne W. Phliltps, 53 Also to be coifaldered Is the re­ last night and the members of the ‘Dh, yes, I have a fins Job now In HarUord. Tel. 7-3211. APARTMENTS, FLATS. students are resigned to tm attitude two compahlra voted tb attend the rating, Hodge said. Ik# city.” ■' sds. Walker street. Telephone 4878. placing of winter damaged plants. The cool weather, which early Kloefiro Hi f t . I W f TENEMENTS of hopelessness and defeat because state convention of the Flrerpena "Where are you working?’’ Csab Chars* or the situation of the world today. Association,to be held In Bridgeport this week brought Inside tempera­ "In a bird store. I sell talking • Oonteculivs Uaya T otai 9 cu FLORISTS— HELP WANTED— FOR RENT—6 ROOM duplex Une- Upsala os a C^iristtgn college strive* In August. / tures In one school down Into tba parrots.” a Coi^ascutiva Uaya 9 otai II CIS thirties, has held back the start ot I U sy,...... It oUl II CIS NURSERIES 15 FEMALE 85 ment with garage, available June to overcome this latter view, and All o>4#rt for Irrantilai >na*r(ton» IsL Inquire 599 ^n tet street. SALE OF POPPIES Mr. Arnold said that because Its en­ the furnace and boiler work aa fires So long as a man con find time will ba cKargsd at iha on# tiros rata FOR SALE - TRANSPLANTED WANTED—MIDDLE aged woman rollment Is less than 500 students have bad to be continued. to get his hair cut, be isn't- os busy, Spscial rsiss for lehg larmvtvsri tomato and pepper plants at Oder- as houaekeeper. No children, g04>d FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM FLAT, It has better opportunity for close, Today Hodge said that the new dna sdvtrttaint tit'so upon ragosai •s he pretends. mann'a. 504 Parker street. nome. Write Box Y, Herald." firat floor, ateam neaL garage. Ap­ Individual contact between faculty SAY DYNAMITE CAP type coal tried out in the schools iSlESQM Ki * Ada ordarad\bi,stbrs tbs third ot dith ply at 108 Ridge St. STARTS THURSDAY dna will b* cb^rtsd only for tha so* and students. He showed several this year has proved satisfactory' ■kPSITr INSTRUCTOR tuai number of Hmes th# ad appsar- WANTED-EXPERIBNCTCD bouse and an actual cash saving boa re­ - ^STORIES IN STAMPS f o r RENT—2. 8 and 4 ROOM reels of motion pictures of life at vana voev w mmm pas.iaq, i •d. charnfnt at ihs rat# aarnsd out HEATING - PLUMHING - keeper. Stay nights or go home. U|isala. sulted. Although, Hodge stated, a THE UNDER 006 THOM THE PROPgSSOPm DO sllofranes or rffunda can bs mad* ROOFING AND SIDING 17 Utile cooking. Call 6762. apartmenta. fdmished or unfurnish­ CAUSE OF ACCIDENT on oil tim* ads stopped aftar the ed. Call C-entennlal 3737. Program la Presented higher grade coal naturally gives dhb day. American L egiw And Veter­ ’The program was In charge of better heating results, the present Ho'**1111 forbids**: display ifnss not KOOFINO A SPECIALTY Also supply has given satisfactory heat BY EDGAR MARTIN tldlni. carpentry and mason work HELP WANTED—MALE 3« FOR RENT-ABOLT JUNE 16th, to Roy Johnson and his athletic com­ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES What a Break •old responalble party 3 rooms and bath. mittee and Included vocal Miectlons hnd has worked very well, a amadler ^ Ths Herald will oof ba r^sponaibi* Reasonable. Tima payments ar. an^ Of Foreign Wars To Bohon Man Mistook Detona­ amount being used than lost year, 6ww5Srri5e$" for Rfora than ons incorrsct tpasrtton ruiged. W. Vancour, 66 Wells St WANTED EXPERIENCED cutter Second floor, central residential by a quartet consisting of ftoy John, OHK.G* A WCW5 WA 'T O t ^ VMTH of soy advartitsmant ordtr*^ fot Phone 8^35. on leather, by machini:. Nu others neighborhood. Write Box H, Hcralil. son, Erland Johnson, Hugo Pearson and at leas cost tor the amount VN3W VOHJOL ------04* A mors than one time ■ v iie4)d apply. Apply The Tober Base­ Conduct The Sales Here. and Richard Hultman. Miss Astrid tor For Piece Of Metal As used. Last fall there was some argu­ PU**'b FKtWtCl — NStKT VQi WbCUKtV Tbs tnsdvertenl omission ol iitcor' ROOFING'AND ASBESTOS aiding ball Manufacturing Co.. Elm atreet, FOR R E N T-JU N E 1ST, tlvo room Benson led the devotional period. ment aa to the .ype of coal that LIOT TO FOWMO -~AKO TO I rSMb A ^ ~ SOBW roci publiestion of advsrtismt will'be . Manchester. * flat, first floor, with garage. Apply •>W3at MM* A THW AVS. - roeiiflsd only by eanrsiiatton ot th* our specialty. Workmanship guar­ MISS Marion Brickaon, who has should be used, the dispute being TMK 4«A8U8k anteed. Time paymenli arranged 43 CsmbridRc street. Rhode 7253. catered around the letting of blda TlMR*b AW.'. ebarts made lor ib* osrvtre rendsr*o ’The annual street sale of popples been active In the League for sev­ Sledge Hammer Wedge. **I don’t care if your father is the mayor— you can’t park \S TIVXJAW T«’O HMOK MKAMO0M5.O Ail advertlesmsnte must eontorm Alao 4»rpentry and painting A. A. eral years, was elected delegate to tor the annual supply. (bOaiR OOAlVl Is stytOa copy and typotraphy with DInn Inc. 81 Wells atr*et. Tel. 4860 SITUATIONS WANTED-;' will be held Thursday through Sat­ Marquette— first . b m and tbat’a tbati** ro^ulatiows snlorcea by the publish* IHOII.SES FOR RENT $5 the N e v England Conference Bible WKItoAU. srs and they' rsssrve tbs right to FEMALE 3h urday by the Le;rion and Veterans School and Recreation Camp at loula Oiglio, 22. of Bolton suf­ Mississippi Explorer odlt, rsviss or rsj*ct any copy con of Foreign Wars, tlie funds received Ijike Winnepesauke, N. H., In July. OW ^ A W O MOVING— rRl'('KING w a n t e d - HOUSEWORK— cook­ fered painful Injuries to hla hands, ^dsrsd obiscttonsbis FOR RENT—6 ROOM -duplex house through the sale of these veteran- It was announced that New Haven WOMAN FOX OWNER aretACKLESS wUderaett and a CLOdlHO HOUNH-^Msidiasd ads STOKAGB 20 ing etc. forenoons or half day only, arm and abdomen from bits o f FLAPPER FANNY BY . to be published same day must be re- tat 49 Summer street. Phone 6746. made replicas of the "Popples of would visit here a week from tb- vast unknown river stretched by expciiancad young Swedish wo­ raorrow for a special get-together metal blowm. from a dynamite cap oolssd by It o'clock noon: Baturdsys man. Address Box J, Herald. Flanders Fields” , to be used for wel !- 91160* of Fathsr Jacques Mor- lb:M. AUimi^A. CHAMBERS FOR RENT—ATTRACTIVE 6 room meeting. which he had mistaken for a piece SEEKS LEGAL ADVICE quette and Louis JoUet when they r single, modem, good location, oU fare 'work In the posts and auxil­ TELEPHONE YOUR Local 4k Ixing 01at4uice Movers iaries. The League voted to sponsor .a of metal to serve as a wedge tor a sat out from Qusbee (n a pair of T4I—6280 68 Hollister St V POULTRY AND burner. Available June 1st. Tele­ ■’Family Album" program on Fri­ sledge which had become loosened Hobkaet, N. H.. J8ay 17.— (APlfc. ' 'birchbaric eanost on* spring WANT AOS phone 8786. These blood-red symbols of the day evening. June 9, and tickets for SIIIM'I.IK8 43 battlefields serve as a powerful ser­ while at work. It was disclosed yes­ Mra. Mary Dargie, who threntona to morning in 1673. But belors their Ads are acespied over tbs (sisphons CALVIN C. TAG G A R T- Movlnf the event are now on sale and may terday afternoon following an'in­ ait on a dynamite blast to skve her HBVEKAL MODERN SIX KUUM mon for pence as they convey to the rstuin they were to explore the t - o T.u.sm.aa*ata*a. at tbs CHa K(J|s2 Ra TL^ glvso above and tru(Uilng. 36 Woodland street BROILBKS, FRYERS 3 to 4 lb. Zlc be oljtalned from members of the vestigation by State Police. 80 baby foxes, sought legal odyiet great MistlssippL > as a convenience to sdveriisera. but Telephone 6.355. single houacs, also two fanlily flats. American people a subtle warning the CAdH Ha TICD will be accepted as lb. alive, SOc dreiuuMl. Order In ad­ In excellent louatlonH. -Apply tUl that wo must not forget the sacri­ l4pague._ An interesting program Is GIgUo had been workihg for <3Ilf- today In another effort to block Trii*. Os 8 ^ discovered Ihs ^ULL RATMfSNT ir paid at the busi­ vance for delivery. Clark's Broiler ward J. Holl. Telephone Manches­ fices of our dead, alao a grim re­ being arranged and refreshments tord Griswold of Bolton Notch cut­ blasting by the Works Progress Ad­ SQsslisippl In 1541, but Slarquetto BY HOY CRANE ness offics on or bsfore the aevenin Farm, 304 Autumn St. Tel. 5025. V II be served. > ministration for a road near her Farewell from Waah day foilowtng , tb# first inatriiun oi ter 4642 or 8025. minder that the Interests of our ting up some hickory logs and had JoUet were Its first real ex-i gone to the Griswold abed to secure farm. plorera. They traced it almost to each sd olherwioe ibe CHAKtIb. people can be served best through S!s^ -i. UATkf will be collected No rasp^-nsi- HERALD the preservation of peace. a piece of metal to tighten the She asked Wilfred A. Laflamme. TO boundaries ot the old Spanish / LfTTCIR TiUCr OUAf blitty tor errors in telephoned ads w a n t e d —PETS— HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Threats of War. handle In the sledge. The dynamite Manchester attorney, about the poe- dominion la tba gulf and from 1 will be assumed and tbelr aocurscy NEW HAVEN ROAD WILL siblllty of Injunction proceeduigs csonut b« gusrantesd. POULTRY—STOCK 44 In spite of the hopes and prayers chp exploded, scattering minute bits Ibdians thay obtained a tuU de- FOR .s a l e —5 ROOM bungalow should the WPA prove adamant In dolptioa o f the' river, even to the with aO Improvementa on residen­ of millions, the world today Is tot­ of metal in the worUer’a body. Tbs IMUEX OF WANTKDVFOUR head of young iU decision to go ahead with wprk fuU. tial am>ct. For price and terms tering on the precipice of •Interna­ CONTINUE ITS SERVICE Injured man was token to the Me­ on the new road. rattle to phature[Mture this acoaoii.aeoaoii J, 11. tional warfare. Mankind Is not morial hospital where X-ray pic­ • No on* know where or how tar CLASSIFICATIONS^ ODD JOBS Walker, 503 East Center atreet. see a. L. FlHh, 110 Benton street Blasting, the 44-year-old house­ mrtbs ...... pa.a...... A Telephone 6394. only threatened by undeclared wars tures were taken and he was ad­ Oie Mlmlsslppl flowed when Mar- Telephone 4288. md revolujlons that have been going Boston. May 17.—(A P ) — The wife charges "wtu raioke the mother . Quetts and JoUst started their Sagagameota ...... M mitted tor treatment. foxes crazy and they’ll tear tba Marriages ...... C DIRECTORY f GR'SALF. LBASL o r rent, mod­ W^^for years, but also by a deliber- New Haven railroad made plain. In a Glgllo's condition la not consid­ Journey, accompanied only by five Oeatbs ...... ateXdevsatatlng war against dlcta- statement released by Goy. Leverett young to piecea or bury them alive.” ' irhlte men and supplied only with Card ot Tlisnliis ...... ARTICI.KS FOR SAI.E 4.5 em 8 roodl' brick hoiiK'. Flay room ered Serloiq^. The bits of metal lo­ SUte WPA Administrator WIlUam In MemorisiD ...... , w In baacment, lytth fireplace, oil heat, torshlM against democracies. Saltpiistalt today, that It would con­ cated by.toe X-ray were so small . «om and smoked meat PaddUng tinue normal,, passenger service on P, Fahey sold, however,! that blast­ Lost and round ...... I A 'gratis UsUitg of local people FOR SALE-rrilORSE <.-oltara, nevy' electric atovc, 2 car a’ tacbed ga The popples are rrmindeni of an that It wiu believed they could not • Mown toe Fox and Wisconsin Annooncements ...... I rage, with sprinkler heads In boiler earlier .seakim of great saertfle a re­ its Old Colony division until final ing had been postponed in March, for .givars, toe explorers reached the Personals ...... 1 for 4>dd Joho 4hirlng tbo 4xirrent and used team harneaoea Harness bo removed by an operation. Mrs. Dargie and "now that-turn­ room, and garage, built In sate minder of the World war at this determination was made of an oper­ Two years ago GlgUo bad the Misslsaippl June 17, 1873. Weeks ' AnteoeeMlee X , cleanup 4»ropalgn. LegcH4li lepalnnK. auto tops and curtains tlnw of memorial to all the coun­ ating schedule compatible with re­ pike must be f i l l e d . ” Automobtlea lot dale .-i^.... t repaired. Phone 4740. 90 Cambridge Beautifully ahmbbed. Must be seen misfortune to fall from a load of latsr, after. toUlng back up the No. I, lawn work; No. 2, gaiSen to be appreciated. Inquire 767 Main try’s protectors.X They symbolise duced revenues. SOstlssippi and IlUnols rivera, the AutonublUe tot Ktcbdngs . a street. I'haa Laiilng. * the war’s tremenddiu cost, the 10 The announcement came as pro­ hay while It was In transit over Auto Aeceseortes^Tlres ... a work; N4>. 8, cellar nvork; No. 4, street or call 3360. 39 Stephens rough road, fracturing hla skull. He «xpk>rers camped for the night on Auto RepsirUig'-*|^ainitng .• 1 street, Manchester Green. out of 74 million mfiiNgho died and tests began to pour Into Boston fol­ aibst la now toe site of Chicago. Auto Seboole ...... 1-A iHHioe work an4i cleaning. of another three mllllon^roung men lowing disclosure by the governor waa then a patient at the hospital LIKING ARlTHIffinC Autoe*-8hlp by Truck ..... ELECTRICAL tor aeverml weeks. ITIM report* of Marquette were a who were never found. \ It also that abandonment of-48 more sta­ ioim ew t on to Quebec by Indian Aotoo—-Tor Hire ...... » APPLIANCES—RADIO 49 UfTS FOR SAI.E 73 symboUseB the 19 million ' whunded tions along the south shore and on Griswold told the investigating Oarages- Service—dtorsge . IV officers that be had never had any KEY TO FERSONAUTY irwnwrs. ALLEY 0 0 ^ FlthHar W’orda BY V. T. HAMUN Moiorcyetes—Bicycles ...... II Tha llaU apd the 10 million permanently^ia- t^pe Cod was contemplated by the ! A year later Pere Marquette Wspted dutos~Motorcycles NATIONALLY ADVERTISED re­ FOR SALE-BUILD ING loU on Bbled and of the millions who haVg dynamite caps In hla shop nor had II frigerators— WesUnghouae, Q. B. road. Such abandonments would idtod, 300 mUaa tram bla home ' alia. l-i«fra.l...l a«rvlM. Elmer W. Burdick. Strong atreet. Inquire 38 Woodland suffered and died from war injuries ^ave the region without rail passen­ bad occasion to use any about the Waukegan. BI. — (A P )—If your ' MOW WHEWD TMS Bu.tu... ttarvic. un.r.4 ...... I. Hbtpoint; Crosley, 8t. Warner—5 street. Phone 6.349. place. .■Btaien, S t Ignace, In what Is 24 Bldiiclge Street, In the succeeding decades since war ger service. boy likes arithmetic. It’s on indica­ ,MSv Ha Is shown above COMB FROMT Xt> UuuMbuld S*rr.lc.a Uff.rad ....ll-A year guarantee. Lowest prices In -flamed In France and elsewhere In tion he has an effective perasnolltyi i •ulldlna—Coniracilhc ...... u Noa. 1-3. 25c hour. ConnecUqiit—8 cubic foot 1129.50 Tx)Mtees of the rood told Solton- a U. 8. pottage stamp of toe ^5WEAR iO M O O O i Flori.i.—Nur..rl...... la Europe. stall thj rood was operating those a child payehologlat aald wcently.'- T-IY William Shea,' r-AutomhtIc IlghL fully equipped -ItYans-Misal^pi Oinaha Expe- sTHREW IT! Fna.r.l OtrMtor...... |« Five Mtlllan Hlndows. trains atsM annual loss of more THREE CHILDREN DIE; Dr. Martin L, Rcymart. director .gMlon Issue o l 1808, 1-cent green, B .d ln f—Plumblnc—Rooflnr ... -II |125 Tolland Turnpike, with trays and evaporator door.— U S T OF BROWNING Hospitals throughout the world than 82,00(h«)0. They sold, however, of the Laboratory for (auid Rs- 1 don’t know t^ere this price war will end. but I’m (Ightin* lB.ur.ne...... i. Nos. 1-3. 30c hour, Extra large trade allowance for old search, Mooeeheort, ni., sold that'in .'lanlaigeiL TIm value depicts him Mlllin.ry —Ur.um.bln...... i. * ;-} today are aUll crowded with the that freight 'service would not be to the l8«t radiah.” Ice box. You can save at Tuckers— wrecks of world warfare. Not the abandoned In oqy event EUghty- MOTHER BADLY BURNED .chUd personality tests sriUimstle Rb toe Mississippi. Uo.lbK—Truekina.—Hlor.s. '.... lu Mrs. Finlay, 1083 Main afreet, Hartford. Next to Public P....DS.I lUrvic. ..^...a«-a BROTHERS IS DEAD least pitiful result of the World eight stations bn Gqpe (Xxl and In was "the most aigntfleant of all the I- ' ftlniiDs—P.iMrina ...... II 88 BMrldge Street, Proven Pictures. Pbona 7-S180. war were the live mUIloh widows, studies, especially among the boyo.:; N a 4. the southeastern secoqn of the state Eagle Lake, Me., May 17.— (A P ) Prof.M'on.l B*rvloM ...... I) the nine million orphans who lost were abandoned by the'road about a "Arithmetic represents a set of R.pdlnpd ...... I> New Haven. May 17.— (A P I —’The —Mra. Eddie Dubola 44, was In criti­ SOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX Tailoring—l>T'lns—Cl..nln( ... Ii Franklyn White, husband, and fathers. year ago. habits which are of basic Imphe* FUEL AND FEED 49-A body of Jonathan Edmund Brown­ No Individual con avert or keep cal condition at*a hoepital here to­ Lance In dealing with other people ! T.lUt Oeod. and Sarvie...... » 73 Church Street. ing. 80. lost survivor of three noted day from burns suffered In a fire W.i)t.d—Bu.ln... 8«r*le...... It No. 1. 30c hour. FOR s a l e —ONE H ALF cord 4 ft. America out of war. ^ t his ex­ fMrly and squarely, not only in such THE PAY Aunt Eppie Ho®«,The Fattest Woman in 5 Coontiis, Kd.rational gun-rooking brothers, was shipped pressed vle^s, combined. with the which killed three of her 11 children simple sets as aharihg the coat of wood sawed atove length, and under today to bla home in Ogden, Utah. CONVENTION PAVES F l^ r and burned a fourth severely. CobrM. and Claa...... i', W4»ley Vancour, cover,- 84.60; 1-4 cord 82.60. One views of others, after due cqiialder- s luncheon, but fai keeping score, toi FELL down across the CANE RUN ROAP Privat. Inatrujciloo...... n 55 Wella Street, Browning, In New Haven for the atlon ot the effects of warfare as Solange, 11, Georglonne, eight, the household budget. In buslncas, Vacelna ...... 1 I-*. half ton^Koppera Ooke 86.00—1-4 past two months working with Win­ ind Janet, six, perished In their Muaie.l—UraiB.tte ...... i. ■ No, 1. 40c hour. for 83.15, Phone 4496. L. T. Wood symbolised In the deep, red flowere FOR SUFFRAGAN BISHOF in B thousand and one social situa­ \ W.at.d-7-In.t ruction. ao chester Repeating Arms Company of the battleflelds, 'will have a defl- beds when fire levelled their little tions,” he said In an address at a (AIm light tnfcklng) Co. home at Daigle, In nearby New Plnanclal ^ experts on a new gun model, was nlte Influence upon those leaders conference on delinquency prevenV Bond.—Stock.— Borig.g...... ■ Richard Garrtaon, FOR SALE—WELL seasoned hard stricken III May 6 and died last who bold the destiny of America In Hartford. May 17— (A P )—The CXinada^^tetaUon yesterday. tion. Butin.M OpDonuniilc...... 429 Center Street, wood 84.60 per load. Apply Edward night at New Haven dioopltal. their hands. ^ si. Protestant Episcopal dioebsan con­ Mrs. I and Teresa. 7, were FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS rlr•^aM a MAteital HY MERRILL BLOKSBR ifoncy to Lean ...... No, 1-3. Mias Ann Browning, one of bis vention of Connecticut hod paved burned trylng'to climb flaming stolrs I J. Holl. Tel. 4642 or 6186. The Legion’s poppy aale chairman y ' U .l. aad aifo.clon. nine children, who came hefts to be the way today for election of a oiif- to ths second story . bedroom In B.lp Waniad —K.malt ...... M. B. Capwell, la Louis Milligan and the Auxiliary S o r, TWi* tS 'A sJO*. xwiasHajto MAH'** * 0 . houaekeeper for her father, la III at fragan biBbop to'aaalst Btoop Frpa which the three slaters died. Wilson, HAOTto but W . FUWNRHBO Btlp Wanted—B.l...... 355 Adams Street, chairman. Mrs. Olive Chartler. The MUO OFF A CO* wrm. A” %0I)4| T h is i* Satfc.m.n Want.d...... GARDEN—FARM— the name hospital where, physicians VFW- >Poat ' chairman la Arthur erick G. Budtong at his owii request 14, escaped from the second floor PUBUCRECORDS AND A fiucxer OF WATMf CAR AMO AFteR VWB Call h a * B.lp Waiiiad-^Maia or r.mal... No: 4. 36c hour. said, she iwould require .“surgical with ,a three-yssr-old 'm tber. The AST IT M f * . UP ANO DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 BorUey and tha Auxiliary leader ’The convention, *t’ an all-day aea- Warraatos . Aa.ni. W.nidd ...... treatment." Her condition waa not Mrs. Anna Barron. aion here yesterday, . voted to ap­ other children and tbelr woodsman- OOIN4 T6 Takw M V ACT RILUr OFPoeTUNny/ Sliu.ilon. W.pi.d—Famal. Edgar K. Mohr, Jr, FOR SALE—COW manure, Ony critical, they said. _ father were away from home. According to s worrontoe deed j a iR U . OUT BICHN* / OV8R D4R Stiu.ilooa W.niad —Male ...... 550 Middle -Turnpike 'Elaat, prove the bishop’s reqneet whlcR, corded today by Town aerk San ^■*a« A iMdOM IM PMOMB.tUr Bcnploym.ni ag.ncl.e ...... No. 1. 26c hour. amount Telephone 8998 A. F. A son, Frank Browning, flew while pleading for' tha right to "go Bray.- here earlier In the wwek from Ogden.' J. Turklngton, .E J. Holl has <__ THAT SOSkBWHeniSf irvA R O N* .14.* Btorb—Pel*—Haaltry—. V.blrlr. on alone for a little longer,” he veyed to Albert Platt and Eunlcd j*. T s a r r OP m y Birds—Pat* ...... | Johnson McKee, Browning, was the craftsman of CARD SHARPS TARGETS made roalidy to save the diocese ex­ MOTHER AND DAUGHTER INmATION Lto. gtoea —V.bicl*...... « 235 Spruce Street, his family, building’ and Improving Platt property located on McKinley Poultry and Suoplica ...... « HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 the gtijn models his brother, John. pense and time In calling a special atreet for a conslderaUoo indicated Waniad- Peia— Poui'ry—Stock 4 No. 1-3. 25c hour, meeting. by stamps as 8500. SEE THE "HONEYMOON’ —3 Invent^. OF B O i IN CONGRESS CONYICTED OF ESPIONAGE Pol Solo ‘macollaocooc , M. Larson A third brother. Matthew 8. He. explained that under canon Bond For Deed anicica Poi Haio . . . . . i . , . , . , . . ' 4 SOcSchooI Street ' rooma of furalture 8168.00. 810.00 law two conventions would be neces­ Under terms of a bond for a deed Vuala aad Aecoaaorlaa ...... 4 down—18 months to pay. Albert’s Browning, organised thq company Moscow, May .17—(A P ) V - A kutldiqg Matariala ...... 4 No. 1-3. 40c hour. that marketed the guns. sary tor such procedure, the first filed today with ibe Town Clerk tor Piamoitda- Watebet—Jawclry ,. Furniture Oo., 43 Allyni St, Hart­ ■ Washington, May 17.— (A P )— mother arid daughter convicted of record, Jacob Ubert and Roee Ubert 4 ford, Conn. , Card sharps and • “confldenoe men" for affirmation by the diocese In­ .tlacirieal appllaoeao—Radio .. 4 .Cottia Powers cluding approval of the other bish­ espionage on behalf of a “foreign agree to transfer to Agnes E. Hitch­ rsal and k'aod ...... i-. '^•74 Eldrldge. Street who operate on ocean liners ore tar­ Fasclat power” were executed at cock Village street property now In isrdan—Parm— Dairy Produett i gets of legislation approved yester­ ops, and the second for actual elac' liouaobold dooga ...... • No. 4. 38c hour. USED Gi E. RKFRIGERA’TORS. 6 PREHER OF QUEBEC tion. ""lev, the Army newspaper Red. Star the fee of Ubert if conditions ot the day by the Senate Judiciary Com­ losed today. Macbinary aad Toola ...... I cubic ft. Kemp’s Inc. mittee. . _ . bond agreement are met. A 81.()00 Muaieal Inatrumania ...... i Joseph Thompson Testimony before a military court doM payment is Doted, with pro- Mllca aad Btora'Kuuipmant .... i ' 101 Hemlock Stroot GIVES L O Y A L n FLEDGE Attorney General Ifurphy oom- showed that the daughter hod visian f(w cpmpletlon of payment in l^ ia ia at tba Btoras '...... I .1 No. L 26c hour. ploined that loophole* In preeent NEW BRITAIN RULED 8CORCHT SMITH M y a te iy M an BY JOHN a TERRY CVasrlni Apparal—Pura ...... | USED FRIGIDAIRE. A raal buy. throui^ marriages obtained In- caah or moitkage arrangement by Waatag—To Buy ...... I Kemp’a Inc. lawa mode It difficult for Uie Juktlce tormatkm from officers In the tm- August 9,1939. Clayton GUbert Quebec, May 17—(A P I —Premier Department to convict "cord sharps 'WIU,1 *■— a Biiarg—Botcla Bauataa , 14 Eadiidge 8tr«at BY STUDENTS TODAY sortont Ukrainian border district. W ’tlMWfiKUM I IdPTMTI Kaataaraota FOR SALE— 4x8 RUG, rowing ma­ Maurice Diiplessis of Quebec pledg­ who ply their trade on American ' The Red Star sold the court not tmeSnipeawB I^O K M * l«, keoma without Board ...... tl Nos. 1 , 2 and 3. 30c hour. chine. Ice box. In good condition. ed to King Geirrge and Queen EUsa. vessels on the jilgb oeas." ROW TO OO BROKE . W E w P W W PfW , dONL. beth today the loyalty o f' Quebec only sentenced both women to be koardara Wamod ...... aa-g Vanity, bird cage, reasonable. 76 The Judicloiy Committee recom­ . New Britain, May 17— (A P ) — sbot but "also severely punished KAlSDro CHICKENR >,uniry Board—Kaaoita ...... tv • ' Francis O’Coln Summer street. province and, "in particular, of mended poasage of a btU providing MMirrMC- .v u (ED lR^SoSS8ufi7t HIM* aotals—Raatauranta 41 86 Wells atreet 11118 city la in the hands at youth military men who lost their Bol­ (Tanadlana of French descent.” ■> a -85,000 fine, five years in prlaon, or Lextogton. to. — ( AP) — T ! earmto. Wantag—Rooma—Board ...... tt Noa. 1-2. 25c hour. today. shevist vigUance and were lured by — The ?•«!«TH09C ■onl idataic Pa* Rant "Unanimous In heart,” he said In both for "obtaining money^y false I f you want ytmr name added to University of Kentucky college at LEGAL NOTICES 78 an addreu read to ths king In the pretenses.” bait at the Fascist Intelligence ser­ WK tQanm4;iita, Platt. Taoamcata .. " . Carroll Pattan the municipal payroll, you mky vice." agriculture------has---- compliedof a Um SSSf. lualoaa Locationa (or Rant ... M Foster Street i.ii4i;oR p k h m i'F Provincial Legislative Oounnl cham­ contact "Mayor” . Plerr* J. DIotme. ten waya to go hrohe In the poultry dautas For Rant ...... ber, “we acclaim today the prsaance BSTA’TB WORTH lulmrban Por Kcn^ lAa. 1-3 30c hour. NOTIt'B OP ArrLICATIO.Y "Chief of Police” WUllatn McMahon TRIAL SET fXHI MONDAY buslneaa. Tbo list, gotten together taminar Bonaa Por Rant ...... This Is to glvs iiottc* that 1 Qlo- of Your Majesty in our ancient cart- may “fix" that parking Ug.' I f your from reports received at the college. Mrs. Abroslnl, »annl Pesc. of West, street. Bolton tal.” toUowa: Vaotad to Raul ...... Conn., have ni.d an application dated Wtiurtod. May 17— (A P )—An In­ house Is on fire call "Fire Chief* 176 Biksell Street, ' Ha’ spoke of "the entente betwosn ventory of the esUto left by Alma WateriNHy. May 17 — (A P ) — Baal Idataic Pat Bala May u, n i l with tha Llrliquor Control Fred Sherman. Helen McGrath Is Trial of embenlement chargss "Start chicks too Uto: start with ipgrtnam Uuildins (or gala ... No. 4, 30c. hour. CominU.lon for a Htore Bi Beer Permit Anglo-Canadian and Franco-Cona- Ohick Ztmballst. opera singer and poor qiNslity thick; brood In filthy, lualoaaa Property tor gala .1... (or the aale o f alcoholic liquor on "tax collector’'. Joseph LonaU la ogoinat Attorney FYaneis PI ouU- a pact ths Brttlab Parliament wife of the violinist. BRom Zlm- ’Judge" of police court and Joseph poorly ventUatod quarters; quit ‘ arata and Laod lor Bala ...... i. k. Piecock, the prem i.ei o f aiovannl Peace of later was to ratify In gtvlBg ue the fw e, former ipayor of Wa_._t>ury. feeding mash after first few weeks; louaaa tor Bala ...... Weat streal, Bolton. Conn. The hual- baUat. UaU lU valu«l at 8189,000. Woods, Jr. U ‘“praaecutor.” Edith 176 BlaaeU Street, federative charter” of 1867 and de­ was set for next Monday o t % a. m. raise puUeto on dlseoat and parasite arta tor Bala ...... No. 4, SOc. hour. neae la owned'by Qlovannt:Peace of Mr*. HmbaUst. who (Bed In Decem­ Hurray la "city derfc.” In ths aMetmanle chamber ot the taaori Proparty tor Bala...... weal street. Bolton, Conn., and will clared: ber, 1988, hod n home la New Hart: infested ground; allow paUets to be- tibprbgg far tala ...... U eoBdueted by Olovanni Peace of “^ ia post we cberleh In our ' Members of the Clvle Forum at Caty hall, at a hearing bstace Judge cams Infested with worms;' bouse ford valued at 810,000 and a aum- the senior high school took oimr taal Bauta tor Baahaaga , West atreet, Byltoh. Conn., aa Vsr- hearts, and never shall we ceeoe to Edward*. Mshedlo In Mty. court today. bti*a In uncomtortotals ouaitsra; fhU yaatad—Ra il Batata' . hqr at stock* and othsr aecuritl**, municipal off leas at th* tnvitatloa Attofhay OttilfoU* Is charged with consider the thrtoe os Iha hulwark m U I^obaU Judg* Uaity.Bmltk ta to control Uco and MRsa; feed a la- ■:____ » W » _ or Mayor “ “ J. OoyJe and high miUBg to pay to lAiclano anatom, i W T W HeraM hin. a -i-it.ti. ■naminnlBt th* MMt at fh*hm». ---- gLM g : 22L2* ?**to — la. taiT