Welcome to Budafok

LICS WINERY SEYBOLD-GARAB WINERY TÖRLEY CHAMPAGNE MANUFACTORY VÁRSZEGI CELLAR Lics Cellar is an operating historic wine cellar in the centre of Visitors are acquainted with the history of the winery and can see Contemporaneous relics and documents kept at Törley Museum Our winery manages 23 hectares of land in the South-Balaton Winery Tour! Budafok. During the winery visits, visitors may become acquainted the unique Seybold barrel. While tasting delicious wine, they can and Visitor Centre give an insight into the birth and development region.After carefully selecting the grapes already at the wineyard, with oenological techniques and the wine history of Budafok. enjoy our meals prepared in wood-fired oven. If the weather is nice, of the Hungarian champagne culture. When entering the exhibition only quality, hand-picked, perfectly ripe and healthy grapes will of Szekszárd and Etyek- (Pákozd) from our own can they can have fun in our lovely garden, and if it rains, they can have area, visitors find themselves inside a champagne cork from which be processed. Our white wines and rosé wines are stored under be tasted during the wine tastes while enjoying live music. a good time in our heated winery while listening to accordion music. they can walk into a bottle, then a champagne glass where they can controlled conditions in a stainless steel container until bottling. familiarize themselves with the past and present of Törley Cham- Our red wines are maturing in barrels for 6-24 months and then they pagne Cellar. In the se cond part of the program they can view the mature in smaller oak barrels until bottled. champagne cellar’s ripening cellar with a unique atmosphere.. www.licspince.hu Judit Lics www.seybold-garab.com Gábor Garab www.torleymuzeum.hu Tamás Lőrik www.varszegipinceszet.hu Viktor Várszegi

On the first Saturday of every month, direct bus service is available from downtown to Budafok wineries, where champagne and wine tasting in open cellars, cellar visits and cultural programs are waiting for the visitors.

PROMONTOR GARDEN RESTAURANT ISTVÁN SOÓS OENOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL FARM VASMACSKA TERRACE RESTAURANT ZÁBORSZKY WINERY – WINE CITY Our mission is to make our charming little Budafok area even more Our educational farm is unique throughout : no other capital Vasmacska Terrace is a charming river restaurant on the In Záborszky Winery barrels of different types developed based charming by summoning the milieu of Buda’s small taverns of the has such a large, operating where quality grape is grown. with a huge terrace and a dock. Given the features of the venue it on centuries-old traditions and masterpieces of wood carvers can past. Similer to Vienna’s Grinzing vicinity, we offer a garden wine In addition to the well-kept vineyard, a grape processing facility is perfect for family, friends and also for corporate and business be viewed on the historic row of barrels, while in the Museum of restaurant experience with great kitchen along with wines from and a fully underground wine cellar of 1000 hl can be found there. events, and in summer, the open-air terrace is in itself a guarantee Professions relics connected to past trades of wine transportation local wineries. We have found you the best suppliers, from butchers Visitors can familiarize themselves with the technology of grape for a good mood. and barrel-making give insight into the creative process. Visitors can to bakers to champagne makers and wineries. Give it a try! growing, processing, wine-making and bottling through practical admire the relics of the history of architecture of the demonstrations. regions in the Wine Street, and of the contemporary religious life in the Pestis (Plague) Chapel. www.bornegyed.hu/pincejarat www.promontorvendeglo.hu Tamás Pongrácz www.borasziskola.hu Gyula Földesi www.vasmacskaterasz.hu László Szekszárdi www.borvaros.hu Imre Békési www.pincejarat.hu É

PARTNERS OF WINERY TOUR 2 M 1 Törley Pezsgőmanufaktúra

2 István Soós Oenological Educational Farm

3 Seybold-Garab Winery 4 István Tanya Restaurant 1 5 Promontor Garden Restaurant M 6 Lics Winery

7 Záborszky Winery – Wine City 3

8 Cave Dwellings M

9 Katona Wine House 10 Várszegi Wine Cellar 4 11 Borkatakomba Restaurant M M 12 Vasmacska Terrace Restaurant 5 13 Borköltők Társasága Cellar Restaurant

The specific timetable and stops vary based on the opening hours of wineries, wine cellars and 6 restaurants on particular winery tour days.

Current timetable and route: www.bornegyed.hu/pincejarat www.pincejarat.hu

8 M

7 M

M 9

13 10 11 M M 12 József Bősze Ferenc Katona

KATONA WINE HOUSE KATONA Lake from Tastes winery. our to you invites kindly family Our at a look Take experiences! delicious meals, memorable Balaton, walks. winery during our winery a real life of the everyday specialities and surprises! discounts, guests our We offer www.katonaborhaz.hu ISTVÁN TANYA RESTAURANT TANYA ISTVÁN Budafok. the heart of opened in 1999 at Restaurant Tanya’ The ‘István be to experience gastronomic guest’s we ensure our Basically cuisine. Hungarian and international typically our by both complete the traditional can taste guests our all that chefs guarantee Our restaurant Our a nice service. wines and have good Hungarian flavours, we also time and in summer garden winter a heated saloon, has a cosy tree. the huge chestnut people under 40 for a nice garden have www.istvantanyavendeglo.hu István Megyeri András Czékus, Henrietta Nagy


BORKÖLTŐK TÁRSASÁGA CELLAR RESTAURANT CELLAR TÁRSASÁGA BORKÖLTŐK tastes contemporary and offered invited are kindly Guests Mediterranean of Hungarian cuisine and the lightness combining is available corner playing a separate welcome; are Families food. more comfortable. restaurant our making dining at children, for in the guests for waiting are and terrace cellar wine interior, Lovely restaurant. our www.klauzalhaz.hu/barlanglakas www.klauzalhaz.hu/barlanglakas Our guests are kindly invited to participate in a uniquely interesting interesting a uniquely in participate to invited are kindly guests Our in Budafok- atmosphere and special an exceptional with time travel Dwelling Cave of life in the exhibition to comes the past Tétény: relaxing visitors and Street, Veréb in Museum located Memorial offered a glass are yard tree in the walnut the old of in the shadow wine. of CAVE DWELLINGS CAVE