
The Project

Online Platform for Groundwater Knowledge

A Global Vision towards Understanding the Planet’s Water Resources

Vision and Progress Report

Version – May 2021

John Cherry, Ying Fan, Allan Freeze, Paul Hsieh, Ineke Kalwij, Doug Mackay, Stephen Moran, Everton de Oliveira, Beth Parker, Eileen Poeter, Warren Wood, Yan Zheng

In a call for bold innovation, Zenia Tata (Water Abundance XPRIZE) states: “Water is the universal link between human survival, our climate system and sustainable global development”.

The UN Secretary-General's message on World Water Day, on March 22, 2019, stated that 2.1 billion people live without safe water, and that growing demands, coupled with poor management, have increased water stress in many parts of the world. Climate change is adding dramatically to the pressure, and by 2030, an estimated 700 million people worldwide could be displaced by intense water scarcity. The global water crisis is urgent and requires innovation to identify, prioritize, and accelerate global solutions. The focus must include groundwater because it makes up 99% of the Earth's liquid freshwater. The Groundwater Project (GW-Project), a non-profit organization, registered in Canada in 2019, is committed to contribute to advancement in education and brings a new approach to the creation and dissemination of knowledge for understanding and problem solving, relying on experts around the globe to volunteer as authors and reviewers. Motivated by the 1979 textbook “Groundwater” by Dr. Allan Freeze and Dr. John Cherry, hundreds of participants (and growing) from many countries across the Globe are working with a common vision to provide hundreds of digital books and supporting materials, free-of-charge, downloadable at the GW-Project Platform at.

The GW-Project is administered at the 1 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

Mission Promoting Groundwater Learning

Vision Providing knowledge tools for developing groundwater sustainably for humanity and ecosystems.

The GW-Project’s mission is innovative in that it encompasses an entire realm of environmental science (all things groundwater) documented by volunteer experts from around the globe in online books aimed at education for readership at all levels and all global circumstances to serve humanity and our Planet’s ecology. This has not been done before for any realm of environmental knowledge or any other science realm as far as we know and so we should view it as an experiment. But we are now three years into this project, enough to see that the experiment is going well based on the confirmed publication scheduled for this year and 2021 and numbers of committed scientist and practitioners (including retirees) to write and review books. This report is a comprehensive overview of GW-Project vision, groundwater project framework, philosophy, contribution to education, management structure, contributors (authors and reviewers), and books scheduled for publishing in 2021 although it is expected more will be added.

1. Synopsis

The GW-Project is a large international collaborative and continuing effort focused on producing series of high-quality electronic books and supporting materials that will be made available for free at the GW-Project Platform at.The GW-Project is the publishing house for all the books. The books are written and edited by expert scientists and practitioners volunteering their time to realize a shared vision: knowledge should be free, and free knowledge should be the best knowledge synthesized in a unifying framework. The GW-Project endeavors widespread groundwater education covering all aspects of groundwater relevant for our world community.

The philosophy behind the GW-Project is to democratize groundwater knowledge meaning that there should be full accessibility to good quality knowledge and the ability to share this knowledge, thereby overcoming current impediments related to groundwater publications. Groundwater suffers from being hidden and misunderstood, and the GW-Project aims to raise groundwater consciousness and educate on what is needed for essential monitoring and sustainable groundwater management (monitoring, corrective actions, and protection).

The GW-Project books will cover nearly all aspects of the hydrologic cycle. Groundwater is the essential sustaining reservoir underpinning all Earth’s freshwater: rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Yet, groundwater is assaulted from all directions mostly because of unintended consequences. The freshwater cycle is losing its resilience because it is dependent on stressed groundwater. Aquifers

The GW-Project is administered at the 2 University of Guelph, ON, Canada. are being pumped unsustainably, chemical pollution is common, and the types of groundwater contaminants are increasing. Important knowledge needs to be captured before it is lost as groundwater practitioners age. Many who have conducted foundational studies since the 1970s are volunteering to transfer their wisdom through the GW-Project, which aims to capture their reflections and synthesis. Groundwater is not treated as a specific educational unit in academia. Although interdisciplinary treatment of groundwater in academia provides rich diversity in approaches and perspectives, the concept that groundwater is the sustaining force of surface water and its ecological systems is greatly underappreciated. The GW-Project, by design, will present groundwater as the integrative theme for understanding subsurface and surface freshwaters in both their natural and disrupted states. Further readings on the GW-Project philosophy are presented in Appendix A. The GW-Project is strategically positioned to make an unparalleled unprecedented contribution to education. The objective of the GW-Project with respect to university education is twofold: to achieve more effective learning and to free up time for instructors to engage the students in experiential learning, which requires hands-on lab experiments, field activities, and active modeling exercises. Hence, the GW-Project is planning to prepare learning modules and videos and is seeking advice and examples of effective field and laboratory exercises aimed at engaging students in hands-on activities. Key to the mission of the GW-Project is to foster rapid knowledge dissemination and methods to universities everywhere including those in developing countries so that those with inadequate teaching resources for comprehensive groundwater education can direct their students to synthesized knowledge at a high global standard. Emphasis is on overcoming inadequacy in knowledge and technical resources for improved access to safe drinking water in both remote rural areas and the large urban centers where there is water poverty. GW-Project contribution to education is described in Appendix B.

The GW-Project scope has evolved over time, and what started as an initiative for developing books with university education in mind evolved to a scope that includes books for everyone everywhere. To that end, The GW-Project is organized into four categories and 23 Domains which contain Topics and Books covering broad themes in groundwater. Many Books have supporting materials ranging from basic to advanced that enhance knowledge coverage. The categories are:

1. Children’s Books - dedicated to all sorts of groundwater information for children; designated as Domain A Books. 2. Introductory Books - covers a wide range of groundwater topics, written for a broad audience; designated as Domain B Books. 3. Overview Books – comprehensive books which cover groundwater topics in a larger context in a descriptive manner (mostly without equations); designated as Domain C Books. 4. Specialized Books – primarily tailored towards groundwater education at the university level and continuing education for groundwater professionals; designated as Domains D through W Books.

The GW-Project is administered at the 3 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

The 23 domains are described in Appendix C.

The 23 Domains

The GW-Project is administered at the 4 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

The GW-Project is led by Dr. John Cherry, recipient of the 2020 Stockholm Water Prize, and managed by a 11-member Steering Committee and larger and globally diverse Advisory Committee. Appendix D introduces the team and provides further information on the GW- Project management. Nearly 400 well-recognized scientists from around the world have agreed to participate as authors and reviewers, and more are engaging. These contributors are associated with over 200 organizations worldwide. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has been for a hundred years the world’s leading groundwater research organization and the GW-Project is honored with the large number of emeritus and current USGS scientists contributing as authors. Appendix E includes the complete lists of authors, reviewers, and participating organizations. The GW-Project aims for widespread global education about groundwater; materials are produced in English first and soon after translated into several other languages. Work on the GW-Project began in 2017, and the first round of publications is planned for release in August 2020. More than 200 books are actively in preparation by experts around the globe for publication in 2020 and 2021. The GW-Project ultimately expects to publish hundreds of books over the next few years.

The Groundwater Project Framework

The GW-Project is administered at the 5 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

2. The GW-Project Website

The GW-Project website was launched on March 23, 2020. The latest technology is being used to run and maintain this website to ensure optimal functioning of the GW-Project Platform on which all books and related material are published and made available to the world. The GW-Project endeavors to become the global provider of educational materials for students and practitioners through this platform.

The website is fully functional, showcasing information about the GW-Project, published books, upcoming books for publication, and information on how to donate and support the GW-Project. The GW-Project provides books (PDF Format) free-of-charge and can be downloaded from the website. Books are also now available as webbooks.

We like to encourage users to sign up to the GW-Project email list to stay informed about new book releases, events, and ways to participate in the GW-Project. This signing up will also help us build a global groundwater community.

The GW-Project will initially connect to the global groundwater community through supporting partner organizations, and then build on this through its own communications so that the widest global distribution is accomplished instantaneously when new books or materials become available. There are almost 5000 registrations from over 150 countries, which is a testimony that the GW-Project is gaining world recognition across sectors. To date our books have been downloaded over 35,000 times.

Each book is an official publication (electronic only) with an ISBN number; intellectual property will be respected, and content producers will have their names clearly displayed on their material. The website will offer free downloads of the books. Efforts are underway to translate the books in various languages, including French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Turkish, and Arabic.

The GW-Project is administered at the 6 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

3. Ways to Contribute to the GW-Project

The driving force and success behind the GW-Project are the contributions of volunteers, so far mostly from groundwater professionals in the public and private sectors (scientists and consultants), including retirees.

However, anyone can contribute, and there are three main ways:

1) Facilitating the production of published materials, including editing, reviewing, and helping with organization and management. 2) Direct engagement as author or co-author in the preparation of original materials to be published. 3) Assisting with figure creation and graphics for books, marketing purposes and social media. 4) Translations or management of translations.

We are also always seeking to expand options for participation. The GW-Project plans to publish, in addition to the books, other types of publications to serve the needs of the wide variety of groundwater stakeholders and others interested in groundwater and related topics; all submissions are subject to rigorous peer review:

1) Short books similar to conventional book chapters, but with enhanced flexibility provided by publishing only in electronic form. Each is part of a plan for subject coverage within the knowledge Domains. Nearly all of these are solicited contributions.

2) Monographs in the style of conventional monographs or a new style better suited to electronic publishing. The GW-Project seeks materials that represent synthesis of science that can help understanding of groundwater in ways that can serve any segment of society. Monographs are especially sought for explanations and guidance on ‘how to do’, including applications of software, monitoring methods, hydrogeophysical methods, and syntheses of major groundwater studies geared towards educational purposes.

3) Open source software with guidance for use and example applications.

4) Reports on significant advances in groundwater science but not well suited for publication in peer-review journals. The GW-Project is soliciting reports in some immature topic areas to get the thoughts of the most knowledgeable people in the world associated with emerging issues or problems.

5) Course notes that are well annotated, either by extended text and/ or voice recorded text. These notes/ lectures may be based in part or entirely based on GW-Project materials presented in GW-Project books. The intent is to invite instructors to contribute an entire course that they teach at their institution to be distributed by the GW-Project as a stand- alone package.

The GW-Project is administered at the 7 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

6) Worked problem sets as examples of problem formulation and solutions with emphasis on real-world relevance including transdisciplinary examples. Many of the books will have associated problem sets; however, the GW-Project welcomes stand-alone contributions of this nature as carefully prepared problem assemblages with worked answers. Talent and creativity are needed to produce effective problem sets for learning and the GW-Project seeks to make such creations available for global learning.

7) Many old (decades ago) publications about groundwater topics that have continuing value because of their exceptional rigour or clarity or because they were of great importance in the evolution of groundwater science. Some such publications are in danger of slipping so far from view that younger generations never know of their existence (e.g., lack of recent citations or easy access). The GW-Project seeks to rescue some of these publications, especially those out of print or rare, such as some publications produced by government agencies or in languages other than English.

8) Books and videos for youth: we have already published on our website the decades-old children’s book Wally and Deanna’s Groundwater Adventure and we are seeking more high- quality children’s books that are worthy of a global readership. We have dedicated a separate category to this.

9) Contributions from the accomplished senior generation of groundwater researchers on topics of their choice. This category represents respect for the views of those who have acquired a lifetime of valuable experience solving groundwater problems or managing groundwater projects.

The GW-Project is administered at the 8 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

4. The GW-Project Progress and Next Steps

Proof of Concept Phase: 2017-2020

The vision for the GW-Project began to form in 2017 and is now well advanced. The ‘proof of concept’ phase ended in 2020 with the accomplishing of the following:

✓ A comprehensive and well-organized listing of subject Domains and the hundreds of books within Topic areas encompassing nearly the entire scope of groundwater to serve the needs of both the developed and developing countries (see Appendix F). ✓ Commitments from a large number of recognized authors to populate sufficient Domains and Topics to establish feasibility of the larger vision and show credibility of the GW-Project (Appendices E.1 & E.3), with a large number of contributors from emeritus and current scientists of the US Geological Survey (Appendix E.4). ✓ Committed participants well distributed across the globe in both developed and developing countries, representing many expertise specialties and a variety of career stages, including government and world organizations’ researchers, academics, and practitioners to demonstrate scope and inclusiveness. ✓ Engagement of a large number of world-recognized groundwater scientists and engineers and practitioners in the senior stage of their careers so that the knowledge and wisdom of this generation is being captured effectively to serve future generations. ✓ A comprehensive educational philosophy and methodology for the GW-Project including the use of cutting-edge digital technologies to advance well beyond the confines of the conventional educational textbook (Appendix B). ✓ A formalized and rigorous peer-review process applied to all materials issued by the GW-Project. List of reviewers is shown in Appendices E.2 & E.3. ✓ The GW-Project website up and running, with ten published books in 2020, demonstrating that the electronic publishing and tracking processes is functioning properly. ✓ A GW-Project registration list with thousands of email addresses distributed globally to show the GW-Project is gaining world recognition across sectors. ✓ Active engagement of well-qualified people from both the academic and the practitioner communities across many disciplines that make up the larger groundwater community and stakeholders to show that the GW-Project has the credibility and strategy to continue to expand participation in the next few years. ✓ Demonstrated in-kind support (engagement) from government organizations such as geological surveys and associations to show the GW-Project is aligned with many other organizations around the globe.

The GW-Project is administered at the 9 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

✓ Sufficient progress to demonstrate the GW-Project is on track to publish appropriate materials to inform and contribute to learning at the lay-person level as well as the university and practitioners’ level, and thus appropriate for raising groundwater consciousness worldwide. ✓ A framework to prepare translation of the initial GW-Project publications into several other languages. ✓ Positive feedback from user communities to the initial published products to indicate the GW-Project is on a good track with its approach to book design. ✓ Solid progress in both identifying and organizing access to open-source software (free of charge), relevant to all aspects of groundwater. ✓ Books published in several Domains, providing a good example about the type of books the GW-Project publishes; the books also reflect the particular needs for a domain. ✓ Expert advisory teams established for most of the 23 Domains to help design and guide the progress of each.

Overall, the goal of this proof-of-concept phase is to demonstrate the GW-Project has established appropriate approaches, procedures, and strategies to move forward and bring many more materials to publication on the website () and successfully democratize groundwater knowledge. On March 23, 2020, the GW-Project website invited anyone interested across the globe to participate. This is a standing invitation, and we expect offers will continue to increase into 2021 as more books are published on the website.

Books Published in 2020 1. Groundwater in the Water Cycle: Getting to Know the Earth's Most Important Freshwater Source: Eileen Poeter, Ying Fan Reinfelder, John Cherry, Warren Wood, Doug Mackay (published on August 21, 2020). 2. Hydrologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow: Bill Woessner, Eileen Poeter (published on August 21, 2020). 3. Graphical Construction of Groundwater Flow Nets: Eileen Poeter, Paul Hsieh (published on August 21, 2020). 4. Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange: Bill Woessner (published October 4, 2020). 5. Conceptual and Visual Understanding of Hydraulic Head and Groundwater Flow: Andrew Cohen, John Cherry (published on October 19, 2020). 6. Groundwater Resources Development: Effects and Sustainability: Lenny Konikow, John Bredehoeft (published October 27, 2020). 7. Introduction to Isotopes and Environmental Tracers as Indicators of Groundwater Flow: Peter Cook (published on November 3, 2020). 8. Groundwater Storage in Confined Aquifers, Herb Wang (published on November 10, 2020).

The GW-Project is administered at the 10 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

9. Geologic Frameworks for Groundwater Flow Models, JP Brandenburg (published on November 17, 2020). 10. Groundwater Velocity: Rick Devlin (published on December 1, 2020).

Children’s books

The GW-Project distributes translations of Wally and Deanna’s Groundwater Adventure: Leanne Appleby and Peter Russel. The Spanish translation was completed by Luis Camilo Suescún (published on December 15, 2020).

Legacy Books

The GW-Project distributes the Portuguese translation of “Groundwater’ by Alan Freeze and John Cherry. The translation “Água Subterrânea” was completed in 2017.

Next Steps All books in this first set of publications were solicited. During 2021 we will gain experience in accommodating unsolicited offers via the website. To date, the GW-Project has made good progress by steadily soliciting additional expert participants through invitations based on the knowledge about global expertise within the Steering Committee and their expanding contacts. The plan is for this controlled approach relying on solicited invitations to author books to continue during 2021 as we assess and integrate unsolicited offers. An objective is for unsolicited offers to create materials for the GW-Project to increase engagement from all groundwater stakeholders. All materials published by the GW-Project will be living documents and therefore will be improved and updated as opportunities arise. In 2021, we expect to initiate procedures whereby improvements submitted by anyone concerning materials already published by the GW-Project can be accommodated in agreement with authors. In 2021 and beyond, the GW-Project will focus on seven categories of activities:

1) Production of many more books with global expansion of expert participation. 2) Translations of books into several languages. 3) Active collaborations with organizations around the globe engaged in the creation and/or delivery of educational materials based on the GW-Project aimed especially at developing countries. 4) Collaborations with professors engaged in using GW-Project books in their courses aimed at improved online courses. 5) Adapting published GW-Project books into active self-learning modules, including professionally developed video presentations. 6) Production of materials to facilitate public engagement around the importance of studying and protecting groundwater resources. 7) Webinars to introduce GW-Project books so users of the book will have improved perspective on the subject matter including the background about the materials.

The GW-Project is administered at the 11 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

Self-learning multimedia electronic modules The books will present the synthesized knowledge that students need to strive to understand, but the learning process requires active teaching modules to develop and test understanding. Experience with the preparation and delivery of active teaching modules exists in other organizations, such as the Khan Academy. The GW-Project will seek appropriate collaborations with educational institutes to realize the creation of the self learning modules. In addition, teaching videos will be prepared to show activities in the field and laboratory and bring groundwater processes and methods of data acquisition to life.

Fundraising Activities The GW-Project is volunteer-based but has required funds for administrative support and to bring the GW-Project successfully through the proof of concept phase. This support has come from a few donations and from the G360 Institute for Groundwater Research at the University of Guelph. The GW-Project is a non-profit organization and soon to be a registered Canadian charity in 2021. Major funding is needed in 2021 and beyond to support the next phase of the GW-Project. To that end the GW-Project has started active fundraising activities. Ultimately, the funding goal is for the GW-Project to become sustainable in the longer term as a living organization and can continue expanding its activities and global reach.

The GW-Project is administered at the 12 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

5. Books Scheduled for Publication in 2021

1. and Mineral Resource Development - L. Smith (published on March 24, 2021) 2. Septic System Plumes as Examples of Transport and Fate - W. Robertson (published on May 11, 2021) 3. Flux Equations for Gas Diffusion in Porous Media - D. McWhorter 4. Land Subsidence and its Mitigation - B. Gambolatti, P. Teatini 5. Managed Aquifer Recharge: Southern Africa - B. Eberhard and S. Israel 6. Groundwater Microbiology - G. Ferris, N. Szponar, B. Edward 7. Managing Groundwater as Cities Grow: Stormwater Quality Issues and Solutions in the United States: B. Pitt, S. Clark 8. Managing Groundwater as Cities Grow: Stormwater Quantity Issues and Solutions in the United States: B. Pitt, S. Clark 9. Structural Geology Applied to Fractured Aquifer Characterization – A. Fernandes, A. Rouleau, Eurípedes Vargas 10. Fractures and Faults in Sandstone and Sandstone-Shale/Mudstone Sequences and Their Impact on Groundwater – A. Aydin, R. Ahmadov, M. Antonellini, A. Cilona, S. Deng, P. Eichhubl, E. Flodin, G. de Joussineau, R. Myers, J. Zhong, N. Davatzes, J. Cherry and B. Parker 11. Electrical Imaging - K. Singha, F, Day-Lewis, T.Johnson, L.Slater 12. Transboundary Groundwater Management and Protection in a Remote Setting – R. Pentland 13. Geophysical Logging - J. Williams and F. Paillet 14. Groundwater Governance – K. Pietersen 15. Hydraulic Testing - G. Vanderkamp; C. Neville 16. Large Aquifer Systems Around the World: J. Van der Gun 17. Saline and Brine Hydrogeochemistry: Shallow Systems - W. Wood 18. Introduction to Groundwater Hydrogeochemistry – W. Wood, J. Cherry 19. Introduction to Groundwater Contamination – J. Cherry, D. Mackay, B. Parker, D. McWhorter 20. Introduction to Karst – E. Kuniansky 21. Introduction to Groundwater and Aquifers - I. Kalwij, J. Cherry 22. Characterizing Legal Implications of Transboundary Aquifers - G. Eckstein 23. Pannonian Basin – Central and Eastern Europe – Tahy, Szocs, Snoyi 24. Edwards Aquifer: USA - J.Sharp, R. Green 25. Determining the Natural Abundance of Trace Elements in Pristine Groundwater From an Artesian Flow System in a Glaciated, Carbonate Terrain: Optimizing Sample Collection and Data Quality for Practical Application – B. Shotyk 26. Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotopes - R. Diamond 27. Domestic Wells Introduction and Overview: J. Drage 28. Well Record Databases and Their Uses: G. Kennedy

The GW-Project is administered at the 13 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

29. Land Subsidence by Dissolution - L. VanRooy, M. Dippenaar 30. Variable Density Groundwater Flow - C. Simmons, V. Post 31. Requirements for Unbiased Visualization of Groundwater Data - F. Patton, B. Black, D. Larssen 32. Occurrence and Flow of Non-aqueous Phase Liquids - K. Mumford, R Lenhard, B. Kueper 33. Dissolved Organic Carbon in Groundwater Systems - F. Chapelle 34. Using Flow Nets to Understand Groundwater Flow Systems - E/ Poeter, P. Hsieh 35. Heterogeneity and Anisotropy - G. Weissmann 36. The Evolution of Groundwater from the Perspective of Flowing Wells - J. Xiaowei, J. Cherry 37. Introduction to Groundwater Modelling - E. Poeter, W. Woessner 38. Groundwater and Bottled Water - J. Weaver, P. Lachassagne 39. Groundwater in Peat and Peatlands: J. Price, C. McCarter, W. Quinton 40. Geoenvironmental Impacts of Upstream Oil and Gas production: R. Jackson, R. Walsh, M. Dusseault, M. Kang

The GW-Project is administered at the 14 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.


Appendix A: The GW-Project Philosophy and Justification A.1 Democratizing Groundwater Knowledge A.2 Urgency and Approach A.3 Strategy, Scope, and Framework A.4 Breaking Away from Convention on a Global Scale A.5 The Importance of Freshwater System Interfaces A.6 The GW-Project in the Context of Developing Countries

Appendix B: The GW-Project Contributions to Education B.1 Towards a New Approach to Groundwater Education B.2 Groundwater Teaching at the University Level B.3 Educational Simulations B.4 Experiential Learning in the GW-Project: Field Exercises on or near Campus B.5. Learning Support Materials

Appendix C: Organization of the GW-Project Domains Appendix D: The GW-Project Direction and Management

Appendix E: Authors and Reviewers of the GW-Project Books E.1 Authors E.2 Reviewers E.3 Authors and Reviewers with Emeritus Status or Retired E.4 Authors Affiliated with the USGS: Emeritus and Current Scientists E.5 Authors and Reviewers Affiliation with Organizations

Appendix F: List of Books and Authors

The GW-Project is administered at the 15 University of Guelph, ON, Canada.

Image modified from: USGS, United States Geological Survey

Appendix A: The GW-Project Philosophy and Justification

“Knowledge should be free, and the best knowledge should be free knowledge.” Anonymous

We are in a global water crisis. Unfortunately, the enigmatic and elusive groundwater portion of Earth’s water is commonly misunderstood, mismanaged, and abused. Nearly all of the Earth’s freshwater is groundwater, which is the buffer of the hydrologic system. Nearly 50% of the world’s population depends on groundwater for domestic use and many more on its irrigation benefits, and this will inevitably increase as the population swells. Groundwater is used locally but is transferred around the world in food and products. There are unprecedented rates of change to the water cycle, and much is out of balance. A key limiting factor to understanding groundwater is that the many advances in groundwater science of the past 50 years are not being put to work in solving today’s problems. The science is not being converted into widely recognized benefits to humanity and the environment. Why? Scientific knowledge is not democratized.

A.1 Democratizing Groundwater Knowledge

Knowledge democratization means full accessibility around the globe. Accessibility is limited by a number of impediments:

1. First is the peer-review journal publication process. Although successful as the gatekeeper for scientific advancement, by design, journals communicate incremental and site/time specific research findings. They do not synthesize the exploding literature into the essence of scientific advances, yet this is needed for education and actionable knowledge to be useful to policy makers and resource managers. 2. Second is the nature by which science value is judged. Journal publication citation statistics are the main criteria for career advancement in universities and strongly influence who receives research funding. The pressure to publish in journals is so great that groundwater literature has grown immense, making synthesis ever more challenging.


. 3. The third limitation is financial. Research is conducted using primarily public resources through university and government salaries that support the researchers, journal editors, and reviewers; yet, to finance the journal, the journal’s copyright restricts access to only those who can pay. The unintended consequence is that science created with the support of public money for the public good is severely restricted in serving the public good. 4. The fourth limitation is lack of incentives for conversion of the journal outputs into synthesized knowledge for understanding beyond the narrow expertise of its origins. Time spent on writing a book or article of long-term benefit to the broader community does not get administrative support and can restrict career advancement. 5. The fifth limitation is the inadequate field testing of many of the new concepts, models, and technologies to assess advantages to serve societal needs. This results from lack of funding based on lack of understanding of the benefits that groundwater provides to societies and ecosystems. 6. The sixth limitation is the lack of a global database, and the tendency for many governments to keep data from public and researcher’s use due to so-called national security concerns or inconvenience to the bureaucracy. The GW-Project was initiated as a step towards overcoming these impediments to democratization of groundwater knowledge. At its core is a comprehensive and living series of books, free to all, in many languages, to represent expert syntheses from elementary to advanced levels of the state-of-knowledge. This book series will cover all aspects of groundwater science and engineering, with regular updating as the knowledge grows and evolves. It is written and edited by expert scientists and practitioners volunteering their time to realize a shared vision: knowledge should be free, and free knowledge should be the best knowledge synthesized in a unifying framework. The GW-Project is answering humanity’s call to service, to transcend college campuses, national boundaries, language barriers, and socio-economical ladders, enabled by the Internet.

A.2 The Urgency

The GW-Project was born under the spirit of the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d’Alembert. The GW-Project is unique, by focusing on one dominion of knowledge, but is immense as it includes all aspects of how groundwater supports surface waters, ecosystems, and human livelihoods and relates to food and industrial production and societal well-being.

The mission of the GW-Project is urgent for several reasons:

1. First, groundwater suffers from being hidden and misunderstood. The GW-Project aims to raise groundwater into view and educate on what is needed for essential monitoring and sustainable management (monitoring, corrective actions, and protection). Groundwater is the essential sustaining reservoir underpinning all Earth’s freshwater: rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Yet, groundwater is assaulted from all directions mostly because of unintended consequences. The freshwater cycle is losing its resilience because it is dependent on

A-2 stressed groundwater. Aquifers are being pumped unsustainably, chemical pollution is common, and the types of groundwater contaminants are increasing. 2. Second, important knowledge needs to be captured before it is lost as groundwater practitioners age. The foundation for quantitative groundwater science was formed by Hubbert, Meinzer, Thiem, Theis, Terzaghi, and Hantush based on geology, geomechanics, and hydraulics. In the 1980s, environmental regulations triggered an explosion of research cutting across disciplines in surveys, monitoring, experiments, and problem solving, but this knowledge has gone without synthesis. Many who have conducted foundational studies since the 1970s are volunteering to transfer their wisdom through the GW-Project, which aims to capture their reflections and synthesis. 3. Third, groundwater is not treated as a specific educational unit in academia. Although interdisciplinary treatment of groundwater in academia provides rich diversity in approaches and perspectives, the concept that groundwater is the sustaining force of surface water and its ecological systems is greatly underappreciated. The GW-Project, by design, will present groundwater as the integrative theme for understanding subsurface and surface freshwaters in both their natural and disrupted states.

A.3 Scope, Framework, and Strategy

The GW-Project will increase the recognition that groundwater hydrology warrants the importance and complexity that oceanography has achieved in academia. Oceanography is treated as an educational discipline by many institutions, some with dozens of faculty members and dedicated programs. Similarly, the breadth and depth of the groundwater environment needs to be examined and monitored in academic institutions because all terrestrial life depends on freshwater, which is 99% groundwater and rapidly being depleted/degraded.

The GW-Project offers peer-reviewed knowledge synthesized by expert researchers and practitioners for accuracy and comprehension to serve groundwater education in four areas: 1. Students at the university level. 2. The practitioner community of scientists, engineers, and teachers 3. The broader water management and policy community. 4. The general public and high school students.

Currently, the GW-Project is engaged in synthesis of essential knowledge and understanding to frame groundwater education in the fullest sense. As the synthesis proceeds, the GW-Project will provide maps for using the material in various types of courses so that institutions providing groundwater education will be able to choose from the synthesized materials to present comprehensive groundwater education in various circumstances around the globe. This will offer a bridge to the knowledge that is currently fragmented and dispersed across disciplines. In addition to synthesized knowledge and tacit wisdom, the GW-Project is aimed at capturing experiential contributions. Groundwater science is founded on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, but its essence is experiential because the most important observations come from

A-3 the field. The GW-Project applies system concepts to the way that groundwater connects to Earth’s hydrologic cycle, including physical, chemical, and biological processes. The GW-Project recognizes the many influencing factors on local groundwater systems (topography, soil, climate, and human activities). Achieving a general understanding of groundwater requires a holistic synthesis of many different groundwater conditions. Seeing groundwater systems with clarity is encumbered by complexities ranging from geology to transient climate and land use, and consequently field conditions are understood mostly by practitioners who rarely contribute to refereed journals. The overarching goal of the GW-Project is to integrate and synthesize groundwater knowledge across broad perspectives and assimilate it into actionable knowledge in the global context. The GW-Project framework has 23 Knowledge Domains (Appendix C). Each Domain includes books within Topic areas, with multiple books organized under each Topic area (Appendix F). Although the overarching theme is groundwater, the governing factors include fluid mechanics, geology, chemistry, biochemistry, and thermodynamics with implications for surface waters and ecological systems. Groundwater is also addressed in the context of climate change, agriculture, human health, energy, mining, governance, social sciences, law, philosophy and economics. As such, the GW-Project is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. Given the vast breadth of groundwater Topics, the only way to examine, inform, and educate with credibility is to have each Domain planned by a team of experts and each book therein designed and authored by experts on the given Topic.

Scientific and policy controversies exist for many Topics that bear strongly on, or derive from, concerns about groundwater. These include shale development for gas and oil (fracking), deep disposal of radioactive waste, deep well injection of carbon dioxide to combat climate change, use of pesticides and herbicides, as well as chemical versus organic agriculture. To benefit the public, the GW-Project aims to bring together acknowledged experts to provide a credible synthesized and comprehensible presentation of these and other societally important Topics with global scope, subject to rigorous peer review. In situations with more than one credible scientific position, conflicting views will be presented to support credible debates.

A.4 Breaking Away from Convention on a Global Scale

The need for more effective management and protection of groundwater has never been greater. Solutions lie in breaking away from convention by applying the most advanced knowledge through data collection and analysis, using best available and novel methods and procedures that continue to be improved around the globe. The challenge is to identify and make them known and the GW-Project is picking up this challenge.

A key aim of the GW-Project is to use its globally expanding network to seek out and make known the exemplary successes around the globe concerning all things groundwater to inform next steps in knowledge creation and innovations to address our freshwater challenges. This includes the scientific and the technical as well as management and governance. There are large gaps between common and best practices and a goal of the GW-Project is to identify the gaps that are limiting progress so that the immense advances in knowledge over past decades can better serve

A-4 the urgent needs of humanity. We seek participants from all countries around the globe to provide knowledge about groundwater conditions, research, and practices in their countries so that the GW-Project can become a broad window to the global state of groundwater and groundwater knowledge. The GW-Project seeks and synthesizes groundwater excellence from an ever-expanding list of countries around the globe where circumstances have resulted in exceptional approaches or accomplishments. As just a few examples, Denmark, a small country situated on an extensive clay aquitard that protects the bedrock aquifer supplying the entire population with drinking water, does exemplary aquitard research; the Netherlands has an exceptionally effective system of groundwater governance, with origins that go back hundreds of years, that effectively balances the needs of the watershed, the local residents, and the country at large. China is rapidly establishing the world's most advanced groundwater monitoring network using modern technologies providing data in real time. South Africa has a tax on water use with collected funds allocated solely and effectively to water research on long-term continuity. The United States has exceptionally demanding legislation related to groundwater contamination that has forced attention on clean-up, resulting in outstanding examples of groundwater remediation. The City of Guelph, Canada, which relies on groundwater from a fractured rock aquifer is advanced along the path of establishing a modern and comprehensive groundwater monitoring network using advanced multiport systems. Much knowledge about groundwater has been acquired by practitioners in addition to academic or government researchers. These groundwater professionals supervise the drilling of water wells, investigate contaminated sites, and design groundwater extraction, remediation, and monitoring systems. The GW-Project seeks to capture the widely distributed, but largely synthesized knowledge from practitioners in various ways, including case studies aimed at highlighting the key insights gained, the new methods found successful, and the as-yet unanswered questions.

A.5 The Importance of Freshwater System Interfaces

There is immense knowledge in freshwater science with respect to the hydrological cycle and hydrogeochemistry, but generally weak understanding of what happens at the interfaces between the components of the freshwater system. Given that groundwater makes up 99% of all liquid freshwater, groundwater is key to the understanding freshwater as a dynamic system. an aim of the GW-Project is to synthesize interface knowledge.

This weakness in understanding the interfaces is due to the long-established university knowledge disciplines centred on the components and not the interfaces. The interfaces are also fraught with complexity, with key interfaces being those (1) between the land surface on which surface water flows and the soil into which surface water infiltrates; (2) between the with its capillary fringe and the groundwater zone, across which water must pass to recharge the groundwater zone; (3) where water discharges from the groundwater zone into soil, wetlands, streams, rivers, lakes; (4) where chemical and biochemical reactions between water and soil/geological media take place; and (5) between water and biological components of the ecosystem.

A-5 The interfaces are most difficult to study due to rapid changes in time and space. Universities with their traditional disciplines (knowledge realms, e.g., hydrogeology, soil science, hydrology, geochemistry, , engineering, biology) are organized around individual system components to the detriment of understanding overall system behavior; yet such understanding is most important with respect to how human activities are changing the system and to predicting future consequences. Many elaborate mathematical models can simulate the freshwater system but have limited capabilities for representing long-term system behaviour in response to human activities because of poor understanding and monitoring of the interfaces. Governance encompasses philosophy, economics, law, ethics, sociology, political science, and psychology. In universities, these disciplines are housed in different departments, buildings, and faculties with minimal dialog and research and education at disciplinary interfaces. These obstacles and deficiencies have been recognized to affect the understanding of groundwater in the dynamic freshwater cycle, but little has been done to address this shortfall. To be effective, the GW-Project strives to shine light on the interfaces and overcome discipline dialog barriers. The GW-Project has as its primary goal the creation and dissemination of knowledge to serve humanity and therefore must seek ways to reduce the barriers to synthesis of knowledge at the interfaces and seek to make knowledge from groundwater science and engineering available to be incorporated in governance. To create synthesized knowledge across disciplinary interfaces, the GW-Project is encouraging interdisciplinary co-authorships to promote critical thinking at the interfaces. To this end, the GW-Project intends to organize meetings (virtual and/or real) to facilitate the creation of synthesized knowledge at the scientific and disciplinary interfaces most important to groundwater.

A.6 The GW-Project in the Context of Developing Countries

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” — Kofi Annan, 1997

In 1990, the United Nations and World Health Organization reported that 2.1 billion of the Earth’s inhabitants lived without access to safe drinking water. In 2015 it was announced that the number of people without ‘improved” drinking water sources had dropped to less than 700 million. This categorization of ‘improved’ water supply was problematic because follow-up studies showed what were deemed ‘improvements’ did not protect water sources from excessive bacterial contamination, as indicated by E. coli and Total Coliform bacteria counts. These are indicator parameters for many other water pathogens including viruses. The number of people with ‘unsafe’ drinking water is therefore still about 2 billion.

The UN Secretary-General's message on World Water Day (March 22, 2019) stated that 2.1 billion people live without safe water, and that growing demands, coupled with poor management, have increased water stress in many parts of the world. Climate change is adding dramatically to the pressure, and by 2030, an estimated 700 million people worldwide could be displaced by intense water scarcity.

A-6 Because most of the world's surface water bodies are over-exploited, excessively contaminated, or both, the only option left for provision of safe drinking water in most developing countries is groundwater. Most of the 3 billion people who are going to be added to the global population in the next three decades will need to access groundwater for their drinking water supply. One reason why the effort to greatly reduce the number of people without safe drinking water has failed is inadequate knowledge and technical resources to effectively search for and protect groundwater resources and/or utilize appropriate water-well drilling tools and pumps. Much of the groundwater exploration work completed to date has been focused in the developed world. However, much work still needs to be done to assess and map aquifers in developing countries to identify drinking water supplies. Most developing countries have studied their largest aquifers, but not adequately delineated small aquifer systems that are key for evaluating water supplies for villages and farms. Mountain hydrogeology, including springs and seeps, is important because more than half a billion people in the developing world live on or near mountain slopes, often steep slopes, and cultivate crops in fertile valleys supplied with mountain water. Most non-replenishable fossil or ancient groundwater occurs in developing countries and this important resource, which is very large in some regions, requires careful monitoring and management. Specific challenges must be addressed when using groundwater resources in the developing world. The vast majority of these communities obtain their water from groundwater (via wells, springs and mountain streams) and dispose of their waste locally (via latrines) without water or sewage treatment plants. The effectiveness and sustainability of these water and sanitation systems depends upon the ability of those involved to find and extract groundwater, protect it from being polluted by latrines, agricultural, and other land-use, and prevent decreased recharge to groundwater as a result of deforestation. The GW-Project touches on each of these topics to help address water supply challenges in the developing world.

A-7 The GW-Project is covering many topics especially relevant to developing countries, including:

1. Exploration for Groundwater 7. Development and Management of Fossil Resources Groundwater Aquifers 2. Mountain Hydrogeology and Springs 8. Sources and Migration of Pathogens for Water Supply 9. Groundwater Arsenic and Fluoride

3. Land Subsidence 10. Groundwater and Mining 4. Landslides 11. Groundwater and Agriculture

5. Soil Salinity 12. WASH (community water, sanitation, & 6. Peat and Deforestation hygiene)

The GW-Project comes at an opportune time to make important contributions because cell phones and the internet have spread widely into poor regions around the globe. The penetration of these advanced technologies into the poor areas of developing countries has far exceeded the penetration of groundwater knowledge and the methods needed to develop safe drinking water from groundwater sources. Some members of the communities have sufficient education to use knowledge from the GW-Project, but do not have access to study materials in their country or access to online books and journals. A key aim of the GW-Project is to foster rapid dissemination of knowledge and methods to remote areas. Many universities in developing countries are striving to provide education about groundwater and an objective of the GW-Project is to be the essential source of teaching material for these universities.

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A-8 Appendix B: The GW-Project Contributions to Education

B.1 Towards a New Approach to Groundwater Education

In the traditional approach to groundwater education, the instructor invests most of his/her time in preparing and delivering the course materials and testing and marking for grades. The testing and marking are done to push the students to learn the prescribed materials. The criticism now commonly directed at this approach to university education is that it lacks in experiential learning and therefore overall is ineffective at best or inefficient at worst.

An aim of the GW-Project is:

✓ To establish excellent synthesized knowledge that is developed and peer-reviewed by experts in each topic area. This is the knowledge that students are to strive to understand. ✓ To move towards learning modules so that all of the basic materials can be self-learned by students with effective self-testing along the way. The learning modules provided by the Khan Academy are examples of effective modularized non-classroom teaching. The objective of the GW-Project with respect to university education is twofold: to achieve more effective learning and to free up time for instructors to engage the students in experiential learning, which requires hands-on lab experiments, field activities, and active modeling exercises. The GW-Project:

✓ Prepares the equivalent of textbook chapters but with more detail, examples, and exercises than typical textbooks. ✓ Will develops a tool for instructors to use to create a "map" of books and associated online materials for students suited to specific courses. ✓ Will seek instructors who want to select from the materials and create “templates” for those who would prefer a predefined course map. ✓ Will prepare learning modules and videos and is seeking advice and examples of effective field and laboratory exercises aimed at engaging students in hands-on activities (through e.g., on-campus groundwater monitoring facility and well drilling activities). For academics, the GW-Project is providing a new form of publication outlet. Academics are at present held prisoner to the peer-reviewed journal process that has established journal citations as the key measure of research productivity and value based on the citation numbers. Most or perhaps nearly all financial support and facilities used for groundwater research is based on the premise that the research will benefit societal needs. Minimal support is provided for addressing questions of pure scientific interest separate from societal relevance. Therefore, judgement of research value based on peer-reviewed citations is problematic and instead should be based on two criteria: (1) the degree to which it advances the science; and (2) the degree to which the work is synthesized and made available to serve society.

B-1 . The GW-Project is aimed at the second criterion and the main measure of success will be downloads of the published materials and other forms of feedback to the GW-Project on the published materials. In addition, the GW-Project is providing publication opportunities for materials that lack other publication opportunities. A parallel track of materials is being prepared aimed at readership that is not formally educated in groundwater science or a related engineering field, in addition to and general readership including private well owners, non-governmental organizations, environmental groups, high school educators, etc., with the goal of raising global groundwater consciousness, and providing a wide range of materials to this readership. These materials will also include learning modules for high school students and groundwater books for children to teach our youngest members of society about the importance of groundwater.

B.2 Groundwater Teaching at the University Level

Teaching of groundwater in most universities is done in geoscience/earth science or civil/environmental engineering departments and seldom examines the depth and scope of groundwater science. Typically, one or two courses at the undergraduate and master’s level are offered. The undergraduate level commonly features is an introductory groundwater course for geoscientists and another for engineers; offering much more would require more groundwater- focused faculty and room in the curriculum for more groundwater courses. However, many universities have only one token groundwater professor and therefore course offerings are minimal relative to what is being prepared by the GW-Project as suitable for university level education and to what is needed by society to have groundwater issues adequately addressed.

In the GW-Project, the university sector is an important component in the overall education philosophy that includes continuing education for professionals and high school education. However, this section is only concerned with the university sector, to explain the role of GW-Project to our colleagues in academia. The GW-Project aims at providing what is needed for anyone to understand ‘all things groundwater’ and will provide a more integrated view of groundwater and less of the traditional discipline siloing of education. The GW-Project recognizes that groundwater education needs new approaches to learning that are in sync with the way our future generation of students learns. This requires an educational environment that promotes self-learning, solving case-studies independently, and hands-on experience with science. The GW-Project is aiming for both broad and deep coverage with the hope that universities around the world will recognize the disservice they are doing to society by trivializing groundwater science. This trivializing means students who graduate from “groundwater programs’ are led to believe they have learned a substantial amount about groundwater science when they likely have not been exposed to the full range of topics within groundwater science. We expect that the GW-Project will provide significant breadth of knowledge that will serve graduate students in their research and adequately prepare students for the demands of the groundwater sector (whether that may be pursuing a career in science, consulting, or governance).

B-2 For the purpose of “education in the university context”, the GW-Project is focusing on seven pillars, detailed below, that ultimately feed into the 23 Domains (Figure 1):

Figure 1: The Domains of the GW-Project cover the needed knowledge base for a well-rounded groundwater university education. The books published in the various domains will collectively cover the seven pillars.

Pillar 1: Physical Hydrogeology and Hydrology The GW-Project will publish a dozen of books in August which encompass what is typically taught in the undergraduate and early graduate courses in this pillar. However, the coverage will far exceed what is taught in any one or two courses and therefore university course instructors will have significant material to select from and the students will be able to see what additional material is available. Addition to publishing material within what can be termed the “porous media topic segment”, the GW-Project aims to provide good coverage of fractured rock, karst, and groundwater-focused watershed hydrology, topics of which are rare at universities, yet half of the world’s population relies on these systems for water.

Pillar 2: Groundwater Geochemistry Groundwater geochemistry is needed as foundational knowledge for understanding groundwater contamination, general water quality, and better understanding of groundwater flow systems. The GW-Project includes a plan to prepare about 20 books covering nearly all relevant topics needed to understand the principles of groundwater geochemistry including freshwater, brackish water, and brines. This knowledge is needed to understand the many application areas, such as the effects of mining on groundwater and surface water, fracking, and more. This suite of books being prepared aims to address this area of university teaching, acknowledging the lack of market for such courses due the limited instructors with appropriate expertise and limited space in established curricula in geoscience and engineering.

Pillar 3: Groundwater Contamination The university sector generally acknowledges that groundwater contamination is a topic that should be covered to a useful degree but often only have a course or maybe two on this topic. More than a dozen of books pertaining to this pillar are being prepared. These materials will cover the general nature and history of groundwater contamination and explain transport and fate processes of both non-reactive and reactive solutes, including modeled and field examples of a variety of contaminant plumes. By the end of 2020, we expect to have useful coverage of the

B-3 materials needed to teach at the undergraduate and early graduate level based on what is currently covered at most universities. By the end of 2021, we expect to have good coverage for understanding of transport and fate.

Pillar 4: Groundwater Remediation Some aspects of groundwater remediation are being taught in engineering at universities and the GW-Project plans to cover all aspects of remediation in the groundwater context with emphasis on how geology, hydrogeology, and geochemistry play important roles. Work on this part of the GW-Project has not yet begun due to the need to substantially develop coverage of geology and fate and transport, as remediation is founded on this knowledge. The goal of the GW-Project is to show how and why these fundamentals are needed to select, design, and apply groundwater remediation more effectively. The GW-Project also plans to make contributions to the topic of natural attenuation of groundwater contamination, and present knowledge at the interface between groundwater science and engineering.

Pillar 5: Groundwater and Society Groundwater problems have grown to crisis proportions in many parts of the globe, including too little groundwater use in many poor countries. In many cases, this is not for lack of groundwater scientific and engineering knowledge but due to limitations inherent in water and land governance that derive from many factors including economics, understanding of groundwater effects on human health and related risk issues, sociology, philosophy, and law. The academic literature currently reflects few communications between the groundwater science and engineering disciplines and the those indicated above in the governance context. An objective of the GW- Project is to bridge the two philosophies in the groundwater context. Materials for this Pillar will be prepared by experts in governance, economics, law, etc. The aim is for these experts to write for non-expert readers in their expertise areas. This will provide an excellent induction to the integrated view of groundwater for students in science and engineering.

Pillar 6: Groundwater and Ecological Systems A premise of the GW-Project is the notion of many ecological systems that are substantially groundwater dependent. This premise is based on the fact that groundwater represents 99% of all freshwater and therefore many ecological systems are bathed in groundwater continually or temporally. The paucity of teaching and research concerning groundwater and ecological systems is an undesirable situation because land use changes, groundwater depletion, and groundwater contamination are resulting in changes in ecological conditions in many locations that are going unmonitored and unstudied. Few researchers around the globe have expertise in this topic area. An aim is to assemble enough materials to support university courses about the role of groundwater in ecological systems and stimulate graduate student research in this area.

Pillar 7: Research Approaches, Methods, and Techniques

University teaching of groundwater is limited relative to the actual scope and depth of the groundwater science. Therefore, much of the material that will soon be published in the GW- Project will not contribute directly as course materials. The GW-Project will, however, have a large amount of synthesized knowledge that will serve to help identify research topics and facilitate

B-4 research. One notable benefit of aiming to cover a wide range of topics and synthesize what is known is identifying what is not known and may be of importance. Books will also be devoted to the applications of particular research approaches to answer questions. The GW-Project is endeavoring to include as much material as possible about research methods and techniques to capture the experience of successful groundwater researchers and thus help new researchers.

B.3 Educational Groundwater Simulations

Conventional textbooks about groundwater typically have many diagrams but few created for the specific purpose of the textbook; rather, most diagrams/figures are taken or adapted from the published literature. Modeling is essential for the science to make progress but has not been well adopted for groundwater education. The GW-Project takes on the premise that modeling and simulation are essential for both science and education.

Simulations are ideal for explaining how and when parameters and boundary conditions control the character of groundwater systems. Simulations serve to show the influence on the groundwater system of parameters considered one at a time. The GW-Project will:

✓ Use mathematical models to create figures based on simulated scenarios to explain and illustrate the role of parameters and boundary conditions for many of the processes involved in groundwater systems. ✓ Use models to help students to develop intuition about groundwater systems and encourage data interpretation skills. ✓ Use models to help students to develop intuition about groundwater systems and encourage data interpretation skills. ✓ Use simulations to enhance understanding through videos. ✓ Provide directly, or link to, public domain software so that students can expand their options for using models for understanding and research. The aim of making strong use of simulations in the educational process is to show how groundwater systems function as well as how models are used to achieve understanding. This will be done by integrating simulations into many books and by providing an entire Domain focused on mathematical models as tools for solving groundwater problems. Generally, the state of knowledge of any particular aspect of groundwater science is contained in the degree to which we are able to explain our conceptual models, based initially on observed phenomena, through simulations. Although reliance on simulations will markedly contribute to educational materials in Domain 2, the GW-Project as a whole will emphasize the nature and role of the data that underpin the understanding of groundwater systems. Field and laboratory data must be used in concert with mathematical models to advance the science as interacting, interdependent realms of the scientific process.

B-5 B.4 Experiential Learning in the GW-Project: Field Exercises on or near Campus

The GW-Project is aimed at groundwater education through the provision of five main types of learning materials: (1) The books with their exercises and associated learning aids such as videos; (2) Packages learning modules, e.g.: YouTube, Khan Academy; (3) Case studies that emphasize learning; (4) Packaged entire courses as offered by instructors around the globe at their universities; and (5) “On campus” field activities and exercises as outlined here. The GW-Project has as one of its objectives to show how wells and piezometers can be installed at lowest cost in just about any type of terrain to create a network for field tests wells and sampling well to acquire different types of data to underpin learning about groundwater geology, flow systems, groundwater geochemistry, groundwater contamination and groundwater geophysics. This can be accomplished by use of small low-cost drilling machines (e.g.: less than USD 10K). The GW-Project is currently testing such drills and well installations at the University of Guelph, Canada and Mercer University, USA, to assess their suitability for this educational purpose. In this vision, it should be feasible for each university that offers or wants to offer substantial groundwater education to establish a groundwater learning facility on campus or near campus in parkland, open land or even parking lots that can be used for field exercises in a few types of courses. There are now low cost down-hole electronic devices that can be used to record water pressure and temperature so that what is happening in the groundwater zone on campus can be transmitted to the student body in real time. There are also low-cost multi-depth monitoring systems that can be used in such learning networks to enhance learning about groundwater systems in 3-D. These can also be installed to substantial depth using simple low-cost drills. In the developing countries manual drilling methods are also used to create water wells; of low cost and made of local materials (costing less than USD 1000). Some are sophisticated drilling methods (machines) and can drill to substantial depth. These methods are suitable for making ‘on campus’ wells in developing and developed countries because much is learned about the geology and drilling principles when sophisticated drilling methods are used. Another principle that can be learned concerns what can be done using appropriate technology rather than seeking the ‘highest technology’. There are now small groups operating on various campuses that design and assemble pressure transducers and temperature measurement devices at low cost because the components for these devices have become so inexpensive. These groups provide design and assembly instructions so that this can be incorporated into the learning process for groundwater students. The GW-Project is seeking universities to engage in a global demonstration project to use the smallest but effective low-cost powered drills and manual drilling methods to establish ‘on campus/near campus’ groundwater observatories for experiential learning. On some campuses, funding is available to drill deeper wells so that the observatory is more exclusive of the hydrogeology. The overarching aim of the GW-Project is to promote groundwater consciousness and the logical starting point is for groundwater students at all universities that teach groundwater “hands-on”, to know the groundwater conditions beneath their feet and for there to be on-campus posters that describe for all students to see-what is beneath their feet but out of site.

B-6 B.5 Learning Support Materials

The following is a list of examples of potential learning support materials to be created and disseminated through the GW-Project.

▪ Video lectures along with tests and other ▪ Problem assignments with worked supporting material available to use as answers and with answers provided but course material not worked out ▪ Video lectures on single Topics (e.g., ▪ Links to open source software dispersion, anisotropy, heterogeneity, ▪ Links to selected free articles, old sorption) literature, reports ▪ Hydrogeology information for each ▪ Case studies: geological conceptual country so that course instructors can model creation relate the more generic materials in the ▪ Case studies of groundwater resource books to their location development ▪ Step-by-step derivations of equations with ▪ Case studies of contaminated site associated explanations and guidance characterization ▪ Video recorded laboratory demonstrations ▪ Case studies of contaminated site using sand columns and text boxes remediation ▪ Hele Shaw models ▪ Case studies: investigation ▪ Educational computer simulations: flow methods/tools and transport ▪ Synthetic case examples illustrating ▪ Field Videos: drilling, sampling, well calculation procedures and modelling installations ▪ Case studies to show different ▪ Step-by-step descriptions to draw contour processes/outcomes and isopach maps, cross sections, fence ▪ Annotated course notes provided by diagrams instructors

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B-7 Appendix C: Organization of GW-Project Domains

Scope of GW-Project Publications

With the aim of raising groundwater consciousness globally, the GW-Project is publishing books in four categories:

1. Children’s Books - dedicated to all sorts of groundwater information for children; designated as Domain A Books. 2. Introductory Books - covers a wide range of groundwater topics, written for a broad audience; designated as Domain B Books. 3. Overview Books – comprehensive books which cover groundwater topics in a larger context in a descriptive manner (mostly without equations); designated as Domain C Books. 4. Specialized Books – primarily tailored towards groundwater education at the university level and continuing education for groundwater professionals; designated as Domains D through W Books.

Domain A: Groundwater Information for Children

This domain focusses on educational information tailored towards children, including elementary school level education. Is includes short books, stories, drawings, coloring plates, animations etc. We have already published on our website the decades-old children’s book Wally and Deanna’s Groundwater Adventure by Leanne Appleby and Peter Russell(also available in Spanish and Greek translations), with more books to follow. Through the colourful books and related materials, we endeavour to create awareness among the young ones about the importance of groundwater in a creative way.

Domain B: An Introduction to Groundwater

This Domain is designed for a wide readership, and includes various groundwater topics, including concepts and terminologies, groundwater quality and protection, groundwater development (the drilling of wells), information for domestic well owners, and various groundwater issues in modern times. Much of this Domain is also useful in education at high school levels to create awareness of the central role of groundwater in supporting humans and ecosystems. A key point of this Domain is that groundwater is everywhere beneath us and connects to the rest of Earth’s freshwater in ways that all humans can, and need to, appreciate to be better citizens of the Planet.

C-1 . Domain C: Groundwater Overview Books

These books cover broad topics written for readers who have a general interest in groundwater science. The books are mostly without equations but with abundant schematic figures, simplified maps, cross sections, charts, tables to go along and with explanations of scientific and technical terminology and the related scientific processes and concepts. The first published book of this Domain is Groundwater in the Water Cycle: Getting to Know the Earth's Most Important Freshwater Source by Poeter et al., and other book topics are (to name a few): large aquifer systems around the world, groundwater in early human societies, a global view on groundwater pollution, groundwater and human health, and groundwater and climate.

Domain D: Groundwater Processes: Physical, Chemical and Biological

These books cover basic concepts and processes with teaching modules to understand groundwater flow, groundwater geochemistry, groundwater contamination, groundwater microbiology and ecohydrogeology as needed for university-level teaching through the Masters (MSc) level for porous and fractured media and karst. This Domain provides the essentials needed for reading nearly all of the other books in the GW-Project, except for the subjects in the social sciences/ governance. This Domain includes basic education in the groundwater relevant aspects of fluid mechanics, inorganic and organic chemistry and biology and numerical simulations are used as an important way of education about the influence of processes.

Domain E: Groundwater Geology

These books cover groundwater occurrence and characteristic hydrogeologic features in various types of geology: non-indurated deposits of glaciers, rivers, lakes, wind and weathered bedrock (e.g.: laterite) in the form of aquifers, aquitards and transitional hydrogeologic units, sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks including how fractures impart permeability and fracture porosity, roles of faults in permeability and flow systems. Knowledge of how geology including weathering and chemical precipitates provide expectations about the nature, continuity and distributions of hydraulic and chemical properties. For prerequisite geological knowledge students are referred to online geology courses and public domain books.

Domain F: Natural Groundwater Systems in Different Terrain and Climatic Settings

These books pertain to manifestations of natural flow systems in combinations of geology, climate and topography to illustrate governing influences on system characteristics such as the flow patterns, hydrogeochemistry and groundwater residence time distributions. Groundwater flow systems are everywhere but few have been studied well enough for the characteristics and controlling factors to be well understood and therefore the challenge in preparing these books is selection of the best examples from around the world ranging between tropical and desert climate regions to show how the various lines of evidence (geology, head, geochemistry, isotopes, temperature) result in the conceptual model or models for the flow systems.

C-2 Domain G: Groundwater Resources: Assessment, Extraction, Conjunctive Use and Impacts

These books explain how to find and assess groundwater resources and integrate groundwater exploitation into beneficial uses including Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR). This includes how natural and induced recharge relates to sustainability and how understanding aquitards is essential for sustainable water development. This Domain includes advanced methods to analyze hydraulic test data for groundwater resource understanding and elucidates adverse effects of groundwater extraction including land subsidence, reduction of flow into streams, lakes and wetlands, and saltwater intrusion. The amount of water pumped from aquifers is generally known, but where the pumped water comes from needs explanation.

Domain H: Groundwater Contamination and Aquifer Vulnerability

These books rely on the fundamentals of transport and fate presented in Domain C to look at contamination caused by landfills, septic systems, leaky sewers, petroleum products, DNAPLs, pharmaceuticals, flame retardants, road salting, latrines and graveyards. In developing countries, bacteria and viruses are common in well water so this contamination is addressed in detail. Avoiding contamination is best so this Domain examines ways to assess aquifer vulnerability, which is challenging due to the large range in hydrogeological conditions and contaminant types. The groundwater contamination literature is larger than for other Domains and the aim is synthesis of his diverse and fragmented literature into a consistent whole.

Domain I: Groundwater Protection, Remediation and Contaminated Site Management

These books examine the strategies, approaches and technologies for remediation and management of contaminated sites with consideration of contaminant sources zones and plumes including active plume controls, remediation and natural attenuation and groundwater quality protection. This includes consideration of ways to assess groundwater vulnerability and designate and manage land use to minimize groundwater contamination. There is much complexity involved because different types of contaminants have such different propensities to cause contamination in the different categories of hydrogeologic conditions such as for unconsolidated geological deposits versus fractured bedrock versus karst.

Domain J: Subsurface Intrusions from Human Activities

These books are concerned with how subsurface engineered intrusions serving societal need, and impact groundwater and presents approaches to reducing negative impacts. Cavities are needed for mining, quarrying, tunneling, sewage piping, underground trains/subways, and deep radioactive waste repositories. Intrusions associated with energy industries include conventional petroleum wells, fracking, injection of liquid wastes, injection of liquidized carbon dioxide to combat climate change, and extractions of heat and hot water for geothermal energy. Each intrusion creates perturbations in the groundwater system that may result in excessive groundwater inflow to mines or tunnels requiring grouting or design changes.

C-3 Domain K: Groundwater and Human Health

These books draw on collaboration between the groundwater science and public health communities and focus on how groundwater quality dependent on natural and anthropogenic chemicals and pathogens can impact human health. This Domain explains how regulatory levels are established with their uncertainties. The epidemiological methodology used to assess cancer clusters is examined in the context of groundwater contamination science. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses in groundwater commonly cause of human illness but is often difficult to connect to groundwater causes. The longevity of virus activity under groundwater conditions are common water tests for pathogens (e.g.: E. coli and Total Coliform).

Domain L: Groundwater in Development and WaSH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene)

These books are aimed at the needs of a billion people, rural and urban, in the world‘s poorest countries and in poor aboriginal areas of developed countries, with emphasis on selecting locations for and creation of safe drinking water wells for families and larger ones for villages using appropriate (not-complex, low cost) technologies, including manual drilling and engine powered drills suitable for ‘self-supply’ and latrine design and locating to avoid contamination. Many water sources in the poorest countries are unsafe due to pathogens, which can be reduced by better well designs with better sanitary seals. This Domain includes pathogens testing, pump technologies, rainwater harvesting for recharge and interfaces with appropriate agriculture.

Domain M: Role of Groundwater in Geologic Processes and Hazards

The books concern groundwater as an important agent in the formation of landscape and soil as it continually dissolves and transports minerals and associated reaction products to discharge points. Therefore, over geologic time, groundwater is an agent in eroding the landscape from within, which weakens the subsurface; the ultimate example is karst terrain, where dissolution of the carbonate bedrock causes land surface subsidence or collapse. In short, groundwater plays a role in geomorphology. The distribution of groundwater pressure can weaken terrain, contributing to erosion. Stability of slopes largely depends on groundwater pressure distribution and can trigger landslides, and groundwater pressure is involved in earthquakes.

Domain N: Groundwater and Ecosystems

These books concern groundwater-dependent ecosystems sustained or influenced by groundwater such as streams, rivers, lakes, marshes, swamps, and bogs where groundwater largely governs the temperature and hydrochemistry of the ecosystem. This Topic is introduced in Doman C to understand the processes by which groundwater plays a role in ecosystems whereas Domain M examines impacts of human alterations of groundwater flow and chemistry on natural ecosystems and presents examples of mitigation measures. This Domain addresses how groundwater-dependent ecosystems play a role in the fate of contaminants such as removal of contaminants and degradation of the contaminants in engineered wetlands.

C-4 Domain O: Groundwater Occurrence and Importance Country by Country across the Globe

This Domain presents the important and noteworthy information about groundwater in each country of the world so that the GW-Project can provide a comprehensive worldview. The aim is to summarize what is known, unknown, and being investigated most or deserves attention in the future. The information about each country includes groundwater governance and factual information about groundwater quality, how much groundwater is used, where, when, and what for, and the uncertainties and trends in the numbers; therefore, when all countries are accounted for the global situation concerning groundwater will be far better known than is now the case. The GW-Project aims for collaborations around the globe to include all countries.

Domain P: Evolution of Groundwater Knowledge and Research Approaches and Strategies

For some groundwater Topics, knowledge is well advanced or mature; for other Topics, little is known relative to what is needed to effectively manage and protect groundwater through science- informed decisions. This Domain examines the state of groundwater science for various topics including what underpins the science. To understand the knowledge state of any Topic, we need to examine how the knowledge evolved. This Domain also examines the administrative structures for research and differing approaches in various countries to what has worked most effectively. Many groundwater problems are in much need of innovation and therefore finding and reducing impediments to innovation is urgent.

Domain Q: Groundwater and Society: Social Sciences, Economics, Law and Governance

The books concern the interfaces between groundwater/engineering and the various other disciplines that relate to groundwater governance including law, philosophy, ethics, sociology, political science, psychology and economics. This Domain seeks contributions resulting from cross disciplinary dialog and interdisciplinary collaborations that synthesize information from many disciplines to be understandable to all. This Domain seeks to identify and examine the best examples of successful groundwater governance that have broad relevance and economic models aimed at sustainable use of groundwater. Groundwater depletion and pollution is tragedy of the commons and this Domain seeks to provide knowledge and reasoning for solutions.

Domain R: Groundwater and Agriculture

These books cover how agriculture uses and impacts groundwater. Agriculture is by far the largest groundwater user and is the main cause of the severe depletion and pollution of groundwater, the combined effects of which are the most important contributor to diminishing prospects for human habitation and ecological systems on Planet Earth without extreme suffering. Coverage is aimed at examining differences in impacts between chemical agriculture with reliance on large machinery and the various approaches to ecological agriculture (e.g.: organic, bio-dynamic, etc.), how agriculture influences soil carbon, water retention and infiltration capacity, and how these relate to recharge, runoff causing floods, groundwater depletion and sea level rise.

C-5 Domain S: Topics Not Well-Suited for Conventional Publishing

Scientific research can show significant advances not well-suited for publication in peer-reviewed journals. Conclusions may be too speculative, or the topic lacks perceived relevance to journal readership, or too far ahead of convention. The GW-Project will publish selected works of this nature after rigorous peer-review and welcomes works from experts on emerging topics, or topics considered too immature by peer-reviewed journals, to be ahead of potential problems rather than behind so problem surprises are avoided. We are inviting the world’s accomplished in the senior generation for contributions about whatever they choose to capture views of those who have acquired a lifetime of experience concerning groundwater.

Domain T: Case Studies

These books present valuable insights from practitioners who relay their findings using case studies focused on ‘lessons learned,’ which are essential for tying education to the working experience of answering questions and solving problems. The focus is on useful real-world examples with their inherent complexity and uncertainties in which the principles and concepts presented in other Domains are applied with emphasis on how problems are identified and formed into questions that enable effective investigations to be conducted. To answer questions along the path to solving groundwater problems, many methods and tools are available for which case studies are needed to show how they can be used effectively.

Domain U: How to Do Things: Methods, Equipment, Tools, Procedures, Models and Software

Ultimately, the degree to which we can make scientifically informed decisions concerning groundwater depends on our ability to acquire data relevant to the problem and, because groundwater is hidden beneath the surface, selection of what is the most effective or efficient methods and tools to acquire the essential data is commonly problematic. This Domain is aimed at making available information on everything that can help those engaged in solving groundwater problems do so more effectively based on the premise that “the devil is in the details”. This Domain will rely on providing detailed design information and videos showing how things are done and how software is used and on answering the common questions.

Domain V: Groundwater Education and Professional Qualifications around the World

This Domain is aimed at identifying, organizing and presenting the nature and characteristics of groundwater education in universities around the world with emphasis on identifying what is considered to be essential knowledge in the educational process with the variations that result from regional conditions and history. It will seek out examples of where and how groundwater science is taught at the high school and elementary levels to foster this globally. Also, this Domain will examine the requirements for professional qualifications and certification for practice in groundwater science and engineering with focus on what is exemplary for advancement of groundwater wellbeing to serve societal and ecological needs.

C-6 Domain W: Miscellaneous Educational Support: Annotated Course Notes, Video Lectures, Demonstrations and Archiving Documents

The materials support learning and application of knowledge that may not fit well in the other Domains such as some: (i) video lectures; (ii) videos of laboratory demonstrations; (iii) annotated course notes that cross Domains or disciplines; (iv) annotated photographs and videos of groundwater features such as springs, artesian blow outs, fractures, salt accumulations, flowing wells, groundwater-dependent vegetation; photography in caverns and tunnels and excavations showing features relevant to hydrogeologic parameters or processes; (v) documentary films no longer available; (vi) archiving reports and books that need to be made known to the youngster generations; and (vii) write-ups and items relevant to groundwater history.

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C-7 Appendix D: The GW-Project Direction and Management

The initial thinking about the vision for the GW-Project as a large global endeavor to educate broadly about groundwater for a vast and diverse readership started in 2016 with Dr. John Cherry proposing a vague vision to a few close colleagues who were positive to the idea. This led to the establishment of a committee, now called the Steering Committee, to advise frequently on how to proceed. Dr. Cherry began to invite senior colleagues to prepare book chapters in their expertise areas and by fall, 2017, a few dozen colleagues around the globe had committed to contribute books, enough for the vision to take on some credibility.

Dr. Cherry is the Steering Committee Chair and Project Leader. The Steering Committee became a more formal managing entity in 2018 with two members of this Committee taking on exceptional responsibilities: in effect but without titles, Dr. Eileen Poeter became the ‘managing director’ and Dr. Everton de Oliveira became responsible for the web publishing process and GW-Project publicity. Also, the Steering Committee was expanded from its initial 5 members to its present 11 members. A Project Coordinator (Amanda Sills, MSc) was hired part time in late 2018 with funds from early donations and support from the G360 Institute for Groundwater Research at the University of Guelph. In early 2020, Dr. Ineke Kalwij joined the Steering Committee and took on the lead for the ‘lay persons and high school’ education part of the Project and assisting with the project management. In the summer of 2020, Dr. Paul Hsieh joined the Steering Committee to take the lead in the development and management of the GW-Project website.

When larger funding becomes available, additional project coordination support is the highest priority because at present the limiting factor in the communications and production of books is the processing of manuscripts through the rigorous multi-stage peer review process.

The management and direction of the GW-Project is virtual; there have been no face-to-face group meetings although Dr. Cherry has met with all members of the Steering Committee. There are weekly and often daily communications within the Steering Committee. The GW-Project is managed by consensus with Dr. Cherry leading. With this low-cost and informal management approach relying on volunteerism, cooperation and collaboration.

There is also an Advisory Committee with 13 members, each member is participating in the GW-Project in one way or another, including participation in preparation of books, review of book drafts, and responding to requests for advice or fundraising. However, this committee was not activated to function as a whole as a formal advisory entity. This is planned for the future along with the addition of a few more members for broader geographic distribution and scope.

Dr. Cherry is committed to continue in his current role for the next two years and the makeup of the Steering Committee is expected to remain the same with possibilities for minor changes.

D-1 . Steering Committee Chair & Project Leader

Dr. John Cherry, after study in the USA and a post-doc in France, joined the University of Waterloo in 1971 for field research on the migration and fate of contaminants in groundwater and their remediation. He co-authored “Groundwater” with R.A. Freeze (1979) and co-edited/co-authored several chapters in the book “Dense Chlorinated Solvents….in Groundwater” (1996). He is the founding Director of the University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research. At the G360 Centre for Groundwater Research, University of Guelph, he participates in research on groundwater monitoring technologies and creating safe wells for rural people in remote terrain. He was Chair of the Canadian Expert Panel on Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas development (2012-2014). He is a Foreign Member of the U.S. Academy of Engineering. He received the Lee Kwan Yew Water Prize in 2016, and the Stockholm Water Prize, 2020.

Steering Committee

Dr. Ying Fan is a professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University – New Brunswick. Her research centers on how hydrologic processes modulate global water, energy, and biogeochemical cycles, and in particular how water shapes land plants at evolutionary time scales. She served on the National Academy of Science (NAS) Committee on Future Water Resource Needs for the Nation, the editorial board of the Journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), the Board of Directors of CUAHSI (Consortium of Universities for Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc.), and is currently serving on NASA Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC), the editorial board of the journal Hydrological Processes (HYP), and the Amazon Science Panel on the state of the Amazon commissioned by the UN.

Dr. R. Allan Freeze worked as a research scientist for Environment Canada, and at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, and then spent many years as a professor of Geological Engineering at the University of British Columbia. His research contributions have been honored with several international awards. He has been elected to the Royal Society of Canada and U.S. National Academy of Engineering. He is a former Editor of the journal Water Resources Research. In 2002, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Waterloo. He is coauthor, with John Cherry, of the widely used textbook “Groundwater.” He is also the author of two popular-science books: “The Environmental Pendulum: A Quest for the Truth about Toxic Chemicals, Human Health, and Environmental Protection,” and “The Fluoride Wars: How a Modest Public Health Measure Became America’s Longest-Running Political Melodrama.”

Dr. Paul Hsieh is an independent groundwater hydrologist, having retired in 2018 from the U.S. Geological Survey after 41 years of service as a research hydrologist. He received his B.S.E. from Princeton University in Civil Engineering, and M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in Hydrology and Water Resources. His research at the USGS spanned over diverse topics that included groundwater flow and solute transport in fractured rocks, development and application of computer simulation models, interaction between groundwater and earthquakes, and volcano hydrology. During the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, he served on the federal government’s science team on oil spill response. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America and the American Geophysical Union and received the Service to America medal in 2011 from the Partnership for Public Service.

D-2 Dr. Ineke Kalwij is a hydrogeologist and engineer, working as an independent consultant in British Columbia, Canada, in the realms of groundwater exploration and development, groundwater investigations, and groundwater management. Originally trained in irrigation engineering and water management, she further specialized in groundwater after developing an interest in this field during her work in applied research with the International Water Management Institute in Pakistan. She pursued a Ph.D. in groundwater with a focus on systems analysis and optimization for solving groundwater contamination problems. She co-authored a book on groundwater optimization and is co-inventor of a groundwater optimization patent. Dr. Kalwij teaches seminars/workshops in groundwater resources and protection, tailored towards professionals, with as main goal creating groundwater awareness.

Dr. Douglas Mackay is Adjunct Professor Emeritus, Department of Land, Air & Water Resources, University of California, Davis. His research included field tests and modeling of contaminant transport, transformation, and remediation in the subsurface, laboratory studies of processes controlling field behavior, development of groundwater remediation technologies, methods for estimating total mass discharge of, and thus risk presented by, contaminants in groundwater or the vadose zone, and methods for release of solutes (remediation amendments, tracers) into groundwater. He taught graduate classes on Transport and Fate of Organic Contaminants and Natural and Engineered Groundwater Remediation, served on two US National Research Council committees, collaborated on applied research involving pilot tests with consulting firms, and is co-inventor on two groundwater remediation patents.

Dr. Stephen R. Moran, trained as a geologist, has focused his career on research that creates knowledge that serves society. The middle third of his 50-year career investigated the impact on groundwater of mining and reclamation of surface coal mines in North Dakota and Alberta. Pleistocene glacial geology and history were the focus of the early years of Dr. Moran’s research. Among contributions during the latter part of his career, Dr. Moran has guided public sector funding of research, innovation, and technology transfer. Important roles have included leading CRESTech, Ontario Centre of Excellence that funded collaborative industry/university research in earth and space technology. He was a member of teams that created Alberta’s Fiber Road Map and Genomics Framework. He served on the board of the Canadian Water Network. He has assisted Alberta and Ontario government and NGO organizations in improving effectiveness through performance measurement systems. He was part of the team that supported the Alberta Premier’s Council for Economic Strategy.

Dr. Everton de Oliveira is the founder and President of Hidroplan, Brazil, a consulting company, and the founder and Director-President of the Sustainable Water Institute, Brazil. He is a geologist and holds a PhD from the University of Waterloo. For 21 years he was an adjunct professor at the universities USP and UNESP, Brazil. He is the Chief Editor of the Revista Águas Subterrâneas, the Brazilian groundwater journal since 2008 and Associate Editor of the Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation since 2012. He was the President of the Brazilian Groundwater Association (ABAS) 2007/8 and is its Executive Secretary since 2009. He has organized more than 50 congresses and seminars and presided over many of them. He focuses on offering groundwater knowledge to a large audience. He crowd- sourced a team of 350+ people who translated the Freeze and Cherry textbook into Portuguese in 75 days and reached a 50,000+ download mark in less than a year.

Dr. Beth L. Parker holds the NSERC Industrial Chair in Groundwater Contamination and is a professor in the School of Engineering, University of Guelph (UoG) with focus on fractured media hydrogeology, especially the role of diffusion on contaminant mobility, attenuation and remediation performance. Her emphasis on field methods and a systems approach to groundwater science focused on long-term studies of contaminated industrial sites is helping to protect water supplies in Canada, USA and worldwide, with her methods applied globally by those investigating complex contaminated sites. She is establishing on the UoG campus, a unique ‘groundwater discovery center’. She has received the John Hem award (2009, NGWA), M. King Hubbert award (2018, NGWA), and AGU Fellowship (2019, AGU). She is the Founding Director of the G360 Institute for Groundwater Research at UoG for facilitating, with her team of staff scientists, technicians and students, international collaborations for field-based research and technology transfer.

D-3 Dr. Eileen Poeter is an Emeritus Professor of Geological Engineering at Colorado School of Mines, where she taught groundwater engineering and modeling courses; Past Director of the International Ground Water Modeling Center; and retired President of Poeter Engineering. With 40 years of experience modeling groundwater systems, she has consulted to attorneys, industries, engineering companies, government agencies, research labs, and citizen groups on groundwater modeling projects for: aquifer storage and recovery; slurry wall performance; drainage at proposed nuclear power plant facilities; regional groundwater management, large-scale regional pumping, dam seepage, contaminant migration, impacts of dewatering, and stream-aquifer interaction. Dr. Poeter is an author of groundwater modeling software including evaluation of model sensitivity, assessment of data needs, model calibration, selection and ranking of models, and evaluation of predictive uncertainty. She was the NGWA Darcy Lecturer in 2006 and received the M. King Hubbert award in 2017 as well as being an NGWA Fellow and Life Member.

Dr. Warren W. Wood is currently a Visiting Professor of Hydrogeology in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University and formally the Christiansen Fellow, St. Catherin’s College, Oxford University, U.K. and Research Hydrologist U.S. Geological Survey. Warren has published more than 120 research articles on hydrogeology of arid areas and lectured at over 100 universities in North America, China, Botswana, Japan, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordon, Qatar, U.K. Germany, France, and Mexico. Warren was awarded the Meritorious Service Award by the U. S. Department of Interior; M. King Hubbert Medal by the National Ground Water Association; Distinguished Service Award, Geological Society of America and Elected Fellow of the Geological Society of America. Warren served at Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Ground Water and testified before U.S. congress, briefed the Secretary of Interior, and Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on role of hydrogeology in nuclear waste disposal.

Dr. Yan Zheng became a Chair Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), in Shenzhen, China in 2016. Her multi-disciplinary research contributed to the reduction of exposure to arsenic in private well waters in Bangladesh, China and USA. She has published >100 peer reviewed journal articles (Google Scholar citation > 8000, h-index 46) in areas including geochemistry, hydrogeology, environmental health and policy. She obtained her PhD from Columbia University in 1999. Between 1998 and 2016, she held tenured faculty and administrative appointments at the City University of New York and research appointments at Columbia University. She was a water and sanitation specialist with UNICEF Bangladesh between 2009 and 2011. Currently, she serves as an Associate Editor for Water Resources Research and as a Co-Chair for the International Association of Hydrogeologists – Managing Aquifer Recharge Commission. Professor Zheng was elected a fellow of the Geological Society of America in 2010.

Advisory Committee

Shafick Adams, Executive Manager, Water Research Commission, South Africa. He currently chairs the Groundwater Division of the Geological Society of South Africa and is co-chair of the International Water Association's Groundwater Restoration and Management Specialist Group. His research focus is on understanding the catchment processes and land-use activities that influence the quality and quantity of our water resources. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa.

Bill Alley, Science and Technology Director, National Ground Water Association, USA; formerly, Chief of the Office of Groundwater at the U.S. Geological Survey for almost two decades. He was the groundwater coordinator in the National Water Quality Assessment Program and coordinator of the Regional Aquifer System Analysis Program. He is the co- author, with his wife Rosemarie, of three books: The War on the EPA (2020), High and Dry (2017) and Too Hot to Touch (2012).

Stephen Foster, recent posts include World Health Organization-Groundwater Advisor for Latin America/ Caribbean (1986-89), British Geological Survey-Divisional Director for Environmental Surveys (1990-99), University of London Visiting Professor of Groundwater Science (1993-2010), World Bank-Groundwater Management Team Director (2001-

D-4 11). International Association of Hydrogeologists President (2004-2008). Awards include British IWES-Whitaker Medal (1976), Foreign Member – Spanish Real Academia de Ciencias (1993), IAH Presidents’ Award (2004), William Smith Medal (2006) of the London Geological Society

Ken Goldstein, Sr Vice President at WSP USA Inc., Government Restoration Services, formerly Senior Vice President, Water and Environmental Systems at Louis Berger, USA; has directed more than 1000 hazardous waste projects. He has served as an advisor to the NGWA and USEPA on characterization techniques and remediation at fractured rock sites. 38+ years in consulting in contaminated site characterization and remediation, contaminated sediments and ecosystems restoration.

Ken Howard, Professor, Environmental Science, University of Toronto. President of International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) (2012 – 2016) and Co-Director of the IAH Urban Groundwater Network (IAH-UGN). Director of the Groundwater Research Group, University of Toronto. Since mid-1970's he has worked on numerous applied projects in Canada, UK, the West Indies, Australia and equatorial Africa, publishing articles on topics from numerical flow modeling, contamination, environmental isotopes and borehole geophysics.

Jimmy Jiao, Professor, Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, China. Editor - Journal of Hydrogeology since 2008 and Associate Editor for Groundwater from 2002 to 2010. He co-authored the book Coastal Hydrogeology in 2019. His research interests include seawater and groundwater interaction, human impacts on coastal groundwater, slope instability, regional hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry in river basins. Recipient of 2011 John Hem Excellence in Science & Engineering Award from the National Groundwater Association.

Laurra Olmsted holds an MSc degree from University College London (UK) in Hydrogeology for Developing Countries, and a BSc degree in Earth Sciences from the University of Waterloo. She has worked as a consultant in water supply and the environmental industry for 20 years before entering the development sector. She served the IAH as the Canadian National Chapter Sec-Treasurer-membership officer for 12 years (1995-2007). In 2005, she co- founded Hydrogeologists Without Borders, and in 2011 founded UniWater Education, a registered charity in Canada that focused on increasing the number of trained water professionals in Africa.

Guy Patrick, Director, Contaminant Hydrogeologist, Patrick Consulting Inc., BC, Canada, and Partner, GeoEnviro Training Professionals. Formerly a Principal at Golder Associates and Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia. He provides technical review and project oversight for hydrogeological and contaminant investigations and remediation programs. He regularly facilitates the online dissemination of innovative approaches to the investigation and risk management of contaminated sites and has developed and delivers interactive courses based on the synthetic case study method.

Marco Petitta, Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Coordinates the European Horizon 2020 Project (2015- 2017), a knowledge inventory for hydrogeology research. Chair of the Italian IAH Chapter since 2012. Chair of the 42nd IAH Congress held in Rome, 2015; treasurer of the Italian Geological Society, coordinator of the Panel of Experts in Hydrogeology of European Federation of Geologists; member of European Commission Working Group C: Groundwater for the Common Implementation Strategy of Water Directives.

Craig Simmons, Professor, Flinders University, Adelaide, Director, National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training. Holds the Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor of Hydrogeology and Schultz Chair in the Environment at Flinders University. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. Deputy Chair of the Academy's Water Forum. Awards include Anton Hales Medal - Australian Academy of Science, 2015 South Australian Scientist of the Year, 2017 Australian Water Professional of Year.


Karen G. Villholth has 25+ years’ experience in water research and management. She is a Principal Researcher at IWMI (International Water Management Institute) in South Africa, where she leads the groundwater portfolio. She coordinates the Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP), a partnership of 30 international organizations supporting sustainable development, use and management of groundwater. Karen holds a PhD and MSc from Technical University of Denmark and a MSc from University of Washington, USA. She is editor/author of five books, and more than 70 peer-reviewed journal papers and special issues.

Bill Woessner, Professor Emeritus, Hydrogeology, University of Montana. In 2005, he was the Geological Society of America’s Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer in Hydrogeology. In 2007 he received the John Hem Excellence in Science and Engineering Award of the National Ground Water Association; co-authored a widely used text on groundwater modeling (Applied Groundwater Modeling) and continues to serve on numerous national and international advisory and oversight committees dealing with groundwater science and management.

Chunmiao Zheng, Chair Professor, former Dean, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology Shenzhen, China; formerly George Lindahl III Endowed Professor, University of Alabama. Developer of MT3D and MT3DMS contaminant transport models; O.E. Meinzer Award (2013), Birdsall-Driess Distinguished Lectureship (2009) – Geol. Soc. Amer., Hubbert award (2013) and Hem Award (1998) of National Ground Water Association, author-Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling.

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D-6 Appendix E: Authors and Reviewers of GW-Project Books

E.1 Authors (as of April 2021)

Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Agosta, Fabrizio Researcher, Department of Science, University of Basilicata Italy

Ahmadov, Ramil Senior Geophysical Advisor, Manager Rock Physics, CGG USA

Al, Tom Professor, Department of Geology, University of Ottawa Canada

Allen, Diana Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University Canada

Allen-King, Richelle Professor, Department of Geology, University of Buffalo USA

Andrews, Charlie Principal, S.S. Papadopolous and Associates USA

Antonellini, Marco Associate Professor, Geolog. and Env. Sciences, University of Bologna Italy

Appold, Martin Professor, Geological Sciences, University of Missouri USA

Baud, Patrick Professor, Geophysics, University of Strasbourg France

Bennett, Peter Principal Consultant, Haley Aldrich USA

Bense, Victor Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Wageningen Univ. Netherlands

Berg, Aaron Professor, Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Guelph Canada

Bilfinger, Werner Partner, Vecttor Brazil

Black, Bill Senior Hydrogeologist, Schlumberger Canada Canada Research Chair in Groundwater Remediation, Department of Blowes, David Canada Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo Brandenburg, JP Senior Geologist, Haley Aldrich USA

Braune, Eberhard Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth Science, University of Western Cape South Africa

Brodsky, Emily Professor, Earth and Marine Science, UC Santa Cruz USA

Brouwer, Roy Executive Director, Water Institute, University of Waterloo Canada Communications Coordinator, Source Water Protection Programs, Brown, Colleen Canada Region of Waterloo Water Services Butler, Jim Senior Scientist and Geohydrologist, Kansas Geological Survey USA

Calderhead, Angus Assistant Professor, INRS, CETE, University of Quebec Canada

Carey, Grant President, Porewater Solutions Canada

Castellazzi, Pascal Researcher, CSIRO, Land and Water Australia

Celia, Mike Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University USA

Chitwood, Derek Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, Dordt University, Iowa USA Christiansen, Anders Professor, Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University Denmark Vest Cilona, Antonino Structural Geologist - Shell Global Solutions International B.V. Netherlands Professor of Environmental Engineering, School of Science, Engineering, Clark, Shirley E. USA and Technology, Penn State Harrisburg, Middletown, PA

E-1 Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Clases, Sandra E. Engineer, Planning and Develop. Department, National Geological Dominican Jose Service Republic Cleary, Bob President, Princeton Groundwater USA

Cohen, Andrew Adjunct Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology USA

Cook, Peter Professorial Research Fellow, Flinders University Australia

Cramer, Rick Senior Geologist, Remediation Manager, Burns & McDonnell USA

Cunjak, Rick Professor, Forestry and Env. Management, Univ. of New Brunswick Canada

Curry, Allen Professor, Forestry and Env. Management, Univ. of New Brunswick Canada

Davatzes, Nicholas Associate Professor, Chair, Earth and Env. Science, Temple University USA Dehghanisanij, Postdoctoral Fellow, Engineering, University of Waterloo Canada Alireza Deng, Shang Postdoctoral Fellow, Engineering, University of Waterloo China

Deng, Yamin Professor, School of Env. Studies, China University of Geosciences China De Joussineau, Director of Technology & Operations, Beicip-Franlab France Ghislain Hydrogeologist, Institute for Groundwater Studies (IGS), University of the De Lange, Fanie South Africa Free State De Oliveira, Everton President of Hidroplan, Director of the Sustainable Water Institute Brazil

Devlin, Rick Professor, Department of Geology, University of Kansas USA Geostatistician and Hydrogeologist, Geologic Survey of Canada, Natural Desbarats, Alex Canada Resources Canada Hydrogeology and Geochemistry, Department of Geology, University of Diamond, Roger South Africa Pretoria Dillon, Peter Leader, Sustainable Water Systems, CSIRO Australia

Dippenaar, Matthys Senior Lecturer, Eng. Geology and Hydrogeology, University of Pretoria South Africa

Divine, Craig Vice President, Arcadis USA

Doe, Tom Principal, Golder USA

Dores, Eliana Federal University of Mato Grosso, Post-Graduation Program Brazil

Doughty, Mike Intermediate Hydrogeologist, Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program Canada

Drage, John Senior Geologist/Hydrogeologist, Natural Resources Canada Canada

Dusseault, Maurice Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo Canada

Eckstein, Gabriel Professor/Director, School of Law, Texas A&M University USA PhD Student, Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Edwards, Brock Canada Manitoba Eichhubl, Peter Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, Univ. of Texas USA

Einarson, Murray Principal Hydrogeologist, Haley Aldrich Consulting USA

Esser, Bradley Env Radiochem Leader, Chem Sci Div., Lawrence Livermore Ntnl Library USA

Evans, David Professor, Hydrogeology, Sacramento State University USA

Evans, Leslie Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph Canada

E-2 Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Evans, Richard Principal Hydrogeologist, Jacobs Australia

Fan, Ying Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers Univ. USA

Ferguson, Grant Associate Professor, Engineering, University of Saskatchewan Canada Senior Researcher, Geological Institute, Government of São Paulo State; Fernandes, Amélia Research Associate at CEPAS and Professor at the Graduate Program, Brazil João Institute of Geosciences, University of Sao Paulo University Distinguished Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Ferre, Ty Canada and Joint Professor, Environmental Science, University of Arizona Ferris, Grant Professor, Earth Sciences, University of Toronto Canada

Flanagan, Sara Adjct. Assoc. Research Sc., Lamont-Doherty Earth Obsv., Columbia Univ. USA

Flinchum, Brady Postdoctoral Fellow, Science, CSIRO Australia

Flodin, Eric Earth Science Advisor, Chevron, Houston USA Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University Frape, Shaun Canada of Waterloo Garfias, Jaime Professor, IITCA, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico Mexico

Ge, Shemin Professor, Geological Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder USA Senior Hydrogeologist/Program Co-Manager, Oak Ridges Moraine Gerber, Rick Canada Groundwater Program, Ontario Professor, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Karlsruhe, Goldscheider, Nico Germany Germany; Past-Chair of IAH Karst Commission Gong, Huili Professor, Capital Normal University China

Gray, Peter Vice President and Senior Hydrogeologist, MTE Consulting Canada

Green, Ronald Institute Scientist, Southwest Research Center, Texas USA

Groher, Daniel Environmental Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers USA

Grunewald, Elliot Consulting Professor, Stanford and Chief Geophysicist, Vista Clara USA

Gulley, Jason Associate Professor, School of Geosciences, University of South Florida USA Honorary Professor, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Gunn, John UK Sciences, University of Birmingham Guo, Lin Researcher, Capital Normal University China

Guo, Qinghai Professor, Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences China

Hamilton, Stewart Senior Science Leader Geochemistry, OGS Canada

Hansen, Katja Independent Consultant, Mulhall & Hansen GbR Germany

Hayes, Jordan Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences, Dickinson College USA Assistant Professor Geophysics, Department of Earth, Ocean and Heagy, Lindsey Canada Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia Hendry, Jim Professor, Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan Canada

Herndon, Roy Chief Hydrogeologist, Orange County Water District USA

Hinsby, Klaus Sr Hydrogeologist, Dept. of Hydrology, GEUS Denmark Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Hinton, Marc Canada Canada

E-3 Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Hirata, Ricardo Professor, Groundwater Research Center, Univ. of Sao Paulo Brazil

Hitchon, Brian President, Hitchon Geochemical Services Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta Canada Senior Hydrogeologist/Program Co-Manager, Oak Ridges Moraine Holysh, Steve Canada Groundwater Program, Ontario Hopkins, Harley Geologist, Exxon USA

Howard, Ken Professor, Environmental Science, University of Toronto Canada Senior Lecturer, Natural Sciences, Earth Science, Environmental and Israel, Sumaya South Africa Water Science, University of Western Cape Fellow, Geofirma Engineering Ltd. and Adjunct Professor, Earth and Jackson, Richard Canada Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo Senior Researcher, Dept. of Geochemistry, Geological Survey of Jakobsen, Rasmus Denmark Denmark and Greenland Professor, School of Water Resources and Environment, China University Jiang, Xiaowei China of Geosciences Jiao, Jimmy Professor, Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Research Geophysicist, Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Johnson, Tim USA Northwest National Laboratory Johnson, William Professor, Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Utah USA

Jougnot, Damien Associate Scientist, CNRS, Sorbonne University France

Kalwij, Ineke President, Principal Hydrogeologist, Kalwij Water Dynamics Inc. Canada Kaminski, Dave Senior Vice President, QED Environmental Systems USA Kang, Mary Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, McGill University Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Geophysics, Stanford Kang, Seogi USA University Keating, Kristina Associate Professor, Earth and Env Sciences, Rutgers University USA Hydrogeologist, Environmental Geology Service, Geoscience and Mines Kennedy, Gavin Canada Branch, Department of Lands and Forestry Nova Scotia Ph.D. Candidate, College of Physical Eng. and Science, Univ. of Kennel, Jonathan Canada Waterloo

Kenoyer, Galen Associate Hydrogeologist, Burns and McDonnell USA

Kircheim, Roberto Hydrogeologist, Brazilian Geologic Survey Brazil

Kitandis, Peter Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, USA

Klammler, Harald Visiting Professor, Federal University of Bahia Brazil

Kovac, Attila Senior Hydrogeologist and Modeller, Geology/Geophysical Inst. Hungary Hungary

Kueper, Bernard Professor, Civil Engineering, Queen’s University Canada

Kurylyk, Barret Asst. Prof, CND Research Chair, Coastal Water Resour., Dalhousie Univ Canada

PhD Student, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, University Labelle, Lori Canada of Waterloo

Lachassagne, Patrick Deputy Director, UMR Hydrosciences Montpellier France

Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Laroque, Marie Canada Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)

E-4 Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Larssen, Dave Engineer, Westbay Canada Lauer, Rachel Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences, University of Calgary Canada

Law, Alice Geoscientist, Integrated Sustainability Consultants, Calgary Canada

Lee, David Project Engineer, Atomic Energy of Canada Canada

Levine, Herb Hydrogeologist, Environmental Protection Agency USA

Levison, Jana Associate Professor, School of Engineering, University of Guelph Canada

Limaye, Shrikant Faculty Member, Groundwater Institute, Pune India

Logsdon, Mark Principal Geochemist, Geochimica USA

Long, David Professor, Dept of Earth and Env Sciences, Michigan State University USA

Lukas, Eelco Director, Institute for Groundwater Studies, University of the Free State South Africa Professor of Engineering, Beijing Institute of Hydrogeology and Luo, Yong China Engineering Geology Lyons, Berry Professor, Distinguished Univ. Scholar, Earth Sciences, Ohio State Univ. USA

Macko, Steve Professor, Department of Environmental Science, University of Virginia USA Maggirwar, Deputy Director, Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency, Pune India Bhagyashri, Mahbaz, Seyed Bijan Research Associate, Geomechanics Group, University of Waterloo Canada

Mahed, Gaathier Senior Lecturer, Nelson Mandela University South Africa

Marchildon, Mason Hydrologist, Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program, Toronto Canada

Martel, Richard Professor, INRS, Water Center, University of Quebec Canada

Maurice, Louise Senior Hydrogeologist, British Geologic Society UK

Mayer, Ulrich Professor, Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmosph. Sc, Univ of British Columbia Canada

McBean, Ed Canadian Research Chair in Water Supply Security, Eng., Univ of Guelph Canada Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Geography & Earth Sciences, McMaster McCarter, Colin Canada University

McCarthy, Mike Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil and Env Engineering, Mercer University USA

Curator of the Earth Sciences Museum and Science Museum and McDonald, Corina Canada Galleries in the Faculty of Science at University of Waterloo McKay, Larry Professor, Depart. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Univ of Tennessee USA

McKenzie, Jeffrey Associate Prof, Dept Chair, Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill Univ Canada

Meyer, Jessi Assistant Professor, Earth and Env Sciences, University of Iowa USA

Mingoti, Rafael Analyst, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, EMBRAPA Brazil

Molson, John Professor, Science and Engineering, University of Laval Canada

E-5 Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Independent Consultant, Environmental Protection Encouragement Mulhall, Doug USA Agency Mumford, Kevin Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Queens University Canada

Murphy, Heather Associate Professor, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph Canada

Murray, Ricky Consultant, Groundwater Africa South Africa

Myers, Rodney Senior Geologist, Exxon USA

Neville, Chris Associate and Chief Hydrogeologist, S.S. Papadopolous Canada

Newbury, Bob Professor, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick Canada

Nguyen, Fred Professor, University of Liege Belgium Professor, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Canada Oldenberg, Doug University of British Columbia Ortega, Adrian Professor, Geosciences, UNAM Mexico

O'Sullivan, Antoin PhD Candidate, University of New Brunswick Canada

Oware, Erasmus Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University of Buffalo USA

Parker, Beth Professor, School of Engineering, University of Guelph Canada

Patton, Frank President and Owner, Westbay Instruments Inc. USA

Pence, Bill Partner, Baker Law USA

Pennell, Kurt Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brown University USA

Pentland, Ralph President, Ralbert Enterprises Canada

Petitta, Marco Associate Professor, Sapienza University of Rome Italy

Pietersen, Kevin Senior Lecturer, Institute of Water Studies, University of Western Cape South Africa

Pitkin, Seth Principal Hydrogeologist, Tetratech USA

Pollock, Gerald Professor, Bioengineering, University of Washington USA

Post, Vincent Research Associate, Federal Institute Geosciences/ Natural Resources Germany

Price, Jonathan Professor, Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo Canada Professor, Contaminant Hydrology and Geochemistry, University Ptacek, Carol Research Chair in Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Canada Waterloo

Pugin, Andre Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada Canada

Quinn, Patryk Research Scientist, Engineering Department, University of Guelph Canada Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies, Wilfrid Laurier Quinton, William Canada University Rabideau, Alan Professor, Dept of Civil, Structural and Env Engineering, Univ of Buffalo USA

Rago, Rich Senior Associate, Haley Aldrich Consulting USA Senior Researcher, Institute of Karst Research at ZRC SAZU; Associate Ravbar, Nataša Slovenia Professor, University Nova Gorica, UNESCO Chair on Karst Education

E-6 Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Raymond, Jasmin Associate Professor, Hydrogeology & Geothermics, INRS Canada

Renard, Francois Professor, Physics of Geological Sciences, University of Oslo Norway

Rittmann, Bruce Director, Prof, Biodesign Swette Centre Env Biotech, Arizona State Univ USA

Rivera, Alfonso Chief Hydrogeologist Emeritus, Geologic Survey of Canada Canada

Rivett, Mike Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde Scotland

Rixey, Bill Associate Professor, Civil and Env Engineering, University of Houston USA

Rocha, Hugo Cassio Technical Advisor, Dept Civil Design, Sao Paulo Subway Company Brazil

Professor, Institute for Research in Mines and the Environment (IRME), Rosa, Eric Canada University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Russell, Hazen Canada Canada Ryan, Cathryn Professor, Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary Canada

Sadeque, Junaid Senior Geologist/Stratigrapher, AECOM USA

Saffer, Demian Adjunct Research Professor, Dept of Geosciences, Penn State University USA

Sale, Tom Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Colorado State University USA

Samuels, Ryan PRISM Technical Leader, AECOM USA

Scalia, Joseph Assistant Professor, Civil and Env Engineering, Colorado State Univ USA

Schwartz, Frank Professor, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University USA Professor, Biological and Ecological Engineering, Oregon State Selker, John USA University Hydrogeology Section Head, Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Sharpe, Dave Canada Resources Canada Shotyk, William Professor, Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, Univ of Alberta Canada

Simmons, Craig Professor, Flinders University Australia Professor, Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program; Dept. of Singha, Kamini USA Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines Slater, Lee Henry Rutgers Professor of Geophysics USA

Smedley, Pauline Principle Hydrogeochemist, British Geological Survey UK Groundwater Management Analyst, Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Smith, Britt Canada Program, Toronto Professor, School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster Smith, Jim Canada University Soderberg, Keir Associate, Senior Geochemist, S.S. Papadopolous and Associates USA

Soerens, Thomas Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Messiah University USA

Solomon, Kip Professor, Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah USA

Spadotto, Claudio Researcher, The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Brazil

Steelman, Colby Lecturer, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo Canada

E-7 Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Stevanovic, Zoran Professor, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade Serbia

Stewart, Ian Assistant Professor, Humanities, King's College Canada

Strack, Otto Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineer, University of Minnesota USA Suhogusoff, Research Professor, Department of Geology, University of Sao Paulo Brazil Alexandra Sznoyi, Judit Professor, Earth Sciences, Eotvos Lorand University Hungary IAH Vice President for Finance and Membership, Deputy Head of Szocs, Teodora Hungary Division, Szponar, Natalie PhD Candidate, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto Canada

Tahy, Agnes General Directorate of Water Management, National Water Directorate Hungary

Teatini, Pietro Associate Prof, Civil, Env, and Architechtural Eng., University of Padova Italy

Thomson, Neil Professor, Engineering Department, University of Guelph Canada

Titus, Rian Hydrogeologist, Consultant, Metago Water Geosciences South Africa

Tsao, David Technology Manager, Remediation Engineering and Technology, BP USA

Tyler, Scott Professor, Geological Sciences and Engineering, University of Nevada USA

Umrikar, Bhavana Associate Professor, Dept of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune University India

Ungs, Mike Principal Scientist, TetraTech USA

Van de Giesen, Nick Chair, Water Resources Mngmt., Civil and Env Eng., Delft Univ. of Tech. Netherlands van der Gun, Jac Consultant, Van der Gun Hydro-Consulting Netherlands Research Associate, Global Institute for Water Security, Univ. of Van der Kamp, Garth Canada Saskatchewan (former Research Scientist Environment Canada) Vanderzalm, Joanne Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Australia Group Leader, Hydrology and Climate Group, Department of Geography, Van Meerveld, Ilja Switzerland University of Zurich

Van Rooy, Louis Associate Professor, Engineering Geology, University of Pretoria South Africa

Vargas, Euripedes Associate Prof., Catholic University & Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Voytek, Emily Professor, Geosciences and Environment, Université de Lausanne Switzerland

Wang, Guangcai Professor, School of Water Resources and Env, China Univ of Geosc. China

Wang, Herb Professor, Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison USA

Wang, Yanxin Professor, China University of Geosciences China

Wang, Xusheng Professor, China University of Geosciences China

Walsh, Robert Senior Engineer, Geofirma Engineering Ltd Canada

Weaver, John Chairperson, South African National Bottled Water Association South Africa

Weissmann, Gary Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico USA

E-8 Author Name Titles and Institutions Country

Professor, School of Resources and Geosciences, China University of Wenping, Li China Mining and Technology

Whiteley, Hugh Adjunct Professor, Engineering, University of Guelph Canada Associate Professor, Institute of Groundwater Studies, University of Free Wittuesser, Kai South Africa State

Yan, Xuexin Land Subsid. Lab, Ministry of Land and Res., Shanghai Inst Geolog Surv. China

Ye, Shujun Professor, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University China

Zheng, Chunmiao Chair Professor and Vice Provost of Global Strategies, SUSTech China Chair Professor, SUSTech; Adjunct Sr Research Sci., Columbia Zheng, Yan China University Zhong, Jian Resident Tech Mentor, Silicon Valley USA

Zhou, Xiaoxian BP, Houston, TX USA Professor, College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Zhu, Lin China Normal University

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E-9 E.2 Reviewers (as of April 2021)

Reviewer Name Titles and Institutions Country

Annable, Mike Professor, Dept of Env Engineering Sciences, Univ of Florida USA

Barbour, Lee Professor, Engineering Department, Global Institute for Water Security Canada

Beekman, Hans Consultant, CSIR-Environmentek South Africa

Bennett, Peter AMEC Geomatrix USA

Biro, Andrew Professor, Department of Politics, Acadia University Canada

Cosgrove, John Professor, Dept of Earth Science & Eng., Imperial College of London UK Geophysicist, Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Crow, Heather Canada Canada Prof, School of Enviro, Resources and Sustainability, Univ. of deLoe, Rob Canada Waterloo Essaid, Hedeff Research, Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California USA

Fogg, Graham Prof of Hydrogeology, Earth & Planetary Sci, Univ of California, Davis USA

Fossen, Haakon Professor, Geology, University of Bergen Norway

Gale, John President, Fracflow Consultants Inc. Canada Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Gardner, Payton USA Montana Gastmans, Didier Professor, Center for Environmental Studies, UNESP Brazil

Giminez, Daniel Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University USA

Gray, Peter Vice President and Senior Hydrogeologist, MTE Consulting Canada

Gronwall, Jenny Advisor, Water Policy & Rights, Stockholm International Water Inst. Sweden

Harris, Leila Professor, Inst for Resources Env and Sustainability, Univ of BC Canada

Herczeg, Andrew Professor, College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University Australia

Jakab, Andras Engineer, Jakab és Társai Kft Hungary

Johnson, Paul C. President, Colorado School of Mines USA

Jougnot, Damien Associate Scientist, Sorbonne University France Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Kinzelbach, Wolfgang Switzerland Engineering, ETH Zurich Kalwij, Ineke President and Principal Hydrogeologist, Kalwij Water Dynamics Inc. Canada

Levison, Jana Professor, Water Resources Engineering, University of Guelph Canada

Lucey, Keith Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Arvada, Colorado USA PhD Candidate, Inst for Groundwater Studies (UGS), Univ of the Free Lukas, Anton South Africa State Miltenberger, Michael Principle, North Raven First Nation Canada

Munn, Jonathan PhD Candidate, School of Environmental Sciences, Univ of Guelph Canada Adjunct Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Naruk, Steve USA University of Houston Patrick, Guy Director and Contaminant Hydrogeologist, Patrick Consulting Canada

E-10 Reviewer Name Titles and Institutions Country

Persaud, Elisha PhD Candidate, University of Guelph Canada Executive Director of the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Canada Phare, Merrell-Ann Resources (CIER), Canadian Commissioner, International Joint

Commission Research Associate, College of Science and Engineering, Flinders Poulsen, David Australia University Poulsen, Majken Geologist, GEUS Denmark Djurhuus Rudolph, Dave Chair and Professor, Earth Science, University of Waterloo Canada

Rupert, Hans Professor, Environmental Geology, University of Göttingen Germany

Schenk, Judith Senior Project Manager, Lytle Water Solutions, Highlands Ranch, CO USA

Seyler, Helen Hydrogeologist, Delta-h Groundwater Systems, Cape Town South Africa

Solum, John G. Senior Geologist, Shell International Exploration and Production USA

Sunaitis, Maris Hydrogeologist, Delta-h Groundwater Systems, Cape Town South Africa

Teusch, Georg Professor, Scientific Managing Director, UFZ Germany

Timms, Wendy Professor, Environmental Engineering, Deakin University Australia

Tokunaga, Tomo Professor, Department of Environment Systems, University of Tokyo Japan Lecturer, Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Eötvös Loránd Toth, Adam Hungary University van Niekerk, Jean PhD Candidate, Institute of Groundwater Studies, Univ Free State South Africa Professor, Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Wang, Feiyue Canada Manitoba Wassenaar, Len Section Head and Lab Head, International Atomic Energy Austria

Zhang, Xiaolang PhD student at Hong Kong University China

Zlotnik, Vitaly Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln USA

E.3 Authors and Reviewers with Emeritus Status or Retired (as of April 2021)

Author / Reviewer Titles and Institutions Country Name Anderson, Mary Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison USA Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University Ahfeld, Dave USA of Massachusetts Amherst Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Aravena, Ramon Canada Waterloo Aydin, Attila Professor Emeritus, Earth Sciences, Stanford USA Professor Emeritus, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Barker, Jim Canada Waterloo Former Senior Hydrogeologist, Owner Beatty and Associates Beatty, Brian Canada Consulting Ltd Blair, Robert Former Senior Hydrogeologist, Principal, Golder Canada

Buscheck, Tim Former Senior Consulting Hydrogeologist, Chevron USA

Carter, Raymond Retired Partner, Hydrogeologist, Dillon Consulting Canada

E-11 Author / Reviewer Titles and Institutions Country Name Adjunct Professor, University of Guelph; Professor Emeritus, Cherry, John Canada University of Waterloo Professor Emeritus, Applied Geology & Hydrology, Sorbonne De Marsily, Ghislain France University, Pierre et Marie Curie University Exner, Mary E Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska, Lincoln USA

Fitts, Charlie Professor Emeritus, Geosciences, University of Southern Maine USA Professor Emeritus, Groundwater Science and Management, Foster, Stephen UK University College London; WHO; World Bank Former Professor, Geological Engineering, University of British Freeze, Al Canada Columbia Frind, Emil Professor Emeritus, Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo Canada

Gambolati, Giuseppe Professor Emeritus, School of Engineering, University of Padova Italy Professor Emeritus, Department of Systems and Engineering Goltz, Mark USA Management, Air Force Institute of Technology Professor Emeritus, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Hanor, Jeffrey USA Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Hermance, J F Professor Emeritus, Brown University USA

Hoehn, Eduard Lecturer Emeritus, ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland

Killey, Doug Emeritus Consultant, AECL Canada Former Senior Scientist US Nat. Laboratories; Former Program Lenhard, Robert USA Manager/Group Manager, South West Res. Instit. Maathuis, Harm Emeritus, Saskachewan Research Council Canada Professor Emeritus, Land Air and Water Resources, University of Mackay, Doug USA California Davis Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado McWhorter, David USA State University Nickel, Bernhard Professor Emeritus Department of Physics University of Guelph Canada Emeritus Professor of Hydrology, Department Earth and Phillips, Fred USA Environmental Sciences, New Mexico Tech Emeritus Cudworth Professor of Urban Water Systems, Department Pitt, Robert of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, the University USA of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL Poeter, Eileen Professor Emeritus, Colorado School of Mines USA

Robertson, Will Professor Emeritus, Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo Canada Professor Emeritus, Department of Applied Sciences, University of Rouleau, Alain Canada Quebec at Chicoutimi Professor Emeritus, Department of Geological Sciences, University Sharp, Jack USA of Texas at Austin Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Science, University of British Smith, Leslie Canada Columbia Professor Emeritus, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Spain, Jim USA Georgia Tech Professor Emeritus, Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Spalding, Roy USA Nebraska Professor Emeritus, Water Resources, Fenner School of White, Ian Australia Environment and Society, Australian National Univ. Professor Emeritus, Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Wilson, John L. USA Tech Woessner, Bill Professor Emeritus, Hydrogeology, University of Montana USA

E-12 Author / Reviewer Titles and Institutions Country Name Professor Emeritus, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Zlotnik, Vitaly USA Nebraska-Lincoln

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E.4 Authors Affiliated with the USGS: Emeritus and Current Scientists (as of April 2021)

Author Current USGS Affiliation Past USGS Affiliation Other Current Affiliation Name William "Bill" Chief of the Office of NGWA's science and Emeritus Scientist M. Alley Groundwater technology director. Research Microbiologist, Mark Upper Midwest Water Lab. for Infectious Disease

Borchardt Science Center and the Environm. USDA Agri. Research Service Senior Research Founder / Consultant / John Geologist, Water Principal HydroDynamics Bredehoeft Resources Division Group, LLC Francis H. South Atlantic Water Emeritus Scientist Chapelle Science Centre Frederick Research Hydrologist,

Day-Lewis Hydrogeophysics Branch Hydrologist, Water Resource Brian Ebel Mission Area Devin Lynn Hydrogeologist, Water Mission

Galloway Area Randall President, Hydrologist, One- Emeritus Scientist Research Hydrologist Hanson Water Hydrologic, LLC Emeritus Scientist, Water Paul Hsieh Research Hydrologist Resources Mission Area Steven Emeritus Scientist Research Hydrologist Ingebritsen Carol Hydrologist, Earth System

Johnson Processes Division Research Hydrogeochemist Yousif K. Hydrologist, Hydro-Eco Emeritus, Water Mission Area, Kharaka Interactions Branch U.S. Geological Survey Project Chief of the Leonard Water Resources Editor-in-Chief NGWA "Lenny" F. Emeritus Scientist Division's Natural Groundwater Journal Konikow Research Program Ground Water Specialist, Eve L. Water Resources Mission Kuniansky Area Denis R. Research Hydrologists, New

LeBlanc England Water Science Center Research Geophysicist, Burke Geology, Geophysics, and Minsley Geochemistry Science Center Roger Morin Emeritus Geophysicist, USGS

E-13 Author Current USGS Affiliation Past USGS Affiliation Other Current Affiliation Name Research Hydrologist, Kirk Emeritus Scientist Hydrochemists, Water Nordstrom Mission Area Adjunct Professor, Frederick L. Groundwater Hydrology, Emeritus Scientist / Volunteer Department of Geosciences, Paillet Hydrogeophysics Branch University of Arkansas Head Water Resources Groundwater Hydrologist, Charles J. Section, Kentucky Kentucky Water Science Taylor Geological Survey, Center University of Kentucky Research Hydrologist, Water Michelle A. Cycle Branch, Earth System

Walvoord Processes Division, Water Resources Mission Area John H. Groundwater Specialist, Water

Williams Science Center in New York Richard B. Research Hydrologist, Water

Winston Resources Mission Area Visiting Professor of Hydrogeology, Department Warren W. Emeritus Scientist Research Hydrologist of Earth and Environmental Wood Sciences, Michigan State University

E-14 E.5 Authors and Reviewers Affiliation with Organizations (as of April 2021) Europe Capital Normal University Air Force Institute of Technology Aarhus University China University of Geosciences Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (AECL) Aix-Marsaille University China University of Mining and Arcadis Beicip-Franlab Technology Arizona State University British Geologic Society (BGS) Groundwater Institute Pune Baker Law Danish Geological Survey (GEUS) Groundwater Surveys and Beatty and Associates Consulting Delft University of Technology Development Agency BP Environmental Protection Nanjing University Brown University Encouragement Agency Savitribai Phule Pune University Burns & McDonnell Eötvös Loránd University Shanghai Institute of Geological Carleton University Federal Inst. Geosci. & Ntrl Survey Chevron Resources, Germany Sinopec Research Institute Colorado School of Mines Geolog./ Geophysical Inst. of Hungary Southern University of Science and Colorado State University Geological Survey of Denmark and Technology Columbia University Greenland University of Hong Kong Dalhousie University German Aerospace Center University of Tokyo Dickinson College German Federal Research Institute of South Africa Dillon Consulting Hydrology Council for Scientific and Industrial Dordt University IAH of Hungary Research (CSIR) Environment Canada Imperial College London Delta H Environmental Protection Agency Institute of Karst Research Groundwater Africa (EPA) International Atomic Energy Metago Water Geosciences Exxon Jakab és Társai Kft Nelson Mandela University Flinders University Karlsruhe Institute of Technology South African National Bottled Water Fracflow Consulting Inc. Madrid Polytechnic University Association Geochimica Mullhall & Hansen GbR University of the Free State Geofirma Engineering Ltd. National Water Directorate of Hungary University of Pretoria Geologic Survey of Canada Sapienza University of Rome University of Western Cape Georgia Tech Shell Global Solutions South and Central America Global Institute for Water Security Sorbonne University (Pierre and Marie Autonomous University of the State of Golder Associates Inc. Curie University) Mexico Haley Aldrich Consulting Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Brazilian Agricultural Research Hitchon Geochemical Services Ltd Stockholm International Water Institute Society Hydrodynamics Group UFZ - Helmholtz Center for Brazilian Geologic Survey Integrated Sustainability Consulting Environmental Research Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro INRS, Université du Québec UMR Hydrosciences Montpellier City of Sao Paulo Kalwij Water Dynamics Inc. University of Amsterdam Federal University of Bahia Kansas Geological Survey University of Basilicata Federal University of Mato Grosso Kent State University University of Belgrade Federal University of Rio De Janeiro King’s College University of Bergen Hidroplan Sustainable Water Institute Lawrence Livermore National Library University of Birmingham National Geologic Service Dominican Louisiana State University University of Bologna Republic Lytle Water Solutions University of Göttingen Sao Paulo Subway Company - Metro McGill University University of Liege Stantec McMaster University University of London Universidade do Estado de São Paulo Mercer University University of Montpellier University of Rio de Janeiro Messiah College University of Oslo University of Sao Paulo Michigan State University University of Padova Vecttor MTE Consulting University of Sheffield Australia National Groundwater Association University of Strasbourg Australian National University Natural Resources Canada University of Strathclyde CSIRO New Jersey Institute of Technology University of Zurich Deakin University New Mexico Tech Wageningen University Flinders University Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater World Health Organization Jacobs Program Asia North America Ohio State University Beijing Institute of Hydrogeology and Acadia University Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) Engineering Geology AECOM Orange County Water District


Oregon State University University of Calgary University of Southern Maine Pacific Northwest Natl. Laboratory University of California Davis University of Tennessee Patrick Consulting University of California Santa Cruz University of Texas Penn State University University of Colorado Boulder University of Toronto Porewater Solutions University of Florida University of Utah Princeton University University of Guelph University of Virginia QED Environmental System University of Houston University of Washington Queen’s University University of Iowa University of Waterloo Ralbert Enterprises University of Kansas University of Wisconsin-Madison Rutgers University University of Kentucky US Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento State University University of Massachusetts Amherst US Federal Institute, Geoscience & Schlumberger University of Michigan Natural Resources Shell Global Solutions University of Minnesota US Geological Survey (USGS) Southwest Research Center University of Missouri Virginia Tech S.S.Papadopolous University of Montana Vista Clara Stanford University of Nebraska Westbay The Water Institute U. of Waterloo University of Nevada Wilfrid Laurier University Temple University University of New Brunswick Wisconsin Geological Survey Tetratech University of New Mexico World Bank Texas A&M University University of Ottawa Yale University University of Alabama University of Quebec

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University of Alberta University of Saskatchewan University of British Columbia University of South Carolina University of Buffalo University of South Florida

E-15 Appendix F: List of Books and Authors

The primary division of the GW-Project is by Domain. Domains are divided into Topics and then Books. Books may be added, deleted, or renamed (those below have proposed titles); suggestions are always welcome. Individuals who have already agreed to be responsible for coordinating a Domain, Topic, or Book are indicated. The GW-Project currently includes over 200 books with assigned authors across the 23 Domains, as outlined below.

Domain A: Groundwater Information for Children Domain Lead: Peter Gray, Corina McDonald, and Colleen Brown Books: 1. Wally & Deanna’s Groundwater Adventure, Leanne Appleby, Peter Russel, a 1993 publication 2. The World of Groundwater 3. Groundwater Information for Children: Peter Gray, Corina McDonald, Colleen Brown

Domain B: An Introduction to Groundwater Domain Lead: Ineke Kalwij and John Cherry Books: 1. Introduction to Groundwater and Aquifers, Ineke Kalwij, John Cherry 2. Groundwater Quality, Pollution and Protection Ineke Kalwij, John Cherry and others 3. Karst Groundwater Systems 4. Groundwater Development and Well & Aquifer Testing, Ineke Kalwij, John Cherry 5. Groundwater Issues in Modern Times 6. Groundwater and Well Information for the Domestic Well Owner, Peter Gray 7. Groundwater problem solving exercises for high school students

Domain C: Groundwater Overview Books Domain Lead: Eileen Poeter, John Cherry, and Ineke Kalwij Books: 1. Groundwater in the Water Cycle: Getting to Know the Earth's Most Important Freshwater Source: Eileen Poeter, Ying Fan, John Cherry, Warren Wood, Doug Mackay 2. Overview of Groundwater Issues, Problems and Solutions in the Global Water Crisis: John Cherry, Bill Woessner 3. Groundwater in Early Human Societies: Warren Wood, Jimmy Jiao, Craig Simmons 4. Large Aquifer Systems Around the World: Jac van der Gun 5. Groundwater Pollution: A Global View: Douglas Mackay, John Cherry, Beth Parker 6. Groundwater and Modern Agriculture: Depletion, Pollution and Alternative Paths: Charlie Andrews 7. Groundwater and Bottled Water: John Weaver, Patrick Lachassagne 8. The Many Facets of Groundwater


9. Urban Hydrogeology Overview: Ken Howard 10. Aquitards and the Services They Provide 11. Karst - Environment, Aquifers, Management: Zoran Stevanovic, John Gunn, Nico Goldscheider, Nataša Ravbar 12. Groundwater and Human Health: The Good, the Bad and the Unknown 13. Groundwater and Ecological Systems: How Groundwater Sustains Our Living Planet 14. Groundwater and Climate Change: Diana Allen 15. Groundwater and the Nuclear Industry: Eduard Hoehn

Domain D: Concepts, Principles, and Processes: Physical, Chemical, Biochemical, Ecological TOPIC D1: GROUNDWATER FLOW AND HYDROLOGY Topic Lead: Eileen Poeter and John Cherry Topic Books: 1. Hydrologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow: Bill Woessner, Eileen Poeter 2. Conceptual and Visual Understanding of Hydraulic Head and Groundwater Flow: Andrew Cohen, John Cherry 3. Introduction to Groundwater Geology: Rick Cramer, Herb Levine, Galen Kenoyer and others 4. Vadose Zone Hydrology: Jim Smith, Ty Ferre 5. Capillary Fringe 6. Groundwater Storage in Confined Aquifers: Herb Wang 7. Heterogeneity and Anisotropy : Gary Weissman 8. Graphical Construction of Groundwater Flow Nets: Eileen Poeter, Paul Hsieh 9. Using Flow Nets to Understand Groundwater Flow Systems: Paul Hsieh, Eileen Poeter 10. The Evolution of Groundwater Hydrology from the Perspective of Flowing Wells: Jiang Xiaowei, John Cherry 11. Introduction to Groundwater Modelling: Eileen Poeter, Bill Woessner 12. Geologic Frameworks for Groundwater Flow Models: JP Brandenburg 13. Hydraulic Testing: Garth van der Kamp, Chris Neville 14. Groundwater in Hillslope and Catchment Processes: Ilja van Meerveld, Ying Fan 15. Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange: Bill Woessner and Eileen Poeter 16. Capture of Groundwater by Wells: John L. Wilson 17. Groundwater Resources Development: Effects and Sustainability: Lenny Konikow, John Bredehoeft 18. Heat and Temperature in Groundwater: Victor Bense, Grant Ferguson, Barret Kurylyk 19. Groundwater Velocity: Rick Devlin 20. Variable Density Groundwater Flow: Craig Simmons, Vincent Post 21. Introduction to Karst: Eve Kuniansky, Charles J. Taylor, John H. Williams, and Frederick Paillet 22. Structural Geology Applied to Fractured Aquifer Characterization: Amélia João Fernandes, Alain Rouleau, Eurípedes do Amaral Vargas Jr 23. Hydraulic Properties and Groundwater Flow in Fractured Rock: Beth Parker et al 24. Isotopes and Environmental Tracers as Indicators of Water Sources and Flow Rates: Peter Cook 25. Understanding Why Water Levels in Wells Change with Time: Jonathan Kennel 26. Water Structure: The Liquid Crystalline Phase and Groundwater Implications: Gerald Pollock


Modules to Enhance Learning in the Books Above • Fluid Mechanics for Groundwater Science: Harald Klammler, David McWhorther, Patryk Quinn, Bernard Nickel


Topic Lead: John Cherry, Peter Kitanidis, Dave McWhorter Topic Books: 1. Introduction to Groundwater Contamination: John Cherry, Doug Mackay, Beth Parker, Dave McWhorter, Paul Hsieh, Peter Kitanidis 2. Occurrence and Flow of Non-aqueous Phase Liquids: Kevin Mumford, Robert Lenhard, Bernard Kueper 3. Solute Diffusion in Saturated Media: Dave McWhorter 4. Theory of Solute Transport in Heterogenous Porous Media: Peter Kitanidis 5. Introduction to Chemical Transport Modeling: Paul Hsieh 6. Flux Equations for Gas Diffusion in Porous Media: Dave McWhorter 7. Heterogeneity and Complex Flow Effects based on ADE modeling: Graham Fogg 8. Understanding Mohr Circles: Tom Doe 9. Geochemistry of Nitrogen: Keir Soderberg, Steve Macko, Lixin Wang 10. Septic System Plumes as Examples of Transport and Fate: Will Robertson 11. Transport of Particles: Colloids and Larger: Bill Johnson, Ken Bradbury, Mike Borchardt 12. Viruses and Other Pathogenic Microorganisms: Ken Bradbury, Mike Borchardt 13. Biotic Transformations: Bruce Rittman 14. Compound Specific Isotope Analyses: Peter Bennett 15. Inorganic Contaminants 16. Nature of LNAPL contaminated sites: long term behaviour 17. Nature of DNAPL contaminated sites: short and long term term behaviour 18. Development of Conceptual Models in Contaminated Sites 19. Multilevel Groundwater Monitoring Systems: Technologies and Insights: John Cherry, Beth Parker, Steve Chapman 20. Remediation Approaches and Methods: Neil Thomson, Craig Divine 21. Phytoremediation: David Tsao 22. Insights from Borden Tracer Experiments: Neil Thomson, Craig Divine 23. Insights from Cape Cod Tracer Experiments: USGS 24. Insights from MADE Site Tracer Experiments: Chunmiao Zheng

TOPIC D3: INORGANIC GEOCHEMICAL CONCEPTS AND PROCESSES Topic Lead: Warren Wood and John Cherry Topic Books: 1. Introduction to Groundwater Hydrochemistry: Warren Wood, John Cherry 2. Thermodynamics Concepts for Groundwater 3. Equilibrium Systems Modeling: PHREEQC 4. The Solid Phases: Mineralogical, Amorphous, and Organic: Tom Al 5. Groundwater Microbiology: Grant Ferris, Natalie Szponar 6. Redox Indicators and Processes: Rasmus Jacobsen


7. Nature and Importance of Reaction Interfaces and Zones the American Experience: Jim Spain 8. Hydrogeochemical Processes in the Vadose Zone (the Critical Zone): Guangcai Wang 9. Free Gas Phase in Groundwater: Cathryn Ryan, Alice Law, Rachel Lauer 10. Dissolved Gases in Groundwater: Guangcai Wang 11. Cation Exchange: Leslie Evans 12. Saline and Brine Hydrogeohemistry - Shallow Systems: Warren Wood 13. Saline and Brine Hydrogeochemistry - Deep Systems: Dave Long, Berry Lyons 14. Dissolved Organic Matter: Significance for Understanding Groundwater Flow Systems 15. Dissolved Organic Carbon in Groundwater Systems: Frank Chapelle 16. Role of Low Permeability Zones and Aquitards on Hydrogeochemistry: Jim Hendry 17. Reactive Transport Modeling: Uli Mayer 18. Isotopes for Understanding Hydrogeochemistry: Ramon Aravena 19. Determining the Natural Abundance of Trace Elements in Pristine from an Artesian Flow System in a Glaciated, Carbonate Terrain: Optimizing Sample Collection and Data Quality for Practical Application : Bill Shotyk 20. Hydrochemical System Evolution over Geologic Time 21. Hydrogeochemistry Synthetic Case Study: Mark Logsdon 22. Structure and Properties of Organic Chemicals: Doug Mackay, Richelle Allen-King, Bill Rixey

TOPIC D4: ISOTOPES AND OTHER NATURAL OR INHERENT TRACERS Topic Books: 1. Young Groundwater Age Dating (CFC’s, Tritium and Tritium-Helium, SF6): Kip Solomon 2. Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotopes: Roger Diamond 3. Noble Gases 4. Argon-38 5. Chlorine-37 6. Chlorine-36 7. Carbon-14 8. Krypton-81 9. Strontium-87 10. Radon

TOPIC D5: AND DISCHARGE Topic Books: 1. From Recharge to Discharge: Diana Allen 2. Linkages Between Recharge, Discharge and the Environment: Diana Allen, Aaron Berg 3. Modeling Approaches for Estimating (Impacts of Climate Change on) Recharge: Diana Allen, Jana Levison 4. Tracers of Recharge (Chlorine and Isotopes): Peter Cook 5. Impacts of Environmental Change on Recharge and Discharge: Diana Allen 6. Discharge and Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: Marie Laroque, Eric Rosa

TOPIC D6: AQUITARDS AND AQUICLUDES Topic Books: 1. Roles of Aquitards and Aquicludes in Groundwater Flow Systems 2. Nature and Geologic Origins of Aquitards 3. Saprolite Hydrogeology: Larry McKay


4. Laterite Hydrogeology 5. Hydraulic Testing of Aquitards 6. Aquitards as Controls on Aquifer Recharge 7. Diffusion Dominated Non-Indurated Near-Surface Aquitards as Archives of Paleoclimate and Paleo- hydrochemistry 8. Hydrogeochemical Processes in Aquitards 9. Intermediate-Depth Aquitards Below Freshwater Zone 10. Faults as Aquitards 11. Aquitard Integrity for Aquifer Protection

TOPIC D7: REGIONAL GROUNDWATER FLOW SYSTEMS Topic Lead: Jiang Xiaowei Topic Books: 1. Overview 2. Patterns of Regional Groundwater Flow 3. Hydraulics of Regional Groundwater Flow Systems 4. Regional Groundwater Flow Analysis using Hydrochemical and Isotopic Methods 5. Regional Groundwater Flow Analysis using Temperature Data 6. Examples of Regional Groundwater Flow 7. Deep Freshwater Groundwater Systems in Fractured Rock 8. The Role of Integrated Surface Water / Groundwater Models in the Management of Water as a Single Resource

TOPIC D8: GROUNDWATER OCCURRENCE AND FLOW IN FRACTURED ROCK Topic Books: 1. Hydrogeochemical Alteration of Fractures 2. Saturated Flow in Single Rough Fractures - Darcian/Non-Darcian Flow: Patryk Quinn 3. Bulk Fracture Porosity, Compressibility and Specific Storage 4. Steady and Transient Flow Systems in Natural Fracture Networks 5. Unsaturated Flow and Water Table Response to Rainfall 6. Hydraulic Testing in Fractured Rock for T, K, and Ss: Patryk Quinn 7. Identification of Hydraulically Active Fractures and Hydraulic Apertures 8. Complexities in Groundwater Travel Time and Groundwater Age 9. Faults in Detrital/Granular Sedimentary Sequences 10. Fractures and Faults in Sandstone and Sandstone-Shale/Mudstone Sequences and Their Impact on Groundwater: Atilla Aydin (lead), Ramil Ahmadov, Marco Antonellini, Antonino Cilona, Shang Deng, Peter Eichhubl, Eric Flodin, Ghislain de Joussineau, Rodney Myers, Jian Zhong, Nicholas Davatzes, John Cherry, Beth Parker 11. Fractures and Faults in Carbonates; Limestone, Dolostone, and Chalk, and Their Impact on Groundwater: Atilla Aydin (lead), Marco Antonellini, Fabrizio Agosta, Francois Renard, Patrick Baud 12. Fracture system characterization for hydrogeological purposes; Methods and scales: Amelia Fernandes and Alain Rouleau


Domains E Through W

The books listed below are now in progress. Each of the Domains will have several or more books, the Topics of which are soon to be identified.

1. Role of Groundwater in Earthquakes: Formation/Movement: Emily Brodsky, Demian Saffer 2. Human Induced Earthquakes: Shemen Ge 3. Glacial Geology and Groundwater: Hazen Russell, Marc Hinton, Dave Sharpe 4. Hong Kong Urban Hydrological Processes: JJ Jiao 5. Managing Groundwater As Cities Grow: Stormwater Quality Issues and Solutions in the United States: Robert Pitt, Shirley E. Clark 6. Managing Groundwater As Cities Grow: Stormwater Quantity Issues and Solutions in the United States: Robert Pitt and Shirley E. Clark 7. Desert Hydrogeology Overview: Xusheng Wang, Jimmy Jiao 8. Mountain Hydrogeology Overview: John L. Wilson 9. Groundwater in Peat and Peatlands: Jonathan Price, Colin McCarter, William Quinton 10. Coastal Hydrogeology Overview: JJ Jiao, Vincent Post 11. Atolls and Small Islands: Ian White 12. Domestic Wells Introduction and Overview: John Drage 13. Use of Domestic Wells for Groundwater Monitoring and Research: Stew Hamilton 14. Well Record Databases and Their Uses: Gavin Kennedy 15. Domestic Well Regulation and Risk Management: Warren Lusk 16. Transboundary Aquifers: Gabriel Eckstein 17. Conjunctive Use: Richard Evans, Randall Hanson 18. MAR Considerations for Water Resources Planners and Managers: Bill Alley, Peter Dillon and Yan Zheng 19. MAR and Water Quality: Joanne Vanderzalm 20. Managed Aquifer Recharge - South Africa: Eberhard Braune, Sumaya Israel 21. Managed Aquifer Recharge – China: Yan Zheng 22. Remediation Approaches and Methods: Neil Thomson, Craig Divine 23. Phytoremediation: David Tsao 24. Background to Risk Assessment and Risk Management Applied to Groundwater Issues: Ed McBean 25. Using Mass Discharge as a Metric for Risk Potential: Grant Carey 26. Contaminant Mass Flux/Discharge – Murray Einarson, Grant Carey 27. Groundwater Quality and Examples of Risk Interpretation Procedures: Ed McBean 28. Groundwater and Mineral Deposit Origins: Steven Ingebritsen, Martin Appold 29. Sequence Stratigraphy and its Application to Contaminated Sites: Junaid Sadeque, Ryan Samuels 30. Hydrogeology and Mineral Resource Development: Leslie Smith 31. Geochemical Aspects of Groundwater Related Mining: Mark Logsdon, Dave Blowes, Carol Ptacek 32. Hydrogeology for Alpine Mine Environmental Assessments: Robert Blair 33. Overview: The Subsurface as an Energy Source: Maurice Dusseault (lead), Jasmin Raymond 34. Shallow Geothermal Energy Using Open Looped Groundwater Systems: Brian Beatty 35. Geoenvironmental Impacts of Upstream Oil and Gas Production: Richard E. Jackson (lead), Robert Walsh, Maurice Dusseault, Mary Kang


36. Geological Carbon Storage: Mike Celia 37. Groundwater and Petroleum: Yousif Kharaka, Brian Hitchon and Jeffrey Hanor 38. Hydrogeochemistry of Sabkhas: Warren Wood, Craig Simmons 39. Thermal and Saline Spring Hydrogeochemistry: Warren Wood 40. Fluoride in Groundwater: Kirk Nordstrom, Pauline Smedley 41. Groundwater Quality and Human Health Overview: Frank Schwartz, Yan Zheng, Sarah Flanagan 42. Groundwater Development and WaSH: Derek Chitwood, John Cherry and Mike McCarthy 43. Land Subsidence and its Mitigation: Beppe Gambolatti, Pietro Teatini 44. Groundwater Need and Land Subsidence in the Beijing Plain: a problem still ongoing: Lin Zhu, Huili Gong, Lin Guo, Yong Luo 45. Experiences of Learning and Struggling against Land Subsidence in Shanghai over a Century from 1921 to 2020: Shujun Ye, Xuexin Yan 46. Land Subsidence by Dissolution: Louis van Rooy, Matthys Dippenaar 47. Slope Stability and Landslides: Jimmy Jiao 48. Groundwater and Tunnels: Hugo Cassio Rocha, Werner Bilfinger 49. Groundwater and Sensitive Clays Deposits: Marc Hinton (lead) 50. Permafrost Overview: Michelle Walvoord 51. Contamination of Karst in the United States: Eve Kuniansky 52. Linking Karst Studies with Traditional Groundwater Hydrology: Arthur Palmer 53. Groundwater Dependent Ecological Systems Overview: Ying Fan, Marco Petitta 54. Groundwater Supported Ecosystems: Marco Petitta 55. Hydrogeology of Basalts: Deccan Trap, India: Bhavana Umrikar, Shrikant Limaye, Bhagyashri Maggirwar 56. High Plains Aquifer: Jim Butler 57. Edwards Aquifer, USA: Jack Sharp, Ron Green 58. Colorado River Basin: Alfonso Rivera 59. Oak Ridges Moraine, Canada: Rick Gerber, Steve Holysh, Mike Doughty, Mason Marchildon, Britt Smith, David Sharpe, Shaun Frape, Lori Labelle 60. Assessment of groundwater exploitation, sustainable management and land subsidence development in the Toluca aquifer system, Mexico: Jaime Garfias, Richard Martel, Angus Calderhead, Pascal Castellazzi 61. Texcoco Aquifer, Mexico: Adrian Ortega 62. Mexico Valley Aquifer: Alfonso Rivera 63. Guarani Aquifer System - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay: Roberto Kircheim 64. Pannonian Basin - Central and Eastern Europe: Agnes Tahy, Teodora Szocs, Judit Sznoyi 65. Karoo Aquifer: Eelco Lukas and Fanie DeLange 66. History of Hydrogeology- Canada: Richard Jackson, Garth Vanderkamp, Harm Maathuis 67. History of Hydrogeology- South Africa: John Weaver 68. Hydrology of Central America – Characteristics and Problems: Central American Team 69. Governing Groundwater Contamination under the Precautionary Principle: Socio-Ecological Challenges and Some Circular Economy Solutions: Ian Stewart, Doug Mulhall, Katja Hansen, John Cherry 70. Groundwater and Data Availability: Marco Petitta 71. China’s National Groundwater Monitoring Network; Design, Operations and Data Availability: Li Wenping 72. Groundwater Economics: Roy Brouwer 73. Groundwater and Regulation: Bill Pence


74. Groundwater Governance: Kevin Pietersen 75. Transboundary Groundwater Management and Protection in a Remote Setting: Ralph Pentland 76. Transboundary Aquifers: Issues and Management: Ricardo Hirata, Stephen Foster, Alexandra Suhogusoff 77. International Law and Transboundary Aquifers: Gabriel Eckstein 78. The Value of Restoring Groundwater: Alan Rabideau 79. Adaptive Management: Alan Rabideau 80. The Scientific Method in the Groundwater Context: Fred Phillips 81. Groundwater and Agriculture Overview: Charlie Andrews 82. Pesticide Contamination of Groundwater in Agricultural Areas of Tropical Regions: Claudio Spadotto, Eliana Dores, Rafael Mingotti 83. Syngenta Agrichemical Facility, Cambridge Ontario Case Study - Ray Carter 84. Superfund Investigation in Soda Springs Idaho 2018: Murray Einarson 85. Case Study: Impacts of a destructive stream flood on groundwater: Robert Newbury 86. Overview - Role of geophysics in hydrogeologic problems: Kamini Singha 87. Electrical Imaging: Frederick Day-Lewis, Kamini Singha, Tim Johnson, Lee Slater 88. Ground-penetrating Radar: Colby Steelman 89. Electromagnetic Induction: Seogi Kang, Lindsey Heagy, Doug Oldenberg 90. Self Potential: Damien Jougnot, Emily Voytek 91. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Elliot Grunewald, Kristina Keating 92. Seismic: Jorden Hayes, Brady Flinchum 93. Fiber Optics: Scott Tyler, Nick van de Giesen, John Selker 94. Geophysical Logging: John H. Williams, Frederick L. Paillet 95. Airborne Methods: Burke Minsley 96. Rock Physics: Fred Nguyen 97. Joint Inversion: Erasmus Oware 98. How to do Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling and Testing - Overview: Dave Larsen, Bill Black, Frank Patton 99. Requirements for Unbiased Visualization of Groundwater Data: Frank Patton, Bill Black, Dave Larssen 100. Field Methods in Hydrogeology: Kamini Singha 101. Dashboard and Low Cost Sensors: John Drage, Graham Fogg, Andy Wickert 102. How to Measure Groundwater Velocity and Flux: Rick Devlin 103. Downhole Groundwater Chemistry Sampling Devices: Dave Kaminski 104. The Advanced Waterloo Profiler: Design, Operation and Example Results: Seth Pitkin 105. Airborne Methods: Burke Minsley 106. Measurement of Total Gas Pressure: Cathryn Ryan 107. Optimization Approaches: David Ahlfeld 108. Discrete Fracture Network Flow Modeling Methods: Tom Doe 109. How to Use Modflow and ModelMuse: Richard Winston

More information about the books currently in preparation and detailed instructions to authors is available on request by contacting Amanda Sills at: [email protected].

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