Female Characters, Female Sympathetic Choruses, and the “Suppression” of Antiphonal Lament at the Openings of Euripides’ Phaethon, Andromeda, and Hypsipyle*
FRAMMENTI SULLA SCENA (ONLINE) Studi sul dramma antico frammentario Università deGli Studi di Torino Centro Studi sul Teatro Classico http://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/fss www.teatroclassico.unito.it ISSN 2612-3908 1 • 2020 FEMALE CHARACTERS, FEMALE SYMPATHETIC CHORUSES, AND THE “SUPPRESSION” OF ANTIPHONAL LAMENT AT THE OPENINGS OF EURIPIDES’ PHAETHON, ANDROMEDA, AND HYPSIPYLE* VASILIKI KOUSOULINI NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS vasiakous@yahoo.gr Female choruses abound in Euripides’ plays.1 While there are many in his extant plays, we also encounter choruses of women in his fragmentary ones.2 Little attention has been paid to the existence of sympathetic female choruses in Euripides’ fragmentary dramas and their in- teraction with female characters. A sympathetic female chorus seems to appear in conjunction with a female character in many Euripidean fragmentary plays. The chorus of the Alexander in * This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Opera- tional ProGramme «Human Resources Development, Education and LifelonG LearninG» in the context of the pro- ject “Reinforcement of Postdoctoral Researchers - 2nd Cycle” (MIS-5033021), implemented by the State Scholar- ships Foundation (ΙΚΥ). 1 There is a female chorus in Euripides’ Medea, Hippolytus, Andromache, Hecuba, Suppliant Women, Ion, Electra, Trojan Women, Iphigenia among the Taurians, Helen, Phoenician Women, Orestes, Iphigenia in Aulis, and Bacchae. Mastronarde observed that there are 15 male choruses, 62 female choruses, and 105 choruses with undetermined gender in Euripides’ corpus. Cf. MASTRONARDE 2010, 103. AccordinG to Calame, the 82% of Euripides’ traGic choruses con- sists of women. Cf. CALAME 2020, 776.
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