National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic Population and Housing Census of the Kyrgyz Republic of 2009 Book I Main social and demographic characteristics of population and number of housing units Bishkek 2009 Main social and demographic characteristics of population and number of housing units Editorial board: Chairman - O. Abdykalykov Members: - D. Baijumanov - A. Osmonaliev - N. Tulegabylov - A. Kim - K. Koichumanova - R. Plesovskih - Ch. Turdubaeva For further information about this publication, please contact: National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic Population and Housing Census Department 374, Frunze Street 720033, Bishkek city Tel: 996 (312) 324641; Fax: 996 (312)325604; 660138 E-mail: Internet: In the present publication we provide data on main social and demographic characteristics of population and number of housing units according to results of Population and Housing Census of the Kyrgyz Republic of 2009. The publication contains data on number of population, its location by territory, sex, age, nationality, language, marital status, income, data on population migration and housing conditions of households as well as. Data published in this book are preliminary and can be specified further. Detailed results of population and housing census – geographic, demographic, economical and social data on population, external and internal population migration, data on family, household and housing - will be produced in follow-up publications as separate books. While using statistical data in mass media and scientific papers, disseminating data through information nets (via e-net), hard copies, CD discs users have to refer to their sources (article 17, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “About State Statistics”).
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