St. Mary's At- Guide - February 3(Ch 23) - Grade 2 Lesson 23 Jesus Dies for Us Lesson Focus | After the Last Supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Olives. There He accepted God’s will and prayed for the strength He needed to obey it. Then soldiers came for Him. He was arrested, beaten, and sentenced to death. He showed His love for man by forgiving those who executed Him and giving His own Mother to all mankind. When He died on Mount He opened the gates of Heaven and restored man’s friendship with God. 1 | begin  Pray the Glory Be with your child.  Show your child a crucifix. Explain to him that we Catholics keep crucifixes in our homes and churches because they remind us of Jesus’ and how much He loves us.  Read John 19:16–30 aloud. 2 | summarize Summarize this week’s lesson for your child: Example: God loves us so much that He sacrificed Himself for us. By suffering and dying on the cross, He paid for our sins. That made it possible for us to be with Him in Heaven. 3 | review Review this week’s lesson by asking your child the following questions: References 1. What is the name of the hill on which Jesus was crucified? Calvary.( )  Student Textbook: 2. Why is Mary our Mother? (From the Cross Jesus gave her to us to be our Chapter 23, pp. Mother.) 112–15 3. What did Jesus’ death accomplish? (It opened Heaven’s gates and restored  Sacred Scripture: man’s friendship with God.) Mt 26:30—27:54; 4. Every time we go to Mass, what two events from Jesus’ life are made Mk 14:26—15:42; present to us? (The Last Supper and the Crucifixion.) Lk 22:39—23:48; Jn 5. Why did Jesus sacrifice Himself for us? Because( He loves us.) 19:16–42

 Catechism of the Catholic Church: 572–75, 599–629

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4 | apply Help your child apply this week’s lesson by asking the following questions: 1. Jesus showed His love for us by sacrificing Himself. What are some small sacrifices you can make to show God that you love Him? 2. Before He died, Jesus forgave everyone who hurt Him. How can you follow His example? 3. At every Mass, we participate in the Last Supper and in Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary. Knowing that, what can you do at Mass to show God that you understand the importance of what’s taking place? 5 | conclude  With your child, pray the Our Father. 6 | follow up During the week, do at least one of the following activities with your child: 1. As a family, pray one Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary (see Appendix) before bed. 2. On Friday, take your child to church. Starting with the First Station of the Cross, name the station for your child, then say an Our Father or a Hail Mary. Do this for all fourteen. 3. Help your child draw a picture of Jesus on Calvary. Encourage him to include himself in the picture.


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