®l)e €ilstt)odl) Stmetican* LXIII. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 2,1917. )*^iSa!SSa;aSaSg"> **<> 18-

• aoDmtimnits. ttODmiBrnums. LOCAL AFFAIRS Monday afternoon, in a rather one-sided game, by a score of 17-1. This was the flrat game of eitber team thia season. HKW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK The Odd Fellows and Kebekabs will at- Bijou theatre tend services in a body at tbe Congrega- Wm EC Whiting—Insurance statement Record Annual meeting of Hancock Co Savings tional cbnrch next Sunday morning. A Successful bank Members are to meet at Odd Hand-bag found requested Geo B Bridges-Strawberry plants for sale Fellows ball at 10 o’clock. M L and stock reduc- Adams—Anniversary work ing sale U. L. Morang has commenced the J A Thompson—Wall paper of repairing tbe middle one of his store Ever since this Bank was established, it M B Yount—Bar Harbor Jitney NEW WAR LOAN This building was almost a Hancock County committee buildings. has been the complete ruin from the fire, and the new constant, undeviating pur- CONDENSED TIME TABLE store will he practically a new building. of its Officers and Directors to be 8tatee pose United Government Bonds WUBB DATS. The date for the of “The presentation and accommodating to its patrons Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at Love Spell,” under the ausploea of Dona- obliging •.41 a. m., 4.21 p. m. qua lodge, K. of P., baa been set for Fri- in consistent with We feel that;itiis our duty. In common with that of every every way banking Trains leave Ellsworth for the west at 11.1V day, May 11. Thiels a comedy with music, other citizen,to help make the new Government issue a huge a. m., 8.22 p. m. C. and will be prudence. end we are arranged by Roy Haines, success. To this offering our services without 1 SUIT DAT. presented by a local oaat. charges of any kind. We are receiving for- Arrive from west at 8.11 a. m. Leave for That is we have in subscriptions E. N. trio of why steadily grown west at 5At m. The B. Bangor, alwaya ttr»e bonds when, as, and if issued. We will answer p. gladly popular with music and dance lovers here, as well as in the confidence of Write us deposits, youi Inquiries. to-day. will at Hancock ball Friday SCHEDULE OF MAILS sppear the for a concert and ball. people. at tLLSwonm rosTomci. evening, May 4, A attendance is assu'ed. The con- In ifwi Oct. F, 1916. good Your account is solicited. cert commences at 8 o’clock. MAILS anOBlVBD. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith of Wln- < W—k Dags. throp, Mass., formerly of Ellsworth, Fbom Wnsr—8.41 [a m; 4AS p m. announce the marriage of their Lewis F. Davis . Fbom East—11.10 a m; 0.22 p m. daughter Lillian to UNION TRUST COMPANY of Ellsworth SEED of New York city, on April 30. Mr. and GRASS MAILS OLOSB AT POSTOTTIOB Mrs. Davis will live at Bayside, Long Going Wbst—10.40 a m; 640 p tn. Island, N. Y. The Only Going East—8.10 a 846 m. Thing Oheap m; p Two inches of snow on the ground this Qrew Last morning, May 2, is not bad for a wind-up That Year Registered mail should be at half postofflee for tbis long winter—if it is the wind-up. an hour before mail closes. Are You to Your Resolution? E. H. Greeiy, tbe veteran horseman, was Holding out on runners this morning. He says it Pine Tree Pure WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. resolution to save moie money this year. Timothy 99J£% is his first May sleighride for at least Keep up your good luxuries in For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, twenty years. Do not let the temptation of needless step your way. May 1,1917. The last of tbe series of patriotic meet- New accounts are cordially invited. | From observations taken at the powei ings under the auspices of Donsqua lodge, station of the Bar Harbor A Union Rivei W. was hall C. GRINDAL Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is K. of P., held at Odd Fellows Hancock County Savings Bank given in inches for the twenty-four hours Sunday evening. It was well attended. ending at ****-—~ M a*ne midnlght.J of Ellsworth, I Weather Precip- Rev. R. B. Mathews the Congregational _. Street, Ellsworth Temperature conditions itatiou church gave an able address on ( 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon “Democracy.” Wed 37- 62- fair fair Fire broke out Friday afternoon at tbe Wreck at Swan’s Island. Thurs 35— 64— fair 1j Pea Seeds FOR SALE cloudy ** residence of Mrs. Daniel Card on High Swan’s Island, May 2 (special)-The Jurpee’s Sweet Fri 42— 48— fair cloudy street. It originated around the chimney, schooner H. 8. Lanfair, of New York, Spencer Varieties Sat 41— 42— cloudy cloudy and did considerable from Bermuda for St. N. Sun 43— 53— fair clear damage, gutting bound John, B., Boat Actaeon of bouse and on island Freight Mon 40- 53— fair fair tbe upper part the badly with molasses, struck John’s Collection of the roof. Tbe loss is last Tues 84— 46— fair cloudy,snow .01 breaking through ledge near here at 11.30 o’clock night, Six Size Packets draft 50 covered insurance. is believed she Regular Length, 65ft; 6ft; carriying capacity, Average 1917, 40.8° by in a thick snowstorm. It temperature, April, for 25 cents tons ; one Jaeger engine. 40hp and one Ellsworth Average temperature, April, 1916, 42.8° Dr. A. C. Hagerthy has commenced work | will be a total loss. The crew reached on a new building on the site of the one here this morning in a small boat. about 8 knots ; derrick con- A L. S O engine,7^hp ; speed H. P. which Donovan of the Lanfair says that E. F. Robinson, jr., is attending the formerly occupied by Carter, ; Capt. nected with when he left the vessel she was full of power. grand masonic bodies in Portland. was burned. The new building will be larger than the old, about 34x70 feet, and water, and her mainmast had gone by the Burpee’s Miss Helen Nealley left Friday fora two stories biph. It will be occupied by board* He believes she will be a total 25 cent Collection of visit of two weeks in Boston and vicinity. Fred E. as a Bilvy garage. The Lanfair is of 402 tons gross, and was Nasturtium Seeds James L. Cook and wife,who Lave spent Ellsworth will be represented in built at Baltimore in 1884. the winter in Massachusetts, arrived home Roosevelt’s army, if the ex-President gets For sale at Thursday. Former Maine Lawyer Killed. the consent of the government to take an Miss Mary A. of the central Charles G. Briggs, a lawyer, formerly of Hurley, army of volunteers to France. Roy C. is a vacation of Caribou and Portland, but for the past Ellsworth Greenhouse SEED NOW telephone office, spending Haines, register of probate of Hancock The BUY GARDEN Calif, in weeks in four years practicing San Diego, two Boston. has sent in his name as one of the county, was shot and killed by an angered de- These seeds need qo recommendation; There will be a for the Uni- Roosevelt and has received his fendant in a law suit May party volunteers, yesterday. jveryone knows their quality and those club and tarian Sunday school at the Uni- enlistment papers. If Col. Roosevelt’s who have them use no others. COMING EVENTb. grown To Delay is Dangerous tarian vestry to-morrow evening. “heart’s desire” is realized, his will be the There will be a regular meeting of Irene first American army in France. Friday evening, May 4, at Hancock Ellsworth and Bar Harbor chapter, O. E. S., Friday evening. After ! A feature at the Bijou this week will be hall-Concert and ball; B. E. N. trio of work refreBhmentsjwill'be served. Edmund Breeze in “The Weakness of as There is a Short- Bangor. Round Trip Daily, Except Sunday Strength,” which will be the bill for Leave Post Office Square, Ellsworth, for Bar Mrs. J. A. Chatto of East who hall—“The Surry,; The for this were Friday, May 11, at Hancock Harbor at i2.i5 p. m. has been Friday. pictures play quite ill, is improving. Mrs. a with Bar taken at Millinocket. To-night Florence Love Spell,” comedy music, pre- Leave Star Tbeatie, Cottage St., Harbor, Sophia Dodge of Bayside is with her. 35 and 50 for Ellswortb at 2.30 p. m. Reed will in “Her Own sented by local cast. Tickets, of New Seed appear Way;” in Ellsworth in time for Washing- age The 9 a. m. (Ariiving woman’s club will meet next Tues- on sale at R. H. Smith’s at to-morrow, Lillian Walker in “The Blue cents, ton County train) day with Mrs. W. H. Titus. Mrs. Lewis 8. Envelope;” Saturday, Owen Moore in Tuesday, May Fare Si .00 Each Way F. will read a Lowest Tapley.of Bucksport paper. “Rolling Stones;” Monday, “The Little Friday evening, May 11, at Agricultural Special Trips ma le to Bat Harbor ai reason- Our Prices the — Mrs. Roswell Murch of Deer Isle and Girl Next Door;” Tuesday, Sessue hall, North Ellsworth Dance; tickets, able rates. Publi Ca, to go anywhere nights and Mrs. Luther Hammons of Belfast are Dayakawa, the Japanese actor, in 50 cents. Sundays.' the Best with their mother, Mrs. Mary Laffln, who “Honorable Friend.” M. B. YOUNG Quality is ill. The Ellsworth high school has begun ^jhntisnnauk Telephone 10-4 Ellsworth, Mo. The of subject Rev. J. W. Tickle’s work organizing a baseball team, and "The Big Mstn with the Little Oar" sermon at the Unitarian church next Sun- •bout Iwentv-flve candidates are practic- H. O. STRATTON day morning will be “The Soldier’s Equip- ing every afternoon. Carroll Johnston ment.’* When Hatching Eggs has been elected manager. The captain you buy Eggs from my finest matings at half price Mrs. L. F. Giles, who has spent (he will be chosen after the team is selected. 18 State 8t. Elleworth after May 1. winter in New York with her The difficulty this year, as in the daughter past Utility, 76c a setting few to secure a \Vriting_Pa2er # Erva, who is studying vocal music there, years, is pitcher, but First 1.60 that with the clearest color, Special, is at home. Manager Johnston has promising mate- buy First 2.00 the best weight and the easiest pen, Mrs. Cora who has rial to pick from in Milton Barron, I shall also sell all of my breeding cockerels Taylor, spent the writing surface. The quickest Harold Maurice and and, to of them at once, shall let them winter with her husband in the West, has Carlisle, Googins to be sure is to ask for dispose way at $2.50 each. These birds are worth from returned to her home at Grant’s corner for Daniel Harrington. He is confldeut of go $5.00 to $15.10. Come and pick them out your- the summer. procuring a winning team. No schedule self. has yet been arraanged. Whjte&W^clttrff Mrs. Nancy Haynes, who is ninety- Office 11 WARNING! Telephone, : Additional train service will be Re,lrtence three years of age, had a severe ill turn resumed Writing Papers j U3-13 on the Mt. Desert branch Sunday morning, but is now reported beginning to use Wall W. E. To customers who intend Paper as comfortable. Monday, May 14. The early morning or if you have time, compare WHITING, train will, on and after that date, leave them. We carry them here in ELLSWORTH, MAINE this or next: Now is the time to buy. Francis T. Linnehan, who has been in year Bangor at 6 instead of 5.30. Another sufficient quantity and styles to the sanitorium at East Parsonsfleld, stationery wants, When stock was the advance was morning train for Mt. Desert Ferry will supply your my bought several months, w^s brought home yester- and you’ll like the paper. lea se Bangor at 10.30. The night train to what it is now and what it day. He is seriously ill. Storage Battery Repairing, trifling compared service will also be resumed, a train only at i The firemen were called out v8old Carefully attended to. will be next Stock and of patterns Thursday leaving Mt. Desert Ferry at 9.50, year. variety for a fire on the of the slight roof foundry, connecting at Washington Junction with' Parcher’s Store and the which from a Drug will be very limited next season, price caught spark from the train leaving Calais at 6.06. Parlor The was A. P. chimney. damage trifling. and car service on the Mt. Desert ROYAL, will steadily go higher. sleeping Hoyt A. Moore of New York spent Sun- branch will be resumed the same date. ELLSWORTH. MAINE The Maine BUY NOW day with his parents, A. E. Moore and Central steamer service to wife. His father accompanied him on his points beyond Bar Harbor will be return to New York Monday evening for resumed June 4, connection being with a visit. the first morning train down and the night train The boat con- J. A. THOMPSON, The E. H. S. met and defeated the returning. ” MAIN STREET, ELLSWORTH Junior Brothernood at Wyman park last (Contiuned on page 4.) “The Little Girl Next Door &k»3tcttMBunta. WILL HE PRODUCED AT

BIJOU THEATRE Odd Fellows Hall 5 acts. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2-Florence Reed in “Her Own Wey," Metro, Are THURSDAY, MAY S—Lillian Walker in “The Blue Envelope,” Vitagraph. Eggs Going Up! MAY 7 of Strength.” MONDAY, FRIDAY, MAY 4—Edmund Breeae in “The Weakness Eggs are going up and it is predicted tbat they were taken in Millinocket, Me. The scenes lor thia picture will reach 75c to 91 a dozen before next winter. in the 5-act “Rolling Stones. SATURDAY, MAY 6-Owen Moore photoplay It is therefore a good investment to The Wonderful Vivid Portrayal of the Fight Against Door.” MONDAY, MAY 7-“The Little Girl Neat the Awful Honor- TUESDAY, MAY 8-Beaaue Hayakawa, .the great Japanese actor in able Friedd.” Put Them Down! WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC Every Day g___ is told with no idea of appealing to the immoral, but to __Matinee even at present prices, and thrifty housewives tell a story based on and IQ cents are doing so. Buy the extra heavy Admission,_5 3^° ABSOLUTE FACTS WATER GLASS that will serve as a warning to every girl who sees it. & so IN Every mother should see that her daughter attends. C. c. BURRILL FOR SALE AT —Established 1867— Moore’s Pharmacy PRICE8, Matinee and Evening, 26 OENT8 7 and 8.45. fire and automobile insurance Oor. opp Po•toffies. Ellsworth, Rfatlne Matinee 2.80. Night this and foreign countries Representing some of the leading companies of HOMK CANNING. J«r» raw, with getKiUacountt. tl)c ®rangtro. water, tor bolted fflutual Bmriit Column. among pl“, *•> »*«• The heed „,T’» Remarkable Result* Achieved by a make fInto head * cheeee end can it BDITKD BT IDltT HAD4B". devoted to the Orange, es- Bucksport Woman. taet winter the rate SUNDAY SCHOOL This column It liked oar i- to of Hancock county too #o in DOWN pecially the grange* One ol the calls ol County Agent George well, Jenaary, when I h.T* It* Motto: a»d BROKEN The column fa to all granger* for the “Helpful Hopeful.” open Jar. I oenned N. Worden recently waa at the farm ot empty, thirty dfecueefon ot topic* of general intercut, and and 1 Samuel in While there pared quartered them, VI.—Second Quarter For of this column are succlnc y for of meeting*. Make letter* Gray Bucksport. Lesson The purposes report* grange water, but no auger, * title and motto—It Is for the rout I ehort and conctee. AH communication* muat learned ol the wonderful success Mrs. cooking o„l, stated In the IN HEALTH be to sterilixe tour 6,1917. and alms to be and hopefull be but name* will not be printed *K- minute, May benefit, helpful signed, was with home canning, and aJ„ All com- Gray having pressure and X .hell Being for the common good. It Is for the com- cept by permission of the writer. have Telit How Worth meant ol modern sauce end * 1 mon use—a servant, a purveyor of In Woman $5 munication* will be subject to approval by how, by canning apple pie, whenever public I " without some time to I THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. formation and suggestion, a medium for the la of Pinkham’t Compound the editor, but none will be rejected methods, she waa able to greatly reduce come. terchange of Ideas. In this capacity It solicits good reason. One year we the cost ol living. So thoroughly eblpped very 8n, _ and its success largely Made Her Well high bean, to communications, depends Boeton, end after the coamZ it In this res Com- waa he by what be saw and Lesson, John xiii, 1-17. on the support given peel Ct'SHMAX, OOfLD#BOBO. impressed men, freight and Text of tha 371, truckmen u munications must be but the name of bad signed, Ohio.—" I waa all broken down were beard, that be asked Mrs. Gray to tell ol their abate of the Memory Verses, 14-15—Golden Text, Lima, April 25, twenty-eight present, dollar, w, writer will not be printed except by permission. in heal th from a displacement. One ox my " with visitor* from Lincoln, Lamoine, work in form In order that a cent, a buabel left. Sow Mark x, 44—Commentary Prepared by Communications will be subject to approval or her story i lady friend* came to in tin the editor of the column, but none Schoodlc 408, 8choodie 420, Hieing Star, she been able to aurplua and we are Rev. D. M. Stearns. rejection by Bee me (be ad- knowledge ol what hat „ot „!" and of a will be rejected without good reason. Address Bay View and John Dority granges. mercy glutted market. vised me to com- accomplish might be an incentive to many of the most wonder- ail communications to Arthur Morris of Lincoln gave an This amount will a The last evening grange give i,M Thk American. mence Lydia at time heart, Me. taking address on his to Mt. others to do tbe same thing this of eix a ful life ever lived on this earth had Ellsworth, interesting trip people very Urge ahar, 0( E. Pinkbam’s Veg- lor The and true God in Vernon. Deputy Charles 8hind gave an when much must be done to make our living a year, and the eome. living etable Compound expen* . SPRING’S COMING BACK. able address on tbe present war. little as to be ecercel.v to human but not sinful flesh had been and to use E. county more self-sustaining. leit, wy^ Lydia of the Spring’s coming back to the.world pleasure ol having food on earth over thirty-three years, thirty Pinkbam’s Sanative LAMOixm, 284. Tbe home economica department ol tbe than" And joy's coming back to the heart; know is fresh and clean. in the humble Nazareth home Wash. I tak- were even- to render years The banners of winter are furled. began Forty-five present Tuesday extension service will be glad There la no reason why one coold and over three years In His public The of ing your remedies when two ware conferred on troops Kin£Bliuard;depart. ing, degrees assistance In this sort of work by way ol get some flab and can or It, some chi filled with the Holy Spirit, The aun’s climbing high in the sky. and tookHkOOworth one candidate. Final degrees will be ministry, demonstrations, and Mrs. Gray as I intend to next winter, And the clouds are beginning to break. and in two months at the next and a harvest practical soaetok going about doing good and healing all given meeting, a greater variety. And the roses, still drowsy of eye. was a well woman be served. A social was will gladly give personal attention to any were of the for sapper will pie W» would not that oppressed devil, Are the call to awake. know how to awaiting after three doctors said i never wouia held evening. Proceeds about (0. addressed to her. Mrs. Gray’s pua, with Him This Friday inquiries living In these ol wer God was (Acts x, 38). I was a mid- days price, m Though bitter the breezes that blew. stand up straight again. which Mr. Worden to was the that He had so de- story, kindly glvee out the canned passover And and chilling the frost seven and I recommended BART BLUMH1LL, 262. vegetables, mean , killing wile for years not to sired to with them before He suf- I were The Amebic ax lor follows: fruits, mention pickles. keep That tortured the long winter through. the Vegetable Compound to every wo- April 28 tweniy-eeven preeent. publication, fered xxit, 15, 16). The time that sustains wasn't lost. will lor (Luke The faith man to taka before birth and after- Next Saturday afternoon Mr. Garland This is bow one Ihmily is working He looked for- is had come to which had ] And, now that the long sleep done. wards. and they all got along ao nicely visit this place with tbe view ot organit- preparedness either lor war or peace, BEAL (JOVE. ward before world was (I Pet. 1, The humblest of alumberers there )the it is a to suffering ing a boys’ and girla’ agricultural club. based largely on a tin can and a glass Mr*. A* T. Norwood la of the sun that sorely godsend recovering ha 20). and. all their Is awaiting the call will be notwithstanding women. If women wish to write to In tha evening after recess, there Jar. a severs attack of grip. blindness unbelief He was still The gladness of living to share. ” and be to answer them. an opan aeasion, when Mr. Garland will I can’t tell where I learned to can, or m. I will delighted Mr*. Ida Norwood, of Watt Tnaw loving this Uttle company whom He The dreariest winter mast pass. so mew ^ JBOtmMoTn, 842 EkMorth St, •peak. how. I read the direction* bare, was in a —Mrs. _ town few days had chosen to be His disciples. There And the sternest of trials depart; recently 11m, Ohio. SKDOWICK. 244. but have forgotten where, and went to April is a lot of comfort In the first verse of The green must come,back to the grass 28.__ j tha drat meeting thia month, work. Other people canned vegetable* which I have In And peace must return to the heart. Women who suffer from displace- April 27, our lesson, with my and I knew I could. I did. Soothes itching akin. Heal, rota What matter the snows that we’ve known, ments, weakness, irregularities, ner- there were twenty-eight present. An en- successfully, or tag mind Jer. xxxl, 3. and rejoice in the The flrtt I without a scar. Cures pile,, Or the drifts that about us.were whirled? vousness, backache, or bearing-down joyable evening was spent. The program: year only put up green psaa, ecieaa a fact that He still loves this bit of His rheum, say itching. Doan', Olatwem. Contentment some day we shall own, need tbs tonic properties of the Tbnnton and Florence Yonng; string beans, shell beans and corn, soma fa knew It thor- pains, Duet, Kay druggist aella It.—advt. property, although He so back to roots and herbs contained in Lydia E> Spring always.comes the.world. topic, “What things are favorable for this sixty-five quarts altogether. oughly before I ever heard Him say —Detroit /Vs# Dress. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. community?” Malcolm Allen; “Wbat I used to* simplest wsy, tbe one nearest that He loved and gave Himself for —Selected by 8, tbe and things are unfavorable for thia com- at band, namely waab-boiler, me (Gal. li. 20). Peter and John hav- gtohrrtlMmintfc I them a few years, end then fmve them away, munity?” Ella Thurston; “Some of the cooked tbe canned goods an boar a day ing made ready the passover feast in Dear M. B. Friendt: bat I do not know how many times X rend needs ot this Allen. three successive days, and in tba more welcome communltyT” George the upper room to which the Lord It it witb'much pleasure I ajrtin over. I hod not seen or of them thought General discussion followed. A patriotic than live year* and tbe hundreds of jars Himself had directed them. He sat to our column tbe niece wbo tends tbe them for yetn end year*, so when I cane program will be given at tha next meet- I have put ap, I have never lost a jar down with the twelve, saying as He following letter, though very sorry to hear •cross the books after each • long time it an ing. except by breakage. took with them that He would that tile is not able to be about and seemed like meeting old friend. _ part enjoy That first to tbs March 12,1917. Sadis. BBW DEDHAM. yew opened my eyes not eat of it more nor drink of life as in tbe old We tbe warm 8anset, CESTCBT, *8, any days. hope possibilities ol canning. Our garden bad tne mm or tne vine unui rne Kingdom will her health and Tbe 28 included readings days bring Returning program April been a toward readers of 1 am alsrays great help supply- of God should come. Then He insti- tnd that we may bear from ber The your letters, Sadie, Gerald Marion BurriU; strength by Thompson, our table in but our seasons ■ of ing summer, tuted the supper by which we com- ■are would give you unanimous vote recitation, Maurice Miller; singing by again. _ were so and this o Be red a to thanks for and if short, way memorate His death till He shall come your descriptions yoo grange, America; story, U. A. Gray; solo. Dear Aunt Madge: make that garden last the yew around again. Some time during the evening felt able to write more, would be much Clifford BurriU. I wonder if t am altogether forgotten? and to score against Mr. H. C. L. there was a strife among them as to to see them in print. It has been a long. 1 >ng time since I have pleased Ths next year my canning list was which of them should be accounted the written for tbe M. B. column. I have been a Aunt Madge. FRANKLIN. greatly enlarged, and has grown each year. Tanlac Recommended to greatest—I suppose in the kingdom of sbut-in for nearly two yeirs, and have been Me, Noil Tbe reported sale of the Bunker cottage Soon 1 tried meats, witb great success. which He had spoken—and He had to able to sit up only a few weeks in that time. I Recommend It, She Said PRETTY MARSH. to H. W. Gray proves incorrect. Last summer 1 felt that 1 must have some teach them again that lowliness was Since Christmas I have been obliged to keep F. Goes moved his' fur- of that would less true and He was in bed. Miss Hsttie Orcutt the week-end Elmer recently srsy canning require greatness among spent “My appetite waa ao poor that nag But I have always been interested in this Harbor. niture to Orrington from storage here. time, as 1 hare three smell children and them as one who served (Luke xxii. st Northeast times the sight ot food sickened me,’ column and read it every week. I wonder other farm duties to look after, so 1 bought 7-30; Matt. xx. 28». Verse 2 reads in son of Samuel John W. Ulaisdell left Monday for a •aid of 42 1 I George Leonard, oldest Gertrude Avery Fling itres, why the sisters do not sen more recipes? a cooker and used tbe cold the revised version in- Patten to. look over presure pack “during supper” to see a bow to make Leonard, bss enlisted in the navy, and township adjoining Brewer. would like recipe teliiog method. Tbe in time has of a tract of timberland for saving justified stead “supi>er being ended” and lemon pie using crackers. left on Friday for Portland for examina- parties. “Tanlac eras recommended to me ui that its purchase, but 1 bave canned tbe same the devil had already put it into What a long, cold winter, and it seems like tion. Rev. C. W. Lowell and wife are spend- now it la a great pleasure for me I of the thing with perfect success in tbe wash- the heart Judas Iscariot to betray mid-winter again this morning although ing a few with Robert and recommend Teniae.” said this Bren The body of Capt. F. P. Freeman of days Phillips boiler. Him. In Luke xxii. 1 0. we read that sun is warm and a few brave birds have come. North N. H., who died 21 at wife, awaiting work to be done at the par- woman. I tbe and girls won't f- rget to give Weare, April Now, thank* to canning, we are nearly before the feast Judas had been to the hope boys “1 suffered stomach ta Manchester, where he was receiving treat- sonage. from trouble them a generous supply of crambs and hay- as as tbe Swiss chief priests and had agreed with them independent Family she was here The Mrs. Charles Clarke left for indigestion,’’ explained. "Ala seed, for they are our best friends. Also ment, brought Wednesday. Bangor Kobinson. In six months we bave bought to betray Him unto them. Yet here meals 1 would have a care are funeral was held at the schoolhouse after a few here with her dull, heavy, blontd build some houses, taking they pro- Friday, days materials for fire meals. We of course he is at the table with the others as tected from cats and squirrels, which are interment in the W. U. Card and wife. feeling that distressed me very mucL Thursday afternoon; parents, bave to purchase flour, sugar, etc. if he was a true disciple and none of waa slid was such deadly enemies to them. family lot in the cemetery. Capt. Free- The Methodist society and friends will I losing strength beginuig the others had tic Our canning program is about as fol- any suspicion that I enjoyed Sadie's description of early child- to feel generally run down. man was born in Pretty Marsh in 1841, the givq the newly-appointed pastor, C. W. lows: was not.’ See verses 18-30. hood very much, and h tve put it with my “Since Tanlac U son of Reuben Freeman, and Lowell, and a at their taking my appetite the youngest wife, reception 35 of green What a desperate hypocrite the devil clippings. I do not think I know any of quarts peas. and food no made his home here until about twenty church vestry Tuesday evening. improved wonderfully my can a sisters uoless it is S. J. Y. of La- 10 quarts of endive. make of person when he is al- personally, and ot course I u years ago, when he moved to Massachu- and Franklin digests property lowed to control! If we moiue, whom I have met at Pomona granges The Ellsworth district 5 quarts of shelled beans. take allow his and feel better in every nj, several times. I the will setts, and Later purchased a farm at North afternoon at of stronger to enter our hearts hope spring days | teachers' meeting Monday 35 quarts string beans. suggestions he will I am no troubled with disttu bring new hope and he ilth to all. Weare. He leaves a widow, two daugh- school room here was well at- longer soon enter ip himself (verses 2-27» the high 10 quwts of Swiss chard. this not tin 1 a in the of aod after If does restiug place ters—Mrs. W. H. Gray this place tended. Ellsworth teachers were 10 of tomatoes. eating.” How was our Lord Many quart* infinitely patient and health will snd nine tbe of weak, uer waste-basket, permitting, Mrs. Fred Gray of Ml. Desert, 30 of corn. “Probably majority to tolerate the presence of su olden times when I hot ferments instead, toxins are carries April G. stalled. and grace to do the lowliest and to 30._ without add sugw later. things was a child—a long time ago. As I was that are actual . These toii* When are be with the devil Mrs. BtiUman King, who has been Ul, my oockerel* old enough to * patient himself and prowling among some old books of a relative GOTT'S ISLAND. which are known aa causing this is somewhat kill, 1 shall can twenty, which will to bear such insult and injury as came some time ago. I cime across a book that I improved. give called auto-intoxication, that we taste Moore is building his weir me not seen or of f >r more than Philip are twenty quarts, and 1 find a quart of upon Him is seen in verse 3. He knew bad thought F. L. Hodgkina and wife at home, jar much about. between the islands. meat who He came half a century. It was “Tbe Scottish Chiefs’* an solidly paoked ample for my family was. that He from heav- after extended atay in the West and “Tanlac ia designed aa a system purilg en —the bistory of William Wallace and Robert Harvey Moore had his finger badly in- of six. and was going back home and that South. and ia meant to the vital orgsns Bruce Sidle, that is the tirst book over which apur up | while on a weir. W a the Father had given all things into jured helping who has hen pig is killed, I can all the lean will be thrown ol I drooped a tear.”! Mrs. Jennie King, spent the ao that thaae toxins His hands. He was not to be Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Trask of Atlantic meat. From this I cut ofl the bouee as the throng! aiming Now I will “switch off on to another subject winter in Massachusetts Is at home; also and new strength built naturally for He w’as the real are Mr. and Mrs. C. bone* are difficult to In a and somebody, only Dear Aunt Madge, can yon find a substitute visiting Harding. her daughter, Mrs. Morris Hodgkins, who manage jar, active Mood and tiasaes." D. of Southwest Harbor is somebody that ever lived. Real great- for those words “switch off?" I wish our Mrs. J. Philips baa been in Bangor this winter. the bones with tbe meat remaining on Tanlac ia being specially introduced ness can stoop gracefully to lowliest editor would have a question box in Thb ■pent a few days reoe ntly with her mot her, tham are boiled for soup. To this I add in WM Eben H. King, who baa spent the EUa worth by E. G. Moore; service, but it is to those Ambsicas. I have some knotty to Mrs. Rose Driscoll. and or boil down Sullivas, impossible problems is in vegetables barley rice, Franklin, 8. 8. Bcammou; North unravel. One Diet of the readers of winter In Bar Harbor, poor health, who are at as is. any 23. B. thick so that 1 can add water whan Grti# aiming greatness. Only April and will remain with his Eben quite H. Bobinaon; Hancock, Pamola Thb Ambeicah, and there matt be many who nephew, i we believe that we really are what preparing to serve. That gives me twenty and there la a Tanlac agent are older than I, ever see a man with his hair Whitaker. Mias Barah Smith, who has Store, God says we are, because of our being I Philip Moon is working on bi* weir. quarts of soup, sufficient for twenty meals. braided and tied with a black ribbonf All been living in his house this winter, wiU •vary Mains town. redeemed by the precious blood of Prank and have moved Later in the tall we will kill a seal which I wbo have, raise their hands if n »t, I will Babbidge family keep house for Rodney Smith at East Christ, can we walk worthy of such a I have. When I was a email into bia mother's boose. 1 shall treat In tbe same way. Soma ol whisper, very Lamoine. It high calling. We are not aiming to be commenced going to school, the meat is roasted and with a lujt^ girl, jnst nearly All an sorry that Rev. George Davis April 30. H.H. pat ap children of God and heirs with eighty years ago, one day, with other chil- _ brown A of this will be served joint and wife an not to be ben this year. gravy. port UbISmSs dren. I met a man who bad on a three- Christ, for such we are by our receiv- 30. Chips Jr. SOUTH BURRY. hot with the gravy, tha vast sliced cold. cornered or the rim turned April ing Him (John L 12: I John ill. 1, 2; bat, op three Tba meat suitable tor steak I fry or broil •c2"b,«*8 ways. As ws looked, we saw tbs braid on the Clarence Lord and Ernest Blalsdell ot STJdtt. Rom. viii. la 17). But being such by GREAT POND. lightly after catting Into slices that will hsslhgg back of his bend just came down to hie coat Sorry are working on a weir tor H. H. free grace we should bold ourselves fit the cans, and con with the dish collar—not more than three or fonr inches Mn. E. N. W illiams came from Bangor Harden. gravy. ssassSs ready for any service by which we can Tbs rest of the meat I In the cans or long. Monday. She has visited in Fairfield, pat glorify Him. Hls sevenfold act of I ran all the home to tell Mias Inez Connor ot North B rook ST ilia, A^-' way my mother Augusta, Livermore and Bangor. Oo.,“£k2« Props, verses 4. 5, as He rose from the supper what I had seen. She said: “That man who has been with her sister, Mrs. Calvin Miss Eva Mnmford of Clear Away The Waete. to the btttle* that won oar inde- Massachusetts some has returned home. ———gUgggggagSSSBSSSSSSS_- and prepared to minister to them la helped fight Young, weeks, Bowel regularity la the secret of mod He is a has been visiting her sister, Mn. Fred health, suggestive of perfect humiliation In or- pendene. Revolutionary soldier, and Mrs. Ella ot Woodland and bright eyea. clear complexions, aed BeUatty Dr. King's New Life Pllle are a der has seen General Washington." Ever after Williams, tbe past week, tiefon going mild and SatlToahs an* Steamboats. to perfect service. This act of Ellsworth, who has been with her mother, gentle laxative that regulates the bowels aad that I looked upon him with awe aid |ivtr- Weet tor an extended stay. relieve the ministry in the matter of water for Mrs. Amanda Young, tor a tsw re- congested Inteetlnee by removing ence. as he was in those far-off days almost days, the accumulated wastes without griping. their feet was within the reach of The new stage driver, who is to take his any worshiped as a divine being. I saw him turned home Wednesday. Take a pill before rati ring and that heavy of but who has hind a house of J. R. head, that dull fever them, people are striving many times, but dont think I ever spoke to place May 21, epring feeling disap- Mrs. Lottie Candage, whb has been vis- pears. Get Dr. King's New Life Pilla at your for greatness, as were, are not him. He would nod his head and we Bbuman. Emery Crosby is to drive tbe they would iting at Hollis Bonsey’s, returned to druggist's. Me. to think that service is ours. HU and hair were automobile, and will move his family apt any lowly eyes inteneely Btonington last week. Her daughter, in their line. Water for the feet was black, but there were silver thresde in his hen. Mrs. Helen and little son have re- TTbfrfTtfH mints. hair when I knew him. His name Ober, an act of common courtesy, as in Gen. was April Solomon Barbour. This is what the 30._E. turned to Vinalhaven. xviil. 4. and Implied in Luke vii. 44. history LOCA of Deer Isle says about him: SURRY. April Tramp. QUARRIES, FACTORY Having done for them what of 30._ any “Solomon Barbour came here>bout 1880. them have done. He said. “I H. E. Cooary left for Bar Har- FARMS might He was a native of Massachusetts and his Monday WEST BfiOOKLlN. TIONS, MILL SITES, to have given you an example that ye wife was Deborah of bor work. Faxon, Braintree, Mass., Bay Friend is smployed at Dark Harbor. GO NO FARTHER HOTEL! should do as 1 have done to you" who, when young, was, for some years, in David Reyes left Friday for Port Jefler- SITES FOR SUMMER Proctor Bridges left Friday tor York (verses 12-17). When Peter objected the family of John Adams and his son John N. to a | son, Y., Join yacht. island. to allowing Him to wash hls feet His Quincy Adams. When the Utter was an and CAMPS Anhie Cousins and Adolph Kane have The Evidence la At Tour Door "If 1 wash tbee not thou bast infant, she had rocked his cradle and carried Mrs. Is ora Bridges, who has been very reply. Dark Harbor to of the him in her arms." gone to work. Elleworth is what located on the Hoe no part with me" (verse 8), might well ill, is improving. proof yon want, and Mr. Barbour did not live to be very old, but Harold Carter and have the statement of this search us all aud lead us to ask, Can Edward, Sperry Mrs. Idella Peek is a lew highly respected hU wife—“Granny Barbour," we all called spending days I who gone to Beverly, Mass., to work. resident will banish all doubt: truly say “L'nto Him loved me — with Mrs. Maud MAINE RAILROAD her died in 1882, aged ninety-two years. Hooper. CENTRAL came home and John W. Campbell, and washed me from my sins In His Her married Ralph Tomy April 23, lumberman, Liberty to daughter my uncle, with whom Harold Seevey and Leroy Carter left to thoee desiring own blood?” will leave soon lor Bar Harbor for tbe St., Ellsworth, says: “I can say that (flee opportunity (Rev. i, 5.) Then to Pe- she lived and died. She was a lovable old tor Dark where start n Monday Harbor, they will Doan’s • in location for a new for summer. Kidney Pills have done me a world change ter’s request more thorough wash- lady. One day I was with her, and she went be employed. to a and took three of good. At my work, I am ing Ills reply. “He that is washed cupboard small books out April L. 30. & loading logs Water Powers, 30._ April and to all kinds Undeveloped needetb not save to wash hls feet, but and said she would give them to me. I looked exposed of weather, and at saw it was a this on attacks of la clean every whit.” suggests the dif- them, story (story books were AURORA. PARTRIDGE COVE. brought backache. My Unlimited Raw Material, rare in the thanked her were ference between a long ago), heartily, kidneya irregular la action and the sinner's being Mills St Crosby have commenced build- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. and ran all the way home to show them to kidney secretions were too free at and washed once for all and the daily ing their canning factory. Edgar 30. tiroes, my mother. Springer April while at others in cleansing of a believer. As Christians scanty passage. I was Land The books were “The Scottish Chiefs," and H. T. Silsby, who has been ill of bron- Mrs. Austin and two flood Farming Couary children, ad vised to get Doan’s Pills at Q. we are in constant touch with the de- she read them to Kidney me in the twilight. It was chitis several weeks, is out. who have been la are at Wilson Bangor, A. Parcher’a Drug and did so. filements of sin and the world and ail one story, only in three volumes. I kept Store, Await Deveioi>inen* Herbert Crosby and wife of Clifton Eaton’s. Attar need continually the washing with wa- using them a while, the trouble Don't Lot Your spent the week-end with Mr. Crosby’s who has been in Bar ter by the word of Eph. v, 26. This He Cough Hour On. | Edgar Springer, disappeared. My back became strong and A cough that racks and weakens is panda, Howard Crosby and wife. is «t and at the Communications regarding will os do for one another danger- Harbor, home, working my kidneys normal. 1 have not been let provided ous, it undermines health and thrives will receive your station. bothered with aretnvited and att*f ,g it Is does lovingly, with water neither on neglect. Relieve it at ones with Dr. King's coaling my kidneya for quite a long sgent oi New Work For Women when addressed to any Discovery. This soothing balsam rem- Har>1 April 30. Hubbard. time. Doan’s Kidney Pills seem to have to too hot nor too cold. It la possible that edy heals the throat, loosens the MAINE CENTRAL, or phlegm, its It Is donbtfel If then Is any work harder ended the trouble bo sentence in this lesson la more often autieeptic properties kill the germ and the than house work. Overwork tells on the kid- entirely.” cold is broken Children ”1 Buffered habitually from constipation. than verse “What I do thou quickly up. and neys, and when the kidneys are affected one Price 80c. at all dealers. Don’t INDUSTRIAL BUREAU, quoted 7. grown-ups alike find Dr. New Discov- looks feels older than tbe actual Doan’s fteiculeis relieved and simply King’s and yeere. strengthened ask for a knowest hot now. but thou shalt know ery pleasant to take as well as effective. Uie.l. O. Wells. R. R. 6. N C.. kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kid- Rocky Mount, the bowels, so that tbey have been regular Pills the Haven bottle bandy in your medicine cheat wriun: "I cannot Pills ney same that Mr. Campbell here after.” which may have both a praise Foley Kidney ever since.’’—A B. Davis, MAINE CINTRUUIUO*11 for grippe, croup and all bronchial affections. enough for tbe wonderful benefit I have de- rrooer, Sulphur had. Foatar-Milburn Co., Props., BuBhlo, near and a far-off interpretation. At druggists, 88c. rived."—Moore’s Drugstore. Springs, Tex. Ns Y. PORTLAND. MAINE. I WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Mary Fairfax was obliged to teach herself I often be rah words, with ready excuse 3Urf>(Ttfgcmmtc. Euclid and Greek by stealth. Dr. John- | That Is tbe sphere men, especially in thi .. son taught Fanny Burney Latin, but dared past, have marked out for woman. "‘’"ttss.r.te;, not face the opprobrium sure to follow I might well go further, with brutal in- Let u* not deceive ourselvee, we who such a heresy, and exacted her promise to stincts that chain woman altogether toe you are the “tarda of lave creation.” ua Let be keep tbe secret. often, but all comes back to the far past honeat when we | in bis day. to keep inquire the reaaon for out which we are But nearer home and nearer now. Our ; of emerging. Behind it, opposing women’s franchise, when we forefathers established | consciously or unconsciously, is the fear Indigestion? scorn Plymouth wisely bis mouth moist— their desire to vote. When we to schools after their at of tbe club. I am talking to people toe will continue for the real shortly landing Ply- | food djs- inquire reason, it is a bit for me fear a misunder- four cause di» mouth, but left girls out, even of the intelligent to and for It came W^L with you, humiliating, down to us from The social club is the common schools, and for ISO years it standing. perhaps strengthen your Iwclc in time. It is the same reaaon Bress until you meant one-half the children outside. In heaviest one in the present rapid chang- ■. tone and that had ua so organs, and keep long to the of now in a like ..jve reasoning 1771 Hartford, Conn., opened its common ing events—changing day You can of Plutarch, who represents the advanced the stomach. schools to all children—less than ISO unto many a century ago. Eveeten of years and thought Greece. He Haid, “A wife down from tbe brutal K this quickly surely by since girls were admitted to public schools But, coming years should have no friends bnt thoae of her of a few doses of in America. And it was 240 after pre-historic times when the hairy taking she years Eromptly husband, should have no gods but males to the the woman Harvard was established before it was fought death for those her husband adores.” of their when woman considered safe to trust girls with a col- choioe, tbe waited No one at all with the sub- acquainted lege course in America. for the battle to end and was olaimed and ject will deny, 1 think, the vast relative A strange and interesting fact in history taken by tbe conqueror—has been' the ele- change in the status of women. Back in is how tike the bow like ment of power, scorning anything but RfEOIAM'S the present effort, days of Grecian at its civilisation, the prejudice of now against woman's submission, on the part of the male, up “high nooD,” at “The Age of Athens, vote, was the earlier struggle in Massa- through the vast spaces of time, so deeply Greece,” the “Mother of stands Arts,” chusetts for female education. Tbe same full of interest to the follower of evolution the r Pericles, great orator, himself incar- as to one to a re- PILLS the same memorials, tempt weary you with arguments, wordy action relieves nate, Greece, speaking the oration over its natural tbe same sorrow, cital of steps, yet forever onward, Jit Erheir the crushing heartrending Peloponnesian dead, be aaid: “The in all stomach of and awful, as to what girls’ education least, but moral growth—“first the Ithe greatest glory of woman is to be the least the undige^edfoojflow of gastric would do. You can quote the same sen- blade, then tbe ear, then the full corn in ■stimulates talked of among men.” renews the activity of tence of death to woman’s glory that the ear.” Yet, still hovering in the con- ISce, The chief monument of Roman civiliza- and bowels, and goes marching on now as to the loss of her scious, or more often, far more oftep, the Ithe tion is the law which underlies our own. the special sphere and sweet ascendency into unconscious mental processes, lie the digestive sys. Burke quotes the commentator on strengthens great tbe regard and respect that must be lost relics of this old past, hidden, perhaps un- "Take them with confi- that law aa “It was the dis- tem saying: forever if she should come to know some- seen, but tainting the conduct of us all. for 60 experience tinction of Roman law that it treated dence, years’ thing that rises now at the prospeot of her Men often do not even know that they Pills women not aa but as that Beecham’s persona, things.” voting. What strange repetitions of consider women, in all but the artificials prove The mother of Demosthenes was left by history assail us I of life, as inferior—that in judgment, will to Aphothas, and under the old But at in the town of intellectual power, they are below what Roman law the husband had last, Newbury- for the power of regard themselves to be—but the Are pdrt, it was graciously voted, 120 years they good life and death over the the mother of wife, is not dead last that the summer old instinct and •hows itself his children. ago March, during months when tbe boys in the school had at every opportunity. Over against it Stomach You may know that no Jewish rabbi, in the diminished, “the master shall receive stands tbe woman of the past—submissive, the daya when their faith was young, was in fear of the clnb. girls, instructing them in grammar and •-ss allowed to speak to a woman in public. reading, after the dismissal of the Make voting a faahion, make it bo that a boys, Turning to the writings of great scholar no fear ol make for one and one-half hours’’—tbe old cave it carries reproach, it of this early civilization Who haa been those man and his club. sought tor by who lead in the social JLxpl Botins. quoted far and wide approvingly because we nave not time at inis moment to game, and opposition among women, of bis rare knowledge of people and events, us a trace the establishment of academies and many women, would tall like the leaves WRKGLEKS gives NOTICE or rUHCt'LUNUHE. we find this then estimate of accepted in autumn. In that men and Ida M. Adfer A. Strout schools for girls and women, met by everything HTHEREAS Strout, woman: “Women at all times have been wholesome, antiseptic, \V and Erast us B. Salisbury, all of tba ridicule, indifference and something women have lought out together in of Hancock, and State even among the celestials. town of Eden, county inconstant, called harmony/success has been at its highest Maine, bv their mortgage dead dated the in argument. refreshing confection to of In infancy the father should guard her, have tailed to reach it. twentieth dav of October, a. d. 1911, and re- U was in 1869 that the first college for mark; either,alone in the Hancock county of her husband, in old age her chil- corded registry youth was in Massachusetts—the From the church to the schools, through take the of the cave book 4fW. page 10®, conveyed to me. the girls opened place deeds, dren, for at no time ia a woman fit to be all the vocationslof have made undersigned, a cerUin parcel of real estate Greece, the Athens of America. Twelve life, they in Edf n. in eald of truated with Infidelity, violence, ■United county Hancock, liberty. after the West had beaten her In best progress side by side. man’s im*mD bounded aa follows: years pebble. and deceit, envy, a total want of good quali- Some o( will remember the brave IN One certain lot or parcel of land situated In time in her virile vigor, her mighty force you of the town of Eden, of Han- ties, with are the innate faults that part county impunity, of that broke the chains of con- General Thomas driving his campaign in We and State of Maine known aa Hull’s insight help teeth, breath, appetite, cock of womankind.” the West. His Cove, and bounded and described aa follows, vention, snapped the cords that to-day, soldiers, experienced wit:-A certain lot or parcel of land situ- more ancient drama that we were to an im- and to It is in the in other fields, are being broken by the veterans, struggling gain digestion deliciously tied on tbe northern side of the oounty road find the wile addressing herlordand master position on a bill. As they fought ranning through said Hull's Cove, and same force, the same ; law, and through portant soothe mouth and throat with as follows: at the South would bounded Berlcntng in the dialect of a slave. The Turk seas of blood are thrones of up the side, swept and broken by tbe •ait corner of the lot being described at the emptying blush and when be mentioned enemy against a storm of death, wavering this point where the private way leading to the apologize caste and convention, of the old cave man welcome sweetmeat. branches off from the town a were Bowen place road; his wife, as i( guilty of an impertinence. and his club. with God’s here, gaining little there, they thence following said road in a general north- And, help, farther back into times, watched with eager their The erly direction to land of heirs of Edward Going prehistoric before this terrible Niagara of war impatience by Wrigley Spearmen want to aend you Steele; thence along the said there we find our commander. awful destruc- northwesterly to the cave-dweller, shall shall tear out of every throne 8eeing,;the their Book of Send a Steele line to a stone; thence westerly but end, Gum-ption. postal first-known brute law banded down even tion, the almost impossible attempt, he still following said Steele line to a stone; its accursed relic of the past, as it has now for it Wm. Jr. can never do never do it.” today, Wrigley Co., thence southerly to said town road along the to now with lessening force- the brutal leveled Russia and—I almost said said: "They it; •astern line of said Steele lot; thence China, 1732 Keener easterly the subser- His chief of staff turned and said: “Give Bunding, Chicago. to the point of beginning, containing three tyrant with hia club, meek, Germany. Blessed be this awful war it or lest, with tbe them them time.” acres more together build- vient slave worshiping her lord and it lifts out of the brutish forms and liv- time, general; give iocs thereon, and being known aa tbe Brastue as cruel wretch drove He did, and the place was taken. B. Salisbury homestead; and whereas the master tbe lazy ing of the past a world redeemed, a clean, condition of said mortgage baa been broken, friends, give it time, give it time, her to her toil. sane, healthy band Of nations—the cancer My now, therefore, by reason of the breach of the shall be One Here we have tbe answer. Here is tbe and tbe heights yours. The Flavor I claim a foreclosure of the Son of God as- Lasts! condition thereof, of despotism slain, dares think of the 732 said mortgage. reason of philosophy of evolution, the cendant. hardly responsibility April 10,1917. Chailss L. Shakd man has that awaits it, with this tumult of war, only real reason why fought The wonder is, and I must not stop this its tentacles hither. universal through the last cen- women octopus reaching To all persons interested in either of the es- suffrage name them, that so many at this awful as the responsibility may be, ftates hereinafter named: tury. There ia no other argument worthy time and a little later, became famous in But, At a probate court held at Ellsworth, in and tbe women in the have met of a name. It has come down with race, are about who, past, for the county of Hancock, on the seven- different walks of life. There the big things in life always so much teenth day of April, in the year of our Lord slowly, under the great law of evolution three hundred colleges now to which one thousand nine hundred and aeventeen, more bravely than men, whose courage is but still with us in both women are admitted. 1 need not add that and by adjournment from the third day of giving way, always greater, the women who, in said April. sexes-brutality and submission. this old, sour prejudice has fallen away. men of following matters having been travail and pain, have borne the pre- Standing in front of every right change, It was one of the steps in the evolution of 1IHEsented for the action thereupon hereii our nation, will not fait; they cannot after indicated, it Is hereby ordered: Tba. rising between her and all progress, events now going rapidly forward. notice thereof be to ail inter- fail. given persona or blocking the Passing on from the consideration of _ ested. by causing a copy of this order to be social, religious political, published three weeks successively in the door of the church, standing at the en- the gradual giving way of the prejudice SOUTH BROOKSVILLE. Bllswottb American, a published to her newspaper trance to literature, art, to legal enac- against woman's education legal at Ellsworth, in said county, that they may Charlie Orcutt of South Surry was here at a court to be held at Ells- of to the standing, of the laws governing her so appear probate ment and institutions learning, laBt week. worth. on the eighth of a. d. we have a day May, business and world, ay, to different from man, strange 1917, at ten of tbe clock in the forenoon, and professional has a crew at work on of tacts. The in the law Ralph H. Condon be heard thereon if they see cause. dignity and independence, has risen parcel changes tbe cottages at Dog Island. Edward Buck, late of Bucksport, in said dark and awful and unholy, tbe spectre relating to women in the last fifty years deceased. A county, certain instrument pur have been marked and many, but so stow Miss Jennie Record of Massachusetts porting to be the last wil! and testament cf of “woman’s sphere.” have been is her Mrs. Etta F. said deceased, together with petition for pro- From Caesar to Lincoln; from her days in coming. These changes visiting sister, Gray. bate thereof aud for the of the appointm.nt to the due to the efforts of women, with- H. a student of executor without giving bond, presented by of degradation in the past mostly Morris Cbatto, Deering Carl l). Buck, the executor therein named. civilization in which we live and in out doubt. high school, is at home on a short va- Witness. BERTRAND E. CLARK, of in Judge which we from the slave to tbe Even Massachusetts, fifty years ago, cation. said Court at Ellsworth, this seventeenth glory; the of a woman held dsy of April. In tbe year of our Lord one queen, every step has been challenged, personal property The schooner Lawrence Murdock, thousand nine burdred and seventeen. her before the law mile has been fought against the by marriage picked is in the harbor from Roy C. Hainkm, every Capt. Babson, Register. and into the of the man who A true copy. heralded belief that only repeats but up put pocket Portland with freight. Attest:—Roy C. Hainka, and the old law that did not Register. never that no change in her married her, surrenders, Chester Gray of North Sedgwick is allow the widow to remain in the house Halt! can occur without loss of that NOTICE OK rOHKCLOSURE. condition in the schooner Kate L. Pray with husband but going TIME must spare that house— which men declare they so much of her deceased forty days | RATHER you Tt^HKHEAS Ersatus B. Salisbury of Eden, grace Capt. L. F. Hutchinson. ▼ without rent remains or 1“^ touch not a The Bay Stater T Hancock county, Maine, by his mort- admire and which belongs alone to paying to-day, C. single shingle.” gage deed dated the sixth d of De- April 30. * twenty *y realm. by did a few years ago. means business. That house is safe against wear cember, a. d 1908, and recorded in the Han- woman’s But, step by step, cock Paint. registry of deeds, hook 167. page 106, that process that lies beneath and behind If a woman earned a dollar scrubbing, I NORTH ORLAND. and weather—it's covered with Bay State conveyed to Miun't* A. Morse of said Ktlen, a that us on whether we ber husband had to it. If she certain parcel of real estate situate in Eden, all change, pushes legal right Mrs. Caroline Gray arrived from Veazie If you want paint that is all worth and no waste, tu the she county of Hancock, and hounded and will or no and whither we cannot see, wrote a book, the copyright belonged to economical and that described as follows:—All my real estate aud Thursday. paint that is pure, enduring—see ail has entered and conquered a thousand him. If she broke her arm, her husband my rights, privileges and easements in, Luther Richardson, who has been away the label reads “Bay State.” No matter what you o?er and noon, all real estate situated in said battlefields. And what man shall say could sue, and if he recovered, the money county, aud all title and interest in through the winter, is home. want to there is a State product made just my tight, is full of all that him. It took a paint, Bay and to any and all real estate situated in said that in all that grace, belonged to ten-year Mrs. Warren Moore and little daughter for it. Our book will help you decide the paint ques- county of Hancock, however the same may be we call feminine, and all that is serene battle to get a law that made her own her described, and the said Minnie A. Morse, on came home from North Cambridge, for it fair to look woman ever held own clothes. Gladys tion. Send today. the tenth day of July, a. d. 1913. assigned the and upon, •ame to and ever Mass., Wednesday. mortgage me. the undersigned: at her best a place so complete, In what I have said already I have in- WADSWORTH, HOWLAND Sc CO, Inc, Bcwton, Ma»«. whereas the condition of said mortgage has wife of Island Falls oeen her throne with greater charm, H. R. Bates and broken, now. therefore, by reason of the graced dicated the Btrong reason why I believe Largest Paint and Varnish Makers and only Corrodera of Lead in New England orescb cf the a foie- have moved here to care for Mrs. Bates' condition thereof, I claim than now. will to women in ils closure of said the ballot be given mortgage. father, James Gibbons. April io, 1917. Charles L. Hhand. It would be interesting, if time allowed, full sense. In a word, it is that, in the For sale by L. C. Braydon. Pr“"k"n;wWP. W. Rich-Rf are to Mr. L.G. Stanley, Cranberry Isles, trace tbe ot social of women, however my Congratulations extended H. to gradual emancipation evolutio'h ardson & Son, McKinley; F. Harding, on of notick OK K0KKCL08URK. it that term is allowable, but we words have stumbled in I have and Mrs. C. E. Johnson, the birth Smith Bros.. Sedgwick; Eaton women, saying it, Sargeutville; Islesford. Erast us B. of on 20. & Stonington; Frank Stanley, Salisbury Eden, cannot do so in the time you have bo tried to illustrate that in that path so a twelve-pound boy, April Co., WHEREASHancock county, Maine, by his mort- no man now April 30. L. gage deed dated the second day of July, a. d. kindly loaned me. It must be confined, slowly trod by woman, and wio, and recorded In the of Hancock registry however, mostly to suggestion. From the i no power can blockade nor long hinder—in aeeds. book 470, page 464, conveyed to Minnie SEDGWICK. a. Morse ol a little is the ballot, i said Eden, a certain parcel of real old Roman days to long afterSbakespeare, that path, way on, BAY STATE PAINTS in Eden, in the of Han- county a few immortalized in religious I believe it also because it is right; be- J. A. Closson went to Boston Monday. — outside of cock, and bounded and described as follows: j AH toy real estate and all my rights, privi- history, the growth was slow as to respect 1 cause it is needed in the great questions Mrs. Louie Lane haB gone to Norfolk, ami easements over and all leges in, upon, and reverence. The same old prejudice in the coming time. Va. [*»l estate situated in said county, and all “y right, title and interest in and to any and was there. forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever *11 "Bight 1.8. Candage is in Portland attending real estate situated in said county of Han- Let us a moment at nearer years. on the throne, 1®®**“°'wever U»® same may be described: glanoe the grand lodge. and the and be- the waid Minnie A. Morse, on the tenth is back to Johnson’s time that Yet that acaffold sways future, It only has to to July d* the said mort the dim unknown, Harry O. Ford gone Bangor Join ^ °/ Hilt assigned hind to me< the and whereas the undersigned; Ptandeth Uod within the ahadow, keeping the steam yacht Ariel. cordition of said mortgage has been broken, Out—It It Worih «ow. Cat This Haney hia own." therefore, by reason of the breach of the watch above Mrs. Lizzie Day has gone to Brooklin, oondmon Don’t Miss This. Cut out this slip, enclose thereof, 1 claim a foreclosure of said A little more than a half century ago, for the summer. mortgage. with 5c to Folev A Co., 2885 Sheffield Ave., where she hasemployment name and address was or April 10,1917. Charles L. Shard. Chicago, 111 writing your Right asked if chattel slavery just in return a trial Mrs. E. P. Greene, who has spent the clearly. Yoa will receive Derision. A little later the package containing Foley's Honey and Tar unjust. winter in Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mr. and State colds, croup; holey was asked and yet again, •■hccriber, residing out of the Compound for coughs, question again, of New to C. of and Cathartic Tahleta. Mrs. K. E. Guptill, Hampshire, Th®°J Maine, wit:—Annie Trotter, Kidney Pills, Foley till it brought Lincoln to the White roiladelphla, of state of —Moore’s Drag Store. arrived at the Green cottage. county Philadelphia, marshaled have rennsylvania. hereby gives notice that she House, and Sherman tothe sea, D. mw been April 30. duly appointed executrix of the Sheridan the of the Shenandoah Mtlw the n»o«t deliciom thortcike iinitbfe. B IMt will and testament of up valley gtttrtiacauntt. and Grant the of the* NATHAN TROTTER, late of said PHILA- Anally up NORTH LAMOINE. and we shudder when we Thu H DELPHIA, Appomattox; the Try Recipe otherwise. Mrs. Basie Warren, who has spent »wl appointed Hsnnl- think it might have been each, soda S!f??*gLK Hamlin winter in Boston, is expected home to- 2 cups flour, X teaspoontul Sr of Ellsworth, In tha county of RHEUMATISM To-day the same question of Justice is 8t»‘* of Malna, her In said CONQUERS and I cream tartar in a mixing bowl. s£?cac.k- agsot it and day. and salt; teaspoonful ait!* !**•“*• All pereont having demand! asked. She will ask again yet nous DAYS a week- of shortening. Work into JWntt the eetate of aaid deeeeeed ere desired IN A VERY FEW until the right answer Is given. John Carter of Beech Hill made Add heaping teaspoonful **»• “me for and all again laffi*?* Battlement, for halt end visit to his Mrs. Roland until free from Add enough milk thareto are to make Taxation without representation mother, lumps. S2JWment relocated pay- Roll about K inch Immediately. fact that one-half our 1 am not here to argue Carter. to make soft dough. April 6, 1M7, Am* O. Tbottbb. It is an established people. a as women should vote. Austin and son have in cake in hotoven. teaspoonful of Rheuma taken once day reasons to why Mrs. Isabel George thick. Bake large ant of the State to a from where subscriber, rwidlng has the and agony from There are all the reaaonsi;tbat apply returned Wsterville, they When done; split and spread /% THEof Maine, to wit:—Bobert G. GUBlIan. of driven pain and man's The old, worn arguments have the winter. Her son Albert n«I* 0''' county of Delaware, Mate of thousands of racked, crippled despair- voting. spent with SUPERB A Red Raspberries. hereby gives notloe that he the last five years. it are to far from logic and reason will remain until the closing of the IJ'Jiraale,Men ing rheumatics during against Serve with cream. , ttf. duly appointed executor of the last that she is whipped W1 and testament Powerful and sure; quick acting, yet —I mean the spoken ones; schools. will inaiat on of blessed islief al- Thereafter you WILLIAM harmless, Rheuma gives needed to minister to his comfort at Y. Teas B. WHITE, late of PHILADEL- name has April SUPERBA Canned Goods. most at once. The magic hours after his 30._ PHIA, in the land and home; cheer hia lonely aad Coffee, at your dealers. .5 reached every hamlet To Prevent Belt-. o* Mate of Pennayl- a who terrible work of the day; grace his table Philadelphia, there is hardly druggist anywhere waste matter deceased, and given bond! u the lew marvelous cures. look of Bowels clogged with cannot tell you ot almoet with watch for any whole Cathartic Tablets E he has Hannibal rheumatism or her*preaenoe; the system. Poley appointed If vou are tortured with to do net or °* Hllaworth, In the coanty of Han- care, and soothe and comfort him; work gently but surely; gripe coca a bottle of Rheums for “a*". 8I» agent in said State sciatica, you can get cause nausea. Recommended indigestion, oi .l8.l*Uo, for make clean and homelike and sweet for bil- All persona haying demand! from Qeo. A. Psrcher, or any druggist constipation, sick headache, bloating, JL,“**oe.“>• under- is soar stomach on stomach, Jft!"* eetat! of said deceased are desired not more than 80 cents, with the him all places where her presence iousness, gas for settlement, and all if it does not completely ooated tongue, bad breath or other conditions that bis intellect — standing allowed; guide stumbling caused disordered digestion. Moore’s "W** to make pay- rheumatic from your system by drive poisons into clearer thought; listen to hia fretful, Drag Store. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AMERICAN ifilSLSSSSKJfAprll — back. 6, 1«7. Honan G. GinviLun. money i ^ Sbbirtiwmfris. AFFAIRS OSLmtrti. American LOCAL $bt Ellsworth (Continued /roni pag* 1.) ** 1 B PRIMER TELLS HOW A Co.. South Perie. Me. L .* AND POLITICAL JOUBNAL Election with the New York-Bar Harbor PUBLISHED and Washington-Bar Harbor train will *peua! >,0Uct6. ,'VP.KY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON not be resutned until June 26. ---—... ? AT TO PLANT GARDENS Ellsworth are not behind ELLSWORTH, MAINE. The ladies of soldiers. BY rut DO YOUR PART in their efforts in behalf of the BaNlOUK COUNT! PUBLISHING CO. At present they are engaged in making for the Maine boys in the service. WOOLENS W. H. Tires, Editor and Manager. pillows New York Gommitte^ Encour- 165 have been made. It Already pillows by buying drew a $1 .CO lor six V)nwriiptlo* Price—$2.00 year; is to send 600 from Ellsworth. coeting, direct from three If hoped SAVRmoney lector, «.,* month*; SO centa for months; paid the of seed for members of eumplee and elute gurment ^ centa For purpose obtaining planting, some Maine plenned » ltrkr v In advance, $18$, 76 and 38 ages Tilling ofVacen These will be sent to camp. Puckuuo. Boi B. Cumden. Mufne. F *• 5 centa. All ur- respectively. Single coulee the Hancock »County Committee on increased production have The last meeting of the ladies to make rraragee are reckoned |*. the rate of $2 pel wtll be held at the office of rear. personally advanced tt.OoO to buy potatoes, wheat and other seed, these pillows advertising Rates—Are reasonable and will be Miss Alice H. Scott this evening, at 7 NOTICE. — i* t.>own on also to be sold to farmers at cost. application. and fertilizer, o’clock. All who have not yet given a COPIES OF BOOK SENT FREE annual meeting of the n.. communications should in work are urged THECounty 8uelngb.uk will be Business be^uldsfssod The and distribution cost money, and the commit- hand this earnestly held and all checks and money r.rders made pay handling Dunking room, on the eecond Monde. Jv." Kj, to be and do their part. Those »uic to the nancocx countt Publishing present U»uy Ml. 1*17. »t ten o'clock In the70I? *•» tee solicits contributions from the public to pay this expense. be made at for the election of trade*, (X) Ellsworth, Maint. “Get the Seed In the Ground le who have taken pillows to end tor the’t!?*'e Early,” notion of other