®l)e €ilstt)odl) Stmetican* LXIII. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 2,1917. )*^iSa!SSa;aSaSg"> **<> 18- • aoDmtimnits. ttODmiBrnums. LOCAL AFFAIRS Monday afternoon, in a rather one-sided game, by a score of 17-1. This was the flrat game of eitber team thia season. HKW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK The Odd Fellows and Kebekabs will at- Bijou theatre tend services in a body at tbe Congrega- Wm EC Whiting—Insurance statement Record Annual meeting of Hancock Co Savings tional cbnrch next Sunday morning. A Successful bank Members are to meet at Odd Hand-bag found requested Geo B Bridges-Strawberry plants for sale Fellows ball at 10 o’clock. M L and stock reduc- Adams—Anniversary work ing sale U. L. Morang has commenced the J A Thompson—Wall paper of repairing tbe middle one of his store Ever since this Bank was established, it M B Yount—Bar Harbor Jitney NEW WAR LOAN This building was almost a Hancock County committee buildings. has been the complete ruin from the fire, and the new constant, undeviating pur- CONDENSED TIME TABLE store will he practically a new building. of its Officers and Directors to be 8tatee pose United Government Bonds WUBB DATS. The date for the of “The presentation and accommodating to its patrons Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at Love Spell,” under the ausploea of Dona- obliging •.41 a. m., 4.21 p. m. qua lodge, K. of P., baa been set for Fri- in consistent with We feel that;itiis our duty. In common with that of every every way banking Trains leave Ellsworth for the west at 11.1V day, May 11. Thiels a comedy with music, other citizen,to help make the new Government issue a huge a. m., 8.22 p. m. C. and will be prudence. end we are arranged by Roy Haines, success. To this offering our services without 1 SUIT DAT. presented by a local oaat. charges of any kind. We are receiving for- Arrive from west at 8.11 a. m. Leave for That is we have in subscriptions E. N. trio of why steadily grown west at 5At m. The B. Bangor, alwaya ttr»e bonds when, as, and if issued. We will answer p. gladly popular with music and dance lovers here, as well as in the confidence of Write us deposits, youi Inquiries. to-day. will at Hancock ball Friday SCHEDULE OF MAILS sppear the for a concert and ball. people. at tLLSwonm rosTomci. evening, May 4, A attendance is assu'ed. The con- In ifwi Oct. F, 1916. good Your account is solicited. cert commences at 8 o’clock. MAILS anOBlVBD. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith of Wln- < W—k Dags. throp, Mass., formerly of Ellsworth, Fbom Wnsr—8.41 [a m; 4AS p m. announce the marriage of their Lewis F. Davis . Fbom East—11.10 a m; 0.22 p m. daughter Lillian to UNION TRUST COMPANY of Ellsworth SEED of New York city, on April 30. Mr. and GRASS MAILS OLOSB AT POSTOTTIOB Mrs. Davis will live at Bayside, Long Going Wbst—10.40 a m; 640 p tn. Island, N. Y. The Only Going East—8.10 a 846 m. Thing Oheap m; p Two inches of snow on the ground this Qrew Last morning, May 2, is not bad for a wind-up That Year Registered mail should be at half postofflee for tbis long winter—if it is the wind-up. an hour before mail closes. Are You to Your Resolution? E. H. Greeiy, tbe veteran horseman, was Holding out on runners this morning. He says it Pine Tree Pure WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. resolution to save moie money this year. Timothy 99J£% is his first May sleighride for at least Keep up your good luxuries in For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, twenty years. Do not let the temptation of needless step your way. May 1,1917. The last of tbe series of patriotic meet- New accounts are cordially invited. | From observations taken at the powei ings under the auspices of Donsqua lodge, station of the Bar Harbor A Union Rivei W. was hall C. GRINDAL Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is K. of P., held at Odd Fellows Hancock County Savings Bank given in inches for the twenty-four hours Sunday evening. It was well attended. ending at ****-—~ M a*ne midnlght.J of Ellsworth, I Weather Precip- Rev. R. B. Mathews the Congregational _. Water Street, Ellsworth Temperature conditions itatiou church gave an able address on ( 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon “Democracy.” Wed 37- 62- fair fair Fire broke out Friday afternoon at tbe Wreck at Swan’s Island. Thurs 35— 64— fair 1j Pea Seeds FOR SALE cloudy ** residence of Mrs. Daniel Card on High Swan’s Island, May 2 (special)-The Jurpee’s Sweet Fri 42— 48— fair cloudy street. It originated around the chimney, schooner H. 8. Lanfair, of New York, Spencer Varieties Sat 41— 42— cloudy cloudy and did considerable from Bermuda for St. N. Sun 43— 53— fair clear damage, gutting bound John, B., Boat Actaeon of bouse and on island Freight Mon 40- 53— fair fair tbe upper part the badly with molasses, struck John’s Collection of the roof. Tbe loss is last Tues 84— 46— fair cloudy,snow .01 breaking through ledge near here at 11.30 o’clock night, Six Size Packets draft 50 covered insurance. is believed she Regular Length, 65ft; 6ft; carriying capacity, Average 1917, 40.8° by in a thick snowstorm. It temperature, April, for 25 cents tons ; one Jaeger engine. 40hp and one Ellsworth Average temperature, April, 1916, 42.8° Dr. A. C. Hagerthy has commenced work | will be a total loss. The crew reached on a new building on the site of the one here this morning in a small boat. about 8 knots ; derrick con- A L. S O engine,7^hp ; speed H. P. which Donovan of the Lanfair says that E. F. Robinson, jr., is attending the formerly occupied by Carter, ; Capt. nected with when he left the vessel she was full of power. grand masonic bodies in Portland. was burned. The new building will be larger than the old, about 34x70 feet, and water, and her mainmast had gone by the Burpee’s Miss Helen Nealley left Friday fora two stories biph. It will be occupied by board* He believes she will be a total 25 cent Collection of visit of two weeks in Boston and vicinity. Fred E. as a Bilvy garage. The Lanfair is of 402 tons gross, and was Nasturtium Seeds James L. Cook and wife,who Lave spent Ellsworth will be represented in built at Baltimore in 1884. the winter in Massachusetts, arrived home Roosevelt’s army, if the ex-President gets For sale at Thursday. Former Maine Lawyer Killed. the consent of the government to take an Miss Mary A. of the central Charles G. Briggs, a lawyer, formerly of Hurley, army of volunteers to France. Roy C. is a vacation of Caribou and Portland, but for the past Ellsworth Greenhouse SEED NOW telephone office, spending Haines, register of probate of Hancock The BUY GARDEN Calif, in weeks in four years practicing San Diego, two Boston. has sent in his name as one of the county, was shot and killed by an angered de- These seeds need qo recommendation; There will be a for the Uni- Roosevelt and has received his fendant in a law suit May party volunteers, yesterday. jveryone knows their quality and those club and tarian Sunday school at the Uni- enlistment papers. If Col. Roosevelt’s who have them use no others. COMING EVENTb. grown To Delay is Dangerous tarian vestry to-morrow evening. “heart’s desire” is realized, his will be the There will be a regular meeting of Irene first American army in France. Friday evening, May 4, at Hancock Ellsworth and Bar Harbor chapter, O. E. S., Friday evening. After ! A feature at the Bijou this week will be hall-Concert and ball; B. E. N. trio of work refreBhmentsjwill'be served. Edmund Breeze in “The Weakness of as There is a Short- Bangor. Round Trip Daily, Except Sunday Strength,” which will be the bill for Leave Post Office Square, Ellsworth, for Bar Mrs. J. A. Chatto of East who hall—“The Surry,; The for this were Friday, May 11, at Hancock Harbor at i2.i5 p. m. has been Friday. pictures play quite ill, is improving. Mrs. a with Bar taken at Millinocket. To-night Florence Love Spell,” comedy music, pre- Leave Star Tbeatie, Cottage St., Harbor, Sophia Dodge of Bayside is with her. 35 and 50 for Ellswortb at 2.30 p. m. Reed will in “Her Own sented by local cast. Tickets, of New Seed appear Way;” in Ellsworth in time for Washing- age The 9 a. m. (Ariiving woman’s club will meet next Tues- on sale at R. H. Smith’s at to-morrow, Lillian Walker in “The Blue cents, ton County train) day with Mrs. W. H. Titus. Mrs. Lewis 8. Envelope;” Saturday, Owen Moore in Tuesday, May Fare Si .00 Each Way F. will read a Lowest Tapley.of Bucksport paper. “Rolling Stones;” Monday, “The Little Friday evening, May 11, at Agricultural Special Trips ma le to Bat Harbor ai reason- Our Prices the — Mrs. Roswell Murch of Deer Isle and Girl Next Door;” Tuesday, Sessue hall, North Ellsworth Dance; tickets, able rates. Publi Ca, to go anywhere nights and Mrs. Luther Hammons of Belfast are Dayakawa, the Japanese actor, in 50 cents.
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