URBAN PLANNING INSTITUTE OF BELGRADE URBAN PLANNING INSTITUTE OF BELGRADE 30, Palmo ceva St, Belgrade, SERBIA Phone (+38111)3331-500 / Fax (+38111)3331-550 offi
[email protected] The fi rst pro-European Town Plan of Belgrade was introduced by Alban Chambon, a French architect of Belgian descent, in 1912, exactly a century ago. As he was an ardent supporter of historical tendencies or eclec sm, he modeled his view of town reconstruc on on a reinterpreta on of the past and the interna onal heritage. Daring ideas in his Plan have been a steady inspira on to genera ons of urban planners, and some of these ideas are s ll employed, with same mo fs but using diff erent technique, dynamism or method. Urban Planning Ins tute of Belgrade is s ll searching for solu ons for: turning the city towards Sava River, estab- lishing and maintaining the old and the New Belgrade city axes, promo on and maintenance of the City’s natural core, waterfront enhancement, dis nguishing signifi cant landmarks and strengthening the city iden- ty through introduc on of City symbols. In a me of long-las ng transi on and prepara on for Belgrade to become one of the European metropolises, Urban Planning Ins tute has been ac ve on two parallel tracks. Being one of the City public service u li es, it follows and supports City Administra on in recovery of residen al areas built without due planning, build- ing and reconstruc on of capital infrastructure and transporta on systems, in preparing loca ons for new schools and nurseries, and construc on of non-profi t social housing units.