30, Palmo ceva St, Belgrade, Phone (+38111)3331-500 / Fax (+38111)3331-550 offi [email protected] The fi rst pro-European Town Plan of Belgrade was introduced by Alban Chambon, a French architect of Belgian descent, in 1912, exactly a century ago. As he was an ardent supporter of historical tendencies or eclec sm, he modeled his view of town reconstruc on on a reinterpreta on of the past and the interna onal heritage. Daring ideas in his Plan have been a steady inspira on to genera ons of urban planners, and some of these ideas are s ll employed, with same mo fs but using diff erent technique, dynamism or method. Urban Planning Ins tute of Belgrade is s ll searching for solu ons for: turning the city towards River, estab- lishing and maintaining the old and the city axes, promo on and maintenance of the City’s natural core, waterfront enhancement, dis nguishing signifi cant landmarks and strengthening the city iden- ty through introduc on of City symbols. In a me of long-las ng transi on and prepara on for Belgrade to become one of the European metropolises, Urban Planning Ins tute has been ac ve on two parallel tracks. Being one of the City public service u li es, it follows and supports City Administra on in recovery of residen al areas built without due planning, build- ing and reconstruc on of capital infrastructure and transporta on systems, in preparing loca ons for new schools and nurseries, and construc on of non-profi t social housing units. At the same me, the Ins tute is engaged on revision of all regional, spa al and urban plans for the territory of Belgrade city proper and its seven suburban municipali es.

At the same me, Urban Planning Ins tute is engaged in strategic studies such as Belgrade City Development Strategy, special studies, strategic urban plans and spe- cifi c projects. A century a er Chambon, UPI is working on the new, pro-European Master Plan of Belgrade and General Regula on Plan for the en re city territory. It is essen al for the success of such kind of projects that Urban Planning Ins tute gathers knowledge, com- pares experiences and cooperates with urban planning ins tu ons from ci es in and worldwide, with local and foreign professional associa ons and universi- es. One cannot exist without the other: plans and projects are being made for the period to come. An cipa on of the future would not be successful without understand- ing the historical processes, as well as contemporary solu ons in city planning and management; without understanding trends in architecture and urban design, and permanent evalua on of ideas and experiences from more developed cites. Refurbishing and legaliza- on of unplanned developments are processes that are indispensable, as a result of the period behind us. But planning can be therefore considered as genuine challenge in this era of rapid changes, without boundar- ies, new technologies and knowledge, new priori es, commitments and global investment trends. The tasks and the dynamism of our me make it neces- sary to have experience, develop skills, gather knowl- edge, curiosity, communica on, and like Chambon, have the courage to propose bold ideas for a be er and more beau ful Belgrade.

Director Zaklina Gligorijevic

BELGRADE CITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Goals, concept and strategic priori es of sustainable development

Belgrade City Development Strategy is a common document of the City of Belgrade and its ci zens. The basic goal of the Development Strategy is to address the issues of planning, regula on and development of the city, which will set the system of responsibili es for the implementa on of priori es by 2016. The Strategy provides basic guidelines for long-term and concrete plans, programs and projects of the City. REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE TERRITORY OF THE CITY OF BELGRADE

General vision of Belgrade development is aimed at providing the City of Belgrade a be er posi oning at the level of metropolitan ci es and capitals in the region, in accordance with principles of sustainability, compe veness, accessibility and iden ty improve- ment. The Plan determines spa al organiza on, guidelines, policies and condi ons for protec on, regula on and development of the administra ve territory of the City of Belgrade, op mal use of general resources, values and poten als of the area, in accordance with regional environment.


Master Plan of Belgrade 2021 defi nes long-term strate- gic commitments in spa al development of the proper city area. Urban zones, limits of building areas and prevailing modes of land use are determined under this document. This Plan is aimed to advance and direct the development of central Belgrade, ini alized at adop on of the Master Plan of Belgrade 1975, revised in 1985, Master Plan of Belgrade 2003, revised in 2005 and 2009. Master Plan of Belgrade 2021 is a strategic develop- ment plan which provides a basis for the General Regula on Plan and other specifi c implementa on instruments. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF BUILDING AREA IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT – CITY OF BELGRADE

20 spa al en es in the City of Belgrade, established under Master Plan of Belgrade 2021, are elaborated through General Regula on Plan in three stages, and in 10 separate plans. These plans are prepared with the purpose of compre- hensive and detailed planning elabora on of the build- ing area, traffi c and infrastructure systems, complexes and buildings of public importance, as well as the most important development zones and wider spa al en es of importance for future developments. The Plan is a synthesis of urban plans and the possibili es of building and planning for an en re building area, resul ng from revised condi ons of valid urban plans, as well as estab- lishment and recovery plans for the areas of unplanned developments, and se ng planning condi ons for the undeveloped areas of the City. It will be possibile for a large part of the areas reevalu- ated pursuant to plans to be directly implemented under this Plan.


Spa al Plan for the special purpose area with outstand- ing features Avala - Kosmaj encompasses an area with excep onal characteris cs, with elements having cultural and natural value, which is at present day unregulated and having no clearly profi led iden ty. The general objec ve of the Plan is to protect, pre- serve, develop and regulate the area with outstanding features Avala and Kosmaj, in a way so as to ensure the development of tourism, while achieving ra onal spa al organiza on and development in line with the primary func on of protec on and regula on of natu- ral, cultural and historical values, regulated areas and preserved healthy environment. SPATIAL PLAN OF THE URBAN OF

Spa al Plan of the Urban Municipality of Lazarevac is aimed at harmonizing the exis ng plan with the new Law, developing and implemen ng the solu ons defi ned under documents of a higher rang, controlling the sprawl of building land, defi ning the condi ons for direct implementa on of the rules from the Plan, har- monizing Republic of Serbia’s strategic need for lignite exploita on with the ac vi es of local importance, and evalua ng of the Lazarevac municipality’s role in the spa al development of the Belgrade region. SPATIAL PLAN OF THE URBAN MUNICIPALITY OF

Spa al Plan of the Urban Municipality of Barajevo is developed on the premise that this municipality has an important role in the polycentric development of the Belgrade region, as one of the centers of the southern axis (, Lazarevac, Barajevo and ). The municipality has been planned to be an accessible and compe ve, a rac ve for investments in agricul- ture and SME (small and medium sized enterprises), with its iden ty based on tourism, recrea on and nature values. SPATIAL PLAN OF THE URBAN MUNICIPALITY OF MLADENOVAC

The main planning document for direc ng and manag- ing long-term sustainable development of the local community presents a vision of spa al development, in which the municipality of Mladenovac is spa ally and func onally posi oned and affi rmed among the mu- nicipali es of Belgrade region, which will be achieved through valorisa on of its geostrategic loca on, natural and tourist resources and poten als, and its connec on with its wider environment, paying special a en on to the development of tourism (spa, health, excursions, cultural events, game and hun ng) and agriculture. SPATIAL PLAN OF THE URBAN MUNICIPALITY OF

Spa al Plan for one part of the Urban Municipality of Grocka provides developmental and spa al basis for land use, regula on and protec on in accordance with sustainability principles, fully in line with the direc ves and guidelines of both European and na onal docu- ments and strategies. Long-term vision of municipality development is to make the municipality well-posi- oned in spa al and func onal terms, based on the val- ua on of its geo-strategic loca on in the macro-region and the wider area of Belgrade. In this regard, general developmental objec ve is to harmonize municipal de- velopment based on its own resources and poten als, and agricultural, transporta on and cultural networking in Belgrade macro-region, while preserving and promot- ing economic, environmental and social values. SPATIAL PLAN OF THE URBAN MUNICIPALITY OF SOPOT

Long-term vision of spa al development of the Urban Municipality of Sopot aims to turn it into a secondary center of the Belgrade region, based on u liza on of natural resources, tourism and economic values, while preserving and enhancing its environmental quality. Development of small and medium enterprises, forest resources, preserved natural areas and weekend retreat zones are ac vi es and areas that the municipality plans to promote and develop in the future. SPATIAL PLAN OF THE URBAN MUNICIPALITY OF SURČIN

Spa al Plan is aimed at controlling the sprawl of build- ing land, defi ning the strategic framework for the valua on of the loca on and the role of the municipal- ity in the spa al development of Belgrade region, and defi ning the rules of construc on and planning so that they can be directly implemented. The Plan elaborates the principles of spa al planning, defi nes spa al development goals, organiza on, protec- on and u liza on of space, as well as other elements of relevance for the spa al development of Surčin municipality. SPATIAL PLAN OF THE URBAN MUNICIPALITY OF OBRENOVAC

Municipality of Obrenovac is growing into a regional development center of the southern suburban belt of the Belgrade City administra ve area. The municipality has a dis nct role in Belgrade development based on its energy and industrial poten als, geographical and transporta on posi on, network of neighbourhoods and centers, water, land, tourism poten al, as well as network of social, educa onal, cultural, spor ng and other ins tu ons and organiza ons. Obrenovac municipality area is characterized by the densest grid of electric power facili es and infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia. STUDY OF BELGRADE PUBLIC SPACES PHASE I – ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC SPACES IN THE OLD TOWN OF BELGRADE

One of the primary objec ves of the Study is to contrib- ute to restoring public spaces, as symbols of a demo- cra c society, among the main priori es of the City administra on, through strategic and urban develop- ment plans and projects of signifi cance for the City of Belgrade. The Study presents an analysis of a selec on of exam- ples and experiences of foreign ci es, as well as the his- torical development of public spaces in Belgrade, mor- phological and typological characteris cs, a comparison of the system of public spaces with the system of green spaces and the traffi c system, analysis of tourism poten- als and data on the exis ng public spaces presented in current urban plans. The Study is elaborated as course for future regula on and treatment of public spaces in urban plans of Belgrade. STUDY ОN RELIGIOUS BUILDINGS

The Study analyzes the sites with religious contents, recognizes the needs of residents, makes recommenda- ons on size, contents and organiza on of new sites, and defi nes the mechanism for the applica on of urban parameters and distribu on of sites for religious buildings in urban plans. STUDY ON HIGHRISE BUILDINGS IN BELGRADE

The principal objec ve of the Study is to defi ne and improve planning and procedural framework for deter- mining loca ons suitable for highrise construc ons in Belgrade. The Study analyzes the zones and loca ons of already built highrises and their impact on the urban environ- ment, and presents the experiences of European ci es and their policies related to this topic. Preliminary assessment has been made of the zones suitable or prohibited for highrise construc ons, and criteria, con- di ons and procedures laid down for decision-making in respec ve cases and loca ons. SOCIAL HOUSING STUDY

The Social Housing Study is part of the Spa al Develop- ment Strategy of the Republic of Serbia 2009-2013- 2020. The Study analyzes the legal, sociological, economic, ur- ban and regional aspect of social housing and presents the Serbian experiences so far, as well as social housing models in several European countries. Based on this analysis, the objec ves, concept, user target groups, and basic opera onal goals of social housing in Serbia are defi ned. LOESS BLUFFS STUDY

Zemun-Bežanija loess bluff belongs to the natural values recorded for the territory of Belgrade building area. The Study analyzes the present state, evalua on, protec on and regula on of loess bluff , providing argu- menta on points for launching the process of placing this area under protec on as a natural monument. The Study provides a basis for making decisions about the use of space, through planning and other docu- ments, as well as defi ni on of spa al en es, purposes and contents that are compa ble with the protec on condi ons. “ČAPLJA” PROJECT

“Čaplja” project is amied at maintaining and ac vat- ing the wide hinterland on the le bank of the river at its confl uence with the river Sava in Bel- grade, which covers an area of about 850 hectares. All the ac vi es and zones are dedicated to the water, parks, recrea on, tourism and conserva on of ecologi- cal systems. Planned greenery and a system of canals will complement the water and natural park core of Belgrade. “Čaplja” project – Danube River Park on the new river ait in Belgrade, was elaborated in coopera on by teams from Florence and Belgrade, in 2007. BELGRADE WATERFRONT STUDY - PHASE I

The fi rst phase of the Study encompasses the totality of waters and part of the Belgrade area along the banks of the Sava and Danube rivers, as defi ned by the Master Plan of Belgrade 2021, covering an approximate area of 16,950 hectares. On the basis of condi onality and limi- ta ons of various aspects, the study defi nes the term, establishes the borders of coastal areas, analyzes the current status of space and planning documenta on, while recognizing the values, poten als and confl icts within the area, and sugges ng possible models of interven on aimed at improving the quality of coastal area and integra ng the waterfront into the urban matrix. BELGRADE WATERFRONT STUDY - PHASE II “NATURAL CORE OF BELGRADE”

Under the Belgrade City Development Strategy, the natural core of Belgrade is promoted, together with the , as a basic element of the City’s Eu- ropean iden ty, which is to be inves gated, iden fi ed, improved and promoted. The Study analyzes and explores possible scenarios for future planning and development of the area and explores the spa al poten al for new ac vi es, invest- ments and facili es in this drama c and interes ng environment. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF GREEN MARKETS NETWORK

The Plan is conceived as a contemporary model of development of the green markets network, based on intensive mul -purpose u liza on of central city loca- ons. The network includes the wholesale market as the central element of the supply system of the City and 33 green markets in the public sector. Four central city loca ons, Bajloni, Kalenić, Palilula and green markets, are planned as new mul -purpose urban squares and spaces in which, apart from mobile green markets, new facili es in the fi eld of social culture, entertainment and educa on are introduced. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS NETWORK

The Plan is elaborated with the aim of analysing the exis ng network of schools, establishing the criteria, requirements and condi ons for further development of the network by 2021, reexamining ideas presented in detailed planning documenta on through analysis and evalua on of capaci es, norms, implementa on and feasibility of planning ideas, as well as establishment of typology, defi ni on of general and special condi ons for development, reconstruc on and construc on of exis ng and planned school facili es and complexes. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF FIRE STATIONS NETWORK

Under the General Regula on Plan, fi re sta ons are defi ned as specialized public facili es and zones with func on of protec ng people and property from fi re, explosion, hazardous materials and other accidents. Apart from re-evalua ng the exis ng loca ons and sta- ons, the Plan also foresees 21 new loca ons for the construc on of new fi re sta ons. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF BELGRADE GREEN AREAS

General Regula on Plan is the last stage of the “Green Regula on of Belgrade” Project, and it is a comprehen- sive, complex and important step in the management of green areas. The concept of the planning idea has been elaborated in three stages, wherein it is an impera ve to conserve and enhance the exis ng green areas, while planning of new green areas is required so as to meet the European standards. In the context of sustainable development of the City, the planning idea is based on the principles of interlinking green areas, achieving func onality and accessibility, nature preserva on and biodiversity improvement. CLASSIFYING BELGRADE AS TOURIST DESTINATION

Belgrade is a city with a rich touris c off er, with a range of natural, cultural, historical, sport and entertainment ameni es. On the ini a ve of the Secretariat for Econ- omy, tourism poten als of Belgrade were examined by the Urban Planning Ins tute in the study “Classifying Belgrade as Tourist Des na on”, which was the basis for the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development to pass the Decision on Declaring Belgrade Tourist Des- na on of the First Category. INFORMATIONAL BASIS FOR THE CORRIDOR FOR THE SECOND LINE OF THE BELGRADE SUBWAY (From Orlovača Cemetery to )

On the basis of available sta s cal documenta on and urban planning ideas so far prepared for the corridor of the second line of the Belgrade Metro, the a rac- veness of the area, trends and dynamics of future development are presented. On the basis of informa on on socio-economic trends in development along the corridor of the Belgrade Metro lines, elabora on of conceptual solu ons for the route will be undertaken, and technical and planning documents will be prepared. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF PUBLIC PARKING GARAGES NETWORK

The Plan provides analysis of more than 70 sites for the construc on of public parking garages within the confi nes of building area of Belgrade 2021. Upon carrying out mul -criteria evalua on, 51 new and 7 exis ng sites have been analysed for the construc on of public parking garages. For each respec ve loca on, data sheet is prepared containing informa on on spa- al and planning possibili es, site limita ons, and the method for further implementa on. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF PETROL STATIONS NETWORK

The Plan provides an analysis of more than 170 loca- ons of exis ng petrol sta ons in the territory of the Master Plan of Belgrade 2021, defi nes planned network development of petrol sta ons in the City, and sets the rules and criteria for the building construc on on new sites. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF LOGISTICS CENTRE WITH INTERMODAL TERMINAL

The Plan provides a detailed elabora on of basic ele- ments for intermodal terminal and logis cs centre “”. Intermodal terminal and warehouse trans- port centre are planned within the complex with the capacity of 2-3 trains and 100 lorries per day, in the fi rst stage, while it is expected that this will increase to 8-10 trains and 500 lorries per day in the future. The main objec ve of the intermodal transport is to op mize diff erent forms of transport in the City, which should reduce the costs, improve the quality of services and improve the environment. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF THE TRAFFIC ROUTE NORTHERN TANGENT: FROM ROAD T6 TO PANČEVO ROAD

Construc on of the Northern tangent, in the direc on - , with a new bridge over the Danube, will have a signifi cant impact on traffi c improvements in the City. Connec on with the road T-6 on the right bank and and Pančevo road on the le bank of the Danube provides be er segrega on of traffi c on the primary street and road network of the City, helping to reduce nega ve impacts of freight transport on the environment in densely built urban areas. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF THE INNER RING ROAD FROM ROAD T6 TO PANČEVO BRIDGE – SECTION FROM TOŠIN BUNAR STREET TO JUNC- TION

The inner ring road is one of the most signifi cant future traffi c arteries in the City, which should free up the central city area of individual traffi c, and reduce the total amount of vehicles on the exis ng bridges over the river Sava. By implemen ng this traffi c route, alterna ve opportu- ni es in interconnec on of diff erent city parts will be provided. The signifi cance of this route is also refl ected in the improvement of public transport routes, par cu- larly over the new bridge over Ada, in which corridor the Belgrade metro is planned too. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF OUTER ARTERY TAN- GENT STAGE 1 – FROM PANČEVO ROAD TO THE ACCESS ROAD FOR THE TRANSFORMER STATION, WITH BRIDGE OVER THE DANUBE AND THE SITE OF ELECTRICAL SUB- STATION “BEOGRAD 20”

Outer artery tangent (sec on Pančevo Road – Nova Mokroluška Street) is a tangen al road that should direct traffi c fl ows from the north-east towards other direc ons, without their passing through the central city zone. This is important in the fi rst place for the transit and freight traffi c, as well as for even distribu- on of traffi c to the areas of higher a rac on. This road belongs to the Outer Artery Tangent linking the three main entrance direc ons: Pančevo Road, Boulevard Kralja Aleksandra ( Road) and the highway E-75. Prepara on of the Detailed Regula on Plan, sec on from Pančevo Road to the power sta on “Beograd 20” in Mirijevo, with a bridge over the Danube, is the fi rst stage in the detailed planning process of this important urban route. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF SLANAČKI ROAD WITH ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE

The subject ma er of the Plan is part of the traffi c road from Višnjička Street to Lešće cemetery, consis ng of several sec ons. In the present situa on, the sec ons have diff erent geometric characteris cs, which directly aff ect the func oning of traffi c along the stated route. The Plan provides a comprehensive analysis of this sec on and a proposi on for implementa on of a new traffi c solu on. One of the main objec ves of the Plan is to make de- tailed planning evalua on and necessary infrastructure planning in the gravita onal zone of Slanački Road, thus providing a basis for further improvement of this area. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF BATAJNICA - SECTION OF THE HIGHWAY E-75 AND A SECTION OF THE HIGHWAY E-70 WITH TOLL SITE RAMP LOCATION AND JUNCTION FOR THE AIROPORT “NIKOLA TESLA” IN ZEMUN AND SURČIN - STAGE I, SECTOR 1 AND 2

The planned Batajnica - Dobanovci sec on of the High- way E-75 is the traffi c route connec ng European roads E-70 (highway Belgrade-) and E-75 (highway Belgrade-). This sec on of the Highway E-75, from Batajnica to Dobanovci, is part of the ring road comprising a bypass highway going from Batajnica via Dobanovci, Ostružnica and Železnik to , with corridor through Vinča and a new bridge on the Danube, in connec on with the interna onal road E-70 via Pančevo and Vršac for Romania. The Plan defi nes the condi ons for the func onal con- nec ng of already executed road sec ons into a single traffi c route, by means of construc ng missing sec ons and reconstruc ng inappropriate sec on parts.


The sec on of the Highway E-75 from Batajnica to Dobanovci (Sectors 1 and 2) is the traffi c road that connects the executed sec ons of the highway Zagreb - Belgrade and the highway Novi Sad - Belgrade, and it is part of the planned highway beltway around Belgrade. Adop on of the Plan (Sec on 1) is aimed at harmoniz- ing the planning solu on with the new Concept Design of the junc on “Batajnica”, in accordance with the Direc ve of the Government of the Republic of Serbia of 2009, which regulates that this traffi c route is not within the toll collec on system, thereby making sig- nifi cant savings by reducing traffi c areas at facili es and the body of the road. Newly planned solu on enables delevelled junc on of crossing lines of highways E-75, M-22 and M-22.1 (beltway around Batajnica). GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF DISTRICT HEATING PLANTS SYSTEM OF BELGRADE

By means of the General Regula on Plan for district hea ng plants system, a consistent set of planning rules and condi ons is laid down for the construc on of district hea ng system, which will provide op mal way to connect each and any new customer to the system, as well as an incen ve to the general development of Belgrade. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF GASIFICATION SYSTEM OF BELGRADE

Opera onal implementa on of development com- mitments in the fi eld of natural gas u liza on and further development of building facili es of the system embraces a number of ac vi es in the acquisi on of planning and technical documenta on. The General Regula on Plan for the construc on of gas system and facili es is a planning document comprising defi ned elements of the pipeline network and facili es, based on which each sec on of the pipeline and the gas sta on site loca on permit may be issued. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ELECTRIC POWER GRID AND FACILITIES, VOLTAGE LEVEL 10/35/110 KV IN BELGRADE

Further development of the electric power grid and facili es of 10/35/110 kV voltage level in Belgrade and distribu on of the electricity to exis ng and new cus- tomers is based on the availability of the system capaci- es, its technical and security aptness to accept new customers, as well as real compe on in the electricity energy market. The Plan allows for direct implementa- on for each sec on of the electric power grid and power sta on site separately. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF INFILTRATION WATER SOURCE ON THE LEFT BANK OF THE SAVA RIVER - LOCATION “ZIDINE”

Required amount of water necessary for water supply of the City of Belgrade will be provided using infi ltra on system “Zidine” on the le bank of the river Sava. This water source, which will be the capaci ve addi on to the exis ng groundwater treatment system, should be complementary with the planned water source on the le bank of the Danube, so that in the future requirements of Belgrade for increased quan es of water are fully met and security and ra onality in water supply are ensured. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF RENOVATION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE EXISTING WATER SOURCE “” WITH WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND SUPPLYING PIPELINES

For more than 40 years, the groundwater source “Sib- nica” is a major resource for the water supply of City of Pančevo, which requires not only protec on of the available reserves, but con nued ra onal use os these resources in the future. The realiza on of this eff ort is condi onal on detailed planning and planning regula- on, which is provided for under this Plan. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF VRAČAR PLATEAU

Spa al concept of future development of the Vračar plateau area is based on recognizing the characteris cs of each respec ve block and a emp ng to direct and allow their further development in a natural and logical way. The principle applied is that of moderate develop- ment, without radical interven ons, in building struc- tures and traffi c solu ons alike. The focus is on gradual change through a process of revitaliza on, renewal, reconstruc on, preserva on and improvement of urban matrix. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF

The complex of Ada Ciganlija and Ada Medjica with one part of the Makiš fi eld stands as unique natural rec- rea onal oasis of Belgrade. The Plan encompasses an area of about 1,100 hectares, which enjoys the status of public good, available to everyone on equal terms. This Plan establishes urban planning rules for the protec- on, designing and construc on within the complex. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF THE CULTURAL- HISTORICAL COMPLEX TOPČIDER

The cultural-historical complex “Topčider” is one of the largest and most important regional cultural and histor- ical heritage sites in Belgrade and in Serbia. A number of historical buildings from diff erent eras, preserved spa al solu on from the nineteenth century, parks with fountains and public monuments, preserved natural resources, monuments of industrial and sports develop- ment and a legacy of numerous historical events are the main characteris c of this site with rich heritage. The Plan establishes a system of measures for protec- on of the authen city and the iden ty of this area as a whole, as well as individual complexes and facili es separately, and integrates the space by introducing new contents, which will signifi cantly improve the tourist off er of Belgrade by its uniqueness and exclusivity. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF PARK FOREST

The Plan highlights, affi rms and preserves the basic protec ve func on of and off ers envi- ronmental improvements and op miza on of environ- mental condi ons in the City. The Plan foresees that the tourist, recrea onal, educa- onal and scien fi c research facili es will in the future supersede the current confl ic ng ameni es. The total area of the Plan is approximately 165 hectares, while the area of public green areas is about 100 hectares. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF KOSANČIĆEV VENAC

Kosančićev venac, urban complex of important histori- cal heritage, was declared in 1971 to be the na onal heritage site. The site stands as the oldest compact Serbian se lement area in the town of Belgrade. It was the fi rst developed se lement, an administra ve, cultural, spiritual and economic center in the renewed Serbian state, and it is a part of modern Belgrade that is characterized by signifi cant urban and visual quali es. The urban planning regula on of the site was done in 2006. The aim of the Plan was to bring into balance the historical, social, economic, cultural aspects, diff er- ent forms of communica on and contemporary urban ac vi es. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF THE OLD TOWN OF ZEMUN

The Old Town of Zemun was formed in late eighteenth century, and it represents the mainstay of social, economic and cultural development of the City and a unique urban phenomenon. The Old Town was declared spa al, cultural and historical heritage site of great importance for the Republic of Serbia. The Plan establishes the concept of space organiza on in order to preserve and improve the tradi on, iden ty, cultural, historical and natural environment and public spaces. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF KRNJAČA

The area encompasses spacious, partly populated territory of the City on the le bank of the Danube, an area of abour 700 hectares. The City has a huge development poten al in this area, which requires careful regula on and urban planning so that the trend of individual, unplanned development, which fails to meet appropriate standards, would be prevented and reversed. The concept enables op mal development of commer- cial, residen al, sport and recrea onal ameni es, with necessary public spaces and facili es of social standard and green areas, and comple on of infrastructure systems, as well as technical and technological improve- ment of exis ng ones. Contribu on to the quality of this area is provided by recrea onal areas in the contact zone “” and “Čaplja”. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF BATAJNICA

The Plan regulates the planning and construc on of the encompassed area, with the purpose of promo ng its spa al poten als and raising the standards and the quality of life in this suburb. The Plan provides: - con nua on in infrastructure development of the suburb, - be er transport links to surrounding suburbs, as well as to the center of Zemun (where Batajnica belongs ter- ritorially, func onally and poli cally), - fulfi lment of the condi ons for the construc on of buildings and areas of public use, and - provision of the condi ons for the construc on of industrial and commercial facili es, compa ble with residen al buildings.


The aim of the Plan is to create a planning basis for demarca ng public construc on land from other space, as well as construc ng residen al and commercial complexes, and defi ning transport and infrastructure network and facili es. Land area is approximately 200 hectares. The Plan is partly done as a rehabilita on plan in terms of planning and construc on of roads and infrastructure. GENERAL REGULATION PLAN OF PART OF THE MUNICI- PALITY OF RAKOVICA – “JELEZOVAC-SUNČANI BREG”

The Plan encompasses part of the Rakovica municipal- ity, covering the area of 220 hectares. The aim of the Plan is to regulate the area, for which there was no elabora on of detailed planning. The Plan provides development of infrastructure and transporta on network, as well as public facili- es (school, kindergarten, market, centers of primary medical care). A high percentage of greenery provides a healthy environment and also enables the development of new tourist, educa onal and recrea onal ameni es. Unplanned developments are evaluated with special at- ten on, in order to incorporate them into the planning solu on, as much as possible. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF PREGREVICA

Pregrevica is the toponym of the urban neighbourhood in Gornji Zemun, at Danube loess bluff . The Plan covers a territory of 100 hectares, with three territorial en es - the loess bluff , loess sec on and the waterfront. The area is characteris c of the space typology in Vojvo- dina, which is marked by notable tree-lined streets and greenery, and a corresponding typology of buildings on the loess bluff . The objec ves of the Plan include preserva on and enhancement of the exis ng character and environ- ment of the neighbourhood, while applying controlled urban renewal, a moderate increase in the capaci es, development of its undeveloped central func ons, infrastructure equipment, preserva on, protec on and improvement of the loess bluff and forma on of the waterfront zone with mul -purpose facili es, as well as interconnec on of the waterfront, the loess bluff and the neighbourhood located on the loess plateau. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF VOJVODE STEPE STREET

Detailed regula on plan of Vojvode Stepe Street is prepared as an amendment of the Detailed Urban Plan of the sec on along Vojvode Stepe Street from 1991, and as a result of numerous ini a ves of Voždovac Municipality ci zens. The aim of the Plan is to make re-evalua on of the feasibility of planned regula on of Vojvode Stepe Street and the en re traffi c concept. It was necessary to harmonize the Plan with the current situa on (executed according to the Master Plan of Belgrade 2021), diff erent socio-economic condi ons, legisla on and the ability of the City to implement pro- posed urban solu ons. It was also necessary to reassess urban parameters, building types and capaci es within the en re area covered by the Plan. Vojvode Stepe Street has a character of central wider zone, a tendency to develop into larger shopping zone, and with increased residen al density it is necessary to provide increase in accompanying public ameni es. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF THE RIVER SAVA AND LAKE PLATEAU

New neighbourhood is planned at 550 hectares area, of approximate capacity of 50,000 inhabitants. The area under the Plan is divided into eight func onal en es. The spa al connec ons with main city roads, good exposure and terrain height characteris cs provide signifi cant poten al for development of planned func- onal en es. A challenge for planning in this territory was to adjust the planned construc on to the natural environment, which is achieved in this Plan by means of introduc on of adequate traffi c matrix, construc on type and rec- ognizable space mo fs (environmental and man-made) which form the iden ty of the area covered by the Plan and smaller areas alike. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF THE RESIDENTIAL AREA “VIŠNJIČKO POLJE”

Residen al complex “Višnjičko polje” is planned as a new residen al complex for 21,000 inhabitants, located on the slope below the cemetery “Lešće”. The Plan was preceded by the public urban compe on. The win- ning entry has been signifi cantly modifi ed as a result of unstable terrain and various ownership transforma- ons. Planned land use in the complex is residen al with compa ble uses (retail, offi ce, sports and recre- a onal areas, etc.), and the accompanying public facili- es (culture, elementary schools, preschools, health centre, market, etc.). The encompassed area is about 94 hectares. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF SUBURB IN ZEMUN

Grmovac suburban neighbourhood is located along the highway Belgrade-Zagreb. The Plan encompasses the neighbourhood and the access road with the area of about 300 hectares. The neighbourhood is planned for about 16,000 residents. The objec ves of the Plan are: - provision of the basis for the development of the traffi c network and infrastructure systems and the legaliza on of unplanned buildings, assuming prior urban assessment, - introduc on of urban planning rules for the construc- on of new facili es to be compa ble with residen al complexes, - demarca on of public land use from other land uses, and - defi ni on of rules for construc on and design accord- ing to which the suburb will be further developed. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF “ALTINA 2” SUBURB IN ZEMUN

The Plan encompasses part of the Zemun municipality territory, between Highway M 22 - Belgrade to Novi Sad and railway Belgrade to Šid. Land area is about 260 hectares. About 60% of the suburb is built without planning documenta on, through spontaneous sprawl of “Al na” suburb. “Al na 2” is planned for around 19,000 residents. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF THE INDUSTRIAL ZONE BY THE HIGHWAY IN THE OF NEW BELGRADE, ZEMUN AND SURČIN

For a long me, the zone along the highway has been an extremely a rac ve loca on for industrial and retail developments. Area is partly equipped with infrastruc- ture and transport network. Within the area, various demands, services, technologies and diff erent types of produc on can be expected. Therefore, for its further development and ac va on in broader range, it was necessary to plan proper infrastructure, traffi c network and condi ons for the realiza ons of various purposes in such a way so as to enable construc on in stages and to meet various future needs. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF THE INDUSTRIAL ZONE UPPER ZEMUN

The territory of the industrial zone Upper Zemun is one of the most important commercial zones in Belgrade, posi oned in the north entrance direc on, extremely well connected, enabling direct connec on with the planned highway bypass, encompassing area of about 228 hectares (zone 3 - 125 hectares, zone 4 - 103 hect- ares). The planned area is a comprehensive commercial zone formed by the exis ng complex and new produc- on, retail and storage facili es. The equipment and construc on of the necessary traffi c areas and infra- structure systems is also planned, aiming to create favourable working condi ons while, at the same me, providing sa sfactory environmental condi ons. DETAILED REGULATION PLAN OF (ZONE A)

The Plan was preceded by a Spa al Program Solu- on of the Ada Huja territory – for the area about 470 hectares. Further elabora on is determined by dividing the territory into three zones. Zone A covers about 95 hectares, in which the following is planned: - radical transforma on of the area from predominantly commercial purposes into central func ons, i.e. exten- sion of the exis ng central zone of the City to the area in the coastal hinterland of the Danube, - spa al and func onal integra on of the area into the urban fabric by construc ng a new transporta on and infrastructure network, - development of integrated uses of the urban center, and - repairing, improving and protec ng the environment and crea ng condi ons for achieving environmental standards of the new “city waterfront” according to the principles of sustainable development. STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT

For plans that represent future development projects of the City, Urban Planning Ins tute provides strategic assessments of environmental impact. Strategic assessments are made for spa al and urban plans, traffi c facili es and infrastructure corridors plans, transforma on of industrial complexes, sports and rec- rea onal centers, protected heritage areas, protected cultural and historical sites and protected natural sites. All the assessments are done in accordance with the regula ons on environmental protec on. PLAN OF THE VESSEL LOCATIONS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CITY OF BELGRADE – PHASE I

This document represents the fi rst phase of the Plan for placing the vessels in one sec on of the riverbank and waterfront in the territory of Belgrade. It covers the central area of the City and defi nes suitable zones, sets the rules for loca ons of restaurants on the water and docks, as well as boats for requirements of mari- nas, sport clubs and events. These zones are defi ned by respec ve degrees of condi onality - (A) zones suitable for vessels, (B) prohibited zones, and (V) zones of condi onal prohibi on.


Concept design and the Urban Project are prepared for the waterfront area along the Old Centre of Zemun, approximately 1,200 meters long, star ng from the loca on “Radecki” and ending at the loca on “Hidro- baza”. The main objec ve is to establish condi ons for the construc on of facili es for the defence from the river Danube high de, at the part belonging to the Old Town of Zemun, as well as to establish condi ons for urban planning of public traffi c areas, greenery and walkways and construc on of infrastructure facili es. This is the area of signifi cant urban and cultural heritage importance. URBAN PROJECT FOR THE RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX LOCATED WEST OF URBAN NEIGHBOURHOOD “DR IVAN RIBAR”

Mixed-use development of residen al and offi ce build- ings on the site at Dr Ivana Ribara Street in New Bel- grade is fi nanced by the Building Directorate of Serbia. Urban project meets the requirements for implementa- on pursuant to the Law on S mula on of Construc- on Industry of the Republic of Serbia in condi ons of economic crisis. In order to assess the site capacity, the Building Directorate of Serbia, in coopera on with the Associa on of Belgrade Architects, announced a public urban planning-architecture compe on for the concept design of the complex. Urban project is just one of the stages in the process of development of this new residen al block, and it was prepared by the Urban Planning Ins tute in accordance with the winning entry. The plan has six free-standing buildings which com- bined amounts to approximately 710 apartments for some 2,200 people. URBAN PROJECT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN VIŠNJIČKA BANJA

The site is located in the territory of Palilula municipal- ity, southwest of the urban neighbourhood Višnjička Banja. The aim of the project is to determine the architectural and urban condi ons for construc on of a primary school and condi ons for connec ng it to the public u lity infrastructure network. The planned construc on of the elementary school building is in accordance with the Master Plan of Belgrade 2021 and in conformity with the needs of residents. The capacity of the school is 650 pupils in 24 classes, with addi onal 8 cabinets. The area of the plot is 2 hectares; the height of the school building is three fl oors above ground levels. URBAN PROJECT FOR THE CENTRE FOR PROMOTION OF SCIENCE, THE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND NANO CENTER IN BLOCK 39 IN NEW BELGRADE

Urban Project is a technical elabora on of the winning entry at the interna onal architecture compe on for the urban concept design of the Centre for the Promo- on of Science. This will be a service-providing ins tu- on and the na onal bank of knowledge in the fi eld of science, where science will be introduced to the public and innova ve and educa onal exhibi ons organized. Part of the block is planned for the Ins tute-center for materials and disciplines related to physics, biology and chemistry, and the Nano center with shared laborato- ries for physics, materials and nanoscience. In addi on to these facili es, there are traffi c areas, walking paths, landscaped green areas and science parks designed within the complex. URBAN PROJECT ON THE SITE OF “STEPA STEPANOVIĆ” MILITARY BARRACKS IN VOŽDOVAC

Residen al complex with accompanying facili es, planned in the former military property “Stepa Stepanović”, is part of the ac vi es undertaken by the Government to support the construc on industry in condi ons of crisis and under special terms, enabling the construc on of residen al complex and purchase of apartments under favourable condi ons. The complex encompasses area of 42 hectares. Resi- den al buildings are grouped into seven spa al and func onal en es and connected to the primary road network by internal traffi c and car-pedestrian network. Two elementary schools, two preschools, preschool annex, park area and business-retail building are planned within the complex. REGISTERS OF URBAN PLANS, URBAN PROJECTS AND VALID GEOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION

Database of valid planning documents for the City of Belgrade territory is the most important segment of the Urban Planning Ins tute informa on system, which provides insight into all stages of planning documenta- on, which is prepared primarily with the aim to make offi cial informa on available to the general public and professionals.

REGISTER OF VALID GEOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION (GEOLBAZA) is designed to enable easier access to informa on on geological documenta on. The data- base is designed based on the assessment of profi les of a majority of poten al users and their real needs. It is planned, in the following stages, to link this database with the Unique Informa on System of the City of Belgrade. “BUrIS”

“BUrIS” – a segment of the comprehensive geographic informa on system of the City of Belgrade (BEOGIS) – incorporates data related to urban planning and monitoring of changes in space. It provides a basis for planning and coordina on of municipal plans and projects, basis for making decisions on priori es for investment in equipment and construc on of traffi c and u lity infrastructure, for keeping registers and moni- toring of current valid planning documenta on in the City of Belgrade territory. BUrIS is designed to be easily accessed by the public. GEOGRAFIC INFORMATION SYSTEM OF BELGRADE BIOTOPES

As part of the third phase of the “Green Regula on of Belgrade” project, prepared for the building area in the territory of Belgrade, the evalua on and mapping of biotopes and percep on of space from the environ- mental point of view has been carried out, applying the fundamental topographic unit in ecology – biotope. The result is provided in a form of database, the fi rst of its kind in Serbia. By analyzing the collected data, it is pos- sible to perceive the spa al representa on of the bio- topes diversity, their poten als and real value through a seven-value scale, the presence of protected, rare and endangered species of fl ora and fauna, etc. The data are viewed through diff erent thema c maps, tables and graphic presenta ons. This database is an indispensable ecological basis for planning and a step toward the sustainable develop- ment of Belgrade. PREPARATION OF FACILITIES AND PROGRAM OF GEOGRAFIC INFORMATION SYSTEM – GREEN AREAS OF BELGRADE

The second stage of the project “Green Regula on of Belgrade” was carried out in order to prepare the facili- es and program of development of GIS green areas. The project defi nes the objects of the system, par ci- pants in the development and users of the system, basic processes of the system, specifi ca on of system requirements, the process of ini al forma on and sub- sequent maintenance of the system. By means of elab- ora on of the pilot project in the territory of Topčider Park, verifi ca on of defi ned facili es and process has been carried out. According to defi ned facili es and program, the Public U lity Company “Zelenilo Beograd” started in 2007, the fi rst stage of implementa on of informa on system. Establishment of a GIS – Green Areas of Belgrade, is the obliga on of the City, required to meet the precondi on for the eff ec ve management of this important resource and to apply prac cec of European ci es. SPATIAL – PROGRAM EVALUATIONS

For the purposes of spa al-program evalua ons for specifi c urban areas of the City, the Urban Planning In- s tute periodically organizes public professional surveys and professional compe ons. Spa al-program evalu- a ons are done in coopera on with the Faculty of Ar- chitecture, Belgrade Associa on of Urbanists, Belgrade Associa on of Architects, Architects’ Club, the Academy of and other specialized ins tu- ons. This method was applied on the Ada Huja area, as well as on Blocks 25 and 26 and Vojvodjanska Street in New Belgrade. Professional surveys galvanize various ideas about the City space, providing diff erent solu ons, discovering new space poten als and off ering a variety of urban scenarios and solu ons for par cular loca ons in the City. These professional evalua ons are the fi rst step in thema c studies prepara on and the basis for further planning procedures. INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN PLANNING DESIGN OF THE WATERFRONT CENTER “BETON HALA”

The Belgrade City Assembly and the Agency for Invest- ment and Housing, in coopera on with the Urban Plan- ning Ins tute of Belgrade, have announced in February 2011, an interna onal, anonymous, one-stage compe - on for preliminary architectural and urban planning design of the Waterfront Center “BETON HALA”. The goal of the compe on was to conduct a broad survey so as to fi nd the best solu on of delicate Belgrade waterfront area and connec ons between interna onal passenger port, , Belgrade Fortress and the city center. 135 entries were received, and the jury awarded two equal fi rst prizes, two equal third prizes, one purchase and two honourable men ons. The compe on was organized by the Urban Planning Ins tute of Belgrade with the support of the Associa- on of Belgrade Architects. CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS

Urban Planning Ins tute of Belgrade takes part in orga- niza on, coordinates and carries out ac vi es in prepa- ra on of conferences and workshops of local, na onal and interna onal importance. The Ins tute always organizes these events in coopera on with partner ci es, similar ins tu ons or cultural ins tu ons of City of Belgrade, with the purpose of professional advance- ment, good coopera on and promo on of Belgrade. These are some of the examples of successful projects, exchanges and coopera on: workshop “Social and Modern - Housing in Vienna”, interna onal conference “Belgrade - Modern and Postmodern City” (AIA Con - nental Europe - European Department of the American Ins tute of Architects), workshop on Urban technolo- gies (Professional Exchange Belgrade - Vienna), workshop STADSLAB Master class, etc. EXHIBITIONS

Independently or in coopera on with ins tu ons and organiza ons from Serbia and abroad, Urban Planning Ins tute of Belgrade organizes professional exhibi ons in the fi eld of urban and spa al planning, urban devel- opment, environment, mobility, safety, communica- ons, energy, transport and other topics of importance for the City of Belgrade. The following exhibi ons have been presented: “Cre- a ve Barcelona in Belgrade” (2007), the European prize for public space “For Public Spaces in the City” (2008), “Vienna Housing. Innova ve. Social. Ecological.” (2009), “Vienna Know-How: Urban Technologies and Strate- gies” (2010). PUBLISHING

Urban Planning Ins tute of Belgrade periodically issues publica ons on urban topics signifi cant for the City, on spa al and urban studies, issues related to urban processes, historical development of the City, as well as transla ons of ar cles by world famous architects.


Special library collects and provides professional treat- ment of library materials, provides informa on on specifi c topics and areas, classifi es and processes library holdings and other library material, organizes the purchase of books and periodical publica ons, and pro- vides a linkage in the system of Belgrade City Libraries. Management of the library is carried out as part of the Serbian Na onal Library system. There are over seven thousand books in its holdings. INFO JOURNAL

INFO journal is a product of modern business plan of the Urban Planning Ins tute of Belgrade, which requires quick, clear and transparent communica on. Printed version is delivered to public ins tu ons of the City, urban planning companies and associates in Belgrade and Serbia, and it is also published in full at the Ins tute’s website. In recent years, by improving its contents, expanding the space given to original texts and professional papers, as well as English transla ons and its visual layout, INFO Journal goes beyond the scope of internal bulle n of the Ins tute. URBAN PLANNING INSTITUTE OF BELGRADE

30, Palmo ceva St, Belgrade, SERBIA Phone (+38111)3331-500 / Fax (+38111)3331-550 offi [email protected] Belgrade 2012