Dewi Nusantara, Komodo, Indonesia + [Other Articles] Undercurrent
The Private, Exclusive Guide for Serious Divers November-December 2016 Vol. 31, No. 11 Dewi Nusantara, Komodo, Indonesia luxurious living, remarkable diving IN THIS ISSUE: Dewi Nusantara, Komodo, Dear Fellow Diver Indonesia ................. 1 Fishes of the East Indies....... 3 Andrea, the friendly English Dive/Cruise Director from Southhampton, in her low-key way, introduced us 11 Chip Your Dive Bag .......... 4 divers to all the details of the beautiful Dewi (pro- Sick Divers, Macho Divemasters, 6 nounced day-wee) Nusantara, as well as the planned itin- Travelin’ Diver’s Chapbook .... 6 erary and the dive procedures. But, there came a clinker. Flying After Diving Researchers Since we were lucky to have two marine biologists on Need Your Help ........... 7 board, one the veteran Mark Erdmann, she said they would Diver Safety – It’s Not Sexy! .... 9 modify the advertised Komodo itinerary and take two days G’day Mate, Do You Want to explore a few unknown areas, primarily muck dives. a Lift? .................... 9 “After all, you don’t want to spend your whole trip just Underwater Statues and diving Komodo.” What? I booked my July trip for very good Sculpture Parks ........... 11 money to dive Komodo, and now that I’m onboard they’re changing the itinerary. I’m no muck diver. I held my Assigned a Bad Buddy?....... 13 tongue. Florida Caves Claim Two More .15 When Your Liveaboard Doesn’t My partner and I were already a little anxious, Go Where It Promised ..... .16 thanks to an earlier hitch in getting picked up at our The Sting in the Tail........
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