UNIT 11 TheThe World World


Entering the twenty-first century, the world is a much smaller place than it was at the time of your great-grandparents a hundred years ago. Advances in technology, communication, and transportation are responsible for much of this change.They have narrowed vast distances and made neighbors of the world’s people.The Internet, for example, now puts you in immedi- ate touch with people in other parts of the world. In the years to come, you and your generation—here and elsewhere—will be chal- lenged to work together to use this and other technology to make the world a better place for everyone.

Worrldld RegionsRegions VideoVideo To learn more about the physical and human of the world, view the World Regions video “Looking at the World.”

16 Unit 1 NGS ONLINE www.nationalgeographic.com/education

Skydivers in formation above patchwork fields, California

Unit 1 17 GeoJournal Write a journal entry describing the part of the world in which you live—its physical Chapter Overview Visit the Glencoe World features, plant and animal life, and people. Geography Web site at geography.glencoe.com Think about how your observations are similar and click on Chapter Overviews—Chapter 1 to to and different from the ways a geographer preview information about how geographers looks at the world. look at the world. Guide to Reading Exploring Consider What You Know Think about where your school is Geography located and the ways in which a place’s location can be described. How many different ways can you think of to describe your school’s location to another person? A Geographic View Reading Strategy Organizing As you read about ’s Variety places on Earth, create a web dia- Asmall planet in a modest solar gram similar to the one below by system, a tumbling pebble in the listing three types of regions. cosmic stream, and yet . . . [t]his home is built of many mansions, Types of Regions carved by wind and the fall of water, lush with living things beyond number, perfumed by salt spray and blossoms. Here cool Read to Find Out in a cloak of mist or there • What are the physical and human steaming under a brazen sun, features geographers study? Earth’s variety excites the • How do geographers describe the senses and exalts the soul. Labrador coast, Canada earth’s features and their patterns? —Stuart Franklin, “Celebrations of • How is geography used? Earth,” National Geographic, January 2000 Terms to Know • location • absolute location • hemisphere How would you describe the world around you? Would it be in terms of people, places, things, or all of these? Geog- • grid system raphy is the study of the earth’s physical features and the living • relative location things—humans, animals, and plants—that inhabit the planet. Geog- • place raphy looks at where all of these elements are located and how they • region relate to one another. In this section you will gain an understanding • formal region of what geography is and why it is important to study it. • functional region • perceptual region The Elements of Geography • ecosystem The root of the word geography is an ancient Greek word meaning • movement “earth description.” Geographers are specialists who describe the • human-environment interaction earth’s physical and human features and the interactions of people, places, and environments. They not only describe but also search for Places to Locate patterns in these features and interactions, seeking to explain how • Equator • South Pole and why they exist or occur. For example, geographers may study • North Pole • Prime Meridian volcanoes and why they erupt, or they may analyze a city’s location

Mt. McKinley, Alaska, United States Chapter 1 19 in relation to climate, landscape, and available trans- DIAGRAM portation. In their work, geographers consider: STUDY • The world in spatial terms (location) • Places and regions The Hemispheres • Physical systems • Human systems • Environment and society North Pole Northern • The uses of geography Hemisphere The World in Spatial Terms Spatial relations refer to the links that places and people have to one another because of their loca- tions. For geographers, location, or a specific place on the earth, is a reference point in the same way that dates are reference points for historians. Equator

Absolute Location One way of locating a place is by describing its absolute location—the exact spot at which the place is found on the globe. To determine absolute location, geographers use a network of imaginary lines around the earth. The Equator, the line cir- Southern Hemisphere cling the earth midway between the North and South Pole South Poles, divides the earth into hemispheres, or two halves (Northern and Southern). The Prime Meridian, the 0° north-south line that runs through Greenwich, England, and the 180° north-south line running through the mid-Pacific Ocean also divide the earth into hemispheres (Eastern and Western). The Equator, the Prime Meridian (also called the Meridian of Greenwich), and other lines of latitude and longitude cross one another to form a pattern called a grid system. Using the grid, you can name the absolute, or precise, location of any place on Earth. This location is generally stated in terms of latitude, degrees north or south of the Equator, and longitude, degrees east or west of the Prime Meridian. For example, Dallas, Texas, is located at Western Prime Eastern latitude 32°N (north) and longitude 96°W (west). Hemisphere Meridian Hemisphere Relative Location Although absolute location is useful, most peo- ple locate a place in relation to other places, or by its relative location. For example, New Orleans is located near the mouth of the Mississippi River. 1. Interpreting Diagrams What lines of latitude Knowing the relative location of a place helps you and longitude divide the globe into hemispheres? orient yourself in space and develop an awareness 2. Applying Geography Skills In which hemi- of the world around you. spheres do you live?


The Global Grid

Lines of Latitude Lines of Longitude The Global Grid North Pole North Pole North Pole

Arctic Circle Arctic Circle

Tro Trop

pic of Canc ic of Canc er er E


E E 0


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6 4 1


8 2 1

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T T ropic ropic of Capricorn of Capricorn

South Pole South Pole South Pole

2. Applying Geography Skills Approximate the 1. absolute location of the state of Florida. Explain Interpreting Diagrams Between which lines of how you determined the answer. latitude is the Arctic Circle located?

Places and Regions functional region is a central place and the sur- rounding area linked to it, for example, by a high- A place is a particular space with physical and way system. Metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles human meaning. Every place on Earth has its own and Tokyo are functional regions. A perceptual unique characteristics, determined by the surround- region is defined by popular feelings and images ing environment and the people who live there. One rather than by objective data. For, example, the term task of geographers is to understand and explain how “heartland” refers to a central area in which tradi- places are similar to and different from one another. To tional values are believed to predominate. interpret the earth’s complexity, geographers often group places into regions, or areas united by specific factors. The defining factors of a region may be phys- Physical Systems ical, such as soil type, vegetation, river systems, and In their work geographers analyze how certain climate. A region may also have human factors natural phenomena, such as volcanoes, hurricanes, that help define it. These may include language, and floods, shape the earth’s surface. The earth’s religion, cultural traditions, forms of government, and systems are endlessly fascinating. trade networks. Geographers identify three types of regions: for- mal, functional, and perceptual. A formal, or uni- Every astronaut loves to take pictures of form, region is defined by a common characteristic, the Earth. To me, that’s the best part of such as a product produced there. The Corn Belt— “ flying in space. the Iowa-Illinois area in the United States—is a Rick Searfoss, quoted in “Geographica,” formal region because corn is its major crop. A National Geographic, November 1996 ” Chapter 1 21 Geographers look at how physical features inter- ment affects human activities. For example, moun- act with plant and animal life to create, support, or tains and deserts often pose barriers to human change ecosystems. An ecosystem is a community movement. In other instances human activities, of plants and animals that depend upon one such as building a dam, cause changes in the phys- another, and their surroundings, for survival. ical environment. By understanding how the earth’s physical features and processes shape and Human Systems are shaped by human activity, geographers help societies make informed decisions. Geographers also examine how people shape the world—how they settle the earth, form societies, and create permanent features. A recurring theme in geo- The Uses of Geography graphy is the ongoing movement of people, goods, Geography can provide insight into how physi- and ideas. For example, migrants entering a long- cal features and living things developed in the established society usually bring different ideas and past. It can also interpret present-day trends to practices that may transform that society’s traditional plan for future needs. Governments, businesses, culture. In studying human systems, geographers also and individuals use geographic information in look at how people compete or cooperate to change planning and decision making. Data on physical or control aspects of the earth to meet their needs. features and processes can determine whether a site is suitable for human habitation or has resources worth developing. Geographic informa- Environment and Society tion on human activities, such as population Human-environment interaction, or the study of trends, can help planners decide whether to build the interrelationship between people and their new schools or highways in a particular place. physical environment, is another theme of geogra- Geographic information helps determine where to phy. Geographers examine the ways people use locate fire stations and shopping malls. As geogra- their environment, how and why they have phers learn more about the relationships among changed it, and what consequences result from people, places, and the environment, their knowl- these changes. In some cases the physical environ- edge can help us plan and build a better future.

Checking for Understanding Critical Thinking Analyzing Diagrams 1. Define location, absolute location, 3. Categorizing Information Con- 6. Location Study the diagram of hemisphere, grid system, relative sider the physical and human the hemispheres on page 20. location, place, region, formal factors that constitute a region. In which hemispheres is Africa region, functional region, percep- Identify the differences among located? tual region, ecosystem, movement, formal, functional, and perceptual human-environment interaction. regions. Applying Geography 2. Main Ideas In a web diagram, list 4. Drawing Conclusions How might six elements in the study of geog- geographers’ knowledge of human 7. Relative Location Write a raphy (hint: use the headings in systems benefit people? paragraph that describes the relative location of your this section). Then explain how Explain 5. Making Generalizations school in at least five ways. each is applied. how knowing about the geogra- In what instances might rel- phy of a particular city might ative location be more use- influence your decision to move Elements of Geography ful than absolute location? there. In what instances might absolute location be more useful?

22 Unit 1 Guide to Reading The Geographer’s Consider What You Know People use different types of Craft when they need to move from place to place or learn where something is located. What kinds of maps have you used and for what purposes? Reading Strategy A Geographic View Organizing As you read about the work of geographers, complete a The Power of Maps graphic organizer similar to the one Guyana [in 1966] . . . agreed to give below by listing the specialized Indians title to lands traditionally research methods geographers use. recognized as theirs. But in 1982 a tally of “village lands” using

Research out-of-date maps reduced Indian Methods holdings to a few fragments. . . . Local Earth Observation turned Indian villagers into digital Read to Find Out mappers. Armed with handheld • What are the major branches of [GPS] . . . units that determine geography and the topics each location using satellites, vil- branch studies? Mapping Guyana with GPS lagers named and located • What research methods do geog- more than 4,000 . . . territorial raphers use at work? landmarks. The data they collected were • How is geography related to other combined with drainage patterns to produce a subject areas? large-scale . . . . [T]he power of maps that merge • What kinds of geographic careers ancient knowledge and modern technology has vastly are available today? strengthened their case. Terms to Know —Allen Carroll, “CartoGraphic,” National Geographic, March 2000 • Geography is more than just learning place names. It • geographic information also has practical uses—in the example above, using a global posi- systems (GIS) tioning system, or GPS, to settle a land dispute. In this section you will explore the ways in which geographic information applies to real-life situations and learn how different types of geographers study the earth.

Branches of Geography Geography is a discipline that covers a broad range of topics. To make their work easier, geographers divide their subject area into different branches. Two major branches are physical geography and human

Chapter 1 23 New Orleans, Louisiana Using aerial photography, geographers can examine how large cities affect the physical environment. Place How would you describe New Orleans based on the features geography. Physical geography shown in this photograph? focuses on the study of the earth’s physical features. It looks at cli- mate, land, water, plants, and ani- mal life in terms of their relationships to one Direct Observation another and to humans. Human geography, or Geographers use direct observation in studying , is the study of human activi- the earth and the patterns of human activities ties and their relationship to the cultural and phys- that take place on its surface. They will often visit a ical environments. It concentrates on political, region to gather specific information about the economic, and cultural factors, such as population region and its geographic features. Geographers density, urban development, economic produc- also employ remote sensing to study the earth, using tion, and ethnicity. aerial photographs and satellite images. For exam- Physical geography and human geography are ple, geographers may use aerial photographs or further divided into smaller subject areas. Exam- satellite images to locate mineral deposits or to ples are meteorology, the study of weather and determine the size of freshwater sources. They also weather forecasting, and , the might observe a forest that has been damaged by air study of places and human activities over time pollution. and the various geographic factors that have shaped them. Mapping Making and using maps are basic activities of geographers. Geographic specialists who make Geographers at Work and design maps are known as cartographers; Geographers use specialized research methods their area of work, known as cartography, involves in their work. These methods include direct obser- studying and making maps. vation, mapping, interviewing, statistics, and the Many geographic research findings can be use of technology. shown on maps better than they can be explained

24 Unit 1 in written text. Cartographers select complicated satellite images with other pieces of information pieces of information about an area and present gathered by geographers and other scientists. GIS them in a more understandable form on a map. In technology is valuable to urban planners, retailers, this way they easily can show the location, fea- and local government officials who use this tech- tures, patterns, and relationships of people, places, nology to help them determine where to build and things. In addition, maps allow a visual com- roads, stores, and parks. parison between places and regions. For example, The development of computer technology has also a geographer might compare population density transformed the process of mapmaking. Allen maps of two counties in order to determine where Carroll, chief cartographer of the National Geo- to build new schools. graphic Society, describes the changes in cartography as “revolutions in mapping.” Technology has created Interviewing To answer a geographic question, geographers . . . computers that store vast archives of often must go beyond mere observation. In many map data and render lines with super- cases geographers want to find out how people “ human precision, software programs that think or feel about certain places. They also may want to examine the ways in which people’s turn maps into analytical tools, satellite beliefs and attitudes have led to changes in the imagery that combines photographic physical environment. This kind of information is beauty with cartographic precision, global obtained by interviewing. Geographers choose a electronic networks that enable maps to particular group of people for study. Instead of stream across our ever shrinking globe. contacting everyone in that group, however, geog- Allen Carroll, National Geographic raphers talk to a carefully chosen sample whose Atlas of the World, 1999 answers represent the whole group. ” Statistics Some of the information that geographers use is numerical. Temperature and rainfall data point to a region’s climate, for example. Geographers use computers to organize this information and present it in clear, understandable ways. They also analyze the data to find patterns and trends. For example, census data can be studied to learn about rates of population growth; the age, ethnic, and gender makeup of the population; and income levels. After identifying these patterns and trends, geographers use statistical tests to see whether their ideas are valid.

Technology Geographers often use scientific instruments in their work. They especially depend on advanced technological tools, such as satellites and comput- ers. Satellites orbiting the earth carry remote sen- sors, high-tech cameras, and radar that gather data Indonesian Surveyors These surveyors and images related to the earth’s environment, are helping plan a road in Borneo, Indonesia. weather, human settlement patterns, and vegeta- Human-Environment Interaction How do tion. Geographic information systems (GIS) are geographers play a part in our everyday lives? computer tools that process and organize data and

Chapter 1 25 Today, most cartographers rely on computers and com- CHART STUDY puter software to make maps. Each type of data on a map is Jobs in Geography kept as a separate “layer” in Geography the map’s digital files. This Field Description Applications/Careers method allows cartographers Physical Studies Earth’s features Forecasting weather, to make and change maps Geographer and the geographic tracing causes and more quickly and easily. forces shaping them effects of pollution, conserving wilderness Geography areas Human Analyzes human Developing cultural and Other Geographer aspects of culture— policies for interna- Disciplines population, language, tional organizations, ethnicity, religion, such as the United Geographers study both government Nations the physical and human fea- tures of the earth and also Economic Examines human Urban planning, focus- Geographer economic activities ing on the location of analyze the patterns and and their relationship industries or transpor- relationships among geogra- to the environment tation routes phy and other disciplines. Regional Studies geographic Assisting government Studying subjects such as Geographer features of a particular and business in making history, government, sociol- place or region decisions related to ogy, and economics helps a region geographers to understand Environmental Focuses on the two-way Advising government how each of these subjects Specialist interaction between and business on ways affects and is affected by humans and the physical of protecting the geography. environment environment Geographic Teaches about Teaching geography at History and Educator geography all educational levels; Government serving as consultant Geographers use history to business and to help them understand government what places looked like in the past. For example, geog- raphers might want to know 1. Interpreting Charts how Boston, Massachusetts, What does a human geographer study? looked during the colonial 2. Applying Geography Skills How might human geographers studying years. They might also wish the effects of population growth gather information for their research? to look at the changes that have occurred in Boston over the past two centuries. Geographers may Geographers study political science to help begin by gathering information about time periods them see how people in different places are gov- in the city’s history. This information could be erned. They look at how political boundaries have used to answer such geographic questions as: formed and how they have been changed. Geog- How have human activities changed the natural raphers are interested in how the natural environ- vegetation in the area? Are the waterways differ- ment has influenced political decisions and how ent than they were in the past? Answers to these governments change natural environments. For questions can help people make better decisions example, the Egyptian government, helped by and plans for the future. financing from abroad, built the massive

26 Unit 1 Aswan High Dam on the Nile River. The dam Geographers are interested in how locations are altered the surface of the earth in profound ways chosen for various economic activities, such as farm- and so has had an impact on the region’s people. ing, mining, manufacturing, and selling. A desirable location usually includes plentiful resources and Culture good transportation routes. Geographers are also Human geographers use the tools of sociology interested in the interdependence of people’s eco- and anthropology to understand the culture of soci- nomic activities throughout the world. New devel- eties throughout the world. They study the relation- opments in communications and transportation ships between the physical environment and social make the movement of information and goods structures. They examine people’s ways of life in dif- faster and more efficient than ever before. A busi- ferent parts of the world. Human geographers also ness can operate globally without depending on any seek to understand how the activities of different one specific place to fill all of its needs. groups affect their physical environments and how the environment affects culture groups differently. Geography as a Career Economics Although people trained in geography are in great demand in the workforce, many of them do Geographers use economics to help them not have geographer as a job title. Geography skills understand how the locations of resources affect are useful in so many different situations that geo- the ways people make, transport, and use goods, graphers have more than a hundred different job and how and where services are provided. titles. Geographers often combine the study of geography with other areas of study. For example, a salesperson must know the geographic character- istics of the region in which he or she is selling products. Also, a travel agent must have some Student Web Activity Visit the Glencoe World Geography knowledge of other places in order to plan trips for Web site at geography.glencoe.com and click on Student Web clients. Still, as the chart on page 26 shows, because Activities—Chapter 1 for an activity about careers in geography. geography itself has many specialized fields, there are many different kinds of geographers.

Checking for Understanding Critical Thinking Analyzing Maps 1. Define physical geography, 3. Predicting Consequences What 6. Place Study the map of the United human geography, meteorology, might happen if an economic geo- States in the Reference Atlas on cartography, geographic grapher did not interview citizens pages RA6–RA7. What kinds of information systems (GIS). when preparing a city transporta- information can you learn from tion plan? this map? How does the informa- 2. Main Ideas Copy the table below tion on this map differ from the on your paper, and fill in the ways 4. Making Inferences What kinds geographers study the earth and of geographers might be employed map on pages RA8–RA9? use geography. by a manufacturing company? Applying Geography 5. Making Generalizations How Geography Branches does the study of other disciplines 7. Research Methods As a Geography Methods help geographers in their work geographer working on a Other Disciplines as countries become increasingly plan for a new community interdependent? Jobs in Geography center, what research methods would you use? Explain your choices in a paragraph.

Chapter 1 27 Understanding Graphs

raphs are visual representations of statistical data. Large Gamounts of information can be condensed when presented in graphs. Studying graphs allows readers to see relationships clearly.

World Population Projections 12 High Learning the Skill 10.9 Medium The three main types of graphs present numeri- 10 9.3 cal information. Line graphs record changes in data over time. The vertical axis (y-axis) shows units of 8 measurement, and the horizontal axis (x-axis) shows billions) Low ( intervals of time. Bar graphs use bars of different 6 7.9 lengths to compare different quantities. Circle graphs show the relationship of parts to a whole as 4 opulation percentages. To understand a graph: P •Read the graph title to identify the subject. 2 •Study the labels to understand the numerical 0 information presented. 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 •Study the information presented and the use Year Source: United Nations Population Division, 2000 of colors and patterns. U. S. Population Change Due to Migration • Compare the lines, bars, or segments, and look 50 for relationships in order to draw conclusions. 40 Practicing the Skill 30 Study the graphs to answer these questions. Line graph What is the difference in popula- 20

1. cent Change tion between the low and high projections? r Pe 10 2. Bar graph In which decade did migration cause the least change in population? 0 1900s 1910s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3. Circle graph What percent of immigrants to the 920s 930s 940s 950s 960s 970s 980s 990s United States in the 1990s came from Europe? Decade 4. What general population trends do the three Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 graphs show? U.S. Immigrants by Region of Origin (%) Other 5% Europe Other 13% 11 % Take a poll of your classmates about a geographi- Latin cal topic. Design and draw a graph using the data. America Latin Europe 38% America Consider geographic features, distributions, and 40% Asia 30% 52% relationships. Asia 11 %

The Glencoe Skillbuilder Interactive Workbook, 1960-1969 1990-1997 Level 2 provides instruction and practice in key social studies skills. Source: U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1999


SECTION 1 Exploring Geography (pp. 19–22) Terms to Know Key Points Organizing Your Notes • location • Geographers study the earth’s physical and Create an outline using the for- •absolute location human features and their interrelationships. mat below to help you organize information about how geogra- •hemisphere • Geographers use absolute and relative locations phers study the earth. • grid system as reference points.

• relative location • Geographers identify three types of regions–– Exploring Geography • place formal, functional, and perceptual. I. Elements of Geography • region • Geography contributes knowledge about the A. World in spatial terms 1. Absolute location • formal region relationships among human activities, the earth’s physical systems, and the environment • functional region in order to develop a better future. •perceptual region • ecosystem • movement • human-environment interaction

SECTION 2 The Geographer’s Craft (pp. 23–27) Terms to Know Key Points • physical geography • Geographers use special research skills, such • human geography as direct observation, mapping, interviewing, statistics, and technology. •meteorology •cartography •Studying other social sciences helps geogra- phers analyze the patterns and relationships •geographic among these different fields. information systems (GIS) • Geographers can specialize and may work in government, business, science, planning, or education.

Organizing Your Notes Use a graphic organizer like the one below to help you organize your notes for this section.

The Geographer’s Craft

Branches Methods Other Fields A scientist uses a global positioning system.


Critical Thinking 1. Summarizing the Main Idea How do geographers use the elements of geography Reviewing Key Terms to study the earth? Write the key term that best completes each of the 2. Making Inferences What subjects might following sentences. Refer to the Terms to Know in you study in order to become an urban plan- the Summary & Study Guide on page 29. ner? Explain. 1. Plants and animals depend on one another in 3. Predicting Consequences Consider the a(n) ______. many ways that technology has affected the way people live and work. Then imagine that 2. Geographers use a(n) ______formed by you have become a geographer of the future. lines of latitude and longitude to determine How do you think technology will change the ______. way you work? 3. ______is the study of the human aspects 4. Categorizing Information Use a web dia- of geography. gram like the one below to show five methods 4. A(n) ______has boundaries determined of geographic research. by a common characteristic. 5. Another name for mapmaking is ______. 6. ______is expressed in relation to other Geographers’ places. Methods 7. Computer tools that process data and satel- lite images with other pieces of geographic information are called ______. 8. ______focuses on the study of the earth’s physical features. Locating Places The World: Physical Geography Reviewing Facts Match the letters on the map with the places and physical features of the earth. Write your answers on a sheet of paper. SECTION 1 1. North America 5. Europe 8. Atlantic Ocean 1. How do geographers determine 2. South America 6. Antarctica 9. Indian Ocean the locations of places? 3. Africa 7. Australia 10. Pacific Ocean 2. What are the three types of 4. Asia regions identified by geogra- phers? 120˚W60˚W 0˚ 60˚E 120˚E

3. Why do geographers study 60˚N human systems and human- environment relationships? B C E 30˚N I 4. What are two ways that every place on the earth can be TROPIC OF J CANCER located? D J 0˚ EQUATOR SECTION 2 H A 5. How do physical and human PIC OF TRO F geography differ? CAPRICORN 30˚S N 0mi. 2,000 6. What research methods do 0km 2,000 geographers use? Winkel Tripel projection 60˚S 7. What other subjects do geogra- phers study? G

30 Unit 1 Self-Check Quiz Visit the Glencoe World Geography Web site at geography.glencoe.com and click on Self-Check Quizzes—Chapter 1 to prepare for the Chapter Test.

Standardized Test Practice Thinking Like a Geographer Imagine that you are an urban planner. What kinds of data might you want to assemble in Use the circle graph below and your knowl- order to plan a location for a new school? What edge of geography to answer questions 1 and 2. methods would you use to collect the data? How would you use the data to determine the location EARTH’S LAND AND WATER for the school? Land Water 29.1% of 70.9% of Problem-Solving Activity Earth’s Earth’s surface surface Contemporary Issues Case Study Look at newspapers and magazines to identify one of the 1 following issues:

•a local issue that involves land use. 4 •a local issue that involves economic development. 3 2 •a national issue that involves water resources. Choose one issue, and research to learn more about its history, the various points of view sur- 1 Pacific Ocean 64,169,000 sq. mi. (166,241,000 sq. km) rounding the issue, and the final outcome. Use 2 Atlantic Ocean 33,411,00 sq. mi. (86,557,000 sq. km) this information to prepare an outline. Then write 3 Indian Ocean 28,342,800 sq. mi. (73,427,000 sq. km) an essay describing the influence of physical and 4 Arctic Ocean 3,661,200 sq. mi. (9,485,000 sq. km) human geography on the issue.

1. Which ocean covers the smallest area of GeoJournal the earth’s surface? Descriptive Writing Refer to the entry you wrote in your GeoJournal and the information in A Atlantic C Pacific this chapter. Then imagine you are a physical B Indian D Arctic geographer and write a paragraph describing another part of the earth’s surface. For example, if 2. Which ocean covers about as much of you live in a plains area, describe how the geog- the earth’s surface as land does? raphy of the mountains or the seashore would be F Indian H Arctic different from your location. Include as many con- crete details as you can to describe the physical G Pacific J Atlantic and human geography of the place you chose.

30 25 20 15 10 5 Study the information shown on the 0 Technology Activity Using the Internet for Research circle graph for the areas of the earth covered by land and by oceans. Then Search the Internet for Web sites that provide compare the relative sizes of the different graph seg- information about geography to the public. Spon- ments. By comparing the segments you will be able sors may include government agencies, scientific to determine the correct answers. organizations, or special-interest magazines. Pre- pare a list of the five best sites, write a brief descrip- tion of the kinds of information each one contains, and explain why you included it.

Chapter 1 31