International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-4, Iss-2, Spl. Issue-3 Jun.-2016 THE ANALYSIS OF WATER POLLUTION IN THE LEACHING OF BATU ALAM DESA BOBOS AREA DUKUPUNTANG SUB-DISTRICT


1State Islamic Universityof Syarif Hidayatullah , , 2Syekh Nurjati Cirebon Islamic Institute, Indonesia, 3Jakarta State Islamic University, Indonesia, 4Universitas Putra Indonesia, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract- In the process of batu alam deduction, water is required to facilitate the process of splitting the stones and cool the cutting plate. Wastewater mixed with rock and debris become gray. Most of industrial wastewater drains directly into the river. As a result, the river water polluted and the impact of this pollution be bad for some aspects of hman being lives. In addition to making no unsightly views,the only source water for the irrigation of fields around the stone industry is not uncommon to make the harvest failed, and rice production declined. The samples examined by using bio indicator such as a goldfish and testing physical factors include the acidity level (pH), electrolyte and temperature. The river water indicated for several pollution levels with color indicators are very turbinity and the fish only survive for two days. In addition, the river water is sources of water for irrigation were also polluting the rice field water by the indicator level. Fish only survive for two days. Additionaly, the river water flowing into rice fields possibility percolating into the ground so water well used for human being life also polluted. However, water poluution is still lower, it indicated by the color of the water which is still clear, and a goldfish can live long in it. The water in the Desa Bobos also compounended with a lack of wastewater treatment plant Installations number that serves to reduce the wastewater before the river.

Keywords- Water Pollution, the Leaching of Batu Alam, Wastewater.

I. INTRODUCTION deduction process before using the water from the mountain that flowed through the river before The water is the element of abiotic component are processing. According to Wiwoho (2005) in needed by the human beings. The advantages of Agustiningsih (2012), says that the water quality of water are to meet the needs of the household, fishery, the river is affected by the quality of the water supply agriculture, industry, etc. Thus water is a problem originating from their area to human beaing activity that needs a special case and care. itself. The changes of water quality of the river is the A Good water for consumption must comply with impact of effluents from the existing and uses. Due to certain standards. nowdays, the water the exile of the waste that comes from industrial areas becomes expensive because of there are it causes disruption of ecosystems (Sukadi, 1999). many pollution from human activities, either The stone washing process the clean water become from household activities, industrial activities and polluted due to the exposed waste. In general, the others (Wardhana, 2004) in Uktiani (2014). water contaminated can be seen easily, that is turbid, Human beings are always trying to change transclucent sun, smell, etc (Herlambang, 2006). In the environment to get their necessity, (Irwan, 2014). Act No. 23 of 1997 on environmental management This is motivating the human beings to do the and PPRI No. 82 of 2001 about water pollution is exploitation of nature that sometimes not caring water pollution is the inclusion or the inclusion of to environmental code of conduct. The development living things, energy and matter, or rather of the industrial sector in a region, always give some components into the water by human being activities, effects especially on the environment. One of so that the quality of the water drops to a certain level the industrial activities that give bad effects on the that causes water cannot function in compliance with environment is the washing of batu alam activities for the allocation. The water which is affected waste industrial rocks either for building materials, jewelry, rock leaching will be changed in color, from clear to decorations of the room or the gray, it is because the presence of mud and stone human tools for other daily life. powder. The sedimentary of rock that reaches One of Batu alam leaching industrial area is Desa 200,000 cubic meters into agricultural areas, fisheries Bobos. it’s proved that there are many batu alam and river in the areas, (Pikiran Rakyat, 2014). In entrepreneurs lives in desa bobos compared addition the pH in the water will be more acidic or than other villages in Dukupuntang subdistric. From alkaline and will affect the feasibility of the water for the ten villages in Dukupuntang subdistric, Desa the consumption and the use. Bobos Dukupuntang have more factories than other Villages. However, the society and entrepreneurs dont care One of batu alam processing stage is leaching. This about solving the wastewater to the environment by stage is to clean batu alam that has been through a making wastewater treatment Installations (IPAL).

The Analysis Of Water Pollution In The Leaching Of Batu Alam Desa Bobos Area Dukupuntang Sub-District Cirebon Regency

71 International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-4, Iss-2, Spl. Issue-3 Jun.-2016 More than 200 entrepreneurs batu alam in The water pollution caused by batu alam Dukupuntang only 10% are applying waste water manufactures has an impact on the anvironment, such treatment Installations(IPAL). But by 200 industries, as rivers and rice fields. The main problems faced by batu alam prossesing every month produce 200,000 water resources is the water quantity that has not been cubic meters deposits to agricultural areas, fisheries able to provide the human being needs that ever and the river (Pikiran Rakyat Online, 2014). increasing and the quality of water for domestic is increasingly on the decline. Industrial activity, Therefore, to know the level of water pollution domestic, and other activities negatively has impact caused by the leaching of batu alam in Desa Bobos to the water resources, such as the decline in water Dukupuntang subdistric Cirebon regency, it is quality. This condition can cause interference, necessary a research by using chemical and biological damage, and a danger to all living beings that are parameters. Based on the formulation of the problem dependent on these water resources (Harahap, 2012). above, the purpose of this research is to analyze the water pollution caused by the leaching of batu alam 1.2 Definition of Batu Alam in Desa Bobos Dukupuntang subdistric Cirebon Batu alam or stones is a hard object that is ubiquitous regency. and widely used as building materials or as interior decor (Hananto, 2006). Rocks or batu alam are Purpose of the Research divided into three types, namely, igneous rock, Based on the formulation of the problem above, the sedimentary rokc, and metamorphic rock. This Types purpose of this research is to analyze the water is a long-term cycle that occurs on rocks. Since the pollution caused by the leaching of batu alam in Desa days of early humans, rock has many functions Bobos Dukupuntang Cirebon regency. the problem in human being life; the human being uses many of this research is the water pollution in desa Bobos these stones as tools to households in the Foundation leaching caused by the leaching of batu alam. The of the building and decorations. purpose of the research is to find out the description of the water quality in the river, rice fields, and water The types of batu alam that are often used as the wells in Desa Bobos Dukupuntang subdistric Cirebon building materials or the exterior or interior regency. Based on the formulation of the problem decorating is a type of marble stone, lime stone, above, the purpose of this research is to analyze the precious stones and stone (Hananto, 2006). water pollution caused by the leaching of batu alam in Desa Bobos Dukupuntang subdistric Cirebon 1.3 The Installation of Wastewater Treatment regency. Plant According to the regulations of the Government of This research is expected to benefit for many parties, the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 in 2001, they are: (1) for the manager batu alam industry, this wastewater is the remains of a businessor activity research is expected to serve as evaluation material in which a liquid. Wastewater get from household waste management improvements; (2) For the (domestic) or industry. Government. This research is expected to be used as surveillance material to the management of batu alam The wastewater treatment installation needs to be industry; (3) For the researchers, the results of this managed properly in order to operate in optimum to research is expected to be ference for further studies wastewater treatment (Asmadi and Suharno, 2012). related to environmental science. Industries which create goods from the metal will produce waste varies greatly from organic and II. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE anorganic. To know the chemical of wastewater produce from plant mines and metal materials, then 1.1 Definition of Water Pollution the rules of the company on wastewater plumbing is In Act No. 23 of 1997 On environmental be able to reduce the burden of processing facility, it management and PPRI No. 82 of 2001 About water means that it will reduce the cost of processing quality Management and control of water pollution is (Sugiharto, 2008). water pollution is the inclusion or the inclusion of living things, energy and matter, or other components III. METHOD OF THE RESEARCH into the water by human being activities, so that the quality of the water drops to a certain level that 1.4 Setting of Research causes water cannot function in compliance with the This study was conducted in December 2015 in Desa allocation. Bobos Dukupuntang subdistric Cirebon regency. The choice of location was purposively because this place Based on this definition above, it is concluded that is one of the places of batu alam manufacturing the water pollution is the inclusion of all components central. And, the research also conducted in the of the polluted by human being activities so the water laboratory of Biology Institute for Islamic Studies to be disadvantages for human being life itself. Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon.

The Analysis Of Water Pollution In The Leaching Of Batu Alam Desa Bobos Area Dukupuntang Sub-District Cirebon Regency

72 International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-4, Iss-2, Spl. Issue-3 Jun.-2016 part of the path of the North Coast . Cirebon is located between 06030’ to 07000' South latitude (LS) and between 108 050 'East Bujut (BT) (White Book Sanitation Cirebon, 2010). In 2012 the population of Cirebon is 2,104,313 in habitants over 40 districts and with an area of 990.36 km2 administrative, so Cirebon regency is populated area with a population 2,215 people per km2. The number of subdistrict Dukupuntang in 2010 was 31.428.

Figure 1. Map of Studies Research are

1.5 Population and Sample The population in this study is aquatic. The sample selection is focused on three types of waters, namely, water wells, water fields, and river which are got in Desa Bobos Dukupuntang sub distric Cirebon regency . 1.6 Method This study uses qualitative descriptive method and literature review. Primary Data Collection is measurement of temperature, pH and electrolyte in each sample; the secondary data is bio-indicators of three goldfish which is placed in each sample. The researc method used is survey method. Then, Souce: BPS Cirebon Regency descriptive analyze is done to get the result. And In Figure 2. The Number of Dukupuntang sub District each desa. addition, the researcher reviewed the literature that is collecting and studying the materials related to the Dukupuntang sub-district consists of 13 desa, they are issues studied. Balad, Dukupuntang, Bobos, Cangkoak, Cikalahang, 1.7 Technique of Data Collection and Cipanas, Cisaat, Mandala, Sindangmekar, Girinata, Analysis Cipanas, Kepunduan, Sindangjawa and Kedongdong The data was conducted and collected, and the result Kidul (Titi Khofifah, 2015). of the implementation of the research were analyzed Desa Bobos Dukupuntang sub distric Cirebon thewater quality based on measurements of regency is one of batu alam manufacturing center. temperature, pH, electrolyte, and the results of The geographical location of desa Bobos quite bioindikator three goldfish. Data conducted including strategic north is palimanan and sub distric, the quality / effluent standards and streams and other east district, south is district, and data related. The author also uses the ArcView 3.3 west regency (Student Research, 2013). software to display the research area. In addition, desa Bobos is also surrounded by several Before identifying the environmental impact caused mountains that is a mountain kuda. This mountain is a by processing industry of batu alam activities, it is source of batu kapur. However, batu alam produced necessary to know the environmental study area, are imported from Majalengka in desa Telaga, so the which includes physical, chemical, biological, and people only process the rock. Initially, the people is a social, economic and cultural. Dense residential area, craftsman manufacture of stove oil, but 10 years later housing, and commercial needs. Most of the research changed to batu alam manufacture since scarcity and area is a residential that underneath there is a stream rising oil prices in the market that occurred in 2005. and there is a huge dam besides the residential area. 1.9 Water Quality (acidity level, temperature The river located in the residential area is used for and electrolyte in the water daily life such as washing clothes, dishes, bathing, Based on research conducted on three types of defecating and irrigate the fields. Some society are samples, the water quality in desa bobos area enterpreneurs, industry, and civil servants. Dukupuntang subdistrict, Cirebon Regency can be seen by measuring acidity, temperature and ekeltrolit IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION in all three samples was observed that water wells, rivers and paddies. Moreover, to see biological 1.8 Description of Research Area indicators, also conducted tests on carp by looking at Cirebon regency is one of regencies in the behavior that appears when they are placed to the Province. This area has a very strategic position as three types of water.

The Analysis Of Water Pollution In The Leaching Of Batu Alam Desa Bobos Area Dukupuntang Sub-District Cirebon Regency

73 International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-4, Iss-2, Spl. Issue-3 Jun.-2016 Table 1. Measurement of acidity, temperature and electrolyte. While in the well water sample, the measurement result showed that the temperature 250c, by the electrolyte are numerous and acidity level was 4.9. It indicated that well water has acid pH beside, goldfish bio indicator carp were put on water sample indicated behavior that enough calm by remain and breathing in the middle of water because the supply of oxygen is enough on this water sample.

Table 1 shows that the acidity (pH), temperature and electrolyte in these three types of sample were different. In river water samples, temperatures obtained was 240c, acidity level was 4.3. This shows that the river water has ph acid, because normal ph are on the number 7, and the absence of the electrolyte visible from the measuring apparatus electrolyte a lighted only dim and so show the electrolyte is slightly. The results of this measure also, it can be said that the water pollution suffered heavy degree. This is also seen in terms of change of Figure 5 the goldfish Behavior in sample of the water of a well. the water, based on research the river having gray 1.10 The Impact of Batu Alam Leaching to the color into murky. In addition, the sample of river Water Quality water can be said tainted evidenced by the use of bio The sample in this research consists of three types of indicators such as goldfish. The goldfish stored at a waters in desa bobos Dukupuntang sub district, bottle of the river water has very aggressive behavior Cirebon regency the located batu alam leaching area. for taking in oxygen above the surface and within two In comparison , there are several indicators pollution days the fish dead. identified as follows: a. Smell (odor) egg foul because there is a compound H2S and the lower ph values the higher concentration H2S. b. turbidity because there is a compound a suspension and colloidal like clay, organic and inorganic and plankton in water . c. The presence of color , fat and the growth of a plant on the water. The quality of the water river, rice fields and well influenced the existence of a contaminant that is discharged by waste industrial of batu alam Figure 3 .the goldfish Behavior in samples of the water of river. processing that causes the river ecosystem polluted.

On the water field, the measurement result showed The substances in the waste industry of batu alam that 24,0c acidity level was 4,5. This showed that the processing caused the water around the flow of the water field has acid pH. .Discoloration of the water river polluted and it can cause water turbid fields also changed become a little murky. for bio penetration blocking the sunlight. Beside, it can indicator goldfish that are placed on the rice field reduce the concentration of oxygen dissolved in water sample showed that behavior which was almost water, because fixation oxygen become obstructed the same as goldfish on the water river that was .As a result , an imbalance of the food chain in water looking for oxygen to the surface but not aggressive. (Nugroho in Pratiwi, 2011). But , this bioindikator is also death after two day. The indicators water pollution that are found on waters in desa bobos area has shown that the majority of waters in desa bobos polluted and unsafe for consumed . This is giving the negative impact such as harm the health the skin, hinder life ecosystem water especially survival flora and fauna in the waters and reduced aesthetic in desa bobos area. 1.11 Wastewater Treatment Plant in Desa Bobos, Dukupuntang Subdistrict, Cirebon Regency. The composition and properties of the waste water that is produced by the leaching of batu alam is a Figure 4. the goldfish Behavior in samples of the water of a type of organic waste. In wastewater treatment, the wet rice field.

The Analysis Of Water Pollution In The Leaching Of Batu Alam Desa Bobos Area Dukupuntang Sub-District Cirebon Regency

74 International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-4, Iss-2, Spl. Issue-3 Jun.-2016 composition and nature of the waste water should not wastewater temperature usually ranges at 13-240C be ignored because it will be linked to the speed of (Sugiharto, 2008), dim electrolyte and pH 4.3, pH is the waste water drainage and separation of good for wastewater is 7 (Sugiharto, 2008). The water wastewater substances in water. To keep the rice field polluted is classified as moderately lit and precipitation does not occur, in making the the temperature of the electrolyte 24,30C and pH 4.5 installation of wastewater treatment then the flow rate and a relatively lightly polluted well water with a must be set based on the following considerations: temperature 250C with of a very bright lit electrolytes 1. To bring the mud required flow is 0.1 m/sec and pH 4.9. This indicates that the acidity of waters in 2. To bring sand smooth required pace the flow desa Bobos already acidic and unsafe for is 0.15 m / sec consumption. Additionally, based on the research of 3. To bring coarse sand required pace the flow goldfish bio-indicators in desa Bobos area is not is 0.2 m / sec . conducive to the survival of some fauna. 4. To bring thesmoothfine gravelflow velocityis 0.3m/sec 1.13 Suggetion 5. To bring fine gravel required pace the flow The water is the source of all living beings life. such is 0.3 m / sec as for drinking, household, flora and fauna and also to 6. To bring rocks required pace the flow is 1.2 the industry. Based on, the urgency of the water m / sec (minister said, 2008). utility in the live. So the people always keep the Thus, in making installation of batu alm waste water proper of the water resources both in quantity and in desa bobos, it needs the speed of the water flow is quality. Water pollution caused by the leaching of 0.7 m / sec. The installation of waste water(IPAL) is batu alam, should be immediately solved. Wastewater one of the alternative to reduce the number of the treatment plant of the leaching of batu alam should waste water in waters, as predicted by in not be streamed directly to the source of the waters on 4 october 2014, BLHD said that both rivers or rice field but must also balance with the the turbidity level of water due to batu alam waste wastewater treatment plants to reduce the waste pollution in cirebon regency is 7.920 milligrams per chemical to the water system this is due to have a liter or 39 times more turbid of unsafe water for major impact on the continuity of agriculture and consumption. other ecosystems. Waste batu alam leaching is This number is bigger then the normal limits that is organic waste that can decompose rapidly by 200 milligrams per liter. It causes the waters in desa microorganisms, so it is better that waste is collected bobos area that has batu alam company more than and filtered prior in the land before throwing back to others desa dukupuntang subdistric become more the water or can be handled by dumped in well tainted, this means paddy fields be no longer fertile drainese, so the waste matters would naturally filtered and break the water ecosystem. by the land and produce the cleaner water to circulate Launched in in 2014. 200 in the waters either groundwater or well water. In employers of batu alam in Dukupuntang subdistric addition, the distance waste disposal determine is only ten percent are implementing Wastewater giving the big or small impact to the water pollution. Treatment Plant (WWTP). 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The Analysis Of Water Pollution In The Leaching Of Batu Alam Desa Bobos Area Dukupuntang Sub-District Cirebon Regency

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The Analysis Of Water Pollution In The Leaching Of Batu Alam Desa Bobos Area Dukupuntang Sub-District Cirebon Regency