Ecological Technologies 15
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Ecological technologies 15 ANTHROPOGENOUS ECOSYSTEMS OF VORONEZH RIVER VALLEY Anichkina N.V., Rostom G.R. Lipetsk State Pedagogical P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University, Lipetsk, е-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Ecosystems of Lipetsk – an the industrial city in the European part of Russia are considered. Ecosystems of the Voronezh river valley in the city boundaries of Lipetsk are compared – before and after reconstruction of the treat- ment facilities and the increase of investments into nature protection. Another issue is the infl uence of the reduction of fresh water consumption for the industry on ecosystems. At the same time the increase of industrial production did not stop. After the fi rst stage of reconstruction the steel output increased for 11 %, but water consumption was reduced by 27 %, and dumping of industrial waters into the Voronezh river has decreased for 29 %. It is shown that despite of enormous anthropogenous load, the biological resources of the Voronezh river valley are still big. The natural system transformed by human recovers its natural functions as time passes. Keywords: ecosystem, city, sewage, metallurgical plant, treatment facilities, biological resources, Voronezh river, meadow communities In the twentieth century natural ecosys- Natural and anthropogenous systems tems of the European part of Russia under- of the Voronezh river in city boundaries went enormous transformations in case of of Lipetsk construction of housing and industrial plants. Growth of the industry resulted in concentra- The Voronezh river is formed from the tion of the population in the territories close merge at the village of Nikolskoye in the Tam- to plants and factories. The lack of knowledge bov region of two small rivers by Polnoy Voro- of functioning of ecosystems led to environ- nezh and Lesnoy Voronezh. It is a typical fl at mental problems in these territories. Scien- river with a twisting course, with a slow current, tists noted reduction of specifi c variety, both numerous loops and bends. Has generally me- plants, and animal in big cities. ridional direction. The water discharge at the The city system cannot function normally city of Voronezh is 70,8 m³/second. Proceeds on without using of water resources. Bad puri- the Tambov, Lipetsk and Voronezh regions of fi cation of household and industrial sewage Russia. The river length is 520 km. The area of led to pollution of reservoirs and underground the basin is 21,6 t. The right coast – high waters. The territories of the cities turn into and abrupt, with deep ravines. The left coast is zones of ecological catastrophe. The city eco- sloping and low, with abundance of small lakes. system begin to contradict with natural eco- The river fl ows in a wide fl ood plain, its width systems. But the fact of the time characteristic is from 3 to 5 km. Average depth is 3 meters. is always ignored. Very few people consider On the left coast pineries, on the right coast the a growing city as a young ecosystem. When deciduous wood grow. It freezes-up since the environmental problems increase, at the same beginning of December till the end of March. time the understanding and forming of eco- The high water is in March – April, the level logical culture develop. rises from 2 to 4 m. In several kilometers from Lipetsk is one of the industrial centers of its mouth, near Voronezh, in 1972 a dike which Russia. The metallurgical industry developed formed the Voronezh water storage basin has here for centuries, and in the 20th century the been constructed. The length of the water storage engineering, construction and food industries basin is 30 km, the mirror extended of 70,1 km2, were added to it. Then there was a rapid growth average width – 2,1 km, average depth – 3,5 m. of the population and environmental problems The river Voronezh is one of the most polluted have appeared. Pollution of the Voronezh river infl ows of the river Don. Water of the river has by metallurgical sewage became one of the the 4th class of pollution quality (“polluted”). most signifi cant problems. Pollution of water The examined site of the river Voronezh is lo- worsened ecological situation not only in the cated within the city of Lipetsk. The beginning of city, but also in the valley and in general all the site is 197 kilometers from the mouth, the end Don basin. At the beginning of the twenty fi rst of the site – 217 kilometers from the mouth. Total century the population of the city stabilized, length of the site – 20 kilometers. The examined the new generation of the managers with eco- site is a fl ood-plain valley, poorly twisting. The logical thinking appeared. They began to im- right slope is high and abrupt, left – low and fl at. plement nature protection technologies. The left-bank is crossed by hollows, meander EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY № 6, 2016 16 Ecological technologies lakes, mainly meadow. In the period of a high bogs, backwaters, water meadows, bushes and water the fl ood plain is usually fi lled with water the remains of the inundated woods. The most layer of 1–1,5 meters, maximum – 4 meters. part of this territory is strongly boggy, grew with On the water mode of the river a great in- plentiful dense thickets of reed, cane and pow- fl uence was exerted by the fi xing threshold on erful osier-beds. Such structure of an inundated the 207th kilometer from the mouth. The fi xing complex reduces anthropogenous infl uence and threshold represents a deaf concrete dike which creates the good protective conditions favorable has raised water level in the river on 1 meter. The for continuous dwelling of many animal spe- curve subtime has extended upstream the rivers to cies. The conducted faunistic researches revealed several kilometers. Water depth reaches 6–8 me- a high specifi c variety of vertebrate animals of ters, width here – 100 meters. However, the water these territories (102 species). On these techno- level raising in the river has led also to negative genic reservoirs (settlers of plants) stay of 78 bird consequences: there was a ground water level species (12 – nesting is registered, the part of raising in the adjacent territories, the inundated which belongs to group rare and being under the part of the city is constantly in the waterlogged threat of disappearance). Settlers – the place of condition, the bed of the river long time remains reproduction, a molt, wintering of many types the not washed out, here a large amount of pollut- water birds. On thermal settlers of NLMK and ing substances, especially from the urban area Svobodny Socol plant more than 1000 individu- have formed shoals. The silted course is not able als of several species of birds every winter. Here any more to pass fl ood waters. Annually there is colonies of birds are located: (Sterna hirundo L.), a threat of fl ooding of an urban area. (Sterna albifrons Pallas). Such group settlements Despite essential anthropogenous loading, create favorable conditions for reproduction of biological resources of the fl oodplain of Voron- a number of species of the not colonial birds us- ezh river are large. Water meadows are used by ing protective properties of a colony for nesting. locals for a pasture of cattle and procurement Settlers of Svobodny Socol plant – an exam- of hay. The ecosystem of the valley copes with ple of how the geosystem transformed by the per- this loading. There live foxes, minks, boars, ot- son restores the natural functions as habitats of ters. Biological diversity of birds is big. many animal species with age, at the same time Within the territory there are several eco- continuing to carry out the technogenic functions. systems: 1) meadow communities with the rehumidi- The consumption of river water fi ed sites. Here the following species of plants of NLMK steel factory from 2000 to 2010 prevail: (Phleum pratense, L.), (Rumex confertus Monitoring of waters in the territory of the Willd), (Filipendula ulmaria L.), (Convolvulus Lipetsk region is conducted since 1959. Since arvensis L.), (Potentilla anserina L.), (Carex acuti- 1999 the downward tendency of amount of the formis Ehrh), (Carex acuta L.), (Poa annua L.), used fresh water from underground and super- (Geranium pratense L.), (Galium boreale L.), (Ga- fi cial water sources remains. lium mollugo L.), (Ranunculus acris L.), (Buto- From 2000 NLMK was succeeded to re- mus umbellatus L.), (Achillea millefolium L.); duce considerably the use of water and to reduce 2) wood thickets and landings along the negative impact from dumping of sewage. Con- road, river banks and small groves. Here the sumption of river water has decreased by 66 % to following species of wood and grassy plants 32,9 million m3 a year. At the same time NLMK prevail: (Populus alba L.), (Salix alba L.), has reduced the amount of production drains by (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner), (Aristolochia 79 % to 13,2 million m3 a year, and dumping of clematitis L.), (Prunella vulgaris (L.) Scholler), the polluting substances with industrial drains to (Sedum acre L.), (Artemisia absinthium L.); 2,4 thousand tons/year (80 %). 3) reed communities on the humidifi ed In 2009 the upgrade of system of turnover wa- and boggy sites. Here the following species of ter supply of combine has been complete. NLMK plants prevail: (Phragmites australis or Phrag- has completely stopped dumping of production mites communis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steudel), (Ty- sewage into the river. At the same time consump- pha angustifolia L.), (Scirpus lacustris L.). tion of river water has decreased by 3 times. These fragments of inundated and meadow In 2010 water consumption of NLMK from landscapes are most signifi cant for preserva- the river has constituted 21,8 million cubic tion of biological diversity of fauna in the city meters.