Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche per la Documentazione Giuridica ITTIG-CNR

Enrico Francesconi

Analisi di editor XML XML editor analysis

Firenze 2002 Rapporto Tecnico n. 20

Istituto per la Documentazione Giuridica

Analisi di editor XML

Enrico Francesconi


In questo documento viene presentata una rassegna dei principali editor XML attualmente disponibili, sia come risorse freeware che come risorse di mercato. Tale rassegna è stata realizzata consultando le documentazioni dei prodotti presenti sul Web. L’analisi ha lo scopo di verificare, per gli editor analizzati, la disponibilità della gestione della struttura di un documento XML tramite le classi e i metodi dell’interfaccia DOM (Standard W3C), attraverso le sue più diffuse implementazioni (C++, Java, VisualBasic, Javascript, VBScript, Delphi). Attualmente in IDG è stato sviluppato, per l’editor XMetal, un software nello standard DOM Javascript che consente la gestione di un documento XML. L’utilizzo di tale standard garantisce la modularità dell’architettura software attualmente sviluppata, in modo tale che la gestione tramite DOM dei documenti XML possa essere riutilizzata nell’ambito di altri editor che supportano tale standard. In questo documento gli editor XML analizzati sono stati suddivisi in tre categorie: 1) Prodotti per i quali viene dichiarato esplicitamente il supporto dell’interfaccia DOM; 2) Prodotti per i quali più genericamente è garantito l’accesso alla struttura di un documento XML tramite API; 3) Prodotti per i quali non vengono esplicitamente dichiarate le due precedenti proprietà.

1 Editor XML che supportano DOM

1 Editor che dichiarano esplicitamente il supporto dell’interfaccia DOM


Version: 2.0 Developer: Vervet Logic License: Commercial; demo version available Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT, Solaris, . Requires Sun JRE 1.2 Product URL:

"XML Pro offers the features of an advanced XML Editor with an intuitive interface that allows XML experts and novices alike to create valid, well-formed XML documents. Priced at $149.95, XML Pro delivers a professional XML editing solution at a consumer price." Version 2.0 uses IBM's XML4J parser and supports XML 1.0, DOM, and SAX. In addition, it offers drag and drop, cut and paste, an option to change document encoding, and a DTD view.


Version: 1.0dr1 (developer release) Developer: simple/CHAOS License: Open source Platforms: Macintosh Product URL:

SixPack is a simple interface for XML parsing and creation, which includes an XML parser (that complies to the XML 1.0 specification as a well-formed processor), a set of classes that emulate the DOM, and a variety of visual components for editing and displaying well- formed XML documents. Created in REALbasic.


Version: 2.1 SP3 Developer: SoftQuad Software Inc License: Commercial Platforms: Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT 4.0 Product URL:

Professional, full-featured XML/SGML editing tool. XMetaL has a word processor-like view, as well as a source view and a tag view. It works with SGML or XML DTD's, offers context-sensitive lists of allowed elements and attributes, and supports CALS tables, DOM, CSS, and HTML. XMetaL has an integrated browser preview for XML documents. XMetaL 2.0 adds well-formed XML editing, a much requested structure view, support for SGML catalogs, support for UTF-16, and more.

2 Editor XML che supportano DOM

Epic (formerly Adept Editor)

Version: 4.2 Developer: ArborText License: Commercial Platforms: Unix, Windows Product URL:

A high-end validating SGML/XML authoring and publishing tool for serious document work. Supported XML-related technologies include XSL, XLink, and DOM. Now includes an embedded XSL-FO engine, and a change tracking facility.

Morphon XML-Editor

Version: 4.2 Developer: Morphon Technologies License: Commercial Platforms: MacOs Unix, Windows Product URL:

The Morphon XML-Editor is a validating XML-Editor which lets you easily create and modify XML documents. Morphon also provides a CSS editor for use as a styling language. The Editor itself is able to run on the maximum number of platforms as it is written in Java, and uses the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) Libraries.

Some key features of the Morphon XML-Editor:

• WYSIWYG WordProcessor-Like XML Editing and Hierarchical views. Views are extensible through a plugin API. • Support XML Schemas grammar and thus namepaces. • Full Unicode 3.0 support and various character encodings such as UTF-8, UTF-16 and ISO-Latin's. • Support for Tables • Remote Editing and Publishing (HTTP or FTP). Extensible through a plugin API. • XMLEditor and the CSSEditor are written in Java (cross platform) and are distributed with an easy to use installer. Supported platforms include: Windows, Unix (Linux, SunOS, etc), MacOS (8 and higher including X) and many other platforms supporting Java. • Create and edit documents based on a grammar (either Schemas and DTDs). • The XMLEditor uses CSS as the styling language. The CSS can be edited using the CSSEditor. • Various plugin for developers to use. The Storage API allows for customisation of the storage process such as interfacing directly with an XML database. A View API allows software developers to write custom views such as toggle buttons for

3 Editor XML che supportano DOM

yes/no questions, custom selection lists, etc. All APIs are documented on the Morphon website. • Edit the structure of you document as well as the XML Entities and Notations. Also supports subdocuments (external entities). • Dynamic localization for different languages (ships with English, French and Dutch). API available for localization. • Full support for Drag and Drop (structures as well as text) and a dockable toolbar for commonly used actions. An extensive document history for easy access to frequently used DTDs and CSS. • XSL processing and preview: Preview of the document using an XSL stylesheet. • Supports catalogs: OASIS Entity Management Catalog as well as the XML Catalog format.

Accessing the document as a DOM Tree

The document can be accessed using the Swing text architecure: Element, but this is not really useful when editing XML, is it? So there is another option: access it via a DOM tree. There is a getDOMTTree() function in PluginView that returns a DOM Tree that can enable the view to navigate the document's structure. Editing this tree is currently being implemented, but for now the ony editing possible is the edition of attributes for Tag Elements. The DOM API used is that of DOM2 although many functions are not implemented in DOM2. Watch out for DOMExceptions that yell when using an unimplemented function. Most NS related functions are not implemented for example.


Version: 4.2 Developer: Altova Inc. License: Commercial Platforms: Windows Product URL:

Structured/document editor for editing XML, DTDs, schemas (DCD, XDR, BizTalk, XSD), and XSLT. Provides views for structured editing (grid view, table view) and document editing (WYSIWYG), and a graphical XSLT designer. Supports authoring with XSL-FO. Has full Unicode support. By default, MSXML3 is used, but you can specify an external XSLT processor to be used for XSLT transformations.

Supports latest XML Schema Candidate Rec (10/24/00) and has a graphical schema design view for editing XML Schemas. Can convert April 7 schemas to conform to the new CR. Supports http and ftp for file access and allows saving of files directly to an FTP server.


Version: 1.00

4 Editor XML che supportano DOM

Developer: Swift Incorporated License: 30 day trial Platforms: Windows and IE 5.0 (or later) with the March 2000 MSXML Technology Preview Version 3.0. Product URL:

Athens Editor is an XML editor for XML source editing and data entry. Offers syntax highlighting, IntelliList for auto-completion of XML tags, auto-insertion of end tags, smart indent, well-formedness checking while you type. WYSIWYG editing views can be created with XML+XSLT.

Athens is an ActiveX Control and can be embedded in an application.

Easy XML

Version: 1.0 Developer: Tanytech Systems License: Platforms: Windows + IE 5.0 or 4.0 (Service Pack 1) Product URL:

XML editor that allows you to rapidly create, manipulate and transform XML structures from ODBC data sources (e.g Microsoft Access, Oracle, and MS SQL Server) or from URLs and local files. Offers a text view and a tree view. Lets you validate your XML, for which it uses the MSXML parser.

Visual XML Writer

Version: ? Developer: eInternet Studios License: 60-day shareware Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 Product URL:

An XML/XSL editor for creating and managing XML, XSL Stylesheets, Document Type Definitions (DTD's), Schemas, and Active Server Page (ASP) scripts. Uses MSXML 3 and provides database integration with ADO.


5 Editor XML che supportano DOM

Version: 2.0 preview Developer: Wattle : Commercial; 30 day evaluation available. Platforms: Windows 95,98,NT 4.0, or 2000; IE 4.01 SP1 or higher. Product URL:

An XML editor with a text editing interface that features auto indent and syntax highlighting. Uses the IE5 parser, MSXML. Features include:

• Validation of XML documents

XMLwriter validates your XML documents against a DTD or XML Schema using 's validating engine (MSXML). XMLwriter also gives you the choice to configure third party parsers to give you as much flexibility as possible! You can validate individual documents, or all of the documents in a project at once using the batch validation command. Validation results can be viewed in the error pane.

• Transforming XML documents using XSL, and viewing the result • Document templates • User tools to run external apps from within XMLwriter

Bonfire Studio

Version: 1.1 Developer: NZ Software License: Free Platforms: Windows Product URL:

Simple XML editor with built-in transformation functionality and (syntax highlighting) support for XML, XSL, HTML, and C++. Uses MSXML 3.0.


Developer: Documentum, Inc. Product URL:

From the Web site: enterprise-wide solution for content authoring, management, reuse, web publishing and content interchange based upon XML. Key features of our native XML repository support include:

6 Editor XML che supportano DOM

• Web-based templating for content creation • XML authoring tool integration • Automatic import and mapping of XML documents • DTD and Schema Validation • Configurable storage of XML documents • Component and Link management support • Powerful search capabilities across structure, content and metadata • Dynamic XML document generation • Transformation of XML documents (Integrated XSLT support)

Strict adherence to open standards allows seamless integration with existing e-business infrastructure, enterprise systems, authoring applications, and development tools. Documentum 4i supports market-leading development tools and standards, such as XML, XSLT, DOM, COM, SAX2, DTD, VB, ODMA, WfMC, J2EE, Java, HTML, C, and C++.

Epic (formerly Adept)

Developer: Arbortext Product URL:

Designed for creating XML and SGML content, Epic Editor meets the most demanding challenges faced by organizations that employ teams of authors, each working with large amounts of material, all of which needs to be disseminated in multiple forms -- Web, CD- ROM, print and wireless.

Epic Editor allows authors to write text, create tables, place graphics and configure links. Authors can use Epic Editor to author web content, books, manuals, reports, catalogs, encyclopedias, and other business, technical and reference documents. Because Epic Editor supports the creation of multi-level compound documents, which both enables and encourages reuse, many authors can collaborate simultaneously on the same document.

Epic Editor offers authors a familiar word processing interface, with support for change tracking, multiple levels of undo, cut and paste, drag-and-drop editing, split screen views, multiple windows and intuitive toolbars. The in-line table editor supports HTML, CALS, OASIS and Arbortext table formats. Change tracking captures changes to both text and markup.

Because it works with structured content, Epic Editor also provides viewing, navigation and editing functions that are specific to structure. In its Edit View, Epic Editor continuously applies a stylesheet that gives the content a print or Web appearance. Its Document Map shows that same content in a hierarchical form that's easy to navigate and fully editable.

Also, Epic Editor lets authors insert only the tags that are valid at the current cursor position and allows authors to see or hide tags. Epic Editor's "Tag Alias" feature lets you present alternate tag names to authors -- an especially useful feature if your organization creates content in multiple languages based on the same DTD. The Turbo Styler feature allows users to quickly create stylesheets using a simple yet powerful formatting configuration dialog.

7 Editor XML che supportano DOM

One of Epic Editor's key features is Profiling, which helps authors create content that can be automatically customized to specific audiences. Epic Editor lets authors select a portion of a document and bring up the profiling dialog to select the audience or audiences for which that portion is intended. (Epic’s publishing capabilities, available separately, allow you to produce publications customized to specific audiences.)

Finally, Epic Editor provides a powerful API that allows it to integrate seamlessly with content repositories such as content management systems.


• Comprehensive, easy-to-use tool specifically designed for creating and revising content for multiple types of media using XML and SGML • Rapid XSLT and XSL-FO stylesheet creation with Epic’s “Turbo Styler” feature Supports XML, XSL (XSL-FO and XSLT), the DOM and other next-generation Web standards for sharing data and content on the Web • Built-in support for automatically producing variations of a single document that are customized for specific target audiences • Familiar and capable word processing functions reduce the learning curve for new users • Intuitive interface for creating, editing and navigating structured content makes it easy to create valid content quickly • Easily tailored to adapt to specific requirements for optimum performance and usability Supports author collaboration and internal review/approval processes through the ability to track changes to text and markup • Promotes global collaboration by supporting content, character sets and spelling dictionaries for over 25 languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean, and localized user interfaces in English, French, German and Spanish • Customizable directly or through COM using many different programming languages including C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, TCL and Perl.

Prowler Version: Developer: Infozone License: Open-Source Platforms: Product URL:

Prowler is a content management framework. It provides a foundation for applications, which have to deal with the above mentioned content management problems. It consists of classes, which implement the infrastructure and basic functionality to provide the programmer a transactional XML Facade for the underlying data sources; plus a set of APIs that allows to plug-in new back-end systems. Prowler is the integration layer between the publishing and the database/application server back-end layer. Prowler is based on XML. The APIs are completely XML centric. That is, XML is not just used to transfer data to/from the system, but all features, that the API exposes, are reflecting the special needs of XML and the currently available XML tools and technologies, such as DOM, SAX, XPath, parsers, etc. The 100% focus on XML may limit

8 Editor XML che supportano DOM

the possibilities of the system. But on the other hand it keeps the design clear and the implementation efficient.

Hierarchical view on the content Prowler provides a directory structure, which is used to define several access paths to the data. This directory itself is XML. So in fact, the programmer sees the entire content of one system as one big XML document. This for example allows to search the content of different data sources via one XPath query.

Versioning Versioning of course does only apply to data sources that are able to natively handle XML data, for example XML databases, or back-end systems that support Versioning by itself.

Querying XML gives the data a hierarchical structure. Such structures are not suited for some kind of querying, for example data mining. On the other hand XML data is well suited to do semantically rich queries. Of course, the use of XML alone does not enable semantic searching features per se. However, in the relatively closed world of one application it is possible to implement semantic querying features.

Meta data Each application provides a different view on the content. For example most Enterprise Information Systems need access control and worklflow features. Instead of implementing such features in the Prowler kernel it just provides a way to assign meta data to the actual content and a very flexible way to check these meta data. All the above mentioned features to access and manipulate the content run in the transactional environment of Prowler. The Java Transaction API (JTA) and a JTA conformant transaction manager are used to build this transactional environment. For this purpose each underlying data source is wrapped by a ProwlerResource (Resource). Each content access is done on behalf of a distributed two-phase-commit transaction. This allows different users to access the data of different sources inside one operation. Besides, the transactional environment allows to not only access different data sources but also to access business logic, that runs inside different application servers, as long as this application server supports JTA. The basic XML functionality, infrastructure and the transactional environment is implemented in the kernel of Prowler. The several back-end data/content sources are integrated via a set of APIs. Central part of these APIs is the ProwlerContentAdapter (Adapter) and the ProwlerResource (Resource). The Prowler package itself contains support for just a few back-end data sources, like POP3/IMAP mail boxes, the ozone/XML XML repository, the file system, and rudimentare support for JDBC/SQL databases.

Related technologies

Apache Java and XML technologies The current version of Prowler uses technologies from many other open source projects especially from the Apache project. Although Prowler can be used to build different kind of applications, it clearly focuses on web content management. This is something that is not yet covered by an dedicated Apache project. Today XML/Java Apache projects are more or less focusing on base technologies, the deployment and "the " of web applications (Xerces, Xalan, Cocoon, Jetspeed, Tomcat, etc.). There is no dedicated project

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that provides the technology to produce and handle the actual content of such web applications. So an even tighter integration of Prowler with current Apache technologies makes perfect sense. At the end Cocoon, Jetspeed and Prowler, all based on Avalon and running under Tomcat could be a real productive development and deployment environment for web applications. J2EE Connector Architecture An implementation of the J2EE Connector Architecture could replace the current simple resource integration in next generation Prowler versions.

EditML Pro

Version: 2.5 Developer: NetBryx Technologies License: Commercial; free evaluation available Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME and Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher Product URL:

EditML Pro is a visual editor for creating XML, DTD and CSS documents. It supports various XML document types such as XSLT, W3C XML Schema, Microsoft XDR Schema. Standard: XML 1.0, XSLT, MSXML 3.0, Xpath, XDR, XSD Schemas.


Version: 1.0 beta 1 Developer: License: Free Platforms: Windows Product URL:

Simple XML editor for well-formed XML documents. Developed in C++. Uses Microsoft's XML 3.0/4.0 Parser and XSL Transformer. Features:

• Multi-Document Editing • Drag-n-Drog Between documents/nodes • Cut/Paste • Integrated Internet Explorer document browsing • Go between Editing XML directly or using the GUI • Edit files via FTP

XML Cooktop

Version: 2.200 beta Developer: XML Everywhere License: Free Platforms: Windows Product URL:

10 Editor XML che supportano DOM

Windows application for editing, well-formedness checking or validating, and transforming XML documents and DTDs. Support for external tools such as XSL processors, XML formatters (FOP), and web browsers. MSXML 3.0 support.

XML Content Express

Version: 1.70 Developer: Synoft Group License: Shareware Platforms: Windows95,98,Me Product URL:

XML Content Express (or XCE), formerly XML Content Explorer, is a program for authoring, exploring XML documents. It represent XML documents with tree of elements and their contents with Content Editor. User explore elements on the tree and see their content in the editor. XCE is an easy way to work with XML elements as it wraps start-end tags and their contents with a single graphical object called Element Wrapper and display on Content Editor. For attributes editing, XCE has the Attribute Editor that is two-column table for editing element attributes name and value. There are uniquely features such as Element Isolated Editing which lets authors concentrate on an individual element, Element Path View gives the authors simple view of what the elements comes from, and many useful features.

It use Microsoft XML parser version 4.0, (MSXML 4.0) The latest, the fastest for Windows platform and compatible with Internet Explorer as well.

EditML Pro

Developer: Netbrix Technologies Platforms: Win 95/98/ME, Win NT4 Product URL:

EditML Pro v2.5 released (January 16, 2002)

Univ. of Durham (Canada) Licenses EditML Pro

Univ. of East Anglia (London) Licenses EditML Pro

EditML Pro is a visual editor for creating XML, DTD and CSS documents. It supports various XML document types such as XSLT, W3C XML Schema, Microsoft XDR Schema etc...

Support of MSXML 3.0 parser.

What's new in EditML Pro v2.5

11 Editor XML che supportano DOM

• Create XML from DTD • Convert DTD to XML • XML Entity Reference • XPath Query builder • Template document loading • Network (floating) licensing scheme • Transferable license • Help with Index and Search • Customize

12 Editor XML con gestione dei documenti tramite API

2 Editor che garantiscono l’accesso ai documenti tramite API

Star Office 6.0

Version: 6.0 Developer: Sun Microsystems License: Free Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris Product URL:


Feature: StarOffice XML file formats.

Function: StarOffice[tm] 6.0 Beta software now includes new complete and fully documented XML file formats.

Benefit: Gives users interoperability, portability, and flexibility to create, manage, and access complex documents and Web pages. StarOffice 6.0 software's XML file formats are compressed, resulting in dramatically reduced file sizes compared to StarOffice 5.2 software.


Feature: Improved Microsoft Office file filters; TrueType fonts that are metrically equivalent to the most commonly used Microsoft Office fonts; and the ability to set the file save default.

Function: StarOffice 6.0 Beta file filters now support editable Microsoft Office OLE objects, autoshapes, frames, charts, and form controls. PowerPoint filters are also improved. StarOffice 6.0 software's new TrueType fonts are metrically equivalent to the most commonly used Microsoft Office fonts, so opening Microsoft Office files in the StarOffice program will produce a document with similar-looking fonts and will retain the original formatting. New file format saving preferences allow users to set default standard file formats for saving text, presentation, drawing documents or formulas in any of several file formats: Microsoft Office, Ami Pro, HTML, previous versions of StarOffice, and others.

Benefit: Improved interoperability with Microsoft Office files.


Feature: StarOffice 6.0 Beta includes unicode technology.

Function: Improved international support with unicode technology, bringing the richness of features to the Asian market with Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language support.

Benefit: Now Asian language speakers have the opportunity to use StarOffice software.

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Feature: Updated Help content and improved Help interface.

Function: More information in the StarOffice 6.0 Beta Help file makes it easier for users to find the answers they need while working.

Benefit: With the new StarOffice online help, it is easy for people new to StarOffice productivity suite to get the task at hand done quickly.


Feature: Removal of StarOffice desktop.

Function: In response to customer requests, the integrated desktop of StarOffice productivity suite was removed.

Benefit: StarOffice software still provides overall system integration without forcing users to use the StarOffice desktop.


Feature: Updated user interface.

Function: Dialog boxes, tab pages, and menus have been redesigned to enhance readability and make the application more intuitive to use. Some commonly used features have been improved to make tasks even easier including the Paste Special, Undo/Redo, and Smart URL functions. Now Paste Special includes a drop-down menu from the toolbar that allows users to choose to paste the copied or cut text or object in its original format or in a special format. Undo/Redo has been improved to provide users with a pull-down menu from which to choose which options to undo/redo. Smart URL attributes allows users to streamline process of changing a hyperlink in a document by automatically adapting when settings are changed. And there are a wealth of new spreadsheet functions making financial and mathematical functions, such as determining the yield of a treasury bill, even easier to perform in StarOffice and facilitate the exchange with Microsoft Excel users.

Benefit: StarOffice 6.0 Beta software is easier to use.


Feature: Enhanced support for Solaris[tm] Operating Environment, Linux, and operating systems.

Function: Software runs on Microsoft Windows, Solaris, Linux, and other UNIX® operating systems. Some of the highlights include quick launch for Microsoft Windows

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users, improved font rendering and printing solutions for UNIX systems, and new Adobe® PDF support.

Benefit: Seamless integration with Microsoft Windows and UNIX operating systems, offering exceptional cross-platform compatibility.


Feature: Embedded creativity and productivity tools.

Function: All StarOffice modules share the same basic menu commands, toolbars and function keys; and StarOffice software's IntuitiveUse technology automatically provides users with the tools they need for the task at hand. To make things even easier, now, charting, clipart gallery and graphics tools are accessible from pull-down menus and toolbars from within each StarOffice module.

Benefit: StarOffice software is easier to use, providing the creativity and productivity tools where users would expect to find them.


Feature: New clipart and templates.

Function: The revamped StarOffice Gallery contains an extensive collection of professionally designed, useful clipart, shapes and animations, organized by themes to help you find the images you want more quickly and easily. Other StarOffice Gallery software features include the ability to create and organize your own themes, preview sounds and images, and import images of your own for future use. The new Templates dialog box helps you streamline your work, as you browse, preview, organize, and even edit your templates before opening them.

Benefit: Exciting new clipart and templates make it even easier to add fun and color to your documents or to start a new document from scratch.


Feature: New support for open standards.

Function: StarOffice 6.0 release supports open standards including programming interfaces such as HTML, ODBC, Java[tm] technology, and XML.

Benefit: Adding quality and performance to an affordable and reliable alternative to today's costly, proprietary office productivity offerings.

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Feature: Better integration with your system email client, address book, and data sources.

Function: Now, StarOffice 6.0 release integrates with your email client, such as Netscape Messenger and address book to send documents as email directly from StarOffice modules. Likewise, StarOffice Base software now provides the the power and flexibility to manage your data sources with ease. You can connect, administer, and access a wide range of data sources (including dBase and SQL) directly from StarOffice software.

Benefit: Uses users' existing data sources and email clients.


Feature: Improved security to protect your sensitive information.

Function: Support for 128-bit encryption.

Benefit: Users will find that the encryption offered with StarOffice software's new XML file formats to password-protect their text documents and spreadsheets offers 128-bit encryption to ensure your sensitive information is highly secure.


Developer: Chrystal Software Product URL:

From the Web site:

"... a content management solution for organizations producing technical publications and other kinds of structured documents. It works with your current authoring tools to provide fine-grained control over your valuable information assets. Commonly, these include a variety of graphics, illustrations, tables, Microsoft Word, and FrameMaker files, and often there is new media and structured file formats such as SGML and XML."

Software Developer's Kit Astoria offers a high-performance content repository and a suite of management tools that adapt flexibly to your business. And Astoria's Software Developer's Kit (SDK) will give you more control than any other content management solution. You can use Astoria right out of the box to set up a central content repository and start exercising fine-grained control over access, tracking, and versioning. Or you can modify Astoria in any number of ways using the SDK. For example: Tailor the standard Astoria Navigator interface to suit the needs of a particular tech pubs group. For example, you could substitute your own custom check-in dialog or add columns to Navigator displaying specialized attributes Build "Bridges to Astoria," enabling users of various authoring products to access the repository and perform all Astoria functions from within those tools

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Integrate Astoria with existing work group and enterprise applications, or tie Astoria into your automated client/server- and Web-based workflows Develop content management applications for specific applications. For example, using the SDK an auto manufacturer could build an application that would streamline the process of broadcasting time-critical repair bulletins over the Web using XML and Microsoft’s Active Technology (using the Channel Definition Format). The Astoria SDK is a full-featured standard C++ programming environment. It provides you with much more power and flexibility than the limited, proprietary macro languages some vendors offer with their products. Astoria’s object-based architecture helps you keep your costs low by accelerating development schedules and enabling fast, efficient changes as your business needs demand. By deploying existing programming staff on Astoria projects, or tapping into the huge pool of programming talent with C++ skills, you’ll also minimize training costs.

Content@XML (formerly Parlance Content Manager)

Developer: XyEnterprise Product URL:

From the Web site:

XyEnterprise offers content management software designed to enhance the dynamic creation, reuse, assembly, and single-source publishing of content and documents. Our solutions provide strategic capabilities to an organization's editorial creation and publishing workflow management. And, our solutions provide practical returns on the investment expected from a new system solution. Our content management solutions provide tremendous upside for many organizations. In a competitive business environment, where the age, value, and quality of information impact time to market and customer satisfaction, XyEnterprise's content management solutions enable organizations to not only publish output faster but also work smarter. Our solution enables organizations to better control the creation and reuse of their XML and other content and to enjoy the efficiencies gained from the collaborative creation, management, assembly, and publishing of content and content collections. XyEnterprise's Content@ is offered as a complete editorial, workflow, and publishing content management application. Content@ is available in several out of the box packages with support for the most popular XML editors and other desktop applications, integrated workflow and metadata support, and a robust API. The Content@ product line offers a comprehensive and compelling set of functions to build your content and document management solution.


Developer: Red Bridge Interactive (bought from eBusiness Technologies, formerly known as Inso) Product URL:

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DynaBase Web Content Management and Dynamic Delivery Solution

DynaBase is the industry's premier XML-enabled content management and dynamic delivery application. This e-business-ready industrial-strength solution integrates with your current data communications infrastructure and e-business/eCommerce applications to support your ongoing Internet, intranet, extranet and business-to-business requirements on a corporate scale.

Many of the world's largest corporations depend on DynaBase to run their mission-critical e- business and eCommerce projects. These solutions cover the gamut of application servers, eCommerce engines, profile-based viewing, single sign-on capabilities and open standards solutions. DynaBase provides a safeguard against obsolescence by enabling e-businesses to keep pace with new Web innovations as they evolve.

Leverage HTML and XML resources while embracing evolving new technologies

DynaBase offers industry-leading support for XML, fast becoming the new common language of e-business applications and integral to DynaBase's strengths in storing structured content, connecting to databases and supporting e-business transactions. In addition, DynaBase provides unique support for HTML, enabling you to leverage your existing HTML content repositories and to take advantage of XML as appropriate. And, because DynaBase is based on an open architecture, it supports all media and file format types, as well as evolving XML-based standards, such as Wireless Markup Language.

DynaBase Clients

Web Manager Pro (Java-based) Provides search and replace and multi-item check-out capabilities, as well as multi-web search functionality on Macintosh OS 8.x, Solaris 5.x and Windows 95/98/NT platforms. Web Author (browser-based) Provides check-in/check-out, file creation and property assignment capabilities from standard Web browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.0. Command Line Interface (CLI) (Java-based) Enables access to content management features via a command line interface. Can be used in automated applications to provide command-driven menus for easy batch operations.

Developer Tools

Java-Enabled Interface and API Facilitates development of customized client applications that communicate with DynaBase content management software. Web Builder Allows convenient, automatic generation of templates to streamline and automate content delivery. It provides a set of XML tags that define Web page components and assist with designing interactive Web features. Web Tracer Monitors DynaBase processes for Web Builder users. Traces the processing flow for Web Builder tags. Also traces any additional scripts or customized tags executed by a developer on DynaBase.

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Developer: TechnoTeacher Product URL:

The "Minder" components of the GroveMinder system interpret notations to build "Grove" representations offering a common application programming interface (API). GroveMinder uses the representations built by Minders to manage relationships between information objects.

MarkMinder is TechnoTeacher's full featured SGML processor. It includes an SGML/XML document exporter and an SGML/XML document importer based on the SP parser. MarkMinder supports 8 and 16 bit character sets, including Unicode. MarkMinder builds grove representations of SGML documents, and can be used with any combination of SGML Architecture Minders, including TechnoTeacher's HyTime (ISO/IEC 10744:1997) architecture engine, HyMinder.

With MarkMinder, the GroveMinder System can support any general or specialized SGML or XML application, including editors, workflow managers, browsers, readers, data entry, and transaction processors.

Adding HyMinder enables HyTime semantic processing, providing the ability to build hyperdocument groves using HyTime hyperlinking and location addressing facilities. Full support for the HyTime hyperlinking and addressing constructs used in AECMA 1000D, MIL-D-87269, TEI, MID, HTML, and XML is provided. Support for all of HyTime's facilities is planned.

Existing end-user technology such as Microsoft Office (TM), Lotus Notes (TM), etc. can take full advantage of the GroveMinder system through the use of plug-ins. Plug-ins can be written by TechnoTeacher, its customers or resellers to connect GroveMinder to applications already in use. Applications can also be written to directly access the GroveMinder system.

Storage Managers extend the GroveMinder system to provide access to all kinds of storage systems, including files systems, the World Wide Web, sensor outputs, etc.

The GroveMinder system uses object or object-relational ("post-relational") DBMSs to store relationships between pieces of information. GroveMinder can also access information in other relational, non-relational, object, or object-relational databases. TechnoTeacher is able to use any number of DBMSs, from any vendor, simultaneously.

Turbo XML

Version: 2.2.1 Developer: Extensibility License: Commercial (trial version available) Platforms: Java (Windows 95/98/NT/2000) Product URL:

19 Editor XML con gestione dei documenti tramite API

TIBCO TurboXML is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing and managing XML assets. With facilities for creating, validating, converting, and managing XML schemas, XML files and DTDs, TurboXML provides a best-of-class XML implementation platform that combines industry leading XML solutions (XML schema authoring, XML instance editing, and XML project management) into an simple and intuitive IDE. TurboXML, which is currently deployed in thousands of organizations around the world, is the first XML IDE to offer comprehensive support for the latest XML standard - the XML Schema Recommendation.


Version: 2.0 Release Candidate 1 Developer: Lunatech Research License: Commercial; trial license available Platforms: Java Product URL:

WYSIWYG XML editor for creating XML documents, based on a DTD. Styling is done with CSS and a CSS editor is included. Allows table editing, editing of entities and notations. Supports XML Catalogs. Includes various APIs for customization.


Version: 1.2EA Developer: Alphaworks, IBM License: 90 day trial; resale Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT, Unix, MAC Product URL:

"This editor takes as input a given DTD, and automatically builds a palette containing the elements defined in the DTD. Users can thus create/edit/expand any document derived from that DTD, by using a visual tree-directed paradigm. The visual paradigm requires a minimum learning curve as only valid constructs/elements are presented to the user in a context-sensitive palette.

Key features of Xeena are:

• Syntax directed editing: Xeena is aware of the DTD grammar, and by making only authorized elements icons sensitive, automatically ensures that all documents generated are valid according to the given DTD • Intuitive viewing and editing of XML documents in a tree control view • Editing of multiple XML documents • Includes XML source viewer • Restricts adding and editing of features according to the DTD, and checks validity of produced documents • Easy customization of display" • experimental W3C XML Schema support (partial) and DTD to XML-Schema import

20 Editor XML con gestione dei documenti tramite API

Xeena is a Java application built on top of Swing and XML Parser for Java. The XML attributes of the elements are edited via a table. Each attribute value is entered using an editing GUI component (e.g. combo-box, text-field) which is also derived from the DTD. The editor guides the user in inserting elements into the tree in a correct order (according to the DTD) by making the elements palette sensitive to the current selected tree node and by not allowing to insert elements in an invalid order. The editor is a Multiple Document Interface application (MDI) with full fledged support to edit multiple XML documents and copy, cut and paste from one document into another.Visual XML

Version: Beta 8 Developer: Pierre Morel License: Free for evaluation purposes Platforms: Java (JDK 1.1) Product URL:

Visual XML is a tool that enables you to create and modify DTD and XML documents.


Version: 2.16 Developer: Popup! Solutions License: demo Platforms: Windows Product URL:

Code-based web development tool with support for XML, HTML, and XHTML, targeted to professional developers. Fully configurable through its open architecture. Features a built-in XML and HTML parser, a suite of utilities to handle web-related technologies, hierarchical features for standard text edition, and easy project file management.


• Tags and Attributes colored conforming to the DTD • Server-Side and Client-Side Scripts(VBScript/JavaScript) colored • Other programming languages supported: Java, Pascal, C++, Ada, ASM, Basic, DBase; • Fully customizable

TIBCO Extensibility

Version: 0.8 Developer: TIBCO Extensibility License: Open source Platforms: Windows/Linux (Python) Product URL:

21 Editor XML con gestione dei documenti tramite API

The TIBCO Extensibility platform offers enterprises a complete XML infrastructure solution for developing and deploying XML-based business processes. Organizations can now fully leverage the flexibility and portability of XML through use of TIBCO's XML platform comprised of the following industry-leading solutions:

• TIBCO TurboXML™ for creating and editing XML, schemas and DTDs • TIBCO XMLValidate™ for validating and processing XML in a run-time environment • TIBCO XMLTransform™ for mapping and transforming XML documents • TIBCO XMLCanon/Developer™ for storing, managing and distributing XML asset

22 Altri editor XML

3 Altri editor XML


Developer: Interleaf Product URL: unknown

WARNING: Interleaf was acquired by Broadvision ( in April, 2000. It is not clear if Bladerunner is available as a product any more.

From the Web site:

"... enables companies to create, manage and publish e-content -- targeted, timely, personalized, intelligent and medium aware business information -- for their web enabled applications, using eXtensible Markup Language ("XML") as its technology backbone and Microsoft Word for content creation."


Developer: Red Bridge Interactive (bought from eBusiness Technologies, formerly known as Inso) Product URL:

engenda is a "content management and workflow automation solution" that stores documents in an object-oriented database. Features include: • Indexing of structured documents such as XML and HTML down to the tag level. Indexes are version- and edition-aware. • Check-in/check-out with definable user privileges and check-in/check-out comments. • Version control, including difference history. • Arbitrary document metadata (name/value pairs). • Editions (release points). • Logical merging of separate content repositories. engenda is built on top of Dynabase. Red Bridge Interactive can be found on the Web at


Developer: Red Bridge Interactive (bought from eBusiness Technologies, formerly known as Inso) Product URL:

entrepid is a "content management, workflow automation and delivery solution for ... e- businesses" that is is based on Oracle 8i and stores "XML, HTML, text, binary BLOBs, and associated metadata".

23 Altri editor XML

It "includes three browser-based client applications: the entrepid Console application for content management administration, the entrepid Workflow application for workflow, and one for forms-based editing."

"The server-side components of the entrepid system reside within the Application Server environment. The engine ... interacts with the LDAP server and the Oracle repository (via SQL calls through JDBC)."

"In addition, entrepid enables users to write their own custom applications using the public entrepid content management, workflow or delivery [Java] APIs."

Red Bridge Interactive can be found on the Web at


Developer: UserLand Software Product URL:,$190

From the Web site:

"... an integrated Internet content system built around a high performance object database, outliner, scripting, and a multi-threaded runtime, built-in web server, editorial groupware and industry-leading syndication-aggregation and distributed computing technology. Link management, macros, rendered pages. ... Frontier can store, manage and generate XML- based information ... [and has] full support for XML-RPC."

GEM Content Management System

Developer: X.Systems, Inc. Product URL:

This software module operates with or within the selected editor software in each client workstation. GEM currently supports the ADEPT or Epic editors from Arbor Text and can be expanded to work with other full-function XML or SGML editing software. It is responsible for the client's interaction with the local work group's GEMd and with other parts of the GEM system software that interact with or are impacted by its GEMd operation.

POET Content Management Suite

Developer: Sorman, POET Product URL:,

The Internet has provided a universal means of information distribution, but it has also created an environment of ever-increasing information demands. Producing information

24 Altri editor XML

products in a variety of formats for a variety of audiences is a production and maintenance nightmare. XML and SGML provide part of the solution in the form of a descriptive, adaptable, vendor-neutral storage format. But what's still missing is a content management system that leverages the efficiencies of XML and SGML to help streamline the publishing process. CMS: streamlined XML/SGML publishing Content Management Suite provides XML and SGML publishers with component-level content management for streamlined content creation and production. CMS' advanced collaboration, reuse, versioning, and integration capabilities benefit publishers through more productive collaboration, better reuse of effort, and shorter creation cycles. CMS is flexible enough to accommodate multiple DTDs, data types, applications, custom interfaces, legacy systems, and best-of-breed tools-as part of a streamlined XML/SGML publishing solution.


Developer: STEP Electronic Publishing Solutions GmbH Product URL:

"SigmaLink is an intranet-based document handling and editing system with full support for SGML and XML. Some of the advantages of SigmaLink are: • Designed for publishers and their special needs. • Handles both [XML] and [non-XML] documents and therefore supports migration to [XML] over the long term. • Built of standard components, such as an SQL database system for full-text search, workflow, known SGML editors, etc. • Offers both online and offline work modes, making it possible to use the system in, for example, home offices."

Target 2000

Developer: Progressive Information Technologies Product URL:

From the Web site:

"This relational database publishing system uses SGML tagging and object-oriented concepts to prepare content for the infinite future possibilities of publishing. ... TARGET 2000 provides a simultaneous view of the same content across multiple products. Some of the system's other engaging features include:

o Completing one edition while working on a new edition. o Facilitating creation of CD-ROM and Internet products. o Keeping track of text, graphic, and multimedia content, stored within the database or referenced as external files. o Letting you drag and drop content from one product to another. o Providing fully tagged SGML, XML, HTML, or other output."

25 Altri editor XML


Developer: eidon Product URL:

Smart content management [for] information which is made available on intranet, extranet, or internet sites.


Version: 1.0 beta 1 Developer: Paul Kinnucan License: Free Platforms: emacs, Java Product URL:

XAE is an XML authoring environment based on Emacs. It is an add-on software package that enables you to use Emacs and your system's HTML browser to create, transform, and display XML documents.


Version: 1.1 alpha 4 Developer: ChannelPoint Inc. License: Open source Platforms: Java, MaxOS X Product URL: (NON RISPONDE)

"Merlot is an open-source, Java-based visual XML editor. Through an easy-to-use graphical interface, users can create and modify any valid XML document. The application is extensible via custom editor plugins that can be added for individual DTD's. Other extensibility features such as custom icons and the ability to control which elements and attributes are available to the user let Merlot easily morph to meet your and your users' needs. It also supports reusable libraries of XML document fragments to speed development time." epcEdit

Version: 1.01 Developer: epc License: Commercial Platforms: Windows, Solaris, Linux Product URL:

26 Altri editor XML

epcEdit is a fully featured, cross platform XML/SGML editor application based on the TkSGML toolkit. It provides a structure-sensitive view of XML or SGML documents and allows editing of a document while keeping it in conformance with the document's DTD. Includes an integrated table editor for CALS or HTML table models, and a tree view showing the hierarchical structure of a document. Supports SGML-Open catalog files. you are able to build your very own SGML/XML application using only the TkSGML toolkit and its well-documented API, or to change the look of epcEdit (e. g. change the splash screen to show your company's logo, change the menu structure, enhance epcEdit's functionality...). XMLMATE

Version: 2.0 Developer: Insight Software Corporation License: Commercial (30-day evaluation) Platforms: Win32 Product URL:

XML Presentation Engine User-definable XML Presentation Engine, providing a natural display and editing capabilities for XML data structures such as tables, choice lists, dates currency and file references.

XML Converter Automates the conversion of all major document and data types such as RTF, HTML and SQL queries via ODBC into XML.

GSE Tree View Graphical Schema Editor that visualizes information structures coded using XML Schema Language. Edits schema element 'in-place' and in a 'natural' way.

XSL Editor eXtensible Stylesheet Language format editor simplifies the navigation, creation or modification of XSL style sheets. DTDMateTM Document Type Definition editor simplifies the navigation, creation and modification of DTD.

CPE Display Configurable Presentation Engine that displays XML constructs, such as tables, dates, or file references in the Document Editor.

XML Preview Visual pane (based on MS I.E. version 5.0) that previews XML documents with attached XSL files and creates new XML documents from user-definable schema templates.

Document Creator XML creation from pre-defined XML, DTD or schema templates

27 Altri editor XML

Well-Formedness Check Check that your XML documents are well-formed, errors can be viewed and corrected inside built-in Text Editor.

DTD-controllable Editing The DTD Editor simplifies the creation of document type definitions (internal and external) by allowing DTD files to be attached without reloading XML documents.

Tree View of XML elements View any well-formed XML document in an expandable element tree.

Text Editing User Interface View any well-formed XML document in an expandable element tree.

Known File Types Configuration Enables an association between file type and known document type to be created. XMLmind XML Editor

Version: Milestone 1.2 Developer: Pixware License: Free beta Platforms: Java Product URL:

XMLmind XML Editor (XXE for short) is a full-fledged XML 1.0 editor featuring a word processor-like view (CSS2 styled). It has been created to make technical persons comfortable and productive at editing XML documents and XML data.

XML Author

Version: 1.0 Developer: TENdotZERO License: Commercial Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME and Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher Product URL:

XML Author© is a simple to use XML word processor. It allows users to create, edit and read any XML document. By using XML and XSL-T a user is able to create any documents within a recognisable user interface whilst still being able to keep the structure of the document intact, in XML. With an interface which is very similar to most current Word Processors XML Author© enables users to quickly and easily create structured XML documents in minutes, rather than hours or days. As with all good Word Processors XML Author© enables the user to create a document which is styled in a way which they feel is correct for them. With support for Images Tables Multi-Media Files

28 Altri editor XML

Links XML Author© is able to provide the user with an editing experience that they will enjoy. In addition to opening, editing and creating XML documents, XML Author© can also import from other file formats, and convert them to your XML format. These other formats include: Microsoft Word WordPerfect Word Star Ami Pro HTML Plus many many others

Tagless Editor

Version: 2.2 Developer: i4i Inc. License: Commercial, demo version available Platforms: Windows 95/98/2000/NT Product URL:

Tagless Editor is an XML Authoring tool that allows users to create valid XML content transparently via a Microsoft Word interface. It is a full-function XML editor, not a conversion tool, that manages the XML instance and the Word image concurrently as the user works on the document. Tagless Editor supports both SGML and XML DTDs.

BEA XML Editor

Version: 1.0 Developer: BEA Systems License: Free Platforms: Java-based, available for Windows, HP, and Solaris Product URL:

Simple, user-friendly tool for creating and editing XML files. It can validate XML code according to a specified DTD or XML Schema.


Version: 10 Developer: Corel License: Commercial Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT, Linux Product URL:

Word processor with advanced support for authoring XML, and SGML, documents in a WYSIWYG environmnent. Includes wizards, automatic element insertion, and automatic

29 Altri editor XML

generation of documents. The DTD, layout information, and mapping files are incorporated into a single WordPerfect template.

WordPerfect 10 is part of WordPerfect Office 2002. Stilo XMLDeveloper

Version: 1.4.1 Developer: Stilo Technology License: Commercial Platforms: Win32 Product URL:

XML message creation/validation tool for b2b application developers. XMLDeveloper can validate against an existing schema in XDR (an XML schema dialect). XMLDeveloper can generate a schema from a well-formed XML message, or work with well-formed XML without a schema. A forms type interface can be generated from customized style sheets.

ElfData XML Editor

Version: 1.11 Developer: ElfData License: Commercial; free limited version available Platforms: MacOS Product URL:

XML Editor is a clean, simple and powerful graphical XML editing and validation tool. It features full DTD validation, but doesn't require a DTD if you only want to do well- formedness validation. It gives meaningful messages that point you a conflict with the XML to the DTD, and tell you why your XML conflicted the DTD. It can tell you if your XML is badly formed in other ways. It has two viewing modes, "Tree" mode and "Source" mode. Source mode lets you do text editing on your XML. XML Editor will tell you exactly where in your source an error exists, and the type of error, making fixing bad XML easy.

XML Editor's graphical editor is flexible and fine tuned. You can select multiple items in the editor at once, move them around to anywhere in the document by dragging, cut, copy and paste single or multiple XML elements around, use contextual menus on selected XML. Contextual menus only show the commands that apply to the selected XML, making choices and navigation of commands simpler. You can drag XML from other programs, or from the Finder as a clipping onto the window and drag clippings out of the window to anywhere else. These are some of the useful features XML Editor offers.

XML Editor offers extensive find capabilities. A source-find mode, and a tree-find mode. The source find offers standard find/replace features. The tree find offers finding of any combination of different types of tags (DOCTYPEs, PIs, empty elements, non empty, CData, comments, text, etc). You can optionally search by name, attribute name and attribute value. You can optionally search only inside the previous search results, making complex searches possible. XMLOrigin

Version: 1.0 Developer: TFI Technologies

30 Altri editor XML

License: Commercial; evaluation license available Platforms: Windows Product URL:

XML editing solution with substantial XSLT authoring and debugging support. The editor supports full syntax highlighting, auto-completion, document validation and automatic schema generation. XML transformations can be performed either via an in-built processor or with Microsoft and Apache processors. The debugger environment offers classic features such as breakpoint, call stack display, watch window and variable window.


Version: 3.0 Developer: HyperVision, Ltd. License: Commercial, evaluation version available Platforms: Windows with Word 2000/2002. Product URL: formation/xsl/default.xsl

MS Word-based XML editor. Supports DTDs and XDR Schemas.

The WorX suite is made of three interactive modules, including:

• WorX for Word - An add-in or plug-in to Microsoft Word, WorX for Word transforms the most popular word processor into a fully-featured tool for authoring structured XML documents. • WorX Information Retriever - A companion to WorX, this tool allows an author to access any well-formed XML data from almost any source and to cut and paste that data as fragments (or XML components) into Word. • WorX Administrator - A configuration tool, WorX Administrator facilitates creation and enterprise-wide deployment of XML DTDs or XDR Schemas by mapping element types to Word templates and Styles, including: chapters, sections, titles, paragraphs, tables, lists, list items, pictures, objects, hyperlinks, and forms.


Version: 1.2.0 Developer: Lennard Staflin License: Free Platforms: GNU Emacs 19.34, 20.3 and later or with XEmacs 19.9 Product URL:

Emacs Major Mode for editing SGML and XML coded documents. This widely used SGML editor now has (beta) support for XML. PSGML has a simple (non-validating) parser, and features indentation according to element nesting depth and menus and commands for

31 Altri editor XML

inserting tags with only the contextually valid tags. Attribute values can be edited in a separate window with information about types and defaults.

Excosoft XML Client

Version: ? Developer: Excosoft License: Commercial; 30 day evaluation available Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME, IBM RS/AIX, Solaris, Red-Hat Linux 6.2 Product URL:

A simple-to-use XML content creation application that enables non-technical business users across the whole of an organization to create and update XML content. 100% Web-enabled, Excosoft XML client can be configured to connect to any major repository or server. This product was previously sold under the product name Documentor.


Version: 0.1.1 Developer: IDEALX S.A.S. License: Open source Platforms: Linux Product URL:

GETOX is a project developped by IDEALX. This software aims at giving users the ability to write XML files without having advanced knowledge of XML concepts. It should also allow users to produce valid documents at any time. GETOX is a , and is released under the GNU General Public License.


Version: 1.0 Developer: Frontline Solutions License: Commercial; demo version available Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT Product URL:

"Procura is an authoring tool that provides editing, navigation and analysis functionality for creating concise, consistent business documents. It can be used with existing XML documents or to create new ones using a DTD. The application includes standard word processing features as well as some advanced features:

• Customized authoring/editing environment • Comment editor • Linking and link navigation • Co-authoring 32 Altri editor XML

• Editing of multiple documents • Structure and content navigation • Publishing one source to multiple output formats"


Version: 0.9.2 (beta) Developer: Architag International License: Free Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Product URL:

XML editor with real-time error checking. Xray allows you to create well-formed XML documents or to validate your documents according to a document type definition (DTD) or XML schema. Allows multiple document editing.


Version: 1.9 Developer: Stilo Technology License: Commercial; 30-day trial version available Platforms: Windows 95/NT? Product URL:

Stilo WebWriter is an industrial strength XML Editing tool, providing all of the functionality expected of leading XML Editors, but made so simple to use that it is not necessary to have any prior knowledge of XML in order to be productive.


Version: 1.2.5 Developer: ActiveState License: Commercial or educational license Platforms: Windows Product URL:

Multi-language Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Perl, Python, JavaScript, PHP, XML and XSLT.


Version: 1.22 Developer: T.I.M.E. LUX License: Commercial - free restricted demo available. Platforms: Windows

33 Altri editor XML

Product URL:

The native support of XML, SGML and Unicode provided by Xpress 2001 will allow organizations that process large amounts of multilingual data to perform their task optimally by sharing and re-using structured components. The level of automation provided by Xpress 2001 will definitely ease its integration with state-of-the-art tools like object oriented databases, workflow systems, etc.

Aimed at document processing, Xpress 2001 will let the authors create documents from scratch, edit existing literature but - most important - it will also enable correcting invalid documents! Many content forms are supported: text, tables, graphics, pictures, ...

XFA Edit

Version: 9.02:1.0 Developer: XML For All, Inc. License: commercial Platforms: Windows Product URL:

Emacs-like editor for XML, HTML, and XFA script. XFA Edit is implemented as an intelligent XML editing mode that runs on top of Lugaru's Epsilon, an EMACS-like editor. Combines text-editor strength with XML editing features.


Version: Developer: License: Open source Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT; IE4 or higher. Product URL:

Debit is an XML editor based on MSIE. It validates as you edit, uses XSLT to transform for preview and allows elements to be reordered (as permitted by the DTD). debit is more suitable for data-oriented XML than for document-oriented XML.


Version: 2.0 Developer: WebX Systems License: Commercial Platforms: Windows 95/98/NT4.0/2000. Product URL:

34 Altri editor XML

Native WYSIWYG integrated XML editor solution. UltraXML is a comprehensive XML solution that allows document creation, workflow and publishing. Needs PowerPublisher. Features:

• Native XML and XSL support. UltraXML uses raw XML and XSL for formatting in real time, no conversion to local formats is required. • Easy and quick XML text markup and creation methods. • Visual XML tree for easy document navigation and XML editing. • Visual XML attributes editor. • Export XML utilizing the integrated parser to indent and pretty print the XML data. • Includes Visual DTD for visual editing of DTD attributes and entities. • Includes ActiveXSL, a stylesheet creation tool.


Version: 1.0.5 Developer: Softmagic, Inc. License: Commercial Platforms: Mac OS X Product URL:

Easy-to-use professional XML content creator for Mac OS X, geared towards magazine publishing. The editor communicates with Apple's online file sharing facility, iDisk and any TCP/IP networked server to synchronize XML files. Also lets you design DTDs.


Version: 1.0 Developer: Media Design in Progress License: Free Lite version; commercial Pro version Platforms: Macintosh Product URL:

"Emilé provides dialogs and menus for efficient XML markup. The editor automatically adapts to the current document type (DTD). Customize the user interface for your particular needs by installing or modifying the document types used with the application.

Peter's XML editor

Version: 1.1.1 Developer: Peter Reynolds License: Free Platforms: Windows Product URL: 35 Altri editor XML

XML editor (written as a study project). Offers a tree view and source view, and search functionality.


Version: 0.5 Beta Developer: Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh License: Free Platforms: Windows 95/NT, Solaris 2.5 Product URL:

XED is a text editor for XML document instances. It is designed to support hand-authoring of small-to-medium size XML documents, and is optimised for keyboard input. It works very hard to ensure that you cannot produce a non-well-formed document. Although it neither parses DTDs in detail nor validates, it does keep track of your document structure, and provides context-based accelerators to make element and attribute entry fast and easy.

Radio UserLand

Developer: UserLand Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Macintosh OS X and Macintosh Classic. Product URL:

It's an easy-to-use Weblog tool that runs on your desktop, so it's fast, and ready to go when you are. Radio UserLand automatically builds your site, organizes and archives your posts, and publishes your content -- without any knowledge of HTML, FTP, or graphic design. All you need to do is install Radio and begin publishing, in minutes, not days. You can publish written text, links, photos, documents, and much more with just a single click of your mouse. Best of all, you can do all of this in your favorite browser.

Pricing, versions, screens Radio UserLand 8.0 is $39.95 and includes hosting, up to 10MB; and free software updates for one year. Thirty day free trial. You can choose to not resubscribe after a year and continue to use the software. Hosting is only provided for current subscribers. Radio UserLand 8.0 is available in versions for Macintosh OS X, Macintosh Classic, and Windows XP, 2000, NT and 98. Macintosh Classic users running MSIE -- it's highly recommended that you read this note, for acceptable performance.

36 Altri editor XML

XML editing

A lesser-known feature of Radio is that it can be used to edit any XML file in the outliner.

When you choose the Open command, and the file you're opening has a .xml suffix, it opens in an outline. One of two things happen:

1. If it's not an OPML file, you see the XML as it is stored in the file. You can edit the tags, of course. When you save, it saves as XML, it doesn't convert the outline to OPML format.

2. If, instead, it is an OPML file, the file opens as an outline and the tags are hidden.


Version: Amaya 5.3 (December 2001) Developer: W3C License: Free Platforms: PC Linux, Sparc /Solaris, AIX, OSF1, Windows (NT, W2000, 95 and 98, Me, XP). Product URL:

Amaya is a browser/authoring tool that allows you to publish documents on the Web. It is used to demonstrate and test many of the new developments in Web protocols and data formats. Given the very fast moving nature of Web technology, Amaya has a central role to play. It is versatile and extensible and is available on both Unix and Windows 95/NT platforms.

Amaya has a counterpart called Jigsaw which plays a similar role on the server side.

Amaya is a complete web browsing and authoring environment and comes equipped with a "WYSIWYG style" of interface, similar to that of the most popular commercial browsers. With such an interface, users can easily generate HTML and XHTML pages, as well as CSS style sheets, MathML expressions, and SVG drawings (full support of SVG is not yet available, though).

Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (RDF), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the Annotea project home page.

The current release, Amaya 5.3, supports HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, XHTML Basic, XHTML 1.1, HTTP 1.1, MathML 2.0, many CSS 2 features, and limited SVG support. It also includes an annotation application based on XPointer and RDF. See the Overview and Activity pages for more details. Starting from this version, you can display any XML document and edit its source (the structure editing is not available yet).

What the Future Holds The intention is to continue our effort on XML, in particular, the editing of generic XML documents and their association with CSS style sheets. We also plan to finalize the work started on Unicode.

37 Altri editor XML

At the same time, we started new important work on SVG. Our plan is to provide in future releases more complete support of SVG, better rendering, and a suitable editing interface. The team will continue to work with other W3C Activities to help demonstrate and test new developments in a variety of areas.

4 Conclusioni

L’analisi dei principali editor XML presenti sul mercato ha mostrato una diffusa adesione agli standard W3C, fra i quali lo standard DOM per l’accesso e la gestione dei documenti XML. Tale diffusione ha evidenziato l’opportunità della scelta di aderire a DOM per lo sviluppo del software di gestione di documenti XML in ambito giuridico. Attualmente tale software è stato sviluppato in DOM – Javascript per l’editor XMetal.