SDL Contenta Release Notes

SDL Contenta 5.7.1

September 2019 Legal notice

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ii SDL Contenta Release Notes Contents

1 New features and enhancements ...... 1

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.7.1 ...... 2 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.7.1 ...... 2 Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.7.1 ...... 2 Platform changes ...... 2

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.7 ...... 2 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.7 ...... 2 Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.7 ...... 4 Platform changes ...... 4 Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.7 ...... 4 Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.7 ...... 5 Items no longer supported in SDL Contenta 5.7 ...... 6

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.6 ...... 7 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.6 ...... 7 Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.6 ...... 9 Platform changes in SDL Contenta 5.6 ...... 10 Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.6 ...... 10 Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.6 ...... 11 Items no longer supported in Contenta 5.6 ...... 11

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.5.2 ...... 11 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.5.2 ...... 12 Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.5.2 ...... 12 Platform changes in SDL Contenta 5.5.2 ...... 12 Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.5.2 ...... 12 Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.5.2 ...... 12 Items no longer supported ...... 13

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.5.1 ...... 13 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.5.1 ...... 13 Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.5.1 ...... 13 Platform changes in SDL Contenta 5.5.1 ...... 14 Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.5.1 ...... 14 Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.5.1 ...... 14 Items no longer supported ...... 14

SDL Contenta Release Notes iii What's new in SDL Contenta 5.5 ...... 14 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.5 ...... 14 Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.5 ...... 16 Platform changes in SDL Contenta 5.5 ...... 16 Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.5 ...... 16 Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.5 ...... 17 Items no longer supported ...... 17

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.3 ...... 18 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.3 ...... 18 Database upgrade changes ...... 21 Platform changes ...... 21 Newly supported items ...... 21 Deprecated items ...... 22 Items no longer supported ...... 22

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.2 ...... 23 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.2 ...... 24 Copy tool access setting ...... 24 Database upgrade changes ...... 24 Platform changes ...... 24 Newly supported items ...... 24 Deprecated items ...... 25 Items no longer supported ...... 25

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.1 ...... 25 New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.1 ...... 26 SDL Content Web Services API ...... 26 SDL Contenta Explorer and SDL Content Web enhancements ...... 26 Alternative encryption support for MS Windows and Oracle implemen- tations that do not use LDAP or Active Directory ...... 26 Optional Oracle database utilities and deprecation notice ...... 27 Platform changes ...... 27 Newly supported items ...... 27 Deprecated items ...... 28 Obtaining a list of 2.5 compatible tools ...... 28 Checking the log file for 2.5 compatible tools ...... 29 Items no longer supported ...... 30

iv SDL Contenta Release Notes 2 Changed files ...... 31

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.7.1 ...... 32

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.7 ...... 32

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.6 ...... 32

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.5.2 ...... 32

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.5.1 ...... 32

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.5 ...... 33

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.3 ...... 33

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.2 ...... 34

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.1 ...... 34

3 Known issues ...... 35

4 Fixed issues ...... 45

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.7.1 ...... 46

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.7 ...... 46

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.6 ...... 47

Issues fixed and closed in Contenta 5.5.2 ...... 49

Issues fixed and closed in Contenta 5.5.1 ...... 50

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.5 ...... 51

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.3 ...... 52

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.2 ...... 52

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.1 ...... 53

A Acknowledgments ...... 55

SDL Contenta Release Notes v vi SDL Contenta Release Notes 1

New features and enhancements 1 New features and enhancements

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in each version of SDL Contenta since Contenta 5.1. What's new in SDL Contenta 5.7.1

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.7.1 release of SDL Contenta.

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.7.1

SDL Contenta 5.7.1 includes no new features or enhancements.

Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.7.1

Depending on the upgrade or upgrades you perform, you may require assistance from SDL Professional Services for your database upgrade.

No database upgrade is required for the Contenta 5.7.1 service pack. See the SDL Contenta 5.7 Release Notes for more information on required database upgrades.

Platform changes

SDL Contenta 5.7.1 includes no changes to platform support. What's new in SDL Contenta 5.7

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.7 release of SDL Contenta.

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.7

This section lists features and enhancements introduced in SDL Contenta 5.7.

Silent install and upgrade support

Support for silent installations and upgrades has been added for Contenta Server on . All Contenta installation programs now support silent installations on all platforms.

2 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Support for Java 64-bit

In this release, Contenta supports Java 64-bit to improve performance and eliminate security risks associated with the 32-bit version of Java for the following components. • Contenta Web • Crawler • Arbortext Editor extension • Contenta and Contenta S1000D Java API This enhancement requires Java 64-bit and Apache Tomcat 64-bit. Upgrade customers must upgrade Java and Tomcat to their 64-bit versions before running the Contenta installation and upgrade programs.

Support for Perl 5.28

Contenta 5.7 delivers Strawberry Perl 5.28 (for Windows) and CPAN Perl 5.28 (for Linux). The Strawberry Perl delivered with Contenta has been modified to remove libraries with known security vulnerabilities.

Remember: With the move to Strawberry Perl, the path to the Strawberry Perl directory should be specified when running Perl scripts. Alternatively, you can set the Path environment variable to the Strawberry Perl file path. You can also set the default application for .pl files to the Strawberry Perl executable, Contenta_home\ Contenta\ SPerl\ Perl\ bin\ perl.exe.Inaddition,PERL5LIBisno longer set in the environment. Custom Perl tools may need the following additions at the start of the Perl tool to put Contenta libraries on the Perl library path.

BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = "$ENV{XYV_PDM_PERL_DLLPATH};$ENV{PATH};" if ($^O eq 'MSWin32'); } use lib("$ENV{'XYV_PDM_ENCAPS_DIR'}/PerlAPI"); use lib("$ENV{'XYV_PDM_ENCAPS_DIR'}/adapters"); use lib("$ENV{'XYV_PDM_ENCAPS_DIR'}"); use lib("$ENV{'XYV_PDM_ENCAPS_DIR'}/di");

Cross-site scripting (XSS) security enhancements

Methods and properties in Contenta Web have been enhanced to reduce XSS-related security vulnerabilities.

Unicode support enhancements

Support for Unicode (UTF-8) encoding has been extended to the following Contenta components. • FrameBook tools • Classic adapters • Dynamic Import

SDL Contenta Release Notes 3 1 New features and enhancements

Note: Contenta Explorer, PcmAdmin, and the COM API command line parameters are still limited to ISO-8859-1 support.

Security enhancements

Many of our third-party libraries were updated to recent versions to keep current and reduce security risks. In addition, as part of our Java security enhancements, our Java-based installers no longer leave a JRE on the file system. When running the uninstall program for some our products, you must have a JRE on the system path that meets Contenta 5.7 minimum requirements (refer to our “Platform Requirements” on page 0). This requirement applies to Contenta Web and Contenta Editor Extensions.

In addition, Contenta the CWCSRFPreventionFilter filter has been introduced to mitigate Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability on Contenta Web. By default, this filter is delivered turned off (com- mented) in every web. file. For information about activating this filter, refer to the “Activating Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) filtering” on page 0 topic under Configuring your Contenta Web system in the Contenta Web installation and upgrade section of the Contenta documentation.

Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.7

Depending on the upgrade or upgrades you perform, you may require assistance from SDL Professional Services for your database upgrade.

SDL Contenta 5.3 to SDL Contenta 5.7

No database upgrade is required for Contenta 5.7. However, customers upgrading from Contenta versions earlier than 5.6 must run the upgrade_5.6 database upgrade. Refer to the SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows topics in this documentation for more information. If you are upgrading from a release earlier than 5.3, contact SDL Professional Services at mailto:[email protected] to discuss upgrade services for your implementation.

Platform changes

SDL Contenta 5.7 includes several changes to platform support.

Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.7

Contenta 5.7 added support for a number of software components.

4 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Operating Systems • 2016 Standard 64-bit server

Web and Application Servers • Microsoft IIS 10.0 with ARR protocol (on Windows 2016) • Apache Tomcat 9.0.14 64-bit

Database Servers and Clients • Oracle 12c version, 64-bit server (Enterprise or Standard) and 32-bit client • Oracle 12c version, 64-bit server (Enterprise or Standard) and 32-bit client

Java • Oracle JDK 11.0.1 64-bit • Oracle Java JRE 1.8_192 64-bit • AdoptOpenJDK with Hotspot JRE 1+28 64-bit

Perl • Strawberry Perl 5.28 for Windows • CPAN Perl 5.28 for Linux

Web Browsers • Mozilla Firefox ESR 60.3 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.7

This topic lists platform support that has been deprecated in Contenta 5.7.

The following software is deprecated.

Operating Systems Windows 2012 R2 (64-bit) Server

Java Oracle Java 8 (64-bit)

SDL Contenta Release Notes 5 1 New features and enhancements

Editing Tools PTC Arbortext Editor 7.0 64-bit

APIs • Contenta COM API (delivered only with Contenta Explorer)

Items no longer supported in SDL Contenta 5.7

This topic lists software that is no longer supported in the SDL Contenta 5.7 release. If you use any of these software components, upgrade to a supported version before your upgrade to Contenta 5.7.

Operating Systems • Microsoft Windows 8.1

Web Servers • Apache Tomcat 8.0.x

Database Servers and Clients • Oracle 11

Java • Oracle JRE 8 (32 bit) • Oracle JRE 7 (32 bit)

Perl • Strawberry Perl 5.26 for Windows • CPAN Perl 5.16 for Linux

Web Browsers Mozilla Firefox ESR 52.x

Editing Tools • PTC Arbortext Editor 7.0 (32-bit)

6 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.6

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.6 release of SDL Contenta.

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.6

This section lists features and enhancements introduced in SDL Contenta 5.6.

Important note about Oracle database setup

Important: With Contenta 5.6, your database must use the AL32UTF8 character set and you must set NLS_LANG on the Oracle client to NLS_LANGUAGE_NLS_TERRITORY.AL32UTF8. On Windows, the Oracle client NLS_LANG setting can be found in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Wow6432Node\ ORACLE\ KEY_keyname. If you need to change the character set for the Oracle database server, please refer to the Oracle documentation for related options and guidelines.

Important information about Perl classic adapters

Important: The initial release of Contenta 5.6 does not support tools that use the following Perl classic adapters: • • • • This impacts only some upgrade customers who were initially installed prior to Contenta 3.1.

SDL will add support for these Perl classic adapters to Contenta 5.6 soon.

If you have any questions, please contact SDL Contenta Product Management.

Support for Unicode encoding

In addition to storing Unicode content, Contenta now supports Unicode character encoding in object names, Property Sheet data, and other items such as Workflow task names, search text, and the like. Unicode is supported in Contenta Web, Contenta Server, Contenta Crawler, and the Contenta Java and Perl . Contenta Explorer, pcmadmin, and the COM API command line parameters are still limited to ISO-8859-1 support. See the following topics in the Contenta documentation for information about the configuration required to enable the use of Unicode encoding.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 7 1 New features and enhancements

• Java anc Tomcat settings in the SDL Installing or Upgrading Contenta Web on Windows or Linux Systems manual • Setting character encoding for the connector in the SDL Contenta Pre-installation Notes for Contenta Web

Strawberry Perl for Windows

On Windows platforms, SDL Contenta 5.6 uses Strawberry Perl instead of ActiveState Perl, which was used in previous versions. The Contenta installation program creates the following directory for the Strawberry Perl installation.

Contenta_home/SPerl Because many Contenta users also use XPP which still relies on it, ActiveState Perl is not removed during the installation. Therefore, the path to the Strawberry Perl directory should be specified when running Perl scripts. Alternatively, you can set the Path environment variable to the Strawberry Perl file path. You can also set the default application for .pl files to the Strawberry Perl executable, Contenta_home\ Contenta\SPerl\Perl\bin\perl.exe. In addition, PERL5LIB is no longer set in the environment. Custom Perl tools may need the following additions at the start of the Perl tool to put Contenta libraries on the Perl library path.

BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = "$ENV{XYV_PDM_PERL_DLLPATH};$ENV{PATH};" if ($^O eq 'MSWin32'); } use lib("$ENV{'XYV_PDM_ENCAPS_DIR'}/PerlAPI"); use lib("$ENV{'XYV_PDM_ENCAPS_DIR'}/adapters"); use lib("$ENV{'XYV_PDM_ENCAPS_DIR'}"); use lib("$ENV{'XYV_PDM_ENCAPS_DIR'}/di");'

Perl API enhancements

Contenta 5.6 now supports a Perl API that communicates directly with the portal over the TCP/IP protocol, simplifying the relationship between the API and the portal. This API provides enhanced security and performance.

COM API change

Beginning with this release, the Contenta COM API is deprecated and delivered only by the Contenta Explorer installation program.

Contenta installation and upgrade enhancements

The Contenta installation and upgrade program has been streamlined to enable a faster and simpler installation.

8 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Workflow editing

The Contenta Workflow editing interface has been enhanced to improve drag-and-drop placement of Workflow items and increase consistency between Contenta Web and Contenta Explorer. In addition, a bi-directional relationship between Workflow items is now represented by a double-headed arrow instead of two single-headed arrows.

Contenta Web navigation

By default, after logging in, Contenta Web now navigates the user to the location in the Tree View hierarchy of the Repository view that was selected at the end of the previous session. This enhancement reduces the navigation needed to begin a new session where work on the previous session left off and is available only in the Repository view. To disable this feature for a user, clear the User Preference option Go to Last Repository Location on Login under Preferences > Advanced and click OK to save the settings. Contenta Web will subsequently open to the user's home page upon login, instead of navigating to the location in the Tree View hierarchy of the Repository view that was selected at the end of the previous session.

Crawler enhancements

The Contenta Crawler has been enhanced to allow customization of the content being indexed. In addition, performance enhancements were made so the Crawler can be configured to skip configurations already initially indexed. To do this, you must add the All_configs option for indexing. To enable this enhancement, a new AppData field, CONFIGS_ALREADY_INITIALLY_INDEXED, has been added under the All_configs key. This field accepts as its value a semicolon-delimited list of the configuration IDs of configurations to be skipped by Crawler indexing functionality.

Documentation enhancement

As of this release, SDL Contenta documentation is available on the SDL Documentation Center at “” on page 0. This enhancement gives you access to the latest, most up-to-date information about installing, upgrading, managing, using, and extending Contenta. The Documentation Center includes a downloadable .zip file ( SDL Contenta full documentation download as HTML ) containing the full product documentation in HTML format, which you can provide to users without internet access.

Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.6

Depending on the upgrade or upgrades you perform, you may require assistance from SDL Professional Services for your database upgrade.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 9 1 New features and enhancements

SDL Contenta 5.2/5.3 to SDL Contenta 5.6

The upgrade upgrade_56 is mandatory. If you are upgrading from SDL Contenta 5.2 or 5.3, run upgrade_56.exe and Refer to the SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows topics in this documentation for more information. Customers upgrading to Contenta 5.6 must upgrade their Oracle database server to the AL32UTF8 character set and set NLS_LANG on the Oracle client to NLS_LANGUAGE_NLS_TERRITORY.AL32UTF8. On Windows, the Oracle client NLS_LANG setting can be found in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Wow6432Node\ ORACLE\ KEY_keyname.Ifyouneedtochangethe change the character set for the Oracle database server, please refer to the Oracle documentation for related options and guidelines. If you are upgrading from a release earlier than 5.2, contact SDL Professional Services at mailto:[email protected] to discuss upgrade services for your implementation.

Platform changes in SDL Contenta 5.6

SDL Contenta 5.6 includes several changes to platform support.

Important: SDL Contenta provides only limited support for JustSystems XMetaL. Contact your SDL Support representative for more information about using XMetaL with Contenta.

Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.6

SDL Contenta 5.6 added support for a number of software components.

Application Servers Tomcat 8.0.46 (32-bit)

Web Browsers • Firefox ESR 52.4.1 (32-bit or 64-bit )

Editing Tools • Arbortext Editor 7.0 M50 or later (64-bit) • Adobe Framemaker 2015

Miscellaneous • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package • OmniMark 10.1.2 • Oracle JRE 1.8.0_151 (32-bit) • Oracle JRE 1.7.0_80 (32-bit)

10 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

• Strawberry Perl 5.26 (Windows only) • Reprise License Manager 12.2

Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.6

This topic lists platform support that was deprecated in the 5.6 release of SDL Contenta.

The following software is deprecated.

Database Servers • Oracle 11

Editing Tools • JustSystems XMetal 8

APIs • Contenta COM API (delivered only with Contenta Explorer)

Items no longer supported in Contenta 5.6

A list of software that is no longer supported. If you use any of these software components, upgrade to a supported version before your upgrade to SDL Contenta 5.6.

Operating Systems • Microsoft Windows 7

Editing Tools • Adobe FrameMaker 10 • Arbortext Editor 6.1

Miscellaneous • ActiveState Perl 5.16 What's new in SDL Contenta 5.5.2

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.5.2 release of SDL Contenta.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 11 1 New features and enhancements

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.5.2

This section lists features and enhancements introduced in SDL Contenta 5.5.2.

RFEs for indexing

The following indexing enhancements were made. • RFE: When using the all_configs indexing option, you can now cause the Crawler to skip indexing of configurations that have already been indexed. • RFE: Content can now be customized before it is sent for indexing. Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.5.2

Depending on the upgrade or upgrades you perform, you may require assistance from SDL Professional Services for your database upgrade. No database upgrade is required for the Contenta 5.5.2 service pack. See the SDL Contenta 5.5 Release Notes for more information on required database upgrades.

Platform changes in SDL Contenta 5.5.2

SDL Contenta 5.5.2 includes several changes to platform support.

Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.5.2

SDL Contenta 5.5.2 added support for a number of software components.

Web browsers • Mozilla Firefox ESR 52.6.0

Miscellaneous • Oracle JRE 1.8.0_161 32-bit

Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.5.2

This topic lists platform support that was deprecated in the 5.5.2 release of SDL Contenta. • No software is deprecated in this release.

12 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Items no longer supported

A list of software that is no longer supported. If you use any of these software components, upgrade to a supported version before your upgrade to SDL Contenta 5.5.2.

No software is de-supported in this release. What's new in SDL Contenta 5.5.1

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.5.1 release of SDL Contenta.

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.5.1

This section lists features and enhancements introduced in SDL Contenta 5.5.1.

Improved Perl API

This service pack contains a streamlined Perl API for increased stability and performance.

Support for FrameMaker 2015

Contenta now supports Adobe FrameMaker 2015 for working with XML content (as opposed to the FrameBook model), allowing you to take advantage of that application's latest features. The Contenta 5.5.1 installation program performs the setup required to enable this enhancement.

Support for 64-bit Arbortext Editor 7.0.1

Contenta now supports 64-bit Arbortext Editor version 7.0.1, allowing you to take advantage of that application's latest features. Some post-installation setup is required to enable this enhancement. For more information, see the SDL Contenta and Contenta S1000D 5.5.1 Service Pack Installation Guide.

Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.5.1

Depending on the upgrade or upgrades you perform, you may require assistance from SDL Professional Services for your database upgrade. No database upgrade is required for the Contenta 5.5.1 service pack. See the SDL Contenta 5.5 Release Notes for more information on required database upgrades.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 13 1 New features and enhancements

Platform changes in SDL Contenta 5.5.1

SDL Contenta 5.5.1 includes several changes to platform support.

Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.5.1

SDL Contenta 5.5.1 added support for a number of software components.

Editing Tools • Arbortext Editor 7.0 M10 or higher (64-bit) • Adobe FrameMaker 2015

Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.5.1

This topic lists platform support that was deprecated in the 5.5.1 release of SDL Contenta. • No software is deprecated in this release.

Items no longer supported

A list of software that is no longer supported. If you use any of these software components, upgrade to a supported version before your upgrade to SDL Contenta 5.5.1.

No software is de-supported in this release. What's new in SDL Contenta 5.5

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.5 release of SDL Contenta.

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.5

This section lists features and enhancements introduced in SDL Contenta 5.5.

Client Certificate Authentication

Contenta Web can be configured to allow users to log in using Client Certificate Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) authentication. To enable client certificate authentication, a public key certificate must be obtained from a certificate authority (CA) and installed on the user's web browser. Once the user has provided authentication to the , such as with a Common Access Card (CAC), the Contenta Web server uses this certificate to authenticate the user's credentials. Contenta Web client certificate authen- tication is based on the X.509 standard issued by the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T). To enable this functionality, a new login window, CWSSOLogin.jsp has been introduced. All

14 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Contenta desktops except the sysadmin can use this window to log into Contenta without supplying a password. For further information, refer to the section entitled "Using Client Certificate Authentication" in the Security chapter of the SDL Contenta Administration User Guide.

Search Enhancements

A number of enhancements were made to Crawler search functionality: • Multiple Crawlers can now simultaneously index the databases in a single database instance. • When a container is deleted using PcmPortal, Crawler now deletes all the indexes associated with the container and its contents.

Contenta Web List View Performance Enhancements

The Contenta Web (CW) List View has been enhanced to provide better performance when displaying a large number of records. For example, opening a container with hundreds of DMs or viewing the Assignments tab for a desktop with many notes could previously cause the system to hang or display incomplete list results. In addition, some tasks, such as creating a Project, would complete slowly. To address CW performance issues, a number of changes have been made: • By default, the List View now displays 100 items in a list per page. You can configure the number of items displayed in the Contenta Web preferences dialog by setting the Rows Per Page preference.

Note: Setting Rows Per Page to a high value may impact Contenta Web performance.

• The Note view displays the newest 100 notes by default. You can click Show all my notes to display all your notes. • Child list queries have been improved to populate windows more quickly. • Contenta Web no longer sets or requires compatibility mode. • The Internet Explorer progress indicator now more accurately shows progress as panels are loading.

Contenta and Contenta S1000D Java API and Web Services API

Contenta Web now uses the Contenta Java API instead of COM or CORBA API. Contenta CORBA API is desupported and Contenta COM API is deprecated as of this release. Support for custom Perl tools and programs is provided via a Perl API. The Contenta WS API provides a simplified URL structure for processing various operations on the SDL Contenta database. These URLs adhere to RESTful URL structures.

Important: The new Java and WS APIs are 100% backward compatible for custom Java tools and programs. The Perl API provides significant backward compatibility for custom Perl tools using the PCMtoolsAPI, but limited functionality for custom Perl tools using the PCMClient API. If your site has custom Perl tools, contact SDL Customer Support for assistance when planning your upgrade to Contenta 5.5.

For further information about the Contenta and Contenta S1000D Java and WS APIs, refer to the following API reference documents:

SDL Contenta Release Notes 15 1 New features and enhancements

• SDL Contenta and Contenta S1000D Web Services API Programmer Guide • SDL Contenta and Contenta S1000D Perl API Programmer Guide Database upgrade changes in SDL Contenta 5.5

Depending on the upgrade or upgrades you perform, you may require assistance from SDL Professional Services for your database upgrade.

Important: A new license file is required for the upgrade to Contenta version 5.5.

SDL Contenta 5.0/5.1/5.2/5.3 to SDL Contenta 5.5

The upgrade_55 is mandatory. If you are upgrading from SDL Contenta 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3, run upgrade_55. Refer to the SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Guide for more information. If you are upgrading from a release earlier than 5.0, contact SDL Professional Services at mailto:[email protected] to discuss upgrade services for your implementation.

Platform changes in SDL Contenta 5.5

SDL Contenta 5.5 includes several changes to platform support.

Newly supported items in SDL Contenta 5.5

SDL Contenta 5.5 added support for a number of software components.

Operating Systems • Red Hat Linux 6.8 (64-bit)

Database Servers • Oracle12c ( 64-bit server, 32-bit client

Web Browsers • Mozilla Firefox 46 (32-bit for Windows, 64-bit for Linux)

16 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Editing Tools • Arbortext Editor 7.0 M10 or higher (32-bit) • Arbortext Editor 6.1 M080 or higher (32-bit)

Miscellaneous • Oracle JRE 1.8.0_92 (32-bit) • Oracle JRE 1.7.0_80 (32-bit) • Reprise License Manager 11.3

Deprecated items in SDL Contenta 5.5

This topic lists platform support that was deprecated in the 5.5 release of SDL Contenta. The following software is deprecated: • JustSystems XMetal 8 • Adobe FrameMaker 10 • Oracle 11 database server (Windows and Linux) • COM API With this release, Contenta has been migrated from COM API classes and methods to Pure Java API classes and methods. While SDL continues to support tools developed with COM API, backward compatibility cannot be guaranteed. For further information about using Pure Java with Contenta, refer to: • SDL Contenta COM and Java API Programmer Guide • SDL Contenta and SDL Contenta S1000D Perl Java API Wrapper Programmer Guide

Items no longer supported

A list of software that is no longer supported. If you use any of these software components, upgrade to a supported version before your upgrade to SDL Contenta 5.5.

Operating Systems • Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 (64-bit) Server • Microsoft Windows 8 (version 8.1 is still supported) • Red Hat Linux 5

SDL Contenta Release Notes 17 1 New features and enhancements


App Servers • Apache Tomcat 7 • Microsoft IIS 7.5

Web Browsers • Internet Explorer 10 • Internet Explorer 9

Editing Tools • Arbortext Editor 6.0

Miscellaneous • Oracle 11 client for Linux • MKS Nutcracker (all versions) • Xming X Window Server (all versions) Note: MKS Nutcracker and Xming X Window Server are now no longer required on Windows servers and are not installed with Contenta 5.5. The Contenta 5.5 upgrade does not uninstall these applications; users wishing to uninstall them can do so without affecting the operation of Contenta on Windows platforms.

Important: On Linux platforms, the pcmadmin tool still requires an XServer emulation package.

What's new in SDL Contenta 5.3

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.3 release of SDL Contenta.

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.3

This section lists features and enhancements introduced in SDL Contenta 5.3.

18 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Solr Search

SDL Contenta 5.3 uses Solr as its search engine, replacing Verity. Solr is a Java application (32- or 64-bit) that runs as a standalone, full-text search server within a Jetty servlet container. It is scalable and customizable and can use either the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. You must initiate the creation of the search index before you can perform a search. Contenta and Contenta S1000D use Solr to index data stored as content or property sheet metadata in objects used across one or more Contenta configurations. By default, all objects in all Contenta configurations will be indexed; however, you can restrict indexing to specific Contenta configurations and object types through AppData settings. Whenever users modify object content, object names, object property sheet metadata, and the object hierarchy, a service or daemon called the "Crawler" will listen for these changes and export the affected Contenta objects to a Solr collection where these changes will be reindexed. This process is seamless. You do not have to manually rebuild a search index whenever changes are made; the Crawler constantly syncs changes made in the Contenta database with the Solr index.

Important: There is a one-to-one relationship between a Contenta database and a Solr collection; therefore, each Contenta database must be configured to use its own Solr collection. One Solr instance can contain multiple collections, and one Crawler can index these same multiple collections. Multiple Crawlers can be run, but each must run on its own computer. If there are multiple Contenta databases that must be indexed, and they reside in multiple Oracle or SQL Server instances, there must be one Crawler running for each instance. Database instances are usually distinguished by different Oracle SIDs or SQL Server identifiers.

The Contenta Web search interface was also redesigned to work tightly with the Solr search engine. The Contenta Explorer search interface is backward compatible with the Solr search engine. For more information on Search, see Chapter 7 "Configuring Search" in the SDL Contenta Administrator User Guide.

Content Routing Project

Contenta now provides two types of projects for managing data, the Content Routing Project (CRP) and the standard Project. Both project types have the same behavior for creating and editing workflows, maintaining team members, and managing the post list. The ContentRoutingProject object is more flexible than the standard Project. The ContentRout- ingProject object allows its child objects to be forwarded individually, or as a group, to different tasks in the workflow. For instance, some child objects may be at the writing task while others are at the review task. This allows for individual objects to be moved through the workflow as soon as they are ready for the next task. Conversely, the standard Project and all of its child objects are forwarded as a single entity to the same task.

Note: Content Routing Projects support built-in and custom triggers. Existing custom triggers for standard Projects will need to be modified to work with Content Routing Projects.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 19 1 New features and enhancements

For more information on standard Projects and Content Routing Projects, see: • Chapter 6, "Managing Projects" in the SDL Contenta Web User Guide. • Chapter 3, "Contenta Projects" and Chapter 6 "Project Administration" in the SDL Contenta Explorer User Guide.

Changed APIs

Contenta API Changes COM/CORBA API: PCMSearch: New API: InitSolr SetSolrSortBy SetSolrMaxRows SetSolrSearchScope Behavior change: Search SearchProperty SearchContent PCMcommand: New API: GetPCMSearchInitSolr CRPForward Behavior change: GetPCMSearch Solr connection information will be initialized with default settings stored in either User AppData, if it is set or Global AppData if it is not. PCMProject: Behavior change: SearchProjects Drop of VDKVGWKey column Web API PCMSync: New API: CRPForward GetWorkflowToolPermission

Important: The return value of the API has changed. It used to return PCMdata with following lables:


Accessing Product Documentation

The SDL Contenta product documentation is available in PDF format from the following sources: • The Contenta Explorer and Contenta Web interfaces (click Help > SDL Contenta Help). • The SDL Contenta documentation—including an Acrobat Catalog search index—is available as a .zip download from the following FTP Site: ftp://SDLdoc2:[email protected]/ download

20 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Once you download file, and decompress it in a folder on your system, double-click search _contenta in Acrobat Reader, and then search away.

Tip: In Acrobat Reader, press Alt+ to retrace your search path.

Database upgrade changes

Depending on the upgrade or upgrades you perform, you may require assistance from SDL Professional Services for your database upgrade.

SDL Contenta 5.0/5.1/5.2 to SDL Contenta 5.3

The upgrade_53 is mandatory. If you are upgrading from SDL Contenta 5.0, 5.1 or 5.2, run upgrade_53. Refer to the SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Guide for more information. If you are upgrading from a release earlier than 5.0, contact SDL Professional Services at mailto:ProServRequest@sdl. com to discuss upgrade services for your implementation.

Platform changes

SDL Contenta 5.3 includes several changes to platform support.

Newly supported items

SDL Contenta 5.3 added support for a number of software components.

Editing Tools 32-bit Arbortext Editor 6.1

Web Servers

• Apache HTTP 2.4 with corresponding mod_jk-1.2.x connector on Red Hat Linux 5 and 6 • 32-bit Apache Tomcat 8

Web Browsers 32-bit Mozilla Firefox 37

SDL Contenta Release Notes 21 1 New features and enhancements

Java 32-bit Oracle Java 8

Note: You need only the JRE on the Contenta Web server.

Databases 64-bit Microsoft SQL Server 2012 R2 (with 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2)

Search Solr 4.10.3

Deprecated items

This topic lists platform support that was deprecated in the 5.3 release of SDL Contenta.

Operating Systems 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2


Items no longer supported

A list of software that is no longer supported. If you use any of these software components, upgrade to a supported version before your upgrade to SDL Contenta 5.3.

Search Verity is no longer a supported search engine in Contenta.


• SDL Contenta database utilities comply with Oracle's new expdp/impdp functionality. As such, the Contenta dbexport, dbimport, and dbcopy utilities are no longer supported. See "Configuring Oracle Data Pump for use with Contenta" in the SDL Contenta Administration User Guide for details. • If you originally installed with Parlance 2.5 (the predecessor release to SDL Contenta 3.x), you may still be using tools that leverage Parlance 2.5 compatibility mode. These tools are no longer supported.

22 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Operating Systems

• Oracle Solaris • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (all versions except 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2)

Database Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Web Servers

• IIS 7.0 • 32-bit Apache Tomcat 6 • Apache HTTP Server (all versions) with corresponding mod_jk-1.2.x on Microsoft Windows and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

Web Browsers

• 32-bit Microsoft Internet Explorer, Versions 10 and 11 on Windows 7 and 8 Note: 64-bit versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer are supported.

• Mozilla Firefox (all versions below 37)

Java 32-bit Java 6

Publishing XPP Pub (all versions) If you (or the SDL ProServ team) have created a custom XPP publish tool that uses "XPP Pub," there may be additional work required to remove "XPP Pub" from your custom tool. You should contact SDL ProServ for an analysis service. What's new in SDL Contenta 5.2

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.2 release of SDL Contenta.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 23 1 New features and enhancements

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.2

This section lists features and enhancements introduced in SDL Contenta 5.2.

Copy tool access setting

In SDL Contenta 5.2, an optional AppData setting was added to be able to restrict access to the Copy tool. The Copy tool is always available for the sysadmin user account. Refer to the section called "Disable Copy Tool" in the SDL Contenta Administration User Guide.

Database upgrade changes

Depending on the upgrade or upgrades you perform, you may require assistance from SDL Professional Services for your database upgrade. SDL Contenta 5.1 to SDL Contenta 5.2 There are no database upgrade changes between SDL Contenta 5.1 and SDL Contenta 5.2. SDL Contenta 5.0 to SDL Contenta 5.2 There are no database upgrade changes between SDL Contenta 5.0 and SDL Contenta 5.2. SDL Contenta 4.x to SDL Contenta 5.2 The SDL Contenta 5.0 database upgrade is optional. Refer to the SDL Contenta 5.0 Release Notes for more information.

If you are upgrading from a release earlier than 5.0 to 5.2, contact SDL Professional Services at mailto:[email protected] to discuss upgrade services for your implementation. SDL Contenta 3.2 to SDL Contenta 5.2 The upgrade_40 and upgrade_41 database upgrades are mandatory. If you are upgrading from SDL Contenta 3.2, run both these upgrades. If you are upgrading from SDL Contenta 4.0, run upgrade_41. Refer to the SDL Contenta 4.2 Release Notes for more information.

If you are upgrading from a release earlier than 5.0 to 5.2, contact SDL Professional Services at mailto:[email protected] to discuss upgrade services for your implementation.

Platform changes

SDL Contenta 5.2 includes several changes to platform support.

Newly supported items

SDL Contenta 5.2 added support for a number of software components.

Operating systems • Red Hat Linux 6.5 (for the Application Server and the Web Server)

24 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

• Microsoft Windows 2012 R2, 64-bit (for the Application Server and the Web Server) • Microsoft Windows 8.1 (for the clients) Internet browsers • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (32-bit and 64-bit) Web server Microsoft IIS 8.5 (with Windows 2012 R2, 64-bit) Editing tools JustSystems XMetaL 8 Java Java release 1.7.0_51 is supported. SDL recommends upgrading to this release in order to prevent unnecessary security messages. Refer to Installing or Upgrading SDL Contenta Web on Windows or UNIX Systems , Chapter 3, "Web Browser Workstation Configuration", section "Java Security Changes and Signed Applets: Pre-requisites and Setup" for more information.

Deprecated items

This topic lists platform support that was deprecated in the 5.2 release of SDL Contenta.

The following items are deprecated as of SDL Contenta 5.2: CORBA API The CORBA API is deprecated with the SDL Contenta 5.2 release.

Items no longer supported

A list of software that is no longer supported. If you use any of these software components, upgrade to a supported version before your upgrade to SDL Contenta 5.2.

Internet browsers • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Editing tools • XMetaL 6 What's new in SDL Contenta 5.1

This section describes new features, feature enhancements, and other changes introduced in the 5.1 release of SDL Contenta.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 25 1 New features and enhancements

New features and enhancements in SDL Contenta 5.1

This section lists features and enhancements introduced in SDL Contenta 5.1.

SDL Content Web Services API

As the next step in evolving the Content API using current industry standards, SDL Contenta now comes with a RESTful Web Services API, which includes additional methods such as Find object, Tool List and Send Email. You can use this API to develop custom tools for your implementation and to integrate SDL Contenta with enterprise applications.

SDL Contenta Explorer and SDL Content Web user interface enhancements

The Contenta user interfaces can now display property fields in the list view, alternative names for objects in the tree view, and alphabetically sorted items in both. For each of these changes, refer to the SDL Contenta Administration User Guide for more information. Display of property fields in list view As an SDL Contenta administrator, you can configure the list view in both user interfaces to display property fields. Alternative names for objects You can assign alternative names to objects and configure the user interfaces to display such alternative names in the tree view. The object names are displayed by default. When you hover over an object, a tooltip appears. If you are viewing object names in the tree view, the tooltip shows the alternative name; conversely, if you are viewing alternative names, the tooltip shows the object name. The alternative name also appears if you hover over the Name field in the list view. Sorting Sorting can be applied to the tree view and to the list view in both user interfaces. Items may be sorted alphabetically (either ascending or descending), or in build order (the original and default sort order). You can also dynamically sort rows of object in the list view in either user interface by clicking on a column header.

Alternative encryption support for MS Windows and Oracle implementations that do not use LDAP or Active Directory

SDL encourages customers to implement Contenta with Active Directory or LDAP to leverage the security inherent in those authentication frameworks. To accommodate customers who are unable to implement Contenta with these services, this version release of Contenta can be configured to use an alternate AES 128 compliant Oracle encryption mechanism for Contenta user and database passwords.

This is available for MS Windows, Oracle customers. Reference the SDL Contenta Admininstration User Guide for LDAP details. Contact Technical Support to obtain additional information if you are unable to use LDAP, or Active Directory, in your implementation. To contact SDL Technical Support, connect to the Customer Support Web Portal at and click on the Log a Ticket link in

26 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

the Current support system column for your product.

Optional Oracle database utilities and deprecation notice

SDL Contenta database utilities have changed to comply with Oracle's new expdp/impdp functionality. Old functionality remains supported for backward compatibility.

As of the 5.1 release of SDL Contenta, the Contenta dbexport/ dbimport and dbcopy utilities comply with Oracle's transition to the expdp/impdp "Data Pump" functionality. For Microsoft SQL Server, dbexport/ dbimport remains unchanged.

Additionally, as of the 5.1 release of SDL Contenta, these utilities have optional switches to allow you to switch to the new Oracle utilities that Oracle supports on Oracle 11 and Oracle 12. To maintain backward compatibility, by default, SDL continues to support the non-expdp/impdp implementation of these utilities in SDL Contenta 5.1.

SDL recommends migrating any custom tools that rely on these database utilities to their new expdp/ impdp versions, because Oracle 12, which SDL Contenta will support in a future release, only supports these new versions of the utilities.

Reference the section called "Configuring Oracle Data Pump for use with Contenta" in the SDL Contenta Administration User Guide for details.

Platform changes

SDL Contenta 5.1 includes several changes to platform support.

Newly supported items

SDL Contenta 5.1 added support for a number of software components.

Operating systems • Microsoft Windows 8 (for the clients) Internet browsers • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) • Mozilla Firefox 28 (32-bit) SDL Contenta 5.1 installs the following software component versions: • Reprise License Manager 10.1 • MKS Toolkit 9.5 • ActiveState ActivePerl 5.16

SDL Contenta Release Notes 27 1 New features and enhancements

Deprecated items

This topic lists platform support that was deprecated in the 5.1 release of SDL Contenta.

The following items are deprecated as of SDL Contenta 5.1: Operating systems Sun Solaris Web servers Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x with corresponding mod_jk-1.2.x with Apache Tomcat 6.0.x or Apache Tomcat 7.0.x, 32-bit on Microsoft Windows Web servers Oracle database utilities The exp/imp implementations of the dbexport/ dbimport and dbcopy utilities are deprecated in favor of the new expdp/impdp implementations, which Oracle supports on Oracle 11 and Oracle 12.

SDL recommends migrating any custom tools that rely on these database utilities to their new expdp/impdp versions, because Oracle 12, which SDL Contenta will support in a future release, only supports these new versions of the utilities.

Refer to the section called "Configuring Oracle Data Pump for use with Contenta" in the SDL Contenta Administration User Guide for details. 2.5 compatible tools If you originally installed with Parlance 2.5 (the predecessor release to SDL Contenta 3.x), you may still be using tools that leverage Parlance 2.5 compatibility mode. These tools can be both delivered tools and, possibly, your own custom tools. You can query the database to find out which, if any, 2.5 compatible tools you use.

The 2.5 tools are deprecated as of SDL Contenta 5.1. This means that SDL will continue to support them, provided that the Contenta Server (PcmPortal) runs on a Solaris or Red Hat Linux server. (These tools have never been supported with Microsoft Windows servers.)

You will need to replace any 2.5 compatible tools with tools that use the current Contenta API before your next upgrade. If you intend to migrate from Solaris or Linux servers to Microsoft Windows servers with this release, you must replace the tools now.

SDL Professional Services are available to help with this transition.

Obtaining a list of 2.5 compatible tools

Query the database to identify any delivered or custom 2.5 compatible server tools compatible with Parlance 2.5. Examples of such tools are GlobalEd, or any custom tools you may have built at the time.

28 SDL Contenta Release Notes New features and enhancements 1

Procedure 1. In Windows, open a command prompt. 2. Open a SQL*Plus prompt by entering the following command:


where DATABASE is the name of your database and PASSWORD is the password to access it. 3. Create a log file by entering the following command:


where TEMPDIR is a temporary directory such as c:\temp and 25_TOOLS.LOG is the name of the log file you want to create. 4. Write a list of 2.5 tools to this log file by running the following command:


5. Close the log file:

spool off

6. Exit SQL*Plus:


7. Close the command prompt.

Checking the log file for 2.5 compatible tools

Examine the log file that resulted from your database query to check for any 2.5 compatible tools.

Procedure 1. Using a plain-text editor, examine the contents of the log file you created to find out which, if any, 2.5 compatible tools you have.

In this file, OBJTYPE describes which type of object must be selected before the tool can be run. 2. If your log file contains a reference to GlobalEd, consider migrating from GlobalEd to a tool that uses the current Contenta API. SDL Professional Services are available if you need assistance with

SDL Contenta Release Notes 29 1 New features and enhancements

this migration. GlobalEd is the only 2.5 compatible tool that SDL delivers and supports with SDL Contenta. 3. If your log file contains a reference to any of the following tools (which are no longer supported as of Contenta 3.1), consider migrating from these tools to tools that use the current Contenta API, and removing them: • asciiedit • sgmledit • Global Ascii • Global Review SDL Professional Services are available if you need assistance with this migration. You can remove these tools using the PcmAdmin tool. 4. If your log file contains references to any custom 2.5 compatible tool, consider migrating from the tool or tools to a tool that uses the current Contenta API. SDL Professional Services are available if you need assistance with this migration.

Items no longer supported

A list of software that is no longer supported as of SDL Contenta 5.1. If you use any of these software components, upgrade to a supported version before your SDL Contenta upgrade.

Operating systems • Microsoft Windows 2003 • Microsoft Windows XP • Microsoft Windows Vista Internet browsers • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Database servers • Oracle 10.2 • Oracle 11.2 (earlier than Web servers JK Connector is no longer supported with IIS (it is replaced by Application Request Router, ARR) Editing tools • Arbortext Editor 5.x SDL Contenta no longer delivers the following software component versions: • Reprise License Manager 8 • MKS Toolkit 9.4 • ActiveState ActivePerl 5.10 (you must uninstall this release before upgrading SDL Contenta)

30 SDL Contenta Release Notes 2

Changed files 2 Changed files

Depending on which version of SDL Contenta you upgrade from, the number of files that have changed varies. Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.7.1

SDL Contenta 5.7.1 includes no changes to customizable files.

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.7

SDL Contenta 5.7 includes no changes to customizable files.

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.6

SDL Contenta 5.6 includes changes to a number of customizable files. If you have customized any of these files for your implementation, merge your customizations into the updated files. Refer to the upgrade guides for more information.

Changed Files

Significant changes were made in the SDL Contenta Web interface. Any customizations should be merged with most recent Contenta Web files as needed. Items affected by the customization include the following. • unixuser.dat • Pdm.cshrc • cw.cshrc Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.5.2

SDL Contenta 5.5.2 includes no changes to customizable files. Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.5.1

SDL Contenta 5.5.1 includes no changes to customizable files.

32 SDL Contenta Release Notes Changed files 2

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.5

SDL Contenta 5.5 includes changes to a number of customizable files. If you have customized any of these files for your implementation, merge your customizations into the updated files. Refer to the upgrade guides for more information.

Changed Files

Significant changes were made in the SDL Contenta Web interface. Any customizations should be merged with most recent Contenta Web files as needed. Items affected by the customization include: • Pdm_setup.sql • unixuser.dat • Pdm.cshrc • Contenta.csh • S99Contenta • cw.cshrc • contentaweb.csh • S99contentaweb • XyConfig.bin • installed in [Contenta_Home]/ encaps/ PerlWSAPIWrappers as PCMAPIMgr. pm.COM • New has been introduced with Contenta 5.5 release. Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.3

SDL Contenta 5.3 includes changes to a number of customizable files. If you have customized any of these files for your implementation, merge your customizations into the updated files. Refer to the upgrade guides for more information.

Changed Files

Significant changes were made in the SDL Contenta Web interface. Any customizations should be merged with most recent Contenta Web files as needed. Items affected by the customization include: • Pdm_setup.sql • unixuser.dat • Pdm.cshrc • Contenta.csh • S99Contenta

SDL Contenta Release Notes 33 2 Changed files

Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.2

No customizable files have changed in the 5.2 release. Files changed in SDL Contenta 5.1

SDL Contenta 5.1 includes changes to a number of customizable files. If you have customized any of these files for your implementation, merge your customizations into the updated files. Refer to the upgrade guides for more information.

The following files changed in SDL Contenta 5.1: • S99Contenta • Xyauth.dll • ldaptext.exe

34 SDL Contenta Release Notes 3

Known issues 3 Known issues

These issues apply to the most recent release of SDL Contenta. If available, workarounds are provided.

Installation and Upgrade Issue number Description CAS-7111 Tomcat 8.5 directory is reported as invalid or version is not supported error During installation, an error message similar to the following may be encountered.

Tomcat Home directory is invalid or Tomcat version is not supported.

Explanation/Resolution: To work around this issue, copy the Tomcat_home\bin \tomcat8*.exe file to Tomcat_home\bin\tomcat8.exe. CC-2705 Standalone Dynamic Import does not use the specified server and database. When installed as a standalone module, Dynamic Import may not connect to the server and database specified for your map file (e.g. in the Server and Database fields of the Dynamic Import window. Explanation/Resolution: To work around this issue, use a text editor to manually enter the database name, server, and port in your map file. Save the file and restart Dynamic Import. CC-1987 During installation or uninstallation of CE on Windows 10, you may be prompted to install the .NET Framework 3.5. Explanation/Resolution: You are prompted to install .NET Framework 3.5 because Contenta Explorer installer tries to register .NET libraries, which are only required if the user is planning to develop a Contenta application using Contenta .NET Libraries. To work around this issue, skip the .NET install when prompted (close the prompted .NET dialog) and the install/uninstall will proceed. CC-1981 After installing XPP, Contenta portal fails to start, with the following error: Windows could not start the XyEnterprise Contenta Server service on Local computer. Explanation/Resolution: The XPP installation modifies the Path environment variable to, which may make it invalid for Contenta on some Windows systems. Verify that the value for the Path environment variable is correct after installing XPP. Note: SDL has seen that the location of the Oracle client or database was modified to an invalid path (with \bin; removed) on some Windows systems.

CC-1769 If you change the name of the Tomcat service from Tomcat8 while installing CW, the installer fails to locate the service.

Explanation/Resolution: Uninstall the Tomcat service and reinstall it with the name Tomcat8. CC-1725 When upgrading Contenta server on Windows 2012 all-in-one server, you may encounter a Windows error message stating that .Net Framework 3.5 could not be installed. Explanation/Resolution: Disregard this message; it displays even though the framework has been installed properly.

36 SDL Contenta Release Notes Known issues 3

Issue number Description CC-1704 On some Windows systems, when you install or upgrade Contenta, you may encounter an error such as the following when the Contenta installer tries to register DLLs: Error registering Contenta_Install_Location\system\PCMtoolsAPI.dll - regsvr returned exit code 3. Alternatively, when Contenta Explorer is launched for the first time you may encounter a Contenta Explorer has stopped working error with a DLL as the Fault Module Name. Explanation/Resolution: These errors are due to missing low-level dependencies that are part of the Visual C++ redistributable package. If the Contenta installation program fails to register some Contenta DLLs, you must download the required redistributable packages and manually register the Contenta DLLs that couldn't be registered before. You should manually register DLLs from a command window opened as an Administrator. CC-1662 Under certain conditions with Oracle 11g, you may get errors similar to the following when exporting a Contenta database: . . exporting table COMPOUNDBINARY EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment(0, 0) . . exporting table COMPOUNDDOC EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment(0, 0)

Or you may get errors similar to the following when upgrading a database:

*****Error creating routing history field on Document: SQL Error Code -942 Explanation/Resolution: This could be because of the Oracle settings specified for deferred segments when the database was imported or exported. Please contact customer support for guidance on how to resolve this issue. CC-1660 During the installation, an inactive and un-refreshed database settings window entitled Contenta Server Setup with a header Contenta Database Settings may appear in the background. You can ignore this window. 42875 In Linux and UNIX environments, the SDL Contenta Web instal- lation hangs for over an hour while searching for the Java Virtual Machine.

Explanation/Resolution: The workaround is to specify the full path to the java executable when running the setup.jar file, rather than letting the operating system find the java executable. For example: /usr/jdk1.7/bin/java -Dis.debug=1 -cp setup.jar run 42825 On some UNIX and Linux environments, the installation CD cannot be mounted in a DVD drive. Explanation/Resolution: When mounting the drive for the instal- lation CD, specify that the drive is to read the content as a cdrom. For example: mount -F hsfs -o ro,nomaplcase /vol/dev/dsk/c1t0d0/ 681366 /cdrom/681366

SDL Contenta Release Notes 37 3 Known issues

Issue number Description

42527 The ‘_uninstall SDL Contenta Editor Extensions’ folder is not visible after doing a new SDL Contenta Editor Extensions installation when editors are installed after the SDL Contenta installation.

Explanation/Resolution: This is because we are circumventing the usual installation process and installation is to be done by hand, so uninstallation must be done by hand. 42523 Contenta uninstaller on UNIX: The SDL Contenta uninstaller on Solaris and Linux removes the /pdm link. Explanation/Resolution: Recreate the /pdm link. 39823 Windows Only: Client and server installs, when installed or upgraded by Administra- tor: Administrator user takes ownership of the Dynamic Import, Checkout, Logs, and temp directories. Explanation/Resolution: Refer to the SDL Contenta installation guide for post-installation steps to correct this issue.

Contenta Explorer Issue number Description CC-2811 Dynamic Import File Import does not allow selection of a folder with ISO-8859-1 characters in its name. Explanation/Resolution: To work around this issue, select only parent folders with only ASCII or Unicode characters in their names. CC-2706 Dynamic Import fails to launch on Contenta Explorer or from the command line for a user without administrator privileges. The following error message is displayed.A system error occurred while converting "distribution config file". Explanation/Resolution: To work around this issue, remove the Read-only attribute from the Contenta_home directory, including its sub-directories. CC-1719 Attempting to copy and paste a folder containing objects into a ContentRoutingProject results in a server-side portal error.

38 SDL Contenta Release Notes Known issues 3

Issue number Description 42512 SDL Contenta Explorer crashes when trying to create a CompoundAscii object.

In Oracle 11gR2, a new deferred segment creation feature was added. This feature enables you to defer creation of the initial segment until the first row of data is inserted into the database table. To check whether the database is compatible with Oracle 11gR2, run this command as database administrator: SQL> show parameter compatible The results should be in this format: compatible string To check whether the deferred segment creation feature is enabled, run this command as database administrator: SQL> show parameter def The results should be in this format: deferred_segment_creation boolean TRUE Disable the deferred segment creation feature by running this command as database administrator: SQL> alter system set deferred_segment_creation=false scope=both; If you have problems importing a database because the deferred segment creation feature was enabled when the original database was created, please contact SDL Customer Support. 40183 Upgrade customers only: Creation of a WordHybrid object fails. Explanation/Resolution: The WordHybrid object is not a valid SDL Contenta object in this release. It will be removed from the New Object menu in a future release. 38828 When creating a user desktop with a long name and the login name is longer than 49 characters, if the user accepts the default (that is, the login name), the desktop creation process reports errors. Explanation/Resolution: The login name may not be longer than 49 characters. Change the default login name to be shorter.

38827 If a Long Names field in Contenta Explorer contains a backslash (\), it is removed from the property field. For example, C:\graphics\gif is saved as C:graphicsgif.

Explanation/Resolution: Enter a backslash as \\. For example, C:\\graphics\\gif is saved as C:\graphics\gif.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 39 3 Known issues

Editor Tools Issue number Description CRQ-10444 Contenta menu did not appear after installing the editor extension The Contenta menu may not appear after installing the editor extension if the name of the menu file has been changed from .Help, for example, when the menu is translated from English. This issue may occur because the EpicEditCatMain.acl ACL file, which adds the menu looks for a menu named .Help. Explanation/Resolution: If the name of the Contenta menu file has been changed, edit the EpicEditCatMain.acl file to refer to the current name of the menu file. For example, if the menu file is translated into German and its name changed to .Hilfe, change each instance of .Help in the ACL file to .Hilfe. 43064 XML Fetch/View: Parsing errors may occur when using XML Fetch or XML View on content that contains Arbortext Editor change tracking. 42526 Intermittent XMetaL issue that seems to be caused by a bug in the XMetaL installation that only affects vendors with custom code such as ours. Symptoms: The document doesn’t open and XMetaL won’t stay closed when you exit because it is stuck in an initialization loop. Or, you may see an“automation error”or the following error message: ActiveX Component can’t create object XyeXmCatXMCat. Explanation/Resolution: Manually register XMetaL as follows: cd XMetaL_home \Author xmetalnn.exe/RegServerwhere nn is the version (for example, xmetal60.exe). 38961 When creating an object-mapped element in the editor that contains no data, the inheritance for the ElementType attribute field is set to inherited (that is, inherited from parent) rather than local (that is, defined in the object itself). In addition, the inheritance is lost when the object is reused to a Project. This default cannot be edited since it is disabled, so you cannot change it to local. Explanation/Resolution: Delete the entry and manually create it with inheritance set to local. 38829 If the checkout path length is greater than 100 characters, the checkout directory is not created. Explanation/Resolution: Change the checkout directory path to be shorter.

Contenta Web Issue number Description CC-2710 The Workflow Template editor sometimes fails to save a template. Explanation/Resolution: This issue occurs because the Contenta Web Workflow editor does not place a lock on the template when it is opened. If a Contenta Explorer subsequently opens and locks the template, the Workflow editor will fail to save the template with a server-side portal error. CC-2709 The Workflow and Workflow Template editors do not warn that edits will be lost when the user closes the editor window by clicking the X.

Explanation/Resolution: Always save the changes before closing the editor window.

40 SDL Contenta Release Notes Known issues 3

Issue number Description CC-2708 On login, Contenta Web sometimes does not expand the tree view to display the location saved at the end of the previous session. Explanation/Resolution: This issue occurs on Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox browsers. To work around this issue, expand the root object (the configuration) immediately after logging in. The tree view then continues to expand to display the appropriate object. CC-2563 When using Dynamic Import from Contenta Web on Windows and using long paths, Dynamic Import does not always correctly import a file or directory. Explanation/Resolution: This issue occurs in Contenta Web because a Perl method incorrectly applies security to the file or directory. To work around this issue, in the Registry editor: 1. Change all Contenta temporary paths from C:\Program Files (x86)\XyEnterprise\Contenta\temp to C:\Windows\TEMP. 2. Change the docBase setting from C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\conf\Catalina\localhost\cw_ tmp.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP. An alternative workaround is to complete the following steps: 1. In Services, right-click Tomcat to display Tomcat settings. 2. On the Log On tab, select This account. 3. Enter administrator credentials. 4. Save the settings and exit Services.

N/A The Java file transfer applet used by several CW tools hangs or pops up an error "The applet parameter 'url1' is missing or invalid" when the version of Firefox is 3.6.14. Explanation/Resolution: This issue is fixed by Firefox in version 3.6.15. This should be a very rare problem since it only affects Firefox users who are on version Firefox 3.6.14, which was soon superseded by 3.6.15. The CW tools that use the affected applet are Dynamic Import and the structured editor tools (Epic/Arbortext, FrameMaker, FrameBook and XMetaL). CC-787 Delivered delete trigger fails to delete the project. Add the "delete" trigger to a routing task that's going to "End." Forward the project to end. It forwards with no errors but fails to delete the project. CAS-6997 Contenta Web displays an HTTP-400 error on IE11 when data is non-ANSI In some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, you may see an HTTP-400 error (The webpage cannot be found) when data contains non-ANSI characters.

Explanation/Resolution: This error occurs because two IE11 advanced options are turned off by default. Turn on these options by performing the following steps. 1. In Internet Explorer Settings, select Internet Options. 2. On the Advanced tab, in the International section, select the following options. • Send UTF-8 query string for Intranet URLs • Send UTF-8 query string for non-Intranet URLs 3. Click Apply. 4. Restart Internet Explorer.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 41 3 Known issues

Issue number Description CAS-6789 Object incorrectly appears locked preventing Arbortext Editor checkout. In some cases, a user will be prompted to update Java when attempting to check out an object with Arbortext Editor. After the user responds to this prompt, the checkout fails with an error message incorrectly indicating that the object is locked.

Explanation/Resolution: To avoid this issue, either turn off automatic updates in the Java Control Panel or ensure that the latest Java update has been installed before using Arbortext Editor checkout. 42816, 43374 In the SDL Contenta Web list view, actions on multiple objects are limited to 200 or fewer selections.

Explanation/Resolution: When selecting multiple objects for processing actions in the list view of SDL Contenta Web, do not select more than 200 objects for each action. 43386 Contenta Web: login fails if files in the Contenta Web tree view start with a numeric character (for example, 1PublishConfiguration.xml). Explanation/Resolution: Objects in the Contenta Web tree view should not be named or renamed with a filename that starts with a number. 43064 Under some circumstances, Arbortext Editor Change Tracking markup can cause parsing errors with SDL Contenta Web XML Fetch or XML View functionality.

For example, while working in Arbortext Editor with change tracking enabled, delete an element that is mapped to a checked-out object and then check in that object. If you access that object through the SDL Contenta Web XML Fetch or View tools, you will encounter parsing errors like this:

Error on line 119 in file C:\temp\webcheckouts\cas\epiccat\ACT_ II147226_022503778\ACT II#147#226_022503778.xml:

[A11052] Unknown element in start tag.

There is no such element as '_xsipt'.

*** Error on line 123 in file C:\temp\webcheckouts\cas\epiccat\ACT _II147226_022503778\ACT II#147#226_022503778.xml:

[A11051] Unknown element in end tag.

There is no such element as '_xsipt'. 42673 At the time of object creation in SDL Contenta Web, edits to nested property sheets and property lists are not saved.

Explanation/Resolution: As a workaround, complete the creation of the object in SDL Contenta Web then edit nested property sheets and property lists as a separate operation. 42672 If select lists are not set up correctly (for example, the property list for a select list is not on sysadmin’s desktop), property list edits in Contenta Web are not saved. Explanation/Resolution: Correct the select list setup, and then try the property list edit again. 42530 SDL Contenta Web has shown some performance degradation with IIS7 and Tomcat as opposed to Tomcat only.

42 SDL Contenta Release Notes Known issues 3

Issue number Description 42529 The XML View web tool fails to launch in an environment where the Contenta application and web server is the same server and is a UNIX server. Explanation/Resolution: If SDL Contenta Web was installed after installing SDL Contenta Server on the same UNIX server, you must create a directory named“tmp” under the /pdm/clients directory on the Contenta Web server. If Contenta Web was installed first, this manual step is not required.

Search Issue number Description CC-2583 Crawler fails to index objects created or modified under a newly added desktop with a reused configuration. Explanation/Resolution: Stop and restart Crawler immediately after the new desktop is added. CC-1518 Searching for special characters can fail. Explanation/Resolution: Character entities are not yet supported with Search. Wildcard searches can be used as an alternative. CC-1449 The Crawler does not index property lists and secondary property sheets. Explanation/Resolution: Only top-level property sheet (metadata) is currenty indexed by the Crawler. CC-1289 The Crawler does not index referenced objects. CC-794 The Java crawler does not strip markup from the "CONTENT" field if DATATYPE field has 'SGML' value. Explanation/Resolution: The CONTENT can still be searched, but the data returned includes the markup. CC-1121 Hidden fields are not indexed by the crawler (such as access level). Explanation/Resolution: If required in the index field, this should be made visible, or a custom solution can be implemented.

Administration Tools Issue number Description CC-1581 Need support of UNC pathing and mapped drives. Explanation/Resolution: Contenta does not support UNC paths or mapped drives for directories paths (such as checkout, encaps, temp, or icons) that can be set by the user or the administrator. CC-1087 Issues with Controlling containers with many objects with the same name. This issue occurs for databases which have controlling containers with numerous objects with the same name and tools which do a select by namepath on one of the objects which has the same name in the controlling container. Explanation/Resolution: If you are impacted by this issue, please contact customer support for guidance.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 43 3 Known issues

Issue number Description CC-796 Server tool exit code not recevied by client tool. Explanation/Resolution: When a Contenta server tool written in Perl exits with an exit like this: exit(2);the exit code is not returned by the call to RunTool() in the client Perl tool. The call to RunTool() returns -1 no matter what code is returned by the server tool.

39036 The pcmsessions utility fails to find the database when the database has a custom password. Explanation/Resolution: Specify the ODBC DSN with the database name when issuing the command. For example: pcmsessions –dbase certain@xyentDNS

35585 Compiled utilities (for example, dumpobj, fixblob, killobj, pcm_stats, pltrim, reap_report, showobj, checkblobs, unmark_checkpoints) fail if Contenta Server and Contenta Explorer are on separate machines and you have a database with a custom password. The problem does not occur when using the default password.

Explanation/Resolution: Set two environment variables, XYV_PDM_ROOT and XYE_PRTL_DATABASE_SID, before executing the utility.

44 SDL Contenta Release Notes 4

Fixed issues 4 Fixed issues

This section lists issues fixed and closed in each release of SDL Contenta beginning with version 5.1. Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.7. 1

A list of issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.7.1.

Issue ID Description CRQ-16198 XMetaL 12 crashes intermittently CRQ-15874 Sub property sheet values not carried forward when copying an object CRQ-15702 Security Issue running upgrade_56 - Windows ONLY CRQ-15577 Desktops with space in the name cause error with xml view tools or checkout CRQ-15424 Contenta EE Installer (ArbortextEditorSetup.jar) sometimes fails to configure AE 7.1 64-bit editor to use with Contenta CRQ-15239 Server tool exit code not recevied by client tool - Windows ONLY CRQ-15228 Custom property sheet fields for a project edited from CW do not keep the change and calendar control does not work with multiple date fields CRQ-14358 Unable to checkout objects with a period in the name CRQ-13000 Performance issue with TCP/IP communication in some configurations CRQ-10733 ContentExport API call redirects standard out CRQ-8865 Some database tools fail after changing the password for xyadmin from the default

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.7

A list of issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.7.

Issue ID Description CRQ-5424 upgrade_55.exe and upgrade_56.exe terminates unexctedly always at the same place with no error message CRQ-9005 Ent adapters are not delivered to Linux server CRQ-9421 CW Listview does not display contents when any field specified in app data value listViewPropertyField contains a new line CRQ-9487 Contenta Web install fails to deliver in the /pdm/system folder

46 SDL Contenta Release Notes Fixed issues 4

Issue ID Description CRQ-9521 If Contenta is not installed in a "Contenta" named path Arbortext tool from CW fails CRQ-9822 Upgrade_56 failing with syntax error CRQ-9823 On linux, PcmAdmin sometimes fails to export all app data entries when exporting metadata CRQ-9864 With SQL Server - fails with "Search is not installed, or a full-text component cannot be loaded" error CRQ-10068 With Contenta LDAP and Long/Complex Password of LDAP Principal Account, getting "Bad entry in the password file" error with many utilities CRQ-10154 Custom Perl Tool fails with out of memory on list children using PERL API CRQ-10436 Post sometimes fails with extremely large blob sizes CRQ-10582 Error when trying to add users to workpool with Contenta Web CRQ-10696 Crawler performance degrades when users has many configs on the desktop CRQ-11311 Contenta run tool portal command called with wait flag is a problem on Linux 7.4 CRQ-11554 In Contenta Web, if no active task is selected for a Content Routing Project, state is defaulting to end (not start) Resolution: change made to default to start when no active task is selected. CRQ-11561 Error for 'Contenta S1000D-Release to Data Provider' tool in CSDB due to inability to configure SMTP port

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.6

A list of issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.6.

Note: Contenta 5.6 also includes fixes for issues fixed and closed in the 5.5.1 release. When upgrading, consult the fixed issues list for each release after the one from which you are upgrading.

Issue ID Description

CRQ-6733 Performance issues in Contenta Crawler running pcmcmd attribute show -all. CRQ-6456 In Contenta Crawler, Solr timeout is not caught. CRQ-6119 Publish fails with an "out of memory" error when publishing a module with many references.

CRQ-6025 In Perl API, ListPostlist() method cannot be located via a package PCMcommand.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 47 4 Fixed issues

Issue ID Description

CRQ-6023 In Perl API, the SetAttr() Perl API call sets the value to a null string when a value of 0 is passed. CRQ-5976 In Perl API, Contenta Export API exports only 512 Kb of data in a module. CRQ-5947 A Java heap memory issue occurs when downloading a DDN zip file. CRQ-5922 Intermittent Arbortext Editor check-in errors. CRQ-5833 Need the ability to skip indexing previously indexed configurations when running all_configs. CRQ-5245 Crawler indexing performs slowly when indexing a database with many desktops.

CRQ-5201 Crawler returns an exception error when running all_configs. CRQ-4371 Login as sysadmin fails after creating a Contenta S1000D database in a Single Sign-On (SSO) environment. CRQ-4252 In Java API, PCMSearch.Search returns an error when there are many configurations on a user's desktop. CC- 1961 Wait cursor is not displayed in Contenta Web when expanding the tree view (Microsoft Internet Explorer only)

CC-2646 Installer incorrectly delivers collection1 sample collection.

CC-2595 The script crashes Perl when used with the Contenta Perl API. CC-2495 Adobe FrameMaker fails to launch and returns an error.

CC-2493 Upgrade should return an error if -dba and -dbapwd parameters are omitted when other Solr parameters are supplied. CC-2492 Upgrade fails to create several AppData settings on imported sample S1000D.dmp file.

CC-2489 Search returns null in Contenta Web. CC-2431 When using a set number of rows per page in Contenta Web, right-clicking does not show Contenta tools choices after the first page. CC-2422 Objects fail to index. CC-2321 Add Team Members tool fails when editing a workflow in Contenta Web. CC-2312 user info command crashes PcmPortal and causes email notification to hang in Contenta Web. CC-2297 Check-out fails in a non-UTF8 database in Contenta Explorer. CC-2257 Saving the user list for WorkPools in Contenta Explorer takes a long time. CC-2254 Asychronization in the Contenta Java API causes Tomcat to hang. CC-2249 License token issues occur when Contenta Web is closed by clicking the X.

48 SDL Contenta Release Notes Fixed issues 4

Issue ID Description CC-2240 Selecting an AppData key name containing Unicode characters cause the following error: XY_ERR Error getting values: null XY_ERR. CC-2161 License error occurs when running a Perl script that requires the pcms1000d_u license token. CC-2041 Unable to remove users from WorkPools in Contenta Explorer.

CC-1994 PcmPortal incorrectly returns a Checkout Error-Record Index Too Large error.

Issues fixed and closed in Contenta 5.5.2

The following issues were fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.5.2.

Issue number Description CC-2041 Unable to remove users from WorkPools using CE CRQ-3981 Error when editing Workflow templates on Linux CRQ-4252 PCMSearch.Search returns error when many configs on user's desktop. CRQ-4371 Login failure as sysadmin after creating S1000D database in SSO environment CRQ-4538 Cannot add new User to WorkPool in Contenta Web

CRQ-5201 Getting Exeception in Crawler Log when running all_configs CRQ-5245 Performance issue when indexing and the db contains many desktops

CRQ-5295 Crawler failed to index documents with XML declaration

CRQ-5424 On some systems, upgrade_55.exe terminates unexpectedly, always at the same place, with no error message CRQ-5833 RFE: Allow customization of content sent for indexing CRQ-5834 RFE: XML Search not working - for docs with undeclared Namespaces CRQ-5921 Editor extensions fail to connect to the Contenta Server when using a proxy CRQ-5922 Intermittent Arbortext check-in errors CRQ-5976 ContentExport Perl API only exports 512kb of the data in the module

CRQ-6023 SetAttr Perl API call sets value to empty string when value of 0 is passed

CRQ-6025 Can't locate object method ListPostlist via package PCMcommand in Perl API CRQ-6456 SOLR timeout not caught CRQ-6733 Attribute show -all performance issue in Perl API

SDL Contenta Release Notes 49 4 Fixed issues

Issue number Description CRQ-8160 ContentImport Perl API fails with large files CRQ-8167 GetDocPerl failing using Perl API for classic adapters CRQ-8211 Checkout performance issue with Docs and Modules in Perl API CRQ-8286 Classic adapters fail to check out when object size is 240kb or larger in Perl API CRQ-8560 Error when trying to add users to workpool with Contenta Web CRQ-9131 Linux Portal crashes using Dynamic Import Split and Import Drive File CRQ-9421 CW Listview does not display contents when a field specified in AppData value listViewPropertyField contains a new line

Issues fixed and closed in Contenta 5.5.1

The following issues were fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.5.1.

Issue number Description CC-1961 CW - Wait cursor not displayed in CW when expanding tree view (IE Only) CC-1994 Checkout Error - Record Index Too Large. Not that many records returned by PcmPortal when checking out very large hierarchies CC-2039 Using PCMtoolsAPI on Windows sometimes returns the wrong number of children CC-2161 License error when trying to run perl scripts that is looking for license token pcms1000d_u CC-2164 Java certificate presented to our web client valid only until 12 November 2016 CC-2240 CW: "Error:Error getting values: null" message when a key name selected in AppData when using Tomcat 8.0.39 or above CC-2249 License token issues when CW is closed with the X CC-2254 Asynchronization in Pure Java API 5.5.0 may cause Tomcat to hang in some circumstances CC-2297 Check Out fails when using Tomcat 8.0.39 or above CC-2312 user info command crashes the portal and causes email notification to hang in CW when using PKI certificates for authentication CC-2321 After deleting user desktops, cannot Add Team Members to the workflow using CW CC-2422 Non-Compound Ascii objects containing XML not indexed as XML CC-2431 When using a set number of rows per page in CW, after page 1, right click does not show Contenta tools choices

50 SDL Contenta Release Notes Fixed issues 4

Issue number Description CC-2489 Specifying value of 1 (instead of TRUE) for the AppData setting "MARK_DB_FOR_ INDEX" causes a null pointer exception CC-2492 Under some circumstances, database upgrade fails to create AppData settings needed for indexing CC-2493 Database upgrade should be changed to always error if dba/dbapwd not included when any other Solr/Crawler parameters are included CC-2495 On large objects, checkout sometimes fails

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.5

A list of issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.5.

Issue ID Description CC-1357 Opening a database with pcmportal command in 2.5 mode with LDAP results in an error. CC-1671 During installation, using the sqlplus system and password to run the pdm_setup.sql file without specifying the SID returns the following error: 12560: TNS:protocol adapter error CC-1717 No data received on socket when selecting a project. CC-1721 Database created by newdb contains objects pointing to Verity index tools. CC-1724 Crawler is limited to one sysadmin password. CC-1741 SearchContent API call fails. CC-1749 Attempting Reuse and Paste on multiple objects with different paths in search results in an error. CC-1760 In CW, Workflow Edit or Create New Workflow Template functions launch in the background. CC-1767 SearchIdPath and SearchIdPathNoCase CORBA API calls fail. CC1807 Linux only: pcmsessions command fails when users are logged on. CC-1827 SearchByName CORBA API calls fail. CC-1831 When using SQL server, performing a copy and paste causes the portal server to crash. CC-1876 The RunTool returns an incorrect exit status for the called server tool. CC-1923 The CW assignments tab loads slowly when a user's desktop has a large number of notes.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 51 4 Fixed issues

Issue ID Description CC-1929 Using the OR operator does not work correctly and does not filter for object types. CC-1959 In CW, the list view loads slowly when displaying a large number of objects. CC-1961 In CW, the cursor is not displayed when expanding the tree view. CC-1963 In CW, the tree view loads slowly when displaying a large number of objects.

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.3

A list of issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.3.

Issue ID Description CC-496 LDAP fails to login once passwords are stripped from the database with the LDAP script. This is caused by the recent case sensitivity fix. CC-546 Viewing historical versions of an object fails if the user selects the viewer from the Tools menu. CC-658 When installing Contenta, the install hangs right after the Perl installation completes. CC-1323 Acrobat 11 After installing Patch 11.0.09 and performing the "Edit with Acrobat" function, Acrobat causes the entire operating system to lock up and become unstable.

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.2

A list of issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.2.

Issue ID Description CC-524 When using Java 7, the applet would display security messages for users every time they attempted to upload. Refer to Installing or Upgrading SDL Contenta Web on Windows or UNIX Systems, Chapter 3, "Web Browser Workstation Configuration", section "Java Security Changes and Signed Applets: Pre-requisites and Setup" for more information. CC-519 Attempting to forward projects could result in the following error message: Error occurred on Portal Server: "Server side portal error: *Post not permitted|Project proj1 is not modifiable, can't post

52 SDL Contenta Release Notes Fixed issues 4

Issue ID Description CC-506 Saving from Arbortext Editor could result in issues in the event of network glitches. CC-436 When using Oracle 11g, password expiration would result in a standard error "no data received on socket" for the end user. Fixed by returning a proper message informing the user of the expiration. On seeing that proper message, the user should contact their Oracle database administrator to resolve the problem. CC-427 The copy tool could not be removed from the menu for standard users, who could therefore create duplicate objects in an S1000D database. CC-526 (was CAS-1443) Could not launch Arbortext Checkout from Contenta Web when there were spaces in the Arbortext pathname.

Issues fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.1

A list of issues that were fixed and closed in SDL Contenta 5.1.

Issue ID Description 42512 Certain database conditions caused Oracle 11g to drop specific tables when using dbexport and dbimport. To resolve this issue, turn default segment creation off in the pdm_setup.sql script. Refer to the installation topics for more information. 43740 Using change tracking with Arbortext Editor 6.0 caused performance problems. 43775 In SDL Contenta Explorer, double-click preferences were not being saved. 43816 In a Linux or Solaris environment, server tools launched by the client experienced delayed completion. 43850 Arbortext experienced a problem with tag template creation and editing. 43869 LDAP experience a failure allowing logins

CC-437 The fixusers utility sometimes failed to decrypt.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 53 4 Fixed issues

54 SDL Contenta Release Notes A

Acknowledgments A Acknowledgments

SDL Contenta includes open source or similar third-party software.

ActiveState ActivePerl ActivePerl is the industry-standard, commercial-grade Perl distribution used by millions of developers around the world for easy Perl installation and quality-assured code. Adobe FrameMaker Adobe FrameMaker is an XML editor for structured authoring. Apache Commons Codec Apache Commons Codec (TM) software provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, Phonetic and URLs. Apache Commons FileUpload The Commons FileUpload package makes it easy to add robust, high-performance, file upload capability to your servlets and web applications. Apache Commons Logging The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between different logging implementations. A library that uses the commons-logging API can be used with any logging implementation at runtime. Commons-logging comes with support for a number of popular logging implementations, and writing adapters for others is a reasonably simple task. Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server is an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards. Apache Log4j Apache Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in Logback while fixing some inherent problems in Logback's architecture. Apache Lucene, SOLR The Apache Lucene™ project develops open-source search software. Arbortext PTC Arbortext is an XML editor for structured authoring. DWR (Direct Web Remoting) DWR is a Java library that enables Java on the server and JavaScript in a browser to interact and call each other as simply as possible. ICU (International Components for Unicode) ICU is a mature, widely used set of C/C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support for software applications. ICU is widely portable and gives applications the same results on all platforms and between C/C++ and Java software. InstallAnywhere InstallAnywhere is the leading multi-platform development solution for application producers who need to deliver a professional and consistent cross installation experience for physical, virtual and cloud environments. From a single project file and build environment, InstallAnywhere creates reliable installations for on-premises platforms - Windows, Linux, Apple OS X, Solaris, AIX , HP-UX, and IBM

56 SDL Contenta Release Notes Acknowledgments A

iSeries - and enables you to take existing and new software products to a virtual and cloud infrastructure. InstallShield Flexera InstallShield delivers a seamless user install, allowing you to develop MSI and EXE installers, and create Windows Server App and MSIX packages with minimal scripting, coding and rework. jacORB The free Java implementation of the OMG's CORBA standard. JDOM JDOM's mission: to provide a complete, Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data from Java code. jQuery jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. jQuery Splitter A splitter plugin for jQuery. jQuery UI jQuery UI is a set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. jQuery.jstree jsTree is a jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. jsTree is easily extendable, themable and configurable, it supports HTML & JSON data sources, AJAX & async callback loading. JustSystems XMetaL JustSystems XMetaL is an XML editor for structured authoring. LDAP C SDK The C LDAP Application Program Interface Internet Draft defines a set of API functions that you can use to build LDAP-enabled clients. The functionality implemented in this SDK closely follows the interfaces outlined in the Internet Draft, which should become an RFC someday. Using the function- ality provided with this SDK, you can enable your clients to connect to LDAPv3-compliant servers and perform standard LDAP functions. Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Internet Explorer is a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included in the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, starting in 1995. Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server is a SQL-based relational database management system designed for use in corporate applications, both on premises and in the cloud. Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable These are packages which install run-time components required to run C++ applications built in Visual Studio.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 57 A Acknowledgments

Microsoft Visual Studio (C++) Microsoft Visual Studio is a fully featured IDE for Android, iOS, Windows, web, and cloud MKS Toolkit PTC MKS Toolkit for Developers, the award winning and industry-leading Windows / UNIX interoper- ability solution, dramatically improves the compatibility between Windows and UNIX environments. Omnimark OmniMark allows developers to build efficient content conversion pipelines that support the rapid insertion of multiple content filter elements without loss of processing speed. OpenSSL OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library. Oracle DB Oracle Database is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. Oracle Java Java offers developers a contemporary language and platform to create the next generation of rich, scalable, and secure enterprise applications. Purify PurifyPlus™ software is a set of dynamic software analysis tools that help you improve application reliability and performance. PurifyPlus software offers memory debugging, memory leak detection, performance profiling, and code coverage analysis. PurifyPlus helps you locate errors in your code, identify performance bottlenecks as well as untested code, and analyze each component even those without source code. Red Hat Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform delivers an integrated foundation to create, deploy, and scale a secure and reliable public or private OpenStack cloud. Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform combines the world's leading enterprise Linux and the fastest-growing cloud infrastructure platform to give you the agility to scale and quickly meet customer demands without compromising on availability, security, or performance. Reprise License Manager The Reprise License Manager (RLM) is a flexible and easy-to-use license manager with the power to serve enterprise users, and it comes to you from the creators of FLEXlm. Stingray Studio Stingray Studio provides tools for developing complex GUI applications that are easy to build, maintain, and evolve as new technologies improve the look and feel of user interfaces. Strawberry Perl Strawberry Perl is a perl environment for MS Windows containing all you need to run and develop perl applications. It is designed to be as close as possible to perl environment on UNIX systems. Windows Microsoft Windows is a group of several graphical operating system families, all of which are developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.

58 SDL Contenta Release Notes Acknowledgments A

Xalan-Java Xalan-Java is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. It implements XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0 and can be used from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a module in other program. Xerces-C++ Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. Xerces Java Parser The Xerces Java Parser 1.4.4 supports the XML 1.0 recommendation and contains advanced parser functionality, such as support for the W3C's XML Schema recommendation version 1.0, DOM Level 2 version 1.0, and SAX Version 2, in addition to supporting the industry-standard DOM Level 1 and SAX version 1 APIs.

SDL Contenta Release Notes 59 A Acknowledgments

60 SDL Contenta Release Notes