':c J q;. J ~~ ~outhern CaliforniaChapter Special Libraries Association

Vol. 14 No.2 OCTOBER 1986

President's Remarks

Ye are oft and 1"Uaain,for &O.otheryear ofSLA local informatioa booth 'We'Willhave durin, the activities. OurCirstscheduledpro,na meetinl coafereace. If you are interested in servin. 0.0 feawres Richard Yilt of Ne'WaNetand a the committee or tao'W you 'Willbe &Ue1ulinlthe discussioa of the future of publishin, coafereace &O.dcan help at the booth for an awsletters oaline. By the time you read this hour or two, pleue let me tao'W U lOOn as that meetinl should have occurred, &O.dI hope I'Osslble. I'e 'WWaeed a lot of "ople to help out, everyone atteadin. the Se,tember meetin. came 10 'Whatever you C&O.contribute 'Willbe useful. a'WayinCormedaboutthis ezcitin, ae'Wsystem. The Ezecutive Board/Advisory Council is tryin, laycee JI&1eand the Pro.na Committeeare busy IOmethinl ae'W this year. Rather than have 18parat.emeetin,., the Board/Council is m..tin, p1&o.ain. the year's activities; 'Wehave already re18"ed Ca1Tech's Atheneum Corour December the hour before our pro.ram. meetials. The Board/Council meetinls are open to &11ch&pter seetia. -- 'Watch the nwsleuer for further information, 1'8I8tVaUonforml,etc. members, 10 if you are p1&o.ainl to attead the pro, and can let &'W&yan hour eulier you are 'Welcometo attead a Board/Couacil me,tinl. The 18cond fire at LAPL'WUindeed &shoct to everyoae. It is more imperative than ever to do Fina11y, on the Aaociation level. SLA, in . &11'Wecan to help in the effortl to rebuild the coajunctioa 'With other library /i.oformatioa collectioa. We 'Will be involved 'With a bil science 88IOciations, is tryinl to become more fund-raisin I event this sprin" 10 'Watch Cor involved 'Withthe accredilation of MLSProlnas det&i1Sand try to attead to help in this very 'Worth'Whileeffon. at universities across the country. Jd &member of the Professio.oa1Development Committee and IS a library/inCormation science educator, I The time has come (already) to belin prepuin. have a 81'88tdeal of interest in this matter. If for the AAaheim confereace. Our chapter 'Will any oC you have any sullestions or be responsible for local &t1'I4lements, 'Which recommeadatioas in this 8te&, ptease let me means primarily ,ivinl directioas and tao'Wabout them. I can put your ideas Convard providin, inCormatioa about are&attractions and to the Board of Directors thtou.h' the restauJ'&Dts. We 'Will be putt.iJ11a committee ProCessioaal Development Committee,'Which'Will to,ether to coonlin&t8 the .local arranlemeats, be dea1i.ol 'With the accreditatioa issue and voluateers 'Willa1IObe needed to statf the throu.hout the year. Bill Fisher

This issue oCthe Ne'Wsletteris sponsored by Sydney Dataproducts, lac. '~"". The Southern California Chapter thanks them-for theu support



Dorothy McGarry and Sara Shatford layne, UCLA It is "ith sadness that "e announce the death Slp~mber 12of Mar,ant Anderson.a lonl time member and past-president of the Southern Please send copy to: CaW'orniaChapter. Her family hu requested thall any contributions be sent to the Daniel Oorothy McGarry Freeman Bospita1.In,1e"ood. to the American Box 11/, 308 Westwood Plaza CaacerSociety.or toany Catholiccharity. , CA QOO24 (213) 82:)-3438 Bxecutift BaIrd COpy DEADLINE:the 10thofeach month PlBSfDENT ADVERTISING: johA Shea. Union Bant Bill fll" (213) 825-1379 (213) 7.U-2617 UQ.A

SUBSCRIPTION: $10pery (9 issues) PRESIDENT-ELECT lCayceeHale (213) 624-1200 fuhloo lutitute ofDeaip It MercbandiliOl ~ I PASTPRESIDENT NEYSLETI'ERauuouo AooSbea (213) 613-5388 Security Pleinc Blot

PI.., call tbe IPProprl1l8ptIIGGfor your with SECRETARY nen ofpeopleororpniatiOlll whichyou feelwouldbe LeUaNybeq (213) 743-2548 fJIilWnlt to0IbetcUptel'_ben. use Dont8n: Mary StecbllOll. Uoocal TREASURER (213) 977-6381 BobBellanti (213) 825-3138 1011lDdEaptre: Ani" WelD. Uoocal UQ.A (213) 977-6381

0 COUOty: Marjorie Batchelder COMMUNITY !tELATIONS MedCa8.loc. Alice Hmiltoo (213) 942-6057 (714) 891-1443 Northrop Corp. Sa FeroaodoValley: lnoe Gilbride Littoa IDdUItri. MEMBERSHIPDIIECTOR (818) 716-3173 ICIr80Sterobeia (213) 825-3047 San Gabriel Valley: Ricblrd LobaeI UQ.A BBSCOSuhlcriptioo Senic. PUBLICATIONSDIRECTOR (213)772-2381 Mlale Mortao (714) 529-4837 SantaIIIrbanlOxoardl Elaiu COUCh Brea. CA Veatura: Ventura County Libnry Sentc. Apoey (805) 495-0106 Addendum to the 1986-87 Executive Board and SouthBay: CynthiaRupp Advisory Counci11ist: Narthrop Corp. EtectroDiclDiYilloa Inadvettantly the IOSitionof Duplicate uchan,e (213) 608-5542 YU left off the list "hich appeared in the W..talde: Sb1rley Lee September N8YI1eU8r.This position continues to RIt DAlIOCi- be filled very ably by Mar,&r8t Cressaty. Bel' (213) 822-1715 x278 telephone number is (811)797-7672.


The Chapter conlra&u1atesVivianAnerbery on her selectionu the n.. Execuuve Directorof the NationalCommissionon Ubraries sad Information Science(NCLIS), sad "ishesher "ell in her ne" "ort. Wesha11missher in SouthernCalifornia. 2 SLA 1987 AYU'ds r ~ I .&. . I lAdiviclu81 members II "ell II Chapters ~d [ P ro...eSS10 oalis. tn. I Div_as are ubd to pmeat aoainees for I That's what you strive to maintain in I Aaociatioa"""'. NOMtftaUODlmult reach the I the serviceyou offeryour library I AYU'dseommittee Chair by J)'ceJaber ,. 1986. I patrons. I Noainatioa. shouldbe submittedla IS full det&U I AtEBSCO,we're constantlystrivingto I I perfect our professionalism.Our regional I IS poIIible oae oae of the appropriate form representatives understand your needs, can to,ether "ith supportia, documeatatioa. Be I answer your questions quickly, and I SUtethat aoain...' achJ8vemeats lAd reuoas I can oftenhelp eliminateproblems I for the aomiftaUoafit the criteria utabtished I beforethey occur. I for the aYltd for "hich the aomiftatioa is I Callor send this coupon to seehow I submitted. I EBSCO'sprofessionalscan help your I I . libraryoperateevenmore professionally. I I'd like more information about The for 1987 "ill lacl_: SLA I EBSCO. I Prof8llioaal AYItd; SLABa11of.Fame;the SLA I 0 Send your free 32-pagebrochure explaining I Joha CottoaDanaAYItd;SLABoaorary Member; I allof EBSCO'sserialsmanagement services. I SLAPresideat'sA"ard. I 0 Havemy regional representative callme for an I I appointment at my convenience. I Addi&ioaaliaCormatioa. lac1udial defiaiUoas of I. Mynwnber is ( ) I the aYU'ds ud the appropriate forms. C8Abe I NAME,TITIE . I obtaiaecl from the Chapter Presideat. Bi11Filher. I LIBRARY I II8i1aomiaatioa. to the Chair of the SLAAYItds I ADDRESS I Committet: ViviIA J. Arterbery. RlAd I CITY,SThTE,ZIP I Corporatioa. Ubruy. 1700 IIaia Stteet. Saata I EISCD P.o.Box929QI I IId"IrI'~ - ~ LosAngele>CA 90009 Moaica. CA CJO.f06. . I I...E2l. SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICES. 213nn-2381 I ~ ~

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Appl ications for all of the scholarships must be completed and returned by October 30, 1986. Praference will be given to PROFESSIONAL BOOKS SERVICE those applicants interested in pursuing a NEW & USED LAW BOOKS career in special lib~arianship. WORLD TRADE CENTER Applications may be requested from SUITE781 Special Libraries Association, 1700 18th BOX 54570 Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20009 GENE MAYL LOS ANGELES. CA 90054

Scholarship Program: Up' to two $6,000 scholarships will be awarded by SLA for WBITE BOUSE CONFERENCEON LIBRARn3 AND the academic year 1987/88. The awards INFORMATIONsmVIa5-1989 are for graduate study leading to a master's degree at a recognized school of 08. Au.UIt 7. 1986. a meetin. VIS held in library or information science in the WuhinltOn. D.C.to discuss ProlteSS toYatd a or Canada. White Bouse Conference on Ubraries and Information Services in 1989.Representatives of Posi tive Action Program for Minori ty th~ library community vere lSted to discuss Groups, Stipend Program: Up to two "hat their particular or.ujzat!onl vere doinl $3,000 scholarships wi 11 be awarded for in order to brin. about the WBCLIS.SU's Board the academic year 1987/88. The awards of Directors had approved a resolution in support are for one semester or one-quarter of of the White Bouse Conference. at its June graudate study leading to a master's conference. and had approved active degree at a recognized school of library participation in the pJuninl and conduct ot the or information science in the United CoafereaCt. States or Canada. Eligibility is limited to minority group members as defined by In order for such.. coaference to be .. rellity. current guidelines of the U .S Con.teSSmust pass and the President must sian Government. authorizin.lelisJation. In April. 1985.identical bills - Bouse joint Inolution 2'" and Senate Plenum Scholarship Program: This $1,000 joint Resolution 112- "ere introducedin the scholarship is for graduate study leading ConlteSScaJ.1in.for "a WhiteBouseConference to a doctoral degree at a recognized on Ubraries ud InformationServicestobe held school of library or information science not1ater than 1989." in the United States or Canada. The award is for those who have approval of Durinl the 1ast 16 months. the Bouse bill their dissertation topic. Iaro.ered 128cosponsorsand the Senate bill 33 ISI Scholarship Program: This $1,000 (as of AUlust 8). Neither bill passed its scholarship is for beginning doctoral respective Bouse. If the cunent session of candidates who have been accepted into Con.teSS adjourns for the year vithoutany the program of an accredi ted school of lurther action oa the re8Olutions.the process of library or information science in the introducin. the bills..atherin. cosponsors.etc.. United States or Canada. must belin anew in the l00th Conlress in january . .Theconference can help educate the lenera! public as to "hat librarie. in 811lectors cu offer. Once the conference is authorized. the planners can determine"here to 10for lundinl. vith the private sectora viable option. If youvrite &0a lovernment official relarding mattters arfectin. you u an SU member.you are uted &0share that correspondence vith Sudy MortOn.Director. Government Re1at.ions and Fund Development.1700 18th Street n. Wuhinlton. DC 20009.. "ell u Cathy jones. Chair oC the Government Re1at.ionsCommittee. Ubrary of Con.ress. ConlteSSionalResearch 4 Service.Wuhinlton. DC205'CO. ..

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I ,. CALIFURNIA LIBRARY NETWORKINGTASK FORCt members with a basic set of services specified in the Act. "'hoseservices The Task Force has issued "Partnerships include improved reference (including for Service: A Proposal for Multitype reference service to the underserved); Library Networking" (Sacramento, communications and delivery; and California State Library, August 1, administration. All participants will be 19136). All Californians interested in required to participate in inter! ibrary library and information services are loan. Heimbursement will be made for urged to discuss and comment on the loans to libraries that are not under the proposal. Any member of the Task Force same governing authority as the lender. can be contacted; written comments should fhe Act will facilitate access by all be sent wi th a copy to the State participants to co llect ions and services Librarian, by November 30, 1986. The ot statewide signif icance, and the cost rask Force will meet in early December of that access may be funded on a and decide the next steps to be taken. dift-erent basis than the genera1 If there is consensus in the library reference referral and interlibrary loan community, it may be possible to have programs ~ fhe Act will provide for legislation introduced early in 19137. development of resources of statewide significance not now available in Below are a few of the points made in the California, and for access to them. It report. will also provide for preservation of significant collections .Ihe Act will The goal of the Task Force is to improve provide funding for pi lot projects that access to information by all will enable the California multitype Californians. The proposal will cooperation program to meet emerging accomplish that by enabling every needs of libraries to serve their users. individual to go to his or her library, be it an academic, public, school or Bi 11 I-isher, SLA Southern Cal ifornia special library, and from there be able Chapter President, has a copy of the to gain access to all appropriate report. Among those on the California resources of all California libraries. Networking lask force are JoAnn Clifton, The Task ~orce proposes to amend the Guide/Control, Litton Industries, 5500 existing Lal i fornia Library Services Act Canoga Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91365 to enable different types of libraries in (ala) 716-31~1, Elaine Graham, PSHMLS, a region to come together to expand and Biomedical Library, ,CHS, UCLA, Los improve the services they provide their Angeles, CA 90024 (213) 825-1200, Holly users. CLSA would also be amended to Millard, Director, Metropolitan enable 1ibrar ies of all types to share Cooperative Library System, 2235 North r resources on a statewide basis as well. Lake Ave., Suite 106, Altadena, CA 91001 fhe proposal would provide a state (13113)7913-1146, Hon Miller, ~xecutive program of resource sharing and Director, CLASS, 1415 Koll Circle, San supplementary services that complements Jose, CA 95112 (408) 208-1756, and Gary the indiviudual library responsibility. t:: . Strong, State Librar ian, Cal i fornia State funds would be awarded to each State Library, P.U . Box Y4283~, multitype cooperative to provide its Sacramento, CA 9423"7-0001 (916) 445-402"7.

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~ 9


.1 1:

NEWS FROM TH~ CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY University of California, Division,of Library Automation, Wide-Area Packet State Librarian Gary E. Strong has Radio Network (completes testing announced that four mi11ion dollars in procedures and working model for sending State funds have been awarded to 46 library communications data over a packet publ ic 1ibraries to continue the fight radio network) against adultill iteracy. Together the 46 participating libraries are known as the California Literacy Campaign (CLC). Each year these libraries teach over Savage 10,000 Californians to read, as well as Information train tutors, and make referrals to other (213) 377-5032 programs. Services . library Support Services . CustomDatabase Design Among awards of federal Library Services . Records Management and Construction Act (LSCA) funds made by .OnlineDatabase Selirctling Strong are the following: California . Seminars &Training Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, , AllYour Inloonation Needs ' Statewide Leadership and Services s:608 Silver Spur Road. Suite 310, Rolling Hills Estates. CA 90274 (continues a coordinating structure for community college libraries to share resources and deal ,with technological, sociological and organizational change); LIBRARY TECHNICIANCERTIFICATEPROGRAM CLASS CDB-S Project (continues maintenance of the California Data Base ESTABLISHDATCALSTATEt.A. for Serials for microfiche publication of the California Union List of TheOfficeof ContiAuinl Educationof California Periodic:als); Los Angeles County Pub1ic State University, Los Anleles, has be,un Library! Take Command (the library will ofterinl courses that will lead to a Ubrary develop a long range business plan to TechnicianCertificate. Theprolram is desiped deploy resources to meet changing needs to provide entry-level competenciesfor library clerks, library assistants, and library and demands for service); Los Angeles technicas. Counesare offered on 'Weetends County Public LibrCiry, Southern California Literacy Referral Center 84d &veninss so that yorkin, people C84 (makes available a toll-free telephone participate . number for referral fo requests to a The pro.ram is comprised ot ei.ht courses, coalition of 1iteracy providers in inc1udinl Buic Library Operations I 84d II, Southern Cal ifornia); Los Angeles Publ ic Acquisitions, Computers in Ubraries, Library, SCAN (continues Southern Communications Stills, etc. The role of the California's regional refernce center for library technica in aU type~ or libraries referral of questions from public library (school, public, academic,special) is covered. systems, pending implementation of a Super Reference plan); Metropolitan For inronl;Wion about the prolram, contact the Cooperative Library System, The f-irst ::t Office or Continuinl Education, California State R's: Rock, Rattle and Read (promotes University, Los An.eles, 5151 State University reading and use of libraries by parents Drive, LosAn.eles, CA90032,213-224-3501. of newborn children through distribution of information packets in maternity wards Individuals in~rested in teachin. classesin the in Los Angeles basin); R~verside City and prolram are invited to submit a resume and two County Public Library, Riverside County letters or recommendation to Marilyn W. Local History Catalog (prepares a catalog Greenber., Division or Curriculum and of local history materials in the Instruction, California State University,. Los libraries, museu~s and societies of An,eles, 5151 State University Drive, Los. Riverside County, identified and Anleles, CA 90032,213-224-3765. cataloged in previous LSCA projects) . Marilyn If. Greenberg


I 'l

Information from CLASS SPECIAL The a.ASS DlnctorY of OJ. Policl. 198'-87 edltl- lilts lat lon far neb libnriea u LAPL.StIIIford LIBRARIES Uaiftnlty, Yal., Library of CoDIr.I, HMrlettPlctard, ASSOCIATION Xerox. IBMad otben. It II lad.. by llIItltutioa, l8OII.,bic locatlOe.aetwort lffiUltioa, RLINILLcod" 78thAnnual 0aTy8e cod., ad Oa.C ad WLNcod.. The directOry II 1Lfti1lb1. for $38 far lAd $35 for Conference 110ft aben. CaoIIct Ian 5ebutiaa at CLASSfar .... iat_ioa. . Anaheim,California I SegeraI 180 tbe I8IlIfCb Llbnri. Gnup lad June6-11,1987 I a.ASS not a laney to WN SbIred CatalOIiaIUI8R to fiad out wbat typeI of priDt8tI curnDtly bel.. uHd ;j with tb8ir ILGtenIi8aII ar IBMPCI. The l'8Iulu or tbe I1Jtft)' .. ILftilable;a copyCIabe obtaiaedby CODt8Ct1a8a TecbDica1 Sen'lc. Coordinator at CLASS.


The September 1986 issues of American Libraries and of ColleQe l Research Libraries News each carried information about SLA. The American Libraries, which included five pages on SLA, was sent to GlobalInformationAccess- all SLA members by ALA. Expanding Our World

II .,. '. , '., .. ".


Special Libraries Associatio~.assumes no ',' responsibility fo~ the statements and opinions 'printed in this Newsletter. Views ,expressed in the contributions .do not necessarily reflect the official position of. the SLA and the Association . does not assume responsibility for them. Nei ther does' the SLA endorse any product

advert.isedin this .pilblication. .

CALL DA~ OR NIGHT '(8,. 8)79&-=2145"


To plac~ a job on the JDBLINE, please call Nancy Zachariasen, California Institute of Technology, (818) 356-6704. It is the policy of the Chapter to accept

. jobs for listing only if salary or salary range is provided.

.' Karen Sternheim UCLA Management Library 405 Hiigard Ave.; .FI R$T ClASS W\I L Los Angeles, CA 90024


