~Outhern Californiachapter Special Libraries Association
':c J q;. J ~~ ~outhern CaliforniaChapter Special Libraries Association Vol. 14 No.2 OCTOBER 1986 President's Remarks Ye are oft and 1"Uaain,for &O.otheryear ofSLA local informatioa booth 'We'Willhave durin, the activities. OurCirstscheduledpro,na meetinl coafereace. If you are interested in servin. 0.0 feawres Richard Yilt of Ne'WaNetand a the committee or tao'W you 'Willbe &Ue1ulinlthe discussioa of the future of publishin, coafereace &O.dcan help at the booth for an awsletters oaline. By the time you read this hour or two, pleue let me tao'W U lOOn as that meetinl should have occurred, &O.dI hope I'Osslble. I'e 'WWaeed a lot of "ople to help out, everyone atteadin. the Se,tember meetin. came 10 'Whatever you C&O.contribute 'Willbe useful. a'WayinCormedaboutthis ezcitin, ae'Wsystem. The Ezecutive Board/Advisory Council is tryin, laycee JI&1eand the Pro.na Committeeare busy IOmethinl ae'W this year. Rather than have 18parat.emeetin,., the Board/Council is m..tin, p1&o.ain. the year's activities; 'Wehave already re18"ed Ca1Tech's Atheneum Corour December the hour before our pro.ram. meetials. The Board/Council meetinls are open to &11ch&pter seetia. -- 'Watch the nwsleuer for further information, 1'8I8tVaUonforml,etc. members, 10 if you are p1&o.ainl to attead the pro, and can let &'W&yan hour eulier you are 'Welcometo attead a Board/Couacil me,tinl. The 18cond fire at LAPL'WUindeed &shoct to everyoae. It is more imperative than ever to do Fina11y, on the Aaociation level.
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