SLR Consulting (Africa) (Pty) Ltd Page F APPENDIX F: BIODIVERSITY STUDY Updated aquatics and impact sections of the biodiversity study and additional specialist study completed as part of the RMDEC process is included in Appendix R. SLR Project 710.02038.00001 Commissiekraal Coal Mine including support services and January 2018 Report No. 4 (FINAL) associated infrastructure Scientific Aquatic Services Applying science to the real world 91 Geldenhuis Road, Malvern East Ext. 1, 2007 Tel 011 616 7893 Fax 011 615 4106
[email protected] Name: Stephen van Staden Date: Friday, 19 August 2016 Ref: SAS/SLR 180316 SPECIALIST REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AS PER SECTION 32 OF THE EIA REGULATIONS, 2010 This letter has been prepared to report on the compliance of –S. van Staden, E. van der Westhuizen, C. Hooton, N. Cloete and A. Mileson from Scientific Aquatic Services CC- as part of the specialist reporting requirements under Section 32 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2010 from the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act no. 107 of 1999) for the (Floral, Faunal, Wetland and Aquatic Assessment as part of the Environmental Authorisation Process for the Proposed Commissieskraal Colliery, Kwazulu-Natal Province) prepared for the environmental impact assessment and the environmental management programme for the proposed Commissiekraal Coal Mine. 33. (1) An applicant or the EAP managing an application may appoint a person who is independent to carry out a specialist study or specialised process 33. (2)(a)(i) the person who prepared the report Stephen van Staden, Emile van der Westhuizen, Nelanie Cloete, Chris Hooton and Amanda Mileson.