Learning Project Term 5 Week 3 Year 2 Weekly Maths Tasks Weekly Reading Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day) (Aim to do 1 per day)  Use a bar model to find halves and  Use Oxford Owl or Oxford Reading quarters of these numbers. See Buddy: (https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and Instagram for a reminder of how to https://www.oxfordreadingbuddy.com/uk) to use a bar model. read a new book. Complete the quiz at ½ of 8 ¼ of 12 ½ of 20 the end. Log ins and passwords are in ¼ of 20 ¼ of 16 ½ of 14 your books.  Listen to Miss Postlethwaite read ‘The  Name these 3D Tunnel’ by Anthony Brown (see Instagram shapes and go for this story). Create a story map of the on a shape hunt events in the story.  around your Read this article on Sir Daniel Gooch house. How http://www.swindonweb.com/index.asp?m =8&s=9&ss=272 Find out all about him. many 3D shapes Who was he? Why was he important in can you see? Swindon? Why was he called the ‘Father Create a tally of the ’? chart to record  Read the example of a letter from Sir how many of Daniel Gooch to Brunel persuading him to each shape you build the works in find. Swindon. Create a key and underline all

the examples you can find of each of these sentence types, each in a different  Play a game on Karate Cats Maths. colour; https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zj o Commands kphbk/articles/zf4sscw o Statements o Questions  Choose a 2-digit number and write o Exclamations down 10 less and 10 more than this  Read one of your favourite books again number. Repeat for ten different 2-digit and create a quiz to test someone else’s numbers. You could record it like this: knowledge of the book. You could include 10 less 10 more questions about the characters, setting 15 25 35 and plot.

 Work on Times Table Rockstars – use your individual login to access this (5 sessions on ‘studio’).

Weekly Phonics/Spelling Tasks Weekly Writing Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day) (Aim to do 1 per day)  Practise this week’s spellings  Write a set of on spelling shed. instructions on how  Watch one of the daily to build a bridge. (see phonics lessons on youtube. jam sandwich example) You could base this on the bridges you built last week. Remember to include a list of the things you will need  Try the common exception words wake (e.g. Blocks, paper, cars etc. include the and shake. things you used) and then a step by step https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trm guide on how to build it. Try to include Mofg5aM0 Practice reading and different sentence types such as questions spelling the words aloud. and commands. (E.g. First, find a large  Draw and colour a picture of Brunel block…etc.) and one of his trains. Hide this week’s  After you have listened to ‘The tunnel’ spelling words in the picture. Show the story, write your own story about a picture to someone else and challenge tunnel you find. Where does the tunnel them to find the hidden words. take you to? What do you find at the  Can you link all of this other end of the tunnel? Use adjectives to week’s spelling words describe your tunnel and the things you together by find. crisscrossing them?  Write a book review about one of the Here is an example with books you have read this week or last 3 of the words to start week. What did you like about it? Who is you off. Can you add in the rest? your favourite character? Why? What was the best part of the story? Explain your answers.  Watch this link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips- video/true-stories-isambard-kingdom- brunel/zjrtvk7 Then write a short script for a play all about Brunel and the facts you have learnt. You could perform this to a family member afterwards.  Using the same link from above, answer this question: Which of Brunel’s achievements was the greatest? Explain why you think it is the best and form a debate explaining why it is better than his other achievements. Can you convince me that it is the greatest?

Other activities (to be completed through the week) Sir Daniel Gooch’s letter to Brunel On 13 September, 1840, Daniel Gooch wrote to . The letter he wrote became a very important part of Swindon's history. In the letter, Gooch suggested that Brunel use Swindon as the location of the Great Western's much-needed engine works. Brunel agreed and the Swindon locomotive works was built. Imagine you are Daniel Gooch. Can you create a poster to persuade Brunel to build the works in Swindon? Think about why Swindon would be a good place. What is there here? Think about the location, rivers, flat land, people etc.

The SS Great Britain Brunel designed the SS Great Britain to be the first propeller driven, ocean going, iron ship in the world. Take a virtual tour of the SS Great Britain. https://www.ssgreatbritain.org/your-visit/virtual-tour-ss-great-britain Play I Spy as you take a tour. Can you find all of these items? A bunk bed A flag A suitcase Clothes The engine Listen to a sound Something to eat Something gold

The SS Great Britain’s flags The SS Great Britain flies over 180 different flags and each flag stands for a letter and a specific message. Crews used to hoist the flags in different combinations to spell out short messages. You can see all of the flags below. Can you spell your name using the flags? Can you create a flag for the ship to fly with a new message? You could use pencils, paint or sew your flag.

Trump cards Make some top trump cards based on Brunel’s different achievements. You could have: Paddington station, Box Tunnel, SS Great Britain, GWR, steam train etc. You can create your trump cards however you like (digitally or on paper). Can you play a game with them after? How many can you make?

Make a hat Brunel always wore a top hat. Some people believe this was because he was quite a short man and the hat made him look taller. He was also known for keeping his sandwiches for his lunch under his hat so his hat was very important to him. Can you make your own hat? This could be a top hat or any other hat you would like to make and see how much taller it makes you look. Can you store anything under your hat? Send any pictures you have of it to your class’ Instagram page. Here’s a link to a quick guide on how to make a top hat if you’d like to use it: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-Cardboard-Top-Hat/

Instagram: even_swindon_plymouth19_20 totnesclass even_swindon_newtonabbot19_20

Sample letter to Brunel from Daniel Gooch for reading and project tasks o Commands o Statements o Questions o Exclamations

Dear Sir,

How are you? I am writing to help you to decide on a new site for engine production. I have studied the Great Western Railway. What more perfect location is there than Swindon! Will you consider it?

Do not worry about the bad supply of water. We can build the site close to the local canal to stop this problem. The land is very flat which will mean the new tracks can be laid easily. It will also be an excellent place for a halfway stop between Bristol and . How lucky we are to have found such a place!

Building a large station at Swindon would also help us to keep our engines for Wootton Bassett at Swindon instead of having a separate station for them. You need to think about the money that would save.

You’re not so worried about the water supply that you would right off this perfect location are you? Swindon also has the great advantage of being on the side of a canal linking it with the whole of England. This would help us to get coal and coke transported in easily. These reasons lead me to think Swindon by far the best point we have for a Central Engine Station. You need to start building now. How magnificent this place will look when we’ve finished! The ground is perfect to build on. When will you decide plans to build here?

I am, my dear Sir, Yours very truly, DANIEL GOOCH

Ahoy There!

Did you know the SS Great Britain flies over 180 flags?

Most are international maritime signal flags used, to this day, by ships to communicate with each other. Every flag stands for a letter of the alphabet and a specific message. Crews used to hoist the flags in different combinations to spell out short messages.

Get creative and make your own signal flags to fly in your window.

You could spell out your name or design a brand new flag. What could its meaning be?



Diver down Dangerous Yes Keep clear Turning to Disabled; cargo starboard communicate (right) with me


Require a pilot Pilot on board Turning to port On fire, keep Wish to Ship in (left) clear communicate quarantine


Vessel is No Man overboard About to sail Vessel is No meaning stopped healthy


Engine going Keep clear You are Require Require Stop your astern running into assistance medical intentions danger assistance


Dragging Require a anchor tugboat