Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/14/2020 3:22:34 PM OMB No. 1124-0003; Expires July 31, 2023 U.S. Department of Justice Amendment to Registration Statement

Washington, dc 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

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Privacy Act Statement. The filing of this document is required for the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq., for the purposes of registration under the Act and public disclosure. Provision of the information requested is mandatory, and failure to provide the information is subject to the penalty and enforcement provisions established in Section 8 of the Act. Every registration statement, short form registration statement, supplemental statement, exhibit, amendment, copy of informational materials or other document or information filed with the Attorney General under this Act is a public record open to public examination, inspection and copying during the posted business hours of the FARA Unit in Washington, DC. Statements are also available online at the FARA Unit’s webpage: One copy of eveiy such document, other than informational materials, is automatically provided to the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Act, and copies of any and all documents are routinely made available to other agencies, departments and Congress pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Act. The Attorney General also transmits a semi-annual report to Congress on the administration of the Act which lists the names of all agents registered under the Act and the foreign principals they represent. This report is available to the public in print and online at:

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1. Name of Registrant 2. Registration Number

Kurdistan Regional Government - Liaison Office 5783

3. This amendment is filed to accomplish the following indicated purpose(es):

□ To give notice of change in information as required by Section 2(b) of the Act.

0 To correct a deficiency in

□ Initial Statement

0 Supplemental Statement for the 6 month period ending 6/30/2018

□ Other purpose (specify)

□ To give notice of change in an exhibit previously filed.

4. If this amendment requires the filing of a document or documents, please list: Statement of covered activities and communications by Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman

5. Each item checked above must be explained below in full detail together with, where appropriate, specific reference to and identity of the item in the registration statement to which it pertains. Statement of covered activities and communications by Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman was not included in initial filing.

FORM NSD-5 Revised 05/20 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/14/2020 3:22:34 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/14/2020 3:22:34 PM


In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, and subject to the penalties of 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 22 U.S.C. § 618, the undersigned swears or affirms under penalty of perjury that he/she has read the information set forth in this statement filed pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. § 611 etseq., that he/she is familiar with the contents thereof, and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.

Date Printed Name Signature1

August. 14. 2020 0. Michael Slncurr;, Achy /a/ J. AMchael Slocum, eSigned


1 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the oiganization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

I. Correspondence

DATE EMAILTO OR FROM ORGANIZATION ISSUES DISCUSSED June 20 - July 3 Greg Mitchell The Mitchell Law Several emails regarding Firm, International hosting special religious Religious Freedom freedom roundtable for Roundtable (IRF religious minorities with Roundtable) KRG US Representation June 27, 28 Jonathan Lord Iraq team, Logistics in Erbil Department of Defense June 28 Peter Shea, Michael Iraq Desk, Follow up to Kurdistan, Day Department of State Iraq business conference at Library of Congress June 28 Perry Baltimore Marshall Legacy Follow up to reception at Institute KRG US Representation June 24-27 Perry Baltimore Marshall Legacy Letter and introductions Institute to potential sponsors June 27 Yousif Ismael Washington Kurdish Introduction to Emily Institute Hamilton, Justice For Ku rds June 27 Steve Lari Claremont Group Introduction to Emily Hamilton, Justice For Ku rds June 25 Hardin Lang Refugees Participation in International Kurdistan, Iraq business conference at Library of Congress June 14 Aaron Lobel America Abroad Request meeting to Media discuss projects in Ku rdistan June 21 Kenneth Pollack American Enterprise Kurdistan, Iraq business Institute conference at Library of Congress. His trip to Iraq. June 21 David Koryani, Bina Atlantic Council Kurdistan, Iraq business Hussein conference at Library of Congress. June 18 Hal Ferguson USAID Invitation to address Kurdistan, Iraq business conference at Library of Congress and reception.


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

June 21 Dr Abbas Kadhim SAIS- Johns Hopkins Invitation to address University Kurdistan, Iraq business conference at Library of Congress and reception. June 21 Demetri Sevastopulo, Financial Times Kurdistan, Iraq business Katrina Manson conference at Library of Congress and reception. June 21 Cheryl Benard ARCH International Kurdistan, Iraq business conference at Library of Congress and reception. June 18,21 Peter Shea, Michael Iraq Desk, Invitation to Kurdistan, Day Department of State Iraq business conference at Library of Congress and reception. June 13-July 9 Andrew Peek, Sahar Department of State Visit of senior KRG Khoury-Kincannon, official Peter Shea June 21 Joel Rabyburn, National Security Visit of senior KRG Matthew Zais Council official June 14-21 Knox Thames Department of State Iraq election results. State Department International Religious Freedom Report March 9, June 20 Michael Gunter Tennessee Tech Articles on Kurdistan university June 18 Sarhang Hamasaeed US Institute of Peace Kurdistan, Iraq business conference at Library of Congress and reception. June 18-July 30 Matthew Zais National Security Events in Kurdistan, Iraq, Council and visit of officials. June 15 Carole O'Leary Catholic University Potential event at Catholic University June 12 Brendan O'Leary University of Iraq elections Pennsylvania June 10 Alexander A. Decina Council on Foreign Workshop hosted by CFR Relations June 8 Veronica Slootsky Kaiser Permanente Introduction to Yezidi organization May 4-June 7 Greg Bland Embassy Experiences Cultural event at KRG US Representation May 21, June 7 Henri Barkey Council on Foreign Workshop hosted by CFR Relations May 30-June 1 Bill Willingham Avenue Stratgies Request to meet May 29 Jonathan Lord Department of Request point of contact. Defence Arrange to meet.______


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

May 1, 28-29 Cheryl Benard ARCH International Cultural heritage; trip to Ku rdistan May 29 Lynn Brown World Affairs Council Invitation to address the of Greater Reading council May 15-25 Perry Baltimore Marshall Legacy Assistance to deliver Institute mine detection dogs to Ebril May 24 David Pollock Washington Institute Invitation to Iraq event for Near East Policy May 16 Bob Destro Catholic University of Law program for women America May 4-15 Trevor Hough and Office of US Vice Introduction; arranging Stephanie Dobitsch President meeting. May 7-11 Steve Gillen Acting Consul General Meeting in Erbil Erbil, State Department May 10 Gune§ MuratTezcur University of Central Trip to Kurdistan Florida May 9 Haidra Khezri Indiana University Kurdish programs in education May 6-7 Audisho Khoshaba Member of Assyrian- Invitation to Chicago to American community address Assyrian- in Chicago American community May 4 Perry Baltimore Marshall Legacy Trip to Kurdistan Institute May 1-2 Minhaj Akreyi Kurdish-American Follow up on KAES Education Society activities KAES May 1-2 Ken Gross US Consul General Meeting in Erbil Erbil, State Department_____ May 1 Retired Colonel Jeff Private individual US-Kurdistan relations Cantor May 1 Eric Camus State Department Move to new post April 29 Kani Xulam American Kurdish Newspaper Information Network advertisement April 27 Jim Pavle United Religious freedom Diaspora roundtables April 24 Joy Savage D'Angelo Joy Savage D'Angelo Advocacy for Kurdistan International Development Consulting______April 23 Bilal Wahab Washington Institute Arrange meeting with for Near East Policy KRG officials April 22 Yahya Yuksel Candidate for US Introduction Congress in Arizona


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

February 19 - April 17 Jean-Michel Saliba and Bank of America Invitation to address David Flaunerq Merrill Lynch roundtable at Small Talks Symposium April 17 Meghan O'Sullivan Harvard Kennedy Arrange to meet KRG School officials April 17 Meghan Latcovich McCain Institute Senior KRG officials at Sedona Forum April 10-13 Fred Kemp Atlantic Council Roundtable with KRG officials April 14 Amberin Zaman Al-Monitor Visit of KRG officials April 15 Allan Reich American Jewish Event hosted by AJC Committee AJC Chicago April 14 Joel Rayburn National Security Meeting senior KRG Council officials April 11 General Jay Garner, Retired US general Meeting senior KRG retired officials April 10 General David Kohlberg Kravis Meeting senior KRG Petraeus, retired Roberts officials April 4-10 Elissa Slotkin Candidate for Visit to Michigan congressional seat in Michigan April 6 Darcy Anderson Hillwood Visit of former official April 5-6 Betsy Brown Private individual Introduction to David Eubank, Free Burma Rangers______April 6 Pastor Keith Goodman World Harvest Follow up to meeting in Outreach, Houston Houston April 5 Carole O'Leary Catholic University Human rights April 5 Emily Hamilton Justice For Student network April 3 Ross Perot Jnr, Darcy Hillwood Follow up to trip to Texas Anderson April 3 Nancy Lindborg, US Institute of Peace Follow up to USIP Sarhang Hamasaeed conference on Iraq April 2 Joel Rayburn National Security Condolences to Prime Council Minister April 2 Joseph Kassab Iraqi Christian Condolences to Prime Advocacy and Minister Employment Institute March 12-April 2 Sarhang Hamasaeed US Institute of Peace Invitation to speak at USIP conference March 29 Ronan O'Malley World Affairs Council Follow up to speaking of Greater Houston engagement in Houston March 28 Darcy Anderson Hillwood Meeting with Dallas Morning News


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

March 28 Lauren Holtmeier Bush School of Follow up to speaking Government and engagement Public Service March 28 Trevor Hough Office of Vice Moving to new post President March 27 LTG Joseph Anderson US Army Introduction to Betsy Brown March 26 Ronan O'Malley World Affairs Council Meeting Wall Street of Greater Houston Journal reporter in Houston March 25 Aliza Marcus Author Travel to Kurdistan Region March 19 Nina and Daniel Architects Follow up to conference Libeskind on Halabja 30th anniversary March 19 Eric Facas Kurdish Project Sponsorship of Halabja conference March 22 Bradly Pontius Sherwood Oaks Newroz greetings Christian Church, Bloomington, Indiana March 20, 22 Kenneth Vogel New York Times Information for article March 22 Elissa Slotkin Congressional Introduction to Chaldean candidate in Michigan community in Michigan March 16, 21 Gune§ Murat Tezciir University of Central Follow up to Halabja Florida conference March 21 Peter Galbraith Retired US Newroz greetings Ambassador March 20 Michael Eisenstadt Washington Institute Follow up to Halabja for Near East Policy conference March 6, 20 Kenneth Pollack American Enterprise Halabja conference Institute March 20 Mohammad Al Syria Justice and Follow up to Halabja Abdallah Accountability Center conference March 20 Seth Cams Center for the Study Follow up to Halabja of Weapons of Mass conference Destruction March 20 Emily Hamilton Justice For Kurds Programming February 27-March 20 Steve Schrimpf Aequitas Solutions Stabilisation and International economic development solutions March 16 Sherizaan Minwalla Human rights lawyer Follow up to Halabja commemorative book March 19 Peter Galbraith Former US Halabja conference Ambassador March 19 Thomas Kaplan Panthera Corporation Follow up to Halabja conference


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

March 19 Richard Kurin Smithsonian Institution March 19 Senator Chris Van US Senate ronow up tc Hollen conference March 19 Elie Abouaoun US Institute of Peace Follow up to Halabja conference March 6,18 Emily Flamilton Justice For Kurds Halabja conference March 18 Todd Buchwald US Department of Follow up to Halabja State conference March 19 Congressman Ralph US Flouse of Follow up to screening of Abraham Representatives Peshmerga at Capitol Visitors Center March 19 Senator Roger Wicker US Senate Follow up to screening of Peshmerga at Capitol Visitors Center February 28, March 16 Raad Ayar Chaldean-American Halabja conference businessman March 16 Dr Gregory Stanton Genocide Watch Follow up to Halabja conference March 16 Michael Newton Vanderbilt Law Follow up to Halabja conference March 16 Gavi Mairone MM Law Follow up to Halabja conference March 16 Nina Shea Hudson Institute Follow up to Halabja conference March 16 Kenneth Timmerman National Security and Halabja conference Foreign Policy Advisory Board, Trump for President March 12,14 Gavi Mairone MM Law Lawsuit related to Halabja victims March 13 Trevor Hough Office of Vice Situation in Kurdistan President March 6,12 Jessica Johnson Smithsonian Museum Invitation to Halabja Conservation conference Institute March 12 Peter Shea, Susan US Department of Invitation to dinner Notar State March 11 Brynn Koeppen SAIS Johns Hopkins Research project University March 9 Richard Kurin Smithsonian Invitation to participate Institution in Halabja conference March 7 Sasha Toperich SAIS Johns Hopkins Halabja conference University


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

March 7 Joel Rayburn, Matthew National Security Update on situation in Zais Council Kurdistan; Halabja conference March 6 Greg Gross Former Defense Invitation to screening of Department official Peshmerga March 2 -6 Emily Flamilton Justice For Kurds Screening of Peshmerga at the Capitol Visitors Center; Halabja conference February 22, 27, March Peter Shea Department of State Halabja conference 1,6 March 5 John Hannah Foundation for Halabja conference Defense of Democracy March 5 Eli Lake Bloomberg News Halabja conference March 5 Howard Hu University of Halabja conference Washington School of Public Health February 25 - March 4 Eric Facas Kurdish Project Halabja conference February 26-March 6 Michael Newton Vanderbilt Law Halabja conference March 1 Amberin Zaman Al Monitor Contact with Kurdish group March 1 Bilal Wahab Washington Institute Halabja conference for Near East Policy March 1 Yerevan Saeed Arab Gulf States Halabja conference Institute February 28 John Hannah, Cliff May Foundation for Kurds in Syria Defense of Democracy February 27 Carole O'Leary Catholic University Visa to Iraq February 25-27 Simon Adams Global Center For The Halabja conference Responsibility to Protect February 25-28 Jim Pavle United Macedonia International Religious Diaspora Freedom meetings February 28 Sarhang Hamsaeed US Institute of Peace Kurdish National Council of Syria February 28 David Pollack, Bilal Washington Institute Kurdish National Council Wahab for Near East Polciy of Syria February 28 Jonathan Lord, Kennan Department of Kurdish National Council Hedrick Defense of Syria February 28 Joel Rayburn National Security Kurdish National Council Council of Syria February 23, 27 Rob Satloff Washington Institute Book on Kurdistan for Near East Policy


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

February 25 Jonathan Cohen Department of State Meeting senior KRG official February 5,13, 23 Jeff Dressier Office ofSpeake Paul Meeting with KRG official Ryan, House of Representatives February 22 Nicole Watts San Francisco State Halabja conference University February 22 Joel Rayburn National Security Meeting with senior KRG Council official

Knox Thames Department of State Halabja conference February 22 Daniel Mark US Commission on Halabja conference Religious Freedom February 21 Retired General Carter Association of the Follow up to dinner with Ham U.S. Army senior KRG official February 21 Rt Col Warner Retired, US Army Halabja conference Anderson February 5-21 Joel Rayburn, Matthew National Security Meeting of senior KRG Zais Council official and National Security Advisor February 14-22 Sarah Krech Department of State Meeting with Ambassador Brownback February 16-22 Timothy Lavelle US AID Center for Follow up to National Faith-Based and Prayer Breakfast Community Initiatives February 15, 22 Gavi Mairone MM Law Halabja conference February 22 Prof Michael Kelly Creighton University Halabja conference February 22 Naomi Kikoler US Holocaust Halabja conference Museum February 21 Mark Vlasic Georgetown Halabja conference University February 20 Fred Khosravi Incept LLC Briefing on Kurdistan February 20 Brendan O'Leary University of Report on Sinjar Pennsylvania February 19 Gune§ MuratTezcur University of Central Halabja conference Florida February 15 Matthew Zais National Security Follow up to Kuwait Council investment conference February 15 Darcy Anderson Hillwood Halabja conference January 18, February Lisa Kalou Chaldean American Invitation to gala dinner 15 Chamber of Commerce February 9 Bob Destro Catholic University Student research on ISIS


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

February 5 Trevor Flough Office of Vice Visit of senior KRG President official February 5-19 Sherizaan Minwalla Human rights lawyer Research on Yezidis February 12 Kristen Abrams McCain Institute Human trafficking report February 12 Steve Lutes US Chamber of Kuwait conference on Commerce Iraq February 2, 9 General Joseph Rank Department of Meeting over lunch Defense February 9 Matthew Zais National Security Meetings at Munich Council Security Conference February 8 Matthew Zais National Security Meeting with Kurdish Council businessman February 5 Darcy Anderson Hillwood Visit of senior KRG officials February 5 Raad Ayar Chaldean-American Follow up to meeting businessman with senior KRG official February 3 Ronan O'Malley World Affairs Council Postponing visit of Greater Houston February 2, 4 Ross Perot Jnr Hillwood Visit of KRG official to US February 1 Retired General Mick Retired US military Meeting KRG official Bednarek February 1 Perry Baltimore Marshall Legacy Update on provision of Institute mine-detecting dogs to Peshmerga January 30, February 1 Bob Destro Catholic University National Prayer Breakfast January 28, 31 LT General Robert Westpoint Dinner or lunch with Caslen senior KRG official January 31 Joel Rayburn National Security Follow up to meeting Council with senior KRG official January 30 James Winship Diplomatic Article for publication Connections January 29 Darcy Anderson Hillwood Dinner for senior KRG official January 29 Jonathan Lord, Kennan Department of Invitation to dinner with Hedrick Defense senior KRG official January 28 Joel Rayburn National Security Invitation to dinner with Council senior KRG official January 28 Trevor Hough Office of Vice Invitation to dinner with President senior KRG official January 28 Derek Harvey Office of Invitation to dinner with Congressman Nunes senior KRG official January 28 George Pappas Office of Invitation to Congressman Nunes Congressman Nunes to dinner with senior KRG official


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

January 24 Austin Misteretta Washington Diplomat Article about screening of Peshmerga January 22 Jonathan Wachtel Former Contact information communications chief at US mission to UN January 20 Emily Flamilton Justice For Kurds Screening of Peshmerga atJCC January 19 Sarhang Hamasaeed US Institute of Peace USIP visit to Kurdistan January 18 Joseph Pennington Department of State Information about screening of Peshmerga January 16 Peter Shea, Kris Clark Department of State Deloitte report on oil and gas sector January 16 Mike Bell, Joel National Security Deloitte report on oil and Rayburn, Matthew Zais Council gas sector January 15 Michael Gunter Tennessee Tech Book on US foreign policy University January 15 Matthew Zais National Security Closure of Kurdistan Council airports January 12 David L Phillips Columbia University Lunch with senior KRG official January 10 Rt General Jim Jones Jones International Op-ed on US-Kurdistan ties January 8 Asaf Ashar IA Club Invitation to address club members January 8 Joel Vesanen World Compassion Meeting with senior KRG Terry Law Ministries official January 9 Gene Rossi Carlton Fields Speaking opportunity January 3 Kani Xulam American Kurdish Invitation to moderate at Information Network event

II. Meetings

Location/type of Date Participants Purpose of Meeting contact Discussed current Trevor Hough, political, economic 1/9/2018 White House Advisor to VP Pence and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Rep. Don Beyer, political, economic 1/9/2018 Congress Karwan Zebari and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Discussed current political, economic 1/11/2018 Call USKBC Members and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Jonathan Lord, Discussed current Kennan Hedrick, political, economic 1/16/2018 Pentagon Mathew Spade, and humanitarian David Kogon, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari, Niyaz Barzani Discussed current USKBC David Tafuri, political, economic 1/17/2018 KRG Jasmine Zaki and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current political, economic 1/17/2018 KRG Emily Hamilton, BHL and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan New York Times Editorial Board, Discussed current 620 8th Ave, New Minister Karim political, economic 1/22/2018 York, NY Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani John Sullivan; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/24/2018 State Department Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Andrew Peek; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/24/2018 State Department Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Roundtable with Senate Armed Discussed current Services Committee; political, economic 1/24/2018 Congress Minister Karim and humanitarian Sinjari, Hoshang situation in Kurdistan Mohammed, Karwan Zebari Michael Kozak; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/24/2018 State Department Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Tom Hawkins, Mike Kuiken; Minister Discussed current Karim Sinjari, political, economic 1/25/2018 Congress Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Senator Ted Cruz; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/25/2018 Congress Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari LTG Joseph Discussed current Anderson; Minister political, economic 1/25/2018 Pentagon Karim Sinjari, Niyaz and humanitarian Barzani situation in Kurdistan Roundtable with Senate Foreign Discussed current Relations Committee political, economic 1/25/2018 Congress Staff; Minister Karim and humanitarian Sinjari, Hoshang situation in Kurdistan Mohammed, Karwan Zebari Carol O'Connell; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/29/2018 State Department Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Brett McGurk; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/29/2018 State Department Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Jonathan Cohen; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/29/2018 State Department Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Discussed current 1111 19th STNW, Roundtable at the political, economic 1/29/2018 Suite 500 Washington Institute and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Rhys Dubin;Minister Discussed current Karim Sinjari, political, economic 1/29/2018 KRG Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Alex situation in Kurdistan Ebsary


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Rep Ed Royce; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/30/2018 Congress Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Rep Mike Gallagher; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/30/2018 Congress Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Rep Scott Taylor; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/30/2018 Congress Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Robert Karem; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/30/2018 Pentagon Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani H.R. McMaster; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/30/2018 White House Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Discussed current Congresswoman Kay political, economic 1/31/2018 Four Seasons Hotel Granger and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Lt. General Caslen; political, economic 1/31/2018 Capital Grille Minister Karim and humanitarian Sinjari situation in Kurdistan Rep Ruben Gallego; Discussed current Minister Karim political, economic 1/31/2018 Congress Sinjari, Hoshang and humanitarian Mohammed, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Hallam Ferguson; Minister Karim Discussed current Sinjari, Hoshang political, economic 1/31/2018 USAID Mohammed, Niyaz and humanitarian Barzani; Najat situation in Kurdistan Abdullah Discussed current political, economic and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Discussed current Dr. Galip Dalay, Al- political, economic 2/1/2018 KRG Sharq Forum, and humanitarian Brookings situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Brigadier General political, economic 2/6/2018 Pentagon Joseph Rank and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Georgetown Public event- Spoke political, economic 2/6/2018 University at law school and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current 1919 Connecticut National Prayer political, economic 2/6/2018 Ave NW Breakfast and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current political, economic 2/12/2018 Call Emily Hamilton and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Live interview with political, economic 2/12/2018 State Department Kurdistan24 and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current The Washington 1111 18th ST NW, political, economic 2/16/2018 Institute; "Rebuilding Suite 500 and humanitarian Iraq" situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Murat Gunes, political, economic 2/16/2018 Call University of Central and humanitarian Florida situation in Kurdistan Discussed current State Department's political, economic 2/21/2018 KRG Julie Hicks, Niyaz and humanitarian Barzani situation in Kurdistan NSC Advisor Discussed current McMaster, political, economic 2/22/2018 White House Chancellor Masrour and humanitarian Barzani, Hamdi situation in Kurdistan Sinjary, Niyaz Barzani Brett McGurk, Discussed current Chancellor Masrour political, economic 2/26/2018 State Department Barzani, Hamdi and humanitarian Sinjary, Niyaz Barzani situation in Kurdistan


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Short Chat with Jan Discussed current Kubis; Chancellor political, economic 2/26/2018 State Department Masrour Barzani, and humanitarian Hamdi Sinjary, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Sahar Khoury- Discussed current Kincannon; political, economic 2/26/2018 Cafe Divan Chancellor Masrour and humanitarian Barzani, Hamdi situation in Kurdistan Sinjary Discussed current Mike Eisenstaedt, political, economic 2/26/2018 Call TWINEP and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Senator Tim Kaine; Discussed current Chancellor Masrour political, economic 2/27/2018 Congress Barzani, Hamdi and humanitarian Sinjary, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Senator Ted Cruz, Discussed current Chancellor Masrour political, economic 2/27/2018 Congress Barzani, Hamdi and humanitarian Sinjary, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Senator Inhofe; Discussed current Chancellor Masrour political, economic 2/27/2018 Congress Barzani, Hamdi and humanitarian Sinjary, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Chairwoman Granger & Rep. Visclosky, Discussed current Chancellor Masrour political, economic 2/28/2018 Congress Barzani, Hamdi and humanitarian Sinjary, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Discussed current Mike Eisenstaedt, political, economic 3/5/2018 Call TWINEP and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Women Lead, John political, economic 3/6/2018 KRG Hopkins University and humanitarian SAIS situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Co-hosted public political, economic 3/6/2018 Congress event- Screening of and humanitarian "Peshmerga" film situation in Kurdistan Michael Pointer, Alex Discussed 3/9/2018 State Department Ebsary educational affairs


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Discussed genocide, Hosted a conference justice and titled Halabja: 3/13/2018 Newseum accountability, Echoes of Genocide cultural heritage in Kurdistan" preservation Free Yezidi 3/19/2018 Facebook Live Interview Foundation Jonathan Lord, Niyaz 3/19/2018 Pentagon Barzani

Public Event titled "The Future of Petroleum Club of World Affairs Council 3/27/2018 Kurdistan and Houston of Greater Houston Outlook for Oil & Gas"

Bush School of Gov- Public speaking 3/27/2018 College Station, TX Texas A&M engagement about University Kurdistan Luncheon cohosted Public speaking 400 Crescent Ct. by the World Affairs 3/28/2018 engagement about Dallas, TX Council of Kurdistan Dallas/Fort Worth 1954 Commerce St, Dallas Morning News 3/29/2018 Media Dallas, TX Editorial Board 4/4/2018 Al Jazeera DC office Al Jazeera "UpFront" Media Interview American University 4/5/2018 1700 H ST NW of Iraq, Sulaimani- Reception Moot Court 5th Annual Chaldean American Chamber 4/13/2018 Detroit, Ml Reception of Commerce Award Gala PDAS Carolyn Thompson Discussed current O'Connell. Bureau of political, economic 4/16/2018 State Department PRM; Minister Fuad and humanitarian Hussain, Minister situation in Kurdistan Falah Bakir, Niyaz Barzani Amb. Michael Kozak, Bureau of DHL, Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/16/2018 State Department Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Bakir, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Amb. Tina Kaidanow, Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/16/2018 State Department Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Bakir, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Amb. Jonathan Discussed current Cohen; Minister political, economic 4/16/2018 State Department Fuad Hussain, and humanitarian linister Falah Bakir, situation in Kurdistan Niyaz Barzani Peter Shea & State's Discussed current Iraq Team; Minister political, economic 4/16/2018 State Department Fuad Hussain, and humanitarian Minister Falah Bakir, situation in Kurdistan Niyaz Barzani Working lunch at the Discussed current Washington 1111 19th STNW, political, economic 4/17/2018 Institute; Minister Suite 500 and humanitarian Fuad Hussain, situation in Kurdistan Minister Falah Bakir Maria Longi; Minister Discussed current Fuad Hussain, political, economic 4/17/2018 USAID Minister Falah Bakir, and humanitarian Niyaz Barzani situation in Kurdistan Rep. Will Hurd; Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/17/2018 Congress Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Bakir, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Jeff Dressier; Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/18/2018 Congress Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Bakir, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari Senate Foreign Relations Committee Discussed current Staff Roundtable; political, economic 4/18/2018 Congress Minister Fuad and humanitarian Hussain, Minister situation in Kurdistan Falah Bakir, Karwan Zebari Rep Ron DeSantis; Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/18/2018 Congress Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Bakir, Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Dinner with various congressmen and Discussed current officials; Minister political, economic 4/18/2018 Cedars Place Fuad Hussain, and humanitarian Minister Falah Bakir, situation in Kurdistan Karwan Zebari Senator Bob Discussed current Menendez; Minister political, economic 4/19/2018 Congress Fuad Hussain, and humanitarian Minister Falah Bakir, situation in Kurdistan Karwan Zebari Kenneth Pollack; Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/23/2018 KRG Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Bakir, Alex situation in Kurdistan Ebsary Sam Brownback, Ambassador-at-La rge for International Religious Freedom, Discussed current Office of political, economic 4/23/2018 State Department International and humanitarian Religious Freedom; situation in Kurdistan Minister Hussein, Minister Bakir, Niyaz Barzani Ethan Goldrich, Discussed current Minister Hussein, political, economic 4/23/2018 State Department Minister Bakir, Niyaz and humanitarian Barzani situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Roundtable; Minister political, economic 4/23/2018 Atlantic Council Hussein, Minister and humanitarian Bakir, Niyaz Barzani situation in Kurdistan Robert Karem; Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/24/2018 Pentagon Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Bakir, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Discussed current Roundtable; Minister political, economic 4/24/2018 USIP Hussein, Minister and humanitarian Bakir, Alex Ebsary situation in Kurdistan

Bipartisan Discussed current roundtable with political, economic 4/24/2018 Congress House Armed and humanitarian Services Cmte. Staff; situation in Kurdistan Minister Fuad


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Hussein, Minister Bakir, Karwan Zebari

Brett McGurk; Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/25/2018 State Department Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Mustafa, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Andrew Peek; Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/25/2018 State Department Hussain, Minister and humanitarian Falah Mustafa, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Roundtable with various Members of Discussed current Congress; Minister political, economic 4/25/2018 Congress Falah Mustafa, and humanitarian Minister Fuad situation in Kurdistan Hussein, Karwan Zebari Roundtable with Reps Abraham, Rooney, Boyle, Discussed current Wenstrup, Taulor, political, economic 4/25/2019 Congress Meadows; Ted and humanitarian Verrill; Karwan situation in Kurdistan Zebari; Miniser Falah Mustafa, Minister Fuad Hussein Michael Bell; Discussed current Minister Fuad political, economic 4/25/2018 Congress Hussein, Minister and humanitarian Falah Mustafa, Niyaz situation in Kurdistan Barzani Stephanie Dobitsch, Discussed current Special Advisor with political, economic 5/22/2018 White House VP's office, Niyaz and humanitarian Barzani situation in Kurdistan Discussed current 1111 19th STNW, Mithal Al-Alusi political, economic 5/29/2018 Suite 500 Roundtable at TWI and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Andrew Peek; Niyaz political, economic 5/30/2018 State Department Barzani and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Discussed current State Department's political, economic 5/31/2018 Ricchi Peter Shea, Niyaz and humanitarian Barzani situation in Kurdistan Discussed current Cameron Millard- US political, economic 6/1/2018 State Department Consulate; Tara and humanitarian Hamawandi situation in Kurdistan Dr. Ozum Yesiltas- Discussed current Texas A&M political, economic 6/5/2018 KRG University; Alex and humanitarian Ebsary situation in Kurdistan Discussed current NSC Joel Rayburn; political, economic 6/8/2018 White house Niyaz Barzani and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Discussed current US consul General political, economic 6/12/2018 State Department Steve Fagin and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan State Department's Discussed current Knox Thames, Niyaz political, economic 6/14/2018 State Department Barzani, Dasko and humanitarian Shirwani situation in Kurdistan Cohosted conference titled conference on "Reconstruction, Job reconstruction and 6/26/2018 Library of Congress Creation, and economic Stability in Iraq and development Kurdistan Region of Iraq" State Department's Discussed current Iraq Economy Team; political, economic 6/27/2018 KRG Niyaz Barzani; Tara and humanitarian Hamawandi situation in Kurdistan Hosted a reception for the American 6/27/2018 KRG Public Event Kurdish Economic Institute Liz O'Connor of the Discussed 6/28/2018 Call American University educational affairs of Sulaimani Iraq Discussed current Ken Pollack-AEI, Alex political, economic 6/28/2018 KRG Ebsary and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Staffer to Discussed current Congressman political, economic 6/29/2018 Congress Frances Rooney; and humanitarian Karwan Zebari situation in Kurdistan

III. Twitter IV.

expanded text URLs

http://www.kurdistan RT @K24English: UPDATE: Sirwan Barzani, Commander of 6/30/2018 the Peshmerga forces at the Gwer frontline, told Kurdistan 5aa5-al6f-43c4-90bb- 24 that several Islamic StaaC | 5fl65fbc269d alberda/status/10127 18375544467456/pho to/1, m/jaalberda/status/10 12718375544467456/ photo/1,https://twitte RT @jaalberda: Enjoying a day out in beautiful #Kurdistan s/1012718375544467 6/29/2018 region 456/photo/l,https://t status/101271837554 4467456/photo/l,http s:// rda/status/101271837 5544467456/photo/l, alberda/status/10127


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

18375544467456/pho to/1, m/jaalberda/status/10 12718375544467456/ photo/1,https://twitte s/1012718375544467 456/photo/l

RT (©coalition: 1/2 Strong statement from Conference of 6/29/2018 the States Parties (CSP) on Daesh use of chemical weapons: "Condemns that the so-caa€ |

Congratulations to #Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako, who was today elevated by (©Pontifex to Cardinal in https://twitter.eom/R the Roman Catholic Church. Your message of peace and 6/28/2018 udawEnglish/status/1 inclusiveness resounds among people of all faiths 012397123902627842


RT (©GTFOIR: The #Coalition strongly condemns terrorists' murder of hostages recently found on the 6/28/2018 #Kirkuk-Diyala road. vo6jwn€ | RT @amirani87: #Kurdistan, A Story of Survival, is now on com/dp/B07BJ KY77F/r 6/28/2018 sale on Amazon! It's a photo and art book featuring local ef=cm_sw_r_fa_dp_U Kurdish artists includiaCl _ABqmBbN275EPY?pl dnSite=l https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/10121 05287355043840/pho to/1, m/KRG_US A/sta tus/1 RT @KRG_USA: Pleased to host a reception for AKEI 012105287355043840 6/28/2018 business delegation from (©Kurdistan with /photo/1,https://twitt (©BayanRahman, (©IraqiEmbassyUSA Fareed Yasseen,a€ us/101210528735504 3840/photo/l,https:// /status/10121052873 55043840/photo/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

RT @ukinerbil: UCU UjU"0G 03GgG*U...GGU+ 030§GpGG0§0_OG G©0§0±G«030§0-GG 0"G«G©0§0±utOzut0§utOG GtO«G©OG 6/27/2018 G©Ggu...Gg0§u"GgO« u„G« utG«GpG«0"0-G« ucknott_fco/status/10 u„G«u"G©0§0^G«Gg G©0« GtO«ut0-OGUt 10833992780779521 Ut0§U"G|i0§0^GG 03GhGGU„OG 0"GzG_U"Ut0§0 0^OzOG0"0§ 0"U"U"UtG« U,U"0±0"a€j

https://twitter.eom/S RT @SarahinKRI: Great evening at @SEEDKurdistan book arahinKRI/status/1012 6/27/2018 launch of 'Kurdistan - A Story of Survival'. Beautiful work 020290166181890/ph captured from Kurdish artiaCj oto/1 RT @josepalay: Honored to meet Kurdistan Government sepalay/status/10119 6/27/2018 Representative to USA @BayanRahman at the launching 08291935506433/pho event of the Catalonia America CounaC | to/1 https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/1 011753400156020736 /photo/1,https://twitt An honour to meet #Catalonia President @QuimTorraiPla /status/10117534001 and @josepalay at the launch of @catamcouncil headed 56020736/photo/l,htt 6/26/2018 by @andrwdvs. Thank you for the invitation to join you at ps:// this auspicious event and wish the Catalonia America nRahman/status/1011 Council every success 753400156020736/ph oto/1,https://twitter.c om/BayanRahman/sta tus/101175340015602 0736/photo/l______https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/1 011731578798661636 Thank you to all the co-hosts and participants in /photo/1,https://twitt todaya€™s conference @librarycongress on the economy of Kurdistan & Iraq. Lot of support for next phase of /status/10117315787 6/26/2018 development, many calls for reforms to continue & 98661636/photo/l,htt the private sector to be supported internally & by ps:// international entities nRahman/status/1011 731578798661636/ph oto/1,https://twitter.c om/BayanRahman/sta


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

tus/101173157879866 1636/photo/l

.a» | @BilalWahaba»© tells conference that #KRG & Iraqi Gov are responsive to public & inti pressure to https://twitter.eom/B reform. Obstacles remain: politics trumps economics; ayanRahman/status/1 6/26/2018 patronage; war economy. But there are also opportunities 011713395626795013 in economic development & making Kurdistan an /photo/1 economic hub

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .(©RepChrisStewart - We need to build on RG_USA/status/10117 6/26/2018 the security that we fought so hard for together. If we can 06235576639488/pho do that, we can work on rea€ | to/1

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .(©IMFNews Iraq Mission Chief Gavin Grey RG_USA/status/10117 6/26/2018 - Private sector growth and employment for young people 03397588832256/pho in (©Kurdistan and Iraq are impa€| to/1

Gavin Gray from a» | (©IMFNewsa*© says ita€™s a good https://twitter.eom/B for Iraq to embark on reforms. ayanRahman/status/1 6/26/2018 Kurdistan and Iraq need to reach a revenue-sharing 011704345740660739 agreement. Now is the time to reconfigure the public /photo/1 sector.

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: Deputy Governor of Erbil Tahir Abdullah RG_USA/status/10117 6/26/2018 Investment Law helps attract investors and facilitate 01531668860930/pho investments. Many incentives,a€| to/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Dep Governor of #Erbil addresses conference on Iraq & Kurdistan economy at a» | (©librarycongressa*©. https://twitter.eom/B Discussions so far have focused on how to help IDPs ayanRahman/status/1 6/26/2018 return to homes with security & jobs; how 011702572397326336 international community can help; why we want American /photo/1 companies in Kurdistan & Iraq

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: Abdulmanaf Mzuri of ALBIT Group - RG_USA/status/10116 6/26/2018 Location and resources of (©Kurdistan means the region is 88141516832769/pho ready for investment in a number ofa€ | to/1

https://twitter.eom/e RT @ebradley2: aCoeWe see the private sector as a driving bradley2/status/1011 6/26/2018 force behind economic developmentaC* (©BayanRahman 681122525306880/ph affirms (©Kurdistan and #lraq governmaC | oto/1 https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/10116 RT @KRG_USA: .(©BayanRahman - (©Kurdistan has been 80298898247684/pho 6/26/2018 and will remain a pillar of stability. We know that the to/1, security is key for investment anda€| m/KRG_US A/sta tus/1 011680298898247684 /photo/1______https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/10116 77328324296710/pho to/1, m/KRG_US A/sta tus/1 RT @KRG_USA: Opening remarks by @TLN_DC 011677328324296710 (©SashaToperich, (©IraqiEmbassyUSA DCM Mohammed 6/26/2018 /photo/1,https://twitt Quraishi, (©StateDept Peter Shea, (©BayanRahman, AKEI Ta€l us/101167732832429 6710/photo/l,https:// /status/10116773283 24296710/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/10116 RT @KRG_USA: aCoeReconstruction, Job Creation, and 75406158716928/pho 6/26/2018 Stability in Iraq and (©Kurdistan Region of IraqaC* to/1, conference at Library of Congress kickingaC | m/KRG_US A/sta tus/1 011675406158716928 /photo/1______


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) RT @masrour_barzani: Met MG Walter Piatt a"' Discussed asrour_barzani/status 6/26/2018 the renewed Peshmerga-ISF talks on potential joint /10116450308749312 operations in disputed territoriesaC | 00/photo/l krd/a/ d.aspx?l=13&a=48195 ,https://twitter. com/D RT @DFR_KRG: U+OZU+OCE0±UH0§U+ FR_KRG/status/10115 0"0§0±020§UtOd U" OCT0§Ut UfOt0"OCT0' 95877616701441/pho U«Uta€CIU"0'OCI 03Od0§03OdOd 01GZ0±0§U, 6/26/2018 to/1, 0-0§0-U"GZ 0-Uta€dUfUta€dUt d/a/d.aspx?l=13&a=4 8195,https://twitter.c om/DFR_KRG/status/ 101159587761670144 1/photo/l

Glad to see Kurdish businesses come to the US and hope more American companies will consider (©Kurdistan for trade and investment. Tomorrowa€™s conference will 6/25/2018 hopefully illustrate the opportunities in Kurdistan and Iraq g_usa/status/1011342 as a whole. 237970653185 If you cana€™t be there, follow @KRG_USAa€™s tweets*r

Looking forward to co-hosting a discussion on Tuesday 6/23/2018 about the short and long-term challenges facing #lraq and g_usa/status/1010520 #Kurdistan 387237634048

.(©MiddleEastlnst extends the deadline for its photography contest to June 29. It would be great to have 6/23/2018 some entries from Kurdistan showing the old and new iddleeastinst/status/1 generations, their traditions and aspirations 010231203989983233

RT @KRG_USA: Amazing work being done by 6/23/2018 (©MarshallLegacy in (©Kurdistan to provide the arshalllegacy/status/1 Peshmerga with dogs capable of clearing large areas ofa€| 010211608864395264

RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister https://twitter.eom/p 6/21/2018 @PMBarzania€™s condolences message on the passing of m ba rza n i/sta tus/1009 #KRG former Minister of Finance and EconaCl 790496980586502


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

RT (©PMBarzani: 0"G*0_0§0®G*U''G* 01 G*U...G*G+ UfO«030§OdO«0^Od U" U"O«02Od0±Od U%OZ0'U"U"Od 010§0"U"U"0±Od U" 0"0§0±0§OdOdOd 0UfU"U...O«0^Od 6/21/2018 UtO«0±OZU...Od UfU"0±0"030^0§Ut 0'GZ0® 0"0§OdOd02 0^0§U|iO«0"0§U+Od UfG+G+GCT 0_U"0§OdOd Uf0±0~.

U%G»US0§U...a€ I

As of April 30, there were 1,076,332 internally displaced Iraqis in Kurdistan, in addition to 276,121 refugees from 6/21/2018 other countries. To put this in perspective currently 1 in 5 g_usa/status/1009181 people in Kurdistan is displaced or a refugee - interview 277751271432 with @wdckurd

RT @qubadjt: Yes, eventually, but one that will be relevant 6/20/2018 to the needs of Kurdistan. Not to send students to India to mael_omer/status/10 study Arabic literaaC | 09549303361228802

On #WorldRefugeeDay2018, we should honour refugees and those who shelter them. For decades, Kurds have 6/20/2018 sought refuge abroad because of genocide, economic deprivation, cultural denial, cruelty and violence. Leta€™s open our hearts to those who flee to freedom

RT @KRG_USA: June 26 at 2:00 PM | CONFERENCE: Reconstruction, Job Creation, and Stability in Iraq and 6/20/2018 (©Kurdistan Region yfEh More info and RSVP ha€ I oshangMohamed/stat us/100920396126447 2064/photo/l,https:// RT (©FloshangMohamed: #KRI has been affected by 6/20/2018 multiple crises:, costly war with ISIS, financial crisis due to Mohamed/status/100 its budget cut by Iraqov & dra€| 9203961264472064/p hoto/l,https://twitter .com/FloshangMoham ed/status/100920396


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

1264472064/photo/l, https://twitter.eom/H oshangMohamed/stat us/100920396126447 2064/photo/l https://twitter.eom/H oshangMohamed/stat us/100908741322067 149 3/photo/l,https:// RT @HoshangMohamed: Pleased to attend #EUTFSyria, 6/19/2018 presented #KRG's policy, current humanitarian crisis, Mohamed/status/100 impact of #MADAD, & #Quadra programaCj 9087413220671493/p hoto/l,https://twitter .com/HoshangMoham ed/status/100908741 3220671493/photo/l http://www.kurdistan RT @K24English: Following years of delay due to the 6/18/2018 Islamic State war in Iraq, the Kurdistan Regiona€™s first ldea-9485-41d7- airline, Fly Erbil, took flightaC | a053-9ab3646d9472 krd/a/ d.aspx?l=12&a=48185 , RT @KRG_DFR: PRESS RELEASE: UNHCR Special Envoy d.aspx?l=12&a=48185 6/17/2018 Angelina Jolie thanks KRG for support to Syrian refugees. ,https://twitter.eom/K https://ta€ | RG_D F R/ sta tus/10084 27222355628032/pho to/1 krd/a/ d.aspx?l=14&a=48186 ,https://twitter.eom/D FR_KRG/status/10084 47270570819584/pho to/1, m/D F R_KRG/sta tus/10 RT @DFR_KRG: 0§U+0-USU„USU+0§ 0-irU„US 08447270570819584/ 050«U...U+ 010§U„US0§U< U...030§010"0§0- 0- photo/1,https://twitte 6/17/2018 UfUAU...0© 0¥U,U„USU... UfUA0±0'030s0§Ut U„U„0§0-'0! usut 0§U„03U"0±USUSUt s/1008447270570819 584/photo/l,https://d krd/a/d.aspx?l= 14&a=48186,https://t status/100844727057 0819584/photo/l,http s://


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

KRG/status/10084472 70570819584/photo/ 1, DFR_KRG/status/1008 447270570819584/ph oto/1

RT @jtucknott_fco: "And I want to thank the people of https://twitter.eom/U 6/17/2018 Iraq for their generosity towards Syrian refugees and Nlraq/status/1008330 displaced people, and in particaCj 887371554816

https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/1 008160572418994176 /photo/1,https://twitt At @USArmy 243rd birthday celebrations, led by Sec of Army #MarkEsper and (©ArmyChiefStaff whom I first met /status/10081605724 in Erbil a few years ago. Event recognised soldiers, their 18994176/photo/l,htt 6/17/2018 families and allies of the US. America and Kurdistan ps:// continue to stand together against terrorism and for n Ra h ma n/sta tus/1008 freedom 160572418994176/ph oto/1,https://twitter.c om/BayanRahman/sta tus/100816057241899 4176/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: On Eid al-Fitr, we send warmest wishes to RG_USA/status/10075 6/16/2018 the people of (©Kurdistan and Muslims around the world. 48334884704256/pho We keep in our thoughts theaC | to/1

Flappy Eid or cejntan piroz bet in Kurdish. May this 6/15/2018 celebration bring with it peace and prosperity RT (©JShngali: I want to thank my beloved dad for giving hnga li/status/1007350 6/15/2018 me the opportunity to have an education. The advices and 983956074497/photo support of my parents helpaC | /I https://twitter.eom/P MBarzani/status/1007 RT (©PMBarzani: U%O*OCE0§U...U... 0"O*0"O+U+O*OCE 307008163438592/vid 6/14/2018 Ut0§0^UtO«U"O«Od 0^O«U~U+OG U«O«U...O»020§Ut eo/l,https://twitter.c om/PMBarzani/status /10073070081634385 92/video/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

RT @RudawEnglish: KRG PM and deputy head of the KDP 6/13/2018 Nechirvan Barzani wants to see a 'broad and inclusive t/english/kurdistan/13 alliance' governing in Baghdad hta€| 0620185

http://bit. Iy/2y8 Fm rX, RT @KRG_USA: Only 12% of @UNHCR's 2018 Iraq https://twitter.eom/K 6/13/2018 Situation Response requirement has been funded this RG_USA/status/10069 year, to provide for 2.5 million Iraqis andaC | 41359159349248/pho to/1 http://www.kurdistan 31f-6el8-48cl-b92d- ad2381cc862e,http:// en/news/ffbe431f- 6el8-48cl-b92d- ad2381cc862e,https:/ / RT @K24English: ICYMI: Display of coexistence in sh/status/1006786138 #Kurdistan as Christians host #Ramadan dinner at Church 6/13/2018 839928832/photo/l,h ttps:// #TwitterKua€| 4English/status/10067 86138839928832/pho to/1, m/K24English/status/ 100678613883992883 2/photo/l,https://twit atus/10067861388399 28832/photo/l ate DeptPM/status/99 1371095293997057,ht 6/13/2018 RT @USConGenErbil: tps:// eDeptPM/status/9913 71095293997057 atements/readout- chancellor-masrour- barzanis-meeting-us- RT @masrour_barzani: Constructive talks w/ @USAmblraq ambassador- 6/11/2018 a€" Optimistic major Kurdistani blocs will form a strong, iraq/,https://twitter.c stable coalition bound by a sa€ j om/masrour_barzani/ status/100613583583 2586240/photo/l,http s://


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

ur_barzani/status/100 6135835832586240/p hoto/1 /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l =13&a=568 50,https:// RT @DMI_KRG: U,UA0"0§0' 0^0§UpG*0"0§U+GCE: 01OZ0±0§U,OZU©OG 0"O«030^U"0±OG U" /status/10060554907 0~GCEO...O''G©0±0§0^GCE G„G« 05608704/photo/l,htt 6/11/2018 0"O«0±U~O«U"O»Ut0"OG 0®G«GpG©G(T p:// U©U"0±0"030^0§UtO« d.aspx?s=040000&l=l 3&a=56850,https://tw atus/10060554907056 08704/photo/l RT @USConGenErbil: Want to to hear Consul General z, 6/11/2018 Gross give his favorite picks for Radio Babylon FM's USConGen Erbil/status playlist of songs? Flere you go: httpaC | /10060737971061760 01/photo/l https://twitter.eom/U RT @UNIraq: Special Representative of the United Nations Nlraq/status/1005381 6/10/2018 Secretary-General for #lraq (SRSG), JAjn KubiAj, strongly 315288498176/photo condemns the bombing thataCj /I krd/a/ d.aspx?l=14&a=48175 ,https://twitter.eom/D RT @DFR_KRG: G+GS0-GS0±G®0§G+ 0"0§0±020§G+GS FR_KRG/status/10055 U"0§U„03UIHUS0± 0§U„0£U...0±USUfUS 57163060809729/pho 6/10/2018 US050"0§UAU„0§U+ 0§G„01O...G„OS0© to/1, 0§O„03GS0§03OS0© UHIUS 0§G„010±0§G, d/a/d.aspx?l=14&a=4 8175,https://twitter.c om/DFR_KRG/status/ 100555716306080972 9/photo/l /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l =12&a=56841,https:// RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister @PMBarzani: We are committed to reforms 6/8/2018 /status/10050640762 86930944/photo/l,htt p://ca d.aspx?s=040000&l=l 2&a=56841,https://tw


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) atus/10050640762869 30944/photo/l

Congratulations (©Capitals. Great to see DC residents so 6/8/2018 happy at your championship win. Fireworks all around us! pitals/status/1004922 698294652928

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .(©BayanRahman pleased to welcome Kak RG_USA/status/10049 6/8/2018 Serwan Mahmood, Chairman of Sulaimani Chamber of 09959514087424/pho Commerce and Industry, to Washington. Loa€ | to/1 h tt p ://b i t. I y/2 JIE vo O, h ttps:// G_USA/status/100476 RT @KRG_USA: .(©UNFICR Flash Update highlights trend of 9729620467712/phot 6/7/2018 repeated IDP displacement, citing lack of economic o/l, opportunities in areas of return,a€ | m/KRG_US A/sta tus/1 004769729620467712 /photo/1 https://twitter.eom/N RT (©NadiaMuradBasee: The site of last nighta€™s adia Murad Basee/stat 6/7/2018 bombing in Baghdad, our hearts and minds are with the us/100464592628212 families of the victims. We wish a speeaCj 5312/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/10045 31881667387397/vide 6/7/2018 RT @KRG_USA: o/l, m/KRG_US A/sta tus/1 004531881667387397 /video/1 https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/10045 30842142756864/pho to/1, m/KRG_USA/status/l 6/7/2018 RT @KRG_USA: 004530842142756864 /photo/1,https://twitt us/100453084214275 6864/photo/l,https:// USA


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/14/2020 3:22:34 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/14/2020 3:22:34 PM

Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

/status/10045308421 42756864/photo/l,htt ps:// _USA/status/1004530 842142756864/photo /l, /KRG_USA/status/100 4530842142756864/p hoto/l,https://twitter .com/KRG_USA/status /10045308421427568 64/photo/l,https://tw atus/10045308421427 56864/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: Kurdish cultural night @KRG_USA RG_USA/status/10045 6/7/2018 cohosted with @thingstododc. A great crowd with 29910143176704/vide Cultural Director @najatga sharing a wide variaC | o/l

https://www.faceboo RT @SEEDKurdistan: The Center for Mental Health and 6/6/2018 Psychological Support Services (MHPSS) has successfully posts/1815354281819 started its fifth group of partaC | 595 https://twitter.eom/P MBarzani/status/1004 333740296896512/ph oto/l,https://twitter.c om/PMBarzani/status /10043337402968965 RT @PMBarzani: We are seriously committed to 12/photo/l,https://tw 6/6/2018 implementing reforms in all sectors and especially in the i tter. co m/P M Ba rza n i/ public administration system. I applaC j status/100433374029 6896512/photo/l,http s:// Ba rza n i/sta tus/1004333 740296896512/photo J1______https://twitter.eom/h RT @honarissa: Meeting with US Consul General, Ken onarissa/status/10039 6/6/2018 Gross, in Erbil to introduce AUK newly appointed 99107457970176/pho President, Dr John Menzies.€| to/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

http://KurdistanMem RT @KRG_USA: Documenting the Kurdish story for the,ht 6/5/2018 world, the Kurdistan Memory Programme (KMP) is a new tps:// national archive of modern KurdishaC I ruEMIQ RT @USConGenErbil: Hi friends! The U.S. Consulate z, 6/5/2018 General #Erbil announces the launch of a 30 second short USConGen Erbil/status video contest on the theme of a€oela€ I /10040578057399623 69/photo/l RT @JccKrg: JCC humanitarian Situational Report No. 2 for cKrg/status/10037349 6/4/2018 May 2018, Funding is critically short, currently #KRG is the 23520471040/photo/ host of 1.3m IDPs &a€| 1

https://twitter.eom/U RT @USConGenErbil: Hi friends, check out this beautiful SConGen Erbil/status/ 6/4/2018 photo of Nawruli in #Halabja. Thanks for photographer 100357007054572339 Pishraw for the unique photo.a€ | 2/photo/l

https://twitter.eom/d RT @murad_ismael: Dr. Nagham have helped countless nagham_hasan/status 6/2/2018 numbers of survivors providing medical and psychological /10025418432451256 support. Its great to see her ga€ | 32

RT @Free_Yezidi: These tents just burned in Khanke IDP camp. ee_Yezid i/status/1002 6/2/2018 701206337318914/ph These tragedies are not rare. The fundamental cause of oto/1 this problem is displaaC j news/representative- abdul-rahman-meets- Kurdistan- ties go back decades, most recently bulgarian- focusing on trade. Glad to meet @EmbassyBGinUSA ambassador-in- 5/31/2018 Ambassador Tihomir Stoytchev to discuss future washington/,https://t possibilities wi tter. co m/Ba ya n Ra h man/status/10022935 22442149888/photo/ 1 ,https://twitter.eom/R RT @RudawEnglish: In pictures: #Ramadan shoppers fill udawEnglish/status/1 5/31/2018 Sulaimania€™s sweet shops 001382472007942144 /photo/1,https://twitt /status/10013824720


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

07942144/photo/l,htt ps:// wEnglish/status/1001 382472007942144/ph oto/l,https://twitter.c om/RudawEnglish/sta tus/100138247200794 2144/photo/l,https://,https:/ / nglish/status/1001382 472007942144/photo /l, /RudawEnglish/status /10013824720079421 44/photo/l,https://tw sh/status/1001382472 007942144/photo/l,h ttps:// dawEnglish/status/10 01382472007942144/ photo/1

We never forget the sacrifices of American and coalition https://twitter.eom/u soldiers in the fight against #ISIS and in the liberation of 5/28/2018 scongenerbil/status/1 Iraq. On #MemorialDay we salute the fallen 000987608573530113 TFOIR/status/1001108 461919309824/photo /l, /CJTFOIR/status/lOOl RT @GTFOIR: On this Memorial Day we honor the 38 108461919309824/ph 5/28/2018 #Coalition men and women who paid the ultimate oto/l,https://twitter.c sacrifice in the fight to #DefeatDaesh. #Ta€ | om/GTFOIR/status/10 01108461919309824/ photo/1,https://twitte 100110846191930982 4/photo/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

With a heavy heart, I heard news of the passing of Khalaf Zebari, the beloved legendary voice of Kurdish radio. His booming voice & knowledge of made 5/25/2018 utludc/status/999894 him one of the most popular, influential people on 394693083137 @VOAKurdish. Condolences to his wife @KurdishCuisine and family

https://nashville.eater Where to find good Kurdish food in Little Kurdistan .com/maps/best- 5/24/2018 Nashville kurdish-food- nashville-restau rants

.@UNOCHA reports recent floods have particularly impacted #Yezidis on Mt #Sinjar. It warns of a protracted http://www.unocha.o displacement. As of mid-May, the 2018 Humanitarian rg/story/iraq-floods- 5/23/2018 Response Plan, a blueprint for humanitarian activities in leave-hundreds- Iraq, is less than 20% funded. families-strained- sinjar-mountain

https://twitter.eom/k RT @khasrow_ajgayi: Glad to meet up with my colleagues hasrow_ajgayi/status/ 5/22/2018 at @KRG_DFR @rebinazad and kak Ardawan during their 998884594018652160 short visit to London. https://ta€| /photo/1

https://twitter.eom/k RT @khasrow_ajgayi: It was a pleasure to meet with hasrow_ajgayi/status/ 5/22/2018 brigadeer Hazhar Ismael @robinhooda2003 Director of 998887246022537217 Coordination and Relations, #Peshmara€| /photo/1 https://twitter.eom/L RT @LukmanAhmadArt: Sad Scene, Acrylic on canvas, ukmanAhmadArt/stat 5/22/2018 19.5x16 inch, 2018 by us/998773362221551 @LukmanAhmadArt/ #arts, #kurdisa€| 619/photo/l______ RT @USConGenErbil: As part of the EducationUSA ,https://twitter.eom/U 5/20/2018 program, our Deputy Public Affairs Officer Tavon Cooke is SConGenErbil/status/ giving an overview of how to go aba€| 998128727480524800 /photo/1 RT @wphfund: Thanks to @CanadaUN and , @UKUN_NewYork, @WPHFund is excited to announce 5/20/2018 wphfund/status/9971 our #Call4Proposal in #lraq. Learn about #funding 06153980129282/pho opporaC | to/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/L RT @LukmanAhmadArt: The portrait of my dear friend ukmanAhmadArt/stat 5/18/2018 @Michael-Chyet, the brilliant linguistic. Thank you for al us/997473615154221 your efforts in the serviceaC | 056/photo/l

RT @KRG_USA: The KRG Representation in Washington 5/17/2018 wishes a peaceful and reflective #Ramadan to Muslims in America, (©Kurdistan, and around ta€ |

https://twitter.eom/B Interesting discussion with @UNIraq Head of Erbil Office ayanRahman/status/9 Ricardo Rodriguez on #lraqElection2018 and 96761555436961792/ Kurdistana€™s forthcoming parliamentary election in 5/16/2018 photo/1,https://twitte September. Also discussed the work of #UNAMI and the Rahman/ need for it to continue to have a strong role here status/996761555436 961792/photo/l

https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 96701197515067392/ photo/1,https://twitte Rahman/ Congratulations to (©NishtimanYN on the opening of the status/996701197515 House of Volunteers in Erbil yesterday. Enjoyed meeting 06739 2/photo/l,https 5/16/2018 your young, dynamic and ambitious volunteers and wish :// you continued success Rahman/status/99670 1197515067392/phot o/l, m/BayanRahman/stat us/996701197515067 392/photo/l RT (©Clarissimata: Best of luck to the admirable NYN arissimata/status/996 5/16/2018 Volunteer network who have opened a home for even 391383924662273/ph more volunteers in #Erbil. Bravo to ta€ I oto/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/D FR_KRG/status/99665 7883457687552/phot RT @DFR_KRG: U®G*U„0§0 U...030^O*U®0§0CE o/l, U„U*U"U*Up G~U...0§0±G«GgG«G© m/D F R_KRG/sta tus/99 U„G«0"G«0±U%0±030§U+U%o 0U©U"U...O«0^ 6657883457687552/p 0"O«0'0"0§0±OCE U„G« U...G«G«0§03GGU...GG 5/16/2018 hoto/l,https://twitter U©0±0_UtO«U"O«OG U...0§U|iOG .com/DFR_KRG/status 0®Ot0"O«0®0'0§Ut U©0±0" U©0« U„G« /99665788345768755 U„0§UGU*U+ 0^OtU«OG U"O«Ut0-.0§UtOG 2/photo/l,https://twit UtDG0,0^OGU...a€! tus/996657883457687 552/photo/l

RT @amirani87: An extensive history section has been https://kurdistanmem 5/16/2018 added to the Kurdistan Memory Program's online history database. This is the most compaC | istory-of-the-kurds/

RT @MarshallLegacy: We are so proud of the https://twitter.eom/B 5/16/2018 accomplishments and hard work of the Peshmerga in ayanRahman/status/9 clearing Kurdish land of mines and lEDs. We tha€ \ 96186352558444545

https://twitter.eom/0 RT @OIRSpox: I truly appreciate the warm welcome to IRSpox/sta tus/99 6391 5/15/2018 #Baghdad & very happy to work alongside @CJTFOIR. 712879718400/photo Congratulations all #lraq's for thisaC \ /I RT @FliwaAfandi: Behind the glories of a successful person waAfandi/status/9960 5/15/2018 are countless sacrifices and struggles. Today, we give back 89556482043905/pho to the private sectoraC \ to/1 https://twitter.eom/K RG_DFR/status/99628 6687276883969/phot o/l, RT @KRG_DFR: Head of @KRG_DFR Minister m/KRG_DFR/sta tus/99 5/15/2018 @FalahMustafa welcomed a group of Volunteers from 6286687276883969/p @NishtimanYN to discuss the selfless & crucial rolaC hoto/l,https://twitter .com/KRG_DFR/status /99628668727688396 9/photo/l______


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 96186352558444545/ photo/1,https://twitte Great to spend time with the #peshmerga and to thank Rahman/ them for protecting our people every day. Proud of their status/996186352558 courage & selflessness. Visited the K9 Unit, whose 444545/photo/l,https 5/15/2018 bomb-detecting dogs are provided by @MarshallLegacy, :// & the Erbil HQof zerevani where a female Rahman/status/99618 peshmerga unit is based 6352558444545/phot o/l, m/BayanRahman/stat us/996186352558444 545/photo/l RT @LinkeviciusL: I have greeted very special guest today- nkeviciusL/status/996 5/14/2018 one of world young leaders & @StateDept awardees 018240802512897/ph Zina Salim Flamu. She was forcedaC I oto/1

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KnoxThames: Always inspiring to meet my friend noxTha m es/sta tus/99 5/14/2018 @NadiaMuradBasee and hear from Murad @YazdaOrg. 6033987087912960/p We support Yezidi rights and are concernaC | hoto/1

RT @DFR_KRG: 0"G*U*GZ02 @FalahMustafa 0"O«0±U%0±03U%o https://twitter.eom/D u%O«Ogu"O«u+0-OgO«u©0§u+u%o FR_KRG/status/99565 5/13/2018 0_O«0±O«U"O«U°/oo 0U©U"U...O«0^ U„G«G_G«Gp 7025307672577/phot 0®0§0-U"U" @BayanRahman UtU"OZUtO«0±U%o 0- o/l U©U"U...O«0^U%o UtG«0±GZU... U„G« U''0§0'Ut0aQtUt 0"0§03OG0§U+ U„0* U+a€ j

A good meeting with Steven Gillen, Deputy @USConGenErbil and his colleagues today, where we discussed #lraqElections2018, Kurdistana€™s elections in https://twitter.eom/B September, and Kurdistan-US relations which continue to ayanRahman/status/9 5/13/2018 strengthen 95609673184301056/ photo/1 @KRG_USA @Kurdistan @KRG_DFR

https://twitter.eom/k RT @khasrow_ajgayi: Voted in London for the Council of hasrow_ajgayi/status/ 5/12/2018 Representatives #lraqiParliament #lraqiElections2018 to 995348842265620481 elect the right #MPs and sta€ | /photo/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Just voted in #Erbil. Look forward to seeing strong Kurdistani representation in the federal parliament and government and hope to see all sides respect and https://twitter.eom/B implement the Constitution and be the voice of the ayanRahman/status/9 5/12/2018 people 95251930925543424/ photo/1 #Kurdistan #lraqElections, RT @RudawEnglish: Kurdistan Regiona€™s @PMBarzani https://twitter.eom/R 5/12/2018 on lraqa€™s new voting system, aCoeThe system is new udawEnglish/status/9 and it is not very easy to learn, but accoraC | 95178616739782656/ video/1

Watching Kurdish TV channels cover voting abroad in #lraqElections2018, impressed by diaspora votersaC™ https://twitter.eom/b 5/11/2018 repeated calls for #Kurdistan parties to be united and ayanrahman/status/9 speak with one voice when they go to Baghdad 94842165867155457

RT @CaptainBillyBas: @BayanRahman You need to visit 5/11/2018 Utah when you're back in the States. Much of Utah is like Kurdistan.

RT @Flstrabadi: @BayanRahman Some of the most 5/11/2018 beautiful scenery I have ever seen are in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Hope for calmer days,a€ | services/diaspora- voting-for-iraqi-2018- parliamentary- Today is the last day you can vote in the elections/,https://twit #lraqElections2018 if you live abroad. I urge all the Kurdistan diaspora to take the step and let your voice be n/status/9948421658 heard in this election. 6715545 7/photo/l,htt 5/11/2018 ps:// nRahman/status/9948 42165867155457/pho @KRG_USA @najatga to/1, m/BayanRahman/stat us/994842165867155 457/photo/l,https://t wi tter. co m/Ba ya n Ra h


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

man/status/99484216 5867155457/photo/l

https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 94837748539371524/ Happy to be back in Duhok - lush, green and welcoming 5/11/2018 photo/1,https://twitte Rahman/ status/994837748539 371524/photo/l cKrg/status/99462653 8577498113/photo/l, cKrg/status/99462653 RT @JccKrg: #KRG Local Departments continue in their 8577498113/photo/l, 5/10/2018 efforts to clean the roads & bridges, #JCC offices in the governorates#Erbil & #Duhoka€| cKrg/status/99462653 8577498113/photo/l, cKrg/status/99462653 8577498113/photo/l

Powerful speech by @PMBarzani in #KDPa€™s last rally for elections to Iraqi parliament. Offered the hand of 5/10/2018 friendship to Arab parties and called for a return to the dawkurdi/status/9945 constitution. Extended good will to fellow Kurdistani 73302978015232 parties and called for unity

https://twitter.eom/K RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister urdistan/status/99457 5/10/2018 @PMBarzani met with @USAmblraq and discussed Iraqi 0775523930113/phot elections, set for Saturday, among otheraC | o/l https://twitter.eom/k RT @karwanTahir: We have voted for the arwanTahir/status/99 5/10/2018 #KurdistanRegion to be strong & well represented in 4567433934565376/p the next #lraq Council of Representations #lraqia€ | hoto/l,https://twitter .com/karwanTahir/sta


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

tus/994567433934565 376/photo/l

https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 94554225215582208/ photo/1,https://twitte Rahman/ Some pictures of #Erbil. The city looks more lively than a status/994554225215 year ago, many new stores and buildings. With the start of 582208/photo/l,https 5/10/2018 voting by security forces and the diaspora today, :// therea€™s more of a buzz about the elections. Rahman/status/99455 4225215582208/phot o/l, m/BayanRahman/stat us/994554225215582 208/photo/l

Good to see Newzad Hadi, Governor of #Erbil, whose team is assisting low-income residents whose homes have https://twitter.eom/B been flooded. Hundreds of thousands of displaced people ayanRahman/status/9 5/10/2018 are still sheltering in Erbil with the support of the 94549969414705154/ Governora€™s office, #KRG as a whole and international photo/1 community /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister =12&a=56800,http://c @PMBarzani and Russian President Putin discuss bilateral 5/10/2018 relations px?s=040000&l=12&a =56800,https://twitter€ j .com/Kurdistan/status /99450199455875481 6/photo/l

Good to be back in Kurdistan, just in time for the elections. Lot of election posters and banners around https://twitter.eom/B Erbil. Also interesting to see the increased use of social ayanRahman/status/9 5/9/2018 media and text messaging by the parties. 94256932415340546/ photo/1 The recent rains have brought out the best in our beautiful countryside.


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June), https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/99351 7771416883201/phot o/l, m/KRG_USA/status/9 RT @KRG_USA: Updated info on May 10-11 diaspora 93517771416883201/ 5/7/2018 voting for upcoming Iraqi elections. US Polling stations and photo/1,https://twitte eligibility requirements listeaC | s/9935177714168832 01/photo/l,https://tw atus/99351777141688 3201/photo/l https://twitter.eom/N RT (©NadiaMuradBasee: Yazidi IDP camps in Dohuk area adia Murad Basee/stat 5/7/2018 were flooded last night. More than 350,000 Yazidis still us/993036060115505 live in these camps. They cana€™a€| 152/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K urdistan/status/99318 0522678497280/phot o/l, RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister m/Kurdistan/status/9 5/6/2018 (©PMBarzani visited the areas affected by yesterdayaC1 93180522678497280/ flash flood in Duhok Province. https:/a€| photo/1,https://twitte s/9931805226784972 80/photo/l______

The people of #Duhok and the displaced and refugees sheltering there have been hit by flash floods. Condolences to the families of those killed and wishing a 5/6/2018 speedy recovery to the injured and those whose homes dawenglish/status/99 have been affected 3026270677159936


https://www.defense. gov/News/Article/Arti A sweet story of friendship cle/1512594/face-of- 5/5/2018 defense-soldier-looks- h ttps ://t. co/g5zVfWy9 FI 5 toward-reunion-with- canine-friend-from- iraq /


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) krd/a/ d.aspx?l=13&a=48102 ,https://twitter. com/D RT @DFR_KRG: U„G* U©O+U+U®U*0§U+03OZU©OCE FR_KRG/status/99215 U*0§U"0"G«0'0"0§ 020§U+Gd0§0±Gd 0" 3796196356098/phot U«OZU©0§0±O«U©0§Ut 0"Ot o/l, Ut0§U"0'OZ0±0§UtOd UtOZU"0'O«U"UpO«0^Od m/D F R_KRG/sta tus/99 5/4/2018 0"Ot UtO«U|i0"U~0§0±0"UtO«U©0§UtOd 2153796196356098/p U%G«0±U„G«U...0§UtOd 01GZ0±0§U, hoto/l,https://twitter 0®0±0§u+G»u»irir .com/DFR_KRG/status /99215379619635609€ | 8/photo/l,https://twit tus/992153796196356 098/photo/l RT @BilalWahab: So happy to witness the official, lalWahab/status/9917 5/3/2018 repatriation of stolen artifacts to Iraq with the help of US 47744669847552/pho government.€ | to/1 RT @RudawEnglish: On #WorldPressFreedomDay we pay 5; 5/3/2018 tribute to our colleague #ShifaGardi, killed while covering RudawEnglish/status/ the war against #ISIS https:/a€| 991999327013933056 /video/1 https://exchanges.stat nouncing-recipients- 2018-emerging- young-leaders- award,https://twitter. com/BayanRahman/st Proud of two young leaders from Kurdistan Iraq awarded atus/99177461601106 today at @StateDept. Sara Abdul Rahman, a peace-builder 739 2/photo/l,https:// from #Kirkuk, and Zina Hamu, a #Yezidi photojournalist. 5/2/2018 n Ra h Both aged 21 and ready to take the world by storm man/status/99177461 601106739 2/photo/l, https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 91774616011067392/ photo/1,https://twitte Rahman/ status/991774616011 067392/photo/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) oshangMohamed/stat us/989524046437060 610/photo/l,https://t RT @HoshangMohamed: JCC organized a joint meeting 5/2/2018 with #ICMP & #KRG Departments, chaired by ohamed/status/98952 Minister of Interior, #Karim Sinjari to developaCj 4046437060610/phot o/l, m/FloshangMohamed /status/98952404643 7060610/photo/l krd/a/ d.aspx?l=12&a=48083 , d.aspx?l=12&a=48083 ,https://twitter.eom/K RG_DFR/status/99048 2866315382784/phot RT @KRG_DFR: KRG delegation underscores significant o/l, role of UN assistance to Kurdistan and Iraq 5/2/2018 m/KRG_DFR/status/99 0482866315382784/p€ | hoto/l,https://twitter .com/KRG_DFR/status /99048286631538278 4/photo/l,https://twit ter. co m/KRG_D F R/ sta tus/990482866315382 784/photo/l krd/a/ d.aspx?l=14&a=48085 , d.aspx?l=14&a=48085 RT @DFR_KRG: UAU»0' 0§U,U„USU... ,https://twitter.eom/D UfU"0±0'030l0§Ut UIHUS U"0§0'Ut0-Ut US0«U...U+ FR_KRG/status/99132 010§U„US0§ 0"U"0± 0§U„0§U...U... 0§U„U...0i00~0© 7531503636486/phot 5/1/2018 UHIUS U...030§010"0© 0§U,U„USU... o/l, UfU"0±0'030l0§Ut U"0§U„010±0§U, m/DFR_KRG/status/99€ | 1327531503636486/p hoto/l,https://twitter .com/DFR_KRG/status /99132753150363648 6/photo/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Thank you to the brave men and women of GFLCC and US and (©coalition partners for your essential support to 5/1/2018 (©Kurdistan Peshmerga and ISF in fight against ISIS. rspox/status/9909174 Continued cooperation is critical as the fight against 81517731840 terrorism evolves

https://edition- Remarkable story of Fakhir Berwari, who saved thousands of lives from lEDs and mines planted by ISIS, told in a 6/middleeast/the- 4/30/2018 documentary, The Deminer deminer-fakhir- berwari- documenta ry/ ml RT (©lenashome: Fruitful meeting on continued nashome/status/9908 4/30/2018 cooperation between (©ICMP and (©JccKrg on addressing 42918956085248/pho the issue of missing persons. The familiesaC | to/1

https://twitter.eom/V RT (©ValedeAlmeidaEU: Pleased to meet with Chief of aledeAlmeidaEU/statu 4/28/2018 President's Office Dr #FuadFlussein and Minister s/9896537869510778 (©FalahMustafa Bakir from the (©KurdistanaC I 88/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/98965 4293170065410/phot o/l, m/KRG_USA/status/9 RT @KRG_USA: #FuadFlussein, (©FalahMustafa, 89654293170065410/ 4/27/2018 (©BayanRahman in NYC today to update UN-based photo/1,https://twitte diplomats on political, humanitarian, and security da€| s/9896542931700654 10/photo/l,https://tw atus/98965429317006 5410/photo/l______ Y, MY, RT @KRG_USA: Senior (©Kurdistan delegation meet with OH7, 4/27/2018 White Flouse, US Administration and m/KRG_USA/status/9 Congressional officials -€ | 89527919344009216/ photo/1,https://twitte s/9895279193440092


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

16/photo/l,https://tw atus/989527919 34400 9216/photo/l,https:// /status/98952791934 4009216/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .(©Kurdistan delegation to Washington of RG_USA/status/98947 4/27/2018 #FuadHussein, (©FalahMustafa, (©BayanRahman met with 3492751003650/phot (©StateDept DAS for Iran and Iraq @Aa€ | o/l

Congratulations Mike Pompeo on your appointment as Secretary of State. (©Kurdistan looks forward to 4/26/2018 atedept/status/98956 continuing its partnership with the United States 5841204240386 krd/a/ d.aspx?l=12&a=48075 ,https://dfr. gov. krd/a/ d.aspx?l=12&a=48075 ,https://twitter.eom/K RG_DFR/status/98940 8768583700480/phot RT @KRG_DFR: Senior KRG delegation meet with White o/l, Flouse, US Administration and Congressional Officials 4/26/2018 m/KRG_DFR/status/98 9408768583700480/p https://t.a€ | hoto/l,https://twitter .com/KRG_DFR/status /98940876858370048 0/photo/l,https://twit ter. co m/KRG_D F R/ sta tus/989408768583700 480/photo/l______

RT (©USConGenErbil: UAUA0sU*a€dOd 0"U*a€dU«OZ02 0"0§UpOdO+02Od, #01 U*a€dU...0±OdUf0§ U„U*a€d #01UZ0±0§U, https://twitter.eom/U 0_U*a€dU_U„U*a€d03 03OdU„OdU...0§U+ U„Uta€d 4/26/2018 SConGenErbil/status/ 0"OtUtUta€dOdU«0§U-Uta€dOd0§Ut0-UtOd 0_Uta€d030^U%OZUf0±0_UtOd 989410637825675264 /photo/1 0"OdUt0§Uf0±0_UtOd 0"0§UpU*a€d0®0§U+U*a€dOd UtU"a€ |


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

RT @DFR_KRG: G©G+0"O''O''O+G*O''G*GG 0'0§G+0-Gg 0G©G"G...G«0^Og G%G«0±OzG...Gg G©G"0±0'030l0§Gt G„G« G©O+0'G©Og 03u%OG https://twitter.eom/D G„G«G_G«Gp G...0§GgG©G„ 0"GzGp FR_KRG/status/98930 4/26/2018 Gg0§0±Gg0"G«0"G«0±Og 0^0§Gg0"O«0^Og 2816543002625/phot 03G«0±G+G© 0^0±G«G...G% 0"Gt 0; 0§030§Og0'Og o/l G+GG0'0^GgG...0§O+GG


RT @KRG_USA: #FuadFlussein, @FalahMustafa, https://twitter.eom/K @BayanRahman met @WhiteFlouse with @WFINSC RG_USA/status/98924 4/25/2018 Special Assistant to @realDonaldTrump for National 6333398773761/phot SecuraCI o/l

Today we mark the 44th anniversary of the attack on Slemani University in Qaladizah. From that one university https://twitter.eom/d in all of , reconstruction, modernization, 4/25/2018 mi_krg/status/989081 and urbanization have since produced 30 universities plus 341076692992 other institutions of higher education today

RT @KRG_USA: #FuadFlussein, @FalahMustafa, https://twitter.eom/K @BayanRahman met with @StateDept Amb for RG_USA/status/98887 4/25/2018 International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback to 1226406920192/phot discussaC I o/l RT @DMI_KRG: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l @PMBarzania€™s statement on the construction of a new =12&a=56740,https:// 4/24/2018 compound for @USConGenErbil /status/98844160644€| 8697344/photo/l atements/readout- chancellor-masrour- RT @masrour_barzani: I received Lt. Gen. Paul Funk of barzanis-meeting- 4/24/2018 @QTFOIR a€" Shared interest for Peshmerga-ISF commanding-general- cooperation to close security gaps exploaC \ cjtf-oir-lt-gen-paul-e- funk/,https://twitter.c om/masrour_barzani/ status/988804516849


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

086464/photo/l,https :// ur_barzani/status/988 804516849086464/ph oto/l,https://twitter.c om/masrour_barzani/ status/988804516849 086464/photo/l

RT @DMI_KRG: 0"U*a€GU*OZ02 U+GZU+GG0±UH0§U+ 0"0§0±020§UtOd 03Uta€CE0±OtUf U"Uta€CI02OCI0±0§UtOCI U*U*a€G0±GZU...OG /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l UfU"0±0'030l0§Ut0G U%OZ0'U"0§0zOG U„U*a€G =13&a=56751,https:// 4/24/2018 U„U"0|O«a€GUtO«a€G0^ 0^U*a€GU+U*a€G0±0§Up U%G+Gp umOtutu_0G /status/98882532117 USUta€G0±U...0§Ut0-Uta€GOG 9893761/photo/l U*OZ02U*a€GUf0§U+OG 0! UtaCGaC |

https://twitter.eom/U SConGenErbil/status/ 988763840916664320 /photo/1,https://twitt RT @USConGenErbil: US Amb. to Iraq Douglas Silliman 4/24/2018 announced the construction of a New Consulate l/status/98876384091 Compound to house the Consulate General oa€| 66643 20/photo/l,http s:// nGenErbil/status/988 763840916664320/ph oto/1

We stand with the people of #Tornto and #Canada at this 4/24/2018 challenging time of shock and sorrow, resilience and nadianpm/statu s/988 diligence 757272338882560

. @PMBarzani at the groundbreaking ceremony for new @USConGenErbil: People & government of Kurdistan Region highly https://twitter.eom/d 4/23/2018 appreciate political, military and humanitarian support mi_krg/status/988441 provided by the US. Kurdistan Region is eager to further 606448697344 develop strong relationships with US & neighbours


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

RT (©JccKrg: JCC DG Chaired a joint meeting with #JCMC 4/22/2018 and discussed wide range of issues concernig further cKrg/status/98813217 strengthening coordination and ca€ | 1784359936/photo/l RT (©SEEDKurdistan: SEEDa€™s President, Sherri Kraham 2018/04/22/breakfast 4/22/2018 Talabany, was on the Breakfast Club at 99.3 Babylon Radio -club-2018-04-22- this morning. Help SEED and tha€| shopia-and-sherri-for- the-little-mermaid/ krd/a/ d.aspx?l=13&a=48058 ,https://twitter.eom/D RT @DFR_KRG: U%O*OCE0§U...OCE FR_KRG/status/98794 010«ut0^unu...O«utOd u"O«02Oci0±0§ut u„0« 7317171978240/phot 4/22/2018 030§UpOtT0§0_OtTU«O+U~U+0§U...O«U_O«0±OtTOtT o/l, U©U"0±0"OCE0"0§ d/a/d.aspx?l=13&a=4 8058,https://twitter.c om/DFR_KRG/status/ 987947317171978240 /photo/1 https://twitter.eom/U RT (©USConGenErbil: On #Kurdish #Press Day, we honor SConGenErbil/status/ 4/22/2018 Kurdish-language media on this day. Independent, free 987966761575305216 and pluralistic media are centralaC j /photo/1

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: #FuadHussein, (©FalahMustafa, RG_USA/status/98742 4/20/2018 (©BayanRahman met with (©SenatorMenendez, ranking 5574858690561/phot member on the Senate Foreign Relations CommitteeaCj o/l https://twitter.eom/U SConGenErbil/status/ RT (©USConGenErbil: USAID.OFDA staff working at 987315255234777088 4/20/2018 @USConGenErbil recently visited displaced families in /photo/1,https://twitt #Dohuk. Through a @USAID.OFDA-supportea€ \ l/status/98731525523 4777088/photo/l, RT @GTFOIR: #Kurdish security forces now trained to 4/19/2018 instruct alongside (©coalition partners (©BritishArmy TFOIR/status/9869581 (©bundeswehrlnfo (©MinisteroDifesa @a€l 14418315264/photo/ 1

RT (©KnoxThames: Wishing a happy and peaceful New 4/19/2018 Year to my Yezidi friends. We will continue to work until all of the Yezidis captured andaC \


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) v/media-center/press- releases/hurd-meets- kurdistan-regional- government,https://t RT (©HurdOnTheHill: It was great meeting with Kurdistan eHill/status/98636221 4/18/2018 Regional Government (KRG) Chief of Staff to the President 5065374720/photo/l, Fuad Hussein and MinisteraC | https://twitter.eom/H urdOnTheHill/status/9 86362215065374720/ photo/1,https://twitte r. com/HurdOnTheHill/ status/986362215065 374720/photo/l news/lewis-and-clark- Enjoyed meeting student & faculty at college-hosts- @Lewis_ClarklAS last week, Iraqi Christian community at representative-abdul- the (©ChaldeanChamber gala in Michigan and young Kurds rahman-at- at (©kurdishpros first conference in Nashville. (©Kurdistan symposium-on- 4/18/2018 recognises diaspora role sovereignty/,https://u s. g-representative- encourages-kurdish- and-chaldean- diaspora-to-remain- active-and-engaged/ https://twitter.eom/D FR_KRG/status/98626 6113997762572/phot RT @DFR_KRG: U„U*a€d U+U*a€dU+0'OdU+ o/l, 0-Od0-0§0± U" U"UHI0^U"U"Ot0"0§ m/D F R_KRG/sta tus/98 U„U*a€dU_U*a€dUp 0"U*a€d0±U%0±030§U+Od 6266113997762572/p 4/18/2018 U"O«020§0±O«0-Od 0"O«0±O«U"O»Od hoto/l,https://twitter 0! U*a€dU...0±OdUf0§0d 0_. U0U"01 0§0_ 0- .com/DFR_KRG/status U"03OZUt0d USUta€dU„0§0 U...030^Uta€dUS0§0d /98626611399776257 0"Uta€dOd0§Ut 030§U...Od0d0"0§03Od0§Uta€| 2/photo/l,https://twit tus/986266113997762 572/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister urdistan/status/98655 4/18/2018 (©PMBarzani met with the Special Representative of the 8641791815680/phot United Nations Secretary-General foraCj o/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) ett_mcgurk/status/98 6360078143053824/p hoto/l,https://twitter .com/brett_mcgurk/st atus/98636007814305 RT @brett_mcgurk: Productive day in #Baghdad & 3824/photo/l,https:// 4/18/2018 #Erbil w/@USAmblraq & NEA DAS Peek focused on consolidating #lraqa€™s historic victories againaC | gurk/status/98636007 8143053824/photo/l, ett_mcgurk/status/98 6360078143053824/p hoto/1 https://twitter.eom/K urdistan/status/98631 1932331380737/phot o/l, RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister m/Kurdistan/status/9 4/17/2018 @PMBarzani and his deputy @qubadjt met with 86311932331380737/ @brett_mcgurk, U.S. Special Presidential EnvoyaC photo/1,https://twitte s/9863119323313807 37/photo/l news/representative- Enjoyed a productive and informative visit to Houston and abdul-rahman-speaks- Dallas, Texas, recently. Thank you @WACHouston, 4/17/2018 with-civil-society- @dfwworld and members of vibrant Kurdish community kurdish-community- media-and-business- leaders-in-texas/

Wishing peace, good health and prosperity to all #Yezidis on this New Yeara€™s Day known as Charshamma Sur. 4/17/2018 dawenglish/status/98 Thinking especially of those still in captivity. May this be 6132109411733504 the time of your return home

https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/98609 4463436165120/phot RT @KRG_USA: #FuadHussein and (©FalahMustafa visit o/l, 4/17/2018 kicked off with a round of meetings (©StateDept - Updated m/KRG_USA/status/9 US officials on the political, sa€ \ 86094463436165120/ photo/1,https://twitte s/9860944634361651


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

20/photo/l,https://tw atus/98609446343616 5120/photo/l

Pleased to welcome (©FalahMustafa and #DrFuadHussein to Washington DC. Today we begin a round of meetings 4/16/2018 with Administration officials and members of Congress

(©Kurdistan @KRG USA @KRG DFR atements/readout- chancellor-masrour- barzanis-meeting- chief-office-security- cooperation- RT @masrour_barzani: Met MG Bradley Becker of Office iraq/,https://twitter.c 4/16/2018 Security Cooperation - Iraq. Explored shared interests for om/masrour_barzani/ ISF-Peshmerga cooperation ia€| status/985534477425 434624/photo/l,https :// ur_barzani/status/985 534477425434624/ph oto/1 https://twitter.eom/Z RT (©ZaidBrifkaniMD: Yesterday, senator @yarbro aidBrifkaniMD/status/ 4/15/2018 presented the below proclamation to the @kurdishpros 985585035393806336 during our first annual conference in ra€| /photo/1 https:// krd/me dia/1816/echoes-of- genocide-march-13- 2018-krg- RT @KRG_Austria: aCoeEchoes of GenocideaCIEaC" a representation-in-the- special report prepared by the @KRG_USA in 4/14/2018 united- commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the #Halabja states.pdf?platform=h aa€ I ootsuite,https://twitte atus/98516654622499 6352/photo/l______https://twitter.eom/B RT (©Remziya: Flope youa€™re enjoying my hometown! ayanRahman/status/9 4/14/2018 Wish I was there with ya€™all. 85280340368482304, https://twitter.eom/B


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

ayanRahman/status/9 85280340368482304

. @mhesen09 presents @kurdishpros community leadership award to former @KRG_USA director of https://twitter.eom/B congressional affairs @Remziya who grew up & ayanRahman/status/9 4/14/2018 worked in Nashville. Now abroad. Glad to see her role in 85295304479182848/ the community is still appreciated. Award is accepted by photo/1 her friend

https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 The indomitable @KasarAbdulla introduces @MayorBriley 85280340368482304/ at @kurdishpros conference. @MayorBriley says a future 4/14/2018 photo/1,https://twitte Nashville mayor could be here among the Kurdish Rahman/ community today. status/985280340368 482304/photo/l ostk/status/98525785 RT @drostk: Shahristan Rashid, @kurdishpros Secretary, 2188135424/photo/l, 4/14/2018 introduces the conference keynote, @BayanRahman. ostk/status/98525785 2188135424/photo/l https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 85269114984976384/ photo/1,https://twitte Kurdish Professionals conference kicks off. Rahman/ @ZaidBrifkaniMD explains @kurdishpros is by the status/985269114984 community for the community. Now, panel discussion on 976384/photo/l,https 4/14/2018 overcoming barriers. :// Great to see high turnout of young and old. Ia€™m proud Rahman/status/98526 to support Kurdish youth in Nashville & all North 9114984976384/phot America o/l, m/BayanRahman/stat us/985269114984976 384/photo/l https://twitter.eom/k RT @kurdishpros: @BayanRahman Speaking at urdishpros/status/985 4/14/2018 #KPCON2K18 on struggles of a female in a traditional 259213680201728/ph Kurdish family, her work in journalism, andaC | oto/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

@Namacheko Thank you, and you are inspiring for your 4/14/2018 entrepreneurship, sense of fashion and fun. Wish you every success

https:// krd/me On #AnfalDay, we honour the victims of genocide in dia/1816/echoes-of- #Kurdistan #lraq. The lessons of Anfal resonate 30 years genocide-march-13- later: authoritarian/centralized regimes in the Middle East 2018-krg- 4/14/2018 are catastrophic; justice & compensation remain representation-in-the- absent; #R2P usually to little too late. united- states.pdf?platform=h ootsuite

Heading to #Nashville today to speak at the @kurdishpros conference. Looking forward to seeing the next generation https://twitter.eom/k 4/14/2018 of Kurdish diaspora whose capabilities, ambition and urdishpros/status/984 commitment will drive our society forward. #KPCOM2K18 078235217596416

https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 85022094563045376/ photo/1,https://twitte Rahman/ Good to be back in #Michigan at the @ChaldeanChamber status/985022094563 annual gala which brings together the amazingly energetic 045376/photo/l,https 4/14/2018 and organized #Chaldean community. Great to also see :// @repsandylevin @RepMoolenaar @RepLawrence Rahman/status/98502 @ElissaSlotkin and many friends 2094563045376/phot o/l, m/BayanRahman/stat us/985022094563045 376/photo/l

RT @BayanRahman: I am looking forward to visiting 4/12/2018 #Nashville, aka Little #Kurdistan, on Saturday to attend hesen09/status/98388 the @kurdishpros conference andaC | 9756105961472

I am looking forward to visiting #Nashville, aka Little #Kurdistan, on Saturday to attend the @kurdishpros 4/11/2018 hesen09/status/98388 conference and share my story as a Kurd growing up 9756105961472 abroad. Whata€™s your story?


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

http://kurdishprofessi RT @kurdishpros: We are honored to have,https://twitt 4/11/2018 (©BayanRahman as our keynote speaker this Saturday at our first annual conference! Come and join usa€ | atus/9838779 2881037 3122/video/l

RT (©shuvmajumdar: My friend (©FalahMustafa remains 4/11/2018 one of the most astute and insightful Ministers on the linstitute/status/9840 world stage. An honour to reconnecaCj 73900853149698

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .(©BayanRahman discussed history of RG_USA/status/98382 4/11/2018 (©Kurdistan and how that influences KRGa€™s relations w 4129576001539/phot Iraqi federal government and internatiaC | o/l krd/a/ d.aspx?l=13&a=48012 , FR_KRG/status/98375 RT @DFR_KRG: U„G* U©G+U+U®U*0§03OZU©U%o 3042246987778/phot 0"0§U|i0§U%o Ut0§U"0"O«0'0"0§ U%U„0§U+U%o o/l, U...0±OtOdU%o Ut0§U"Uf0§0±U%o m/D F R_KRG/sta tus/98 4/10/2018 0!0§U"0§0±Uta€CIUo/oo U+0§U"0®G+ U" 3753042246987778/p U%Uta€dUt0§0"Uta€d0±0§UtU%o 03U"0±Od0§ U' hoto/l,https://twitter Ut0§U"Up0§0^Od0§UtU%o UtUta€d0±OZU...U%o .com/DFR_KRG/status UfU''0±0"030§0§U+ U„Uta€d 2018 0®0±a€ | /98375304224698777 8/photo/l,https://twit tus/983753042246987 778/photo/l______

Looking forward to taking part in @Lewis_ClarklAS international symposium on the subject of sovereignty, including themes of cyberspace, humanitarian 4/9/2018 wis_clarkias/sta tus/98 intervention and tensions between nation-state and self- 0638346060824576 determination. Expecting some lively debates

https://twitter.eom/D RT (©DanieIPPuls: Was happy to fly directly into Erbil, anielPPuls/status/983 4/9/2018 & even happier to to be back in Kurdistan. Today is 339235871809537/ph an important day for the good pea€| oto/1

RT @PMBarzani: I extend my heartfelt gratitude to fellow 4/8/2018 citizens of Kurdistan & Iraq, friends & governments around the world who participate \


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/B Thank you to all who attended yesterdaya€™s funeral ayanRahman/status/9 service for Dilovan Barzani, brother of @PM Barzani, who 83071913516978176/ sadly passed away last week. Representatives of 4/8/2018 photo/1,https://twitte Kurdistani parties and diaspora paid their respects at a Rahman/ service in Virginia. Dilovan Barzani was much loved, left us status/983071913516 too soon 978176/photo/l

https://twitter.eom/P ervinBuldan/status/98 2676234973974528/p hoto/l,https://twitter .com/PervinBuldan/st atus/98267623497397 4528/photo/l,https:// dan/status/98267623 RT @PervinBuldan: NeA§irwan Barzani ziyareti... 49739 74528/photo/l, 4/8/2018 https://twitter.eom/P ervinBuldan/status/98 2676234973974528/p hoto/l,https://twitter .com/PervinBuldan/st atus/98267623497397 4528/photo/l,https:// dan/status/98267623 4973974528/photo/l https://twitter.eom/D MI_KRG/status/98290 RT @DMI_KRG: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister 4189603975168/phot 4/8/2018 @PMBarzani meets with Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim o/l, Al-Jabouri in Erbil.€ | m/DMI_KRG/status/9 82904189603975168/ photo/1

Just last month, we at @KRG_USA commemorated the 30th anniversary of the chemical weapons attack on https://twitter.eom/c #Halabja #Kurdistan. Several speakers, me included, 4/8/2018 harles_lister/status/98 pointed to the fear that the taboo is broken and using CW 2787249346576385 may be the new normal. Shame on humanity if we let this happen #Douma


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/G RT @GCR2P: Today we remember the hundreds of CR2P/status/9827262 4/7/2018 thousands who were ruthlessly killed in the 51541561344/photo/ #RwandaGenocide simply for who they were. The bestaC 1

RT @V_Pituscan: Expressed heartfelt condolences from https://twitter.eom/V @passconsulting _Pituscan/statu s/9827 4/7/2018 team to @PMBarzani and his family during todaya€™s 41364650717184/pho Memorial Service foraC I to/1

https://twitter.eom/R RT @RudawEnglish: Iraqi Prime Minister @HaiderAIAbadi udawEnglish/status/9 4/7/2018 calls President @Masoud_Barzani, extending condolences 82550329001725953/ on death of #DilovanBarzani. had photo/1 RT @KirkukNewsDesk: #Kirkuk Governor Dr. Najmaldin rkukNews Desk/status/ 4/7/2018 Karim met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for 982383923375280133 Iran and Iraq @AndrewLPeek todayaCj /photo/1

http://www.kurdistan RT @K24English: In her public remarks, @BayanRahman 4/5/2018 criticized the concept of aCoemajority rule,a€» now being f83b-bc22-4d56-9e51- raised by some Shia politicians ina€ | al75e988ba3e

Pleased to welcome Dr Najmaldin Karim, former governor of #Kirkuk, back to Washington where he has many https://twitter.eom/B friends. Good to hear his views on the situation in Kirkuk, ayanRahman/status/9 4/4/2018 the outlook for the Iraq & Kurdistan elections & 81614519247147012/ the future of the disputed territories. He remains a strong photo/1 voice events/iraq-and-syria- views-us- RT @USIP: Hear from @BayanRahman, administration- 4/3/2018 @lraqiEmbassyUSA, @sarhangsalar, and @VPAFernandez milita ry-leaders-and- in just 30 minutes! #FraughtTerrain€ | region,https://twitter. com/BayanRahman/st atus/98092845794420 3264

RT @StateDept: The United States together with our team https://twitter.eom/u 4/3/2018 in Baghdad and Erbil extend our deepest condolences to sambiraq/status/9808 @PMBarzani and his family ona€ \ 95705752657922


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

Look forward to this timely conference on Iraq & Syria @USIP tomorrow. Kurds have played a critical role https://twitter.eom/U against ISIS but the terrain is indeed fraught. Constructive 4/2/2018 SIP/status/980536025 dialogue, confidence-building measures, respect for the 742266375 Constitution & US support are crucial to a peaceful future

RT (©KurdiHDP: Dilovan AZdris BarzaniyA^ kurA^ https://twitter.eom/K rehmetA® AZdris BarzanA®, birayA^ SerokwezA®rA^ urdiHDP/status/98079 4/2/2018 Hikumeta KurdistanA^ NA^A§A®rvan BarzanA®, di 52 2224458960896/phot saliya xwea€| o/l

RT @USAmblraq: On behalf of @USEmbBaghdad staff, I 4/2/2018 offer my sincere condolences to @PMBarzani and all his family on the passing of his brotaC |

Saddened by the sudden passing of Delovan Barzani, brother of (©Kurdistan @PMBarzani and someone I knew https://twitter.eom/k from childhood. For many in Kurdistan, he provided a 4/2/2018 arwantahir/status/980 shoulder to lean on and a warm smile of reassurance. 801863313510400 Condolences to Kak Delovana€™s family and all who knew him. A great loss RT @sirwanrahman: Profoundly saddened to hear of the rwa n ra h m a n/sta tus/9 4/2/2018 sudden passing of Kak Delovan Barzani, a lifetime friend of 80757243724550144/ our family. A warm, dignifaC | photo/1 t/english/kurdistan/02 RT (©RudawEnglish: Iraqi PM Abadi expresses his grief, 0420181,https://twitt 4/2/2018 condolences in a phone call to KRG PM Nechirvan Barzani over the death of his twin Dia€ I /status/98077888295 2585216/photo/l krd/a/ d.aspx?l=13&a=47940 RT @DFR_KRG: 01U*a€G0"0§0'U%o ,https://twitter.eom/D 03U*a€G0±U*a€G0®O+0'U%o U„U*a€G FR_KRG/status/98077 U+OZU+OG0±UH0§U+ 0"0§0±020§U+U%o 4/2/2018 0338089897984/phot 0_Uta€GUf0§0^ o/l, d/a/d.aspx?l=13&a=4 7940,https://twitter.c om/DFR KRG/status/


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

980770338089897984 /photo/1

RT @masoud_barzani: It is with great sadness that I 4/2/2018 received the news of the death of my nephew, Dilovan Idris Barzani this morning. I prayaCj

Best wishes to all who celebrate Passover and Easter. May 3/31/2018 this be the beginning of a new chapter of peace

RT @SafeenDizayee: Blessed Passover and Easter to 3/31/2018 Christians in Kurdistan and across the world. Best wishes to Assyrians, Chaldeans and SyraC |

RT @SafeenDizayee: U„0^UfU+ U...0"0§0±Uf0© 0£01US0§0" 0§U„U«0|i0 U" 0§U„U,US0§U...0© 0§U„U...0-'US0"0© U„0£00"0|U+0§ 0§U„U...03US0- 3/31/2018 ususut umus 0§u„010§u„u... u" umus UfU"0±0"030^0§Ut 0§U„0102US020© 0®0pU"0p0§ 0CE UfU...0§ U" Ut0"0§0±Uf 0§0"Ut0§0j 0§U„a€|

Thank you @WACHouston @dfwworld @BushSchool and Kurdish community in Houston and Dallas for your https://twitter.eom/B hospitality. Heading back to DC after fruitful trip to #Texas ayanRahman/status/9 3/30/2018 which has growing business and community links with 79732406562381829/ Kurdistan. photo/1 Look forward to coming back in the near future

https://twitter.eom/U RT @USConGenErbil: Coalition military forces conducted SConGenErbil/status/ 3/30/2018 17 strikes, from March 8 to March 15, against Daesh 979600393570340865 targets in #Qaim, #Qayyara, #Ruta€| /photo/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) RT @ali_dolamari: AStre prAOsent A la confAOrence i_dolamari/status/979 3/30/2018 internationale sur les kurdes au (©Senat en prAOsence du 696607347212289/ph sAOnateur (©RemiFeraud ,Fuad Flussein cha€ | oto/1 https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/97953 1787973128192/phot o/l, m/KRG_USA/status/9 RT @KRG_USA: A warm welcome by the Kurdish 79531787973128192/ 3/30/2018 community in Dallas, TX. (©BayanRahman updated photo/1,https://twitte community on current situation in (©Kurdistan and aa€ | s/9795317879731281 92/photo/l,https://tw atus/97953178797312 8192/photo/l atements/chancellor- masrour-barzani- receives-global- coalition-counter-isil- delegation-led-major- RT @masrour_barzani: Met MG Walter Piatt of (©GTFOIR general-walter- 3/29/2018 a€" Restoring stability in disputed territories requires a piatt/,https://twitter.c coordinated and sustained effaC | om/masrour_barzani/ status/979034871262 859264/photo/l,https :// ur_barzani/status/979 034871262859264/ph oto/1 https://twitter.eom/K urdistan/status/97907 RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister 2957833195522/phot (©PMBarzani met with U.S. delegation, headed by 3/29/2018 o/l, commander m/Kurdistan/status/9 Walter Piatt, and Consul GeneralaCj 79072957833195522/ photo/1______

RT @KRG_USA: "Echoes of Genocide" book with 3/29/2018 statements from organizations, survivor stories, and UjZ8 articles by international experts availablaC j


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/K urdistan/status/97934 RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister 9515504373760/phot 3/29/2018 (©PMBarzani met with the Special Representative of the o/l, United Nations Secretary-General foraCj m/Kurdistan/status/9 79349515504373760/ photo/1 wworld/status/97908 RT (©dfwworld: Our event today with Bayan Sami Abdul 4311432519680/phot 3/29/2018 Rahman was a success! Thank you, (©BayanRahman , for o/l, sharing your insight into the challaC | m/dfwworld/status/9 79084311432519680/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/97905 RT @KRG_USA: .(©BayanRahman addressing distinguished 3051439910914/phot 3/29/2018 members of (©dfwworld about (©Kurdistan, partnership o/l, btw people of Kurdistan and US, andaC | m/KRG_USA/status/9 79053051439910914/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .(©BayanRahman speaking with students RG_USA/status/97878 3/28/2018 and faculty (©BushSchool (©ScowcroftTAMU (©TAMU 9288140734464/phot about history and current situation in (©KurdaC | o/l

Thank you (©WACHouston for your hospitality and interesting questions. Houstona€™s diversity and 3/27/2018 g_usa/status/9786845 resilience remind me of Kurdistan 42813900802

https://twitter.eom/B ayanRahman/status/9 78665225749712896/ photo/1,https://twitte Looking forward to speaking at (©WACHouston Rahman/ 3/27/2018 (©WACAmerica about (©Kurdistan very soon status/978665225749 712896/photo/l,https :// Rahman/status/97866 5225749712896/phot o/l https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: Avery warm welcome with great food and RG_USA/status/97862 3/27/2018 lively conversation with Kurdish community in Houston, 0521028964352/phot TX, who have had impressive sucaC | o/l,


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

m/KRG_USA/status/9 78620521028964352/ photo/1,https://twitte s/9786205210289643 52/photo/l,https://tw atus/97862052102896 4352/photo/l https://twitter.eom/H oshangMohamed/stat us/978346968014606 337/photo/l,https://t ohamed/status/97834 RT @HoshangMohamed: Pleased to receive an award of 6968014606337/phot 3/26/2018 Appreciation by Iraqi #MoDM for our leading role in o/l, humanitarian crisis response & coordaCj m/HoshangMohamed /status/97834696801 4606337/photo/l,http s:// ngMoha med/status/9 78346968014606337/ photo/1

RT @kurdishpros: 19 MORE DAYS TILL OUR FIRST ANNUAL http://kurdishprofessi 3/26/2018 KURDISH CONFERENCE! Register at,http ://kurdis to secure your spot! #KPCON2K18

https://twitter.eom/_ RT @_austrian: Following the lift of operational austrian/status/97720 3/25/2018 restrictions, Austrian Airlines plans to resume its daily 5443662671873/phot flight connection between ViennaaC | o/l https://twitter.eom/A noAbdoka/status/977 640310997168130/ph oto/l,https://twitter.c om/AnoAbdoka/statu RT @AnoAbdoka: #Kurdistan #Erbil #Ankawa , the largest s/9776403109971681 3/24/2018 #Christian #Chadean #Assyrian #Syriac #community in 30/photo/l,https://tw #lraq, today on the occasion ofa€ | status/977640310997 168130/photo/l,https :// doka/status/9776403


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

10997168130/photo/ 1

Kurdish women have fought for freedom long before the 1990s. One example is Pakhshan Zangana, head of the KRG High Council for Womena€™s Issues, who bore arms ohammedasalih/statu 3/24/2018 in the 1970s against the Baathist regime in Iraq s/9771546561022156 81 @TheEconomist @MohammedASalih, RT @dhia_samah: Guess who won U.S State Department https://twitter.eom/d 3/23/2018 International #WomenCourage Award 2018 ? "Umm hia_samah/status/976 Qusay" from #lraq has become a national hea€ | 914030492372992/ph oto/1 https://twitter.eom/0 fficialAuk/status/9771 29029550641152/pho to/1, m/OfficialAuk/status/ RT @OfficialAuk: Our students and guests from different 977129029550641152 3/23/2018 cities of #Kurdistan gathered to celebrate #Nawroz in an /photo/1,https://twitt amazing evening at #AUK gaa€ | atus/97712902955064 1152/photo/l,https:// I Au k/status/9 771290295 50641152/photo/l iginals/2018/03/nahu ms-tomb-in-iraq- restoration- RT @KnoxThames: la€™ve visited the tomb twice and begins.htm I,https://w 3/23/2018 seen its poor condition, so this is good news. iginals/2018/03/nahu ms-tomb-in-iraq- restoration- begins.html https://www.national 3/23/2018


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

ogra phy/proof/2018/ march/iraq-halgurd- sakran-national-park- conservation/?beta=tr ue The fire of Newroz, the flame of freedom, never dies in 3/21/2018 izkahmad/status/9764 Kurdistan 74524794458114 http://campaign.r20.c ender?m=1102913833 397&ca=6e7e8da2- Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful Newroz 3/21/2018 3e78-48 66-9974- 91385afce712,https:// /status/97615216947 1709189 https:// krd/me Survivors tell their stories in this commemorative book to dia/1816/echoes-of- mark the 30th anniversary of the #Halabja #Genocide genocide-march-13- 2018-krg- 3/16/2018 #TwitterKurds representation-in-the- united- states.pdf?platform=h ootsuite

The innocent people of #Halabja #Kurdistan were poisoned with chemical weapons 30 years ago. In this anniversary year, we hope to see justice & 3/16/2018 compensation for this beautiful but wounded city and an end to the use of chemical weapons. We must not allow CW to be the new normal

https://twitter.eom/U SConGenErbil/status/ 974174636970782720 /photo/1,https://twitt RT @USConGenErbil: @USAmblraq , CG and KRG officials, l/status/97417463697 3/15/2018 visited Erbila€™s historic citadel, walked in the old market 0782720/photo/l,http of Qaysery, tasted the welaC | s:// nGenErbil/status/974 174636970782720/ph oto/l,https://twitter.c om/USConGenErbil/st


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

atus/97417463697078 2720/photo/l

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .@BayanRahman speaking live on RG_USA/status/97396 3/14/2018 @Alhurralraq now about the 30th anniversary of the 8246486589441/phot Halabja Genocide #Halabja30€| o/l

Kurdish diaspora goes from strength to strength. Dilan and Lezan Lurr, originally from #Kirkuk and brought up in https://www.nytimes. #Sweden, start successful fashion brand #Namacheko com/2018/03/13/t- 3/14/2018 magazine/fashion/na #TwitterKurds macheko-dilan-lezan- lurr.html Brand to Know: Mena€™s Wear Inspired by a Swedish- Kurdish Upbringing

https:// krd/me To mark the 30th anniversary of the Halabja genocide and dia/1816/echoes-of- the conference held earlier today at the @Newseum, genocide-march-13- @KRG_USA is proud to publish this report - Echoes of 2018-krg- 3/14/2018 Genocide. Thank you to all the contributors. representation-in-the- united- states.pdf?platform=h ootsuite https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .@Washlnstitute Michael Eisenstadt RG_USA/status/97364 3/13/2018 Those that use chemical weapons are almost always 1748168749056/phot supported by international technologicaaC | o/l

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: .@NDU_EDU Dr Seth Carus - In long RG_USA/status/97363 3/13/2018 history of chemical warfare, Halabja stands out because of 5889304952833/phot the level of devastation and casuaC I o/l https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/97363 RT @KRG_USA: ,@AEI Dr Ken Pollack - When chemical 3333958709255/phot 3/13/2018 weapons are used anywhere, they are used against all of o/l, us m/KRG_USA/status/9 73633333958709255/ photo/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

RT @KRG_USA: The use of chemical weapons is becoming 3/13/2018 normalized. To discuss this & more, "Use of Chemical UIBx Weapons in Iraq & Syria a€" Where Na€ | RT @KRG_USA: NOW - Conversation with renowned bS, 3/13/2018 architect @DanielLibeskind and @Justice_4_Kurds /KRG_USA/status/973 Chairman Thomas S Kaplan about memory and thea€| 618228600721408/ph oto/1 https://twitter.eom/P RT @PMBarzani: I welcome Iraqi Prime Minister MBarzani/status/9735 3/13/2018 @HaiderAIAbadia€™s decision to cancel international 72046398648325/pho flight ban to and from Kurdistan airports.a€ | to/1

RT @KRG_USA: NOW: Panel discussion "Missing in Action: 3/13/2018 Justice and Accountability" with @genocide_watch kRa Chairman Dr Gregory Stanton, YezidiaCj

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: Simon Adams, Executive Director @GCR2P RG_USA/status/97357 3/13/2018 - #Halabja30 was first instance of a country using chemical 7561254125568/phot weapons on it own people, ba€ | o/l

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: Survivor of #Halabja30 attack Mohammed RG_USA/status/97357 3/13/2018 Aziz - After initial bombing, people sheltered in basements 4777255456768/phot and began running. And thenaC | o/l UjZ8,https://twitter.c om/KRG_USA/status/ 973554328198877184 /photo/1,https://twitt RT @KRG_USA: On the 30th anniversary of Halabja, here is us/973554328198877 3/13/2018 a book published by @KRG_USA with commemorative 184/photo/l,https://t statements, articles on genocide ba€ | status/973554328198 877184/photo/l,https :// SA/status/973554328 198877184/photo/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

This Friday, March 16, is the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Halabja. Join us tomorrow as we mark the anniversary with a conference in DC. Watch out for 3/12/2018 #Halabja30 on Twitter. Discussions on the legacy of the chemical attack on Halabja and the use of chemical weapons today shtimanYN/status/973 258614822535168/ph oto/l,https://twitter.c om/NishtimanYN/stat us/973258614822535 RT @NishtimanYN: H.E Minister Mr.@FalahMustafa 168/photo/l,https://t 3/12/2018 participated at the International Woman's day event,the three day handmade exhibition with aa€ | YN/status/973258614 822535168/photo/l,h ttps:// htimanYN/status/973 258614822535168/ph oto/1 feendizayee/status/97 RT @USAmblraq: Wonderful day today in Erbil! 3207608843816961,ht 3/12/2018 @USEmbBaghdad tps:// endizayee/status/973 207608843816961 https://twitter.eom/D MI_KRG/status/97319 RT @DMI_KRG: #Kurdistan Region Deputy Prime Minister 2346128052226/phot 3/12/2018 @qubadjt and @USAmblraq announce the opening of o/l, #lraq Governance and Performance AccouaCj m/DMI_KRG/status/9 73192346128052226/ photo/1 w/bXYuCzFXTEtSQUFu bHFNUWJ8MXZBeFJW UmRXRGF4bKU4LoYd lWM3g_Mwc29SDpx RT @DMI_KRG: Iraqi Governance and Performance 3/12/2018 D9jqBDe5sq MT5kOAJ Accountability Presser oOfb, https://www.psc QUFubHFNUWJ8MXZ BeFJWUmRXRG F4bKU 4LoYdlWM3g_Mwc29


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

SDpxD9jqBDe5sqMT5 kOAJoOfb

https://twitter.eom/U RT @USConGenErbil: We invited entrepreneur and owner SConGenErbil/status/ 3/12/2018 of Kasa Brnj: Miran Murad to @USConGenErbil to try their 973080026336956418 signature rice bowls. CG GrosaC | /video/1

My father was one of the key negotiators of the March 11, 1970 agreement between the Kurds & Iraqi government. Sad that 48 years later, the people of 3/11/2018 asoud_barzani/status/ Kurdistan are forced to struggle for every right to be 972714777150722048 respected. Our generation must carry the flame & continue the good fight

As the world remains silent over #Afrin, once again we are reminded: Kurds have no friends but the mountains 3/11/2018 utludc/status/9 72538 896805519361 #Afrin #Kurds #TwitterKurds #Syria RT @murad_ismael: Radicals from the so-called Syrian urad_ismael/status/97 3/11/2018 Free Army inside the Yazidi village of Qastel Jando near 2141996231024640/vi #Afrin. They are saying in tha€ | deo/1 https://www.iraqoilre RT @berendvh: IMF opposes Iraq's 2018 budget. Argues 3/10/2018 for higher KRG allocation, objects to tax cuts. Access to opposes-budget- billions in foreign financinaC | putting-billions- financing-risk-28115/

RT @lndyVoices: Opinion: While the world looks to 3/9/2018 Eastern Ghouta, civilians in Afrin are being slaughtered in their hundreds by Turkish fora€|

https://twitter.eom/U RT @UNFICRIraq: Refugee women and girls in #Dohuk NHCRIraq/status/9720 3/9/2018 joined the Kurdish Women's Union to celebrate #IWD2018 84295992004608/pho at the Kurdish parliament where theaC | to/1

https://twitter.eom/F RT @FazelFlawramy: Islamic State claims to have carried azel Flawramy/status/9 3/9/2018 out 58 attacks in Kirkuk during the last 80 days including 72016771678003201/ assassinations, using expaCj photo/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

http://www.kurdistan RT @K24English: Iraqi security forces, meanwhile, 3/8/2018 prevented Kurdish students from celebrating the national a609-4665-4e6f-b990- clothing day at a university ina€ | 3ad06fe20bff https://twitter.eom/b 3/8/2018 #lnternationalWomensDay ayanrahman/status/9 71585517690195968

On #lnternationalWomansDay, I salute Kurdish women who for generations have been part of the struggle for https://twitter.eom/B freedom. On this day, I pray for the safe return of the ayanRahman/status/9 3/8/2018 Yezidi women still held by ISIS, and pay tribute to all the 71585517690195968/ courageous female Peshmerga. photo/1 Painting by @LukmanAhmadArt xod, m/KRG_USA/status/9 RT @KRG_USA: PRESS RELEASE - "Peshmerga" film 71473104940732416/ 3/8/2018 screened in US Congress photo/1, Y32j30iOxod,https://t status/971473104940 732416/photo/l RT @KRG_USA: CONFERENCE | March 13 (©Newseum 92, Halabja: Echoes of Genocide in (©Kurdistan - 30th 3/7/2018 /KRG_USA/status/971 anniversary of Halabja Genocide 415554094522369/ph Speakers: @Baya€| oto/1

https://twitter.eom/B .(©BHL speaking in Washington Capitol Hill: I am French by ayanRahman/status/9 3/7/2018 birth and American by heart. France and America should 71208656288145408/ together support Kurdistan photo/1

.(©BHL tells (©BilalWahab making the documentary https://twitter.eom/B Peshmerga was a big adventure. He put in the film most of ayanRahman/status/9 3/7/2018 what he saw except for the terrible wounds caused by 71208060147560448/ chemical weapons used by ISIS. @KRG_USA photo/1

Heading to Capitol Hill for this special event. Thanks to 3/6/2018 members of Congress who made this possible g_usa/status/9 707761 91497048074


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) RT @KRG_USA: March 6, 7 pm - "Battlefield Successes 4IA, 3/6/2018 and Challenges: Recent Efforts to Win the War Against m/KRG_USA/status/9 ISIS". Documentary film "PeshmeraCj 70651435842011137/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/D MI_KRG/status/97030 6173143576579/phot o/l, RT @DMI_KRG: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister m/DMI_KRG/status/9 3/4/2018 (©PMBarzani praised Kurdistani blocs in the Iraqi 70306173143576579/ Parliament for their unity in defending theaC j photo/1,https://twitte s/9703061731435765 79/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RT @K24English: (©PMBarzani (©Kurdistan .(©PMBarzani 24English/status/9702 3/4/2018 If I meet with American officials again, I will tell them to 55024977858561/pho explain and define what tha€ j to/1

RT (©DanieIPPuls: Proud to arrive to Kurdistan with my 3/4/2018 (©passconsulting colleagues to continue our work together with the (©Kurdistan MinistryaCj RT @KRG_USA: March 6, 7 pm - "Battlefield Successes 4IA, 3/3/2018 and Challenges: Recent Efforts to Win the War Against m/KRG_USA/status/9 ISIS". Documentary film "PeshmeraCj 69698020186120195/ photo/1

RT @KRG_USA: CONFERENCE | March 13 (©Newseum Halabja: Echoes of Genocide in (©Kurdistan - 30th 3/2/2018 anniversary of Halabja Genocide 8W Speakers: (©BayaCj

RT (©HiwaAfandi: Very proud of Rudaw's digital media as 3/1/2018 they won the 2018 WAN-IFRA Award for best social media engagement in the middle eastaC j


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

RT @DMI_KRG: 0"G* 0 10§U...0§0_G*0"U''U''U+U%o U,U"0"0§0" 0^0§U|iO«0"0§UtU%o 0--OZU"0±U%o 03O«0±Otu©u%o 010«ut0^unu...O«utOd /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l U"O«0zOCE0±0§Ut0CE U"O«020§0±O«0-OCE =13&a=56471,https:// 3/1/2018 0®U"OZUt0-UtU%o 0"0§U|i0§U" 0iU"OZU~OdUtO«U"O«U°/oo 020§Ut030iU°/oo /status/96887420945 03Od030^O«U...U%o 0"G« 8999296/photo/l 0!O«U„OdU©0^0±OtUtOdU©0±a€| RT @K24English: .@masrour_barzani, Chancellor of the FEpW,https://twitter.c 3/1/2018 #Kurdistan Region Security Council, spoke with om/K24English/status @K24English on Tuesday on Capitol Flill,a€ | /96887807888049766 4/video/l asrour_barzani/status RT @masrour_barzani: During today's visit to Capitol Flill, I /96897787505039360 3/1/2018 thanked @RepKayGranger for her strong support to the l/photo/l,https://twit Kurdistan Region and PesaCj ani/status/9689 77875 050393601/photo/l asrour_barzani/status /96862983501373030 4/photo/l,https://twit ani/status/968629835 RT @masrour_barzani: On Capitol Flill a€" I thanked 013730304/photo/l,h 2/28/2018 Senators @timkaine, @SenTedCruz and @Jimlnhofe for ttps:// their support to the people of KurdistaC | srour_barzani/status/ 968629835013730304 /photo/1,https://twitt ani/status/968629835 013730304/photo/l

Yet again, a young Kurd makes us proud. I wish I could see https://twitter.eom/k 2/27/2018 your show @KaeKurd. When will your US tour begin? aekurd/status/966997 108011257858

March 16, 2018, is the 30th anniversary of the #Halabja Genoide. Not only does genocide continue today but the 2/27/2018 p p re ge n t/ sta tu s/9 685 also the use of chemical weapons. What lessons have 02559131471872 been learnt?


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June) KwFG RT @RudawEnglish: In case you missed it: Former #PYD W, 2/27/2018 leader Salih Muslim released from jail, still faces /RudawEnglish/status extradition hearing€ | /96848226334745804 8/photo/l https://twitter.eom/k urdishpros/status/965 RT @ZaidBrifkaniMD: #kpconference2018 9922608 60088320,htt 2/27/2018 ps:// shpros/status/965992 260860088320

RT (©SafeenDizayee: 0'U''GZU+GZ U„G* U«OZU"0±O«03U...Od 030§U|iOCE0§0"OCE https://twitter.eom/S 0'O«U%OCI0_0"U"U"UtOCI U...Gd0~Gd0§G©0§0± afeenDizayee/status/9 2/27/2018 0'OdU«0§ U_O«0±0_Od U„G« U%O«U"U„OZ0± 68091725658034176/ 0! 0§U...0§0"O«0"U"U"U.... 03G«0±Gd U«OZ02 0"Ot photo/1 U"0'0^ 0'O«U%Od0"0§UtOd U©U"0±0"030^0§Ut 0"0§0"O»U+irOZa€! asrour_barzani/status RT @masrour_barzani: Met @brett_mcgurk and DAS /96817238183873331 2/26/2018 Jonathan Cohen a€" discussed Erbil-Baghdad political 4/photo/l,https://twit differences; confidence building measureaC | ani/statu s/968172 381 838733314/photo/l In a wide-ranging interview, @KRSCPress Chancellor @masrour_barzani tells @amberinzaman of @AIMonitor: iginals/2018/02/masr I dona€™t think the Kurdish people should be held 2/26/2018 our-barzani-iraq- responsible or punished for saying how they want to live kurdistan-region- independence- baghdad.html

RT@KRG_USA: SAVE THE DATE | March 13 | Halabja: 2/24/2018 Echoes of Genocide in (©Kurdistan - A conference to mark the 30th anniversary of the HalabjaC j

https://twitter.eom/q RT @qubadjt: Discussed increased US-KRG security ubadjt/status/967032 2/24/2018 cooperation, better KRG-lraqi security coordination and 401141620736/photo our Peshmerga reform initiatives wa€| /l, /qubadjt/status/9670


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

32401141620736/pho to/1 RT @DMI_KRG: 0"G*U*GZ02 U,UA0"0§0' /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l 0-0§U|iO«0"0§U+OCE 0"0§U"0§OCE U„G« =13&a=56462,https:// 01 G«U...0±GdG©0§ 0~G«G©0§0^ U%0§GpU%0'0^GdGdU*a€dUfGd02Gd0§0^0±Od 2/24/2018 /status/96707556982 G«GZUf0®030^U+U*a€dU''U*a€dOd 4337921/photo/l,http U*GZ02U*a€dUf0§U+Od s:// l_ U%OZ0'U...Uta€d0±U_Uta€d 0"Uf0§0^ U„U*a€d KRG/status/96707556 UtU''0§0±UtOzU''Uta€dOd U''U*a€d020§0±a€ I 9824337921/photo/l RT @HoshangMohamed: #Fighting ISIS was a unifying oshangMohamed/stat 2/24/2018 factor over three years in Iraq, and now #Genuine us/967298006235131 #Reconciliation & #implementation of #Ca€ | 904/photo/l atements/readout- chancellor-masrour- barzanis-meeting-us- RT @masrour_barzani: Met US National Security Advisor national-security- 2/23/2018 Lt. Gen H.R. McMaster to reaffirm strong Kurdistan-US advisor-lieutenant- partnership and exchange viewsaCj general-h-r- mcmaster/,https://twi zani/status/96679739 6528295937/photo/l https://twitter.eom/B .@KRSCPress Chancellor @masrour_barzani and ayanRahman/status/9 @WFINSC NSA #FIRMcMaster had a good discussion on 66758151419768834/ 2/22/2018 recent political, security and economic developments and photo/1,https://twitte ways to strengthen Kurdistan-US partnership Rahman/ status/966758151419 768834/photo/l https://twitter.eom/U RT @USConGenErbil: KRG Deputy PM #Talabani welcomes SConGenErbil/status/ 2/20/2018 USAID's new DAA for the ME to #Erbil. They are joined by 965850735253577728 the DCM Flood, CG Gross, and #Ua€ \ /photo/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/F ala h Mustafa/status/9 65726267734740994/ photo/1,https://twitte tatus/9657262 677347 RT (©FalahMustafa: Pleased to have accompanied 40994/photo/l,https: 2/20/2018 (©Kurdistan (©PMBarzani & (©KRSCPress Chancellor // @masrour_barzani to Munich Security ConferenceaCj ustafa/status/965726 267734740994/photo /l, /Falah Mustafa/status/ 965726267734740994 /photo/1 https://whowhatwhy. RT (©PatrickOsgood: A few corrections to some of the org/2018/02/16/plun 2/20/2018 serious errors of fact and interpretation in this interview dering-iraqs-oil- about the KRGa€™s oil: https:a€ | wealth/

https://twitter.eom/K RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region delegation, led by urdistan/status/96479 2/18/2018 Prime Minister (©PMBarzani, met with Iraqi Prime 4067908427776/phot Minister Haider Abadi today in the sideaCj o/l

https://twitter.eom/P RT (©PMBarzani: lta€™s good to see my friend and former MBarzani/status/9648 2/18/2018 Vice President of the United States (©JoeBiden in 36012198453249/pho Germany. I highly value Mr. Bidena€™s ca€ | to/1

Kurdistana€™s (©PMBarzani and lraqa€™s PM (©HaiderAIAbadi meet at #MunichSecurityConference in a 2/17/2018 frank and friendly atmosphere /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l =14&a=56436

RT @sarhangsalar: USIP President @nancylindborg & 2/17/2018 Board Chairman Stephen Hadley concluded a productive visit to #lraq (Baghdad, Erbil, NineaC |

RT @masrour_barzani: Productive talks during Munich 2/16/2018 Security Conference alongside intelligence and security officials about global challengaC j


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/K urdistan/status/96456 7416217964544/phot o/l, RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region delegation, led by m/Kurdistan/status/9 2/16/2018 (©PMBarzani, met with senior German officials, including 64567416217964544/ Defense Minister Ursula von dea€ I photo/1,https://twitte s/9645674162179645 44/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister urdistan/status/96457 2/16/2018 (©PMBarzani met with Norwegian Minister of Foreign 0248971210752/phot Affairs Ine Eriksen SA/eide, in the sidelaCj o/l

RT (©JccKrg: This week, we received (854 individuals: 172 2/15/2018 families) IDPs from #Mosul. Their stories very shocking, cKrg/status/96421107 mainly fled due to militiaC | 6463243264/photo/l

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: Ministers Darbaz Kosrat Rasul and Dr AN RG_USA/status/96376 2/15/2018 Sindi met with Kuwaita€™s First DPM and Minister of 6445606866944/phot Defense Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmaa€! o/l

Your esteemed mother Najiba Khan was a grand lady who inspired affection and respect. Like so many women in https://twitter.eom/S Kurdistan, she endured with dignity all the suffering 2/15/2018 afeenDizayee/status/9 imposed on her and her nation by successive Iraqi 63727159490678784 regimes. We share in your loss. May she rest in peace

RT @Kamaran27613251: I'm from Makhmour, I know how https://twitter.eom/R 2/15/2018 hard living in such ungoverned and disputed territories is. udawEnglish/status/9 KRG established institutionsaC I 63730368963727360

https://twitter.eom/h RT (©hamdiulukaya: most powerful way to learn about amdiulukaya/status/9 2/15/2018 #refugee crisis is meeting people & listening to their 64146236994605056/ stories, real stories of loss, saa€ | photo/1


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

I hope this is the beginning of the process of justice as demanded by the Yezidis, Christians and all who suffered 2/14/2018 urad_ismael/status/96 genocide and enslavement at the hands of ISIS 3618504103645184

https://twitter.eom/K urdistan/status/96308 RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister 3663658442754/phot 2/13/2018 (©PMBarzani receives French Minister of Europe and o/l, Foreign Affairs @JY_LeDrian at Erbil InteaC | m/Kurdistan/status/9 63083663658442754/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/F ala h Mustafa/status/9 63298787333636097/ photo/1,https://twitte tatus/963 2987873336 RT (©FalahMustafa: Together with French CG & 36097/photo/l,https: 2/13/2018 (©KrgFrance bid farewell to Foreign Minister of France // @JY_LeDrian & his delegation @ErbilAirpora€| ustafa/status/963298 787333636097/photo /l, /Falah Mustafa/status/ 963298787333636097 /photo/1______

RT @brett_mcgurk: Broad gathering of Kuwaiti and https://twitter.eom/k 2/13/2018 International NGOs produced $330M for#lraqa€™s una_en/status/96300 immediate humanitarian and stabilization neeaCl 0628397199360

https://twitter.eom/R #Kurdistan Parliament delegation in #Afrin 2/12/2018 udawEnglish/status/9 62793701289418754

.(©Kurdistan Minister of Planning AN Sindi at #KuwaitConference where he, Construction & https://twitter.eom/B Flousing Minister Derbaz Rasul & governors of Erbil, ayanRahman/status/9 2/12/2018 Slemani, Duhok represent #KRG as part of the Iraq 62940290184237056/ delegation. Can this conference be a turning point, take photo/1 the country in a new direction?


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

As international community gathers for #KuwaitConference, hopes are high that all parts of Iraq, including #Kurdistan, will receive aid from donors & 2/12/2018 investment from private sector in the effort to #Rebuildlraq. All IDPs, especially #Yezidis and #Christians need security & homes

https://twitter.eom/F ala h Mustafa/status/9 62760910484930561/ photo/1,https://twitte RT @FalahMustafa: Productive exchange with @USIP 2/11/2018 delegation led by @nancylindborg USIP President & tatus/9627609104849 Chairman Stephen Hadley on recent develoaC | 30561/photo/l,https: // ustafa/status/962760 910484930561/photo /I RT @UnserKurdistan: #Kurdistan like you've never seen it com/watch?v=WYh9x before - discover unexpected & surprising sides and DEKItw&sns=tw,https: 2/9/2018 enjoy! // watch ?v=WYh9xDEKIt w&sns=tw news/krg- representative-meets- with-vatican-s- ambassador-in- washington/,https://u RT @KRG_USA: PRESS RELEASE- @BayanRahman meets 2/9/2018 with Vatican Ambassador Archbishop Christophe Pierre. g-representative-€ | meets-with-vatican-s- ambassador-in- washington/,https://t status/962056893639 217153/photo/l https://twitter.eom/N RT @NadiaMuradBasee: Shahad a Yazidi survivor escaped adia Murad Basee/stat 2/7/2018 from ISIS couple wks ago, she was being raped and us/960832983564419 tortured by ISIS for 3 yrs. she pasa€| 073/photo/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/N RT @NadiaMuradBasee: la€™m very humbled to be adia Murad Basee/stat 2/5/2018 w/such great women. Today I received 2018 Hillary us/960610708626006 Clinton Award for advancing Women in Peace aa€| 018/photo/l https://twitter.eom/F ala h Mustafa/status/9 60533181849112576/ photo/1,https://twitte tatus/9605331818491 RT @FalahMustafa: Along With #BCFa€™s Head of 12576/photo/l,https: 2/5/2018 Founding Board @masrour_barzani #KRG Officials, // Diplomats #UN #NGOs, Donors, Civil Society OrgaaC | ustafa/status/960533 181849112576/photo /l, /Falah Mustafa/status/ 960533181849112576 /photo/1

RT @murad_ismael: The #Yazidi community of #Afrin is 2/5/2018 one the last pockets of our community left in #Syria. Few thousands Yazidis live in Ala€|

https://twitter.eom/U SConGenErbil/status/ 960413964315262979 /photo/1,https://twitt RT @USConGenErbil: Weaving and textiles are part of the 2/5/2018 rich cultural heritage of the Iraqi #Kurdistan Region. The l/status/96041396431 #Kurdish Textile MuseumaCj 52629 79/photo/l,http s:// nGenErbil/status/960 413964315262979/ph oto/1

Congratulations to #Kurdistan Region's @MERI_info which has been ranked #lraq's top think tank and in top 60 in https://twitter.eom/M MENA. Shows what can be achieved with the right 2/4/2018 ERIJnfo/status/95976 investment, support and space for independent thought 9486827163648 @KRG_USA @Kurdistan @Dlawer


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/K urdistan/status/96006 RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister 7283124187136/phot 2/4/2018 (©PMBarzani met with JAjn KubiAj, the Special o/l, Representative of the Secretary General of #UN aa€| m/Kurdistan/status/9 60067283124187136/ photo/1 @MardiniAlan3 I have never been afraid to use the term 2/1/2018 Islamist terrorism. I think you're confusing me with someone else

On this day 14 years ago, Islamist terrorists killed 98 people and injured 250 in Erbil. The wound is deep and https://twitter.eom/B the memory still searingly present, but the people of ayanRahman/status/9 2/1/2018 Kurdistan will never bow to terrorists. We honour and 59040845763706880/ pray for those killed and injured. Biji Kurdistan photo/1

https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/95841 RT @KRG_USA: #KarimSinjari and (©BayanRahman met 5884330127361/phot 1/31/2018 with Congressman (©Scotttaylorva, a former US Navy SEAL o/l, and veteran of Iraq war, to update oa€ | m/KRG_USA/status/9 58415884330127361/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/95841 RT @KRG_USA: #KarimSinjari and (©BayanRahman met 9895984836608/phot 1/31/2018 with (©RepGallagher - discussed the role of Peshmerga in o/l, the fight against ISIS and the factaC | m/KRG_USA/status/9 58419895984836608/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/K RT @K24English: #BREAKING: Kurdistan Parliament holds 24English/status/9582 1/30/2018 a special session on #Turkey's offensive on #Afrin. 58032764432384/pho #TwitterKurds #Syria https://t.coa€| to/1

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: #KarimSinjari and (©BayanRahman joined RG_USA/status/95811 1/30/2018 (©USCIRF leadership and analysts to discuss issues related 2550960410624/phot to Yezidis, Christians, and ota€| o/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: #KarimSinjari met with @brett_mcgurk RG_USA/status/95810 1/29/2018 today to discuss counter-ISIS measures and the recent 4581938008065/phot talks between Erbil and Baghdad. hta€| o/l https://www.state.go Deputy Secretary John J. Sullivan's Meetings in Iraq v/r/pa/prs/ps/2018/0 1/29/2018 (from @StateDept) 1/277743.htm#.Wm- gHr3Qm5Q. twitter https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: #KarimSinjari and (©BayanRahman met RG_USA/status/95809 1/29/2018 with (©State Dept PRM Assistant Secretary Carol 8640865775616/phot Thompson Oa€™Connell to discuss humanitarian sia€ | o/l https://twitter.eom/F ala h Mustafa/status/9 58073211018768389/ photo/1,https://twitte RT (©FalahMustafa: Good exchange between #KRG 1/29/2018 (©PMBarzani & DPM (©qubadjt with #US (©StateDept tatus/9580732110187 Deputy Secretary John Sullivan, DAS (©AndrewLPeekaC | 68389/photo/l,https: // ustafa/status/958073 211018768389/photo /I https://twitter.eom/P MBarzani/status/9579 36934051033089/pho to/1, RT (©PMBarzani: Pleased to welcome back US Deputy m/PMBarzani/status/ 1/29/2018 Secretary of State John Sullivan to Erbil. We had a 957936934051033089 productive meeting and discussed a numaC | /photo/1,https://twitt rzani/sta tus/9579369 34051033 089/photo/l______

On #FlolocaustRemembranceDay, 'Learn to prevent https://twitter.eom/U 1/27/2018 genocides from happening again. Learn to remember.' NESCO/status/957361 366125432833

https://twitter.eom/F ala h Mustafa/status/9 RT (©FalahMustafa: Pleased to have accompanied 57018001152331777/ (©Kurdistan (©PMBarzani & DPM (©qubadjt to the photo/1,https://twitte 1/27/2018 World Economic Forum @wef in #Davos2018, where wea€l tatus/9570180011523 31777/photo/l,https: //


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

ustafa/status/957018 001152331777/photo /l, /Falah Mustafa/status/ 957018001152331777 /photo/1 /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l =12&a=56378,http://c px?s=040000&l=12&a =56378,https://twitter .com/DM l_KRG/status RT @DMI_KRG: #Kurdistan Leader meets officials from /95680225208538316 around the world for the second day in Davos 8/photo/l,https://twit 1/26/2018€| tus/956802252085383 168/photo/l,https://t status/956802252085 383168/photo/l,https :// l_K RG/status/956802252 085383168/photo/l http://www.kurdistan RT @K24English: The KRG delegation "briefed a group of 1/26/2018 Senators in Congress about the humanitarian, political, 3453-00e6-4f3e-b907- and security situation in #Ka€ | 4e77d07db987, RT @KRG_USA: PRESS RELEASE - Minister Karim Sinjari in https://twitter.eom/K 1/25/2018 Washington to meet with US Administration and members RG_USA/status/95652 of Congress€ | 9402950635520/phot o/l______

.(©Kurdistan's (©PMBarzani, (©qubadjt, #DrFuadHussein, (©FalahMustafa met US Secretary of (©StateDept #RexTilletson at #wefl8, underscoring the strength of US- 1/25/2018 t/mobile/sorani/world Kurdistan ties despite recent strains and doubts. Both /2501201811 sides have much to gain from working together


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/95625 RT @KRG_USA: #KarimSinjari and (©BayanRahman 6915704688640/phot 1/25/2018 thanked Deputy Sec (©State Dept Sullivan for the warm o/l, welcome. Talked about (©Kurdistan-lraq discuaC | m/KRG_USA/status/9 56256915704688640/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: #KarimSinjari and (©BayanRahman had RG_USA/status/95624 1/25/2018 productive meeting with (©StateDept DAS (©AndrewLPeek 2753352011776/phot and Iraq team, discussed Iraq and @Kurda€| o/l https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/95633 RT @KRG_USA: #KarimSinjari and (©BayanRahman briefed 7293228462081/phot 1/25/2018 US Senators on security, humanitarian, political, other o/l, developments in (©Kurdistan - gra€| m/KRG_USA/status/9 56337293228462081/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/P RT (©PMBarzani: I met His Majesty King Abdullah of MBarzani/status/9561 1/24/2018 Jordan in Davos today. I reiterated my wish to further 21667679465472/pho strengthen the already excellentaCj to/1

https://twitter.eom/U RT (©USConGenErbil: The Public Affairs team met the SConGenErbil/status/ 1/24/2018 renowned Kurdish singer and General Director of #Kurdish 956096844609871872 Heritage Museum Mizhir #Khaliqia€ | /photo/1 https://twitter.eom/K RG_USA/status/95589 7145806217217/phot o/l, m/KRG_USA/status/9 RT @KRG_USA: Minister #KarimSinjari briefed members of 55897145806217217/ 1/23/2018 the (©USKBizCouncil on humanitarian, economic, political photo/1,https://twitte developments in (©Kurdistan ha€| s/9558971458062172 17/photo/l,https://tw atus/95589 714580621 7217/photo/l https://twitter.eom/K RT @KRG_USA: Welcoming (©Kurdistan Minister of RG_USA/status/95584 1/23/2018 Interior and Acting Peshmerga Affairs #KarimSinjari and 7666759593986/phot (©JccKrg DG (©HoshangMohamed to WashingaCj o/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

RT @KRG_USA: Minister #KarimSinjari and https://twitter.eom/K (©BayanRahman met UN ASecGen for Humanitarian RG_USA/status/95583 1/23/2018 Affairs (©UschiMuller in NY, updated her on the 3143101153280/phot humanitaCl o/l

Pleased to welcome to US (©Kurdistan's Minister of Interior and Acting Minister of #Peshmerga #KarimSinjari 1/23/2018 and (©HoshangMohamed who heads (©JccKrg. Visit will focus on post-ISIS humanitarian crisis and ways to continue & strengthen US-Kurdistan partnership

https://twitter.eom/R RT (©RudawEnglish: 72 years ago today, Qazi Muhammed udawEnglish/status/9 1/23/2018 announced the establishment of the Republic of 55521079132540929/ Kurdistan, with its capital in Mahabad,a€j photo/1

RT @murad_ismael: Just spoke to a Yazidi community 1/23/2018 leader in Syria: 21 Yazidi villages in vicinity of #Afrin region could face dark times ia€ I

.(©Kurdistan Council of Ministers expressed concern about the attack on #Afrin, especially at the loss of life among /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l civilians, called for all sides to show constraint and solve =13&a=563 30,https:// 1/22/2018 issues without violence. Civilians shouldn't be target of n Ra h military operations man/status/95545991 9309934592

.(©Kurdistan Council of Ministers expressed concern about the attack on #Afrin, especially at the loss of life among civilians, called for all sides to show to constraint, solve 1/22/2018 /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l issues without violence. Civilians shouldn't be target of =13&a=56330 military operations

https://twitter.eom/D MI_KRG/status/95539 7796798058496/phot RT @DMI_KRG: Happening Now - #Kurdistan Regional o/l, 1/22/2018 Government Council of Ministers holds its 43rd regular m/DMI_KRG/status/9 session, discussing KRG top delegataC | 55397796798058496/ photo/1,https://twitte KRG/statu


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

s/9553977967980584 96/photo/l /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l =12&a=563 28,https:// /status/95533839558 RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Regional Government 8456448/photo/l,http 1/22/2018 delegation, led by Prime Minister (©PMBarzani, concluded s:// their official visit to Tehran afteraCl tan/status/955338395 588456448/photo/l,h ttps:// distan/status/955338 395588456448/photo /I https://news. national RT (©PSchwartzstein: How dire environmental conditions /11/climate-change- 1/20/2018 drove Iraqi farmers into ISIS clutches. An abridged version drought-drove-isis- of my 3 yr long dig intoaC | terrorist-recruiting- iraq /

.(©Kurdistan's (©PMBarzani and DPM (©qubadjt met Iraqi https://twitter.eom/K 1/20/2018 PM (©HaiderAIAbadi today, a welcome breakthrough 24English/status/9546 85796874883073 RT @DFR_KRG: 0£U...0±USUf0§ 0^0'01U... 0iT0§0±0§ d/a/d.aspx?l=14&a=4 0-0§0_0§U< 0"USU+ 0£0±0"USU„ U"0"050"0§0" 7700,https://twitter.c 1/20/2018 Les Etats-Unis soutiennent un dialogue sAOrieux entre om/DFR_KRG/status/ Erbil et Bagdad 953746338306551808€ | /photo/1 d/a/d.aspx?l=13&a=4 7701,https://twitter.c RT @DFR_KRG: 01 Uta€CEU...Uta€CE0±OCEUf0§ om/DFR_KRG/status/ U%0'0^U"OCE0±U%o U„Uta€d 0_Od0§U„OtU_OZUfOCI 0--0"0"OCEOCE UtUta€CIU"U„OZ0± UCUC 953757062676262914 1/20/2018 /photo/1, http://www. 0"U*a€d050-0§ 0-Uta€dUf0§0^ krd/a/d.aspx?l =13&a=47701,https:// /status/95375706267 6262914/photo/l


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/F RT (©FalahMustafa: Good exchange with the Consul ala h Mustafa/status/9 1/19/2018 General of The #Czech Republic in #Kurdistan, Ms Eva 54296764554792960/ Dardakova, on expanding bilateral coopaC | photo/1

.(©Kurdistan (©PMBarzani discussed with @brett_mcgurk (©AndrewLPeek (©USAmblraq (©USConGenErbil recent 1/18/2018 developments between Erbil and Baghdad, continued /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l need for vigilance against ISIS and the path to Kurdistan's =12&a=56315 elections /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l =12&a=56315,https:// RT (©Kurdistan: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister 1/18/2018 (©PMBarzani Barzani and his Deputy (©qubadjt meet /status/95401231841 visiting U.S. officials @brett_mcgurk (©USAmaCj 2804107/photo/l,http s:// tan/status/954012318 412804107/photo/l https://www.wefo ru 1/rebuilding-wartorn- iraq-greener-basima- abdulrahman/?utm_c RT @Erbil_Shapers: From Erbil Flub (©BasimaAbd is ontent=buffer607b4& attending #Davos #WEF18 along 49 other #GlobalShapers 1/18/2018 utm_medium=social& worldwide to represent our hub. u tm_so u rce=fa ce book ReadaCl .com&utm_campaign =buffer,https://twitter .com/Erbil_Shapers/st atus/95394916514233 1393/photo/l With this step, the #KRG is showing its commitment to https://twitter.eom/K 1/16/2018 transparency in the oil and gas sector urdistan/status/95334 8515538853889 RT (©institutkurde: A la€™occasion de la nouvelle stitutkurde/status/95 1/14/2018 annA©e, la Maire de (©Paris prA©sente ses meilleurs 2482211114217472/p vA"ux en #kurde aux cA'tA©s da€™autres langues.aC | hoto/1

RT (©AmerMilNews: Joshua Wheeler is the first American 1/14/2018 service member to die fighting ISIS NpG, rFnoNpG


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

https://twitter.eom/G RT @GermanylnKRI: .(©_austrian and (©GermanylnKRI ermanylnKRI/status/9 1/14/2018 hope that international flights from/to #KRI airports will 52477348343046145/ take off and land again soon. @Ea€ | photo/1

Today (©Kurdistan's (©PMBarzani met His Holiness https://twitter.eom/B (©Pontifex at the Vatican, their second meeting since ayanRahman/status/9 1/12/2018 2015. They discussed the plight of Christians and other 51895691143602177/ minorities and the PM thanked His Holiness for his photo/1 support to them, RT @KRG_USA: Staggering task of reconstruction in https://twitter.eom/K 1/12/2018 #Shingal illustrated by (©SamaritansPurse study - 52% of RG_USA/status/95155 homes of IDPs from Shingal need ta€| 8019313266689/phot o/l http://www.kurdistan RT @K24English: a€ce...Now, #lraq does not welcome us 1/12/2018 there. We would then rather not go to Iraq at all. We will 5a2f-2aa4-4bcd-8fl3- make sure that our people geta€| c9ac0684c9e4

Pleasure to see Sweden US ambassador (©OlofsdotterK to discuss the continuing need to manage the humanitarian https://twitter.eom/B crisis, the fight against ISIS & the political process in ayanRahman/status/9 1/11/2018 Kurdistan & Iraq. Appreciate the warm home Sweden 51597513588527105/ has provided to Kurds over decades and the support to photo/1 peshmerga

https://www.theciphe A range of views on Iraq, Kurdistan, the May elections, ISIS 1/11/2018 and likelihood of (©HaiderAIAbadi staying as PM. elections-isis- rearview-iran-lies- ahead RT (©USConGenErbil: The United States, through #USAID , ,https://twitter.eom/U 1/10/2018 announced $75,000,000 in additional funding for the SConGenErbil/status/ #UNDP stabilization program. ReaaC | 950990630167236610 /photo/1______https://twitter.eom/F ala h Mustafa/status/9 RT (©FalahMustafa: Joined #UK Consul General 50093617158336513/ (©WarrMartyn colleagues at (©ukinerbil & 1/7/2018 photo/1,https://twitte (©CheveningAA in congratulating graduating (©cheveningfcoaC | tatus/9500936171583 36513/photo/l,https:


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Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US FARA 2018 (January to June)

// ustafa/status/950093 617158336513/photo /l, /Falah Mustafa/status/ 950093617158336513 /photo/1 https://twitter.eom/P RT (©PMBarzani: Glad to visit my friend and Deputy MBarzani/status/9500 1/7/2018 Secretary General of PUK, Mr. Kosrat Rasul, in Silemani. 07626557018112/pho Ita€™s good to have him back in #Ka€| to/1 RT @DFR_KRG: U+US0-US0±U®0§U+ 0"0§0±020§U+US d/a/d.aspx?l=14&a=4 US0^03U„U... 0±030§U„0© U...Ut 0§U„0§U...USUt 7656,https://twitter.c 1/6/2018 0§U„010§U... U„U„0§U...U... 0§U„U...0^00~0© om/DFR_KRG/status/ Nechirvan Barzani reA§oit un message du SecrA©taire 949401989405990914 gA©nA©ral des NatioaC | /photo/1

RT @DMI_KRG: U«U"U"UtUf0±0_UtUta€CIU"Uta€ClOCIUta€CIUf /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l U„Uta€d U"0|Uta€CI0"OZU~Uo/oo =13&a=56270,http://c 1/6/2018 U0Uta€CI0±U...OCIUo/oo0UfU"U...Uta€CI0^Uo/oo UtUta€d0±OZU...U%o px?s=040000&l=13&a UfU"0±0'030l0§UtUta€dU"Uta€d =56270

#KRG spokesman corrects some of PM @FlaiderAIAbadi's inaccurate information about (©Kurdistan's oil sales, revenues and salaries. 1/5/2018 /a/d.aspx?s=040000&l Meaningful dialogue rather than misinformation via the =12&a=56259 media is long overdue. RT @KRG_USA: KRG Representative (©BayanRahman K, meets @Embassy_of_AFG Ambassador (©hmohib in tK, 1/5/2018 Washington /KRG_USA/status/948€ | 974560996745216/ph oto/1


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https://www.theatlan archive/2017/12/how- isis-changed-the- yezidi- religion/548651/?utm How ISIS changed the Yezidi religion, by @cathyotten _source=newsletter& 1/5/2018 utm_medium=email& utm_campaign=atlanti c-daily- newsletter&utm_cont ent=20180104&silveri d=MzlxODYxNzA5Nzc ISO https://twitter.eom/D MI_KRG/status/94896 RT @DMI_KRG: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister 5617960476672/phot 1/4/2018 @PMBarzani met with @USAmblraq and the head of o/l, @USConGenErbil, discussing a number of pressinaC | m/DMI_KRG/status/9 48965617960476672/ photo/1 https://twitter.eom/k RT @karwanTahir: Pleasure to meet with @najatga and arwanTahir/status/94 1/4/2018 #Kurdish legendary artist #HazharZahawi, discussed 8952165980233728/p #KurdishCulture as a mean of #SoftPa€ I hoto/1 , RT @RudawEnglish: #KRG questions reliability of oil P, 1/4/2018 revenue, salary data from Iraqi PM @HaiderAIAbadi RudawEnglish/status/€ | 948857416636076032 /photo/1 RT @HiwaAfandi: When leadership is firmly behind a wa Afa ndi/sta tus/9485 1/4/2018 project, it will succeed. Today, in a meeting with both 53570785398784/pho ministers of MOE & MOH, we madeaC \ to/1

RT @SEEDKurdistan: Read more about how we are improving the education for psychologists in Kurdistan. 1/2/2018 uAB Koya University€ \


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